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Collection of Plant Operating Procedures Utilized to Develop,Process & Issue Plant-Specific Emergency Operating Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 11/20/1987
Shared Package
ML20236T206 List:
PROC-871120-02, NUDOCS 8712010091
Download: ML20236T236 (128)


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INTRODUCTION The enclosed is the collection of plant operating procedures used to develop, process and issue the Pilgrim Plant-Specific Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs).

Procedure 1.3.4 Hriters' Guide for E0Ps This document specifies the appropriate instructions, requirements, and conventions to be employed for writing PNPS Emergency Operating Procedures r (EOPs). These guidelines are provided to ensure that the required level of I consistency in the organization, format, style, and content of the E0Ps is established and effectively maintained. This Hriters' Guide specifies the specific requirements or elements of each E0P including its identification, format, and content. The guidance provided herein is applicable to both the initial preparation and subsequent revisions of all PNPS E0Ps. This document ,

supplements existing BECo and PNPS administrative procedures governing plant procedure preparation, revision, and control, but does not supplant them.

Procedure 1.3.4 E0P Verification Program This document provides the appropriate requirements and instructions for verifying the PNPS Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs). The requirements and instructions specified herein apply to the overall process of developing new E0Ps and revising existing E0Ps. This document supplements existing PNPS procedures governing procedure preparation, revision, and control, but does not supplant them.

The E0P verification is defined as the process of confirming and documenting the technical accuracy and written correctness of the E0Ps. Technical accuracy is the E0P characteristic that refers to the compatibility of the procedures with plant systems, hardware and instrumentation. Additionally it also deals with the conformity of the E0Ps with other plant procedures that were referenced by it. Agreement with the technical content of the Plant-Specific Technical Guidelines (PSTGs) is also required. Hritten correctness is the characteristic of E0Ps which refers to the conformity of the procedures to E0P format and editorial content requirements presented in the Writers' Guide.

Procedure 1.3.4 E0P Validation Proaram This document provides the appropriate requirements and instructions for validating the PNPS Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs). The requirements and instructions specified herein apply to the overall process of developing new E0Ps and revising existing E0Ps. This document supplements existing PNPS procedures governing procedure preparation, revision, and control, but does not supplant them.

E0P validation is best and simply defined as the process of confirming and j documenting the operational correctness and usability of the E0Ps. I Correctness is the E0P characteristic which refers to the compatibility of the j' procedures with plant hardware, plant responses, operator capabilities, interactions with other plant procedures and the composition and manning level  ;

I of on-shift personnel. Usability is the E0P characteristic which refers to 1 the adequacy of the procedures level of detail and understandability of the :l information presented in the procedure.

I 1











l l

Approved I  % /0// S// / j Quality Assuray S nager '/Date i Approved Nudlea /Operationhanager

/C' // f

?Date Safety Evaluation: t p hed/Not Required Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 1 of 36

... Table of Contents Section Eagg I., INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 4

. B. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 C. Use of Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 II. PROCEDURE IDENTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A. Procedure Numbering and Title . . . . . . . . . . 4 B. Procedure Title B, lock . . ..,. . . . . . . . . . . 5 C. Revision Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 III. PROCEDURE FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A. Flowchart Elements ............... 6 B. Step Numbering ..._.............. 18 C. Listed Items .................. 19 D. Use of Emphasis Techniques ........... 20 E. Procedure Layout and Associated Conventions . . . 21 ,


F. Instructions for Printing, Copying and  !

Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 IV. PROCEDURE CONTENT ................... 24 A. Level of Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ,

B. - Hri ti ng Styl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 -!

C. Cautions and Notes ............... 25 D. Branching Instructions and Cross-References . . . 26 1 1

E. Component Identification ............ 28 I

F. Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation ....... 29 s L' l G. Nomenclature, Vocabulary, and Abbreviation ... 29 2

H. Numerical Values ................ 29 Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 2 of 36 i

, _ _ _ _ _ ____._______o

_ _ - _ ~ _ . ._ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ -_ __ .. ._

. Table of Contents (Continued)

List of Examples 1 J

Number Title Paae

1. - E0P title . . . ................ 4
2. . E0P title block . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . 5
3. _

Entry Conditions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4. Entry Point .. ................. 7
5. Concurrent execution.staternent (with Section and path designators . . . . . . . .7
6. Instructional step .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~8
7. Individual. decision .............. 8
8. "Yes/No" decision diamond with an instructional one of the response paths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
9. Conditional Statement ............. . 10
10. Use of the word "UNTIL" ............10 1 1 '. Use of the word "EXCEPT" . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 -j
12. Use of the word "8EFORE"s. ........... 11
13. Continuation Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
14. Hold point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
15. Override statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 i
16. Exit statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13- ,


17. Supplemental Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

.18. Caution . . . . ................ 14

19. Figure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 16 )


20. . Table ..................... 18


21.. Step numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

22. Li s t ed i t ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Page layout

~ 23.- .. ................ 23 l

24. Intra-procedure branching ........... 28 1

b 1

J Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 3 of 36 i

L-_.___. - - -


A. Puroose i i

This document specifies appropriate instructions, requirements, and I conventions for writing PNPS Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) to ~

assure the proper and consistent application of human factors  !

principles addressing procedure organization, format, style, and  !

content of the E0Ps is established and effectively maintained.

B. Scooe I This Writers' Guide addresses the specifics of procedure identification, format, and content. The guidance provided herein is applicable to the initial preparation and subsequent revisions of all PNPS E0Ps.

This document supplements existing BECo and PNPS administrative procedures governing procedure preparation, revision, and control, but does not supplant them. -

C. Use of Examoles The examples provided are included solely to illustrate the graphics of the particular feature being discussed. The text within examples is not to be interpreted as providing accurate instructions for plant operations.

II. PROCEDURE IDENTIFICATION Each E0P shall be clearly and uniquely identified. Identification shall consist of the procedure number, title, and revision number as described below.

A. Procedure Numberina and Title Each E0P shall be assigned a unique identification number and a title which is descriptive of the procedure content. The procedure number

. and title shall be presented in large, boldfaced, underlined print located across the top of the E0P (Examp1~e 1).

Example 1: (EOP Title)


! l l

! Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 i Page 4 of 36 )

L-_______ '

B. Procedure Title Block Each E0P shall have a title block (Example 2). The title b'iock shall be located in the lower right-hand corner of the page, with the right and bottom sides adjoining the page border. If more than one procedure is located on a single page, each title block shall be located in the lower right-hand corner of the associated bordered area surrounding each E0P (refer to Section III.E.5).

The procedure title block shall contain the following:

1. Plant name
2. Approval signature (s)
3. Effective date
4. Procedure title
5. Procedure number i
6. Revision number Example 2: (EOP Title Block)



OAManager / Date '

Approved: '

Operations Section Manager /Date Approved:

NuclearOperations Manager / Date Effective Date: ,

Procedure Title RPV CONTROL Procedure Number Revision l l

EO P-01 0 l Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 5 of 36

C. Revision Identification I l

Procedure revisions shall be distinguished by a sequential number.

If the content of a procedure is changed for any reason the entire procedure shall be reissued.


- The E0Ps shall be structured as flowcharts and formatted in accordance with the conventions detailed below.

1 Unless otherwise specified, directional arrows entering and exiting l flowchart elements shall be positioned along the element's vertical axis. j A. Flowchart Elements a

1. Entry conditions shall be located at the top (i.e., beginning) of l the procedure, enclosed in a heavy-bordered rectangle with rounded l corners (Example 3). The parameters and the associated values or j conditions shall be presented in a tabular format. Variances are '

permitted where a tabular presentation of values / conditions may be ,

confusing. l Example 3: (Entry Conditions) b ENTRY CONDITIONS PARAMETER CONDITION RPV water level Below +9 in.

l RPV pressure Above 1085 psig Drywellpressure Above 2.5 psig Both of the following conditions exist:

o A scram is required l Reactor power is above 3% or cannot be deterrnined V



I l


l l

1 1

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 l l Page 6 of 36 l 1


l A. Flowchart Elements (continued) ,

l Entry points for E0Ps entered only from other E0Ps shall be i indicated by the word " START" printed in boldfaced uppercase '

letters centered in a heavy-bordered rectangle with rounded corners (Example 4). This element shall be located at the top (i.e., beginning) of the procedure.

Example 4: (Entry Point)


1 l

l l

i l

2. Concurrent execution statements shall be enclosed within a shaded elongated rectangle (Example 5). The instruction directing concurrent performance of multiple sections or steps of a l procedure shall be centered beneath the directional entrance arrow l within the rectangle. The subsequent procedure sections, paths, )

or steps which are to be executed concurrently shall be arranged  !

along parallel axes directly below the concurrent execution ]

element, appropriately spaced so as to achieve a balanced j presentation.


Example 5: (Concurrent Execution Statement) u jf9 ^ 50 -

, gm - ~ >

j. g.g g g .



.g. . . .

f mmmeennw -

~ewennmm /

1r u 1r

3. Section desianators shall be printed in boldfaced uppercase letters centered within a shaded trapezoid. This element shall only be used in conjunction with a concurrent execution element (Example 5).

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 7 of 36

A.- ~ Flowchart ~ Elements (continued)^ i I

,4. = Instructional stens shall be formatted as complete sentences and I enclosed in rectangles (Example 6).

] i Example 6: (Instructional Step)

]l If Terminate drywolf' sprays.

If .L W

5. Individual decisions constituting major branch points within c procedure shall be phrased as "yes/no" questions enclosed in diamonds (Example 7). Arrows extending from the points of the diamond shall be used to depict the "yes" and "no" response paths. The "yes" response path shoul,d exit from the right and;the "no" response should exit from the bottom. Variances from this l convention are permitted if necessary to accommodate proper J phrasing of the "yes/no" question. "Yes" and "No" response path labels shall be capitalized and placed adjacent to the respective exit points.

Example 7: (Individual Decision)

If Has it been  ;

determined that the reactor Yes will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron


No I P

6. Individual decisions not constituting major procedure branches shall be presented in one of the formats described below.  !

Consistent use of the format selected for a particular application j should be maintained. 4

a. A "Yes/No" decision diamond (as described in Section III.A.5) with one of the response paths containing an instructional i step (Example 8). j i

} l Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 -l Page 8 of 36 )


h f l

A. Flowchart Elements.(continued)

Example 8: (Yes/No" Decision Diamond with an.' Instructional Step in One of the Response Paths)

-i i I I

Has ARIbeen Yes


. Initiated i

? Y

  • h U


Depress both 'ATWS" pushbuttons.

l 4 j 1



-i l-

b. A "Yes/No" decision diamond (as described in Section III.A!5') '

with one or more instructional steps in each response path'.

Variances from the above guidelines are permitted where # ,'

necessary to clarify the procedure flowpath or enhance the usability of the flowcharts. ,

7. Conditional statements which modify instructional steps shall be presented in 1 format which clearly distinguishes between conditions and actions. Highlighted logic terms shall be used to emphasize distinction. The following format conventions shall apply:
a. The conditional part of the instruction shall be stated first, followed by the contingent action (Example 9).

This formatting requirement does not apply to conditional clauses that begin with "UNTIL" (see Part c below) or "EXCEPT" (See Part d below).


b. Logic terms shall be printed in uppercase letters physically separated from the remainder of their respective clauses (Example 9). l l

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 eage , ef 3e

. - _ - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ - - - _ .A.

tv5 i '

,l ks 4 .. /

A. . Flowchart Elements (continued) " 1" V l nd

7. Conditional statements'(continued)<

Example 9: . (Conditional Statement) .

, ir r

f t

1 ]




' Ope.1 $AWin the SRVs are used to stabilize RPV "

pressure sequence,if possible: B.C, D. A.


's ,

j' SRVs are used to stabilize RPV pressure.

WEN Place all SRV control switches AND '

The continuous SRV pneumatic la the ' AUTO" position. ..

supply (Nitrogen and instrument ' "

,4 Air)is or becomes unavailable, U


c. 'When a prescribed action is to be performed batii certain specified conditions occur, the conditions sh."11 be prefaced by the word "UNTIL" printed in uppercase letters (Example 10). Separation of "UNTIL" from the preceding and following text is not required.

- Example 10I (Use. of the word "UNTIL)

U ' '

,1 J

Manually open all SRVs UNTIL RPV pressure drops  !

below 940 psig.

s. '

M i r',

./i 4

d. When a prescribed action is to be performed with certain i specified exceptions, the exceptions shall be prefaced by the word "EXCEPT" printed in'oppercase letters (Example 11).

} Separation of "EXCEPi" from the preceding and following text h is not required.

