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Monthly Operating Repts for June 1987
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1987
From: Bedesem P, Thornberry R
NUDOCS 8707200296
Download: ML20235N992 (9)



MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT OF OPERATION AND MAJOR MAINTENANCE EXPERIENCE This report describes the operating and major maintenance experience for the month of June, 1987. This narrative report was prepared by the plant staff and is submitted in accordance with Section of the Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications.

Narrative of Daily Significant Plant Events Day of Month Description of the Event June 1 Unit 1 started the month at 100% power.

Unit 2 started the month shutdown for a refueling outage.

June 2 A 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(iii)(D) Non-Emergency 4 Hour Report was made regarding a weld leak on a Unit 2 Residual Heat Removal vent valve.

June 5 A 10CFR50.'/2 (b)( 2) (iii)( A) Non-Emergency 4 Hour Report was made regarding a loss of both trains of control room ventilation due to a control room door latch failure.

June 7 A 10CFR50.72(b)(1)(iv) Non-Emergency 1 Hour Report was made regarding the injection of approximately 150 gallons of borated water into Unit 1 reactor coolant system from the boron injection tank (BIT). During surveillance testing a closed BIT outlet valve leaked by resulting in the boron injection. The boron injection caused RCS temperature to decrease to 536 degrees Fahrenheit. To recover RCS temperature Unit 1 decreased power from 88% to 60%. RCS temperature was below the Technical Specification minimum of 541 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 minutes. An update to this report was subsequently made to correct the reporting requirement from 10CFR50.72(b)(1)(iv) to 10CFR50.72(b)(1)(ii)(B) since no ECCS signal caused the injection of the boron.

Unit 1 returned to full power.

June 10 Unit 2 entered Mode 5.

8707200296 870630 PDR ADOCK 05000275- -

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June 15 A Unusual Event was declared regarding the partial loss of Unit 1 Solid State Protection System (SSPS) Train A when a power supply fuse for input bay 2 blew. The fuse was replaced restoring SSPS'to full operability.

June 28 Unit 2 entered Mode 4.

June 30 Unit 2 entered Mode 5.

-Unit 1 ended.the month at 100% power.

Unit 2 ended the month shutdown for a refueling outage.

Summary of Plant Operating Characteristics, Power Reductions and Unit Shutdowns Unit 1 operated this month.with a unit availability factor of 100% and a. unit capacity factor of 100.7%. Unit 1 reduced power once this month-due to an inadvertent boron addition.

-Unit 2 operated this month with a unit availability factor of 0.0% and a unit capacity factor of -1.4% due to the unit being shutdown for a refueling outage.

Summary'of Significant Safety Related Maintenance Completed the following Unit 2 outage maintenance:

o Reactor assembly after refueling, o Steam Generator eddy current tube inspection, o Heat treatment of steam generator row 1 and 2 tubes, o Snubber testing program, o Reactor coolant pump seal overhaul, o MSIV check valve disc lock nut modification, Actuations of Steam Generator Safety Valves

-or Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves No challenges to the steam generator safety valves or pressurizer power operated relief valves were made.

Major changes to the Radwaste Treatment Systems No major changes to the radwaste treatment systems as required by Technical Specification 6.15.1 were made.

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1. Unit Name: Diablo Canyon Unit 1
2. Reporting Period: June 1987
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 3338
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 1137
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 1086
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1124
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 1073

.8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report.

Give Reasons:


9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): N/A
10. Reasons for Restrictions, If Any: None This Month Yr-to-Date Cumulative *
11. Hours In Reporting Period 720.0 4343.0 18837.3
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 720.0 4146.9 15412.5
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
14. Hours Generator On-Line 720.0 4072.3 15037.7
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0 l
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 2141394 12101606 45643676
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 814300 4164300 15298032
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 778567 3949721** 14477542**
19. Unit Service Factor 100.0 93.8 79.8
20. Unit Availability Factor 100.0 93.8 79.8
21. UnitCapacityFactor(UsingMDCNet) 100.7 84.7 71.6
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 99.6 83.7 70.8
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 00 6.2 5.4
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type Date, add Duration of Each):


25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Est. Date of Startup: N/A {
  • As of commercial operation on May 7,1985 at 0243 PDT.
    • Yr-to-Date and Cumulative dr ta adjusted to reflect a correction to April 1987 g operating data.



