MONTHYEARML20217D2091999-09-23023 September 1999 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp of License R-77 on 990802-0804.Corrective Actions:Allocated Additional Clerical Resources to Bmrc Project to Help with Repts Generation, Filing & Record Keeping ML20211A7721999-08-19019 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/99-201 on 990802-04 & Notice of Violation.Violation of Concern Because Violation Indicates Lack of Attention to Detail ML20196K3551999-06-21021 June 1999 Forwards Copy of Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Suny on 990426-27.Without Encl ML20204H1951999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards Amend 25 to License R-77 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Revises TS to Account for Title Changes in Organization & to Change Meeting Frequency of Reactor Decommissioning Safety Committee ML20248L2091998-03-0505 March 1998 Responds to Re Changes to Buffalo Materials Research Center Physical Security Plan,Submitted Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p).Changes Do Not Decrease Overall Effectiveness of Plan ML20202B7581998-01-23023 January 1998 Forwards Rev 7 to Physical Security Plan for Protection of Special Nuclear Matl of Low Strategic Significance,Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790 ML20217H4471997-08-0505 August 1997 Informs That Responsibility for non-power Reactor Insp Program Has Been Transferred from Regional Ofc to NRR ML20149J2521997-07-24024 July 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/97-201 on 970707-10.No Violations Noted ML20138A3821997-04-22022 April 1997 Forwards Revised Pp 23 & 24 of App a Re Tech Specs for Buffalo Matls Research Ctr State Univ of Ny at Buffalo,In Response to Request for Changes ML20134M1811997-02-14014 February 1997 Responds to Questions Re TS & Certified Fuel Handler Program Submittals.Revised Documents Which Include Changes Outlined on Listed Pp,Encl.Requests Specification Take Effect 30 Days Following Issuance of TS ML20132E2741996-12-19019 December 1996 Requests Addl Info Pertaining to State Univ of New York Request for Possession-Only License & Certified Fuel Handler Program ML20029D9951994-05-0404 May 1994 Ack Receipt of Recent Ltrs Re Reactor Heat Exchange Tube Leaks,Change in Mgt of Buffalo Matls Research Ctr & Actions Re Nov 1992 Alleged Inattentive Operator ML20029C8701994-04-18018 April 1994 Responds to Re Annual Fee Invoice AM00218-93 for License SNM-273 & Invoice AT0441-93.Forwards 940323 Notice to All Licensees & 940317 FRN Re Decision to Reinstate Annual Fee Exemption for Nonprofit Educational Institutions ML20029D9981994-03-0303 March 1994 Notifies Commission of Recent Changes Re Mgt of Buffalo Matls Research Ctr Reactor ML20029D9971994-01-0505 January 1994 Follow Up on Telcon on Dec 15th Re Repair of Emrc Reactor Heat Exchanger & Resumption of Reactor Operations ML20029C8731993-11-16016 November 1993 Requests Exemption from Annual Fees Re License,Insp & Annual Fee Requirements ML20059F1651993-10-28028 October 1993 Informs of Final Disposition of Alleged Incident of Operator Non Attentiveness ML20057E1271993-09-28028 September 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/93-02 on 930901-03.No Violations Noted ML20045H4281993-06-30030 June 1993 Provides Info That Has Become Available Since Revised 10CFR20 Became Effective on 910620 & Forwards Two Press Releases Re Issuance & Implementation of Revised Part 20 ML20044G2801993-05-26026 May 1993 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-057/93-01.Corrective Actions:Emergency Drill Will Be Conducted on 930520 & Critique of 930520 Drill & Review of Existing Plan Will Be Completed by 930630 ML20044F8801993-05-20020 May 1993 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp of License R-77 Re Inattentive Reactor Operator ML20044D2601993-05-12012 May 1993 Responds to 930419 Request for Clarification of Licensee Needs for Requalification & License Renewal for Certain Reactor Operators.Licenses for Bosch & Orlosky May Be Terminated.Status of Kerns Not Yet Determined ML20044F8861993-04-29029 April 1993 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-77.Corrective Actions:Assigned Shift Tasks Completed & Adequate Training to Operators Provided ML20035H7581993-04-28028 April 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/93-01 on Stated Dates & Notice of Violation.Staffing & Funding Concerns Indicate Developing Problem That,If Continued,Could Have Negative Effect on Operations ML20044E1171993-04-19019 April 1993 Requests Confirmation That Listed Operators Have Been Terminated from Suny & Therefore No Longer Require NRC Licenses ML20035A3951993-03-12012 March 1993 Confirms 930312 Telcon W/Licensee Re 930317 Meeting in Amherst,Ny to Discuss Findings of Insp Rept 50-057/93-01 ML20126A4561992-12-14014 December 1992 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts 50-057/92-04 & 70-0267/92-01 on 921116-18.