MONTHYEARML20217L7681999-10-19019 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-458/99-12 on 990822-1002.Four Severity Level IV Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as non-cited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy RBG-45125, Forwards Voluntary Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operating Licensing Exams1999-10-18018 October 1999 Forwards Voluntary Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operating Licensing Exams ML20217J3751999-10-15015 October 1999 Informs That Applicable Portions of NEDC-32778P, Safety Analysis Rept for River Bend 5% Power Uprate, Marked as Proprietary Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Pursuant to 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Section 103(b) RBG-45123, Informs That Error Reported to NRC by GE on 990630 Resulted from Changes to SAFER Code Models Counter Current Flow Limiting (Ccfl) in Upper Part of Fuel Bundle at Upper Tie Plate (Utp).No Changes in SAR or COLR Required1999-09-30030 September 1999 Informs That Error Reported to NRC by GE on 990630 Resulted from Changes to SAFER Code Models Counter Current Flow Limiting (Ccfl) in Upper Part of Fuel Bundle at Upper Tie Plate (Utp).No Changes in SAR or COLR Required RBG-45124, Suppl to 990907 Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-458/99-07.Info to Address Specific Requests in 990920 Conference Call Re DG Assessment Completion Dates for Corrective Actions & DG Maint Rule (a)(1) Status,Encl1999-09-24024 September 1999 Suppl to 990907 Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-458/99-07.Info to Address Specific Requests in 990920 Conference Call Re DG Assessment Completion Dates for Corrective Actions & DG Maint Rule (a)(1) Status,Encl RBG-45122, Forwards Rev 3 to RBS COLR for Ninth Fuel Cycle, IAW TS 5.6.5 of App a of FOL NPF-471999-09-23023 September 1999 Forwards Rev 3 to RBS COLR for Ninth Fuel Cycle, IAW TS 5.6.5 of App a of FOL NPF-47 RBG-45113, Clarifies Statement Contained in NRC SER for Licensing RBS, Per Error That Became Evident During Plant Fire Protection Functional Insp1999-09-21021 September 1999 Clarifies Statement Contained in NRC SER for Licensing RBS, Per Error That Became Evident During Plant Fire Protection Functional Insp ML20212D8901999-09-16016 September 1999 Discusses 6 Month Review of Plant Midcycle Ppr.Advises of Plans for Future Insp Activities.Forwards Historical Listing of Plant Issues,Referred to as PIM ML20216F7881999-09-15015 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-458/99-10 on 990830-990903.No Violations Noted.Insp Covered Licensed Operators Requalification Training Program & Observation of Requalification Activities ML20211Q7721999-09-0909 September 1999 Expresses Appreciation for ,In Response to NRC 990702 Re Denial of Notice of Violation Cited in Concerning Insp Rept 50-458/98-16.Reply Found to Be Responsive to Concerns Raised in NOV ML20211Q3921999-09-0808 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-458/99-08 on 990711-0821.One Violation Being Treated as Noncited Violation RBG-45109, Provides Comments on Reactor Vessel Integrity Database. Requests That Data Be Corrected as Noted1999-09-0808 September 1999 Provides Comments on Reactor Vessel Integrity Database. Requests That Data Be Corrected as Noted ML20211Q5541999-09-0808 September 1999 Discusses Meeting Conducted on 990830 in St Francisville,La Re Overall Performance Issues During 990403-0703 Refueling/ Maintenance Outage.Due to Proprietary Nature of Some Subject Matters,Meeting Closed to Public.Attendance List Encl RBG-45095, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-458/99-07.Corrective Actions:Fuel Pump Coupling Was Reworked Using Loctite & Division I DG Was Returned to Operable Status1999-09-0707 September 1999 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-458/99-07.Corrective Actions:Fuel Pump Coupling Was Reworked Using Loctite & Division I DG Was Returned to Operable Status ML20211P4121999-09-0707 September 1999 Requests NRC Staff Review & Approval of Integrated Nuclear Security Plan (Insp) & Integrated Security Training & Qualification Plan (Ist&Q), for Use by All Entergy Operations,Inc.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d) RBG-45097, Requests Approval of Proposed Alternative to Second Interval Inservice Testing Program,Allowing One Time Extension of Test Interval for 20% of Full Set Main Steam Line Safety Relief Valves1999-08-31031 August 1999 Requests Approval of Proposed Alternative to Second Interval Inservice Testing Program,Allowing One Time Extension of Test Interval for 20% of Full Set Main Steam Line Safety Relief Valves RBG-45094, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-458/98-16 Between 990720 & 0807.Corrective Actions:River Bend Will Submit Changes Associated with Lcn 15.06-006 & Accompanying Evaluation1999-08-25025 August 1999 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-458/98-16 Between 990720 & 0807.Corrective Actions:River Bend Will Submit Changes Associated with Lcn 15.06-006 & Accompanying Evaluation IR 05000458/19990071999-08-23023 August 1999 Discusses Insp Rept 50-458/99-07 in Which 2 Violations Were Identified & Being Considered for Escalated Enforcement Action.Response Should Be Submitted Under Oath or Affirmation ML20211C5101999-08-19019 