W3P85-1473, Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 6 to EP-2-060 Re Radiological Field Monitoring,Rev 7 to EP-2-071 Re Site Protective Measures & Rev 7 to EP-1-001 Re Recognition & Classification of Emergency Conditions

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Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 6 to EP-2-060 Re Radiological Field Monitoring,Rev 7 to EP-2-071 Re Site Protective Measures & Rev 7 to EP-1-001 Re Recognition & Classification of Emergency Conditions
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/09/1985
Shared Package
ML19273A494 List:
PROC-850909, W3P85-1473, NUDOCS 8509120271
Download: ML20205B833 (425)


{{#Wiki_filter:.. , O v LOUISIANA MIDDLE SOUTH UTIUTIES SYSTEM POM VOLUME 18 EP-2-060 POM SECTION 2 REVISION 6 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE RADIOLOGICAL FIELD MONITORING O PORC Meeting No. '! e Reviewed: bb- 83 PORC Chairman Date Approved: kk  % P1 dt Manager-Nucle 4 _ f !23f 6 Apprfval/Date Effective Date i O 0509120271 850909 DR ADOCK 050 g 2 l

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   / CRC R_6 The PCRC has reviewed this item and datarnised that a safety evaluation was perfor=ad (as applicable), that an unreviewed safety question does not exist (as applicabla),

that a change to the Technical Specifications is not required, and that nuclear safsty is/was not adversely affected.

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PCRC Meeting No. M /' W Itan No / 'Datas # Wd -dD This item is recommended for approval? @ TI: O no This itas requires SEC/NEC review prior to implementation 2 O TzS E wo If yes, ensure documancation supporting review is attached. This item requires QA review prior to PM-N approval? O TzS wo CA RE7IZW - Reviewed by /'U/.& DATE /l///P Corporata QA Manager


Comments: .O Approved by ' /et-DATE /~ /'} Flant :tanger-Nucisar UNT-1-004, Revision 6 18 Attachment 6.1 (1 of 1)



PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below O caixos/atv1s1on/otteronat9utst Kiron i iroac-s/c Procedure No. Ad-kof-o Title ' kol Neoh/ bY/</ [)sohh-Effective Date (ifdifferentfro$approvaldate) # Complete A B, and C A. Change No. @ l[l Permanent Expiration Date IIl Deviation B. RevisionNo.h> 1 C. Deletion l[ LYES lQNO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION N % ,M k TUPD in,.w h ud',Obk Am b hr

                      / f( d e,%                                           '

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                                /                      N                     DATE      f'- 734
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if' f Does this change, revision, or deletion:

l. Change the facility as described in the ISAR? YES NO
2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR?


3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR?


4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NO [

If the answer to any of the ,abe,ve is yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 SafetyA valuati n. / SAFETY REVIEW - DATE 8- R '85' TECHNICAL REVIEW '+Iid N '#/% __

  • DATE N-2 Td5' GROUP HEAD REVIEW [. 8. duld-"


  • DATE

, . O-

  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within
        -14 days.                                                                          -

l ' UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)


    ' Emergsney Plan-Impismant'ing Procedure-EP-2-060' Radiological Field Monitoring                                    Revision 6 O





7.2 Radiological Field Monitoring Kit Location and Contents (2 pages) 7.3 Ludlum 2218 Switch / Meter Locations (2 pages) LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Title Revision 6 1-15, 17-18 Revision 6 16, 19, 20 -Revision 3 LIST OF PAGES-CONTAINING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 6 l 1 0 1 1~ L 1

f. Em2rgrncy Plcn Impleman' ting Procedura F?-2-060 Radiological Field Monitoring Revision 6 1.0 PURPOSE To define the methods and techniques to be used when performing field monitoring following a suspected release of radioactive material. This procedure is designed to be used in conjunction with EP-2-061, Emergency Environmental Monitoring.


2.1 EP-2-050, Offsite Dose Assessment (Manual) 2.2 EP-2-051, Offsite Dose Assessment (Computerized)

           -2.3 EP-2-061, Emergency Environmental Monitoring 2.4 EP-2-033, Administration of Iodine Blocking Agents 2.5 EP-2-101, Operational Support Center (OSC) Activation, Operation and Deactivation-3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES The OSC Supervisor and Radiological Field Monitoring Teams are responsible for implementing this procedure. The Health Physics Coordinator or the Radiological Assessment Coordinator is responsible for. field sample analysis when samples are returned to the Site.

4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 4.1 This procedure is to be initiated upon any of the following conditions: 4.1.1' Declaration of any of the following emergency classifications in. i which the event includes an actual or potential release of radioactive material to the atmosphere:- Alert O Site Area Emergency 2 L.

          . Emergtncy Plan Impirmsnting P'ocedure r                                      EP-2-060 Raciological Field Monitoring                                        Revision 6

Q) General Emergency 4.1.2 At the discretion of the Emergency Coordinator, EOF Director, Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) or the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC). 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 ASSIGNMENT OF RADIOLOGICAL FIELD MONITORING TEAMS 5.1.1 The assignment of personnel to Radiological Field Monitoring Teams will te made by the Radiological Controls Coordinator at the direction of the Health Physics Coordinator or Emergency Coordinator. 5.1.2 Each Radiological Field Monitoring Team shall comprise two individuals, at least one qualified in the use of the equipment in () the field monitoring kit. 5.2 Radiological Field Monitoring Teams will normally be dispatched from the Operational Support Center (OSC); however, the HPC may prescribe monitoring assignments upon initial notification of certain team members. The Radiological Field Monitoring Teams, as assigned, will proceed to the OSC. 5.3 The team shall obtain a field monitoring kit. Kits with broken seals should be avoided unless necessary. t 5.4 Each kit will be opened and quickly inventoried, physically checking off the items on the inventory lists provided in the kits in the column provided. Missing equipment shu_1 oe reported to the Radiological Controls Coordinator. Inventory lists are shown in Attachment 7.2. 3 L. l


                                  ,.                                                  l Emtrgency Plan ImplemInting Procsdura                                EP-2-060 Radiological Field Monitoring                                      Revision 6 O

5.5 In addition to the inventory, the following equipment checks shall be performed: 5.5.1 RO-2A - Visual Check and Battery Check 5.5.2 Ludlum 2218 and Detector - Visual Check and Source Check with Barium-133 Source. NOTE

1. This check is not to determine instrument efficiency. Once a response is noted (counts being accumulated), the instrument can be considered operational.
2. The Radiological Field Monitoring Teams will be directed by the Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) or, if activated by the HPC, the Dose Assessment Coordinator (DAC).

Once the EOF has been activated, the teams will be directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator or Field Team Controller. Onsite monitoring teams remain under the direction of the HPC. 5.5.3 Radio Communications NOTE Installed radios are'provided in the fo'llowing vehicles: Health Physics pickup, Storeroom pickup, Metrology Lab pickup and Duty Plant O ( ,/ Hanager car. 4

   " Emergincy Plan Implimancing Procadure                                 EP-2-060 R1diological Field Monitoring                                       Rsvision 6   Radio Communications Check-NOTE Communications must be established prior to leaving site.

A. For Alert emergencies (Technical Support Center activation), establish communications with'the TSC Dose Assessment Communicator. B. For Site Area and General Emergencies (EOF activation), establish communications with the TSC Dose Assessment Communicator or with EOF Field Team Communicator at such time that responsibility for dose assessment has been transferred to the EOF. Backup Communications NOTE Portable radios are available in the OSC Health Physics equipment locker. A roll of quarters is l provided in each field monitoring kit for coin-operated telephones. A. Establish communications with the TSC Dose Assessment Communicator or EOF Field Team Communicator via portable radio prior to leaving the OSC and establishing communications with installed vehicle radios. Carry the portable radio, as a backup, in vehicles with installed radios. Portable radios will serve as the primary means of communication for vehicles , without installed radios. 5

    ' [ Em rg:ncy Plcn I plcmenting Proccdura                                                   EP-2-060
        $      Radiological Field Monitoring                                                  Revision 6 i ~

v' j. B. If radio communications are lost in the field, contact the TSC Dose Assessment Communicator or EOF Field Team Communicator t' via coin-operated telephone on the PABX line for further I instructions: TSC Dose Assessment Communicator: [ ] EOF Field Team Communicator: [ ] or [ ] C. If communications cannot be established or maintained using any method, return to the OSC and report to the Radiological Controls Coordinator for further instrudtions.

              '5.6_ During initial communications check, each team will receive a team
                    . designation (Alpha, Bravo, etc.) from the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller and initial instructions.

5.7 Each team shall leave the OSC and obtain their designated vehicle. NOTE

1. The OSC Supervisor assigns, and makes available for use, vehicles 'in accordance with EP-2-101.
2. Vehicles are selected and assigned from the .

list below, which identifies vehicles and their parking locations. THE MATERIAL CONTAINED WITHIN THE SYMBOLS [ ] IS PROPRIETARY OR PRIVATE INFORMATION 6

. Emergincy Plan Impismsnting Procedura                                  EP-2-060 Radiological Field Monitoring                                        Revision 6 5.7.1      Teams shall obtain keys to assigned vehicles from the OSC Supervisor and pick up vehicles at the following designated parking locations:

Vehicle Parking Location llealth Physics pickup Health Physics trailer Duty Plant Manager car Duty Manager's Assigned Parking Location in Administration Parking Lot Metrology Lab pickup Service Building Storeroom, pickup Service Building NOTE

1. As soon as teams leave the OSC, the dose rate instrument should be turned on and monitored continuously. The HPC/DAC or RAC should be updated on dose rates and location frequently.
2. Guidelines on radiological protection of field teams are in section 5.8 5.8 RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION PRECAUTIONS 5.8.1 .During sampling and/or surveying in an affected area, good Health Physics practice should be used at all times. Some precautions are listed below. Maintain exposures ALARA. Prevent cross-contamination of samples and instruments. O Count samples in as low a background area as possible. 7

           , *Em2rgtncyPlanImplemsneingProbadura-                                           EP-2-060 LRxdiological Field Monitoring                                              Revision 6 s
O . Make use of. protective clothing, respiratory equipment, plastic bags, and other equipment provided as necessary to minimize personnel.

exposure and spread of contamination. I i NOTE 4

The use of protective clothing and/or respiratory protective devices should be at the direction of
HPC or RAC as authorized by'the Emergency Coordinator and EOF Director (when activated).

Use the guidance for inplant use of protective j equipment as guidelines. 1 Keep the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller informed of ! radiation levels and remain aware of individual total exposures. iO 5.8.2 The KI provided in the kits is to be used only as directed by the 1. j .HPC or RAC as authorized by the Emergency Coordinator in accordance-i with EP-2-033. i 5.9 Proceed to the location as identified by the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller. At that location, perform the following:

      ,                                                     NOTE

, Survey locations used are normally those listed ' in the attachments to EP-2-061. 1 i ! 5.9.1 Gamma survey with R0-2A i ?-



  • Emergancy' Plan Impism2nting'P'rocsdure.

EP-2-060 Radiological Field Monitoring Revision 6 O 5.9.2 Beta survey-(open-window) with R0-2A NOTE Surveys should be performed with RO-2A held vertically at one (1) meter above ground level.

      '5.10 Notify the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team' Controller of the levels monitored.

5.10.1 If levels are below the minimum sensitivity of the instrument, report resul'ts as "less than" the minimum scale deflection.


Report gansna levels only, unless otherwise requested. Beta readings (open-window) should be recorded but not reported. O 5.11 Record all data on Attachment 7.1. 5.12 Unless otherwise directed by.the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller, obtain an air sample at this location as follows: 5.12.1 Install particulate filter and silver zeolite cartridge in the air sampler cartridge holder. Air drawn into sampler must pass through particulate filter first, then through the silver zeolite


cartridge. Silver zeolite cartridge must be inserted so that air passes through in the direction of the arrow on the side of the-cartridge. NOTE Either side of the particulate filters may be used'to draw air through. 9

Emargancy Plan Implaminting Procedure EP-2-060 Radiological Field Monitoring Revision 6

>                                                                                                                  i i

5.12.2. Turn on sampler and stopwatch. Note flow rate. 2


1 Monitor flow rate frequently. If air sampler is powered by car battery with the car running and the engine is then stopped, the flow rate will decrease. 1 i 5.12.3 Run air sampler to obtain an air sample volume of at least 10 ) - cubic feet. CAUTION Air sampler should not be placed with the nozzle

     .O                         near any surface which is potentially 4

contaminated. 4 5.12.4 While Air sampler is running, prepare two envelopes, labeling each with the following information: 4 1 Date and Time i Sample Number Location - i Flow Rate.(CFM) l Sampling Duration (minutes)
0 t

b I 10' 1

                          - , .                           ,a-, - , - -    ., - - ,    ,  . - - -     -, e-n<- - ~
  • Eastgsney Pltn Impicmintittg .Pr'ocsdura EP-2-060 Rtdiological Field Monitoring Revision 6 10 NOTE ,

Samples will be given a sequential number preceded by the team designation; i.e., AL, A2, A3, or B1 and so on. 5.12.5- After appropriate volume is collected, stop air sampler, remove particulate filter and silver zeolite cartridge and place into envelopes. NOTE Mark the particulate filter to identify the-side


to be counted (side air was pulled through). , 5.12.6 Record all sar.ple data on Attachment 7.1. i S.13 Unless otherwise directed by the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller, analyze Lne air sample for iodine activity using the Ludlum 2218 as indicated below. Samples obtained on-site will normally be returned to the Health Physics Lab for analysis. NOTE ~ Background radiation levels may interfere'with counting equipment. Field teams should_always attempt to get out of the plume to count air samples. If. dose rates exceed 5 mR/hr, do not ettempt to count filters:. proceed to low-background area. i 11

. . " Emargency Plan Implimsnting P'rocedura- EP-2-0'60 Radiological Field Monitoring Revision 6 i

Lo 5.13.1 Verify (or set) the following settings on the Ludium 2218 (see i- ! Attachment 7.3 for location of switches):

.                                          Switch                                          _ Position A. Stabilizer Toggle Switch                                          On
,                     B. Channel'l Toggle Switch                                           In                                                       l C. Channel 2 Toggle' Switch                                          Out D. Channel I Window'                                                 As per calibration
 '                                                                                            Sticker

! E. Channel.1 Threshold As per calibration I Sticker 4

;                     F. Channel 1 Multiplier                                             Bypass l                      C. Channel 2 Multiplier                                              Bypass i

H. Add-Off-Subtract Switch Channel 1 Add I. Add-Off-Subtract Switch Channel 2 . 0ff

;                     J. Live-Clock Toggle Switch                                         Live K. Time-Multiplier Switch                                           X1 L. F-S Toggle Switch                                                  S l                      M. Chl-Ch2-Sealer Switch                                            CHI                                     .

I j N. Range XIK (Initially) l 0. Recycle Toggle Switch (on back)- Off i l NOTE ! Range setting should be reduced during counting to give on-scale reading. ! 5.13.2 -Detector Operation and Setup i ! Verify that the NaI detector is connected to the Ludium 2218. [ Insert detector into shielded sample holder. I !- 12 t

Emergincy Plan Implemtnting Procedura EP-2-060 Radiological Field Monitoring Revision 6 Place power switch to "BATT." Allow approximately 5 minutes for equipment to stabilize. Set count timer to 2 minutes. Start the background count by pushing the COUNT RESET button. Run background count for 2 minutes. Use Attachment 7.1 for recording ana' lysis data. Place silver zeolite cartridge in shielded sample holder with the inlet side of the cartridge facing the detector. Reset count timer to 5 minutes and push the COUNT RESET button. Count sample for 5 minutes. Record on Attachment 7.1. 5.14 Notify the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller of the results of sampling and analysis for I-131 including: 5.14.1 Team Designation 5.14.2 Sample Number 5.14.3 Sample Location 5.14.4 Sample Duration 5.14.5 Sample Flow Rate 5.14.6 Total Sample Counts (5-minute count) 5.14.7 Total Background Counts (2-minute count) 5.15 Proceed as directed by the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller to additional monitoring points. Continue performing surveys and air l sampling / analysis as directed. 13 i

Emargsncy Plen ImpismInting Procsdura EP-2-060 Radiological Field Monitoring Revision 6 i 5.16 While in transit to monitoring points, maintain continuous dose rate monitoring and notify the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller of any significant findings, paying particular attention to the location of the highest measured dose rates. 5.17 Retain all air samples in plastic bags for further analysis. NOTE Coordination of all field monitoring data, including further analysis, is accomplished' through the EOF organization (RAC). Samples will normally be returned to the OSC and analyzed on-site or at off-site facilities in accordance with existing agreements. The RPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller will designate a ( [] specified location where all samples and data sheets will be returned if the OSC is not to be used. 5.10 Eleld teams shall refer to EP-2-061 if instructed to perform environmental sampling (water, soil. TLD changemit, etc.) by the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller. 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS i 6.1 Releases have been terminated or reduced to levels below the EAL's for an Alert emergency classification. 6.2 All surveys and air samples requested havc been completed. 14 f

                                                                     ..---.-m. . ,-       ---  , --
  • Emmrgtney Plan Implimsnting P'ocsdure r EP-2-060 Rsdiological Field Monitoring Revision 6 1

O 6.3 Vehicles and team members have been surveyed for contamination in a low background area and HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller notified of the results. Personnel have been scheduled for initial bioassay analysis. Vehicles have been returned to designated parking locations, the keys returned to the OSC Supervisor, or vehicles have been detained for further monitoring and decontamination. 6.4 All data sheets, particulate filters and silver zeolite cartridges have been returned to the OSC or other locations defined by the HPC/DAC or RAC/ Field Team Controller. 6.5 Further analysis of field samples (including analysis for particulates) has been completed or scheduled as directed by the Health Physics Coordinator or Radbological Assessment Coordinator. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS O 7.1 Dose Rate and Air Sample Data Log 7.2 Radiological Field Monitoring Kit Location and Contents 7.3 Ludlum 2218 Switch / Meter Locations i i l O I l 15




                                      '.                                          INSTRUMENT                     DATA i


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I LUD 2 218 0/C FOR 384 MEV


TECHNCIAN S10N ATURE . REVIEWED BY . - EP-2-060 Revision 3 -

                                                                                ,                  16                                                 . Attaciunene'7.1 (1 of 1)                          ,


 >                                                                                             I RADIOLOGICAL FIELD MONITORING KIT f-~s                                 LOCATION AND CONTENTS Kit Locations operational Support Center                         3 Kits (and Onsite Monitoring Kit)

Kit Contents Item Checked ( )


R02A Air Sampler (battery) CS-137 Button Check Source l

              *Ba-133 Cartridge Check Source                                             ,
              *Ludlum 2218 w/NaI Detector
  • Detector Cable
  • Sample Holder Potassium Iodide (KI) (Bottles)

EP-2-060 EP-2-061 Survey Location Maps () Writing Tablets Clipboards Pens Marks-a-lot Flashlights Air Sample Filters inch (box) Air Sample Envelopes Silver Zeolite Cartridges Sample Bags (Whirl Paks) Tape inch (roll)

                "D" Cell Batteries Stopwatch Screwdriver 9-Volt Battery Shovel
  • Dosimeters 0-200 mR l


  • Dosimeters 0-10 R l '~'
  • Portable Radio
  • Not located in. field kits. Located in OSC Emergency Locker.

TLD's are also located in the OSC Emergency Locker, if needed. [ EP-2-060 Revision 6 17 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 2) l

                          ..             - - . ~                        . . . .                     -.                  -              - - . . - . -                     .            - - -                     -    - -. . _ _

3-i j RADIOLOGICAL FIELD MONITORING KIT LOCATION AND CONTENTS 1 ITEM Checked ( ' ) Smears f 1-Liter Container Scissors Roll of Quarters Paper Coveralls (set) Cotton Insert Gloves (sets) Rubber Gloves (sets) i Shoe Covers (sets) 1 Full Face Respirators j Comb. Part, and Charc. Cartridges a Log Sheets Ludlum 177 or Ludlum 12 w/ pancake probe - {l Sample Bags (12" x 24") , Skull Caps s l Laminated EPZ Map () Grease Pencil and Cloth HP-02-900 f HP-02-904 l HP-02-905 4 1 1 i l i i i i f 1 !O i i ! EP-2-060 Revision 6 18 Attachment 7.2 (2 of 2) i i

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W3P85-1473  ! i i Copy for Public Distribution




Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Site Protective Measures O PORC Meeting No. Reviewed: [Mh[f.Cb._ [$ (( PORC Chairma Date Approved: kk  ; [!j,8/[8 P ht Manager-Nucleah Approval Date Effective Date O ,

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   "'ha ? CRC has reviewed :his 1:e= and de:er=ined that a saf e:7 evalus:1:= vas perferred (as applicable), tha: an u= reviewed safe:y questica d:es ::: exis: (as applicable),
hat a change := the Techni:21 Specificati::s is n=: required, and tha: suclear safety is/vas ::: adversely affec:ed.


  ? . 14                                                     ,    , SCONA 2                                     YES   l    NO  I Ma.12:enance                          I                                                                          r        ,-

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Superi=:endes: .bm/,[h < > , f /, _ . ./' r Plas: Quali:7 /,.i,,/ / U / r /> ,,/c , - Manager Technical Supper: ,, , l - Su:eris:endes: / , ,'i , , , , / , ,, 'jj/> ' j' > ~ l Assis s= Pla== Ma=are:

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   ~~ is 1:e= requires SIC /UEC review pric: := i=ple=e :2:10 ?                                             [ TIS           @ NO
   !! yes, ensure d:: =ents:10                supper:1:3 review is a:: ached.

This 1:e= requires QA review pri:: := ?M-N approval? TIS @ NO O A RT.I'J Rsviewed by M /N DA'"I 8 1 C :perate QA P.anager l l ?Lt.'C 'd_$.N ACI 3 'CC' IAR A? ?'.0'n ' (RIFER TO C:= cents: Appreved by M/ l' DATI /l//d Flan: P. anger-Muelear IJNT- 1 -004 , Revisien 6 18 A**a - ".....ent 6.1,(1 of 1) l

WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below /7 CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST lCfP0M l lPORC-S/C Procedure No. [ -l-07/ Title $O bb K [ ScW2 Effective Date (if different from approval date) Complete A, B, and C A. Change No. UW Expiration Date l[l Permanent l[l Deviation B. Revision No. 7 C. Deletion l[ LYES l3NO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION

                       &       uteb Ar ,A m         rc    0 bMS PNyuh-REASON FOR CHANGE, REVISION, OR DELETION
                          & vAl<.            Gren)x br O X fk%cdt I
                                             -    m REQUIRED SIGNATURES'       V       '<              -

ORIGINATOR // DATE N K SAFETY REVIEW Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR?


2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR7 YES NO v
3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the ISAR? YES NO T
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NO Y If the answer to any o be abov is yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Safety Evs ua ion.  :


  • DATE


  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APH-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days.

l l l UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-071 Site Protective Measures Revision 7 O TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE


3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 On-Site Evacuation Routes (1 page) 7.2 Assembly Area Muster Sheet (1 page) 7.3 Site Evacuation Route (1 page) 7.4 Assembly Area Supervisor Actions and Checklist (1 page) LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES O Title Revision 7 1-4 Revision 7 7 Revision 6 5 Revision 5 8 Revision 4 6 Revision 3 LIST OF PAGES CONTAINING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 8 O l 1 e__-______

Em'ergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-071 , Site Protective Measures Revision 7 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides guidance to the Emergency Coordinator for a site evacuation. 1.2 Specific instructions in this procedure are incorporated in EP-1-030 and EP-1-040 - a site evacuation may be fully implemented by the Emergency Coordinator at a Site Area and General Emergency through the use of these procedures.

!        1.3 This procedure provides instructions for the Assembly Area Supervisor in the performance of his duties.


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan . 2.2 EP-2-010 Notifications and Communications 2.3 EP-1-020 Alert 2.4 EP-1-030, Site Area Emergency 2.5 EP-1-040, General Emergency 2.6 PS-16-103, Accountability of Personnel During Emergencies 2.7 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability

;        2.8 EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination

$ 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for implementing this procedure. 3.2 The Assembly Area Supervisor is responsible for completing those activities listed in Attachment 7.4 of this procedure. 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 4.1 Declaration of an Alert. ] 4.2 Declaration of a Site Area Emergency. 4.3 Declaration of a General Emergency. 4.4 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator 5.0 PROCEDURE i O 4 2 r i

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-071 Site Protective Measures Revision 7 3 (V 5.1 SITE EVACUATION 5.1.1 Direct the Health Physics Coordinator to select the appropriate of f-site assembly area for the evacuation (based on wind direction - use upwind assembly area). (Monsanto Park, tuling or St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Edgard), and to provide information on any special considerations which may exist. 5.1.2 Direct the Security Shif t Supervisor to prepare for the evacuation of the site and to restrict access to the site to authorized personnel only. l NOTE When possible, the Health Physics technician should accompany the Assembly Area Supervisor to the assembly area in the same vehicle. 5.1.3 Direct the TSC Supervisor to dispatch the Assembly Area Supervisor () 5.1.4 from the OSC to the designated assembly area. Direct the Health Physics Coordinator to dispatch a Health Physics Technician (or trained personnel selected by the Health Physics l Coordinator) from the -4 control point to the designated assembly area. I i NOTE The following announcement may have been made previously when a Site Area or General Emergency was declared. 5.1.5 Sound the Station Alarm and make the following announcements



Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-071 Site Protective Measures Revision 7 7N , TO THE HEALTH PHYSICS CONTROL POINT. THERE WILL BE NO SM0 KING. EATING OR DRINKING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THE MAINTENANCE RADIO FREQUENCY IS NOW DEDICATED FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY." Repeat the announcement. 5.1.6 Make the following notifications in accordance with the notification procedures in EF-2-010: Notify Waterford I & 2 to evacuate non-essential personnel. NOTE Waterford 1 & 2 personnel are not required to assemble

                     !       at Waterford 3 assembly areas, but the Emergency Coordinator shall provide direction to Waterford 1 & 2 as to what evacuation routes to take. Notify St. John the Baptist and St. Charles parishes for vehicular traffic control. (O, , Notify the United States Coast Guard to control Exclusion Area river traffic. Inform St. Charles Parish when this notification in completed. Notify the Missouri Pacific Railroad to Control Exclusion Area rail traffic. Inform St. Charles Parish when this notification is completed. 5.1.7 Ensure accountability and evacuation verification activities are perforced in accordance with EP-2-190 and PS-16-103, 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS This procedure shall be cor.sidered complete whent 6.1 Muster has been completed and results forwarded to the Emergency Coordinator. 6.2 Evacuation and secountability activities have been completed in accordance with PS-16-103 and EP-2-190. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Onsite Evacuation Routes 7.2 Assembly Area Muster Sheet () 7.3 Site Evacuation Route 7.4 Assembly Area Supervisor Actions and Checklist 4

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EP-2-071 REvlSION 5 5 AffACHMENT 71(loill

1 O ASSEMBLY AREA MUSTER SHEET Assembly Area Name of Individual Completing Supervisor's Name: Muster Sheet: Date: Time: Location: Print the names of personnel that have assembled. Present completed form (s) inmediately to LP&L Assembly Area Supervisor. t l f

O l

j 4 I i




EP-2-071 Revision 3 6 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1)

e O O .



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1.5 ~ Procure Assembly Area Kit and verify operation of communications equipment. 2.: . Proceed to the proper assembly area.

3. Upon arrival at the assembly areat
a. Establish cosamuncations with ths OSC.

NOTE It communications cannot be established with the portable radio, relay messages by dispatching an individual to the nearest coin-operated telephone. The PAgX number for the OSC Supervisor is [ ].

b. Ensure that all personnel'are logged in on the Assembly Area Huster Sheet (Attachment 7.2). Assign individuals to assist with this task, as necessary.
c. Ensure that Health Physics technicians (or trained personnel selected by the Health Physics Coordinator) are assigned to survey all personnel, vehicles and equipment for contamination.

Report any requirements for decontamination to the OSC Supervisor.

d. Coordinate the operations of personnel and vehicles at the assembly area.

4 When all assembly area muster activities are completed, notify the OSC Supervisor, request that the OSC Supervisor notify the Emergency Coordinator of the completion of Assembly Area activities and await further instructions. Do not disband personnel until instructed by the OSC Supervisor.




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O: M RC RZ7tN o ' ' The PCEC has reviewed this item and determined that a safety evaluation was perfor=ed i (as applicable), that an unreviewed safety question does not exist (as applicable).

that a change to the Technical specifications is t
,ot required, and that nuclear saf et7 is/was not adversely affected.


                          'CamE1                                                                                          necmemmEm 07           PORC mIMIE1                               PORC MIMEIR                           FOR AF7107AL                            DATI RETIN                                                      AIGNATUEZ                             YE3     I NO                  u i                                       unistamance superinteadant t/ //


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!                           If yes, saaste dommentaties supporting review is attached.

This itas requires QA review prior to FM-N approvel? O Tzs p=0 t , CA 127:Z2 4 Reviewed by b# DATE /0r# l Carperste QA manager j i i l Ft. ANT *ANACEE-MUCMAR AFMOVAL (REFER TO l Comments: I i Approved by A)/A DATE AJ/ # Plaat ?. anger-i4uclear ( UNT-1-004, Revision 6 18 Attachemae 6.1 (,1 or 1) i

i ' 1 6 WATERFORD 3 SES i ~. PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below 1 CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST l[POM l[lPORC-S/C } Procedure No. Ef-/-oo/ Title kdorhMN d bMS&/>v d ) Effective Date (if different from approval date) j Complete A. B and C ~ A. Change No. M l[l Permanent l[l Deviation Expiration Date ' B. Revision No. 7 C. Deletion l[ LYES %NO j DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION i

                                      % hrst%)e- YO m$ llN &#4l% 8 C-     '

! w/L Aw' W-03 A 6- e ,4 4.4u + AA-r A,I bJtJ>v d emwi dh.ve t i REASON FOR CHANGE. REVISION OR DELETION

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                                                                                  ,                                                                               I ORIGINATOR                            [/                %                                           DATE       k- M l                  SAFE U REVIEW                              ,
Does this c'hange, revision, or deletion

4 ) 1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR? YES NO V

2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR7 NO I 3

YES  !

3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR? YES NO T [

l 4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NO / If the answer to any of the a is y.es, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Safety F . i SAFETY REVIEW / DATE 9 - D E [hVIf0}l i n cxNICAL E VIEW J* - DATE 0*A2-85 i i GR0er MAD E VIEW M LA" - DAtt ththe TEMPORARY APPROVAL * (820) DATE l TEMPORARY APPROVAL

  • 4 DATE j
  • 14 Temporary days. approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within i

UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1) i

Emerg;ncy Pl'n Implementing Instruction EP-1-001 Recognition and Classification of Revision 7 Emergency Conditions




3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.0 ATTACHNINTS 7.1 Classification System 7.1 TAB A Uncontrolled Release of Radioactivity (4 pages) 7.1 TAB B Loss of RCS Inventory (I pages) 7.1 TAB C DNB/ Degraded Core Sequence (1 page) 7.1 TAB D Loss of Safety Functions (Loss of Fission Product Barriers) (3 pages) 7.1 TAB E Hazards to Station Operation (1 page) ( ) 7.1 TAB F Natural Phenomena (1 page) 7.1 TAB G Security Compromise (1 page) 7.1 TAB H Miscellaneous (1 page) LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Title Revision 7 1-6 Revision 7 7-19 Revision 6

O 1

a Emerg acy Plan Impleme2 ting Instructica EP-1-001 Recognition and Classification of Revision 7 Emergency Conditions 1.0 PURPOSE i 1 1.1 This procedure describes the immediate actions to lie taken to i N recognize and classify the four emergency classifications: Unusual { } Event, Alert Site Area Emergency, and General Emergency. ' i i ' {


l l 2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 1 2.2 Title 10. Code'of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix E  ; 2.3 NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of )' Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of 4 Nuclear Power Plants i 1 2.4 Waterford 3 SES Final Safety Analysis Report  :' 1 j 2.5 EP-1-010, Unusual Event i ! 2.6 EP-1-020. Alert 2.7 EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency l 2.8 EP-1-040, General Emergency , j 2.9 EP-2-010, Notifications and Communications i 2.10 EP-2-052. Protective Action Guidelines ] 2.11 OP-903-024, Reactor Coolant Systes Water Inventory Balance

2.12 EP-2-150. Emergency Plan Implementing Records 1

l 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES i 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator (EC) shall be responsible for i implementation of this procedure and declaration of the appropriats j emergency classification whenever, in his juddoent, the station status warrants such a declaration. 3.2 The Shift Supervisor shall assume the responsibility and authority of  ; i j the Emergency Coordinator (EC) until such time that he is properly relieved of this duty by the Duty Plant Manager. !O 2 ] I

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Emerg:ncy Plcn Implementing Instruction EP-1-001

Recognition and Classification of Revision 7 Emergency Conditions 3.3 If, for whatever reason, the Shif t Supervisor cannot insnediately assume the duty of Emergency Coordinator, the Control Room Supervisor l (CRS) shall assume the duty of Emergency Coordinator until properly relieved as described in step 3.2.

4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 4.1 An off-normal event has occurred or is in progress. 4.2 An action step in a plant operating or emergency operating procedure refers to this instruction for classification of the indicated plant conditions. l

 !                                                                                CAUTION 1

This instruction does not replace any plant operating procedure. Ensure that any immediate actions (e.g., use of Emergency Procedures) are taken for the proper i ( operation of the plant. During an emergency condition,

 ,                                      continue to use the appropriate plant procedures in parallel with this instruction.

5.0 PROCEDURE a 1 5.1 Verify the off-normal event to ensure that the event is real. 5.2 Match the off-normal event with one of the following eight emergency , categories 5.2.1 Uncontrolled Release of Radioactivity TAB A j 5.2.2 Loss of RCS Inventory TAB B 5.2.3 DNB/ Degraded Core Sequence TAB C

!                        5.2.4        Loss of Safety Functions (Loss of Fission Produce Barriers)                                        TAB D 1

5.2.5 Hasards to Station Operations TAB E 5.2.6 Natural Phenomena TAB F 5.2.7 Security Compromise TAB C 5.2.8 Miscellaneous TAG H 3 i i

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Emergency Plan Implementing Instructica EP-1-001 Recognition and Classification of Revision 7 Emergency Conditions A NOTE The effects of combinations of initiating events that i r individually constitute a lower classification condition i ' should be considered as a possibly higher emergency 1 3 classification. l i i~ NOTE If the indicated off-normal condition does not appear to i j match any of the listed predetermined emergencies, refer , ! , to TAB H. Miscellaneous. The Emergency Coordinator must j use his judgement in determining if the indicated ( . conditions meet the intent of the emergency classification scheme.

   ?)                                 5.3    Refer to Attachment 7.1, Classification System, and under the category TAB selected in step 5.2 above, match the off-normal condition with i                                              che appropriate Emergency Action I,evel (EAL) to determine the i                                             emergency classification.                                                                                                                    j

} 5.4 Declare the highest emergency classification for which an EAL has been l ! exceeded. i

5.5 Perform the emergency actions as outlined in the appropriate Emergency i

j Plan Implementing Instruction, one of which is provided for each classification, as follows: 5.5.1 Unusual Event - EP-1-010 [ } 1 } O 4 L

i l

l - a Emergency Plan Implementing Instructica EP-1-001 ) Recognition and Classification of Revision 7 Emergency Conditions j 5.5.2 Alert - EP-1-020 5.5.3 Site Area Ibergency - EP-1-030 l 5.5.4 General Emergency - EP-1-040 l 5.6 Assessment actions shall be continued, and if necessary, the emergency ! classification escalated (or downgraded) as more definitive information becomes available or if the plant conditions change ! significantly. } NOTE When the emergency situation is reclassified ensure that the emergency communicator updates the answering machine message with the appropriate classification I message; or facility activated announcement in accordance  ! e l with EP-2-010. [ 2 t i 1 + 1 l 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS The initiating conditions which activated this instruction have been , 1 declassified to non-emergency status. I i j 7.0 ATTAC10GNTS 7.1 Classification System I 7.1 TAB A Uncontrolled Release of Radioactivity 7.1 TAB B Loss of RCS Inventory 7.1 TAB C DNB/ Degraded Core Sequence f 7.1 TAB D Loss of Safety Functions (Loss of Fission Product Barriers) l 7.1 TAB E Hasards to Station Operation 7.1 TAB F Natural Phenomena 7.1 TAB G Security Compromise l 7.1 TAR H Miscellaneous o iO i 5 F i l i l i l

__ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . - _ _ _m __ _m __m_ 1 _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ ._ _ r, J O'- . 1 l IJNCONTROLLED RELEASE OF RADIOACTIVITY tamr$UAL EVENT ALEST SITE ASEA RMFRC DCT CENERAL EMERCENCY NOTE


i R8CnsessmeaTIONS m REQUIRED - SEE EF-2-052. A. Radiolostcal efflueet Technical A. Radtelogical effluente greater Any one of the following conditiones Any one of the following conditione

,          Specificattee euceeded as tedicated                         thee le stems Techatcal Specifice-                                                                                                             l j           Og the tallowing condialenes                                t iene Liet t e. As indicated by the             4. Plant Stock Noble Cae Moottor.        1. Offette Dose Assessment (CEFADAS 4

followtas condittees FON-IRE-Oll0 indicates aohle see / Manual) projects whole body dose release rete greater thee 4.0E5 rate at the EAR greater than or EIThER EITMs3 mC1/see for 0.5 br; g greater equal to 1.0 ree/hr.

,                                                                                                                       than 4.056 eC1/see for 2 stoutes.

In valid Rica alare la volte NICM etere ce CF-52. ca on

2. Offette Dooe Aseeemment 2. Offette Dose Assessment (CEPADAS (CEFADAS/Meneel) projects whole /Menual) projects thyroid dose rate By eamp!!as Dy sampling hedy does rates at the EAR greater at the EAS greater than or equal to than 50 oree/hr for 0.5 br; or 5.0 ree/hr.

AND AND greater than 500 stee/br for7 minutes. belease path NOT ISOLAT S Release path NOF ISOLATED

3. Of fette Dose Aseeeement 3. Sadiological monitoring team Age

AND (CEPASAS/Momwel) projects thyroid measures whole body dose rate at the dose rates at the IAS greater than EAR greater than or equal to 1.0 j 250 stes/br for 0.5 hr; or greater ree/hr.

;          la the optates of the SS/BC that                             la the opinion of the SS/BC that                thee 2500 aree/hr for 2 etautes.

t suceedtag of the conservettve escoedios conservettwo setteste of easteete of the Techatcal the Technical Specification provided 4. Radiological moettering team 4. Radiological monitoring teme Spectiteetten provided to the la the parentheses *()* warrant the measures whole body dose rates at measures thyroid dose rate I pareetheses *()* marraet the declaration without calculation, the EAR greater than 50 stem /hr for (equivalent 1-131 concentrations) declarettoe without calculatten. 0.5 br; og greater than 500 oree/hr at the EAs greater than or equal to

!                                                                                                                       for 2 minutes.                           5.0 ree/hr.

3.) Altherme effluent Nemitore. 1.) Atrhorne effluent Moottore

5. Radiological monitoring team Caseous Waste nemagement heetter. Caseous weete Management Montter esseeres thyroid does rates I

Fan-IDE-0648; FRM-IRE-0644; (egetwalent 1-131 concentrations) i at the BAS greater than 250 oree/hr (50 SCFM. 2.0 eCt/al) (50 SCFM. 20.0 uCt/el) for 0.5 hr; g greater thee 2500 (40 SCPM. 2.5 uCt/al) (40 SCPM. 25.0 uC1/el) aree/hr for 2 minutes. l (30 SCFM. 3.3 oct/el) (30 SCFM. 33.0 uCt/al) 1 (20 SCFM. 5.0 eC1/el) (20 SCFM. 50.0 =C1/el) (13 SCFM. 29.0 oct/el) -(10 SCFM. 200.0 eC1/el) ' l _os _on j Ceedesser vacuum Fump Noble Cao Condenser Vacuus Pump Noble ces better. Fan-1BE-002 Monitor. PEN-IRE-002

,          f 5.0 E& uCt/sec.)                                           (5.0 E5 oct/el)

EF-t-004 Bestates 6 6 Attachment 7.8 TAB A (I of 4) 1 9 4 +

                           --    -     -      __-         -       .-_                -....- .              -    -    - -~ _


o. o. .

UNCoesTROLLID EFLEASE OF RAD 80ACTIVIT) i DesUSUAL EVENT ALFat SITE ASEA EMERCFMCY CENERAI. EMERCENCT os og Feel Bandling Bldg. Eshamet A Fuel Wandling 514g. Enhaust A teonttar. Atee-ISE-5107A poontter. AAfe-IBE-5807A (28.625 SCPM 3.7 E-3 eCS/ce) (20,625 SCFM. 3.7 E-2 eC1/el) os on Feel Namditag SIJg. Embeest B Feel Needling SIdg. Eshamet 5 m ines. Aan-ter-5807s. stontter. Amst-IRE-Slois 42s.625 5(.FM. 3. 7 F-3 oct/ce) (20,625 SCPN. 3.7 E-2 oct/al) ca on reel manditas steg. Unde senge. Feel Need!!ag Bldg. Utde Range. Aase-IsE-3032 Asse-lat-30n. E E Flant Stack Noble Gas Insatter Flaat Stack Noble Ces Desettor. Ptse-laE-ORIO Fase-IRE-O t to . (Chemmel 4 reading 5.0 E4 oct?Sec) (Chemme! 4 reading 5.0 E5 aCS/Sec). j 2.) Ligold ef fluent meetters. 2.) Liquid ef fisent monitore. l Ligold Weste lemmagement Itsatter. Ligold Weste almaagement plentter. Fase-Int-0647 (1.0 E-l act/al). Fan-Int-t%47 (1.0 oct/el). E E' 5 rom haagement Camdemeate stoalter Baron Itamagensat Condensate loositor Fase-ISE-0627 (1.0 E-I eC1/e!). Fase-IRE-0627 (1.0 oct/al). E S Circulattag Idater Discharge tenetter Circulattag Water Discharge Monitor Fase-IRE-6775 (2.0 E-5 eC1/el). Free-IBE-1900 (2.0 E-4 eC1/el). on ce Dry Coettaa Tower Suey fl leoniter Dry Cooltas Tower Sump fl Monitor '

test-lat-6775 (2.0 E-5 oct/el). Fase-IRE-6775 (2.0 E-4 oct/al). .

E E Dry Caeling Tower Seep #2 genetter Dry Cooling Tower Seep #2 hattor rase-IBE-6776 (2.0 E-5 oct/el). Fee-IRE-677fi (2.0 E-4 met /al). Os on I I etstal weste Sump m atter ladustrial waste Sg toonttor Fase-tBE-6778 (2.0 E-5 oct/al). Fest-IBE-6778 (2.0 E-4 i,Ct/el). EF-t-001 Revision 6 7 Attachment 7.1 TAP A (2 of 4) l __ _ _ _ _ _

_._. - - _ _ . _-- ~_ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ _ - . _ . - . - _ . . _ . . _ UNCONTROLLED RELEASE OF RADIOACTIVITY ifNU$1!AL EVENT ALDRT SITE AREA EMERCENCY CFMERf.L Df%CENCY B. Radiation levels or airborne contamination which indicate a severe degradation in the control of radioactive materials as indicated bys I.) Any Area Radiation Monitor (AAA. AAs) er Process Airborne Monitor (FFF. Fil. FCC. FFS. FIS. FCS) " tread" indication on RM-Il console shaus a valid unesplained increase by a factor of 1000. 2.) Any radiological survey results indicating an unexplained increase by a f actor of 1000 in direct red-lation or airborne contamination levels within the f acility. 3.) SS/EC opinion that a fuel 6.) SS/EC opinion that a major fuel damage accident =1th release of demage accident with release of radioactivity to Containment or radioacttwity to Containment er Fuel Fuel Wandling Suilding has occurred Nandling Building has occurred based based on reported fuel band!!ng on reported fuel band!!ng incident incident verified by alarma on any verified by greater than 10 times of the follouing radiation monitors: NICM alare set point indication on any of the folloutng radiation monitors: Containment NI Bange Area knitors. Containment HI Range Area Monitor. ARM-IRE-5400AS(sS); g ARM-IRE-5400As(as); g i FHS Enhaust A Monitor. FHS Eshaust A Monitor. ARM-IRE-5107A; og ARM-IRE-5107A; g THE Eshaust B Monitor. FNB Eshaust B Monitor. ABM-IRE-Sl078; g ARM-IRE-5107R; og FNB Area Radiatica Monitor. FNB Area Radiation Monitor. ARM-IRE-0300.2S; g ARM-IRE-0300.2S; g , FNS Area Radiation b ottor. FMB Area Radiation Monitor. ARM-IRE-0300.4S; g ARM-IRE-0300.4S; g FNB Exhaust hattor. Wide Range. AIM-IRE-3032; g

  • THE Area Radiation Monitor. FNs Area Radiation Monitor.

ARM-IRE-0300.ls; og ARM-IRE-030c.3S; g FNs Area Radiation Monitor. FHB Area Radiation Monitor. ARM-IRE-0300.35; g ARM-IRE-0300.3S; g Containment Particulate Altborne Containment Particulate Airborne Monitor. ARM-IRE-01005; or Monitor. ARM-IRE-0100S; E ! gy-3 00I Bevision 6 3 Attac nt .I A AOMO I

                                                                                                                                /     m l

UNCONTR0f. LED RELEASE OF RADI0 ACTIVITY , LeeU$UAL EVFNT ALERT SITE AREA EMERCE3sCY CFNERAL D ERCFMCY Containment Area Radiation Monitor. Containment Area Radiation Monitor. ARM-IRE-3024Sg g ARM-IRK-302433 o,r Contalement Area Radiation Monitor. Containment Area Radiation Montter. ARM-IRF-302533 g A h lRE-102S$3 g Contatement Area Badletion Montter. Containe .. Area Radietton Monitor. ARM-IRE-3026Sg of ARM-IRE-3026Sg or Containment Area Radletion Monitor. Contalement Area RaJietten Monitor. ARet-IRE-30275. ARM-IRE-302FS. 7.) tincont rolled decresee in opent fuel pool water level to below level of irredteted fuel se determined by vievel observation of pool levels og L2 on CP-2. FUEL POOL LEVEL LO-elarm, concurrent with. full scale indicotton on any two of the-following radietton monitores FNR Area Redtotton Monttor. ARM-IRE-0100.25 FNR Area Radletion Monitor. ARM-lRE-0300.45 FNR Area Radietton Monitor. A h lRE-0300,t5 FMR Area Radietton Ibatter. ARM-IRE-0300.35 4.) Steam Line fault concurrent R. Steam line fault concurrent with with et t nificant (greater than 10 SS/BC determination that tJtere to gre) primary to secondary leakage groes RCS activity rolesse from the se indicated by secondary boundary as determined by Uncontrolled decrease in Steen Cen- Uncontrolled decrease in Steam Cee-erster pressure (s) to MSIS as indt- erster pressure (s) to MSIS se cated on SMA. S8S. SMC. SBS (on indicated on SMA. SIS, SMC. $89 on CF-R) (MS-IPT-030 BAS. (030l35). CF-R [MS-IPT-0301AS. (030135). (0303AS). (0303R5)l, (0301AS). (030)RS)]. O M Mein Steam Line Monitor. Main Steen Line Monitor PhlBE-55004. (R) esceede " Alert" Fret-IRE-S$00A (R) escoede "Nt" alare set point, on CP-52. eiera set point. on CF-52. OE Equilibrium Omerging Flow minue letdown with flawI-831 RCSDE to treater then greater 441.are than 0 E(',I7pn (se determined by the soot recent toe'opic analysts results). EF-3-001 Revielen 6 9 Attachment 7.1 TAR A (4 of 4)



SEE EF-2-052. Any one of the following conditions: Any one of the following conditiones Any one of the following conditione 1.) Exceeding either primary to BCS I.eakage greater then 44 spe as I.) RCS to Containment leakage 1.) Any loss of coolset accident and secondary leak rate technics! indicated by: greater than avallebte charging pump subsequent f ailures of Emergency specifications or primary eyetes capacity (LOCA) se determined by: Core Cooling Systems such that in Isah rate technical specificationa I.) Equilibrium charging flow minue the opinion of the SS/EC, a Core as indicated by RCS leakage greater total letdown flow greater than 44 Uncontrolled decrease in Pressuriser Melt Sequence is la progrees, or than any ONE of the following gre. pressure and subcooling margin with feelnent, and the ultimate failure i Technical Specification limits: SIAS and NFSI flow indicated on of Containment to likely. 2.) Rapid grose failure of one CF-8. a.) Zero pressure boundary leakage. etese generator tube with lose of 2.) Any lose of coolant accident and b.) I spe unidentified leakage. offette power se indicated by: 3 subsequent feitures of Containment Heat Removal Systema euch that, in Equilibrium charging flow minue lacreasing Containment radiation / the opinion of the SS/EC, a Core c.) I spe RCS pressure teolation total letdown flow greater than pressure /teeperature/oump levels. Helt Sequence le in progress, or estys leakage. 33 spe feminent, and the ultimate failure E of Containment la likely. d.) I spa total primary to secondary Mata Stese Line Monitor. 1:akage or 720 gallone per day FRM-IRE-5500A, (B) escoede " Alert" No abnormal dif ference between Steam through any one steam Cenerator. stare set point. on CP-52 Cenerator pressures and levels. o.) 10 spa identified leakage. g "4 kV See SA Skr Trip / Trouble" alare. FI on CF-l O

                                                                  "4 kV Bus SB Skr Trip / Trouble" elare.

F3 on CP-l. 3.) Steam line break with signific %t (greater than 10 spe) l primary m secondary leek rate se indicate by: Equilibrium charging flow minus total letdown flow greater than 10

  • 3pe greater than known total RCS leakaE*.

i EF-t-001 Bevision 6 10 Attachment 7.1 TAB B (I of 2) j i

_ - . - - - _ . ~ _ - _ . - _ _ _ . _ . - LASS OF RCS INVENTORY tRIUSUAL EVENT ALERT SITE AREA DtERCENCY CENERAI. EMERCENCY g 2.) DCS to secondary leakege 3: ester than available charging pump capac-Uncontrolled decrosse in S/C tty (SCTR) as determined by pressure (s) to MSIS as shown on SMA. 52 . SMC. 5 2 (CF-8) Uncontrolled decrease in Pressuriser lNS-IFT-030l AS (030I58). (0303AS). presouro and subcooling margin with (030385)) SIAS and NFSI flow indicated on CF-8. E Main Steam Line Monitor.

.                                                                                                                                                                P h lBE-5500A. (B) escoede HI-MI stare set point on CF-52.

l 3.) RCS to secondary leakage greater than 88 gym concurrent with loss of offette power as indicated by: Equilibrium charging flow minus total letdawn flow greater then 88 spo S Main Steam Line Monitor. P h lBE-5500A. (B) exceede NI alarm set point, on CF-52. E "4 kV Bus SA Skr Trip / Trouble" alarme FI on CF-l.

                                                                                                                                                           .                              E "4 kV Bus SB Skr Trip / Trouble" alare.

F) on CF-l. ' i l EF-1-005 Revision 6 11 Attactament 7.1 TAS B (2 of 2)

o o DNB/DECRADID CORE SEQUENCE o- . UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT SITE AREA EMERCENCY CENERAL EMERC DCY 1.) Emergency Core Cooling System NOTE (ECCS) initiated and discharge to vtasel as indicated by: OPP-SITE PtafECTIVE ACTION Vstid SIAS actuation and safety RECOf94ENDAT10MS g REQUIRED - injsction flow indicated on SI-IPI-0311. (0321). (0331) (0341). Any one of the following conditions: 1.) SS/EC opinion that a " degraded SEE EP-2-052. core with possible loss of rootable 2.) Rapid escondary depressurisation 1.) RCS cheetstry sample results geometry" condition exists based on af the secondary side as indicated indicate dose equivalent 1-131 consideration of the foltouinas I.) Loss of core heat sink such that, by: greater than 300 uC1/g and SS/EC is the opinion of the SS/EC a Core opinion that essple results are not (a) Adequacy of core cooling. Helt Sequence is in progress, or Uncontrolled decrease in Steam due to todine spiking phenomenon. iseminent, and the ultimate failure Generstor pressure (s) to MSIS as (b) Reactor coolant activity sample of Containment is likely based on indicated on SMA. SMB, SMC SMD on 2.) Reactor Coolant Pump shaft results. determination of either of the CP-8 (MS-IPT-(030l AS) (030l35), seizure leading to fuel failure se followings (0303AS). (0303BS)]. determined by: (c) Containment radioactivity levels. (a) Transient initiated by loss of 3.) Abnormal coolant temperature Reactor Trip on Low Flow and DNBR all normal feedwater capability end/or pressure or abnormal fuel Low followed by failure of all temperatures outside of technical emergency feedwater capability for cpecil1 cation ilmits as indicated g extended periods by: lacreasing selected isotope activity OR a.) Reactor trip with RFS Channels on RPM-1BE-0202. 14tdown Process Trip DNBR "Lo" (A-32) on CP-2. DNBR Radiation Monitor on CP-4. (b) Loss of all offatte power d lass than 1.20 as indicated; og failure of both Emergency Diesel

   -                                                                  AND                                                         Cenerators and failure of steam b.) Reactor trip with RPK Channele                                                                                       driven Emergency Peedwater Pump for Trty local PWR Denalty "Hi" (A-II)         DNBR less than 1.20 as indicated by                                           entended period.

, peak linear heat rate prester than Core Protection Calculators. 21.0 kW/f t as indicated on CP-7 by meergin meter less th4 or equal to _AND, O far DNBR or LPD. (AI), (A3). (A5) (A7). ON CP-2 c.) RCS_ pressure greater than 2750 REACTOR CLC PUMP TRIP / TROUBLE pois. elarn(s). 4.) Piel Damage as indicated by: g IEIDOWN ACTIVITT HI alarm. DI on Computer alarm. PT. 1.D. D13202 CP-4 (13402) (13602). (13802). RCP MTR OVERCURR/0VERLD TRIP g RCS Dome Equf valent Iodine-131 gr atsr than 1.0 microcuries/gs. EP-!-001 Revision 6 12 Attachment 7.1 TAB C (I of I) s.

                                          , - - . .     . -        .,     ~                                -.                   _ .. . _ .             -                  . .   ..
                      ..9 J
       /                                                                                                                                                                           e.

J LOSS OF SAFETY FUNCTIONS (LOSS OF FISSIC1 FRODUCT BARRIERS) , UNUSUAL EVDIT ALERT SITE AREA D4ERCENCT CENERAL ENERCENCY I NOTE l I OFF-SITE PROTECTIVE ACTION ROCopetENDAfl0Its ARE REQUIRED - l SEE EF-2-052. i Any one of the following conditione: Any 3 of the following conditione: Any 3 of the following conditions: Any 3 of the following conditiones I.) Loss of of fette power or lose 1.) Lose of all offette ac power I. less of all offette ac power I.) BC/SS opinion that a arose loss of onette AC power capability se concurrent with failure of both concurrent with fatture of both of any two of the three fleston pro-indicated by: Rhersency Diesel Generators as Emerfency Diesel Cenerators for duct barriers has occurred and plant determined by arester,then 15 minutes se deter- conditions are such that a potential mined bys for the lose of the third barrier estets based on consideration of the e.) FI on CF-l. "4 kV Bus SA Skr PI on CF-1, 4 kV BUS SA VOLTAGE F1 on CF-l. 4 kV BUS 54 VOLTACE following: Trip / Trouble" alarm. LOSTg" AND LOST 3 M FOR TME Ist BARRIER - FUEL AIID F3 on CF-l 4 kV BUS 88 VOLTACE F3 on CF-l. 4 kV BUS SS VOLTAGE CLADDINC


LOSTg" LOSTg FI on CP-l. "4 kV Bus 55 Bkr Trip / A.) Conditions indicating a potential Trouble" alarm. 2.) 14ee of all onette vital de 2.) less of all onette vital de loss of fuel cladding can be deter-

  • power as determined by power for arester than 15 minutes mined by: I j M -as determined by:

1.) Violation of DNBR due to loss of b.) Loss of operability of both N4 on CF-35. BA1Tmf SA TROUBLE; . N8 on CP-35. BATTRY SA TROUBLE; RCS flow og loss of RCS subcooling Emergency Diesel Ceneratore. AND AND margin g abnormally high fuel tem-peratures. 2.) Significant lose of assessment N9 on CF-35. BATTERT SAB TROUBLE; W9 on CF-35. SATTERT SAS TROUBLE; captbility as indicated by: AIID AND 2.) Inadequate core cooling due to loss of core heetoink or core flow I4sa all meteorological ul0 on CF-35. BATT mf 55 Ta0UBLE: NIO on CF-35. BATTERY St TROUBLE blockage or LOCA concurr'ent with instruments for greater thes 15 failure of ECCS.