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 10 of 36 l 1

u u.. .-- _____-_N ._mm_______m_.___m.. -

____..____.____..__..___.m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . - . . - . _ . - - . _ _ . _ _ _ _-__..

A. Flowchart Elements (cEntinued)

7. Conditional statements (continued)

Example 11: (Use of the word "EXCEPT")

V Terminate injection into the RPV from sources external to the primary containment EXCEPT from


boron injection systems, CRD, and those systems necessary to assure adequate core cooling.

e. When a prescribed action may be performed any time before a specified condition occurs, the condition shall be prefaced by the word "BEFORE" printed in boldfaced uppercase letters.

"BEFORE" shall be separated from the text which defines the condition and formatted as shown (Example 12).

Example 12: (Use of the word "BEFORE")

} U f/ Operate all available Suppression Pool Cooling using only those RHR pumps not I required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous operation in the LPCI mode.


/ s M

, , Torus water temperature reaches the BilT (Figure 3.2),

Enter EOP-01, *RPV Control,* and execute s EOP-01 concurrently with this procedure.

1 V


f. The intermixing of clauses beginning with "and" with those beginning with "or" within an individual step or decision should be avoided whenever possible. If use of an "and/or"

' il logic structure is required, a decision table,. an appropriately structured series of connected decision diamonds, or a acceptable alternate format shall be used to

} 1' , clearly depict the relationship between the conditional clauses.

J Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 11 of 36

A. Flowchart Elements (continued)

8. Opntinuation conditioni are plant conditions that> causet procedure-executice to imediately proceed from oneirstructional step to a subsequent element in.the flowchart path. Continuation conditions shall be prefacrt byethe word "HHEN" printed in uppercase letters

. . :c formatted as shc/m (Example 13). Note that mork than one plant 4 '-

condition may execution of an instruct'onal step, and

, , each separata condition may (or may not) proceed to. a different flowchart.elesqnt;'

,f Example 13: /. Continuation Conditions) 4 i n

7 U ,Y

, Maintsin RPV water level between 126.3 in. (TAF) and +48 in. with one or more of the Group C RPV injection Systems.


- 1 YMEN . 3M tm of boron have WHEN ..RPV water level cannot beeninjected into the 3 be maintained above i W PPV, 126.3 in. (TAF), j A '

gy V 4


9. lig.1d ooints shall, be formatted as instructions beginniiig with "HAIT UNTIL..." enclose 6in octagons (Example 14). .The words "HAIT UNTIL" shall be printed in uppercase letters.

Example 14: (Hold point)


U V AIT UNTIL any of the following conditions exist: '}'

+ o Ah control rods are inserted te or beyond position 00 o it has been determined the:the reactor willremain shutdown under all conditions without boron 4

p t 3 o The re.setor is shutdown and no

/t/ tjomn has been injected into T'


'ji the RPV o 539 lbs of boron have been

, injected into the RPV 1

f~ ,

A l/ ,

/ ,

s j' Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 12 of 36 m ..

A. Flowchart Elements (continued)

10. Override statements are those conditional instructions which apply while executing one or more steps. Override statements shall be formatted as decision tables enclosed in shaded heavy bordered rectangles (Example 15). Conditional statements and contingent actions are presented in separate columns, each column headed by the respective logic term. Logic terms shall be printed in boldfaced uppercase letters centered over the respective column, Shaded lines extending downward from the left and right sides of the enclosing rounded-corner rectangle shall be used to indicate the steps to which an override statement applies.


(Extension lines need not be used where an override statement applies to an entire procedure.)

Example 15: (Override Statement)

If l b IF THEN )

The offsite radioactivity isolate the primary release rate is expected containment vent to reach or reaches the and purge, Qffsite release rate LCO ]

l V


11. Procedure Exit statements and end ooints shall be enclosed in heavy-bordered rectangles with rounded corners (Example 16).

Variances to this convention are permitted when exit statements ,

are an integral part of override statements; when this situation  ;

occurs, the override statement formatting conventions apply. I Example 16: (Exit Statement)

If Exit this procedure and enter the RPV Pressure section of EOP-01,*RPV Control."

L A Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 13 of 36


L A.: Flowchart Elements (continued) l i

12. Sunnlemental information that applies to the performance of. a step may be placed outside of the procedure flow path, with dashed:-

lines used to indicate step association (Example 17). j 1

Example 17: (Supplemental Information)' l If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

l RPV DEPRESSURIZATION PATHS 8 ;j Rapidly depressurize the RPV, defeating isolation interlocks if necessary, using one or more of the RPV Depressurization ----a o Main turbine bypass valves l Paths. (Refer to Procedure 5.3.24, l c Mainsteamlinedrains e

' Alternate Methods for Venting and a Depressurizing the RPV Under Emergency , o HPCIsteam Ene -

Conditions,* and Procedure 5.3.21, l c RCICsteamline

' Bypassing Selected interlocks.') -l l..................

o RPV head vont U t

13. Notes shall be printed in italics and placed within the respective flowchart element, located immediately preceding or following .the associated text (as is most appropriate considering the information content of the notes). The word " NOTE" printed in uppercase letters and punctuated with a. colon shall preface the text of the note.
14. Cautions shall be numbered consistent with the numbering-scheme employed in the Plant. Specific Technical Guidelines. The applicability of a caution at a point in a procedure shall be indicated by a circle with a black background enclosing the caution number (Example 18). The full text of each referenced caution shall be enclosed in a rectangle and arranged around the periphery of.the flowchart in numerical sequence, located to the left or above any figures present (Refer to Section III.E.6).

Example 18: (Caution) g A rapid increase in injection into the RPV may induce a large power excursion and result in substantial core damage.

I Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 14 of 36

A. Flowchart Elements (ctntinued)

15. Fiaures shall be used to present graphical plots of limits expressed as a function of two or more plant parameters (Example 19). I Figures shall be numbered sequentially, in'the order referenced within the procedure (top to bottom and left to right in the procedure flow path), using a prefix corresponding to the number of the applicable procedure followed by a decimal numeral. (For 4 example: Figure 1.2 would be the second figure referenced in l E0P-1.) The symbol "#" and the abbreviation "No." shall not be  !

used. Figure references shall be enclosed within parentheses.

Each figure shall have a label comprised of the figure number and a descriptive title.

Figures shall be grouped or stacked in sequence (top to bottom, left to right) around the periphery of the flowchart (refer to Section III.E.6).

Figures shall be constructed and presented in accordance with the following conventions:

a. All text and graphics should be clear, simple, and easily readable.
b. Figure titles shall be printed in boldfaced uppercase letters and, together with the figure number, centered above the figure.
c. Axes of graphs shall be labeled with appropriate parameters, units, and numerical values. Axis numerical gradations and units shall correspond to those of associated control room instruments.
d. Grid lines shall be provided on graphs as appropriate to aid in interpolating plotted values to the required precision.
e. Operating regions beyond the action level defined by a graph shall be delineated through use of cross-hatching or background shading.

i i

1 Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 15 of 36

l !

Example 19: (Figure)


-1 l


i i

If J

. Terminate allinjection into the RPV and reduce RPV water level. j WHEN .. RPV water level WHEN injectionintothe RPV Indication is restored, has been terminated )

and prevented for the )

MOUTL (Figure 6.2). 1 V I l

1 I


18. - -

_1 s . .. - - 3.j i.?. lj s  ::::

s .

s  : ::::

E g4, .

, , ,;, , ,3 , g , ; , ,g, . l

- - e i ii!!!


E 12  ! i ii!5 y  :

8  :  :  : : ::::

5 10 m

-l i i ?iii?

. : :::  :  :  : : :::: i 8- . . . . g . .:. . } .y <. . . . . . . . . . .y . . . . . g . . . . ; . . . . . .) . : . g . e,.

e. . . . . . .j . . . .} . . i. . i. 4.j .} 4. . . . . . . . . .} . . . . . j. . . .j . 4. .} .j . i . 4 )

4 . . . . . ...

l 1 10 100 '


I Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 j Page 16 of 36

A. Flowchart Elements (continued)

16. Tables'shall be used to effectively organize, correlate, or subdivide lists of systems, values sensors, or other data 4 (Example 20).

Tables shall be numbered sequentially, in the order referenced within the procedure (top to bottom and left to right in the <


procedure flow path), using a prefix corresponding to the number )

of the applicable procedure followed by a decimal numeral. (For example: Table 4.2 would be the second table referenced in E0P-4.) The symbol "#" and the abbreviation "No." shall not be used. Table number references shall be enclosed within parentheses.

Each table shall have a label comprised of the table number and a 4 descriptive title. I Tables'shall be grouped or stacked in sequence (top to bottom, left to right) around the periphery of the flowchart, to the right I of any figures present (Refer to Section III.E.6). Small tables {

may be placed alongside the flowchart element in which they are referenced (Refer to Section III.A.12).

Tables shall be constructed and presented in accordance with the following conventions: q

a. All text and graphics should be clear, simple, and easily readable.
b. Table titles shall be printed in boldfaced uppercase letters and, together with the table number, centered above the table.
c. A border shall enclose each table. I
d. A heading shall be provided for each column. Headings shall be printed in uppercase letters and centered over the ,

columns. Engineering units shall be included with column i headings where applicable.

e. A double horizontal line shall be placed below the column headings,
f. Columns shall be divided by vertical lines.
g. Dashed horizontal lines or blank spacing may be used within tables to group (or divide) entries as appropriate to aid readability across the entries.


1-Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 17 of 36 j

A. Flowchart Elements'(continued)

Example 20:. (Table)



WAFT UNTIL the water levelin the reactor building floor drain sump or an area is above the maximum normaloperating value (Table 4.1).


SUMP 1 inch on HPCIpump Reactor building flour drain room floor N/A AREA N. W. quadrant 1 6 S. E. quadrant 1 6 HPCIosmpartment 1 6 S. W. quadrant 1 6 CRD quadrant 1 6 B. Sten Numberina Only those operator actions that must be executed sequentially and that are presented within the confines of one flowchart element shall have designated step numbers. Such steps shall be assigned sequential arabic numbers (Example 21).

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 18 of 36

1 i

l Example 21: (Step numbering)


I 3 r- )

1. Shut down the reactor {

IF recirculation pumps and drywell j Torus water levelis below 183 in. cooling fans.


2. Initiate drywell sprays using i Drywell pressure and temperature only those RHR pumps not i are below the DSIL (Figure 3.'.) required to assure adequate  ;

a n nt Cl e.

I WHEN .. drywell temperature cannot be maintsJned below 281'F, if C.. Listed Items

. Multiple items (systems, plant conditions, etc.) for which there'is no unconditional pre-designated preference or priority shall. be arranged e in a list format. Eacn entry in the list prefaced with a bullet (o).

Bullets shall be indented two spaces to the right of the left margin of the immediately preceding text (Example 22). Variances to this convention are permitted (Refer to Example 14) where listed items elements whose shape necessitates a centered text format.

(i.e., octagons or diamonds).

Example 22: (Listed Items) if y initiate each of the following which should have initiated but did not:

o isolation o ECCS '

o Emergency dieselgenerator 1 if I

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 19 of 36 ,

l I

- _ _ - - - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _- _ ._ l

1 D. Use of Emohasis Techniaues Boldfaced print, uppercase letters, italics, and underlines shall be used to emphasize portions of a procedure consistent with the following <

conventions: 1

1. Boldfaced print shall be used in the following applications:


a. Flowchart titles
b. The words " ENTRY CONDITIONS" and the column headings within  !

this flowchart element i

c. The word " START" at procedure entry points  !
d. Section/designators (e.g., "RPV HATER LEVEL")


e. Figure and Table labels j j
f. Headings and logic terms used in flowchart elements having i tabular formats i
g. The word "BEFORE" (Refer to Paragraph III.A.7.e)
h. The procedure title, number, and revision number within title blocks Where boldfaced print is used, characters shall be of a slightly larger size than that normally used for the standard text of -

flowchart elements.

2. Uppercase letters shall be used in the following applications:
a. Flowchart titles
b. The words " ENTRY CONDITIONS" and the column headings within ,

this flowchart element

c. The word " START" at procedure entry points
d. Section designators (e.g., "RPV Hater Level")
e. Logic terms
f. Figure titles and axis labels (except associated engineering units) 1
g. Titles and column and row headings in tables (except J associated engineering units) I I
h. The word " NOTE" when prefacing the respective text j r

I Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 20 of 36 i

D. Use of Emohasis Technioues (continued)

1. Text of instructional steps which may cause control of a parameter to transfer from one procedure (or section of a procedure) to another (e.g., " Primary Containment Flooding is Required")
j. Identification of as-labeled component designations, control switch positions, and annunciator engravings
k. The procedure title, number, revision number and plant name within title blocks
1. The word "BEFORE" (Refer to paragraph III.A.7.e)
3. Flowchart titles shall be underlined.
4. Italics shall be used for the text of notes.
5. Quotation marks shall enclose the as-labeled instrument and component designations, control switch positions, and annunciator engravings. This enhancement shall not be used if it is deemed to detract from the readability of the flowchart.

