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Rev 3 to Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Plant-Specific Technical Guidelines for Emergency Operating Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 09/07/1988
Shared Package
ML20151H280 List:
FOIA-88-198 PROC-880907, NUDOCS 8810130413
Download: ML20155F904 (74)


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!I I

I .

l 8810130413 880907

' im ji j f[ @ % hlfi i PDR FOIA ' ' - w't V 11 L JOHNSONBB-;98 PDR 6/ai _

List of Effective Pages E191 EtX E12e Rex EA9t E1Y i 3 4-6 3 11-2 3 11 3 4-7 3 11-3 3 til 1 4-8 3 11-4 3 iv 3 5-1 3 11-5 3 1-1 3 5-2 3 12-1 3 1-2 3 5-3 3 12-2 3 1-3 3 5-4 3 A-1 3 1-4 3 5-5 3 A-2 3 1-5 3 5-6 3 A-3 3 2-1 3 5-7 3 A-4 3 2-2 3 5-8 3 A-5 3 2-3 3 5-9 3 A-6 3 3-1 3 6-1 3 A-7 3 3-2 3 7-1 3 A-8 3 3-3 3 7-2 3 A-9 3 1

3-4 3 7-3 3 A-10 3 3-5 3 8-1 3 A-11 3 3-6 3 8-2 3 A-12 3 3-7 3 9-1 3 A-13 3 3-B 3 10-1 3 A-14 3 ,

4-1 3 10-2 3 A-15 3 4-2 3 10-3 3 A-16 3 4-3 3 10-4 3 4-4 3 10-5 3 4-5 3 11-1 3 i

l l

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t 1

I ii Revision 3 l in uta,u.c ; ;nt l 0:1

j  !

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I i

) SECil0N 1: Introduction i j SECTION 2: Operator Precautions 1

l SECTION 3: RPV Control l

l SECTION 4: Primary Containment Control ,

4 SECTION 5: Secondary Containment Control  ;

j SECTION 6: Radioactivity Release Control l SECTION 7: Contingency #1 - Alternate Level Control 1

SECTION 8: Contingency #2 - Emergency RPV Depressurization a SECTION 9: Contingency #3 - Steam Cooling  ;

SECTION 10: Contingency #4 - RPV Flooding

] SECTION 11: Contingency #5 - Level / Power Control  !

l SECTION 12: Contingency #6 - Primary Containment Flooding t

'I '

TABLE 1-1: PSTG Abbreviations i  !

! TABLE 5 1: Secondary Containment Area Maximum Temperatures I  ;

' t TABLE 5-2: Secondary Containment H&V Cooler Maximum '

Temperatures l

l TABLE 5-3: Secondary Containment Area Maximum Radiation Levels l (.

TABLE S-4: Secondary Containment Sump / Area Maximum Water Levels I

] l I  !

l RPV Saturation Temperature  !

FIGURE 2: Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit r

j FIGURE 3: CS Pump NPSH t.imits J l


1 i

i ill i

nn .

N ii i n Ui W it'.!. .i v: u.

4 1


FIGURE 4: CS Vortex Limit FIGURE Sa: RHR Pump A and C NPSH Limits FIGURE Sb: RHR Pump B and 0 NPSH Limits FIGURE 6: RHR Vortex Limits FIGURE 7: Heat C6pacity Temperature Limit FIGURE 8: SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit i

FIGURE 9: Boron Injection Initiation Temperature FIGURE 10: Dryvell Spray Initiation Limit FIGURE 11: Pressure Suppression Pressure FIGURE 12: Primary Containment Pressure Limit FIGURE 13: Heat Capacity Level Limit FIGURE 14: Maximum Core Uncovery Time Limit i

i i

l I i

iv Revision 3 i lii UIihi/'! s i ;it

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I i

j i i SECTION 1



These Plant-Specific Techn, cal Guidelines (PSTGs) have been developed based on  :

Draft Revision 4AF of the generic EWR Owners' Group Emergency Procedure i Guidelines and the design of structures and systems at the Pilgrim Nuclear  !

! Power Station (PNPS). Thq PSTGs are compresed of the following: [

]  !

  • Operator Precautions (Section 2) l


.I e RPV Control Guideline (Section 3)

) ,

j e Primary Containment Contre.,1 Guideline (Section 4)  ;

) e Secondary Containment Control Guideline (Section 5) {

  • Radioactivity Release Control Guideline (Section 6)  !
  • Contingency #1 - Alternate Level Control (Section 7) i i

e Contingency #2 - Emergency RPV Depressurization (Section 8) ,

i t j

e Contingency #3 - Steam Cooling (Section 9) l

  • Contingency #4 - RPV Flooding (Section 10)  !

! e Contingency #5 - Level / Power Control (Section 11) f j t j e Contingency #6 - Primary Containment Flooding (Section 12) f i

Drywell temperature is determined by a plant-specific prodedure for l determining bulk drywell atmosphere average temperature. Tori: water  !

temperature is also a bulk average temperature, but it is indicated directly. (

Unless specified otherwise, torus water level values are referenced to the instrument zero of the wide range torus water level instrument and primary l

, containment water level values are referenced to plant elevation.  ;


Table 1-1 is a list of the abbreviations used in the PSTGs.  !

1  !

l Brackets [ ] enclose plant-specific procedure references and step numbers j i which are determined coincident with the development of the plant-specific ,

j E0Ps.

l Parentheses ( ) enclose statements identifyi g the source of a plant-specific  !

numerical value. Where multiple sources app y, that which corresponds to (and l thus ultimately defines) the value shown is highlighted by boldface print.  :

1-1 4 ,

Revision 3 li(Ulinil'.l.1.,UiLl

- - - . _-. . - ~ -. _ _. - - - - -- - - -- .

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i I

i I

At various points throughout these PSTGS, operator precautions are noted by l l the sumbol:

i j

L_LI i

! Tre number within the box refers to a numbered "Caution" which is contained in Section 2. These "Cautions" are brief and succinct red flags for the operator.  !'

l At various points within these PSTGs, limits are specified beyond which certain actions are required. While conservative, these limits are derived from engineering analyses utilizing best-estimate (as opposed to licensing) models. Consequently, these limits are generally not as conservative as the ,

limits specified in the PNPS Technical Specifications. This is not to imply ,

l that operation beyond the Technical Specifications is recommended in any  ;

! emergency. Rather, such operation is required and is now permitted under '


certain degraded conditions in order to safely mitigate the consequences of  !

those degraded conditions. The lin'its specified in the PSTGs establish the i I beundaries within which continued safe operation of the plant can be 455ured.  !

! Therefore, conformance with procedures developed from the PSTGs does not l j ensure strict conformance with Technical Specifications or other licensing j bases.

I l At other points within these PSTGs, defeating safety system interlocks and i

! inittaion logic is specified. This is also required in order to safely i i mitigate the consequences of degraded conditions, and it is generally j spec 1fied only when conditions exist for which the interlock or lo ic was not i designed. Bypassing other interlocks may also be required due to nstrument  !

f ailure, etc., but these interlocks cannot be identified in advance and are  !

therefore not specified in the PSTGs.

l 4

! The entry conditions for these PSTGs are symptomatic of both emer encies and I

events wMeh may degrade into emergencies. The PSTGs specify act ons I aceropriate for both. Therefore, entry into procedures developed from these i PSTGs is not conclusive that an emergency has occurred.  !

l Each procedure developed from these PSTGs is entered whenever any of its entry conditions occurs, irrespective of whether that procedure has already been entered or is presently being executed. The procedure is exited and the i

1 operator returns to non-emergency procedures when one of the eilt conditions )

l specified in the procedure is satisfied, or when it is determined that an

) emergency no longer entsts. For enample, the procedure developed from the RPV i Control Guideline specifies cooldown to cold shutdown cenditions by various 3 methods and exit af ter the shutdown cooling interlocks have cleared, but entry into this procedure does not require any cocidown if it can be determined that an emergency no longer exists prior to establishing the conditions required to

commente the cooldown 45 specified in the procedure. After a procedure j developed from these PSTGs has been entered, subsequent clearing of all entry

] conditions for that procedure is not, by itself, conclusive that an emergency a no longer trists.


1-2 l . .. . l t ii d ulu m. C ., M

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! i j -

Procedures developed from these PSTGs specify symptomatic operator actions I which will maintain the reactor plant in a safe condition and optimize plant '

! response and margin to safety irrespective of the initiating event. However. l for certain spec 1fic events (e.g.. earthquake, tornado, blackout, or fire), t emergency response ard recovery can be further enhanced by additional -

l auxiliary event-specific operator actions which may be provided in .

j supplemental event-specific procedures intended or use in conjunction with the symptomatic procedures. As with actions specified in any other procedure ,

intended for use with the symptomatic procedures, these event-specific ,

operator actions must not contradict or subvert the symptomatic operator actions specified in the symptomatic procedures and must not result in loss or  !

$ unavailability of equipment the operation of which is spect' led in these l procedures.


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1 1-3 Revision 3 0R id ulas.L.L., Uni.


Automatic Depressurization System APRM -

Average Power Range Monitor ARI -

Alternate Rod Insertion cps -

Counts Per Second CRD -

Control Rod Drive CS -

Core Spray CST -

Condensate Storage Tank DW - Orywell ECCS -

Emergency Core Cooling System Elev -


  • F - Degrees Fahrenheit ft -

Feet gpm -

Gallons Per Minute  !


High Pressure Coolant Injection


Hu -

Heat Exchanger l H&V -

Heating and Ventilation


hr -

Hour in. -

Inch LCO -

Limiting Condition for Operation LI -

Level Indicator LPCI -

Low Pressure Coolant Injection LR -

Level Recorder Hin -

Minimum mR -

Milliroentgen / Millirem MSIV -

Hain Steamline Isolation Valve NA - Not Applicable NPSH -

Net Positive Suction Head O!i lif Vini!/i' b i b:[L

1 I I I

i I

1 TABLE l-1  :


V l N.H. - Northwest [

i psi (g) - Pounds Per Square Inch (Gauge)  !

l RB - Reactor Building l t  :

RBCCH - Reactor Building Closed Cooling Hater  !

i RCIC - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling  !

i  ;

! RHR - Residual Heat Removal l l RPM -

Revolutions Per Minute 1

l Reactor Protection System l



j RPV -

Reactor Pressure Vessel I

RHCU - Reactor Water Cleanup i i


Rod North Minimizer

{ SBGT -

Standby Gas Treatment  !

i l j SELC -

Standby Liauld Control  !