August 1999 Forwards Certified Copies of Liability Insurance Policy Endorsements Issued in First Half of 1999 for Each Entergy Operations,Inc Nuclear Unit,Per 10CFR140.15 ML20211A9291999-08-17017 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-458/99-11 on 990719-23.Areas Examined Included Portions of Licensee Physical Security Program. No Violations Noted RBG-45093, Forwards FFD six-month Program Performance Data Rept for Rept Period 990101 Through 990630,containing Statistical Data & Trend Analysis Compiled by FFD Dept1999-08-17017 August 1999 Forwards FFD six-month Program Performance Data Rept for Rept Period 990101 Through 990630,containing Statistical Data & Trend Analysis Compiled by FFD Dept ML20210T8881999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Replacement Pages 9-18 for Insp Rept 50-458/99-09, Issued on 990730 ML20211A9501999-08-12012 August 1999 Discusses 990720-21 Workshop Conducted in Region IV Ofc,Re Exchange of Info in Area of Use of Risk Insights in Regulatory Activities.List of Attendees,Summary of Topic & Issues,Agenda & Copies of Handouts Encl ML20210U3751999-08-12012 August 1999 Informs That Info Contained in Presentation, River Bend Station Fuel Recovery Project,Dtd 990622, Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Pursuant to 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Section 103(b) of Atomic Energy Act of 1954,as Amended ML20210Q7691999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Licensee River Bend Individual Plant Exam External Events,Under GL 88-20,suppl 4,dtd 910628 ML20210R4591999-08-10010 August 1999 Ack Receipt of Which Transmitted Plant Emergency Plan,Rev 20 Under Provisions of 10CFR50,App E,Section V.Nrc Approval Not Required,Based on Determination That Changes Does Not Decrease Effectiveness of EP ML20210N1641999-08-0404 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-458/99-07 on 990530-0710.One Violation of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as NCV, Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20210K4641999-08-0303 August 1999 Forwards SE Accepting Licensee 180-day Response to GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power Power-Operated Gate Valves, Issued on 950817 ML20210L1461999-08-0303 August 1999 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Requests Submittal of Ltr Identifying Individuals Taking Exam,Personnel Allowed Access to Exams & Mailing Address for Exams ML20210K1351999-07-30030 July 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-458/99-09 on 990510-28 with in-office Insp Until 990701.Three Violations Being Treated as Noncited Violations ML20210J9691999-07-30030 July 1999 Discusses 990719 Meeting with Util in Arlington,Tx Re Region IV Staff Findings of Root Cause Investigation Into Fuel Cladding Failures That Occurred During Recent Cycle 8 Operation.List of Attendees & Organization Chart Encl RBG-45072, Submits Final Response to GL 94-02, Long-Term Solution & Upgrade of Interim Operating Recommendations for Thermal- Hydraulic Instabilities in Bwrs. Ltr Documents Completion of Reporting Requirements Contained in Subject GL1999-07-23023 July 1999 Submits Final Response to GL 94-02, Long-Term Solution & Upgrade of Interim Operating Recommendations for Thermal- Hydraulic Instabilities in Bwrs. Ltr Documents Completion of Reporting Requirements Contained in Subject GL ML20210E9001999-07-23023 July 1999 Informs That as Result of Staff Review of Licensee Responses to GL 92-01,rev 1,Suppl 1 & Suppl 1 Rai,Staff Revised Info in Reactor Vessel Integrity Database & Releasing Database as Rvid Version 2 RBG-45073, Requests Withholding of Info Presented in 990719 Meeting of EOI & NRC Region IV Re Recent Anomalous Conditions Found During Insp of Fuel Bundles During 1999 RFO at Rbs.Affidavit Executed IAW Provisions of 10CFR2.790(b)(1),encl1999-07-20020 July 1999 Requests Withholding of Info Presented in 990719 Meeting of EOI & NRC Region IV Re Recent Anomalous Conditions Found During Insp of Fuel Bundles During 1999 RFO at Rbs.Affidavit Executed IAW Provisions of 10CFR2.790(b)(1),encl RBG-45071, Forwards Rev 2 to River Bend COLR for Ninth Fuel Cycle,Iaw TS 5.6.5 of App A.Affected Pages of GE Suppl Reload Licensing Rept, May 1999 Submittal & List of Effective Pages,Encl1999-07-19019 July 1999 Forwards Rev 2 to River Bend COLR for Ninth Fuel Cycle,Iaw TS 5.6.5 of App A.Affected Pages of GE Suppl Reload Licensing Rept, May 1999 Submittal & List of Effective Pages,Encl 05000458/LER-1999-002-01, Forwards LER 99-002-01,IAW 10CFR50.73.Supplemental Rept Details Root Cause Analysis for Reported Condition. Commitments in Document Annotated on Commitment Identifier Form,Attachment 11999-07-15015 July 1999 Forwards LER 99-002-01,IAW 10CFR50.73.Supplemental Rept Details Root Cause Analysis for Reported Condition. Commitments in Document Annotated on Commitment Identifier Form,Attachment 1 ML20196L0501999-07-0606 July 1999 Informs That NRC Insp Rept 50-458/99-03 Issued on 990519 with Errors in Tracking Numbers Assigned to Seven Noncited Violations & Error Re Actual Location of SRO During Refueling Activities.Revised Pages 2 & 4 Encl ML20209B6081999-06-30030 June 1999 Submits Response to NRC GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Nuclear Power Plants. Disclosure Encl ML20196K6851999-06-30030 