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Supplemental Quality Program Description Reviewed by Nrc
Person / Time
Site: South Texas STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 01/14/1987
NUDOCS 8701150419
Download: ML20207P330 (61)


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,,gg 1 g, M 1.0 PURPOSE ,

To establish the policy for selecting those portions of quality assurance programs to apply to items that are not classified as safety related on the South Texas Project but for which a limited quality assurance program is required.

2.0 APPLICABILITY This appendix applies to portions of the Fire Protection Systems (Part 1),

portions of the Radwaste Management Systems (Part 2), portions of the Seismic '

II/I Items (Part 3) and portions of the Post Accident Monitoring Systems (Part 4).

3.0 POLICY Bechtel shall implement those portions of the project QA program (policies and procedures) to the extent consistent with the nature and scope of the work, in accordance with regulations and specific project requirements. The Quality Assurance program is under the control of the Project Quality Assurance Manager (PQAM).

4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES The Project Engineering Manager (PEM) is responsibile for identifying the portions of structures, systems, and components to which the selective quality 1

assurance program shall be applied. -

E 5.0 REQUIREMENTS T Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management and other organization participating in the prescribed quality assurance program shall implement procedures / instructions or specifications, as applicable, to fulfill Quality Assurance Program requirements as stated in this appendix.

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To identify the Quality Assurance Program appltcable to Seismic II/I items '

whose failure could reduce the functioning of a Seismic Category I structure, system, or component to an unacceptable safety level or could result in an incapacitating injury to occupants of the control room at the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS).

2.0 SCOPE i applies to Bechtel Quality Assurance Programs for Engineering, Quality Th's Assurance, Procurement, and Construction Management related to Seismic II/I items. The NRC Regulatory Guide 1.29 Rev. 2, " Seismic Design Classification" Regulatory Position C.4 for items identified in C.2 is applicable to this part of the appendix.

Contractors shall prepare their QA Program for Seismic II/I Item in accordance with the requirements of this program.

3.0 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 . Engineering shall identify portions of structures, systems, and components to which the Quality Assurance Program for Seismic II/I Items is applicable.

l 3.2 Review of field routed items which have the potential for creating a [

E Seismic II/I co6dition shall be evaluated by Engineering and Construction. .

r 4.0 INSTRUCTIONS The requirements applicable to the quality assurance program for the Seismic II/I items are identified in Exhibit 1 of Part 3. This exhiHt identifies the

, need for procedures which will implement the respective Quality Assurance l Criteria. Applicable departments shall identify, develop and implement the l Procedures / Instruction or Specifications necessary to comply with this l appendix.



. FOR SEISHIC II/I ITEMS PAGE _l2 OF 20 Procedures / Instructions / Specifications

., Constr. --

Other CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS _Q E3 Mgmt. Departments ydy, Design and Procurement Document Control

$coc51. Identification of items covered by ,

the Seismic II/I QA Program.

Handling of changes in design for *

  • 2.

Seismic II/I areas.

Design documents shall incorporate

  • 3.

design basis and regulatory require-ments and be reviewed for adequacy, completeness, and confonnance to requirements. 4 A m'ew /

  • vu #1 w ei sta n et ree ncarv o n ,ep,, +s 00)
4. Changes shall be subject to controls *
  • equivalent to those applied to original documents.
5. Procurement documents shall include or reference applicable technical and

, quality assurance requirements.

l 4, Do c a - c ; cw f,oi .

e 6. The release-and distribution of design *
  • Procurement l- and procurement documents shall be RMS ~

,. controlled to assure activities are

performed to current and authorized documents.

J, Instructions, Procedures and Drawings

1. Instructions and procedures pertaining * *
  • Procurement to the QAP for Seismic II/I items Start-Up shall be identified. RMS
2. New instructions and procedures shall * *
  • Procurement be prepared for quality assurance Start-Up activities unique to the QAP for RMS Seismic II/I items, if required.

(*) Identifies the functional department which shall have documents to implement l the Criteria shown.

l l

8" = nmL - - - - _ . _ - ___ _ _ _ _ _.._._ __ _ _ _ _ __ _


, FOR SEISMIC II/I ITEMS PAGE 13 or 20 Procedures /Instructionu/ Specifications

- Constr.

CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS _QA Eng,. Mgmt. -- Departments

- Other

7. Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Services
1. Supplier generated engineering and '

quality verification documents shall

  • Engineering p to review QA ,

be requested when they are necessary Manual I rc o o k.J to verify confomance to specified 4 requirements. Q Y -

pasmi tra wc s &

E. Source surve111ance ; inspection shall *

  • Procureraent quah43 be perfomed when engineering , , o rt f determines it to be required, go g, otherwise only receipt inspection is required. 4 c*"/ f' Wd
3. Receipt . inspection shall verify identification, condition and r

, g *g ,

documentation, she rd reas,y tGat Mr Q or' #"gW(o ,, q ,)gy r fy 4

w # .< ,,es , w , ee , rer-

4. Work performed by field subcontractor / .

contractors shall be subject to ~

surveillance . inspection.

i .

c. , T Control of Special Processes

, 1 ; Inspection of Welding and NDE for

  • l; critical attributes.

/o Inspection

1. The site inspection program shall
  • assure confomance to engineering requirements that are important to structural integrity.
2. Enspections shall be performed by
  • personnel independent from the _

individuals performing the activity.

! 3. .' Inspection records shall provide

  • evidence of inspections perfomed.

l (*) Identifies the functional department which shall have documents to implement the Criteria shown.

  • MM .. - _. - _ _ _ - . . - . _ _





" P roc edu re s /In s tructi on hSpeci fi cati on s Constr. Other CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS _QA Eng. Mgmt. Departments

// Test and Test Control

1. The construction test program shall " * *(1) include testing specified in engineering documents, using test procedures which are based on specified parameters.
2. Surveillance.1nspection shall
  • assure confomance to design

. requirements.

I z . rh4 TE fq, Inspection, Test and Operation Status 1 Requirements for identifying inspection

  • Start-Up and test status, when appropriate, shall be included in construction, inspection and test procedures.

if Nonconforming Items Control and

(, Corrective Action - ?

r, 1. Nonconfoming items are to be *

!- controlled by segregation, tagging, ,

i.  ;

or other suitable means to prevent inadvertent use.

2. Nonconfomances and actions taken * *
  • Procurement to correct these re to be documented and dispositioned uthorized personnel.

l l

(*) Identifies the functional department which shall have documents to implement

. the Criteria shown.

(1) Applicable on a case-by-case basis if testing is required to verify installation.

STP 1921 (76~)

.. ) ,


. EXHIBIT 1 - MATRIX QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGPRi FOR SEISMIC II/I ITEMS PAGE -15 OF 20 P roce du re s /In s tructi o n s/ Spec i fi ca ti o n s Constr.. Other CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS E E3 Mgmt. Departments 17, Records

1. The record system shall include * *
  • Procurement records applicable to the RMS implementation of the Seismic II/I

. Program.

2. The quality assurance records shall * *
  • Procurement be transmitted and/or maintained RMS '

in accordance with the Records Management system.

/8 Audits

1. Audits shall be performed by Quality
  • Assurance during the normal audit program and shall include activitics pertaining to the Seismic II/I Program.
2. Audit results shall be documented and
  • reported to cognizant levels of management. -

Note: Bechtel supplier audits are not -

7 required as part of the audit program.

. (*) Identifies the functional department which shall have docuraents to implement the Criteria shown.

l h



_ [. This material is discussed for balance-of-plant scope in Section 3.2.A and

\ for Nuclear Steam Supply System scope in Section 3.2.B.

3.2.A Classification of Structures, Components, and Systems (Balance-of-Plant Scope) ,

Certain structures components, and systems of the nuclear plant are con-sidered safety-related because they perform safety functions required to l 30 avoid or mitigate the consequences of abnormal operational transients or accidents. This section classifies structures, components, and systems 1 30 according to the safety function they perform. In addition, design require- l 33 ments are placed upon such equipment to assure the proper performance of safety actions,-when required.

t 3.2.A.1 Seismic Classifications. Safety-related plant structures, systems, and components are designed to withstand the effects of g Safe Shutdown 30 i -

Earthquake (SSE) (see Section 2.5) and remain functional if they are nec-essary to assure:

. 1. The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB).

! 2. The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shut- 1 33 down condition. I i 3. The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of 9ccidents which could result in potential offsite exposures comparable to the j( ' guideline exposures of 10CFR100.

Plant seguctures, systems, and components, including their foundations and l supports , that are designed to remain functional in the event of an SSE are l33 i designated as Seismic Category I and are indicated in Table 3.2.A-1. These classifications meet the requirements of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.29. -

  • -E: .


Structures, components, and systems designated as Safety Class (SC) 1, 2 Er 3 (see Subsection 3.2.A.2 and ANSI N18.2a (1975) for a definition of safety 30 classes) are generally classified as Seismic Category I. For safety systems  ;

where postulated failure of components not designed for the SSE would result in conservatively calculated offsite exposures less than 0.5 rem, a non-j

, seismic classification is assigned.

l Components (and their supporting structures) which are not Seismic Category l I and whose collapse could result in loss of required function of struc-tures, equipment or systems ' required after a SSE (e.g. through impact or 30 flooding of seismic Category I structures) are analytically checked to i confirm their integrity against collapse when subjected to seismic loading

{ resulting from the SSE. ,. l 33 i


! As defined by Regulatory Guide 1.29, positions 1 and 2.

! 2 Piping supports are identified on Table 3.2.A-1 and 3.2.B-1 with the appropriate piping. 33 i

3.2-1 Amendment 33

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  • e t -pW ~ -w+ w c y -pt vewwww4---e,e-agtv weVT*T m-eF---w--* 9v*"t-*" w*--"-*wT

STP FSAR practices are relied upon. Rad,ioactive waste management systems which are 6Q classified as NNS are designed in accordance with the intent of BTP ETSB 11-1 10j

( (Rev. 1) where. appropriate.


14 Equipment is assigned a specific SC recognizing that components within a sys-tem may be of differing safety importance. A single system may thus have components in more than one SC. Supports and restraints shall be in the same SC as the component supported if failure could cause a loss of gafety function associated with the supported component. Components with an NNS classifica-

. tion are located, protected, or supported so that their failure does not pre-vent safety-related components from performing their intended safety func-tions.

The design, fabrication, construction and testing of fire protection systems are performed in accordance with the applicable portions of the National Fire 30 Protection Association Codes. Quality Assurance (QA) program requirements l

ensure that the requirements for design, procurement, installation, testing, and administrative controls for the fire protection program are satisfied.

The QA requirements applied to the fire protection program are in accordance l 45 with BTP ASB 9.5-1.

Fluid system safety classifications and boundaries are indicated on the system piping and instrument diagrams in the respective FSAR section which describes the detailed design and safety analysis. The correlation of safety classifi

cation with industry codes and standards for mechanical components is found in Table 3.2.A-2. The following definitions apply to fluid system pressure 30 g boundary components and the Reactor Containment Building (RCB). A more com-plate definition of the SCs can be found in ANSI N18.2a-1975.

,! y V) 3.2.A.2.1 Safety Class 1: Safety Class 1 applies to components of the RCPB whose failure during normal reactor operations would prevent orderly reactor shutdown and cooldown assuming makeup water is provided by normal I makeup systems only. ,

E Thecoder'equirements,degreeofQA,andseismicdesignationsforSC1equ[p-ment are listed in Table 3.2.A-1. 30 T

3.2.A.2.2 Safety Class 2: Safety Class 2 applies to the RCB'and those


components of the RCPB that are not SC 1, and to those components that are necessary to:

1. Remove residual heat directly from the reactor or reactor containment.

30 ..