1 l

j S.E. -

Southeast  ;

j SRV -

Safety Relief Valve  ;

I i i S.H. -

Southwest j i


Salt Service Water (

j j TBCCW -

Turbine Building Closed Cooling Hater  !

TIP - Transversing In-Core Probe  !

& - Ampersand (used instead of the word "and")

Feet (Units of elevation) i Inches (units of elevation) j

) 1 - Less than or equel to l Percent j 1-5 Revision 3 i

j O!1 iduni,;n:i., ;:1 l

l - . _ , . - . - - - - - . . - - , _ - -

A2 GPCRAIDR PRECAUTIONS CAUTION #1 An RPV water level instrument may be used to determine RPV water level only when all the following conditions are satisfied for that instrument:
1. The temperatures near 411 the instrument runs are below the RPV Saturation Temperature (Figure 1).
2. For each of the instruments in the following table, the instrument reads above the Minimum Indicated Level or the temperatures near all the instrument reference leg vertical runs are below the Maximum Run Temperature.

Instrument Maximum Run Minimum (Number) Temperature (*F) Indicated france (in.)] DW Runt RB Runs Level (in.)

Feedwater Control A NA NA 0.0 (L! 640-29A)

(0 to +60)

Feedwater Control 8 NA NA 0.0 i (LI 640-298) {

(0 to ,60) r l

Hide Range A NA 314 263.3  ;

(LI 106A) (

(LR 1001-650A)

(-277.5 to +22.5)

Hide Range O NA 324 267.9 (L1 1068)

(LR 1001-6508)

(-277.5 to +22.5) 2-1 Revision 3 gs , ,. .. ,

kI * .W4% hI1


i i i L

l l

4 l

l 3. For each of the following instruments, the instrument reads f 3 above the Minimum Indicated Level associated with the j

highest temperature near an instrument reference leg vertical  ;

.i run.

J [

l 4. Narrow Range A (-50 to +50 in.) i j (LI 263-100A) l (LR 1001-604A) j 3

' I

! Highest Reactor Building Minimum j j Run Temperature (*F) Setween Indicated i

) Lh tilah Level (in.) i

$ I

! 186 -50 187 200 -49.2  !

d 201 250 -45.5 i 1 251 300 -41.3  !

j 301 350 -36.4 i I b. Narrow Range 6 (-50 to +50 in.) i j (L! 263-100b)  :

, (LR 1001-6048)  !

i  !

Highest Reactor Butiding Minimum i Run Temperature ('F) Between Indicated  ;

Lu tilgh Level (in.)  :

r 181 -50  !

, 182 200 -48.8 7 l 201 .150 -44.9 l 251 300 -40.4 l j

301  ?$0 -35.3 f l


Operating the HPCI turbine below 715 rpm (minimum turbine speed limit per turbine vendor manual) or the RCIC turbine below 1000 I rpm (minimum turbine speed limit per turbine vendor manual) may 1 result in unstable system operation and equipment damage, l i

i  !


! CautloN #3 -

Elevated torus pressure may trip the RCIC turbine on high exhaus't  !

pressure.  !

nn -

2-2 'Vii Hf UlintA!!;,, v;,t

! l


- - - - - - . ~ . . - - . . - - _ - _ . -

CAUTION 84 A rapid increase in injection into the RPV may induce a large power excursion and result in substantial core damage.

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  • i I  !

l 1 .

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2-3 Revision 3 O,ii 11 n Vi o . .:l'. l . . ,  :, e I




The purpose of this guideline is to:

  • Maintain adequate core cooling, [

i e Shut down the reactor, and [

e Cool down the RPV to cold shutdown conditions (RPV water f temperature 1 212'F (cold shutdown conditions)). l ENTRY CONDITIONS f The entry conditions for this guideline are any of the following: f e RPV water level below +9 in. (low RPV water level scram setpoint) j i

e RPV pressure above 1085 psig (high RPV pressure scram setpoint) j e Drywell pressure above 2,5 psig (high drywell pressure scram setpoint) l e A condition which requires reactor scram, and reactor power above

  • % (APRM doenscale trip setpoint) or cannot be determined j

OPER4TCR ACTIONS RC.1 If reactor scram has not been initiated, initiate reactor scram.  !

l l

l trrespective of the entry conditions, execute (Steps RC/L, RC/P,  !

and RC/Q) concurrently.

l l

j P

t RC/L Honitor and control RPV water level. l"#1"l l l

RC/L-1 Initiate each of the following which should have initiated j but did not: I t

e Isolation l e ECCS  !


= j3 . - . . . .

3-1 70,d Hi U hi U;!:5,; v n t

If while executing the following step

l l e Any control red cannot be determined to be inserted to or beyond positten 02 (Maximum Subcritical Banked Hithdrawal Position) and it has not been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #51.

  • RFV water level cannot be determined, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #4).


! e Primary containment water level and torus pressure cannot

! be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containtrent Water

! Level Limit (Figure 2), then irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured terminate injection into the RPV from sources external to the primary containment until primary containment water level and torus pressure can be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containtrent Water Level Limit.

R C/ t.-2 Restore and maintain RPV water level between +9 in.

(Iow RPV water level scram setpoint or shutdown cooling low RPV water level interlock, whichever is higher) and

+48 in. (high RPV water level trip setpoint) with one or more of the following systems:

  • Condensatelfeedwater
  • CR0 e RCIC with suction from the CST, defeating low RPV pressure isolation interlocks if necessary. #2 #3
  • HPCI with suction from the CST, defeating high torus water level suction transfer logic if necessary. 82
  • CS; control and maintain pump flow loss than the CS Pump NPSH Limit (Figure 3) and the CS Vortex Limit (Figure 4).
  • LPCI, with injection through the heat exchangers as soon as possible; control and maintain purro flow less than the RHR Pump NPSH Limit (Figures 54 and 5b) and the RHR Vortex 1,,imit (Figure 6),

if RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above .9 in. (low RPV water level scram setpoint or shutdown cooling los RPV water level interlock, whichever is higher), maintain RPV water level above

-126.3 in. (top of active fuel).

,it'lUtinil..'.L.,C:A L

f 7

1 RPV water level control may be augmented by one or more of the following systems:

e iSH crosstied to RHR e City Hater crosstied to RHR e Fire Water crosstied to RHR e ECCS Keep-Full e DemineralizGd Water Transfer crosstled to SBLC (test tank or boron tank) e Condensate Transfer crosstied to ECCS fill line If RPV water level can be maintained above -126.3 in.

(top of active fuel) and the ADS timer has initiated, prevent automatic RPV depressurization by resetting the ADS timer.

If RPV water level cannot be maintained above -126.3 in. (tup of active fuel), enter (procedure developed from Contingency #1)

RC/L-3 When Procedure 2.1.5, "Controlled Shutdown from Power",  !

is entered from (Step RC/P-5), proceed to cold shutdown l in accordance with the appropriate section of Procedure 2.1.5, "Controlled Shutdown from Power".

RC/P Monitor and control RPV pressure.

If while executing the following steps:

  • A high drywell pressure ECCS initiation signal (2.5 psig (drywell pressure which initiates ECCS)) exs.sts, prevent injection from those CS and LPCI pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling prior to depressurizing i below their maximum injection pressures.
  • Emergency RPV Depressurization is anticipated and either all control rods are inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Suberitical Bankcd ithdrawal Position) or it has been determined
nat the reactor will ren.ain shutdown under all conditions without boron, then irrespective of the resulting RPV ccoldown rate, rapidly depressurize the RPV with the main turriaa bypass valves. -

p .- . -

t ik lNi iltl['. ! . b i V ; s t.

3-3 kevisivn s

i l

  • Emergency RPV Depressurization is required and less than 4 (number of SRVs dedicated to ADS)

SRVs are opcn, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #2).

  • RPV water level cannot be determined and less than 4 (number of SRVs dedicated to ADS) SRVs are open, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #2).
  • RPV water level cannot be determined and 4 (number of SRVs dedicated to ADS) SRVs are open, enter (procedure deveioped from Contingency #4).

RC/P-1 If any SRV is cycling, manually open SRVs until RPV pressure drops to 940 psig (RPV pressure at which all turbine bypass valves are fully open).

If while executing the following steps:

  • Torus water temperature cannot be maintained below the heat Capacity Temperature Limit (Figure 7), then irrespective of t51 resulting RPV cooldown rate maintain RPV pressure below the Limit.
  • Suppression pool water level cannot be maintained below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit (Figure 8), then irrespective of the resulting RPV cooldown rate maintain RPV pressure below the Limit.
  • Steam Cooling is required, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #3).

l If while executing the following steps:

  • Boron Injection is required, and
  • There has been no ino cation of gross fuel failure or steam li - break, open HSIVs, bypassing low RPV water level isolation interlocks if necessary, to re-establish the main condenser as a heat sink.

j3 . .. .

34 Oii in ula,;n!:;,, vim

1 RC/P-2 Stabilize RPV pressure at a pressure below 1085 psig (high RPV pressure scram setpoint) with the main turbine bypass valves.

RPV pressure control may be augmented by one or more of the following systems:

e SRVs only when torus water level is above 46 in. (top of the SRV discharge device);

open SRVs in the following sequence if possible:

B C, 0, A (5'tV opening sequence); if the continuous SRV pneumatic supply is or becomes unavailable, place the control switch for each SRV in the AUTO position.

  • HPCI with suction from the CST, defeating high torus water level suction transfer logic if necessary. l#2 i e RCIC with suction from the CST.