E. Procedure Layout and Associated Conventions (Example 22)

1. More than one procedure may be placed on a page (page size i restrictions permittina). I
2. Maximum page size shall be restricted to that which can be accommodated by reprographics capabilities. j
3. Page breaks in a procedure are not allowed.
4. A border approximately 1/2 inch from the edge of each side of the page shall be used to enclose the procedure (s) on the page. A line of medium thickness shall be used to form this border.
5. The procedure title block (s) shall be located in the lower right corner (s) of the bordered area (s) surrounding the E0P(s) ,

(Examp'e 23).


6. Cautions, figures, and tables shall be placed along the page periphery as described in Sections III.A.14, 15, and 16, respectively (Example 23).
7. Solid lines ending in arrows shall be used to connect flowchart elements and thereby indicate flowpaths through the procedure.

Progression through a procedure shall generally be down and to the right.

8. Procedure titles and flowchart elements (including connecting lines and extension lines emanating from override statements) shall be located no closer than 1/2 inch to the page border.

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 21 of 36

E. Procedure Lavout and Associated Conventions' (continued)

9. A minimum spacing of 3/8 inch shall be maintained between flowchart elements.
10. A minimum spacing of 3/8 inch shall be maintained between parallel lines connecting flowchart elements, and between extension lines emanating from override statements.


11. Cross-over of lines connecting flowchart elements shall be minimized. Variances to this convention are permitted for dashed


lines connecting supplemental information and dotted intra-procedure branch lines if required for spacial considerations.

i a

l Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2

! Page 22 of 36

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'F.. Instructions for Printina. Convina.' and Storaae

1. . Text within. flowchart' elements-shall be single-spaced, with one-and-a-half line spacing maintained between listed items:and' between multiple instructions'or statements enclosed within!one flowchart element.

2.. Text ~within instructional steps,' exit statements, and endpoints

- shall be left-aligned. )
3. . Text within the individual columns of entry conditions, override

. statements, and elements with decision table formats.shall be

'left-aligned. i 4.: Text within hold' points (octagons) and decision diamonds shall be centered. 4 J' k

5. Type size shall be no smaller than 9-point. ,


6. A simple, easy-to-read, type style shall be used. A type style which incorporates serifs or other character embellishments shall not be used.

7.- : Copies of the E0Ps shall be legible, closely approximating the .j quality of the original.

8. Control room' copies.of E0Ps shall:be clearly distinguishable from other plant procedures, and shall be stored in a-location where they are readily accessible-to operators on shift.

IV. PROCEDURE CONTENT A. Level of Detail A level of detail shall be established in the EOPs that is consistent with the following guidelines:

1. The level of detail should be consistent with the knowledge and capabilities of a newly-licensed reactor operator. The relative complexity of. and an operator's familiarity with the evolutions to be performed should be considered.
2. Excessive detail should be avoided. Expected results of routine actions need not be stated.
3. .Hhere instructions are written in general terms, the user should be able to explain the execution of the associated tasks in detail.
4. Where appropriate, the following information shall be provided:

- System. response times

- Equipment limitations Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 24 of 36

A. ' Level of Detail (continued)

- Instrument inaccuracies

- Alternate o'r backup instrumentation

- Manual override instructions

. - Methods of verifying correct' plant response

5. Instructions shall be brief and precise; however, technical accuracy takes precedence over brevity. Short, simple sentences shall be used. Any required verification of automatic plant response shall be included as a instruction.

B. Writina Style The E0Ps shall be written in accordance with the following style guidelines:

1. The procedure shall be easily rendable and interpretable.
2. Directions shall be written in the second person imperative mood with an implicit _ subject.
3. Each instructional step shall address only one idea (e.g., a series construction of multiple instructions each coupled with the word "and" to form one long sentence shall not be used).
4. The objects of actions shall be specifically stated (i.e., it should be obvious exactly what is to be done to what). Multiple objects (3 or more) shall be listed individually, and separately from the preceding text.
5. Actions which must be performed concurrently shall be explicitly identified as such.
6. Limits shall be expressed quantitatively (Refer to Section IV.H).
7. Instructions which require performance of arithmetical calculations should be avoided whenever possible.

C. Cautions and Notes Cautions shall be used to identify a potential hazard to personnel or equipment.

Notes shall be used to provide supplementary information related to the performance of a particular action.

Use of cautions and notes should be minimized. Neither shall be contain instructional steps.

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 25 of 36



D. Branchina Instructions and Cross-References Branching instructions shall be used to direct the operator to transfer from one procedure (or section of a procedure) to another, or to execute an additional procedure concurrently with the procedure (s) presently being executed. These instructions shall be clear and specific; wording shall be chosen so as to preclude' ambiguity.

83 ranching instructions shall be presented as complete sentences in one of the formats detailed below, as appropriate. Hithin the context of branching instructions, the term "section" means that portion of an E0P containing the instructions for controlling a particular plant -


parameter (e.g., the RPV Hater Level section of the RPV Control Procedure).

Branching instruction formats:

1. Exit this procedure and enter [ Procedure X),

"[ Procedure Title]".

Specifies that. the operator shall exit the procedure containing the instruction (all sections if there are more than one), and enter the identified procedure.

2. Exit the [ Parameter) section of this procedure and enter

[ Procedure X], "[ Procedure Title)".

Specifies that the operator shall exit the section of the procedure containing the instruction and enter the identified procedure; execution of other sections of the procedure shall continue as appropriate (i.e., no exit is made from other sections of.the procedure containing the instruction).

3. Exit this procedure and enter the [ Parameter) section of E0P-[X),

"[EOP Title]".

Specifies that the operator shall exit the procedure containing the instruction and enter the identified section of the identified procedure.

4. Exit this procedure and enter the (Parameter) section and the

[ Parameter) section of E0P-[X3 "[EOP Title)"; execute these sections of E0P-[X) concurrently.

Specifies that the operator shall exit the procedure containing the instruction and enter the identified sections of the specified E0P; both sections of the E0P being entered shall be executed concurrently.

5. Enter [ Procedure X), "[ Procedure Title)", and execute

[ Procedure X3 concurrently with this procedure.

Specifies that the operator shall enter and execute the identified procedure concurrently with the procedure containing the instruction.

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 26 of 36

D. .Branchina Instructions and Cross-References (continued)

6. Continue at-[Y).

Specifies that execution of the procedure (or section of the '

procedure) containing the instruction shall transfer from the step presently being. executed to the location indicated.

This format shall be used to branch " forward" in an E0P.

7. Return to [Y).

. Specifies that execution of the procedure (or section of the procedure) containing the instruction shall transfer from the step presently being executed to the location indicated.

This format shall be used to branch " backward" in the'E0P.

For branching formats 1, 2, and 5:

The procedure to be entered shall be entered at the beginning.

For branching formats 3 and 4:

1 The proper entry point to an E0P section shall be indicated i by the symbol shown below.  ;

) EOP47 )

i j

The procedure number within the symbol shall be that of the procedure containing the exit branch instruction.

For branching formats 6 and 7:

The symbol "[Y3" shall be a capital letter placed within a

. circle as shown below:

This symbol shall be repeated at the location where procedure ,

execution is to be continued (or returned to). In each  !

instance the letter designator shall be unique within the E0P. A dotted line connecting the pair of symbols may be used as an aid for proper execution of the procedure (Example 24). Forward and backward branching within a procedure should be minimized.

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2

Page 27 of 36 i i

D. Branchina Instructions and Cross-Referente.1 (continued)

Example 24: (Intra-Procedure Branching) i.

u .................g I

  • IF THEN l y g nev ,,e,s n m ,.m c.,u u. .! @ ... t i g; g ,' g;;y gu g : \

Limits, increase injection flow to the rnaximum with at Grow A RPVinjection N Systems and Subsystems.

WHEN .. RPV water level drops to 126.3 h (TAF),


Cross-references shall be specified where additional procedural instructions may be required to perform the specified task or evolution. The appropriateness of providing a procedure reference shall consider' aspects such as complexity of and operator familiarity with the actions to be performed. Use of cross-references should be minimized; if only a few, relatively simple actions are involved, the referenced instructions shall be incorporated into the step itself.

References to supplemental procedures shall identify both the procedure number and title. The title shall be enclosed within quotation marks.

Figures and tables referenced within a procedure shall be identified by number; identification of the title is not required.

E. Comoonent Identification Components shall be clearly and completely identified. The following conventions shall apply:

1. If the procedure refers to a specific control switch or instrument, the as-labeled designation shall be used, typed in ,

uppercase letters and enclosed within quotation marks. Otherwise, l common-usage designations shall be used.

l l

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 28 of 36 I

i E.: Comoonent Identification (continued)

2. System titles shall be capitalized. The word " system" need not be.

included in the title, l

3. Component locations shall be specified if the components'are



infrequently used or if there would otherwise be a possibility of i confusion. .


F. Snellina. Grammar. and Punctuation d

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation shall be consistent with standard rules and modern usage. The following conventions shall also apply:

1. Excessive use of commas should be avoided. Commas are not necessary in elements using a columnar format (e.g., override statements).
2. Use of definite articles, pronouns, and adverbs should be minimized. Personal pronouns shall not be used.

G. Nomenclature. Vocabularv. and Abbreviations Words and abbreviations shall have consistent meanings. The following conventions shall apply:


1. . Simple, common words shall be used.
2. Words shall have specific, precise meanings. Use of ambiguous-terms should be avoided.
3. Logic terms shall be used consistent with the applications defined in Table 1.
4. The standard definitions listed in Table 2 shal1~ be adopted.
5. Use of acronyms and abbreviations should be minimized and only those immediately recognizable shall be used. (A list of acceptable acronyms and provided in Table 3.)

H. Numerical Values Limits and values of operating parameters shall be expressed  !

quantitatively. The following conventions shall apply:

1. Arabic numerals shall be used.
2. Parameter values shall include the units of measurement. Units shall be the same as those displayed on associated panel instrumentation.
3. Parameter values shall be expressed to a precision consistent with the intent of the action (s) specified in the step.

Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 29 of 36

l H. Numerical Values (continued)- l

4. Acceptance values shall be expressed in terms of a range rather than a tolerance band to obviate the need for mental arithmetic l

.(e.g., 20 in. to 30 in., rather than 25 in.15 in.).  !

5. A slash mark (/) shall be used in place of the word "per" (e.g., i mR/hr).  ;



6. Numbers between zero and one shall-be expressed in decimal form I with a zero preceding the decimal point (e.g., 0.12).

i l

I l

I Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 30 of 36

Table 1: Application of Logic Terms l Loaic Term Definition l l ' 1 AND Designates a combination of two or more l conditions. Identifies the second and l subsequent elements of a set of conditions.

1 I .

i BEFORE Indicates that the respective action is to l be performed prior to the occurrence of a l specified condition. Does not imply or l require any specific margin be. observed l when a step states that action be taken l "before" reaching a limit or value. l l l EXCEPT Specifies an exception to or exclusion from l taking a prescribed action. l l IF Indicates that performance of the l associated action is contingent upon the ,

l existence of the identified condition (s). l

. If the identified. conditions do not exist, j the prescribed action is not to be taken l and execution of operator actions proceeds l to the following step. l l OR Designates alternative combinations of l conditions. Indicates that the associated l action is to be performed if any one of the l specified conditions occur. (Always used  !

l in the inclusive sense.) l- J l THEN Designates the action portion of an l instruction.

l I >

HAIT UNTIL Indicates that execution of subsequent l operator actions is not permitted until l the identified condition exists.

l l HHEN Indicates that upon occurrence or existence l of the identified condition (s), execution of l the procedure should immediately proceed to l the next identified flowchart element. l l UNTIL Indicates that the associated action is to l be terminated when the specified condition l l occurs. l l_____________________________________.I Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 l Page 31 of 36 i


Table 2: Standard Nomenclature and Definitions Available: The state or condition of being ready and able to l be used (placed into operation) to accomplish the stated l (or implied) action or function.

I . I Cannot be determined: The value or status of the specified l l parameter relative to the procedure action level cannot l


be ascertained using available indications. ,

l I l Cannot be maintained: The value of the specified parameter l cannot be kept above or below (as applicable) the identified l l Implies an evaluation based on system performance and limit.

l availability considered in relation to parameter values l and trends. Neither implies that the parameter must l actually exceed the limit before the action is taken nor l that the action must be taken before the limit is reached.

l I Cannot be restored: The value of the specified parameter l cannot be returned to within the specified limit. l Implies an evaluation based on system performance and l availability considered in relation to parameter values l ar.d trends. Does not imply any specific time limit, but l does not permit prolonged operation beyond the limit. l l l

l Close: To position a valve or damper so as to prevent flow l l of the process fluid.

I I Confirm: Use available indications and, as appropriate, l physical observation to establish that the specified l action has occurred, conditions are as stated, etc.

l Includes an implied requirement to take corrective action l if the identified conditions do not exist.

l l Control: Take action, as necessary, to maintain the value of l the specified parameter within applicable limits. l l Enter: Commence performing, in sequence, the steps of the l identified procedure.

