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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8 to Revise Existing TS in Entirety.Amend Consists Primarily of Conversion of Current TS to Improved Ts,Per NUREG-1431,rev 1.Vols 1-10 Contain Listed Attachments
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1998
From: Dennis Morey
Shared Package
ML20216F708 List:
RTR-NUREG-1431 NUDOCS 9803190030
Download: ML20216F705 (77)


e' Dave Morey Southern Nuclear


Vice President Operating Company i

Farley Project P.O. Box 1295 Birmingham. Alabama 35201 A

. Tel 205.992.5131


March 12, 1998 SOUTHE.RN c

Energy to SernYourWorld" Docket Numbers:

50-348 50-364 10 CFR 50.90 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Request For Technical Specification Changes Conversion to the Imoroved Technical Specifications Ladies and Gentlemen:

In accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.90, Southem Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) proposes to amend the Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP) Unit I and Unit 2 Technical Specifications (TS),

Appendix A to Operating Licenses NPF-2 and NPF-8. This TS amendment request revises the existing TS for Farley Units I and 2 in their entirety. The amendment consists primarily of a conversion of the Farley yO Current Technical Specifications (CTS), based on NUREG-0452, to the improved Technical Specifications (ITS) for Westinghouse plants based on NUREG-1431, Revision 1. Additional changes are reflected in Attachments 3 and 5. As part of this conversion, the two sets of CTS will be combined into a single set, 1

applicable to both operating units.

By letter dated December 1,1995, Sv%rn Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) provided notification of i

the intent to implement ITS for FNr. The proposed license amendment request to convert the Farley CTS to the Farley ITS is provided in the volumes enclosed with this letter. The proposed amendment has been compared to the guidance of Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 96-06, " Improved Technical Specifications Conversion Guidance," dated August 1996. This NEl document was issued well after the start of the


Farley conversion to the ITS and, therefore, the attached ITS material may differ slightly from the specific NEl 96-06 guidance. However, the intent of the guidance has been incorporated into the Farley ITS conversion documentation. In addition, SNC has performed reviews ofIndustry and NRC correspondence and incorporated related enhancements as well as addressing FNP-specific literal compliance concerns.

Due to the size and complexity of this license amendment request, numerous Attachments have been included to describe the organization and disposition of various items addressed during the conversion l

process These Attachments are dneribed below:

g, " improved Technict,I Specifications Conversion Reviewers Guide," describes the jf organization of the enclosed submittal volumes and provides guidance for efficient review.

I, "An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion," provides a cross-I k( j) ~.

reference comparison of all Parley CTS, Farley ITS, and STS (NUREG-1431, Rev.1) Technical Specifications.



  • ' "f h!k!hu1RMiiiEii1 9903190030Mbik2 I 7

PDR ADOCK 05000348, P


.,e 4

c.1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnussion Page 2 Mend =nent 3, "Farley CTS License AvaaaAnaat Requests incorporated into the ITS," provides a listing of all currently daractart license amendment requests that have been included in the ITS submittal package., " Generic O- :a= to NUREG-1431, Rev.1, Incorporated into the ITS," provides a listing of the generic Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) changes incorporated into the Farley ITS submittal Package., " Changes identified as Beyond the Scope of an ITS Conversion," provides a listing of those changes incorporated into the Farley ITS submittal package which differ from both the CTS and the Improved Standard Technical Specification (ISTS) as written in NUREG-1431, Rev.1., " Summary of CTS Requirements Renwved from the TS and Placed in, or Currently 1.ocated

. in, Other Documents," provides a listing of the CTS requirements which will be relocated or removed from the CTS, the proposed document to which they will be initially relocated or moved, and the control mechanism that will apply to each relocated or moved item.

Implementation of the Farley ITS will require the performance of a number of new ITS surveillance requirements. SNC intends to treat these new requirenwnts as being " met" at the time ofimplementation, with the first performance of these new surveillance requirements scheduled to be completed within the required interval from the date ofimplementation.


Any revisions to the Farley Final Safety Ana!, sis Report (FSAR) required as a result of the conversion to the Farley ITS will be made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(c).

The planned implementation period is March 2000. 'Ihis imp!cmcatation period is timed to coincide with the Unit I steam generator replacement outage beginmng in April 2000. The Steam Generator Replacement (SGR) licensing package will be in the ITS format. Due to the time required for procedure revisions, the development of new programs, and training schedules for both licensed and non-licensed operators, and the desire for efficient implementation of both the ITS and SGR changes in parallel, SNC

_ requires a full 6 months after the issuance of the Safety Evaluation to implement this proposed license amendment request at Farley. "Iherefore, SNC requests that the NRC review and approve the proposed ITS Conversion by September 30,1999.

As denoted in 10 CFR 50.92(c), SNC has determined the proposed changes to the FNP TS do not involve a

'significant hazards consideration. 'Ihe basis for this evaluation is provided in Enclosure 3 of the submittal volumes. SNC has also determined that the proposed changes will not significantly affect the qudity of the human environment._ A copy of the proposed changes has been sent to Dr. D. E. Williams, the Alabama State Designee, in acs4 dance with 10 CFR 50.91(b)(i).


SNC requests a meeting in W==Magtaa. DC, at your earliest convenience to discuss the contents of this license amendment request, to establish a review schedule, and to establish unes of communication and the means of communicating requests for additional information and responses to those requests.

. jn.




.. y 4

L U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 O:

Mr. D. N. Momy states that he is a Vice President of Southern Nuclear Operating Company and is '

authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Southern Nuclear Operating Company and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter and enclosures are true.

Ifyou have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY NN Dave Morey Swom to andsubscribedbef re me this&.Yy of NOA tt.

I998 l

'nwh I. % r ~

Notary Public U ~

My Commission Expires:

  1. 1.8mI<.L /. A/



WAS/maf:itssub. doc Awh=ts (1-6)

- Enclosures - Conversion Documentation (10 Volumes) cc:

Mr. L. A. Reyes, Region II Administrator Mr. J.1. Zimmerman, NRR Project Manager Mr. T, M. Ross, Plant Sr. Resident Inspector Dr. D. E. Williamson, State Department of Public Health

. I3 L/


6 Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal O

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant ImDr0ved Technical Specifications Conversion Reviewers Guide O


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal


Improved Technical Specifications Conversion Reviewers Guide V


The Farley license amendment request for converting to a Farley-specific version of the generic Technical


Specifications (TS) contained in NUREG-1431, Rev.1, Standard Technical Specifications (STS),

Westinghouse Plants, is based on the format and presentation of the Improved Technical Specifications (ITS) conversion amendments already submitted by SNC plants Hatch and Vogtle, as well as generic 3

guidance provided by the NRC and NEl.

l The submittrJ package is divided into separate review sections. Each review section contains all the TS associated with a STS chapter (i.e., Electrical, Containment, RCS, etc.). The documentation included in each chapter secNn contains the information necessary to conduct a complete review of the conversion changes made to the Farley Current Technical Specifications (CTS) as well as the changes made to the corresponding STS to develop the Farley-specific version of the STS (the FNP ITS). The review packages


are also formatted such that the documentation pertaining to irdividual TS may be separated from the parent chapter which facilitates the review process by allowing individual Specifications to be distributed separately if desired.

In order to facilitate the organization, preparation, and review of the chapter sections, each chapter section is divided into six enclosures. These enclosures are linked, providing a roadmap of the conversion from the j

CTS to the FNP-specific ITS. Therefore, typically the most efficient method for review of a chapter is to lay out cach of the six enclosures side-by-side. This allows the reviewer to identify what changes are made s


to the CTS, why they are made, and why they are not a significant hazards concern. In parallel, the k

corresponding STS LCOs and Bases may be reviewed, including the changes required to make them FNP-specific and thejustifications for these changes. A description of each enclosure follows:

l ENCLOSURE 1 Enclosure I consists of a markup of each of the FNP CTS that correspond with the applicable STS chapter (i.e, Electrical, Containment, RCS, etc.). In order to facilitate the review of the revisions to the CTS, the LCOs in Enclosure I are organized in CTS order. Each CTS is marked to show technical and organizational changes required to convert to the STS and the location of the CTS requirements in the corresponding FNP ITS (Enclosure 4). Due to the extensive format and editorial differences between the CTS and the STS, minor editorial and simple format changes may not be identified. Each significant change identified in Enclosure I is assigned a Discussion of Change (DOC) number and a no Significant llazards Evaluation (SHE) designator. The DOC for each numbered item is contained in Enclosure 2. The SilE designator assigned to each change corresponds to a generic or specific SHE contained in Enclosure

3. Each SilE is fully described in Enclosure 3.

A complete set of Unit ! CTS is included. Unit 2 CTS pages are included only when a difference exists between the Unit 2 and corresponding Unit I CTS that must be individuallyjustified. All changes marked on the Unit i CTS apply to the Unit 2 CTS unless a separate Unit 2 CTS page is included. As part of the front matter for Enclosure I in cach Chapter package, a listing and description of the differences between the current Unit I and Unit 2 TS is included.


V Al-l


Faley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal n

Imoroved Technical Specifications Conversion Reviewers Guide (v)

The CTS markup addresses the addition of new ITS LCOs in two ways. If the ncw LCO is derived from an existing CTS LCO, the markup of that CTS LCO addresses the new ITS LCO and the associated DOCS explain the addition of the ITS LCO. In this case, a copy of the new ITS LCO is not always included in. If the ITS LCO is completely new to the CTS and unrelated to existing CTS LCOs, a copy of the new LCO is included at the end of the Enclosure 1 markup and the associated DOC evaluates the addition of that new LCO.

ENCLOSURE 2 contains a DOC for each marked-up change to the FNP CTS required to produce the FNP specific ITS. The DOC numbers are referenced directly from Enclosure 1 (CTS markup), and the associated SHEs are contained in Enclosure 3. Each of the DOCS and associated SHEs are applicable to both Unit I and 2 unless otherwise stated. Each technical change and the more complf::ated format and presentation changes to the CTS are discussed and justified specifically for FNP. In order to facilitate review, the DOCS in this enclosure are organized by individual TS and may be easily separated into individual TS review sections if desired. The DOCS for each LCO are labeled with the corresponding CTS number and name and the proposed FNP ITS specific number and name.

ENCLOSURE 3 contains the collection of SilEs associated with all the CTS changes identified and discussed in


the previous enclosures. The SIIEs contained in Enclosure 3 are presented on an STS chapter basis and D

are subdivided into individual LCO sections, as are each of the other Enclosures that make up the conversion document. The large majority of CTS changes are categorized or grouped such that a single

" generic" SHE may be applied to each group of changes. For example, a single generic SHE may be applied to all changes that are classified as Administrative changes (i.e., moving requirements from one TS to another without introducing a technical change to the requirement) or changes classified as a Relocation (the movement of an entire TS outside of the license). The generic SHE categories identified within this enclosure conform to the applicable NRC and NE! guidance. All changes identified as less restrictive technical changes (i.e., extended allowed outage times or surveillance intervals, deletion ofindividual requirements, etc.) which are not associated with a generic SHE are individually evaluated for FNP. These individual esaluations ofless restrictive changes are also included in Enclosure 3. The SHE designators usai in Enclosure 3, and a brief description of each are listed below:

ADMINISTRATIVE ("A" labeled changes)

This generic category applies to changes that are editorial in nature, involve the movement of requirements within the CTS without affecting their technical content, simply reformat a requirement, or clarify the TS (such as deleting a footnote no longer applicable due to a technical change to a requirement). It also includes non-technical changes such as refonnatting and rewording the remaining requirements in order to conform with the fonnat and style of the STS. These changes are intended to make the TS more readily understandable to plant operators and other users. The application of the STS format and style will also assure consistency is achieved between TS.

(O) v A l-2

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal


Improved Technical Specifications Conversion Reviewers Guide C/

During this reformatting and rewording process, no technical changes (either actual or interpretational) were made to the TS unless they were identified and justified. However, some obvious admmistrative changes may not be specifically referenced to a discussion of change or SHE.

If no discussion of change or SHE is referenced for a change, it is considered administrative in nature and this Generic SHE applies. Changes to the CTS requirements categorized as Admmistrative are annotated with an "A" in the Enclosure I markup and Enclosure 2 DOC. Administrative changes are considered generic and each change identified as Administrative will not be specifically discussed in this SHE. This evaluation will be applicable to each of the changes identified with an "A"in the markup of the CTS and the associated Enclosure 2 DOC.


This generic category applies to changes that relocate CTS requirements that do not meet the criteria in the NRC Final Policy Statement on Technical Specification improvement for Nuclear Power Reactors (58FR39132, dated 7/22/93). This category of SHE may only be applied to entire TS that do not meet the NRC Policy Statement Criteria. Relocation of these CTS requirements allows the TS document to be reserved only for those conditions or limitations upon reactor operation which are necessary to obviate the possibility of an abnormal situation or event giving rise to an immediate threat to the public health and safety thereby focusing the scope of the TS. Therefore, CTS which do not meet the criteria in the NRC Final Policy Statement on Technical Specification Improvement for Nuclear Power Reactors (58 FR 39132, dated 7/22/93) have been proposed for relocation to other g


licensee controlled documents that are subject to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 or other applicable O

CFR. This will ensure that changes to these relocated TS requirements will be limited to those that do not involve an unreviewed safety question.

The NRC policy statement addresses the scope and purpose of TS, in doing so, it sets forth a specific set of objective criteria for determining which regulatory requirements and operating restrictions should be included in the TS. These criteria are as follows:

Criterion 1: Installed instrumentation that is used to detect and indicate in the control room, a significant abnormal degradation of the reactor coolant pressure boundary; Criterion 2: A process variable, design feature, or operating restriction that is an initial condition of a design basis accident or transient analyses that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier; Criterion 3: A structure, system or component that is part of the primary success path and which functions or actuates to mitigate a design basis accident or transient that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission barrier; Criterion 4: A structure, system, or component which operating experience or probabilistic safety assessment has shown to be significant to public health and safety.






Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal G


Improved Technical Specifications Conversion Reviewers Guide



Changes to the CTS requirements categorized as Relocated are annotated with an "R" in the Enclosure I markup and Enclosure 2 DOC. Relocation changes are considered generic and each j

relocated TS will not be specifically discussed in this SHE. A specific DOC for each CTS identified for relocation is provided in Enclosure 2. This evaluation will be applicable to each of the changes identified with an "R"in the Enclosure 1 markup of the CTS and the associated Enclosure 2 DOC.

j MORE RESTRICTIVE ("M" labeled change;0 1

This generic category consists of changes that modify the CTS to add new requirements or revise existing requirements to be more stringent. These changes are typically made to conform to applicable requirements in the STS, correct discrepancies, or remove ambiguities from the CTS.

More restrictive changes are proposed only when such changes are consistent with:

1) The FNP current licensing basis;
2) The applicable FNP safety analyses; and
3) Good engineering practice such that the availability and reliability of the affected equipment is not reduced.

Changes to the CTS requirements categonzed as More Restrictive are annotated with an "M' in the h markup and Enclosure 2 DOC. These changes are considered generic and each change U

identified as More Restrictive will not be specifically discussed in this SHE. This : Muation will be applicable to each of the changes identified with an "M"in the Enclosure I markup of the CTS and the associated Enclosure 2 DOC.



REMOVAL OF REOUIREMENTS FROM RETAINED TS ("LA"labeleri chances) i This generic category applies to changes that modify the CTS to achieve consistency with the style j

and format of the STS by removing some information and requirements from the CTS. This j

category of change is considered to be less restrictive (no longer controlled by TS) and is referred to j

I as Less Restrictive - Generic. The " partial relocation" ofinformation can not be addressed by the application of the enteria in the NRC Final Policy Statement on Technical Specification improvement for Nuclear Power Reactors, ne NRC Policy Statement criteria is only intended to apply to entire TS. This generic category is intended to apply to changes that remove some information that is typically descriptive in nature regarding the equipment, system (s), actiens or surveillances from a CTS that is retained in the TS. The information that is removed from the CTS is proposed for inclusion in the TS Bases, FSAR, or other licensee controlled documents as appropriate. The removal of this information from the CTS to licensee controlled documents is acceptable because the documents will be controlled through a process which utilizes 10 CFR 50.59 or other applicable CFR. Therefore, the information that has been moved continues to be maintained in an appropriately controlled manner. The proposed changes will not impact the actual information moved out of the CTS, but will reduce the level of regulatory control over this information.


- (v)

A l-4 i



Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal h

improved Technica! Specifications Conversion Reviewers Guide O

Changes to the CTS requirements that fall within this category (Less Restrictive - Generic) are annotated with an "LA" in the Enclosure I markup and Enclosure 2 DOC. These changes are considered generic and each change identified as Less Restrictive - Generic will not be specifically discussed in this SliE. This evaluation will be applicable to each of the changes identified with an "LA"in the Enclosure I markup of the CTS and the associated Enclosure 2 DOC.


This generic category applies to those changes that provide the allowance to utilize a simulated or actual signal to verify the automatic actuation of specific components in the Surveillance test requirements of the TS. This type of change is considered less restrictive as it provides an alternate method to satisfy surveillance requirements that verify automatic equipment / system actuation. This change allows satisfactory automatic actuations (required equipment / system operation is verified) that occur due to an actual automatic actuation to fulfill the surveill,wce requirement. Operability is adequately demonstrated in either case as the affected equipment or system carmot discriminate between an actual or simulated (test) signal. Changes to the CTS requirements that fall within this category (Less Restrictive - Generic) are annotated with an "LB" in the Enclosure i markup and DOC. These changes are considered generic and each change identified as Less Restrictive - Generic will not be specifically discussed in this SHE. This evaluation will be applicable to each of the changes identified with an "LB" in the Enclosure I markup of the CTS and (G


the associated Enclosure 2 DOC.

LESS RESTRICTIVE ("L" labeled changes)

This category consists of technical changes which revise existing requirements such that more f

restoration time is provided, fewer compensatory measures are needed, or fewer or less restrictive surveillance requirements are required. This would also include requirements which are deleted from the TS (not relocated to other documents) and other technical changes that do not fit a generic category. Rese changes are evaluated individually and " specific" SHEs developed. Each " specific" SiiE for a less restrictive technical change will be individually numbered in each TS with the suffix "L"

Technical changes to the CTS requirements categorized as "Less Restrictive - Specific" are annotated with the suflix "L" and an individual number in the Enclosure 1 markup and Enclosure 2 i

DOC for each TS. In order to facilitate review, the less restrictive SHEs are organized by individual TS. The SHEs applicable to each TS may be separated into individual review packages if desired.

ENCLOSURE 4 contains the markup of the generic STS LCOs from NUREG-1431, Revision 1. The LCOs in are organized in STS order. Each STS LCO is marked with all the changes required to make j

the FNF-specific ITS or to identify that the STS generic LCO is not applicable to FNP. Each change made to a generic STS LCO is identified with a number that corresponds to ajustification for difference (JD) in i, except in cases where an FNP number or nomenclature, consistent with the CTS, is simply substituted for the corresponding STS generic number or name.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal



Improved Technical Specifications Conversion Reviewers Guide


Bracketed information in the STS is confirmed to be applicable to FNP or replaced with information that is applicable to FNP or deleted as appropriate. In cases previously NRC approved CTS information is used to replace the generic STS information in brackets, nojustification for altering the bracketed STS information is typically provided. The basis for all such changes to the STS is to maintain the current FNP licensing basis as specified in the CTS.

In addition, the markups in Enclosure 4 show the NRC approved changes to the STS resulting from the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)/NRC revision process. He Industry /NEl sponsored changes marked in this enclosure have been approved by the NRC and have also been determined to be applicable to FNP.

He Industry /NEl revisions to the STS are marked-up and identified with the NEI tracking number (i.e.,

TSTF-03, TSTF-19, etc). The NEI changes are treated as though they are part of the STS for the FNP conversion. Each NEl change package contains its own justification for change which is not repeated in this conversion documentation.

ENCLOSURE 5 contains the JDs between the generic STS and the proposed FNP ITS. Each change identified and numbered in Enclosure 4 is justified within this Enclosure. The STS markup in Enclosure 4 also contains approved changes to the STS resulting from the NEl/NRC revision process. The Industry /NEl sponsored changes marked in this enclosure have been approved by the NRC unless othenvise noted in and have also been determined to be applicable to FNP. Thejustifications for NEl changes


are contained in the associated change package submitted to the NRC and are not repeated in this document. In order to facilitate review, the JDs in this enclosure are organized by individual TS and may be easily separated into individual TS review sections if desired. The JDs are labeled with the corresponding STS number and name and the proposed FNP ITS specific number and name if different than the STS.

ENCLOSURE 6 contains the generic STS Bases marked-up to indicate the changes required to make the FNP-specific ITS Bases. As control of the Bases content is the responsibility of the licensee, the changes to the generic STS Bases are not discussed individually as are the changes to the generic STS LCOs. Changes to the generic STS Bases are associated with one of several categories which provide a general description of the change. The categories of Bases changes are identified within the Enclosure 6 front matter. Listed below are brief explanations for the types of changes to the Bases. The explanations are keyed to alpha designators which are used to mark each FNP specific Bases change. In addition, the mark-ups in this enclosure show the NRC approved changes to the STS resulting from the NEl/NRC revision process. The Industry /NEl sponsored changes marked in this enclosure have been approved by the NRC unless otherwise noted in Attachment 3, and have also been determined to be applicable to FNP. He Industry /NEl revisions to the STS are marked-up and identified with the NEl tracking number (i.e., TSTF-03, TSTF-19, etc). The NEl changes are treated as though they are part of the STS for the FNP conversion. Each NEl change package contains its own justification for change which is not repeated in this conversion documentation. The FNP specific STS Bases in this enclosure will completely replace all the corresponding current FNP Bases. See the following page for an explanation of the categories of



changes used in the bases.

v Al-6

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal Imoroved Technical Specifications Conversion Reviewers Guide L


Technical Specification Change - Tnis Bases change is due to a corresponding change made to the associated STS LCO and is explained in detail in the associated Enclosure 5 JD. The JD number used in Enclosure 5 is also referenced in the Bases markup (as TSC

  1. ) where applicable.

PSC Plant Specific Change - The Bases information is revised to conform to FNP design, analysis, terminology, or operating practice. This change may result in a deletion or revision ofinformation contained in the STS Bases.

PSE Plant Specific Enhancement - Additional information specific to FNP is provided to enhance the STS Bases information consistent with FNP design, analysis, terminology, or operating practice.

E Editorial - Changes made to the NUREG-1431 Bases to improve clarity and understanding or correct minor errors.

D Deletion - This STS Bases information is deleted. The information constitutes extra detail not required to support the TS requirements for Operability, Applicability, Actions, Completion Times, or Surveillances. The information is not required or not t

readily verified for FNP, or is contained in other documents already referenced in the Bases.

DV Al 7

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS corwersion Submittal l

1 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion O

O l


wlear Plant ITF.anve.sion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev i Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION 1.0 Definitions 1.1 Definitions 1.1 Definitions NA 1.2 Logical 1.2 Logical New ITS 1.2 Connectors Connectors NA 1.3 Completion Times 1.3 Completion Times New ITS 1.3 NA 1.4 Frequency 1.4 Frequency New ITS 1.4 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS (SLs) 2.1.1 Reactor Core SL 2.1.1 Reactor Core SL 2.1.1 Reactor Core SL 2.1.2 RCS Pressure 2.1.2 RCS Pressure 2.1.2 RCS Pressure SL SL SL 2.2.1 RTS Setpoints 3.3.1 RTS 3.3.1 RTS CTS LSSS moved from 2.0 to Instrumentation section 3.3.

NA 2.2 SL Violations 2.2 SL Violations Information from these sections was contained in CTS 2.1.1 and 2.1.2.

3.0 LCO AND SR APPLICABILITY 3.0.I LCO 3.0.1 LCO 3.0.1 3.0.2 LCO 3.0.2 LCO 3,0.2 3.0.3 LCO 3.0.3 LCO 3.0.3 3.0.4 LCO 3.0.4 LCO 3.0.4 3.0.5 NA NA CTS 3.0.5 was removed from the TS.

(1) See the applicable Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.


Farley Nuclear Pl nt ITS conversion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)



NA LCO 3.0.5 LCO 3.0.3 New ITS 3.0.5.

NA LCO 3.0.6 LCO 3.0.6 New ITS 3.0.6.

NA LCO 3.0.7 LCO 3.0.7 New ITS 3.0.7.

4.0.1 SR 3.0.1 SR 3.0.1 4.0.2 SR 3.0.2 SR 3.0.2 4.0.3 SR 3.0.3 SR 3.0.3 4.0.4 SR 3.0.4 SR 3.0.4 4.0.5 NA NA CTS 4.0.5 retained in part as IST Program in ITS Section 5.0.

3.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS 3/ SDM - Tavg 3.1.1 SDM 3.1.1 SDM - Tavg >

FNP ITS 3.1.1 f

> 200 F 200 F contains requirements i

for SDM at all temperatures.


i 3/ SDM - Tavg NA 3.1.2 SDM - Tavg s Separate SDM LCOs s 200 F 200 F are no longer necessary due to SDM limits being contained within the COLR.

NA 3.1.2 Core Reactivity 3.1.3 Core Reactivity New LCO derived from existing CTS requirements.

3/ MTC 3.1.3 MTC 3.1.4 MTC 3/ Minimum 3.4.2 Minimum 3.4.2 Minimum CTS LCO moved to Temperature for Temperature for Temperature for RCS Section (3.4).

Criticality Criticality Criticality b

(!) See the applicable Enclosure i CTS markup or isnelosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3/ Boration NA NA Relocated.

Flow Paths -

Shutdown 3/ Boration NA NA Relocated.

Flow Paths -

Operating 3/ Charging NA NA Relocated.

Pump - Shutdown 3/ Charging NA NA Relocated.

Pumps - Operating 3/ Borated NA NA Relocated.

Water Sources -

Shutdown g

3/ Borated NA NA Relocated.

Water Sources -

Operating 3/ Movable 3.1.4 Rod Group 3.1.5 Rod Group Control Assemblies -

Alignment Limits Alignment Limits Group licight 3/ Position 3.1.7 Rod Position 3.1.8 Rod Position Indication Systcms -

Indication Indication Operating i

3/ Position NA NA Relocated.


Indication Systems -

Shutdown 3/ Rod Drop NA NA LCO and Actions Time removed from TS.

Surveillance requirement retained in FNP ITS 3.1.4.

(1) See the applicable Enclosure i CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed infonnation.


Faricy Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal i

An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3/ Shutdown 3.1.5 Shutdown Bank 3.1.6 Shutdown Bank Rod Insertion Limit insertion Limits insertion Limits 3/ Control Rod 3.1.6 Control Bank 3.1.7 Control Bank Insertion Limits insertion Limits Insertion Limits 3/4.10.2 Group 3.1.8 PHYSICS 3.1.9 PHYSICS CTS 3/4.10.2 moved lleight, insertion and TESTS Exception -

TESTS Exception -

into ITS Section 3.1.

Power Distribution Mode 1 Mode 1 Limits 3.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS 3/4.2.1 AFD 3.2.3 AFD 3.2.3B AFD (RAOC)


Not FNP methodology.

3/4.2.2 Ileat Flux Hot 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot 3.2.1.B Heat Flux Channel Factor Channel Factor Hot Channel Factor (F (Z))

(Fo(Z))(FQ 9


NA NA 3.2.1.A Heat Flux Not FNP Hot Channel Factor methodology.

