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EDG Reliability Program Description & Comparison W/Nrc Reg Guide 1.155,Section 1.2
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/29/1992
Shared Package
ML20101B831 List:
RTR-REGGD-01.155, RTR-REGGD-1.155 PROC-920529, NUDOCS 9206050202
Download: ML20101B832 (47)


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1 J ADDendix A The NRC on January 15, 1992 issued the Waterford 3 Safety Evaluation Report (SER) on Station Blackout (SBO). Section 2.6 of the SER stated that the licensee did not specifically state that a reliability program in accordance with R.G. 1.155, Section 1. 2, will be implemented. The SER stated that the licensee should implement an EDG reliabi?.ity program which as a minimum meets the guidance of R.G. 1.155, arction 1.2. Waterford 3 on February 28, 1992 via letter W1F192-0015 apprised the NRC that a description of the Waterford 3 EDG reliability program was available as part of the SBO evaluation of record. The elements of the EDG reliability program were described, and Waterford 3 conveyed the EDG reliability program meets the intent of regulatory position 1.2 of Regulatory Guide 1.155. However, Waterford 3 also conveyed to the NRC items 1 through 5 of Regulatory Guide 1.155, section 1.2, were generally stated and were subject to interpretation. Accordingly Apper. dix A provides detailed information regarding the EDG reliability program specifically addressing how the elements of the EDG reliability program described in section 1.2 of Regulatory Guide 1.155 are implemented.

Section 1.2 of Regulatory Guide 1.155 states that an EDG reliability program would typically be comprised of the following elements or activities (or their equivalent):

1. Individual EDG reliability target levels consistent with the plant category and coping duration selected from Table 2.
2. Surveillance testing and reliability monitoring programs designed tc track EDG performance and to support maintenance activities.
3. A maintenance program that ensures that the target EDG re.'.iability is being achieved and that provides a capability fcc failure analysis and root-cause investigations.
4. An information and data collection system that services the elements of the reliability program and that monitors achieved EDG reliability levels against target values.
5. Identified responsibilities for the major program elements and a management oversight program for reviewing reliability levels being achieved and ensuring that the program is functioning properly.

The Waterford 3 EDG Reliability Program description relative to each of the items of section 1.2 of Regulatory Guida 1.155 is the following:

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Appendix A

-1; -Individual EDG Reliability Taraats

, LWaterford 3 on April- 14, 1989 via letter W3P89-0510' identified-

,, 1to :thelNRC the' Waterford 3. individual .

target reliability .of f 0.975.- The EDG: ~ target reliability .was established- in acco7 dance-~with the=-plant ~ category and coping duration selected from Table:2 of Regulatory Guide 1.155.

2. Surveillance Testina and Reliability Monitorina y -Surveillance Testing for the EDG is performed in accordance withi Technical' Specification 3/4.8.1. The technical specification'surveillancesLinvolve tasks which require-the

- operation' of. the -diesel generators and support systems. Table one <(1) _ identifies the applicable surveillances, procedures,

= frequencies,_ nodes, . and support systems.

/ A number of different reliability or trending _ programs are in -

place at Waterford - 3. The - Event Analysis and Reporting

-(EAR &R) Manager i's responsible for the= overall administration-


o *

'of the; Plant Trending Program.- - Procedure UNT-007-025, " Plant-Trending. Program," . specifies- the - essential elements which the -

= trending: programs 1:shall; contain. Categorically, these

elements involve data collection, evaluation of trended data, andL - trending .. -~of < follow-up_ actions. The ' Maintenance Superintendent has overall responsibility- for the Maintenance

- Department : Trending Progre.a.. .This program . includes the .

-identification of components and parameters to be trended; the

. collection,1 compilation,'and;segration of' data;,the analysis ofmcollected ' data;! ' and - the . initiation - of_ any . corrective maintenances Typical -parameters 7 which are trended on a imonthly; frequency Jin accordance : with s procedura MD-01-016,. *

1"Failuraland Trend' Analysis'," by maintenance-for the EDGs are-oilisample analysis,. cylinder _ exhaust ~ temperature,_.and peak l> cylinder pressure.;;The" Systems Engineer;is
responsible for performing trending:of the: EDGE?in accordance with procedure y - PE-01-009, = " Emergency . Diesel 1 Generators Data Trending- and Evaluations".: The :Systemsi Engineer trends key performance indicators to ' detect earlyEsignsJ of wear, fouling - of -heat transfer: surfaces, loss - _of _ fluid system- pressure,
  • b unreliability,, or -loss -of capacity.- Some sof the EDG . key .

l performance; indicators which are trended are shown in' Table- "

Two, (2).: The Systems-- Engineer evaluates ' technical specificationJsurveillance data- and trending data, and the ,

data,is' maintained in a binder. - The Systems Engineer prepares -

a quarterly report which documents EDG performance during each

~ quarter. . . The ! quarterly report documents the Waterford 3 '

j' target reliability, exceedence trigger values (20, 50, and 100 i: demands),,and actual' failures (20, 50, and 100 demands).


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Accendix A Adverse trends and abnormal conditions observed as a result of technical specification surveillances or reliability monitoring are identified through a condition Identification (CI) in accordance with procedure UNT-005-002, " Condition Identification," The basic elements for a condition adverse to quality addressed by a CI ares deficiency identification and immediate actic7; root cause determination; corrective action determination; prioritization of corrective action; and tracking and closure. Management places a high level of attention to assure EDG CIs are promptly prioritized and that routine repairs that affect diesel operability are promptly fixed. Routine repairs not affecting diesel operability are scheduled for the next diesel maintenance outage. Non-routine repairs are dispositioned by the Systems Engineer.

3. Maintenance Procram The Waterford 3 maintenance program consists of corrective and preventive maintenance elements. Corrective actions are identified and reported in accordance with UNT-005-002,

" Condition Identification" and corrected in accordance with UNT-005-015, " Work Authorization." Entergy Operations Waterford 3 employees are responsible for reportbg and identifying- abnormal conditions upon obse n tic. and initiating a CI to obtain resolution. Conditions advwrse to quality cre required to be identified as a Nonconformance Condition Identification (NCI). 'The elements for conditions adverse to quality are: deficiency identification and immediate action; root cause determination;- corrective action determination, prioritization of corrective action, and tracking and closure.

The EDG preventive maintenance program consists of 210 electrical, 179 I&C, and 53 mechanical maintenance tasks.

Typical electrical equipment includes relays, circuit breakers, voltmeters, synchroscopes, frequency meters, anmeters, varmeters, and tranducers. Typical electrical preventive tasks include calibrations, replacements, functional tests, and maintenance. The I&C tasks consists

! primarily of' calibrations, functional tests, or cleaning and inspection of indicators and switches. The mechanical maintenance tasks are described in mechanical maintenance procedures; MM-003-015, "18 Month Emergoncy Diesel Engine Inspection," MM-003-041 (currently under preparation) "5 Year Emergency Diesel Engine Inspection," and MM-003-42, " Ten Year Emergency Diesel Engine Inspection". The types of preventive maintenance and procedures performed ure listed in Tables Tnree (3), Four (4), and Five (5) respectively.



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1 Aooeridix A Failure analysis is performed in accordance with procedures UNT-006-003, " Equipment Failure Trending" and MD-001-016

" Failure and Trend Analysis". Root cause determinations are performed in accordance with procedure UNT-006-016 " Root Cause Investigation and Analysis." The Reliability Engineering Supervisor is responsible for the periodic review of plant specific equipment failure data, industry failure data, and j industry failure reports, such as the NPRDS Component Failure


Analysis Report (CFAR) ta determine the need to perform a Unit Availability Investigation (UAI). A UAI is a detailed review and analysis of component failures to determine the underlying causes of the failure, determine component reliability, and make recommendations for improvement. A componont may become a UAI candidate when anyone of the following UAI criteria is met:

  • A single component accounts for more than 2000 lost megawatt hours.
  • There are excessive failures of components. The threshold for excessive failures are: three failure per quarter for aggregate of components of the same make and model. Two failures per annum for the same piece part of a single component.
  • A specific component failure rate exceeds the industry average by a factor of 2, as indicated by the NPRDS CFAR or other industry failure reports.
  • Routine trends, as identified by Maintenance or Systems Engineering, indicate a high failure rate.
  • Analysis of failure trends indicates a need for further investigation.

+ Management recommendu an invest.<jation.

Every calendar quarter, Systems Engineering and Maintenance Engineering are provided a list of components with excessive corrective maintenance activities as well as components that may need a root cause analysis. As discussed in item 2, the Maintenance Superintendent and the Systems Engineer are responsible for performing trending in accordance with procedures UNT-007-025 and PE-01-009. In accordance with procedure UNT-007-025, the discipline planners are responsible for ensuring that a review of any history stored in SIMs is performed when planning corrective maintenance Work Authorizations, identifying abnormally repetitive maintenance items, and using the results of trending analysis in enhancing work packages and corrective maintenance. In accordance with 4


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Appendir A  ;

b 'l procedure:PE-01-009,ethe Systems Engineer is responsible for i

-investigating those items not meeting performance. indicators,

' determining the cause of variances that might have an.effect gg no n EDG reliability,.and improving EDG reliability.

