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FOIA Request for All Documents Re Agreement of Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc/Gulf States Util Integrated Transmission Sys or Any Antitrust Review of Gulf States or River Bend Station from 680101 to Present
Person / Time
Site: River Bend  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/12/1987
From: Rudebusch T
To: Burns A
FOIA-87-873 NUDOCS 8801110032
Download: ML20234E505 (3)



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SANSA CLARA. cALWoA,WA 99Q$4 t.o.).... A.o.

November'12, 1987

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Arnold I. Burns b~

Office of the Deputy Attorney F

General l

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i U.S. Depar tment of Justice l

10th St. and Constitution Avenue, N.W.

gg7 cn Wa shing ton, D.C.

20530 Re:

Freedom of Information Act Request

Dear Mr. Burns:

The undersigned represents Cajun Electric Power I

I Cooperative, Inc.

(" CAJUN").

CAJUN is a Louisiana cooperative


corporation engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity to the following thirteen rural electric j

cooperatives, which are its members:

Beauregard Electric Cooperative, DeRidder, Louisiana; Bossier Rural Electric j

Membership Corporation, Bossier City, Louisiana; Claiborne Electric Cooperative, Inc., Homer, Louisiana; Concordia Electric Cooperative, Inc., Ferriday, Louisiana; Dixie Electric Membership Corporation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Jefferson Davis Electric Cooperative, Inc., Jennings, Louisiana; Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative, Inc., Winnsboro, Louisiana; Pointe Coupee Electric Membership Corporation, New Roads, Louisiana South Louisiana Electric Cooperative Association, Houma, Louisiana; Southwest Louisiana Electric Membership Corporation, Laf ayette, Louisiana; Teche Electric Cooperative, Inc., Jeanerette, Louisiana; Valley Electric Membership Corporation, Natchitoches, Louisiana; Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Franklinton, Louisiana.

CAJUN is a thirty percent (30%) owner of the River Bend nuclear power plant.

The majority owner and operator of the River Bend station is Gulf States Utilities Company (" Gulf States").

As part of an antitrust review undertaken by the U.S.

8801110032 871112 PDR FDIA PEMBROKB7-873 PDR

  • Depar tment of Justice and the Atomic Energy Commission, Gulf States, by letter dated March 20, 1974, entered into an agreement to of fer certain utilities an opportunity to participate in the River Bend station.

This agreement was part of the so-called

" River Bend Commitments

  • made by Gulf States.

CAJUN eventually I

became a part owner of the River Bend station.

In order to obtain financing for its share of River Bend, CAJUN was required j

by the Rural Electrification Administration to enter into an l

agreement with Gulf States whereby CAJUN would own a portion of the transmission f acilities needed to deliver power and energy to


CAJUN's members and others (" CAJUN /GSU integrated transmission i


This agreement became embodied in Service Schedule l


l i

Service Schedule CTOC is a transmission equalization agreement, and was executed by CAJUN and Gulf States on December 17, 1980.

An earlier revision of Service Schedule CTOC was I

executed by CAJUN and Gulf States on July 29, 1980.

Service l

Schedule CTOC is a part of the CAJUN / Gulf States Power Interconnection Agreement.

Service Schedule CTOC is filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as a part of Gulf States' FERC Rate Schedule No. 128.

Pursuant of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.

i S 552 (1986), and the Department of Justice regulations at 28 I

C.F.R. SS 16.1 et seq. (1986), please make the documents l

described below available at your offices for inspection and photocopying by the undersigned.

For the purposes of this request, the term " documents" is defined as all writings and records of every type in your possession, control or custody, however produced or reproduced, including but not limited to any memoranda, reports, studies, analyses, correspondence, letters, telegrams, computer printouts or tapes, workpapers, minutes and I

records of meetings, summaries and records of telephonic and personal conversations, notes or other written communications and copies of documents where such copies contain notes or other j


The term " Ag reement" is defined as any portion or l

all of Service Schedule CTOC, the CAJUN / Gulf States Power j

Interconn6ction Agreement, and the River Bend Commitments.



requested documents are as follows:

All documents f rom January 1,1968 to the I

present, related to the Agreement, the CAJUN /GSU I

integrated transmission system, or any antitrust review of Gulf States or the River Bend station.

l l

We are willing to pay any necessary costs, including searches or user fees.

If this request is denied in whole or in part, we ask that you justify the non-disclosure by reference to one or more of the statutory exemptions enumerated in 28 C.P.R.


16. 26 (b).

We expect that you will make available any nonexempt material that may be segregated f rom exempt material, as required by 5 U.S.C. S 552(b).

We are willing to work closely with you in


scheduling the inspection of the requested material at a reasonable time, place and manner.

Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. S 552 (a) (6) ( A) (1), we ask that you respond to this request within ten business days of its receipt.

Very~truly yours,

-:r.L d ' '= &

James D. Pembroke J. Cathy Fogel Thomas L.

Rudebusch cc:

Phil. lip Harris Willis Holloway Carl Stover l

l l

1 I