(Fo(Z))(Fxy Methodology) 3/4.2.3 Nuclear 3.2.2 Nuclear 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Hot Channel Enthalpy Rise Hot Enthalpy Rise Hot Factor Channel Factor Channel Factor 3/4.2.4 QPTR 3.2.4 QPTR 3.2.4 QPTR 3/4.2.5 DNB 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, CTS LCO moved to Parameters Temperature, and Temperature, and the ITS RCS Section.

Flow DNB Limits Flow DNB Limits o


(1) See the applicable Enclosure ! CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for mcre detailed information.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal O

An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion

%J Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.1 RTS 3.3.1 RTS 3.3.1 RTS 3/4.3.2 ESFAS 3.3.2 ESFAS 3.3.2 ESFAS 3/ Radiation NA NA CTS requirements Monitoring moved to other ITS Instrumentation LCOs (3.3.3, 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 3.3.8) or removed from the TS.

3/ Movable NA NA Relocated.

Incore Detcetors 3/ Accident 3.3.3 Post Accident 3.3.3 Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Instrumentation Instrumentation Instrumentation g

3/ Remote 3.3.4 Remote 3.3.4 Remote Shutdown Shutdown System Shutdown System Instrumentation 3/ High Energy NA NA Relocated.

Lme Break Isolation Sensors 3/ Waste Gas NA NA Retained in part as Monitoring ITS 5.5.12 Explosive Instrumentation Gas and Radioactivity Monitoring Program.

3/4.3.4 Turbine NA NA Relocated.

Overspeed Protection NA 3.3.5 Loss of Power 3.3.5 Loss of Power Consists of CTS DG Start DG Start requirements Instrumentation Instrumentation previously in the ESFAS LCO plus one new alarm instrument.

(1) See the applicable Enclosure 1 CTS murkup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed infonnation.

A2 5 t-

Farley Nuelear Plant ITS conversion Submittal


An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)



NA 3.3.6 Containment 3.3.6 Containment Consists of CTS Purge and Exhaust Purge and Exhaust requirements isolation Isolation previously in the Instrumentation Instrumentation ESFAS LCO as well as other LCOs (e.g.,

Rad Monitors) which contained purge and exhaust isolation requirements. Puts all containment purge /

exhaust valve isolation instrumentation in one LCO.

NA 3.3.7 CREFS 3.3.7 CREFS Consists of CTS Actuation Actuation requirements from Instmmentation Instrumentation Rad Monitors as well as other LCOs which contained CREFS Actuation Instrument requirements. Puts all CREFS instrumentation in one LCO.

NA 3.3.8 Penetration 3.3.8 Fuel Building FNP specific system Room Filtration (PRF)

Air Cleanup System name (PRF). Consists System Actuation Actuation of CTS requirements Instrumentation Instrumentation from Rad Monitors as well as other LCOs which contained PRF Actuation Instrument requirements. Puts all PRF instrumentation in one LCO.

NA NA 3.3.9 Boron Dilution Not installed at FNP.

Protection System (BDPS)

OY (I) See the applicable Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal


An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev i Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3.4 REACTOR COOLA.NT SYSTEM (RCS) 3/4.2.5 DNB 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, CTS LCO moved into Parameters Temperature, and Temperature, and ITS RCS Section.

Flow DNB Limits Flow DNB Limits 3/ Minimum 3.4.2 Minimum 3.4.2 Minimum CTS LCO moved into Temperature for Temperature for Temperature for ITS RCS Section.

Criticality Criticality Criticality 3/ RCS 3.4.3 RCS Pressure 3.4.3 RCS Pressure Pressure / Temperature and Temperature and Temperature Limits Limits Limits 3/ RCS Loops 3.4.4 RCS Loops -

3.4.4 RCS Loops -

Startup and Power Modes I and 2 Modes I and 2


Operation V

3/ RCS - Hot 3.4.5 RCS Loops -

3.4.5 RCS Loops -

Standby Mode 3 Mode 3 3/ RCS - Hot 3.4.6 RCS Loops -

3.4.6 RCS Loops -

Shutdown Mode 4 Mode 4 3/ RCS - Cold 3.4.7 RCS Loops -

3.4.7 RCS Loops -

CTS LCO split into j

Shutdown Mode 5, Loops filled.

Mode 5, Loops filled.

two ITS LCOs.

i 3.4.8 RCS Loops -

3.4.8 RCS Loops -

Mode 5, Loops Not Mode 5, Loops Not Filled Filled 3/4.4.2 Safety Valves-NA NA Relocated.

Shutdown 3/4.4.3 Safety Valves 3.4.10 Pressurizer 3.4.10 Pressurizer

- Operating Safety Valves Safety Valves 3/4.4.4 Pressurizer 3.4.9 Pressurizer 3.4.9 Pressurizer a

'j (1) See the applicable Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3/4.4.5 Relief Valves 3.4.11 Pressurizer 3.4.11 Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Power Operated Rclief Valves Valves 3/4.4.6 Steam NA NA CTS LCO and Generators Actions removed and surveillance requirements retained in ITS Section 5.0 as a program.

3/ RCS 3.4.15 RCS Leakage 3.4.15 RCS Leakage Leakage Detection Detection Detection Systems Instrumentation Instrumentation 3/ Operational 3.4.13 Operational 3.4.13 Operational CTS LCO split into Leakage Leakage Leakage two ITS LCOs.

3.4.14 RCS Pressure 3.4.14 RCS Pressure '

isolation Valve Isolation Valve Leakage Leakage 3/ 3.4.12 Low 3.4.12 Low Overpressure Temperature Temperature Protection Systems Overpressure Overpressure Pro'.ection (LTOP)

Protection (LTOP)

System System 3/4,4.8 Chemist.y NA NA Relocated.

3/4.4.9 Specific 3.4.16 RCS Specific 3.4.16 RCS Specific Activity Activity Activity 3/4.10.2 Pressurizer NA NA Relocated.

P/r Limits


(1) See the applicable Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREC-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3/4.4.11 RCS NA NA Addressed by existing Structural Integrity Inservice Test and Inspection Programs and new program added to ITS 5.0 to cover specific surveillances of this LCO.

NA NA 3.4.17 RCS Loop Not installed at FNP.

Isolation Valves


NA NA 3.4.18 RCS isolated No Loop isolation Loop Startup valves at FNP.

3/4.10.4 RCS Loops NA 3.4.19 RCS Loops -

No longer used at Test Exception Test Exception FNP and deleted in FNPITS.

3.5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM (ECCS) 3/4.5.1 Accumulators 3.5.1 Accumulators 3.5.1 Accumulators 3/4.5.2 ECCS 3.5.2 ECCS -

3.5.2 ECCS -

Subsystems - Tavg 2 Operating Operating 350*F 3/4.5.2 ECCS 3.5.3 ECCS -

3.5.3 ECCS -

Subsystems - Tavg <

Shutdown Shutdown 350 F 3/4.5.5 RWST 3.5.4 RWST 3.5.4 RWST NA 3.5.5 Seal injection 3.5.5 Seal injection New LCO containing Flow Flow CTS requirements from RCS Operational Leakage.

O (1) See the applicable Enclosure I CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS marl,up for more detailed information.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal


An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431 Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3/4.5.6 ECCS 3.5.6 ECCS NA FNP specific LCO for Recirculation Fluid Recirculation Fluid TSP in containment pil Control System pl-1 Comrol System instead of spray add tank system. This LCO is not part of the STS.

3.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/ Containment 3.6.1 Contaimnent 3.6.1 Containment integrity 3/ Containment NA NA Rese CTS leakage requirements incorporated into other LCOs, programs, or removed from the TS.

3/ Cmtairunent 3.6.2 Containment Air 3.6.2 Containment Air Air Lecks Locks Locks i

3/ Internal 3.6.4 Containment 3.6.4A Containment Pressure Pressure Pressure (Atmospheric, Dual, and Ice Condenser) j NA NA 3.6.4B Containment Not part of the FNP Pressure design.

(Subatmospheric) 3/ Air 3.6.5 Containment Air 3.6.5 A Containment Temperature Temperature Air Temperature (Atmospheric and Dual)

NA NA 3.6.5B Containment Not part of the FNP Air Temperature (Ice design.


~O V

(I) Sec the applicable Enclosure i CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed infonnation.


s Farley Nuci:ar Plant ITS conversion Submittal

[J An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Ltandard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)



NA NA 3.6.5C Containment Not part of the FNP


Air Temperature design.

(Subatmospheric) 3/ Containment NA NA Removed from the TS.

Structural Integrity Tendon surveillances retained in section 5.0 program.

3/ Containtnent 3.6.3 Containment 3.6.3 Containment All containment Ventilation System Isolation Valves isolation Valves isolation valve (Purge and Exhaust requirements are Isolation Valves) addressed in one LCO.

3/4.6.3 Containment l

Isolation Valves G

3/4 6 2.1 Contamment 3.6.6 Contamment 3.6.6A Containment Two CTS LCOs are Spray System Spray and Cooling Spray and Cooling combinei into one ITS System System (Atmospheric LCO.

3/ Containment and Dual) (Credit Cooling System Taken for lodine Removal by the Spray System)

NA NA 3.6.6B Containment Not consistent with Spray and Cooling appheable FNP System (Atmospheric analysis (FNP credits and Dual)(Credit not iodine removal by the Taken for lodine Spray System).

Removal by the Spray System)

NA NA 3.6.6C Containment Not part of the FNP Spray System (Ice design.


NA NA 3.6.6D Quench Spray Not part of the FNP System design.

p (Subatmospheric)


(1) See the apphcable Enclosure I CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed mformation.

A2-Il i

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Subnittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)



NA NA 3.6.6E Recirculation Not part of the FNP Spray System design.


NA NA 3.i7 Spray Additive This system recently System removed from FNP and replaced with TSP inside containment (see CTS 3/4.5.6).

3/4.6.4 liydrogen 3.3.3 Post Accident 3.3.3 Post Accident The requirements of Analyzers Monitoring Monitoring this LCO are moved Instrumentation Instrumentation into the Post Accident Monitoring LCO consistent with the purpose of the p


V 3/ Electric 3.6.7 liydrogen 3.6.8 Hydrogen liydrogen Recombiners Recombiners Recombiners 3/ 3.6.8 liydrogen 3.6.9 Hydrogen Maing System Mixing System Mixing System 3/ Reactor 3.6.9 Reactor Cavity NA FhP specific system Cavity Hydrogen liydrogen Dilution and TS.

Dilution System System NA NA 3.6.10 Hydrogen Not part of the FNP Ignition System (Ice design.


NA NA 3.6.1 I lodine Cleanup Not part of the FNP System (Atmospheric design.

and Subatmospheric)

NA NA 3.6.12 Vacuum Relief Not part of the FNP Valves (Atmospheric

design, and Ice Condenser)


(1) See the applicable Enclosure I (.TS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.


4 Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal 2

An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)



NA NA 3.6.13 Shield Building Not pan of the FNP Air Cleanup System design.

j (Dual and Ice l


NA NA 3.6.14 Air Return Not part of the FNP System (Ice design.


I NA NA 3.6.15 lee Bed (Ice Not part of the FNP Condenser) design.

NA NA 3.6.16 Ice Condenser Not part of the FNP Doors (Ice Condenser) design.

NA NA 3.6.17 Divider Barrier Not part of the FNP O

Integrity (Ice design.


D Condenser)

NA NA 3.6.18 Containment Not part of the FNP Recirculation Drains design.

(Ice Condenser)

NA NA 3.6.19 Shield Building Not part of the FNP (Dual and Ice design.

Condenser) 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4 7.1.1 Turbine 3.7.1 Main Steam 3.7.1 Main Stexn Cycle Safety Valves Safety Valves Safety Valves 3/ AFW 3.7.5 AFW 3.7.5 AFW 3/ Condensate 3.7.6 Condensate 3.7.6 Condensate Storage Tank Storage Tank Storage Tank 3/ Activity 3.7.16 Secondary 3.7.18 Secondary Specific Activity Specific Activity (1) See the applicabl: Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.


. l.

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3/ Main Steam 3.7.2 Main Steam 3.7.2 Main Steam Line Isolation Valves Isolation Valves isolation Valves NA 3.7.3 Main Feedwater 3.7.3 Main Feedwater New LCO requirement Stop Valves and Main Isolation Valves and for FNP.

Feedwater Regulation Main Feedwater Valves and Associated Regulation Valves and Bypass Valves Associated Bypass Valves NA 3.7.4 Atmospheric 3.7.4 Atmospheric New LCO requirement ReliefValves Dump Valves for FNP.

3/4.7.2 Steam NA NA Relocated.

Generator Pressurefremperature Limitation 4

3/4.7.3 Component 3.7.7 Component 3.7.7 Component Cooling Water Cooling Water Cooling Water 3/4.7.4 Service Water 3.7.8 Service Water 3.7.8 Service Water System System System 3/ Ultimate 3.7.9 Ultimate Heat 3.7.9 Ultimate Heat Heat Sink - Pond Sink Sink 3/ Control 3.7.10 Control Room 3.7.10 Control Room Room Emergency Emergency Filtration /

Emergency Filtration Filtration /

Pressurization System System (CREFS)

Pressurization System (CREFS)

(CREFS) 3/ Control 3.7.11 Control Room 3.7.11 Control Room Room Air Air Conditioning Emergency Air Conditioning System System (CRACS)

Temperature Control (CRACS)

System n

(1) See the applicable Enclosure i CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.


Farley Nucle:r Plant ITS conversion Submittal f*h


An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)



NA NA 3.7.12 ECCS Pump STS LCO 3.7.13 more Room Exhaust Air closely matches the Cleanup System FNP design for this (PREACS) system.