( ( RootL cause Linvestigations can' be , initiated by a department manager. Root cause; investigations are performed by the Event and: Analysis: ' organization. The 'need for -a Root. Cause InvestigationE(RCI) ;is based = on1a condition meeting certain 1 threshold criteria documented in procedure UNT-006-016. Some

-of- -the RCI ' threshold criteria include: . events -involving-reliability determined to be significant due to its causes,or consequences;;problen trends, patterns, or failure rates that have1a strong potential to lead to a significant: event,-or deficiencies:in design or maintenance that likely could-cause a significant event, o

p l ;4.- Information and Data' Collection' System NPRDS-and SIMs are the data collection systems and data bases

-used toiservice the elements of the EDG reliability program.

-These data bases store equipment failure and repair historias, j Reliability Engineering-uses these data bases to determine the .

freliability and failure trends of components. NPRDS-and SIMs

'are also- used by ? the systems and maintenance ? engineersi for assessing Lthe. reliability and g fallure trends of - components..

L Reliability Engineering issues a Monthly Availability. Report l1 and a-Quarterly Trend: Report based'on the-assessment of the rel'iability; and . failure trends .of components. ; The EDGs are a

major _ component of these assessments and reports. The Monthly

' Availability Report 1.and the;QuarterlyiTrend_ Report are made ,

2 av'allablejto management and-engineering personnel.. The EDG

Systems Engineer
also receives the RAMIS . report: produced 5by

?MaintenanceLfrom the SIMs: data base.1__ The RAMIS report is cissued 4 on L a 1 weekly? schedule, J and ? it _ tabulates Eallf open CIs c

The_ Systems Engineer usssia manual. data


' indexed by-system.-

collection-system to monitor achieved EDG reliabilities.L The manual data collection systems is a ' log of all valid start and load demandsLand failures-for the EDGs.- -In'accordance with procedure.PE-01-009, the. Systems Engineer-issues.a quarterly

. -performance report for the EDGs.--As discussed'in item 2,.the quarterly report documents the Waterford 3 target reliability,.

exceedence trigger values - (20, ' 50, - and 100 demands). . .The report-is' issued-to the Technical Services Manager and other

- senior management personnel 11ncluding _ the' General . Manager, Plant Operations.

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, Accendix A

/ 5. Responsibilities Responsibilities for the program elements are delineated in procedures. The Systems Engineer is responsible for the overall reliability of the EDGs in accordance with procedures PE-01-005, " Systems Engineering Program" and PE-01-009,

" Emergency Diesel Generators Data Trending and Evaluations."

Reliability Engineering is responsible for monitoring equipment failures in accordance with procedure UNT-006-003,

" Equipment Failure Trending". Event Analysis Response and Reporting are responsible for performing investigations and root cause determinations in accordance with procedure UNT-006-016 " Root Cause Investigation and Analysis". Management personnel are informed of the performance of the EDGs via tha Systems Engineering Quarterly Report, the Quarterly Trend Report, and the Monthly Availability Report.

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ADoendix A ~

l-l Table One (1)-

EDG Technical Specification Surveillances l

l Surveillance Surveil- Frequency Modes: Remarks i Number lance :1:2:3:4:5:6:

i Proc 3 dure Number-l Refueling AC - Transfer Power to' OP-903-067 :1:2:3:4:::

! d Interval Alternate - Auto & Manual

$ . OP-903-068 See Table ' :1:2:3:4::: AC - Diesel' Start Etc.,

l41 thru 6 4.8-1, STB Staggered Test Basis OP-903-068 Monthly & :1:2:3:4::: AC - Check Fuel for Water DG Run Equal to or

, Greater Than'1 hr. CE-2-100 Quarterly & :1:2:3:4::: AC - Fuel Sample 1 thru 3 CE-3-601 Prior to CE-3-602 Adding New

, Fuel-to Tank OP-903-115 Refueling 11:2:3:4::: AC - OG Testing

, 1-thru 12 OP-903-116  ; Interval 4.8.L 1.2.E MM-3-015- I efueling R '11:2:3:4::: AC - DG Insp.

Interval (24 Months) 7

. Appendin A -

Table One (1)

EDG Technical Specification Surveillances l

Surveillance Surveil- Frequency Modes Remarks Number lance :1:2:3:4:5:6:

Procedure Number PE-5-031 10 Yrs. or :1:2:3:4::: AC - DG Dual Start After Any Modifica-tions MM-3-019 10 Yrs :1:2:3:4::: AC - Fuel Tank Cleaning 1 ISI Plan 10 Yrs :1:2:3:4::: AC - Fuel Sys. Hydro.

2 MM-3-019 Each Time :1:2:3:4::: AC - Fuel Tank Insp.

Tank Is Drained UNT-6-012 Each :1:2:3:4:5:6: AC - Reporting DG Failure Failure' Per 6.9.2 OP-903-066, See Tech  :::::::::5:6: AC Sources Shutdown - Same 067, 068, Spec. Surveillance As Modes 1, 2,

115, 116, 3, 4, Except -

CE-2-100, One Train 601, 602, MM-3-015, 019, PE l 131 _


ADoendix A Table Two (2)

EDG Key Performance Tendina Indicators 1

Lube oil Pressure Lube Oil. Temperature, Engine In Lube Oil Temperature, Engine Out Lube Oil Filter Diff. Pressure Lube Oil Strainer Diff. Pressure Jacket-Water (J.W.) Pressure Jacket Water Temperature, Engine In Jacket Water Temperature, Engine Out Fuel Oil (F.O.) Pressure F.O. Strainer Diff. Pressure F.O. Filter Diff. Pressure Starting air Pressure Left Starting Air Pressure Right Turbo Charger Outlet Pressure Turbo Charger L.O. Pressure Cylinder Exhaust. Temps KW Load i


Fi Anoendix A Table Three (3)

EDG Preventive Maintenance and Procedures la Month Insnection Preparation for Entering Crankcase Measurement of Crankshaft Web Deflection Measurement and Recording of Hain and Rod Bearing Clearances (Jacking Method)

Outboard Bearing Inspection Cylinder Liners, Piston Skirts, All Bolts, and All Locking Devices Inspection from Inside Crankcase Removal, Testing, and Installation-of Pucl Injection Nozzles and Borescope Inspection of Cylinder Liners Rocker Arm Assemblies Inspection (Without Disassembly)

Valve Timing and Tappet Clearance check Auxiliary Drive at Forward End Inspection Main Drive at Aft End Inspection Crankcase closure Crankcasa and cylinder Head Breather Inspection Air Inlet System Inspection Checking of Turbocharger Rotor for Freedom of Rotation Lube Oil Pull-Flow Filter and Strainer Inspection 1

Fuel Oil Filter, Strainer, and Turbocharger Lube Oil Filter Inspection Hydraulic Governor Inspection Engine Analysis and Vibration Survey 10

1 I

.. . l Accendix A l

Table Four (4) l i

EDG Preventive Maintenance and Procedures Five Year InsoectionUI Preparation for Entering Crankcase Measurement of Crankshaft Web Deflection Measurement and Recording of Main and Rod Bearing Clearances (Jacking Method)

Plexible Line Replacement, Internal and External

Outboard Bearing Inspection Cylinder Liners, Piston Skirts, All Bolts, and All Locking Devices Inspection from Inside Crankcase Removal, Testing and Installation of Fuel Injection Nozzles and Borescope Inspection of Cylinder Liners Rocker Arm Assemblies Inspection (Without Disassembly)

Removal, Calibration, end Installation of Fuel Injection Pumps l Valve Timing and Tappet clearance check Auxiliary Drive at Forward End Inspection Main Drive at Aft End Inspection Crankcase Closure Crankcase and Cylinder Head Breather Inspection Air Inlet System inspection Checking of Turbocharger Rotor for Freedom of Rotation Lube Oil Full-flow Filter and Strainer Inspection l Fuel Oil Filter, Strainer, Turbocharger Lube Oil Filter Inspection Hydraulic Governor Inspection Engine-driven Main Lube Oil Pump Inspection 11

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Appendix A

Table Four (4)-

.~ _

EDG Preventive Maintenance and. Procedures Five Year Inanection'"

r (Continued)

_ Circulating 011' Pump Inspection

', ~

N Standby Oil Pump Inspection

-; Engine-driven Fuel'011-Booster. Pump. Inspection

-Motor-driven. Standby Fuel Oil Booster = Pump Inspection -

I Engine-driven Jacket Water Pump Inspection LCirculating Jacket WatariPump Inspection -)

Lubricating 011' Cooler Inspection
Jacket 1 Water
Cooler. Inspection-Exhaust Silencer-Inspection- -

+ / Engine Analysis 3and: Vibration-Survey r

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l(1) 0-Procedure; MM-003-041 Currently Under Preparation 12

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_ 34 s Accendix A Table Five (5)

EDG Preventive Maintenance and Procedu*ces Ten Year Insoection Prepsyation.for Entering Crankcase Measurement of Crankshaf' . Web Deflection Measurement and Recording of Main and Rod Bearing Clearances (Jacking Method)

LFlexibl'e~Line Replacement, Internal and External Outboard Bearing Inspection cylinder Liners, Piston Skirts,.All Bolts, and All Locking Devices

' Inspection from Inside Crankeese Removal,-Testing, and Installation of-Fuel Injection Nozzlen and Borescope Inspection of-Cylinder Liners Rocker Arm Assemblies Inspection (Without Disassembly)

Ramoval, Calibration, and' Installation of Fuel' Injection Pumps Valve Timing and: Tappet clearance Check Auxiliary Drive'at Forward End Inspection

-Main Drive-at Aft End Inspection L Crankcase Closure-Crankcase.and Cylinder Head Breather Inspection l1 Air Inlet System Inspection Turbocharger Removal LChecking of. Turbocharger Rotor for Freedom of Rotation

' Turbocharger-Installation.