1 #2 #3 I e RHCU (recirculation mode), bypassing filter /

demineralizers and, if necessary, defeating SBLC and other isolation interlocks.

  • Main steam line drains, e RWCU (blowdown mode) if no boron has been injected into the RPV; refer to procedure, "Primary Coolant Sampling, Transport and Analyses Under Emergency Conditions" prior to initiating blowdown.

If while executing the following steps the reactor is not i shutdown, return to (Step RC/P-2).

l RC/P-3 When either:

e All control rods are inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Suberitical Banked Hithdrawal Position),

or e It has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, or l e 538.9 pounds (Cold Shutdown Boron Heignt) of boron that is enriched to at least 54.5 atom-percent boron-10 have been injected into the RPV, or i 3-5 Revision 3 0R in ulu,m. d ,; ; M

e The reactor is shutdown and no boron has been injected into the RPV, depressurize the RPV and maintain cooldown rate below 100*F/hr (RPV cooldown rate LCO).

If one or more SRVs are being used to depressurized the RPV and the continuous SRV pneumatic supply is or becomes unavailable, depressurize with sustained SR'/ opening.

RC/P-4 When the shutdown cooling RPV pressure interlock clears, initiate shutdown cooling using only those RHR pumps not required to maintain RPV water level above +9 in. (shutdown cooling low RPV water level interlock) by operation in the LPCI mode.

If shutdown cooling cannot be established and further RPV cooldown is required, continue to cool down using one or more of the tystems used for depressurization.

RC/P-5 When either:

e All control rods arO inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position), or e

It has been determined +. hat the reactor will rem &in shutdown under all conditions without boron, or e

538.9 pounds (Cold Shutdown Boron Height) of boron that is enricheJ to at least 54.5 atom percent boron-10 have been injected into the RPV, proceed to cold shutoown in accordance with the appropriate section of Procedure 2.1.5, "Controlled Shutdown from Power".

RC/Q Honitor and control reactor power.

If while executing the following steps:

  • All control rods are inserted to or beyond position 02 (Haximum Subcritical Banked Hithdrawal Position),

terminate boron injection and enter Procedure 2.1.6, "Reactor Scram".

e It has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, terminate boron injection and enter Procedure 2.1.6, "Reactor Scram".

j e

The reactor is shutdown and no boron has been injected into th., RPV, enter Procedure 2.1.6, "Reactor Scram".

3-6 Revision 3

,is . . ... . .

l f kI !. e \/ ' 1 L, j i

RC/0-1 Confirm or place the reactor mode switch in SHUT 00HN.

RC/Q-2 If ARI has not initiated. initiate ARI.

RC/Q-3 If the main turbine-generator is on-line and the MSIVs are open, cor. firm or initiate recirculation flow runback to minimum.

RC/Q-4 If reactor power is above 3% (APRM downscale trip setpoint) or cannot be determined, trip the recirculation pumps.

l Execute [SteosRC/0-5andRC/0-61concurrentiv. l RC/Q-5 Before torus water temperature reaches the Boron Injection Initiation Temperature (Figure 9) but only if the reactor cannot be shut down, BORON INJCCTION IS REQUIRE 0; in.iect boron into the RPV with SBLC and prevent automatic initiation of ADS.

If boron cannot be injected with SBLC, inject boron into the RPV with RHCU.

If while executing the following steps SBLC tack water level drops to an indicated value of 2% (minimum SBLC tank water level for continued SBLC pump operation),

manually trip the SBLC pumps.

RC/Q-5.1 If boron is not being injected into the RPV by RHCU and RHCU is not isolated, bypass the RHCU filter /demineralizers.

RC/Q-5.2 Continue to inject boron until 538.9 pounds (Cold Shutdown Boron Height) of boron that is enriched to at least 54.5 atom-percent boron-10 have been injected into the RPV.

RC/Q-5.3 Enter Procedure 2.1.6, "Reactor Scram".

RC/Q-6 Insert control rods as follows:

RC/Q-6.1 Reset ARI, defeating ARI logic trips if necessary.

3-7 Revision 3 20R 1 6 u ra.i m .; ,, K

RC/Q-6.2 Insert control rods with one or more of the following methods:

e Oe-energize scram solenoids e Vent the scram air header e Reset the scram, defeating RPS logic trips if necessary, drain the scram discharge volume, and initiate a manual scram e Open individual scram test switches e Increase CRD cooling water differential pressure e Drive control rods, defeating RHM interlocks if necessary e Vent control rod drive overpiston volumes 4



3-8 Revision 3 lb Ulihi/',! , , b;d


ENTRY CONDITIONS The entry conditions for this guideline are any of the following:

. Torus water temperature above 80'F (most limiting torus water temperature LCO) e Drywell temperature above 152'F (drywell temperature LCO or maximum normal operating temperature, whichever is higher) e Drywell pressure above 2.5 psig (high drywell pressure scram setpoint) e Torus water level above 130 in. (maximum torus water level LCO) e Torus water level below 127 in. (maximum torus water level LCO) ,

e Primary containment hydrogen concentration above 4% (high primary containment hydrogen concentration alarm setpoint)  ;

I OPERATOR ACTIONS Irrespectiv'Eoftheentrycondition, execute (StepsSP/T,OH/T,PC/P, SP/L, and PC/H] concurrently.

SP/T Honitor and control torus water temperature below 80'F (most i limiting torus water temperature LCO) using available i suppression pool cooling. I Hhen torus water temperature cannot be maintained below 30'F (most limiting torus water temperature LCO):

I SP/T-1 Operate all available torus cooling using only those RHR pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling i by continuous operation in the LPCI mode.

1 l


! 4-1 -


p -

i5 lII' b)li h i/' ! .L , i v ; i t, l


SP/T-2 Before torus water temperature reaches the Boron Injection Initiation Temperature (Figure 9), enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

SP/T-3 Hhen torus water temperature and RPV pressure cannot be maintained below the Heat Capacity Temperature Limit (Figure 7), EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRE 0.

OW/T Honitor and control drywell temperature below 152*F (drywell temperature LC0 or maximum normal operating temperature, whichever is higher) using available drywell cooling.

When drywell temperature cannot he maintained below 152'F (drywell temperature LCO or maximum normal I #1 I operating temperature, whichever is higher):

DH/T-1 Operate all available drywell cooling.

If while executing the following steps drywell sprays have been initiated and drywell pressure drops below 2.5 psig (high drvwell cressure scram setooint). terminate drvwell soravs.

OH/T-2 Before drywell temperature reaches 281'F (maximum ,

temperature at which AOS is qualified or drywell design l temperature, whichever is lower) but only if torus water '

level is below 183 in. (bottom of internal torus to drywell vacuum breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water) and drywell temperature and pressure are within the Drywell Spray Initiation Limit (Figure 10), shut down recirculation pumps and drywell cooling fans and initiate drywell sorays using enly these RHR pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous operation in the LPCI mode.

l OH/T-3 Hhen drywell temperature cannot be maintained below 281*F (maximum temperature at which ADS is qualified or drywell  ;

design temperature, whichever is lower), EMERGENCY RPV  !

OEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRE 0; enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

PC/P Honitor and control primary containment pressure below 2.5 psig (high drywell pressure scram setpoint) using the Primary Containment Atmosphere Control System.

When primary containment pressure cannot be maintained below 2.5 psig (high drywell pressure scram setpoint):

If while executing the following steps suppression chamber sprays have been initiated and torus pressure drops below 2.5 psig (high drywell pressure scram stepoint) terminate suppression chamber

_1DDy s -

i h!UMin!i,; bi.

i PC/P-1 Before torus pressure reaches 11.0 psig (Supression Chamber Spray Initiation Pressure), but only if torus water level is below 305 in. (suppression chamber spray nozzles), initiate suppression chamber sprays using only those RHR pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous operation in the LPCI mode.

If while executing the following steps drywell sprays have been initiated and drywell pressure drops below 2.5 psig (high drywell oressure scram setooint). terminate drvwell scravs.

PC/P-2 When torus pressure exceeds 11.0 psig (Suppression Chamber Spray Initiation Pressure) but only if torus water lever is below 183 in. (bottom of internal torus to drywell vacuum breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water) and drywell temperature and pressure are within the Drywell Spray Initiation Limit (Figure 10),

shut down recirculation pumps and drywell cooline fans and initiate drywell sprays using only those RHR pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous operation in the LPCI mode.

PC/P-3 When torus pressure cannot be maintained below the Pressure Suppression Pressure (Figure 11), EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

PC/P-4 86 fore torus pressure reaches the Primary Containment Pressure Limit (Figure 12), then irrespective of the offsite radioactivity release rate, vent the primary containment, defeating isolation interlocks if necessary, to reduce and maintain pressure bei m the Primary Containment Pressure Limit as 'J ivws:

If torus water level is below 310 in (bottom of the torus vent), vent the torus in accordance with Procedure 5.4.6, "Primary Containment Venting and Purging Under Emergency Conditions".

If torus water level is at or above 310 in.

(bottom of the torus vent) or if the torus cannot be vented, vent the drywell in accoidance with Procedure 5.4.6, "Primary Containment Venting and Purging Under Emergency Conditlens".

PC/P-5 When torus pressure cannot be maintained below the (eimary Containment Pressure Limit (Figure 12), then irre'.Jective of whether adequate core cooling is assured: '

If torus water level is below 305 in.

(suppression chamber spray nozzles), initiate suppression chamber sprays.


p .. . . . .

ik ldi i l i l[. I . s 1 L ; ) t.

4-3 Revision a


  • If torus water level is below 183 in. (bottom of internal torus to drywell vacuum breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water) and drywell temperature and pressure are within the Drywell Spray Initiation Limit (Figure 10), shut down recirculation pumps and drywell cooling fans and initiate drywell sprays.

SP/L Monitor and control torus water level.

If while executing the following steps Primary Containment Flooding is required, enter (procedure developed from L Continaency #61.

SP/L-1 Maintain torus water level between 130 in.