3/4.7.8 Penetration 3.7.12 Penetration 3.7.13 Fuel Building STS LCO 3.7.13 Room Filtration Room Filtration (PRF)

Air Cleanup System addresses a system System System (FBACS) that performs two functions (penetration area / pump room cleanup (Modes 1-4) and fuel handling area cleanup during movement of irradiated fuel). This dual function system most closely matches k

the FNP PRF system.

NA NA 3.7.14 Penetration STS LCO 3.7.13 more Room Exhaust Air closely matches the Cleanup System FNP design for this (PREACS) system.

3/4.7.9 Snubbers NA NA Relocated.

I 3/4.7.10 Scaled NA NA Relocated.

Source Contamination 3/4.7.13 Area NA NA Relocated.

Temperature Monitoring (Unit 2 only) l ' p).

!N s.-

(1) See the applicable Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.



Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3/4.7.13 (Unit 1) Fuel 3.7.14 Fuel Storage 3.7.16 Fuel Storage Unit I and 2 have Storage Pool Boron Pool Boron Pool Boron ditTerent numbers due Concentration Concentration Concentration to the additional Unit 2 CTS LCO 3/4.7.13 3/4.7.14 (Unit 2) Fuct for Area Temperature Storage Pool Boron Monitoring. The area Concentration temperature monitoring LCO will not exist it. the FNP ITS.

3/4.7.14 (Unit 1) Fuel 3.7.15 Spent Fuel 3.7.17 Spent Fuel Unit I and 2 have Assembly Storage Assembly Storage Assembly Storage difTerent numbers due to the additional Unit 3/4.7.15 (Unit 2) Fuel 2 CTS LCO 3/4.7.13 Assembly Storage for Area Temperature O

Monitoring. The area d

temperature monitoring LCO will not exist in the FNP ITS.

3/4.9.11 Water Level 3.7.13 Fuel Storage 3.7.15 Fuel Storage This CTS LCO moved Storage Pool Pool Water Level Pool Water Level from the Refueling Section of TS to the Plant System Section consistent with the STS.

3.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 3/ AC Sources 3.8.1 AC Sources -

3.8.1 AC Sources

- Operating Operating Operating 3/ AC Sources 3.8.2 AC Sources -

3.8.2 AC Sources -

- Shutdowr.

Shutdown Shutdown IG (1) See the applicable Enclosure I CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup lbr more detailed information.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal

' (G An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion


v Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)



NA 3.8.3 Diesel Fuel, 3.8.3 Diesel Fuel, New LCO derived Lube Oil, and Starting Lube Oil, and Starting from some existing TS Air Air requirements (3/ and some new TS requirements (lube oil and startmg i

l air).

l l

3/ AC 3.8.4 DC Sources -

3.8.4 DC Sources -

CTS LCOs are re-Distribution -

Operating Operating organized consistent Operating with the STS format 3.8.6 Battery Cell 3.8.6 Battery Cell of these requirements.

3/ Auxiliarv Parameters Parameters Building DC Distnbution -

3.8.7 inverters -

3.8.7 inverters -

Operating Operating Operating


l\\U Service Water 3.8.9 Distribution 3.8.9 Distribution Building DC Systems - Operating Systems - Operating Distribution -

Operating 3/ AC 3.8.5 DC Sources -

3.8.5 DC Sources -

CTS LCOs are re-Distribution -

Shutdown Shutdown organized consistent Shutdown with the STS format 3.8.8 Inverters -

3.8.8 Inverters -

of these requirements.

3/ Auxiliary Shutdown Shutdown Building DC Distribution -

3.8.10 Distribution 3.8.10 Distribution Shutdown Systems - Shutdown Systems - Shutdown I

3/4 8.3.1 Containment NA NA Relocated.

t Penetration Conductor Overcurrent Protective Devices (Unit 2 only) 3/ Motor NA NA Relocated.

Operated Valves Thennal Overload

,o Protection Devices (v)

(Unit 2 only)

(1) See the applicable Enclosure I CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.

A2 17

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion l

lV Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS) l l


(1) 3.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3/4.9.1 Boron 3.9.1 Boron 3.9.1 Boron Concentration Concentration Concentration NA NA 3.9.2 Unborated This STS LCO is not Water Source consistent with the Isolation Valves FNP refueling Boron dilution analysis.

3/4.9.2 3.9.2 Nuclear 3.9.3 Nuclear l

Instrumentation Instrumentation Instrumentation 3/4.9.3 Decay Time NA NA Relocated 3/4.9.4 Containment 3.9.3 Containment 3.9.4 Containment The CTS LCOs are Building Penetrations Penetrations Penetrations combined into one Containment 3/4.9.9 Containment Penetration LCO l

Purge and Exhaust consistent with the isolation System STS.

3/4.9.5 NA NA Relocated.

Communications 3/4.9.6 Manipulator NA NA Relocated.

Crane 3/ Crane Travel NA NA Relocated.

- Spent Fuel Storage Pool Building Bridge Crane 3/ Crane Travel NA NA Relocated.

- Spent Fuel Storage Pool Spent Fuel Cask Crane 3/4.9.8.I RHR and 3.9.4 RHR and 3.9.5 RHR and Coolant Circulatien Coolant Circulation -

Coolant Circulation -


All Water Levels.

High Water Level High Water Level w

(1) See the apphcable Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.



Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 3/ RHR - Low 3.9.5 RHR and 3.9.6 RHR and Water Level Coolant Circulation -

Coolant Circulation -

Low Water Level Low Water Level 3/ Water 3.9.6 Refueling Cavity 3.9.7 Refueling Cavity CTS LCOs combined Level Reactor Vessel Water Level Water Level into one LCO Fuel Assemblies consistent with the STS.

3/ Water Level Reactor Vessel Control Rods 3/4.9.1 i Water Level -

3.7.13 Fuel Storage 3.7.15 Fuel Storage This CTS LCO moved Storage Pool Pool Water Level Pool Water Level to Plant Systems Section consistent with O

the STS.

3/4.9.12 Storage Pool NA NA Relocated.

Ventilation (Fuel Storage) 3/4.9.13 Storage Pool 3.7.12 Penetration 3.7.13 Fuel Building his CTS LCO moved Ventilation (Fuel Room Filtration (PRF)

Air Cleanup System to the Plant Systems Movement)

System (FBACS)

Section and combined with the Mode 1-4 LCO for the PRF system consistent with the closest corresponding STS LCO 3.7.13 FBACS.

O (1) See the applicable Enclosure ! CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed infonnation.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal


An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Sp ecifications Specifications (STS)



CTS 3/4.10 SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS 3/4.10.1 Shutdown NA NA This CTS LCO is Margin deleted consistent with TSTF changes to the STS.

3/4.10.2 Group NA NA This CTS LCO is lleight, lasertion and deleted consistent with Po;<er Distribution TSTF changes to the Limits STS.

3/4.10.3 Physics 3.1.8 Physics Tests 3.1.10 Physics Tests This CTS LCO is Tests Exceptions - Mode 2 Exceptions - Mode 2 moved to the reactivity control section of the TS consistent with the STS.

s 3/4.10.4 Reactor NA 3.4.19 RCS Loops This CTS test Coolant Loops.

Test Exception exception is no longer used at FNP and has been eliminated from the FNP ITS.

3/4.10.5 Position NA NA Relocated.

Indicating System -

Shutdown (1) See the applicable Enclosure I CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed infonnation.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal

'O An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)




'Ihis LCO retained in Holdup Tanks part within the Explosive Gas and I

Storage Tank Radioactivity Monitoring Program in Section 5.0 of the FNP ITS. Other elements of the program will b':

placed in the TRM.

3/ Waste Gas NA NA This LCO retained in I

Monitoring part within the

/7 Explosive Gas and V

Storage Tank Radioactivity Monitoring Program in Section 5.0 of the FNP ITS. Other elements of the program will be placed in the TRM.

3/ Gas NA NA This LCO retained in Storage Tanks part within the Explosive Gas and Storage Tank Radioactivity Monitoring Program in Section 5.0 of the FNP ITS. Other elements of the program will be placed in the TRM CT V

(1) See the applicable Enclosure I CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.

A2 21

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal


An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev i Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)



CTS 3/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING No LCOs are NA NA All CTS LCOs in this contained in this CTS section were deleted section.

by presious amendments. The ITS conversion deletes the remaining blank pages in this section.

4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 5.1 Site 4.1 Site Location 4.1 Site Location Text description only.

5.1.1 Exclusion Area NA NA Figure removed from the TS.


V 5.1.2 Low Population NA NA Figure removed from Zone the TS.

5.1.3 Site Boundary NA NA Figure removed from for Gaseous Emuents the TS.

5.1.4 Site Boundary NA NA Figure removed from for Liquid Emuents the TS, 5.2 Containment NA NA Section removed from the TS.

5.3 Reactor Core 4.2 Reactor Core 4.2 Reactor Core 5.3.1 Fuel Assemblies 4.2.1 Fuel Assemblies 4.2.1 Fuel Assemblies 5.3.2 Control Rod 4.2.2 Control Rod 4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies Assemblies Assemblies 5.4 RCS NA NA Section removed from the TS.

5.5 Meteorological NA NA Section removed from

.I Tower Location the TS.

A (1) See the applicable Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.


Fuley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal (O

An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion



Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev i Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 5.6 Fuel Storage 4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3 Fuel Storage 5.6.1 Criticality 4.3.1 Criticality 4.3.1 Criticality 5.6.2 Drainage 4.3.2 Drainage 4.3.2 Drainage 5.6.3 Capacity 4.3.3 Capacity 4.3.3 Capacity 5.7 Component Cyclic NA NA Moved to or Transient Limit Administrative Controls Section as a program.

5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 Responsibility 5.1 Responsibility 5.1 Responsibility



6.2 Organization 5.2 Organization 5.2 Organization 6.2.1 Offsite and 5.2.1 Onsite and 5.2.1 Onsite and Onsite Organization Offsite Organization Offsite Organization 6.2.2 Facility Staff 5.2.2 Unit Staff 5.2.2 Unit Staff 6.2.3 Safety Audit and NA NA Moved out ofTS into Engineering Review QA Program.

Group 6.2.4 Shift Technical 5.2.2.g 5.2.2.g Moved to an untitled Advisor paragraph under Unit Staff.

6.3 Facility Staff 5 3 Unit Staff 5.3 Unit StafT Qualifications Qualifications Qualifications 6.4 Training NA NA Removed from the TS and contained in the FSAR.





(1) See the applicable Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed infonnation.


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An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 6.5 Review and Audit NA NA Removed from the TS and placed in the QA Program.

6.6 Reportable Event NA NA Removed from the TS.

Action 6.7 Safety Limit NA NA Removed from the TS.

Vmlation 6.8 Procedures and 5.4 Procedures 5.4 Procedures Programs 5.5 Programs and 5.5 Programs and Manuals Manuals 6.13 Offsite Dose 5.5.1 Offsite Dose 5.5.1 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Calculation Manual Calculation Manual 6.8.3.a Primary 5.5.2 Primary Coolant 5.5.2 Primary Coolant Coolant Sources Sources Outside Sources Outside Outside Containment Containment Containment 6.8.3.b In Plant NA NA Removed from the TS Radiation Monitoring to the FSAR.

6.8.3.c Secondary 5.5.10 Secondary 5.5.10 Secondary Water Chemistry Water Chemistry Water Chemistry 6.8.3.d Post Accident 5.5.3 Post Accident 5.5 3 Post Accident Sampling Sampling Sampling 6.8.3.e Radioactive 5.5.4 Radioactive 5.5.4 Radioactive Efiluent Controls Effluent Controls Effluent Controls Program Program Program 6.8.3.f Radiological NA NA Removed from the TS Environmental to the ODCM.

Monitoring Program O

V (1) See the apphcable Enclosure i CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed infonnation.


.~s Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 6.8.3.g Solid NA NA Removed from the TS Radioactive Wastes to the FSAR.

Control Program NA 5.5.5 Component 5.5.5 Component Moved from the Cyclic or Transient Cyclic or Transient Design Features Limit Limit section of the CTS.

NA 5.5.6 Pre-Stressed 5.5.6 Pre-Stressed Moved from the Concrete Containment Concrete Containment Containment Tendon Surveillance Tendon Surveillance Structural Integrity Program Program LCO in Section 3.6.

NA 5.5.7 Reactor Coolant 5.5.7 Reactor Coolant Moved from the RCS Pump Flywheel Pump Flywheel Structural Integrity inspection Program inspection Program LCO in section 3.4.

NA 5.5.R Inservice Testing 5.5.8 Inservice Testing Moved from CTS Program Program 4.0.5.

NA 5.5.9 SG Tube 5.5.9 SG Tube Mosed from the SG Surveillance Program Surveillance Program LCO in section 3.4.

6.8.3.c Secondary 5.5.10 Secondary 5.5.10 Secondary Water Chemistry Water Chemistry Water Chemistry NA 5.5.11 Ventilation 5.5.1i Ventilation Moved from various Filter Testing Program Filter Testing Program ventilation system LCOs in the CTS.

NA 5.5.12 Explosive Gas 5.5.12 Explosive Gas Moved from related and Storage Tank and Storage Tank LCOs in the CTS.

Radioactivity Radioactivity Monitoring Program Monitoring Program NA 5.5.13 Diesel Fuel Oil 5.5.13 Diesel Fuel Oil Moved from CTS Testing Program Testing Program requirements in Electrical Section of the CTS.

bv (1) See the applicable Enclosure I CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.

l A2-25 i

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal

,t An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific -

NUREG-1431, Rev i Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical -

Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)



NA 5.5.14 Technical 5.5.14 Technical New Program Specification Bases Specification Bases introduced in the STS.

Control Program Control Program NA 5.5.15 Safety Function 5.5.15 Safety Function New Program Determination Determination introduced in the STS.

Program Program NA 5.5.16 Main Steamline NA FNP Specific Inspection Program requirements moved from the RCS Structural Integrity LCO in Section 3.4.