I I l Execute: Perform the actions prescribed in the identified l step. l l Exit: Cease performing the steps of the identified procedure. l l 1

l Initiate: Operate the necessary controls so as to establish l the specified system configuration or plant condition. ,

l Prolonged attempts to jumper interlocks, align alternate l or backup power supplies, enter remote areas to manually l operate valves, etc., are not intended by this term. l l l Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 32 of 36 l




Table 2: Standard Nomenclature and Definitions (Continued)

Line up: Establish the prerequisites necessary for system

.l operation. Does not encompass starting main system pumps. l l Maintain: Take action, as necessary, to keep the value of the l

.specified parameter within the applicable limits.

3 I I  !

Monitor: Observe and evaluate at a frequency sufficient to remain j

'l -

apprised of the value, trend, and rate of change of the l {

specified parameter. j l l 1 Open: To position a valve or damper so as to allow flow of l the process fluid. l l Place: To align a switch to a specified position. l

.l Prevent: Take action to forestall or avert the state, l condition, or action addressed by the step.

I l Purge: Force flow through an enclosed volume. Includes l establishing both an influent and effluent flowpath. l  ;

l Restore: Take action, as necessary, to return the value of l l the specified parameter to within applicable limits.

I, I Set: To position a control to a specified scale value.

I I Shut: To position a breaker so as to permit the flow of l current in the associated circuit. l l Slowly: Only as fast as can be accommodated and still maintain l effective control of the associated parameter (s) l within specified values or limits. l

.l . Start: .To energize a pump or fan motor. l l Terminate: Stop the stated action, process or evolution. l The most direct action to stop the stated action / process /

l evolution is preferred, but a wide variety of actions may l be employed. ,

I I i Throttle: To position a valve or damper so as to partially l restrict flow of the process fluid. l l Trip: To deenergize a pump or fan motor; to position a breaker l so as to interrupt or prevent the flow of current in the

.l associated circuit. l l Vent: Open an effluent (exhaust) flowpath from an enclosed volume. l l_______________________________________l Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 33 of 36

b Table 3: Standard Acronyms and Abbretfiations l

1------------------.---------------------I Abbreviation Meanina l l i ADS Automatic Depressurization System I '

I APRM Average Power Range Monitor 1 I '

ARI Alternate Rod Insertion 1 l 3 BIIT Boron Injection Initiation Temp.

CAC Containment Atmospheric Control l I CAD Containment Atmospheric Dilution l I CPS Counts Per Second CRD Control Rod Drive CS Core Spray I I ECCS Emergency Core Cooling Systems l I CST Condensate Storage Tank i I Demin Demineralized I I i DSIL Drywell Spray Initiation Limit l i

1 I DH Drywell ,

I I l 0F Degrees Fahrenheit )

l I ft Feet l I l FH Feedwater I I GPM Gallons Per Minute )

l I H&V Heating and Ventilation I 1 HCLL Heat Capacity Level Limit i I HCTL Heat Capacity Temperature Limit 1 I I HCU Hydraulic control unit HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection hr Hour I I HX Heat exchanger I I in. Inch l I I Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 34 of 36 i

.. _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ - - - _ - - - - -- _ - a

Table 3: Standard Acronyms and Abbreviations (Continued) d i

Abbreviation Meanina lbs Pounds  ;

I I LCO Limiting Condition for Operation i I LI Level Indicator LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident l l LPCI Low Pressure Coolant Injection i I LR Level Recorder l- l MARFP Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding l Pressure l l MCFI Minimum Core Flooding Interval l l l MCUTL Maximum Core Uncovery Time Limit l .l

-l min Minimum l f l HPCHLL- Maximum Primary Containment Water l Level Limit '

l l mR Milliroentgen / Millirem (as l appropriate to the context and the l units of associated instrumentation)

MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve

. l. I N/A Not applicable i I NPSH Net positive suction head )

I I NH North West i I PCPL Primary Containment Pressure Limit l I ,

psig Pounds per square inch (gauge) l l PSP Pressure Suppression Pressure i I RB Reactor Building i I  !

RBCCH Reactor Building Closed Cooling Hater l l f-RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling 1 I RHR Residual Heat Removal l l


Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 i Page 35 of 36

_ - _ _ _ - - - _ ~

i i

i.  !

Table 3: Standard' Acronyms and Abbreviations -(Continued)

Abbreviation Heanino l I I RPM Revolutions per minute l - 1 RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel j i l 1 RHCU Reactor Water Cleanup )

l I SBGT Standby Gas Treatment i I SBLC Standby Liquid Control l I SE South East q l I i SRV Safety Relief Valve )

l I SRVTPLL SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit i I SSH Salt Service Hater SH South West I. I TAF Top of the active fuel l~ l TBCCH Turbine Building Closed l Cooling Water l l .TIP Transverse In-Core Probe l

& Ampersand ("And")

Feet i " I Inches

% Percent l_______________________________________l Proc. 1.3.4-10 Rev. 2 Page 36 of 36


l t-i O


. l

' Procedure 1.3.4.-13



Total Paaes: 49 FOR IN:0,iMAil0N ONLY l

l Approved bh /0!/s'/I7 Qu'ali ty ss ce anager date' Approved / (T' M//l Nuc1 ar Operdt4fns Manager //Date Safety Evaluation: 90;? erd!Not Required i

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1

,- Page 1 of 49

, ,. 1


3 :iy ;  ; ,.

gg;" ,

-Table of Contents '

'l i

Section Page 1 4


- 1

'l ; '

l I. PURPOSE ........'..... $.................................... 3 j II . , A P P L I CA B I LI TY 1.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

'III. D E F I N I T l0LS I'. . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3  ;



A. Veri fi cation Procedu re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 B. Personnel Qualifications ............................. 5

, 1 C. Evaluating, Resolving, and Correcting , ..- , p Identi fi ed Di s crepanci es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q 7 -

D. Documentation .......................................... 8 ->i <

f 1


/] t r 1

) \ ',



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A l

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 2 of 49 1

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n n /-

N B E20SE m

This document provides appropriate requirements and instructions for

! 4verifying the PNPS Emerency Operating Procedures (EOPs).


The requirements and instructions specified herein apply to the overall process W developing new E0Ps and revising existing E0Ps.

~This document supplements existing PNPS procedures governing procedure preparation, revision, and control but does not supplant them, w ,, c 111.1 DEFINITIONS s EOP Source Docu w h - Guidelines, procedures, data and other records e' which comprise the technical basis of the E0Ps and requirements for their g development.

EQP Technical Accuracy - An E0P characteristic that refers to the compatibility of the procedures with plant systems, hardware, and instrumentation; additionally, the conformity of the E0Ps with other plant procedures that are referenced therein, and with the content of the technical guidelines from which the E0Ps were developed.

EOP Verification - The process of confirming and documenting the technical accuracy and written correctness of the E0Ps.

EOP Written. Correctness - An E0P characteristic that refers to the conformity of the procedures to the standards of E0P format and editorial content presented in the E0P Hriters' Guide.


A. Verification Procedure E0P technical accuracy and written correctness shall be verified using the checklists provided in Attachment A. New EOPs shall be evaluated in terms of all checklist criteria; one set of checklists shall be completed for each new E0P. Modifications of existing E0Ps need be evaluated only in terms of those criteria directly applicable to new and modified steps; if the number of such steps is relatively small, only one set of checklists need be completed for all revised

' 0Ps .

2 The instructions listed below shall be followed during performance of verification checklist evaluations:

, 1. Fill in the following information on the EOP Verification Record

/ (illustrated on page 6 of Attachment A):

a. The number, revision, and title of the E0P being verified.
b. The PSTG revision which was used as the source document for the E0P being verified.

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev 1 Page 3 of 49


e I IV. A. Verification Procedure (continued) I

c. The Writers' Guide revision which was used as the source documg for the E0P being verified. ,
d. The name, organization (or department) and job title i (including such information as R0, SRO, Shift Supervisor, l etc., as applicable) of the person performing the verification.
2. HritethenumberoftheE0Pbt.ingverifiedonthetopofr$ch checklist page.

- 3 .. Apply each checklist evaluation; criterion, one at a time, to each flowchart element of the EOP being verified. If necessary, refer to the EO? Writers' Guide for guidance on proper interpretation of the criteria presented in checklist Sections A, B, and C. (The '

I relevant caragraph of the E0P Hriters' Guide is identified in ,

parentheses,after each Section A, B, and C checklist item.) J l

9 4. If A1 E0'[ flowchart elements to which a checklist item is- i applicabic tre fully compliant with the evaluation critorion, [

circle "Yes" on the checklist form. If a checklist item does not apply to the E0P being verified, circle "NA". If one or more E0P flowthtrt elements are not fully compliant with the evaluation  !

criterion, circle "Mo" sad a:isign a unique discrepancy identification number ' ~the format:


Checklist section - Criterion number - Sequence number

[' Example: B2-14-2 (ChecklistseItionB2, criterion 14, second discrepancy)

Multipleoccurrencesofthesamediscrepancymaybehssignedthe ,

same identification number provided that each location of the j discrepancy is documented. l t  !

5. Complete Part I of an E0P Verification Discrepancy Report  !

(illus.' rated on page 7 of Attachment A) for each identified

. discrepancy.

a. Uniquely identify the flowchart element (s) to which the identified discrepancy applies; if the discrepancy is one of '

omission identify the applicable part of the PSTGs. l l

. b. Provide a comprehensive narrative description of the nature j l' of,the discrepancy. If additional space is needed, use'a

. Catinuation Sheet (illustrated cle page 9 of Attichment A) and check the e.ssociated box on the report indicating that a

,' continuation' sheet is attached. The sequential and total number of continuation sheets used for an individual discrepancy shall be identified in the appropriate blanks on each continuation sheet.

Proc. l 3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 4'of 49

IV. A. Verification Procedure (continuation)

6. When all checklist items have been completed, the person who performed the verification shall:
a. List the checklist section(s) completed.
b. Sign and date the E0P Verification Record.


c. Attach all completed checklists and Part I Discrepancy Reports including associated continuation sheets to the E0P Verification Record. -
d. Return the completed package to the Nuclear Operations Manager.

B. Personnel Qualifications Personnel performing the E0P verification must be knowledgeable in certain specific subject areas related to the activities to be performed. Minimum personnel qualifications for each task are listed in Table 1.

The E0P author (s) should not participate in the evaluation of the

'E0Ps relative to the checklist criteria.

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 5 of 49

Table 1: Per:onnel Qualifications for E0P Verification Activitics Activity Qualifications Application of Checklist Familiarity with the PNPS PSTGs and Sections A and B the E0P Hriters Guide e

. Application of Checklist Familiarity with the PNPS PSTGs, Sections C and D the E0P Hriters' Guide, and plant operations (licensed operator preferred)

Application of Checklist Familiarity with the E0P format, Section E plant systems and control. room instrumentation (licensed operator

. preferred)

I Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 i Page 6 of 49 .


___ __ 1

IV. C. Evaluatina. Resolvina. and Correctina Identified Discrepancies Each E0P discrepancy identified through' the verification process shall be analyzed to determine if any corrective action is required.-

Resolution of all identified discrepancies and, if required, l completion of associated corrective action (s) shall be documented on Part II of an E0P Verification Discrepancy Report (ill'ustrated on page 8 of Attachment A). If no corrective action is required, appropriate justification shall be provided.

The analysis and resolution of E0P discrepancies and the identification of appropriate corrective actions should be performed ,

as a cooperative effort among several individuals having expertise in )

-the E0Ps, the EOP source documents, plant operation, and control room l


operator training. The procedure author (s) and the individual (s) who j completed the verification checklists should participate in the  ;

evaluation and resolution of discrepancies. The following process j shall be.followed in completing this task: )

l Review the description of the discrepancy. (If those who 1.

performed the verification are participating in the discrepancy review and resolution process they can supply additional l information as necessary.) j

2. Determine whether any corrective action is necessary. This decision should be made by : 1 (a) confirming that the identified discrepancy is actually a deviation from the evaluation criterion and (b) assessing the degree of deviation from the evaluation criterion, and (c) investigating whether extenuating or mutually conflicting requirements necessitate a deviation from the evaluation criterion.
3. If corrective action is appropriate, develop a recommended solution which corrects the discrepancy. Solutions may include changes to the E0P, additions to the E0P training program, modifications to plant equipment, or revisions to E0P source documents.
4. Document the agreed-upon corrective action on Part II of the E0P Verification Discrepancy Report, using Continuation Sheets as necessary to completely record the action to be taken.-If no corrective action is required, provide appropriate justification.