(maximum torus water level LCO) and 127 in.

(minimum torus water level LCO); refer to sampilng procedures prior to discharging water.

If torus water level cannot be maintained above 127 in. (minimum torus water level LCO), execute (Step SP/L-2).

If torus water level cannot be maintained below ,

130 in. (maximum torus water lever LCO), execute (Step SP/L-3).

SP/L-2 TORUS HATER LEVEL BELOH 127 in. (minimum torus water level LCO)

SP/L-2.1 Maintain torus water level above the Heat Capacity Level Limit (Figure 13).

If torus water level cannot be maintained above the Heat Capacity Level Limit (Figure 13), EMERGENCY RPV OEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRE 0; enter (procedure developed from the RPV Guideline) at (Step RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

SP/L-2.2 Maintain torus water level above 82 in.  ;

(top of the HPCI exhaust).  !

If torus water level cannot be maintained above 82 in. (top of the HPCI exhaust), secure HPCI irrespective ,

of whether adequate core cooling is assured.

SP/L-3 TORUS HATER LEVEL ABOVE 130 in. (maximum torus water level LCO)

Execute Steps SP/L-3.1, SP/L-3.2, and SP/L-3.3) concurrentiv.

l 4,4 i5 lii j}kif[.! ,1 ;i

1 SP/l-3.1 Maintain torus water level below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit (Figure 8).

If torus water level cannot be maintained below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit (Figure 8), enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

If torus water level and RPV pressure cannot be maintained below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit (Figure 8), but only if adequate core cooling is assured, terminate injection into the RPV from sources external to the primary containment except from boron injection systems and CRD.

If torus water level and RPV pressure cannot be restored and maintained below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit (Figure 8), EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

SP/L-3.2 Maintain torus water level below 183 in (bottom of internal torus to drywell vacuum breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water).

If torus water level cannot be maintained below 183 in. (bottom of internal torus to drywell vacuum breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water):

  • Terminate drywell sprays
  • If adequate core cooling is assured, terminate injection into the RPV from l

sources external to the primary i containment except from boron injection i systems and CRD. l SP/L-3.3 Maintain primary containment water level below the Maximum Primary Containment Hater Level Limit (Figure 2).

If primary containment water level cannot be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit (Figure 2), terminate injection into the RPV from sources external to the primary containment irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured.

"5 20R iduima i .; a J


PC/H Monitor and control primary containment hydrogen and oxygen concentrations.

If while executing the following steps:

e Drywell or torus hydrogen concentration cannot be determined to be below 6% and drywell or torus oxygen concentration cannot be determined to be below 5%,

EMERGENCY RPV OEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED; enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure; irrespective of the offiste radioactivity release rate, vent and purge the primary containment in accordance with (Steps PC/H-2.1 through 2.4] until drywell and torus hydrogen concentrations can be determined to be below 6% or drywell and torus oxygen concentrations can be determined to be below 5%.

PC/H-1 When drywell or torus hydrogen concentration reaches 1.0%

(minimum detectable hydrogen concentration), but only if the offiste radioactivity release rate is expected to remain below the offsite release rate LCO, vent and purge the primary containment, defeating isolation interlocks if necessary, to restore end maintain drywell and torus hydrogen concentraticns below 1.0% (minimum detectable nydrogen concentration) as follows:

If while executing the following stsc the offsite radioactivity release rate reaches the offsite release rate LCO. jsolate the crimhrv containment vent and ourge.

PC/H-1.1 Sample and analyze the primary containment atmosphere for radioactivity in accordance with procedure, "Drywell Atmosphere Sampling, Transport and Analyses Under Emergency Conditions".

PC/H-1.2 If torus water level is below 310 in. (bottom of the torus vent), vent the torus in accordance with procedure 5.4.6 "Primary Containment Venting und Purging Under Emergency Conditions".

If toru? water level is at or above 310 in.

(bottom of the torus vent) or if the torus cannot be vented, vent the drywell in accordance with procedure 5.4.6, "Primary Containment Venting and Purging Under Emergency Conditions".

PC/H-1.3 If the torus or drywell can be vented:'

  • If drywell oxygen concentration is below 5%

initiate and maximize the drywell nitrogen purge flow.

-6 pOn m. . um,auit , ain


l o If drytell oxygtn concentration is not below I 5% initiate and maximize the drywell air purge flow.

PC/H-2 When drywell or torus hydrogen concentration reaches 6% and drywell or torus oxygen concentration is above 5% EMERGENCY RPV OEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRE 0; enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure; irrespective of the offsite radioactivity release rate, vent and purge the primary containment, defeating isolation interlocks if necessary, to restore and maintain drywell and torus hydrogen concentrations below 6% or drywell and torus oxygen concentrations below 5% as follows:

If while executing the following steps suppression chamber or drywell spray have been initiated and:

  • Torus pressure drops below 2.5 psig (high drywell pressure scram setpoint), terminate suppression chamber sprays.
  • Drywell pressure drops below 2.5 psig (high drywell oressure scram setcoint). terminate drvwell scravs.

PC/H-2,1 If torus water level is below 305 in.

(suppression chamber spray nozzles), initiate suppression chamber sprays using only those RHR pumps not required to assure adwquate core .

cooling by continuous operation in the LPCI mode.

PC/H-2.2 If torus water level is below 310 in. '

(bottom of the torus vent), vent the torus in i accordance with Procedure 5.4.6, "Primary Containment Venting and Purging Under Emergency Conditions".

If torus water level is at or above 310 in. (bottom of the torus vent) or if the torus cannot be vented, vent the drywell in accordance with Procedure 5.4.6,  !

"Primary Containment Venting and Purging Under Emergency Conditions".

PC/H-2.3 If the torus or drywell can be vented, initiate and maximize the drywell purge flow.

PC/H-2.4 If torus water level is below 183 in.

(bottom of internal torus to drywell vacuum 1 breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water) and drywell temperature and pressure are within the Orywell Spray Initiation .

Limit (Figure 10), shut down recirculation pumps I and crywell cooling fans and initiate drywell l sprays using only those RHR pumps not required to  !

assure adequate core cooling by continuous l operation in the LPCI mode. l OR H i u i a . l'. : . ; , , v

PC/H-3 When drywell or torus hudrogen concentration cannot be restored and maintained below 6% and drywell or torus oxygen concentration cannot be restored and maintained below 5%, then irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured:

If while executing the following steps suppression chamber or drywell sprays have been initiated and:

  • Torus pressure drops below 2.5 psig (high drywell pressure scram setpoint), terminate suppression chamber sprays.

e Drywell pressure drops below 2.5 psig (high drywell oressure scram setooint). terminate drvwell seravs.

PC/H-3.1 If torus water level is below 305 in.

(suppression chamber spray nozzles), initiate suppression chamber sprays.

PC/H-3.2 If torus water level is below 183 in.

(bottom of internal torus to drywell vacuum breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in 1 feet of water) and drywell temperature and pressure are within the Drywell Spray Initiation Limit (Figure 10), shut down recirculation pumps '

and drywell cooling fans and initiate drywell sprays. '


l l

i l

4-8 Revision 3 i

p,is .. . . ,


~Vii N f U h nil'!;; ,; u n t '

I l



PURPOSE The purpose of this guideline is to:

o Protect equipment in the secondary containment, e Limit radioactivity release to the secondary containment, and either:

i ,

ENTRY CONDITIONS The entry conditions for this guideline are any of the following secondary containment conditions:

e Differential pressure at or above 0 in, of water

  • An area temperature above the maximum normal operating temperature (Table 5-1) a A HLV cooler temperature above the maximum normal operating temperature )

(Table 5-2) e Reactor building exhaust radiation level above 710 cps (maximum normal operating HLV exhaust radiation level) e An area radiation level above the maximum normal operating radiation level (Table 5-3) e Reactor building floor drain sump water level above 1 in, on HPCI pump  !

room floor (maximum normal operating floor drain sump water level)

  • An area water level above the maximum normal operating water level '

(Table 5-4)  !

i l

l 4 l 5-1 Revision 3 p .. . . .

On m. . utu,uu .;,; a

OPERATOR ACTIONS If while executing the following steps refuel floor exhaust radiation '

level exceeds 16 mR/hr (reactor building H&V high radiation level secondary containment isolation setpoint): ,


  • Confirm or manually initiate SBGT operation.

i If while executing the following steps; e Reactor building H&V isolates, and e

Refuel floor exhaust radiation level is below 16 mR/hr (reactor building H&V radiation level secondary containment isolation l setpoint.) 1 reset the secondary containment isolation and restart reactor building H&V, defeating high drywell pressure and low RPV water level isolation interlocks if necessary.

Irrespective of the entry condition, execute (Steps SC/T, SC/R, and i SC/L) concurrently.

1 I

4 i

a i

l l

l i

1 i 5-2 Devitinn 1 I 0,;pi lic unnj/,: ....; v1,m

SC/T Monitor and control secondary containment temperatures.

SC/T-1 Control secondary containment area temperatures below maximum normal operating values (Table 5-1) using available area coolers.

SC/T-2 If refuel floor exhaust radiation level is below 16 mR/hr (reactor building H&V high radiation level secondary containment isolation setpoint), operate available reactor building H&V.

SC/T-3 When an area temperature exceeds it maximum normal operating temperature (Table 5-1),

isolate all systems that are discharging into the area except #1 systems required to shut down the reactor, assure adequate core cooling, or suppress a fire.

Execute Steps (SC/T-4 and SC/T-5) concurrently.

SC/T-4 If a primary system is discharging into secondary containment:

SC/T-4.1 Before any area temperature reaches its  ;

maximum safe operating temperature (Table 5-1), enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

i SC/T-4.2 When an area temperature exceeds its maximum <

safe operating temperature (Table 5-1) in more than one area, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

SC/T-5 When an area temperature exceeds its maximum safe operating temperature (Table 5-1) in more than one area, shut down the reactor.

SC/R Honitor and control secondary containment radiation levels.