6.16 Containment 5.5.17 Containment NA FNP specific Leakage Rate Testing Leakage Rate Testing requirements resulting Program Program from adoption of 10CFR50 App. J Option B.

6.9 Reporting 5.6 Reporting 5.6 Reporting Requirements Requirements Requirements Startup NA NA Deleted.

Report Annual NA NA Section title deleted.

Reports (untitled) 5.6.1 Occupational 5.6.1 Occupational Radiation Exposure Radiation Exposure Report Report 6 9 l.6-7 Annual 5.6.2 Annual 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Radiological Radiological Environmental Environmental Environmental Operating Report-Operating Report Operating Report Annual 5.6.3 Radioactive 5.6.3 Radioactive o

Radioactive Efiluent Efiluent Release Efiluent Release Release Report Report Report (I) See the applicable Enclosure I CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed infonnation.


.M Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal r


An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev 1 Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) Monthly 5.6.4 Monthly 5.6.4 Monthly Operating Report Operating Reports Operating Reports Core 5.6.5 Core Operating 5.6.5 Core Operating Operating Limits Limits Report Limits Report Report Annual 5.6.7 Emergency 5.6.7 Emergency Diesel Generator Diesel Generator Diesel Generator Reliability Data Failure Report Failure Report Report Annual NA NA Deleted Reactor Coolant System Specific Activity Report k Annual NA NA Deleted Scaled Source Leakage Report Pressure 5.6.6 RCS Pressure 5.6.6 RCS Pressure Temperature Limits Temperature Limits Temperature Limits Report Report Report NA 5.6.8 Post Accident 5.6.8 Post Accident New report introduced Monitoring Report Monitoring Report by the STS.

NA 5.6.9 Tendon 5.6.9 Tendon New report introduced Surveillance Report Surveillance Report by the STS.

NA 5.6.10 Steam 5.6.10 Steam Moved from the CTS Generator Tube Generator Tube SG LCO in the RCS Inspection Report inspection Report section of the CTS.

NA 5.6.11 Alternate AC 5.6.11 Alternate AC Based on existing (AAC) Source Out of (AAC) Source Out of CTS requirements Service Report Service Report 6.8.1.j for AAC.


6.9.2 Special Reports NA NA Deleted.

v (1) See the applicable Enclosure 1 CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.

A2 27



.h Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal p.

An Overview of the Disposition of LCO's in the FNP ITS Conversion Current Technical FNP Specific NUREG-1431, Rev i Specifications (CTS)

Improved Technical Standard Technical Notes Specifications Specifications (STS)


(1) 6.10 Record Retention NA NA Removed from the TS and placed in the QA Program.

6.11 Radiation NA NA Removed from the TS.

Protection Program 6.12 High Radiation 5.7 High Radiation 5.7 High Radiation Area Area Area 6.13 Process Control NA NA Removed from the TS Program and placed in the FSAR.

6.14 Offsite Dose 5.5.1 ODCM 5.5.1 ODCM Calculation Manual (ODCM) 6.15 Major Changes NA NA The information To Radioactive Waste contained in this Treatment Systems section was deleted by a previous amendment. The empty section is deleted in the ITS conversion.

6.16 Containment 5.5.17 Contaimnent NA FNP specific Leakage Rate Testing Leakage Rate Testing requirements resulting Program Program from adoption of 10CFR50 App. J Option B.


(1) See the applicable Enclosure l CTS markup or Enclosure 4 STS markup for more detailed information.

A2 28

s Farley Nuc! car Plant ITS conversion Submittal O

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Farley CTS License Amendment Requests Incorporated into the ITS O


4 Farley Nuc! car Plant ITS conversion Submittal Farley CTS License Amendment Requests incorporated into the ITS License Amendment Request Affected ITS Specifications Affected CTS Pages (Title and Letter Date)

Facility Operating Licenses and 1.0, 2.0, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 1-6,2-5 through 2-7, 3/4 2-15, Technical Specifications Change 4.0, 5.0 3/43-25,3/43-27,3/43-28,3/4 Request for Power Uprating, 4-12b (Unit 2 only),3/4 7-9,5-6, February 14,1997 5-8,6-19a,6-24, B 3/4 2-5, B 3/4 4-3b (Unit 2 only), B 3/4 5-5, B 3/4 6-2, and B 3/4 7-1 Technical Specification 3.3, 3.5 3/43-2,3/43-6,3/43-14,3/45-ComplianceIssues Amendments, 3 and 3/4 5-7 May 27,1997 Control Room, Penetration 3.3, 3.9 3/43-39,3/43-40,3/47-16,3/4 Room, and Containment Purge 7-17,3/4 7-17a,3/4 7-18,3/4 7-Filtration systems and Radiation 19,3/4 9-14 through 3/4 9-18, B Monitoring Instmmentation, June 3/4 7-4, B 3/4 7-4a, B 3/4 9-3 30,1997


Pressure Temperature Limits 1.0, 3.4, 5.0 1-5,3/44-27,3/44-29,3/44-30, O

Report, July 23,1997 6-20,6-20a, B 3/4 4-6 through B


d 3/4 4-10, B 3/4 4-10a, and B 3/4 4-11 through B 3/4 4-14 Auxiliary Building & Service 3.8 3/4 8-9(a) and 3/4 8-13 Water Building Battery Surveillances, December 30, 1997 Intermediate Range Neutron Flux 2.0, 3.1, 3.3 2-5,3/410-3, and B 2-4 Reactor Trip Setpoint, December 31,1997 Pressure Temperature Limits 3.4, 5.0 3/4 4-3,3/4 4-4a,3/4 4-32, B 3/4 Report February 12,1998 4-1, and B 3/4 4-8 Response to Request for 5.0 6-19a Additional Information Related to Power Uprate Facility Operating Licenses and Technical Specifications change Request, February, 12,1998 (3




Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal O

i l



I i

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant i

Generic Changes to NUREG-1431, Rev.1. Incorporated into the ITS O

O l



1 Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Subasttal Generic Changes to NUREG 1431, Rey,1, incorporated into the ITS FNP ITS Chapter TSTF's incorporated Comments 1.0 None 2.0 TSTF-5 3.0 TSTF-6, TSTF-8, TSTF-12, TSTF-71,TSTF 104,TSTF-122, TSTF-165, TSTF-166 3.1 TSTF-9, TSTF-12, TSTF-13, TSTF-14, TSTF-15, TSTF-89, TSTF-108 TSTF-110,TSTF-136, TSTF-141. TSTF.142 3.2 TSTF-95. TSTF-97, TSTF-98, TSTF-99, TSTF-109. TSTF-110, TSTF-136 3.3 TSTF-161 TSTF-169 O

3.4 TSTF-28,TSTF-54 TSTF-60, TSTF's 26,93,94, and 108 not TSTF-61, TSTF-114, TSTF-incorporated.

136, TSTF-153, TSTF-162 3.5 TSTF-90, TSTF-153 3.6 TSTF-17, TSTF-30. TSTF-45, TSTF-52 under NRC TSTF-46, TSTF 52 consideration.

3.7 TSTF-100, TSTF-101, TSTF-TSTF-70 not incorporated.

139. TSTF-140. TSTF-174 3.8 TSTF-8, TSTF-38 3.9 TSTF-20, TSTF-96, TSTF-197 TSTF-136 not incorporated.

4.0 None i

5.0 TSTF-118 TSTF-152 TSTF-106 not incorporated.


e e

Farley Nuclear Plant


ITS conversion Submittal O

l 1

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Channes Identified as Beyond the Scope of an ITS Conversion O

. ()~

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal T

Changes Identified as Beyond the Scope of an ITS Conversion CTS DOC ITS JD Summary of Change Reference Number Reference Number 3.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS C

3/4.2.2 2 A, 3.2.1 1

The STS terms Fo*(2) and Fn (Z) in LCO 3.2.1 are deleted I l-A and the tenns Fo(Z), " steady state" limit, and " transient" limi are used. While these terms are not used in the Farley CTS, they are consistent with the methodology which represents the current Farley licensing basis.

3/4.2.4 4a-A 3.2.4 1

The STS wording in Required Action A.! to " reduce" thermal power is revised to " limit" thermal power to allow entry into the LCO applicability during startup when QPTR may be in excess of 1.02 due to transient core conditions which are usually self-correcting.

3/4.2.4 la M 3.2.4 la The Applicability of LCO 3.2.4 is revised to be consistent with the Applicability for the AFD LCO to eliminate subtle difTerences between the two LCO Applicabilities which were previously the same.

3/4.2.4 3-L, 3.2.4 2,3,4,5, The Required Actions, Completion Times, and Surveillance 6-L and 6 Notes are revised to clarify the requirements of LCO 3.2.4, ensure that references to the reduced power level of A.1 in subsequent Actions reflect the lowest power limit, ensure that equilibrium conditions are met prior to performing surveillances, and ensure that the LCO is not exited prematurely. These changes are based on TSTF-241.

gG A51


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal (O,

Changes identified as Beyond the Scope of an ITS Conversion v

CTS DOC ITS JD Summary of Change Reference Number Reference Number 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.2 39-L 3.3.2 13 The STS footnote (i) (FNP ITS footnote (d)) to ESFAS Table 3.3.2-1 is revised consistent with the FNP main steam system design. He mtent of the STS footnote is to provide an exception to the Mode of Applicability for the main steam line isolation function when all of the main steam lines are isolated. The note is revised to reflect the fact that this can be accomplished by a single MSIV in each line. The STS note was written for plant designs which only include a single MSIV per line instead of the two MSIVs per line incorporated in the FNP design.

3/4.3.2 28 L 3.3.2 19 The STS footnote (j) (FNP ITS footnote (g)) to ESFAS Table 3.3.2-1 is revised consistent with the FNP main feedwater system design. The intent of the STS footnote is to proside an exception to the Mode of Applicability for the turbine trip and feedwater line isolation functions when all of the main O

feedwater lines are isolated. He note is revised to reflect the i

V fact that this can be accomplished by a single Main Feedwater Stop Valve or the combination of a MFRV and its associated MFRV bypass in each line. The STS note is revised to take credit for either method ofisolation, consistent with the FNP design.

3/ 10a-M 3.3.4 4

A new Condition C is added to FNP ITS LCO 3.3.4 to address actions associated with the source range neutron flux monitor. This monitor is not included in the FNP CTS. The monitor provides visual indication only and is not depended upon for any actuation signal or to monitor the operation of any component necessary to maintain the unit in Mode 3.

Therefore, shutdown actions are not appropriate and the new condition provides appropriate actions.

3/4.3.2 35-M, 3.3.5 1, 2, 3, 4 STS LCO 3.3.5 is revised to accommodate the addition of a 61-M and 8 degraded grid alarm function. This function does not exist in the CTS. This is in compliance with a previous commitment to the NRC to include this function in the ITS conversion.

O k


Farley Nuc! car Plant ITS conversion Submittal Changes Identified as Beyond the Scope of an ITS Conversion CTS DOC ITS JD Summary of Change Reference Number Reference Number 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) 3/4.10.4 1-L 3.4.17 1

The RCS Loop Test Exception LCO is deleted from both the CTS and FNP ITS. This test exception is no longer used at FNP.


A new Action is added to the ECCS-Shutdown LCO. The new Action provides an allowed outage time of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> for the required ECCS centrifugal charging subsystem to be inoperable provided the remaining operable ECCS components are capable of providing 100% of the ECCS flow, equivalent to a single operable ECCS subsystem. At FNP, the requirement to ensure that only one centrifugal charging pump is operable for overpressurization concerns is i

not applicable until the temperature of one or more of the RCS cold legs is less than or equal to 180 degrees F.

Therefore, in MODE 4, two or more centrifugal charging O-pumps may be available and an Action similar to that in STS 3.5.2 (ECCS-Operating) may be applied in FNP ITS 3.5.3 (ECCS-Shutdown).


3/ 4-M and 3.5.5 1

The RCP seal injection flow requirements are revised from 1 LA verification of a single operating point to verification of a j

range of values on an operating curve (graph). Establishing a reference differential pressure allows a more precise and repeatable verification of seal injection flow and proper


throttle valve position. In the conversion to ITS, this change I

in the measurement of the seal injection flow is addressed by use of a graph from which the appropriate flow can be determined based on the delta between the RCS pressure and the charging discharge header pressure. He points on the graph are based on FNP-specific safety analysis assumptions which provide the relationship between seal injection flow, RCS pressure, and charging discharge header pressure over a range of values for each of these parameters. His method of determining the seal injection flow limit was approved by the NRC for Vogtle.

O A5-3

4 Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal Changes Identified as Beyond the Scope of an ITS Conversion CTS DOC ITS JD Summary of Change Reference Number Reference Number 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/ 4-L and 3.7.1 2 and 6 The CTS time allowed to reduce the power range neutron 4a-L flux setpoint to within the required limit is extended and made applicable in Mode 1 only. The additional time to reduce setpoints allows for a more controlled evolution. The restriction to Mode I for this Action is consistent with the applicable FNP specific safety analysis and climinates the unnecessary requirement to apply this Action in Mode 2 or 3.

This CTS Action and Completion Time are FNP specific and not part of the STS 3/ 4-L 3.7.2 i and 3 The CTS Actions for an inoperable MSIV are revised to take credit for the redundant MSIVs (Train A and B)in each steam line at FNP. The STS and the CTS are written for the standard PWR plant design ofone MSIV per steam line.

These Actions are also revised to be consistent with the Vogtle Plant Technical Specifications which also take credit for two MSIVs in cach steam line and which have been approved by the NRC.

f 3/4.7.4 11-L 3.7.8 3

An Action has been added to the SW LCO that accounts for the redundant automatic turbine building isolation valves in each FNP SW train. One isolation valve in each train may be inoperable and the turbine building isolation function is not lost (one train of turbine building isolation valves remain operable in each train of SW). This FNP specific design was not previously accounted for in the CTS and is not part of the STS. The proposed change eliminates the potential for an unnecessary shutdown per LCO 3.0.3 with a single inoperable turbine building isolation valve in each SW train.