-Lube Oil Full-flow' Filter and Strainer Inspection Fuel -011- Filter, Strainer, and. Turbocharger Lube Oil Filter

. Inspection 13

Anoendix A Table Five (5)

EDG Preventative Maintenance and Procedures Ten Year Inspection (Continued)

Hydraulic Governor Inspection Engine-driven Muin Lube Oil Pump Inspection Circulating 011 Pump Inspection Standby 011 Pump Inspection Engine-driven tuel Oil Booster Pump Inspection Motor-driven Standby Puel Oil Booster Pump Inspection Engine-driven Jacket Water Pump Inspection Circulating Jacket Water Pump Inspection Lubricating 011 Cooler Inspection Jacket Water Cooler Inspection Standpipe Inspection Exhaust Silencer Inspection Engine Power Cylinder Com ression Test Engine Analysis and Vibration Survey 14

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. Loads Shed on Battery 3A-Dc-S, 33-Dc-S and 3AB-DC-s


h DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 h


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Th1 tTRC on January 15, 1992 issued the Waterford 3 Mfety cr'"stion Report (SER) on Station Blackout (SBO). The SER, sec 7 2.2.2, Recommendations (1) and (2), stated that the

-lic6..dee should justify the shedding of the control room monitoring systams (instrurentation) and that tb= licensee should identify the specific loads shed by the plant L.d justify shedding of those loads. Waterford 3 on February 28., 1992 via letter W3F192-0015 concurred _vith recommendations (1) and (2). Waterford 3 also dpprised the NRC that the specific loads which are shed during an SBO 'vould be identified and that justification would be provided for each load which is shed. Appendix B provides this information.

As noted in letter W3F192-0015, Waterford 3 plans to replace batteries 3A-DC-S, 3B-DC-S, and 3AB-DC-S with new batteries. Each new battery will provide 10% design margin at a temperatura of 70'F. However, the new batteries will not have a life of 20 years, and the new batteries will have to be replaced when the performance test or service tast indicate a capacity of less than 100%, (i.e.,

there is no aging factor). The temperatures in the battery rooms will be procedurally maintained between 78'-82

  • F. This temperature control will provide additional operational flexibility.

The need to make a change to procedure OP-902-005 has been identified. During an SBO, the start signal to the EDG is present due to an undervoltage signal on tr.c 4.16KV buses. The start signal also maintains the solenoid valves associated with the EDG air receivers in the open position, thus allowing the air receivers to discharge. The change required for procedure OP-902-005 is for l the opening of the circuit breakers for the EDG control power.

l This change will allow the EDG air receivers to recharge without any concurrent depressurization. The change will also preclude the possibility that the EDGs could inadvertently start while personnel are troubleshooting the EDGs thus obviating a potential personnel hazard.

The battery calculations were revised in May 1992 to account for two circuit breaker spring charging motors. Each_of these motors has a 60 amp inrush current when the 4.16KV breakers are automatically closed in the last minute of a station blackout. The inrush currents result in additional voltage drop at the battery terminals. Battery 3B-DC-S is slightly more loaded than battery 3A-DC-S. In order to compensate for these additional loads', the revised calculations incorporated stripping of the EDG control circuits (discussed above) within 30 minutes of the SBO event.

This assures that there is adequate voltage (105V) at the terminals of the Static Uninterruptible Supplies (SUPS) during the last minute of the SBO. The SUPS do not trip if the terminal voltage drops below 105VDC. The ability of the SUPS to provide ragulated output current at the lower input voltage of 101VDC will be verified by the end of RFS. The control power is restored prior to starting the respective diesel. A standing Instruction was issued in May 1992 to address the necessary operator actions. Procedure l

OP-902-005 will be revised by the end of RF5 to address the necessary operator actions.


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LOAD SIIEDDING BATTERY.3A-DC-S The following DC breakers are opened within 30 minutes of ontet of station blackout.

ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 1 LTN-EBKR-322-1 Thece breakara power DC lights in the control 2 -LTN-EBKR-322-2 room area behind the control boards and two 3 LTN-EBKR-322-3 lighta for BOP boards. After the cabinet soors have been opened, there are no funther actione necessary in the rear of the mtin control room. This action conserves batteries and reduces heat load in the control room.

  • 4 EG-EBKR-A-11 Diesel Generator 3A-S Control Panel feeder CWD 2313 No. 1. EDG is censidered unavailable for SBO.
  • 5 EG-EBKR-A-12 Diesel Generator 3A-S Control Panel Feeder CWD 2319 No.
  • EDO is considered unavailable for SBC.

-6 EGF-EBKR-A-13 This breaker powers the emergency diesel CWD 2308 generater (EDG) "A" fuel oil boocter pump.

In coping with SBO, the EDG is considered

( 'C unavailable-and the booster pamp is not required. At Waterford 3, the fuel oil day tank is located at a higher elevation than the EDG. The static head pressure is adequate to maintain fuel oil pressure for starting the EDG.

_7- ID-EBKR-A-35 See PDP-390 for itemizing loads deonergized.

  • 8 EG-EBKR-1A-1 Diesel Ger.arator 3A-S Non-Critical Control CWD 2315 - Power. EDO is considered unavailable for SBO.
  • 9 'EG-EBKR-1A-13 Diesel Generator 3A-L Non-Critical Control l: CWD 2315 Power. EDG is considsred unavailable for

'! SBO.

The 120V AC breakers for static uninterruptible power supplies SMA and SMC are

( identified individually.

  • Pendir.g change for Procedure OP-902-005.


- DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-2

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Breaker ID-EEKR-A-35 on 3A-DC-S is opened by _ operator. As a result, PDP-390 is de-energized and the following loadc loose power from statie uninterruptible power supply 3A-Si ID NUMBER Le*0 SUPPLIED

-1 CVC-EBKR-90A-1 Power feeder breaker fnt solanoid valve CWD'300 CVC-101, Letdown containment Isolation (fails closed) - not needed as letdown is isolated.

2 SI-EBKR-90A-2 Feeder breaker for solenoid valve SI-60ll.

CWD 940' SIS Sump Sample Isolation (fails open) - not needed as a SIS Sump Sample is not needed.

CVC-EBKR-90A-3 Feeder treaker for solenoid valve CVC-109.

3 CWD 302 Letdown Containment Isolation - not needed as Letdown is ibolated.

CCW solenoid valve CC-636/2. CCW to Lotdown Heat Exchanger (fatis open) - not needed as CCW not available.

4 LWM-EBKR-90A-4 Circuit for HL level evitches for flooding in CWD 751 various areas -35 elevation in RAB. Not needed as no flooding is postulated in RAB.

Separate Sump level Hi a.larms are available.

5 BAM-EBKh-90A-5 Valve BAM-126A in the recirculation line CWD 346 between boric acid make-up tank A and boric acid pump A (fails closed). BAM Pump "A" noc running. No recirculation path needed.

6 SI-EBKR-90A-6 Back-up. power for indication lights for motor-CWD 552 operated isolation valve for safety injection tank 1A. This valve has the 480V AC power feedet breaker procedurally open and locked during normal plant operation. Power for position indication lights is provided by the 120V back-up supply. Thin circuit also

provides back-up power for position i indication for normally close valve SI-401A.

This valve is in shutdown cooling line Loop 2 and not required for Sbs.

7 BAM-EBKR-90A-7 Power for boric acid pump B recirculation CWD 351 valve BAM-126B in the recirculation line between boric acid make-up tank A and boric acid pump A (fails closed). BAM Pump "A" not E- operating. No recirculation path needed.

.DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-3


.8 SI-EBKR-90A-8 Same as circuit 6 except indication lights CWD 564 are for; MOV status indication for SI tank 2A only.

9 SI-EBKR-90k-9 shutdown cooling line a flow control valve CWD 532 SI-120A (fail open valve). During SBo, LPSI pumps are act available and flow control is not required.

10 BAM-EBKR-90A-10 Annunciator circuit of boric acid pumps A&B.

CWD 345, 350 During Seo these pumps are not available'and are not required. Loss of status indication is not a concern.

11 CC-EBKR-90A-11 Solenoid operated Component Cooling Water CWD 834 (CCW) train A isolation valves CC-200A and CC-72 . These valves fail close and isolate supply and return headers for redundant trains. During SBO the CCW is not available.