SC/R-1 When an area radiation level exceeds its maximum normal operating radiation level (Table S-3), isolate all systems that are discharging into the area except systems required to shut down the reactor, assure adequate core cooling, or suppress a fire.

1 5-3 Davision 3 in uina.:.;,; M OR

1 l

l Execute (Steps SC/R-2 and SC/R-3) concurrently.

SC/R-2 If a primary system is discharging into secondary containment:

SC/R-2,1 Before any area radiation level reaches its I maximum safe operating radiation level (Table 5-3), enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

SC/R-2,2 When an area radiation level exceeds its i maximum safe operating radiation level (Table  ;


SC/R-3 Nhen an area radiation level exceeds its maximum safe operating radiation level (Table 5-3) in more than one area, shut down the reactor.

SC/L Honitor and control secondary containment water levels.

SC/L-1 When the reactor building floor drain sump or an area water level is above its maximum normal operating water level (Table 5-4), operate available sump pumps to '

restore and maintain it below its maximum normal operating water level.

If the reactor building floor drain sump or any area water level cannot be restored and maintained below its maximum normal operating water level (Table 5-4), isolate all systems that are discharging water into the sump or area except systems required to shut down the reactor, assure adequate core cooling, or suppress a fire.

Execute (Steps SC/L-2 and SC/L-3) concurrently.

SC/L-2 If a primary system is discharging into secondary  ;


SC/L-2.1 Before any area water level reaches its m3ximum safe operating water level (Table 5-4), enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

5-4 Revision 3 i n

On la uta,vul,; ai

L SC/L-2.2 When an area water level exceeds its maximum safe operating water level (Table 5-4) in t more than one area, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

SC/L-3 Nhen an area water level exceeds its maximum safe operating water level (Table 5-4) in more than one area, shut down the reactor, I

l I

l l

l l

l I


l i

5-5 oevisinn t I OliluUM,u'.!.i.,0:,Ll


AREA OPERATING OPERATING VALUE VALUE OE OE l P C U filter area - 74' Elev. 105 120

.M U holding pump area - 74' Elev. 105 120 RNCU hackwath tank area - 51' Elev. 105 214 RNCU "A" pump area - 51' Elev. 105 213 RNCU "B" pump area - 51' Elev. 105 213 l RHCU heat exchanger area - 51' Elev. 105 215 RNCU piping mezzanine area 105 238 36' Elev.  ;

RCIC torus piping area 105 258 RCIC turbine area 105 130 RCIC piping area - 23' Elev. 105 224 (TIP room)

Hain steam tunnel area Main steam tunnel area 105 289 1

) HPCI torus piping area 105 258 HPCI turbine area 105 130 HPCI piping area - 23' Elev. 105 309

("B" RHR valve room) i RHR "B" and "D" pump area 105 130 j RHR "A" and "C" pump area 105 130 l RHCU & RHR piping area - 23' Elev. 105 251

("A" RHR valve room)


j RHR S.E. pipewell area 105 224 j RHR piping area - 80' Elev. 105 120 j (Fuel pool heat exchanger area) l i


! 5-6 cewision 3 i " - .

j3 .. . . . . ,

VI l kit h! .h e k Vil',! L

,,~------,---s,-,- .- ,-,- , -. .,---------.-_,,c-,- - , . . ,.....-..-n-. . - - - - - - , - ~ - - . . - . .

i TABLE 5-2


OF HPCI compartment 100 ,-

i RHR quadrant 100  ;

CR0 quadrant 100 [

RCIC quadrant 100 l

i i

i i

i i

l i

l 1

5-7 Revision 3 l 70!? ulutoc.11., ;;,L I





H&V EXHAUST RADIATION LtVEL i Reactor building 710 cps NA Refuel floor 16 mR/hr NA mR/hr mR/hr N.H. equipment space /HPCI pump room 20 1000 (

17'6" Elev. '

CRD pump room - 17'6" Elev. 20 1000 j RCIC pump room - 17'6" Elev. 22 1000  ;

S.E. equipment space - 17'6" Elev. 350 1000 l

CRD HCU west area - 23' Elev. 300 1000 i CR0 HCU east area - 23' Elev. 300 1000 l i

RB west area 51' Elev. 5 1000  !

RB east area 51' Elev. 8 1000 I

North storage and laydown area 28 1000 74'3" Elev. l j

Fuel pool cooling pump /hx area 60 1000 74'3" Elev, SBLC pump area - 91'3" Elev. 5 1000 Skimmer surge tank area 40 1000 91'3" Elev.

l 5-8 Revision 3 b ,lii VIU U'.! s,i h; I l


I l

l l


N.H. quadrant 1 6 S.E. quadrant 1 6 HPCI compartment 1 6 S.H. quadrant 1 6 CR0 quadrant 1 6 5-9 Revision 3 I ( i U l i i . ! / '. .' , ,,y;iu

i 6



PURPOSE The purpose of this guideline is to limit radioactivity release into areas oatside the primary and secondary containments. l 4


i The entry condition for this guideline is:  !

  • Offsite radioactivity release rate above the offsite release rate which requires an Alert.


If while executing the following steps turbine builoing H&V is 7 shutdown, restart turbine building H&V.

RR-1 Isolate all primary systems that are discharging into areas outside  !

the primary and secondary containments exce'Jt systems required to assure adequate core cooling or shut down the reactor.

RR-2 When offsite radioactivity release rate approaches or exceeds the offsite release rate which requires a General Emergency but only if a primary system is discharging into an area outside the primary and secondary containments. EMERGENCY RPV OEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED; .

enter (procedure develop'id from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step '

j RC-1) and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

i i

i 4

t ll 6-1 Revision 3


20!I In Vin,ilu 1., a,L I


CONTINGENCY #1 - ALTERNATE LEVEL CONTROL If while executing the following steps:

  • Any control rod cannot be determined to be inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal <

Position) and it has not been determined that the reactor will  !

remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #5].

e RPV water level cannot be determined, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #4).

s RPV water level is increasing, enter (procedure developed t from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC/L).  :

e RPV water level drops below -49 in. (A05 low RPV water level

] initiation setpoint), prevent automatic initiation of ADS.

Level Limit (Figure 2), then irrespective of whether adequate l core cooling is assured terminate injection into the RPV from t sources external to the primary containment until primary ,

, containment water level and torus pressure can be maintained  !

below the Maximum Primary Containment Water level Limit.

1 Cl-1 Line up for injection, start pumps, and irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, increase injection flow to the maximum with ? or more of the following injection subsystems:  !

e Condensate e LPCI-A, with injection through the heat exchanger as soon as possible.

e LPCI-8, with injection through the heat exchanger as soon as l possible, e CS.A

' s C5-B I


7-1 Devitten 1 I O!! in uin al.: 1 , m ,m

If less than 2 of the injection subsystems can be lined up, commence I lining up as many of the following alternate injection subsystems as  :

possible: i


e SSH crosstied to RHR e City Hater crosstled to RHR l

e Fire Hater crosstied to RHR j e ECCS Keep-Full i e Demineralized Hater Transfer crosstled to SBLC (test tank or i boron tank)  !

e Condensate Transfer crosstied to ECCS fill line  !

Cl-2 If RPV pressure is above 125 psig (highest RPV pressure at which the +

shutoff head of a low-water-quality alternate injection subsystem  !

(excluding SBLC) is reached):


If while executing the following steps RPV pressure drops below ,

125 psig (highest RPV pressure at which the shutoff head of a l low-water-quality alternate injection subsystem (excluding SBLC is reached), continue in this procedure at (Step Cl-3).  ;

Cl-2.1 If no injection subsystem is lined up for injection with l at least one pump running, start pumps in alternate  ;

injection subsystems which are lined up for injection. j Cl-2.2 Hhen RPV water level drops to -126.3 in. (top of active l I

fuel) .

e If any system, injection subsystem or alternate injection subsystem is lined up with at least one l pump running, EMERGENCY RPV OEPRESSURIZATION IS l


l e !f no system, injection subsystem or alternate l injection subsystem is lined up with at least one pump running, STEAM COOLING IS REQUIRED.

7-2 Revision 3 l h VIilii/'. ! . ,i b;,

C1-3 When RPV pressure drops below 125 psig (highest RPV pressure at which the shutoff head of a low-water-quality alternate injection subsystem (excluding SBLC) is reached):

Cl-3.1 Line up for injection, start pumps, and irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, increase injection flow to the maximum with all systems and injection subsystems.

Cl-3.2 Hhen RPV water level drops to -126.3. in. (top of active fuel), EMERGENCY RPV OEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRE 0; line up for injection, start pumps, and increase injection flow to the maximum with as many alternate injection subsystems as possible.

If RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above

-126.3 in. (top of active fuel), PRIMARv CONTAINMENT FLOODING IS REQUIRED, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #6).

l l

l l

l l

7-3 Revision 3 pn . . ..

\It .< . 4, h Q l1 Q


C2-1 When either:

e Any control rod cannot be determined to be inserted to 70 be position 02 (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Pcrition) yond and l it has not been determined that the reactor will rew.i., shutdown  ;

under all conditions without boron and all injecticA into the RPV except from boron injection systems, CRD, and sC M has been terminated and prevented, or

  • All control rods are inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position) or it his been determined that the reactor will remain shutdcwn under all  !

conditions without boron, t


  • If a high drywell pressure ECCS initiation signal (2.5 psig (drywell pressure which initiates ECCS)) exists, prevent injection from those CS and LPCI pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling. '

L C2-1.2 If suppression pool water level is above 46 in. (top of the ,

SRV discharge device), then irrespective of the resulting RPV cooldown rate, open all ADS valves.

l C2-1.3 If less than 3 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for i Emergency Depressurization) SRVs are open and RPV pressure  !

is at least 50 psig (Minimum SRV Reopening Pressure) above t torus pressure, rapidly depressurize the RPV, defeating i isolation interlocks if necessary, using one or more of the l following: 1

  • RPV head vent If RPV water level cannot be determined, either (proa.edure i developed f rom Contingency #4).

l l

8-1 Revision 3 i

On liluia./u.;., m J

n C:-2 When either:

e All control rods are inserted to or beyond position 07 (Maximum Suberitical Banked Withorawal Position), or e

s It has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, or e

538.9 pounds (Cold Shutdown Baron Height) of boron that is enriched to at least 54.5 atom-percent boron-10 have been injected into the RPV, or e

The reactor is shutdown and no boron has been injected into the RPV, enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC/P-4).