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Actions Taken to Resolve Unresolved Items from Previous Insp on 891113-15 Examined ML20044F1921992-12-11011 December 1992 Forwards Senior Reactor Operator License Certificates for Mj Behun,Sj Dipasquale,Ja Ignatz,Ba Miller & Es Psyk,Per Commission Request.Actual License or Renewal License Issued as Ltr.W/O Encls ML20034D4721992-09-17017 September 1992 Informs That Written & Operator Licensing Exams Scheduled for 921012.Listed Ref Matl Should Be Furnished 60 Days Prior to Exam ML20044B5461992-07-14014 July 1992 Advises That Arrangements Made for Evaluation of Requalification Program & Licensed Personnel at Research Ctr on 921012.Encl Ref Matl Should Be Furnished at Least 60 Days Prior to Exam in Order to Adequately Prepare for Visit ML20028H6701991-01-17017 January 1991 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-04 on 901218.No Violations Noted ML20058K3901990-12-0909 December 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-03 on 901022-25 & 1108. No Violations Noted ML20059N5021990-10-0808 October 1990 Forwards Rev 0 to Respiratory Protection Program ML20058M4811990-07-31031 July 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-02 on 900621 & 0718. Violation Noted But Not Cited.L Henry Committed to Provide Ofc W/Detailed Procedures Prior to First Use of Procedures for Removal of Activated Reactor Components from Storage ML20055H3841990-07-23023 July 1990 Identifies Proposed Method,Estimated Costs & Assurance of Funding for Reactor Decommissioning,Per 10CFR50.75. Currently,Decon Method of Decommissioning,Per NUREG-0586 Proposed ML20043E2781990-06-0101 June 1990 Documents Recent Conversation Re Addl Criticality Calculations Performed for Hot Cell Storage Tank.Neutron Transmission Testing of Boral Plates Being Performed in Thermal Neutron Beam at Reactor on 900604 ML20043F3841990-05-30030 May 1990 Advises That NRC Indemnifies Licensee & Other Person Who May Be Liable for Public Liability Arising Out of Nuclear Incident ML20034B5091990-04-13013 April 1990 Responds to Re Util Plans to Manipulate Controls of Reactor While Remaining Subcritical in Order to Perform Reactor Surveillance & Safety Sys Tests.Plans Found Acceptable ML20034B5111990-03-29029 March 1990 Informs of Plans to Dismantle Reactor & Install New Liner in Lower Section of Reactor Tank.Permission Requested to Manipulate Reactor Controls Subcriticality to Allow Performance of Surveillance & Reactor Safety Sys Tests ML20012E5301990-03-23023 March 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-01 on 900212-13.No Violations Noted ML19354D9191990-01-16016 January 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/89-04 on 891108-1211.Weakness Noted in Program for Verifying Calibr of Instrumentation Used at Facility ML20005H0201990-01-0909 January 1990 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts 50-057/89-03 & 70-0267/89-01 on 891113-15.No Violations Noted ML20006D6381990-01-0505 January 1990 Discusses & Forwards Revised NRC Form 396,certification of Medical Exam by Facility Licensee & NRC Form 398,personal Qualifications Statement - Licensee ML20005D8001989-12-11011 December 1989 Requests Listed Matls Be Sent in Connection W/Investigation of Leak at Reactor at State Univ of New York at Buffalo Main Street Campus ML20011D1711989-12-0606 December 1989 Advises That Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator Written Exams Scheduled for Wk of 900123 & Operating Exams Scheduled for 900124-25.Completed License Applications Should Be Submitted at Least 30 Days Prior to Exam Date ML20011D6891989-11-0808 November 1989 Advises That Notification Will Be Provided to NRC Prior to Resuming Reactor Operations ML19327B3131989-10-25025 October 1989 Forwards Revised Security Plan.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20247N2971989-09-14014 September 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/89-02 on 890818.No Violations Noted ML20247E8281989-09-0606 September 1989 Requests Rev to Facility Emergency Plan to Address Listed Findings & Reflect Method That Ensures Emergency Plan Maintained as Current,Per 881121 Submittal ML20245D3541989-04-21021 April 1989 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 881220 Tech Spec Change Request Re Proposed Reactor Bldg Leak Rate 1999-09-23