12 RC-EBKR-90A-12 Auxiliary relays in auxiliary panel 1 CWD 269 that provide permissive contacts for closure of valves in circuits 6 and 8. These vaines are not required for SBO.

13 .CC-EBKR-90A-13 Solenoid valve CC-501 in the common supply CWD 838 side'of Component Cooling Water (CCW). Loss of power to thin valire isolates the l non-safety loads on the CCW.

14' CVR-EBKR-90A-14 containment vacuum relief valve CVR-201.

CWD 1130 Loss of power prevents this valve from l' opening. During SBO the pressure inside the containment is expected to be higher than normal.

15 CC-EBKR-90A-15 Solenoid valves CC-126A and B for CCW CWD's 701, 704 discharge header isolation, CC-114A and B for auction header isolation and associated

. isolation relays for isolating common circuits in the A, AB'and B trains. Valves fall open. .CCW is not avaLlable.

16 SI-EBKR-90A-16 LPSI pump A minimum flow isolation valve CWD 520 SI-1161A. 'This fail open valve is used for recirculation. LPSI is not available for SBO.

DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-4

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. =-; l ID NUMBER l LOAD SUPPLIED 17- IA-EBKR-90A-17 Instrument air containment isolation valve CWD-997' IA-909. Instrument air is not aval)able-for SBo and the valve fails closed on loss of power.

18 CAR-EBKR-90A-18 Containment Pressure Exhaust Valve CAR-200B CWD-A3030 (fails closed). Valve used for containnent Pressure Control but support systs-a are unavailable, CAR-200B is not needed.

19 CC-EBKR-90A-19 Dry tower A isolation and bypass vals-CWD 749 CC-135A and CC-134A. Not needed as t.4 is not operating.- Valves fail "as-is".

20- Spara 21 CC-EBKR-90A-21 Fuel' pool temperature control valve CC-620 CWD 840' (fails open).- During SBO, CCW is not available, hence, valve position is not a concern.

22 DC-EBKR-90A-22 Power supply for DC volta (e transducer for CWD 2563 remote indication. During SBO,--local DC voltmeter is available.

23' CVR-EBKR-90A-23 = Containment Pressure Transmitter Isolation CWD 618- Valve CVR-401A (fails closed) - Transmitter output controls.CVR. Not needed as CVR valves are de-energized.

24 Spare

25. SI-EBKR-90A-25 Backup power.for position indication-of MOV CWD.504 for reactor coolant loop 1 hot leg injection isolation valve SI-502A. Thistis a normally

" locked close" valve, is not required for

-containment isolation and loss of indication during SBO is not a conc 7rn, 26 CVC-EBKR-90A-26 Solenoid-operated valve CVC-510. Fall closed CWD 357 valve in the-boric acid make-up line to tro volume control tank.

DEE01336/ DOMINOS- B-5

y L:

.c .

t o ?' .

'B ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 27 CVC-EBKR-90A-27 Valve CVC-218A in charging line to loop 1A.

CWD 381 Valve fails close on loss of power. No-impact on SBO coping as charging pumps are not available.

.28 CS-EBKR-90A-28 Shutdown cooling heat exchanger "A" outlet CWDs 589,.548 temperature recorder. Heat exchanger is not required for coping with SBO.

LPSI pump A header discharge temperature recorder. Loss of recorder-is not a concern as LPSI pump is not available.

E29 ARM-EBKR-90A-29 Isolation valves ARM-llo and 103 for CWD 2673 containment atmosphere radiation monitors.

These valves are fail close and are required to close on CIAS., Not needed as other l indications of containment atmospheric i conditions are available.

30 SI-EBKR-90A-30 RCS loop 1 hot leg injection drain valve C#D 593 SI-301. Normally closed valve, required-to stay closed for SBO.


31' CVC-EBKR-90A-31 Pressurizer auxiliary spray valve'CVC-216A.

CWD 294 Not needed as charging pumps are not available.

32 HVC-EBKR-90A-32 Control Room Emergency Filtration Unit "A" CWD'1146. intake and return air dampers, fail open on loss of power. During SBO, HVAC is not available.

33' CB-EBKR-90A-33 Position indicating lights located in the CWD 625 control room for-the personnel lock internal door. Not required during SBO as containment entry is not anticipated.

34. EFS-EBKR-90A-34 Isolation panel auxiliary relays; loss of CWD 170' power to these relays precludes start of pamps for SI, chillers and charging.

35 RFR-EBKR-90A-35 Essential Chiller A Control Power - Control CWD 1045 Power not necessary as chiller is not operating.

DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-6

3 ..

O .

2 ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 36 ESF-EBKR-90A-36 Auxiliary panel relays. Contacts from these CWD 170 ' relays-bypass overload contacts in safety

-related AC motor oportted valves which would operate with a SIAS, RAS or CIAS present.

valves will not operate as AC power is not available.

37 EG-EBKR-90A-37 Control Power to hour meter and annunciator CWD 2321 for Diesel Generator A.

9 38 Spare (4

39 Spare 40 Spare 41 EG-EBKR-90A-41 CCW to EDG A CC-413A (falls open) - not CWD 2306 needed as CCW pumps are not running.

42 EG-EBKR-90A-42 Temperature scanner and DG-3A-S engine status CWD 2318, 2319 indicating lights in control room.

43 Spara 44- LHVF-ESKR-90A-44 FHB Emerg. Filtration Unit A Damper and Rad.

CWD 1234 Honitor "A" - not needed as Filtration Units not operating.

45 SSL-ESKR-90A-45 SG 2 Sample Isolation valve (SSL-8006B) -

CWD 923 (fails closed) --not needed as no CCW available to sample coolers.

46 CC-EBKR-90A-46 CCW to Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger.

C30 847 CC-963A - not needed as CCW pumps are not availablo.


47- SSL-EBKR-90A-47 MS Outlet Line Sample Isolation Valve CWD 929 SSL-301A.

48 ANN-EBKR-90A-48 CP-18 Annunciators Safety Channel A - not CWD 2935 needed as equipment with annunciation on this panel has no power.

l l.

DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-7



0. -O TJ NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 49- SBV-EBKR-90A-49 (1) SBVS/FHB Train "A" CWD 1254, 1149, 1138 Diff Pressure Recorder (2) Cont. Rm. Emerg. Fltr Unit S-8 (3A-SA)

Flow (3) Containment Cooler HVAC AH-1-(3C-SA) in/out temperature recorder (4) Containment Cooler HVAC AH-1 (3A-SA) in/out temperature recorder 50 Spara 51 'PSL-EBKR-90A-51 SG #1 Sample Italation Valve SSL-8006A (fails CWD'922 closed) - same comments as circuit 45.

52- ARM-EBKR-90A-52 Containment Purge Isol. "A" Rad. Monitor -

1CWD 2660 not needed because power is not available to Containment Purge Valves.

- 53 ARM-EBKR-90A-53 control Room Isolation "A" Rad. Monitor - not CWD 2660 needed because outside air intakes fail closed and no power available to control Room Emergency Filtration Units.

f54 ARM-EBKR-90A-54 Containment Purge Isolation "A" Rad. Monitor CWD 2662 - same comment as circuit 52.

55 Spare 56 ARM-EBKR-90A-56 FHB Isolation "A" Rad. Monitor - not needed.

CWD.2662 because Isolation Dampers fail close and no power available to Fuel Handling Building Emergency Filtration Units.

57- ARM-EBKR-90A-57 Control Room Isolation'"A" Rad. Monitors -

CWD 2685 same connent . as circuit 53.

58 .RRM-EB'KR-90 A-5 8 - FHB-Isolation "A" Rad. Monitors - same CWD 2686 comment as circuit 56.

159 -Spare-

- 60 ARM-EBKR-90A-60 CP-14 for post LOCA Shield Building radiation CWD 2669 monitors recorders.

61' ARM-EBKR-90A-61 Safety Loop "A" radiation monitors. isolation CWD 2596 device. Loss of communication with radiation computer RM-11.

-DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-8

. * ?' ', i:

LOAD SHEDDING BATTERY 3B-DC-S The following DC breakern are opened within 30 minutes of onset of station a



1. LTN-EBKR-323-2 DC lights in the control room behind the
2. LTN-ESKR-323-3 control boards. (Same as "A" Battery.)
3. LTN-EBKR-323-4
  • 4. EG-EBKR-B-11 Diesel Generator 3B-S Control Panel Feeder:-

CWD 2368 No. 1. EDG is considered unavailable for SBO.

  • 5. EG-EBKR-B-12 Diesel Generator 3B-S Control Panel Feeder CWD 2369 No. 2. EDG is considered unavailable for SBO.

.6. EGF-EBKR-B-13 EDG "B" fuel oil booster pump. Same as EDG CWD 2358 "A".

7. ID-ESKR-B-35 See PDP-391 for itemizing loads deenergized.
  • 8. - EG-EBKR-1B-1 Diesel Generator 3B-S Non-Critical Control CtfD 2365 Power. EDO is considered unavailable for SBO.
  • 9. EG-EBKR-1B-13 Diesel Generator 3D-S Non-Critical Control CWD 2365 Power. EDG is considered unavailable for SBO.