2. Circulate reactor coolant for any safety system purpose.
3. Control radioactivity release from within the RCB.
4. Control hydrogen in the RCB. -

The code or standard requirements, the degree of QA, and the seismic designs- 1 30 tions for SC 2 equipment are listed in Table 3.2.A-1. Plant conditions and design loading combinations are detailed in Section 3.9.2.

\ 3.2.A.2.3 Safety Class 3: SC 3 applies to those components that are not SC 1 or 2, but that are necessary to:

3.2-3 Amendment 45

STP FSAR A further explanation of the above exemption criteria follows:

a. All SC 1 components must be seismically qualified since a failure of any one can directly cause a Condition III or IV event, thus ~~ l30 failing Provision 1 for exemption.
b. SC 2 components.that are part of the RCPB must be seismically qua}Afied because of the rule stated above, " Portions of,a. system required to perform the same safety function required of a safety class component which is a part of that system shall be likewise qualified or granted exemption." "


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e-STP FSAR All other SC 2 components must also be seismically qualified because



they are required to mitigate, or their failure could prevent miti-gation of, the consequences of a condition III or IV event, thus failing the second provision for exemption. - ~ l30

d. Components placed in SC 3 by reason of item (1), (3) or (4) of Criterion 2.2.3, the SC 3 definition of ANSI N18.2a, meet Provisions l30 1 and 2 for granting the seismic design exemption. _ ~
  • Since exemption Provisions 1 and 2 are fulfilled, seismic qual- l45 ification is not required if Provision 3 is met. The basis for judgment of this third provision is the rule of criterion of l45 g33 ANSI N18.2: "The release of radioactive material due to Condition III incidents may exceed guidelines of 10CFR20, ' Standards for Pro-tection Against Radiation,' but shall not be sufficient to inter-rupt or restrict public use of those areas beyond the exclusion radius." ,


e. ComponentspideedinSC3byreasonofitem(2)ofCriterion2.2.3 of ANSI N18.2 sur.t be seismically qualified for the same reason as given in item c above.

5 Table 3.2.5-1 shows the '50, the code class, the degree of QA, and the method of seismic qualificati'on for the listed components. Seismically qualified j components are qualified to remain functional in the event of the SSE, as i defined above. ,

. Table 3.2.5-2 shows the applied Westinghouse Electric Corporation equivalent



SCs for non fluid systen components, with explanations for the choices.

i 3.2.B.2 System Quality Group classifications. Components are classified l30 as SC 1, 2, or 3 or NNS in accordance with ANSI N18.2a-1975 classification

( (Ref. 3.2.5-3). This classificacion system is compatible with the require-ments of RC 1.26..

n p}

Classificationofp'pingandvalves,and)interfacesfromoneSCtoanother,hl E-are shown on,the system piping and instrument diagrams shown elsewhere in this r.

safety analysis report. -


45 3[2.B.3 Equipseat code d Classification List. Table 3.2.5-1, " Equip-me de and Cla icat.,on List Westinghouse 12pid System Components, - l33 #

t es compo ef. 3.2.5-5.

tsb,y$ ass (gnmentogappliMblecodeclassinacco[" dance

. earliest appAf' cable, code for the pressure 'ssels l3f l [ wi ich' are part of th RCPB is the 1971 ' ion of the ASME B&PV e, with 52

[ application of all a enda through, to, including the Winte 972 addenda. Q210.

08N f The earliest appMcable code umps va'.ven which are part of the RCPB is tihk 1971 e ion, with tion o all addenda through, to, and p'~

4 including th inter 1972 a. The earlie pplicable code for the pipin5 which part o , he i B is the 1971 ton, with application of all addenda through, to,. iac ding the Summ 73 addenda. Later code ' '

I j edijions may be useddpc1 ully. ,

As indicated in fo tes o d,someNSS onents are built ,

3 to d more stringent design code t quired. -


' $ f' 4

',3.2 5 ,

Amendment 53

/ .

f _ , , .

r. - - . . _ _ _ . ._ .u._-. .

3 s.


REFERENCES Section 3.2:

3.2.B-1 ,,

Regulatory Guide 1.26, " Quality Group Classificatibns and Standards for Water , Steam , and Radioactive %st'e-Containing Components of Nuclear Power Plants."

3.2.B-2 Regulatory Guide 1.29, " Seismic Design Classification."

3.2.B-3 ANSI N18.2a-1975, " Revision and Addendum to Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants."

3.2.B-4 ANSI N18.2-1973, " Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized. Water Reactor Plants."

3.2.B-5 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, " Rules 7

for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components."

10 ,

e t- F t



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 . 2 -6 . _ __ . _ .___ _ __ _ .

e 'b IU. ,

TAeLE 3.2.A 1 .

e eAuscE OF PLAuf-cuALITY CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURES. SYSTEMS, AIS C015 41ENTS Sheet 1 of 24 Structure, y Stenderd 3

System Safety or 2 Setemic custity' Components Ctess Code Category Assurance Romerks x

Reector Coolant System See PSIDs, '

Sec. 5.2 4

Piping, styports and 1, 2, NHS III/1, III/2 I, sen 3, lea  ;

4 l

volves ANSI B31.1 I themleet and votisse control System See PSIDs,

Sec. 9.3.4 Boric acid tanks 3 III/3 I B


i Pulsetton deepeners 2 III/2 I B j Piping, and vetves 2, 3, ulls III/2, III/3 I, MA s, mA See Note 8 -

and styports, etc. ANSI B31.1 >

w N' '

y Redsidset Ileet Removet System See PRIDs, g j e Sec. 5.4 m M .


., Piping, volves and supports, etc. 1, 2 III/1, III/2 I B See Note 8 l Spent Fuel Poot Coolina and Cleenup System See PSIDs, j l Sec. 9.1.3 i Piping, supports and volves 3 III/3 I B See Note 16 l49 j l In cooling toope

! l Piping, supports and vetves Ines ANSI B31.1 lea un

, j in purification and in skle-j ming ioop g  !

, 8

! i

! , I t 1 i *see notes at end of table for abbrevletions

y .

! A*

i E ~

i P, Ut W

i 1

1 I- -. _ _ __

' ^

.e q qq o


Seismic3 Ouelity Components Ctess Code Category Assurance Romerks 4

Cantainment spray System See P& ids, Sec. 6.2.2

, Piping velves and sipports, etc. 2, 3, III/2, III/3, I, MA B, MA See Note 8 NNS ANSI B31.1 Baron Reevete Systen See P8 ids 33 l

Sec. 9.3 4

Recycle holdp tarks NNS API-650, MA NA See Note 11 A4AM 0-100, or ,

, ANSI 396.1 Pipes, volves, and supports NNS ANSI B31.1 NA NA See Note 11 f

Reector Nakete Water System (PSJIWS See P8 ids, M-u Sec. 9.2.7 N to N RNW storage tank 3 I 4 III/3 B

  • 30 l RNW pumps 3 III/3 I B l Piping, styports, and velves, 3, NWS III/3, I, MA B, NA See Note 8 3

, etc. ANSI B31.1 l

i i Nekete DemineretIrer System .

See PSIDs i '

See 9.2.3 30

{ Centafrunerat penetretIan, 2 III/2 I B steports, and footetton vetves 53 l

Remainder of System Ints ANSI B31.1 NA NA I l Nein Steam (NS) Sbs'est See PSIDs I l 33
Sec. 10.3 f, , see Note 13 l Those portions of the NS System 2 III/2 I a
p including stoports extending 4 '" from and including the secondary i tn side of SGs tp to and includirig , p. ,

I W the first Isotation vetve and con- 30

, nected piping up to and including l the first vetve that is either i normatty closed or capable of automatic closure daring att i

modes of norset reactor oper-etion l

1- _.


~ " '

O '^'

TABLE 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd) -

4 BALANCE OF PLANT-OuaLITY CLASSIFICATI0ll OF STRUCTURES, SYSTENS, Alm CE390NENTS Sheet 3 of 24 Structure, Stenderd i' System Safety or Selenic Ouellty Components Ctess 2 Code Category Assurance Remarks c

j Main Steam (NS) System (Cont'd)

  • I Code safety vetves 2 III/2 I B MS drain Lines and vetves to 2 III/2 I B outside of footetton velve cteicte wett l

Power operated retlef vetves 2 III/2 I e l45 l ,

Remainder of system NNS ANSI B31.1 m M See Note 8 Steam Generator Bloudoun System 3g The portion of the steen 2 III/2 I e See PSIDs, '

generator bt W system includ- Sec. 10.4.8 ing s g ports extending from the m secondary side of the steen gen-See Note 13 l45 s w N

'g eretors g to and including the

, 4

first isolation velve on the M.

'O main bloudoun Lines and con-necting piping tp to and includins h 45 the second velve on the semple I lines.

Flesh tank 1118 S VIII m e l45 Recirculatlon ptmp 1111$ NI a e p3 SC8 regenerative heet illfS VIII, TE M e a exchanger i

INi$ I l45 ,

MixedbedDomine{etIzers VIII e . ,

C8 Romeining piping, ogports, INIS m m See Note 8 . 53 and yetves AllSI B31.1 N Component Coottna Water System For more detall, g,, refer to P& ids, w Sec. 9.2.2 9 t e Meet exchangers 3 III/3 I B

, Puys 3 III/3 I a

,. ,y -

., q qq -

O i TAgtE 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd) .

j .t i BALANCE OF PUUIT RIALITY CLASSIFICATION OF l STRUCTURES, SYStENS, AND COMPONENTS l Sheet 4 of 24 Structure, Standard Systen SafetyI or 2 * ""*IIIY Components Ctess Code Category Assurance Resort;s 33 l

Component Coottna Water System (Cont'd)

I , surge tank 3 III/3 I B l Chemicat addition ter* NNS VIII NA NA i

Piping, sipports, and velves 2 III/2 I e

! for contalrument isolation i

I Piping, sepports, and volves 3 III/3 I B 30 l

f other then those regaired for contalrument footatico or servicing NNS ogalpeent Vent and drain piping and sipports 3  !!!/3 I B See Note 5 en

] y op to and including first Q

. Isoletion vetve except in NNS yw portices' N I C Piping, steports, and vetves lutS ANSI B31.1 NA NA j serving lues egalpeont including l

.; vent and drain piping and i ) stoports i i l i  ! Essentist Coolins Water System (ECWS) For more detall,

' refer to PetDs, Subsec. 33 l ,

i I

'III/3 Essentlet cooling unter pumps 3 1 3 ECW self eteening strainer 3 III/3 I s ECWpumptiericeyon 3  !!!/3 I e 'g ,

I g strainers a e Screen wesh pimpe 3 I e 33 a

5 p


" Traveling screens 3 Its ' I s u ,

W Piping and styports 3,INes 1, NA g, NA See Notes 5 and 8 II{/3,,ANSIS31.1 30 Velves 3 111/3 I B i

i I


_ _ - 1,. -

f' TABLE 3.2.A 1 (Conted). .