June 1999 Ack Receipt of & Denial of NOV in Response to Transmitting NOV & Insp Rept 50-458/98-16.Listed Info Documents Results of Review of Response to Violation Re fire-induced Circuit Faults ML20196K0671999-06-30030 June 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-458/99-04 on 990412-16 & 28-29.Five Violations of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as Noncited Violations,Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy.Meeting Scheduled for 990726 RBG-45047, Informs of Util Expectation to Complete Review of Final Rept Supporting Power Uprate & Submits TS Changes in Jul 1999,per Licensee to NRC Re Increasing Power Output1999-06-29029 June 1999 Informs of Util Expectation to Complete Review of Final Rept Supporting Power Uprate & Submits TS Changes in Jul 1999,per Licensee to NRC Re Increasing Power Output RBG-45048, Forwards Rev 1 to Rbs,Cycle 9 COLR, IAW TS 5.6.5 of License NPF-47.GE Suppl Reload Licensing Rept,Dtd May 1999, Is Included.Without GE Rept1999-06-29029 June 1999 Forwards Rev 1 to Rbs,Cycle 9 COLR, IAW TS 5.6.5 of License NPF-47.GE Suppl Reload Licensing Rept,Dtd May 1999, Is Included.Without GE Rept RBG-45035, Requests Withholding of Info Being Presented in Meeting of Entergy,General Electric & NRC Staff.Licensee Requested Meeting with NRC to Present Info on Recent Anomalous Conditions Found During Insp of Fuel Bundles.W/Affidavit1999-06-21021 June 1999 Requests Withholding of Info Being Presented in Meeting of Entergy,General Electric & NRC Staff.Licensee Requested Meeting with NRC to Present Info on Recent Anomalous Conditions Found During Insp of Fuel Bundles.W/Affidavit ML20196E0601999-06-18018 June 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-458/99-05 on 990418-29.Four Violations Identified & Being Treated as Noncited Violations ML20195G3671999-06-0909 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 981016,which Transmitted River Bend Station Emergency Plan,Rev 18 Under Provision of 10CFR50, App E,Section V.No Violations of 10CFR50.54(q) Identified During Review ML20195G3121999-06-0909 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Re Changes to River Bend Station Emergency Plan,Rev 19.No Violations of 10CFR50.47(b) Were Identified ML20195D6041999-06-0303 June 1999 Discusses EOI Request That Attachment 4,NEDC-32549P, Safety Review for River Bend Station Cycle 7 Final Feedwater Temp Reduction, Rev 0,be Withheld from Public Disclosure. Determined Info Proprietary & Will Be Withheld RBG-45021, Informs That Cycle 9 Operation Will Remain within MCPR Safety Limits Approved in Amend 105 to TS Issued by NRC in1999-05-26026 May 1999 Informs That Cycle 9 Operation Will Remain within MCPR Safety Limits Approved in Amend 105 to TS Issued by NRC in ML20206U6081999-05-18018 May 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-458/99-03 on 990307-0417.Eight Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as Noncited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20206U4321999-05-18018 May 1999 Forwards Notice of Withdrawal of Licensee 961106 Request for Approval of Deviation from Approved Fire Protection Program to Extent Program Incorporated Technical Requirements of Section III.G.2 of App R to 10CFR50 1999-09-09
MONTHYEARRBG-44-730, Forwards Revised Flow Diagram as Result of 981110 Meeting Re RBS NPDES Permit LA0042731 & Lwdps Permit WP0409.List of Addl Changes to Permit Renewal Application Provided1998-11-17017 November 1998 Forwards Revised Flow Diagram as Result of 981110 Meeting Re RBS NPDES Permit LA0042731 & Lwdps Permit WP0409.List of Addl Changes to Permit Renewal Application Provided ML20154S5801998-10-16016 October 1998 Forwards Revised Flow Diagram as Result of Meeting with La Dept of Environ Quality at River Bend Station on 981005.Also Based on Conversation,Util Submitting Listed Changes to Permit Renewal Application RBG-44229, Submits Analytical Results Obtained Prior to Discharge to Flume in Response to Ltr of No Objection to Discharge Normal Svc Water to Main Cooling Tower Circulating Water Flume,1997-09-24024 September 1997 Submits Analytical Results Obtained Prior to Discharge to Flume in Response to Ltr of No Objection to Discharge Normal Svc Water to Main Cooling Tower Circulating Water Flume, RBG-44222, Requests Ltr of No Objection to Discharge Approx 400 to 500 Thousand Gallons of Normal Svc Water to Ms River Via Permitted Outfall 001,Cooling Tower Blowdown & Previously Monitored low-volume Waste to Ms River1997-09-19019 September 1997 Requests Ltr of No Objection to Discharge Approx 400 to 500 Thousand Gallons of Normal Svc Water to Ms River Via Permitted Outfall 001,Cooling Tower Blowdown & Previously Monitored low-volume Waste to Ms River RBG-43-653, Forwards River Bend Station Tier II Chemical List Update1997-01-24024 January 1997 Forwards River Bend Station Tier II Chemical List Update RBG-43-539, Notifies That Drinking Water Sample from Tap 3 of RBS Public Water Supply,Tested Positive for Total Coliform Bacteriological Contamination & Requests Invalidation1996-12-0303 December 1996 Notifies That Drinking Water Sample from Tap 3 of RBS Public Water Supply,Tested Positive for Total Coliform Bacteriological Contamination & Requests Invalidation RBG-41958, Forwards Application for Renewal of NPDES Permit LA0042731. W/Three