8-2 Revision 3 "A{T .

i ( kl4 /.i.se1 \/ l 16

... . _ . - - . . = . - _ . __ -. . . . ._ _ _ - . __ -.

l 1




I  !

i i i

If while etecuting this step Emergency RPV Depressurization is ,

required, RPV water level cannot be determined, or any system,  !

injection subsystem, or alternate injection subsystem is lined up for -

injection with at least one pump running, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #21.  !

C3-1 When RPV water level drops to -168.3 in. (Minimum Zero-Injection RPV '

Water Level) enter (procedure developed from Contingency #2).

r s

I i

l r

l l

l 9-1 Revision 3 Ori iar uim;!,:.;,, ;;;

SECTION 10 CONTINGENCY #4 - RPV FLOODING If while executing the following steps RPV water level can be '


  • If any control rod cannot be determined to be inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position) and it has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boren, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #5) and (procedure  ;

developed from RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC/P-4) and j execute these procedures concurrently. '

e If all control rods are inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Suberitical Banked Hithdrawal Position) or it has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Steps RC/L and RC/P-4) and execute .

these steps concurrently.

l J

If while executing the following steps primary containment water level and torus pressure cannot be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit (Figure ?), then irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured terminate injection into the RPV from sources external to the primary containment until i primary containment water level and torus pressure cari be  !

j maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit.

C4-1 If any control rod cannot be determined to be inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Subtritical Banked Withdrawal Position) and it

) has not been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, flood the RPV as follows: '

i t

If while executing the following steps either all control rods are inserted to o* beyond position 02 (Maximum Subtritical Barked l

i Hithdrawal Position) or it has been determined that the reactor

will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron but RPV water level cannot be determined, continue in this procedure at i

l (Step C4-2).

t l

3 10-1 Revision 3 i'.lil.iC
iL i

C4-1.1 Terminate and prevent all injection into the RPV except from boron injection systems and CR0 until RPV pressure is below the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure.

Number of Minimum Alternate RPV Open SRVs Flooding Pressure (psig) 4 180.6 3 245.8 2 376.0 1 766.7 If less than 1 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lif ting pressure) SRV can be opened, continue in this procedure.

C4-1.2 If at least 3 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for '

Emergency Depressurization) SRVs can be opened, close the MSIVs, main steam line drain valves, and RCIC steam line isolation valves.

C4-1,3 Commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, slowly increase injection into the RPV with the following systems untti at least 1 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate #4 RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure) SRV is open and RPV pressure is above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure:

  • Feedwater pumps, defeating high RPV water level pump trip logic if necessary.
  • Condensate pumps e CR0 e

LPCI, with injection through the heat exchangers as soon as possible.

10-2 Revision 3 0 i lh Ulu il'.: 1,; vnL

i l

l l

If less than 1 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lif ting pressure) SRV is open or RPV pressure cannot be l increased to above then Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure, commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, slowly increase injection into the RPV with the following systems until at least 1 (minimum number of l SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure) SRV is open and j RPV pressure is above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding l 4


  • City Hater crosstied to RHR
  • Fire Water crosstied to RHR
  • ECCS Keep-Full Condensate Transfer crosstled to ECCS 1

If less tbin 1 (minimum number of SRVs for which the i Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lif ting pressure) SRV is open or RPV pressure cannot be increased to above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT FLOODING IS REQUIRE 0; enter (procedure developed from Contingency #6) and (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC/P-4) ,

and execute these procedures concurrently. I C4-1.4 When at least 1 (minimum number of SRVs from which the i

Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lif ting pressure) SRV is open and RPV pressure is above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure, control injection to maintain at least 1 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure) SRV open and RPV pressure above the Minimum Alternate Flooding Pressure but

! as low as practicable, l

i q

10-3 Revision 3 20R in uta,uu.;,, A

. . . . - ~ - - _ - . .

C4-1.5 When all control rods are inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Subtritical Banked Withdrawal Position) or it has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, continue in this procedure.

C4-2 If at least 3 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization) SRVs can be opened or if a feedwater pump is available for injection, close the HSIVs, main steam line drain valves, and RCIC steam line isolation valves.  ;

C4-3 Flood the RPV as follows:

2 C4-3.1 Commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, increase injection into the RPV with the following systems J

until at least 3 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for i

Emergency Depressurizaticti) SRVs are open and RPV pressure is not decreasing and is 52 psig (Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure) or more above torus pressure:

  • Feedwater pumps, defeating high RPV water level pump trip logic if necessary.

! e LPCI, with injection through the heat exchangers as (

i soon as possible.

a e Condensate pumps


  • City Water crosstled to RHR e

Fire Water crosstied to RHR i e Demineralized Water Transfer crosstied to SBLC

Condensate Transfer crosstied to ECCS J '

)  ;

I i

l i

1 10-4 Revision 3 j g . . ..

i Oii in uto.;/.:. ., v;a 2

i I

l If less than 3 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization) SRVs are open or RPV Pressure cannot be maintained at least 52 psig

, (Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure) above torus pressure PRIMARY CCNTAINHENT FLOODING IS REQUIRED:

enter (procedure developed from Contingency #6) and (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC/P-4) and execute these l procedures concurrently.

1 l

1 C4-3.2 When at least 3 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization) SRVs are open and RPV pressure can be maintained at least 52 psig (Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure) above torus pressure, control injection to maintain at least 3 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization) SRVs open and RPV pressure at i least 52 psig (Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure) above torus pressure but as low as practicable.

C4-4 Whet e RPV water level instrumentation is available, and '

e Temperatures near the RPV water level instrument reference leg i vertical runs are below D20F, and l e RPV pressure has remained at least 52 psig (Minimum RPV Flooding l 1 Pressure) above torus pressure for at least the Minimum Core l l Flooding Interval j (

a Number of Minimum Core Flooding Open SRVs Interval (minutes)


! 4 62.9 3 107.6 l Terminate all injection into the RPV and reduce RPV water level until

{ RPV water level indication is restored.

i If RPV mater level indication is not restored within the Maximum Core Uncovery Time Limit (Figure 14) after commencing termination of injection into the RPV, return to (Step C4-3.1).

i C4-5 Enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Steps

] RC/L and RC/P-4) and execute these steps concurrently, i

10-5 Revision 3 Oriinuta,;!.:.;,;v;m

_ - . . . . _ . . _ -m., _ _ _ _ _ . , . , _ , _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ , , - _ , _ _ _ - , _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ - . .

SECTION 11 CONTINGENCY #5 - LEVEL /PONER CONTROL If while executing the following steps:

e RPV water level cannot be determined, enter (procedure developed from Contingency #4),

e All control rods are inserted to or beyond position 02 (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position) or it has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at (Step RC/L).

C5-1 Prevent automatic initiation of ADS.

C5-2 If:

e Reactor power is above 3% (APRM downscale trip setpoint) or cannot be determined, and e

Torus temperature is above the Boron Injection Initiation Temperature (Figure 9), and i

e Either an SRV is open or opens or drywell pressure is above 2.5 psig (high drywell pressure scram setpoint), i Then; e

If any MSIV is open, bypass low RPV water level MSIV isolation interlocks, and e

Lower RPV water level, irrespective of any consequent reactor l power or RPV water level oscillations, by terminating and preventing all injection into the RPV except from boron injection systems and CR0 until either:

e Reactor power drops below 3% (APRH downscale trip setpoint), or 11-1 Revision 3 20!l ih'.!i., Oni.

e RPV water level reaches -126.3 in. (top of active fuel), or e All SRVs remain closed and drywell pressure remains below 2.5 psig (high drywell pressure scram setpoint).

If while executing the following steps Emergency RPV Depressurization is required, continue in this procedure at (Step C5-3.1).

1 l If while executing the following step:

I e Reactor power is above 3% (APRM downscale trip setpoint) or cannot be determined, and e RPV water level is above -126.3 in. (top of active fuel), and e Torus temperature is above the Boron Injection Initiation Temperature (Figure 9), and ,

o Either an SRV is open or opens or drywell pressure is above 2.5 psig l (high drywell pressure scram setpoint), j d

return to (Step C5-2).

2 i

C5-3 Maintain RPV water level either:

  1. 4 l

4 e

If RPV water level was deliberately lowered in (Step C5-2),

between -156.3 in. (Minimum $ team Cooling RPV Water Level) and j the level to which it was lowered, or l 1

e If RPV water level was not deliberately lowered in (Step C5-2),

i between -126.3 in. (top of active fuel) and +48 in. (reactor feedvater pump high RPV water level trip setpoint), l i with the following systems:

  • Condensate /feedwater l e CR0 l

1 l



l 11-2 Revision 3 w . .

l 5 f klt /. .s,t V'Ik J

l l

I l

e RCIC with $Uttien from the CST, defeating low RPV pressure isolation interlocks if necessary.

  1. 2 #3 a

e HPCI with suction from the CST, defeating high torus water level suction transfer logic if a

necessary. #2 l l

e LPCI, with injection through the heat exchangers as soon as possible; control and maintain pump flow less than RHR Pump NPSH Limit (Figure 5a and Sb) and the RHR Vortex Limit (Figure 6).

If RPV water level was not deliberately lowered in (Step C5-2) and RPV water level cannot be maintained above -126.3 in. (top i of active fuel), maintain RPV water level between -156.3 in.

(Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Hater Level) and +48 in. (high RPV water level trip setpoint).


' If RPV water level cannat be maintained above -156.3 in.

(Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level). EHERGENCY RPV OEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED-i C5-3.1 Terminate and prevent all injection into the RPV j

except from boron injection systems, CRD, and RCIC until RPV pressure is below the Minimum Alternate RPV 3 Flooding Pressure, i

i i t

Number of Minimum Alternate RPV Open SRVs Flooding Pressure (psig) 4 180.6 i

3 245.8

2 376.0 r

1 766.7 i

If less than 1 (minimum number of SRVs for which the 2

Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the

lowest SRV lifting pressure) SRV can be opened,
continue in this procedure.

i a

i 11 1 Revision 3 li Ulitii!'.! . b;L !

C5-3.2 Commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, slowly increase injection into the RPV with the following systems to restore and #4 maintain RPV water level above -126.3 in. (top of active fuel):

  • Condensate /feedwater e CR0  ;

e RCIC with suction from the CST, defeating low RPV l pressure isolation interlocks if necessary.

! e HPCI with suction from the CST, defeating high torus water level suction transfer logic if necessary.

! e LPCI, with injection through the heat exchangers as soon as possible, j If RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above

-126.3 in. (top of active fuel), restore t,J maintain RPV ,

water level above -156.3 in. (Minimum steam Cooling RPV '

Hater Level).

I If RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above

-156.3 in. (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Hater Level),

i commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, i

slowly increase injection into the RPV with the following j systems to restore and maintain RPV water level above

] -156.3 in. (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level).

e CS l


  • SSH crosstled to RHR e City Water crosstled to RHR


e Fire Water crosstied to RHR e ECCS Keep-Full ,

i e

Condensate Transfer crossMed to ECCS l r

l 4 >

If RPV water level cannot be restored and  ;

maintained above -156.3 in. (Minimum Steam

) Cooling RPV Hater Level), PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ,

j FLOODING IS REQUIRED: enter (precedure developed

from Contingency #6) l l

l j 11-4 Revision 3 l nn .- .

'Vii Hi Ulu.i!'.!. ., w u '

1 j

l j

C5-3.3 When RPV water level can be maintained above -156.3 in. .

(Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level), return to (Step  !

C5-3). '

If while executing the following step reactor power .7mmences and l continues to increase, return to ($tep C5-2). l i

j C5-4 When 370.5 pounds 0 ot Shutdown Boron Height) of boron that is i i enriched to at least 54.4 atom-percent Boron-10 have been injected

into the RPV, restore and maintain RPV water level between +9 in.

1 (low RPV water level scram setpoint) and +48 in. (high RPV wator level trip setpoint).

1 If RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above +9 in. ,

i (Iow RPV water level scram setpoint), maintain RPV water level above

-126.3 in. (top of active fuel).

4 If RPV water level cannot be maintained above -126.3 in. (top of  :

! active fuel) EMERGENCY RPV OEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED; return to l [ Step C5-3.1).

C5-5 When Procedure 2.1.5, "Controlled Shutdown from Power" is entered i from (procedure developed from RPV Control Guideline) at (Step

  • RC/P-5), proceed to cold shutdown in accordance with the appropriate 1
section of Procedure 2.1.5, "Controlled Shutdown from Power".

4 l




)  ;

i j

1 1

i  :

i t l

\  !

l t

i 1

i I

j 11-5 Revision 3 i p  !

j .

Dii ur uta,u.: . ., m !




If while executing the following steps

j e Primary containment water level and torus pressure cannot be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit (Figure 2), then irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is  !

! assured terminate injection into the RPV from sources external to th6 i '

primary containment until primary containment water level and torus pressure can be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment i

. Water Level 1.imit, e RPV water level can be restored and maintained above -126.3 in. (top of active fuel), enter (procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline) at LStep RC/L).

C6-1 Operate the follcwing systems:

e CS; operate one CS with suction from the CST only when the other

, CS is operating with suction from the torus.

  • Condensate / feec' water e . '

e RCIC with suction from CST only, dafeating low RPV pressure t isolation interlocks if necessary.

4 j e LPCI with suction from sources external to the primary

! containment only, ,

[ e SSH crosstled to RHR i

! e City Water crosstied to RHR e Fire Water crosstied to RHR 1


I e

Condensate Transfer crosstied to ECCS e Gravity feed from CST to HPCI ninimum flow line a

l 1.

4 l 12-1 Revision 3 i

l y,

~Vin$ lli Ulili!!' ! ; s , i


l \


! Execute (Steps C6-2 and C6-3) concurrently.

l l,

i C6-2 When primary containment water level reaches +11 f t (bottom of the t

lowest recirculation piping), then irrespective of the offsite '

radioactivity release rate vent the RPV, defeating isolation  !

interlocks if necessary, until RPV water level reaches -126.3 in. .

(top of active fuel) with one or more of the following: l

e HPCI steam line t i  !

  • M !C steam line j

C6-3 When primary containment water level reaches 67.5 f t (top of active fuel), maintain primary containment water level between 67.5 ft (top  :

J of active fuel) and the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit  !

! (Figure 2) with the following systems taking suction from sources i j external to the primary containment only when required: [

l e CS I I t e Condensate /feedwater  !

i s CRD  !

i l

i e LPCI 1 4


e SSW crosstled to NHR j

e City Water crosstled to RHR l i

e Fire Water crosstied to RHR l


e Condensate Transfer crosstled to ECCS e Gravity feed from CST to HPCI minimum flow line l

i i

l 1

i l

12-2 Revision 3 l

Ill VIihi/'.! . f (;3b i


l 1

4 l

A-I Revision 3 j

IIIUlilii/'!,'s,, -;,

. ._. ~_ . . - -

h i

I l

l l

t I

1 p

500-We%3WN .



4 $Q., . ......{........f.......j.......{.......{........j.......


:  :  :  :  : l N 400- " i" " " i " " " i " " " & " " "i: " " " i": " " i": " " "i :" " " -

g C

N\-  :


'- 350-sN N "."""t"""t"-"t"""?""-:"""t"""<"""")"""

0 -

:  : l l l

i 300- <c>+>.:.4.n..- ,

i N  ::

I 250 ...f........I........*........,.......f........#........'........{.......I........f........

l i  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :

i i l  :.  :.  :  :.  :  :.  :

j 9

  • I I I I I I I I i 3 i

400 600 800 1000  :

0 200 ,



Figure 1: RPV Saturation Temperature 1 l


A-2 Revision 3 I

= ;g i . *

. . s. tt, iat i\ litVinhll.g  ; . s.t v;iL

1 fhffhfffffygl - - f .. -80

/-7Q -E


l  :  : .J

. W

..........j...........[...........i...........}......... -

-60 J

:  :  : cc W


,/ - -

i  : i i d

......................i...........:.................... <-40 w

:  :  : E
:  :  : F cc

..........s'...........i...........i................... -30 0

.......... , ........... ...................... ........ , -gQ s  :  :  :  :



5  :  :  :  :

d i  !  ! i i ' /

e  :  :  :  :  :

/ '

w 150-- - -i J - - -i i- - - Ji - - - ii- - - Ji - l Q /

3 i i i i i d  !

m  :  :  :  :  :

2 c 0 - - - - - : - - - - - - J - - - i- - - - ! - - - -

5 I I I I I

  • ./. I
r. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 i TORUS PRESSURE (ps'g) i I

e Figure 2: Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit 1 l

l I

A-3 Revision 3 l is .

'1 I I lb !..ya1 \,),1 b k

240 - .

. .: CS A :.  :

_ 220- " " " r " " "! "* " ! " " " ? " " " ",r " " " : "-

i .

. M."15 p si, " " !. " " -

, t .

W ':

200- *

. i.'**

      • '**'"*i..

D. t o psi' w .


5 56 w

m 160- "- "

""":'""">"""":""""""""<""""t.""":"""":""" .

c: . . . . . .

w . . .


< 140 I

g .

120- * ',' " **: "' ? . . " ?. ** - . . . .


W .......{........
........:......n)........:.........'........<..... .{........:........:......

100 . .

psi. .

80 s . . . . . . . . -

500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 FLOWRATE (gpm) i 240 . . . .

.CS B .:

w "1"5"p"si,'"""":"""

" ' " " - t " " " "- : " " " " " " " "r " " " " : " " " : " "

l C'220- - -

L .

g . . . . . . . . . '

-, ggQ . .......:........:........L........:.........L.......i........

. . . . . 4..... .


. j O p si . . . . . . . : .. . . . . .

\ . . . . . .

r . . .

180 ....... ........ . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . ....... . ..... ..... ......

5 si, 2 .

wr 160 """'""">""""
""":"""t.""""<.""""t."""":"""":""" . . . .

CC .


,i sjdQ.


............o... .

j . .

3 .

t-g . . .

          • '*****r."'*

. . . . . . . . . r J

z120' . .




. . . . . . . . t W . . . . . .

.......t,..... ..:. ......>.......:........ :. ......<n......<.....

5 100 , . . , , ,


O si.

! 80 . . . . . . . . -

500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 FLOWRATE (gpm) i l

l l ' Ind~ cates overpressure (i e.. airspace pressure plus hydrostat'c head above suction strainer) i t

figure 3: CS Purrp NPSH Limits i

I v.<

I A-4 Revision 3 j5 . .

li ...

t di..sii:/,. i 1 - .. .

1 in . . s.g v;st 4


- - - , - - , - - - - - - - , - - - - . , , , - , - , . - - --_,u+n, _,,,-p - . - _ --.-m - - - - c -*----r -~"d' ' --

gw--- *--

l i

l l


i 1

l l


i l

f. /' '

. j /(

:  : j/

l  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  : /.

l l  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :


l  :  :

.G  :  :.  :.  :  :.  :. '

I w . .

a 31.5 - " " " 4: " " " : ": " " " :" :" " " : " :" " : " ": " " " " ": " : " " ": " 4 " " ;"

l / e i

l d-  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :

, e  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :

I w  :  :  :  :  :  :  :

r<  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  : '

3:  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  : '

m D .

.........I.........f.......1........f........f.......1........f: .....'....... .