!      sinutes.
,                                                                                                                                          B.) Conditions indicating a lose of i                          OR                                                                                                               fuel cladding can be determined by:

1 a Technical Spectitcation required I.) Fieston product activity in the thutdown due to lose of PJIS. reactor coolant. 1 i EF-t-001 Revision 6 13 Attachment 7.1 TAB D (1 of 3) i .

b) ' O U d O. ' LOSS OF SAFETY FUNCTIC':S (IASS OF FISS10Cl PRODUCT BARRIERS) . UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT SITE AREA DtERGENCY I GENERAL D1FRCENCY 1.) loss of engineered safety 3.) Loss of the ability to achieve 3.) Loss of the ability to achieve fatture or fire protection system or maintain Cold Shutdown due to any or maintain Hot Shutdown due to any NOTE function requiring shutdown by of the followings of the followings tschnical specifications. OFF-SITE FROTECTIVE ACTION (a) Inability to borate to Mode 5 (a) Inability to borate to Mode 4 Shutdown Margin of 2.0% h/k; og Shutdown Margin of 5.151 h/k (for REC 0petENDATIONS ARE REQUIRED - (for greater than 15 minutes); og (b) lose of both Shutdown Cooling SEE EF-2-052. traine; or (b) Loss of both Steam Cenerators as an effective heatsink; o_rr (c) Loss of both essential CCW/ACCW FOR THE 2nd BARRIER - RCS trains. (c) Inability to maintain natural PRESSURE BOUNDARY circulation when forced flow to not availablet or A.) Conditions it.dicating a potential loss of the RCS pressure boundary can (d) Inability to make up RCS be determined by: volume (for greater than or equal to 15 minutes). l.) RCS overpressure transient due to loss of core heatsink or reactor 4 Reactor remaine critical after 4. Tranetent requiring operation power excursion or, traielent receipt of RFS or manual trip of shutdown systems with failure to requiring operation of shutdown signal as indicated by trip (automaticly and manually) systems with failure to trip. with no core damage immediately s evident as determined by: B.) Conditions indicating a less of the BCS pressure boundary can be (a) TVo or more like RFS trip (a) Two or enre like RFS trip determined by: channels have reached or exceeded channels have reached or exceeded the trip set point the trip set point. l.) Decreasing RCS pressure and increasing Containment radiation / AND AND pressure / temperature / sump levels g no abnormal difference between Steam (b) Reed Switch Pattion Trano- (b) Reed Switch Fosition Trans- Cenerator pressures (LOCA). mitters indicate 10 or more CEA's mitters indicate 10 or more CEA's not full inserted not fully inserted. 2.) Decreasing RCS pressure and Increasing radiation on Main Steam 4.) imse of containment integrity AND AND Line Monitors increasing level on rsquiring shutdown by Technical affected Steam Cenerator (SCTR). Specifications. (c) No indication of core damage (c) No indication of core damage. FOR THE 3rd BARRIER 5.) Most or all Control Room annun- 5.) Most or all control Room annun- - CONTAINMENT clators lost as determined by visual clatore lost M SS/EC opinion that observation, while in Modes tranatent which jeopardizes reactor A.) Conditions indicating a potential safety is in progress. lose of containment can be determined by: 6.) Evacuation of Control Room enti- 6.) Evacuation of Control Room cipated or required with control of required with control of shutdown I.) Steam line break inside Contain-ohutdown systema estettiehed from systems M established from local ment concurrent with failure of Con-local stadons, stations within 15 minutes. tainment Heat Removal Systems. 2.) LOCA concurrent with failure of Containment Heat Removal Systems. EF-t-001 Revision 6 14 Attachment 7.1 TAB D (2 of 3) I e.

 -,g. -..m..a     -u---   aw. v h -   4 - a . - - . - -          -                                +-    w --.- a--- --- -- - - 11%.          -** *                   -                      -'-
                                                                                                ,                                                                           \

UkUSUAL EYfMT ALFRT SITE AREA EMERCENCY CENERAL EMERCENCY i l NOTE I 0FF-SITE PPTTECTIVE ACTION i BECOMMENDAfices ARE REQUIRED - SEg EP-2-052. 3.) post-LOCA hydrogen generation concurrent with failure of Hydrogen Removal System. i B.) Conditione indicating a toes of conteinment can be determined by: 1.) LOCA or steem line break fo!! owed by rapidly increasing pressure in the l Shield Building annulus (primary Con-teinment to Shield Building fault). 7 2.) pressure in one Steam Cenerator continues to decrease following act-nation of MSIS with Containment pressure not increasing (SLS between Containment and MSIV). 3.) MBlv positten indication shove , MSIV not fully closed following act-untion of MSl$. and primary to secondary leakage indicated. 4.) h ittple Containment toolation Velve failures creating a release . path from Containment to outside l i atmosphere. i L II.) Transient requiring operation of shutdown systems with fallgre to trip (automaticallyandmanuelij)s_nd_.In the opinion of the SS/EC.fa Core Melt Sequence to in progress,/or imminent, se determined by: Two or more Itte KPS trip channele have reached or exceeded the trip 4 set point. M Reed Switch Foottion Transmitters indicate 10 or more CEA's not fully a inserted.

Opinion of the SS/EC that e Core Melt sequence is in progrees, or luminent.

Ep.1-one sevision 6 l$ Attachment 7.1 TAB D (3 of 3)

_ _ _ - _ - - - - _ - - - _ , _ - _ _ _ . - - ~ _ _ _-. _ _ . - . . . - . O J HAZARD To STATIC OPERATICT . UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT SITE AREA EMERCENCT CENERAL EMERCENCT Any one, n of the following conditions: Any one of the following conditions: Any one of the following conditions: NOTE I.) Observation of fire within the 1.) Observation of fire within the 1.) Observation of fire within the OFF-SITE PROTECTIVE ACTION l plant which laste longer then 10 plant which potentially affecte plant which comprostees both trains cinutse el any fire within the owner safety eyetene, of a eefety system or its functions. REColetENDATIONS g RFJQUIRED - contrslled area which requires offsite fire fighting assistance. SEE BF-2-052. 2.) Atacraft crash onette but 2.) Aircraft crash or miestle impact 2.) Aircraft crash or miestle impact outside protected area, inside the protected area. or emploelon causes major damage to I.) Any major hasard which causes safety systees. maselve common damage to plant eye-3.) Train derelleent onette. tese such that, in the opinion of the SS/EC, a Core Melt Sequence is in progress, or iseinent, and the 4.) Near or onette exploeien. 3.) Known emplosion damage to the ultimate failure of Containment to facility which degrades the level likely. or safety of the plant. + 5.) leptement EF-4-010 for 4.) leptement EF-4-010 for 3.) leptement EP-4.-010 for l classification of a toute or closelfication of a tonic or closelfication of a tonic flammable gas emergency, fla m ble gas emergency. or flammable ses emergency. EF-I-OOI gewiston 6 16 Attachment 7 I TAB E (I of 1) 4 4

o O EATURAL PHFNOMENA UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT SITE AREA FMERCENCY CENERAL EMERCENCY INyrE OFF-SITg PRofECTIVE ACTION REcoggeNDATIONg g REQUlBED - SEE EF-2-052. Any o _ne of the folloutng conditions: Any one of the folloutng conditions: Any _one_ of the folloutng conditiones I.) Any earthquake felt in-plant or 1.) garthquake recording greater than I.) Earthquake recording. greater voltd teceipt of LIO (on CP-36), 0.05 g ground acceleration as then 0.1 3 ground ecceleration as SEISMIC RECORDERS IN OPERATION alare. Indicated by valid receipt of LIO indicated by valid receipt of (on CP-M) NIO (on CP-36). 2.) Any in-plant flooding condition g which, in the opinion of the 3S/EC, potsntially degrades the level of red alare light (response spectrum 2.) Nurricane surge or other in- I.) Any major natural phencuenon saf ety of the plant; og river water annunciator on CF-47). plant flooding condition which which causes mesolve common damage level Et intene structure greater causes actual failure of vital- to plant systeme such that, i n t he-than e24 ft. MSL. 2.) Nurricane ourse or other in- equipment; or river unter breaching opinion of the SS/EC, a Core Melt plant flooding condition which, in the levee (EL. +30 ft. MSL). Sequence le in progress, or the opinion of the SS/BC, actually iminent, and the ultimate failure 3.) Any tornado onette. degrades the level of safety of the of Coatsinment le likely. plants er river water level at intake structure greater than +27 3.) Tornado causes major damage to 4.) $1te comes under a hurricane ft. MSL. vital equipment. caraing. 3.) Any tornado striking the pro- 4.) Nurricane with wind suste-tected area, exceeding 200 mph. 4.) Site esperiencing sustained hurricane force winda (74 uph). EF-I-001 Revision 6 17 Attachment 7.1 TAB F (1 of I)

__ _ . _ _ . . _ . _ _ . . . - _ . . . . _ _ . . . ~ _ _ .- - _. ._ T ,[

                              )                                                                             SECCITY COMPRONISE
                                                                                                                               %                                                                                                         q      -

UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT SITE AREA f3tERCENCY CENERAL EMERCENCY NOTE NOTE OFF-SITE FROTECTIVE ACT10N OFF-SITE FROTECTIVE ACTION 38CopetENDATIONS g RaQUIRED - BBCop0EENDATIONS g RBQUIRED - SEE EF-2-052. SEE EF-2-052. l.) Any security threat. ettempted 1.) SS/EC notified by Security of 1.) Im inent lose of physical I.) Imes of physical security control entry or attempted sabotage such an ongoing security compromise in security control of the plant. of the plant, that Security notifies the $$/BC of the plant, but not to vital areas se txititties of the Security defined in the Security Contingency Contingency Plan. Plan. i 1 l i I i t. I I 1 e l l j EF-1-001 Revision 6 18 Attachment 7.1 TAR C (1 of 1) i 1

  • I

+ 4

7 m


(" i  ! $ e U N_ . HISCELLANEOUS UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT SITE AREA EMERCDCY GENERAL EHERCENCY Any one of the f olloutng conditions: NOTE I.) Transportation of contaminated 0FF-SITE FROTECTIVE ACTION 1:J: red todividual from site to sif;tta hospital. RECfDGENDATIONS ARE RF1)UIRED - SEE EF-2-052. 2.) Other plant conditions exist I.) Other plant conditions estet ,l.) Other plant conditions.esist 8.) Other plant conditions exist that. In the optaton of the $5/EC. that, in the opinion of the SS/EC. that, in the opinion of the SS/EC that. In the opinion of the SS/EC warrant increased awareness on the warrant precautionary activation of warrant activation of emergency could result in a Core Melt Sequence part cf the plant operating staff or Technical Support Center and placing centers and monitoring teena or a or a release of radioactivity to the trata or local authoritiest or Emergency Operations Factitty and precautionary notification to the environment such that resultant dose requira plant shutdown under other key emergency personnel on public near the site. at the site boundary could reach or technical specification requiremente; standby. exceed the EPA Frotective Action Cutdelines of 1.0 rem whole body or 3 tavolve other than normal 5 rene to the thyroid. conte:lled shutdown. EF-t-001 Revision 6 19 Attachment 7.1 TAS H (1 of !) 4

b. J Q



      $iuE $ vsI $


                                             /    -

Revieved: h u b i r > , r :... r i f' PORC Cha an Approved: 4 kvv IN Plant Ma' nager-Nuclear Approval Date Effcctive Date O i I

        ,                                  R.rJ1r4 COVIA SEIT gg7;rg cy;            EP-1-010 - Unusual Event (Rev. 8)                                                 l h2C RI7TEJ The PORC has reviewed this ites and de ard ed tha: a safary evalua:1cs was perfer=ad (as applicable), tha: an unreviewed safe:7 ques:1:n does no: exist (as applicable),                 l that a cha=ga to the Technical Specifiesticus is no: required, and that nuclear safe:7               '

is/vas =c: advarsely affec:ed. 1

     'ORDI2                                                                   RICOEMDCC                    '

07 PCRC EEf3II PORC MEMBER FOR APPROVAL DATI II71rJ SIGNATURI YIS i NO Maistacasea Supar1=:andas: kg[/ ,$6h J 5'/7)SI C;arations Superi==anda=: [y gg ggggy 7977 - Radia:1:n Protecti:n, 7 Super 1=:endas: [ f J/ IS Plan: Qualiry ya ag,, $jm =j - j / F/P/?y Tae"*-=1 Support l Suvaristanden: l Assista=: Pla=: Mmnarer PCIC &=d -=" [s v!J ~ OW /n' . PCRC Maa:1:3 No. 88- /Yc2-/ / I:an No.. M Data # - 8 " 2'6 This itas is rac=== ended for approval? hTIS O No his 1:a= requires 52 carac ravtav prior :o 1..pla===:a:1:n? OTS E so if yes, assura docu=a=:stien support 1=g ray 12v is a:: ached. This 1:a= requires QA review prior :o PM-N approval? C TIS NO OA R T_rJ Rcviaved by e Jew DATI /A-- Corpora:a QA Managar 7'_rt" y>27ACT?.-VCC.IAR APPROVAL (REFER TO C _ ants: Approved by M/h DATI NN>- l Plan: .. anger-Nuclear CIT-1-004, Revisicn 6 10 At:schnent 6.1,(' of 1)

WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST (lPOM l[lPORC-S/C Procedure No. E f- h /O Title [/ovSoul 8vted Effective D'te a (if different from approval date) Complete A, B, and C A'. Change No. E% l[l Permanent l[l Deviation Expiration Date B. RevisionNo.h C. Deletion l[ LYES l$NO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION f% 'M + ems n h,vc,4' 4 "c,U %6/ Q,6loen: t & d Q in L ot; w a y spos. REASON FOR CHANGE, REVISION, OR DELETION I  % npbk wh . 6 I g . v - - REQUIRED SIGNATL ORIGINATOR [ DATE SAFETY REVIEW Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR? YES NO Y
2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR? YES NO Y
3. Conduct tests / experiments no't described in the FSAR7 YES NO Y
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NOX ,
                                    .If the answer to an of t                 bove is yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Safet      v        ton SAFETY REVIEW
                                                                 ,                                                      DATE     2- 3o -8f TECHNICAL REVIEW MMb                                           ,


  • DATE l
  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days.

UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1) l .




 !                                                                                                                                                                                                                     i TECHNICAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE FORMED                                      l[]YES l@ NO LIST SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS / DEPARTMENTS                                                   .

i 'l

1. Is this procedure, revision, change, or deletion technically and administrative 1y correct? dlYES l[lNO
2. Is this procedure, revision, or change capable of being performed?
                                                                                                                                                              $ LYES ((lNO
3. Is this procedure, revision, change or deletion compatible with other plant procedures? l3lYES l[lNO

{ 4. Does this procedure, revision, or change reference 4 and adequately implement (or in the case of a deletion, adequately compensate for) commitments made in the FSAR, SER, and other licensing documents? l{jYES l__,l NO

5. Is this procedure, revision, change or deletion correctly numbered, formatted and prepared in accordance with j approved procedures?

l@ YES l((NO

6. Does this procedure, revision, change, or deletion adequately address and/or reference Technical Specifications and other matters that may affect nuclear ,

safety? l% YES ^ l[l NO i 7. Were the Safety Review questions on the New Procedure Request or Change / Revision / Deletion Request properly answered?

                                                                                                                                                           @ YES             l[lNO
8. Does the Safety Evaluation, if applicable, provide adequate bases and justification as to whether or not an unreviewed safety question exists?

klYES l[lNO , I I have reviewed this procedure and all items checked "NO" above have been resolved with the Author (or responsible Group Head) and documented on Document Review Comment sheets. i i ASSIGNED TECHNICAL REVIEWER _ y DATE 7!?e 88 i i UNT-1-003 Revision 8 46 Attachment 6.10 (1 of 1)

                                . - . - - . . . ~ . . -                                                  . -                 . . . . - . _ . .                           - - -.. .- __                 . .

4 b 6- ! , Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-010 Unusual Event Revision 8 i j l ! TABLE OF CONTENTS  ! i i j 1.0 PURPOSE j



4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE l 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS i- !. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS j 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines (1 Page)

,                 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist (1 Page) 1 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l' l

i I 1 1 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES I l Title Revision 8 1

1-6 Revision 8 8 Resision 7 l

! 7 Revision 5 , i i I iO 1 NS30309EPG 1 , l

                                                       . , - . , . . . , . . , , - - . , . . , - , , - - , - , , - - - . _ -                  -_,._,,,_-,-n            -       .-r-    ~ ~ , .-v- yg       , - -
   -. .-                 -- .-           - . - . - - - - - _ . . . - . . . - - . - .                                 - ...--._ - .       ..   ~_ ..

e . i' < Emergency Plan Implementing Instructfon EP-1-010 ' Unusual Event Revision 8 I l 1.0 PURPOSE To outline the actions to be taken for an emergency condition at the 1 Unusual Event Level. s ' 4 1 i NOTE ,, The normal on-shift complement of personnel , is considered sufficient to respond to an f l l Unusual Event. Activation of other LP&L emergency organizations is optional. l l


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan

  • i
2.2 EP-1-001, Recognition and Classification of Emergency Conditions t 2.3 Emergency Management Resources Book

} 2.4 EP-1-020, Alert 2.5 EP-1-030, Site Area Emergency l 2.6 EP-1-040, General Emergency 2.7 EP-2-010, Notifications and Communications l 2.8 EP-2-031, In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During Emergencies 2.9 EP-2-100, Technical Support Center (TSC) Activation, Operation, and l Deactivation 2.10 EP-2-101, Operational supporc Center (OSC) Activation, Operation, and l Deactivation 1 2.11 EP-2-150, Emergency Plai Implementing Records l 2.12 FP-1-020, Fire Emergency - Fire Report , t 2.13 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES J l 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of ' j this procedure. 3.2 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the actions j as outlined in this procedure are carried out. j 3.2 The Shift Supervisor is the Emergency Coordinator until properly !, relieved by the Duty Plant Manager. I 2 c .-,, , .. - , . , - . . ,

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-010 () Unusual Event Revision 8 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS This procedure is to be initiated upon reaching the following conditions: 4.1 Whenever an Unusual Event is recognized and classified per EP-1-001. 4.2 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Sound the station alarm. 5.2 Make the following announcement (s): 5.2.1 " ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL; ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: AN UNUSUAL EVENT HAS BEEN DECLARED DUE TO (announce reason for declaration of Unusual Event). ALL MEMBERS OF THE ON-SHIFT EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION REPORT TO YOUR STATIONS. ALL OTHER PERSONNEL SHOULD CONTINUE WITH , THEIR NORMAL DUTIES UNLESS FURTHER INSTRUCTION IS GIVEN. THE MALNTENANCE RADIO FREQUENCY IS NOW DEDICATED FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY." ( ) 5.2.2 If there is a localized emergency (e.g., fire), announce its type and l 4 location and instruct personnel to stand clear of this area (refer to 1 FP-1-020). 5.2.3 Repeat the announcement (s). . NOTE If an Unusual Event has been declared, and in the opinion of the SS/EC contacting

the Duty Plant Manager will prevent

! completing the off-site notifications i within the 15 minutes required by

regulation, the SS/EC shall direct the Emergency Communicator to begin off-site l notifications (5.5).

3 lO 4 l

l l

    .                                                                                             l Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                            EP-1-010 Unusual Event                                                     Revision 8 3

5.3 Make initial contact with the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). 5.3.1 If the Duty Plant Manager cannot be reached, contact any of the alternate Duty Plant Mangers (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). 5.3.2 Upon contact with the Duty Plant Manager, discuss the following: Nature of situation Classification Action taken or to be taken Need to call in additional support personnel Advise that the Duty EOF Director be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). Advise that the Duty Technical Spokesperson be contacted by the Duty 1 Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). NOTE If conditions exist that could be hazardous to those i personnel reporting to the site, provide instructions ! for appropriate protective actions including use of I alternate routes, activation of backup facilities, l etc., as necessary; by completing Attachment 7.3, Answering Machine Message, of EP-2-010.


] 5.4 If necessary, activate the on-site Emergency Response Organization by directing the Emergency Communicator to activate the Emergency Pager i System in accordance with EP-2-010, Attachment 7.1, Section I. 5.5 Complete Attachment 7.5 of EP-2-010, Initial Notification Form, and provide the form and the agencies to be notified to the Emergency 1 Communicator. Direct the Emergency Communicator to commence initial off-site notifications of the appropriate organizations listed below in accordance with EP-2-010: 5.5.1 St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - Notify , within 15 minutes of declaration. 4

   -                    ~ . - -                          -_. . _ . _ - _ . _ _ - . . - . _ . - - . -
       -                                                                                                                                                                        )

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-010 Unusual Event Revision 8  ; l 5.5.2 St. John the Baptist Parish EOC - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. j 5.5.3 Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED) - Notify wirlda 15 minutes of declaration. 5.5.4 Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (LOEP) - Notify within j 15 minutes of declaration. ' j 5.5.5 Waterford I and 2 - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration, but 3 after above notifications. ! 5.5.6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Notify immediately after the above notifications, not later than one hour of declaration'.

5.5.7 U. S. Coast Guard - As necessary.
                , 5.5.8 Missouri Pacific Railroad - As necessary.

l 5.5.9 American Nuclear Insurers-(ANI) - As necessary. f 5.6 Perform facility accountability activities as necessary in accordance with EP-2-190. ! 5.7 As additional information becomes available, update the Emergency 5 Communicator by completing Attachment 7.7 of EP-2-010, Follow-up Notification Form. Direct the Emergency Communicator to conduct l g additional updates to off-site agencies in accordance with EP-2-010. E 5.8 Direct a Health Physics Technician to initiate in-plant radiological controls in accordance with EP-2-031 if a real or potential radiological hazard exists. { { 5.9 Initiate any additional response measures in accordance with [ applicable emergency procedures listed in Attachment 7.1. 5.10 As conditions change, periodically check EP-1-001 to determine whether i j reclassification is necessary. b ! Ensure the station alarm is sounded before making the j announcement that an emergency has been reclassified l (see EP-1-020, EP-1-030, or EP-1-040). !O

5 I


  • i
      ,                                                                                                        i
    ,                                                                                                          l i


   !,s       Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                             EP-1-010

(.,) Unusual Event ' Revision 8 5.10.1 If reclassification is necessary, then reclassify the emergency in accordance with EP-1-001 and implement appropriate Implementing Instruction EP-1-020, EP-1-030, or EP-1-040. 5.10.2 Obtain a copy of, and complete, Attachment 7.2, Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist, to evaluate a decision to terminate the existing emergency condition. 5.10.3 If closecut is appropriate, then close out the emergency with a verbal summary to all agencies / personnel as indicated on Attachment 7.13 of EP-2-010 and refer to EP-2-170 to initiate any appropriate recovery activities. 5.10.4 .When reclassifying, ensure that the answering machine message tape reflects the most current emergency classification, or the appropriate " Facility Activated" announcement as per EP-2-010, Attachment 7.9, 7.10, 7.11 or 7.12. 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS b

 \,,,/       6.1 The Unusual Event has been closed out with normal station administration resumed and appropriate recovery activities underway or the emergency is reclassified.

7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist 1 i 6

l t O PROCEDURE REFERENCE FOR ADDITIONAL RESPONSE GUIDELINE 3 Topic Reference Personnel EP-2-020, Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel EP-2-030, Emergency Radiation Exposure Guidelines and Controls EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination EP-2-081, Search and Rescue FP-1-020, Fire Emergency - Fire Report l UNT-7-018,First Aid and Medical Care Radiation Releases EP-2-060, Radiological Field Monitoring Administration EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments EP-2-140, Reentry j EP-2-170, Recovery Emergency Management Resources Book x

Security PS-16-102, Security Response During Operating Emergencies PS-18-101, Standard Responses to Safeguards Contingencies i

a i i i

EP-1-010 Revision 5 7 Attachment 7.1 (1 of 1)

c LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT UTluTIES SYSTEM POM VOLUME 18 EP-1-010 POM SECTION 2 REVISION 9 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING INSTRUCTION, UNUSUAL EVENT C PORC Meeting No. h/ Reviewed:/ ' Of" (O smn ss 42 3 / PORC Chairman Date Approved ht m 82367 ant Manager-Nuclepr Appkovai Date i Effective Date O - 1

RE73'J CCVI3.5 --4 l RE737 CT: I'/ NM ' /'// W- A d' ' l l l l /C1tC RE7U'J The PCRC has reviewed this item and datarnised that a safety evaluation was perfor=ad ! (as applicabid , that an unreviewed safety question does not exist (as applicabla), that a chsage to the Technical Specifications is not required, sad that nucisar safat7 is/was not adversely affected. ~ i

                    ' CIDER                                                                                                                                      n rr m orrvn gs 07                       PCRC 3G2f1Z1                                         PORC N maru                                        FOR AFFROVAL                      DATI 1I737                                                                                  . SIGNATJRE                                            YES      I  No Maintenance                                               'l<,                  ,
                                                                                                                                                                                              -g jd-3 Superistandant                                          .OlrD1%rN                                                                                    .

operations s Superiatandant gh/));ch,e;x. NW / .t -tJ y r Radiacima Protection. Superistandant LINC 'i - ' '

                                                                                                                                                                    /                                '

g, f'46 / eM -

                                                                                                                                                                                              >dJ/pf Tashnisal Support                                   ,/                                                                                                             i l


                                                                                                  '! Y b $ w                                                        /                          03VW              !

e _ N't- l E 24 57 O -- M ./ - 1 -

                                                                                                                                                                                              .'.      c. .      ;

PCRC Maeting Be. #4'-/6 Itas Es #- 'Datas f -J ~r'-055 I This itan is ressuaanded for approva17 Y TES O no .


j This itan requires SEC/NEC review prior to implementaties? O TzS G we l If yes, ensure doctmaatation supporting review is attached. 1 l This igen requires QA review prist ts FM-N approvalt O Tx3 - no I CA RZYIZil _ ! Reviewed by 13/ o DATE A I/'/y { Corporata QA Manager l l ! FULNT '%NACTR-VUC'.ZAR AFMOVAL (REFER TO l ! 1 Ceanents ' i l Approved by C / '+- DATE /L / /7' Flaat .". anger-Nuclear l UNT-1-004, Revision 6 18 Attachamac 6.1 (1 og 1)


      ,                                                                                      WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANUAL                         Check Block Below y         CHANGE / REVISION /DELET, ION REQUEST (POM l[lPORC-S/C Procedure No. N- / O/O                                                         Title      b64>9ev[ b W Effective Date                                        "
                                                                          ~.                   (if different from approval date)

! Complete A, B, and C 1 A. Change No. M/A Expiration Date l[l Permanent l[l Deviation B. C Revision No. l C.. Deletion (( LYES kNO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION [N.ul.d A.VC L N A*.A h b W W v5"- i i in Tr-(c -o/o PrW6,6 ' L t ,

;       .      REASON FOR CHANGE, REVISION, OR DELETION                                                                                                           ;
 ,                                                       % A !l A : cyt                        CV     A. 9               e-   nh      -
                                                                                                                                         &u:%c2c5 a                     n oh                                   -


                                                                                  -          ^                           '

! REQUIRED SIGNAT'URES' #[ ' ORIGINATOR (- DATE b" ' l SAFETY REVIEW . ! Does this change, revision, or deletion: j 1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR? YES NO Y'

2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR7 YES NO N

{ 3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR7 YES NO V

4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications?

i YES NO / } If the answer to an of abe n)is yes, complete and attach a

 .                 10CTR50.59 Safety                                                to                                                                             .


                                                                                                                                            'M M [
!             TECHNICAL REVIEW                                        Mbh                       _ .


  • DATE l 1  ;
  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within i

14 days. i i l 1.HT-1-003 Revision 8 '3 i Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1) i 1 ,

t 4

             -               Emargsncy Plan Impismanting Instruction                                                                                                            EP-1-010 I                    >

Unusual Event Revision 9 iO l-TABLE OF CONTENTS t i

!                            1.0 PURPOSE i



i }

!                            3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES i



6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 4 i j 7.0 ATTACHMENTS , I 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines (1 Page)  !

 ,                           7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist (1 Page) l l

i LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES i i ! Title Revision 9 ' 1-8 Revision 9 , 1 l 10 Revision 7  ; I 9 Revision 5 l .i  ! I b t i f 4 1 {  ;

     , .           --,                 .-----.-c--,--,             --- --            ... - --,,_       . . . . , . . . . . - - . , , , - . _ , - , - . , . _ - , , , - - - -                          ,  . , , < , , - - . ,
                                      -     Emargsney Plan Imp 1.sminting Instructfon                                 EP-1-010 Unusual Event                                                      Revision 9 1.0 PURPOSE 1

To outline the' actions to be taken for an emergency condition at the { Unusual Event Level. 1 i 4 . i NOTE i

i. -
The normal on-shift complement of personnel l is considered sufficient to respond to an j

Unusual Event. Activation of other LP&L ] emergency organizations is optional. I l


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 EP-1-001, Recognition and Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.3 Emergency Management Resources Book }  ?.4 EP-1-020, Alert l 2.5 EP-1-030, Site Area Emergency 7.6 EP-1-040, General Emergency  ! ! 2.7 EP-2-010 Notifications and Communications f I  : l 2.8 EP-2-031 In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During Emergencies l 2.9 EP-2-100, Technical Support Center (TSC) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation t 2.10 EP-2-101, Operational Support Center (OSC) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation

i J

2.11 EP-2-150 Emergency Plan Implementing Records l 2.12 FP-1-020 Fire Emergency - Fire Report . 2.13 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability j 2.14 ffMT-6-010. Event Evaluation and Reporting ' i O l I 2 l 4

Emergency Plan Inplementing Instruction EP-1-010

 ,     Unusual Event                                                     Revision 9 r8 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

3.2 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the actions as outlined in this procedure are carried out. 3.2 The Shift Supervisor is the Emergency Coordinator until properly relieved bv the Duty Plant Manager. 4.0 TNITIATING CONDITIONS This procedure is to be initiated upon reaching the 'ollowing conditions: 4.1 Whenever an Unusual Event is recognized and classified per EP-1-001. 4.2 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Sound the station alarm. 5.2 Make the following announcement (s): 5.2.1 "A7ENTION ALL PERSONNEL; ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: AN UNUSUAL EVENT HAS BEEN DECLARED DUE TO (announce reason for declaration of Unusual Event). ALL MEMBERS OF THE ON-SHIFT EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION REPORT TO YOUR STATIONS. ALL OTHER PERSONNEL SHOULD CONTINUE WITH THEIR NORMAL DUTIES UNLESS FURTHER INSTRUCTION IS GIVEN. THE MAINTENANCE RADIO FREQUENCY IS NOW DEDICATED FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY." ,f ) v 3

                                                                                                                 =_.___ -_. .                _      _      _
Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-010
                               . Unusual Event                                                                                            Reviston 9                     i 5.2.2                     If there is a localized emergency (e.g., fire), announce its type and                                        ,

location and instruct personnel to stand clear of this area (refer to ] FP-1-020). t t ] 5.2.3 Pepeat the announcement (s).


If an Unusual Event has been declared, and in the opinion of the SS/EC contacting the Duty Plant Manager will prevent completing the off-site notifications

;                                                                 j within the 15 minutes reautred by 1

regulation, the SS/EC shall direct the l Emergency Communicator to begin off-site ) l , notifications (5.5). I i i 5.3 thke initial contact with the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the j Emergenev Management Resources Booki.  ! j 5.3.1 I' the Duty Plant Manager cannot he reached, contact'any of the j alternate Duty Plant Mangers (Refer to the Emergency Management I Resources Book). i I i-5.3.2 Upon contact with the Duty #1 ant Manager, discuss the following: E 4 Nature of situation 4 i l Classification Action taken or to be taken  !

!O 5.3..'.4 Need to call in additional support personnel i ) i-4 ! 4 i

j Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-010 Unusual Event Revision 9

. O    Advise that the Duty' EOF Director be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book).

i Advise that the Duty Technical Spokesperson be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book).

NOTE If conditions exist that could be hazardous to those personnel reporting to the site, provide instructions for appropriate protective actions including use of alternate routes, activation of I

backup facilities, etc., as necessary; by completing Attachment 7.3, Answering Machine Message, of EP-2-010. 5.4 If necessary, activate the on-site Emergency Response Organization by directing the Emergency Communicator to activate the Emergency Pager

System in accordance with EP-2-010. Attachment 7.1, Section I.

5.5 Complete Attachment 7.5, initial Notification Form, Attachment 6.4 of a ! UNT-6-010 (for NRC initial. notification only) or Attachment 7.7, Follow-up Notification Form as appropriate of EP-2-010, and provide the form and the agencies to be notified to the Emergene" Communicator. Direct that the Emergency Communicator commence initial off-site notifications of the appropriate organizations listed below in accordance with EP-2-C10: i 5.5.1 St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - Notify within i 15 minutes of declaration. ,O r v 5 ,, 1 e f /

                           -   JL    - -                               -        -     , ,.

l l Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-010 Unusual Event Revision 9 v 5.5.2 St. John the Baptist Parish EOC - Notify within 15 minutes of j declaration. 5.5.3XLouisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED) - Notify within 15 minutes of dect.aration. 5.5.4 Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness-(LOEPT - Notifv within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.5.5 Waterford 1 and 2 - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration, but after above notifications. i 5.5.6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Notify immediately after the above notifications, not later than one hour of declaration.


5.5.7 U. S. Coast Guard - As necessarv. 5.5.8 Missouri Pacific Railroad - As necessary. 5.5.9 American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) - As necessary. 5.6 Perform facility acenuntability activities as necessary in accordance with EP-2-190. 5.7 As additional information becomes available, update the Emergency Communicator by completing Attachment 7.7 of EP-2-010, Follow-up , Notification Form. Direct the Emergency Communicator to conduct additional updates to off-site agencies in accordance with EP-2-010. 5.8 Direct a Health Physics Technician to initiate in-plant radiological controls in accordance with EP-2-031 if a real or potential radiological hazard exists. s_- 6

                                                                                                                                                         . w.. % ;
                                                        > ~                           ~                            ,
         '                                                                                                                                                             l 1
                                                                                                                                                                    ,I Emergency Plan Implementing Tnstruction                                                    .EP-1-010
     ,     Unusual Event
  • Revision 9  !

( , j 5.9 Initiate any additional response measures in accordance with applicable emergency procedures lis'ted in Attachment 7.1. 5.10 As conditions change, periodically check EP-1-001 to determine whethkr reclassification is necessarv.. i NOTE 4 i Ensure the station alarm is sounded,before making the announcement that an emergency has i been reclassified (see EP-1-020. EP-1-030, or , EP-1-040). 5.10.1 If reclassification is necessary, then reclassify the emergency in accordance with EP-1-001 and implement appropriate Implementing Instruction EP-1-020. EP-1-030, or EP-1-040 5.10.2 Obtain a copy of, and cemplete. Attachment 7.2, Emergency


Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist, to evaluate a decision to 4 terminate the existing emergency condition. N f

5.10.3 If closeout is appropriate, then close out the emergency with'a '

i verbal summary to all agencies / personnel as indicated on ' 4 Attachment 7.13ofEP-2-010-andrefertoEP-2fl70toinitiateany I appropriate recovery activities. . .m 5.10.4 When reclassifying, ensure that the answering machine message tape reflects the most current emergency classification, or the appropriate " Facility Activated" announcement 'as per EP-2-010, , s s 4 Attachment 7.9, 7.10, 7.11 or 7.12'. . I T . ) d t-7 , i i- '\ , [.g

                                 .   .-     - .---,+.s.   . - .       , , . - , . - .       .            , . . - -        - , , , . - . - , . -



6,. , s',1 N Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-010 Unusual Event Revision 9 t 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS l' 6.1 The Unusual Event has been closed out with normal station l r (, administration resumed and appropriate recovery activities underway

or the emergency is reclassified.

4 i 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 1 { 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist i I

',                                                                                                                                                            \

s 4 l


) l , 4 l I I e i . I 4 k l O . 1 [- $ s P

      . , - . . - . - - . - . - - . . . . . , . - -                . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . , . - - . . . ~ , - - - - - - - - - - , - , , . - - - . - , - . . . . . . .            . . , . - - - - - . -
c. .

e c PROCEDURE REFERENCE FOR ADDITIONAL RESPONSE GlTIDELINES Topic Reference Personnel EP-2-0?0, Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel EP-2-030. Emergency Radiation Exposure Guidelines and Controls EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination EP-2-081, Search and Rescue FP-1-020, Fire Emergency - Fire Report UNT-7-018,First Aid and Medical Care Radiation Releases EP-2-060, Radiological Field Monitoring Administration EP-7-130, Emergency Team Assignments EP-2-140, Reentry EP-2-170, Recovery Emergency Management Resources Book Security 'S-16-102 P Security Resporse During Operating Emergencies PS-18-101. Standard Responses to Safeguards Contingencies O EP-1-010 Revision 5 9 Attachmert 7.1 (1 of li

4 EMERGENCY C00RDINATOR'S CLOSE-0UT CHECKLIST i INSTRUCTION O 1. This checklist shall be used by the Emergency Coordinator to evaluate a decision to terminate an existing emergency condition. All criteria shat.1 be met.

2. This e ecklist, completed and signed by the Emergency Coordinator, is ap quisite for initiation of the Recovery Organization in accordan eswith EP-2-170.

p.. 1 (CRTTERIA CRITERIA MET (Initialsi 1.

                      ,                             /

The plant is i a stable configuration with adequate core c oling.

2. In-plant radiat<on levels are stable or decreasing with ime.
3. The release of r dioactiv materi to the environment is co'ntroll' th re is no significant potential. or addi onal uncontrolled releades.
4. All safety systems necess ry to ntai the w plant in a stable configurati are op rable.


k. / A
5. Fires are extinguished; flooding cond tions and any other site damage are under contro .

1 j 6. All vital areas requiring occupancy a j habitable. l 7. / ,/' Site security control is established. / , 8. Contaminated iniured personnet have be' n transported to a hospital.

9. All implementing procedures, have been . -sm closed out or are determined to remain '%ss active with responsibility for their completion and closure assigned to an individual.

l Approval to terminate emergenev condition granted by: i

!                                              Date:                                   Time:

Emergency Coordinator 1 lO i i ! EP-1-010 Revision 7 10 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1)


           "         Louisiama O                   POWER & LIGHT N$s sysYdU POM VOLUME    18                                          EP-1-020 POM SECTION    2                                          REVISION   8 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING INSTRUCTION ALERT C) l t-e.g PORC Meeting N . [ h /

e3.2 Reviewed: A A ,; ,.3, [ cf % PORC Chairman i / Approved: )  % L un l N Plant Manager-Nuclear

                                                                           !)!   8 Approval Date l

l l Effective Date lO

                 .                                                 RI7Ir4 CC M SW- T RIT;IW OT:                               EP-1-020 - Alert (Rev. 8) h.C RI7IN The PORC has reviewed :his 1:e= and da:a&ed tha: a safa:7 avalua:1 = vas perfor=ed                                          I (as applicable), tha: as unraviewed safe:7 questic= does not axist (as applicabla),
ha: a cha=ge :o the Tech =1 cal Specificaciens is no: required, and that =uclear safe:7 is/vas =cc adversaly affac:ad.
              'ORDE                                                                                   RICO24'?IDID OF                        PORC l'l%3 3                      PORC MIMSIR              TCR AP?R07AL         DATI RI7:rJ                                                            SIGNATURI               US      i  NO Ma1===e2,ea Su,a i= a=ds==                   L4 due                         s                sNn-P':'=n=da=:                / s 4heef,                           /                n4f Radiati = P:oeactica.                        ,

Sups:1=ce=da=c , [ 5 Pla=c Quali=y U y ,,,, f,bg^ ^ /^ < WF/rr 1 Tae * " I Support i Su eri= =de== Assista== Pla== Mz=aeer . l I PC1C Chair.a=

                                                   .               /

s, / F[*[r-z>,+ .ls w / PCIC Mea:1:3 No. 6 / d I / Item No.. /6> Dasas F "F-M This 1:a= is rac===a= dad for app;cval? hTIS O NO This 1:a= requires SIC /NEC review prior to i..ple===:acic=? O TIS pNO If yes, e= sura decu=a= stics supporting reviav is a:: ached. This 1:e= requires QA review prior to PM-N approval? C TIS h NO OA RI7:I'J Reviaved by 1)f# DATI A)/a-- Corporata QA Manager PLMC ANACU 'CCtEAR A???.0 VAL (REFER TO C ==ents: Approved by M /W DATI / d//7""" J Plant *. anger-Nuclear UNT-1-004, Revision 6 18


                                                                               @POM l[lPORC-S/C Effective Date                           (if different from approval date)

Complete A, B, and C 'N  ! A. Change No. M k l[l Permanent'.l[l Deviation Expiration Date B. Revision No. 8 C. Deletion l[ LYES ((N0 - DESCRIPTIQN OF CHANGE OR MVISION CG u+ F-, s A< J # ktJ Li'd k hc w' . D L L.. '

                                                                       > L A w C' aA dos.'


                                    - A MQUIRED SIGNATURES g                       c ORIGINATOR         [/                                              DATE        3"I SArETYEvm # #

Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR? YES No I
2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR7 YES NO 8
3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR7 YES NO Y
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES No X If the answer to t, a ve is yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Safe us a r
                                                                                    )-3d-T SAFETY M VIEW                                                      DATE TECWICAL REVIEW N 1                   _


  • DATE
  • Temporary approval aust be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days. -

O . UNT-1-003 Revision 8 '3 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)


1. Is this procedure, revision, change, or deletion technically and administratively correct? l} YES l[lNO i 2. Is this procedure, revision, or change capable of j being performed?

l3 YES l[lNO [

3. Is this procedure, revision, change or deletion compatible.with other plant procedures? @ YES l[lNO i
4. Does this procedure, revision, or change reference and adequately implement (or in the case of a deletion, adequately compensate for) commitments made in the TSAR, SER, and other licensing documents? @ YES l[lNO O 5. Is this procedure, revision, change or deletion correctly' numbered, formatted and prepared in accordance with approved procedures? lj YES l[lNO 1 6. Does this procedure, revision, change, or deletion
adequately address and/or reference Technical .

J Specifications and other matters that may affect nuclear safety? @jYES l[lNO

7. Were the Safety Review questions on the New Procedure Request or Change / Revision / Deletion Request properly answered?

13 YES l[lNO

8. Does the Safety Evaluation, if applicable, provide adequate bases and .lustification as to whether or not an unreviewed safety question exists?

[ LYES l[lNO I ha~ve reviewed this procedure and all items checked "NO" above have been resolved with the Author (or responsible Group Nead) and documented on i Document Review Comment sheets. ASSIGNED TECHNICAL REVIEWER a- DATE M !83*

9 e ' <

UNT-1-003 Revision 8 46 Attachment 6.10 (1 of 1)

   - , , _ _ _ _ _ - - .    . . - . . - - - -       - - - - - - - , - - - - ~ - = - - -                   - - ~ * - ~ ' ' - ' ' ' ' "       ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ^ ~ ~  ' ^ ~ '       ~ ~ ~    ~'

I } 1 l Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP- 020 i 4


1  : I l 1-  ; i i TABLE OF CONTENTS I i L j i j 1.0 PURPOSE i



!                               3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES i

j 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS ' j ' ! . 5.0 PROCEDURE ' I L 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS . t i 7.0 ATTACMMENTS l 1 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines (1 page) 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist (1 page) i i LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES i i ' l Title Revision 8 l j 1-7 Revision 8 9 Revision 7 i 8 Revision 6  ; 1 ' I [ i i ! I


[ . i l I i a o I lO i NS10059EPG l I ! l l l


Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-020 (m) Alert Revision 8 1.0 PURPOSE To outline the actions to be taken for an emergency condition at the Alert Level.


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 EP-1-001, Recognition. and Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.3 EP-1-010, Unusual Event j 2.4 EP-1-030, Site Area Emergency 2.5 EP-1-040, General Emergency 2.6 EP-2-010, Notifications and Communications 2.7 EP-2-031, In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During Emergencies 2.8 EP-2-050, Offsite Dose Assessment (Manual) () 2.9 EP-2-051, Offsite Dose Assessment (Computerized) 2.10 EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines 2.11 EP-2-060, Radiological Field Monitoring 2.12 EP-2-100, Technical Support Center (T3C) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 2.13 EP-2-101, Operational Support Center (OSC) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 2.14 EP-2-150, Emergency Plan Implementing Records 2.15 Emergency Management Resources Book 2.16 EP-2-034, Onsite Surveys During Emergencies 3 2.17 FP-1-020, Fire Emergency - Fire Report 2.18 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability 2.19 UNT-7-018, First Aid and Medical Care 2.20 EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures 2.21 EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments 2.22 PS-16-103, Accountability of Personnel During Emergencies O) L 2

        .                                                                                  l
    .                                                                                      l Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                         EP-1-020 m

( ) Alert Revision 8 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of this procedure. 3.2 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the actions as outlined in this procedure are carried out. 3.3 The Shif t Supervisor is the Emergency Coordinator until properly relieved by the Duty Plant Manager. 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS This procedure is to be initiated upon reaching the following conditions: 4.1 Whenever an Alert is recognized and classified in accordance with EP-1-001. 4.2 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. O 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Sound the station alarm. 5.2 Make the following announcement (s): 5.2.1 " ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL; ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: AN ALERT HAS BEEN DECLARED DUE TO (announce reason for declaration of alert). ALL MEMBERS OF THE ON-SITE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION REPORT TO YOUR STATIONS. ALL OTHER PERSONNEL REPORT TO YOUR WORK STATIONS. (If the emergency is radiation oriented, add: "There will be no smoking, eating or drinking until further notice.")


5.2.2 If there is a localized emergency (e.g., fire), announce its type and location and instruct personnel to stand clear of this area (refer to FP-1-020). , 4 5.2.3 Repeat the announcement (s). O ( ,j 5.2.4 Consider site protective measures in accordance with EP-2-071. 3

  ,     Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                          EP-1-020 Alert                                                          Revision 8 NOTE If an Alert has been declared, and in the opinion of the SS/EC contacting the Duty Plant Manager will prevent completing the                        i off-site notifications within the 15 minutes required by regulation, the SS/EC                        !

shall direct the Emergency Communicator to begin off-site notifications (5.5). h 5.3 Hake initial contact with the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). 5.3.1 If the Duty Plant Manager cannot be reached, contact any of the - alternate Duty Plant Managers (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). l 5.3.2 Upon contact with the Duty Plant Manager, discuss the following: Nature of the situation classification Action taken or to be taken Need to activate emersecc.y response facilities Advise that th'e Duty EOF Director be contacted by the Duty Plant l Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). Advise that the Duty Technical Spokesperson be contacted by the I Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources ? j Book).  ! 9 i i *0TE . If conditions exist that could be hazardous to those personnel l

;              reporting to the site, provide instructions for appropriate                    ;

protective actions including use of alternate routes, activation of backup facilities, etc., as necessary, by completing Attachment  ! h 7.3, Answering Machine Message, of EP-2-010

O i


Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-020 () Alert Revision 8 , 5.4 Direct the Emergency Communicator to activate the Emergency Pager

!                                            System in accordance with EP-2-010, Attachment 7.1, Section I.

5.5 Complete Attachment 7.5, Initial Notification Form, or Attachment 7.7, Follow-up Notification Form as appropriate of EP-2-010 and provide the form and agencies to be notified to the Emergency Communicator. Direct the Emergency Communicator to commence initial off-site notifications of the appropriate organizations listed below in accordance with EP-2-010: 5.5.1 St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.5.2 St. John the Baptist Parish EOC - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.5.3 Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED) - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.5.4 Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (LOEP) - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. l( ) 5.5.5 Waterford 1 and 2 - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration, but

,                                                                          af ter above notifications.

I I 5.5.6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Notify immediately af ter

,                                                                          above notifications, not later than one hour.

5.5.7 Middle South Utilities - As soon as possible. 5.5.8 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) - As soon as possible. , 5.5.9 U.S. Coast Guard - As necessary. 5.5.10 Missouri Pacific Railroad - As necessary. 5.5.11 American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) - As necessary. 5.6 Ensure the following accountability activities are performed: 5.6.1 The Security Central Alarm Station / Secondary Alarm Station (CAS/SAS) Operator actuates the Accountability Keycard Readers in accordance . with PS-16-103. 5.6.2 Personnel accountability activities are performed in accordance with EP-2-190.

O 5

_ , . s __- . __ -_- . _ _ _ _ _ _

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-020 Alert Revision 8 5.7 As additional information becomes available, update the Emergency Communicator by completing Attachment 7.7, Follow-up Notification Form, of EF-2-010. Direct the Emergency Communicator to l conduct additional updates to offsite agencies in accordance with EP-2-010. 5.8 Initiate off-site, dose assessment in accordance with EP-2-050 for manual assessment or EP-2-051 for computerized assessment. Determine the need for protective action recommendations in accordance with EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines. 5.9 If radiological releases are occurring or anticipated, instruct the l Health Physics Coordinator to activate Radiological Field Monitoring Teams in accordance with EP-2'-130 and EP-2-060. 5.10 Initiate activation of the Technical Support Center in accordance with EP-2-100. 5.11 Initiate activation of the Operational Support Cc ster in accordance with EP-2-101. 5.12 Direct the Health Physics Coordinator and/or the Radiological Controls Coordinator to initiate in plant radiological controls in accordance with EP-2-031 if a potential radiological hazard exists and to perform on-site surveys as necessary in accordance with EP-2-034. 5.13 Ensure that emergency logs / records are kept in accordance with EP-2-150. 5.14 Initiate any additional response measures in accordance with the applicable emergency procedures listed in Attachment 7.1. 5.15 As conditions change, periodically check EP-1-001 to determine whether reclassification is necessary. O 6 I

r , l 1 Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-020 j Alert Revision 8 NOTE Ensure the station alarm is sounded prior to making the announcement that the emergency has been reclassified - whether it is an increase or decrease in classification.(See EP-1-010, EP-1-030 or EP-1-040) . 5.15.1 If reclassification is necessary, then reclassify the emergency ! in accordance with EP-1-001 and implement the appropriate Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction: EP-1-410, EP-1-030 or EP-1-040. 5.15.2 Obtain a copy of, and complete, Attachment 7.2, Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist, to. evaluate a decision to terminate the existing emergency condition. 5.15.3 If closeout is appropriate, then close out the emergency with a verbal summary to all agencies / personnel as indicated on Attachment 7.13 of EP-2-010 and implement EP-2-170 to initiate . recovery activities. 5.15.4 When reclassifying, ensure that the answering machine message tape reflects the most current emergency classification, or the appropriate " Facility Activated" announcement as per [ EP-2-010, Attachment 7.9, 7.10, 7.11 or 7.12. 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS g 6.1 The Alert has been closed out with normal station administration < resumed and recovery activities initiated in accordance with EP-2-170 or the emergency is reclassified, i 7.0 ATTAC10ENTS 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist O 7

r e a PROCEDURE REFERENCE FOR ADDITIONAL RESPONSE GUIDELINES f:CJ Topic Reference Personnel EP-2-020, Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel EP-2-030, Emergency Radiation Exposure Guidelines and Controls EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination EP-2-081, Search and Rescue FP-1-020, Fire Emergency - Fire Report l


UKT-7-018, First Aid and Medical Care Adminstration EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments EP-2-140, Reentry EP-2-170, Recovery Emergency Management Resources Book Security PS-16-102, Security Response During Operating Emergencies PS-18-101, Standard Responses to Safeguards Contingencies / EP-1-020 Revision 6 8 Attachment 7.1 (1 of 1)


1. Thig checklist shall be used by the Emergency Coordinator to evaluate a A cision to terminate an existing emergency condition. All criteria 4hal h met.
2. is ch ist, completed and signed by the Emergency Coordinator, is a prefe luisite for initiation of the Recovery Organization in accordagcewithEP-2-170.


1. The plant is i a stable configuration with adequate core cooling. -
2. In plant radiation lev are table or decreasing with time.
3. The release of radioactive y crial to the environment is controlled and there is no significant potential for additional uncontrolled releases.

p 4. All safety systems necessary to op ntain the v) ( 5. plant in a stable configuration are operable, Fires are extinguished; flooding conditi and any other site damage are under contr .

6. All vital areas requiring occupancy are habitable.
7. Site security control is established.
8. Contaminated injured personnel have been transported to a hospital.
9. All implementing procedures, have been closed out or are determined to remain \

active with responsibility for their completion and closure assigned to an individual. Approval to terminate emergency condition granted by: Date: Time: Emergency Coordinator I .I w/ EP-1-020 Rev. 7 9 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1)



    .10CLE SOUTH
    .iluT:ES SVSTEM POM VOLUME    18                                        EP-1-020 POM SECTION    2                                        REVISION ,,9 EMERCENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING INSTRUCTION ALERT C

PORC Meeting No. [/ Reviewed:,(b (([br% PORC Chairman [/c28/[8 Date Approved: ht , f23!gS-PantManager-Nucle)r Apptbval Date Effective Date O

i (' . RZ72*T CC7E3, S - - . i g,,,,,,,w cy : / 'h?h.' m ! a s 'Y { 9k.'$ t d MRC RITIIW i The PORC has reviewed this itan and determined that a safety evaluatica was perfor=ed (as applicable), that an unreviewed saf ety question does not azist (as applicable), i that a chasse to the Techalaal Specifications is not required, and that nuclear safo:7 is/was set adversely affected. l l

                    'CIDEL                                                                                                                                                nrr morrmc                          '

07 70BC MIMEEE 701C MEMBE1 701 AF7R07AL DATI j RE7IEW SIGNATURE YZ5 i NO Maintamance - l 'l '/h. L h G:v rt. . i Superistandaat . operatisas Superiatandest /.1,j',j.)g;p/cy bf f h/.U'l


E' 7) *aT Radiastaa Fratection. ..- '/ t Superistandant . I'. [ L l . / -


i Plant Qual 1ry ,

                                                                                                                                                                                               ) ,fy,fef y,,,,,,                                              /.!    /   ~ - M                                                               -

T N ==1 Support

                                                                                                   /M'S /Mh-Supertasandant                                  6.                                                                                V                   4,/ > i s -

I PCRC Chaimaan


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                                                                                                   ,,          ,. .                   .f.                                  ..-                        ,a-l                       PcaC Meettag Ee. *'L/W                                                    Itas No                          8                                'Bata: # MN~C l                       This itas is ressamended for approvalf                                                   C TES                                        30 This itas requires SIC /NEC rettaw prter to implenestation?                                                                                   O TES                O NO If yes, ensure destamastattaa supporting review is attached.

! This its requires QA review prior to FM-N approval? TES v NO I 1 I ! CA RETIEW ~ l } Reviewed h Al/ /' Dart / ' / '*r l l Corporata QA Manager i ! Ft.AN"" w.ANACER-4UC'ZAR AF'ROVAL (REFER TO i l Co m tat i l O Approved by E / 'I' DATE '/F'


Flaat .~. anger-Nuclear UNT-1-004, Revision 6 18 _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _._ --..____-_.-.-_l

_. ._..m_ ___. _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ __ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ . l l j 'WATERFORD 3 SES i~ PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST l3POM l[lPORC-S/C Procedure No. ) -f"O 3-C Title MPPt ! Effective Date (if different from approval date) i Complete A. B. and C A. Chasse No. 4/.4- ((lPermanent Expiration Date 3 i l[l Deviation I B. Revision No. 9 , j C. Deletion l[ LYES lElNO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION [' \ + n . .,4 L12.C. 4,lbiJL

                                                                                          .%1 .4.e1 { l.hW eu['c u .

kuu (liG M ~ Clo

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  ~                            REAS0W FOR CRANGE. REVISION. OR DELETION                                                                                                        i W n CO te -                    tw             e! O       AE 0              %

kuc2v % p 1 aa & >As e 0 0 l 1,,m  : I O K0UIRED SIGNATUR W d


e 1 4 ORIGINATOR I/ . DATE f&)-jf . I i SAFETY MVIEW {/ *

!                             Does this chasse, revision, or deletion.                                                                                                         '
1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR7 US NO
2. Change the procedures as described in the TSAR 7 jl YES NO [  !
3. Conduct tests /esperiments not described in the FSAR7 RS NO Y t
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES N0 1

If the answer to an of t O s yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Safet va to .


, SAFE U MVIEW -f( Mn ~k3 ~K i j


j n CnNIC E M v!Ev 4 (' M A u Mn 6-c -B group Ma Ev!Ev ' B U L" .dA. i Mn Wi/r  ! l HMPOMRY APPROVE * (SRO) MR ' 1 HMPORMY AMOVE

  • MN i-
  • Temporary approval aust be followed by Plant Manager /APM N - Nuclear approval within l 14 days. >

llNT-1-003 Revision 8 '3 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)  !