Oversize Drawings1995-09-14014 September 1995 Forwards Application for Renewal of NPDES Permit LA0042731. W/Three Oversize Drawings ML20087D8021995-08-0404 August 1995 Forwards Five Copies of Petition for Review of Cities of Benton,North Little Rock,Osceola,Presscott,Arkansas,Conway Corp,West Memphis Utilities Commission & Famers Electric Cooperative Corp for Filing RBG-41122, Forwards Applications for Temporary Certification of Addl Personnel at Rbs,Clarifying Addl Personnel to Operate Drinking Water Sys to Ensure Adequate Protection of Plant Personnel During Potential Excursions.Encl Withheld1994-12-19019 December 1994 Forwards Applications for Temporary Certification of Addl Personnel at Rbs,Clarifying Addl Personnel to Operate Drinking Water Sys to Ensure Adequate Protection of Plant Personnel During Potential Excursions.Encl Withheld ML20080C5761994-12-0707 December 1994 Responds to Re Violations Noted During Class I Sanitary Survey on 941024.Corrective Actions:Six Addl RBS Mgt Personnel Will Be Certified by State of La ML20076N4831994-11-0101 November 1994 Forwards Hw Keiser Affidavit in Support of Gulf States Utils Co Second Supplemental Response to Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Second Set of Interrogatories.Related Correspondence ML20078D3181994-10-28028 October 1994 Forwards Addl Discovery Requests on Long-Term Performance Improvement Plan,Per 941026.Related Correspondence ML20078D3111994-10-28028 October 1994 Forwards by Fax,Gulf States Util Company Second Supplemental Response to Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Second Set of Interrogatories,Dtd 940908.Related Correspondence ML20078C9631994-10-26026 October 1994 Discusses Board Order Issued at 941004 Prehearing Conference Re Gsu/Eoi Supplemental Response to Cajun Request 2-6. Suggests That Listed Procedures Be Discussed Before Utilizing Resources of Board.Related Correspondence ML20080A5731994-10-24024 October 1994 Requests Response to Cajun Request 2-6 Re Board Order Issued at 941004 Prehearing Conference.Informs That Cajun Reserves Right to Conduct follow-up Discovery on Response,If Response Had Been Timely Submitted on 941014.Related Correspondence ML20080A5561994-10-24024 October 1994 Forwards follow-up Discovery Requests on Item 2-6 of Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc.Informs That Cajun Reserves Right to Submit Addl follow-up Discovery Requests in Next Several Days.Related Correspondence ML20080A5861994-10-21021 October 1994 Forwards Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Second Supplemental Response to Gsu Discovery Request 9.Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Comprehensive Monitoring Program Also Encl.Related Correspondence ML20076K0631994-10-14014 October 1994 Confirms Understandings Re Supplementation by Cajun of Certain Discovery Requests Propounded by Gsu.No Motions to Compel to Be Submitted by Gsu.Related Correspondence ML20080A4281994-10-14014 October 1994 Forwards Further Response to Util Discovery Request.Related Correspondence ML20024J2931994-09-30030 September 1994 Forwards Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Further Responses to Gsu Discovery Requests.Related Correspondence ML20073H1071994-09-27027 September 1994 Confirms 940926 Telcon Re Representation of Util & Status of Cajun Responses to Util Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents.Related Correspondence ML20073H1911994-09-21021 September 1994 Forwards Gulf States Utilities Co Responses to Cajuns First Request for Production of Documents Dtd 940822. W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20059A4971993-12-0707 December 1993 Informs That State Received & Reviewed Ltrdtd 931013, Submitted on Behalf of Utils.State of La Has No Objection to Use of Calgon Product H-130M,EPA Registration 6836-203 as Proposed ML20058F3231993-11-0909 November 1993 Forwards NPDES Permit Application,Updated to Reflect Proposed Use of Quaternary Amine for Zebra Mussel Control, Including Calgon Product Environ Data Sheet & Matl Safety Data Sheet RBG-38-647, Advises La Dept of Environ Quality of Completion of River Bend Station,Unit 1 Sys Mods,As Stated in Which Accompanied Permit Renewal Application & Mods for Water Discharge Permit WP04091993-06-17017 June 1993 Advises La Dept of Environ Quality of Completion of River Bend Station,Unit 1 Sys Mods,As Stated in Which Accompanied Permit Renewal Application & Mods for Water Discharge Permit WP0409 ML20128G8451993-02-0808 February 1993 Grants Authorization to Use Rept CTP 1099, Toxicity of Matls ML20079C8921991-06-20020 June 1991 Forwards Tables 5-1a Through 5-1g of Chapter 5 to Rev 12B of Physical Security Plan.On 910620 Routine Internal Audit of Safeguards Info Determined That Revs Not Included W/Plan When Rev Distributed in Mar 1991.Encl Withheld ML20080G0981990-08-29029 August 1990 Informs That Interim Disposition Written for or 88-0012 Based Upon Info Provided by Applicable Vendor & Subsequent Fire Test Failed to Verify Vendor Info ML20006F6331989-12-20020 December 1989 FOIA Request for Antitrust Reviews Re Issuance of CP & OL for Facility & Power Interconnection Agreements,Including But Not Limited to Agreement of 1972 & 1978 ML19332C5191989-10-14014 October 1989 Forwards Public Notice of Final Permit Decision Re Application to Discharge