BALANCE OF PLANT-GUALITY CLASSIFICATION OF STItUCTURES. SYSTEMS. AND COOPONENTS Sheet 5 of 24 Structure, Standard System Safety9 or 2 Selenic3 cuetity Componente Ctess Code Category Assurance Remorts


Auxillery Feedseter (AFW) System For more detelt, 4 33 i refer to MIDS, .

( Soc. 10.4.9 Puge 3 III/3 I B i

l AFU ptmp turbfne 3 Built I B Not N stamped 1 -

III/3 l AFU Piping and engports from 3 III/3 I B l45 4 .

AFWST to first footetton velve i

outside Conteinment l

AFU steen tine and ogports 3 III/3 I B

! from main steen LIne

! I lootetton velves (steen M

! Intet and steem intet m

sa y

bypass volves) to AFU pump turbine and edeust line y

8 tn j [ Contefneent footetton vetves, 2 III/2 I B g

penetrations, AFW piping and i

s w ts from the isolation l ;

vetves to SG l l AFU PLap test /rselrcutetton 3 III/3 I B j tines inside IVC etso AFU 33 j cross connecting piping end

yetves I

! Nein steem isoletten vetves, 2 III/2 I B j (steen intet and steen Intet bypees vetwee), AFW steenline i andstoportstgot(eenoftSe '

g Isolation volve i

E, AFW storage tank (AFWST) 3 ACI 318 71, I B Concrete tank

g except Liner AISC 69



rt AFWST Liner 3 ASME III, AISC 69 I B Not N stampal l45 O Remainder of system NNS ANSI 1831.1 NA NA l33 i

TABLE 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd) -

,d l

StauCruers. SYSTENS. A W COMPONENTS Structure, S .

l System safety 9 or 2 Setemic3 eustity' Components Ctess Code Category Assurance Remarks -

4 33 ,

Fee & eter (FW) System For more detalt,

  • I refer to PSIDs,  !

Sec. 10.4.7 i

, Those portions of the FW System 2 III/2 I B See llote 13 I i

l Including o g ports extending from l45 '

i and including the secondary side i i j of SGs y to and including the 30 l first footetton vetve and connect-ed piping g to and including the l first vetve that is car.ebte of l45 i

automatic closure & ring ett modes

  • of normat reactor operation or the second noruutty closed vetve t Remainder of system IINS ANSI B31.1 NA NA 30 I "

h goron Thernet Regeneration System .See P4 ids *ts y Sec. 9.3.4 . y

  • m

,N PIptne, volves and supports, etc. IINS ANSI B31.1 NA IIA See Note 11 l45  %;

Emeroency Core Coolins System (Safety Inlectfon System) See PRIDs I' f Sec. 6.3 30 Pfpfng, vetves and og ports 1, 2, Inst III/1, III/2, I, MA g, MA See Note 8 AllSI B31.1 i  ! RefuetIng water 2 III/2 I B -

! storage tank 33 p Semp(Ins System For more detall, I l.a see PSIDs, I

$  ! Sec. 9.3.2 ' I l


! [

gs Se,t. as =$ vn! a m I30 g

Sample vessels INeS VIII NA NA I u

W Sample detey colt 2 III/2 I B Constructed of terse ir, diameter pfptng 30 53 i  !

4 l



r, . -

a1 lG ."


O, TABLE 3.2.A 1 (Cent'd)

BALANCE OF PLANT-GUALITY CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURES. SYSTEMS. AND COMPONENTS Sheet 7 of 24 Structure, Stendard System Safetyl or 2 8'I'"I* ""*tI'Y 33 Components Ctess Code Category Assurance Remarks

' ' Sansdins System (cont'd) #

Piping, sipports, penetratfans 2 III/2 I B See Notes 5 and 8 -

i i and valves inalde Containment, tp to and including first isota- 3g

i tion volve outside containment il l (samptes orIsinetIng Inside Con-i t

tainment) i Piping, sepports, and vetves NNS ANSI B31.1 NA M See Note a l45 downstream of the sample Line (Class break at root isolation or root valve vetve,editch is pert cf sampled system.) 53

  • fA l

Reactor Cooter** System Vectase Deesssina Systee N-6 See P&ID,

' F Sec. 11.3 l33 5 N See Note 6 g j $ Reector heed degessing us VIII IIA, a a
j. La storage tarts Reactor heed degessing Ines les IIA, e a weiman pu'P 1

30 4

j Reector heed degessing compressor Illts its IIA, a a I dryer / compressor package Remainder of piping, stgports, Ints ' ANSI B31.1 NA, e a

, and valves j

Containment penetration, pipfng, 2 l33

! III/2 I B i

supports and votwo l30 Caseous Weste Processing System For more detalt, , 2' r see PatDs, Sec. 11.3 Q321.

l '33 I

2 Charcoal detey tanks and Miss VIII MA, e a See Notes 6 and 11

, 01 i A- guard bed '

i I g Fitter (NEPA) let$ NS IIA, e a l30 ta L4 9 I e

.,,, ,q -

p 3 - ,

TA8LE 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd) ,

SALANCE OF PLANT GUALITY CLASSIFICATION OF SINUCTURES. SYSTEMS. A W CG 90NENTS Sheet 8 of 24 Structure, Standard I eustity' System Safetyl or Seismic Ceeponents Class Code Category Assurance Romerks 33 c

Caseous Weste Processine System (Cont'd) 30 .

BR$ holde tank vent compreshor MS les M, a e i Control penets MS MS NA NA l45

. , Pomeinder of piping og ports NNS ANSI B31.1 M, a a 30 a i


and valves 7

l Llauld Weste Processine Systee For more detalt, f see P& ids, Sec. 11.2 33 J


Ms IWes VIII IIA, e a i , Tanks NNS VIII, API M, e a 30 1

620, 650 w

j w Reefn fitt tank WS VIII IIA IRA l33 g, f Evaporators MS VIII IIA, e a =

m j Pmps MS MS NA, a a g

30 i

Domineralizers NNS VIII M, a a Control penets NWS MS IRA IIA l33

} Containment isolation 2 III/2 I B 4

valves, piping and agports

)g Remainder of piping, supports MS ANSI B31.1 NA, a a 4

and valves I j Radioactive Ventsf and Drains See P8 ids, I i l l Sec. 9.3.3 ,

33 g, contefrument isolation vetves, 2 'III/2 I B '

g PI Ping and s g ports S Remeinder of system MS ANSI B31.1 NA NA See Note 5

v. <>, l45



. , ,3 gq "N . .

D TABLE 3.2.A 1 (Cent'd) * .


' STRUCTUNES, SYSTEMS, AIS COMPONENTS Sheet 9 of 24 Structure, Standard System SafetyI or 2 Selenic eustity' i Components Ctess Cods Category Assurance Remarks 33 Solid Weste Processing System See P&lDs, j Sec. 11.4 4 i j Druusing Stetton EgsIpsonts

{ 30 -

a seter NNS Ils n, e a s .

l O wrheed erene NA cmA 70 Note 6 d 42

1) Drue shields IRA, e a

!45h260.47 j IINS MS -

f i Ptape INIS IIS 114, e e i

l , Mixing tank 1111$ , API 650 IIA, a e

.  ! 30

, Cement tanks IIIIS IIS IIA, a a

. i un

{ P usete-coment mixer INIS MS IIA, a . a Y 4 w

,8 Cement feeder IINS MS NA, a a . en 4 u Piping, stpports and volves Ilh$ AllSI B31.1 NA, a g

[ e

' Control penet PIIS IIS NA stA i

Dieset Generator Lthe Olt Systen See P&lDs, Sec. 9.5.T l Piping, sipports and 3 III/3 I B i vetves tp to and 33 including normally closed volves 't g .

Remainder of systpa NNS AllSI S31.1 NA IIA

'l l

,  :: Diesel Generator Fuet oft Storene and Trenefer S nteu _ See P&lDs,

  • 1 C- Sec. 9.5.4 .


$ Dieset ott storege tanks 3 III/3 I s u 30

" Velves between storage tanks 3 III/3 I e and engine 'P '

4 t

p -

^ '1 1q O

TABLE 3.2.A-1 (Cont'd) . .


System Safety l or 2 I'I'"I* ""'tI'Y Components Ctass Code Category. Assurance Reserks Oleset Generator Fuel Olt Storage end Transfer System (Cont'd) 33 Piping, volves and sipports 3 III/3 I B except vent and FILL piping teatrees of the locked closed volve

! l i Vent and fitt piping, vetves Int $ AftSI B31.1 NA NA

; and supports systrees of the 1

Locked ctooed vetve Remainder of system 3, NNS III/3, I, MA s, m See Note 8 .

ANSI B31.1 i

l45 Diesel Generator Coolins Unter System See P&lDs, u Sec. 9.5.5 See Note 5 y 5 Piping, esoports and NNS AstSt B31.1 NA R4 33 3 vetves toetroen of solenoid vet.e g i

Piping, sipports and 3 III/3 I B vetves downstreen of solenold vetve inctu-

ding the valve Diesel Generator Air Storting Systen For more detalt see Sec. 9.5.6 Air Dryers isNS Its NA IIA g Compressors INis IIS NA IRA Air receivers 3 III/3 I e .

Piping, velves, and styports inst AleSI B31.1 NA NA

.g from air compressor to the +

g air receiver intet check g , , . ,

Piping, volves and steports from 3 III/3 I 8 33 w the air receiver intet check valve to the diesel generator skid i

_. -+


  • _\ In

. ,O i

TASLE 3.2.A-1 (Cont'd)



Sheet 11 of 24 i Structure, Stensord System SafetyI or Selenic3 oustIty' Components Ctoss Code Cetenory Assurance Nemerks 33 Oleset Cenerator 1s.take and Exhaust System See PSIDs, .

Sec. 9.5.8

, Exhaust silencer intS MS I e 14 5 j Intet sItencer NNS MS I e 130 j Intet air filter Nets MS I e j Espansion joints i

Intet NNS MS e 51 1

! Exhaust MS I e 45 -


. Combustion air intake ** ** I e Not N stamped ,

PIiP ng and styports l m Y Olesel emhaust piping ** ** I e Not N-stenped y and sepports g

, w N Contelrument Nwdronen leanitorIne Svsten

! For more detalt, i see PSIDs, Sec. 7.6.5 l30 i 51

Q480.23N 1 Nydrogen enetyter package IIA IEEE 279, 323, 344 I e 45 Piping, supports, and vetves 2  !!!r2 I e Note 5 i

j j Sample vessets ints VI!! IIA IIA l30 Fire Protection Systee See P810s,

' l See. 9.5.1 and A6 pendix 9.5.1.A 33 Coritelneent penet etions '

2 III/2, I e l

, I supporto and Isot tion MC CC-3000  !

E valves *

< (1.

  • o i rt i

w n Purchased to ASME Ill requirements, selsmically des! , Instetted to 831.1,

, w and uelded to ASME Section IX. 9 '

l51 l

I ,


^ ,

TABLE 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd) - ,

l .