MONTHYEARML20058M4811990-07-31031 July 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-02 on 900621 & 0718. Violation Noted But Not Cited.L Henry Committed to Provide Ofc W/Detailed Procedures Prior to First Use of Procedures for Removal of Activated Reactor Components from Storage ML20043F3841990-05-30030 May 1990 Advises That NRC Indemnifies Licensee & Other Person Who May Be Liable for Public Liability Arising Out of Nuclear Incident ML20034B5091990-04-13013 April 1990 Responds to Re Util Plans to Manipulate Controls of Reactor While Remaining Subcritical in Order to Perform Reactor Surveillance & Safety Sys Tests.Plans Found Acceptable ML20012E5301990-03-23023 March 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-01 on 900212-13.No Violations Noted ML19354D9191990-01-16016 January 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/89-04 on 891108-1211.Weakness Noted in Program for Verifying Calibr of Instrumentation Used at Facility ML20005H0201990-01-0909 January 1990 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts 50-057/89-03 & 70-0267/89-01 on 891113-15.No Violations Noted ML20006D6381990-01-0505 January 1990 Discusses & Forwards Revised NRC Form 396,certification of Medical Exam by Facility Licensee & NRC Form 398,personal Qualifications Statement - Licensee ML20011D1711989-12-0606 December 1989 Advises That Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator Written Exams Scheduled for Wk of 900123 & Operating Exams Scheduled for 900124-25.Completed License Applications Should Be Submitted at Least 30 Days Prior to Exam Date ML20247N2971989-09-14014 September 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/89-02 on 890818.No Violations Noted ML20247E8281989-09-0606 September 1989 Requests Rev to Facility Emergency Plan to Address Listed Findings & Reflect Method That Ensures Emergency Plan Maintained as Current,Per 881121 Submittal ML20245D3541989-04-21021 April 1989 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 881220 Tech Spec Change Request Re Proposed Reactor Bldg Leak Rate ML20245C9501989-04-14014 April 1989 Forwards Exam Rept 50-057/89-01OL on 890130-0202.Review Also Conducted of Licensed Operator Requalification Program & Facility Actions Following Potential Cheating on Requalification Test in 1986 ML20246P4551989-03-22022 March 1989 Forwards Agenda for 890418-19 Research & Test Reactor Seminars in King of Prussia,Pa.Related Info Discussing Accommodations Also Encl ML20196D7581988-11-28028 November 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/88-03 on 881017.No Violations Noted.Buffalo Research Ctr Staff Performance During Exercise Demonstrated Ability to Implement Emergency Plan & Procedures to Provide Adequate Protective Measures ML20154R8271988-09-26026 September 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/88-02 on 880725.No Violations Noted ML20235Z5741987-10-0909 October 1987 Forwards Exam Rept 50-057/87-02OL Administered During Wk of 870810 ML20235B2221987-09-14014 September 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/87-03 on 870824-25.No Violations Noted ML20215D1851987-06-11011 June 1987 Informs That T Micheals Assigned as Project Manager for Facility Due to NRR Reorganization ML20214S9901987-06-0303 June 1987 Forwards Revised NRC Form 398 Re Personal Qualifications Statement for Licensee.Rev Reflects Changes to 10CFR55 Effective 870526 & Requires New Applicants to Complete Each Category.Forms to Be Used Beginning 870526 ML20214S2651987-05-27027 May 1987 Informs of Recent Realignment within Div of Reactor Projects Affecting Responsibility for Insp of Research & Test Reactor Facilities.Requests Review of Encl Table & Revised 10CFR50 ML20215K0791987-05-0101 May 1987 Forwards Requalification Program Evaluation Rept 50-057/87-01-OL ML20215N9221986-10-30030 October 1986 Forwards Exam Rept 50-057/86-02(OL) of Exam Administered on 860821-22 ML20205H4471986-08-0606 August 1986 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/86-01 on 860324-25.No Violations Noted.Steps Taken Re Violations Noted in NRC 831109 & s Verified ML20141A2371986-03-27027 March 1986 Informs That TC Elsasser Will Replace EC Mccabe as Section Chief for Facility Based on Realignment of Projects within Region I Ofc.Realignment Effective on 860331 