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-020 , Alert Revision 9 O TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE


3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines (1 page) 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-out Checklist (1 page) LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Title Revision 9 1-9 Revision 9 11 Revision 7 10 Revision 6 l l 1

Fnergency Plan implementing instruction EP-t-020

   ,     Alert                                                                      Revision 9 4

1.0 PURPOSE l To outline the actions to be taken for an emergency condition at the j Alert Level. , r 1 2.0 PEFERENCES I l 2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emercency Plan

;        2.2         EP-t-001. Recognition and Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.3         EP-t-010. Unusual Event                                                     '

1 2.4 EP-t-030. Site Area Emergency { 2.5 EP-t-040. Constal Emergency 2.6 EP-2-010. Notifications and Communications 2.7 EP-2-031. In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During i Energencies 2.8 O 7.4 EP-2-050. Orfsite Dose Assessment (Manual) EP-7-051. Offsite Dose Assessment (Computertzed) i , 2.10 EP-2-052. Protective Action Cufdelines 2.11 EP-2-060. Radiological Field Monitoring . i 2.12 EP-2-100. Technical Support Center (TSC) Activation. Optration. anr1 Deactivation - 2.13 EP-2-101. Operational. Support Center (OSCt Activation. Doeration, and j Deactivation 2.14 EP-2-150. Emergency Plan Implementing Records

2.15 Energency Management Resources Book j 2.16 EP-2-034. Onsite Survevs During Emergencies 2.17 FP-1-020. Fire Emergency - Fire Report
2.18 EP-2-190. Personnel Accountability i

1.19 tmT-7-018. First Aid and Medical Care

2.10 EP-2-071. Site Protective Weasures 2.21 EP-2-130. Emergency Team Assignments

! 2.22 PS-16-103. Accountability of Personnel During Emergencies

-  ?.93 ffNT-6-010. Event Evaluation and Reporting 4

Emercrency Plan Implementing Instruction ED-1 n20 Alert Revision 4 l 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 1  ; 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for the implementation ot this procedure. 3.2 The Energency Coordinator is regponsible for ensuring that the actions as outlined in this procedure are carried out. i 3.3 The Shift Supervisor is the Emergency Coordinator uncti proper 1v 1 reifeved by the Duty Plant Manager. , 4.0  ??'ITIATING CONDITIONS , i This procedure is to be initiated upon reaching the following j conditionst a ,

;       4.1 tihenever an Alert is recognized and classified in accordance with                              '

1 EP-t-001. J 4.2 At the direction of the Emergenev Coordinator. i 5.0 PROCEDURE l i 5.1 Sound the station alarm. J 5.? ' fake the following announcement (s): 5.2.1 " ATTENTION Af,L PER$04NEL: ATTENTION ATA PERSONNEL: AN AI.ERT HAS REEN DECt.ARED DUE TO /announew ranson for declaration of alert). A!.L l'EMRERS OF THE ON-SITE EMERGENCY RESe0NSE ORCtNIZATION REPORT To YOUR STATIONS. At.L OTHER PERSONNEL REPORT TO YOffR WORK j STATIONS. (If the enraency is radiation oriented, add: "There will be no smoking, eatine. or irinkinR until further notice.") j "THE MAINTE'!ANCE RABio TPE0t'ENCY TS t'0V DEDICATE 9 FOR EMEftGENCY USE ONfY." 1

_ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ ~ _ _. - _ -- _ _ - . _ _ _ _ .- _ _ - - - . -- _ j, I Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-0?O

;      ,          Alert                                                                                  Revision 9 iO                                                                                                                           :

{ 5.2.2 If there is a localized emergency (e.g., fire), announce its type  ; and location and instruct personnel to stand clear of this area  ; l

                             '(reffer to FP-1-020).

I 5.2.3 Repeat the announcement (s). 1 i 1 5.2.4 consider nice protective measures in accordance with EP-2-071. I NOTE ,1, i i l i If an Alert has been declared, and in the i opinion of the SS/EC contacting the Duty , y Plant Manager will prevent completing the j off-site notifications within the 15 i minutes required by regulation, the SS/EC 4 shall direct the Emergency Communicator to i i ! begin off-site notifications (5.5). f i, l

!                                                                                                                        i l                  5.3 flake intrtal contact with the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency                          l Management Resources took),                                                                     h i

1 $.3.1 If the Duty Plant Manager cannot be reached, contact any of the , l i alternate Duty Plant Managers (Refer to the Emergency Management  ! l Resources Book). 1 i 3 ! 5.3.2 t1pon en9 tact with the Duty Plant Manaser, discuss the following ' I l N. a of the situation l i classification j Action taken or to be taken i i L Need to activate enertenev response 'acilitieg  ! 4  ! l

Emergency Plan Implerenting Instruction EP-1-020 Alert Revision 4  ; Advise that the Duty EOF Director be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). Advise that the Duty Technical Spokesperson be contacted by the Dutv Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). I NOTE If conditions exist that could be hazardous to those personnel reporting to the site, provide  ! instructions for appropriate protective actions including use of alternate routes, activation


of backup facilities, etc., as necessary, by  ; completing Attachment 7.3. Answering Machine [ Message, of EP-2-010 1 5.4 Direct the Emergency Communicator to activate the Emergency Pager Systen in accordance with EP-2-010. Attachment 7.1, Section I. 5.5 Complete Attachment 7.5. Initial Notification Form. Attachment 6.4 of  ; UNT-6-010 (for NRC initial notification ontv) or Attachment 7.7 Follow-up Notification Forn as aporopriate of EP-2-010 and provide the form and the agencies to be notified to the Emersency Conmunicator. Direct that the Emergency Communicator commence initial off-site notifications of the appropriate organizations Itsted below in accordance with EP-2-010: F 5.5.1 St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. Oss2 a > we 8 a Pei declaratten. e ri 8 toc - " ir w< 81 is i e e or 5

                                              -. . - -      - - . ~ .          _ - . _ - .  .- ~ . _ _ . - - - ,

j . 4 Emergency Plan Inplementing Instruction EP-1-020 i

    ,       Alert                                                             Revision 9

!O ! 5.5.3 Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED) - Notify within 15 I . minutes of declaration. I

1 j 5.5.4 Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparadness (LOEP) - Notify within 15 ninutes of declaration.

f l 5.5.5 Waterford I and 2 - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration, but after above notifications. ! 5.5.6 Nuclear Regulatory Coennission (NRC) - Notify inneediately af ter i above notifications, not later than one hour. i t i 5.5.7 Middle South Utilities - As soon as possible.' 1, j 5.5.8 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) - As soon as j oossible. t j 5.5.9 U.S. Coast Guard - As necessary. 5.5.10 Missouri Pacific Railroad - As necessary. i l 5.5.11 American Nuclear Insurers (ANT) - As necessarv' . l ] 5.6 Ensure the 'o11owing accountability activities are performed: i f 5.6.1 The Security Central Alarn Station / Secondary Alarm Station ! (CAS/SAS) Operator actuates the Accountability Kevcard Readers in 1 j accordance with PS-16-103. ) i i 5.6.2 Personnel accountability activities are performed in accordance

with EP-2-190.

l e i

5 Fmergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-020

   ,'   Alert                                                               Revision 0 m                               -

5.7 As additional informati6n becomes available, update the Emergency Communicator by, completing Attachment 7.7, Follow-up Notification' Form, of EP-2-010. Direct the Emergency Communicator to conduct additional updates to offsite agencies in accordance with EP-2-010. 5.8 Initiate off-site dose assessment in accordance with EP-2-050 for manual assessnent or ED-2-051 for computerized assessment. Determine the need for protective action recommendations in accordance with EP-2-052. Protective Action Guidelines. 5.9 If radiological releases are occurring or anticipated, instruct the Health Physics Coordinator to activate Radiological Field Monitoring Teams in accordance with EP-2-130 and FP-2-060. 5.10 Initiate activation of the Technical Support Center in accordance with EP-2-100, v 5.11 Initiate activation of the Operational Support Center in accordance  ; with EP-2-101. 5.12 Direct the Health Physics Coordinator and/or the Radiological , Controls Coordinator to initiate in-plant radiological controls in accordance with EP-2-031 if a potential,rsdiological har.ard exists , and to perform on-site surveys as necessary in accordance with EP-2-034 ' 5.13 Ensure that emergency logs / records are kept in accerdance with l, EP-?-150. 5.14 Initiate any additional response measures in accordance with the appitcable energency procedures Itsted in Attachment 7.1. 5.15 As conditions change, periodically check EP-1-001 to determine i whether reclassification is necessarv. l 7

Enargency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-020 Alert Revisfon 9 O f NOTE I Ensure the station alarm is sounded prior to making the announcenent that the emergencv has been reclassified - whether it is an increase or decrease in classification.(See EP-1-010. EP-1-030 or EP-1-040). 5.15.1 If reclassiffcation is necessary, then reclassify the emergency in accordance with EP-1-001 and implement the appropriate Emergency Plan implementing Instruction: EP-1-010 EP-1-030 or EP-1-040. 5.15.2 Obtain a copy of, and complete, Attachment 7.2, Emergency J Coordinator's Close-out Checklist, to evaluate a decision to terminate the existing emergency condition. 5.15.3 If closeout in appropriate, then close out the emergency with a verbal summary to all agencies / personnel as indicated on Attachment 7.13 of EP-2-010 and implement EP-2-170 to initiate recovery activities. 5.15.4 When reclassifying, ensure that the answering machine message tape re'lects the most current emergency classification, or the appropriate " Facility Activated" announcement as per EP-2-010 Attachment 7.9, 7.10, 7.11 or 7.12. 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 6.1 The Alert has been closed out with normal station administration resumed and recovery activities initiated in accordance with EP-2-170 or the l emergency is reclassified. 8

i e 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - i. S.  -

1 ,. L Energency Plan Implementin'g Instruction EP-1-020 1 - , Alert Revision 9 l

      .g                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .

j' s j 7.0 ATTACHMENTS J

- 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines i l ' 7. 2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist  !

i i l \ ! r s

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s ,/' k 5 9 .s 3 s f i.,-.. . . . . . _ . . _ . _ . . . _ _ , . .._ _ _ . . _ _ _ , _ . . _ . . _ _ _ . . ~ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ , . . . _ . , _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . _ . ,

PROCEDintE REFERENCE- FOR ADDITIONAL RESPONSE GliTDELINES l (~T Topic Reference d' e Personnel EP-2-020, Contaminated Iniured/Ill Personnel EP-2-030, Emergency Radiation Exposure


Guidelines and Controls \ EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination - EP-2-081 Search and Rescue FP-1-020, Fire Energency - Fire Report UNT-7-018, First Aid and Medical Care Adminstration EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments EP-2-140 Reentry EP-2-170 Recovery Emergency Management Resources Book t Security PS-16-102, Security Response During Operating

Emergencies PS-18-101, Standard Responses to Safeguards Contingencies /

4 1 l l i

  .             bi EP-1-020 Revision 6                                10                   Attachment 7.1 (1 of II


1. This checklist shall be used by the Emergency Coordinator to evaluate a decision to terminate an existing emergency condition. All criteria shall be met.
2. This checklist, completed and signed by the Emergency Coordinator, is a prerequisite for initiation of the Recovery Organization in accordance with EP-2-170.


1. The plant is in a stjble configuration with dequate core c fo' ng.
 ,           2. In-plant ra atd on levels are stable or decreas     with time.
3. The release of r dioactive e al t the environmene is e trolled a there s no significant poten al fo uncontrolled releases.
4. All safety systems necessary to intain e plant in a stable configuratio are oper .
5. Fires are extinguished; flooding con tions and any other site damage are under ontrol.
6. All vital areas requiring occupancy are habitable.
7. Site security control is established.
8. Contaminated injured personnel have been /

transported to a hospital.

9. All implementing procedures, have been closed out or are determined to remain active with responsibility for their completion and closure assigned to an individual.

Approval to terminate emergency condition granted by: Date: Time: Emergency Coordinator


EP-1-020 Revision 7 11 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1)

     ._y h                 LOUISIANA POWE R & LIGHT
     $?eSIs sysYIU              ~

POM VOLUME 18 EP-1-030 POM SECTION 2 REVISION 8 Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction Site Area Emergency O PORC Meeting No.

                                                              / i.,

Reviewed: d ; ,, ,, , . . , _ . _ _

                                           / GPORC C irman Approved: g_ n))             w/k Plant Manager-Nuclear 8'/ 7 /pr-Approval Date Effective Date l

1 RI7Ir4 CCVER S 7TT l gg7 _v.g gy. EP-1-030 - Site Area Emergency (Rev. 8) The PORC has reviewed this item and de:er d ed tha: a safe:y evalua:1:n was pe:for=ed (as applicable), tha: an u= reviewed safe:7 questien does =ot exist (as applicable), tha: a change to the Technical Specifics:icus is no: required, and that nuclear safecy < is/vas =ct adversely affec:ed.

     'ORDEl                                                                              RIC:20'?CED 07         PORC MIMSIR                              PORC MEM3Il                  70R AP?R07AI. DC 17 . SJ                                                   SIGNATURE                  T5.5   l  NO L/ e/ .wc/t Ma1=:ena ce Se,e:1=:e=de==
                                                                                           >             2h/n--

Operatic =s Supe:L: ende=1 }, h ///fsf8' fWV Radia 1:s ?;otec:1ct. - Superinte_ dent s I f[f/T5 Pla=1 Quali:7 ymg. ///f_ _ j M - n _. Te+d -=1 Supper l Superistende== l Assista== ?la= Ma=are: - ICIC '#~" gy !  ? CEC Mee:1:3 No. 86--/90 ' ' I aa No..

                                                                         /7          Date:    O[r-88 This item is rec == ended for app;cval?                     3 TIS       O NO This 1:e= requires 52C/NIC review pric: to 1 ple=es:2:1:n?                       OTS          g NO If yes, ensure dec=e= 2:1:n supporting review is at: ached.

Ms ite= :equires QA review prior to PM-N approval? C TIS NO CA ?ErJ Rcviewed by A)/A- DA"'I A)W Cc porace QA Manager PLA'i YRTACIR 'CCLEAR Au?ROVAI. (REFER TO Cc=ents : 1 Approved by N/A DATI /) /J Plan: .~.an g e r-N ucle a r L"IT-1-004, Revision 6 18 Attachmen: 6.1,(1 of 1)

WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST @POM ((lPORC-S/C hk b beMucy Procedure No. N-f-030' Title Effective D'te a (if different from approval date) Complete A, B, and C A'. Change No. YA- l[lPermanent l[l Deviation Expiration Date B. RevisionNo.b C. Deletion l[ LYES jfNO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION (brenn "(Al Eis, erstad Alt <A b><Y h h

                       %Lr3 % -~ - Of6 c h u & n s & J J c s s
                        % $>eh & M S d ) hv Sik % . bu Gr~hN $ arc                                                 <.



_ Tn rAIle. am n p2 .


REQUIRED SIGNATURES ( ORIGINATOR ( _ DATE 7 6 SAFETY REVIEW Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR? YES NO X
2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR?


3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR?. YES NO (
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NO X
                  .If the answer to any of                        ove is yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Safe        al              .o .         ,.


  • DATE i
  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days.

UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1) l .




1. Is this procedure, revision, change, or deletion i technically and administrative 1y correct? l{lYES l[lNO
2. Is this procedure, revision, or change capable of 1

being performed? l5lYES l[lNO

3. Is this procedure, revision, change or deletion .
compatible with other plant procedures? l3 YES l[lNO l l 4. Does this procedure, revision, or change reference j and adequately implement (or in the case of a deletion, adequately compensate for) coenitments
!    ...                          ande in the FSAR, SER, and other licensing documents?                                                        l@ YES       l-l NO
5. Is this procedure, revision, change or deletion correctly' .

4 numbered, formatted and prepared in accordance with j approved procedures? l9 YES l[lNo

6. Does this procedure, revision, change, or deletion adequately address and/or reference Technical i' Specifications and other matters that may affect nuclear safety?

l} YES l[lNO

7. Were the Safety Review questions on the New Procedure j

Request or Change / Revision / Deletion Request properly i i answered? l-l YES l[lNO I 8. Does the Safety Evaluation, if applicable, provide ] adequate bases and justification as to whether or not l an unreviewed safety question exists? [ LYES l[lNO I have reviewed this procedure and all. items checked "N0" above have been

resolved with the Author (or responsible Group Head) and documented on 1

Document Review Comment sheets. i ASSIGNED TECHNICAL REVIEWER _ _ DATE b8t9-N O !O UNT-1-003 Revision 8 46 ' Attachment 6.10 (1 of 1) t l i

     -       Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                                                                                        EP-1-030 Revision 8

Site Area Emergency TABLE OF CONTENTS i 1 1.0 PURPOSE




. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS - i 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines ( 1 page) 1 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist (1 page) LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Title Revision 8 f 1-9 Revision 8 I 11 Revision 7 10 Revision 4 e i I i l l O NS10060 1 l 1-.-_--_-_-._.--....-...- .- -. . - . . - , . - . . , - __ .. -. . . - . , _ . . . _ , - _-...-.

s Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency Revision 8 1.0 PURPOSE l To outline the actions to be taken for an emergency condition at the l ! Site Area Emergency level, i ,


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 EP-1-001, Recognition and Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.3 Emergency Management Resources Book I 2.4 EP-1-010, Unusual Event 2.5 EP-1-020, Alert ! 2.6 EP-1-040, General Emergency l 2.7 EP-2-010, Notifications and Communications

2.8 EP-2-031, In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During j Emergencies 2.9 EP-2-050, Offsite Dos'e Assessment (Manual) l 2.10 EP-2-051, Offsite Dose Assessment (Computerized) 2.11 EP-2-060, Radiological Field Monitoring i

2.12 EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures ' 2.13 r.P-2-100, Technical Support Center (TSC) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 2.14 EP-2-101, Operational Support Center (OSC) Activation, Operation and ! Deactivation 2.15 EP-2-150, Emergency Plan Implementing Records l 2.16 EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines ] 2.17 EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments 2.18 EP-2-034, Onsite Surveys During Emergencies 2.19 FP-1-020, Fire Emergency - Fire Report 2.20 UNT-7-018, First Aid and Medical Care 2.21 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability I j 2.22 PS-16-103, Accountability of Personnel During Emergencies i i l ! 2 EO i _ - _ _ _ ___ ___ . -___,---._.__m._ y _ -.y . , - .. _ , - . ,,- _ . -. , _ _ _ _ - - -- . ..-_..__----7.-

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 () Site Area Emergency Revision 8 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of this procedure. 3.2 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the actions as outlined in this procedure are carried out. 3.3 The Shif t Supervisor is the Emergency Coordinator until properly relieved by the Duty Plant Manager. 4.0 INITIATING CONDITION" This procedure is to be initiated upon reaching the following conditions: 4.1 Whenever a Site Area Emergency is recognized and classified in accordance with EP-1-001. 4.2 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 SITE EVACUATION NOTE A site evacuation may be implemented by this procedure alone. Further guidance is provided in EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures and should be referred to as necessa ry. 5.1.1 Select the off-site assembly area to be used (based on wind direction - use upwind assembly area): Monsanto Park, Luling or St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Edgard. 5.1.2 Notify the Security Shift Supervisor to prepare for the evacuation of the site and to restrict access to the site to authorized personnel only. NOTE When possible, the Health Physics technician should accompany the Assembly Area Supervisor to the assembly () area in the same vehicle. 3

_. - _.._..m . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . . . . _ _ . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ . _ __ = _ _ _ -_. _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ , I  ! i . i

    /         Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                                                                    EP-1-030                                   !

Site Area Emergency Revision 8 I 4

5.1.3 Dispatch the Assembly Area Supervisor. '
l. 5.1.4 Ensure that a Health Physics technician (or other trained person e

! selected by the Health Physics Coordinator) is dispatched to the i , off-site assembly area. l 5.1.5 Sound the station alarm. ) 5.1.6 Make the following announcement (s): j

!                         " ATTENTION ALL PERSONNELI ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: A SITE AREA 4                                                                                                                      .

l EMERGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED DUE TO (announce reason for l ! declaration of Site Area Emeraency). ALL MEMBERS OF THE , j EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION REPORT TO YOUR STATIONS. DUE TO PLANT a 4 CONDITIONS, ALL NONESSENTIAL PERSONNEL MUST PROCEED IMMEDIATELY TO THE (state one of the locations: ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC , CHURCH OR MONSANTO PARE AREA). UPON ARRIVAL, ALL PERSONNEL LOG IN WITH THE ASSEMBLY AREA SUPERVISOR. PERSONNEL IN RADIATION-CONTROLLED  ! F 1 AREAS PROCEED TO THE HEALTH PHYSICS CONTROL POINT. THERE WILL BE i NO SMOKING, EATING, OR DRINEING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THE MAINTENANCE RADIO FREQUENCY IS NOW DEDICATED FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY." If there is a localized emergency (e.g., fire), announce its type l and location and instruct personnel to stand clear of this area I f (refer to FP-1-020). I l Repeat the announcement (s). i ! 5.1.7 Make the following notifications in accordance with the notification procedures in EP-2-010: i j Notify Waterford 1 & 2 to evacuate non-essential personnel. h 4. i !O I i

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency Revision 8 NOTE Waterford I & 2 personnel are not required to assemble at Waterford 3 assembly areas, but the Emergency Coordinator shall provide direction to Waterford 1 & 2 as to what evacuation routes to take. j Notify St. John the Baptist and St. Charles parishes for vehicular traffic control. . Notify the United States Coast Guard to control Exclusion Area river traffic. Inform St. Charles Parish when this notification is completed. Notify the Missiouri Pacific Railroad to Control Exclusion Area rail traffic. Inform St. Charles Parish when this notification is completed. 4 5.1.8 Ensure accountability and evacuation verification activities are performed in accordance with EP-2-190 and PS-16-103. If a Site Area Emergency has been declared, and in the opinion of the SS/EC contacting the Duty Plant Manager will prevent completing the off-site notifications within the 15 minutes required by regulation, the SS/EC shall direct the Emergency Communicator to begin off-site notifications (5.4). I i 5.2 Make initial contact with the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). I l l l 5


     -     Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                         EP-1-030      .

Site Area Emergency Revision 8


5.2.1 If the Duty Plant Manager cannot be reached, contact any of the alternate Duty Plant Managers (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). 5.2.2 Upon contact with the Duty Plant Manager, discuss the following: Nature of situation Classification Action taken or to be taken Need to activate emergency response facilities Advise that the Duty EOF Director be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). Advise that the Duty Technical Spokesperson be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). NOTE If conditions exist that could be hazardous to those personnel reporting to the site, provide ( instructions for appropriate protective actions including use of alternative routes, activation of backup facilities, etc. , as necessary, by completing Attachment 7.3, Answering Machine Message, of EP-2-010. l 5.3 Direct the Emergency Communicator to activate the Emergency Pager


System in accordance with EP-2-010, Attachment 7.1, Section I. 5.4 Complete Attachment 7.5, Initial Notification Form, or Attachment 7.7, Follow-up Notification Form as appropriate of EP-2-010, and provide the form and the agencies to be notified to the Emergency Communicator. Direct that the Emergency Communicator commence initial off-site notifications of the appropriate organizations listed below in accordance with EP-2-010: 5.4.1 St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC)-Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.4.2 St. John the Baptist Parish EOC-Notify within 15 minutes of 1 fI J declaration. j 6

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 () Site Area Emergency Revision 8 5.4.3 Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED)-Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.4.4 Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (LOEP)-Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.4.5 Waterford I and 2-Notify within 15 minutes of declaration, but

       ,               after above notifications.

5.4.6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-Notify immediately af ter above notifications, not later than one hour. 5.4.7 Middle South Utilities - As soon as possible. 5.4.8 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) - As soon as possible.

.          5.4.9       U.S. Coast Guard - As necessary.

1 5.4.10 Missouri Pacific Railroad - As necessary. 5.4.11 American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) - As necessary. 5.5 Ensure that the following accountability activities are performed: () 5.5.1 The Security Central Alana Station / Secondary Alann Station (CAS/SAS) Operator activates the Accountability Keycard Readers in accordance with PS-16-103. 5.5.2 Personnel accountability activities are performed in accordance with . EP-2-190. 5.6 As additional information becomes available, update the Emergency Communicator by completing Attachment 7.7, Follow-up Notification Form, g of EP-2-010. Direct the Emergency Communicator to conduct additional updates to off-site agencies in accordance with EP-2-010. 5.7 Initiate off-site dose assessment in accordance with EP-2-050 for manual assessment or EP-2-051 for computerized assessment. Determine the need for protective action recommendations per EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines. 5.8 If radiological releases are occurring or anticipated, instruct the Health Physics Coordinator to activate Radiological Field Monitoring Teams in accordance with EP-2-130 and EP-2-060. i 5.9 Initiate activation of the Technical Support Center in accordance with I() EP-2-100, if not previously activated. 7 l \ l


    ,    Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                                    EP-1-030

[~T Site Area Emergency Revision 8 V 5.10 Initiate activation of the Operational Support Center in accordance with EP-2-101, if not previously activated. 5.11 Direct the Health Physics Coordinator and/or the Radiological Controls Coordinator to initiate in-plant radiological controls in accordance with EP-2-031 if a real or potential radiological hazard exists and to

 ;              perform on-site surveys as necessary in accordance with EP-2-034.

5 tsure that emergency logs / records are kept in accordance with 150.

         '.         ciate any additional response measures in accordance with the 0,,,licable emergency procedures listed in Attachment 7.1.

14 As conditions change, periodically check EP-1-001 to determine whether reclassification is necessary. NOTE q Ensure the station alarm is sounded prior to making the announcement that the emergency has (} i. been reclassified - whether it is an increase or decrease in classification. (See EP-1-010, EP-1-020 or EP-1-040) . 5.14.1 If reclassification is necessary, then reclassify the emergency in accordance with EP-1-001 and implement appropriate Implementing 4 Instruction EP-1-010, EP-1-020 or EP-1-040. 5.14.2 Obtain a copy of, and complete, Attachment 7.2, Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist, to evaluate a decision to terminate the existing emergency condition. 5.14.3 If closeout is appropriate, then close out the emergency with a verbal summary to all agencies / personnel as indicated on Attachment 7.13 of EP-2-010 and implement EP-2-170 to initiate recovery activities. 5.14.4 When reclassifying, ensure that the answering machine message tape reflects the most current emergency classification, or the !'() appropriate " Facility Activated" announcement as per EP-2-010, Attachment 7.9, 7.10, 7.11 or 7.12. 8

                            .                           --      . . _ . . _       ._ ..         _._.m        _ . . _ .__             .      _ _ _ _  ._. _         _ _       _ _ _ _ .       _ _ _ _

l l 9 Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 l Site Area Emergency Revision 8 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 6.1 The Site Area Emergency has been closed out with normal station administration resumed and recovery activities initiated in accordance with EP-2-170 or the emergency is reclassified. i 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 4

i 7.1 Procedure References for Additional Response Guidelines

[ 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist 4 . T I i i i 1 l i I 9 _ - _ _ _._-- ._ _ - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ~ - - _ _ _ _ . _ . - -_ .---_. _

PROCEDURE REFERENCES FOR ADDITIONAL RESPONSE GUIDELINES Topic References Personnel EP-2-020, Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel EP-2-030, Emergency Radiation Exposure Guidelines and Controls EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination EP-2-033, Administration of Iodine Blocking Agents EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures EP-2-081, Search and Rescue Administration EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments

EP-2-140, Reentry EP-2-170, Recovery

( ) Emergency Management Resources Book i Security PS-16-102, Security Response During Operating Emergencies PS-18-101, Standard Responses to Safeguards Contingencies 1 i l EP-1-030 Revision 4 10 Attachment 7.1 (1 of 1) 9

                                                  .----r e -    - - , -       e---*. +w -


                -This checklist shall be used by the Emergency Coordinator to evaluate a decision to terminate an existing emergency condition. All criteria s all be met.
            . This check is , completed and signed by the Emergency Coordinator, is a prerequi     e for initiation of the Recovery Organization in acco g with EP-2-170.


1. The plant is i a stable -pnfiguration with adequate core cooling
2. In-plant radiation levels are stahl- er decreasing with time.
3. The release of radioactive materia *a the environment is controlled and there is no significant potential for additional uncontrolled releases.

j- 4. All safety systems necessary to aintain the -~ plant in a stable configuration are operable.

5. Fires are extinguished; flooding conditio and any other site damage are under cont 1.
6. All vital areas requiring occupancy are


7. Site security control is established.
8. Contaminated injured personnel have been transported to a hospital. 's
9. All implementing procedures, have been closed out or are determined to remain active with responsibility for their N.

completion and closure assigned to an individual. Approval to terminate emergency condition granted by: Date: Time: Emergency Coordinator D a EP-1-030 Rev. 7 11 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1)

5 2 vioote south UTIUTIES SYSTEM m,.,_ l 1 POM VOLUME 18 EP-1-030 l POM SECTION 2 REVISION 9 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING INSTRUCTION SITE AREA EMERGENCY O PORC Meeting No. Revieved: .' k h 0.0 -. ,n _ [fs2)l$$ PORC Chairman uate Approved: k,% K23/5'r P Ant Manager-Nucle fr Appgovaf Date Effective Date O - l

        -                                     L6 COV3S-.                           .

b,'l'~'bb b ~ LG OT:  !$A *O L

  • OY*'& -
                                                                 / m'/t. '. V)                                  :

Onc - The PORC has reviewed this itan and decar-%ed that a safety evaluation was perfor=ad (as applicabla), that an unraviaved saf acy question does not exist (as applicabla), that a change to the Technical Specifications is not requirad, and that nucisar safac7 is/vas not advarsely affected. CEZ1 "NC 07 PCRC MEMEZ1 PCEC MEMBE1 FOR AP?ROVAL DATI IITIIT SIGNATORI TIS 6 NO Maintanance <i' DN n . - Superistandant j ! [ v ',',2 # '- ! operations Superistandant 4 .

                                               '/g. .;'/

j//Xtd R/r [/ 'I 4

                                                                                                  /         $ < W),

Radiation Protection. - _f' Superistandant !2/lf;p .- / ' 3 Plant Quality j,,fy _,/ ,, / f Manager < " / 3/ Ta'* "' Support ,/ . Superintendant & .8, w,, ,k- " 4/A7 3 .,~~


5// UkI Assistant 71 ant ( OW l Manneer

  • M k [Yt i \. i PCRC chm 4-nan I , ', ,

PCEC Meeting No. ME/#V Itan No Y Datas f<N46 This itas is recommanded for approval? @ TZ3 O no This itas requires Sac /NIC review prior to implanantation? O Tzs E so If yes, assure documentation supporting review is accached. This itas requires QA review prior to PM-N approval? O Tzs - wo CA 127*.22 Reviewed by i/k'- DATE /- / N Corporata QA Manager PLANT MANACTS.-WCtIAR AFSROVAL (REFER TO Commentar O Approved by v 'fr' DATI M/T Flaat Manger-Nuclear l UYr-1-004, Revision 6 18

      ,                                                           WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANUAL                             Check Block Below CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST                        l@ POM ((lPORC-S/C Procedure No.               - /7 lc                       Title 3; N M e n G ee.se,W V Effective Date                                            (if different from approval date)

Complete A, B, and C

                                                            'N A. Change No.      M/A           l[l Permanent                      l[l Deviation    Expiration Date B. Revision No.        9 C. Deletion l[ LYES            l[x]N0                                                                                                     -


                 $e . - -      hJR(L               T,u. h a 0          1C 6 4.l. p u N c u        k u1c. CliU/~(y OtO    ~

d4<0k o J G. V U ' l - i REASON FOR CHANGE, REVISION, OR DELETION 5 nNves nn if a d u c [: .lw -l0 R w la oi w ii. cwa n N1, fr0$ U f ' REQUIREDSIGNATUR[ f '

                                                                      /                  c k



SAFETY REVIEW I Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR?


2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR? YES NO (
3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR7 YES NO \/
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NO If the answer to any Afb 6vt is yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 SafetyfEva.1ha tion. -


  • DATE
  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days.

t UNT-1-003 Revision 8 '3 Attachn.ent 6.7 (1 of 1)

       . . . -           . . . ~ - . . . - -.       . - .        - _ . - . - - - - - _ . - .                          . - . . . - . - -

2 I' j - Emergency Plan Imolementing instruction EP-1-030 ) , Site Area Emergency Revision 9 i TABLE OF CONTENTS j 1.0 PURPOSE 2

                 '.0         REFERENCES                                                                                                  i I                                                                                                                                        l

). L


.) 4.0 INITIATING C0"DTTIONS ( 1 , 4 i j 'i . ') P90CED'TRE i 4 1 l

                  ;.0        7-"AT,CorrITIci:s

! 7.0 ATTACHMENTS , i 7.1 Procedure Reference for Additional Response Guidelines ( l page) ? i t 7.7 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist (1 page) i t j- . I j LIST'0F EFFECTIVE PAGES s


l-  : f Title Revision 9 1-11 Fevision 9 l 13 ' Revision 7 l 12 Revision 4 1 . !

  • 1 t

I i' l' t i ,

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency Revision 9 1 1.0 PtJRPOSE 1 j To outline the actions to be taken for an emergency condition at the Site Area Emergency level. I a 2.0 REFEREMCES 4 J 2.1 Vaterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 4 r 2.2 EP-1-001, Recognition and Classification of Energency Conditions l j 2.3 Emergency Management Resources Book 2.4 EP-1-010. Unusual Event ! 2.5 EP-1-020, Alert i 2.6 EP-1-040 General Energency 2.7 EP-2-010, Notifications and Coennunications l 2.8 EP-2-031. In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During i j Energencies ] 2.0 FP-2-050, Offsite Dose Assessment (Manuali j 2.10 EP-2-051, Offsite Dose Assessment (Computerized) 2.11 EP-2-060, Radiological Field Monitoring

2.12 EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures '

l  ?.13 EP-2-100. Technical Support Center (TSC) Activation, Operation, and l Deactivation l 2.14 EP-1-101, Operational Support Center (OSC) Activation, Operation and 1 Deactivation ] 2.15 EP-2-150 Emergency Plan Implementing Records , ) 2.16 EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelinem 2.17 EP-2-130 Emergency Team Assignments

2.18 EP-2-034, Onsite Surveys During Emergencies i 2.19 FP-1-020 Fire Emergency - Fire Report  ;

i 2.20 UNT-7-018, First Aid and Medical Care f  !

2.21 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability i 2.22 PS-16-103 Accountability of Personnel During Emergencies s l 1.23 ffNT-6-010, Event Evaluation and Reporting 1

l i _ _ - _ - _ - _ . _ _ , - . . .. . . _ - _ - . - ~ . - - - _ - . - - - _ _ , . _ - - - . . _ _ _ - - -

            . . --_                     -_                -  . .         - . . _     . - -      . - _ _ _ ~ - - . _ _ .   . -       . - . _ _ _ . - - . -  _ .

Energency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency Revision 4 i 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 1 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of I this procedure. 3.2 ,The Emergenev Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the actions as outlined in this procedure are carried out. 3.3 The Shift Supervisor is the Emergency Coordinator until properly I relieved by the Duty Plant Manager.

!          4.0 p ITIATING CONDITIONS i

j This procedure is to be initiated upon reaching the following l conditions: , l ' ) I j 4.1 Whenever a Site Area Emergency is recognized and classified in ! accordance with EP-1-001, l j 4.2 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. l 1 5.0 PROCEDURE l


5.I SITE EVACUATTON i 1 j NOTE  ! A site evacuation may he inplemented by this procedure alone. Further guidance is provided ] i in EP-2-071. Site Protective Measures and

should be referred to as necessary.

) L, O h i i 3


4 Energency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030

        -.      Site Area Emergency.                                                               Revision 9 O

5.1.1 Select the off-site assembly area to be used (based on wind direction - use upwind assembly area): Monsanto Park, Luling or St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Edgard. i 5.1.2 Notify the Security Shift Supervisor to prepare for the evacuation i- of the site and to restrict access to the site to authorized personnel only. NOTE i When possible, the Health Physics technician i should accompany the Assembly Area Supervisor l

to the assembly area in the same vehicle, i

5.1.3 Dispatch the Assembly Area Supervisor. I 5.1.4 Ensure that a Health Physics technician (or other trained person selected by the Health Physics Coordinator) is dispatched to the off-site assembly area. ] i

5.1.5 Sound the station alarn.

F i i ) i r

O 4

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030

   . Site Area Emergency                                                                                        Revision 9
5.1.6 Make the following announcement (s):

AREAS PROCEED TO THE FEALTH PHYSICS CONTROL POINT. THERE WILL.BE NO SMOKING, EATING, OR DRINKING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THE MAINTENANCE RADIO FREOUENCY IS NOW DEDICATED FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY." F F I /~' If there fs a localized emergency (e.g., fire), announce its type f' and location and instruct personnel to stand clear of this area (refer to FP-1-020). i Repeat the announcenent(s). i 5.1.7


Make the 'ollowing notifications in accordance with the notification procedures in EP-2-010: Notify Waterford 1 & 2 to evacuate non-essential personnel. , c L NOTE c Waterford 1 & 2 personnel are not required to assemble at Waterford 3 assembiv areas, but the Emergency Coordinator shall provide direction to-Vaterford 1 & 2 as to what evacuation routes to , take. ./ 3 l

                                                    . - - ,         .y.             --y        - - . . -, . - . , . , - , , -       ,,-    - , , , .

s , Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency Revision 9 l p)

    \s ,                                                                                                                 , Notify St. Jchn the Baptist and St. Charles parishes for I vehicular traffic control. Notify the United States Coast Guard to control Exclusion Area river traffic. Inform St. Charles Parish when this notification 3 is comoleted. J Notify the Missiouri Pacific Railroad to Ccntrol Exclusion Area rail traffic. Inform St. CharlesParishwhenthisn$tihication is completed. 5.1.8 Ensure accountability and evacuatio'n verification activities are performed in accordance with EP-7-190 and PS-16-103. 1


NOTE If a Site Area Emergency has been declared, and , in the opinion of the SS/EC contacting the' Duty Plant Manager will prevent comp'leting the


off-site notifications within the 15 minutes required by regulation, the SS'/EC shall. direct i the Emergency Communicator to begin off-site notifications (5.4).- ' S


[ \ 5.2 Make initial contact with the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). , 1 5.2.1 If the Duty Plant !!anager cannot be reached, contact any of the

     .                alternate Duty Plant Managers (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book).                                                               <  ',

() 5.2.2 ffpon contact with the Dutv Plant Manager, discuss the following: f f i

                                                   ,i          ,                 .~       _. .-- .-

Emergency Plan Tmplementing Instruction EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency Revision 9 s ( Nature of situation classification Action taken or to be taken Meed to activate emergency response facilities Advise that the Duty EOF Director be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). Advise that the Duty Technical Spokesperson he contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). NOTE i If conditions exist that could be hazardous to those personnel reporting to the site, provide instructions for appropriate protective actions f I including use of alternative routes, activation of backup facilities, etc. , as necessary, by completing Attachment 7.3, Answering Machine Message of EP-2-010. 5.3 Direct the Emergenev Communicator to activate the Emergency Pager System in accordance with EP-2-010. Attachment 7.1, Section I. 5.4 Complete Attachment 7.5, Initial Notification Form Attachment 6.4 of

               !!NT-6-010 (for NRC initial notification only) or Attachment 7.7, Follow-up Notification Form as appropriate of EP-2-010, and provide the form and the agencies to be notified to the Emergency Communicator.

(A,,) Direct that the Emergency Communicator commence initial off-site notifications of the appropriate organizations listed below in

              .accordance with EP-2-010:


Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency ReviFfon 9 s C 5.4.1 St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC)-Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.4.2 St. John the-Baptist Parish EOC-Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.4.3 Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED)-Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.4.4 Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (LOEPi-Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. , 5.4.5 Waterford 1 and 2-Notify within 15 minutes of declaration, but after above notifications. ('} 5.4.6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-Notify immediately after above notifications, not later than one hour. 5.4.7 Middle South Utilities - As soon as possible. 5.4.8 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) - As soon as possible. , l 5.4.9 U.S. Coast Guard - As necessary. 5.4.10 Missouri Pacific Railroad - As necessary, i 5.4.11 American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) - As'necessary. 5.5 Ensure that the following accountability activities are performed: 1 5.5.1 The Security Central Alarm Station / Secondary Alarm Station () (CAS/SAS) Operator activates the Accountability Keycard Readers in accordance with PS-16-LO3. > h8 _, _. ._. - . - . . . _ ~-

                        ,, - +                                _ . _ _ . .

1 4 Fnergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency Revision 9 A i e 5.5.2 ' Personnel accountability activities are performed in accordance with EP-2-100 5.6 As additional in#ornation becomes available, update the Emergency Communicator by completing Attachment 7.7, Follow-up Notification Form, l of EP-2-010. Direct the Emergency Communicator to conduct additional J updates to off-site agencies in accordance with EP-2-010. 5.7 Initiate off-site dose assessment in accordance with EP-2-050 for manual assessment or EP-2-051 for computerized assessment. Determine the need for protective action recommendations per EP-2-052 Protective Action Guidelines. , s J 5.8 If radiological releases are occurring or anticipated, instruct the Health Physics Coordinator to activate Radiological Field Monitoring [~',} Teams in accordance with EP-2-130 and EP-2-060 s~m , 4 ! 5.9 Initiate activation of the Technical Support Center in accordance with EP-2-100, if not previously activated. 4 5.10 Initiate activation of the operational Support Center in accordance with

EP-2-101, if not previousiv activated, i

I 5.11 Direct the Health Physics Coordinator and/or the Radiological Controls

           ,               Coordinator to initiate in-plant radiological controls in accordance

, with EP-2-031 if a real or potential radiological hazard exists and to perform on-site surveys as necessary in accordance with EP-2-034 5.12 Ensure that emergency logs / records are kept in accordance with EP-2-150. i 5.13 Initiate any additional response measures in accordance with the applicable emergency procedures listed in Attachment 7.1. 9

                      .          .~. -         -.     . - - .           ., - -- .   . - - - -.  - - , - . - ._
                                                                                                                     - ~ . .          .    -   . . - - - .


  .'       Emereency Plan Implementing Instruction 1

i EP-1-030 Site Area Emergency Revision 9

;          5.14 As conditions change, periodically check EP-1-001 to determine whether                                                                           ,

j reclassi#ication is necessary. NOTE i Ensure the station alarm is sounded prior to making the announcement that the emergency has

                           !              been reclassified - whether it is an increase or decrease in classification.                     (See EP-1-010, EP-1-020 or EP-1-040).                                                                                                 <

I J 9 5.14.1 If reclassification is necessary, then reclassify the emergency l in accordance with EP-1-001 and implement appropriate Implementing i j. Instruction EP-1-010. EP-1-020 or EP-1-040. j 5.14.2 Obtain a copy of, and complete, Attachment 7.2, Emergenev l Coordinator's Close-out Checklist, to evaluate a decision i

to terminate the existing emergency condition.

i i

5.14.3 If closecut is appropriate, then close out the emergencv with a

) verbal summary to all agencies / personnel as indicated on Attachment 7.13 of EP-2-010 and implement EP-2-170 to initiate i i recovery activities. 1 l 5.14.4 When reclassifying, ensure that the answering machine nessage tape j re'lects the most current emergency classification, or the appropriate " Facility Activated" announcenent as per EP-2-010, , f _ Attachment 7.9, 7.10, 7.11 or 7.12. i 1 lO 10 _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - - _ - _ . ~ _ . - . _ . ,_ _. - . _, _ ,__

1 ? Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-030 i Site Area Emergency Revision 9 , l, l i 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS i i 6.1 The Site Area Emergency has been closed out with normal station 1 administration resumed and recovery activities initiated in accordance with EP-2-170 or the emergency is reclassiffed. i j 7.0 ATTAC@fENTS l f 7.1 Procedure References for Additional Response Guidelines j 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist , 'i i 4 i i ! l i i l I J I , l 1 i l i > lO ' 11'


l. Personnel EP-2-020, Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel EP-2-030. Emergency Radiation Exposure
;                                                                         Guidelines and Controls                                        ,

EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination

EP-2-033, Administration of Iodine Blocking Agents EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines EP-2-071, Site. Protective Measures f

l EP-2-081, Search and Rescue l f l l Administration EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments EP-2-140 Reentry J EP-2-170, Recovery Emergency Management Resources Book

O Security PS-16-102, Security Response During Operating Emergencies PS-18-101 Standard Responses to Safeguards Contingencies I

I i l l fo / EP-t-030 Revision 4 12 Attachment 7.1 (1 of 1)


1. This checklist shall be used by the Emergency Coordinator to evaluate a decision to terminate an existing emergency condition. All criteria 4

shall be met. i 2. This checklist, completed and signed by'the Emergency Coordinator, is a prerequisite for initiation of the Recove'ry Organization in accor EP-2-170. CRITERIA MET CRITFRI K ' (Initials)

1. NThe plant is in a se kbleconfg6tationwith a' e core coolin .
2. In-plant radiation 1dv s are stable or decreasing with ti .
3. The release radioa :tive material to the environment is contro led and there is no signfficant potential for additional uncontrolled releases.


4. All safety systems necessary ,to aintain he plant in a stable configurati . are ope able.

N I 5. Fires are extinguished; flooding co itions i and any other site d/. mage'are und control.

6. All vital areas requiring occupaticy are habitable. /

7 Site securitV control is establish . 7 '

8. Contaminated injured personnel have been transported to a hospital.
9. All implementing procedures, have been O closed out or are determined to remain f j

. active with responsibility for their > completion and closure assigned to an ,' j individual. [ [ j Approval to terminare emergency condition granted by: Date: Timet Emergency Coordinator N f EP-1-030 Revision 7 13 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1)

d 4 6\ LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT UI00NSYSSE POM VOLLHE 18 EP-1-040 P0M SECTION 2 REVISION 8 Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction General Emergency O PORC Meeting No.


Reviewed: fJ'v4' , ,.

                                                  ,          , /4   %_

PORC Chairman


Approved: b .u o Plant Manager-Nuclear Approval Date Effective Date 1

RICJ COM SEIIT R". 5 C J CT: EP-1-040 - General Emergency (Rev. 8) The PORC has reviaved :his icen and datar-d"ad that a safe:y evalus:1cn was perfor=ad (as applicabla), tha: an unreviewed safety questica does not axis: (as applicabla),

hat a change to the Technical Specificaciens is not required, and that nuciaar safa:7 is/vas nec adversely affec:ad.
     'ORDIR                                                                    RECOEMINDED OF         PORC MI23ER                         PC2C MEMBER             FOR APPROVAL    DA I Rt v CT                                              SIGNATURI              US i NO Ma1=:ananca                          // pgb Separis:andase                      h/                             /                3.)

Cperaticus Superintandant Radia:1cn Precac:1cn f m //fg / ff9'f


f / Superincandast yR [ EE


Planc Quali:7 L/ y,,,,,, (/MA :=j 6- 1F/7/t'T Tee %d-=1 Support i Suverintendant l Assistant Pla=c Mznarer . ( ) PCRC Chair =an 1/r(asaw, // un v p/,/r_ r PCRC Meeting No. M_O/ M,-5Tt / Itas No..

                                                                 /M        Datas     #4-63 This item is scemandad for approval?                 h TIS     ONo                         .

This 1:ss requires SEC/NRC review prior to i=plementaticar O rzS S No If yes, ensura docu=antation supporting review is at: ached. This ita= requires QA reviav prior to PM-N spproval? C TIS h NO OA RI7IET Rcviewed by ,/d /4' Corporaca QA' Manager DATI Al/# PLA'T* Y>lfACU-Vt*CtEAR AP?? OVAL (REFER TO Cc=ents t A; proved by M [4' DATI M/J' Planc ." anger-Nuclear --

           "NT-1-004, Revision 6                       18

WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST POM l[lPORC-S/C' Procedure No. N- }--O M Title be G ernd, arc.)' Effective Date (if different from approval date) Complete A, B, and C A'. Change No. P/A- l[l Permanent l[l Deviation Expiration Date B. RevisionNo.b C. Deletion l[ LYES %NO DESCRIPTIOR OF CHANGE OR REVISION (brn.w2.- 5/x4.c h E n -nr - ei Mi~s hiuch % Mc# i %JLL/ Gteeanexi n d e eL - n -Lh. A & J J cG

                           %%,z       SIcc 6J< AL:1,w c,% eda AA d ML 4- L4.

aa,, > -.r.4 df EP- 1-67/, G 2AL th.s~, M< d.Al r<.=L kW REASON FOR CHANGE, REVISION, OR' DELETION A O dob M '*1M 64f*/657t.ct, cZ o d Ae. xm L & -A '1%4, w at :>.nl>k &44<_ 1 MN wbLlkwr J e Go,.4..r) Geg O REQUIRED SIGNA [ ORIGINATOR [ . DATE 7--30-5l( SAFETY REVIEW Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR? YES No X
2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR? YES NO M
3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR7 YES NO K
4. Require a change to the Technical Spe'ifications? YES NO)[
,                    .If the answer to an f,                      above is yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Saf       va da on. e SAFETY REVIEW         _-                  h                                            DATE       ~ b-8T TECHNICAL REVIE k @ [ k ,                                        ,                     DATE    d- M GROUP HEAD REVIEW         /P.7_7" M d                                                  DATE    #//[W TEMPORARY APPROVAL * (SRO)                                                             DATE TEMPORARY APPROVAL
  • DATE
  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days.

UNT-1-003 Revision'8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1) m O


1. Is this procedure, revision, change, or deletion technically and administrative 1y correct? @ YES l[lNO
2. Is this procedure, revision, or change capable of being performed?

{ l51YES ((lNO

3. Is this procedure, revision, change or deletion
;             compatible with other plant procedures?                             l} YES l2lNO 4

' 4. Does this procedure, revision, or change reference and adequately implement (or in the case of a deletion, adequately compensate for) commitments

made in the FSAR, SER, and other licensing documents? l3 YES l[lNO M
5. Is this procedure, revision, change or deletion correctly' numbered, formatted and prepared in accordance with i

approved procedures? l} YES l[lNO

6. Does this procedure, revision, change, or deletion
adequately address and/or reference Technical Specifications and other matters that may affect nuclear safety?
                                                                                 @ YES              l[lNo
7. Were the Safety Review questions on the New Procedure Request or Change / Revision / Deletion Request properly answered?

lM YES l[lNO

8. Does the Safety Evaluation, if applicable, provide adequate bases and justification as to whether or not i

an unreviewed safety question exists? [ LYES l[lNO i l ! I have reviewed this procedure and all items checked "NO" above have been i resolved with the Author (or responsible Group Nead) and documented on i Document Review Comment sheets. ASSIGNED TECHNICAL REVIEWE -_ DATE MUN p UNT-1-003 Revision 8 46 Attachment 6.10 (1 of 1) l

t t i Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-040 General Emergency Revision 8 1 1 I ! TABLE OF CONTENTS



3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES l 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS . { 5.0 -PROCEDURE j 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS . 7.0 ATTACHMENTS i 7.1 Procedure References for Additional Response Guidelines (1 page) 7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist (1 page) i t LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Title Revision 8 i 1-9 Revision 8 11 Revision 7 10 Revision 4 4 1 i

l l

l i NS30310EPG !O 4 1 i

                      , - - , , ~ , , - , , - - - , - , - - - - - - -                          -,--,_,,v-.      ,,-,n, - - , -              . . , , , , , - . , , , ~ - - - , , , , - - - , . , , , . - , - - - .                        .,.,e----

4 Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-040 () General Emergency Revision 8  ! 1.0 PURPOSE . To outline the actions to be taken for an emergency condition at the General Emergency level.


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 EP-1-001, Recognition and Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.3 Emergency Management Resources Book 2.4 EP-1-010, Unusual Event 2.5 EP-1-020, Alert 2.6 EP-1-030, Site Area Emergency 1 2.7 EP-2-010, iotifications and Communications 2.8 EP-2-031, In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During Emergencies 2.9 EP-2-050, Offsite Dose Assessment (Manual) . 2.10 EP-2-051, Offsite Dose Assessment (Computerized) 2.11 EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines 2 () 2.12 EP-2-060, Radiological Field Monitoring 2.13 EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures 2.14 EP-2-100, Technical Support Center (TSC) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation i 2.15 EP-2-101, Operational Support Center (OSC) Activation [, Operation, and Deactivation 2.16 EP-2-150, Emergency Plan Implementing Records l 2.17 EP-2-034, Onsite Surveys During Emergencies 2.18 FP-1-020, Fire Emergency - Fire Report 2.19 UNT-7-018, First Aid and Medical Care 2.20 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability 2.21 PS-16-103, Accountability of Personnel During Emergency 2.22 EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments l 2 i

   . Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                     EP-1-040 General Emergency                                         Revision 8 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

3.2 The Emergeucy Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the actions as outlined in this procedure are carried out. 3.3 The Shift Supervisor is the Emergency Coordinator until properly relieved by the Duty Plant Manager. 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS This procedure is to be initiated upon reaching the following conditions: 4.1 Whenever a General Emergency is recognized and classified per EP-1-001. 4.2 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. 5.0 PROCEDURE NOTE A site evacuation must be implemented by this procedure above. Further guidance is provided in EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures and should be referred to as necessary. 5.1 Initiate a Site Evacuation, if not previously initiated: 5.1.1 Select the off-site assembly area to be used (based on wind I direction - use upwind assembly area): Monsanto Park, Luling or St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Edgard. 5.1.2 Notify the Security Shift Supervisor to prepare for the evacuation of the site and to restrict access to the site to j authorized personnel only. 1 NOTE When possible, the Health Physics technician should accompany the Assembly Area Supervisor to the assembly area in the same vehicle. l' l 3 I

              ,        Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                                          EP-1-040 General Emergency                                                              Revision 8

(} 5.1.3 Dispatch the Assembly Area Supervisor. 5.1.4 .Jasure that a Health Physics technician (or other trained person ' selected by the Health Physics Coordinator) is dispatched to the off-site' assembly area. 5.1.5 Sound the station alarm. 5.2 Make the following announcement (s): , 5.2.1 " ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL; ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: A GENERAL EMERGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED DUE TO (announce reason for i declaration of General Emeraency). ALL MEMBERS OF THE EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION REPORT TO YOUR STATIONS. DUE TO PLANT CONDITIONS ALL NONESSENTIAL PERSONNEL MUST PROCEED IMMEDIATELY TO THE (state one of the locations: -ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH OR* 1 MONSANTO PARK AREA.) UPON ARRIVAL, ALL PERSONNEL LOG IN WITH THE ASSEMBLY AREA SUPERVISOR. PERSONNEL IN RADIATION CONTROLLED AREAS PROCEED TO THE HEALTH PHYSICS CONTROL POINT. THERE WILL BE NO SMOKING, EATING, OR DRINKING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THE .i, MAINTENANCE RADIO FREQUENCY IS NOW DEDICATED FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY." l 5.2.2 If there is a localized emergency (e.g., fire), announce its type 1 '

and location and instruct personnel to stand clear of this area i

(refer to FP-1-020). j 5.2.3 Repeat the announcement (s). 5.2.4 Make the following notifications in accordance with the notification procedures in EP-2-010: Notify Waterford 1 & 2 to evacuate non-essential personnel, i

l. NOTE Waterford 1 & 2 personnel are not required to assemble at Waterford 3 assembly areas, but the Emergency Coordinator shall provide direction to

, Waterford 1 & 2 as to what evacuation routes to () take. 4 ( l

   ,     Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                                            EP-1-040 General Emergency                                                                Revision 8

(} Notify St. John the Baptist and St. Charles parishes for vehicular traffic control. Notify the United States Coast Guard to control Exclusion Area i river traffic. Inform St. Charles Parish when this notification is completed. Notify the Missouri Pacific Railroad to Control Exclusion Area rail traffic. Inform St. Charles Parish when this notification

;                      is completed.

r i l 5.2.5 Ensure accountability and evacuation verification activities are performed in accordance with EP-2-190 and PS-16-103. i NOTE If a General Emergency has been declared, and in the opinion of the SS/EC contacting the Duty Plant Manager will prevent completing the off-site (} notifications within the 15 minutes required by regulation, the SS/EC shall direct the Emergency Communicator to begin off-site notifications (5.5), i 5.3 Make initial contact with the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). i 5.3.1 If the Duty Plant Manager cannot be reached, contact any of the alternate Duty Plant Managers (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). 5.3.2 Upon contact with the Duty Plant Manager, discuss the following: j Nature of the situation Classification Action taken or to be taken Need to activate emergency response facilities i



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g.-. - .. - - .----r,

  . - . . ~ . .              ..     - . - . . . _ . _ .                                                 - -. . - - - . _ .     -. - _ . .   -           .- . - _ - - - . . _ - - - .     .

i Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-040 General Emergency Revision 8 i i Advise that the Duty EOF Director be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). Advise that the Duty Technical Spokesperson be contacted by the ! Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources - Book). i i NOTE If conditions exist that could be hazardous to those personnel reporting to the site, provide instructions for appropriate protective actions j including use of alternative routes, activation of { , backup facilities, etc., as necessary byicompleting . l Attachment 7.3, Answering Machine Message, of l EP-2-010. 1 5.4 Direct the Emergency Communicator to activate the Emergency Pager System in accordance with EP-2-010, Attachment 7.1, Section I. NOTE j Protective action recommendations are ' required whenever r I a General Emergency is declared and must be made within i 15 minutes. These recommendations should be made with the { notification to.offsite agencies (Refer to EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines, Attachment 7.5). l 5.5 Complete Attachment 7.5, Initial Notification Form,.or Attachment 7.7, !- Follow-up Notification Form as appropriate of EP-2-010, and provide the { form'and the agencies to be notified to the Emergency Communicator. , t Direct that the Emergency Communicator commence initial off-site j notifications of the appropriate organizations listed below in l accordance with EP-2-010: { 5.5.1 St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - Notify l within 15 minutes of. declaration. , 5.5.2 St. John the Baptist Parish EOC - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. l 1 5.5.3 Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED) - Notify within 15 l minutes of declaration. 6

        /          Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                           EP-1-040

(( ) General Emergency Revision 8 5.5.4 Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (L0EP) - Notify within

15 minutes of declaration.