I Sheet 12 of 24

} Strscture, Standard SafetyI 3 cuality' i System or 2 Seismic 7

components Ctess Code CateSory Assurance Romerks 33 .

i <

l ' Fire Protection System (Cont'd)

H, 8 N Flmed water oprey deluge NNS NFPA 15 NA, a b

! Sprinkler (automatic and NNS NFPA 13 M, a b i pre-action) 30 Stan $lpe (wet and INIS NFPA 14 NA, a b pre-action) -

i i Fose eatInsulehers MS NFPA 11 NA b

\ tn

! Foam water sprinkler INIS NFPA 16 IIA, a b M g Naton 1301 INIS NFeA 12A NA, a b $

e Fire protection detection, MS NFPA 72D NA, a b D

  • controt, and ervunciation & 72E l33 i

Statio's Air System See PSIDs, e 130 See. 9.3.1 1

l  ; contefruent penetratiais sup- 2 III/2  : 33 ports and footetton valves i  ;

j . Remainder of system NNS ANSI 331.1 NA NA 30

[ Instrtment Air System See PRIDs, g

, j

. Sec. 9.3.1 ,

I '33 '

l l contefruent penet/etions, stp- 2 III/2 I e l g ports and footetton volves

  • 5 p Romeinder of system NNS AlfSI B31.1 NA NA l30 r O.

$ Breathine Air System See P8tDs, D Sec. 9.3.1 i

" ,t . 33 Li' g Contalrusent penetrations, ste- 2 III/2 I B ports'end Isoletion volves Remainder of system NNS ANSI 831.1 NA NA l 30



e ,

y' .

.e q jn r,

l TA8LE 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd) , ,

BALANCE OF PLANT-euALITY CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURES. SYSTEMS. AND CON OMENTS Sheet 13 of 24 Structure, Stenderd System Safety or 2 Setemic Oustity Components Class Code Category Assurance Remarks

! WAC ,


1. Contalement sulldina NVAC For system eteesiff-l' ,

cetten botaderies, i

refer to Figures 9.4.5-1 through 9.4.5-3 RCFCs Cooting Colts 2- III/2 1 B 45 RCFC dJctwork 3 X I e RCFC W a 2 X I B RCFC fene 2 X I B -

33 un j Contalrument ethlete 3 X I B Q

F exhaust fene, ductuork

y and W rs

8 I '5 Contelnment carbon units NNS X, 2 NA NA Note 6

45 i Normet purge supply and NNS X, 2 NA NA Note 6 3

exhaust fans, fitters, l ductuork, and despers contelrument purge footetton 2 III/2 I e 30 i vetves, penetrations and styports Supplementary purge stypty NNS X, Z NA NA Note 6 45

and exhaust fans, filters, I ductuork, and rs I g Reactor 'cevity erid support NNS X NA NA See Note 6 ,


p. supply and exhaust fene, '

! g ductwork, and despers

  • 4 m

j i "[ .e, 53 i



1 1

a i a - _

.m \ I I

I e

TA8LE 3.2.A 1 (cont'd)


sheet 14 of 24 l

Structure, StM System Safety 9 or 2 8 i'"i"3 *"'tI'Y j Components Claes Code c'tegory a Assurance Remarke 33 I


[ NWAC (Cont'd) -

l Tendon access settery NNS x NA m l45 i l ventitetton fene and

' esetwork j Tendon eccess settery 3 X I B 33  ;

i tornado dumpere r l l Chitters INIS VIII, Y NA R4 [

30 t Chltled water gampo NNS VIII NA NA .

l Chitted water piping 2, INIS ASME III/2, I, MA 9, MA l45 j and supporte, etc. AIISI B31.11 g j F Noactor cowlty and espport 2 AspE III/2 I 3 I N ventitetton system - @ I h

o chitted water contain-ment penetratione end

  • 33 h W '

l footetton vetve l-Air Seperators NNS AIISI B31.11 NA NA l 2. Mechanicet Aumittery I Buildina MV4C See Patos, 30  !

l sec. 9.4.3 [

Fene, dactuort, and despers IIIIS X 18 4 IIA See Ilote 6 for dsctwork l33 l except for supplementary [

cooters  ;

i 30 1  !

Filters IIIIS Z IIA IRA 1 g

3 Empenelon tank and chemi- IIIIS VIII NA IIA .

l i

4 cet addition tank . 33 .

g Tornado despere 3 X I B i r, a j g Isoletten despere from the NWS X NA NA l45 w MAS outelde air intake 9 t e to the EAR

] 33 r

f3 .

i TABLE 3.2.A-1 (Cont'd) ,



] Structure, St M 4

System Safety9 or 2

I*I'"I"3 8"'IIIY

] Components Ctess Code Category. Assurance Romerks 33 1 .

NVAC (Cont'd) ,

i Cooting colIe NNS VIII MA NA 33 4

except for styptementary cooteri I

i Chitter INIS VIII, 7 NA IIA i chlttad unter ptmp NNS VIII IIA NA 45 1

- Expansion and chemical NNS VI!! MA IIA addltion tenk l30 -

l  ! Chilter unter piping, INet ANSI B31.1 NA IIA steports and vetves . l33 1

supptementary cooters I i


. Including dactuork cool-3 III/3, X B 30 Q

l y Ing colts and fans 9 PJ =

- Steptementary fan 3 III/3, X t a 33 cooter units .

j Air separators INIS AllSI B31.1 NA IIA

! 3. Control Room and Electrical l Auxillery evildins MVAC See PSIDs, l Sec. 9.4.1 30 l Air handling units 3 X, T, 2, III/3 I e Fans, dactuork, and dampers 3 X I 5 i except exhaust fans i f [

l 8, Electrical penetration eres, , 45 g styptomentary cooters, fans, ,

a colts, and ductwork -

rt (normat) INIS X WA NA Note 6 l53 s.n (e.ergency) 3 III/3, X t s 33 i

W EA8 bettery room 3 X, ,, , I B heating colt l

Other heating colts NNS X NA IIA Note 6 l45 l53 i-

q "1 IU' A TABLE 3.2.A-1 (Cont'd) ,

I BALANCE OF PLANT-GUALITY CLASSIFICATION OF StNUCTUNES, SYSTEMS, AW COMPONENTS Sheet 16 of 24 i Structure, Standard system Sofetyl or 2 8'I'"I" 8"'II'Y Components Ctess Code Category Assurance Remarks

! < 33 j HVAC (Cont'd) .


l Battery room 3 I I B l exhaust fans Other exhaust fans (toltet/ WS X M M Note 6 l45 l53 4 i kitchen)

Fitters 3 I I B 30 Chitters 3 Y, III/3 I B


chitted we' ter pumps 3 III/3 I B l33 Chitted piping, 3 I!!/3 I B steports and volves 30 en W

thilted unter 3 III/3 I Y

w B See Note 5 4 eMPansion tank g

," thitled unter chemicet NNS VIII NA NA i addition tank 45

. Penetratlon space WS X NA NA Note 6 exhaust fans, dsct.

work, and despers 4 Fuet NandtIng guilding WAC For systems etesslff-l cation boimderies, refer to Figures 9.4.2 1 and 9.4.2-2 30 l

Supply fans dactuork, ard MS X NA NA l

. dampers (edept safety por- I l

g, tions) l 'l45 E Main exhaust fans, exhaust 3 X I B

$ booster fans, dJctwork, Et ""d **

30 y S g ty filters NNS Z, p , MA NA Exhaust filters 3 Z I 3 i-


.r q qq O O TAgLE 3.2.A 1 (Cast'd) ,,

man aur8 C# PUHff etanLITY CLASS!FICATI(El 0F STNUCTUNES. SYST59tS. AND CGWOMENTS Sheet 17 of 24 Structure, Ste derd Systen safety' or selsmic3 austity' Components Ctess Code 2

Category Assurance Remarks 33 liVAC (Cont'd)

Sigpty cootIng colIe INIS VIII, Y NA NA Sipplementary cooters 3 III, X I B including dactuork and

! cooling colts (except 30 Post Accident sampting

'. stetton aree cooter) i i Piping, sipports and 3,INes III/3, I, MA B, IIA See isote 8 1

vetves AllSI B31.1

! l*

Inteke esctuork including 3 X I B emergency make-, dumpers -

45 1 up to the sepply dumper to to 7 Mm 4 t u j 4 Post Accident samptins INIS Y 10 4 IIA 33 g"n

! w station aree sigplementary cooter including dactuork

, g and cootIng colts

5. Dieset senerator evildina IIVAC See PSIDs, j Sec. 9.4.6 '30 Emergency fans, esetwork, and 3 X I e

, dagers i

I j Ilorimot fans, dactuork, 1111 S X 18 4 IIA See Ilote 6 l

and filters 45 i t *

! 6. nsentfet CootIns Water ,

3 g* Intake Structure NVAC See P8tDs, l

t  !

I g Sec. 9.4.7 S Fans, dactuork, and 3 N I B-3 i !7 d'"P 33 f T. Turbine Generator Buildins


eivAC system See PSIDs, Sec. 9.4.4

I 145 l Fans, filters, ductuork, llNS X, Z NA NA i and despers i

33 Package AC units NNS X, Y NA NA

, ~ ~

X '"i 10 -

I TABLE 3.2.A-1 (Cont'd) , ,


STRUCTURES. SYSTENS. AND CGIPONENTS Sheet 18 of 24 Structure, Standard 1 System SafetyI or 2 Seismic eustity' 3 Consononte Ctess Code Category Assurance Remarke

-c 1 ,

8. IISIV Sulidins IfvAC ,

, MSIV fans and dactwork 3 X I B For system cteestficetten 53 l l boimderies refer to Figure -

l 9.A.8 1 Restrefnts/ Penetration NNS X IIA M4 See Note 6

} 9. Technicet Steport Center Nv4C See P8tos, j Sec. 9.A.1

! Sipply and exhaust fens, INIS X IIA IIA 33 ,

ductwork and despers l Staply filters INIS Z NA NA g

? ChitIers INIS VIII, Y IIA IIA 4 h> s N m

I b

k Chitted weter ptosp IINS VIII IIA NA .

l45 j

Chitted water expenofon, IINS VIII IIA - NA

! chneicet addition tanks

Piping, sipports and IIlls AleSI B31.1 NA NA vetves i

k 4 Peter crene NA CMAA 70 Note 6 d \ 42 l51 i

Cesk-hendtins overhead NA CMAA 70 Note 6 d

'N Q260.47 i

crane r

' f f _f i i

Fuet-NandtIng Building d l l51I NA CMAA 70 Note 6 /

d f

0 O.

overhead crane ECW Intake Structure gentry NA CMAA-70 Note 6 d



  • t l l crane o

" Structures

, , , , , 7 W Reactor conteirment Building 2 I See Sec. 3.8 ASME/ACI 359 E AISC-69 ACI 318-71 30 j

51 Equipment hatch 2 Itt/nc  ! s N-stenp not required

g 4

TABLE 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd) .



Sheet 19 of 24 1 .,

i Structure, Standard 33 Safety 9 3 System or 2

Seismic Oustity

l Components Ctess Code Category Assurance Remarks 4 Reactor Conteirament Building (Cont'd) c Airtocks 2 Ill/MC I B

!  : Penetration sleeves 2 III/MC, I B N-stamp not re w ired

! CC-3000 l

Contalrument mechanicet 2 Class I e N steep not regstred l33_ ,

penetration sleeves NC  ;

! Liner ptete 2 III/2, I e N steep not regired l45 i l CC-3000 Contalrument contings 3 ANSI N101.2 NA C Contefrusent internet NA ACI 318-71 i B 33 4

structures AISC 69 88 Y

j. M^PJ Pipe uhlp restraints, berriers for pipe break and missile MA AISC 69 ACI 318-71 I s 33 ,

hazard protection (if not

  • Q260.33N

! h l u included in above) i

Reactor Conteirament fan NA ACI 318-71 I e j cooter structure AISC-69 3g l' Sgports for seismic Note 9 AISC-69 I B Category I equipment ACI 318-71 i

I Nechanicet-Electricot NA ACI 531-79 I B See Sec. 3.8-l  ; Aunitieries guilding, AISC-69 30

!  ! includina Control Room ACI 318-71 I


! j. Sugyorts for selspic Note 9 AISC-69 I B 1 33 ,

Category I equipubnt AC 318-71 l l Q260.33N o Internet missile berriers NA AISC-69 I 3 i A- and whip restraints ACI 318-71 N

i O Fuet-Handling guilding NA I B See Sec. 3.8

" ACI AISC-6 53,1 79 30 y ACD 348,71 Supports for seismic Note 9 AISC-69 I e l33 Category I equipment ACI 318 71 Supports for Crane NA AISC 69, ACI 318 71 Note 6 NA l45 l


d 'g 1q . ^

- , O e

  • TASLE 3.2.A 1 (r.ont'd) . .