! DOCKET NO. 50-323

{ DATE 07/01/87 4 COMPLETED BY P. Bedesem TELEPHONE (805)S95-4097




l 1. Unit Name: Diablo Canyon Unit 2

i. 2. Reporting Period: June 1987

! 3. Licensed Thermal Power (Wt): 3411 ~-

t 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross W e): 1164 l S. Design Electrical Rating (Net W e): 1119 i 6. MaximumDependableCapacity(GrossMWe): 1130

( 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 1079 l 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report.

l 'Give Reasons:-

} N/A I

l 9. Power. Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe): N/A l 10. Reasons For Restrictions.,If Any: None I

- This Month Yr-to-Date Cumulative
  • i
11. Hours In Reporting Period 720.0 4343.0 11396.0


12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 0.0 2133.2 8990.1 f 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0 f,
14. Hours Generator On-Line 0.0 1911.1 8641.5 P 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0 l 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (WH) 0 5978045 27058764 a 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 0 1972100 8884599

[ 18. Het Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)

19. Unit Service Factor

-10712 0.0 1837661 44.0 8385835 75.8 l 20. Unit Availability Factor 0.0 44.0 75.8

. 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) -1.4 39.2 68.2

[' 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) -1.3 37.8 65.8

23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0 14.4 6.9
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):


25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Est. Date of Startup: July 9, 1987 l
  • As of commercial operation on March 13, 1986 at 0300 PST.

i i

! MO. RP l' l --- ------


DOCKET N0. 50-275 UNIT Diablo Canyon Unit 1 DATE 07/01/87-COMPLETED BY P. 8edesem TELEPil0NE (805)S95-4097 MONTH June 1987 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (We-Net) (We-Net) 1 1080 17 1084 2 1093 18 1088 3 1091 19 1088 4 1088 20 ,

1071 5 1083 21 1087 6 1088 22 1084 7 1025 23 1088 8 1092 24 1092 9 1079 25 1088 10 1088 26 1084 11 1088 27 1088 12 1084 28 1067 13 1088 29 1084 14 1055 30 1080  !

15 1076 16- 1071 l l

INSTRUCTIONS On this format. list the average daily unit power level in We-Net for each day in the .,

reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt. I The Average Monthly Electrical Power Level for June, 1987 = 1081.34 MWe-Met.

M0.RPT l



AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-323 UNIT Diablo Canyon Unit 2 DATE 07/01/87 t, COMPLETED BY P. Bedesen i TELEPHONE (805)S95-4097 I

[ -

l MONTH June 1987 L DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (We-Net) (We-Net) 1 -8 17 -16 7 2 -7 18 -16 l 3 -7 19 -16 4 -8 20 -21

, 5 -6 21 -15 I 6 -6 22 -16 c 7 -5 23 -16

- 8 -7 24 -15 f 9 -6 25 -16

[ 10 -6 26 -16 f 11 -6 27 -25 l 12 -7 28 -35 i -16 -41 13 29 l 14- -16 30 -38

? 15 -16 2 16 -16 i



( 1 j INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in We-Net for each day in the


[ reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt. j s- l The Average Monthly Electrical Power Level for June, 1987 = -14.88 W e-Net, j I

M0.RPT l


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  • Avila Beach, Cahtomia 93424 * (805) 595-7351 M C. THORNSERRY PLANT MANAGER July 10, 1987 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 RE: Docket No. 50-275 and 50-323 License No. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Monthly Operating Report for June, 1987 Gentlemen:

Enclosed are the completed monthly operating report forms for Diablo Canyon ,

Units 1 and 2 for June, 1987. This report is submitted in accordance with '

Section of the Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications.

Sincerely, 55 0 ROBERT C. THORNBERRY RCT:1m Enclosures cc Mr. John 8. Martin, Regional Administrator I Region V - USNRC i l


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