5.5.5 Waterford I & 2 - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration, but after above notifications. 5.5.6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Notify immediately af ter above notifications, not later than one hour. 5.5.7 Middle South Utilities - As soon as possible. 5.5.8 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) - As soon as possible. 5.5.9 U. S. Coast Guard - As necessary 5.5.10 Missouri Pacific Railroad - As necessary 5.5.11 American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) - As necessary 5.6 Ensure that the following accountability activities are performed: 5.6.1 The Security Central Alarm Station / Secondary Alarm Station (CAS/SAS) Operator activates the Accountability Keycard Readers in accordance with PS-16-103. (d) i 5.6.2 Personnel ac muntability activities are performed in accordance with EP-2-190. 5.7 As additional information becomes available, update the Emergency Communicator by completing Attachment 7.7, Follow-Up Notification Form, j of EP-2-010. Direct the Emergency Communicator to conduct additional updates to off-site agencies in accordance with EP-2-010. 5.8 Initiate off-site dose assessment in accordance with EP-2-050 for manual assessment or EP-2-051 for computerized assessment. Dete rmine protective action recommendations in accordance with EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines. 5.9 If radiological releases are occurring or anticipated, instruct the Health Physics Coordinator to activate Radiological Field Monitoring i j Teams in accordance with EP-2-130 and EP-2-060. ! 5.10 Initiate activation of the Technical Support Center in accordance with

EP-2-100, if not previously activated.

5.11 Initiate activation of the Operational Support Center in accordance

   '()                   with EP-2-101, if not previously activated.

7 l. l

, ,j, Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-040 (,,) General Emergency Revision 8 4 i 5.12 Direct the Health Physics Coordinator and/or the Radiological Controls Coordinator to initiate in-plant radiological controls in accordance with EP-2-031 if a real or potential radiological hazard exists and to perform on-site surveys as necessary in accordance with EP-2-034. 5.13 Ensure that emergency logs / records are kept in accordance with EP-2-150. 5.14 Initiate any additional response measures in accordance with the applicable emergency procedures listed in Attachment 7.1. 5.15 As conditions change, periodically check EP-1-001 to determine whether reclassification is necessary. NOTE Ensure the station alarm is sounded prior to making the announcement that the emergency has been reclassified - decrease in classification ( (see EP-1-010, EP-1-020, or EP-1-030). J -j A l 5.15.1 If reclassification is necessary, then reclassify the emergency i in accordance with EP-1-001 and implement appropriate Implementing Instruction EP-1-010, EP-1-020, or EP-1-030. 5.15.2 Obtain a copy of, and complete, Attachment 7.2, Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist, to evaluate a decision to terminate the existing emergency condition. 5.15.3 If closeout is appropriate, then close out the emergency with a

verbal summary to all agencies / personnel as indicated on Attachment 7.13 of EP-2-010 and implement EP-2-170 to initiate 3 recovery activities.

5.15.4 When reclassifying, ensure that the answering machine message tape reflects the most current emergency classification, or the appropriate " Facility Activated" announcement as per EP-2-010, Attachment 7.9, 7.10, 7.11, or 7.12. O 8

l e l l l

      ,           Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                                          EP-1-040 General Emergency                                                           Revision 8 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS                                                                                                               .

1 6.1 The General Emergency has been closed out with normal station administration resumed and recovery activities initiated in accordance with EP-2-170 or the emergency is reclassified.

 ;                7.0 ATTAClefENTS 7.1 Procedure References for Additional Response Guidelines.

7.2 Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist 1 I i e 4 k l l 4 f I l ll I

  • g ,#


i I l

  • I A

t PROCEDURE REFERENCES FOR ADDITIONAL RESPONSE GUIDELINES a i Topic References .._,, Personnel EP-2-020, Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel EP-2-030, Emergency Radiation Exposure Guidelines and Controls EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination EP-2-033, Administration of Iodine Blocking i Agents i EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures EP-2-081, Search and Rescue I Administration EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments EP-2-140, Reentry l EP-2-170, Recovery () Emergency Management Resosrces Book { Security PS-16-102, Security Response During l . Operating Emergencies PS-18-101, Standard Responses to Safeguards Contingencies 4 i i i I r l EP-1-040 Revision 4 Attachment 7.1 (1 of 1) 10 i . . . . . . . _ - . , , - . , . -- - . - -.-__- . .. - _ - - - . . . , _ .


1. This checklist shall be used by the Emergency Coordinator to evaluate ecision to terminate an existing emergency condition. All criteria shall be met.
          . This chlrckl   t, completed and signed by the Emergency Coordinator, is a prere1 - ite for initiation of the Recovery Organization in accor     ce with EP-2-170.


1. The plant is i bl configuration with adequate cor coolin
2. In plant radiati levelsaresjableor decreasing with time.
3. The release of radioact e mate al to the environment is controlled and t no significant potential for additioaal uncontrolled releases.
4. All safety systems necessary to maintain the plant in a stable configuration are oper .
5. Fires are extinguished; flooding cond ons and any other site damage are under ontrol.
6. All vital areas requiring occupancy are habitable.
7. Site security control is established.
8. Contaminated injured personnel have been  %

transported to a hospital.

9. All implementing procedures, have been closed out or are determined to remain \ \

active with responsibility for'their \ completion and closure assigned to an individual. Approval to terminate emergency condition granted by: Date: Times Emergency Coordinator O EP-1-040 Rev. 7 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1) 11

e d' LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT UTILiflES SYSTEM POM VOLUME 18 EP-1-040 POM SECTION 2 REVISION 9 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING INSTRUCTION GENERAL EMERGENCY PORC Heating No, Rt. viewed [$/d[d,,,e- [ g Approved t [/J8 [ P dnt Manager-Nuclesk Approval Data Etfactive Date l l

e5n=snsmr.m. f) R:...zbCT D'- h( W - di.wf. /> wen /

                                                                                                                                    /Tw;          V
      .                                                                                                                     .j D         Ri 7 D 3 PCRC has reviaved this ite= and de:a:-d ed tha: a saf e:y evalu2:10: vas perfor:ad (ca appl 1:able), tha: an u=ravtaved safa:y questi = does === exist (as applicable).
hat a cha=ge to :he Tech:1:21 Specifiesticus is no: required, and tha: suclear safa:7 is/vas =c adversely affac ad.

CF.DI?. RICO2c CTOID 07 PCRC E IZ PCRC !T GIR TCR AP??.0"AL D A- E P :. . .U , sf :fAIORI U5 i No 11 Maista'2ance /, j f , Su;aris:asda= f/ y,r7/V 22 f j, Cpara:1:ss 'j -

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                                                       .4, Supe:1=:a=das:                  '
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y.*2.is-PCRC Mee:1s; No. N'/W Ita= No. 48 Datas Y J d "8 0 n.is 1:a= is rs=== ended for app : val? @ TIS O 30

      '" tis ita= :aquires $10/'.*20 review pris                         to i=ple=anta:1::t                     OTs                   30 If yes, a:::: dec=a= a:i== supper:1:3 review is attachad.

O.is ita= requires QA review pric: to PM-N approval? C TIS V NO C A 1 T . I"J

7. viaved by /fJ e # DA*Z /N d cc:;crata QA .*.anager j puf t- u>fr Acin ? "O*.u? A?'"C'/AL (RIPIR TO l
=ents :

1 A proved by AM DATI /~/.'f' F;an: .".an ; e r -M ucle a r t.NT-1-004, Revision 6 13 4... 4 ..ont 6.1 (! or 1)

i WATERFORD 3 SES l PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below i CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST l[lPOM l[lPORC-S/C (J Procedure No. Or - /--68 6 Title b'AM dh4%t/ Effective Date (if different from approval date) Complete A, B, and C A. Change No. M l[l Permanent l[l Deviation Expiration Date B. Revision No. C. Deletion l[ LYES ((NO DESCRIPTION OF CHANCE OR REVISION

                          @ u d W 2 /(_ /t*%_' & % M e h , A?AMN N- } 3 N(
                         ..h k p.ies),e.I,r /1rff4y M                        '


                          'T. -     ,w? m M h       M Y' t w h                    k s kv Wh~~ %3 % (
                         < l'4h k Ja 4 - / d s' m - M


                                     /             -%                              DATE     k-N-E SAFETY REVIEW            .

Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR7 YES NO N
2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR7 YES NO \'
3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR7 YES NO Y
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NO N' Iftheanswertoany_oC4hp,aGeisyes,completeandattacha 10CTR50.59 Safety Evalbati6n. / ,.


  • DATr.
  • Temporary approvat must be followed by Plant Manager /APM N - Nuclear approval within q 14 days.

J UNT 1-003 Revision 8 O Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)

f Emergency Plcn Implem:nting Inctruction EP-1-040 General Emergency Revision 9 f O TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE 1




6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS I 7.0 ATTACNMENTS I 7.1 Procedure Referecces for Additional Response Guidelines (1 page) 7.7 Emergency Coordinator's Close-out Checklist (1 page) f { i i LIST OF ET'ECTIVE PAGES , Title Revision 9 1-12 Revision 9 14 Revision 7 13 Revision 4 f i O 1

     .                                                                                                            1 4

Emerg:ncy Plan Irplsmanting Instruction EP-1-040 General Emergency Revision 9 , O 1.0 PURPOSE To outline the actions to be taken for an emergency condition at the General Emergency level.


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 EP-1-001, Recognition and Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.3 Emergency Management Resources Book 2.4 EP-1-010, Unusual Event 2.5 EP-1-020, Alert 2.6 EP-1-030, Site Area Emergency - 2.7 EP-2-010. Notifications and Communications 2.8 EP-2-031 In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During Emergencies 2.9 EP-2-050, Offsite Dose Assessment (Manual) 2.10 EP-2-051, Offsite Dose Assessment (Computerized) () 2.11 EP-2-052. Protective Action Guidelines 2.12 EP-2-060 Radiological Field Monitoring , 2.13 EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures I 2.14 EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 2.15 EP-2-101, Operational Support Center (OSC) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 2.16 EP-2-150, Emergency Plan Implementing Records t 2.17 EP-2-034, Onsite Surveys During Emergencies 2.18 FP-1-070. Fire Emergency - Fire Report 2.19 UNT-7-018 First Aid and Medical Care 2.20 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability 2.21 PS-16-103, Accountability of Personnel During Emergencies 2.22 EP-2-130. Emergency Team Assignments 2.23 UNT-6-010. Event Notification and Reporting D a 2


r 4

. Emarg0ncy Plan Icplocanting Instruction                                     EP-1-040 General Emergency                                                         Revision 9 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES      *                                         (

3.1 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of ' this procedure. 3.2 The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for ensuring thht the actions as outlined in this procedure are carried out. 3.3 The Shift Supervisor is the Emergency Coordinator until properly relieved by the Duty Plant Manager. ,


4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS This procedure is to be initiated upon reaching the following conditions: -4 k) 4.1 WheneveraGeneralEmergencyis'recognizedandclassifiedperEP-1-00Il g 4.2 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. 5.0 PROCEDURE _ i t

                                                                                                       , 1 i .
                                                                                                     ' v
                                                                   .7 3

I' , (

  ,     EmergIncy Plan Impism:nting Instruction                            EP-1-040    '



T PERFORM FURTHER EVALUATIONS AND UPDATE 4 RECOMMENDATIONS AS NECESSARY. 4 NOTE A site evacuation may be implemented by this procedure alone. Further guidance is provided , in EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures and

should be referred to as necessary.

5.1 Initiate a Site Evacuation, if not previously initiated: 6 *

o -



      -      Em2rgincy Plan Implemanting Instruction                                EP-1-040            ,

General Emergency Revision 9 l

        )                                                                                                 I 5.1.1     Select the off-site assembly area to be used (based on wind direction - use upwind assembly area): Monsanto Park, Luling or St. John the Baptist Catholic Chutch, dgard.                               ,

5.1.2 Notify the Security Shift Supervisor to prepare for the evacuation of the site and to restrict access to the site to authorized personnel only. NOTE T 0 When possible, the Health Physics. technician


should accompany the Assembly Area Supervisor to the assembly area in the same vehicle. 1

  ,f s       5.1.3     Dispatch the Assembly Area Supervisor.

( 5.1.4 Ensure that a Health Physics technician (or other trained person selected by the Health Physics Coordinator) is dispatched'to the off-site assembly area, i 541.5 Sound the station alarm. 5.2 Make the following announcement (s): 3 h 5'  !

                  @              g- -                   -  " -              B -w m 1

I f Emsrgency Plan ImplemInting Instruction I EP-1-040 l

       ,       General Emergency                                                            Revision 9 4

([]) 5.2.1 I

                            " ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL; ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: A GENERAL                               )

EMERGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED DUE TO (announce reason for I declaration of General Emergency). ALL MEMBERS OF THE EMERGENCY i ORGANIZATION REPORT TO YOUR STATIONS. DUE TO PLANT CONDITIONS ALL NONESSENTIAL PERSONNEL MUST PROCEED IMMEDIATELY TO THE (state l I one of the locations: ST. JORN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH OR  : MONSANTO PARK AREA.) UPON ARRIVAL, ALL PERSONNEL LOG IN WITH THE ASSEMBLY AREA SUPERVISOR. PERSONNEL IN RADIATION CONTROLLED AREAS PROCEED TO THE HEALTH PHYSICS CONTROL POINT. THERE WILL BE ^ N3 SMOKING, EATING, OR DRINKING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THE MAINTENANCE. RADIO FREQUENCY IS NOW DEDICATED FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY." 5.2.2 - If there is a localized emergency (e.g., fire), announce its type and location and instruct personnel to stand clear of this area (refer to FP-1-020). 5.2.3 Repeat the announcement (s). 5.2.4 Make the following notifications in accordance with'the notification procedures in EP-2-010: Notify Waterford I & 2 to evacuate non-essential personnel. NOTE

Waterford 1 & 2 personnel are not required to assemble at Waterford 3 assembly areas, but the Emergency Coordinator shall provide direction to Waterford I & 2 as to what evacuation routes to take.




                                                                                           .~ . - _-         - --.

Em2rgsney Plan Implemtnting Instruction EP-1-040 1 General Emergency Revision 9 i ( Notify St. John the Baptist and St. Charles parishes for vehicular traffic control. Notify the United States Coast Guard to control Exclusion Area river traffic. Inform St. Charles Parish when this not1F1. cation is completed. Notify the Missouri Pacific Railroad to Control Exclusion Area rail traffic. Inform St. Charles Parish when this notification is completed. 5.2.5 Ensure accountability and evacuation verification activities are performed in accordance with EP-2-190 and PS-16-103. NOTE f~h

 '(_jl If a General Emergency has been declared, and in the opinion of the SS/EC contacting the Duty Plant Manager will prevent completing the off-site notifications within the 15 minutes required by regulation, the SS/EC shall direct the Emergency Communicator to begin off-site notifications (5.5).

5.3 Make initial contact with the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). 5.3.1 If the Duty Plant Manager cannot be reached, contact any of the alternate Duty Plant Managers (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). 5.3.2 Upon contact with the Duty Plant Manager, discuss the following: [ 7


        .                                                                                I Emargency Plan Impicm:nting Instruction                               EP-1-040 General Emergency                                                  Revision 9


\m / Nature of the situation Classification Action taken or to be taken Need to activate emergency response facilities Advise that the Duty EOF Director be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book). Advise that the Duty Technical Spokesperson be contacted by the Duty Plant Manager (Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book), m NOTE C 1 5 x_ _/ If conditions exist that could be hazardous to those personnel reporting to the site, provide instructions for appropriate protective actions including use of alternative routes, activation of backup facilities, etc., as necessary by completing Attachment 7.3, Answering Machine Message, EP-2-010. 5.4 Direct the Emergency Communicator to activate the Emergency Pager System in accordance with EP-2-010, Attachment 7.1, Section I. 5.5 Complete Attachment 7.5, Initial Notification Form, Attachment 6.4 of UNT-5-010 (for NRC initial notification only) or Attachment 7.7, Follow-up Notification Form as appropriate of EP-2-010, and provide the form and the agencies to be notified to the Emergency Communicator. () Direct that the Energency Communicator commence initial off-site notifications of the appropriate organizations listed below in accordance with EP-2-010: 8

Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-040 !

   ,     General Emergency                                                   Revision 9 O

J 5.5.1 St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.5.2 St. John the Baptist Parish EOC - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.5.3 Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED) - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.5.4 Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (LOEP) - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration. 5.5.5 Waterford 1 & 2 - Notify within 15 minutes of declaration, but after above notifications, gs 5.5.6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Notify immediately after k) s- above notifications, not later than one hour. 5.5.7 Middle South Utilities - As soon as possible. 5.5.8 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) - As soon as possible. 5.5.9 U. S. Coast Guard - As necessary. 5.5.10 Missouri Pacific Railroad - As necessary. 5.5.11 American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) - As necessary. l 5.6 Ensure that the following accountability activities are performed: 5.6.1 The Security Central Alarm Station / Secondary Alarm Station () (CAS/SAS) Operator activates the Accountability Keycard Readers in accordance with PS-16-103, 9

1 Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction EP-1-040 l

     .         General Emergency                                                    Revision 9
       ~h (G

5.6.2 Personnel accountability activities are performed in accordance with

                          ' EP-2-190.

5.7 As additional information becomes available, update the Emergen:y Communicator by completing Attachment 7.7, Follow-Up Notification Form, of EP-2-010. Direct the Emergency Communicator to conduct additional updates to off-site agencies in accordance with EP-2-010. 5.8 Initiate off-site dose assessment in accordance with EP-2-050 for manual assessment or EP-2-051 for computerized assessment. Determine protective action recommendations in accordance with EP-2-052, Protective Action Guidelines. 5.9 If radiological releases are occurring or anticipated, instruct the Health Physics Coordinator to activate Radiological Field Monitoring pr~s Teams in accordance with EP-2-130 and EP-2-060.


5.10 Initiate activation of the Technical Support Center in accordance with , EP-2-100, if not previously activated. 5.11 Initiate activation of the Operational Support Center in accordance with EP-2-101, if not previously activated. 5.12 Direct the Health Physics Coordinator and/or the Radiological Controls Coordinator to initiate in-plant radiological controls in accordance with EP-2-031 if a real or potential radiological hazard exists and to perforn on-site surveys as necessary in a.cordance with EP-2-034. 5.13 Ensure that emergency logs / records are kept in accordance with EP-2-150. 5.14 Initiate any additional response measures in accordance with the 1 applicable emergency procedures listed in Attachment 7.1. [} 10

T e Emergsncy Plan Impls.menting Instruction EP-1-040 General Emergency Revision 9 5.15 As conditions change, periodically check EP-1-001 to determine whether reclassification is necessary. NOTE Ensure the station alarm is sounded prior to making the announcement that the emergency has been reclassified - decrease in classifi-cation (see EP-1-010. EP-1-020, or EP-1-030). 5.15.1 If reclassification is necessary, then reclassify the emergency in accordance with EP-1-001 and implement appropriate Implementing Instruction EP-1-010 EP-1-020, or EP-1-030. s 5.15.2 Obtain a copy.of, and complete, Attachment 7.2, Emergency (\s- Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist, to evaluate a decision to terminate the existing emergency condition, t 5.15.3 If closeout is appropriate, then close out the emergency with a verbal summary to all agencies / personnel as indicated on Attachment 7.13 of EP-2-010 and implement EP-2-170 to initiate recovery activities.

5.15.4 When reclassifying, ensure that the answering machine message tape reflects the most current emergency classification, or the appropriate " Facility Activated" announcement as per EP-2-010, I Attachment 7.9, 7.10, 7.11, or 7.12, 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 6.1 The General Emergency has been closed out with normal station administration resumed and recovery activities initiated in accordance
    '( )               with EP-2-170 or the emergency is reclassified.


                            .o Emergency Plan Implementing Instruction                                                        EP-1-040 General Emergency                                                                      Revision 9 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1   Procedure References for Additional Response Guidelines
 \                  N                    7.2   Emergency Coordinator's Close-Out Checklist i

e s 6 I 5 i l J l i 4 i } J , li 1  ! l i i

       .                                                                                                                                                                                            r
                                                                                                                                                                                                  'f i                                                                                                                                                                                                    '

i 12 i 1 i

 . , . . _ - - - _ . _ . - - - - _ . - . . _        . , . - - , , _ - _ .                            . , _ . . _ - - . . ~ . . _ - - - - - , . _ _ , . _ . - . _ , _ . _ _ _ . . .
                              .-     -                  -        .            . . - .           ~
,                 Topic                            References i.

Dersonnel EP-2-020 Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel I EP-2-030 Emergency Radiation Exposure Guidelines and Controls EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination EP-2-033, Administration of Iodine Blocking Agents EP-2-071, Site Protective Measures 4 EP-2-081, Search and Rescue 1 Administration EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments i e EP-2-140, Reentry EP-2-170, Recovery l Emergency Management Resources Book Security PS-16-102, Security Response During I Operating Emergencies PS-18-101. Standard Responses to Safeguards Contingencies 1 i i I i O EP-1-040 Revision 4 13 Attachment 7.1 (1 of 1)

EMERGENCY COORDINATOR'S CLOSE-0UT CHECKLIST INSTRUCTION U 1. This checklist shall be used by the Emergency Coordinator to evaluate a decision to terminate an existing emergency condition. All criteria shall be met.

2. This checklist, completed and signed by the Emergency Coordinator, is
                 ~    prerequisite for initiation of the Recovery Organization in ac rdance with EP-2-170.

(' s



                                      ,                                 (Initials)
1. The plant y i a stable configuration with adequatvfore cooling.
2. In-plant radiat Lon levels e sta le or decreasing with time.
3. The release of radios tife mat rial to the environment is contr 11' e d an there iM po >

significant potentia ffor ap ditional-uncontrolled releases.

4. All safety systems necessary to maintain t)e plant in a stable configuration are oper le.
5. Fires are extinguished; flooding con $ tions

and any other site damage are under control.j /

6. All vital areas requiring occupancy are /

habitable. ,

7. Site security control is established.
8. Contaminated injured personnel have been transported to a hospital.


9. All implementing procedures, have been closed out or are determined to remain '

active with responsibility for their completion and closure assigned to an individual. Approval to terminate emergency condition granted by: Date: Time: Emergency Coordinator l .EP-1-040 Revision 7 14 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1)

A l Louisiama POWER & LIGHT



                                                            %           [

Date Approved: k A NI P1 ht Manager-Nuclear Approval Date Effective Date O

LWJ COV:.2 5 "

                                                                    .         ,                               /.'

l R....r; G?:  !. ! bYb' ' d/MYiM' &/'d A//)dGikMbD l

      .                                                  /h5al. / )
    ...a  ? CRC has reviewed this 1:e= and de:er-4 ed tha: a safe:y evalus:10: vas perf::=ed (as applicable), :ha: an unreviewed safe:y ques:1:n dces act exis: (as applicable),
ha: a change to :he Technical Specificati==s is ac: required, and tha: suclear safa:7 is/vas === adversely af f ected.
   'CEDIE                                                                                          RICOMMINDID OF           PORC MI53II                             PCEC MIM3IR                           FCR A??ROVAi                  DA~I R: vlJ                                             ,

SICNA. 4 YES l NO I Mais:enance , . Supe:12:ende:: 1 , PJ,CIV ~M1[Wi~ Cpe:1:1cus Superi=:ende : f[,3.j;ggy w. /, , ~- X' :.W,, A,, '

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Assistan: ?'"-: Macare


b '?('[.{ $ .. <~ ~ .T .' ? -;h

    ?CIC Mee:1:; No.       FT Mb                   I:e2 No..            'F6                  Da:e:           f mM-86
    ~'-d=   1:e= is rec == ended fe     app;cval?               @ TIS            O No 21s 1:e= requires SICATIC review pri== :s i pl - -:a:ics?                                            IIS        x NO If yes, ensure decu=entatics suppc :1=g review is 4:: ached.

This ite= requires QA review pric: to *.1-N / approval? TIS s NO OA ?.I~~I'J Esviewed by A)/ *' DA~I /d .' +' Cc pcra:e QA Manager p';2C M_$27ACI? 'CCT.IAR A???. OVAL (RIFIR TO C:==ents: I t i Amp :ved by C- e.- DA*I .4 4-- Plan: Man ge r-:iuclea r 1"iT- 1-004 , Revisien 6 13 p . -%. m. . ...e n , 6 . , ( ., or 1)


    '.                                                                 PLANT OPERATING MANUAL                                        Check Block Below CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST                                   lhPOM l[lPORC-S/C Procedure No. SI %-C /b                                     Title Ad 4[;L d wr + / b m m h S S7 Effective Date                                              (if different from approval date)                                         -

Complete A, B, and C ~ A. Change No. N l[l Permanent ((lDeviation Expiration Date B. Revision No. 8 C. Deletion j[ LYES lhNO

                                               'Tr             N hmI-< h / CT                                  S Mk %?

REASON FOR CHANGE, REVISION, OR DELETION T>- JIk ,4%.$x 0 hfC %X O O REQUIRED SIGNATURES [ [ / I ORIGINATOR [// D, ATE kM-17 SAFETY REVIEW Vl / Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR?


2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR? YES NO y
3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR? YES NO N
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES N0 /

If the answer to any of the abov s yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Safety Ev ua ./ t SAFETY REVIEW f/

                                                                                                       ,                                  g                _


  • I)


  • i DATE i
  • 14Temporary days.

approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within j UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1) f

                                                                                                                                                   . , _ ,   ,,m-..,,-,.,,   , - .

Emergsncy Plan Impigmsnting Procedure EP-2-010 Notifications and Communications Revision 8 O TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE


3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Operation of the Answering Machines (4 pages) ' 7.2 Response Verification / Backup Activation of the Emergency Response Organization (3 pages) 7.3 Answering Machine Message (1 page)

  • 7.4 Initial Notification Procedure (6 pages) 7.5 Part I - Initial Notification for State. Parish and Secondary Agencies (1 page) 7.6 Follow-Up Notification Procedure (7 pages) 7.7 Part I - Follow-Up Notification for State Parish and Secondary Agencies; Part II - NRC Supplementarv Event Notification Tnformation (4 pages) 7.8 Request for Offsite Assistance _(4 pages) 7.9 Control Room Checklist for Transferring Communications Responsibilities to the TSC (2 pages) 7.10 TSC Checklist for Accepting Responsibility for Communications Systems from the Control Roon (? pages) l 1


Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-?-010 Notifications and Communications Revision 8 O 7.11 TSC (EOF) Checklist for Transferring Communications Responsibilities to the EOF (TSC) (1 page) 7.12 EOF (TSC) Checklist for Accepting Communications Responsibilities from the TSC.(EOF) (2 paged) 7.13 Off-Site Notification Log (4 pages) LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Title Revision 8 1-7,16-37,40,41,43,44 Revision 8 12-14,38,39,42,45-48 Revision 7


8-11 Revision 6 15 Revision 5 4 1 1 } i f LO 2

    , Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure                                           EP-2-010 Notifications and Communications                                              Revision 8 1.0 PURPOSE i            This procedure provides guidance for making notifications during an emergency and outlines the methods for activating the LP&L Emergency Response Organization.


) - 2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 State of Louisiana Peacetime Radiologicni Response Plan 2.3 EP-2-100, Technical Support Center (TSC) Activation Operation, and

;           Deactivation 2.4 EP-2-150, Emergency Plan Implementing Records 2.5 Emergency Management Resources Book 2.6 EP-3-060 Emergency Communications Guidelines 2.7 EP-3-070, Emergency Communications Systems Routine Testing 2.8 UNT-7-018, First Aid and Medical Care 2.9 UNT-6-010, Event Notification and Reporting l     3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES The Emergency Communicator, TSC Lead Communicator and/or the EOF Communications Coordinator is responsible for carrying out the 2

actions outlined in this procedure. When activated, the Licensing f Coordinator is responsible for maintaining contact with the NRC on the Emergency Notification System (ENS) line. 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS i i This procedure is to be initiated upon any of the following conditions: l ho i 3

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-010 l , , Notifications and Communications Revision 8 4.1 Declaration of any of the following emergency conditions: 4.1.1 Unusual Event 4.1.2 Alert 4.1.3 Site Area Emergency 4.1.4 General Emergency 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 ACTIVATION AND NOTIFICATION OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION. 5.1.1 The Emergency Coordinator evaluates plant and off-site conditions. If hazardous conditions exist, he/she provides instructions to the responding personnel, i.e. alternate routes, special consideration, etc., by completing Attachment 7.3 and forwarding it to the Emergency Communicator. 5.1.2 Place the answering machines in operation in accordance with

Attachment 7.1 1

5.1.3 Call out the on-site (TSC/OSC) emergency organization by activating the Emergency Pager System in accordance with the I- Emergency Management Resources Book. 5.2 Make critical off-site notifications in accordance with Attachment 7.4, I 4 document initial notification on Attachment 7.13, Off-Site Notification Log. Phone numbers are provided in the Emergency Management Resources j Book.

  • 5.3 On completion of the Initial Notif' cation, verify the Emergency Pager l

callout of the onsite (TSC/OSC) Emergency Organization in accordance with Attachment 7.2.

O 4

4 l ,

              ' Emergency Plan .Implemrnting Procedure                                   EP-2-010 Notifications and Communications                                         Revision 8              ,
   '( )

NOTE 4 When re-classifying the emergency or when a significant change occurs which affects the status of offsite protective action recommenda-tions a brief statement should be transmitted to the offsite agencies / personnel on a standard Communication Log (Attachment 7.1 of EP-2-150).

;                               Document the message on Attachment 7.13 Off-Site Notification Log. The message should be followed with a Follow-up Notification J'                               Report in accordance with Attachment 7.6.

4 V NOTE O i

 .                              When information is transmitted to offsite j                                agencies on standard Communication Logs (Attachment 7.1 of EP-2-150) the message should be clearly prefaced by the statement "THIS IS NOT A FUN REPORT". These messages are to be I

numbered, but message numbers are not to be transmitted. + 5.4 Provide updates to the offsite agencies / personnel on a frequent basis (approximately every 30 minutes for stable conditions and within 15 l ninutes for conditions that result in reclassification of the emergency-condition or result in a change in the status o# offsite protective action recommendations) as per Attachment 7.6 Follow-Up Notification 3 Procedure (FUN Report) and document the notification on Attachment 7.13 () Off-Site Notification Log. - l I 5 t {

I Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-010 Notifications and Communications Revision 8 O V 5.5 Request off-site assistance as directed in accordance with Attachment i 7.8, Request for Offsite Assistance. For medical assistance refer to , EP-2-020, Contaminated Injured Person or UNT-7-018, First Aid and Medical Care. 5.6 Off-Site Communication Responsibility transfers between Emergency Facilities. 5.6.1 Control Room Emergency Communicator shall transfer communications to the TSC Communicator in accordance with Attachment 7.9. TSC Communicator shall accept communications in accordance with Attachment 7.10. t 5.6.2 Between TSC and EOF x-- The TSC (EOF) Communicator shall transfer communication responsibilities in accordance with Attachment 7.11, The EOF (TSC) Communicator shall receive responsibility for communication in accordance with Attachment 7.12. 5.7 The Control Room Emergency Communicator shall, if required by the NRC Operations Center Duty Officer, maintain communications with the NRC on the ENS line. When activated, the Licensing Coordinator shall maintain communications with the NRC. 5.8 When the emergency classification changes, verify that the answering machine message tapes are changed to reflect the current emergency situation or that the respective facility activated message tape is installed on the answering machine. 5.9 Maintain records in accordance with EP-2-150, (} 6

       ~_.          -                         -    ,                     - - ,  , _ . _ .

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-?-010 Notifications and Communications Revision 8 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS Use of this procedure shall be terminated when directed by the s Emergency Coordinator. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Operation of the Answering Machines 7.2 Response Verification / Backup Activation of the Emergency Response Organization 7.3 Answering Machine Message 7.4 Initial Notification Procedure , 7.5 Part I - Initial Notification for State Parish and Secondarv Agencies 7.6 Follow-Up Notification Procedure 7.7 Part I - Follow-Up Notification for State, Parish and Secondary Agencies; Part II - NRC Supplementary Event Notification Information O-I 7.8 Request for Offsite Assistance 7.9 Control Room Checklist for Transferring Communications Responsibilities to the TSC 7.10 TSC Checklist for Accepting Resoonsibility for Communications Systems from the Control Room , 7.11 TSC (EOF) Checklist for Transferring Communications Responsibilities to the EOF (TSC) 7.12 EOF Checklist for Accepting Communications Responsibilities from the TSC 7.13 Off-Site Notification Log 1 i .- . . - . .


1. A flashing green READY light indicates that un-reviewed messages exist on the MESSAGE cassette.
2. If the switch lineup is in question refer to Attachment 7.4 of EP-3-070 to verify the switch lineup.
3. The answering machine volume is normally set at the minimum position. The volume control is located at the base of the unit on the right hand front corner next to the unit power switch.

4 The answering machine will automatically return to the answer mode after 8 seconds. CAUTION Use pre-record message tapes unless hazardous conditions exist (See Step 5.1.1). Provide Attachment 7.3 for the Emergency Coordinator to complete. I. TO ACTIVATE THE EMERGENCY PAGERS A. Perform the following steps for each of the available answering machines.

1. Lift the panel door and place the "A!iS.ONLY" switch (to the 7 left of the ANNOUNCE tape) in the OFF position.

EP-2-010 Revision 6 8 Attachment 7.1 (1 of 4)


2. Lift out and remove the prerecorded "Situatica Normal" cassette tape from the ANNOUNCE tape drive.
3. Place the prerecorded " Message Tape" in the ANNOUNCE tape drive, by holding the exposed tape portion of the cassette tape toward the front of the unit, insert the rear portion of the microcassette so it presses against and below the top curved edge of the cassette retaining clip. Ensure that full tape spool is to right side of the cassette.'
4. Set the VOLUME to the mid position and verify that the correct tape has been installed by pressing CHECK (under the panel door to the right of the MESSAGE cassette). After reviewing the announcement return the VOLUME control to minimum.

() B. Activate the Emergency Pager System by dialing the pager activation phone number (s) listed in the Emergency Management Resources Book, under the Emergency Pager Assignment tab. II. TO RECORD A MESSAGE A. Place the cassette tape you desire to record the announcement on in the ANNOUNCE tape drive. B. Press and hold down the ANN. REC (under the panel door to the right of the MESSAGE cassette drive). Wait one second and begin dictating your announcement into the built-in microphone (MIC). Position yourself 6-12 inches from the microphone (MIC) for the best results. C. . Release the ANN. REC button when you complete the announcement. , This will automatically place a " beep" at the end of your announcement. EP-2-010 Revision 6 9 Attachment 7.1 (2 of 4)

  • i

}. i OPERATION OF THE ANSWERING MACHINE 3 CONT'D. f D. Verify your message by positioning the volume control in the

                                                                                                                                                                        't j                                                        midposition.

E. Then press CHECK (under.the panel door to the right of the MESSAGE  : f j cascette drive). - III. TO ERASE A MESSAGE TAPE i i  ! ! A. After reviewing the tape [(or advancing the tape to the end of i f messages using F. FWD (Fast Forward)} press and hold the MEMO button and then momentarily press the REW (Rewind) button. Once the tape begins moving release the MEMO and the REW button. ,! NOTE ) i ( The cassette you desire to erase must be in the r { MESSAGE cassette drive. f 4 I


{ CONFIGURATION j A. Lift the panel door and place the "ANS.ONLY" switch (to the left r of the ANNOUNCE tape) in the ON position. r i B. Life out and remove the prerecorded " Message Tape" cassette from  : t { the ANNOUNCE tape drive. i l C. Place the prerecorded " Situation Normal" cassette tape in the l ANNOUNCE tape drive. I i f LO f EP-2-010 Revision 6 10 Attachment 7.1 (3 of 4)-

_ _. . . - _ - . = _ - - _ _ _. _ _. __ 1

       ,                                         OPERATION OF THE ANSWERING MACHINES CONT'D.

i 4-iO l 7 NOTE I If you desire to review the message again press PLAY. You may also move ahead by pressing l F. FWD (Fast Forward) or back by pressing REW i (Rewind). D. Erase the MESSAGE cassette by pressing and holding the MEMO hutton and then momentarily pressing the REW (Rewind) button. Once the tape begins moving release the MEMO and the REW button. E. Set the VOLUME to the midposition and verify that the correct tape I has been installed by pressing CHECK (under the panel door to the right of the MESSAGE cassette). After reviewing the announcement l return the VOLUME control to minimum. i i 4 ) i i i i i l I'O i EP-2-010 Revision 6 11 Attachment 7.1 (4 of 4)

_ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . _ . = . _ _ _ _ _ _ - -_ . _ _ - - _ _ . . _ . _ _ _- ___.._

                   .                                                                                                                                                                       4 RESPONSE VERIFICATION / BACKUP ACTIVATION OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION
 !                 1.0 Verification of response to the Emergency Pager Activation.

$ 1.1 Obtain a copy of the form shown on page 13 of this procedure. Onsite l Emergency Response Verification to record answering machine responses. 1- ] 1.2 Press PLAY to play back called-in messages. Record the responders on

 ;                             Attachment 7.2 (3 of 3), Onsite Emergency Response Verification.

i NOTE a . 4 The answering machine will automatically stop j after the last message has been played and i return to the " ANSWER" mode within 8 seconds. I I f() 1.3 Erase all messages previously received, press and hold down the' MEMO ) button and then momentarily press the REW (Rewind) button. Once the j tape begins moving release the MEMO and the REW button. .

 )                 1.4 Update the Emergency Coordinator as to the status of the responders
    'N using Page 3 of this attachment, Onsite Emergency Response Verification.

I 1.5 Call out personnel to fill unverified positions as directed by the Emergency Coordinator, use Section 2 helow. t l l 1 l LO I t

EP-2-010 Revision 7 12 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 3) 5
                                                                                                   .-,.--m-,..,;,-            - , , ,          ., ,--m,-,                 -n, - . - - ,.--



, 2.1 Using the Emergency Management Resources Book, attempt to contact the individuals in the Emergency Response Organization via telephone. Upon reaching them, announce:

                                                                                              ..N l                                                                 NOTE l,

j Do not engage in a discussion of the situation with the individual. If questions arise, inform , the individual he/she will be briefed upon arrival on site. i l THIS IS , THE EMERGENCY ). (YOUR NAME) i COMMUNICATOR AT WATERFORD 3. WE HAVE DECLARED AN/A l EMERGENCY AT (Unusual Event Alert. Site Area, General) WATERFORD 3. YOUR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TO THE SITE IS REQUIRED. WHAT IS YOUR ANTICIPATED ARRIVAL TIME? i i 2.2 Record Responders Response time on Page 3 of this attachment. In the i event that you are unable to reach the first individual on the list, i i j call out alternate personnel for the position as listed in the 1 Emergency Management Resources Book. 2.3 Using Page 3 of this attachment advise the Emergency Coordinator on

the call out status.

4 i I 1

O i

j EP-2-010 Revision 7 13 Attachment 7.2 (2 of 3)

,                                         ONSITE EMERGENCY RESPONSE VERIFICATION                                                  l i


6. '

7. 8. n. 4

  !                   9.                                                                                     <


 !                    10.
 !                    11.                                                                                '


                    . 12.                                                                                  '

13. 14 15. 4 16. ) {' 17. 4 18.

,                     20.
22. '

j 23. 24 j 25. ! 26. l , , 27. j 28. <

29. '


l. 30.
                                                                                                                           'c i

i 1 EP-2-010 Revision 7 14 Attachment 7.2 (3 of 3) ' l l 's

    ,     _      _ _ .         .           .   . ._    . - . . _ -.         =  _   - . --       .-.   . .  .

ANSWERING MACHINE MESSAGE 1.) To be completed by the Emergency Coordinator. I 2.) Include special travel instruction where hazardous conditions exist. 5 3.) Provide completed message to the Emergency Communicator. i s AN (Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area or General) EMERGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED AT WATERFORD 3 DUE TO l i YOUR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TO THE SITE IS REQUIRED. AFTER THE SOUND OF THE




)l Emergency Coordinator - Time i i i i 4 i i

O EP-2-010 Revision 5 15 Attachment 7.3 (1 of 1)

INITIAL NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE ,s 1.0 Receive from the Emergency Coordinator a completed Attachment 7.5, i 'i


Part I - Initial Notification for State, Parish and Secondary Agencies. 2.0 Perform initial notifications to St. Charles Parish EOC, St. John the Baptist Parish EOC, Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED) and Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (LOEP) via the Operational Hotline. NOTE-

               .          The Initial Notification Message No shall be "F-1". All Follow-Up Notification Reports will be sequentially numbered beginning with     "F-2".

2.1 T.if t the Operational Hotline receiver and push the ring button. Hold the ring button down for at least 5 to 10 seconds. gg 2.2 As each agency representative identifies himself, respond with WATERFORD 3 STEAM ELECTRIC STATION - STAND BY and note the title of the agency responding. 2.3 After all agencies have identified themselves or two minutes have elapsed, make the following statement: THIS IS AT THE WATERFORD 3 STEAM ELECTRIC (name/ title) STATION. THE FOLLOWING IS A NOTIFICATION OF AN ENERGENCY. OBTAIN A COPY OF THE PART I - INITIAL NOTIFICATION FOR STATE, PARISH AND SECONDARY AGENCIES F0PR AND STAND BY TO RECORD INFORMATION. Allow a few moments for the agencies' represen att es to obtain the fo rm. p ' '


(_ EP-2-010 Revision 8 16 Attachment 7.4 (1 of 6) l 1

                                                                                           \'           l
                                                                                              ,        I
                                                            ~.                                 .


  . g-k     2.4 Read slowly the information on the Initial Notification Form one line s-            at a time and allow agency representatives time to fill in their forms.

I i NOTE Do not supply any information not listed on the form. Inform agency representatives that more information will be forthcoming. 2.4.1 Record contact with the agencies on Attacheent 7.13, OFF-SITE NOTIFICATION LOG. 2.5 After the agencies on the Operational Hotline have recorded the information on the initial notification form, contact any of the agencies listed that did not respond when the hotline was activated. NOTE i. A verification is required as per Section-5 of this Attachment if St. Charles Parish E0C, St. John the Baptist Parish EOC, the LNED or LOEP is notified via any method other than the 4 Operational Hotline. 2.5.1 Dial the phone number of the appropriate agency as listed in the Emergency Management Resource Book and perform steps 2.3 and 2.4 above. 4 2.5.2 If contact cannot be made by dialing the appropriate agency's phone number, then activate the State Civil Defense radio transnitter and repeat steps 2.3 and 2.4 above. () , EP-2-010 Revision 8 17 Attachment 7.4 (2 of 61 "~ ( $

INITIAL NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE CONT'D. NOTE J LNED does not have the State Civil Defense radio. Request LOEP to contact LNED if the State Civil Defense radio is used. 2.5.3 Ensure that the Emergency Communicator /TSC Lead Communicator / Communications Coordinator receives verification of transmittal.

                   '(See Section 5.0. this Attachment).
2.5.4 Emergency Communicator /TSC Lead Communicator / Communications Coordinator notifies the Emergency Coordinator / EOF Director of verification of transmittal.

l 2.6 Update Attachment 7.13, Off-Site Notification Log.

' '  )

2.7 Notify Waterford I and 2 SES via the LP&L Emergency Dial Network, see the Emergency Management Resources Book for telephone numbers. 2.7.1 When Waterford I and 2 comes on the line, repeat the information on the Initial' Notification Form. N 3.0 NOTIFICATION VIA THE NRC EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTDI 5 NOTE l i Communications with the NRC may be con-tinuously maintained. i' ( ~ EP-2-010 Revision 8 18 Attachment 7.4 (3 of 6)


  /s      3.1 Lift the receiver for the NRC Emergency Notification System phone.

( x/


Once a response is obtained, make the following statement: THIS IS AT THE LP&L WATERFORD 3 STEAM ELECTRIC (Name/ Title) STATION. THE FOLLOWING IS A NOTIFICATION OF AN EMERCENCY. 3.2 In an effort to avoid duplication, the NRC initial notification required under UNT-6-010. " Event Notification and Reporting", Attachment 6.4 shall suffice as initial NRC notification under the Emergency Plan. The attachment is entitled " Event Notification Information Worksheet". This form is provided in the Control Room and TS'C Emergency Planning Files. NRC follow-up notifications shall be handled in accordance with Attachment 7.6 of EP-2-010. () 3.2.1 If the NRC Emergency Notification System (ENS) is not operational, refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book for commercial telephone numbers. 3.3 Update Attachment 7.13, Off-Site Notification Log.

          .~. 4 Until relieved by the Licensing Coordinator or an NRC Representative, continue with communications duties.

4.0 SECONDARY NOTIFICATION 4.1 The following notifications will be performed af ter the initial notifications: These notifications are only required at the direction of the Emergenc~ Coordinator / EOF Director.

 'O i

EP-2-010 Revision 8 19 Attachment 7.4 (4 of 6)

INITIAL NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE CONT'D. NOTE Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book for telephone numbers, s 4 4.1.1 Middle South Utilities 4.1.2 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), Atlanta, GA. 4.1.3 American Nuclear Insurers (ANI), Farmington, CT 4.1.4 U. S. Coast Guard . 4.1.5 Missouri Pacific Railroad (Chief Dispatcher). I 4.1.6 Document contact on Attachment 7.13, Off-Site Notification Log. 5.0 VERIFICATION CALL NOTE j If St. Charles Parish 20C, St. John the Baptist Parish EOC, the LNED or LOEP is notified via any method other than the , Operational Hotline, then a verification call is required. Record required information below.

 'O EP-2-010 Revision 8                           20                         Attachment 7.4 (5 of 6) l l

_~ _ _

_ . . , . - - . . _ . _ m . _. . . _ _ . . - . . _ __ . _ _ _ . _ . . . ._ - . .

                                               . INITIAL NOTIFICATION PROCEDlIRE CONr'D.

1 i 5.1 Record agencies making verification calls. 5.1.1 St. Charles Parish EOC (time /nar.e) 1 5.1.2 St. John the Baptist Parish EOC j (time /name) 3 j 5.1.3 Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division i (time /name) j 5.1.4 Louisiana Office of Emergency. Preparedness 1 j (time /name) , i 1 - 1 t 3 1 i i - t i l 1 i i i I i l 1 lo l L i EP-2-010 Revision 8 21 Attachment 7.4 (6 of 6) f l


 ;                                                 (Name)                                                                 (Time                                I i         2 on                                       with                                    Telephone No.

(Date) (Site) l 3 Events are such that a/an: Unusual Event Site Area Emergency i I- 4 Alert General Emergency i

,         5 was declared at                                              hrs.

i 6 Brief description of event (s): 7 8 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES: { 9 Release NO ', f 10 YES - Liquid; Gaseous; Other f 11 Wind Speed sph l 12 Wind Direction from into Sector (s) . l (degrees) (A-R) i 13 Recommend Protective Actions: None i j 14 Shelter i 15 other

,       16                                                                                                                                                    .

i  ! l A comprehensive assessment of conditions is in progress at this time. Additional information will be provided to you as the situation develops. } h EMERGENCY COORDINATOR / TIME ! PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS MESSAGE AS YOUR STATION IS CALLED, ! LNED St. Charles EOC t

LOEP St. John EOC i

TIME TRANSMITTAL VERIFICATION - COMMUNICATOR'S SIGNATURE EP-2-010 Revision 8 22 Attachment 7.5 (1 of 1) \ . - ..- - .- - - - -- - ,- - .. - - - . . - . - - - . - . - . - - - - . - - ..



1.0 Guidelines for filling out the Follow-up Notification Report (Attachment 7.7) (FUN Report) NOTE Follow-Up Notification Report may be generated manually or by computer in the dose assessment area. 1.1 The FIRST Follow-up Notification Report shall have ALL information blanks filled in sections where information appears. Where specific information is unavailable or not applicable "NONE" or "N/A" will be used to complete the information blank. Where an entire section is "N/A" check the N/A blank. No information should appear in a section which has been N/A. j 1.2 For those Follow-Up Notification Reports which follow the FIRST Follow-Up () Notification Report each section should fall within three categories: 1.2.1 "N/A" - Not applicable for the first Report and has remained not applicable for the additional Follow-up Notification Reports. i

1.2.2 New Information - One or more of the section's categories have l changed. Ensure that ALL information blanks contain information, None or N/A in a "New Information" Section.

1.2.3 Unchanged - The Information presented in this section has not changed from earlier Follow-up Notification Form. Check ', "Unchange", no other information blanks should contain data in this section. 1.3 Guidelines for transmitting a Follow-Up Notification Report () 1.3.1 Read slowly and clearly EP-2-010 Revision 8 23 Attachment 7.6 (1 of 7)

FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE CONT'D. i t eg 1.3.2 For sections that are marked "N/A"

  \m l                                                                                                      )

Example "Line 9 N/A" (the line where the block appears)

                 "Line 10 through 21 N/A" (lines affected) 1.3.3  For section(s) that are marked "New Information" transmit the i                 line number followed by the appropriate information.                  In cases where only part of the information for a given section has changed; all blocks which are unchanged, but contained information on earlier Reports should be completed and the earlier information
,                re-transmitted. Such that the section contains no blank information blocks.

1.3.4 For sections that are " Unchanged" Example (}

                    "Line 10, Unchanged" (line where block appears)
                    "Line 11-21 Unchanged" (line effected) l 2.0 Receive from the Emergency Coordinator / EOF Director a completed Attachment 7.7, Follow-Up Notification for State. Parish and Secondary Agencies.

NOTE The Initial Notification Ifeasage No. shall be "F-1". All Follow-Up Nctification Reports will be sequentially numbered beginning with "F-2".

O j EP-2-010 Revision 8 24 Attachment 7.6 (2 of 7)
                                    , ~ .                   ,     n .. , ~ - - , -              -

FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE CONT'D. O V NOTE Notify only the appropriate personnel / agencies of conditions that change. ! l 3.0 Renotify St. Charles Parish EOC, St. John the Baptist Pariah EOC, Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (LNED) and Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (LOEP) via the Operational Hotline. 2 3.1 Lift the Operational Hotline receiver and push the ring button. Hold the ring button down for at least 5 to 10 seconds. 3.2 As each agency representative identifies himself, respond with WATERFORD-3 STEAM ELECTRIC STATION - STAND BY and note the title of the agency-responding. . O 3.3 After all agencies have identified themselves, or two minutes have elapsed, make the following statement: THIS IS AT THE WATERFORD 3 NUCLEAR POWER STATION. (name/ title)



3.4 Read slowly information on the Follow-Up Notification one line at a j time and allow agency representatives time to fill in their forms.

l l 3.5 After agencies have recorded the information on the Follow-Up ' i Notification, contact any of the agencies listed that did not respond 4 4 when the hotline was activated.


i EP-2-010 Revision 8 25 Attachment 7.6 (3 of 7) I f



j 4 3.5.1 Dial the appropriate agency's phone number as listed in the O~ Emergency Management Resources Book. 3.5.2 If contact cannot be made by dialing the appropriate agency's phone number, then activate the State Civil Defense radio' transmitter and repeat steps 3.3 and 3.4 above. 1 NOTE LNED does not have the State Civil Defense Radio. Request LOEP to contact LNED if the

 !                             State Civil Defense Radio is used.

3.5.3 Ensure that the TSC Lead Communicator / Communications Coordinator receives verification of transmittal, fa accordance with section 5.0 of Attachment 7.4 , 3.5.4 Update Attachment 7.13, Off-Site Notification Log. 3.5.5 TSC Lead Communicator / Communications Coordinator notifies the

Emergency Coordinator / EOF Director of verification of transmittal.
3.6 Follow-up notification of Waterford 1 & 2 shall be performed by the Control Room, TSC or EOF (depending upon which facility has communications responsibilities). The notifications will contain!

, a. Changes in Event Classification

b. Protective Action Recommendations l c. Information pertinent to the safety of personnel working at that facility.

l l EP-2-010 Revision 8 26 Attachment 7.6 (4 of 71 l-


       . f-                           .The above described Follow-up notification messages shall be approved by the Emergency Coordinator or EOF Director. The messages shall be prepared on Communications Log forms (W3-1025) from EP-2-150 by the

[ Control Room Communicator, TSC Lead Communicator or EOF Communications 4 Coordinator using information on the current FUN Report or other messages to offsite agencies. 4 Notify Waterford 1 and 2 SES on the LP&L Emergency Dial Network. See the Emergency Management Resources Book for telephone numbers. 4.0 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC) VIA NRC EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (ENS) I ' j NOTE I Communications with the NRC may be continuously maintained. 'O

4.1 Lift the receiver for the NRC Emergency Notification System phone.

Once a response is obtained, make the following statement: , i A THIS IS AT THE LP&L WATERFORD 3 STEAM ELECTRIC (name/ title) I STATION. THE FOLLOWING IS AN UPDATE OF INFORMATION REGARDING OUR 3 DECLARED EMERGENCY. i i 4.2 Provide the NRC representative with the information written on the NRC Supplementary Event Notification Information Form. { i VO 4 EP-2-010 Revision 8 27 Attachment 7.6 (5 of 7) i

FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE CONT'D. 4 NOTE Do not supply any information not listed on the form or answer any other questions which

                             .may be posed to you. Should the representative need additional information, contact the                                                                      1 Emergency Coordinator and have him discuss the situation with the representative.

4.2.1 If the NRC Emergency Notification System (ENS) is not operational, contact the NRC by using the commercial telephone, telephone numbers are listed in the Emergency j Management Resources Book. 4.3 Ensure that the Emergency Coordinator receives verification of transmittal. I 4.4 Update Attachment 7.13, Off-Site Notification Log. i 4.5 Until relieved by an NRC Representative or the Licensing Coordinator, l continue with communications duties. 5.0 SECONDARY NOTIFICATIONS i 5.1 The following notifications will be performed after the follow-up notification: These notifications are only required at the direction of the Emergency Coordinator / EOF Director. l EP-2-010 Revision 8 28 Attachment 7.6 (6 of 7)

       .                                 .   .  .      .    . - = _      ..     ._ _         ..  ._

FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE CONT'D. i NOTE Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book for telephone numbers. 5.1.1 Middle South Utilities, i 5.1.2 Institute. of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), Atlanta, Ca. 5.1.3 American Nuclear Insurers (ANI), Farmington, CT. NOTE Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book for telephone numbers.

O 5.1.4 U. S. Coast Guard.

5.1.5 Missouri Pacific Railroad (Chief Dispatcher). ! 5.1.6 Document contact on Attachment 7.13, Off-Site Notification Log. i I I i O EP-2-010 Revision 8 29 Attachment 7.6 (7 of 7)

   ._.                         -           -.-     . .   - _. - . - . .                                   -           -  ~                .. .


~6       Number 1             This is                                         with Message No.                      , at _ _ hrs.,

(Name) (Tisa) l 2 on with- Telephone No. y (Date) (Site) 3 Events are such'that a/an: Unusual Event Site Area Emergencv 4 Alert General Emergency J 5~ was declared at hrs. This classification is (Escalated, De-escalated, Unchanged. Terminated) from the

!                         last report.

j 6 Reason for reclassification: l 7 i 8 j THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES: I

;           9             SECTION A: Radiological Release Information                                            N/A 10                 This information is:      A) New Information                            B) Unchanged

{ 11 (1) Type of Radiological Release: Liquid, Gaseous: Other l 12 (2) Time of Reactor Shutdown: hrs. .i 13 (3) Initial Time of Release hrs. 14 (4) Release Terminated: NO, YES TIME TERMINATED hrs. 15 (5) Duration of Release: KNOWN or TOTAL PROJECTED (hours) (hours) I 16 (6) Release Rate: Noble Gas Ci/sec Monitored; Calculated i 17 Iodine Ci/sec Monitored; Calculated j 18 Particulate Ci/see Monitored; Calculated 1 i 19 (7) Release Elevation: Cround Level: Elevated j 20 (8) Estimate of Surface Contamination In-Plant, Onsite, or Offsite: 21 4 22 SECTION B: Meteorology- N/A ]' 23 This information is: A) New Information B) Unchanged 24 (1) Wind: Speed sph 25 Direction from into Sector (s) , i (degrees) , (A-R) i ! 26 (2) Stability Class: ABCDEFG j 27 (3) Precipitation: None; Rain; Sleet; Snow; Hail hO I EP-2-010 Revision 8 30 Attachment 7.7 (1 of.4) ) _. - - _ . , - x - --. - . - - . - . - . . , . - -

l I . Lins' Number FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION - Page 2 . i 1 SECTION C: Offsite Radiological Dose Consequences N/A O 4 2 This is: Al New Information B) Unchanged Projected (1) Projected Whole Body Dose At: Dose Rate Duration Projected Dose 3 A) Site Boundary mR/hr mrem ]. 4 B) 2 Miles mR/hr mrem 1- 5 C) 5 Miles mR/hr mrem , 6 D) 10 Miles mR/hr mrem (2) Projected Thyroid Dose Commitment At: Projected Dose j 7 A) Site Boundary mrem * ! 8 B) 2 Miles mrem !- 9 C) 5 Miles mrem 10 D) 10 Miles mrem i i 11 (3) Affected Sectors 12 SECTION D: Emergency Response Considerations N/A

13 This is
A) New Information -B) Unchanged i 14 (1) Recommended Protective Actions: None; Other (Describe)
15 1 (2) Licensee Emergency Actions Underway
None; Other (Describe) 18 i l 19 j 20 (3) Request for Offsite Support: None; Other (Descrfbe) 21 22 23 (4) Prognosis for Worsening or Termination of Event. '

Based on Plant Information: 24 None; Other (Describe) \ ' ! 25 26 27 (5) Other Comments: None; Other (Describe) 28 i 29 I 30 i ll ! EMERGENCY COORDINATOR'S/ EOF DIRECTOR - TIME

  ;O EP-2-010 Revision 8                                                     31                                               Attachment 7.7 (2 of 4)


                         .                                                                                                                                                                                        t PART II - NRC SUPPLEMENTARY EVENT NOTIFICATION-INFORMATION THIS IS LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY - W3SES WITH A SUPPLEMENTARY EVENT NOTIFICATION NUMBER                                             AT                                            HOURS, ON                               .