BALANCE OF PLANT-GUALITY CLASSIFICATION W STRUCTURES, STSTEMS, AND COMPONENTS sheet 20 of 24 j structure, standard seismic3 cuetity' l

system safety or 2 33

] Components Ctess Code Category Assurance Remarks 33 Internet missite NA AlsC p I a Q260.33N-berriers ACI 318 71 4

spent fust poet NA Atsc-69 I e 30 and Liner ACI 318-71 J.

j Dieset Generator tuttdinN NA ACI 531 79 I B see sec. 3.8 33 i AlsC-69 j ACI 318-71 supports for seismic Note 9 AIsc 69 I B t Category I espalpeent ACI 318-71 -

33 3 Internet miselte Note 9 AlsC-69, I e Q260.33N

barriers ACI 318 71 to w H Niscellaneous structures *0 y see secs. 3.8 and 3.10

' 'M Essentist cooting unter Intste NA ACI 318-71 I B j and discharge structures , 33 h j including internet missite berriers (safety-related i portions) 1 Essential cooling pond NA NA I B (North embenluont excepted) l43 MSIV structure including NA ACI 318-71 I B 33

Internet missite herrfers AlsC 69 -

Q260.33N FW volve structures NA ACI 318-71 I B Ctess.tE taidergretsid NA ACI 318-71 I e see secs. 3.8 and 3.10 30 8 electricot siset recewey IEEE 344 1

,, g systes

O specist doors NA NA I B (water tight, and 1

(att structures) missite resistant) 45

S structural beckfitt adjacent NA NA I S

, g to Category I structures and 33 j w under ECW piping 9 t e j

i i


- d1 IO .

  • p

) .

3 4

TAM.E 3.2.A 1 (Cent'd) . . e BALANCE OF PLANT 0U4LITY CLASSIFICATION (F j STRUCTLRES. SYSTEMS. AfD CGmlNENTS j Sheet 21 of 24 Structure, Standsed

! System safetyI or seisolc3 euntIty' j Components Ctese t Code Category Assurance Remarks i

i -

33 s

i Ctess 1E Electrical System Components .

4 For systema ctessification beam-derfee, refer to the one-tI m die' i grene, Figurse 8.3-1, 8.3-2, and 30

8.3 3.

4,148 V evitchseer (ESF M IEEE 325, 344, 385, I a 45 buses) 384 i'

l 4,148/480 V transformers M IEEE 325, 344, 385 I e

] (ESF toed centers) .

J 1: 480/120/208 V transformers M IEEE 323, 344 I g l{ (controt room and ESF eroe -

4 Llehting) 45 tn

} u H N

w 480 V sultchgoer (ESF toed M IEEE 323, 344, 383, I e jj 4 u

centers) 364 eis g


q. 480 V motor control and NCCs M IEEE 325, 344, 385 I W


125 Y statfon betterfee and M IEEE 323, 344, I e j^ rocks (control and vital 450, 485, 535 33 i Instrumentation power sigpties) 480 vec/125 vde bettery M IEEE 325, 344, I e chargers (for vitot de bus) 050 -

125 vde switchboerds and penets M IEEE 323, 344, 420, I e I (vitet de power distribution) 383, 384 i =

i > f l '45 8 l g Ctess 1E Inverters M IEEE 323, 344, I e u ,

! 4 Voltage regulators (backip for M IEEE 323, 344, 384 i e

0 Instrumentation inverters)

I c l

120 vec Inotrument bus peneLs M IEEE 323, 344, 420, I e j $ (vitet Instrumentetien oc power distribution) 385, }84, l

I i i I I t


.eeg qq -

S O p '

t) .

. TAs:.E 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd)

I SALANCE OF MAllT-(AIALITY CLASSIFICAT10Il 0F STRUCTURES. SYSTENS. AND COMPONENTS j 22 of a l structure, Standard system safetyI or 2 8'I'"I* 8"*II'Y j Components Class Code Category Assurance 33*


! Class 1E Electricat Component systems (Cont'd)

Contefrument penetration 2 IEEE 317, 323, 344, I e 45

, assembtles (electrical portions) 383 ,

3 Diesel generator and 11A MS, IEEE 323, I 3 ,

accessories 344, 387 33

; Olesel generatoc controt penets M IEEE 323, 344, 420 I s' l j Relay boards ant. rocks NA IEEE 323, 344, 383, I e l45
i su, 42o j Tenninetton cabinets MA IEEE 323, 344 I e
  • W* e and cable raceway IIA IEEE 344 I s N ca y

system except condait W ,

,o Lindergretsid electrical dJct IIA IEEE 344 I s 8 h# Cable system (power, controt, IRA IEEE 323, 383 I e 33 I

and instrumentation)

Electrical og ports (for 1E IIA IEEE 334 I '

systems) l45 I Motors (for class 1E components) NA IEEE 323, 334, 344 I e 33

) Valve operators NA IECE 323, 344, 382, I a 1

' 383  :

Condult NA IIA l45 NA NA 1 Instrumentation & Oontrot System coneonents

'g l Engineered safety feature NA IEEE 279, 323, 344 I s

  • 33 l{ (ESF) actuation systems
  • g (Non NSSS portion)

)N ESF leolation devices NA IEEE 279, 323, 344 i e 9 t e


- \ IO.  ;

1 TASLE 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd)


Sheet 23 of 24 1

Structure, Standard 33 Safety' System

""'II'Y 4 l  !

or 8'II*

J Consonants Ctese 2 4 Cods Category Assurance Reserks i

Instrumentation & Control System Coseonents (Cont'd) -

g Radiation monitoring system '

NA IEEE 2 M , 323, 344 1 3 See Notes 12 and 14 Q260.47 (sofety relatosf and RG 1.97 components) l45 l' Redfation monitoring system NA - IEEE 344 Note 1o NA 33 (RCPS annitors} . , .

Setemic Instrumentation 18A M sote 10 11 4 l Systems re e fred for safe NA IEEE 2 M , 323, 344 I e -

shutdoun ,

33 i Post-Accident monitorins MA !EEE 2M, 323, 344 1, NA See Note 12 system


! AnetItIory shutdoest peneIs and IIA IEEE 2M, 323, 344

'g I transfer switch penets I a $

! , y i Sefety-related Instruesnt to

! 2, 3 til/2, III/3 I s See Note 8 I

$lcr ts&fng and fittings  %


! 45 I

Gue;f fled Display 11 4 IEEE 2M, 323, 344 I e i Processing System l Safety-related process IIA IEEE 2 M , 323, 344 I B See Note 8

Instruments Meteorologicet monitoring IIA RG 1.23, NUREG 0654 NA 42 B See Note 15 Instrument
  • Q260.47, ,

Loose ports monitoring NA MS

  • NA I system i , ,

ESF status monitoring 11 4 MS , IIA isA system


" Control penets NA IEEE 323, 344, MS, I, MA s, MA

  • R o NA 45

. rt 9 P '

' t.n ta i i  !

  • To remain functionet efter en OsE.


o .  ; .s ,

% .r'g (q e TABLE 3.2.A 1 (Cont'd) .

BALANCE OF PLANT-GUALITY CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURES. SYSTENS. AND CGIPONENTS Sheet 24 of 24 Structure, Standerd 3 4 System Safety9 or 2 Seismic cuality Components Ctess Code Category Assurance Remarks Main control boord NA IEEE 323, 344, 420 I B only that portion of -

the mein control board .

I relating to Class 1E l Instruments and equip-

. ment.

6 ESF toed sequencers MA IEEE 323, 344, 279 I B i

RCPB leek detection MA NA Note 10 NA 45 Instruments Post-Accident Sang > ting System .

Piping, steports and valves te 2 III/2 I B to and including the outside Contalrunent isolation valve un H

Wj Remainder of system NA MS, ANS! B31.1 NA NA 5

4 Auxillary Steam System g

5 NAs temperature element, 3 III/3 I B See P&lD's 53 isolation volves, piping, Sec. 9.5.9

and steports Remainder of System NNS ANSI B31.1 NA NA l 45 i

i I

(  !

w .

Ii rt w

W 9 l' e s

- z - .. - _ . .. - .





, r

1. 1, 2, 3, NNS = Safety classes defined in ANSI N18.2a. 30 NA = Not applicable
2. III/1 = ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Code Class 1 III/2 = ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Code Class 2 III/3 = ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Code Class 3 VIII = ASME B&PV Code,Section VIII MS = Manufacturer's standards X = The following shall apply:

l 30

a. ASHRAE Guide (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air 4

Conditioning Engineers)

{- . -) *

b. AMCA 300-67, 210-74 (Air Moving and Conditioning Association) l 45
c. SMACNA Duct Construction Manual (Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association)

Y = ARI 410 Standard for Forced Circulation of Air Cooling and Heating l 33 5- ' Coils, 550, Standard for centrifugal Water Chilling Packages, .$0, 45 l Standard for Reciprocating Water Chilling Packages (Air ~

{ Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute) l33 ,

Z = The following shall apply: l30

a. ASHRAE 52,'Mehtods of Testing Air Cleaning Devices used in 45 General Ventilation for Removing Particulate Matter
b. UL 900. Air Filter Units (Underwriter's Laboratory)

NFPA = Na':ional Fire Protection Association CMAA = Crane Manufacturers Association of America -

30 l HI = Hydraulic Institute 2Q 32) 01 3.2-28 Amendment 45

,-.v,,.r-w e--..--w --- . , ,-4 ,,+-,.,ew-,-

v- - v- ,





NOTES (Continued) -


API - American Petroleum Institute '

ANSI - American National Standards Institute 30 ACI - American Concrete Institute t

, , IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers r ,

AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction NA - Not Applicable ,
3. I - Designed in accordance with the seismic requirements of Seismic Category I structures and equipment as described in Section 3.7, *

" Seismic Design". l30 a - Equipment meets the intent of the seismic design requirements of 2 -

Branch Technical Position ASB 9.5-1 or ETSB 11-1 (Rev. 1) where Q321.

l(C applicable. 01 NA - Seismic Category I requirements are not applicable to the l structure or equipment.


. 4. B -

Equipment meets the QA requirements of 10CfR50, Appendix B, and l42

r. -t he QA Program Description (QAPD). '



The QA requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B, are not mandatory.