The 120v AC breakers for static uninterruptible power supplies SMB atd SMD are identified individually,

  • Pending~ change for Procedure OP-902-005.


DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-9 l


Breaker ID-EEKR-B-35 on-3B-DC-S is opened by operator. As a result, PDP-391 is de-energized and the following loads loose power from static uninterruptible power supply 3B-Si ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 1 CVC-EBKR-91B-1 Power feeder breaker for solenoid valve CWD 301 CVC-101, Letdown containment Icolation (fails closed) - not needed as letdown is isolated.

2 SI-EBKR-91B-2 Feeder _ breaker for solenoid valve SI-6012.

CWD 939 SIS Sump Sample Isolation (fails open) - not<

needed as a SIS Sump Sample is not needed.

t 3 Nrc-ESKR-91B-3 Power to the following recorders:

CWD 1151 l

(a) HVC-IDPR-5061B; control Room Emergency Filter Flow S8 (3B-SB). <

CWD 1138- (b) CCS-ITR-5155B; containment _ Cooler IIVAC AH-1 (38-SI: - Air In/Out Temperature L Recorder.

CCS-lT7-5150B; containment Cooler HVAC AH-1 (3B-SB) - In/Out Temperature Recorder.

CWD 1263. (c) SBV-IDPR-0551B; SBVS/FHB Train "B" l Di.fferential Pressure Recorder.

l l-

[ 4 LWM-EBKR-91B-4 Circuit for Hi level av .ches for flooding in CWD.803- various areas -35 elevation in RAS. Not needed as no flooding is postulated in RAB.

Separate sump level Hi alarms-are available.

5 Spare 6 SI-EBKR-91B-6 Back-up power for indication lights for motor CWD 558 operated isolation valve for safety injection tank 1B. This valve has the 480V AC power feeder brerker procedurally opon and locked during normal. plant operation. Power for

_ position indication lights le provided by the 120V back-up supply. This circuit also provides back-up power for position indication for normally close valve SI-401B.

This valve is in shutdown cooling line Loop 1 and not required for SBO.

7 Spare DEEOl336/ DOMINO 8 B-10


. 1 J /. f ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 8 SI-EBKR-918-8 circuit 6 except indication lights CWD 570 are for MOV status indication for SI tank 2B only.

9 SI-EBKR-91B-9 Shutdown cooling line B flow control valve CWD 532 SI-129B (f ail opera valve) . During SBO, LPSI pumps'are not available and flow control is not required.

10 BAM-EBKR-91B-10 Shutdown Cooling (SDC) Temperature Recorder -

CWD 548 not needed as SDC is not available.

Containment Pressure, SIS Sump Level and Temperature - not needed for trending.

11 CC-EBKR-91B-11 Solenoid operated Component Coaling Water CWD 836 (CCW) train B isolation valves CC-200B and CC-563. These valves fail close and isolate supply and return headers ror redundant trains. During SBO the CCW is not available.

I 12- RC-EBKR-91B-12 Auxiliary relays in auxiliary panel 2 CWD 269 that p; ovide perniasive conte.ts for closure of valves in circuits 6 and 6. Th-se valves are not required for SBO.

13 CC-EBKR-91B-13 Solenoid valve CC-562 in the common supply CWD 838 side of Component Coollag Water (CCW). Loss of power to this valve isolates the non-safety loads on the CCW.

14 CVR-EBKR-91B-14 Containment vacuwm relief valve CVR-101.

CWD 1131 Loss of power prevents this valve from-opening. During SBO the pressure inside the containment is expected to be higher than normal.

15 CC-EBKH-91B-15 Solenoid valves CC-127A and B for CCW CWD 702, 703, 704, 799 diocharge header isolation, CC-115A and B for  ;

suction header isolation and associated i isolation relays for isolating common circuits in the A, AB and B trains. Valves fail open. CCW is not available. Alternate l feed to "B" CCW Dry Tower Isolation Valve for Control Room firc.

16 SI-EBKR-91B-16 LPSI pump B minimum flow isolation va' ,

CWD 520 SI-1161B. This fail open valve is us {

recirculation. LPSI is not ava.ilable .. 1 SBo.

DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-11

t .


ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 17 CC-E8KR-91B-17 Dry tower B isolation and bypass valves CWD 799 CC-135-B and CC-134-B. Not needed as CCW is not operating.

18 spara 19 CC-EBKR-918-19 Nitrogen containment Isolation Valve NO-157 CWD 545 fails close. Closes on CIAS.

1 20 Spara 21 CC-EDKR-91B-21 Fuel pool temperature control valve CC-620-2 CWD 841 (fails open). During SBO, CCW is not I available, hence, valve position is not a concern.

ri I'

22 DC-EBKR-91B-22 Power supply for DC voltage transducer for )

CWD 2563 remote indication. During SBO, local DC voltmeter is available.

23 CVR-EBKR-91B-23 Containment Pressure Transmitter Isolation ,

CWD 518 Valve CVR-4018 (falls cicee!.) - Transmitter output controls CVR. Not needed as CVR valves are de-energized.

24 Spare 25 SI+EBKR-91B-25 Backup power for position indication of MOV CWD 513 for reactor coolant )*op ? hot leg injection -

isolation vale SI

  • 10. ^T is is a normally

" locked close" *ttve, ra r.rt required for containment isoli,8Jen stad Bosa of indication Juring 580 is not a concern.

' > 26 LRM-T.BKR-918-2 6 Isolation-valve ARM-109 for containment CWD 2673 atmosphere radiation monitors. This valve fails close and is required to close on CIAS.

Not needed as other indications of containment atmospheric conditions are available.


DEE01336/DOMIN08 B-12

F C e ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 27 Spars 28 SI-EBKR-918-28 RCS loop 2 hot leg injection drain valve CWD 598 51-302. Normally closed tive, required to stay closed for SBo.

29 CVC-EBKR-918-29 Valve CVC-2188 in chaeging line to loop 2A.

CWD 382 Valve fails close on loss of power. No impact on SBo coping as charging pumps are not available.

30 CAR-EBKO+91B-30 Exhaust Heater "B" Upstream Isolation Valve CWD B1030 CAR-2028. CAR's is not needed for this event.

31 CVC-EBKR-91B-31 Pressurizer auxiliary spray valve CVC-2168.

CWD 295 Not needed as charging pumps are no'.


32 KVC-EBKR-918-32 Control Room Emergency Filter Unit B Danpers CWD 1147 - Dampers not needed because Filter Unit not available.

33 CB-EBKR-91B-33 Position indicating lights located in the CWD 625 control room for the personnel lock internal-door. NOt required during SDO as containment ,

entry is not anticipated.

34 EFS-EBKR-91B-34 Isolation panel auxiliary relays; loss of CWD 170 power to these relays precludes start of pumps for SI, chillers and charging.

35 RTR-EdKR-9 5-35 Essential Chiller B Control Power - Control CWD 1055 Power not necessary as chiller is not operating.

36 ~ESF-EBKR-91B-36 Auxiliary panel relays. Contacts from these

! CWD 170 ' relays bypass overload contacts in safety related AC motor operated valves which would l- operate with a SIAS, RAS or CIAS present.

Valvos will not operate as AC power is not available.

l i

i DEE01336/DOMIN08 B-13 1

,y- - __ .. , _ _ . _ _

e t c . '. .

t ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 37 EG-EBKR-91B-37 Control Power to hour meter and annunciator  :

CWD 2321 for Diesel Generator B.

38 Spare 39 Spare  !

40 Sparo 41 EG-EBKR-918-41 CCW to EDO A CC-413B (fails open) - not CWD 2356 needed as CCW pumps are not running.

42 EG-EBKR-918-42 Temperature scanner and DG-3D-S engine status-CRD 2368, 2369 indicating lights in control room.

43 Spare 44 HVF-EBKR-918-44 FHB Emerg. Filtration Unit B Damper and Rad.

CWD 1236 Monitor "B" - not needed as Filtration Unite not operating.

45 SSL-EBKR-91B-45 SG 2 Samplie toolation V,1vo (SSL-80048) -

CWD 923 (fails closed) - not needed ao no CCW available to sample coolers.-

46 CC-EBKR-91B-46 CCW to Shutdown Cooling float Exchanger.

CWD 848 _CC-963B - not needed au CCW pumps are not available.

47 SSL-EDKR*01B-47 MS Outlet Lina Sample Isol Valve SSL-301B.

CWD 929 48 ANN-EBKR-918-48 CP-18 Annunciators Safety Channel B - not CWD 2935 needed as equipinent with annunciation on this panel has no power.

49 SSL-EBKR-918-49 SG #1 Sample Isolation Valve SSL-8004A (tails CWD'922 closed) - same comments as circuit 45.

- 50 ARM-EBKR-918-50 Contal.iment Purge Isol. "B" Rad. Monitor -

CWD 2661 not needed because power is not available to containment Purge Valves.