I b  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :

I  :  :  :  :  ;  ;  :  :

I  :  :  :  :  :  ;  ;  ;




'S'7 y;w y y y yg yj y'y

' 4 4. 4. 4/YA.

A .


4000 4 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 FLOWRATE (gpm)

Figure 4: CS Vortex Limit l

i I A-5 Revision 3 )

00 Iu Ula..:!.!.L ,v;,u l

250-- . .-

RHR LPCI A  :  :  :  :.

240- '.: . .

    • ?*' .
  • . . *t.

I W g3g. ................. . . . . .

, r 220-  : ** l' "* # **"'*; **' " **** i'***' '*! *'* ' ***

20, ........:.........:........:.........:........:.........:........:.........

. . . . . . . . 10..p si' . . . . . . .

w*- 200

  • i' " " 8" -

'* **:'** "  :*****'3 L

Wj . .

p. . . . . . . . .. : . . . . . . .. . : . . . . .. . . . : . . . .. . . . . > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . 4. .. . . . . . . : .. . . . . . . . ; . 5 ps i, . . . . . .  ;

4 180- '*"!""?""


"' *:" * .  :'""**.t'"

170- ".":'*".'** .

"'*'"'t"'":'***"':**t'** . . .

160- ". . . . . . .

. " 0 psi' "" -

>  !. " * " " i. " " " ? " " " "? " " " y " " " 1. ' " " "

  • i. ' " " " i 150- . . . . . . . . .
500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 FLOWRATE (gpm) ,

i 250 . , . . .

I'  :  :  :  :  :.  :.  :


240' '.

- *...****t.":*:'"'.:***'*.**..

D230' -- - -  ;' -  ;'"**-

W i

. i. i. i. i. i. i

7 15' psi'

]' y 220- '- i '  :

. -l.. *

  • 4. ' * * ;. ' -

3 . . . . . . .

J' . .......  : i a


. . . . . . . . .. 10 si' .. . . . . .

! w 200- . . .

i "'

** 'i" "'. ,: ' i'* '"

3 . . .

g .



y j g g ,, . ,

psi. .....

j r  :  :  :.  :  :.  :.  :  :  :


< . . . i g jgg.


. . . . i

. . . . . .........:........<........:........g........:........:........:.........:........{.......

m .

. . . l.


170' ' ' ' ' ' . - .

j 160'

" " " t. " " " t." " " " t. " " " " :. ' " " " t. " " " " : " " " " : " " " ?. "

" psf """

150 .

Soo 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 l FLOWRATE (gpm)

  • tr@ cates overpressure (i.e., airspace pressure plus hydrostats head above suction strainer) q l Figure Sa: RHR Pump A and C NPSH Limits t

'i 4

4 d

A-6 Revision 3 a

a p .

IH Uhw.: N.t et


I vii


! I d


250 . . . . . . . . .

:.  :  :. RHR (LPCI) B  :.  :  :  :

240- "". " " * " : " " " " ? " " " "?. " " " ": " " t " " " : * " " " : " " " * !. " " " ?. " -

s  :  :

y 230 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ........ ..... . . ..

.1 ps!,.....

W .

220- . .

w 210 ............. ..... ........ . . . . . . . . . ......... ....... ........ .................. 1 Mi*. .....

I ->

i W 200 - ,-

. . i. .>

g  : .  :  :  :  :  : .

g jgQ. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . . .:. . . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . : . . . $ p g jgg. ........:........:........> .......:........c .......(........i.........:........;........)...... .

170- *': .

. .?

*?- . .

r .

. . O psi.

160- " " " :.."""":."""?.""".""":."""t.""""t"""".""""-

150 . . . . . . , , .

500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 FLOWRATE (gpm) 250 . . . . . . . . . .

:  :  : RHR (LPCl) D  :  :  :  :

240 .................. . . . . . . . . . ....... ........ .... ...........

230 ............... .......... .... . . . . ... ..... .

15 psi e .....

W . . . . . . .

m .


> 220 . ,

... ..,.......e........<........:........:........;.......>......


- 10 Psi' . . . ..

10, ......... . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ..............

2 - - * -

w 200-r g

w 190 . ............. .......................... :.................:.........

......... ...$ psi .....

e w . . . .

3 180- .>-

170-  :

. " 2.

"  ?


:  :  :  :  : . w '

160 ......... ......... ....... ....... ......... ........ ........ . . . .O psi. . ..

v v v y 500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 FLOWRATE (gpm)

Indicates overpressure (i e., airspace pressure plus hydrostatic head above suction strainer)

Figure 5b: RHR Purrp 8 and 0 NPSH Limits A-7 Revision 3

~ gis .. . . . . .

vii I l i b 't h i I. .' . ,.,. i s./: t i



. . . . .  :. */


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T i 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 FLOWRATE (gpm) l l

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j Figure 6: RHR Vortex Limits


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,4 A-8 Revision 3 fs ,3 . .

.Vi\ l il ..dii. s. h /,. g..',,,.t \.M i t i


250 240- -

c 230-e .

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, i i i i i i i r i i 0 200 400 600 800 1000 RPV PRESSURE (psig) I i


i i

i l

l l

Figure 7: Heat Capacity Temperature Limit I

i l


A-9 Revision 3


R . .

I k i g .. .. .si1 \,,, .- ) 6 ;

1 I


300- ""

275- " . " " . " " " "

y y 250- "..~~~ ".".""".""~"""~" "- >: j > '"-

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O 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 RPV PRESSURE (psig) l 1

l Figure 8: SRV Tail Pipe level Limit l A 10 R* .sion 3 li. Vib.i!'. l . b ,, v; 1

180-170 :

/ -


v 160--  :<

w  :  :  :

cc  :.  :.

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100 - , , , , , ,

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -+ 50 REACTOR POWER (%)

i i

l l

Figure 9: Boron Injection Initiation Temperature i

l A-11 Revision 3 i l ( k i g . .! '. '. . , . t o


l i


1 1

600 4

500 - ,

, :. . . . . . . . a .



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i i i  !  :  :  :  : i 100 , . i ' ' ' ' ' '

5p 2O 3O 4O 50-.300 DRnVELL PRESSURE (ps'g)

Figure 10: Drywell Spray Initiation Limit A-12 Revision 3

~ p ;, . . .

l ... e1 V e' l L i

"mW,rfV' 45 ,/ f- -



VV 40- b, e >

jj j y

/ -

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:  :  :  :  :  :  :  : /


ff'  ;  ;  ;

0 100 150 200 250 300 TORUS WATER LEVEL (in.)

Figure 11: Pressure Suppression Pressure l l

l l


A.13 Revigien 3 5 I E i OIilii/'. ! . . i y ;i L

l l

L 80 . , y y ,

70 ,c r- '




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10-l t i it i iDRYWELL WATER LEVEL (tt) ',

l' l jl 2'O 3'O 40 50 60 70 f,80 0 ' I 1 1 1 I 1

I I- 1 0 150 300 TORUS WATER LEVEL (in.)

1 l

l Figure 12: Primary Containment Pressure Limit )

l A.14 o.wi. inn t

=03 la um,innL ; 0;,i ! , .

127 . . . . . . . . .

115- """""-"""":""""'"*""':"'""*:"""'""""':'"""'

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i '. I i oH 91 ,

79 , , , , , , , , ,

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 HCTL MARGIN = HCTL TORUS WATER TEMPERATURE ('F)

Figure 13: Heat Capacity Level Limit A-15 ...'"',

-Oli in! o,; v a.


g. .. . .. ..

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6- - /.> " " " : " " :

4 . . . . , , , . . . . . , , .


Figure 14: Maximum Core Uncovery Time Limit l

1 l

1 l

l A-16 i '. . . . . . .

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-- - _ - GA2 a i

INTRODUCTION The enclosed is the collection of plant operating procedures used to develop, process and issue the Pilgrim Plant-Specific Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs).

Procedure 1.3.4 Writers' Guide for E0Ps This document specifies the appropriate instructions, requirements, and conventions to be employed for writing PNPS Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs). These guidelines are provided to ensure that the required level of consistency in the organization, format, style, and content of the EOPs is established and effectively maintained. This Writers' Guide specifies the specific requirements or elements of each E0P including its identification, format, and content. The guidance provided herein is applicable to both the initial preparation and subsequent revisions of all PNPS E0Ps. This document supplements existing BECo and PNPS administrative procedures governing plant procedure preparation, revision, and control, but does not supplant them.

Procedure 1.3.4 EOP Verification Progan)

This document provides the appropriate requirements and instructions for verifying the PNPS Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs). The requirements i and instructions specified herein apply to the overall process of developing new E0Ps snd revising existing EOPs. This document supplements existing PNPS procedures governing procedure preparation, revision, and control, but does not supplant them.

- The E0P verification is defined as the process of confirming and documenting the technical accuracy and tritten correctness of the E0Ps. Technical i acriiracy is the EOP charactaristic that refers to the compatability of the i

pi N:9dures with plant systems, hardware and instrumentation. Additionally it also deals with the conformity of the E0Ps with other plant procedures that were referenced by it. Agreement with the technical content of the Plant-Specific Technical Guidelines (PSTGs) is also required. Written correctness is the characteristic of E0Ps which refers to the conformity of the procedures to E0P format and editorial content requirements presented in the Writers' Guide.

Procedure 1.3.4 E0P Validation Proaram This document provides the appropriate requirements and instructions for validating the PNPS Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs). The requirements l and instructions specified herein apply to the overall process of developing )

new E0Ps and revising existing EOPs. This document supplements existing PNPS i

l procedures governing procedure preparation, revision, and control, but does l not supplant them.

I l

E0P validation is best and simply defined as the process of confirming and l documenting "e operational correctness and usability of the E0Ps.

Correctness " the EOP characteristic which refers to the compatability of the '

procedures n'tn plant hardware, plant responses, operator capabilities, interactions with other plant procedures and the composition and manning level of on-shif t personnel. Usability is the E0P characteristic which refers to the adequacy of the procedures level of detail and understandability of the information presented in the procedure.

__ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- - . . - _ _ _ _ .--