4 (date) Further Licensee Actions Taken j Planned Property Damage Radioactivity Released (or Increased Release)? i Liquid / Gas? Location / Source of Release Elevation Release Rate Duration Stopped j Release Monitored?- Amount of Release l Increased Radiation Levels in Plant: Location (s) Radiation Level (s) Areas Evacuated . Maximum Offsite Dose Rates Integrated Dose 1 l Meteorology Wind Directio'n From I Wind Speed (Meter /see or miles /hr) Delta T ('C or 'F ) Sigma Theta Temperature ( C or F) Stability Class ABCDEF Raining (Yes/No) i Projected Doses: I I Dose Rates Integrated Dose j 2 mi i 5 mi l 10 mi l Sectors i; , Contamination (Surface): Inplant Onsite Offsite , i i i Reactor Operations: i Reactor System Status ' ! Power Level ! Pressure Temp. Flow (pumps on) l Cooling Mode ECCS Operating / Operable i Containment Status l Containment Isolated? Containment Temp. Containment Pressure Containment Radiation R/hr , i Standby Gas Treat Sys (BWR) Reactivity Controls l

Control Rods Inserted Status of Emer. Boration System i

O EP-2-010 Revision 8 32 Attachment 7.7 (3 of 4)

                , _ . . . _ . _ _ _ . . _ . _ - _ . _ _                        , , _ . - _ . . _ . _ . _ , _ _ . _ . , _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _                                . ~ . _ _ . . . - . _ . . _ _


   ,     Steam Plant Status                 S/G Levels                    Equip. Failure j--         Feedwater Source / Flow                                             S/G Isolated?

( ,, MSIVs (BWR) Closed Electrical Dist. Status : Normal Offsite Power Available? Major Busses / Loads Lost Safeguards Busses Power Source . D/G RdEning? Securitv/Safegu'rds: a Bomb Threat: Search Conducted? Search Results Site Evacuated? Extortion: Source (Phone, letter,etc)? Location of Letter Intrusion: Insider? Outsider? Furthest Point of Intrusion Fire arms related? Stolen / Missing Material? RX Oper./De'onstration. m Size of Group Demands Violence? Fire arms related? Sabotage / Vandalism: Radiological? Arson Involved? Stolen / Missing Material? Transportation: Mode (Road / Rail / Air /etc.) Carrier j Exact Location 1 Type of Material (HEU/ Spent Fuel / Cat III/Other) Description of Shipment Labels: (On Material Package) (On Vehicle) Spillage Surveys Physical damage to container? Fire / Smoke Missing material? Materials and Fuel Facilities: Kind of Licensee (processor, radiographer, medical, etc.) Isotopes involved 1 Solid / Liquified? Sealed / Loose?


Emergency Coordinator / EOF Director Signature / Time Transnittal Verified / Communicator Signature / Time l li EP-2-010 Revision 8 33 Attachment 7.7 (4 of 4)


        .1.0 Request for Assistance Format 1.1 Message should include at minimum the Communicator's name, time, date, Waterford 3 and the approval signature of the Emergency Coordinator or the EOF Director.

1.2 Message number entered and documented on Attachment 7.13, Off-Site Notification Log. 1.3 Request should be made using the Follow-Up Notification, Attachment 7.7, of this procedure, or the Communications Log Form. Attachment 7.1, of EP-2-150, or the appropriate form for notification of fire or medical emergency. 2.0 REQUESTS FOR OFFSITE ASSISTANCE NOTE O Telephone numbers are available in the Emergency Management Resources Book. 2.1 FIRE 2.1.1 Call: Hahnv111e Volunteer Fire Department (783-6631) Method: PABX

2.1.2 Advise

St. Charles Parish EOC that the fire departnent has been called. s l i,O EP-2-010 Revision 8 34 Attachment 7.8 (1 of 4)

     ,                       REQUEST FOR OFFSITE ASSISTANCE CONT'D.

9 3 2.2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY (V CAUTION If the injured /ill individual is possibly contaminated GO TO EP-2-020, contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel. DO NOT USE THIS FORMAT. 2.2.1 AMBULANCE SERVICES NOTE St. Charles Hospital Ambulance is dispatched through the Industrial Hotline via St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Dispatcher or EOC, not the hospital. a Call: St. Charles Hospital Method: Industrial Hotline via St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Dispatcher or EOC. , 1 Advise: W3 Security of ambulance service that was called and estimated time of arrival. Method: PABX I l l EP-2-010 Revision 8 35 Attachment 7.8 (2 of 4)

      ..             . . .        .              .  ~_- --          -     -_      -._    ..   =



O Call: West Jefferson General Hospital

,                                       (1-800-382-4006) (Air Care Helicopter Service)

Method: PABX Advise: St. Charles Parish EOC that the hospital has been f i


Method: PABX

;                          Advise:     W3 Security of ambulance service that was called and the i                                      estimated time of arrival.

Method: PABX l l j 2.2.2 HOSPITALS i j CAUTION I (( ) If the injured /ill individual is possibly contaminated CO TO EP-2-020 Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel. DO NOT USE THIS FORMAT. 1 Call
St. Charles Hospital (785-6242) (Primary) l Method: PABX l Call: West Jefferson General Hospital (838-3000) (Support)

Method: PABX . 4 I

O ,

1 1 EP-2-010 Revision 8 36 Attachment 7.8 (3 of 4) l



   ,         .=                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        i 2.3 EXCLUSION AREA CONTROL a

1 2.3.1 Call: St. Charles and and St. John the Baptist Parish EOC's Method: PABX ' Call: Missouri Pacific Railroad Company Method: PABX l i Advise: St. Charles Parish EOC of this notification ( l )

United States Coast Guard i Method: PABX Advise St. Charles Parish EOC of this notification i

i ) 2.4 ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE i i ! As listed in the appropriate procedure. !O i i l 4 t I 1 {  ! t  ! t I  ! t, 1 4 4 t i 1 t I EP-2-010 Revision 8 37 Attachment 7.8 (4 of 4) l f

       .                       CONTROL ROOM CHECKLIST FOR TRANSFERRING
1. tihen the TSC is activated and is ready to accept the responsibilities for a11 off-site and on-site communications, the Control Room Emergency Communicator will establish communications with the TSC Lead Communicator and provide the following information:

A. Communications lines on which the Control Room is currently communicating B. Individual / agency at the other end of the lines C. Latest information transmitted over the lines . D. Latest information received over the lines 2 When communication activities are at a low level and allow for the transfer of offsite communication responsibilities perform the () following activities: A. When contacted by the TSC on the PABX, pass the off-site communication responsibilities to the TSC Communicator. B. The TSC Communicators will immediately announce to the offsite agencies that the TSC is responsible for communications and provide them with a new call back phone number.

3. Upon completion of the transfer, the Control Room Emergency Communicator will perform the following functions:

A. Inform the SS that communications have been transferred to the TSC ECC. B. Deliver all dispatched or developed Initial Notification.

 .(-~)              Follow-Up Notification and Communicstion Logs to ,the TSC Lead j  \/                Communicator for his retention and review.

l EP-2-Ol0 Revision 7 38 Attachnent 7.9 (1 of 2) l [ L

  -                      CONTROL ROOM CHECKLIST FOR TRANSFERRING COMMUNICATIONS RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE TSC C. Retur" to the Control Room and assume other responsibilities as directed by the SS.

N D. Insert the "TSC Activated" message tape on the answering machines. ' i !O j i b EP-2-010 Revision 7 39 Attachment 7.9 (2 of 2)

 -. _             . _.              _ _-                             _ . _        ._     __.m             _ _.                     - __ --_ ___ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _.__     4 . . . - . -


O l 1. The TSC Lead Communicator will go to the Control Room and get a copy I of each Initial Notification, Follow-Up Notification and Communications j Log Sheet disseminated by the Control Room Emergency Communicator and.

l if required, make a copy of the Shift Supervisor Log Book. j ! 2. TSC Lead Communicator will disseminate these reports to the staff in


l the TSC and assign communicators in the Emergency Control Center who ! can perform the following actions. t

a. Review the material to become familiar with communications to this point.

I 1 t b

b. Monitor the active communications lines and listen to any transmissions occurring at the time.

NOTE Do not respond; allow the Control Room Emergency. i Communicator to continue handling conuounications. I  ; i e i c. At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator "to shift  ! j communications to the TSC." contact the Control Room on the PABX

!                                     and inform them that you are taking responsibility for off-site i

communications. Then make the following announcement to the i offsite agencies: WATERFORD 3 TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER IS NOW RESPONSIBLE FOR COMMUNICATIONS. PLEASE DIRECT A7.L REQUESTS FOR j ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER i AT, (Cive new call-back phone number) . '

d. Contact the Control Room and advise t. hem that the offsite agencies

) have been contacted and give them the new call-back number. i

O l

i l EP-2-010 Revision 8 40 Attachment 7.10 (1 of 2) I , i

           .....,.,m         .m-..m.,          -,,,_.._..-,.._.-.-.m.--. -                 -,,_..m.    - - - - , , , , _ - _ . , - , - .                                     ._c

s TSC CHECKLIST FOR ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS FROM THE CONTROL ROOM CONT'D. j 3. Verify that the "TSC Activated" message tape is on the answering machines. 4 After the above steps have been completed, inform the Emergency

;                                                       Coordinator in the TSC that communications responsibilities have been shifted to the TSC.

f J i j e i !O r-1 i 4 5 l l i l l O EP-2-010 Revision 8 41 Attachment 7.10 (2 of 2)


1. Establish communications with the EOF (TSC) Communicator and provide the following information:

1 A. Communication line(s) on which TSC (EOF).is currently communicating B. Individual / agency on the other end of the line(s) a C. Latest Information transmitted over the line(s) D. Latest information received over the line(s) i \

            \                                        /
2. When communication activities are at a low level and allow for the transfer of offsite communication responsibilities perforn the following activities:

A. When contacted by the EOF (TSC) on the PABX pass the offsite communication responsibilities to the EOF (TSC) Communicator. j '

!               B. The EOF (TSC) Communicator will immediately announce to the I

offsite agencies that tile EOF (TSC) is responsible for communications and provide them with a new call back phone number. C. Inform the Energency' Coordinator (EOF Directorthat

communications have been transferred.


3. When communication are transferred change the message tape to reflect the i organization that is responsible for Off-Site communications.

O U C i EP-2-010 Revision 7 42 Attachment 7.11 (1 of 1)

    .                         _.                                   . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _          . _ . _m       _. -        - .

). 1. Establish communications with the TSC (EOF) Communicator and discuss the following information in the areas in which responsibility is to be n transferred. f a. Problems that may exist with communications equipment (primary and - l secondary). NOTE The Off-Site Technical Advisor shall have priority use of the rapicom machines for i transmitting information to the Emergency News Center. I i

b. The rapicoming of previously transmitted FUN Reports, off-site j messages and off-site notification logs from the TSC (EOF) to the l EOF (TSC). Start with the most recent ones first (descending order). The TSC should automatically start transmitting the items

) to the EOF when it becomes evident that the EOF will be activated.

c. Applicable information.concerning off-site agencies such as those that may not be communicating at the time.

l l 2. Performing Transfer:

t- a. Request that the TSC (EOF) complete any messages presently in the process of being transmitted and rapicom the same to the EOF.

t l b. EOF (TSC) Communicator directs the TSC (EOF) Communicator to shif t communication to the EOF ~(TSC). t i LO EP-2-010 Revision 8 43 Attachment 7.12 (1 of 2) i ,

                                 - _ _ - . , _ . _ _ _               __       _ , _ . _ _ _ ,             .~.       . . ._ ,. ,- _ _ _.     - - , .

A i

  ,                                 FROM THE TSC (EOF) CONT'D.

O c. At a point when there is little to no traffic on the OPS Hotline, the EOF (TSC) Communicator picks un the line and depresses the ring button. The communicator identifies himself (herse18) as each responder picks up, acknowledges the presence of each responder and asks them to hold until all responders are on the line. The Communicator then announces the following: THE WATERFORD 3 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER) IS NOW RESPONSIBLE FOR COMMUNICATIONS. PLEASE DIRECT ALL REOUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO THE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (TECFNICAL SUPPORT CENTER) AT

                                    .  (Give new call-back phone number).
d. The Communications Coordinator (TSC Lead Communicator) shall notify the EOF Director (Emergency Coordinator) that off-ef te communications have been transferred.
3. Verify that the " EOF (TSC) Activated" message tape is on the answering machines, by calling the answering machines,fRefer to the Fnergenev Management Resources Book 'or telephone numbers.

s l f O l l > t

        -EP-2-010 Revision 8                     44                    Attachment 7.l? (2 of~21 - '

1  %

          .                                  0FF-SITE NOTIFICATION LOG                                                               }

s i f~'N 1.0 Heading L 1.1 Enter the time that the individual log sheet is started next to the applicable FACILITY. If communications are transferred, enter the time of the transfer next to the Facility which is responsible for off-site communication. l

1.2 Enter the DATE.

i 1.3 Enter the Page Number. } , NOTE 1 Complete.the "of " section of "Page

of " at midnight and when the facility is de-activated.

i O 2.0 Operations 2.1 Circle the current emergency classification. r NOTE 1. , The Initial Notification Message No. shall be ! "F-1". All Follow-up Notification Reports will t be sequentially numbered beginning with "F-2". l 2.2 Message Number - Enter assigned message number. f I 2.3 Initial and time each respective block for each agency contacted for each logged message number. () ' f l l: EP-2-010 Revision 7 45 Attachment 7.13 (1 of 4)


   .~                         OFF-SITE NOTIFICATION LOG CONT'D.

2.4 For message receiv.ed 2.4.1 Circle current emergency classification. l 2.4.2 Enter the Messa h umber and "IN" (for incoming) in the MESSAGE NUMBER block. 2.4.3 Initial and time the respective block for the agency from which, the message was received. 2.5 Use of the OTHER blocks. 2.5.1 For an agency which you are frequently communicating with enter , the name in the column with the listed agencies. Then use the form as per 2.1 - 2.4 2.5.2 For an agency which is infrequently communicated with, divide the bleck diagonally and place the agencies' name above the line and time and initials below the line. 2.6 The Emergency Communicator /TSC Lead Communicator / Communications Coordinator should review and initial the lower right corner when the page is completed. l t

O EP-2-010 Revision 7 46 Attachment 7.13 (2 of 4) l l - ,- - _ -
        .                                                               OFF-SITE NOTIFICdTION LOG rICitiTT :          ea       MS                                                                                                  ,


 ;                                    (CIRCLE ao              SAE      iE        SAE     GE    SAE      GE 5AE )GE        ($AEj      GE l
                                        "suen'                F-/                   5         c.-/(4 0        Ta                e-I St. Charles ECC          "

l  % mot ia,e l St. John EOC 8 OScI (cos s i g LNED oc on -

                                                                                                               % ix s I

E LOEP 0 90 /  %/e5 I WATERFORD < hh8 _

                                                                                                                    /0/0 b

e 8 US NR C Middle South 09'zo Y oz Utilities yyg

                                   'lNPO e.y                             ANI N

2 ' US. Coast Guard g u Missouri Pacific g#g - zo,a so R.R. 0 /020 2 g Hahnvine VF D. C w St. Charles 2 E H o s pi t ol

                                                                   ~            ~

b 2 j Ocnscer Clinic s' 2 y West Jcif erson W Hospitol unle SP J iy 0,en,

                                              '* /

094o e /o/S 9 Notel: Cla s si fi c o t.o n Ccces ; U E - Unusual Event ff}ff

                                                                                              # /o9vs Note 2; These Agescies contacted As Directed l

ALERT - Alert By Emergeacy coordinator or ECF Director j SAE - Site Area Ernerg ency l GE - General Emergency l EP.2-C!O R ., 7 47 A*tachm e9t 71: (3 of.4)

                                                                                                  . OFF-SITE NOTIFICATION LOG                                     '


                    - ;.                           TSC
                  .                                  EOF                                                        DATE:                                                            Page _of
         .                                             CLASSIFIC ATIO N                         UE    ALERT                        UE       ALERT   UE         AllRT          UE  ALERT              UE ALERT (CIRCLE ONE)                     SAE     GE                         SAE        GE     SAE            GE        SAE   GE               SAE   GE MESSAGE NUMSER St.Chorles EOC i

l ] l St. John EOC E

u ik g LNED i
 ;          t                                y                                                                                                                                                                         -

> l < a 3 LOEP j r -

            ;                                             WATERFORD
            !                                                    182 h US NR C
        .. !                                 l Middle                 South Utilities 1NPO i                                                           ANI bl
           .                                          US. Coast Geord s

I >= I 5 o Missouri Pacific 2 .

;          ;                                 =                     R.R.

w g Honnville VF.D. en. s W St. Charles 2 i E H o spi t ol 5 El 2 2 Ochsner Clinic

  • 2 I
                                             $ West Jeff erson W                   Hospital 2

a: W , z s

                .                            o j                             Note l; C1ossef ec atio n Codes; U E - Unusuol Event                                                               Note 2 ; These Agencies Contacted As Directed AL ERT - Alert                                                          8y Emergency Coordinator or EOF Director SAE - Site Areo Emerg ency GE - General Emergency i

i EP-2 O!O R ev. 7 48 a.uchment 7t3 (4 Of'4)

                                                   -- - - - -             - , - , , - - -               - - . , - - _ , - ,- --,-- ,,- ._--                ,,,,-,-------,,-w           - , - - . - , ,   . , ~ -.


   ^)l '

WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANDAL O ' touisiama POWER & LIGHT Ukksskb POM V0k.'UME 18 EP-2-020 POM SECTION 2 REVISION 7 I Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel O PORCMeetingNo.eN Reviewed:t d /,[2.[ Me m,m PORC Chairman yelq diLN#~ Approved: L bS' Plant Manager-Nuclear Approval Date Effective Date O l l

              .                                        1M COTI?. y - - .
g. EP-2-020 - Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel (Rev. 7) w aa
         %a ? CRC ' z.s reviaved .his itam a:ui data- d ad tha:' a safa:7 avalua:1=n was perfer=ad (as appi d-*hla) . hat an u==svisued saf t:7 ques 1ca dcas cot exist (as applicabla).

that a changa :s the T * -'t_ Speed'd- -d m ra =c: raquired. and ha: =uclear saf a:7 is/vas =ct adversely affaccad. C2 I3. - T'~'d"I'I:3 07 , ?CIC 15%3E2. ?c1C '.2%322. FCR.17". 07AI. "4-"I

          ; , :,,                                                  SL %01Z                      IIs     i  No     u we ,    .e me.

Suma:1=:anden: Sapsed l/ / ll i YiA 2,a -* 1 2:aeaa aa

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                             -d--t suppa==              j/         ..1 p -                         ,                      t, Sumeri~ a= dant                4 1/2-r t25J/c, . %                                            a/ 3'/* 4 Asatz an: 71a=='            7           i:

L_ wanave-  ? l ,

                                   ' " ~ "

4/$[Z .s----

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         ?c1C Mem=d.=g No. Nf-/'V/
                       .                                    I:ss No.       #8              Data:       /J-#/-//
         *d=      1:ar is :=e---n-ad =d is; apprzysi?               @ TZE          [ 30

1:an requ1:ss SIC / 2C :sviar y:1mr :s i=plema= a:1==? - O ::s E no - _- 7.a. - do.=.a. d_ . . a . :. view 1. a==a.had. .

         " is 1:an : squires QA :sview p=d ; :s i=nlamansa=1:n?                             T23        h 30 CA r:.. aa                                                                                     .

3mytawed by A//O Ccrpora:a Qi 2.anager

                                                                                  " L-'I        [M                                      1 rpr v_cucrt- =_zu emCv.u. (Rusa to .CV./.2 0                                                             ,                     g Cc=nents:                                                                                                                      !

1 App;=ved by [/.h

                                                      /                           CA:I               / CI/ M
                                         ?l. ant r.angs:-Nucisar i
            -i -C CI. . '8.evisten 5-                                                        A::ach=en: 5.1 (; ef               *
                                                                                                         . - . = .                                _ . _ _

i - RZ7!I2 CCVER S - . EZ7:ZW CT: -' ~

                                                                        /            Y/ N      -        3"         '
                                                                                                                             * *' 4 h/*/sv(W /7//                                     Y.WNAM/                 l.<h; } '/ )

OM1tcR.6. na PORC has reviewed this ites and decarnised that a safecy evaluation was perfor=ad (as applicabla), that an unreviewed safaty question does not exist (as applicabla), that a change to the Tec'=4 =t_ Specifications is not required, and that nucinar saf a:7 1s/vas not adversely affected. CEDER Bf N ED OF PCRC MIM5Z1 PCEC MEM3Z1 FCE AFF1LOVAZ. DATI RZ7IZE SIGNAM TIS I No Maintenanas / v' Superistandant h - lLCkL I..L2 8 Operations y - )/ . e.- y .' ' ', Superintendent / K /dX', - 1 41stian prot.etion. ,r - ., . Superintendent V U <. Tashatsal Support / 7 Superintendant 'a. /, . . . , . .

                                                                                                                                                          .e-Assistant Plant Manneer ~

pegg ch 4- -

                                                                > t     , .rt- ( ,,         ,-
                                                                                                                                        ),. ,             ,a PCRC Meeting Be. 6 'b/'Vb                           Itan No                ##             Data                  G - 4 ,'/ .4 d Dis item is r=*-dad for approval?                                 @. TIS                Ono This item requires SEC/51C review prior to implementation?                                         O rzS                  < =0

, If yes, ensure documentation supporting review is attached. This itas requires QA review prior to PM-N approval? O TzS - no CA EZ7tEU leviewed by .S/ . "N' DATE L/J Corporata QA Manager Ft.AY. T YANACER-WC'ZAR AF'1t0VAZ. (RETIE TO Comments: O Approved by ble . DATE E / > /f7 -

                             \* PlantMangerpuclear                                                                  /

UNT-1-004, Revision 6 18 ggg% g g g g

WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST 13lPOM l[lPORC-S/C Procedure No. EP 020 Title Coctadwfed Tojael/Ju bewi Effective Date (if different from approval date) Complete A, B, and C A. Change No. / Expiration Date l[x1 Permanent l[l Deviation ! B. Revision No. S 4 C. Deletion l[ LYES lEINO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION 0cueet 06k' ,. r L % s:Gr% W N'nG" hus*k'*t . t l REASON FOR CHANGE, REVISION, OR DELETION (4&ic.fe C$ci<C UWm4x i 1 REQUIRED SIGNATURES ! ORIGINATOR 'd#(z.. DATE 8 //S/85 SAFETY REVIEW

Does this change, revision, or deletion
1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR?

YES ._ NO k

2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR? YES NO X
3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR? YES NO A
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NO # I i

If the answer to any of the above is yes, complete and attach a S RE ' e 2 . DATE 0*/S~85 } TECHNICAL REVIEW M [F % N #64 _ DATE I' k'N GROUP HEAD REVIEW @ / / %~ # [L M. h42 red h DATE IT-K i TEMPORARY APPROVA h RO) DATE

  • DATE O
  • Temporary approval aust be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days.

UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7-(1 of 1)

WATERFORD 3 SES CHANGE REVIS TI QUEST v PO l S/C Procedure No. (h2-d20 Title [bYh dd'ed hw/[IEL hw.<d Effective Date E..0' La-d (if different from approval'date)

  • Ccaplete A, B, and C A. Change No. AA l[lPermanent l[l Deviation Expiration Date B. Revision No. ')


       ..l . *,. f: A           '3.t l? [
                                .                    %l Q3               cwad ALigfoes it.'Yw, u o.k  '

i n G. a'N n L .,..xf . A id iJ W. .h oe. u >lA l]. , t ' ,. /~ (/t(.*f- D-C/R U v REASON FOR CHANGE. REVISION, OR DELETION f irt,1 u G 6 1'<f n u n

                   /                              sj O                                                    ?


                                                     //                                                      /

ORIGINATOR [ '(6/..' . u. LBM 4 < - DATE AC/M/cM SAFETY REVIEW Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR? YES NO t'
2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR? YES NO v
3. Conduct tests / experiments noe described in the FSAR? YES NO r
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES, NO >-

If the answer to any of the above is yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Safety Evaluation'. p' SAFETT REVIEW ' M hl#rr <. L6e- DATE /dM'/hv TEC m cat nEvIEW We,% FO L As dan so/a e /e c , GR0uP nEAD REVIEW .Mr',,fa%#6s # DATE [< h [f/ I TEMPORARY APPROVAL * (SRO) DATE l TEMPORARY APPROVAL

  • DATE
  • Temporary approval aust be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days.

UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)

'(  '

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure . EP-2-020

  • Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel Revision 7 ,



3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Immediate Actions and Notifications


5.2 Follos-up Actions and Communications - 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.0 ATTACRMENTS 7.1 Request for Offsite Assistance (4 pages) 7.2 Health Physics Responsibilities On-site (1 page) 7 '.' 3 Health Physics Responsibilities at Support Fospital (2 pages) LIST OF EITECTIVE PAGES , Title Revision 7 p 1-13 Revision 7 I'ID kuE I lQp&gh f-e l Y i NS10008EPG


.s 1

  ,      Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure                                EP-2-020 Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel                                Revision 7 V(s 1.0   PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance to the,[tmergency
             ' Coordinator in the event that contaminated injured /ill personnel'aust
             .be transported off-site.


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 Emergency Medical Assistance Program (EMAP) 2.3 NUREG 0654/ FEMA-REP-1 2.4 Emergency Management Resources Book 2.5 UNT-7-018, First Aid and Medical Care 2.6 EP-3-040, Emergency Equipment Inventory 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the actions (f ) as outlined in this procedure are carried out. 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS Injured /ill personnel are contaminated and must be transported off-site. 5.0 PROCEDURE NOTE I

1. Personnel injured /ill within a Radiation Controlled Area (RCA) shall be considered contaminated until determined to be free of contamination by Health Physics
  • personnel.
2. Serious injuries requiring medical treatment shall take precedence over decontamination of

, injured /ill personnel. l A l l

a ! ~ , Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-020 Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel Revision 7

NOTE j The Emergency Coordinator shall give the j Emergency First Aid Team (EFAT) immediate access to the victim.


,                    Upon the determination that contaminated injured /ill personnel must be l                     transported off-site, the Emergency Coordinator shall:

5.1.1 Ensure that the Emergency First Aid Team (EFAT) treats victim (s) in accordance with Reference 2.5, UNT-7-018. l t NOTE Provide an individual at the accident 1 i

   -s location to assist with communications I ;( ,)                                               between the EFAT and the Emergency
                                                    -Coordinator in accordance with Reference 2.5,                        l UNT-7-018.

i 5.1.2 Coordinate the activation of the EFAT with Operational Support t Center (OSC) Supervisor when the OSC is manned. , 5.1.3 Ensure that Health Physics personnel perform duties in.accordance with Attachment 7.2, Health Physics Responsibilities On-Site. l 5.1.4 ' Direct the Emergency Communicator (s) to notify the appropriate ambulance service (s) in accordance with Attachment 7.1, Part D. I t' 1 i 1 O

                - - . - . , _ - , - ~ . _ .              . - _ _    _
   ,      Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure                             EP-2-020 Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel

[ ; Revision 7 i NOTE The notifications and communications to ambulance services, hospitals, Waterford 3 Security, etc. may be made by the EOF or TSC communicators (if activated). Ensure the communicators making the calls are provided with all necessary information (contamination levels, radiation levels, extent of injuries, first aid administered, etc.). The Emergency Coordinator shall direct where these communiciations are to be made from if more than one facility is activated. Normally made from the TSC. (, ,) NOTE

1. St. Charles Ambulance Service is the primary transportation service for Waterford 3.

However, West Jefferson Air-Care Ambulance may be selected based on St. Charles ambult .. availability and degree of injury.

2. If the West Jefferson Air-Care Ambulance is used, the Security pickup truck will be used for primary transportation from the site of injury to the Helicopter Landing area. Notify Security in accordance with Attachment 7.1, Part E. If the Security vehicle is not available, any other available pickup truck or station wagon should be used.

A V 4 l

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-020 ('N Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel Revision 7 5.1.5 Direct the Emergency Communicator (s) to notify Ochsner Foundation Hospital or West Jefferson General Hospital in accordance with Attachmnent 7.1., Part F. 5.1.6 Direct the Emergency Communicator (s) to notify the Waterford 3 Security Shift Supervisor in accordance with Attachment 7.1. ,Part E. 5.1.7 Request and coordinate additional support, as required (e.g. search and rescue, emergency repair, etc.). 5.1.8 Make contact with the Health Physics Coordinator or his designee and inform him/her of :he event to ensure proper Health Physics staffing. Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book. 5.2 FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS AND C0KNUNICATIONS Upon the completion of the immediate actions and notifications of this procedure (section 5.1), the Emergency Coordinator shall: 5.2.1 Direct that Health Physics and Emergency First Aid Team personnel move the victim (s) to a rendezvous point (if required) where the () ambulance personnel can place victim (s) in the ambulance (s). CAUTION In the event that severe injuries (e.g., back injuries, severe bleeding) prevent the moving of victim (s), await assistance from qualified ambulance personnel. Step 5.2.1 should be performed in accordance with Attachment 7.2, Health Physics Responsibilities On-site. 5.2.2 Direct the Emergency Communicator (s) to notify the Security Shift Supervisor and inform him of the ambulance rendezvous point (e.g. , east side of RAB, Fuel Handling Building doorway, etc.) or location of victim to which Security will escort the ambulance personnel. 5.2.3 Direct that Health Physics personnel escort victim (s) to Support ' f3 Hospital (s). ,t

 %.J 5

_ - . . - .. . _ ~ . . - _ . . . _ . _ . - - .-. . - .- .. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-020 Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel Revision 7 !( 5.2.4 Direct that Health Physics personnel provide assistance at the Support Hospital (s) in accordance with Attachment 7.3, Health l Physics Responsibilities at Support Hospital. 5.2.5 Direct the Health Physics personnel to control potentially contaminated areas, equipment, and personnel involved with on-site response (e.g., personnel handling victim (s), area through which victim was moved, etc.) in accordance with Attachment 7.2, Health Physics Responsibilities On-site. l NOTE Communications with ambulance can be maintained through the receiving hospital. i-5.2.6 Direct the Emergency Communicator (s) to notify the Support _ Hospital (s) of any changes the support Hospital (s) may not be km, I aware of (e.g., changes in estimated time of arrival, condition of victim (s), number of victims, etc.). I a s !o

    .      Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure                                          EP-2-020 Contaminated Injured /Ill Personnel                                      Revision 7 6.0   FINAL CONDITIONS 6.1. Victim (s) are admitted to Support Hospital (s) and are under professional medical _ supervision.

6.2 Health Physics personnel at Support Hospital (s) control all potentially contaminated personnel, areas, and equipment in accordance with Attachment 7.3, Health Physics Responsibilities at Support l Hospital. 6.3 Designated supervisors advised of the contaminated person's status as per Part G of Attachment 7.1. 6.4 Documentation completed and deficiencies noted in accordance with Part H of Attachment 7.1. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Request for Offsite Assistance 7.2 Health Physics Responsibilities On-site f) 7.3 Health Physics Responsibilities at Support Hospital 4

                                                                              , -em

i i i l l O l- .

                          . _ . .                        .    ..  . _ . . , .        . . _ ,       m.__ - _

PART D - REQUEST FOR AMBULANCE NOTE READ THIS PAGE prior to placing the telephone call and complete blank areas f- 3 where you provide inforamation to the ambulance service, as indicated by Q "............". 1 1.) Contact one of the following ambulance services (circle the selected j service). Primary: St. Charles Ambulance Service, Use the INDUSTRIAL HOTLINE via the St. Charles Sheriff's Dispatcher (as a backup the OPERATIONAL HOTLINE) Backup: West Jefferson Air-Ambulance 800-382-4006

2) When they answer provide the following information.

MY NAME IS (state your name) , I AM THE (state your position) , AT THE WATERFORD 3 STEAM ELECTRIC STATION IN TAFT. WE NEED AMBULANCE TRANSPORTATION FOR A CONTAMINATED INJURED PERSON FROM THE WATERFORD 3 SITE. I REPEAT A CONTAMINATED INJURED PERSON. 3.) Then discuss the following information: Number of patientsi........ Typ e o f i nj u r i e s : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

   ,s Type of contamination (circle):.. SKIN.. CLOTHING.. INTERNAL.,

Gate the ambulance should respond to:............................ Provide call-back phone number: (504) 464 ........... Special considerations:.......................................... i - RECORD dispatchers name: __, RECORD estimated time of arrival (ETA): 4.) Information communicated by: (sign your name) Time Contact Made:  :

 .o rx  e EP-2-020 Revision 7                                            8                    Attachment 7.1 (1 of 4)

PART E - SECURITY NOTE READ THIS PAGE prior to placing the telephone call and complete blank areas where you provide-information to the security department, as indicated by (]s - l Contact the Security Shift Supervisor (SSS) and advise him of the following: j s-1.) - Locationsof the medical emergency:.................................. l

         ,         ..............x........................................................


                   - Status of the medical emergency:....................................

3.) - Name(s) and' badge number (s) of the victim (s) (if available):........ 4.) - Method of transpa:tation (Circle the selected ambulance): i(y m) A. St. Charles Ambulance Service Gate the ambulance will be arriving at: .................... B. West Jefferson Air Ambulance Company Vehicle to be used to transport the individual to the landing site:................................................ C. ETA of the ambulance: ............................................ 5.) - Other support requested from the Security Department:............... 6.) - RECORD Security Officer's Name: INITIAL , TIME CONTACT MADE  : EP-2-020 Revision 7 9 Attachment 7.1 (2 of 4) A V


(- READ THIS PAGE prior to placing the telephone. call and complete blank areas where you provide " information to the hospital, as indicated by *


1.) Hospitals (Circle selected hospital): $.h 3'/(cD Q\"

                      **         Ochsner Foundation Hospital (Emergency Room) 838- %44-                                L
                      **         West Jefferson General Hospital                         1-800-382-4006              Y.

2.) When they answer provide the following information. . MY NAME IS (state your name) , I AM THE (state your position) , AT THE WATERFORD 3 STEAM ELECTRIC STATION IN TAFT. WE HAVE REQUESTED THAT (state ambulance name) TRANSPORT i TO YOU A CONTAMINATED INJURED PERSON FROM THE WATERFORD 3 SITE. I REPEAT A CONTAMINATED INJURED PERSON. 3.) Then discuss the following information: NOTE Vital signs may be available in PART C of Attachment 6.2 of UNT-7-018, First Aid Medical Care. y' Nu1ber of patients: .............. Type of injuries: ...............................................

                      - Level of contamination (circle units): ..................... cpm mrem
                      - Type of contamination (circle)                              SKIN CLOTHING INTERNAL
                      - Provide call-back phone number:                           (504)    - 464 ............
                      - Special considerations: ............................................
   ,                  - Name of ambulance service:             ........................................


                      - Inform the hospital that a Health Physics Technician will accompany the pc.ient in the ambulance.
                      - RECORD dispatchers name:
                      - RECORD estimated time of arrival (ETA):

4.) Information communicated by: Time Contact Made:  : Date: / / EP-2-020 Revision 7 10 Attachment 7.1 (3 of 4) I .

              - Emergency Coordinator                                                 __
              - EOF Director                                                          __


              - Off-Site Technical Advisor                                            __
l PART H - ADMINISTRATIVE OSC Supervisor should review and ensure completness of this Attachment.

Record any material, equipment, training or personnel deficiencies: r

$ I J

43 i

    '(j  /         OSC Supervisor:

Collect and forward the following documentation to the W3SES Safety Coordinator: A. Parts A-C of Attachment 6.2 of UNT-7-018 l B. Parts D-H of Attachment 7.1 of EP-2-020 C. EMS Ambulance Run Report (Attachment 6.1 of UNT-7-018) i EP-2-020 Revision 7 11 Attachment 7.1 (4 of 4) f


  ,r ~      1. Notify the Emergency Coordiantor of radiological conditions associated

(,,,)/ with the victim, including:

a. Approximate contamination levels on victim and nature of contamination (i.e., skin, clothing, internal uptake).
b. If overexposure has occurred or is possible due to the victim's location.
c. If ambulance personnel are required to be issued TLD's and protective clothing prior to gaining access to the victim (Emergency First Aid Team will determine mobility of victim).
2. If victim's injury does not permit decontamination prior to transport off-site, consider:
a. Covering stretcher with plastic sheets to contain contamination,
b. Removing protective clothing from victim.
c. Setting up a system for transporting the victim to an ambulance.

System should minimize the spread of contamination (i.e., provide a " clean" access path for ambulance personnel): move victim to a controlled area outside the RCA where the ambulance may access. d) Spreading plastic sheets in ambulance. e) Having protective clothing and dosimetry available for ambulance personnel upon arrival on-site (perferably at the security access point to be issued by the security escort).

3. When time allows, complete the Skin Contamination Record.
 ,< s      4. Ensure that ambulance personnel have been issued TLD's by security

() upon arrival, if determined to be necesssary under part Ic above.

5. Ensure that the Health Physics technician escorting the victim to the hospital is not contaminated. Control at the hospital will be extremely difficult if the Health Physics technician is restricteo due to his/her own contamination.

p l I O EP-2-020 Rev. 7 12 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1) I i

l l

           .                                                                            4 HEALTH PHYSICS RESPONSIBILITIES AT SUPPORT HOSPITAL fs k,,)     While at the support hospital, it is important to remember the following:
1. Hospital personnel are trained and may support you in regard to control of the ambulance, access ways, and monitoring personnel for contamination.
2. Only authorized LP&L representatives may discuss the situation with the news media.
3. Keep the Emergency Coordinator informed of the situation at the-hospital.
4. Provide information to the Emergency Room physician as required.

Take the following measures upon arrival at the support hospital: i

1. Instruct-the ambulance driver to close the ambulance after the victim has been removed. Restrict access to the ambulance until the driver and vehicle are surveyed for contamination.
2. Visually survey the access to the emergency facility if no provisions have been taken to control contamination and restrict access, then request that hospital personnel be assigned to physically restrict access until the area is set up.


.            3. Set up a frisker at the exit / access point and personally monitor personnel or request hospital staff to monitor under your guidance.
4. Check hospital staff for proper dosimetry and protective clothing.

Close out the incident as follows:

1. Ensure that all involved personnel have been monitored and decontaminated (document names of monitored personnel).
2. Collect all dosimetry devices, noting the name and social security 4

number of the individuals.

3. Monitor all affected areas, decontaminate as necesssary, and package contaminated waste (all final surveys must be documented).
4. Return contaminated waste to Waterford 3.
5. Notify the Emergency Coordinator of the final status of hospital / ambulance personnel:

Personnel Exposures. Personnel Contamination and Current Status, s Equipment Contamination and Current Status. Material being returned to Waterford 3 for decontamination or disposal. i l 1 LO EP-2-020 Rev. 7 13 Attachment 7.3 (1 of 1) L -- - ,


                                         $iuEs sysNU POWER & LIGHT N    '

POM VOLUME 18 ' EP-2-052 POM SECTION 2 REVISION 5 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDELINES O PORC Meeting No. h Reviewedy ddd[c~e PORC C airm 8 Date Approved: N w .[8 Pl{ntManager-Nuclear Approval Date Effective Date

         .o I

E7Ir4 C73 SM

    ~ ggy:rg cy:      h .)W$ ~                       C, f                           Y    i         NG W               U      i l
                                                                                                                                      -1 O-The-PCRC has reviewed this item and datar dwed that a safety evaluation was perfor=ad (as applicabla), that an unreviewed safety question does not exist (as applicabla),

that a change to the Technical Specificaricas is not requirad, and that nucisar safety is/vas not adversely affaccad.

        'O n u                                                                                         Rz~m 07           PCRC wrMir2                                    PORC MEM5IR                     FCE AP?3,0 VAL       DATI RE7Ir4                                               ,            $IGNJLTUEZ                     YES    i No unintenance                                                 -
                                                                                    /                        /

superincandent fy/[/, //

                                                                            %06'lv                         v           Y) b-up    n andant            /                                    fc ?g ////5/                      if'-22I Radiation Protectica.           ; ,'                '         <
                                                                                                                         ;/,, ,    e superincandant                                       dN9                                            7 --            ,

Laac Qu'LL=7 p,w'., A " ,, r,4 z.- > < T- w4e=1 support f, ,,, v' - e Superintendant AI, /1!._ Y7, e

                                                                                                                                '/' F Assistant Plant       ,~

uanseer -

                    **'C """"                                                                         l 0%/l0Aw-                                                               72 z-y.f PCaC Meetins so. C3d#                     Itan so.                        #9            Data      hM4-D This item is recommanded for approval?                            @ TEs              Ono This item requiras SEC/NEC review prior to 1:splemancation?                                      TIS        NC If yes, ensura docunantation supporting review is attached.

I This 1 tan requires QA review prior to PM-N approval? O Tzs 9 no l OA RZ7!!J Reviewed 1ry /8 DATI A'/4 Corporata QA Manager F' A.TT MANAOn-TJC:.IAR AP*ROVAL (RETER TO i Connants: O # Flant .*. anger-Nuclear l l UNT-1-004, Revision 5 18 Attachment 6.1 (.1 of 1)

i - WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below CHANGE l l[lPORC-S/C O V c aur * - Gwsx / REVISION Titie / DELETION &>n/~c REQUESTBo Effective Date (if different from approval date) Complete A, B, and C A. Change No. d/A l[lPermanent Expiration Date l[l Deviation B. Revision No. 5 , C. Deletion l[ LYES QNO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION f  % 1 '6v,(ble

                                         /                   AfC dwee N.                  *s  LttMW.b AY u.)       SXkb5         v<e- 4 (We dx .                 '


  • REAS0d FOR CHANGE, REVISION, OR DELETION T> bu,kle- A P-( Cent.rs u b & r Du24.wSS~.M
xd eWIS, irp el A m)t Q

4 REQUIRED SIGNATURES ' b [/ // 'N ORIGINATOR DATE [ M -33' SAFETY REVIEW d( v/ Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR?


2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR?

l YES NO (

3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR? YES NO g j 4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NO)[

! If the answer to any of hum % is yes, complete and attach a 1 10CFR50.59 Safety Ev ua fon.1 SAFETY REVIEW  % DATE  !~MI i TECHNICAL REVIEW MM[/b _ DATE S-22-Bg GROUP HEAD REVIEW / 8. Md #" DATE #[72//T TEMPORARY APPROVAL * (SRO) DATE TEMPORARY APPROVAL

  • DATE
  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days.
  • l UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 l Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)
                         -   ..                              . . ~         .

[ 4

   .      Emergincy Plan Impitm:nting Procedure                                       EP-2-052 Protective Action Guidelines                                               Revision 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                                                                  'I 1.0 PURPOSE                                                                                                j l


3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES i 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE l 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.0 ATTACHMENTS , 7.1 Protective Action Guidelines Worksheet (4 pages) 7.2 Affected Sectors / Protective Response Areas Chart (1 page) 7.3 Evacuation Time Estinate Table (1 page) 7.4 Protective Response Areas (1 page) 7.5 Flow Chart for Protective Action Decision-Making Based on Core 4 Conditions (2 pages) LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES i Title Revision,5-l 1-5 Revision 5 ' 6-9,12 Revision 3 10,11,13,14 Revision 4' ? ( 5 t g c 1 , t

                           . _                  _                    _   .[    _      -     . _ _ _ . ,

s Emtrgsney Plan Implenznting Procedura EP-2-052 Protective Action-Guidelines Revision 5 fi V 1.0 PURPOSE To provide guidance for protective action decision-making with respect to the EPA Protective Action Guidelines (PAG's) and those severe conditions where potential hazards exist but dose projections are not required nor any release in progress.



2.1 Uaterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 Waterford 3 SES Evacuation Time Study 2.3 EPA-520, Manual of Protective Action Guides 2.4 EP-1-001, Recognition and Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.5 EP-2-010, Notifications and Communications 2.6 EP-2-050, Offsite Dose Assessment (Manual) 2.7 EP-2-051, Offsite Dose Assessment (Computerized) 2.8 NUREG-0654 Appendix 1 - Example Initiating Conditions - General { Emergency 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Emergency Coordinator or EOF Director (upon activation of the EOF) is responsible for making protective action recommendations to , off-site agencies. This responsibility shall not be delegated. 3.2 The Emergency Coordinator or designee is responsible for the implementation of this procedure. 3.2.1 Upon activation of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), this responsibility shall be transferred to the EOF Director or his 4 designee. l 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS A

  .U This procedure shall be initiated upon reaching any of the following conditions:




     . Emargsney Plan Implamsnting Procadure                                              EP-2-052 Protective Action Guidelines                                                  Revision 5

4.1 An emergency condition requiring dose assessment / projections has been declared at Waterford 3 SES.

4.2 An emergency condition which has the potential of breaching any one of the three fission product barriers and challenging the two remaining barriers has been declared at Waterford 3 SES.

4.3 As instructed by other implementing procedures, especially EP-1-001, Recognition and Classification of Emergency Conditions. i 4.4 At the direction of the Emergency CoordinatoE . (or EOF Director).

 ;                                                                                                            i I         5.0 PROCEDURE l


                                                  ,s IF TIME, RESOURCES AND AVAILABLE INFORMATION DO NOT ALLOW A COMPLETE EVALUATION -


                         -RADIUS) AND SHELTERING FOR PROTECTIVE                           '



l .E

   ?                                                                      -                           /

l 'i l 3

                                                            ~.              .
           '4 Em2rgIncy Plcn Inplcm nting Procedure                                           EP-2-052 Protective Action Guidelines                                                  Revision 5
    \s /         5.1 Determine the three affected compass sectors (A, B, C, D, etc.).

5.1.1 The Affected Sectors are that sector into which the wind is blowing (plume center line sector) and the two sectors on either side, r-i 6 NOTE Protective Action recommendations to the offsite agencies shall be made by identifying the Protective Response Areas for which protective actions should be taken, not compass sectors. i

      , .,       5.2 Determine the affected Protective Response Areas by matching the affected compass sectors identified in Step 5.1 above to the appropriate protective response areas using Attachment 7.2.


1. The minimum protective action recommendation at a General Emergency is for sheltering for Protective Response Areas A1, B1, C1 and D1 (2-mile radius) and sheltering for those affected Protective Response Areas identified in Step 5.2 in the 2-5 miles column (5 miles downwind).
2. If the General Emergency is the result of a Security Compromise, evacuation of Protective Response Areas A1, B1, C1 and D1 should be recommended at a minimum.

O 4 i i

i I w l


Enargency Plan Impleesnting Procedure EP-2-052

     ,;            Protective Action Guidelines                                            Revision 5         )



5.3 Determine which affected Protective Response Areas found in step 5.2 ' above require Protective Action Reconmendations using Attachment 7.1, or Attachment 7.5 for any declared General Emergency where a release is not yet in_ progress or offsite dose calculations are not immediately available. 5.3.1 Attachment 7.1 may also be used to determine Protective Action Recommendations (or mo'dify initial recommendations) when offsite dose calculations have been performed for 2, 5 and 10 miles based on the inventory available for a release (potential), but a release is not yet in progress. l, 5 5.4 Continue to assess conditions and modify initial Protective Action Recommendations as necessary using Attachments 7.1 and 7.5. 1 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS !O l 6.1 The radiological release has stopped or diminished and dose projections are below Protective Action Guidelines. 6.2 The emergency condition has been closed out and recovery actions are under way. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Protective Action Guidelines Worksheet 7.2 Affected Sectors / Protective Response Areas Chart 7.3 Evacuation Time Estimate Table a 7.4 Protective Response Areas 7.5 Flow Chart for Protective Action Decision-Making Based on Core Conditions l

  '( ]) -

l , 5 l

PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDELINES WORKSHEET 1.0 Determine recommended protective actions using the worksheet on page 9


of this procedure. 1.1 -The following information is given to provide assistance in using the worksheet. 1.1.1 Obtain blank copies of the worksheet (from the emergency files in the Control Room, provided at Health Physics Coordinator and Radiological Assessment Coordinator work areas for the TSC and EOF). 1.1.2 Ensure that off-site dose calculations are performed in accordance with EP-2-051 or EP-2-050. Obtain the whole body and child thyroid dose rates for the locations of interest from the Health Physics Coordinator (for the Emergency Coordinator), the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (for the Emergency Operations Facility Director), or on-shift personnel performing calculations if the TSC and EOF are not staffed. v 1.1.3 Determine the appropriate protective actions for the protective response areas, in the 2, 5 and 10 mile areas using the worksheet.

           .          Use a different worksheet for each distance (2, 5, 10 miles).

A. If the duration of release is known, perform the left branch of the worksheet (See B below). If the duration is unknown, perform the right branch of the worksheet (See F below). Duration of Release is known B. Calculate the projected whole body and child thyroid doses by multiplying the dose rates by the release duration. C. If the calculated dose is less that 1,000 milli-rems whole body or less than 5,000 milli-rems child thyroid, no protective actions are necessary at this time. Continue A updating dose projections for protective action determination. EP-7-052 Revision 3- 6 Attachment 7.1 (1 of 4) l


D. If the calculated dose is greater than 1,000 milli-rems whole body or greater than 5,000 milli-rems child thyroid, but.less than 5,000 milli-rems whole body and less than 25,000 milli-rems child thyroid, recommend sheltering and access control to the affected areas as protective actions. E. If the projected dose is greater than 5,000 milli-rems whole body or 25,000 milli-rems child thyroid, determine the protective action recommendations based on the duration of the release. -

1. If the release duration is greater than two (2) hours, recommend evacuation and access control of the affected s areas as protective actions.
2. If the release duration is less than two (2) hours, determine Plume Travel Time (PTT) and Estimated Evacuation Time (EET).

NOTE Determine the Estimated Evacuation Time by correlating the protective response areas with Attachment 7.3, Estimated Evacuation Time Table. In estimating evacuation times, local constraints such as severe weather, road conditions, etc. should be taken into consideration. Determine the Plume Travel Time by dividing the distance in miles from the plant to the affected area (s) (or  ; approximate distance to population of interest) by the wind speed in miles per hour. l L 1 EP-2-052 Revision 3 7 Attachment 7.1 (2 of 4) I

                                                                                            -    - J


-v()             a. If the Plume Travel Time is less than the Estimated Evacuation Time, recommend sheltering and access control to the affected areas as protective actions.

b.- If the Plume Travel Time is greater than the Estimated Evacuation Time, recommend evacuation and access control to the affected areas as protective actions. Duration of Release is Unknown F. If the whole body dose rate is less than 250 mrem /hr and the child thyroid dose rate is less than 1250 mrem /hr, no immediate protective actions are needed. . G. If the whole body dose rate is greater than 250 mrem /hr but less than 1250 mrem /hr, or if ::.e child thyroid dose rate is greater than 1250 mrem /hr but less than 6250 mrem /hr, () recommend sheltering and access control to the affected protective response areas. H. If the whole body dose rate is greater than 1250 mrem /hr or if the child thyroid dose rate is greater than 6250 mrem /hr, recommend evacuation and access control to the affected protective response areas. l 1

  %                                                                                                    i s_.)

EP-2-052 Revision 3 8 Attachment 7.1 (3 of 4)

        '                                                                                                                                      '   +




                     =5,000 mR CHILD THY 7                               >l250 mR/hr WHOLE B00Y7 YES                                   26250 mR/hr CHILD THY?


                     >25,000 mR CHILD THY 7                                       EVACUATE                                                           ,


    $HE1TER    YES PTT
  • EET7

EVACUATION EP-2-052 Revision 3 9 Attachment 7.1 (4 of 4)


           .                                                                                                      l AFFECTED COMPASS                                              2-5 miles                  5-10 miles SECTORS               0-2 miles                       (Downwind)                 (Downwind)

A,B,C A1,B1,C1,D1 A2, B2 A3, B4 B,C,D A1,B1,C1,D1 A2, B2 A3, B4 C,D,E A1,B1,C1,D1 B2, D2 B3, B4 D,E,F A1,B1,C1,D1 B2, D2 B3, B4, D3 E, F. G A1,B1,C1,D1 B2, D2 B3, B4, D3 F,G,H A1,B1,C1,D1 D2 B3, D3, D4 G. H J A1,B1,C1,D1 D2 D3, D4 H,J,K A1,B1,C1,D1 D2 D4 J,K,L A1,B1,C1,DI C2, D2 C4, D4 K L,M A1 Bl.C1,D1 C2, D2 C4, D4 L ,.Sf, N A1,B1,C1,D1 C2 C4

M,N,P A1,B1,C1,DI C2 A4, C3, C4 N. P, O A1,,B1, C1, D1 C2 A4, C3, C4 P,Q,R A1,B1,C1,D1 A2, C2 A4, C3 Q R. A A1,B1,C1,D1 A2, C2 A3, A4 R, A, 3 A1,B1,C1,D1 A2, C2 A3, A4 Directions For Use:

Find the plume centerline sector and two adiacent sectors in the "Affected i Compass Sectors" column. The centerline sector is the middle sector of each l set. The corresponding Protective Response Areas in which protective i actions are to be implemented can then be found for downwind distances of interest by reading across the page. f i Note that. protective actions for any compass sectors in the two-mile radius (0-2 miles column) should be recommended for all 4 protective response areas in the two-mile radius as shown above.

 'O                     .
<U i               EP-2-052 Revision 4                              10                   Attachment 7.2 (1 of 1)

EVACUATION TIME ESTIMATE TABLE (*) Evacuation Time Estimate Compass Protective Clear. Weather Adverse Weather Quadrant Response Areas Hours- Minutes Hours Minutes Tntire 2-Mile Area A1,B1,C1,D1 2' 2 30

                                                                                                                        .{'s 0-5 Miles                         SW                                   C1, C2.            2        15                       2      30 SE                                  D1, D2             3        30                       4      30 NE                                   B1, B2            '3        30                       4      15 NW                                  A1, A2              5        15                       7      30 Entire 5-Mile Area                                                    A1, B1, C1, D1,
                                                                                           -A2, B2, C2, D2      5        15                       7      30 0-10 Miles SW                                                         C1, C2, C3, C4      2        15                       2      30 SE                                  D1, D2, D3, D4      4        15                       6      00 NE                                  B1, B2, 83, B4                                                                                   '

3 45 4 30 NW A1, A2, A3, A4 5 15 7 30 t Entire 10-Mile Area All 5 15 7 30 1

  • Time to completely evacuate an evacuation area measured from the time of-mobilization.

!O l EP-2-052 Revision 4 11 Attachment 7.3 (1 of 1)

1 .

                                                                               ,-                                           m A3                    tI Mt Als .
                                            /                A4 beerv
                                                                                                     ,,, ,ae
                                                                                                           ,.A 2                    f
, gplfllv. Q __ ei j


                                                       $r                                    kh                          i                        B4         M cs                              "
                                                                                             *-     a-
                                                                                                     ~   ~

n2 i f IAS,f.*d.e's Af we l Note l 1 . . . . C4 I C2 Cf Di TI iewSerpy y

                                                                                                      .D2 f'     i.c Dee All.noands         i                                                                     g.ul               -

T D3 .g j j u uisse ! e _ D4 oon. ]


Paradle i PROTECTIVE' ' l 1 RESPONSE AREAS - Il ] l I l I EP 2-052 Rev. 3 12 Attachment 7.4 (1 of I) I,


    /~'N V        1.0 Determine recommended protective actions using the attached flow chart (page 14 of this procedure).

