IR 05000293/1987006

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Insp Rept 50-293/87-06 on 870203-05.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Nuclear Matl Control & Accounting,Including Organization & Operation,Shipping & Receiving,Storage & Internal Control & Mgt of Matls Control Sys
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 02/26/1987
From: Della Ratta A, Keimig R
Shared Package
ML20212K038 List:
50-293-87-06, 50-293-87-6, NUDOCS 8703090209
Download: ML20212K066 (5)







Report N /87-06 Docket N License N DPR-35 Licensee: Boston Edison Company M/C Nuclear 800 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02199 Facility Name: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

- Inspection At: Plymouth, Massachusetts Inspection Conducted: February 3-5, 1987 Date of-Last Material Control and Accounting Inspection: March 5-7, 1980 Type of Inspection: Routine Unannounced Material Control and Accounting Inspector: / J -W-E T

. Della Ratta, Safeg s ditor date

- Approved by: - - - hb / 2.24 dr f.R.Keimig,ChTet,Sa uards Section date c Nuclear Materials Saf y and Safeguards

Inspection Summary: Inspection on February 3-5, 1987 (Report No. 50-293/87-06)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of nuclear material control and accounting, including: organization and operation; shipping and receiving; storage and internal control; inventory; records and reports; and management of materials control syste Results: The licensee's procedures for the control of special nuclear niterial (SNM) were generally adequate. Records and reports were complete,


wil maintained and readily availabl ~

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DETAILS Persons Contacted

  • K. Roberts, Nuclear Operations Manager
  • J.. Seery, Technical Section Manager
  • J. Bellefeuille, On-Site Safety & Performance Group Leader E. Ziemianski, Management Services Section Manager
  • P. Hamilton, Senior Compliance Engineer
  • S. Bibo, Audit Group Leader
  • J. Mattia, QA Surveillance Group Leader
  • J. Aboltin, Senior Reactor Engineer
  • L. Darsney, Reactor Engineer
  • T. Kim, Resident Inspector, NRC The inspector also interviewed other licensee personne * present at exit interview Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives indicated in para-graph 1 at the completion of the inspection on February 5, 1987, and summarized the scope and findings of the inspectio At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspecto . Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Organization and Operation The inspector verified that the licensee had maintained and followed written procedures for nuclear material control and accounting and that written statements of responsibility for special nuclear material (SNM) were available. The procedurer, were included in the licensee's SNM Inventory and Transfer Control, Procedure 4.0, Revision 9, dated March 28, 198 The inspector's review determined that the SNM Inventory and Transfer Control Procedure 4.0 did not provide for the effective control and accounting for items containing less than 1 gram of SNM (i.e. TIP's, LPRMs, IRMs and SRMs) located in the reactor and other Item Control Areas. Prior to January 15, 1975, the licensee had been effectively controlling and accounting for these items. How-ever, for reasons that could not be recalled, the licensee deleted the control and accounting of items containing less than 1 gram of SNM from its procedures. The licensee stated that the procedures

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would be revised, consistent with 10 CFR 70.51(b)(1)(c), by-March 31, 1987 and that all items would be accounted for. This is an Inspector Followup _ Item (87-06-01).

" Shipping and Receiving

- The inspector determined through review that the' licensee, except as noted in paragraph 3.a., had established and maintained effective 3' procedures;to assure that all SNM received was accurately' accounted for.


, A review was performed of all DOE /NRC Form-741 generated during the


period October 1, 1979 - September 30, 1986 to determine proper signature, timely dispatch and accuracy of data. No discrepancies were note '

- Storage and Internal' Control The inspector determined through review that the licensee, except as noted in paragraph 3.a., had established, and was maintaining and following a-system of written material control and accounting procedures that provided for knowledge of the quantity, identity, and current location of all SNM'- bearing materials within the facilit The licensee was maintaining Item Control Areas (ICA's) that included the reactor cavity, reactor vessel, spent fuel storage pool, new fuel storage vault, and other areas that were appropriate for SNM con-

- tained in other than fue Inventory


The inspector reviewed supporting records that showed physical inventories were conducted at least annually as required by 10 CFR i 70.51(d). The licensee's last physical inventory was performed on October 3, 1986.


The inspector reviewed supporting records which reconciled the quantity of SNM shown'as of September 30, 1986. The licensee's

. inventory as of October 3, 1986 consisted of 1900 fuel assemblies and 3 fuel loading chambers (FCL's). Records and Reports a

The inspector reviewed the licensee's records and source data and all Material Balance Reports (DOE /NRC Form-742) submitted during the period October 1, 1979 - September 30, 1986. Total uranium and

U-235 fission, transmutation and plutonium production and decay records were also reviewed. No discrepancies were noted.


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I L Exhibit I of this report summarizes the licensee's nuclear material f~ activities for the period October 1, 1979 - September 30, 198 f.- Management of Materials Control System The inspector determined that the licensee was maintaining a manage-ment system which provided for the revision, implementation and en-forcement of nuclear material control and accounting procedures.

There was an organization structure responsive to the' nuclear material control and accounting requirements, the license and


applicable NRC regulation +.



EXHIBIT I PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION DOCKET NO. 50-293 LICENSE NO. DPR-35 Material Balance for Period: October 1, 1979 - September 30, 1986 Reporting Identification Symbol: YPK Reporting Unit: grams Enriched Uranium Plutonium Element Isotope Element Isotope Beginning Inventory 214,497,087 2,592,459 1,162,282 905,749 (October 1, 1979)


Production: -0- -0- 834,825 566,824

' Receipts 131,657,459 3,711,525 -0- -0-Material to Account For: 346,154,546 6,303,984~ 1,997,107 1,472,573 Removals:

Shipments 165,420 4,644 -0- -0-Fission and Transmutation: 3,704,749 1,909,227 -0- -0-Decay: -0- -0- 28,729 28,729 Total Removals: 3,870,169 1,913,871 28,729 28,729 Ending Inventory:

(September 30, 1986) 1/ 342,284,377 4,390,113 1,968,378 1,443,844 Material Accounted For: 346,154,546 6,303,984 1,997,107 1,472,573-1/ Includes 3 Fuel Loading Chambers (FLC's) 6 6