ML20210J5991986-03-26026 March 1986 Lists Change in Telephone Number for R Carter,Facility Project Manager,Due to NRR Reorganization.D Tondi New Nonpower Reactors & Safeguards Licensing Section Leader. Correspondence Should Be Sent to Listed Address ML20199F4311986-03-20020 March 1986 Discusses Timely Renewal of NRC-approved QA Programs.On 860127,shipment of Spent Fuel Made W/No Radiation Control Inadequacies But W/O Proper License Due to Expiration of QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl Package on 851231 ML20138Q7891985-12-16016 December 1985 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/85-02 on 850826-29.No Violation Noted ML20138E6101985-10-17017 October 1985 Forwards Exam Rept 50-057/85-03 Conducted During Wk of 850902 ML20134G4991985-08-19019 August 1985 Forwards Amend 20 to License R-77 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Changes Facility Name,Introduces Private Mgt Company Into Organizational Structure & Redistributes Radiological Safety Responsibilities ML20127K2591985-06-0505 June 1985 Confirms Items Discussed in Orlosky/Dudley 850522 Telcon. Written & Oral Exams Scheduled for Wk of 850902.Ref Matl for Operator Licensing Exams Listed on Encl Required by 850708 ML20199D1571985-05-30030 May 1985 Confirms 850522 Telcon Re Administration of Operator Licensing Exams During Wk of 850902.Ref Matl Listed in Encl 1 Should Be Provided No Later than 850708 IR 05000057/19820011983-06-0101 June 1983 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-057/82-01 & 70-0267/82-01 ML20204F9341983-04-18018 April 1983 Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-057/83-01 on 830214-17 & Notices of Violation & Deviation ML20028E5951983-01-21021 January 1983 Forwards Questions Re Application for Renewal of Ol.Response within 30 Days Requested ML20054L3881982-06-16016 June 1982 Ltr to All Research & Test Reactor Licensees Requesting That Reg Guide 2.6 (for Comment) & ANSI/ANS-15.16 (Draft II Dtd 811129) Be Used to Meet Requirement of Final Amend to 10CFR50.54(r) Re Emergency Planning.Fr Notice Encl ML20051P0761982-04-27027 April 1982 Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-057/82-01 & 70-0267/82-01 on 820316-17 & Notice of Violation.Notice of Violation & Details Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20032C7391981-10-13013 October 1981 Forwards Fr Notice & Press Release Re Proposed Addl Safeguards for Research Reactors ML19341B8581981-02-0909 February 1981 Forwards IE Circular 81-02, Performance of NRC-Licensed Individuals While on Duty. No Written Response Required ML19338G2631980-09-24024 September 1980 Requests Endorsements & Copy of Amends 12 & 13 to Policy E-34 ML19338D9391980-09-12012 September 1980 Forwards IE Info Notice 80-32, Clarification of Certain Requirements for Exclusive-Use Shipments of Radioactive Matls. No Written Response Required ML19320D2411980-06-25025 June 1980 Forwards IE Info Notice 80-24, Low Level Radwaste Burial Criteria. No Written Response Required ML19320C4321980-06-24024 June 1980 Forwards IE Circular 80-14, Radioactive Contamination of Plant Demineralized Water Sys & Resultant Internal Contamination of Personnel. No Written Response Required ML19323F6951980-05-0606 May 1980 Forwards IE Info Notice 80-19, NIOSH Recall of Recirculating-Mode (Closed Circuit) Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (Rebreather). No Response Required ML19312D7291980-03-14014 March 1980 Forwards IE Info Notice 80-11, Generic Problems W/Asco Valves in Nuclear Applications Including Fire Protection Sys. No Action or Written Response Required ML19296C1931980-02-0101 February 1980 Forwards IE Circular 80-02, Nuclear Power Plant Staff Work Hours. No Written Response Required ML19250C5071979-11-0909 November 1979 Forwards IE Info Notice 79-12A, Attempted Damage to New Fuel Assemblies. No Action Required ML19254E6801979-10-19019 October 1979 Notifies of Commission 790809 Approval to Publish Proposed Amends to 10CFR50 & 70 in Fr,Re Emergency Plans for Nonpower Reactor Licensees.Forwards Transcript of 790827 Meeting Re Impact of Proposed Safeguards Upgrade Rule ML19256E7061979-10-18018 October 1979 Forwards Notice of Proposed License Renewal,For Publication in Fr ML19253C7911979-10-17017 October 1979 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-057/79-01 ML19250B6051979-10-10010 October 1979 Forwards Amend 13 to Indemnity Agreement E-34,modifying in Course of Transportation. Requests Return of One Signed Copy 1990-07-31
