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Forwards Supplemental Info Revising 850722 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-9,NPF-17 & NPF-35,changing Tech Spec Bases Per WCAP-10271 Re Channel Operability
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, Catawba, McGuire, 05000000
Issue date: 09/11/1985
From: Tucker H
To: Adensam E, Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20205D215 List:
TAC-59320, TAC-59321, TAC-59322, TAC-60930, NUDOCS 8509230517
Download: ML20205D211 (3)




_" (704 a -453 i

September 11, 1985 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555' Attention: Ms. E. G. Adensam, Chief Licensing Branch No. 4


McGuire Nuclear Station

' Docket Nos. 50-369 and 50-370 Catawba Nuclear Station Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 1

Dear Mr. Denton:

By letter dated July 22, 1985, Duke proposed amendments to the Technical Specifications for Catawba Unit 1 and McGuire Units 1 and 2. This letter provides supplemental information with respect to the earlier submittal.

During telephone discussions on August 23 and August 27, 1985, NRC staff personnel requested several Duke actions. In this letter, Duke has revised 4- McGuire pages 3/4 3-6, 3/4 3-7 and Catawba pages 3/4 3-5, 3/4 3-6 to reflect statements for ACTION 2b, and 6b as provided in NRC letter dated July 24, 1985 to Mr. L. D. Butterfield of the Westinghouse Owners Group. Duke has also revised McGuire Bases page B 3/4 3-1 and Catawba Bases page B 3/4 3-1 l

to reference NRC approval of WCAP-10271 by letter dated February 21, 1985.

Catawba text.

Bases pages B 3/4 3-2 B 3/4 3-2a are provided due as carryover of Finally, Duke has validated the items of Table 3.3-1 for table notation to

" comply with the provisions of Specification 3.3.2 for any portion of the channel required to be OPERABLE by Specification 3.3.2. All items so -

indicated in the previous submittal, except on, were correct. Item 14 of the CatawbarTable 3.3-1 was inadvertently'disignated "**".

A revised Catawba page 3/4 3-3 is attached which correctly identifies only item 13.

This letter contains information which supplements that which was provided by my letter dated July 22, 1985. As such, no additional license fees are necessary.

4 Very truly yours, Hal B. Tucker g7 \

RLG/hrp 8509230517 850911 i

PDR ADOCK 05000%9 g\

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  • Mr.-Harold R. Denton Director September 11, 1985 Page 2 cc: Dr. J. Nelson Grace, Regional Administrator U.-S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 NRC Resident Inspector Catawba Nuclear Station i Mr. W. T. Orders i

NRC Resident Inspector McGuire Nuclear Station Mr. Heyward G. Shealy, Chief

' Bureau of Radiological Health South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control 2600 Bull' Street Columbus, South C :alina 29201 4

Mr. Dayne Brown, Chief Radiation Protection Branch

Division of Facility Services Department of Human Resources P. O. Box 12200-

. Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Mr. Jesse L. Riley Carolina Environmental Study Group 854 Henley Place Charlotte, North Carolina 28207.

Palmetto Alliance 2135 Devine Street Columbia, South Carolina 29205 Robert Guild, Esq.

P. O.' Box 12097 i Charleston, South Carolina 29412 3

s 1

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I l.

DUKE POWER COMPANY McGuire Nuclear Station Catawba Nuclear Station Attachment to Letter Dated September 11, 1985 1