1.1 The following information is given to provide assistance in using the i flow chart. 2.0 GENERAL EHERGENCY. Note 2-mile radius (Protective Response Areas A1, B1, C1, D1) and 5-mile sheltering requirements for those Protective Response Areas Downwind. For core melt sequences where significant releases from containment are not yet taking place and large amounts of fission products are not yet in the containment armosphere, consider 2-mile radius precautionary evacuation. Consider 5-mile evacuation of those Protective Response Areas downwind if large amounts of fission ' products (greater than gap activity) are in the containment atmosphere. Recommend sheltering in other parts of the plume exposure Emergency Planning Zone under this circumstance. 2.1 For core melt sequences where significant releases from containment are not yet taking place, where containment failure leading to a direct

!                     atmosphere release is likely in the sequence but not imminent, and where large amounts of fission products in addition to noble gases are l                     in the containment atmosphere, consider precautionary evacuation of the 5-mile radius (Protective Response Areas A1, B1, C1, D1, A2, B2, C2 and D2) and 10-mile evacuation for those Protective Response Areas downwind.

1 2.2 For core melt sequences where large amounts of fission products other than noble gases are in the containment atmosphere and containment failure is judged imminent, recommend shelter for those areas where evacuation cannot be completed before transport of activity to that location. EP-2-052 Revision 4 13 Attachment 7.5 (1 of 2)


                                                                                                         ,IO           AS S E SS MENT 1 I 4h NO SUBSTANTIAL CORE DAMAGE IN PROGRE$$



Q8 c if'YES NO ,50" N

                                                              -                 -S R _ _ . ROT _ E CONT IN     NT ACTIONS IN l                             1r                            gap                                 II                   ACCOROANCE WITH p                                                        ATTACHMENT T.I
                       ,,g                        RECOMMEND SMELTER                      IMMINENT
                       ,,0,i gEm3gy                 FOR AREAS YnAT                      PRosECTED CONTAINM ENT          YES  CAN'T BE EVACUATED       Y8           CO NTAINM ENT BEFO     PLUME ARRIVAL                    FAILURE FAILURE                   EVACUATE OTHERS                       AND CORE CR RELE ASE               (WITMIN 2-S MILES)                                  g UNDERWLY                   TO esAKE THIS                         0,[gh,gy
                                                                                                ,      p p                   DECISION, USE e[33                     ATTACHMENT T.S                        MIS)
                                                *f0 *(4) *(S)
               .               r                                                               gp NO




                            * (3) " PUFF" RELEASE RATE MUCH G'tE ATER THAN DESIGNED LEAW R AT E .


                            *(4) EPA PAQs -1400 MILLt-R E M WHOLE BODY, 5,000 MILL 1-R EM CMILD THYRotD .

EP-2-052 Revision 4 14 Attachment 7.5 (2 of 2)

                                             -                -_           ~                                                 .n.      . , _ , , _ . _ _ _

e 1 s' l LoulSIANA POWER & LIGHT bYuS$dvsNU4 I POM VOLUME 18 EP-2-100 POM SECTION 2 REVISION 7 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER ACTIVATION, OPERATION AND DEACTIVATION O PORC Meeting No. [h/ Reviewed: I/((CIe  %. O PORC Chairma 1 Date Approved: s , c. , j3 (( pan'tManAger-Nuclepr Approval Date Effective Date O l

7 N C~YErr;


z , z; C :

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            ..a   PCRC has reviewed this ite= and de:er d ed tha: a safety evalua:1 = vas perforced (as applicable) , :ha: a= u= reviewed saf ety ques:1:n d:es ::: exis: (as applicable),
ha: a change :: he Technical Specificati::s is ::: required, and tha: nuclear safe:7 is/vas ::: adversely adfee:ed.
         'CEDI?.                                                                                                                   RICOMMECD CF                         PORC F Il                                 PORC MIM3E1                                      FOR A??ROVAI.               DA'"I Er . JJ                                                             ,


                                .""'~~e a=ce                                       /                                                                        /

D 4/i'i'

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                                                                                                                                    /                   ff2-y3" Radia:1:n ? ::ectic:.                  -
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PCIC Mee:1=g No. [.N M .$ Ite= No.. Y.2- Da:e <T -J.d - 63 T- d a 1:e= is ree _e=ded f== app = val? @ TzS O so 7:is i:e= requires SIC /MIC review prier := i=ple=e::a:icn? O ::S E so if yes, ensure de===e::::1== supper:1:g reviev is at: ached. This 1:e= requires QA review pri== :: PM-N approval? TIS NO OA RI~~.I"J Reviewed by W/P DA3 A> / 4" C::porace QA Ma:ager

      ?'_ Alt v_$3ACIR '."C* IAR A3?t0'/A.I.               (RIFIR TO

C::=e.:s: M A preved by b /8~~ DA*I P /A F :.an: ..an g e r-Nucle a r i i t,C-1-00/. , Revisien 6 16 I p . m.

                                                                                                              -- . . _..e n       6.1 (1 c,. ..i 1

WATERFORD 3 SES .~ - PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST l%POM ((lPORC-S/C Procedure No. h/ce> Title b JZu/ (d<rf dM [edia4bvi ' Effective Date i 6W M.. (if different from appruval date)[ E s b Complete A, B, and C I A. Change No. M ((l Permanent ((l Deviation Expiration Date B. Revision No. 7 i C. Deletion l[ LYES ((NO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION

                               .Q y,fk                   fp h_-l                            ~- ^                    L        AA          $, -
,                              M9T %2ni '                                                     '


                                                                                       !f f( #LArdOL

?' _ _n m ' REQUIRED SIGNATURE [ d / ORIGINATOR ([ DATE 'kMW !, SAFETY REVIEW . l Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR? YES NO N
2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR? YES NO /T 3.

Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR? YES NO /

4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES NO Y e7s yes, complete and attach a If the answer 10CFR50.59 Safetyto any,d-thr%oy/


  • DATE i
  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within

{.. 14 days. I UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 4 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1) i i

     . _ . .      .        _    __ . _ _ . _ = _      _   _   ._ . .  . . . _          _.                          .__            _ . . .

Emsrgincy Plen Impisminting Procsdure EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC) Revision 7

     .'          Activation, Operation, and Deactivation TABLE OF CONTENTS


I 4

;                3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4

4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS i 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 General Instructions

.;               5.2 TSC First Responders
;               '5.3   Emergency Coordinator                                                                                                   ,

i 5.4 TSC Supervisor 5.5 Health Physics Coordinator 5.6 Lead Engineer 5.7 Operations Coordinator . 5.8 Lead Communicator 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 TSC Floor Plan and Equipment Locations (2 pages) -

 !               7.2 TSC Watch Bill Form ( 2 pages) 7.3 Offsite Staging of Support / Relief Personnel (3 pages)

{ 1 7.4 Guidance for the Completion of Information for Offsite Agencies (6 ' pages) i LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES i i Title Revision 7 1-31, 36-44 Revision 7 32,33 Revision 6 34,35 Revision 5 1 i

Emargancy Plcn Impism:nting Procsdura EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC) Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation .O i 1.0 PURPOSE i This procedure provides guidance for the Technical Support Center (TSC) staff in the activation, operation, and deactivation of the Technical Support Center (TSC).


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 EP-2-010, Notifications and Communications 2.3 EP-2-050, Offsite Dose Assessment (Manual) 2.4 EP-2-051, Offsite Dose Assessment (Computerized) 2.5 EP-2-150 Emergency Plan Implementing Records 2.6 EP-2-090, Core Damage Assessment d 2.7 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability 2.8 EP-3-040, Emergency Equipment Inventory , 2.9 Emergency Management Resources Book 1 2.10 EP-2-170, Recovery 2.11 EP-2-031, In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During Emergencies 2.12 EP-2-034, On-Site Sdrveys During Emergencies j 2.13 EP-2-030 Eraergency Radiation Exposure Guidelines and Controls ! 2.14 EP-2-091, Emergency Chemistry l 2.15 EP-2-102, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Activation,

Operation and Deactivation i 2.16 EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination 2.17 EP-2-033, Administration of Iodine Blocking Agents 2.18 EP-2-101, Operational Support Center (OSC) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation


Emsrgincy Plan Impisminting Procedurs EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC) Revision 7 l q Activation, Operation, and Deactivation l b 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES The Emergency Coordinator has overall responsibility for ensuring that actions outlined in this procedure are carried out. The TSC Supervisor is responsible for the conduct of operations of the TSC. The Health Physics Coordinator, Lead Engineer, Operations Coordinator end Lead Communicator are responsible for ensuring activities in their areas are conducted in accordance with this procedure. The first TSC responders shall begin implementation of this procedure. The EOF Off-Site Technical Advisor and Licensing Coordinator, if responding to the TSC, are responsible for carrying out their activities in accordance with Reference 2.15 under the direction of the Emergency Coordinator.- 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS t This procedure is to be initiated upon any of the following conditions: 4.1 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. 4.2 Declaration of any of the following emergency conditions: 4.2.1 Alert 4.2.2 Site Area Emergency 4.2.3 General Emergency


3 I

                                                               .   , - - .      - .         ~ - - - , -     -~----e - - - - --

_ . - - - . . - - . . . - , . ~ . ..- i 1 Emargsney Plan Impismanting Procedura EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC) Revision 7 ) ) .. f-, 2 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation i

,                                              5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 General Instructions for all TSC Personnel i

i l l 5.1.1 Comply with all Health Physics Requirements for the given 4

                                                                                   -situation.                     Requirements are determined by the Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) and may include a full body frisk.                                                          Equipment to                                      {

i < 1 he provided by the Health Physics Coordinator. i i j 5.1.2 Card into an Accountability keycard reader. J i j 5.1.3 Sign in on th,e appropriate status board. 4 I j 5.1. 4' If you are one of the first arrivals, Go To Step 5.2 TSC First i Responders.


NOTE i 1 i l Some circumstances dictate that personnel may l arrive at the TSC before the TSC Supervisor or l Emergency Coordinator. In these situations, the 1 Shif t Supervisor (SS) may begin shif ting some J j responsibilities to. personnel in the TSC prior to 1

;                                                                                             the arrival of the TSC Supervisor or Emergency 1

j Coordinator. l 5.1.5 Follow the instructions in the portion of this procedure dealing j with your assigned area of responsibility (communications, health physics, etc.). O 3  : !i 4 _ _ , . . . , - . _ . - ~ . - - . . - . . . ~ , - . . . , _ . . . . . , , , , , , _ . _ , _ _ .

      .'     Emer.~,ncy Pir.n Implementing Procsdure                                            EP-?-100 7         Technical Support Center (TSCS                                                    Revision 7 Activation. Operation, and Deactivation 5.1.6        After TSC activation, personnel shall not leave the Control Room envelope area without checking out with the TSC Supervisor and the Health Physics Coordinator.

5.2 TSC First Responders NOTE Keys-Required: 1.) ECC Doors #93, 94 and 95 l 2.) Vault Door  ! 3.) Storage Area Door - located in key box on HP Locker 4.) Aperture Card File - located in key box on HP Locker O ~ 5.2.1 Get the Energency Facility keys from the Shift Supervisor's office, and unlock the following: the Emergency. Control Center ' (ECC), the vault door, the OSPDS room door in the ECC, the storage area door near the rear entrance to the Control Room, and the

  • Aperture Card File in the rear storage room.

5.2.2 In the Emergency Control Center (ECC); procedures, phones and forms are pre-staged for each position. However, if additional r resources are needed, they are available in the storage file cabinet within the Emergency Control Center. 5.2.3 Remove the Technical Assessment Engineers Emergency equipment from the Dose Assessment Area Vault and storage area near the rear entrance to the Control Room (rear storage area) and place them in the hallway on the north side of the control , V room., TableJ, chairs and aperture card files are located in j the rear storage area. Telephones, procedures and other equipment are located in the vault. 5

l i I

     . Emerg:ncy Pltn Impicmenting Proccdura                                  EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                       Revision 7

(~'} Activation, Operation, and Deactivation v 5.3 Emergency Coordinator 5.3.1 Activation N Get a briefing from the Shift Supervisor on plant status and the emergency status. Relieve the Shift Supervisor as the Emergency Coordinator at the earliest appropriate time of the responsibilities of the Emergency Coordinator, which include but are not limited to: A. Classification and declaration of emergencies. B. Mobilization of resources, activation of emergency organizations and personnel. C. Direct notification of off-site agencies.

 }v)                 D. Recommend protective action, including evacuation / sheltering, to off-site agencies, based on Emergency Implementing Procedures.

E. Request assistance from off-site agencies. F. Direct organization and coordination of emergency teams. G. Ensure that pertinent information and data are relayed to station and off-site emergency organizations. H. Initiate protective actions at site. I. Authorize radiation exposure in excess of 10CFR20 limits. When the SS has been relieved as the Emergency Coordinator ensure that the following announcement is made over the plant PA system: ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL! ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL! i

 \_,/                EMERGENCY COORDINATOR BY (Name) 6 l
     -   Emerg:ncy Plcn lepl:menting Proc: dura                              EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                     Revision 7 7.

Activation, Operation, and Deactivation NOTE Minimum Staf f Requirements for transfer of Responsibility to the TSC: A. Transfer of communications

                               - One TSC coemunicator (can be the Lead Communicator)

B. Health Physics

                 *             - Health Physics Coordinator C. Activation of the TSC                                   \
                               - Items A and B staffed and responsibilities
                              . transferred to the TSC.

O - NOTE The Off-Site Technical Advisor and Licensing Coordinator will respond and conduct their operations from the TSC under the direction of the Emergency Coordinator in accordance with Reference 2.15 until the EOF is activated. Coordinate with the on-shift organisation and transfer communications and Health Physics activities to the TSC. When the TSC is activated, ensure that the following announcement is made over the plant PA system: ', " ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL! ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL! THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER HAS BEEN ACTIVATED. 7


    .        Emergsucy Plcn Irplcm nting Procsdura                                                     EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC),                                                          Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 5.3.2    Operation i      Ensure that the following activities occur in a timely manner:

l j A. Follow-up Notification Report transmitted approximately every 30 minutes and within 15 minutes of a changing condition that results in a change in the status of off-site protective action recommendations or reclassification of the emergency I condition. The TSC Supervisor should provide.

 !                    B.         NRC Reports are completed and transmitted. The Licensing i                              -Coordinator or in his absence the Lead Communicator should provide.

1 C. Classify or reclassify the emergency in accordance with i L () EP-1-001. D. Make offsite protective action recommendations in accordance j with EP-2-052. When the EOF is activated, provide input on protective action recommendations to the EOF Director based on plant conditions as necessary. l, l E. Keep the EOF Director appraised of the situation and whether the E0F should be activated. F. Ensure a log is kept by the TSC Logkeeper of Emergency Coordinator actions /TSC activities. 4 NOTE i i i Ensure that all announcements made over the i plant PA system are also made over the sound I () powered phone system. 8

       . Emerg:ncy Plcn Isplsmanting Procadurs                                                              EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                                                   Revision 7 1            Activation, Operation, and Deactivation
                       .G. Make periodic announcements to the TSC staff and the plant staff regarding plant conditions and emergency response activities in progress (use the plant page as appropriate).

i H. Approve public information bulletins. Off-Site Technical Advisor should provide. j I. Approve the use of respirators and/or protective clothing by j the field monitoring teams. Recommendation should be made by l the Health Physics Coordinator (HPC). f NOTE The responsibilities that remain with i () the TSC Emergency Coordinator and w'ill not be transferred to the EOF Director are:

1. Classification and declaration of an emergency.
2. Authorization of radiation exposure in

. excess of 10CFR20 limits. i i j If the EOF is to be staffed, coordinate turnover of the following

responsibilities with the EOF Director.

l A. Offsite Dose Assessment ! B. Offsite Communications l C. Offsite Protective Action Recommendations l O 9 l

                                                                . . , , .      .. - - ..- , --,,- . -                -, . .., - , - - - --~

Emarg:ncy Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC) Revision 7

       ' Activation, Operation, and Deactivation    When all of the listed responsibilities in step are
                  . transferred make the following announcement.:

THE EMERCENCY OPERATIONS' FACILITY HAS BEEN ACTIVATED. THE EOF DIRECTOR IS (Name) When corrective and protective actions have been implemented and control has been regained over plant systems and/or inadvertent radioactive release, implement EP-2-170, Recovery. 5.3.3 Deactivation Ensure any remaining responsibilities are transferred to the I on-shift organization prior to deactivation. If the emergency condition has terminated, ensure the TSC Supervisor collects all logs, data sheets, correspondence and other paperwork generated during the event and that all information is reviewed and collated prior to being turned over to the Emergency Planning Coordinator (EPC) for further review, i f 5.4 TSC Supervisor-l 5.4.1 Activation i i NOTE f The TSC Supervisor's Communicator and the TSC Logkeeper shall assist the TSC Supervisor in the performance of his activities. 10

    .      Emergincy Plcn Irpliminting Procsdura                                         EP-2-100 Technical Support Center-(TSC)                                              Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation      Ensure the activities listed in step 5.2, TSC First Responders have been completed. Evaluate the TSC response to ensure adequate staffing for initial activat-..n and continued operation. Use EP-2-010, Attachment 7.2,

                        " Response Verification / Backup Activation of the Emergency Response Organization" to determine who responded to the emergency pager activation. The Control Room Emergency Communicator should provide. Direct the callout of additional TSC staff as the situation requires. See the Emergency Management Resources Book for additional personnel and phone numbers. Establish communications with the OSC. O Brief the OSC Supervisor and determine the OSC's ability to provide assistance for the present situation. Appoint a Facility Accountability Coordinator in accordance with EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability to provide for Continuous Accountability. The TSC Logkeeper normally provides. Brief the Security Superintendent or if unavailable, the Security Shif t Supervisor and ensure that the " Action Alert" has been initiated at the Central Alarm Station (CAS). l } l' 11

           ,     Emergr.ncy Pim Impisminting Procsdura                                                              EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                              >

Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation O , i NOTE e

1. Minimum Staff to activate the TSC is

i 1 - TSC Communicator (can be the-Lead Communicator)


1 - Health Physics Coordinator t 1 - Emergency Coordinator Present in , the TSC. f

2. Members of the TSC staff can provide support 1  ?

1 to the on-shift emergency organization prior . to the activation of the TSC at the

direction of the Emergency Coordinator. .

ll i Check in with the Emergency Coordinator and brief him on the following:

               .                                                                       t
                                                                                                                           \        <

s A. The ability of the TSC to activate and if any limitation i exists. i i ' B. The ability of the OSC to provide support. , x . i i C. Any abnormal condition or configuration'noted by the TSC j staff during setup of the facility. , . D. Required additional information as needed.  : ,, i s 5 l . l i 12 1 r s < , I

                                                                                                                   ; . - -           .I-2-~              -
           .                      ..                        . _    m            . _              .._               _ _ _                    _ .               .  ...          . . _ _ _ . . - .
         +1                   Emergtney Pltn Impitm2nting Procsdura                                                                                                     EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                                                                                       Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation q

5.4.2 Operation NOTE The OSC Supervisor is required by EP-2-101 q to' staff emergency response teams and keep the  ; i TSC Supervisor informed of team status. It is

                                                   .particularly important that a First Aid Team and Fire Brigade are staffed and staged at the
 ,                                                   +7 MSL level of the RAB to relieve on-shif t personnel of these responsibilities.

4 I i Direct the activities of the TSC Lead Engineer, OSC Supervisor,

,                                        TSC Supervisor Communicator and TSC Logkeeper. Ensure communications are maintained with the OSC. t .e f Ensure continuous accountability is performed in accordance with i EP-2-190. Upon site evacuation, ensure initial accountability is performed l

in accordance with EP-2-190.

l t ! Ensure continued operability of the TSC (supplies are adequate - i replenished when necessary, communications equipment is j operable, etc.) l , 1 NOTE l Follow-up Notification Report may be generated

   .O                                                manually or by the Dose Assessment computer.

13 i _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ - _ _ _ _- _ ~ _ . _ , _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . , _ . . .

Emsrg:ncy Plcn Imple Onting Proccdure EP-2-100 j Technical Support Center (TSC) Revision 7 l (~] V Activation, Operation, and Deactivation l NOTE f Refer to Attachment 7.4 for specific guidance and responsibilities for the completion of Follow-up Notification Reports and other information for offsite agencies. < f Ensure Follow-up Notification Reports are completed in a timely manner, approved by the Emergency Coordinator and transmitted to offsite agencies (until this activity is transferred to the ll , EOF). Follow-up Notification Reports should be completed every -l 30 minutes when conditions do not change and within 15 minutes whenever conditions change that result in a change in the status () of offsite ' protective action recommendations or the emergency condition is reclassified. Assist the Emergency Coordinator as directed. Maintain a facilities log of TSC Supervisor activities in accordance with EP-2-150. Ensure a log is maintained by each position represented in the TSC as required by EP-2-150. . Positions required to maintain logs are listed in EP-2-150. Coordinate technical assessment and emergency response team ' operations. Assist the Emergency Coordinator in classification of the i 1 emergency based on EP-1-001. js - Periodically collect completed TSC documentation, review and compile for further review.when secure from the event. 14-

                                                        ,                0
         .        Emerg;ncy Plcn Icplsm:nting Procedura                                                                                              EP-2-100
            -1 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                                                                                  Revision 7 Activation,' Operation, and Deactivation Assist the Emergency Coordinator in identifying when protective I

action recommendations should be made. The Emergency Coordinator i and Health Physics Coordinator shall arrive at specific

, of recoassendations based on EP-2-052. When the EOF is activated J'

{l provide input to the EOF Director on Protective Action Recommendations based on plant conditions as necessary. If round-the-clock operation of the TSC is required, provide a TSC watch bill. (See Attachment 7.2). i t . NOTE i

!                                        (1) Parish Restricted Area - is that area to which access has been restricted by the St. Charles

! Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC). \O 1-(2) Access into the Parish Restricted Area can be made by personnel who have (or who are escorted I by an individual who has) a St. Charles Parish Emergency Access Card (" Pink Card"). See the Emergency Management Reso Icel Book for the positions which are issued St. Charles Parish l Emergency Access Cards. See Attachment 7.3

for additional guidance.

l i Provide the TSC interface for TSC-security matters (accountability, personnel access to TSC/Waterford 3 Site). (. Keep the Equipment Out-of-Service status board updated. Ensure the TSC Logkeeper keeps the Major Events Status board updated. j Ensure that the current Emergency Classification is displayed on the Emergency Classification signs for both the TSC and Control Room. 15 l

                             - , , , ,                     *               -      .---e -.e,       -
                                                                                                             ,e-v-- ,--m, , - - - - - -       ---*e- y    e--- --- ,y-   -e    ,-e--r---- , e--*
     .       Em;rgsney Plan Impisminting Procsduro                                  EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                       Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation sd Call out additional personnel as directed.
           '5 & 2.17 Provide interface with INPO and other utilities for additional s  resources / support (if EOF not activated). Act as secretary for technical review groups identified for procedure approval, modification (if EdF not activated). Provide copies of transmitted FUN Reports to the Health Physics Coordinator, Lead Engineer, Offsite Techincal Advisor, Licensing Coordinator and Lead Communicator for use in completing FUN Reports that follow. 5.4.3 Deactivation If the emergency condition has terminated, collect all data, correspondence and paperwork generated by the TSC staff and sort, review and collate for review by the Emergency Planning Coordinator (EPC). Collect facility logs, review and put together to provide one historical record of the actions taken for EPC review. Ensure the requirements of EP-2-150 are complied with for all generated documentation. Assist in follow-up activities and evaluation of the event as directed. 5.5 Health Physics Coordinator 5.5.1 Activation Get a turnover from Control Room personnel performing offsite dose assessment as appropriate and discuss status of protective action recommendations. 16

   . Emerg:ncy Plcn Ixplcm:nting Procedura                                  EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                       Revision 7
.~       Activation, Operation, and Deactivation N ,1 ) The Health Physics Coordinator Assistant, Dose Assessment Coordinator, Dose Assessment Coordinator Assistant and Dose Assessment Communicator abould assist in performing the following activities (steps - Initiate radiological surveys of the TSC as applicable. Activate the TSC dose assessment area as necessary. Ensure offsite field monitoring teams are activated as necessary. Test communications (HP Line, PABX and field monitoring team radio). Advise the Emergency Coordinator of the status of the above activities and relieve the On-Shift organization of all Health Physics activities (including dose assessment). ( l} 5.5.2 Operation NOTE The personnel listed in Section above may asaist in the performance of the activities listed below. Conduct offsite dose assessment in accordance with EP-2-051 and/or EP-2-050. x _.- 17

                       .     .     -.    =.                  - - -     -               ..         - -   --
           . Em2rgincy Pltn I=pisaanting Procedura                                       EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                         Revision 7
>              Activation, Operation, and Deactivation NOTE It may be necessary to provide a runner for paperwork / messages between the TSC Dose Assessment

' Area and the TSC Emergency Control Center. This runner may be requested of the TSC Supervisor u

                               .to be provided from the OSC. Ensure radiological control of the TSC. i Maintain contact with the offsite field monitoring teams and direct their activities. ~ NOTE


Use of respiratory protective devices and/or protective clothing by the field monitoring teams require Emergency Coordinator and EOF , Director (when activated) approval. Monitor offsite field monitoring team exposures and offsite contamination levels. Provide recommendations to the Emergency Coordinator when protective clothing and/or respirators may be required to be used by the field monitoring teams. Use the guidance for inplant use of protective equipment as guidelines. Ensure in-plant and onsite radiological surveys are performed and

. controls established as appropriate in accordance with EP-2-031 i and EP-2-034 by directing the activities of the Radiological

( Controls Coordinator. 18

   -     Emargsney Pitn Implemsnting Procsdure                                             EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                              Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation
     } Dispatch a Health Physics Technician, or other trained individual selected by the Health Physics Coordinator, to the EOF (when the EOF is to be activated)'to perform initial and continu'ings - 1 habitability surveys. Additionally, this individual will assist 4 the EOF staff in frisking requirements and decontamination (as

                   'necessary). Advise the Emergency Coordinator on offsite Protective Action Recommendations in accordance with EP-2-052. When the EOF is activated, provide input to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator on protective action recommendations based on p'lant 4 conditions, as necessary.

 !    Advise the Emergency Coordinator on emergency condition classification in accordance with EP-1-001. Coordinate field monitoring activities and protective action recommendations with LNED personnel as appropriate (if the EOF i Radiological Assessment Coordinator is not activated). NOTE i Follow-up Notification Report may be generated manually or by Computer (in the dose assessment area). NOTE i The Health Physics Coordinator is the contact for the NRC on the NRC Health Physics Network (HPN) line. This responsibility shall be turned over to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator when the EOF is activated. 19 l t - -- - - , - . , ,. - -_.,- .


        .                                                                                       l l
   .      Em rg ncy Plen Impliminting Proccdure                                  EP-2-100       l Technical Support Center (TSC)                                      Revision 7        l Activation, Operation, and Deactivation

v I NOTE Refer to Attachment 7.4 for specific guidance and responsibilities for the completion of Follow-up Notification Reports and other information for offsite agencies. Fill out the appropriate sections of Follow-up Notification Reports when conditions change that result in a change in the status of protective action recommendations or the emergency condition is reclassified. If conditions have not changed, these reports should be completed every 30 minutes. Coordinate these activities with the TSC Supervisor. Provide information to {h the Licensing Coordinator for completion of NRC Reports as required.

                                                                                              ~ Coordinate environmental sampling and analysis activities including air samples and smear surveys (The HPC has lead responsibility for this activity if the EOF Radiological Assessment Coordinator is not activated). Keep the Emergency Coordinator advised of Health Physics group l activities. Assist the Emergency Coordinator in implementing emergency l exposure controls in accordance with EP-2-030 as necessary. Advise the Emergency Coordinator as to the need to issue KI in l accordance with EP-2-033.



      . Emnrgsney Plan Impicmsnting Procadure                                     EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                          Revision 7
 .s -

Activation. Operation, and Deactivation t Manage overall site Health Physics activities. Keep Health Physics status boards updated. ' Maintain a facilities log for the Health Physics Coordinator activities. Ensure logs are also maintained by the Dose Assessment Coordinator and Dose Assessment Communicator in accordance with'EP-2-150. NOTE i The CEPADAS " Operational Input" Pro' gram can only be

run from one location. Control of this must pass l to the EOF. The TSC can continue to display CEPADAS, but not adjust inputs via " Operational Input".

O NOTE Control of field monitoring team activities is not considered to be turned over until initial turnover ) announcements to all field teams by both the TSC and the EOF have been made. i Turn over offsite dose assessment and offsite protective action recommendation. activities to the EOF Radiological Assessment

-Coordinator (RAC) when the RAC is activated. Ensure control of the CEPADAS program is transferred to the EOF.

0 21

             , - - -     -                                      -   ,e-   ,         , - - .             r w--.   . ,-

Em2rgsncy Plan Impitmanting Procedura EP-2-100

 ,-                     Technical Support Center (TSC)                                       Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation Af ter turnover of dose assessment and offsite protective action recommendation activities to the EOF, provide a dose assessment individual to report to the EOF (conditions permitting) to assist the RAC in the dose assessment activities there.

5.5.3 Deactivation If the emergency condition has terminated, review calculations, data and paperwork and provide to the TSC Supervisor. Ensure radiologically affected areas are identified for further sampling and surveys during recovery phases and a survey / sampling program identified in accordance with EP-2-061 (for offsite affected areas, to be coordinated with the EOF RAC). Assist in evaluation and analysis of the event including coordination of further sampling and analysis, dose commitment calculations, report generation during recovery phase. 5.6 Lead Engineer 5.6.1 Activation I Check operability of the SPDS terminal and monitor plant data. Ensure the applicable documentation and the aperture card file and reader /p~rinter are available to engineering personnel and operable. Ensure that Technical Assessment Area is set up in accordance with l Attachment 7.1. ' O-22 i

                                .-               .            - - _ . _ ._   =
  . Em2rgsncy Plan Impismtnting Procsdure                                   EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                         Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation    Notify the TSC Supervisor when the TSC technical assessment group is ready to begin technical assessment activities.

5.6.2 Operation NOTE The TSC technical assessment engineers assist in performing the activities listed below. Perform core damage assessment as required in accordance with EP-2-090 and provide technical support to the Control Room. Provide support to the Control Room in evaluating () engineering-related problems of the reactor, essential safety related systems and any other significant problem areas using the following as necessary: A. Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams, including piping system drawings, general arrangement drawings and electrical schematics (aperture cards and reader / printer). B. Applicable plant operating and/or maintenance procedures. C. Parameters as given through the Safety Parameter Display

System (SPDS) or sound-powered telephone contact with Control Room (this information to be provided by the Operations Communicator).

D. W3 SES Final Safety Analysis Report. E. Applicable equipment technical manuals. o 1 1 23 i

    . Em2rgency Plcn Implaminting Procsdura                                 EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                      Revision 7 i     Activation, Operation, and Deactivation g ^s   Coordinate e'fforts of support organizations in the areas of engineering / technical assessment such as Combustion Engineering.

Ebasco, Middle South Utilities and INP0 if the EOF is not activated. Provide recommendations for system modifications necessary to ensure the immediate safe shutdown of the reactor and any system additions necessary to maintain long-term shutdown capabilities. Coordinate design of modifications necessary to support off-normal plant conditions. Conduct supplemental transient or accident analysis, including event tree analyses or computer calculations, as necessary including possible events that could occur which should be anticipated by the emergency response organization.

    ) Prepare procedures / guidelines as necessary for the installation, modification or emergency operating methodologies of plant-related off-normal systems or conditions. Coordinate with the EOF staff as appropriate the establishment of a technical review group to review and approve temporary procedures. I 24

    .       Emargsney Plan Implemsnting Procedure                                        EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                              Revision 7       I

. Activation, Operation, and Deactivation l NOTE i i As a minimum, this group shall be made up . of the EOF Operations / Engineering Coordina-i tor (if activated) and/or TSC Lead Engineer, l TSC Operations Coordinator, Health Physics Coordinator or Health Physics's Coordinator's - Assistant, one discipline engineer and the EOF Administration / Logistics Coordinator as Secretary (if activated) or TSC Supervisor as Secretary if j E0' aot activated. Once approved by the group, procedures shall be approved by the Emergency Coordinator. Review Group approval may be

        ,                    handled by conference call if necessary.

O When time and conditions permit, these documents shall be sent j through the normal station review process in accordance with  : existing procedures.

             ~~,--        Ng Coordinate technical assessment activities with the EOF staff (when activated) and request their assistance as appropriate for specific assignments. Coordinate activities with the TSC Operations Coordinator.

i i NOTE Refer to Attachment 7.4 for specific guidance and j - responsibilities for the completion of Follow-up I Notification Reports and other information for. offsite agencies. /, I 25

     .      Emsrgsncy Plan Implamtnting Procadure                                             EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                               Revision 7 1

Activation, Operation, and Deactivation  ! ks ,')  ! Fill out appropriate sections related to plant status of Follow-up Notification Reports and NRC Reports as necessary as directed by the TSC Supervisor. Provide information to the Licensing Coordinator for completion of NRC Reports as required. Advise the TSC Supervisor in development of Protective Action Recommendations using EP-1-001 to identify where Protective Recommendations may be necessary based on plant conditions. The Emergency Coordinator and Health Physics Coordinator will use EP-2-052 to arrive at appropriate protective action recommendations. Advise the TSC Supervisor in evaluating conditions for emergency classification / declassification using EP-1-001. Keep the TSC Supervisor informed of technical assessment activities. Maintain a facilities log for the TSC Lead Engineer in accordance with EP-2-150. Ensure logs are also maintained by each technical assessment engineer in accordance with EP-2-150, 5.6.3 Deactivation If the emergency condition has terminated, ensure all data, j correspondence and paperwork generated by the TSC Technical [ Assessment staff is collected and provided to the TSC Supervisor. l l Provide the TSC Supervisor with the completed facilities logs for the TSC Technical Assessment Staff. Ensure procedures requiring further review are identified and l entered into the normal review process. 26

             -     Emargsney Plan I:plsm2nting Procadure                                      EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                           Revision 7 i
           <~}     Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 5.7 Operations Coordinator 5.7.1    Activation     The Operations Communicator may assist in the performance of the following activities. Check operability of the sound-powered telephone. Monitor plant data and Control Room communications on this equipment. Update plant status trending board. Notify the TSC Supervisor when the preceding items have been completed.

         ,     )   5.7.2    Operation     Assist the TSC Technical Assessment staff in technical assessment activities as required. Provide directives from the Emergency Coordinator to the Shift

Supervisor regarding operation of the plant. Provide interface liaison between LP&L management and the shif t operating staff (Shift Supervisor). i NOTE l There are certain special precautions regarding l emergency chemistry activities which must be l considered prior to the request of a sample. See EP-2-091. , 27

                                         -      .            . . -. ._           - . - -   - -- . -                          _~ .                           .


   . Emarg2ncy Plan Impismanting Procedure                                                                              EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC)                                                                        Revision 7

! Activation, Operation, and Deactivation l Coordinate with the Shift Supervisor the performance of other , shift activities including emergency chemistry activities. [ NOTE { The Emergency Management Resources Book may be used

I as a reference for personnel and telephone numbers in staffing emergency team positions (i.e., OSC
.                                          Relief Fire Brigade).

t Coordinate necessary staffing activities with the TSC Supervisor j 1.e., providing qualified Operations personnel to staff the OSC J Manpower Pool and Relief Fire Brigade.

5. 7. 2. 6 . Keep the TSC Operations trending board update'd. Keep the Emergency Coordinator advised of plant status and conditions. Maintain a facilities log for the Operations Coordinator. l l Direct the Operations Communicator to parallel all I page announcements on the sound powered phone circuit and to keep 1 the Control Room apprised of emergency organization activities using the sound powered phone circuit. i 5.7.3 Deactivation If the emergency condition has terminated, ensure all data, correspondence and paperwork generated by the Operations , 4 Coordinator is collected and provided to the TSC Supervisor.- t J

28 i


          ,,----,r. -- - - - - - , - . -
                                                    ,,4- , ,         ..,. ,      ,       ,y.        .- ,,w.- , - - - . - - -      - - - , , . , _ . , , , ~ - . _ , - . - - - .

Emirgsney Plan Impicmsnting Procedure EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC) Revision 7


Activation, Operation, and Deactivation' Provide the TSC Supervisor with the completed facilities log for the Operations Coordinator. Provide assistance in evaluation of the event / recovery operations as directed. 5.8 Lead comunicator 5.8.1 ' Activation The TSC Communicators may assist the Lead Communicator in the performance of the following activities. Ensure operability of all communications equipment within the Emergency Control Center. O Monitor any active lines. Contact the Control Room Emergency Communicator and get copies of all messages that have been transmitted / received. At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator, transfer communications from the Control Room to the TSC in accordance with EP-2-010. 5.8.2 Operation Ensure TSC communications activities are carried out in accordance with EP-2-010. Transmit communications as instructed by the Emergency Coordinator and ensure all communications to offsite agencies have his approval. 29-l

    ,   Emsrgsncy Plan Implem2nting Procsdure                                      EP-2-100    i Technical Support Center (TSC)                                         Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation                                                I


  \ Ensure messages receive'd by the TSC Communicators are acted upon by the proper individuals and that the Emergency Coordinator is aware of these transmissions. NOTE Refer to Attachment 7.4 for specific guidance and responsibilities for the completion of Follow-up Notification Reports and other information for offsite agencies. Aid the Emergency Coordinator /TSC Supervisor in ensuring

,                 Follow-up Notification Reports are completed in a timely manner I

and transmitted. O

                                   ~ Maintain Communications status boards. Keep the Emergency Coordinator informed of communications activities. 1 1 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator, transfer communications to the EOF when the EOF Communications Coordinator is activated and ready to assume them. 5.8.3 Deactivation If the emergency condition has terminated, collect all communications forms and Follow-up Notification Reports and provide to the TSC Supervisor. l l Close out communications with offsite agencies as directed by the () Emergency Coordinator. 30

h Emargsney Plan Impismanting Procsdura EP-2-100 Technical Support Center (TSC) Revision 7 Activation. Operation, and Deactivation Assist in follow-up evaluation of the event as directed. 1 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 6.1 All records generated during the operation of the TSC have been handled per EF-2-150, Emergency Plan Implementing Records. 6.2 All functional equipment / supplies have been restored to preactivation. ) conditions. 6.3 The entire TSC staff has been relieved of all duties associated with the operation of the TSC. 6.4 EP-2-170, Recovery has been implemented. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 TSC Floor Plan and Equipment Locations 7.2 TSC Watch Bill Form _,~~~ _x 7.3 .0ffsite Staging of Support / Relief Personnel 7.4 Guidance for the Completion of Information for Offsite Agencies i j' . p e* 31


   ,                         I                                            I G

DOOR \ DISPLAYS LO CKED SPDS oisPtai f spos ors. Console C o0Ro. TSC LEAD Eme. TSC sury. HPC C0esu. Asst , Tsc MP - s ury. CooRo E!?tRGENCY COORDINATOR . LDestEEPER C0esW. NO.I

                                                  ,RC                           in
                                                         -Q .-


                                  / \

O MP O t

  • L t-CAtit44i EMERS.




                                                                                           \ REAR ENTRANCE
                                                                                           / TO CorTROL
         =\      /                       \ /

TORast AREA EP.f=100 REVtsl0N 8 33 ATTACPNENTT1 (lef t)

        ,                         TSC FLOOR PLAN AND EQUIPMENT LOC ATIONS O                                              A M




                                                           .                             VALET DOSE
                                                                   .            - ASSESSMENT CONTROL ROOM                                        ROOM SPOS i




         .                                       TSC Wstch Bill Form Continuous manning capability of the TSC may be provided through providing
      --         qualified personnel for each of three shifts. The Emergency Management Resources Book may be used as a reference. 'The TSC Supervisor will normally have respensibility for setting up this schedule (names of personnel assigned to each shift should be put in the blanks and the period for the schedule indicated on the attached sheets) and contacting assignees.

As directed by the Emergency Coordinator, schedules and personnel assignments may be adjusted (i.e., personnel assignments for 2 shifts as opposed to 3 shifts). All schedules shall be signed by the Emergency Coordinator, posted in the TSC and copies distributed to affected personnel. O NOTE The attached sheets only provide a guide on setting up continuous operations. The Emergency Coordinator decides which posi- '~~~' tions for each shift shall be filled and hours to be worked. 1 i

EP-2-100 Revision 5 34 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 2) l

_..~_ __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _

Period of This Schsdule: From To t 6 EMERGENCY COORDINATOR Emergency Coordinator TSC LOCKEEPER ! 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 N 0000-0830 l x , HEALTH PHYSICS COORDINATOR 'TSC SUPERVISOR 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 i 0000-0830 0000-0830 . TSC LEAD ENGINEER OPERATIONS COORDINATOR 0800-1630 0800-1630 j 1600-0030 1600-0030 , 0000-0830 0000-0830 OPERATIONS COMMUNICATOR TSC LEAD COMMUNICATOR i 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 TSC COMMUNICATOR #1 TSC COMMUNICATOR #2 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 TSC SUPERVISOR COMMUNICATOR HPC ASSISTANT 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030

  • 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 NUCLEAR ENGINEER ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 0800-1630 0800-1630
1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830

1600-0030 1600-0030 ! 0000-0830 0000-0830 DOSE ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ASST. DOSE ASSESSMENT COMMUNICATOR l 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 I 0000-0830 0000-0830 l l >

  -O EP-2-100 Revision 5                                  35             Attachment 7.2 (2 of 2) i 1
    , . - -   - - -       - - , .       . ~ . , ,                           .--    . , .     . - . . - .
       .                      Off Site Steging of Support /Ralief Parronntl a

The following guidance is provided to address the staging of personnel and 7\'--)/ their subsequent access to the plant site during an ongoing emergency situation. A. Parish Road Block Access  ;

1. Any Company employee with a valid drivers license and a St.

Charles Parish Emergency Access Card will be allowed access to the Parish Restricted Area. NOTE St. Charles Parish takes }El responsibility for ( personnel entering a Parish Restricted Area.

 '[ }             2. Personnel described in A.1 above may escort personnel into the Parish Restricted Area.
3. Arrangements can be made through the St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for employee access on a case by case basis.

B. Parish Restricted Area Access Considerations

1. St. Charles Parish takes }B1 responsibility for personnel entering a Parish Restricted Area. Therefore it is important that a safe route is established for the employee to use through the Parish Restricted Area and the appropriate access point is selected.
2. Evaluate the situation and coordinate with the St. Charles Parish EOC to determine the appropriate point of access to the Parish
   ,s                  Restricted Area.

lV EP-2-100 Revision 7 36 Attachment 7.3 (1 of 3)

l Off Sita Staging of Support /Ralief Parsonnal Cont'd.  ;

3. Provide t'he responding individuals with detailed information for
  ,           accessing the Parish Restricted Area. Instructions should include, but are not limited to:

l i

a. Recommended route to the selected access to the Parish Restricted Area.
b. Parish Restricted Area access point.
c. Recommended route to_the plant from the Parish Restricted Area access point.
d. Plant site access point.
e. Site phone number to call into for additional information.
f. Description of hazards that may exist within the Parish Restricted Area.
4. Should the situation change, coordinate with the St. Charles Parish EOC to stop personnel at the designated road block and re-direct them if appropriate to the new access point.

O 5. Advise W3 - Security of the pending arrival of personnel by name. 4

6. For access from upriver, coordination with St. John the Baptist EOC may be required. Also access to the Edgard ferry may be arranged through the St. John the Baptist EOC.

C. Long Term Considerations

1. Use LP&L Luling or Reserve District offices or other appropriate location, as a staging point for responding personnel.
2. Consider using the Assembly Area Supervisor as the coordinator for this staging area.

O EP-2-100 Revision 7 37 Attachment 7.3 (2 of 3) i

I Off Site Staging of Support / Relief Parsonnel Cont'd. 4 3.



    <                     Access to the Luling or Reserve District Offices can be obtained by calling Customer Service and requesting the " Duty Man" to                 l i

unlock the selected staging point on weekends, holidays and after hours. Arrangement can also be made through the Corporate Command Center.

4. Consideration should be made to minimize the number of vehicles traveling to and from the plant site. The use of car pools,
company vans and commercial buses should be considered.

1 r !O b i l i i i lO l . EP-2-100 Revision 7 38 Attachment 7.3 (3 of 3)


       .            GUIDANCE FOR THE COMPLETION OF INFORMATION FOR OFFSITE AGENCIES N                                                 TSC 1.0 Follow-up Notification Reports 1.1 Responsibilities 1.1.1  The Health Physics Coordinator is responsible for initiating FUN Reports every 30 minutes or when conditions change that cause the emergency condition to be reclssified or result in a change in the status of protective action recommendations.

1.1.2 The TSC Supervisor is responsible for coordinating the routing and final EC approval of FUN Reports and providing copies pf FUN Reports that have been transmitted to the Health Physics Coordinator, Lead Engineer, Offsite Technical Advisor, Licensing Coordinator and Lead Communicator.


C/ 1.1.3 The TSC Lead Engineer is responsible for filling out the appropriate sections of the FUN Report after initiation by the Health Physics Coordinator. 1.1.4 The TSC Communicators are responsible for completing appropriate sections of FUN Reports when they are transmitted. 1.1.5 Responsibilities for completion are illustrated on each line of the FUN Report example shown on pages 43 and 44 of this procedure. 1.2- Guidance For Completion of FUN Reports i NOTE Follow-Up Notification Report may be generated f , manually or by computer in the dose assessment l t area. I ( EP-2-100 Revision 7 39 Attachment 7.4 (1 of 6) f

GUIDANCE FOR THE COMPLETION OF INFORMATION FOR OFFSITE AGENCIES CONT'D. . 1.2.1 The FIRST Follow-up Notification Report shall have ALL information ( blanks filled in sections where information appears. Where specific information is unavailable or.not applicable "NONE" or "N/A" will be used to complete the information blank. Where an entire section is "N/A" check the N/A blank. No information should appear in a section which has been N/A. 1.2.2 For those Follow-Up Notification Reports which follow the FIRST Follow-Up Notification Report each section should fall within three categories: 1.2.3 "N/A" - Not applicable for the first Report and has remained not applicable for the additional Follow-Up Notification Reports. t 1.2.4 New Information - One or more of the sect, ion's categories ~havo changed. Ensure that ALL information blanks contain information, None or N/A in a "New Information" Sectioni ! 1

1.2.5 Unchanged - The Information presented in this section has not changed from earlier Follow-Up Notification Form. Check "Unchange", no other information blanks should contain data in this section.

2.0 Other Offsite Communications (Communications Log Forms) i i i 1 I 4 [J


t 4 EP-2-100 Revision,7 i 40 Attachment 7.4 (2 of 6) 6

   +     --.-w -
                  .                 --       - -                     -    _ . , . -     Y . -.           .

t' l NOTE

1. Messages other than FUN Reports to offsite -

agencies will be documented using the Communications Log form (Attachment 7.1 of i EP-2-150). , I 2. These forms are to be used for critical  ! messages that must be released to offsite , agencies before a FUN Report can be j t completed (i.e., protective action , recommendations and/or reclassification of I [ anemergency-within15minut'esh

3. These forms will also be used for incoming messages.

l 2.1 Responsibilities 2.1.1 This form may be completed by anyone aware of a need to transmit information to offsite agencies, but will not be transmitted without EC approval. . 2.1.2 These forms will normally be initiated by the Health Physics Coordinator or TSC Supervisor. 2.1.3 The Lead Communicator is responsible for initiating these forms for certain messages identified in EP-2-010. These include messages for [ l Waterford 1 & 2 and will be completed using the latest information from the FUN Reports or other messages for offsite agencies. The EC may also direct the Lead Communicator to initiate certain messages. l Q < l EP-2-100 Revision 7 41 Attachment 7.4 (3 of 6)

                                                                                                                        .. . _7 r                                                                                                             )

2 1 h ,

                                                                                                        ~                                                                                      '


    ,                GUIDANCE FOR THE COMPLETION OF INFORMATION FOR OFFSITE IGENCIES' CONT'D.                                                                                      ;


                                                                                                                                                                                   !           i 2.2 Distribution                                                                                                                                                 !; 1 2.2.1    The Communications Log for outgoing offsite agency messages will be l                           controlled as follows:


                          .A.         Page 3.- retained by message originator.

I i B. Page 1 - retained by the communicscor after the message is

  • i 1 authorized and transmitted. _

e e' C. Page 2 -~ returned to the originator after the message.is authorized and transmitted. ,

                                                                                                           /            3 b                                                                                                    ,         ll 2.2.2 The Communications Log for incoming offsite agency messages will be                                                                               l controlled as follows:

A. Page 3 - retained by communicator.

                                                                                       }              '

r (, B. Page 1 - retained by communicator after the,; message is acknowledged and a reply authorized. s , i { { C. Page 2 - retained by message intendee. I i i i

                                                                                                                                                                                   .i i

y 1 . ) < \

                                                                                       \                                                                                                   #

_s ' > , I- ! ,


e ,b . 1

                                                                                ' i                                                                                                t         t 6                                                                                                                                                                                        ,i l

EP-2-100 Revision'7 '42 Attachment 7.,4-(4 of 6) I [' sf , , y

                                                                       >                                                              )


                                                                           ...             .                               .. k . ,     .-_,,,m..                    _ -

I y* PART I- FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION FOR STATE, PARISH AND SECONDARY AGENCIES Line Number 1 This is (C) with Message No. (C) , at (C) hrs., (Name) (Time) 2 on (C) with (C) Telephone No. (C) (Site) l '

                  >                    (Date) t
' '3 Events are such that a/an
(H)or(L) Unusual Event (H)or(L) Site Area Emergency i 4 (H)or(L) Alert (H)or(L) General Emergency
 ,                        5      was declared at         (H) or (L)             hrs.        (H) or (L) i                                'This classification is (Escalated, De-escalated, Unchanged. Terminated) from the i

last report. , j 6 Reason for reclassification: (H) or (L) l 7 8

    '~                           SECTION'A: Radiological Release Information 9                                                                                               __ N/A 10          This information is:                 A) New Information                        B) Unchanged                       .

(1) ' Type of Radiological Release: O .II, 12 13

                                .(2) Time of Reactor Shutdown:

(3) Initial Time of Release Liquid, Gaseous: hrs. hrs. Other _ l' 14 (4) Release Terminated: NO YES TIME TERMINATED hrs. 15 (5) Duration of Release: KNOWN or TOTAL PROJECTED (hours) (hours) 16 (6) Release Rate: Noble Gas Ci/sec Monitored; Calculated i 17 Iodine . Ci/sec Monitored; Calculated 1 18 Particulate C1/sec Monitored; Calculated 19 (7) Release Elevation: Ground Level: Elevated 20 (8) Estimate of Surface Contamination In-Plant, Onsite, or Offsite: 21


(H) - Entire Section B


22 SECTION B: Meteorology N/A 23 This information is: A) New Information B) Unchanged 1 24 (1) Wind: Speed sph l 25 Direction from into Sector (s) (degrees) (A-R) 26 (2) Stability Class: ABCDEFG 27 (3)- Precipitation: None; Rain; Sleet; Snow; Hail GROUP RESPONSIBILITY (C Communicator (H) Health Physics Coordinator (Ld). L Lead Engineer (T) TSC Supervisor MEP-2-100 Revision 7- 43 ' Attachment 7.4 (5 of 6)

t t l ! o Lina ' l Number FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION - Page 2 j g' (H) - Entire Section C s 1 SECTION C: Offsite Radiological Dose Consequences N/A t i 2 This is: . A) New Information B) Unchanged i Proj ected

(1) Projected Whole Body Dose At
Dose Rate Duration Projected Dose i

i 3 A) Site Boundary mR/hr mrem 4 B) 2 Miles mR/hr mrem 5 C) 5 Miles mR/hr mrem 6 D) 10 Miles mR/hr mrem (2) Proj ected Thyroid Dose Commitment At: Projected Dose j 7 A) Site Boundary mrem 8 B) 2 Miles mrem 9 C) 5 Miles mrem 10 D) 10 Miles mrem 11 (3) Affected Sectors 12 SECTION D: Emergency Response Considerations N/A 13 This is: A) New Information B) Unchanged 14 (1) Recommended Protective Actions: None; Other (Describe) (H) 15 a () 18 (2) Licensee Emergency Actions Underway: None; Other (Describe) (L) 19 20 (3) Request for Offsite Support: None; Other (Describe) (L) or (T) 21 22 23 (4) Prognosis for Worsening,or_ Termination of Event Based on Plant Information: i 24 None; Other (Describe) 'N (L) or (T) 25 26 27 (5) Other Comments: None; Other (Describe) (L) or (T) 28 29 _ i 30 EMERGENCY COORDINATOR'S/ EOF DIRECTOR - TIME i GROUP RESPONSIBILITY l (C) Communicator (H) Health Physics Coordinator (L) Lead Engineer (T) TSC Supervisor i

   ~(                                                                                                    ~

EP-2-100 Revision 7 44 Attachment 7.4 (6 of 6)

s l e LOUISIANA s POWER & LIG HT mentrem POM VOLUME 18 EP-2-101  ; POM SECTION 2 REVISION 7 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE OPERATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER ACTIVATION, OPERATION AND DEACTIVATION O PORC Meeting No. Reviewed: -% h N PORC Chai an 1 Date Approved: ' sk ~ [!M M Pl{ntManage'-Nucleat[ r Approval Date Effective Date O ,, U

11TII2 CCvD. S - .

        ,,,,y .f,,w cy:                2'   N/                - h'M                       x'/    -

A'/ M M A M i#/, i h/u, /4514h &l i(w .%?.6m t'sc 'Tl' O

       ,tC1tc   R.ITIZ7, The PCE has teviewed this igen and decaW ed that a safety evaluatics was perfer=ad (as applicabla), that an unreviewed saf ary question does not exist (as applicabla),

that a chanie to the Technical Specifications is not required, and that nucisar saf at7 is/vas not adversely affected. cEn EFNE OF PCEC MIM3Z1 PCEC MEMIER 701 APMcvAL DATI IZ7II2

  • SIGNAT.UEZ TIS l No i Maintenance  !

Superincandant k rl,,\ a . il1L)tV j operations Superintendent , 9 'y'. M. T

                                                                     ,/,    ' ' .

j' '

                                                                                          -s#            /                           )

Radiation Protectica. // (2, d /.7 Superintendant 71 sat Quality u.nas., . p,;;._,,,,,(,; , Ta*h=4*=1 Support / ' n /

                                                                                                            ,                 c , , 'l .

Superintendant /s,-c,><m,,.,. ' l Assistant 71sas Manneer

  • 3cag ch 4, / j-:, /~'!- l,'('x.7b.?. , ~ ~ , , -
  • g-
                                                                                                                               .: u PCRC Meeting No.      M'/N                     Itan No.                D6               Datas        ,T W 9 5

! This item is r=* - d=d for approval? @ i TIS O no This itse requires SEC/NIC review prior ta implammatation? TIS A NO If yes, ensure documentation supporting review is at*== M . This itas requires QA review prior to PM-N approval? O Tzs - No CA 3Z71Z2 - Reviewed 1ry t. / S DATE A /. ' F Corporata QA sanager PT.AT. T %QfACIR-WCT.ZAR AMROVAI. OtrPr1 To Comments: O Approved by ,/ v m DATE

                                                                                                         / 't i                                     Flant Manger-Nucisar l

UNT-1-004, Revision 6 18

WATERFORD 3 SES PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below { Procedure No. N- A- c / z u L 6 ) s6,8


Effective Date (if different from approval date)Gp<d 4 Complete A, B, and C A. Change No. % l[lPermanent l[l Deviation Expiration Date B. Revision No. 9, C. Deletion l[ LYES dlNO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION Tc v0jde ,41To. <<- kr* lW EFM 1e , REASON FOR CHANGE, REVISION, OR DELETION

                    "/> 00 k                     fr: tr-       x      $r l%T lKerC*h D    REQUIRED SIGNATURES [ [

I n


I i ORIGINATOR / DATE ~M " 6 i SAFETY REVIEW .,/ Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility ..s described in the FSAR? YES NO Y
2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR7 YES NO M
3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR? YES NO I
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications? YES N0 (

If the answer to any of'the e is yes, complete and attach a f 10CFR50.59 Safety [ [Ev p[ . SAFETY REVIEW ' DATE 'h FI TECHNICAL REVIEW Ybb , DATE 8-22-65 GROUP HEAD REVIEW /.UMed /2v - DATE P/7 L[W TEMPORARY APPROVAL * (SRO) DATE TEMPCRARY APPROVAL

  • DATE
  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within i

14 days.

  • UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)

Emergsncy Plan Implemanting Procsduras EP-2-101 Operational Support Center (OSC) Revision 7 6 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE 2.0 -REFERENCES 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 General Instructions For All Personnel 5.2 OSC First Responders 5.3 OSC Supervisor 5.4 Radiological Controls Coordinator 5.5 Emergency Response Team Leader 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 4 7.1 OSC Floor Plan and Equipment Locations (1 page) 7.2 Backup OSC Activation (5 pages) j 7.3 OSC Watch Bill Form (3 pages) ! 7.4 Off-Site Staging of Support / Relief Personnel (3 pages) l LIST OF EFFECTIVE PACES l Title Revision 7 1-22, 26-28 Revision 7 23-25 Revision 6 I 1 l gn w m-- w ---r-- -- _ - ,y w . rm-,

    . Emergsney Plan Impismanting Procrduras                                 EP-2-101 Operational Support Center (OSC)                                     Revision 7


  \w /

Activation, Operation, and Deactivation I l 1.0 PURPOSE l l This procedure provides guidance for the Operational Support Center (OSC) staff in the activation, operation and deactivation of the Operational Support Center.