MONTHYEARML20211A7721999-08-19019 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/99-201 on 990802-04 & Notice of Violation.Violation of Concern Because Violation Indicates Lack of Attention to Detail ML20196K3551999-06-21021 June 1999 Forwards Copy of Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Suny on 990426-27.Without Encl ML20204H1951999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards Amend 25 to License R-77 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Revises TS to Account for Title Changes in Organization & to Change Meeting Frequency of Reactor Decommissioning Safety Committee ML20248L2091998-03-0505 March 1998 Responds to Re Changes to Buffalo Materials Research Center Physical Security Plan,Submitted Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p).Changes Do Not Decrease Overall Effectiveness of Plan ML20217H4471997-08-0505 August 1997 Informs That Responsibility for non-power Reactor Insp Program Has Been Transferred from Regional Ofc to NRR ML20149J2521997-07-24024 July 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/97-201 on 970707-10.No Violations Noted ML20132E2741996-12-19019 December 1996 Requests Addl Info Pertaining to State Univ of New York Request for Possession-Only License & Certified Fuel Handler Program ML20029D9951994-05-0404 May 1994 Ack Receipt of Recent Ltrs Re Reactor Heat Exchange Tube Leaks,Change in Mgt of Buffalo Matls Research Ctr & Actions Re Nov 1992 Alleged Inattentive Operator ML20029C8701994-04-18018 April 1994 Responds to Re Annual Fee Invoice AM00218-93 for License SNM-273 & Invoice AT0441-93.Forwards 940323 Notice to All Licensees & 940317 FRN Re Decision to Reinstate Annual Fee Exemption for Nonprofit Educational Institutions ML20057E1271993-09-28028 September 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/93-02 on 930901-03.No Violations Noted ML20045H4281993-06-30030 June 1993 Provides Info That Has Become Available Since Revised 10CFR20 Became Effective on 910620 & Forwards Two Press Releases Re Issuance & Implementation of Revised Part 20 ML20044F8801993-05-20020 May 1993 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp of License R-77 Re Inattentive Reactor Operator ML20035H7581993-04-28028 April 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/93-01 on Stated Dates & Notice of Violation.Staffing & Funding Concerns Indicate Developing Problem That,If Continued,Could Have Negative Effect on Operations ML20044E1171993-04-19019 April 1993 Requests Confirmation That Listed Operators Have Been Terminated from Suny & Therefore No Longer Require NRC Licenses ML20035A3951993-03-12012 March 1993 Confirms 930312 Telcon W/Licensee Re 930317 Meeting in Amherst,Ny to Discuss Findings of Insp Rept 50-057/93-01 ML20126A4561992-12-14014 December 1992 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts 50-057/92-04 & 70-0267/92-01 on 921116-18.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Actions Taken to Resolve Unresolved Items from Previous Insp on 891113-15 Examined ML20044F1921992-12-11011 December 1992 Forwards Senior Reactor Operator License Certificates for Mj Behun,Sj Dipasquale,Ja Ignatz,Ba Miller & Es Psyk,Per Commission Request.Actual License or Renewal License Issued as Ltr.W/O Encls ML20034D4721992-09-17017 September 1992 Informs That Written & Operator Licensing Exams Scheduled for 921012.Listed Ref Matl Should Be Furnished 60 Days Prior to Exam ML20044B5461992-07-14014 July 1992 Advises That Arrangements Made for Evaluation of Requalification Program & Licensed Personnel at Research Ctr on 921012.Encl Ref Matl Should Be Furnished at Least 60 Days Prior to Exam in Order to Adequately Prepare for Visit ML20028H6701991-01-17017 January 1991 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-04 on 901218.No Violations Noted ML20058K3901990-12-0909 December 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-03 on 901022-25 & 1108. No Violations Noted ML20058M4811990-07-31031 July 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-02 on 900621 & 0718. Violation Noted But Not Cited.L Henry Committed to Provide Ofc W/Detailed Procedures Prior to First Use of Procedures for Removal of Activated Reactor Components from Storage ML20043F3841990-05-30030 May 1990 Advises That NRC Indemnifies Licensee & Other Person Who May Be Liable for Public Liability Arising Out of Nuclear Incident ML20034B5091990-04-13013 April 1990 Responds to Re Util Plans to Manipulate Controls of Reactor While Remaining Subcritical in Order to Perform Reactor Surveillance & Safety