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Partial Response to FOIA Request.Documents Listed on App a Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: 07000925, 07001193
Issue date: 07/01/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Cantrell R
Shared Package
ML20211L396 List:
FOIA-86-281 NUDOCS 8607020069
Download: ML20211L392 (4)







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1 7f D Mr. Ron Cant.rell P.O. Box 842 IN RESPONSE REFER Crescent, OK 73028 TO FOIA-86-281

Dear Mr. Cantrell:

This is in regard to your request, pursuant to the Freedom of information Act, to which the NRC assigned the above number.


This is a partial response to your request.

We will notify you upon completion of search for and review of any additional records subject to your request.

The staff has completed the search for and review of records subject to your request, and this in the final response to your request.

The NRC has no records subject to your request.


Records subject to your request are available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR), 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555, as noted on the enclosure (s).

The PDR acceuuton number is


ident.ified beside cach record description.


Records subject to your request are being made available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR), 1717 H Street, NW, Washingt,on, DC 20b55, in the PDR file folder under the above number and your name.

These records are listed on the enclosure (s).


We are encioning a notico that provideu information about charges and procedures for obtairiing records 'f rom the PDR.

Sincerely, A

i.a f,sbI e. e c.

Donnie H. Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration Enclosure (s):

As ut.ated 8607020069 860701 PDR FOIA CANTREL86-281 PDR


F0IA 86-281 APPENDIX A 1.

07/15/75 Table VII - Plutonium Plant Waste Liquid to the Sanitary Lagoon 1974 (2 pages) 2.

08/19/77 Letter to L.C. Rouse from W.J. Shelley (1 page) attaching Letter to Robert L. Craig from W.J. Shelley (1 page) attaching Kerr-McGee proposal Re: Liquid Waste Centrol Ponds - Proposed Decommissioning (12 pages) 3.

03/02/78 Letter to W.J. Shelley from Robert L. Craig Re:

Approval of Oklahoma State Department of Health for Disposal of Ponds at the Cimmaron Facility (3 pages) 4.

07/10/78 Letter to Mr. W.J. ShcIley from Richard Starostecki Re: application for license (1 page) with attachment:

Safety Evaluation Report - License Amendment Application for Back filling the Retention of Settlin Returning them to Normal Usage (8 pages) g Ponds and 5.

08/04/78 Letter to Mr. W.J. Shelley from A.B. Davis (2 pages) attaching Rpts. No.70-925 /78-02 and 70-1193 /78-03 (13 pages) 6.

04/08/83 Memo for Files from L.R. Greger Re: Allegation-Burial of Plutonium Waste at Kerr-McGee (3 pages) 7.

04/30/84 Letter to Leland C. Rouse from J.C. Stauter Re:

Revised 1983 environmental sample data (4 pages) 8.

10/25/84 Memo for J.A. Hind from Charles H. Weid Re:

Allegation Re: Kerr-McGee, Crescent, Oklahoma (2 pages) 9.

07/01/85 Allegation No. RIII-84-A-0155 computer printout (9pages)

o Re:

F0IA 86-281 APPENDIX B 1.

07/15/77 License Retirement Notice (1 page) Acc. No.

8601020727 2.

12/14/78 Letter to W.J. Shelley from A.B. Davis Re:

Inspection reports No. 70-925/78-03 and No. 70-1193/78-05 (13 pages) Acc. No.

7901190215 3.

05/10/79 Letter to W.J. Shelley from A.B. Davis Re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/79-02 and 70-1193/79-02 (11 pages) Acc. No. 7907110434 4.

10/30/79 Letter to W.J. Shelley from A.B. Davis Re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/79-04 and 70-1193/79-04 (13 pages) Acc. No. 7912040013 5.

01/09/80 Letter to W.J. Shelley from A.B. Davis Re:

Inspection Repoits No. 70-925/79-05 and 70-1193/79-05 (6 pages) Acc. No. 8002210154 6.

03/04/80 Letter to W.J. Shelley from A.B. Davis Re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/80-01 and No. 70-1193/80-01 (12 pages)Acc.

No. 8004230138 7.

06/12/80 Inspection Reports No. 70-925/80-02 and 70-1193/80-02 (10 pages) Acc. No. 8007170310 8.

11/12/80 Letter to W.J. Shelly from A.B. Davis Re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/80-03 and 70-1193/80-05 (12 pages) Acc. No. 8012180431 9.

06/28/84 Inspection Report 70-925/84-03 and 70-1193/84-03 (1 page) Acc. No. 8407030371

10. 06/28/84 Inspection Report 70-1193/84-04 (1 page) Acc. No. 8407060082
11. 03/24/82 Environmental Monitoring Procedure - KM-NC-20.2, Rev. 3 (10 pages) Acc. No. 8205200304
12. 06/17/81 Leter to W. J. Shelly from A. B. Davis re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/81-02 and 70-1193/81-02 (11 pages) Acc.

No. 8107150295

13. 04/08/82 Letter to W.J. Shelley from G.W. Roy re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/82 and 70-1193/82-01 (11 pages) Acc.

No. 8204270409

14. 01/13/83 Letter to W.J. Shelley re:

Clarification of Safeguards Licensing Policy (2 pages) Acc. No. 8307110624

15. 03/18/83 Letter to W.J. Shelley from C.J. Paperiello re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/8301 and 70-1193/83-02 (11 pages) Acc. No. 8304040364

16. 03/31/83 Materials License SNM-923 (3 pages) Acc. No. 8304180671 17.

11/07/83 Letter to W.J. Shelley from C.J. Paperiello re:

Inspection No. 70-925/83-03 and 70-1193/83-04 (14 pages)

Acc. tio. 8311220195

18. 04/27/84 Letter to John C. Stauter from C.J. Paperiello re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/84-01 and 70-1193/84-01 (16 pages) Acc. No. 8405110106

19. 02/04/85 Letter to John C. Stauter from C.J. Paperiello re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/84-02 and 70-1193/84-02 (17 pages) Acc. No. 8402260588

20. 07/26/85 Letter to John C. Stauter from W.D. Shafer re:

Inspection Reports No. 70-925/84001and70-1193/85001(17 pages) Acc.

No. 8508020349 21.

11/19/85 Letter to Jack A. Hind from J.C. Stauter re : Amendment of License SNM-928 (1 page) Acc. No. 8602250543

22. 02/11/86 Letter to John C. Stauter from W.D. Shafer re:

Inspection Reports Nos. 70-925/86001 and 70-1193/86001 (14 pages)

Acc. No. 8602190030

23. 04/16/86 MaterialsLicenseSupplementarySheet(1page)Acc.No.


24. 04/16/86 Safety Evaluation Report re: Review of License Amendment Request, Amendment No. 03 (2 pages) Acc. No. 8605070505