,i .

l a - Equipment meets the intent of the QA requirements of Branch l45 l Technical Position ETSB 11,1 (Rev. 1) 5.VI, " Quality Assurance for

, Radioactive Waste Management Systems" (November 24, 1975).

b - Equipment meets the QA requirements of Branch Technical Position l30

! ASB 9.5-1, IV.B.7, " Quality Assurance Program". .

c -

Coatings meet the intent of RG 1.54. h3

-d -

In accordance with RG 1.29, Regulatory Position C.4, the pertinent 42 provisions of 10CfR50, Appendix B, are applied during the Q260.

operations phase. 47 e - The pertinent provisions of 10CER50, Appendix B, are applied 50 during the construction phase.

i 3.2-29 t Amendment 53

-=g y g 9 --

7- +-pw,wg--t vw-- 2-v--=, c3, wg Wwg-&-memm-g-+-- + - -my, we e %-,wyp>-g--twyw-------- wr-c- - m-m, w e w -e-w w e w--we e w 9 w e-wr-we-m**m--*-+--+N**w--m- - --* -

m t


  • Sy J -

. I j STP FSAR /

< A. f/ ,

/ /

l l

TABLE 3.2.A-1 #


- NOTES (Continued)

~ ~ ~ '


f s

I l

NA - The QA requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B, are not applicable.

! 5. All vent and drain pipins and valves are classified NNS after the isolation valve, and are designed to ANSI B31.1.

6. During and after a seismic event, the component and its supports are 2 designed to retain structural integrity and prevent collapse and damage .A to safety-related equipment and structures. Operability need not be j retained.


7. This note has been deleted. 33
8. Actual Q-valves, dampers, strainers and lines are identified on the system P& ids, system isometric drawings, and/or piping class summary -
sheets and Instrument Index. 45 l
9. Supperts of components with a nuclear safety function are the same safety class as the components they support. 33 g_[' 10. Equipment is not safety-related but is required to function during and

\ after a SSE or OBE, as applicable. See RG 1.12 for seismic instrumen- 30-tation and RG 1.45 for RCPB instrumentation.

11. Table indicates the required code and/or seismic category based on its safety-related importance as dictated by service and functional require, ments and the consequences of failure. The actual equipment may be .

l45 T designed to code, quality assurance, and/or seismic guidelines which are l

higher than required.


12. Depending on the qualification category of the equipment as defined in Appendix 7A and in RG 1.97 the following QA requirements apply:

I e Category 1 equipment meets the QA requirements of 10CFR50, e Appendix B.

33 e Category 2 equipment meets a modified program similar to that program for fire protection and radioactive waste management equipment.

l e No special QA requirements are applicable for Category 3 equipment.


I l


3.2-29a Amendment 53 l


' TABLE 3.2.A-1 ,

(. ( ,


NOTES (Continued)

13. The actual code' class extended to the first veld outside the isolation valve cubicle north wall for Aupport and operability reasons. 33

-14. The radiation monitoring system comonenets are discussed in Sections 11.5 42 and 12.3, and include both the safety-related

  • Class lE monitors and RG Q260.47 1.97, Category 2, monitors. 49 Q260.53N
15. This equipment is not safety-related. The meteorological data collection (a.28) programs which control these activities are within'the scope of the STP g

. operations phase QA program described in Section 17.2.


16. The pertinent provisions of Appendix B apply per the response to Q260.53N. 49 260.53N g (a.28) L


f ..

\ .



.C .

7. .



3.2-29b Amendment 50

.-r. -.-.. ..- -. =, . . . . - - - -

  • *) 1G .


2 .

TABLE 3.2.A-2 -


Components Safety Class 1 Safety Class 2 Safety Class 3 NNS ,

Pressure vessels and H!s ASME Section III ASME Section III A3ME Section III ASME Section VIII Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Division 1 .

Pumps ASME Section III ASME Section III ASME Section III ASME Section VIII Class 1 Class 2 class 3 Division 1 (see note c)

& Manufacturer's l3'3 Standard Piping and valves ASME Section III ASME Section III ASME Section III ANSI B31.1 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Power Piping Metal Containment components - ASMF.Section III - -

Class MC .

? Atmospheric storage tanks - ASME Section III ASME Section III API-650. AWWA-DIM.

l (note d) Class 2 Class 3 ANSI B%.1 or !33 ,

equivalent l30 ;g j **

t* U 4w 0-15 pois storage tanks - ASME Section III ASME Section III API-620 or equivalent h (note d) Class 2 class 3 $

l33 Notest l a) With options and additions as necessary for service conditions and environmental requirements.

b) Components of the RCPB shall meet the requirements of 10CFR50, Section 50.55s " Codes and

,i Standards." All other components shall satisfy codes and addenda in effect at the time of component t


c) For pumps classified NNS and operating above 150 poi or 212*F. ASME Code Section VIII. Division 1 i shall be used as a guide in calculating the well thickness for pressure-retaining parts and in ,

sizing the cofer bolting. For pumps operating below 150 psi and 212*F. annufacturer's standard pump I

[ t g for service intended may be used. No code stamping is required.

d) These codes and standards do not apply to concrete tanks. -

l 30 3

1 ie

"~~ -*

.r eg gq , A '

l O o >

TABLE 3.2.5-1 -



13 Safety 1 i

System or or 12 code. . Quality Seismic Component Class Code Class Assurance Design Remarks . 30 Reactor Coolant Systee .

Reactor vessel 1 ASME III 1 Note 3 I CRDM housiing 1 ASME III 1 Note 6 I l30 i CRDM head adapter plugs .1 ASME III 1 Note 4 I Stesa generator (tube side)* 1 ASME III 1 Note 6 I (shell side) 2 ASME III 2 Note 6 I Notes 8a and 21 l33 .

Fressuriser 1 ASME III 1 Note 6 I Reactor coolant hot and

, cold leg piping, supports. $

a u fittings and fabrication 1 ASME III 1 Note 3 I For SCs of other l 33 5 4 piping and assoc 1- M ated valves in the $

Reactor Coolant

, Systee and other i auxiliary systems, see Note 7 Reactor vessel head vent 2 ASME III 2 Note 3 I systes piping valves and 33 supports t


( '


  • see notes at end of Tabis 3.2.B-2 for abbreviations. .

i ir, f

"i .IO - p p/ e TABLE 3.2.5-1 (Continued) .

RQUIPMENT CODE AND CLASSIFICATION LIST WEhllNCHOUSE FLUID SYSTEM COMPONENTS 30 Sheet 2 of 11 Standard System or Safety of Code Quality Selseic Component Class 12 Code Class Aeourance Deelan Remarke -4 30 Reactor Coolant System (Continued) '

, surge pipe, supporte fit ,

j tings, and fabrication 1 ASME III 1 Note 3 I .

Crossover leg piping, sup- ,

porte, fittings, and fabrication 1 ASME III 1 Note 3 I Il 33 RTD bypass manifold 1 A5NE III 1 Note & I

! -Fressurizer safety valves 1 ASMF,III 1 Note 3 I Fressuriser power-operated '

w, 6

relief valves 1 A5ME III 1 Note 3 I y 33 Pressuriser PORY block valves I ASME III 1 Note 3 ,I 2 h!

U l Q22.

Other valves 1,2,3 A5ME III. 1.2.3 Note 25 I. NA Note 7 j NN5 ANSI B31.1 NA NA 45 i

! Pressuriser relief tank NNS ASME VIII MA NA Note 23 l l 30 3 Reactor coolant pump '

1 RCP casing 1 ASME III I Note 6 I

, Main Flange 1 ASME III I Note 6 I Thermal barrier 1 ASME III I Note 6 I Thermal barrier HI I A5ME III I Note 6 I g



r 'r, i 8 .

i 9 t e f

_. e

- . _ "1 t ri .

, .o a *


TABLE 3.2.5-1 (Continued)- -


System or Safety 1 . or 12 Code Quality Seismic 13 Component Class Code Class Assurance Design 30 Remarks 4

Reactor Coolant System (Continued) -

Seal housing #1 1 ASME III 1 Note 6 I f2 2 ASME III 2 Note 6 I Notes 84 and 21 l30 Pressure-retaining bolting 1 ASNE III 1 Note 6 I RCF motor 2 NEMA MC1 Note G I b3

! Motor rotor 2 Note 9 Note 6 I I

Motor shaft 2 Note 9 Note 6 I -

Shaft coupling 2 Note 9 Note 6 I ,

Spool piece 2 Note 9 Note 6 I ,,

!" l 30 4 y Flywheel 2 Note 9 Note 6 I l 33 g w . g; Bearing (motor upper thrust) 2 Note 9 Note 6 I Notor bolting 2 Note 9 Note 6 I' Applies only to bolting involved with coastdown function Motor stand 2 Note 9 Note 6 I l-t I

^ l f .

99 ir.

4 4

l l

.r q lG , .-

^ -

. O '

TABLE 3.2.N-1 (Continued) *

  • i .



Sheet 4 of 11 Steederd System or Safety I or Code belity Selenic U 33

! 12 Class A== emmen Desima Emmarks c----r C1=== Code Beactor Coolant Bretas (Coetinued)

Motor frame 2 Note 9 Note 6 1 .

l33 Dyper oil reservoir (OCE) 3 No code Note 6 1 DOE cooling coit 3 ASNE III 3 Note 6 1 Lower oil reservoir (IAE) 3 No Code Note 6 I las cooling cell 3 ASME III 3 Note 6 1 i

1 lobe oil piplag and supporte 3 No Code Note 6 I Isotor air coolers 3 ASNE III 3 Note 6 I Note 2 I  !

e'-tral & Tai- Castrol Swatam g

Y Note 3 T Regenerative EE 2 ASNE III 2 1 7 W Note 3 $2 N

Letdesa EE (tsbe olde) 2 ASME III 2 I d

(obell side) 3 ASME III 3 Note 3 1 .

II Claed-bed domineraliser 3 .ASME III 3 Note 4 NA I


$ Cation-bed damloere11:er 3 ASNE III 3 Note 4 NA I Beector coolant filter 2 ASNE III 2 Note 3 1 i

i s

, i 4

l I j i f ' I l


( .



" . I

% I 9 l -

i 1


' +

. .. ~ ., - - - - -

.r q lq r

TABLE 3.2.0 1 (continued) ..


System or Safetyl or Code oustity Setemic l3

< Component Ctess Code 12-Class Assurance Design Remarks 30 l Chemical & Volume controt System (Continued) .


!. Volume control tank 2 ASME III 2 Note 3 I l33 Centrlfuget charging pump 2 ASME II 2 Note 3 I

! i

! Positive dieptocesant pimp 2 ASIE III 2 Isote 3 I 4

Seet water injectinn filter 2 ASIE III 2 Note 3 I I

j Letdown orifices 2 ASIE III 2 Ilote 4 I i  ! .

6 Excess tetdoun ItX d (ttbe side) 2 AssIE III 2 Isote 3 I l52 i

i (ehett side) 3 ASIsE III 3 Isote 3 I us Seet water return filter 2 ASME III 2 Note 3 I @

' N-s', .