O A5 4

Fr.rley Nuclear Pent ITS conversion Submittal


Changes identified as Beyond the Scope of an ITS Conversion CTS DOC ITS JD Summary of Change Reference Number Reference Number 3.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS DG Test 16-LA Table 32 The DG accelerated Test Table is deleted from both the CTS Schedule 3.8.1-1 and STS. This deletion is consistent with previous NRC page guidance applicable to plants after implementing the 3/4 8-6a maintenance rule. 8-L, 9-L SR 1, 2, 3 The AC Sources - Shutdown surveillance is revised to more and and 4 accurately and completely state the required surveillances.

10-A This includes additional exceptions for surveillances which verify SI signal response and automatic load sequencing (not required during shutdown). Additional clarifications have also been added to the STS surveillance to state what is actually required to be performed.

3/ 5-L 3.8.4 and 2 and 3 The Actions for an inoperable Service Water intake Structure 3.8.9 (SWIS) Battery and Distribution System are revised to more accurately reflect the specific FNP design. The SWIS batteries and distribution system provide power to the SW d(3 System and do not impact any other ESF system. The Actions for an inoperable train of SWIS batteries or Distribution System are revised from a two hour shutdown requirement to declare the associated train of SW inoperable.

3.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3/4 9.2 9-M 3.9.2 3

The Actions of the Nuclear Instrumentation LCO are revised by the addition of a specific Action for loss of the audible count rate. This new Action is applicable for plants which credit the audible count rate in the refueling boron dilution accident analysis. TSTF-23 has been submitted for NRC approval to incorporate this change in the STS.

5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1.2 2-L 5.1.2 la The specific title for the control room command function is replaced with a more generic description to avoid technical specification changes in the future and to be consistent with the Vogtle Plant technical specifications.

6.3.1 12a-A 5.3.1 7

The specific title of the Health Physics Supervisor is replaced

.,m with a more generic description to avoid technical specification changes in the future.


a Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal Changes identified as Beyond the Scope of an ITS Conversion CTS DOC ITS JD Summary of Change Reference Number Reference Number

/ 3-L 5.5.7 11 The inspection frequency for the RCP Flywheel is revised consistent with the NRC approved WCAP-14535A," Topical Report on RCP Flywheel Inspection Elimination", November, 1996. Note: the 10 year inspection frequency was approved generically for RCPs with flywheels constructed of a certain material (FNP RCPs utilize an approved flywheel material). 60-L 5.6.7 23 The EDG Failure Report is revised consistent with the latest FNP commitments for DG failure tracking and reporting.

The Specific Health Physics Supervisor title is revised with a 6.12.1.c 77-L 5.7.1.c more genene description of the position to avoid technical specification changes in the future.


~b A5-6

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS conversion Submittal O

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Summary of CTS Requirements Removed from the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents J


Farley Nuclear Plant lis Conversion Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS sad Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

1.0 USE AND APPLICATION 1.0 6-LA 1.6 Containment Integrity definition (except LCO 3.6.1 5.5.14 Bases item "d" as described in DOC 6-LA).

Bases Control Program 1.0 19-LA 1.22 Process Control Program definition.

FSAR 10CFR50.59 1.0 32-LA Table 1.1,140 F Mode 6 temperature TRM 10CFR50.59 limitation.

3.0 LCO AND SR APPLICABILITY 3.0 16-LA 4.0.5 ASME Inservice inspection (ISI)

ISI Program 10CFR50.55a requirements.

3.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS 3.1 1-LA 3/ Shutdown Margin requirements for TRM 10CFR50.59 Mode I and Mode 2 with ka 21.

3.I I l-LA items 1-6 providing guidance for SR 5.5.14 Bases the performance of the surveillance bases Control Program requirement 3.1 15-LA Reference to the " factors stated in SR 5.5.14 Bases 4.1.! 1.1 e, above"(items 1-6).

bases Control Program 3.1 2-LA 3/ Actions describing a flow rate and LCO 3.1.1 5.5.14 Bases boron concentration required to be used to bases Control Program restore the SDM to within limit.

3.1 5-LA Descriptive information (6 items)

SR 5.5.14 Bases providing guidance for the performance of the bases Control Program surveillance requirement.

3.1 4-LA 3/ Information modifying the required LCO 3.1.3 5.5.14 Bases actions.

Action A.1 Control Program bases N

' 'the "lX designation indicates that pan of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.1 5-LA 3/ Action Statement a.3 required the 10CFR50.72 10CFR50.72 and preparation and submission of a special and 10CFR50.73 report to the NRC within 10 days if the MTC 10CFR50.73 is more positive than the beginning oflife limit.

3.1 1-R 3/ Boration Systems Flow Paths -

TRM 10CFR50.59 Shutdown 3.1 1-R 3/ Boration Systems Flow Paths -

TRM 10CFR50.59 Operating 3.I l-R 3/ Charging Pump - Shutdown TRM 10CFR50.59 31 1-R 3/ Charging Pumps - Operating TRM 10CFR50.59 3.1 1-R 3/ Borated Water Sources - Shutdown TRM 10CFR50.59 3.1 1-R 3/ Borated Water Sources - Operating TRM 10CFR50.59 b

3.1 5-LA 3/4.1.3 l Action Statement d.2 specific LCO 3.1.4 5.5.14 Bases guidance as to how the rod alignment may be Action B.1 Control Program restored to within the limits.

bases 3.1 7-LA 3/ Table 3.1-1 lists the accident LCO 3.1.4 5.5.14 Bases analyses that must be evaluated in CTS Action B.2.6 Control Program Action Statement d.3.a.

bases 3.1 2-LA 3/ LCO and Actions descriptive details LCO 3.1.7 5.5.14 Bases regarding the operability of the digital rod bases Control Program position indication system.

3.1 1-R 3/ Position Indication System -

TRM 10CFR50.59 Shutdown 3.I 2-LA 3/ LCO requirement specifying the rod SR 5.5.14 Bases position in steps that corresponds to the fully bases Control Program withdrawn position and the associated asterisked note.

3.1 7-LA Surveillance Requirement specifies TRM 10CFR50.59 a post maintenance test requirement for rod drop time.

  • The "1.A" designation indicates that part of a 13 is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Fc.rley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion


Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS 3.2 7-LA Descriptive surveillance details.

LCO 3.2.1 SR 5.5.14 Bases and Action Control Program bases 3.2 8-LA Fq(Z) relationships and specific COLR 5.6.5 COLR.


3.2 9-LA Descriptive material regarding how LCO 3.2.2 5.5.14 Bases this surveillance is performed (using movable bases Control Program incore detectors to obtain a power distribution map).

32 I l-LA Info nation to calculate the required SR 5.5.14 Bases F% (4% measurement uncertainty) bases Control Program 32 12-LA Detail describing how the surveillance SR 5.5.14 Bases O

may be met bases Control Program U

3.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3.3 2-LA 2.2.1 Safety Limit statement for the RTS LCO 3.3.1 5.5.14 Bases instrumentation operability details (interlock bases Control Program and setpoint setting requirements).

3.3 5-LA Table 2.2 1 Descriptive information LCO 3.3.1 5.5.14 Bases pertaining to various trip setpoints and bases Control Program allowable values.

3.3 15c-LA Detailed explanation of the RTS SR 5.5.14 Bases Response Time Testing requirements.

bases Control Program 3.3 36-LA Table 3.3-1 Function 12 A and B. Loss of LCO 3.3.1 5.5.14 Bases Flow trip, design description information.

bases Control Program 33-44-LA Table 3.3-1 Charmels To Trip colunm FSAR 7.2 and 10CFR50.59 and information desenbing the RTS design LCO 3.3.1 5.5.14 Bases features.

bases Control Program 33 83 LA Table 4.3-1 Manual Reactor Trip function SR 5.5.14 Bases surveillance notes which provide test bases Control Program

_g i

requirement details.

  • 'Ihe "lA" designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.

A6 3


Farley Nucicar Plant ITS Conversion O

Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS V

and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.3 93 LA Table 4.3-1 Note 9 applicable to the CFT for SR 5.5.14 Bases the turbine trip RTS functions contains bases Control Program descriptive detail regarding the performance of the required surveillance.

1 33 97-LA Table 4.3-1 Note 8 modifying the CFT SR 5.5.14 Bases requirement for the RTS interlocks contains bases Control Program descriptive information applicable to the I

required testing.

3.3 99-LA Table 4.3-1 Surveillance Notes 14 and 15 SR 5.5.14 Bases which describe the testing required by this bases Control Program CFT contain details of the undervoltage and shunt trip mechanism tests that are required for the RTDs-33 104-LA Table 4.3-1 Note 13 assigned to the RTS SR 5.5.14 Bases reactor trip bypass breaker function contains bases Control Program D

specific information regarding what is tested


on the bypass breakers (local manual shunt trip and local manual undervoltage trip).

3.3 105-LA Table 4.3-1 Note 1 I for the reactor trip SR 5.5.14 Bases bypass breaker function contains a bases Control Program desenpiion of the bypass breaker testing required.

3.3 2-LA 3/4.3.2 ESFA5 LCO statement operability LCO 3.3.2 5.5.14 Bases details (trip setpoint setting requirements).

bases Control Program 3.3 4c LA Detailed description of the Staggered SR 5.5.14 Bases Test requirement for ESF Response Time bases Control Program Testing.

3.3 12-LA Table 3.3 3 ESFAS Channels To Trip FSAR 7.3 and 10CFR50.59 and column descriptive design information.

LCO 3.3.2 5.5.14 Bases j

bases Control Program 3.3 29-LA Table 3.3-3, ESFAS Function 6.b, details LCO 3.3.2 5.5.14 Bases describing the SG water level low-low bases Control Program auxiliary feedwater initiation ftmedons.


  • 1he "lA" designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, O'.her Documents N


Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

I l

3.3 33-LA Table 3.3-3, ESFAS Functions 6.d and 6.e, l.C O 3.3.2 5.5.14 Bases auxiliary feedwater auto start on Si and trip bases Control Program of main feedwater pump functions descriptive j

information regarding the specific auxiliary feedwater pumps that are started.

i l

3.3 67-LA Table 3.3-1 SG water level high high turbine LCO 3.3.2 5.5.14 Bases trip feedwater isolation function setpoint bases Control Program l

descriptive detail regarding the narrow range instrument span on each SG.

33 68 LA Table 3.3-4 SG water level low low auxiliary LCO 3.3.2 5.5.14 Bases l

feedwater pump start function setpoint bases Control Program j

descriptive detail regarding the narrow range instrument span on each SG.

3.3 70-LA Table 3.3-4

power (LOP) functions which references the LOP Control Program appropriate relay setting sheet for additional Instruments.

.I calibration requirements channel calibration l

surveillance bases 3.3 87 LA Table 4.3-2 Note 6 modifying the muthly SR 5.5.14 Bases l

ESFAS CFT for the auxiliary feedwater bases Control Program automatic actuation logic function provides an exception to the requirement to perform actuation logic testing on the trip of all main feedwater pumps function.

33 94-LA Table 4 3-2 Note I requirement.a perform SR 5.5.14 Bases manual actuation surveillances during bases Control Program shutdowns.

3.3 96-LA Table 4.3-2 Note 4 detailed description of SR 5.5.14 Bases functional test surveillance requirements.

bases Control Program l


  • The "LA" designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.



Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.3 5-LA 3/ Actions "a" and "b" for Radiation TRM 10CFR50.59 l

Monitors that are removed from the TS (fuel storage pool area monitor R5 (CTS Taule 3.3-6 item 1.a) and the noble gas efflucci monitors, R-29B, R60A-C, R60D, RISB&C, (CTS Table 3.3-6 items 2 d.i-iv).

3.3 9-LA 3/ Radiation Monitor requirements for TRM 10CFR50.59 l

the Fuel storage pool area monitor R5 (CTS l

Table 3.3-6 item 1.a) and the noble gas effluent monitors R-298, R60A-C, R60D, i

RISB&C, (CTS Table 3.3-6 items 2.d.i-iv) including setpoints, applicable Modes, minimum charmel requirements, measurement l

l range, Actions, and surveillance requirements.

33 22-LA 3/4.3.3 i Action 27a applicable to the noble TRM 10CFR50.59 gas efiluent momtors R298, R60A, B, C. &

R60D, RISB&C (CTS Table 3.3-6 items 2.d.i-iv).

3.3 1-R 3/ Movable incore Detectors TRM 10CFR50.59 i

3.3 l-R 3/ liigh Energy Line Break Isolation TRM 10CFR50.59 Sensors I

3.3 20 LA 3/ # footnote to the reactor vessel level LCO 3.3.3 5.5.14 Bases indicating system on Table 3.3.-l 1 describes bases Control Program a channel oflevel indication and defines what is required for an operable channel.

i 33 30 LA Surveillance details regarding the SR 5.5.14 Bases makeup of the sample gases used for bases Control Program calibration of the hydrogen analyzers.

33 1-LA 3/4.3 3.1l Waste Gas Monitoring TRM 5.5.12 Explosive Instrumentation which contains requirements Gas and for instrumentation to monitor oxygen and Radioactivity hydrogen gas content in the waste gas system.

Monitoring Program and 10CFR50.59 k

  • 1hc "1X designauon mdicates that pan of a 'l S is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Farley Nucicar Plant ITS Conversion


Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.3 1-R 3/4.3.4 Turbine Overspeed Protection TRM 10CFR50.59 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) 34 10-LA Table 3.2-1 *** footnote contains the LCO 3.4.1 5.5.14 Bases measurement uncertainties associated with the bases Control Program calculations used to determine the minimum RCS flow specified in the TS.