Sys Tests.Plans Found Acceptable ML20012E5301990-03-23023 March 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/90-01 on 900212-13.No Violations Noted ML19354D9191990-01-16016 January 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/89-04 on 891108-1211.Weakness Noted in Program for Verifying Calibr of Instrumentation Used at Facility ML20005H0201990-01-0909 January 1990 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts 50-057/89-03 & 70-0267/89-01 on 891113-15.No Violations Noted ML20006D6381990-01-0505 January 1990 Discusses & Forwards Revised NRC Form 396,certification of Medical Exam by Facility Licensee & NRC Form 398,personal Qualifications Statement - Licensee ML20011D1711989-12-0606 December 1989 Advises That Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator Written Exams Scheduled for Wk of 900123 & Operating Exams Scheduled for 900124-25.Completed License Applications Should Be Submitted at Least 30 Days Prior to Exam Date ML20247N2971989-09-14014 September 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/89-02 on 890818.No Violations Noted ML20247E8281989-09-0606 September 1989 Requests Rev to Facility Emergency Plan to Address Listed Findings & Reflect Method That Ensures Emergency Plan Maintained as Current,Per 881121 Submittal ML20245D3541989-04-21021 April 1989 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 881220 Tech Spec Change Request Re Proposed Reactor Bldg Leak Rate ML20245C9501989-04-14014 April 1989 Forwards Exam Rept 50-057/89-01OL on 890130-0202.Review Also Conducted of Licensed Operator Requalification Program & Facility Actions Following Potential Cheating on Requalification Test in 1986 ML20246P4551989-03-22022 March 1989 Forwards Agenda for 890418-19 Research & Test Reactor Seminars in King of Prussia,Pa.Related Info Discussing Accommodations Also Encl ML20196D7581988-11-28028 November 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/88-03 on 881017.No Violations Noted.Buffalo Research Ctr Staff Performance During Exercise Demonstrated Ability to Implement Emergency Plan & Procedures to Provide Adequate Protective Measures ML20154R8271988-09-26026 September 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/88-02 on 880725.No Violations Noted ML20151H1631988-07-21021 July 1988 Informs of Requirements for Exemption from 10CFR70.24 Re Criticality Monitor Requirements ML20150D8641988-03-18018 March 1988 Informs of Relocation of NRR to Rockville,Md.Official Mailing Address Still Remains Same & Project Managers Have New Locations & Phone Numbers.Ts Michaels Still Lead Project Manager for Facility & a Adams Will Serve as Backup ML20235Z5741987-10-0909 October 1987 Forwards Exam Rept 50-057/87-02OL Administered During Wk of 870810 ML20235B2221987-09-14014 September 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/87-03 on 870824-25.No Violations Noted ML20215D1851987-06-11011 June 1987 Informs That T Micheals Assigned as Project Manager for Facility Due to NRR Reorganization ML20214S9901987-06-0303 June 1987 Forwards Revised NRC Form 398 Re Personal Qualifications Statement for Licensee.Rev Reflects Changes to 10CFR55 Effective 870526 & Requires New Applicants to Complete Each Category.Forms to Be Used Beginning 870526 ML20214S2651987-05-27027 May 1987 Informs of Recent Realignment within Div of Reactor Projects Affecting Responsibility for Insp of Research & Test Reactor Facilities.Requests Review of Encl Table & Revised 10CFR50 ML20215K0791987-05-0101 May 1987 Forwards Requalification Program Evaluation Rept 50-057/87-01-OL ML20215N9221986-10-30030 October 1986 Forwards Exam Rept 50-057/86-02(OL) of Exam Administered on 860821-22 ML20205H4471986-08-0606 August 1986 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-057/86-01 on 860324-25.No Violations Noted.Steps Taken Re Violations Noted in NRC 831109 & s Verified ML20141A2371986-03-27027 March 1986 Informs That TC Elsasser Will Replace EC Mccabe as Section Chief for Facility Based on Realignment of Projects within Region I Ofc.Realignment Effective on 860331 ML20210J5991986-03-26026 March 1986 Lists Change in Telephone Number for R Carter,Facility Project Manager,Due to NRR Reorganization.D Tondi New Nonpower Reactors & Safeguards Licensing Section Leader. Correspondence Should Be Sent to Listed Address ML20199F4311986-03-20020 March 1986 Discusses Timely Renewal of NRC-approved QA Programs.On 860127,shipment of Spent Fuel Made W/No Radiation Control Inadequacies But W/O Proper License Due to Expiration of QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl Package on 851231 ML20138Q7891985-12-16016 December 1985 Forwards Insp Rept 50-057/85-02 on 850826-29.No Violation Noted 1999-08-19