The individual who prepares the description of the required corrective action (or the justification for no corrective action) shall sign and date the Report in the space provided.

l l

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 7 of 49


L IV. iC. Evaluatina. Resolvina. and Correctina Identified Discrepancies (continued)

.5. When the corrective' action has been implemented, the individual who completes the' corrective action shall sign and date the

-associated E0P Verification Discrepancy Report Part II-in the space provided.

6. Satisfactory completion of the requ'i red corrective action shall-


be independently verified. The person who; performs this task shall sign and_ date the associated EOP Verification Discrepancy Report Part II in the space provided.

D. -Documentation-Documentation of each verified E0P shall consist of the following:

1. EOP Verification Record with all information and signatures.
2. One completed set of E0P Verification Checklists.
3. An E0P Verification Discrepancy Repo_rt Part I (including associated Continuation Sheets), appropriately completed for each discrepancy 11sted on the Verification Checklists.
4. An E0P Verification Discrepancy Report Part II (including associated Continuation Sheets), appropriately completed for each discrepancy listed on the Verification Checklists.

The completed documentation package shall be returned to the Nuclear

. Operations Manager. A review of all materials for compliance with the requirements and instructions of the E0P Verification Program shall be performed by the Nuclear Operations Manager and the QA Director.

These individuals shall sign and date the E0P Verification Record when they have determined that all requirements have been satisfactorily completed.

All records of E0P Verification shall be retained as specified by NOD Procedure 1.3.7.

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.)

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RTYPE H7.01 u----- ---- a-- A

1 Attachment A' Page 2 of 41 Table of Contents

. Section' Paae A-INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING EOP VERIFICATION CHECKLISTS .................. ............................ 4


IDENTIFICATION ................................. 10 B.-PROCEDURE FORMAT Bl. Format of. Flowchart Elements ........................ 11 B2. Step Numbering ...................................... 17-B3. Listed Items ........................................ 18 B4. Use of Emphasis Techniques .......................... 19 B5. . Procedure Layout and Associated Conventions 1......................................... 20

.B6. Instructions for Printing, Copying, and Storage ......................................... 22



C1. Level of-Detail ..................................... 23 C2. .W riting Style ....................................... 25 C3J Cautions and Notes .................................. 26 C4. Branching Instructions and Cross-References .................................... 27 C5.. Component Identification ............................- 29 C6. ' Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation ................... 30 C7. Nomenclature, Vocabulary, and Abbreviations ....................................... 31 C8. Numerical Values .................................... 39 q D. CONFORMITY WITH PLANT-SPECIFIC TECHNICAL GUIDELINES 40 E.. COMPATIBILITY WITH CONTROL ROOM .......................... 41 Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 .

Page 10 of 49 l RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A Page 3 cf 41 Table of Contents (Continued)

Forms Paae A-E0P Verification Record ..................................... 6 E0P. Verification Discrepancy Report, Part I ................. 7 E0P. Verification Discrepancy Report, Part II ................ 8 E0P Verification Discrepancy Report, Continuation Sheet ....................................................... 9 Tables Paae A-A1: Application of Logic Terms .............................. 32 A2: Standard Terms and Definitions ......................... 33 A3: Standard Acronyms and Abbreviations .................... 36


, t Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 ,

Page 11 of 49 RTYPE H7.01  !



1. Use black ink on all checklists 2.[F111 out an- E0P Verification Record (page 'A6) as follows:

-(a); Identify the number, revision, and title of the E0P being verified.

(b) Identify the PSTG revision which was used as the source document for

~the E0P being verified.

'(c). Identify the Writers' Guide revision which wac used as the source document for the E0P being verified.

(d). List the section(s) of the- EOP Verification Checklists being completed by you.

(e) Print your full- name, organization (or ' department) and job title (including such information as R0, SRO, Shift Supervisor, etc., as.

applicable) under " Verification Performance; Completed By."

3. Write the EOP number on the top of each checklist page.
4. Apply each checklist eval'ation u criterion, one at a time, to each flowchart element of the E0P being verified. If necessary, refer to the E0P Hriters' Guide for guidance on proper interpretation of the criteria checklist Sections A, B, and C.-(The relevant paragraph of the Hriters' Guide is identified in parentheses after each Section A, and.

8, and C checklist item.)


5. If all E0P flowchart which a checklist item is applicable are fully compliant with the. evaluation criterion, circle "Yes" on the checklist form. If'a checklist item does not apply to the E0P being -d evaluated, circle "NA". If one or more E0P flowchart elements are not fully compliant with the evaluation criterion, circle "No" and assign a

-unique discrepancy identification number of the following format:

Checklist.section - Criterion number - Sequence number Examole: B2-14-2 (Checklist section B2, l criterion 14, second discrepancy) l Multiple occurrences of the same discrepancy may be assigned the same identification number provided that each location of the discrepancy is

' documented.

L .6. Complete Part I of an EOP Verification Discrepancy Report (illustrated on L page A7)' for each identified discrepancy.

(a) Uniquely identify the flowchart element (s) to which the identified I discrepancy applies. If the discrepancy is one of omission, identify the applicable part of the PSTGs.

p Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 12 of 49 RTYPE H7.01 i i


Attachment A Page 5 of 41 (b) Provide a comprehensive narrative description of the. nature of the discreprney. If additional space is needed, use a Continuation Sheet (illustrated on page A9) and check the associated box on the Report indicating that a continuation sheet is attached. The sequential and total number of continuation sheets used for an individual.


discrepancy shall be identified in the appropriate blanks on each continuation sheet.

7. When all checklist items have been completed:

(a) Sign and date the E0P Verification Record.

(b) Attach all completed checklists and Part I Discrepancy Reports including associated continuation sheets to the E0P Verification Record.

(c) Return the completed package to the Nuclear Operations Manager.

l l



l-r Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 13 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A Page 6 of.41- ,





E0P #- Revision E0P Title a


1 i

PSTG Revision , Dated E0P Hriters' .i Guide Revision , Dated- -

VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE E0P Verification Checklist Section(s)

Completed by:

Name (Print)

Organization & Job Title Signature Date Reviewed by:



Nuclear Operations Manager Date l j

QA Director Date Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 14 of 49 RTYPE H7.01


E0P # REVISION PROCEDURE ELEMENT (s); quote. or describe uniquely:


0 ContinuationSheet(s) attached l[l l

l Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 i Page 15 of 49 I L RTYPE H7.01 1




ContinuationSheet(s) attached l[l Prepared by:

Name (Print)

Signature Date Implemented by:

Name (Print)

Signature Date Completion Verified by:

Name (Print)

Signature Date Proc. 1.3.4_13 Rev.1 .

Page 16 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

, Attachment A .


EOP Number REVISION Continuation of: Parti l[l Sheet of PartIIlZl Sheet of i

,i 4

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 17 of 49 RTYPE H7.01 i  ;

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1


1. Is the procedure number and title presented in Yes No NA large, boldfaced, underlined print, and placed

'at the top of the E0P?

(II.A III.D.I.a. III.D.2.a. III.D.3)

Discrepancy ID #

2. Is the E0P number unique? (II.A) Yes No NA Discrepancy ID #.
3. Is the E0P title descriptive of the procedure Yes No NA content? (II.A)

Discrepancy ID #

4. Does the E0P have a title block located in the Yes No NA lower right corner of.the bordered area surroundir.g the E0P? (II.B. III.E.5) t Discrepancy ID #
5. Does the EOP title block contain: Yes No NA (1) plant name, (2) approval signature, (3) effective date, (4) procedure title, (5) procedure number, and (6) revision number? (II.B)

~ Discrepancy ID # _

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 18 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A

'Page 11 of 41 E0P SECTION B: PROCEDURE FORMAT B1. Format of Flowchart Elements

1. As appropriate, is entry to the E0P indicated at the top (i.e., beginning) of the procedure by either of the following:


  • A tabular presentation of entry conditions Yes No NA enclosed in a heavy-bordered rectangle with rounded corners? (III.A.1)
  • The word " START" printed in' boldfaced uppercase Yes No NA letters enclosed in a heavy-bordered rectangle with rounded corners? (III.A.1, III.D.2.c)

Discrepancy ID #

2. Are concurrent execution statements enclosed Yes No NA within a shaded elongated rectangle with entry and exit arrows appropriately located? (III.A.2)

Discrepancy ID #

3. Are section designators printed in Yes No NA boldfaced uppercase letters centered within 5 l

shaded trapezoids? (III.A.3, III.D.I.d, III.D.2.d) i Discrepancy ID #

4. Are instructional steps presented as complete Yes No NA sentences enclosed in rectangles? (III.A.4)

Di,screpancy ID #

5. Are individual decisions which constitute major Yes No NA  !

branch points each phrased as I "yes/no" questions and enclosed in diamonds? l (III.A.5) i Discrepancy ID #

6. Are "Yes" and "No" response path labels Yes No NA capitalized and placed adjacent to arrows extending from decision diamonds?

(III.A.5, III.A.6.a III.A.6.b)

Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 19 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

' Attachment As W ,

Page 12 of 41


B1.- 1F ormat of Flowchart Elements'(continued)-
7. Do conditional statements that are formatted as a-isingle. instructional' step:

.a.-- Have the. conditional.part-of the instruction Yes No NA stated first, followed by. the contingent .

? action?..(This formatting requirement does not apply for conditional clauses that begin with "Until" or "Except"). (III.A.6)

D'iscrepancy ID #

'b. Have the logic terms printed in uppercase Yes No NA-letters;and separated from the remainder of.

thelr. respective clauses. . (This formatting

. requirement does not apply for conditional clauses that begin with "Until" or "Except".)

(III.A.7.b, III.D.2.e)

-Discrepancy ID #

8.'Where a prescribed action is:to be performed until' Yes No . NA -

certain specified conditions occur, are the conditions-prefaced by the word-"UNTIL" printed in uppercase letters? (III.A.7.c III.D.2.e)

Discrepancy ID #

9. Where a' prescribed action is to be performed with Yes No NA-certain specified exceptions, are the exceptions prefaced by the word "EXCEPT" printed in uppercase letters? (III.A.7.d, III'.D.2.e)

Discrepancy ID #

- 10. -

. Where a prescribed action may be performed any. Yes No NA.

time before a specified condition occurs, is the .'

condition prefaced by the word "BEFORE" (separated by a double horizontal line) printed in boldfaced

-uppercase letters and enclosed in a-trapezoid?

(III.A.7.e III.D.1.g. III.D.2.e)

Discrepancy ID # -l

11. "and/or" decision structure is required, Yes No NA has one of the following formats (or an acceptable alternate format) been chosen to clearly depict the

. relationship between the conditional clauses?

(III.A.6.e) i

  • A decision table
  • An appropriately structured series of decision i diamonds Discrepancy ID #  ;

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 j Page 20 of 49 \


RTYPE H7.01 i 1

Attachment A Page 13 of 41 j E0P B'1. Format of Flowchart Elements (continued)

12. Where plant conditions are specified which cause Yes No NA procedure execution to immediately proceed from one instructional step to a subsequent

-flowchart element, are the continuation conditions prefaced by the word "HHEN" printed \

in uppercase letters and separated from the remainder of the respective clause by two periods?

(III.A.8, III.D.2.e)

Discrepancy ID #:

13. Are hold points expressed as instructions Yes No NA beginnit,g with "HAIT UNTIL ..." printed in uppercase letters and-enclosed in an octagon?

'(III.A.9. III.D.2.e)

Discrepancy ID # i

14. Are override. statements formatted as decision Yes No NA 4 tables enclosed in shaded heavy-bordered ,

rectangles with rounded corners?

(III.A.10) ,

Discrepancy ID #

15. Do override-statements have heavy shaded lines extending Yes No NA dowrvard from the left and right sides of the enclosing rounded-corner rectangle to indicate the flowchart -

element (s) which the override statement applies? (Extension lines need not be used where an override statement applies to an entire procedure.) (III.A.10)

Discrepancy ID #

16. Are procedure exit statements and end points enclosed Yes No NA in heavy-bordered rectangles with rounded corners?

(III.A.11) \

Discrepancy ID #

17.-.Is supplemental information that applies to the- Yes No NA performance of a step located outside the direct path of the flowchart elements, and is the association to the appropriate flowchart element indicated by a {


! dashed line? (III.A.12) 1 I

i Discrepancy ID #  !

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 l Page 21 of 49 )

RTYPE H7.01  !

Attachment A Page 14 of 41 E0P B1.- Format of Flowchart Elements (continued)

18. Are notes printed in italics and located Yes No NA immediately adjacent to (either before or after) the text to which they apply? (III.A.12. III.D.4)

Discrepancy ID #

19. For notes, is the word " NOTE" printed in uppercase Yes No NA letters and punctuated with a colon prefacing the text of the note? (III.A.13, III.D.2.h)

Discrepancy ID #

20. Are references to cautions indicated within flowchart Yes No NA elements through.the use of a circled number with black background? (III.A.14)

Discrepancy ID #

21. Is the full text of each referenced caution enclosed Yes No NA in a rectangle and arranged in sequence around the periphery of the EOP, located to the left of or above any figures present? (III.A.14, III.E.6)

Discrepancy ID #

22. Is each figure labeled with a number and title printed Yes No NA in boldfaced uppercase letters centered above the figure number having a prefix corresponding to the number of the E0P followed by a unique sequential decimal number?