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 EP-2-130, Emergency Team Assignments 2.3 EP-2-150, Emergency Plan Implementing Records 2.4 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability 1 2.5 EP-2-060, Radiological Field Monitoring 2.6 EP-2-031. In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During Emergencies 2.7 EP-2-030, Emergency Radiation Exposure Guidelines and Controls Ov 2.8 EP-2-034, On-Site Surveys During Emergencies 2.9 EP-3-040, Emergency Equipment Inventory 2.10 Emergency Management Resources Book 2.11 EP-2-071, Site Prot,ective Measures 2.12 EP-2-170, Recovery 2.13 EP-2-032, Monitoring and Decontamination 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES The Operational Support Center Supervisor has overall responsibility for ensuring that actions outlined in this procedure are carried out. The Radiological Controls Coordinator, Assembly Area Supervisor and emergency response team personnel are responsible for ensuring that activities in their areas are conducted in accordance with this procedure. The first OSC responders shall begin implementation of this procedure. , 2

                  . Emergsncy Plan ImpismInting Proceduras                                                          EP-2-101 Op2rationsl Support Cantar (OSC)                                                        Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation

() 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS This procedure is to be initiated upon any of the following conditions: 4.1 At the direction of the Emergency Coordinator; or l .4.2 Declaration of any of the following emergency conditions. 4.2.1 Alert l 4.2.2 Site Area Emergency , 4.2.3 General Emergency 5.0 PROCEDURE l i NOTE )\.  % If the Backup OSC is to be activated,

,                                           GO TO Attachment 7.2.

I i

,                   5.1     General Instructions for all personnel.

! 5.1.1 Perform a whole body frisk as required. l 1 5.1.2 Card into the " Accountability Keycard Reader". 5.1.3 Sign in on the approprid e status board indicating activities

qualified to perform.

5.1.4 Check in with the OSC Supervisor or appropriate team leader for further instructions and go to the appropriate page of this procedure for assigned responsibilities.

     'O I-l                                                                    3
       . Emergzncy Plan Implem2nting Procsdures                                EP-2-101 Operational Support Center (OSC)                                    Revision 7 Activation Operation, and Deactivation t

N.- 5.1.5 If you are one of the first arrivals and the OSC is not set up, GO TO 5.2, OSC First Responders. 5.2 OSC First Responder 5.2.1 Unlock OSC Supervisor's Cabinet with key from key box (Refer to Attachment 7.1). All other keys are inside the OSC Supervisor's Cabinet. 5.2.2 Ensure all status boards are removed from their storage location in the Ventilation Room and placed in the OSC


operations area. i a 5.2.3 Plug in telephones in appropriate jacks (refer to Attachment 7.1) and test them. i 5.2.4 Plug the remote base stations (telephone sets for Maintenance and Field Team radios) in the appropriate jacks (refer to Attachment 7.1). NOTE Forms, pens, log sheets and other supplies are maintained in the desk in the OSC Supervisor's Cabinet. 5.2.5 Check in with the OSC Supervisor and go to the appropriate section , of this procedure for assigned responsibilities. j% U 4 l

        .            'Emargsney Pltn Implgmanting Procsduras                                          EP-2-101 3      ,             ' Operational Support Center (OSC)                                             Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 1

NOTE i Prior to the activation of the TSC or the OSC the I Emergency Coordinator may request support from the personnel assembled in the OSC. 1 5.3 OSC Supervisor 5.3.1 Activation ! Evaluate the OSC current staffing and then make initial contact with the TSC Supervisor to ascertain plant conditions and support needed. l NOTE 4 . (1) Parish Restricted Area - is that area to

;                                               which access has been restricted by the St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
(2) Access into the Parish Restricted Arca can be made by personnel who have (or who are escorted by an individual who has) a
St. Charles Parish Emergency Access Card

(" Pink Card"). See the Emergency Manage-ment Resources Book for the positions f which are issued St. Charles Parish Emergency Access Cards. See Attachment

  .                                             7.4 for additional guidance.


         . Ec2rgsney Plto ImpignInting Procsduras                                  EP-2-101 Oparational Support Center (OSC)                                     Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation w/ Call out additional personnel to staff the OSC as needed. Refer to the Emergency Management Resources Book for names and telephone numbers of personnel. The call out of Operations personnel should be coordinated with the Operations Coordinator in the TSC. Verify the Radiological Controls Coordinator reports to the -4 Control Point and activates with Health Physics support personnel and establishes communications with the OSC and TSC. Verify the Radiological Controls Coordinator dispatches a Fealth Physics technician to the OSC as Health Physics liaison and to coordinate OSC radiuiogical controls. f.~ Begin activation of Emergency Teams as necessary in accordance k ,) s with EP-2-130. Ensure the OSC Communicator checks out communications links and establishes communications with the TSC and Control Room on the Sound Powered Phone. Ensure that all personnel arriving at the OSC " Card" into the Accountability Keycard Readers, (Refer to EP-2-190) and are then i continuously accounted for in accordance with EP-2-190. NOTE Not all Emergency Teams must be staffed, nor ' personnel be available to staf f all emergency teams, prior to the activation of the OSC. 6

l i EDGrgsncy Pirn Implemtnting Procsdures

      ,                                                                          EP-2-101 Opsrationni Support Cantar (OSC)                                        Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation                                                           ;

r - O V NOTE The OSC will be considered activated when,

1. The OSC Supervisor is present and briefed on the current situation.
2. The TSC has been activated. Inform the TSC Supervisor of OSC capabilities as they are made available (i.e., First Aid Team personnel assembled and prepared to operate in accordance with EP-2-130.). 5.3.2 Operation Ensure continuous personnel accountability is maintained in O (m) accordance with EP-2-190. 4 Assemble and dispatch Emergency Teams in accordance with EP-2-130. When a qualified Fire Brigade is staffed as per EP-2-130: A. Notify Health Physics (for coverage as necessary) and stage the Fire Brigade at the +7 MSL RAB. B. Relieve the on-shift Fire Brigade of the primary fire brigade activities. 4 }



     . Emsrg:ncy Plan ImpismInting Procsdures                                                 EP-2-101 f-     Operational Support' Center (OSC)                                                     Revision 7     ,
     "%    Activation, Operation, and Deactivation l
    .s l When the Emergency First Aid Team is staffed as per EP-2-130-l A. Notify Health Physics (for coverage as necessary) and , stage the First Aid Team at the +7 MSL RAB. B. Relieve the on-shift First Aid Team. When the Radiological Field Monitoring Teams are dispatched ensure they have transportation by: 4 Providing keys and drivers for vehicles designated for field monitoring from the OSC Supervisor's Cabinet. l If the vehicles are not parked in the designated area; attempt to recall them by using the field monitoring radio. If the designated vehicles are unavailable, provide other company vehicles as necessary. l Ensure a log of OSC activities is kept by the OSC Logkeeper in accordance with EP-2-150. j Ensure OSC status boards are kept up-to-date and that the correct Emergency Classification is displayed on the Emergency Classification sign. Ensure radiological control is maintained in the OSC and habitability is assessed by the OSC Health Physics Technician: OSC habitability surveys shall be conducted in accordance with EP-2-034 O i 8 l

             .          -    _               _ . - -                  ..             _ _ . -               .-~   __-

4 *

       ,           Em2rgincy Plan Imp 1tminting Procsduras                                                                     EP-2-101 Operational Support Center (OSC)                                                                           Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 1

C's Consideration should be given to. evacuating the OSC when radiation levels are 100 mrem /hr or greater, and/or total weighted MPC airborne concentration levels are 10 MPC or greater, and there is no indication that these levels will significantly decrease during the next 4 hours. The OSC shall be evacuated when radiation levels are 500 mrem /hr or greater and/or total weighted MPC airborne concentrations are 100 MPC or greater. NOTE Accumulated doses to personnel must also be j taken into account. Consideration should be given to evacuation when 10CFR20 limits (see () EP-2-030) are approached and there is no indication that conditions will improve before limits are exceeded. l NOTE The Health Physics technician and Assembly Area

                                 -            Supervisor should travel in the same vehicle to the assembly area if possible to facilitate coordination of activities.

1 If a Site Evacuation has taken, or takes, place; ensure the Assembly Area Supervisor is dispatched (or has already been dispatched by the Emergency Coordinator) and activities at offsite assembly a eas conducted in accordance with EP-2-071. l l 9 l


   ,     Erarg;ncy Plcn Imp}enanting Procedures                                       EP-2-101 7     Operational Support Center (OSC)                                           Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation   Ensure a Health Physics technician (or trained personnel selected by the Health Physics Coordinator) is dispatched to the selected offsite assembly area.                 's   Coordinate activities with the Radiological Controls Coordinator /

TSC Supervisor to ensure personnel and vehicles at the selected assembly area are monitored and decontaminated as necessary and to ascertain the need for additional site responders - called in from the assembly area - in accordance with EP-2-071. Maintain communications with the TSC, -4 Control Point, emergency response teams, Control Room (plant conditions through sound powered phone only) and Assembly Area Supervisor as necessary. NOTE

' p d

(1) Parish Restricted Area - is that area to which access has been restricted by the St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC). (2) Access into the Parish Restricted Area can be made by personnel who have (or who are escorted by an individual who has) a St. Charles Parish Emergency Access Card (" Pink Card"). See the Emergency Manage-ment Resources Book for the positions which are issued St. Charles Parish Emergency Access Cards. See Attachment 7.4 for additional guidance. O 10

    ,     Emargsncy Plan Impismanting Procsduras                                   EP-2-101 Operational Support Center (OSC)                                   Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation   If extended operation of the OSC is required, provide continuous manning capability - watch bill - using Attachment 7.3 as a guide. Coordinate continuous manning activities and schedules l

with the TSC Supervisor. Keep the TSC Supervisor informed of OSC activities and support overall plant activities as directed. Ensure all documentation is maintained in accordance with EP-2-150. If the OSC is to be evacuated and the Backup OSC activated, GO TO Attachment 7.2. 5.3.3 Deactivation O Assist in follow-up activities and evaluation of the event.' Assist in, and provide teams for, recovery operati,ons as necessary as directed by the Recovery Manager in accordance with EP-2-170. 1 If the emergency condition has terminated, ensure all emergency teams are recalled to the OSC and debriefed, all logs, all data shcets, Team Briefing / Debriefing sheets, correspondence, etc. are collected, reviewed and compiled for further review by the Emergency Planning Coordinator (EPC). Restore equipment and facility to initial conditions. Inventory

emergency equipment as per EP-3-040, Emergency Equipment Inventories.

i v 11

m . . . _ .. ._ _ - .- - , _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ - . _ 2 1

       .                     Emerg*ncy Plan Implamsnting Proceduras                                                                                     EP-2-101 Operational Support Center (OSC)                                                                                          Revision 7 y                                                                                                                                                                                          ,

Activation, Operation, and Deactivation 5.4 Radiological Controls Coordinator [ 5.4.1 Activation i 1 Report to the -4 Control Point and staff it with Health Physics technicians.

!'                           Establish communications with the OSC and Health Physics l-                                             Coordinator in the TSC.

t j-1 ! - Begin monitoring-the Radiation Monitoring System readings from 4 ' the terminal at the -4 Control Point Office. \. ] l 5. 4.1. 4 ~ Dispatch a Health Physics-technician to the OSC for radiolo'gical ' ! control, habitability surveys and Health Physics liaison (team ! briefings, etc.). i Ensure all essential personnel at the -4 Control Point log into { j the accountability keycard reader in accordance with EP-2-190. 5.4.2 Operation j Provide Health Physics coverage for emergency response teams as j necessary. Assist in briefing and debriefing of teams for l radiological purposes.

s NOTE l

The Fire Brigade and the Emergency First Aid f l Team are dispatched from the +7 ft. MSL RAB. 1 Provide a portable radiation instrument as necessary to the

                                              +7 ft. MSL RAB for the Fire Brigade and Emergency First Aid Teams use.

12 ! . _ _ _ - _ _ , _ . . _ _ _ _, -~ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . - _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ ~ . - . _ _ .

      . Emergsncy Pitn Impisminting Procsduras                                       EP-2-101 Operational Support Center (OSC)                                           Revision 7 f-~g     Activation, Operation, and Deactivation V Provide initial Health Physics coverage for the Fire Brigade and/or Emergency First Aid Team when dispatched and as appropriate. Conduct in-plant and onsite surveys and maintain radiological controls in accordance with EP-2-031 and EP-2-034. Provide Health Physics personnel for*offsite field monitoring teams in accordance with EP-2-060 Provide Health Physics support for offsite assembly area activities as directed. Provide Health Physics support for decontamination operations in accordance with EP-2-032. O Maintain a log of Radiological Controls Coordinator /-4 Control Point activities in accordance with EP-2-150. Advise the OSC Supervisor as to OSC habitability. OSC habitability surveys shall be conducted in accordance with EP-2-034. A. Consideration should be given to evacuating the OSC when radiation levels are 100 mrem /hr or greater, and/or total weighted MPC airborne concentration levels are 10 MPC or greater, and there is no indication that these levels will significantly decrease during the next 4 hours. i

                      'B. The OSC shall be evacuated when radiation levels are i

! 500 mrem /hr or greater and/or total weighted MPC airborne concentrations are 100 MPC or greater. l 13

 ;               , Emerg:ncy Plan Impisminting Procsduras                                           EP-2-101 Oparational Support Cantar (OSC)                                              Rsvision 7
,                  Activation, Operation, and Deactivation l

i l NOTE Accumulated doses to personnel must also be taken into account. Consideration should be given to evacuation when 10CFR20 limits (see EP-2-030) are approached and there is no indication that conditions will improve before limits are exceeded. 1 If the OSC is to be evacuated and the Backup OSC activated, l refer to Attachment 7.2. 5.4.3= Deactivation Complete the log for the -4 Control Point and review and forward f to the OSC Supervisor. Assist in follow-up activities and evaluation of the event as ! directed. Ensure affected plant and onsite areas are surveyed for radioactive contamination and cleared or appropriate controls j established, corrective actions taken. . i ! Assist in recevery operations as necessary as directed in i accordance with EP-2-170, i If the emergency condition has terminated, ensure all survey forms, data sheets, etc. are collected, reviewed and compiled and given to the OSC Supervisor. O 14 l t I _. . _ ~ . - - . _

Emergsney Pltn Impicm:nting Procsduras EP-2-101 l Rsvision 7 l Oparational Support Csntsr (OSC) Activation, Operation, and Deactivation e O Restore equipment and facility to initial conditions. Inventory emergency equipment as per EP-3-040, Emergency Equipment Inventories. 5.5 Emergency Response Team Leader 5.5.1 Activation When directed by the OSC Supervisor, assemble the appropriate equipment in accordance with EP-2-130. When the Emergency Team has been formed and briefed in accordance with EP-2-130, inform the OSC Supervisor of your team's availability. Respond as directed by the OSC Supervisor. 5.5.2 Operation Conduct emergency response team operations in accordance with the appropriate procedure (s) and the OSC {upervisor direction. i Maintain communications with the OSC while in the field and l provide periodic reports which should include as a minimum, team location, status and any off-normal conditions observed within the plant. 5.5.3 Deactivation On completion of assigned task or function and at the direction of the OSC Supervisor, debrief and deactivate the team in accordance with the appropriate procedures and EP-2-130. l l l 15 l

       -n            --       --               - . ,   ,p-  en e-  ,   - - - ,,-     - ----,e-- -

N f

   .         Emerginey Pitn Impismanting Procsdures                                                                                     EP-2-101
   .         Operational Support Center (OSC)                                                                                    Revision 7 Activation, Operation, and Deactivation O Restore emergency equipment to proper storage locations and report any equipment deficiencies to the OSC Supervisor. Ensure all appropriate documentation (Briefing / Debriefing sheets, etc.) is complete and forwarded to the OSC Supervisor. Assist as directed by the OSC Supervisor. 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS ! Assess'the status of the OSC and ensure that the following actions have i been completed: 6.1 EP-2-170, Recovery has been implemented for OSC activities as


O 6.2 All records generated during the operation of the OSC have been handled in accordance with EP-2-150. 1 l 6.3 All functional equipment / supplies have been restored to preactivation ) conditions, as appropriate. 6.4 The entire OSC staff has been relieved of all duties associated with the operation of the OSC. l 6.5 Returning field monitoring team vehicles and personnel are surveyed in i accordance with EP-2-060. l 7.0 ATTACRMENTS 3 7.1 OSC Floor Plan and Equipment Locations ! 7.2 Backup OSC Activation 7.3 OSC Watch Bill Form 7.4 off-Site Staging of Support / Relief Personnel i 16


                                                           -B0X J U-




                                                   ]MAINTENANCERADIO REMOTE SUPVS.


                                                   ] ACCOUNTABILITY CARD READER i                                                             3741 0    CONTINUOUS ACCOUNTABILITY STATION
  'O      ce-2-101 aeviSt0N 7                    17                    ATTACNMENT 7.1 (1 0F 1) l I



] The Backup OSC is located in the Administration Building Meeting Room. This Attachment should be implemented under the following conditions: 4 4 1.) The OSC is inaccessible.

2.) The habitability of the OSC deteriorates, requiring evacuation.

3.) The Emergency Coordinator directs use of Backup OSC. Since use of the Backup OSC will be caused by abnormal conditions, this procedure should be considered guidance and followed as common sense and

  • good judgement dictates.

IO ) 1 1 I i f E i = l 'O l EP-2-101 Revision 7 18 Attachment 7.2 (1 of 5)




1. Contact the TSC Supervisor and advise him that you are activating the Backup OSC. Request that Security be notified.

NOTE The following equipment is to be considered at a minimum for movement to the OSC.. a.) Completed documentation b.) Procedures c.) Forms \ d.) Field Monitoring Kits e.) Assembly Area Supervision Kit f.) Onsite Monitoring Kit () g.) Vehicles h.) Radiological Instrumentation 1.) Radios J.) Radiological Emergency Records Some items may be already in the field or in use.

2. Brief the OSC personnel and assign individuals to ensure key pieces of equipment are transported to the Backup OSC.

NOTE The keys for the Backup OSC are located in the I OSC Supervisor's Cabinet. l - O EP-2-101 Revision 7 19 Attachment 7.2 (2 of 5)


         .                                BACKUP OSC ACTIVATION CONT'D.

t T 3. Select and dispatch a team of OSC personne.1 to the Backup OSC to: (^N


a.) Unlock the Backup OSC b.) Setup communication systems c.) Establish communications with the OSC d.) Verify communications with any Emergency Teams in the field. Ensure that the keys for the Backup OSC and adequate forms and documentation are sent with the team. 4 Transfer control of those Emergency Team (s) performing functions in the field to the Backup OSC. Inform .the TSC Supervisor of the transfer and provide a new contact phone number in the Backup OSC.

5. Coordinate the transfer of personnel and equipment to the Backup OSC, Ensure that continuous accountability in accordance with EP-2-190 is performed.

O 6. When all OSC personnel, command and control, and communications are established in the Backup OSC update the TSC Supervisor as to the current OSC status.

7. Follow applicable procedures, ensuring that adjustments are made for use of the Backup OSC.


1. Gain access to the Meeting Room and the Projection Room within the Meeting Room. Keys are maintained within the OSC Supervisor's Cabinet or Security should be able to provide access.
2. Setup available equipment.
    'O EP-2-101 Revision 7                     20            Attachment 7.2 (3 of 5) i 1
                    -,    , , , ,    -,       ----s- ,

4 , ,

       .                                                                      BACKUP OSC ACTIVATION CONT'D.


                                                                                                                                                                                                   .         ie t                       i l
     /                                 3.                 Evaluate and if possible dispatch personnel to the OSC to retrieve at t    -

a minimum the following equipment. , l , i i a.) Field Monitoring Kits f b.) Field Monitoring Radios t } c.) Keys from the OSC Supervisor's Cabinet d.) Radiological instrumentation j e.) Onsite Monitoring Kit I f.) Assembly Area Supervision Kit - g.) Emergency Kits i i 4 Establish communication and advise the TSC Supervisor as to the OSC availab f.11tf. - i k

         )                                                                                                                                                                                                                           '

i i i ! i 4 I i i i i 5 t t ,

S i

s i , i \ O , EP-2-101 Revision 7 21 Attachment 7.2 (4 of 5) 1


     .                                                                                                                                                  I O-                                                                                                                                                 ,
!                                                            Is      i BACKUP OSC [


                                  \[                               SUPPLIES PROJECTION ROOM 4

i i / \ / \ R I '

                                                                                                                                   /     \




                                                                                                                                 /     \

l EP-2-101 REVISION 7 22 ATTACHMENT 7.2(50F5)

                                  --u . _                           .        d   . _ _ J - . -.m,
                                                                            .> /

OSC WATCH BILL FORM O - Continuous manning capability of the OSC may be provided through providing qualified personnel for each of three shifts. The Emergency Management Resources Book may be used as a reference. The OSC Supervisor will normally N have responsibility for setting up this schedule (names ofspersonnel assigned to each shif t should be put in the blanks ~and the period for the schedule indicated on the attached sheets) and contacting assignees. As directed by the Emergency Coordinator, schedules and personnel assignments may be adjusted (i.e., 2-shift personnel assignments as opposed to 3 shifts.). All schedules shall be approved by the Emergency Coordinator or his designee, posted in the appropriate area and copies distributed to affected personnel. NOTE The attached sheets only provide a guide on setting up continuous operations. The Emergency Coordinator or his designee decides which positions for each shift shall be filled and hours. O EP-2-101 Revision 6 23 Attachment 7.3 (1 of 3)

_~. . - . . .-. . _ _ . .- .. . . - _ . _ _ - . . _ - - 4 Pariod of This Sch dule: From To 1


Emergency Coordinator 'r ~ OSC SUPERVISOR OSC LOGKEEPER s /

               .0800-1630                                          0800-1630 1600-0030                                          1600-0030                                                               ,

0000-0830 0000-0830 RADIOLOGICAL C0ffrROLS COORDINATOR FIRST AID TEAM 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 l . j FIRE BRICADE REPAIR TEAM l 0800-1630 (Leader) 0800-1630 i 1600-0030 (Leader) 1600-0030 0000-0830 (Leader) 0000-0830 I I l EP-2-101 Revision 6 -24 Attachment 7.3 (2 of 3)

                                                                                 ~                .- -
   . -           . - ~ _    -     . _ . . - . -             .      . .                                 . . - _._. -..._-.-                    -_ .

( . Pariod of This Schsdulo: From To o Emergency Coordinator

 ,         SEARCH & RESCUE TEAM                               HEALTH PHYSICS TECHNICIANS 0800-1630                                          0800-1630 1600-0030 0000-0830 3                                                                                                                                                  <

i l OSC COMMUNICATOR e i 0800-1630 1600-0030 l 1600-0030 l l 0000-0830 0000-0830 i I i i 2 lO l i EP-2-101 Revision 6 25 . Attachment 7.3 (3 of 3) l

                              ,           -      - = . . .         . _ _ . . - - - - . - , . - . - . .                     _.   . . - - - ,_.

_. -=_ .. _ . . . . . _ _ . . . _ _ . _ _ _ ._- . _. _ _ . _


OFF SITE STAGING OF SUPPORT / RELIEF PERSONNEL d The following guidance is provided to address the staging of personnel and [} i their subsequent access to the plant site during an ongoing emergency  !

t situation.


A. Parish Road-Block Access j 1. Any Company employee with a valid drivers license and a St. Charles Parish Emergency Access Card will be allowed access to the Parish Restricted Area.

i NOTE 6 e' St. Charles Parish takes NC[ responsibility for personnel entering a Parish Restricted Area, i l 4

2. Personnel described in A.1 above may escort persor.nel into the

() Parish Restricted Area.

3. Arrangements can be made through the St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for employee access on a case by case

, basis. B. Parish Restricted Area Access Considerations i

1. St. Charles Parish takes NO responsibility for personnel entering a Parish Restricted Area. Therefore it is important that a safe route is established for the employee to use through the Parish Restricted Area and the appropriate access point is selected. *
2. Evaluate the situation and coordinate with the St. Charles Parish EOC to determine the appropriate point of access to the Parish Restricted Area.

LO i- , EP-2-101 Revision 7' 26 Attachment 7.4 (1 of 3)- f


3. Provide the responding individuals with detailed information for l accessing the Parish Restricted Area. Instructicns should include, but are not limited to: i
a. Recommended route to the selected access to the Parish Restricted Area.
b. Parish Restricted Area access point.
c. Recommended route to the plant from the Parish Restricted Area access point.
d. Plant site access point.
e. Site phone number to call into for additional information.
f. Description of ha:ards that may exist within the Parish Restricted Area.

4 Should the situation change, coordinate with the St. Charles Parish EOC to stop personnel at the designated road block and i re-direct then if appropriate to the new access point. 'rO v

5. Advise W3 - Security of the pending arrival of personnel by name.
6. For access from upriver, coordination with St. John the Baptist EOC may be required. Also access to the Edgard ferry may be arranged through the St. John the Baptist EOC.

C. Long Term Considerations

1. Use LP&L Luling or Reserve District offices or ather appropriate location, as a staging point for responding personnel.
2. Consider using the Assembly Area Supervisor as the coordinator for this staging area.

O l EP-2-101 Revision 7 27 Attachment 7.4 (2 of 3)

                        -          _ _ - _ . - = . .    - _         - . - -.     . ..           _ - - . ..


3. Access to the Luling or Reserve District Offices can be obtained by calling Customer Service and requesting the " Duty Man" to unlock the selected staging point on weekends, holidays and after hours. Arrangement can also be made through the Corporate Command Center.

4 Consideration should be made to minimize the number of vehicles traveling to and from the plant site. The use of car pools, company vans and commercial buses should be considered. O . 1 l , - - ~ N I l i l i f- k EP-2-101 Revision 7 28 Attachment 7.4 (3 of 31 W-___--__ ._. - . .. - - , - . _-


                                                ' n .-

Revieued: ; ( l'l. b.' . c - ,

                                                                                 )j',l b/,5 S 1

l PORC Chairman Date Approved: $k P1 t Manager-Nuclea

                                                                    , (\ /       32I/&

App 1/ ova]' Date i l l

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The PCEC has teviewed this inma and detarnised that a safety evaluation was peric:=ad (as applicabla), that an unreviewed safety question dcas not exist (as applicabla), that a change to the Technical Specifications is not required, and that nuclear saf acy is/was not adversely affected. Camza n-e CF PCEC MI2fEEE 701C MEMBER 701 AFFROVAL DATI EZ7II7 SIGNATURE TZ3 i NO Maintanance superintendent l it (IXT)Mtfu r , .. .. 3/ L %j4 I andant f s p.g ///0Y / $ ~ ?>' if' Eadian. ton Protection. superintendant 71 sat Quality manaser Tashaisal support superintendant Assistaat Fiant I . / Manseer

  • bb s - V 1 ' Il' f' ' -

hhY w V $-23 fj ' PcEc unetsas se. >:51/W team so __d nata # 24 .5 o This item is recommended for approval? [ TZs O so This item requires SIC /3Ec review prior to implanantation? O Tzs E so If yes, ensura doemmatatica supporting review is attached. This iras requires QA review prior to PM-N approval? O Tzs > no CA EZYIZW ~ 1 ) Reviewed by </r DATE / /. 7 ~ l Carporata QA Manager l FTA3T MANACTI N ZAR AF'ROVAL (REPZ1 TO ) 1 Caanantss l l { Approved by ,L'e1 DATI - e3 Flant .". anger-Nuclear l 1 UNT-1-004, Revision 6 18 gg 1


     .                                               WATERFORD 3 SES

PLANT OPERATING MANUAL Check Block Below CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST hPOM l-lPORC-S/C Procedure No. - d^/C h Title 6Ac ee/ [#4Mhs !D."h/ NdM S r


Effective Date (ifdifferentfromapprovaldate)(fpf3,cd h..tedMW

         ~ Complete A, B, and C A. ' Change No. d@                                              Expiration Date l[l Permanent      l[l Deviation B. Revision No. N C.




                      & r//W  i Acce ve h lR'( h WCrht, s

0 REQUIREDSIGNATURES/ I c-ORIGINATOR I DATE I SAFETY REVIEW v[ ' v//- Does this change, revision, or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR?


2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR?


3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR? YES NO (
4. Require a change to the Technical Specifications?

YES NO ( If the answer to any of ' b e is yes, complete and attach a 10CFR50.59 Safet uation - SAFETY REVIEW / DATE k-O' [ TECHNICAL REVIEW [Mt//hu, , DATE R . '2 7 --85 GROUP HEAD REVIEW / [. Nuld. " DATE f/2J/a# TEMPORARY APPROVAL * (SRO) DATE TEMPORARY APPROVAL

  • DATE
          *Temporsry approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 14 days.                                                                                         ,

i l UNT-1-003 Revision 8 43 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)

           .. Emerg:ncy Plan Imp 122snting Procedura                       EP-2-102
         . Emargsney Oparations Facility (EOF)                         Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE


3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 INITTATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 General Instructions 5.2 EOF First Responders 5.3 EOF Director 5.4 Administration / Logistics Coordinator 5.5 Operations / Engineering Coordinator 5.6 Radiological Assessment Coordinator 5.7 Off-Site Technical Advisor 5.8 Communications Coordinator 5.9 Licensing Coordinator 6.0 FINAL C0hDITIONS 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 EOF Floor Plan and Equipment Locations (3 pages) 7.2 EOF Personnel Dosimetry Log (1 page) 7.3 Backup EOF Floor Plan and Equipment Locations (3 pages) 7.4 EOF Accountability (3 pages) 7.5 Backup EOF Activation (2 pages) i s- 7.6 EOF Watch Bill Form (3 pages) t 1

          . Em2rgsney Pltn Impismanting Procedure                              EP-2-102
        ,   Energsney Operations Facility (EOF)                               Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation                                          l U

7.7 EOF HVAC Operation (5 pages) 7.8 Off Site Staging of Support / Relief Personnel (3 pages) 7.9 EOF Emergency Diesel Generator (3 pages) 7.10 Guidance for the Completion of Information for Offsite Agencies (6 pages) 7.11 EOF Administrative Controls (Message Forms, Routing, Filing, etc.) (2 pages) LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Title Revision 8 i

                              . 1-38,54-72                (    Revision 8 39-41,46-48                    Revision 7 49-50                          Revision 6 51-53                          Revision 5 43-45                          Revision 4 42                             Revision 3 i

i i 2 l . l l _ _


        , .Emsrgsncy Plan Implemsnting Procsdura                               EP-2-102 Emarg ncy Oparations Facility (EOF)                                Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation U

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides guidance for the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) staff in the activation, operation and deactivation of the Emergency Operations Facility.


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan 2.2 EP-2-010, Notifications and Communications 2.3 EP-2-050, Offsite Dose Assessment (Manual) 2.4 EP-2-051, Offsite Dose Assessment (Computerized) 2.5 EP-2-052. Protective Action Guidelines 2.6 EP-2-150, Emergency Plan Implementing Records 2.7 EP-2-170, Recovery 2.8 EP-1-010, Unusual Event 2.9 EP-1-020, Alert 2.10 EP-1-030, Site Area Emergency 2.11 EP-1-040, General Emergency 2,12 EP-1-001, Recognition and Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.13 EP-2-060, Radiological Field Monitoring l 2.14 EP-2-190, Personnel Accountability 2.15 EP-2-031 In-Plant Radiological Controls and Surveys During Emergencies 2.16 EP-2-030, Emergency Radiation Exposure Guidelines and Controls 2.17 EP-2-034, On-site Surveys During Emergencies 2.18 Emergene Managemen't Resources Book 2.19 EP-2-Oo., Emergency Environmental Monitoring 1 l O 3

r Enargsney Plan Implamsnting Procedure EP-2-102 Emargtncy Operationc Facility (EOF) Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES

                 ~ The EOF Director has overall responsibility for ensuring that actions outlined in this procedure are carried out.                                      Tlie Radiological Assessment Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Administration /

Logistics Coordinator, Operatios.s/ Engineering Coordinator, Licensing j Coordinator and Off-Site Technical Advisor are responsible for 4 ensuring that activities in their arcas are conducted in accordance with this procedure. The first EOF responders shall begin implementation of this procedure.


I This procedure is to be initiated upon any of the following conditions:

O 4.1 At the direction of the EOF Director.
;           4.2 Declaration of any of the following emergency conditions:

.1 I 4.2.1 Site Area Emergency i l 4.2.2 General Emergency i 1 5.0 PROCEDURE , NOTE If the Backup EOF is to be activated Refer to f Attachment 7.5. 1  ! l

                                       . . . . , . . _ _ , . _ . _ _ _ . , . . _ ~    . _ . _ . ._  _ _ _        __ _ , _ . _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ , , . . . , . ,


               , Emergsney Plan Impicnsnting Procsdure                                  EP-2-102 Emnrg:ncy Operations Facility (EOF)                                   Rsvision 8

l Activation, Operation and Deactivation j

       .                                                                                          1 t'N

{ 5.1 General Instructions for all Personnel 5.1.1 Perform a whole body frisk upon arrival by following the posted instruction. The frisker is inside the EOF main entrance. 5.1.2 Sign in on the status board in the Operations Room. 5.1.3 If the EOF has not been activated and you are one of the first arrivals, GO TO STEP 5.2, EOF FIRST RESPONDERS. 5.1.4 Follow the instructions in the portion of this procedure dealing with your assigned area (communications, radiological assessment, etc.) 5.1.5 Once activated, personnel shall not leave the EOF (protected) portion r of the Energy Education Center without checking out with the Administration / Logistics Coordinator and the Radiological Assessment Coordinator. 5.2 EOF FIRST RESPONDERS 5.2.1 The first EOF responders shall perform the following activities: Open the EOF Key box and unlock the Emergency Storage Roon, the Communications Roon, the Dose Assessment Room, LNED Room, the Decontanination Room, and the Operations Room. Arrange the tables in the Operations Room in accordance with Attachment 7.1. Remove the storage boxes from the Emergency Storage Room and place them on the respective tables in the Operations Room (Refer to l

     \                       Attachment 7.1). '

l 5 l l l

Emsrgtney PIEn ImplEminting Procsdure EP-2-102 Esargsney Operations Facility (F0F) Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation O Report to assigned area and conduct operations in accordance with the appropriate section of this procedure.


5.3 EOF DIRECTOR 5.3.1 Activation Remove documents, logs, etc.. from storage box and setup work area. Connect telephone and contact the Emergency Coordinator and review past and present plant conditions and actions taken. Review the status of EOF facility activation with the Administration / Logistics Coordinator. Review with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator the status of () EOF Radiological Assessment activation. Review with the Communications Coordinator the status of EOF Communications activation. Review with the Operations / Engineering Coordinator the status of EOF operations / technical support. Determine the desirability of activating a Deputy EOF Director. Request the Administration / Logistics Coordinator callout an off-duty EOF Director to serve as the Deputy EOF Director if desired. When the Administration / Logistics Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Radiological Assessment Coordinator and Operations / Engineering Coordinator indicate their areas are ready, instruct them to begin preparations for transfer of responsibilities as appropriate. 6

                                           . _ .                 =_.
       . Trorgsncy Plan Impigminting Procsdura                                              EP-2-102
   , . Emergsney Op3 rations Facility (EOF)                                              Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation 5.3.2   Operation

't Ensure all EOF activities for this area are conducted in accordance with the administrative controls listed in Attachment 7.11 and EP-2-150. Notify the Emergency Coordinator that the EOF is ready to formally transfer responsibilities when the Radiological Assessment Coordinator and Communications Coordinator are ready to accept them. NOTE The responsibilities that will be transferred to the EOF Director by the TSC Emergency Coordinator are:

1. Request for assistance of off-site agencies.

] 2. Protective action recommendations to off-site agencies. - NOTE The responsibilities that remain with the Emergency Coordinator and that will not be I transferred to the EOF Director are:

1. Classification and declaration of an

l 2. Authorization of radiation exposure in ! excess of 10CFR20 limits. i l Ensure that the EOF Communications Coordinator coordinates the r O transfer of communications to the EOF in accordance with I EP-2-010. 7

                                  -_     .,      - . , - .     -     - _ -. - _-___ --_-. ..            .~   . . . _ .
          .EmargIncy Plan Impism:nting Procedura                                  EP-2-102 Emergsney Oparations Facility (EOF)                                  Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation
  /N O Direct the Radiological Assessment Coordinator to formally transfer off-site dose assessment and field monitoring from the TSC to the EOF. When the above responsibilities have been transferred, declare the EOF activated. Coordinate this with the Emergency Coordinator in order for him to notify the TSC staff and make a public address announcement. Notify the Emergency Director that the EOF is activated and has assumed overall emergency command and control. Ensure Follow-up Notification Reports are completed in a timely manner. Updates should be made every 30 minutes or within 15 minutes whenever conditions change that result in a () ~ re-classification of the emergency condition or result in changes in offsite protective action recommendations (initiated by RAC). Refer to Attachment 7.10 for guidance and responsibilities for completing FUN Reports and other information intended for offsite agencies. I Ensure NRC reports are completed in a timely manner and information provided to the NRC by the Licensing Coordinator. Ensure overall operation of the EOF can be maintained - coordinate habitability monitoring with the RAC and issue appropriate orders including evacuation to the Backup EOF as necessary. Whenever the potential exists for an increase in f radiation / contamination levels (such as a wind shift or increase in release rate) in the EOF, make a general announcement to the

 '( )               EOF Staff.


j . Enrgsncy Plcn Impisminting Procsdure EP-2-102 ( ,

        . Emergsney Operations Facility (EOF)                                                Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation O Provide input to the Emergency Coordinator on classification of the emergency in accordance with EP-1-001. NOTE After the EOF is activated, the Emergency

Coordinator and the TSC staff should continue to. provide input on Protective Action Recommendations, based on their assessment of plant conditions, as necessary, s Make offsite protective action recommendations to offsite agencies in accordance with EP-2-052. Provide support to the TSC as requested. Coordinate emergency response with the Emergency Director and Emergency Coordinator and maintain contact regarding plant conditions - keep EC/ED informed of EOF activities and offsite conditions. Make periodic announcements to the EOF Staff regarding the status of the emergency, plant conditions and radiation levels vithin the EOF as applicable. When corrective and protective actions have been implemented and control has been regained over plant systems and/or any uncontrolled radioactive release has been terminated implement EP-2-170, 2ecovery. 5.3.3 Deactivation If the EOF must be evacuated and the Backup EOF activated, ensure t the activities in Attachment 7.5 are performed and notify the EC and Emergency Director. 9 h


              - kmargincy Plan Impismanting Proceduro                                 EP-2-102
            . Emargsney Oparations Facility (EOF)                                 Revision 8 l Activation, Operation and Deactivation O Ensure activities are performed to collect all data, notify appropriate offsite agencies and secure EOF emergency operations. 5.4 ADMINISTRATION / LOGISTICS COORDINATOR 5.4.1 Activation Remove documents, logs, etc. from storage box and setup work area. Connect telephone and verify that it is working correctly. Verify the overall EOF facility readiness: A. All emergency telephones hooked up and working correctly. Operations Room Dose Projection Room (Dose Proiection Coordinator) f - Communications Room (EOF Communicator) l Technical Assessment Room NRC Room B. TWIX operational (Offsite Technical Assistant) C. Facsimile machines operational (EOF Communicator) D. All areas within the EOF requiring access are unlocked. E. All area clocks operating and synchronized. F. Adequate supplies (paper, pencils, markers, etc.) available. G. All EOF Staff signed in on the status board. H. Procedures (position books), facility logs, communications forms and Emergency Management Resources Book available at each position. I 10

     . Estgtney Plan Impismanting Procsdure                                  EP-2-102 i

Emergsney Oparations Facility (EOF) Revision 8 ! Activation, Operation and Deactivation O Enst.re the EOF paging capability is activated for all EOF areas by checking the page control box, located on top of the filing cabinet outside of the Training Manager's Office in the Training Department Office Area. Place all 5 toggle switches in the

                   " normal" mode. Establish EOF Security: A. Direct Security to establish a check point at the nain EOF entrance. B. Secure all other entrances to the EOF and hang the " EOF Access Control Door" signs at these entrances on the EOF (inside) side of the doors. C. Clear EOF of all non-essential personnel. Ensure the EOF " Emergency Classification" signs reflect the current emergency classification. These signs are provided in the Operations Room. Direct the Security check point to admit authorized personnel

only. A list of personnel authorized for EOF entrance /and those individuals that can allow access for personnel not on the access list, is in the Emergency Management Resources Book.

l Instruct EOF Logkeeper to begin recording EOF activities and EOF Director announcements / decisions. Notify the EOF director when preceding activation steps are I complete and the Administration / Logistics Coordinator and EOF , ! I Logkeeper are ready to activate. j O l l l 11 i


         ,    Em3rgtncy Plan Implemsnting Procsdura                                   EP-2-102   l
       .      Emargsney Opsretions Facility (EOF)                                  Revision 8 l

Activation Operation and Deactivation f b b 5.4.2 Operation Ensure all EOF activities for this area are conducted in accordance with the administrative controls listed in Attachment 7.11 and EP-2-150. Collect, review, sort and file paperwork generated during EOF operation that is retained for historical purposes. Provide general clerical / document control support (if sufficient staff available) - typing, running messages, copying, retrieval of documents. Coordinate activities with Communications Coordinator and

Licensing Coordinator to ensure copies of approved and

() transmitted Follow-up Notification and NRC Reports are routed to: Radiological Assessment Coordinator, Field Team Controller, Communications Coordinator, Licensing Coordinator, , EOF Director, Operations / Engineering Coordinator, Off-Site Technical Advisor, LNED. See FUN Report Standard Routing Forms l provided in the EOF. Set up routing for other documents generated during EOF operations as necessary. Call out additional personnel as directed.


l 12

            . 1:stgincy Plan Impicmanting Procsdure                                         EP-2-102
          ,   Emargsney Oparations Facility (EOF)                                         Rsvision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation i

l l j NOTE (1h'\ParishRestrictedArea-isthatareato which access has been restricted by the St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations . Center (EOC). (2) Access into the Parish Restricted Area can be made by personnel who have (or who are escorted by an individual who has) a St. Charles Parish Emergency Access Card (" Pink Card"). 4 See the Emergency Management

!                                   Resources Book for the positions which are issued St. Charles Parish Emergency 4
Access Cards. See Attachment 7.8 for

() additional guidance. 1-1 If EOF operations are to' continue round-the-clock, the Administration / Logistics Coordinator is responsible for setting , up a watch-bill (using Attachment 7.6 as a guide). The ! Administration / Logistics Coordinator should coordinate the shift schedules for all Emergency Response Facilities i (TSC, OSC, Control Room, EOF). The EOF watch-bill shall be approved by the EOF Director. I I Provide interface on EOF Security matters including

accountability and personnel access to EOF /Waterford 3 Site.

! Ensure continuous accountability is performed in accordance with Attachment 7.4 Provide logistics support and interface with Corporate Command

       .i f_/

s Center personnel for personnel food, travel, lodging and funds. 13 l

                                             --- ,--+-.- -.                                                -_
          'Emargtucy Plan Impismanting Procsdure                                     EP-2-102 Emargsncy Opsrations Fecility (EOF)                                     Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation O Provide logistics support and interface with Corporate Command Center personnel for parts and equipment including allocation / disbursement of funds, transportation and contract considerations. Provide interface with INPO and other utilities for additional resources / support. Provide support in preparation and review and approval of temporary procedures. Act as secretary for technical review groups identified for procedure approval, modification. ! Ensure a log of EOF Director / Major EOF Activities is kept by the EOF Logkeeper. Ensure facility logs are ke'pt for each area of responsibility represented in the EOF. Positions required to maintain logs are listed 11 EP-2-150. 9 Ensure the EOF Maior Events board is kept up-to-date by the EOF Logkeeper. Ensure the EOF " Emergency Classification" sign is maintained to continuously reflect the correct emergency classification. Direct the activities of the EOF Administrative Assistants (when they are activated.) Keep up facilities log of the activities of the Administration / Logistics Coordinator. T l l 14 l l-

Emargency Plcn Impliminting Procedure EP-2-102

     . Em2rgancy Oparations Facility (EOF)                                  Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation s                                                                                        i
--}                                                                                         l l As documentation is completed by the EOF staff, periodically collect, review and handle for final disposition (or sort and provide for further reference until secure from the emergency condition) in accordance with EP-2-150. Ensure the requirements of EP-2-150 are complied with for all generated documentation. 5.4.3 Deactivation If the EOF is to be deactivated due to existing conditions and the backup EOF activated, GO TO Attachment 7.5. Collect all data, correspondence and paperwork (generated by EOF staff and sort, review and collate for review by the Energency Planning Coordinator (EPC). Ensure the requirements and guidelines of EP-2-150 are met. O Collect facility logs, review and put together to provide one historical record of the actions taken for EPC review. Review for compliance with the requirements of EP-2-150. Assist in follow-up activities and evaluation of the event. 5.5 OPERATIONS / ENGINEERING COORDINATOR 5.5.1 Activation Remove documents, logs, etc. from storage box and setup work area. Connect telephone and contact the TSC Lead Engineer for plant information and areas where technical assessment assistance is needed. n- ~ 15

            , Emargsney~ Plan Implemanting Proctdure                                EP-2-102
          . Emargsney Oparations Facility (EOFT                                Revision 6 Activation, Operation and Deactivation O

i i NOTE I See Attachment 7.9 for additional information on the Emergency Diesel Generator. Ensure the EOF emergency diesel generator is checked-out as follows: A. Manually start the Emergency Diesel Generator by placing the RUN/STOP/ REMOTE switch in RUN (normally in REMOTE). The RUN/STOP/ REMOTE switch is located in the enclosure on the diesel generator, see Attachment 7.9 for detail. () B. Manually stop after at least five (5) minutes of operation bv placing the RUN/STOP/ REMOTE switch in STOP. C. When the Emergency Diesel Ganerator comes to a complete stop place the RUN/STOP/ REMOTE switch in REMOTE. Check operability of SPDS keyboard terminal and displav in the Operations Room and monitor plant data. Check operability of the SPDS display in the Technical Assessment Area. If SPDS is inoperable, coordinate telephone communications with the TSC to obtain plant data. Ensure the Library is unlocked and reader / printer is operable (key in EOF key box).

        .   Maintain the EOF-plant status / mimic boards (assign an individual l

N./ if available). l l 16

Emargsney Plan Impismanting Procadura EP-2-102 i Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Revision 8 I l

              . Activation, Operation and Deactivation                                           j

l Notify the EOF Director when the preceding items have been completed and the Operations / Engineering Coordinator is ready for activation. 5.5.2 Operation Ensure all EOF activities for this area rea conducted in accordance with the administrative controls listed in Attachment 7.11 and EP-2-150.
             -    Provide technical support to the TSC/ Control Room. -Assist the TSC Engineering and Operations staff in evaluating engineering related problems of the reactor, essential safety-related systems, and any other significant problem areas identified by the_TSC using the following as necessary: i A. Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams, including piping system drawings, general arrangement drawings and electrical schematics (aperture c,ards and reader / printer). l , B. Applicable plant operating and/or maintenance procedures, i C. Parameters as given through the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) or telephone contact with Control Room /TSC. D. W3 SES Final Safety Analysis Report. l l E. Applicable equipment technical manuals. Coordinate efforts o# support organizations in the areas of j) engineering / technical' assessment such as Combustion Engineering, Ehasco, Middle South Utilities and INPO. 17

Erargsncy Plan Implemtnting Procsdure EP-2-102 Emargsney Operations Facility (EOF) Revision 8 J

    ,      Activation, Operation and-Deactivation                                                    l 1

1 i Provide recommendations for system modifications necessary to ensure the immediate safe shutdown of the reactor and any system additions necessary to maintain long-term shutdown capabilities. Coordinate in conjunction with TSC Engineering Staff, design of modifications necessary to support off-normal plant conditions. Conduct supplemental transient or accident analysis, including event tree analyses or computer calculations, as necessarv including possible events that could occur which should be , anticipated by the emergency response organization. I Prepare procedures / guidelines as necessary for the installation, modification or emergency operating methodologies of plant-related off-normal systems or conditions. Coordinate with TSC Engineering Staff the establishment of a technical review group to review and approve temporary i procedures. ! NOTE As a minimum, this group shall be made up of l the EOF Operations / Engineering Coordinator, TSC Lead Engineer, TSC Operations Coordinator, TSC Health Physics Coordinator or Health Physics Coordinator Assistant, one discipline engineer and the Administration / Logistics Coordinator as secretary. Once approved by the group, procedures shall be approved by the Emergency Coordinator. Review Group approval may be handled by conference call if necessary.

  -( )

f I I l l e 18

          . Imargincy Plan Impism;nting Procsduro                                  EP-2-102
        . Emsrgincy Oparations Facility (EOF)                                 Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation 01 V When time and conditions permit, these documents shall be tent through the normal station review process in accordance with existing procedures. \ % NOTE Follow-up Notification Reports may be generated manually or by computer (in the dose projection areal. Fill out appropriate sections related to plant status of the Follow-up Notification Report, provide to EOF Director for approval. Refer to Attachment 7.10 for guidance in completing FUN Reports and other information intended for offsite agencies. Proside inforr:stion to the Licensing Coordinator to assist him in preparing NRC Reports. Work with the EOF Director and RAC in development of Protective Action Recommendations using EP-1-001 to identify where Protective Action Recommendations may be necessary based on plant conditions. The EOF Director and RAC will use EP-2-052 to arrive at appropriate recommendations. Work with the EOF Director in evaluating conditions for energency classification / declassification using EP-1-001. Keep the EOF director informed of plant conditions and Operations / Engineering group activities. Keep plant condition status / mimic boards updated.

 ,O 19 i

E:nrg:ncy Platn Impismnting Procedure EP-2-102 Emerg:ncy Opsrations Facility (EOF) Ravision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation U Maintain facilities log for the Operations / Engineering Coordinator. Ensure facilities logs are also maintained by each discipline engineer represented in the EOF (i.e., Nuclear Engineer, I&C Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer). 5.5.3 Deactivation If the Backup EOF is to be activated. Refer to Attachment 7.5. If the emergency condition has terminated, ensure all data, correspondence and paperwork generated by the Operations / Engineering staff is collected and provided to the Administration / Logistics Coordinator. Provide Administration / Logistics Coordinator with the completed facilities logs for the Operations / Engineering r,roup. Ensure procedures requiring further review are identified and entered into the normal review process. 5.6 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR 5.6.1 Activation NOTE A Health Physics Technician or other trained individual selected by the Health Physics Coordinator) will be dispatched in accordance with EP-2-100 by the TSC to assist with EOF frisking / decontamination activities and perform '

   ,                                     habitability surveys.

l I 20

         - 'Emirg:ncy Pitn Impicm2nting Procsdura                                  EP-2-102 Emerg:ncy Oparations Facility (EOF)                                   Ravision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation s

f-~ 1 N~-]g j Remove document, logs, etc. from storage box and setup work area. 1 Connect telephone and establish communications with the TSC Health Physics Coordinator to verify operability of the Radiological Assessment Area communications equipment. Verify operation of the RAC/ Field Team Controller intercom. Ensure TLD's and self reading dosimeters are issued to all EOF staff and that all required information is recorded on Attachment 7.2. Verify the operation of the EOF AVAC Control panel by:

a. Pressing LAMP TEST button to insure the mode indicator lights are operable.

( b. Verifying operability of the outside and return air Radiation monitors by pressing the NORMAL button and observing that the indicator needle moves upscale. Set up a frisker in the Dose Projection Room to assist in monitoring radiation levels. Consideration for establishing a step off pad at the EOF frisker should be made if a reasonable probability for personnel contamination exists. CAUTION l Prior to commencing decontamination activities in the EOF verify the Decontamination Room j drain valve is in the " TANK" position. [a) l 21

       , Tmargincy Plcn Impisminting Procsdure                                EP-2-102
   , . Emerg2ncy Oparations racility (EOF)                                Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation 6                                                                                     1   In the event that personnel entering the EOF are contaminated they should be directed to remain in the Decontamination Room.

The HPC should be centacted and request for health physics


personnel should be made to staff the Decontamination Room if an individual to assist with these activities has not already arrived. Begin monitoring off-site radiological communications. The Radiological Assessment Coordinator shall establish communications with the Health Physics Coordinator to review the present status of the situation and past radiological actions /

            ;      protective actions taken.

NOTE When the Radiological Assessment group is fully staffed the Radiological Assessment Coordinator may begin performing activities at the request of the Heali:h Physics Coordinator. These actions will be performed under the overall direction of the Emergency Coordinator until the EOF is activated and the EOF Director has formally accepted these responsibilities from the Emergency Coordinator. Prepare to turnover offsite dose assessment activities from the TSC to the EOF by performing the following activities (these activities are normally perforned by, or at the direction of, the Field Team Controller):

 'O .


                                         ,   .                    .     .       ~     .

Emarg2ncy Plan Impls=2nting Procsdura EP-2-102 Emergsney Opsrations Facility (EOF) Rsvision 8 7 Activation, Operation and Deactivation O i NOTE Items A and F are not required for EOF activation if all other items are completed. A. Verify operability of CEPADAS. B. Verify that the Osborne 1 computer is set up and operational in accordance with EP-2-050. If the Osborne 1 Computer is inoperable, prepare to perform manual calculations in accordance with EP-2-050. C. Contact the TSC Dose Assessment Coordinator and discuss the following:

1. Release pathway and current RM6 Monitor Readings
2. Release Start Time
3. Release Stop Time (if applicable) 4 Wind Direction (from)
5. Wind Speed
6. Stability Class and a T
7. Isopleth in Use (if applicable)
8. Current TSC offsite dose calculation results and data
upon which they were based
9. Number of Field Monitoring Teams dispatched and current locations
10. Request permission to perform a radio check with the field monitoring teams.-
O 23
  • kmergincy Plcn Implemanting Procsdure EP-2-102 Eastgincy Operations Facility (EOF) Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation-
o D. Perform a radio check with each field monitoring tear after receiving permission from the TSC to do so.

l E. Track Field Monitoring. Team activities. l l l F. Perform parallel calculations until turnover. Notify the EOF Director when the Radiological Assessment group is fully staffed and functioning. NOTE The CEPADAS " Operational Input" Program can only be run from one location. Control of this must pass to the EOF. The TSC can () continue to display CEPADAS, but not adjust inputs in " Operational Input". i At the direction of the EOF Director, transfer offsite survey and dose projection responsibilities from the HPC to the RAC. Ensure the control of the CEPADAS program is transferred to the EOF. 4 When turnover of offsite dose assessment activities is authorized by the EOF Director / Emergency Coofdinator, ensure the , following is performed: A. Field Team Controller informs TSC Dose Assessment Coordinator that he/she is relieved of offsite dose assessment activities. '.s

   \ ,/



       . 'Emergincy Pltn Implimanting Procsdura                                    EP-2-102   j
    ,-    Emargsney Oparations Facility (EOF)                                   Ravision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation                                              )

b B. TSC Dose Assessment Coordinator transfers control of CEPADAS 1 to Field Team Controller. C.. Request that the TSC Dose Assessment Coordinator inform all field teams of relinquished control to the EOF. D. Immediately after the TSC has made the announcement to the field teams in C above,' inform all field teams with an announcement from the EOF Field Team Communicator that the EOF has now assumeJ control of the field monitoring teams. E.\ The TSC Health Physics Coordinator provides an individual from the TSC Dose Assessment Area in accordance with E?-1-100 to report to the EOF to assist the RAC.

 '( )                   F. An individual remains in contact with the EOF from the TSC Dose Assessment Area to assist in providing RMS Monitor readings, meterological data, etc. as necessary.