to Waters of Us Permit LA0047731, Response to Comments & Final Permit.Public Notice Describes Substantial Changes from Draft Permit RBG-31586, Responds to Violations Noted in Administrative Order VI-89-317 Re NPDES Permit LA0042731.Individual Involved Counseled to More Carefully Monitor Inventory of Flow Chart Recorder Paper1989-10-0303 October 1989 Responds to Violations Noted in Administrative Order VI-89-317 Re NPDES Permit LA0042731.Individual Involved Counseled to More Carefully Monitor Inventory of Flow Chart Recorder Paper RBG-31172, Requests Mod to NPDES Permit LA0042731 Requirements to Establish Effluent Limitations for Zinc in Outfall 001 of 1.0 mg/1 Daily Average & 1.0 mg/1 Daily Max1989-06-28028 June 1989 Requests Mod to NPDES Permit LA0042731 Requirements to Establish Effluent Limitations for Zinc in Outfall 001 of 1.0 mg/1 Daily Average & 1.0 mg/1 Daily Max RBG-30244, Responds to Administrative Order Issued on 890131 Re Violation of Min Ph Limitations in Outfall 001 on 880917 Due to Rainwater from Acid Storage Tank Containment Being Transferred Rapidly Into Cooling Sys Flume1989-03-0303 March 1989 Responds to Administrative Order Issued on 890131 Re Violation of Min Ph Limitations in Outfall 001 on 880917 Due to Rainwater from Acid Storage Tank Containment Being Transferred Rapidly Into Cooling Sys Flume ML19332D3611988-12-19019 December 1988 Advises That Outfall 102 Added to Permit WP0409 to Regulate Metal Cleaning Wastewater,Per 881206 Request.Limit Page for Newly Created Outfall Encl RBG-29564, Forwards Response to Violations of State of La Hazardous Waste Regulations Noted in .Corrective Actions: Container in Satellite Accumulation Storage Area Labeled & Weekly Insp Checklist for Hazardous Waste Facilities Added1988-12-0909 December 1988 Forwards Response to Violations of State of La Hazardous Waste Regulations Noted in .Corrective Actions: Container in Satellite Accumulation Storage Area Labeled & Weekly Insp Checklist for Hazardous Waste Facilities Added RBG-29359, Documents 881111 Telcon Rept of Small Leak of Waste Oil from Piping Associated W/Buried Tanks at Facility.Util Proposes to Continue Excavation & Sampling to Determine Extent of Soil Contamination,Pending NRC Approval1988-11-15015 November 1988 Documents 881111 Telcon Rept of Small Leak of Waste Oil from Piping Associated W/Buried Tanks at Facility.Util Proposes to Continue Excavation & Sampling to Determine Extent of Soil Contamination,Pending NRC Approval ML19332D3581988-10-0606 October 1988 Forwards Revised Page for Outfall 001 for Permit WP0409,per 880915 Request.Limit & Monitoring Requirements for Total Phosphorous Deleted ML20154K0431988-05-25025 May 1988 Requests Mod of Permit Requirements Re Outfall 002 of NPDES Permit LA0042731 to Add Outfall 02A to Be Comprised of Treated Chemical Metal Cleaning Wastewater RBG-27972, Requests Administrative Order Allowing Use of Addl Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals in Addition to Previously Described Chemicals in Applications for Water Discharge Permit WP0409.Proposed Treatment Program Discussed1988-05-25025 May 1988 Requests Administrative Order Allowing Use of Addl Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals in Addition to Previously Described Chemicals in Applications for Water Discharge Permit WP0409.Proposed Treatment Program Discussed ML20154K0271988-05-25025 May 1988 Requests Mod of Permit Requirements for Outfall 002 of Water Discharge Permit WPO409 to Add New Outfall 02A to Be Comprised of Treated Chemical Metal Cleaning Wastewater ML20154K0251988-05-25025 May 1988 Requests Administrative Order to Allow Use of Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals in Addition to Chemicals Previously Described in Applications for NPDES Permit LAOO42731.Grab Sampling Will Be Conducted at Outfall 001 Once Per Wk ML20234E5051987-11-12012 November 1987 FOIA Request for All Documents Re Agreement of Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc/Gulf States Util Integrated Transmission Sys or Any Antitrust Review of Gulf States or River Bend Station from 680101 to Present RBG-26829, Forwards Payment of Civil Penalty in Amount of $2,500 Assessed in Penalty Notice Attached to1987-10-21021 October 1987 Forwards Payment of Civil Penalty in Amount of $2,500 Assessed in Penalty Notice Attached to RBG-26542, Forwards Revised Nonradioactive Oil/Hazardous Matl Spill Prevention,Control & Countermeasure Plan. Damaged Drain Line Removed on 870824.Species of Fish Killed in Spill Listed.Spill Prevention Plan Also Encl1987-09-0303 September 1987 Forwards Revised Nonradioactive Oil/Hazardous Matl Spill Prevention,Control & Countermeasure Plan. Damaged Drain Line Removed on 870824.Species of Fish Killed in Spill Listed.Spill Prevention Plan Also Encl RBG-26122, Submits Followup Ltr to 870612 Telcon Notifying of Sodium Hypochlorite Spill.Caused by Failure of Recirculating Pump Gasket.Remaining Hypochlorite Removed from Spill Containment W/Vacuum Trucks & Used to Augment Treatment of Water Sys1987-06-18018 June 1987 Submits Followup Ltr to 870612 Telcon Notifying of Sodium Hypochlorite Spill.Caused by Failure of Recirculating Pump Gasket.Remaining Hypochlorite Removed from Spill Containment W/Vacuum Trucks & Used to Augment Treatment of Water Sys RBG-25310, Requests Mod of