51 ARM-EBKR-91B-51 Control-Room Isolation "B" Rad. Monitor - not CWD 2679 needed because outside air intakes fall closed and no power available to control Room Emergency Filtration Units.

f i

DEE01336/DOMINOB B-14 k


52 ARM-EBKR-91B-52 containment Purge Isolation "B" Rad, Monitor CWD 2663 - same comment as circuit 50.

53 Spare 54 ARM-EBAR-918-54 FliB Isolation "B" Rad. honitor - not needed CWD 2688 because Isolation Dampers fail close and no power available to Fuel Handling Duilding Emergency Filtration Units.

ARM-EBFJt-91B-5 5 Control Room Isolation "B" Red.' Monitors - .

CWD 2681 same comment as circuit 51.

56 ARM-EBKR-918-$6 FHB Isolation "B" Rad. Monitors - same CWD 2687 comment as, circuit 54.

57- Spare 58 ARM-EBKR-918-58' CP-14 for post LOCA Shield Building radiation CWD 2666 monitors recorders. LOCA not postulated.

50 ARM-EBKR-91B-59 Safety Loop "B" radiation monitors. isolation

-CWD-2598 device. Loss of communication with Madiation computer RM-11.

DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-15

l y a \

  • SMA PDP 3HA-S; B289, Sheet 143 CKT # BREAKER LOAD SUPPLIED 1 p?S-EBK9-MA-1 Toeder fcr PPS/CPC interface cabinet CP-10.

CWD 2700 This cabinet feeds power to CPC/CPIA Test / Enable Test Circuit. Test circuit not i nectasary when plant shutdown because CPC's have already performed their function.

10~*% DNBR/LPD bypass - Bypass not necessary until ready to start up.

NI - Sub Channel to CPC - CPCa' not necessary as Channel has already performed its Safety Function.

PPS/CPC Interface - not necessary because CPC has already performed its Safety Function.

2 PPS 'BKR-MA-2 Feeder for CP-22. This is *.he Core Protec-CWD 176 tion Calculator-(CPC) associated with the plant protection system.

All four CPC's inoperable - already performed their intended function - not needed when plant shut down.

CEA Positions - indication lost when broaker open - Rods are inserted by gravity.

Indication not needed.

Incore Detectors - Incore Detector main '

function is to provide po9er indicaticia to COLSS. OOLSS is not used when plant is shutdown.

3 PAC-EBKR-MA-3 Process Analogue Cabinet CP-48 power. This CWD 2912 cabinet has the logic for control and annunciation of Component Cooling Water (CCW) equipment (i.e., CCW temperature control, dry cooling tower fan logic, and wet cooling tower "A" level). This cabinet also sends signals for containment preseure wide range


recorder. -The CCW is not available for SBO L and the pressure recorder is not required as

! other pressure indication in available.

l l

l DEE01336/ DOMINOS B-16

7 CKT # BREAKER LOAD SUPPLIED 7- PPS-FBKR-HA-7 Primary and back-up channel "A" multiplexors CWD 176 associated with CP-22 (i.e., the CPC) as 8 PPS-EBKR-MA-8 discussed for Ckt 2, CP-22 is not CWD 176 required for coping with SBO. Hence, the mux. input to plant computer is not required.

-9 RC-EBKR-MA-9 Power for pressurizer pressure relays RC-EREL CWD 269 269-F and RC-EREL-2690. These relays take low a.s low low pressure input and operate slave relays. One slave relay permits remote opening of motor operated (HOV), RCS dhutdown cooling valve. The second slave relay provides permissive for opening MOVs associated with Safety Injection Tanks 1A and 2A. These three HOVs do not have A.C. power.

10 RC-EBKR-MA-10 Pressurizer level chart recorder and reactor CWD-273, 201 coolant loop i hot leg temperature recorders (RC-ILR-0110XY and RC-ITR-0102HA). Level and temperature indication is available. L 14 PAC-EBKR-MA-14 Channa1 "A" of RCP apeed sensor inpat to CPC.

CWD 226 During SBO, the RCPs are not operating and CPCs have performed their function.

'15 'VLP-EBKR-MA-15 Provides power to loose parts monitoring CWD 262 panel. Loose Parts monitoring is only required in Modes 1 & 2.

17 -ESF-EBKR-MA-17 ESFAS auxiliary relay cabinot "A" alarms and CWD 160 actuation relays. De-energizing the ESFAS relays does not actuate any equipment due to loss of A.C. The alarms do not provide any useful infermation.

18 SG-E3KR-MA-18 Power for chart recorders for steam generator CND 210, 212 No. 1 pressure and level (SG-IPR-1013A, SG-ILR-1113A, SG-ILR-1123A). Steam Generator Pressure and level indicaticn is available.

19- ESF-EBKR-MA-19 ESTAS auxiliary relay cabinet "A" alarms and CWD 160 actuation relays. De-energizing the ESTAS relays does not actuate any equipment due to loss of A.C. The alarms do not, provide any l useful information.

l' DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-17

. _ _ . ..- .-- - - . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . . ~ . - . _ . -

h 4 CKT # BREAKER , LOAD SUPPLIED 20 ENI-EBKR-MA-20 Power to the following recorders  ;

CWD 189 (a) Excore linear power channel "A" recorder y

ENI-IJR-0002A. Scale is set for power operation only.

(b) RC ITR 0102CA, Recorder for RC loop 1 ,

cold leg temperature. Temperature indication is available.

(c) RC-IPR-0102A, Recorder for pressurizer pressure. Pressure indication is available.

l 4 e



.f-l l-l DEE01336/ DOMINOS B-18

s .

t 4' e SMB PDP 3MB-Si B289, Sheet 144 CKT I BREAKER LOAD SUPPLIED 1 PPS-EBER-MB-1 Same as circuit No. 1, SMA.

C4D 2701 2 PPS-EBKR-MB-2 Same as circuit No. 2, SMA.

CWD 177 3 PAC-EBKR-MB-3 Process Analogue Cabinet CP-49 powering ('B' CWD 2912 train) Same as circuit No.~3, SMA.

7 PPS-EBKR-MB-7 Same as SMA circuit No. 7.

CWD 177 8 PPS-EBKR-MB-8 Same as SMA circuit No. 8.

CWD 177 9 RC-EBKR-MB-9 Power for pressurizer pressure relays CWD 269 RC-EREL-269 H/J.

Same as circuit No. 9, SMA except SI Tanks 1B and 28.

14 PAC-EBKR-MB-14 Same ac circuit No. 14 for SMA.

CWD 226 l

15 VLP-EEKR-MB-15 Same as circuit No. 15 for SMA.

-CWD 262 17 ESF-EBKR-MB-17 Same as SMA circuit No. 17.

CWD 160 19 ESF-EBKR-MB-19 Same as.SMA circuit No. 19.

CWD 160 20 ENI-ESKR-MB-20 Power to the.following recordsrs:

CWD 189 (a) Excore linear power channel "B" recorder l

ENI-IJR-00028. Scale is set for power operations only.

(b) Refueling water pool level recorder SI-IIR-0305.

l _-

l L

L DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-19 1


. . I s .

SMC PDP 3HC-Si B289,. Sheet 145 l

CKT # BREAKEh LOAD SUPPLIED 1 PPS - E B KR-MC -1 Same as circuit No. 1, SMA.  ;

CWD 2702 l 2 PPS-EBKR-HC-2 Same as circuit No. 2, SMA.

CWD 178 4 PAC-ERKR-MC-4 Process Analog Cabinet CP-41 power.

CWD J912 This cabinet has the logic for control and annunciation of RAB HVAC system air handling units and the water chiller system.

7 PPS-EBKR-PC-7 Same as SMA circuit No. 7.

CWD 178 8 PPC-EBKR-HC-8 Same as SMA circuit No. 8.

CND 278 9 RC E3KR-HC-9 Auxiliary relays RC-EREL-270E. The 270E relay provides permissive for opening RCS J. cop 2 cooling valve. The'RCS Loop -

- 2 cooling vaAve does not have to be opened during SBO. ,

14 PAC-EBKR-HC-14 Same as circuit 14, SMA.

CWD 226 15 VLP-EBKR-MC-15 Same as circuit 15, SHA.

CWD 262

- 17 EST-EBKR-HC-17 Same as SMA circuit No. 17.

CWD 165-19 ESF-EBKR-HC-19 Samw as SMA circuit No. 19.

CWD 165 20 ENI-EBKR-HC-20 Power to the following recorders:

CWD 189 (a) y,xcore linear power channel "C" recorder ENI-IJR-0002C. Scale is set for power operations only.

(b) RC-IUR-0101A1 and A2, Core Exit

-Temperature and RCS/ Upper Head saturation margin temperature.

(c) RC-IUR-0102A1, Calculated Core Temperature.

(d) RC-ILR-2103Al and A2 Plenum and Head Vessel Level.


-~ ~- _- _. . - - _ _

i j

. . 1

-6 e l

SMD PDP 3XD-Si B289, Sheet 146 CKT # BREAKER LOAD SUPPLIED 1 PPS*EBKh-MD-1 Same as circuit No. 1, SHA.

CWD 2703 l

2 PPS-EBKR-MD-2 Same as circuit No. 2, SHA.

CWD 179 4 P7 C-EBKR-MD-4 Process Analog Cabinet CP-44 power. This '

CWD 2912 cabinet has the logic for control and annunciation of RAB HVAC system air handling units and Containment Fan Cooler Water Outlet Temperature.