[Table view] |
See also: IR 05000057/1983001
APR 181983
Docket No. 50-57
State University of New York at Buffalo
Nuclear Science and Technology Facility
ATTN: Mr. L. G. Henry
Acting Director
Rotary Road
Buffalo, New York 14214
Inspection No. 50-57/83-01
This refers to the routine inspection conducted by W. W. Kinney of this office
on February 14 - 17, 1983, of activities authorized by NRC License No. R-77 and
to the discussions of our findings held by W. W. Kinney with yourself and
members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection.
Areas examined during this inspection are described in the NRC Region I Inspec-
tion Report which is enclosed with this letter. Within these areas, the
inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative
records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector.
Based on the results of this inspection, it appears that certain of your
activities were not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements, as set
forth in the Notice of Violation, enclosed herewith as Appendix A.
violations have been categorized by severity level in accordance with the NRC
Enforcement Policy (10 CFR 2, Appendix C) published in the Federal Register
Notice (47 FR 9987) dated March 9, 1982. You are required to respond to this
letter; and in preparing your response, you should follow the instructions in
Appendix A.
In addition to the need for corrective action regarding these
specific violations, we are concerned about the implementation of your manage-
ment control systems that permitted the Nuclear Safety Committee to cease
functioning after September 1981 with violations 1 and 2 resulting. Conse-
quently, in your. reply you should describe in particular those actions taken
or planned to improve the effectiveness of your management control systems.
Our inspector also verified the steps you have taken to correct the violations
brought to your attention in the enclosures to our letters dated April 16,
1979, and June 12, 1979. We have no further questions regarding the steps you
took to correct the item in the April 16, 1979, letter and item B of the June
12, 1979, letter. However, with regard to item A of the June 12, 1979, letter,
you did not complete the corrective action outlined in your September 24, 1979,
letter to Region I.
This failure to complete the corrective action appears to
be a deviation involving: (1) failure to document the training of the campus
secur'ity force in radiation; (2) failure to retrain all security forces in
radiation protection on an annual basis; and (3) failure to document the
This deviation is set forth in a Notice of Deviation, enclosed
herewith as Appendix B.
In your required response to this letter, we request
that you also follow the instructions in Appendix B.
0305020322 830418
PDR ADOCK 05000057
. - - .
State University of New York at
APR 181983
The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice are not
subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as
required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980,.PL 96-511.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and the enclosures
will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room unless you notify this office,
by telephone, within 10 days of the date of this letter and submit written
application to withhold information contained therein within 30 days of the
date of this letter. Such application must be consistent with the requirements
of 2.790(b)(1). The telephone notification of your intent to request withhold-
ing, or any request for an_ extension of the 10-day period which you believe
necessary, should be made to the Supervisor, Files, Mail and Records, USNRC
Region I, at (215) 337-5223.
Your cooperation with us in this matter is appreciated.
Sincerely, Ori;;inal signed By:
Richard W. Starostecki, Director
Division of Project end Resident
Appendix A, Notice of Violation
Appendix D, Notice of Deviation
NRC Region I Inspection Report Number 50-57/83-01
cc w/encls:
Public Document Room (PDR)
Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)
State of New York
bcc w/encls:
Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)
Senior Operations Officer (w/o encl (s))
DPRP Section C ief
Ki rr m/j
Elsasser Greenman Sta stecki
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