5.6.2 Operation Ensure all EOF activities for this area are conducted in

                     .tecordance with the administrative controls listed in Attachment 7.11 and EP-2-150. Perform offsite dose projections in accordance with EP-2-051 and/or EP-2-050. O 25 i (

Emergtncy Pltn Impismanting Procsdura EF-2-102

     .       Em rgsney Oparations Facility (EOF)                                  Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation
  /3 V

NOTE Use of respiratory protection devices and/or protective clothing by the field monitoring teams require Emergency Coordinator and EOF Director approval. Maintain contact with the offsite field monitoring teams and i direct their activities. Monitor offsite field monitoring team exposures and offsite contamination levels. Provide recommendations to the EOF [ Director when protective clothing and/or respirators may be v required to be used by the field monitoring teams. Use the guidelines for in-plant use of protective equipment. Maintain radiological controls for the EOF by: A. Ensuring personnel read and record self reading dosimeters. B. Ensuring habitability surveys are made by in accordance with EP 034 C. Monitoring the HVAC Control Panel's Radiation detectors. If an-increase in count rate is observed, conduct surveya in accordance with EP-2-034 Advise the EOF Director as to EOF habitability conditions as

                                                                         '                 ~

appropriate. lO l l r 26 l

        . Emsrg;ncy Plan Impitmanting Procsdura                                 EP-2-102
     .. Emargsney Oparations Facility (EOF)                                  Revision 8   )

Activation, Operation and Deactivation l Consideration should be given to evacuating the EOF when l radiation levels are 100 mrem /hr or greater, and/or total l weighted MPC airborne concentration levels are 10 MPC or greater, and there is no indication that these levels will significantly decrease during the next 4 hours. The EOF shall be evacuated when radiation levels are 500 mrem /hr or greater, and/or total weighted MPC airborne concentrations are 100 MFC or greater. NOTE Accumulated doses to personnel must also be taken into account. Consideration should be given to evacuation when 10CFR20 limits (see EP-2-030) are spproached and there is no indication that conditions will improve before limits will be exceeded. Advise the EOF Director on offsite Protective Action Recommendations in accordance with EP-2-052. Coordinate activities with the Off-Site Technical Advisor and EOF Director to remain informed of actual protective actione taken bv the l offsite agencies. Advise the EOF Director on emergency condition classification in accordance with EP-1-001. Coordinate Field Monitoring activities and Protective Action Recommendations with LNED Field Response Center Personnel.

O e


       ,' Esargrney Plan Inplsmtnting Procedura                                 EP-2-102
     . Emtrgtncy Oparations Facility (EOF)                                  Revision 8 7     Activation, Operation and Deactivation O

v Provide logistical support as necessary to the TSC Health Physics Coordinator and coordinate these activities with the Administration / Logistics Coordinator. NOTE Follow-up Notification Reports may be generated manually er by computer (in the dose projection area). . Initiate Follow-up Notification Reports'when conditions change that result in a re-classification of the emergency condition or result in changes in offsite protective action recommendations. If conditions have not changed, these reports should be initiated every 30 minutes. Coordinate these activities with the Operations / Engineering Coordinator. Refer to Attachment 7.10 for guidance and responsibilities for completing FUN Reports and other information intended for off-site agencies. Provide information to the Licensing Coordinator to assist him in preparing NRC Reports. NOTE The RAC is the contact for the NRC on the NRC Health Physics Network (HPN) line. This responsibility is transferred from the TSC Health Physics Coordinator.

 +tO                           -

O. ' l 28 l

              .   'Emargincy Plan Irplessnting Procadure                                  EP-2-102 Emarg:ncy Oparations Facility (EOF)                                 Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation O. Coordinate environmental sampling and analysis activities including air samples and smear surveys. Coordinate these activitieswithLNEDField'RegponseCenterpersonnel,TSCHealth Physics Coordinator and OSC Radiological Controls Coordinator. I Keep the EOF Director advised of Radiological Assessment group , activities. Keep Radiological Assessment group status boards updated. Maintain a facilities log for the Radiological Assessment Coordinator, Field Team Controller and Field Team Communicator. 1 i Coordinate the collection and/or processing of radioactive wastes that may be generated during EOF operations with the Health () Physics Cdordinator. These wastes shall be returned to the Waterford-3 site for final disposal in accordance with the appropriate Radioactive Weste Management procedures. ! 5.6.3 Deactivation If the Backup EOF is to be activated, GO TO Attachment 7.5. If the emergency condition has terminated, review calculations, data and paperwork and provide to Administration / Logistics Coordinator. Ensure areas affected by radioactive plume are identified for further sampling during recovery phases and a sampling program identified in accordance with EP-2-061.

  .g 29
              - Imergtney Plan Implessnting Proegdure                                      EP-2-102 EmergIncy Opsrations Facility (EOF)                                       Revision 8 4

Activation, Operation and-Deactivation s O

   \_/ Assist in evaluation and analysis of the event including coordination of further sampling and analysis, dose commitment calculations, report generation during recovery phase. If the Decontamination Room was used:

a. Decontaminate the Room
b. Flush associated plumbing
c. Place the Decontamination Room drain valve in the " DRAIN" position
d. Arrange to have drain tank flushed and drained and Ifouid wastes returned to the site for final processing in accordance with the appropriate Radioactive Waste Management procedures.

5.7 0FF-SITE TECHNICAL ADVISOR 1 v 5.7.1 Activation

,              Remove documents, logs, etc. from storage box and setup work area.

Connect telephones and contact the Emergency News Center (ENC) Director to verify communication equipment operability. If the EOF is not activated upon arrival at the site, report to the TSC under the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. When the EOF is declared operable by the EOF Director, move to the EOF under the direction of the EOF Director. t Review the plant status and review the preceding events. rf u i 30

Emargincy Plan Impisminting Procsdure EP-2-102

     .          Em2rgincy Oparations Facility (EOF)                                     Rsvision 8 Activotion, Operation and Deactivation l

l 5.7.2 Operation i 3 Ensure all EOF activities for this area rea conducted in accordance with the administrative controls listed in Attachment 7.11 and EP-2-150. Provide updated technical information and/or draft news releases via telephone or facsimile to ENC Director on a mutually agreed to frequency or as conditions change.

               *        Brief ENC Director and Technical Spokesperson on current conditions prior to news briefings held at the Emergency News Center. Provide additional information, as required, to the Off-Site ( Technical Representatives to help them in coordinating technical information at their assigned locations. NOTE i Ensure the Off-Site Technical Representatives provide feedback on State and Parish activities to the EOF - particularly on protective actions actually taken by the offsite authorities. 1 Provide this information to the EOF Director or Emergency Coordinator,


i Direct the activities of the Off-Site Technical Assistant. I l Maintain a facilities log of the activities of the off-Site f 3 Technical Advisor. ! / 31

         -   'Emergsney Pltn Impism:nting Procsdura                                     EP-2-102 Emergsney Oparations Facility (EOF)                                  Ravision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation (G

NOTE The INPO Nuclear Network Messages are for use by technical groups. These messages should contain more technical detail than information provided for the Emergency News Center. News releases should not be used as Nuclear Network Messages. Draft INPO Nuclear Network Messages for transmission over the Nuclear Network terminal, get EOF Director or Emergency Coordinator approval and transmit upon approval. ' O( ,j 5.7.3 Deactivation . e l If the Backup EOF is to be activated, GO TO ATTACHMENT 7.5. continue to perform functions in 5.7.2 above until services are t.o longer required by the Emergency News Center, Corporate Command Center, State and Parish EOCs. Direct Off-Site Technical Assistant to gather all' draft news l releases, data sent to ENC, any logs, messages sent or received, and news releases received. Provide information gathered in step above to l Administration / Logistics Coordinator. l l Assist in evaluation of the event. ( ! 32 l

Emergsney Plan Impicmsnting Procsdure_ EP-2-102

         ,   Em2rgancy 0parations Facility (EOF)                                 Ravision 8 I

Activation, Operation and Deactivation


5.8.1 Activation

;      Ensure operability of all communications equipment.

i 4 Monitor any active lines. Contact.TSC Lead Communicator and get copies of all messages that have been transmitted / received. NOTE 4 e f The Communications Coordinator and 2 (two) { Communicators are required for EOF activation. 1


O The third communicator provides assistance . as needed. l l At the direction of the EOF Director, transfer communications from the TSC to the EOF in accordance with EP-2-010. i The EOF Communicators assist the Communications Coordinator in these activities, i Inform EOF Director when the preceding steps have been completed and the EOF Communications group is ready to activate. 5.8.2 Operation


l l l l l 33 l l' l _ ,_ _

Easrgsney Plsn Implaminting Procsdura EP-2-102

                        . Emergincy Oparations Fccility (EOF)                                                           Ravision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation i

b NOTE Refer to Attachment 7.10 for guidance in completing FUN Reports and other information intended for offsite agencies. Ensure all EOF activities for this area are conducted in accordance with the administrative controls listed in Attachment 7.11 and EP-2-150. Ensure EOF Communications group activities are carried out in accordance with EP-2-010. I( ) Transmit communications as instructed by the EOF Director and ensure all communications to offsite agencies have his approval. Ensure messages received by the EOF Communicators are acted upon i by the proper individuals and that the EOF Director is aware of

                                                                 , . ~
these transmissions. N Aid the EOF Director in ensuring Follow-up Notification Reports are completed in a timely manner and transmitted. Maintain Communications status boards. Keep the EOF Director informed of Communications activities. l Maintain a facilities log for the EOF communications group ' activities. 34 l 1

  . . _ _.._,_.___.._.y     -        -
                                                      . . - . -        . _ . , _        . . , , _ . ~ , _ _ . _ . , , . _.y     ,      _- _ . . _ . , _
              ,Emsrgincy Plcn ImplGmanting Procsdura                                      EP-2-102 Emrgancy Oparations F&cility (EOF)                                         Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation 6          5.8.3   Deactivation        If the Backup EOF is to be activated, Refer to Attachment 7.5. If the emergency condition has terminated, collect all communications forms and Follow-up Notification Reports and provide to the Administration / Logistics Coordinator. I Close out communications with offsite agencies as directed by the EOF Director. t I Assist in follow-up evaluation of the event as instructed. 5.9 LICENSING COORDINATOR 5.9.1 Activation , If.The EOF is not activated upon arrival at the site, report to the TSC.under the direction of the Emergency Coordinator. i When the EOF is declared operable by the EOF Director, move to the EOF under the direction of the EOF Director. i ! Remove documents, logs, etc. from storage box and 9etup wnrk area. Connect telephone and verify operability. i i i Obtain from the TSC Lead Communicator, Control Room

Emergency Communicator and/or EOF Communications Coordinator j all previous communications with NRC.

i i Review plant status for evaluation from a Licensing standpoint. !O i 35 l

                 . = _ .                      .                                                                       _ __
         , _Emergancy Pltn Impicmenting Procsdura                                                         EP-2-102
       -       Emergency Oparations Facility-(EOF)                                                Revision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation
5. 9.1. 6 . Ensure sufficient work space is available and lodging, meals, etc. arranged for NRC personnel responding to the site (coordinate with the Administration / Logistics Coordinator if EOF
  ,                             is activated).

i 4 Receive initial direction on areas that require immediate


Licensing attention from the Emergency Coordinator or EOF Director. J 5.9.2 Operation i Ensure all EOF activities for this area are conducted in accordance with the administrative controls listed in Attachment 7.11 and EP-2-150. () Provide LP&L Liaison with NRC personnel and handle NRC inquiries. Review Licensing items requiring immediate attention.

              -          Interface with Middle South Utilities EOF staff. TSC staff,INPO and other organizations on applicable Licensing matters.

I Keep the EOF Director or Emergency Coordinator informed of Licensing activities. Provide NRC Supplemental Event Notification forms to EOF Director or Emergency Coordinator for approval and transmit over the ENS line. ) Maintain communications on the ENS line. I j Provide for backup offsite licensing support as needed. O i r 1 36

Emerg:ncy Plcn ImpismInting Procsdure EP-2-102 j- . Exargsney Oparations Facility (EOF) Rsvision 8 l Activation, Operation and Deactivation Keep a facilities log of the activities of the Licensing ! Coordinator.  ; i 5.9.3 Deactivation If the Backup EOF is to be activated, Refer to Attachment 7.5. Provide completed NRC Reports to the Administration / Logistics ) Coordinator. Provide applicable generated paperwork to be retained.for j historical files to the Administration / Logistics Coordinator. i Review the event for Licensing ramifications as directed and i coordinate further activities with the EOF Lirector. lO l. 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 6.1 All records generated during the operation of the EOF have been handled per EP-2-150, Emergency Plan Implementing Records. 6.2 All functional equipment / supplies have been restored to preactivation conditions. ! 6.3 The entire EOF Staff has been relieved of all duties associated with j the operation of the EOF / Backup EOF. 6.4 EP-2-170, Recovery has been implemented as required. I I i lO l 1 37 r

         - Emergsncy Pltn Impliminting Procedura                                                                                      EP-2-102 Emergancy Oparations Facility (EOF)                                                                                     Rsvision 8 Activation, Operation and Deactivation O

7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 EOF Floor Plan and Equipment Locations 7.2 EOF Personnel Dosimetry Log 4 7.3 Backup EOF Floor Plan and Equipment Locations 7.4 EOF Accountability 7.5 Backup EOF Activation I 7.6 Watch Bill Form 7.7 EOF HVAC Operation 7.8 Off Site Staging of Support / Relief Personnel 7.9 EOF Emergency Diesel Generator 7.10 Guidance for the Completion of Information for Offsite Agencies 7.11 EOF Administrative Controls (Message Forms, Routing Filing, etc.) 4 O l I l i i 1 1 l l l !O l l l l 38 l f- p-e. > - + + - =-a m y --, s. p - - - , - - - -

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                                           \                                                                                    LUNCH ROOM

WOMEN -----

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                                           \     /                                                              /


                                           \                                                                                         LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS               /                  REAR PROJECTION ROOM ROOM            /                                                                    \

h~l DOSE

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                  -\/                        KEY       M 4EMERGENCY STORAGE NRC DECONTAMINA- B0X                           AREA TION ROOM                 E-


                                " ratskea
                                   \ /-

O / ENTRANCE EP-2-102 REVISION 7 39 ATTACHMENT 7.1 (1 0F 3) 4

  -.         ._ ._____                  ..                           -,    ,       ,. _ . _          _m.___-  , _ , , .                    ~ . . . . - - _ _ . - . _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ . -


                                                                      \ / -\       /                                                      \ /-


;-                                                  ROOM OPERATIONS /


,                                                                                                   NRC LICENSING COORDINATOR i


                  \                                                       /                                        LOGKEEFER i                  /                                                        \


                  \                                                                                               DIRECTOR l                                                                         /
                  /                                                       \


                   -/ \                                                         /                \                                  /      \-

r EP-2-102 REVISION 7 40 ATTACHMENT 7.1 (2 0F 3) 4

  ,,                  . - ~ , , .       - , . . ,      ,..-n,    , -                 , , , . - -        -.
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                      #                                                              FIELD TEAM Y                                                               COMMUNICATOR COMMUNICATOR
                                     #3 HVAC CONTROL                                                                                      ,


                                    #1                                           HPN                                                    LNED
                                                                                               \ I CD                                                       HOTLINE                                                  RADIO RADIO                                  CEPADAS i


'Q                                                 ,-

EP-2-102 REVISION 7 a ATTACHMENT 7.1 (3 0F 3) I

            -,              ,       c. - - -    , - . , , ,         , , , ,          - . , - - - - - - - - - . - - - - , - - , - , - , . . - , . . . . , - - . - . .

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Dh t L t TO t n ( n e e m m h s c s a

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a l T c l i o g C o l o i

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R e ue C sm si O I T L Y R g T E n it M d u I aO S e O R D L E g N n 2 N i 4 O d n

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. E R P F O E f r t e et k e cm oi P s . o S d

-                    ee t u as D s I

3 n o i e s m i a v - N e R 2

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- I 2

                                .   .   .   .       .   .   .   .        0                                          -

2 3

                                                                    .         1    1   3     4   5               P 1           4       5   6   7   8   9      1    1    1   1     1   1 E

4  ; i  ;  ! i > l!

BACKUP EMERGENCY OPERATING FACILITY () 1. Location - NOPSI Building, Baronne Street, New Orleans. 1

2. Access - After hours entry can be gained by. ringing the night buzzer at the side entrance to the building. The on-duty operator is provided with an EOF access list.


3. Facility Description - The 5th floor Conference Room is equipped to provide for the following activities (see 2 of 3):
                                         - Operations Room
                                         - Dose Assessment Room
                                         - Communications" Room The 6th floor provides working area for the i

engineering staff and is equipped with ! communication equipment, aperture cards and a ! reader / printer (see 3 of 3). l 1 The 4th floor provides additional space for engineering activities. I i i l 1 l I l l

EP-2-102 Revision 4 43 Attachment 7.3 (1 of 3) ,


                                                                  ' i OPERATION ROOM 1
                                          . _= C_ _ .t 3 _ _- . a .

l C0!CIUNICATIO:4 HOOM LOUNGE DOSE ASSESSMENT ROOM Sch FLOOR m 2 E E - U L 3 i il EP-2-102 Revision 4 44 ATTACICCST 7.3 (2 0F 3)

              ,                         BACKUP EOF ENGINEERING ARIA ELEVATOR s                                                                                        LOBBY T              ,
                                                                          .  .                    'N f


                                                                       ~1 g              ,        .             ,






                                                                                '- READER PRINTER

{ _ ! DRAITING & _ GRAPHICS d, CP2-102 Revision 4 45 ATTACHMENT 7.3 (3 or 3)

i . EOF ACCOUNTABILITY l 4 () Page (3) three of this attachment shall be maintained by the Administration / Logistics Coordinator or his/her designate in accordance with the following guidelines. 1.) All EOF personnel leaving the Energy Education Center / EOF Building shall sign out. Personnel departing the facility and the site shall not sign out, but shall be instructed not to enter any other structure before exiting the Security Gate House. 2.) Individuals that sign out shall indicate their task and be assigned a point to call back into to verify their status at a given frequency based on current conditions (15 minutes is a guideline). 3.) Individus .s returning to the EOF shall sign in. 4.) Personnel that are over due, shall be identified to the EOF Director by name and badge. Who in turn shall request assistance from the TSC () in locating the individual. lO l EP-2-102 Revision 7 46 Attachment 7.4 (1 of 3) (

                                 , - . _                         . . ~ . _             -,__ _. _


                                                                                            ' 5,wer DATE (NH/DD/YY)Q
                              ----------------_------     f / P'Y- -/A-- - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - _j)le '
                                                                                                           --------_-_-____--__--__-------_-PAGE              2 OF
1. h '. s A.
 ;                                      Name E x a s. w t e
                                                      -(Team Leader) cvoo             is , ix       s u.:.

hr. il N Badgel Time Out Call In 1:i ni, _v_ie aia, ii',3e gg Time 8 gh1, gg No y,,u j em Time In Name (If Applicable) Freq. hr. Badgel 1/$ _M/ _/ _/ Dw I Emergency Team (If Applicable ) cos, (2 D,Mel Cc+. [M'N 8k bd (I Task Location

                             --------------------------------------- Ta s k De s c r i p t i on i                                                                                                      EXANPLE I
1. Name - Name of individual
                                            " buddy" assigned the same task and who willleaving the facility. The second name blank is to b
2. Badgel - Badge number of individual
3. Emergency Team - For the OSC team assignment.

remain with the first person listed. .

4. Time out - Time that the individual departed the facility
5. Call In Time Freq. - The frequency, in minutes, that the facility. the individual is required to call into
6. hr. - Place the hour (using 24 hour clock)

Place the minutes of the hour which theabove the small squares on it's first occurrence. by in the small square below the hour. individual has been instructed to call back location and line through the small square, When the individual responds, record the at which the individual responded, and add the " call in freq." to the time 7 the right. If the hour changes, and place the minutes in the next small square to Task. Location - Record the area in which record facility. the the new hour above the minute square. individual will be working outside of the

8. Task Description - Describe the task or other important information.
9. Time- In he/she
                                               - On has  return    of the individual or when the individual calls in from the facility that beenloreassigned to, record the time. This entry closes out
                   --------------------------- g.

accountability the individuals EP-2-102 Revision 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Attachment 7.4 (Page 2 of 3) ! 47 l l =

                       ~   - --- - -  -                          .                           -          ___               --


1.  : _/ _/ __/ _/  :

Name (Team Leader ) Badget Time Out Call In Time In

       .                                                             Time  .

Freq. hr. Name (If Applicable) Badgel _/ _/ _/ _/ Emergency Team (If Applicable) Task Location Task Description hr.

2.  : / / / /  :

Name (Team Leader) Badgel Time Out Call In Time In Time

  • Freq. hr.

Name (If Applicable ) Badgel I / / / / Emergency Team (If Applicable) Task Location Task Description hr.

                                                                                   ~/ ~~/   ~/         ~/            :
3. - Time In Name (Team Leader) Badgel Time Out Call In Time

Name (If Applicable) Badgel / / / / Emergency Team (If Applicable) , Task Location Task Description EP-2-102 Revision 7 " ' 48 'l

                                        -BACKUP EOF ACTIVATION A. This section is provided in the form of a checklist for the EOF Director when evacuating the EOF.         Other EOF personnel should use this section tc ensure the activities in their areas of responsibility necessary for deactivation of the EOF and activation of the Backup EOF are completed.

1.) Contact the Emergency Coordinator and advise of the decision to evacuate / activate the Backup EOF. 2.) If there is time and manning capabilities exist, activate the ! Backup EOF with personnel not currently manning the EOF { (call-outs). j 3.) If activities must be turned over to the TSC in order to evacuate (communications, field eenitoring team direction, offsite dose projections, etc.) ensure these turnover activities are accomplished in accordance with appropriate procedures. <O 4.) Ensure offsite agencies are notified of the evacuation, a new plant contact phone number given (TSC) and that communications

  • are to be, turned over to the TSC.

j 5.) Ensure completed documentation, Emergency Management Resources Books, position notebooks and procedures, facilities logs and other resources as needed (engineering drawings, etc.) are transported to the Backup EOF. 1 6.) Ensure EOF activities are formally transferred to the TSC and offsite agencies, Emergency Director and other appropriate organizations notified. , 7.) Conduct the evacuation - consideration should be given to car , pooling to the Backup EOF, ensure personnel avoid hazardous areas while evacuating, and when appropriate request parish assistance in moving to the Backup EOF (police escort). l 2 EP-2-102 Revision 6 49 Attachment 7.5 (1 of 2) i

BACKUP EOF ACTIVATION CONT'D. 8.) Ensure the appropriate steps 'f this procedure are repeated to activate the Backup EOF including turnover of activities from the


I 9.) Use Attachment 7.3, 3ackup EOF Floor Plan and' Equipment Locations as a guide to accomplish the activities in Step 8 above. ] B. It may be necessary to staff the Backup EOF directly without first ! activating the EOF. In such a case, steps 8 and 9 above are j applicable and this procedure should be used for Backup EOF operations I as it would for operations in the EOF. 4 i i i 4 V I i

.O i

i i j i )

6 I

1 lO l EP-2-102 Revision 6 $0 Attachment 7.5 (2 of 2)


() Continuous manning capability of the EOF may be provided through providing qualified personnel for each of three shifts. The Emergency Management Resources Book may be used as a reference. The Administration / Logistics Coordinator will normally have responsibility for setting up this schedule.
!              (Names of personnel assigned to each shift, should be put in the blanks and the period for the schedule indicated on the attached sheets) and contacting assignees.

As directed by the EOF Director, schedules and personnel assignments may be adjusted (i.e. 2-shift personnel assignments as opposed to 3 shifts). 1 All schedules shall be signed by the EOF Director, posted in the facility. and copies distributed to affected personnel. NOTE ( The attached sheets only provide a guide on setting up continuous operations. The j EOF Director decides which positions for l each shift shall be filled and hours to i _ be worked. i i i i I l I


EP-2-102 Revision 5 51 Attachment 7.6 (1 of 3)

Period of This Schedule: From To EOF Director EOF DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION / LOGISTICS COORD. 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORD. COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 OPERATIONS / ENGINEERING COORD. LICENSING COORDINATOR 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 OFFSITE TECHNICAL ADVISOR OFFSITE TECHNICAL ASSISTANT 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 EOF LOCKEEPER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS 0800-1630 0800-1630 '0' 1600-0030 0000-0830 1600-0030 0000-0830 NUCLEAR ENGINEER ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 I&C ENGINEER MECHANICAL ENGINEER 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 FIELD TEAM CONTROLLER DOSE PROJECTION COORDINATOR 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0930 0000-0830 I O EP-7-102 Revision 5 52 Attachment 7.6 (2 of 3) i

Period of This Schadule: From To b EOF Director FIELD TEAM COMMUNICATOR CCC TECHNICAL ADVISOR 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 l STATE TECHNICAL ADVISOR ST. CHARLES TECHNICAL ADVISOR 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 0000-0830 0000-0830 ST. JOHN TECHNICAL ADVISOR TECHNICAL SPOKESPERSON 0800-1630 0800-1630 1600-0030 1600-0030 4 0000-0830 0000-0830 j COMMUNICATORS 4 0800-1630 .i

,     1600-0030 i

j 0000-0830 i 1 l I i l l !O i l l ] EP-7-102 Revision 5 53 Attachment 7.6 (3 of 3)  ; l \


  /']                                              NOTE

() The one line Diagram on Page 4 of 4 of this Attachment shows the flow paths for the different operating modes. The HVAC System in the EOF Building has the capability to operate in any one of four (4) modes as described below: NOTE It takes approximately 1 minute for the HVAC to change operating mode. When returned to the NORMAL MODE f rom the PRESSURIZED or ISOLATION HODES, all fans will


[ s be shut down for 5 minutes.

1. NORMAL MODE: In the Normal Mode of operation two (2) return air fans (RF-1 & RF-2) take air from within the building and exhaust to the intake of the supply fans (SF-1 & SF-2). Makeup (outside) air is also supplied to the intake duct. Supply fan SF-2 exhausts to the EOF. while supply fan SF-1 exhausts to the trafning and public relations portions of the building.
2. LOSS OF OFF-SITE POWER MODE: In the event of a power failure, the Emergency Diesel Generator will automatically start and supply power to return air f an RF-2. supply Fan SF-2, Recirc Fan (RCF-l)

(if it is needed) the air conditioning air compressors, the instrument air dryer and the HVAC controls. The fans will continue to circulate the air with some makeup outside air, n v l EP-2-102 Revision 8 $4 Attachment 7.7 (! of 5) l l L


3. PRESSURIZED MODE: The Pressurized Mode will normally be '

automatically actuated by a signal from the Radiation Monitor in the outside air intakes, although it can be manually selected at theQVACControlPanelintheDoseProjectionRoom. In this mode RecircDan(RCF-1) starts and all outside air will now pass thru


the HEPA and charcoal filters. The Recire Fan (RCF-1) also serves to provide a net positive pressure on the EOF. Supply Fan SF-1 and return fan RF-1 will shut off. Fans RCF-1. SF-2, RCF-2 will run to supply filtered air to the EOF portion of the building. The main outside air dampers are closed. As stated above, the Pressurized Mode can be initiated automatically or manually. However, when the radiation problem has subsided, the system must be manually returned to the normal mode of operation at the Remote Control Panel as follows:

a. Place the Mode Selector Override Switch in the AUTO Position.
b. Reset the Radiation Monitor Signal by pressing the Reset O c.

Buttons located below the monitor. The RVAC Systes should return to the Normal Mode within several minutes. 4 ISOLATION MODE: The isolation mode will be automatically activated by a signal from the radiation monitor in the return air i duct above dose projections room or manually selected at the HVAC j control panel in the dose projection room. In this mode l Recirculation Fan (RCT-1) starts and draws air from the return air ! plesun and passes the air through the HEPA and charcoal filters. *~ j cleaning up the air in the ROF. Supply Fan SF-1 and Return Fan ! RF-1 will shut off. Fan RCF-1, SF-2, RCF-2 will run to supply l filtered air to the EOF. All outside air dampers are closed.

When the radiation probles has subsided the systen sust be returned I

to the normal mode of operation as discussed in section 3, , l Pressurized Mode. iO l l l EP-2-102 Revision 8 55 Attachment 7.7 (2 of 5) L

  \          .


                                 $                                                     LAMP TEST 0           0                             0
 !                                                                         NORMAL        LOSS              PRESSURIZED OFFSITE                      MODE POWER 4




 !                               4 j                                                                                           0 l                                                                                  MODE SELECTOR OVERRIDE l'

PRESSURIZED AUTO ISOLATION MODE MODE ALARMS RESET RESET 0 0 0 NORMAL ALERT HI  ; i t i EP2-102 Revision 8 56 ATTACIC Ctr 7.7 (3 0F 5) I l l l __. -. . - . _ . - - . _ - _ - - - . - - . - . - - . - . . . - - - - _ - - - - - - . .


EOF HVAC POSITION MATRIX LOSS P*tSSumit t 0 i SQ L aflow NORMAL W006 0F WQDE wo0E Powtm woog See sty Fen ON OFP OFF OFF Spal 8*sely Pen on 04 ON ON SP=t Retern A&e Pee ,, g g, g,e RPol

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a0'.e 2 De***

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EP-2-132 Pavision 8 57 Attacht.ent 7.7 (Page 4 of h

an 9


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1 l'P-2-102 Revision a

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i es&WM7/ - of l i 58 4ttachment 7.7 (Pago (Sof 5)

1 Off Sita Staging of Support /Rolief Parsonnsl I


The following guidance is provided to address the staging of personnel and

O- their subsequent access to the plant site during an ongoing energency i

l situation. A. Parish Road Block Access

1. Any Company employee with a valid drivers license and a St. Charles Parish Emergency Access Card will be allowed access to the Parish
  • Restricted Area.

I NOTE i St. Charles Parish takes }f[ responsibility for

 ;                                    personnel entering a Parish Restricted Area, i

l i I 1

2. Personnel described in A.1 above may escort personnel into the Parish Restricted Area.

I I j 3. Arrangements can be made through the St. Charles Parish Emergency j Operations Center (EOC) for employee access on a case by case basis, i B. Parish Restricted Area Access Considerations 4 1 1

1. St. Charles Parish takes }$! responsibility for personnel entering a 1

Parish Restricted Area. Therefore it is important that a safe route  ; { is established for the employee to use through the Parish Restricted ] Area and the appropriate access point is selected. f

2. Evaluate the situation and coordinate with the St. Charles Parish EOC l to determine the appropriate point of access to the Parish Restricted Area. '

i  ; 1 l EP-2-102 Revision 8 59 Attachment 7.8 (1 of 3) l

Off Sita Strging of Support /R211qf Parronnel Cont'd. 3. {) Provide the responding individuals with detailed information for accessing the Parish Restricted Area. Instructions should include, but are not limited to:

a. Recommended route to the selected access to the Parish Restricted Area.
b. Parish Restricted Area access point.
c. Recommended route to the plant from the Parish Restricted Area access point.
d. Plant site access point.
e. Site phone number to call into for additional information.
f. Description of hazards that may exist within the Parish Restricted Area.

4 Should the situation change, coordinate with the St. Charles Parish EOC to stop personnel at the designated road block and re-direct them if appropriate to the new access point. A I$)

5. Advise W3 - Security of the pending arrival of personnel by name.
6. For access from upriver coordination with St. John the Baptist EOC may be required. Also access to the Edgard ferry may be arranged through the St. John the Baptist EOC.

C. Long Term Considerations

1. Use LP&L Luling or Reserve District of fices or other appropriate location, as a staging point for responding personnel.
2. Consider using the Assembly Area Supervisor as the coordinator for this staging area.

O G EP-2-102 Revision 8 60 Attachment 7.8 (2 of 3)

                                                                                . _ _ _ . . . . _                  . -      .-_.             . - _ . _ . . ,_-_.m        _ . _ . . _

i . j Off Site Staging of Support / Relief Personnel Cont'd. 3-

3. - Access to the Luling or Reserve District Offices can be obtained by

.!, calling Customer Service and requesting the " Duty Man" to unlock the selected staging point on weekends, holidays and after hours.

Arrangement can also be made through the Corporate Command Center.

-{ 4 Consideration should be made to minimize the number of vehicles I travelling to and from the plant site. The use of car pools, company vans and comunercial buses should be considered.

  • j i

l 1 i. 1 l 1 l l i l i l j , - . _ . i s i i i I e i i  ! 4 ( 1 I l'O I l t EP-2-102 Revision 8 61 Attachment 7.8 (3 of 3)

EOF Em7tgtnev Disstl G:ntrator A. Alarms / Indicating Lights

  • O Color Function Set /pt. Location
1) Generating Green Indication N/A Electrical Room
2) Over Crank Red Shutdown @75 see Electrical Room and Generator Enclosure
3) Overspeed Red Shutdown 2010 rpm Electrical Room and Generator Enclosure
4) LO Oil Press. Red Shutdown 14 psi Electrical Room and Generator Enclosure *
5) HI ENG. TEMP. Red Shutdown 205'F Electrical Room and Generator Enclosure O 6) LO ENG. TEMP. Red Indication @85'F Electrical Room and Generator Enclosure
7) LO BAT VOLT Red Indication 2522 Vdc Electrical Room
8) HI BAT VOLT Red Indication 30 Vdc Electrical Room B. Power Transfer
1) Loss of normal power, start signal sent to Energency Diesel Generator.
2) Approximately 2-5 seconds Emergency Diesel Generator loads with emergency loads.

O EP-2-102 Revision 8 62 Attachment 7.9 (1 of 3)

   .          _                       _     -   __     __      __     _m   .. . _ . _ _ _ . _ . .__ ___ _                                          .- -           . .

4 , EOF Emrgency Diesal Ginarator Cont'd. , 1

3) When power is regained, the Emergency Diesel Generator continues to carry the emergency-loads for 5 minutes before automatically transferring back i

r to the normal power supply.

4) The Emergency Diesel Generator will continue to run for 5 minutes to cool li
;                                             down the unit before it automatically shuts down.

i 3-NOTE i i The Emergency Diesel Generator automatically exercises itself for 30 minutes each week. ' i The unit can be exercised loaded or unloaded. gr 4 I 1 2 f i i l l i  ! i i' 1 l. i EP-2-102 Revision 8 63 Attachment 7.9 (2 of 3)


                                                         %                            LEVEL GAUGE




                                                                       / \


                                                            /                                                                                                           ROOM EL1   MDP            EH-1 MAIN BREAKER REMOTE ANNOUNCATOR PANEL l
                                                            \\ AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH


,                                                                                                                                                      t 1

i 1 I l EP-2-102 REVISION 8 61 ATTACHMENT 7.9 ( 3 0F 3 )



l EOF O 1.0 Follow-up Notification Reports x 1.1 Responsibilities. 1.1.1 The Radiological Assessment Coordinator is responsible for initiating FUN Reports every 30 minutes or when conditions change that cause the emergency condition to be reelssified or result in a change in the status of protective action recommendations. 1.1.2 The Administration / Logistics Coordinator is responsible for the immediate routing of FUN Reports for completion and for providing copies of FUN Reports that have been transmitted to those positions . ]' identified on the routing form. J 1.1.3 The Operations / Engineering Coordinator is responsible for filling out the appropriate sections of the FUN Report after initiation by the - Radiological Assessment Coordinator. 1 1.1.4 The EOF Communicators are responsible for completing appropriate sections of FUN Reports when they are transmitted. 1.1.5 Responsibilities for completion are illustrated on each line of the FUN Report example shown on pages and of this procedure. l' 1.2 Guidance For Completion of FUN Reports i i i l l i EP-2-102 Revision 8 65 Attachment 7.10 (1 of 6) I, ___

GUIDANCE FOR THE COMPLETION OF INFORMATION FOR OFFSITE AGENCIES CONT'D. I i O NOTE Follow-Up Notification Report may be generated manually or by computer in the dose assessment area. 1 l 1.2.1 The FIRST Follow-up Notification Report shall have ALL information blanks filled in sections where information appears. Where specific information is unavailable or not applicable "NONE" or "N/A" will be used to complete the information blank. Where an entire section is

"N/A" check the N/A blank. No information should appear in a section which has been N/A.

j 1.2.2 For those Follow-Up Notification Reports which follow the FIRST 1

!                  Follow-Up Notification Report each section should fall within three categories:

i 1.2.3 "N/A" - Not applicable for the first Report and has remained not

 ;                 applicable for the additional Follow-Up Notification Reports.


1.2.4 New Information - One or more of the section's categories have

, changed. Ensure that ALL information blanks contain information, i None or N/A in a "New Informatton" Section. l 1.2.5 Unchanged - The Information presented in this section has not changed  ; from earlier Follow-Up Notification Form. Check "Unchange", no other f information blanks should contain data in this section. 1 2.0 Other Offsite Communications (Communications Log Forms) I .O EP-2-102 Revision 8 66 Attachment 7.10 (2 of 6)

                                                        . .           . _ - - _ - _ . . _            ,    . -                 , . ~ . _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ -


1. Messages other than FUN Reports to offsite-agencies will be documented using the Communications Log form (Attachment 7.1 of

, EP-2-150)..

2. These forms are to be used for critical messages that must be released to offsite agencies before a FUN Report can be i completed (i.e., protective action recommendations and/or reclassification of
;                              an emergency - within 15 minutes).                            .
3. These forms will also be used for intoming messages.
'O i (__)     2.1   Responsibilities l

2.1.1 This form may be completed by anyone aware of a need to transmit  ; information to offsite agencies, but will not be transmitted without EOF Director approval. 2.1.2 These forms will normally be initiated by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator or Operations / Engineering Coordinator. 2.1.3 The Communications Coordinator is responsible for initiating these forms for certain messages identified in EP-2-010. These include I messages for Waterford 1 & 2 and will be completed using the latest I information from the FUN Reports or other messages for offsite agencies. The EOF Director may also direct the Communications Coordinator to initigte certain messages. f (_,) EP-2-102 Revision 8 67 Attachment 7.10 (3 of 6)

> s GUIDANCE FOR THE COMPLETION OF INFORMATION FOR OFFSITE AGENCIES CONT'D. () 2.2 Distribution 2.2.1 The Communications Log for outgoing offsite agency messages will be controlled as follows: { A. Page 3 - retained by message originator. B. Page 1 - retained by the communicator after the message is , authorized and transmitted. C. Page 2 - returned to the originator af ter the message is I authorized and transmitted. . 2.2.2 The Communications Log for incoming offsite agency messages will be controlled as follows: i i A. Page 3 - retained by communicator. O B. Page 1 - retained by communicator after the message is  ! acknowledged and a reply authorized, i } l C. Page 2 - retained by message intendee. i l l [ EP-2-102 Revision 8 68 Attachment 7.10 (4 of 6)

s ., PART I: FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION FOIt STATE, PARISH AND SECONDARY AGENCIES ' ( Number i 1 This is (C) with Message No. (C) , at (C) hrs., (Name) (Time) 2 on (C) with (C) Telephone No. (C) (Date) (Site) 3 Events are such that a/an:(R)or(0) Unusual Event (R)or(0) Site Area Emergency 4 (R)or(O) Alert (R)or(0) General Emergency 5 was declared at (R) or (0) hrs. (R) or (0) This classification is (Escalated, De-escalated, Unchanged. Terminated) from the

            ~last report.

6 Reason for reclassification: (R) or (0) 7 8 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES: (R) - Entire Section A 9 SECTION A: Radiological Release Information N/A 10 This information is: A) New Information B) Unchanged ([ (1) Type of Radiological Release: %- ) 11 Liquid, Gaseous: Other 12 (2) Time of Reactor Shutdown: hrs. 13 (3) Initial Time of Release hrs. l 14 (4) Release Terminated: NO, YES TIME TERMINATED hrs. 15 (5) Duration of Release: KNOWN or TOTAL PROJECTED (hours) * (hours) 16 (6) Release Rate: Noble Cas Ci/sec Monitored; Calculated 17 Iodine Ci/see Monitored; Calculated 18 Particulate C1/see Monitored; Calculated 19 (7) Release Elevation: Ground Level: Elevated 20 (8) Estimate of Surface Contamination In-Plant, Onsite, or Of fsite: 21 (R) - Entire Section B 22 SECTION B: Meteorology N/A 23 This information is: A) New Information B) Unchanged 24 (1) Wind: Speed sph 25 Direction from into Sector (s) (degrees) (A-R) 26 (2) Stability Class: ABCDEFG 27 (3) Precipitation: None; Rain; Sleet; Snow; Hail O CROUP RESPONSIBILITY (C) Communicator (R) Radiological Assessment Coordinator (0) Operations / Engineering Coordinator EP-2-102 Revision 8 69 Attachment 7.10 (5 of 6)

i Line

Number FOLLOW-UP NOTIFICATION - Page 2 (R) - Entire Section C 1 SECTION C
Offsite Radiological Dose Consequences N/A 2 This is: A) New Information E) Unchanged Projected (1) Projected Whole Body Dose At: Dose Rate Duration Projected Dose i

3 A) Site Boundary mR/hr mrem 4 B) 2 Miles mR/hr mrem

5 C) 5 Miles mR/hr mrem 6 D) 10 Miles mR/hr mrem

! (2) Projected Thyroid Dose Commitment At: Projected Dose f 7~ A) Site Boundary mrem  ! 8 B) 2 Miles mrem 9 C) 5 Miles mrem

10 D) 10 Miles mrem  ;

11 (3) Affected Sectors 12 SECTION D: Emergency Response Considerations N/A i 13 This is: A) New Information B) Unchanged i 14 (1) Recommended Protective Actions: None; Other (Describe) (R) 15

  • j 16 l 17 (2) Licensee Emergency Actions Underway: None; Other (Describe) (0) j 18

! 19 ! 20 (3) Request for Offsite Support: None; Other (Describe) (0) 21 l 22 ] 23 (4) Prognosis for Worsening or. Termination of Event Based on Plant Information: ) 24 None; Other (Describe) (0) l 25 l 26 ! 27 (5) Other Comments: None; Other (Describe) (0) ! 28 i 29 l 30 i, EMERGENCY C00RDINATOR'S/ EOF DIRECTOR - TIME  ! CROUP RESPONSIBILITY (C) Consnunicator (R) Radiological Assessment Coordinator ' (0) Operations / Engineering Coordinator O EP-2-102 Revision 8 70 Attachment 7.10 (6 of 6)

  ~ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _             . - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - __ . . _ _ - - _ . _ _                                                       - . . _         _ _ _ _ . .

f EOF ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS (MESSAGE FORMS, ROUTING, FILING, ETC.) O A. Routing Slips - are provided for use by EOF personnel. These s11ps contain instructions for use on each copy. Items requiring immediate routing should be so indicated on the form. Personnel are expected-to use their best judgement and only designate immediate routing when j absolutely necessary. A separate " Standard Routing Form" has been 1 provided for use with FUN Reports. This form is considered as immediate distribution and will always get priority handling, j B. The short-form Communications Log (Attachment 7.1 of EP-2-150) - is to j he used to document offsite organization messages and internal 4 communications. Numbering of these forms for offsite messages will be controlled by the Communications Coordinator. Numbering of these forms for internal messages wi u be controlled by each originating group using a sequential alpha-numeric numbering system with the following i group designations (i.e., EOF Director messages would be E-1 for the i first message, followed by E-2, E-3, etc.): iO EOF Director - E Radiological Assessment Coordinator - R i Administration / Logistics Coordinator - A Licensing Coordinator - L_ Offsite Technical Advisor - 0 Dose Projection Area - D Communications Coordinator / Communicators - C Operations / Engineering Coordinator / Technical Assessment Engineers - T 1 The routing for messages used as internal cotrearondence/ documentation l i 1 is as follows:

1. Page 3 - retained by originator 3
2. Page 2 - retained by message addressee
3. Page 1 - returned to originator with response

i EP-2-102 Revision 8 71 Attachment 7.11 (1 of 2)

T EOF ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS (MESSAGE FORMS, ROUTING, FILING, ETC.) C0t.'T'D. ]D The routing for messages intended for, or received from, offsite ! agencies is given in Attachment 7.10. 1 C. The Administration / Logistics Coordinator will designate an Administrative Assistant (when available) to continuous 1v circulate I throughout the EOF checking for routing distribution using the , ! following system: l j In Box - All incoming material for the addressee will be provided here. I i ! Out Box - All EOF personnel should use this for any routing, i distribution, copy requests, etc. 4 File Box - All activities associated with documents placed in this box l have been completed and reviewed - documents ready for filing by the j Administrntion/ Logistics Coordinator. i i i f 1 4 i j t 1 l EP-2-102 Revision 8 72 Attachment 7.11 (2 of 2) l l


l O ' LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT U iuSNsvsNU POM VOLUME 18 EP-3-040 P0M SECTION 2 REVISION 6 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY O PORC Meeting No.  ! Reviewed: .hPORC [i[ hm_ Ch rman oJ% [c2d[h Date Approved: .) [.I8 Pla )' Manager-Nucleai Approval Date Eifective Date O i

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tha: a change :: :he "echnical Specifica:10:s is ::: required, and cha: nuclear safe:7 is/vas ::: adversely affec:ed.

     'CR*:n                                                                                                     R.ICCE2ENDD 07                FCRC FE                                    PCEC 152GIR                              TCR A??ECVAI.                  D A"'I
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If yes, ensure dec,=es:2:ics supporting review is a:: ached. This ite: requires QA review pric  := PM-N approval? C TIS h NO OA E.:. i T.! Reviewed by b/O CA Z l. - l C :pers:e QA Y.anager i

 ?'_ Alt M_s2TACI? 'CC* E).2 AS?'tG'IAI.         (REFER TO 0 ==e::s:

1 - Approved by A. ' ' Y D NT Flan ..a=ge r iucl.ea r U'i'"-1-00/ ' F evisien 6 13 . . 4:.::.9 en: 6.1 ( '. e s '



V CHANGE / REVISION / DELETION REQUEST } l[lPORC-S/C Procedure No. h-3-Ode Title ([/herdysi Em(lPOM 6'N 44 leg 4n' Effective Date (ifdifferentfromapprovaldate) Complete A, B, and C A. Change No. Expiration Date l[l Permanent l[l Deviation B. Revision No. C. Deletion (( LYES JhNO DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR REVISION

                       ]r c f,Ik 1


                     % i fr-l k % b Y $ ( Otn.h i             y O                                   -        -      -

REQUIRED SIGNATURE I [ [_# - ORIGINATOR DATE  !~) C SAFETY REVIEW Does this change, revision. or deletion:

1. Change the facility as described in the FSAR?


2. Change the procedures as described in the FSAR? YES NO V
3. Conduct tests / experiments not described in the FSAR? YES NO v'
4. Require a change to the Tecnnical Specifications? YES NO /

If the answer to any of the aboved g yes, complete and attach a 10CFRSO.59 Safety Evafiia'tio O / ./ SAFETY REVIEW / k DATE b) A'6 TECHNICAL REVIEW [d2d , . DATE 9-2E-87 GROUP HEAD REVIEW 78 /2Mb U DATE P /7f[/I TEMPORARY APPROVAL * (SRO) DATE TEMPORARY APPROVAL

  • DATE
  • Temporary approval must be followed by Plant Manager /APM-N - Nuclear approval within 3

Q 14 days. ' UNT-1-003 Revision 8 '3 1 Attachment 6.7 (1 of 1)

k Em;rgtncy Pirn Supporting Procedure EP-3-040 Emergency Equipment Inventory Revision 6 ts / N m, TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE


3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Inventory Checklist 5.2 Invento ry 7, 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Inventory Checklist - OSC E=ergency Locker (3 pages) 7.2 Inventory Checklist - Field Monitoring Kits (A B.C, Onsite Monitoring Kit) (3 pages) 7.3 Inventory Checklist - Personnel Decon Kit (1,2,3) (2 pages) 7.4 Inventory Checklist - TSC HP Emergency Locker (1 page) 7.5 Inventory Checklist - E0F HP Emergency Locker (2 pages) 7.6 Inventory Checklist - HP Ambulance Kit (1 page) 7.7 Inventory Checklist - Assembly Area Supervisor Kit (1 page) 7.8 Inventory Checklist - HP Hospital Locker (West Jefferson, Ochsner) (2 pagea) 7.9 Inventory Checklist - Primary Access Point (1 page) g (- 3 , j 1 1

, _ . . . ~ . - . . . . - .   . --

[ Emergency Plan Supporting Procedure EP-3-040 I l Emergency Equipment Inventory Revision 6 e l- LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES l-I i Title Revision 6 i 1-6,12,13,18,21- Revision 6 7-11,14-17,19,20- Revision 5 f; I

                                                                                                        .                                                    i i

f t . l l I 4 i i 3 I i i i I 1  ; I 5 I f l 1 . l 2  ; t I l e __ 4

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l Emsrgsney Plan Supporting Procedura EP-3-040 Emergency Equipment Inventory Revision 6

   'en U                1.0 PURPOSE l

The purpose of this procedure is to describe the contents of the emergency kits / lockers and provide for the periodic inventory, calibration and maintenance requirements for the indicated emergency supplies and equipment. 4 J


2.1 Waterford 3 SES Emergency Plan. 2.2 HP-1-210 Health Physics Instrument Control 2.3 HP-2-430. Efficiency Determination and Statistical Checks of I Single / Dual Channel Gamma Analyzers 2.4 HP-2-602, Respiratory Protection Equipment Quality Control 1 i - 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4 3.1 The Emergency Planning Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the periodic inventory of emergency kits and lockers described in this procedure. 3.2 The Health Physics Supervisor and Emergency Planning Coordinator are , responsible for ensuring performance of the actual inventory as specified on the Inventory Checklists. 4.0 INITIATING CONDITIONS l

Emergency equipment, stored for emergency use, shall be inventoried, inspected, and operationally checked at the following frequencies

) 1 j 4.1 At least once each calendar quarter 4.2 Af ter each use _() i i. 3

                        . _ _ .         _ . _ _ _     .. - ~ . - . _ . _ _ _            . _ _ _ _ . _ .           _ _          ___                     ._.-_ ,

Emsrgsney Plan Supporting Procedure EP-3-040 Emergency Equipment Inventory Revision 6 O 4.3 After a plastic lock seal or breakaway lock has been found broken 4.4 Any other time specified by,the Emergency Planning Coordinator or N

Emergency Coordinator 's '

1 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 INVENTORY CHECKLIST Select an Inventory Checklist from the Attachments section of this procedure. Inventory the emergency equipment as described in section

,                     5.2.

5.2 INVENTORY 5.2.1 Check to see that breakaway seals are intact. 5.2.2 Compara contents of kit to number required on the Inventory Checklist. l 5.2.3 Complete data columns on the Inventory Checklist: Actual Quantity l l Serial Number (if applicable) Calibration Due Date (if applicable) 4 operational check (satisfactory or unsatisfactory, as applicable) ) NOTE f . 4 . a i Operational checks and maintenance will be performed

  ,                                in accordance with normal Health Physics procedures
                                -  HP-1-210 and HP-2-430 and the technical manual for the'          ,

instrument being checked.  !

                                 .                                                                  i j                                 r 4
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_ _ ~ - . _ . . . __. - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ . _ . . . _ . _ _ - _ 4., Enargincy Pitn Supporting Procedure EP-3-040 ) , Emergency Equipment Inventory Revision 6 f'i

!       V j                               5.2.4 Compare calibration due dates to the dates of the next scheduled inspections.                        If a calibration due date occurs prior to the next scheduled inspection date, replace instrument with one whose calibration expires after the'next scheduled inspection date.                                                                         l I

I NOTE 4 l. Instruments shall not be removed from the kits for } calibration without a replacement unless the instrument will be calibrated and returned to the kit on the same day.) l f 4 4 5.2.5 Replace batteries kept in the kit with new batteries. l 5.2.6 Check protective clothing (inspect for tears, rips or worn 1 spots). Replace as necessary. iO ! 5.2.7 Check all respirators in accordance with HP-2-602 (if applicable). i Replace as necessary. 1 l 5.2.8 Repack emergency kit / locker and seal. i j l j 5.2.9 Record all deficiencies and actions taken to resolve the ! deficiencies under the " Comments" section. l 5.2.10 Sign and date the Inventory Checklist. 1 5.2.11 Repeat steps in section 5.0 until all attachments are completed. l l 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS l t 6.1 All Inventory Checklists have been completed. l () 6.2 All deficiencies have been resolved. 9 5

1 ,

        .                                                                                                                                                  i
!              Emergincy Plan Supporting Procedure                                                                        EP-3-040
    ,          Emergency Equipment Inventory                                                                             Revision 6 O

4 6.3 All attachments have been forwarded to the Emergency Planning }, Coordinator. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Inventory Checklist - OSC Emergency Locker 7.2 Inventory Checklist - Field Monitoring Kits (A.B.C, Onsite Monitoring Kit) i 7.3 Inventory Checklist - Personnel Decon Kit (1,2,3) < f 7.4 Inventory Checklist - TSC HP Emergency Locker 7.5 Inventory Checklist - EOF HP Emergency Locker 7.6 Inventory Checklist - HP Ambulance Kit { 7.7 Inventory Checklist - Assembly Area Supervisor Kit

!              7.8 Inventory Checklist - HP Hospital Locker (West Jefferson, Ochsner) 7.9 Inventory Checklist - Primary Access Point (1 page) i 1

l i f



N INVENTORY CHECRLIST , INVENTORY DESCRIPTION:_ OSC Emergency Incher , RESroleSIBILITY HP Suogrvisor IACATION: Service Buildina 2nd Floor - IIVAC Room ITEM DESCRIPT1006 NtMSER ACTtlAL SERIAL F.Al.IBRATIole COIIDITIDII CottlENTS REQUIRED ()UANTITY Ntm8ER IMIE DATE SAT /tlplSAT l R02 I l RJ2A I . Teletector I Teletector i PIC-6A I l'IC-6 A 1 i I.udium 177 w/rancak. Prah. l . . I t i

           . Air Sampler (H. Val _)                                   I
            !kis teetet Charmer                                       I                                                                                                                            .     ,

I.udlum 12 w/ Pancake Prnhe I t_n's 20 _ liosimeter 0-730 Ha 20  !! iMsimeter 0-10 m ?n ll CS-l U maat t aa thc h h re= 1 m Portable RaJio 5 Portable Radio Clearner 5 < _ SCBA 10 l I SCBA Spare Air Cylindera 10 _ Air Purifyina namn. w/r*=== Inters 30 - _ m __ PC Coverall. f t .) 40 . rc Clot h Ik>ods (set s) 40 _ _ INVENT 0ftY CtN0 DUCTED BY: DATE: REVIEWER BY: DATE: llealth rhysics Supervisor l REVIEWED BV: DATE: ,, Fmergency rianning Coordlingtor a: Project Files - Original rP- 1-040 l'rvinlos 6 6 At t artimeni 1.1 (l "8 il

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! O- C INVENTORY CHECRI.lST O . Field Nnitoring Rits A B C INVENTORY DESCRlrTION _ and Onsite lionitoring Kit RESPONSIRil.lTT HF Supervisor IA) CATION: Service Building 2nd Floor - IIVAC stoosi (Circle one) i i ITEh DESCRIFTION ' NielsER ACrilAl, SERIAL. FAl.lBRATION CONDITION CottlEN TS REgillRED qilANTITY NUHRER DUE DATE SAT /UNSAT R02A I Air Sampler (battery) I CS-137 Button Check Source  ! . Ba-133 Car t ridge Check Source *

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I.inituse 2218 w/Nel Detector

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Detector Cable

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rotassium lodide (11) (nottles) 2 , _. EP-2-06t) Rev. I _ EP-2-061 Rev. I _ _ _ Survev Locatiom flana 1 , uritIne Tablete 2 - Clipboards 2  ; rens 6 >"C~ _

               ? lark-a-lot                                              1                                      -                                                     .

Flashlistht e 2 Air Sample Filters - 7" (han) 1 - Air Sample Envelopes 33 i Silver Zeolite Cartrideem 10 _ Sample Bastn (Whirl Faks) 10 _ Tape - 2" roll l * ( , . _ _ _ _ _ INVENTORY CONDUCTED BY: DATE: a locatc.I in Osc REVIEWED BY: DATE: Emergency lu gg:e

 ;                                                   llcalth rhysics Supervloor REVIEWED BY:                                                                                                           IIATE:

Emergency Planning Coor llnator i cc: Project Files - Original EP-1-040 Hevisism 5 ') AtenehmentJ.? (I of 3)


                                                                                                                        .                                       Field !Ionitoring Rita A B C INVENTORY                                                                                     DESCRIPTI0lis _ sad Onsite llonatorinR Kit RESFollSIBil.lTY              Nr Supervisor                                   .                IRCATI0ll     Service Butiding 2nd Floor - IIVAC Itoom ITEM DESCR1FTION                                    NtMSER           ACTUAt.                  SERLAI.          FAl.IBRATION CONDITICII                        Ct90 MITS
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D O . O . INVENTORY CHECRI.IST j i a INVENTORY DESCRIPTION: EOF NF Emergency Isclier RESPONSIBII.1TY_llP Supervi.or IJICATION Energy Educ.t f on Center. Einer r,ency :it or ige

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o ITFJI DESCRIPTION NUMBER ACTilAL SERIAI. I:ALIBRATION CONDITION Cnt99F.NTs REQUIRED QUANTITY NilHSER DilE DATE SAT /UNSAT 1.udlum 177 or t.udiuse 12 w/ Probe 2 l'IC-6 A 3 CS-137 Button Check Source t .


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  • locat ed .t EOF REVIEWED BY: DATE: Ent e.nre an.1 p..,e lle.lth rhy.ic. Supervi.or Projectton Arc..

REVIEWED BY: DATE: Emergency Planning coordinator cc: Pro. lect Files - Orir.in.il g EP-1-040 llevlailein 5 AtInrheent 1 . 5 (1 eil ll


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reit Ti, n.,uine ren. e / \ / \ Not et ooke 6 \ \ [ f \ WrItine Tablets 12 \ ,_ INVENTORY CONDUCTED BT: DATE: REVIEWED BT: DATE: Health Physics Supervisor REVIEWED BY: DATE: Emergency Planning Coordinator re: l'ro j ec t l'i les - Or igin.i t EP 040 Revision s I9 At t arlement 7.I! (I s*f M g1


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