7 PPS-EBKR-MD-7 Same as SKA circuit No. 7.

CdD 179 8 PPS-EBKR-MD-8 Str.e as SHA circuit No. 8.

CWD 179 9 RC-EBKR-MD-9 Auxiliary relay RC-EREL-270F. The ".70F relay CWD 270 provides permissivo for opening RCS Loop 1 shutdown cooling valve.- The RCS Loop 1-cooling valve does not have to be opened during SBO. ,

14 F AC -E BKR-MD-14 Game as circuit. No. 14, SMA.

CFD 226-15 VLP-EBKR-HD-15 Same a3 circuit No. 15, SMA.

CWD 262 17 EFS-EBKR-MD-17 Same as SMA circuit No. 17.

\ cWD 165 19 EFS-EBKR-MD-7 Same as SMA circuit No. 19.

CWD 165 4

20 EFI-EBKR-MD-20 Power to the following recorders:

CWD 189 (a) Excore linear power channel "D" recorder ENI-1JR-0002D. Scale is set for power opereLions only.

(b) RC-IUR-0101B1 and B2 Core Exit Temperature and RCS/Unper Head saturation margin temperature.


_(c) RC-IUR-0102D1, Calculated Core l


(d) RC-ILR-2103B1 and B2 Plenum and Head Vessel Level.

DEE01336/DCMINO8 B-21

LOAD SHEDDING BATTERY 3AB-DC-S The following AC breakers for SUPS 3AB-S are opened within 30 minutes of onset of station blackout.


1. ID-EBKR-1AB-35 Feeder breaker for non-1E PDP 345 AB.
2. ID-EBKR-1AB-37 Feeder breaker for non-1E PDP-3AB2.
3. ID-EBKR-1AB-38 Feeder breaker for non-1E PDP-396AB.

The following DC breakers are opened within 30 minutes of onset of Station Bla:koutt

4. LOF-EBKR-AB-17 Feedpump "A" emergency oil pump.
5. LOF-EBKR-AB-18 Feodpump "D" emergency oil pump.

NOTE: The loads associated with above PDPs are detailed in this attachment.

The following 125V DC breakers are opened af ter turbine has stopped

6. 50-EBKR-AB-8 Air seal oil backup pamp for turbine.
7. LCG-EBKR-AB-10 Emergency bearing oil pump for turbine.


( '.


DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-22 l

! b/


. ': i Breaker ID-EBKR-1AB-35 is opened by operator. As a rearlt, PDP 345-AB is shed and the following non 1E loads loose power the non-1E SUPS 3AB. (PDP 345-AB, B-289 Sheet 149)

CKT # ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 1 Spare 2 NG-EDKR-45AB-2 Status indication for motor operated Steam CWD 1657 Generator No. 1 & No. 2 nitrogen valves (2MS-V697, 2MS-V698). Valves locked closed.

3 CCS-EBKR-45AB-3 Containment Fan Coolers 'B' & 'D' condensate CWD 829 pot optical flow detectors.

4 Spara 5 CMU-EBKR-45AB-5 Condensate Storage Pool Inlet Valve CWD 1530 CMU-138, fails close.

6 LWM-EBKR-45AB-6 Recorder LWM-IFR-0647 tor Liquid Waste CWD 674 Discharge Flow and Radiation Recorder CWD 314 RCS Bored Concentration Analyzer Indicatos CVC-IAI-0203 CWD 315 Letdown Radiation Recorder PR6-IRR-0202 CWD 353 Concentrate Boric Acid Makeup Flow Recorder BAM-IFR-0210Y CWD 354 Primirf Water Makeup Flow Recorder PNU 7-0210X CWD 471 Boron Management System Liquid Waste Discharge Flow and Rad. Recorder BM-IFRR-0627 CWD-690 GWM-IFRR-0648, Gaseous Waste Management System Discharge Flow and Radiation Recorder CWD 2880 Computer Trend Recorder FMC-IUR-0001 and PMC-IUR-0002 7 ARM-EBKR-45AB-7 Radiation Monitoring Safety Loop 'A' CWD 2596 Isolation Device. Communication link to RM-11. Monitors are not required.

l-l l

l DEE01336/ DOMINO 8- B-23

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.i . I i

CKT # ID NU1RFT. LOAD SUPPLIED 8 FW-EBKR-45AB-8 Steam Generator No. 1 Steam Flow Recorder CWD 1502 TW-IFR-1011; 1111. Scaled for power operation.

Steam Generator Downcomer Lev-6 Recorder SG-ILR-1105; 1111. Scaled fos power op9tation. ,

CWD 1682 Stoam Generator No. 1 & No. 2 Outlet Temp.

Recorder MS-ITR-0301A, B 9 ARM-EBKR-45AB-9 Radiation Monitoring Safety Loop B CWD 2598 Isolation Device. Radiation Computer RM-11 communicatien link.

10 PRM-EBKR-45AB-10 LCP-65 Balance of plant equipment.

CWD 315 11 ARM-EBKR-45AB-11 Main Steam Line.1 Radiation Monitor, Recorder CWO 2690 and Indicator 12 ARM-EBKR-45AB-12 Main Steam Line 2 x.idiation Ho'41 tor, Recorder CWD 2691 and Indicator

13. RC-EBKR-45AB-13 Pressurizer Level end. Level Setpoint Recorder CWD 274 RC-ILR-0110. Let down is isolated.

CWD 188 Neutron Flux Log power level and Neutron Level start-up channel 1 & 2 recorders.


CWD 200 RC-I*R-0121 RRS 1 & 2 TAVG./T. hof recorder.

RC-ITR-0111 RRS 1 &'2 TAVG./T. Ref recorder CWD 206 RC-ITP.-0115 RCP 1 Cold Le Temperature wide range recc.voor. Tempera- ra indication is avai*able for S30.

CWD 264 Pressurizer pressure recorder RC-IPR-0100.

Other instrumentation la available.

CWD 190' Neutron Flux Leve.1 start-up indicators.

-CWD 314_ RCS boron concentration analyzer recorder.

14 CDC-EBKR-45AB-14 CEDM Cooling Units Inlet Dampers Logic CWD 1145- Circuit DEE01336/DOMINOB- B-24 r w

j o 't .

4 .

CKT 4 ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 15 RC-EBKR-45AB-15 Pressuriter Pressure and Level Control Logic.

CWD 274, 273, 264 Let down is isolated. No charging available.

16 FS-EBKR-45AB-16 Control Logic for Annunciators Fuel Pool CWD 631 Level Hi (H0902) and Fuel Pool Level Low (H1002) 17 Spare 18 CED-EBKR-45AB-18 CEA CRT Power Supply CWD 159 19 RMC-EBKR-45AB-19 CRT and Keyboard for Radiation Monitoring CWD 2589 Computer A, Main Computer. Not available f0r SBO.

20' CVC-fBKR-45AB-20 Charging Pumps Header Discharge Valve CND 380 CVC-209 fails open.

21 RMC-E6KR-45AB-21 Printer for Radiation Monitoring Computer.

CWD 2599 'B', Standby Computer 22 HVC-EBXR-45AB-22 control Room Area Normal and Purge Dampers; CWD 1162

1. D-45 HVC-ISV-0301 fails closed; Supervisors Of fice Purge Damper
2. 'D-46 HVC-ISV-0303 fails open, Locker Rooms Exhaust Dampers
3. D-60 HVC-ISV-0302 fails open, Toilet

. Exhaust Damper.

23 IC-EBKR-45AB-23 Power supplies for transducers in instrument CWD 2780 cabinets that furnish inputs to plant computer.

24 HVC-EBKR-45AB-24 control power to D-62, Computer Room Air CWD 1164 Handling Unit Inlet Damper (f ails closed) and D-63 Computer Room Air Handling Unit Exhaust Damper (fails closed).

.25 IC-EBKR-45AB-25 Power supplies for transducers that CWD 2786 furnish inputs to plant computer.

l DEE01336/DOMINOB B-25

. 4 .

f . 't .-

[-, - . ,

CKT # ID NUMAER LOAD SUPPLIED 26' RCC-EBKR-45AB-26 Reactor Cavity Air Temp. Recorder CWD 1028 (RCC-ITR-5011) and Computer Trend Recorders ,

27 IC-EBKR-45AB-27 Same as CKT 25. ,

CWD 2786 28 RC-EBKR-45AB-28 RCP 1A Upper & Hiddle Seal cavity Pressure CWD 229 Indicator and Vapor Cavity Pressure Indicator 29 RC-EBKR-45AB-29 Same as CKT 28 for RCP 18.

CWD 259 30 RC-EBKR-45AB-30 Same as CKT 28 for RCP 2A.

CWD 249 31 RC-EBKR-45AB-31 Same as CKT 28 for RCP 28.