(111.A.15, III.A.15.b, III.D.I.e, III.D.2.f)

Discrepancy ID #

23. Are all figures that are referenced within the EdP Yes No NA correctly arranged around the periphery of the procedure in proper numerical sequence?

(III.A.15, III.E.6)

Discrepancy ID #

24. Are the text and graphics of each figure clear, Yes No NA simple, and easily read? (III.A.15.a)

Discrepancy ID #

[ 25. Are axes of all graphs labeled with parameters, Yes No NA

( units, and numerical values? (III.A.15.c)


Discrepancy ID #

} Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 22 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment'A Page 15 of 41.

. E0P l81.. Format of Flowchart Elements (continued)

26. Are'both horizontal and vertical grid lines provided Yes No NA cn all graphs? '(III.A'15.d) .

Discrepancy ID.#'

27. Are all-graphical presentations of operating regions Yes No NA which are beyond the action level defined by the E0P deltneated- through the use of. cross-hatching or -

. background shading? (III.A.15.e)

-Discrepancy ID #

-28. Is each table labeled with a number and title printed Yes No NA i in' boldfaced uppercase. letters centered above the table, with the table number having a prefix.corres-pending to the number of,the E0P followed by a unique sequential decimal number?

(III.A.16. III.A.16b,.III.D.I.e. III.D.2.g)

Discrepancy ID #

29. Are all tables that are referenced within the E0P Yes No NA .j correctly arranged around the periphery of the i procedure in proper numerical sequence (small R tables located adjacent to flowchart elements l excepted)? .(III.A.16, III.E.6) -j Discrepancy ID #
30. Are small tables placed alongside the flowchart Yes No NA element in which they are referenced, with a dashed line used to indicate step association?

j (III.A.12, III.A.16) l Discrepancy.ID # j

31. Are the text and graphics of each table clear, Yes No NA simple and easily read? (III.A.16.a)

Discrepancy.ID #

32. Are tables placed within a border? (III.A.16.c) Yes No NA Discrepancy ID #

'33..Is an appropriate heading provided for each table Yes No NA column, printed in uppercase letters and centered

.over the respective column? (III.A.16.d, III..D.2.g)

Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 23 of 49 I RTYPE H7.01

- _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - ._ _ __ .

Attachment A Page 16 of 41 E0P

'81.- Format of Flowchart Elements (continued) 34.,Is a double horizontal line placed below table column Yes No NA headings? (III.A.16.e)

Discrepancy ID #

35. Are table columns divided by vertical lines? Yes No NA (III.A.16.f)

Discrepancy ID #

36. Are dashed horizontal lines or blank spaces used within Yes No NA tables to group (or divide) entries as appropriate? i (III.A.16.g)

Discrepancy ID #

4 l

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 24 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

. Attachment A Page 17 of 41

-l E0P~


B2. Sten Num3erina


1.[Aresequentialarabicnumeralsusedtonumberstepsfor Yes No NA those operator actions that.must be executed sequentially {

and that are presented within the confines of one floschart' element? (III.B)

Discrepancy ID #

2. Are step numbers absent from flowchart elements, except Yes' No NA 1 as identified in checklist item B2.1 above? (III.B) i Discrepancy ID #

i i

I l

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 k Page 25 of 49 RTYPE H7.01


Attachment A Page 18 of 41 E0P-B3. Listed Items

1. Are multiple items for which there is no Yes No NA unconditional pre-designated preference or' priority. \-

arranged in a list format, with each entry in the list prefaced by a bullet (o)? (III.C)

Discrepancy ID #

'2. Are bullets which precede. listed items indented two Yes No 'NA spaces to the right of the left margin of the immediately preceding text? (III.C.)

Discrepancy ID #

4 i


Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 26 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A Page 19 of 41-E0P


84. Use of Emohasis Techniaues ]

I i

-1. For the entry conditions element, are the words Yes No NA

  • ' ENTRY CONDITIONS" and the column headings printed in boldfaced and uppercase print?

(III.A.1, III.D.I.b, III.D.2.b)

Discrepancy ID #.

2. For.the entry point element, is the word " START" Yes No NA printed in boldfaced and uppercase print?

(III.A.1, III.D.I.c, III.D.2)

Discrepancy ID #

3. Are figure axis labels-(except for identified Yes No NA engineering units) printed in uppercase print?

(III.A.15.c, III.D.2.f)

Discrepancy.ID #

4. Are boldfaced letters used within flowchart elements Yes No. NA of a slightly larger print size than thht normally-used for standard text? (III.D.1)

Discrepancy ID #

5. Are as-labeled component / instrument designators. Yes No NA control switch. positions, and annunciator engravings ~ printed with uppercase letters enclosed in quotation marks? (III.D.2.j, III.D.5)

Discrepancy ID #

l l

l Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 27 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A Page 20 of 41 E0P

85. Procedure Layout and Associated Conventions
1. Is the E0P devoid of page breaks? (III.E.3) Yes No NA Discrepancy ID #
2. Does a border surround the page? (III.E.4) Yes No NA Discrepancy ID #
3. Is the page border of medium line thickness and at Yes No NA least 1/2 inch from the page edges? (III.E.4)

Discrepancy ID #

4. Hhere multiple E0Ps exist on a single page is there Yes No NA a bordered area surrounding each E0P? (III.E.5)

Discrepancy ID #

5. Is a title block connected to the lower right hand Yes No NA corner of each bordered area surrounding each E0P?


Discrepancy 10 #

6. Are lines ending in arrows used to connect all Yes No NA flowchart elements? (III.E.7)  !

Discrepancy ID #

7. Is the general progression through the E0P down and Yes No NA to the right? (III.E.7)

Discrepancy ID #

8. Is at least a 1/2 inch spacing maintained between the Yes No NA l' page border and:

j (a) The E0P title and (b) flowchart elements (including connecting lines and extension lines emanating from override statements)? (III.E.8)

/ 1 Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 g Page 28 of 49 RTYPE H7.01


Attachment A Page 21 of 41 E0P l B5. Procedure Layout and Associated Conventions (continued)

9. Is a spacing of at least 3/8 inch maintained between Yes No NA flowchart elements? (III.E.9) l Discrepancy ID #
10. Is a spacing of at least 3/8 inch maintained between Yes No NA parallel lines connecting flowchart elements, and between extension lines emanating from override statements (except for dotted intraprocedure branch s lines and dashed lines connecting supplemental information)? (III.E.10)

Discrepancy ID #

11. Has the cross-over of lines connecting flowchart Yes No NA elements been minimized? (III.E.11)

Discrepancy ID #

i I


Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1  ;

Page 29 of 49 RTYPE H7.01 f

E_________ j

  • i-Attachment A  ;  ;

Page 22 of 41 ,/

E0P ..

86, ' Instructions for Printina. Coovina and Storace 1 c - t

1. Is-text within flowchart elements single-spaced, with Yes No . NA tne-and-a-half line spacing maintained between listed items and between multiple instructions or statements -

enclosed within one flowchart element? (III.F.1)  ?

Discrepancy ID #  ;

2. Is text within instructional steps, exit statements, Yes No NO-and endpoints left-aligned? (III.F.2) 0,iscrepancy ID #
3. Is text within the individual columns of entry Yes No NA conditions, override statements, and elements with decision table fornots left-aligned? (III.F.3)

Discrepancy 10 # ..

44 Is text within hold points and decision diamonds Yes No NA centered? (III.F.4)

Discrepancy ID # '

5. Is type size no smaller than 9-point? (III.F.5) Yes No NA Discrepancy ID # _ ,
6. Has a type style been used that is simple, easy-to- Yes No NA read, and devoid of serifs and other charar.ter .

embellishments? (III.F.6) .

Discrepancy ID # 'I

7. Are all portions of the copy of the E0P fully Yes No NA idgible? (II.F.7)

Discrepancy ID # .


.i; Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 30 of 49 1 RTfPE H7,01

1, '

Attachment A-Page 23 of 41 EOP SECTION C: PROCEDURE CONTENT-C1. Level of Detail

'1. Is the level of detail presented in the EOP Yes No NA.

consistent with the knowledge and capabilities of a newly-licensed reactor operator (i.e.,

has the relative complexity of and an operator's familiarity with the evolutions to be performed been appropriately considered)? (IV.A.1) 0.i j Discrepancy ID #

2. Has excessive detail been avoided? (IV.A.2) Yes No NA Discrepancy ID #
3. Have expected results of routine actions not been Yes No NA stated? (IV.A.2)

Discrepancy ID #

4. Have system response times been specified where (es No NA appropriate? (IV.A.4)

Discrepancy ID #

5. Have equipment limitations been identiff ed where Yes No NA appropriate? (IV.A.4) j

- Discrepancy ID # l l

6. Have instrument inaccuracies been identified where Yes No NA appropriate? (IV.A.4)

Discrepancy ID #

{ s' l i

7. Has alternate or backup instrumentation been Yes No NA i identified where appropriate? (IV.A.4) 1 Discrepancy ID # )

} ./'

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 31 of 49 ,


-p> ye -


r s 7

4 3, 7 a r, .";f

.,.' Attachment A i .- X: ', >-

" Page 24 of 41


_, . e- y

j. ** E0?

C1. Level 6f Detail (continued)

(p y -

8. itava manual override instru)ctions been incorporated Yes No NA
wtere appropriate? (IV.A.'4)

' Discrepancy ID #

j y

9. Havs methods of verifying correct plant response been Yes No NA specified % era appropriate? (IV.A.3) 3 . .

Discrepancy ID # 4

10. Are instructions succinct and precise with only short, Yes No NA y ,r,imple sentences used? (IV.A.5)

Discrepancy ID # .

. .i

11. Where teautred, has verification of automatic plant Yes1 'He NA response been included as an instruction? (III.A.5) ,

r ,

Discrepancy ID # [



%; j.


\ 'i j J

8 t


't J

x. 6 ,

l "at ,

i p, . >

. ..a


g .

_ f:

. l I ' s}. I 7

i l

.j  ;



Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 32 of 49 g RTYPE H7.01 1


( .* i

Attachment A Page 25 of 41' E0P C2. Writina Style 1.'Is.the wording, grammar, and sentence structure Yes No NA iwithin all flowchart elements easily readable and interpretable?' (IV.B.1)

-Discrepancy'ID #

2. Are instructions written in the second person- Yes No NA imperative mood with an implicit subject?


Discrepancy ID #

3. Does each instructional step only address one idea? Yes No NA (IV.B.3)

Discrepancy ID #

4. Are the objects of actions specifically stated Yes No NA (i.e., is it obvious exactly what is to be done to what?). (IV.B.4)

Discrepancy ID #

5. Have multiple objects (3 or more) been listed Yes No NA individually and separately from the preceding text? (IV.B.4)

Discrepancy ID #

6. Where actions must be performed concurrently, are Yes No NA they specifically identified as such? (IV.B.5)

Discrepancy ID #-

7. Are limits expressed quantitatively? (IV.B.6) Yes No NA Discrepancy ID #

l I B. Has the need for arithmetical calculations been Yes No NA avoided where possible? (IV.B.7)

Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 l

Page 33 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A Page 26 of 41 E0P C3. Cautions and Nqin

1. Have cautions only been used to identify potential Yes No NA hazards to personnel or equipment? (IV.C)

Discrepancy ID #

2. Have notes only been used to provide supplementary Yes No NA information related to performance of a particular action? (IV.C)

Discrepancy ID #

3. Has the use of cautions and notes been minimized? Yes No NA (IV.C)

Discrepancy ID #

4. Do notes and cautions nn.t contain instructional Yes No NA steps? (IV.C)

Discrepancy ID #

i i

j l

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 L Page 34 of 49 I RTYPE H7.01 i

. - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ _-.__________________J

Attachment A Page 27 of 41 .i E0P C4. Branchina Instructions and Cross References

1. Are.all branching instructions clear and specific Yes No NA (i.e., not ambiguous)? (IV.D)

Discrepancy ID #

2. Are all branching instructions presented as complete Yes No NA sentences?- (IV.D)

Discrepancy ID #

3. Where branching is required, does each branching instruction correctly employ one of the following formats:

- Exit this procedure and enter [ Procedure X], Yes No NA

"[ Procedure Title]".

- Exit the [ Parameter) section of this procedure Yes No NA and enter [ Procedure X], "[ Procedure Title]".


- Exit this procedure and enter the [ Parameter] Yes No NA g section of~[EOP -[X] , "[EOP Title]".