34 3-LA 3/ Applicability

  • footnote referencing LCO 3.4.2 5.5.14 Bases special test exception 310 3 bases Control Program 3.4 5-LA The surveillance requirement to verify SR 5.5.14 Bases the circulation of reactor coolant in order to bases Control Program verify an operable RCS loop.

3.4 2-LA Descriptive list of RCS loops in the LCO 3.4.5 5.5.14 Bases LCO statement.

bases Control Program 3.4 3-LA Action statement b specific actions LCO 3.4.5 5.5.14 Bases regarding how to de-energize the control rod bases Control Program drive mechanisms (open the reactor trip breakers or shut down the rod drive motor / generator sets) 34 7 LA and 4 Surveillance details LCO 3.4.5 5.5.14 Bases "and circulating reactor coolant" and "shall bases Control Program be determined operable" 3.4 2-LA 3/ LCO list describing the RCS and LCO 3.4.6 5.5.14 Bases RHR loops available to meet the LCO bases Control Program requirement.

3.4 7-LA and Surveillance details LCO 3.4.6 5.5.14 Bases "and circulating reactor coolant" and "shall bases Control Program be determined operable" 3.4 4 LA Surveillance detc.ils "and circulating LCO 3.4.7 and 5.5.14 Bases reactor coolant" LCO 3.4.8 Control Program bases 3.4 1-R 3/4.4.2 Safety Valves Shutdown TRM 10CFR50.59


  • 'the "l.A" designation indicates that pan of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion 4

q Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS U

and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.4 5-LA 3/4.4.3

  • footnote specifying that the lift LCO 3.4.10 5.5.14 Bases setting pressure shall correspond to ambient bases Control Program conditions of the valve at nominal operating temperature and pressure.

3.4 4-LA and Details regarding how the LCO 3.4.9 5.5.14 Bases surveillance requirements are to be met.

bases Control Program 34 2-LA Reference to the requirements of 10 CFR 10 CFR 50.55a Specification 4.0 $ (Inservice Inspection 50.55a Program) 3.4 1-LA LCO statement details (the radiation LCO 3.4.15 5.5.14 Bases monitor instrument designations R-11 and R-bases Control Program 12).

3.4 14-LA Table 3.4-1 Containing a list of the RCS TRM 10CFR50.59 PlVs.

OV 3.4 15 LA References to the requirements of 10 CFR 10 CFR 50.55a Specification 4.0.5 (Inservice inspection 50.55a Program).

3.4 19-LA Requirement for post maintenance TRM 10CFR50.59 testing on RCS PlVs.

3.4 26-LA # footnote with specific procedural SR 5.5.14 Bases guidance for performing the RCS PlV bases Control Program leakage measurement surveillance.

34 1R 3/4.4 8 Chemistry TRM 10CFR50.59 3.4 1-LA 3/4.4.10 LCO statement exception to the LCO 3.4.3 5.5.14 Bases pressurizer, and descriptive information bases Control Program concerning the applicability in the LCO statement.

3.4 4-LA 3/4.4.10 Action statement description of the LCO 3.4.3 5.5.14 Bases required engineering evaluation.

bases Control Program OU 1he "lA" designation indicates llun part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.4 6-LA Requires reactor vessel material

10CFR50, 10CFR50, surveillance specimens to be removed and Appendix 11 Appendix 11 cxamined to determine changes in material propenies as required by 10CFR50, Appendix 11, 3.4 1-R 3/ Pressurizer TRM 10CFR50.59 3.4 8-LA - Specific RiiR relief valve ID SR 5.5.14 Bases numbers.

bases Control Program 3.4 12-LA (from the Reactivity Control SR 5.5.14 Bases Systems Chapter) Contains specific means by bases Control Program which a charging pump is rendered incapable ofinjecting into the RCS (motor circuit breakers are removed from their electrical power supply circuits).


3.4 1-LA 3/4.4.11 Structural Integrity LCO, Actions, 10CFR 50.55a 10CFR 50.55a Applicability, and surveillance requirements (ISI) and (ISI) and 5.5.8 for ASME Code Class I,2, and 3 5.5.8 (IST)

(IST) components to be maintained in accordance with the Insersice Test and Inspection Programs.

1 3.4 l-R 3/4.4.12 Reactor Vesselliead Vents TRM 10CFR50.59 3.5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM (ECCS) 3.5 8 LA Explanation regarding the RWST SR 5.5.14 Bases boron concentration being within the bases Control Program accumulator boron concentration limits.

3.5 10-LA Specific details of how power is SR 5.5.14 Bases removed from valve operators.

bases Control Program 35 2-LA 3.5 2 LCO statement containing descriptive LCO 3.5.2 5.5.14 Bases information regarding the operability bases Control Program requirements for the ECCS subsystems.

3.5 5 LA 3/4.5.2 Action statement "b" for reporting 10CFR50.73 10CFR ECCS actuations is effectively addressed by (a)(2)(iv) 50.73(a)(2)(iv)

O existing regulations.

  • The "tA" designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


i 4

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion r

Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS


and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.5 6 LA 4.5.2.a - Surveillance requirement detail SR 5.5.14 Bases regarding how power is removed from the bases Control Program valves (locked open disconnect device).

3.5 7 LA 4.5.2.c Surveillance requirement for a visual TRM 10CFR50.59 inspection of containment prior to establishing containment integrity and after each containment entry.

3.5 10-LA 4.5.2.e.1 Surveillance requirement to verify TRM 10CFR50.59 the ECCS throttle valves mechanical position stop after each valve stroke and maintenance.

3.5 12-LA 4.5.2.f.I and 2 Surveillance details "during LCO 3.5.2 5.5.14 Bases j

shutdown", the specific actuating signal (SI),

surveillance Control Program j

and the specific pumps involved in the testing.

bases 1

3.5 14-LA 4.5.2.g.1 and 2 Specific requirements SR 5.5.14 Bases regarding pump testing on recirculation flow bases Control Program ON and die required psid values.

35 15 LA 4.5 2 h Post valve stroke surveillance SR 5.5.14 Bases requirement and details regarding the bases and Control Program mechamcal stop position verification for the TRM and 10CFR50.59 RHR valves.

3.5 16-LA 4.5.2.i Post maintenance ECCS flow balance TRM and 10CFR50.59 and j

test requirement after any modifications that LCO 3.5.2 5.5.14 Bases alter the subsystem flow characteristics and bases Control Program associated required flows.

35 2-LA 3.5.3 LCO statement containing descriptive LCO 3.5.2 5.5.14 Bases information regarding the operability bases Control Program requirements for the ECCS subsystems.

3.5 4-LA 3/4.5.3 Action "a" description of the charging LCO 3.5.2 5.5.14 Bases subsystem (pump and flow path).

bases Control Program 3.5 7-LA 3/4.5.3 Action "b" description of the charging LCO 3.5.2 5.5.14 Bases subsystem (pump and heat exchanger),

bases Control Program i

O The "1.A" designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.

A6-10 j

i l

a J



Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion p

Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS Q

and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control j

Section a

3.5 8-LA 3/4.5.3 Action "b" description of maintaining LCO 3.5.3 5.5.14 Bases the RCS Tavg < 350 F by the use of Action bases Control Program alternate heat removal methods.

3.5 10-LA 3/4.5.3 Action statement "c" for reporting 10CFR50.73 10CFR50.73 (a)

ECCS actuations is effectively addressed by (a)(2)(iv)

(2)(iv) existing regulations.

35 12-LA 4.5 3.2 Surveillance requirement detail SR 5.5.14 Bases regardmg how power is removed from the bases Control Program valves (locked open disconnect device).

3.5 l-LA 3/4.5.6 LCO statement details describing LCO 3.5.6 5.5.14 Bases recirculation pH control system operability, bases Control Program 3.5 1-LA, The details of the LCO for RCS LCO 3.5.5 5.5.14 Bases Operational leakage, and associated bases Control Program surveillance l.c are moved into the STS LCO 3.5.5, Seal injection Flow, SR O, and the associated bases.

3.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3.6 6-LA 3/4.6.1

  • footnote requirement to verify the LCO 3.6.1 5.5.14 Bases status of the equipment hatch.

bases Control Program 3.6 9 LA SR Requires that containment Containment 5.5.6 Pre-stressed structural integrity be venfied in accordance Tendon Concrete with the Containment Tendon Surveillance Surveillance Containment Program.

Program Tendon Surveillance Program 3.6 1-LA LCO statement descriptive text LCO 3.6.2 5.5.14 Bases regarding the status of the airlock doors and bases Control Program the exception to allow entry and exit through the air lock.

3.6 2-LA Desenptive details regarding the LCO 3.6.2 5.5.14 Bases average air temperature required to be bases Control Program venfied in

bo The "lA" designation indicates that pan of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.

A6-l l

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion 4

Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS


and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section 3.6 1-LA 3/4.6.1,6 LCO, Applicabihty, Actions, and Containment 5.5.6 Pre-stressed surveillance requirements.

Tendon Concrete Surveillance Containment Program Tendon Surveillance Program 3.6 3-LA 3/ LCO provision regarding the 8 LCO 3.6.3 5.5.14 Bases inch mini-purge supply and exhaust isolation bases Control Program valves.

3.6 9 LA 3/

  • footnote to LCO which describes LCO 3.6.3 5.5.14 Bases the applicability of the LCO to the 48 inch bases Control Program purge and exhaust valves and purge and exhaust leakage.

3.6 10-LA 3/ Action "c" and associated TRM 10CFR50.59 surveillance ( for containment purge supply or exhaust leakage in excess of G

0.05 la for each valve.

36 15-LA Requirements for replacing resilient TRM 10CFR50.59 seals in containment purge and exhaust valves and requirement to compare current leakage with previous leakage to detect excess valve degradation.

3.6 2-LA 3/ Operability description in the LCO LCO 3.6.6 5.5.14 Bases statement, bases Control Program 3.6 5 LA Surveillance details regarding the SR 5.5.14 Bases method of testing and required discharge bases Control Program pressure.

36 8-LA 4 6 2.1.c and d Surveillance details regarding LCO 3.6.6 SR 5.5.14 Bases the specific actuation signal and specific bases Control Program method for venfying each containment spray nozzle is unobstructed.

3.6 2-LA 3/ LCO statement describing the LCO 3.6.6 5.5.14 Bases number of fans in each group bases Control Program OU

  • The "lX designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed A6-12

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion A

Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS Q

and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

36 6-LA and b Surveillance details regarding LCO 3.6.6 SR 5.5.14 Bases where each fan group is started and the bases Control Program specific automatic actuation signal.

3.6 1-LA 3/4.6.3 List of containment isolation valves in TRM 10CFR50.59 Table 3.6 1.

3.6 11 LA Post maintenance testing requirements TRM 10CFR50.59 for containment isolation valves.

36 13 LA 4.6 3.2.a and b Surveillance details regarding SR 3 6.3.6 5.5.14 Baues the specific actuation signal tested bases Control Program 3.6 19-LA Table 3.6-1 " footnote regarding SR 5.5.14 Bases containment isolation valves which may be bases Control Program open with the power removed for overpressure protection requirements.

3.6 4 LA Channel calibration requirement TRM 10CFR50.59 Q

for the hydrogen recombiners.

36 5 LA and 2 and 3 Surveillance LCO 3.6.7 SR 5.5.14 Bases details desenbmg specific requirements for bases Control Program hydrogen recombiner testing.

3.6 4-LA Surveillance details regarding SR 5.5.14 Bases where the hydrogen dilution system is started.

bases Control Program 3.6 5-LA - Surveillance details regarding SR 5.5.14 Bases where the systens is started (control room).

bases Control Program 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3,7 9 LA Table 3.7-3 Main Steam Safety Valve orifice LCO 3.7.1 5.5.14 Bases size.

bases Control Program 3.7 10-LA Table 3.7-3

3.7 2 LA 3/ LCO information describing the LCO 3.7.5 5.5.14 Bases AFW system operabihty requirements, bases Control Pryram 1

' lhe "lX designalmn indicates that gun of u TS n remmed and the "R" designatmn irdicates an entire TS u muoved.

A6-13 i


8 Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3,7 9 LA Surveillance specific valve SR 5.5.14 Bases position guidance.

bases Control Program 3.7 14-LA, c.1, c.2 AFW valves and pumps LCO 3.7.5 SR 5.5.14 Bases specific auto start signals.

bases Control Program

.i.7 15-LA Requirement that the 18 month LCO 3.7.5 SR 5.5.14 Bases surveillance be performed "during shutdown" bases Control Program 37 17-LA 3 Specific turbine-driven AFW SR 5.5.14 Bases pump steam admission valve ID numbers.

bases Control Program 3.7 l-R 3/4.7.2 Steam Ger.erator TRM 10CFR50.59 Pressure / Temperature Limitation 3.7 6-LA 4.7.3.b Surveillance requirement to be SR 5.5.14 Bases perfonned during shutdown and specific bases Control Program automatic valve actuation signal.

3.7 2-LA 3/4.7.4 LCO description of operable SW LCO 3.7.8 5.5.14 Bases loop.

bases Control Program 3.7 6-LA 4.7.4.b Surveillance requirement to be SR 5.5.14 Bases performed during shutdown'and specific bases Control Program automatic valve actuation signal.

3.7 12-LA 4.7.4.c FNP specific surveillance to verify SR 5.5.14 Bases SW buried piping integrity. Descriptive term bases Control Program

" leak tight" 3.7 3 LA Ultimate Heat Sink spillway TRM 10CFR50.59 channel and ground water seepage maintenance requirements.

3.7 4-LA - Surveillance description of SR 5.5.14 Bases CREFS flow path.

bases Control Program 3.7 8-LA, c, d.1, e, f Surveillances and Ventilation 5.5.11 Ventilation associated footnotes for the CREFS system.