Seet water NX (tt6e side)

(shett side) 2 ASplE III AssE III 2 Note 3 I 1 u-3 3 Note 3 I Note 2 g Borfc acid trenefer plap 3 ASME III 3 Isote 3 I I

Boric acid fitter 3 ASME III 3 Ilote 4 I Boric acid batching tank INIS ASME VIII NA IIA Note 23 Chemicat mixing tank lut$ ASME VIII 11 4 isA Note 5 1

Concentrated Boric Acid NWS ASME VIII MA NA Notes 21 and 22

Sample Cooler

} Concentratei qpric Acid Ifles ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 22 i 53 ,

Polishing Deafneralizer l Concentrated soric Acid ents ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 22 E Polfshing Fitter a

jm , , ,

sa P

  • '\ l
  • i%


. j, d

TABLE 3.2.5 1 (Continued) -


] System or or 12 Code ,eustIty setsmic Conconent Ctess Code Class Assurance Design Nemarks 30 l

Chemicat & Voltme Control System (Continued) toren meter NNS ANSI B31.1 m m Classified on beels that flow restric-l tion is provided in i

. the piping i i j l NC purification pump 3 ASME III 3 Note A I 33 j NCP stan$lpe and styports NNS AspE Vilt NA IIA Note 5 f

4 Valves 1,2,3, ASME III 1.2,3 Note 25, I, m Note 7 l45 .

l MS ANSI 331.1 NA NA tn ,

I y, Boron Thernet Neeeneration Stesystem 33 g

- 1

8 i 'j' l leodorating M NNS ASME VIII MA NA Notes 21 and 23 w

! * <; Letdoun chltter M WS ASME VIII NA m Notes 21 and 23 -

Letdoun reheet NX Netes 21 and 22 i (tube side) MS ASME VIII NA NA l53 (shett side) WS ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 22 30 i .

Thernet regeneration i I domineralizer MS ASME VIII MA NA Notes 21 and 23 1

l Chitter ptmp NNS No code NA NA Note 23 Chitter surge tank NNS ASpE VIII NA IRA Note 5 i

[ l t l

it .

!8 3

N 1 P e I

, . , _ - - - - .__7 .


l , .^  ;

m j') I ~,

TABLE 3.2.5-1 (Continued) ,


- WESTINGHOUSE FLUID SYSTDI COMPONENTS Sheet 6 of 11 Standard System or Safety or 12 Code @elity Seismic 4

Component Class Code Class Assurance Desian Remarks 30 Cheetcal & Volume Control System (Continued) ,

j Boron meter NN5 ANSI B31.1 NA NA Classified on besle' h that flow restric-tion is provided in j

the piptng RC purification pump 3 ASME III 3 Note 4 1 s 33 RCP standpipe and supports NN5 ASME VIII NA NA Note 5

~ Valves 1.2.3 ASME III 1.2.3 Note 25 I. NA Note 7 l45 NNE ANSI B31.1 NA NA ,

j$ Boron Thereal Reseneration Subsystem 33

! Moderating NK NN5 ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 23 4

w l Letdown chiller NI NN5 ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21'and 23 h

! T


Letdown reheat NK i (tube side) 2 ASIE III 2 Note 3 I (shell side) NN5 ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 22 30 I

Thereal regeneration j deelneralizer WW5 ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 23

) Chiller pump NN5 No Code NA NA Note 23

. Chiller surge tank NN5 A5ME VIII NA . NA Note 5 I i f:1.

i r

, i
I *

. g i l0 h


i i


, g~ ^ -

TABLE 3.2.5-1 (Continued)

EQUIPMENTCODEANDCt155IFICATIONLIST' 30 WF.STINGHOUSE FLUID SYSTEM COMFOWENTS Sheet 7 of 11 Standard Systee or Safety or 12 Code belity Seinic Class 30 Component Code

  • Class Assursace Design Remarks 4 Soron Thermal Reteneration Subsystem (continued) i Chiller unit NNS NA NA Note 23 l l Evaporator NNS ASME VIII MA NA Note 23 30 i Condenser NN5 ASME VIII MA NA Note 23 Compressor NNS No Code NA NA Note 23 4

l 1 Velves (W supplied) ' NNS ANSI 531.1 NA NA 33

[ Emergency Core Coolina Systen j 'Accumn1stor 2 ASME III 2 Note 3 I i

  • NMSI pump 2 A5ME III 2 Note 3 1 U

'T LNSI pump 2 ASME III 2 Note 3 I 33 h M **

l Valves (W supplied) 1,2 ASME III 1.2 Note 25 . I, WA Note 7 , g$ h

< NNS ANSI B31.1 NA NA l

1 Residual Heat Ree m al System 4

Reefdual heat removal peep 2 A5ME III 2 Note 3 I 33 i

. i l

I i

! Io l' i t -

! a O

s . .,


,e.g {q 8 a .* ,

TABLE 3.2.5-1 (Continued)


Standard I system or Safety or 12 Code @ality hionic Component Class Code Claes Assurance 30 Deslan Remarks [

. I Residual Neat Removal System (Continued) '

Reeldeal HI (tabe side) 2 ASME III 2 Note 3 I (ahell side) 3 ASME III 3 Note 3 I Valves (U supplied) 1.2 ASME III 1.2 Note 25 1. NA Note 7 NNS ANSI B31.1 NA NA f5 '+

l Conestament spray System i 30 '


! Spray additive tank 3 ASME III 3 Note 4 -I .

Containment spray pump 2 A5ME III 2 Note 3 I i en i Spray additive eductor 2 A5ME III 2 Note 4 I N

,- m M. Containment spray nomsles 2 A5ME III 2 Note 4 ,I

, h Valves

  • I
a. Required for initial injection or long run l

i recirculation of muey  !:

water 2 ASME III 2 Note 3 I

! b. Required for chemical

, addition 3 A5ME III 3 Note 3 I i 33 ,


c. Operations for safety a

related valves NA IEEE 279 -

Note 3 I  : [i 323 ,

.k ( l

' I

> s.

t a .

O i

i j it .

G l

j k ;_ .

,, ,g M -

- m.

s TABLE 3.2.5-1 (Continued) , ,



System or safety or **

  • III *I**I* E 12 Component Class Code Class Assurance Desian Reserke 12 Spent Fuel Fool Coolina and Cleanup Systen ,,

Spent fuel pool NK 3 ASME III 3 Note 3 I Spent feel pool cooling pump 3 ASME III 3 Note 3 I l33 Spent fuel pool filter MS ASME VIII NA NA Note 23 j '

l Spent feel pool 10

, deelneraliser NNS ASME VIII NA NA Note 23 Spent feel pool strainer MS No Code NA NA Note $

M Spent feel pool skimmer pump NN5 MS NA NA Notes 21 and 22 3


, Spent feel pool skimmer g a

, strainer Wits No Code NA NA Note 23 e

m 0 Spent feel pool skiemer 10 .

filter NNS ASME VIII NA NA Note 23 1 Refueling water purification i pump 3 ASME III 3 Note 3 I i


Valves 3. NNS ASME III, 3. WA Note 25. NA I, MA Note 7 ANSI B31.1 Reacter Cavity NN5 MS NA NA Filtration system (RCFS) pump g$

l RCF5 filtere NNS MS NA NA  :

I ' I .

{ RCFS strainere NNS NS NA NA l

e . .

! 2

!  ?.

0 l t t ,

t i

I 1

l l .

_ '") lQ .

" 1 t


WESTINCNOUSE FLUID SYS1EM CONpilllENTS Sheet 10 of 11 Standard 30 Syste=t or Safety or Code Quality Seismic 12 Component Class Code Class Assurance Design Remarks Boron Recycle Systee Recycle evaporator feed pump NNS MS NA NA Notes 21 and 23 ,

l 45 Recycle evaporator feed deelneraliser NNS ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 23 Recycle evaporator feed filter NNS ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 23 Recycle evaporator condensate

, j demineralizer NNS ASME VIII NA NA Note 23 30 w Recycle evaporator condensate u ASME VIII filter NNS NA NA Note 23 ,

E l Recycle evaporator concentrate

, filter NNS ASME VIII MA NA Note 23 Recycle evaporator reagent tank NNS ASME VIII NA NA Not's 5 Recycle evaporator package

1. Feed preheater NNS ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 23 l 46
2. Cao stripper Ints ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 23
3. Submerged tube evap. NNS ASME VIII WA NA Notes 21 and 23
4. Evaporator condenser NNS ASME VIII NA NA Notes'21 and 23 45 l g 5. Distillate cooler NNS ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 23 I 4
  • E (Absorption tower t . l
6. NNS ASME VIII NA NA Notes 21 and 23 i 2 3 7. Vent condenser NNS
  • ASME VIII MA NA Notes 21 and 23 i

( e~

30 i

8. Distillate pump NNS MS NA NA Notes 21 and 23 i

9 ie l


,- . - =

"3 t rl . ~


TABLE 3.2.5-1 (continued)


System or Safety I or * **IIII 8'I'"I*

12 Comeoment Class Code Class Assuranc e Deelte Beenrke .

j ,'

Boron Reevele Svetee (Continued)

9. Sistillete condenser MS ASME VIII WA NA Notes 21 and 23

! 10. Concentrate puey MS NS , BA NA Notes 21 and 23

' i

11. Flying and supports
a. Feed DNS ANSI 331.1 NA NA Notes 21 and 23
b. Distillete NWS ANSI B31.1 NA NA Notes 21 and 23 i ,
s. Concentrate NNS ANSI 531.1 NA NA Notes 21 and 23 45 .


'12. Telves d

e. Feed NWS ANSI B31.1 NA NA Notes 21 and 23 -

I t b. Distillate MS ANSI B31.1 NA NA potes 21 and 23

' I

e. Concestrate NNS ANSI S31.1 NA NA Notes 21 and 23

! 4. Coo 11eg INIS ANSI 331.1 NA NA Notes 21 and 23 'a l' , e. Steen NWS ANSI 331.1 NA NA #

Male Steam Sveten I' 30 Mais cteen leoletion valves 2 ASIC III 2 Note 3 I Stsen damp velves NHS ASNE III 2 NA NA Notes 21 and 22 45  !

Male Feedwater Svetee l:


Feedwater control velves and NWS ASMS III 2 NA NA Notes 21 sad 22 I51  ;

FW bypees control valves  ;


t f l 8 l

  • t i


I a

y--_____-.. , - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - _ _

^ <vy in . "

l i



, TAILE 3.2.5-2 .



) usrmmUSE sum.IE MN-MUE SYSrm QHUBirS 0 j Sheet 1 of 7 ,

t I 13 .:

Safaty g Code Quality N t h prnent Class (hde C1 men Assurance Design Remarks j

M W 4

i huf=tcumstic refueling machine MIS NA M Notes 16 aw! 23 l 30 Reactor m1 head and m

, ." upper inramala liftfrE 33 Y

'T e-devices lets a m m m

n -

p i

Phel-hedling anchine 3 Note 4 I Note 17 il Rod cluster control i d-@g fixture 1915 M NA Notes 16 and 23 l30 f l Reactor vessel stud

tensioner MIS E E Notes 5 and 15 l 30 i

Spent fuel assembly handling letS NA NA Notes 5 sui 10 j

. tool and talaarv=ing fuel 46 i hedling tool i

I i i

f I I.


[ '

o. .

2 a

N e-

  • See notes at end of table for abbreviations

! ie.