CWD 259 12 Spare 33 RWM-EBKR-45AB-33 Spent Resin Solidification Programmer Logic CWD 602 Controller f

34 CMT-EBAR-45AB-34 Two duplex receptacles For Herco Console Ckts in Computer Room.

35 HVC-EBKR-45AB-35 Chlorine Monitor and Auxiliary Relays.

CWD 904 36 FPD-EBKR-45AB-36 Annulus Smoke Detection Pnl. FPE-6 l

l l

l DEE01336/DOMIN98 P-26


!' 4 . t

. 4 .

Breaker ID-EBKR-1AB-37 is opened by operator. As a result, the following non-1E loads loose powar-from the non-1E Static Uninterruptible Power Supply (SUPS) 3AB. (PDP 3AB2; B-289, Sheet 142)

CET8 ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 1 Spare 2 FW-EBKR-2AB-2 Main Feedwater Pump Turbine"A" monitoring CWD 1452 instrumentation.

3 AB-EBKR-2AB-3 Auxiliary Boiler Control Panel required for CWD 1720 plant start-up only.

4 FW-EBKR-2AB-4 Main reedwater Pump Turbine "B" monitoring CWD 1482 instrumentation.

5 S0-EBKR-2AB-5 Hydrogen system seal oil metering and supply CWD 2121 unit.- Provides Local indication only.

6 TUR-EBR-2AB-6 Main turbine turning gear lever.

CWD 1*r.

7 TUR-EBKR-2hB-7 Power drawer for main turoine governor valve CWD 1831 position and speed indication.

8 GG-EBKR-2AB-8 Main turbios H cystem metering parel.

CWD 2119 9 CEN-EBKR-2AB-9 Main generator excitation switchgear ground CWD 2108 detector.

10 GG-EBKR-2A8-10 Main generator conductivity recorder.

CWD 2121 11 FP-EBKR-2AB-11 Diesel driven fire pump #1 cuntrol panel.

CWD 1323 Power supply for battery chargers.

-12 FP-EBKR-2AB-12 Diesel driven fire pump #2 control panel.

CWD 1325 Power supply for battery chargers.

13 IC-EBKR-2AB-13 Power for transmittero for computer inputs CWD 2787 related to heater drains, fire prctaction supplemental chillers, condensate, etc.

Plant computer not available for the duration I

of SBO.

l l

DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-27

n- 3 i  !

..4 4".

l CKTi ID N7MBER LOAD SUPPI,IED It ABF-EBKR-2AB-14 Auxiliary boiler burner control cabinet.

CWD 1720 l'

15 IC-EBKR-2AB-15 Power for transmitters for computer inputs CWD 2782. related to instrament air, gland steam, extraction steam, reheat steam, etc.

16 GEN-EDKR-2AB-16 Main generator excitation system transducers.

CWD 2101 17 IA-EBKR-2AH-17 Instrument air dryer bypass valve.

CWD 995 Instrument air is not available during s80.

18 GG-EBKa-2AU-18 Main generator H. control annunciator panel CWD 2140 power supply.

19 spare 20 IA-EBKH-2AB-20 Instrument air dryer control panel.

CWD 995 Instrument air is not available during 580.

21 CW-EBKR-2AB-21 Circulating water system vacuum breakers.

CWD 995 22 CW-EBKR-2AB-22 Relay logic for circulating water system.

CWD 1980 23 LOG-EBKR-2AB-23 Motor space heaters fcr tu-bine building MCC

.CWD 1791 3AB313 motors.

24 TURB-EBKR-2AB-24 Turbine supervisory instrument cabi et.

CWD N1824 25 IA-EBKR-2AB-25 Instrument air dryer "B" control panel.

CWD 996 Instrument air is not available during S80.

26 DC-EBKR-2AB-26 Bus voltage transmitters for input to plant 28 DC-EBKR-2AB-28 computer. Plant computer is not availxcle or CWD 2563 required for the duration of SBO.,

27 Spare  ;

29 Spare DEE01336/ DOMINO 8 B-28 ,

e .s. .

i .:.'.. .

CKT8 ID NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 30 AE-EBrn-2AB-30 Motor space heaters for motors fed from MCC CWD 996 3A211 and 3B231.

31 Spara 32 Sparo 33 Spare 34 Spare 35 Spara 36 Spare 37 Spare 38 FW-EBKR-2AB-38 FWPT "A" governor valvo control circuit.

CWD 1437 3? Spare 40 FW-EBKR-2AB-40 FWPT "B" governor valve control circuit.

CWD 1467 DEE01336/ DOMINO 8' B-29 0 ..

S t.

.s ,.

e e*

  • e * .

Breaker ID-EBKR-1AB-38 is opened by operator. As a result, the following non-1E loads loose power f rom the non-1E Static Uninterruptibio Power Supply SUPS 3AB, (PDP 396-AB; B-289, Sheet 150)


1. SI-EBKR-96AB-1 Solenoid valve SI-0342 for SI tank drain to CWD 499 reactor drain tank. This valve fails close.
2. CC-EBKR-96AB-2 Position indication for let down temperature CWD 306 control valve CC-636.
3. Spare 4 RC-EBKR-96AB-4 Position indication for pressurizer spray CWD 296 control valves RC-301A and RC-301B.
5. RC-EBKR-96AB-5 Valve PO-602 for controlled RCP blood-off to CWD 326 the Quench tank. Valve fails open.
6. CVC-EBKR-96AP-6 Letdown flow control valven (CVC-113A and CWD .303 CVC-1130) selector relaya. For 580, letdown is isolated. These valves are not required.
7. CVC-EBKR-96AB-7 Letdown ion exchangere by pass valve CVC-140.

CWD 316

8. rW-EBKR-96AB-8 retadwater line #2 to blowdown valve TW-179A CWD 1528 position-indicati a.
9. CVC-EBKR-96AB-9 Volume control tank inlet valve CVC-169.

CWD 320 Valve fails to VCT. For SBO letdown has been isolated.

10. CVC-EBKR-96AB-10 Control Power for E/P selector relays for CWD 310 letdown back pressure control valm a CVC-123A and 123B.
11. GWM-EBKR-96AB-11 Power for volume control tank vent valvo CWD 323 GWM-112. Valve fails close.


12. FW-EBKR-96AB-12 Main feedwater pump "A ' recirculation valve CWD 1457 TW-111A.
13. BAM-EBKR-96AB-13 Boric acid make-up control valve BAM-141.

l CWD 355 CWD 353 Boric acid make-up instrumentation l

l DEE01336/DOMINOB- B-30

.. .4.e.

,1 g-j.- ,

l CKT # ID_ NUMBER LOAD SUPPLIED 14 TW-EBKR-96AB-14 Main feedwater pump "B" recirculation valve CWD 1487 FW-111B.

15 PMU-EBKR-96AB-15 Valve PMU-144 for primary make-up water to CWD 356 volume control tank.

16 PAC-EBKR-96AB-16 Non IE Control Panel 16 power and CWD 2912 annunciation supply. PAC for balance of plant systems.

17 CVC-EBKR-96AB-17 Broad range gas monitor "A" for toxic CWD 909 chemical gases. HVAC system /e not operational for SBO.

' 18. PAC-EBKR-96AB-18 Control panel $0 (Hon 1E) power and CWD 2912 annunciation supply. PAC for balance of plant systems.

19 spare

'20 CDC-EBKR-96AB-20 CEDH cooling units inlet dampers.

CWD 1145 21 BAM-EBKR-96AB-21 Normally closed, fail close valve BAM-143 CWD 361 for boration bypass.

- 22 HVC-EBKR-96AB-22 Broad range gas monitor "B" for toxic CWD 909. chemical gases. HVAC system is not operational for SBO.

23 HVC-EBKR-96AB-23 Valve FW-173A for open/close main feodwater CWD 1502 Sol valve.

24 ATS-EBKR-96AB-24 Control circuit for diverse reactor trip CWD 2976A system.

25 CC-EBKR-96AB-25 Component Cooling _ Water (CCW) inlet and CWD 280 outlet valves CC-6651A and CC-679A for RCP 1A cooling coils.

26 CC-EBKR-96AB-26 CCW inlet and outlet valves CC-6651B and CWD 281 CC-679B'for RCP 1B cooling coils.

27 CC-EBKR-96AB-27 CCW inlet and outlet valves CC-666A and CWD 282 CC-680A for RCP 2A cooling coils.

28 CC-EBKR-96A3-28 CCW inlet and outlet valves CC-666B and CWD'283 CC-6803 for RCP 2B cooling coils.

l DEE01336/DOMINOB B-31 g nvy--

! es o l


29 Spare 30 Spare 31 Spara 32 Spare 33 Spare 34 EN1-EBKR-96AB-34 Reactiviti computer power supply. Required CWD 118 for plant start-up.

35 CED-EBKR-96AB-35 Power for instrumentation buca associated CWD 2730 with CEDHCS cabinet 1.

36 Spare 37 CED-EBKR-96AB-37 Power for instrut..entation buse associated CWD 2732 with CEDMCS cabinet 2.

38 Cpate-39 CED-EBKR-96AB-39 Power for instrumentation buse associated CWD 2733 with CEDMCS cabinet 3.

40 Spara 41 CED-EBKR-96AB-41 Power for instrumentatron buss associated CWD 2749 with CEDMCS cabinet 4.

42 Spare l