NPDES Permit LA0042731,changing Discharge Limitations for Parameter of Temp for Outfall 001.Higher Temp Limits Will Not Significantly Impact Receiving Water1987-02-0606 February 1987 Requests Mod of NPDES Permit LA0042731,changing Discharge Limitations for Parameter of Temp for Outfall 001.Higher Temp Limits Will Not Significantly Impact Receiving Water RBG-25309, Requests Mod of Water Discharge Permit WP0409,changing Discharge Limitations for Parameter of Temp for Outfall 001. Higher Temp Limits Will Not Significantly Impact Receiving Water1987-02-0606 February 1987 Requests Mod of Water Discharge Permit WP0409,changing Discharge Limitations for Parameter of Temp for Outfall 001. Higher Temp Limits Will Not Significantly Impact Receiving Water L-86-402, Forwards Exception Rept for Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest AR-75856.Util Has Not Received Manifest from Disposal Facility & 45-day Period Following Shipment Expired on 8603131986-03-21021 March 1986 Forwards Exception Rept for Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest AR-75856.Util Has Not Received Manifest from Disposal Facility & 45-day Period Following Shipment Expired on 860313 ML20091R9261984-06-0505 June 1984 Requests to Be Included on Svc List for Board Notification 84-062 Re BWR Core Thermal Hydraulic Stability & Other Pertinent Documents.Author to Commission Requesting Further Info Encl.Related Correspondence RBG-17169, Forwards Historical & Archaeological Investigation of Ruins of Nineteenth Century Sugar Mill (16WF-36) in West Feliciana Parish,La. Determination Re Natl Register Eligibility Requested1984-03-0101 March 1984 Forwards Historical & Archaeological Investigation of Ruins of Nineteenth Century Sugar Mill (16WF-36) in West Feliciana Parish,La. Determination Re Natl Register Eligibility Requested 1998-11-17
MONTHYEARML20006F6331989-12-20020 December 1989 FOIA Request for Antitrust Reviews Re Issuance of CP & OL for Facility & Power Interconnection Agreements,Including But Not Limited to Agreement of 1972 & 1978 ML19332C5191989-10-14014 October 1989 Forwards Public Notice of Final Permit Decision Re Application to Discharge to Waters of Us Permit LA0047731, Response to Comments & Final Permit.Public Notice Describes Substantial Changes from Draft Permit RBG-31586, Responds to Violations Noted in Administrative Order VI-89-317 Re NPDES Permit LA0042731.Individual Involved Counseled to More Carefully Monitor Inventory of Flow Chart Recorder Paper1989-10-0303 October 1989 Responds to Violations Noted in Administrative Order VI-89-317 Re NPDES Permit LA0042731.Individual Involved Counseled to More Carefully Monitor Inventory of Flow Chart Recorder Paper RBG-31172, Requests Mod to NPDES Permit LA0042731 Requirements to Establish Effluent Limitations for Zinc in Outfall 001 of 1.0 mg/1 Daily Average & 1.0 mg/1 Daily Max1989-06-28028 June 1989 Requests Mod to NPDES Permit LA0042731 Requirements to Establish Effluent Limitations for Zinc in Outfall 001 of 1.0 mg/1 Daily Average & 1.0 mg/1 Daily Max RBG-30244, Responds to Administrative Order Issued on 890131 Re Violation of Min Ph Limitations in Outfall 001 on 880917 Due to Rainwater from Acid Storage Tank Containment Being Transferred Rapidly Into Cooling Sys Flume1989-03-0303 March 1989 Responds to Administrative Order Issued on 890131 Re Violation of Min Ph Limitations in Outfall 001 on 880917 Due to Rainwater from Acid Storage Tank Containment Being Transferred Rapidly Into Cooling Sys Flume ML19332D3611988-12-19019 December 1988 Advises That Outfall 102 Added to Permit WP0409 to Regulate Metal Cleaning Wastewater,Per 881206 Request.Limit Page for Newly Created Outfall Encl RBG-29564, Forwards Response to Violations of State of La Hazardous Waste Regulations Noted in .Corrective Actions: Container in Satellite Accumulation Storage Area Labeled & Weekly Insp Checklist for Hazardous Waste Facilities Added1988-12-0909 December 1988 Forwards Response to Violations of State of La Hazardous Waste Regulations Noted in .Corrective Actions: Container in Satellite Accumulation Storage Area Labeled & Weekly Insp Checklist for Hazardous Waste Facilities Added RBG-29359, Documents 881111 Telcon Rept of Small Leak of Waste Oil from Piping Associated W/Buried Tanks at Facility.Util Proposes to Continue Excavation & Sampling to Determine Extent of Soil Contamination,Pending NRC Approval1988-11-15015 November 1988 Documents 881111 Telcon Rept of Small Leak of Waste Oil from Piping Associated W/Buried Tanks at Facility.Util Proposes to Continue Excavation & Sampling to Determine Extent of Soil Contamination,Pending NRC Approval ML19332D3581988-10-0606 October 1988 Forwards Revised Page for Outfall 001 for Permit WP0409,per 880915 Request.Limit & Monitoring Requirements for Total Phosphorous Deleted ML20154K0431988-05-25025 May 1988 Requests Mod of Permit Requirements Re Outfall 002 of NPDES Permit LA0042731 to Add Outfall 02A to Be Comprised of Treated Chemical Metal Cleaning Wastewater ML20154K0271988-05-25025 May 1988 Requests Mod of Permit Requirements for Outfall 002 of Water Discharge Permit WPO409 to Add New Outfall 02A to Be Comprised of Treated Chemical Metal Cleaning Wastewater ML20154K0251988-05-25025 May 1988 Requests Administrative Order to Allow Use of Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals in Addition to Chemicals Previously Described in Applications for NPDES Permit LAOO42731.Grab Sampling Will Be Conducted at Outfall 001 Once Per Wk RBG-27972, Requests Administrative Order Allowing Use of Addl Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals in Addition to Previously Described Chemicals in Applications for Water Discharge Permit WP0409.Proposed Treatment Program Discussed1988-05-25025 May 1988 Requests Administrative Order Allowing Use of Addl Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals in Addition to Previously Described Chemicals in Applications for Water Discharge Permit WP0409.Proposed Treatment Program Discussed ML20234E5051987-11-12012 November 1987 FOIA Request for All Documents Re Agreement of Cajun Electric Power Cooperative,Inc/Gulf States Util Integrated Transmission Sys or Any Antitrust Review of Gulf States or River Bend Station from 680101 to Present RBG-26829, Forwards Payment of Civil Penalty in Amount of $2,500 Assessed in Penalty Notice Attached to1987-10-21021 October 1987 Forwards Payment of Civil Penalty in Amount of $2,500 Assessed in Penalty Notice Attached to RBG-26542, Forwards Revised Nonradioactive Oil/Hazardous Matl Spill Prevention,Control & Countermeasure Plan. Damaged Drain Line Removed on 870824.Species of Fish Killed in Spill Listed.Spill Prevention Plan Also Encl1987-09-0303 September 1987 Forwards Revised Nonradioactive Oil/Hazardous Matl Spill Prevention,Control & Countermeasure Plan. Damaged Drain Line Removed on 870824.Species of Fish Killed in Spill Listed.Spill Prevention Plan Also Encl RBG-26122, Submits Followup Ltr to 870612 Telcon Notifying of Sodium Hypochlorite Spill.Caused by Failure of Recirculating Pump Gasket.Remaining Hypochlorite Removed from Spill Containment W/Vacuum Trucks & Used to Augment Treatment of Water Sys1987-06-18018 June 1987 Submits Followup Ltr to 870612 Telcon Notifying of Sodium Hypochlorite Spill.Caused by Failure of Recirculating Pump Gasket.Remaining Hypochlorite Removed from Spill Containment W/Vacuum Trucks & Used to Augment Treatment of Water Sys RBG-25309, Requests Mod of Water Discharge Permit WP0409,changing Discharge Limitations for Parameter of Temp for Outfall 001. Higher Temp Limits Will Not Significantly Impact Receiving Water1987-02-0606 February 1987 Requests Mod of Water Discharge Permit WP0409,changing Discharge Limitations for Parameter of Temp for Outfall 001. Higher Temp Limits Will Not Significantly Impact Receiving Water RBG-25310, Requests Mod of NPDES Permit LA0042731,changing Discharge Limitations for Parameter of Temp for Outfall 001.Higher Temp Limits Will Not Significantly Impact Receiving Water1987-02-0606 February 1987 Requests Mod of NPDES Permit LA0042731,changing Discharge Limitations for Parameter of Temp for Outfall 001.Higher Temp Limits Will Not Significantly Impact Receiving Water L-86-402, Forwards Exception Rept for Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest AR-75856.Util Has Not Received Manifest from Disposal Facility & 45-day Period Following Shipment Expired on 8603131986-03-21021 March 1986 Forwards Exception Rept for Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest AR-75856.Util Has Not Received Manifest from Disposal Facility & 45-day Period Following Shipment Expired on 860313 ML20091R9261984-06-0505 June 1984 Requests to Be Included on Svc List for Board Notification 84-062 Re BWR Core Thermal Hydraulic Stability & Other Pertinent Documents.Author to Commission Requesting Further Info Encl.Related Correspondence RBG-17169, Forwards Historical & Archaeological Investigation of Ruins of Nineteenth Century Sugar Mill (16WF-36) in West Feliciana Parish,La. Determination Re Natl Register Eligibility Requested1984-03-0101 March 1984 Forwards Historical & Archaeological Investigation of Ruins of Nineteenth Century Sugar Mill (16WF-36) in West Feliciana Parish,La. Determination Re Natl Register Eligibility Requested ML20031H1651981-10-16016 October 1981 Comments on Environ Rept,Ol Stage.Eligibility for Natl Register of Historic Places Must Be Determined for All Properties within Transmission Line Corridors.Historical & Archeological Sites Will Not Be Impacted by Const ML19309G7651980-04-30030 April 1980 Agrees That Commitments Made in Encl Util Will Avoid Adverse Impact by Proposed Project on Any Archaeological Remains at Port Hudson Natl Battlefield ML19305C4411980-03-10010 March 1980 Notifies That Univ & State Div of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Files Indicate That Proposed Alternatives 1 & 2 of Line 352 in Port Hudson Battlefield Area Would Not Endanger Any Cultural Resources.Maps Encl ML19257D8951980-02-0808 February 1980 Notifies That Documents Responsive to DOJ 800128 Subpoena Will Be Available for Insp & Copying on 800206 ML20125D5241980-01-0404 January 1980 Discusses 791129 Request for Comments on Project.Comments Will Be Forwarded Upon Receipt of NRC Response Re Compliance w/36CFR800.Ack Receipt of Supplemental Environ Info for Cajun Electric Power Cooperative ML20147D8321977-06-20020 June 1977 Proj Rept for April & May 1977 Financial Info,Alligator Bayou Study,Site Audit,Constr Activities & Records Mgt 1989-06-28
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SANSA CLARA. cALWoA,WA 99Q$4 t.o.).... A.o.