Filter Test Filter Test Program Program and SR The "lA" designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion


Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS Q

and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC 4 Description of CTS Requirement Decument Control Section a

3.7 10-LA Surveillance description of SR 5.5.14 Bases specific CREFS actuation signal.

bases Control Program 3.7 4-LA 4.7.8.a - Surveillance details regarding where SR 5.5.14 Bases the PRF system is started and the required bases Control Program flow path.

3.7 5-LA 4.7.8.b, c, d.1, d.3, e, f Surveillances and Ventilation 5.5.11 Ventilation associated

  • footnotes for the PRF system.

Filter Test Filter Test Program Program and SR 3.7 7 LA 4.7.8.d.2 Surveillance details regarding the SR 5.5.14 Bases specific PRF actuation signal bases Control Program 3.7 3 LA 3/4.9.13 LCO statement describing the LCO 3.7.12 5.5.14 Bases operability requirements for the PRF when in bases Control Program the fuel handling accident mode of operation.

Oh 3.7 1-R 3/4.7.9 Snubbers TRM 10CFR50.59 3.7 l-R 3/4.7.10 Scaled Source Contamination TRM 10CFR50.59 3.7 l-R 3/4.7.13 (Unit 2) Area Temperature TRM 10CFR50.59 Monitoring 3.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 3.8 2-LA 3/ LCO description of DG set.

LCO 3.8.1 5.5.14 Bases bases Control Program 38 16-LA 4.8. l.12.a - Accelerated testing surveillance Replaced by 10CFR50.65 requirements for the DGs contained in Table Maintenance 4.8-1 (deleted).

Rule compliance 38 20-LA Surveillance details regarding SR and 5.5.14 Bases DG synchronous speed (RPMs) and output SR Control Program breaker closing permissive (57 Ih).

bases 3.8 23-LA Surveillance details regarding LCO 3.8.1 5.5.14 Bases the required alignment of a DG to the bases Control Program 7

i associated emergency bus.

  • 'Ihe "t.A" designation indicates that part of'a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion


Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS


and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.8 25-LA Surveillance requirement to TRM 10CFR50.59 inspect and maintain DG in accordance wn.

procedur;s prepared in conjunction with manufacturers' recommendation.

3.8 32-LA > Surveillance details regarding SR 5.5.14 Bases the required steady state voltage and bases Control Program frequency.

3.8 36-LA 4.8.l.l.2 c.6 Surveillance verifications that LCO 3.8.1 5.5.14 Bases auto-connected for.ds do not exceed DG bases Control Program ratings.

3.8 39-LA Surveillance verification that TRM 10CFR50.59 DG lockout features prevent DG stan when rcquired.

38 44-LA 11 Surveillance details regarding SR 5.5.14 Bases specific KW rating of single largest load.

bases Control Program u) 38 41-LA Surveillance details regarding SR 5.5.14 Bases required performance after any modifications bases Control Program which could afTect the DG interdependence.

3.8 43-LA Surveillance details regarding SR 5.5.14 Bases verification of DG breaker and ESF breaker bases Control Program positions and fuse status and " footnote allowance for this test to be performed on either unit for shared DGs.

3.8 3-LA 3/ Specific DG ID numbers in the LCO 3.8.2 5.5.14 Bases LCO requirement for one operable DG.

bases Control Program 3.8 3-LA 3/ Specific information regarding how LCO 3.8.7 5.5.14 Bases inverters are connected.

bases Control Program 3.8 4-LA 3/ LCO requirement for H and J FSAR SB0 10CFR50.59 and 4160kV buses.

discussion (J 5.5.14 Bases bus) and LCO Control Program 3.8.1/2 bases (H bus) yy k)

  • The "LA" designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.

A6-16 i

l l

Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion p

Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS


and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.8 5-LA 3/ LCO list of required AC buses.

LCO 3.8.9 5.5.14 Bases bases Control Program 3.8 2-LA 3/ Specific LCO and Action LCO 3.8.4 5.5.14 Bases requirements regarding the battery ID and bases Control Program supporting chargers.

3.8 3-LA 3/ Specific DC busses listed in tiu LCO 3.8.9 5.5.14 Bases LCO.

bases Control Program 3.8 5-LA 3/ LCO and Action description of an LCO 3.8.9 5.5.14 Bases operable bus (energized).

bases Control Program 3.8 7-LA Surveillance description of SR 5.5.14 Bases

" excessive" visible corrosion.

bases Control Program 3.8 9-LA Surveillance specifics of exact SR 5.5.14 Bases number of battery cells checked (10),

bases Control Program 3.8 17-LA Surveillance description of SR 5.5.14 Bases battery degradation.

bases Control Program 3.8 22-LA Table 4.8-2 Note (a) specific electrolyte LCO 3.8.6 5.5.14 Bases temperature used for correcting specific bases Control Program gravity.


38 2-LA 3/ LCO description of the specific LCO 3.8.4 5.5.14 Bases CTS battery banks and the required chargers bases Control Program for each battery.

3.8 3-LA 3/ LCO description of specific 125V LCO 3.8.9 5.5.14 Bases DC busses.

bases Control Program 3.8 8-LA Surveillance description of SR 5.5.14 Bases

" excessive" visible corrosion.

bases Control Program 3.8 10-LA Surveillance specifics of exact SR 5.5.14 Bases number of battery cells checked (10).

bases Control Program 3.8 17-LA Surveillance description of SR 5.5.14 Bases battery degradation, bases Control Program O


  • The "!A" designation mdicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Faricy Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS


and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

3.8 lR 3/ Containment Penetration Conductor TRM 10CFR50.59 Overcurrent Protective Devices (Unit 2).

3.8 l-R 3/ Motor Operated Valves Thermal TRM 10CFR50.59 Overload Protection Devices (Unit 2).

3.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3.9 2-LA 3/4.9.1 LCO and surveillance descriptive LCO 3.9.1 5.5.14 Bases information regarding the portions of the RCS bases Control Program and refueling canal affected.

34 5 LA 3/4 9 I The boron concentration required by COLR 5.6.5 COLR this LCO will be contained in the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) 3.9 8 LA 3/4.9.1 Actions specifying the makeup flow LCO 3.9.1 5.5.14 Bases rate and boron concentration are replaced bases Control Program with more general STS bases guidance.

3.9 2-LA 3/4.9.2 LCO description of flux monitor LCO 3.9.1 5.5.14 Bases display visual operability.

bases Control Program 3.9 lR 3/4.9.3 Decay Time TRM 10CFR50.59 3.9 l-R 3/4.9.5 Communications TRM 10CFR50.59 3.9 l-R 3/4.9.6 Manipulator Crane TRM 10CFR50.59 3.9 l-R 3/ Crane Travel - Spent Fuel Storage TRM 10CFR50.59 Pool Building Bridge Crane 39 l-R

~3/4.9 7.2 Spent Fuel Cask Crane TRM 10CFR50.59 3.9 5 LA 3/ Action "b" explanation of the LCO 3.9.4 5.5.14 Bases reason for the I hour out of 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> exception bases Control Program to the requirement to have RHR in operation.

3.9 4-LA 3/ Action "a" provision to perform the LCO 3.9.5 5.5.14 Bases Action "as soon as possible"is effectively Actions bases Control Program replaced with the STS bases description of this Action.

  • 1he "!X designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed A6-18

Farley Nuclear Pimt ITS Conversion Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS O

and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document -

Control Section 39 6 LA 4.9.9 Description of specific actuating SR 5.5.14 Bases signals.

bases Control Program 3.9 l-R 3/4.9.12 Storage Pool Ventilation (Fuel TRM 10CFR50.59 Storage)

CTS 3/4.10 TEST EXCEPTIONS AND 3/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3.10 1-R 3/4.10.5 Position Indication System -

TRM 10CFR50.59 Shutdown 3.11 1-LA 3/ Liquid Holdup Tanks Explosive Gas 5.5.12 Explosive and Storage Gas and Storage Tank Tank Radioactivity Radioactivity Monitoring Monitoring Program and Program and TRM 10CFR 50.59

3. I I l-LA 3/ Waste Gas Monitoring Explosive Gas 5.5.12 Explosive and Storage Gas and Storage Tank Tank Radioactivity Radioactivity


Monitoring Monitoring Program and Program and TRM 10CFR 50.59 3 II l-LA 3/411.2.6 Gas Storage Tanks Explosive Gas 5.5.12 Explosive and Storage Gas and Storage Tank Tank Radioactivity Radioactivity Monitoring Monitoring Program and Program and TRM 10CFR 50.59 I

  • The "lA" designation indicates that pan of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion c

Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.0 1-LA Exclusion Area, Figure 5.1-1, Low FSAR 2.1 10CFR50.59 Population Zone, Figure 5. l-2. Site Boundary for Gaseous Efiluents, Figure 5.1-3, and the Site Boundary For Liquid Effluents Figure 5 l-4 4.0 2-LA 5.2 Containment - design information.

FSAR 3.8 and 10CFR50.59 Table 6.2-1 4.0 3-LA 5.4 RCS - design information.

FSAR 5.0, 10CFR50.59 Table 5.1-1, and 5.2 4.0 4 LA 5.5 Meteorological Tower Location, Figure FSAR 2.3.3, 10CFR50.59 5.5-1 Figures 2.3-27 and 2.4-1 4.0 11-LA 5.7 Component Cyclic or Transient Limit, New FSAR FNP ITS 5.5.5, Table 5.7-1. New Table required to identify Table 5.2-2a Component and the TS limits.

Cyclic or Transient Limit Program, and 10CFR50.59 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 50 5-LA 6.2.2.a References to shift crew composition 10CFR 50.54 10CFR 50.54 (k) shown in Table 6.2-1 replaced with specifics (k)(1) and (m)

(1) and (m) not addressed in 10CFR 50.54 (k)(1) and (m).

5.0 9-LA 6.2.2.d Requirement for an SRO to supervise 10 CFR 10 CFR 50.54(m) all Core Alterations.

50.54(m) (2)

(2) (iv).

(iv) 5.0 11-LA 6.2.2.g Requirement that shift supervisors 10 CFR 50.54 10 CFR 50.54 (k) hold a senior reactor operator license and that (k)(1) and (m)

(1) and (m)and reactor operators hold a reactor operator and section 13 10CFR 50.59 license.

of the FSAR

  • lhe "lX designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.


Farley Nuclear Plant ITS Conversion j

I Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

5.0 13 LA Table 6.2-1 Minimum Shifl Crew 10 CFR 50.54 10 CFR 50.54 (k)


(k)(1) and (m)

(1) and (m) 5.0 15-LA 6.2.3 Safety Audit and Engineering Review Quality 10 CFR 50.54(a)

Group (SAERG).

Assurance Progmm 5.0 16-LA 6.4 Training (entire section).

FSAR Chapter 10CFR50.59 13.2 Training Program 50 17-LA 6.5 Review and Audit (entire section).

Quality 10 CFR 50.54(a)

Assurance Program 5.0 18-LA 6.6 Reportable Event Action (entire section).

10 CFR 50.72 10 CFR 50.72 and 10 CFR and 10 CFR 50.73 50.73 50 19-LA 6.7 Safety Limit Violation (entire section).

10CFR 50.36, 10CFR 50.36, 10CFR 50.72, 10CFR 50.72, and 10CFR and 10CFR 50.73 50.73 5.0 20-LA 6.8.1 Requirements for written procedures for Regulatory Regulatory Guide the following: 6.8.1.b, refueling operations, Guide 1.33,10 1.33,10 CFR 6.8. l.c, surveillance and test activities of CFR 50.54(p),

50.54(p),10 CFR safety related equipment,6.8.1.d Security 10 CFR 50.54(q) and 10 Plan implementation, and 6.8. I.e Emergency 50.54(q) and CFR 50 Appendix Plan implementation.

10 CFR 50 E

Appendix E 50 22-LA 6.8.1 g Requirement for written procedures FSAR 10CFR50.59 for the process control program.

10CFR Part 20, 61, and 71 5.0 25-LA 6.8.1.j(i) Procedures be established.

FSAR section 10CFR50.59 and implemented and maintained for the station 10 CFR 50.65 blackout Alternate AC (AAC) Source and Reliability Program to derme the testing, Maintenance maintenance, and parts procurement Rule (10 CFR requirements necessary to maintam the AAC 50.65)


[._s as a Class IE component.

  • The "lX designation indicates that part of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed.



Farley Nu: lear Plant ITS Conversion Summary of CTS Requirements Removed From the TS Q

and Placed in, or Currently Located in, Other Documents ITS DOC #

Description of CTS Requirement Document Control Section a

5.0 27-LA 6.8.2 Requirements for the procedure and Quality 10CFR 50.54(a) policy review process, including changes Assurance made to the procedures and policies.

Program 5.0 29-LA 6.8.3.b in-Plant Radiation Monitonng FSAR 10CFR50.59 Program 5.0 34-LA 6.8.3.f Radiological Environmental ODCM

10CFR50, Monitoring Program Appendix 1, 10CFR50.34a and 10CFR50.36.a 5.0 22 LA 6.8.3.g Solid Radioactive Wastes Control FSAR 10CFR Part 20, Program, Process Control Program (PCP).

61, and 71 and 10CFR50.59 50 68-LA 610 Record Retention (entire section)

Quality 10CFR 50.54(a) p Assurance Program 5.0 69-LA 6.11 Radiation Protection Program to 10 CFR 10 CFR


maintain procedures in accordance with 20.1101(b) 20.1101(b) and j


and 10 CFR 10 CFR 20.I101(c) 20.I101(c) 5.0 71-LA

'" footnote to CTS 6.12 specifying radiation 10 CFR 10 CFR 20.1602 measurement procedure.

20.1602 5.0 73-LA 6.13 Process Control Program (PCP)

FSAR 10CFR50.59 and 10 CFR Part 20, 61, and 71 AV

  • The "lA" designatwn tndientes that pun of a TS is removed and the "R" designation indicates an entire TS is removed A6-22








NUREG-1431, Rev.1