TABLE 3.2.5-2 (Continued) ,


WESTINCNOUst SUFFLIED MON-FLUID SYSTEM COMPONENTS 30 sheet 2 of 7 I Setemic I3 safety code Quality l 12 c: n : r_t Class Code Class Assurance Design Remarke j

  • . l Fuel-Need11aa System (Continued)

Fuel Tremefer System Peel treenfer tube i

! and flange 2 A38E III MC Note 4 I Fortfoes of Coe- -

teinment boundary -

l Conveyor system (Fuel- IRIS Nandling Building side) NA NA Frotect feel free l45 damage during l

transportation '

Notes 10, 23, 26 l l45 ,

Remainder of system NNS NA NA Notes 10 and 23 30 New feel elevator IRIS NA NA Notes 10 and 23 ,

k New feel rocks 3 Note 4 I Note 14 Spent feel rocks 3 Note 4 1 Note 14

  • Fortable underweter lights IRIS NA NA Notee $ and 10 load cell NNS NA NA Monitore lifting of internels Note 23 30 Stud hold plug bes. ling fixture IRIS NA NA Notes 10 and 23 sted hole place INes NA NA Notes 10 and 23 f 'l.

t i 6

99 C 9 P e

- ., .3 q. -

p k

y_ c a a TABLE 3.2.5-2 (Continued)

  • NQritPterT C00t Alm CLASSIFICATION LIST g UESTINGN00SE SUPPLIED NON-FLUID STSTEM COMPONENTS l Sheet 4 of 7 i Sefety I Code @elity kimie <


I2 Class Assurance temerks r - ---.t Claes Code Desian .

puel-Meedlias System (Contissed) l Nurnable poleon assembly j rock inserts NNS NA NA Notes 5 and 10  ;

control rod drive shaft p

handling fixture NNS NA NA Notes 10 and 23 f

Control rod drive shaft unistching tool, full length NNS NA NA Notes 5 and to !y .

- -l45 New fuel elevator wiach NNS MA NA Notes 10 and 23 h Neutros detector positionero 2 Note 4 I Support for safety-1, related neutros y L detectors ==

w Esfueltag cavity seal ring NNS NA NA Any' reasonably poe- h tulated fe11ere would cesse only operational incon-venience Note 5 Rapid refueltag miselle shield 1 Note 3 I k

I *

'l .

t I p .

a C

, e.

e 9

.- di IU - m

. fi

  • r; 4

v 1

TABLE 3.2.5-2 (Contioned)


e n ::::: Clase Class Assuraec e Desian Reserks 4

,j 1 .

Feel-Beadlien Svetes (Contiesed) '

i l Rapid refseling cohle tray. .


, gebles, and connectors NWS NA NA Note 23 Weector veeeel beed ehr .J l ctructure BNS DA NA Note 23 30

! New feel assembly headlies j -

fixture NNS ' NA NA Notes 10 and 23 New rod closter centrot j headling fiztere NNS NA NA Notes 5 and 18 Internels Lifties Big and 4

0-Ring Cheese Fisture NNS NA NA Note 23 and 27 l45

'u e,

    • I Reector Teeeel or Cere-Reisted Y i

L o, .


Reactor vessel shoes g

; med shims 1 Note 4 I Frovides eschemical j j oopport for SC 1
composest i

Irredletion semple holder 2 Note 4 I Note 18 frradiation semples NNS NA NA Changed chorecter-istice meet he essessed later to emoore contimmed este operation of

the reactor vessel , ,30
( Note 22 l t f

i k

, A

, 2 I

I t

n. '"\ IO ~ p
  • . y TABLE 3.2.5-2 (Continued) ,


Safety I 12 Code quality seismic I3

. r-,-

t Class Code Class Aeourence Design Ramerks Reactor vessel or Core-Related (Continued) .

I CRDM seismic support

!  ; platform 1 A5ME III 1 Note 3 I Note 19 CRDN setente support tie l rod sesemblies 1 ASE III 1 Note 3 I Note 19 Bernable poissa rod assemblies NNS NA NA Requires multiple l 30 i

I failures to cause I

redistribution -

Note 22

! 30

, Beactor vessel insulation NNS NA NA ' Notes 10 and 23 I

Reactor vessel intertale 2 Note 6 1 The mejor internale j direct flow, ensure $


j4 core egoling, and e w prevent displace-j , E ment of the coreg

.j i other internale are 4 ', SC 2 for reasone cited la Note 18 i

Full-length control rode 2 Note 3 I Required to shut l 30 down core 45 l i i

i i .

l l


( '- le 1l l

1 f

. s.

. '3 l  !


' *

  • r.

l 1

i I

- t'j jq . A s &



    • **IIII 8*I'"I"
i. Component Clase Code Class Assurance Desian Remarke i

-4 I Reactor Vessel or Core-Related (Continued)

I l CRDM dumery ces assemblies NNS NA NA Notes 5 and 10

) 30

CBDM sir cool baffle j essemblies NN5 - NA NA Notes 5 and 10 i -

} j CRDM ventilation fane &

doctwork NN5 - NA NA l45 Primary source rode INis - NA NA Note 22 l 30 l Fuel Assemblies 2 - Noto 24 I l45 .

i Incore Instrumentation 33M l


j ly

,u Seal table assembly 1 ASME III 1 Note 3 I Frovides support to the SC 1 pressure '

! {h boundary conduit y

! i

- p Flus thimble tubing 2 A5ME III 2 Note 3 I Note 20 *

' Flux thimble fittings 2 ASME III 2 Note 3 I Note 20 F1sz guide tubing 1 ASME III 1 Note 3 I Instrumentation and Control System Componente

'l, Beacter trip system NA IEEE 279, Note 3 I This is a general clasei- 45 323,344 fication of equiposet.;

IEEE 279, Note 3 1 j ESF actuatpon system NA , g 323,344 g

E. Containment Combustible Cao . , 33 E Control system Electric hydrogen recombiner 2 ASME III 2 Note 3 I 1

i i


ai -

t 0 3 .- o

'l ;

F ,


TABLE 3.2.B.2



, 2, 3, NNS = Safety classes e defin d NA - Not applicable in Section*

2 Portions Class 3 of equipment cont i 3 a ning component # coolinger wat Meets " Quality Control Syst 1 are SC 3, Code \

I Criteria. satisfies requirements R50 of 10CFem Requirements," Wes applicable. The operations QA progr,am Appendix B, Quality Assurse QCS-1, which 4 ance

  • Meets " Quality Requ as"

$ described in FSAR Chapter 17 ment," Westinghouse

. 2 is (49 Appendix B. ments for Manufacture (Q260 is applicable.The operations QA ProgramCS-2, which satisfies requio 54N 5 ~ '$

Access for inspection and as described in FSAR Chapteremen [-


r 17.2 149 6 formal quality program apptest required by Westin h i Q260 roval required.

r Meets the quality assuranc g ouse; however, no 54N "

The oprations QA Program amanufac , ing divisions and ie 7 s in accordance with 10CFR50nghouse NES .

Safetj classes for piping classes s described in FSAR Chaptre .

is 17 2, Appendix B. '

applicable, 8

Represents are those required by the a s fand valves are as defined by60 ety class. i ccde class upgrading: the P& ids. Cohe j 54N Ba.  ; 30 As permitted by paragraph NA , , , , ,

III, this component is upgr d 2 to Code Class 1. a

-2134 of the ASME B&PVonCode, Secti 8b. ed from the minimum required C C i As permitted by paragraph NA ode Class


III, code 3'to this Class component2. is upgr d-2134 of the ASME B&PV Code p 9

a ed from the minimum, required Section C Parts are mechanically of ode Class integrity requirements ofe thsafety class 10 requirements of 10CFR50, Appe di n specification x B. and quality asand must meet the Failure surance cay result.can cause no nuclear safety E problem, although an economic oss l

e z

_ _m #2*dh - - ~ ~ ~ ^ ^ _ , _ , -->c**


g . . ~ + . < . _ ,_ _ . _,,,_m , _ . , ..



V .


( .

i 11. This component is SC 3 under the definition 2.2.3(1), (3), or (4) of ANSI i N18.2-1973 and qualifies for no special seismic design by meeting the l four conditions listed in Section Fortions of systems in which l 33 4 this component is located that perform the same safety function likewise i qualify for no special seismic design.

I 12. ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. -III stands for Section

. III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B8iFT) Code. VIII stands for Section VIII of the ASME BaiFV Code. The earliess3 applicable Code for e-


pressure vessels which are part of the RCFB is the 1971 edition with application of all addenda through, to, and including the winter 197 l 52 G[a addenda. The earliestfapplicable Code for the pumps and valves whic are l  ;.

' part of the ECFB is the 1971 edition, with application of all addenda . .. j through, to, and including the winter 1972 addenda. The earliest 52 e applicable Code for the piping which is part of the RCFB is the 1971 ff edition, with application of all addenda through, to, and including thef # b.


summer 1973 addenda. Later codes may be used optionally (see Table I $

5.2-1). j

' C 13. Information as to seismic qualification methods is given in Sections 3.7.

3.9 and 3.10. p

14. Must maintain fuel array to prevent criticality under adverse conditions



f includingoccurrenceoftheDesignBag.(SafeShutdown) Earthquake, y p

15. To be safety classified, failure of 1 must be


safety problem. If a nuclear safe en arises from #,directly tgola failure nuclear f, I lE combined with a procedural failure t fter, the tool a NNS. f"

( '

lr- g;f n l ,, ,l /

!t 16. Failure occurs inside isolable' or Conta y tantial role ...

l to the environment of radiositi. . ' ses fros/datiag l pont fuel is >

l prevented by isolation. f" pF y j g

17. Failure of equipment outside Re ctor Cost inment c Id ca subs tial releases of radioactive gases from damsged s ,t fuel. *[ -


! 18. Any reactor vessel internal, the single failure of which could cause releaseofmechanicalpiecehavingjpotentialfordirectdamage(astothe I vessel cladding) or flow blockage' shall be classified to a mininus of SC '

2. +

r -


19. nose items are required as mechanical supports for CRDM housings during l OBE and SSE. ,
  1. 4[
20. Failure could cause a Imss-of-Coolant Accident, hist less,than a Condition l

/ III loss of coolant.

( [ f h


                                                                                                                                                . Amendment 52


                                                                . _ . _ .                          _.3.2 50 E                                                                                                                                         t

4 0

                    .O                                                                 STP FSAR TABLE 3.2.B-2 EQUIPMENT CODE AND CIASSIFICATION LIST WESTINGHOUSE SUPPLIED NON-FLUID SYSTEM COMP 0FENTS   _.

y , Notes - y%f =- *

            #                 21. The table indicates the required code and seismic categories based on safety-related importance as dictated ~by service and functional require-ments and by the consequences of their failure. These components and piping may have been designed to code, quality assurance, and/or seismic guidelines which are higher than required.

j Equipment meets " Quality Control System Requirements" Westinghouse QCS-1; 4+N however, no quality assurance program is required. Equipment meets " Quality Requirements for Manufacture of Nuclear Power 30 3,

          ..If,*23.                  Plant Equipment," Westinghouse QCS-2; however, no quality assurance 5              j               progr         ' required. The Operations QA Program as described in FSAR                      49 yJ/
  • 2 tis applicable.
                                  . a, Chap, Q260.

Q: 54N a ' 24' ip meets QA program outlined in WCAP-7800. The Operations QA - 49 I[& *

                              /                       described in FSAR Chapter 17.2 is applicable.                                  Q260 y

j,- 33 54N

5. ty Assurance programs for safety class valves meet the requirements
                           /              OCFR50, Appendix B as appropriate.

p w 26. The Fue .jiandl ng System conveyer system (FHB side) was originally built

          ,                          to SC       and             ismic Category I standards.

tg 27. The'i$ tern s lifting Rig and 0-Ring change fixture is not designed to seismic Category I requirements, but is seismically stored on the . seismically designed reactor head storage stand during normal operation. 51 5 . e


I t (' 3.2-51 Amendment 51 h _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ -.}}