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Arnold I. Burns b~
Office of the Deputy Attorney F
General l
s d 2-2.9 -0 ] ~;,;
i U.S. Depar tment of Justice l
10th St. and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
gg7 cn Wa shing ton, D.C.
20530 Re:
Freedom of Information Act Request
Dear Mr. Burns:
The undersigned represents Cajun Electric Power I
I Cooperative, Inc.
(" CAJUN").
CAJUN is a Louisiana cooperative
corporation engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity to the following thirteen rural electric j
cooperatives, which are its members:
Beauregard Electric Cooperative, DeRidder, Louisiana; Bossier Rural Electric j
Membership Corporation, Bossier City, Louisiana; Claiborne Electric Cooperative, Inc., Homer, Louisiana; Concordia Electric Cooperative, Inc., Ferriday, Louisiana; Dixie Electric Membership Corporation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Jefferson Davis Electric Cooperative, Inc., Jennings, Louisiana; Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative, Inc., Winnsboro, Louisiana; Pointe Coupee Electric Membership Corporation, New Roads, Louisiana South Louisiana Electric Cooperative Association, Houma, Louisiana; Southwest Louisiana Electric Membership Corporation, Laf ayette, Louisiana; Teche Electric Cooperative, Inc., Jeanerette, Louisiana; Valley Electric Membership Corporation, Natchitoches, Louisiana; Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Franklinton, Louisiana.
CAJUN is a thirty percent (30%) owner of the River Bend nuclear power plant.
The majority owner and operator of the River Bend station is Gulf States Utilities Company (" Gulf States").
As part of an antitrust review undertaken by the U.S.
8801110032 871112 PDR FDIA PEMBROKB7-873 PDR
- Depar tment of Justice and the Atomic Energy Commission, Gulf States, by letter dated March 20, 1974, entered into an agreement to of fer certain utilities an opportunity to participate in the River Bend station.
This agreement was part of the so-called
" River Bend Commitments
CAJUN eventually I
became a part owner of the River Bend station.
In order to obtain financing for its share of River Bend, CAJUN was required j
by the Rural Electrification Administration to enter into an l
agreement with Gulf States whereby CAJUN would own a portion of the transmission f acilities needed to deliver power and energy to
CAJUN's members and others (" CAJUN /GSU integrated transmission i
This agreement became embodied in Service Schedule l
l i
Service Schedule CTOC is a transmission equalization agreement, and was executed by CAJUN and Gulf States on December 17, 1980.
An earlier revision of Service Schedule CTOC was I
executed by CAJUN and Gulf States on July 29, 1980.
Service l
Schedule CTOC is a part of the CAJUN / Gulf States Power Interconnection Agreement.
Service Schedule CTOC is filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as a part of Gulf States' FERC Rate Schedule No. 128.
Pursuant of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.
i S 552 (1986), and the Department of Justice regulations at 28 I
C.F.R. SS 16.1 et seq. (1986), please make the documents l
described below available at your offices for inspection and photocopying by the undersigned.
For the purposes of this request, the term " documents" is defined as all writings and records of every type in your possession, control or custody, however produced or reproduced, including but not limited to any memoranda, reports, studies, analyses, correspondence, letters, telegrams, computer printouts or tapes, workpapers, minutes and I
records of meetings, summaries and records of telephonic and personal conversations, notes or other written communications and copies of documents where such copies contain notes or other j
The term " Ag reement" is defined as any portion or l
all of Service Schedule CTOC, the CAJUN / Gulf States Power j
Interconn6ction Agreement, and the River Bend Commitments.
requested documents are as follows:
All documents f rom January 1,1968 to the I
present, related to the Agreement, the CAJUN /GSU I
integrated transmission system, or any antitrust review of Gulf States or the River Bend station.
l l
We are willing to pay any necessary costs, including searches or user fees.
If this request is denied in whole or in part, we ask that you justify the non-disclosure by reference to one or more of the statutory exemptions enumerated in 28 C.P.R.
- 16. 26 (b).
We expect that you will make available any nonexempt material that may be segregated f rom exempt material, as required by 5 U.S.C. S 552(b).
We are willing to work closely with you in
scheduling the inspection of the requested material at a reasonable time, place and manner.
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. S 552 (a) (6) ( A) (1), we ask that you respond to this request within ten business days of its receipt.
Very~truly yours,
-:r.L d ' '= &
James D. Pembroke J. Cathy Fogel Thomas L.
Rudebusch cc:
Phil. lip Harris Willis Holloway Carl Stover l
l l
1 I