- Exit this procedure and enter the (Parameter] Yes No NA section and the [ Parameter] section of E0P-[X],

"[EOP Title]"; execute these sections of E0P-[X]


- Enter (Procedure X], "LProcedure Title]", and Yes No NA execute [ Procedure X] concurrently with this procedure.

Continue at [Y). Yes Na NA Return to [Y). Yes No NA (IV.D)

Discrepancy ID #

4. Where an entry to a particular EOP section from another Yes No NA E0P is indicated, has a rectangular arrow been used to enclose the correct number of the other EOP that specifies this entry? (IV.D)

Discrepancy ID #


} 5..Where entry to a particular E0P section is directed, has Yes No NA .

a rectangular arrow been used to indicate the appropriate '

entry point location in the identified E0P (including identification that entry is from this procedure)? (IV.D) r Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 35 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A Page 28 of 41 E0P C4. Branchina Instructions and Cross References (continued)

6. Does each intra-procedure branch correctly employ Yes No NA a unique letter designator format (i.e., capitalized, circled, and each pair connected by a dotted line)?


Discrepancy ID #

7. Has forward and backward branching within the E0P Yes No NA been minimized? (IV.D.)

Discrepancy ID #

8. Have cross-references been minimized? (IV.D) Yes No NA Discrepancy ID #

9.'For cross-references to suppler. ental procedures, has Yes No NA the referenced procedure been identified by both number and title, with the title enclosed in quotation marks? (IV.0)

Discrepancy ID #

10. Where figures and tables are referenced in the E0P, Yes No NA are they identified by correct number? (Identification of the title is not required.) (III.A.15 III.A.16 IV.0) \

Discrepancy ID #

'l l

l Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 36 of 49 h RTYPE H7.01 l

I Attachment A Page 29 of 41 4 E0P C5. Component Identification {

l  !

1. Are components clearly and completely Yes .No NA I 1dentified? (IV.E) i Discrepancy ID #
2. Where a specific control switch or instrument is Yes No NA l referenced, are as-labeled designations printed in- j uppercase letters and enclosed in quotation marks?


Discrepancy ID # j

3. Have system titles been capitalized? (The word Yns No NA

" system" is not required.) -(IV.E.2)

Discrepancy ID #

4. For infrequently used components, have locations Yes No NA been specified? (IV.E.3)

Discrepancy ID #

l l



.1 Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 37 of 49 i RTYPE H7.01

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Attachment A Page 30 of 41 E0P i

C6. Spellina. Grammar. and Punctuation

1. Is spelling, grammar, and punctuation consistent with Yes No NA

' standard rules and modern usage? (IV.F)

Discrepancy ID #  ;


2. Has excessive use'of commas, definite articles, Yes No NA pronouns, and adverbs been minimized to the extent possible?. (IV.F.1, IV.F.2) J l

Discrepancy ID #

3. Are elements with columnar formats (e.g., override Yes No NA statements) devoid of commas? (IV.F.1)

Discrepancy ID #


4. Have personal pronouns not been used? (IV.F.2) Yes No NA Discrepancy ID #

l l

1 I

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Attachment A 3 Page 31 of 41 E0P C7. Nomenclature. Vocabulary. and Abbreviations l t

1. Have simple, common words with specific, precise Yes : No NA {

meanings been used? Have ambiguous terms been l avoided? (IV.G.1, IV.G.2)


Discrepancy ID #


2. Are logic terms used consistent with the definitions Yes No NA i provided in Table Al? (IV.G.3)

Discrepancy ID #

3. Has terminology been consistent with the definitions Yes No NA provided in Table A2? (IV.G.4)

Discrepancy ID #

4. Has the use.of abbreviations and acronyms been Yes No NA minimized? Have only those immediately recognizable from Table A3 been used? (IV.G.5)

Discrepancy ID #


I Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 >

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Attachment A Page 32 of 41' EOP Table A1: Application of Logic Terms Loaic Term Definition AND Designates a combination of two or more conditions. l


Identifies the second and subsequent elements of a set conditions.

BEFORE. Indicates that the respective action is to be performed prior to the occurrence of a specified condition. Does not imply or require any specific margin be observed when a step states that action be taken "before" reach-ing a limit or value.

EXCEPT- Specifies an exception to or exclusion from taking a prescribed action.

IF Indicates'that performance of the associated action is contingent upon the existence of the identified condition (s). If the identified conditions do not exist, the prescribed action is not to be taken and execution of operator actions proceeds to the following step.

OR Designates alternative combinations of conditions.

Indicates that the associated to be performed if any one of the specified conditions occur. (Always used in the inclusive sense.)

THEN Designates the action portion of an' instruction.

NAIT UNTIL Indicates that execution of subsequent operator actions is not permitted until the identified condition exists.

WHEN Indicates that upon occurrence or existence of.the j

. identified condition (s), execution of the procedure should immediately proceed'to the next identified flow chart element.

UNTIL Indicates that the associated action is to be terminated when the specified condition occurs.

L i

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 40 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A Page 33 of 41 EOP Table A2: Standard Nomenclature and Definitions Available: - .

The state or condition of being ready and'able to be used (placed into operation) to accomplish the stated (or implied) action or function.

Cannot be determined:

The value or status of the.specified parameter relative to the procedure action level cannot be ascertained using available indications.

3 1

Cannot be maintained:

~The value of the specified paramaeter cannot be_kept'above or,below ,,

(as applicable) the identified limit. Implies an evaluation based 1 on system performance and availability considered in relation to.

. parameter values and' trends. Neither implies that the parameter must actually-exceed the limit before the action is taken nor that_the.

action must be taken'before the limit'is reached.

Cannot be restored: .

The value of the specified parameter cannot be-returned to within  !

the specified limit. Implies an evaluation based on system performance and~ availability considered in relation to. parameter values and trends. Does not imply any specific time limit, but.does not permit. prolonged operation beyond the limit.

Close:-. -i

~To position a valve or damper so as to' prevent flow of the process fluid.

Confira:- L Use available. indications and, as appropriate, physical observation j to establish that the specified action has occurred, conditions are A as stated, etc. Includes an implied' requirement to take corrective ,

action if the identified conditions do not exist. J Control:

Take action, as necessary, to maintain the value of the specified parameter within applicable limits.


Commence performing, in sequence, the steps of the identified procedure.

l Execute:

Perform the actions prescribed in the identified step.

l Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 )

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-Attachment A Page'34 cf 41 E0P Table A2: Standard Nomenclature and Definitions (continued)


e .. Cease performing the steps of the identified procedure.


Operate the necessary controis so as to establish the s'pecified system configuration or plant condition. Prolonged attempts to jumper

. interlocks,' align alternate or backup power supplies, enter remote areas to manually operate valves, etc., are not intended by this term.

Line up:

. Establish the prerequisites necessary for system operation. Does not encompass starting main system pumps. .j Maintain:

Take action, as necessary, to keep the value of the specified parameter' within the applicable limits.

Monitor: . . .

Observe and evaluate at a frequency sufficient to remain apprised of the.

value, trend, and rate of change of the specified parameter.


.Open: .

To position a valve or damper. so as to allow flow of the process fluid.


To' align a. switch to a specified position.


Take action to forestall or avert the state, condition, or action addressed by the step.

Purge: . .

Force' flow through an enclosed volume. Includes establishing both an influent and effluent flowpath. l Restore: . - -

Take action, as necessary, to return the value of the specified parameter to within applicable limits.


To position a control to a specified scale value.


4 To position a breaker so as to permit the flow of current in the associated circuit. -


Only as. fast as can be accommodated and still maintain effective control l

- of the associated parameter (s) within specified values or limits. l Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 42 of 49


RTYPE H7.01 2

Attachment A Page 35 of 41 E0P Table A2: Standard Nomenclature and Definitions (continued)


To energize a pump or fan motor.


Stop the stated action.. process or evolution. The most direct action to stop the stated action / process / evolution is preferred, but many actions may be-required.


To position a valve or damper so as to partially restrict flow of the process fluid.


To deenergize a pump or fan motor; to position a breaker so as to interrupt or prevent the flow of current in the associated circuit.


Open an effluent (exhaust) flowpath from an enclosed volume.


Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 43 of 49 RTYPE H7.01 l

Attachment A Page 36 cf 41 E0P Table A3: Standard Acronyms and Abbreviations Abbreviation Meanina ADS Automatic Depressurization System APRM Average Power Range Monitor ARI Alternate Rod Insertion BIIT Boron Injection Initiation Temperature CAC Containment Atmospheric Control CAD Containment Atmospheric Dilution CPS Counts Per Second CRD Control Rod Drive CS Core Spray CST Condensate Storage Tank Demin Demineralized DSIL Drywell Spray Initiation Limit DH Drywell ECCS Emergency Core Cooling Systems i

Elev Elevation i i

'F Degrees Fahrenheit I ft Feet FH Feedwater GPM Gallons Per Minute }

H&V Heating and Ventilation HCLL Heat Capaatity Level Limit HCTL Heat Capacity Temperature Limit HL1J Hydraulic Control Unit Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 44 of 49 l l RTYPE H7.01 i l

Attach;ent'A Page.37 of 41 EOP

.l 1

AbbIri 110E Meanina i HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection hr- Hour HX Heat Exchanger in. Inch lbs Pounds LCO Limiting Condition for Operation LI Level Indicator l l

LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LPCI Low Pressure Coolant Injection LR Level Recorder


MARFP Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure MCFI Minimum Core Flooding Interval MCUTL Maximum Core Uncovery Time Limit min Minimum MPCHLL Maximum Primary Containment Hater Level Limit mR Milliroentgen /Milliren (as appropriate to the context and the units of associated instrumentation.

MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve N/A Not Applicable NPSH Net Positive Suction Head N.H. North West PCPL Primary Containment Pressure Limit t.

psig Pounds per square inch (gauge) f Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 l Page 45 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A Page 38 of 41 E0P Abbreviation Meanina PSP Pressure Suppression Pressure RB Reactor Building RBCCH Reactor Building Closed Cooling Hater RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling RHR Residual Heat Removal RPH Revolutions Per Minute RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel RHCU Reactor Water Cleanup SBGT Standby Gas Trehtment SBLC Standby Liquid Control S.E. South East SRV Safety Relief Valve StuTeLL SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit {

.i SSH Salt Service Hater S.H. South West 4 1

TAF Top of the active fuel


l TBCCH Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water j l

TIP Traversing In-Core Probe j l

& Ampersand ("AND")

Feet (units of elevation)

Inches (units of elevation)

% Percent l

i l Proc. l.3.4-13 Rev.1 I l' Page 46 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

Attachment A.

Page 39 of 41 E0P

.C8. Numerical Values

1. Have limits and values of operating parameters been' Yes No NA expressed quantitatively? (IV.H)

Discrepancy ID #

2..Havi only Arabic numerals been used? (IV.H.1) Yes No NA. j Dir,crepancy ID #

3. Do parameter values include the units of measurement? Yes No NA (IV.H.2)

Discrepancy ID #

4. Have parameter values been expressed to a precision Yes No NA consistent with the intent of the action (s) specified in the step? (IV.H.3)

Discrepancy ID #

5.-Are acceptance values expressed in terms of a range Yes No NA rather than a tolerance band to obviate the i need-for mental arithmetic (e.g., 20 in, to 30 in., ,

rather than 25 in.15 in.)? (IV H.4)

Discrepancy ID #

6. Has a slash diark (/) been used in place of the word Yes No NA

'"per" (e.g., mR/hr)? (IV.H.5)

Discrepancy ID #

7. Are numbers between zero and one expressed in decimal Yes No NA form with a zero preceding the decimal point (e.g., 0.12)? (IV.H.6)

Discrepancy ID #

j Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 47 of 49 RTYPE H7.01

- . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - =_ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _


1. Does'the wording of each flowchart element comply Yes No NA

'With the content and intent of the corresponding step of the technical guidelines?

Discrepancy ID #

2..Have all steps of the corresponding technical Yes .No NA guidelines been incorporated into the E0P?

Discrepancy ID #

3. Are cautions referenced at the points specified in Yes No NA the technical guidelines?

Discrepancy ID #

'4. Are all instructions and cautions in the E0P derived Yes No NA from corresponding technical guideline steps and  ;


Discrepancy ID # 1

5. Do all numerical values in the E0P correspond to Yes No NA those specified in the technical guidelines?

Discrepancy ID # .

6. Do the EOP entry conditions correspond to those Yes No NA specified in the technical guidelines?


Discrepancy ID #

7. Does the sequence of operator actions and decisions Yes No NA correspond to that presented in the technical guidelines?

Discrepancy 10 #

8. Does the association of override statements correspond Yes No NA ]

to that defined in the technical guidelines?

  • Discrepancy.ID # q
9. Are cross-references consistent with those identified Yes No NA

-in the-technical guidelines?

-Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 48 of 49 RTYPE H7.01



1. Are:as-labeled designations used to identify specific Yes No NA

, components, alarms, controls, and instruments?

Discrepancy ID #

2. Are component locations specified when appropriate Yes No NA (e.g., the least-experienced intended user might be unfamiliar with the location, or when failure to do so may cause confusion)?

Discrepancy ID #

3. Is the determination of identified status (value, Yes No NA trend, position, etc.) of plant parameters as specified in the E0P adequately supported by plant i instruments, approved instructions, or other appropriate sources of information?

Discrepancy ID #

4. Are-the values of plant parameters specified in the Yes No NA E0P within the range of the respective control room instruments?-

Discrepancy ID #

5. Are the units of measurement for values of plant Yes No NA parameters as specified in the EOP the same as those presented on the respective control room instruments?

, Discrepancy ID #

6. Are the values of parameters specified in the E0P Yes No NA expressed to a precision consistent with the accuracy and precision of the respective instru-L mentation?

Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-13 Rev.1 Page 49 of 49 RTYPE H7.01



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Approved M b +=-:-- Y/7 !/7

, . Quality Assurance Manager /Date Approved 7 Nu r Operafftins Manage //Dafe '

i 1

l 1+

Safety Evaluation: t ; i ed/Not Required 1

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L; FOR INFORMATION w e. s . . + ONLY L.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

.._ __.....________._....n._.___._..

Table of Contents I 1 E191 Section 3

I. PURPOSE .......................

3 II. APPLICABILITY ....................

i ;

3 III. DEFINITIONS .....................

IV. REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS A. Validation Methodology and Evaluation 4 Techniques ...................

7 B. Scenario Development .. .. . .. ... ....

C. Validation Team Member Composition and 8

Qualifications ..................

8 D. Performance of EOP Validation Exercises . . . . .

E. Recording the Results of E0P Validation 10 Exercises ...................

F. Evaluating, Resolving, and Correcting 11 i

Identified Discrepancies .. ..... .....

12 G. Documentation _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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1. - .

Y I PURPOSE LThis ' document provides appropriate' requirements and instructions for validating the PNPS Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs).

II. APPLICABILITY The requirements and. instructions specified herein apply to the overall process of developing new EOPs and revising existing E0Ps.

This document supplements existing PNPS procedures governing procedure preparation, revision,:and control but does not supplant them.

III. DEFINITIONS EOPSourcebocuments - Guidelines, procedures, data, and other records which comprise the: technical basis of the E0Ps and requirements for their development.

E0P Operational Correctness - An EOP characteristic that' refers to the compatibility of.the procedures with, plant hardware, plant responses, operator capabilities, other plant procedures, and the composition and manning level of

.cn-shift personnel.

EOP Validation - The process of confirming and documenting the operational correctness and usability of the E0Ps.

-EOP usibility - An E0P characteristic that refers to the adequacy of the procedures' level of detail and the understandability of the information

. presented in the procedure.

! 1p e . .%. . Proc."1.3'.4-14 Rev. 0 4: , Page 3 of 37 4:w; - -


__ -=_ -

IV, REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS-A'. ' Validation Methodoloav and Evaluation Techniaues As stated'above, the. general attributes of EOP usability and operational correctness are evaluated through the validation process. The specific E0P characteristics encompassed by this definition are as.follows:

Attribute Procedure Characteristic

-Usability Level of detail Understandability Operational Compatibility with plant hardware l Correctness Compatibility with plant response  ;

Compatibility with other plant procedures ,

Compatibility with operator 2 capabilities I Compatibility with normal shift composition and manning level .

The. evaluation criteria against which each of these procedure characteristics .I is evaluated are listed in Table 1 (page 5).  ;

The EOP Validation Program employs the following evaluation techniques:

  • Observation of licensed operators using the EOPs during real-time execution of multiple transient and accident scenarios conducted-on the PNPS simulator.

Halkthroughs/talkthroughs by licensed operators of those EOPs (and steps of EOPs) which cannot be effectively addressed through simulated exercises. Procedure walkthroughs shall be conducted in a control room setting (either at the plant or the PNPS simulator).

-* Collection of operator. opinions using prepared questionnaires.

Performance of validation activities and the results of associated evaluation shall be documented on the forms illustrated in Attachments A, B, and C.

Additional details regarding preparation for and execution of individual E0P Validation Program activities are provided in the remaining sections of this procedure.

o l l


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Table 1: EOP Validaticn Evaluation Criteria l; Characteristic Evaluation Criteria l l Level of detail' Does the EOP provide the information l necessary for operators to eval.uate key ~

l plant conditions and take the j appropriate action?

I I Is the ' level'of detail'provided in the EOP l consistent with the knowledge and l capabilities of the intended users?

I I Nhere appropriate, are response times, . ,

i equipment limitations, instrument l inaccuracies, and contingency actions  ;

l adequately addressed in the EOP7 l l Understandability Are operators able to correctly, and in a j.


l timely manner interpret each of the steps l of the EOPs? l )

l Compatibility with Does the existing plant design permit the l plant hardware performance of prescribed actions as directed i l (specificallyconsideringtheavailabilityofl  ;

both information and controls), and in the _l

( ,

l sequence specified? l l Compatibility with Are the specified actions effective in l plant response stabilizing plant conditions?

I l Compatibility with Is the wording that is used in the E0Ps l other procedures consistent with that of other plant l procedures? '

I l.

Where references to plant procedures are l provided,doesthespecifiedprocedureexist,l 1s the number and title correct, and does it l provide the appropriate instructions for the l task or activity intended by the context of l the reference in. the EOP? l

] Are the actions prescribed in the E0Ps l compatible with those specified in other l plant procedures which may have to be l executed concurrently?

.I I y w .- w . Procr 1.3.4-14 Rev. 0 l

Page 5 of 37 l s i s;,.; m w 7 FOR INFORMATION I J m % . % A 4- '

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Table 1: E0P Validation Evaluation Criteria (Continued) 1 l Characteristic Evaluation Criteria l l Compatibility with Are the task requirements imposed by the l operator prescribed actions within the physical and l capabilities mental capabilities of the control room l 1 operators? j i l Compatibility with

  • Is the normal complement of on-shift l shift composition personnel able to execute the specified l and manning level actions in a timely manner and at the proper j l time? l i

_ _---------------------------------- l j

i I

Procc 1.3.4-14 Rev. 0 ,

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i Page 6 of 17 l I i - c..:.g ~' . 1 3 FOR INFORMATION 5% . . . . a . . ,,._ J ONLY L _ _ __ .-m ___m___ _.___.__ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _

j IV. 8. Scenario Development Detailed event scenarios shall be developed to guide the performance of E0P validation exercises. The scenarios shall be of varying complexity and shall exercise to the fullest extent'possible the scope of plant

< conditions and key actions addressed by the E0Ps.

For the validation of revisions to the E0Ps, the scope of scenarios need only encompass the changes made to the previously-approved procedures. If existing scenarios are determined to be adequate for this purpose, no new scenarios need be developed.

Scenario development should be a coordinated effort by a group of individuals having expertise in EOP development, plant systems and operations, and operator training. A trial check-out of the scenarios .

should be conducted prior to being used in the actual EOP validation

-exercises to ensure that the initial conditions and specified sequence l of malfunctions will generate the desired plant symptoms and i conditions. Also prior to actual use in validating the E0Ps, scenarios shall be reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Training Organization.

The following process is suggested for developing the scenarios: ,

1. Identify the EOP flowpaths to be exercised. ,


2. At each major; decision point in an E0P flowpath, specify the plant symptoms or conditions which would constrain operators to the desired response pattern.

t 3. Define system degradations, instructor actions, or event complications which could cause the specified plant symptoms or.


4. Select initial plant conditions and simulator malfunctions which l

will initiate and cause plant conditions to progress in accordance l with the desired response patterns.

5. Record the necessary sequence of instructor actions, the anticipated plant response, and proper operator actions on an E0P Validation Scenario Outline (illustrated on page 3 of Attachment A.) ,
6. Prepare a simple matrix of EOP flowchart paths vs. scenarios to confirm that the key plant conditions and operator actions addressed by the EOPs are in fact, covered by the combined scope of the scenarios.

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. ~ . _ _

IV. 8. Scenario Development (Continued)

7. Complete an E0P Validation Scenario Cover Sheet (illustrated on page 4 of Attachment A) to accompany _each Scenario Outline.

An EOF Validation Test Plan (illustrated on page 5 of Attachment A) shall be developed which specifies the sequence for running the scenarios. Simulator exercises for each day should progress from '

' _l simple to complex scenarios. In order to minimize the possibility of ' '

d the control room operators responding in advance to " expected" events, the following factors should also be considered in developing the Test Plan: L

  • Similar scenarios should not be executed consecutively.

The initiating event, plant symptoms, and the flowpath through each of the E0Ps should be varied in successive i scenarios, j C. Validation Team Member Composition and Qualifications The team formed to conduct EOP validation exercises shall be composed of a designated Director, a simulator instructor, and a group of licensed operators. The designated Director shall be fully knowledgeable of the new and revised E0Ps to be validated, and shall be experienced in BWR plant operations. Licensed operators who are participating in a validation exercise shall be organized to form a standard on-shift complement of licensed control room operators including a Hatch Engineer and Shift Supervisor, each performing their respective duties and assigned responsibilities.

All exercise participants shall have previously completed a formal training session on the organization, structure, conventions, and technical content of the EOP(s) being validated.

D. Performance of EDP Validation Exercises EOP validation exercises shall be executed'in the approved sequence specified in the Test Plan. The Exercise Director shall coordinate execution of each scenario.

1 The names of the Director, the simulator instructor, and the  !

participating control room operators shall be recorded on the E0P l Validation Exercise Performance Record (illustrated on page 6 of Appendix A) for each exercise conducted.


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.IV. D. Performance of EOP Validation Exercises (Continued)-

c +,

.Each exercise shall be' conducted"as follows:

.1. Set the initialiplant conditions as ,specified on the EOP Validation ~ 5 cent.rlo Cover Sheet and in the E0P Validation Scenario Outline.

2. DescrSe the initial plant conditions to all exerciN participants.

For edercises conducted during the first part of a program for validating an entire set of EOPs, a brief description should also be given on the scenri.rWs expected progression of events, anticipated plant responses, and the E0P(s) and EOP flowpaths


  • intended To be validated. As participants become familiar with the validation process. this pre-exercise briefing should become increasingly more limited in scope and shall eventually 4e discontinued. ,
3. Run the scenario in accordance with the appropriate instructions detailed in the Scenario Outline. If a walkthrough/talkthrough sequence is required, the Director shall ask the control room .

1 operators to demonstrate and describe in detail the actions they E would perform in response to the described plant conditions. As appropriate, the simulator instt r. tor shall supply additional information specified in the Scenario Outilne, including a description of/the. plant response to the actions the-operators identify as h6ving been taken.

I 4. Compare the actions taken (or. described ts having been taken) by' the control room operators to the associated actions specified in the Scenario Outline. The Director (or designated assistant (s))

should note the following performance devia.tions at the 4 appropriate location in the " Notes" column of the Scenario Outline: I Performance of an inappropriate. step or action O

-* Formulation of an incorrect response to a decision


c s



Misinterpretation of a procedure step  ;

Fr.11ure to perform a required (or expected ) step or a: tion Violation of a Limit i

  • Failun to observe a spucified caution If the Operator Actions listed on the Scenario Outline are

,T performed correctly, a check mark (V) should be placed in the  ;

" Noter," column alongside the action statement.

I y n;+f. , . - , - - cProc7'1.3.4-14 Rev. O  !


. . Page 9 of 37 l y*m.m y f M 3 FOR INFORMATION I

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E_ - . .

E. Recordina the Results of EOP Validation Exercises After finishing each scenario, the Director shall complete an E0P Validation Exerciso Checklist (Attachment B) and each participating i control room operator shall coniplete an E0P Validation Exercise i Questionnaire (Attachment C.)

The Director shall review all of the completed Validation Exercise Questionnaires with the simulator instructor and control room operators ,

who participated in the exercise prior to beginning the next scenario. I Additional explanatory remarks shall be recorded directly en the respective Questionnaires as appropriate.

The Director shall assign a unique identification number to each perfomance deviation, procedure discrepancy, operator concern, and other deficiency identified on the completed Validation Scenario Outlines, the Exercise Checklists, and Exercise Questionnaires.

Multiple occurrences of a particular deviation, discrepancy, concern or othec deficiency may be assigned the sa:ae number.

The Director shall also complete a Part I ZOP Validation Discrepancy /

Report (illustrated on page 7 of Attachment A) for each numbered  !

performance deviation, procedure discrepancy, operator ce cern, and j other identified deficiency. A complets description of de discrepancy t shall be provided; if more needed for this purpose, a Continuation Sheet (illustrated on page 9 of Attachment A) shall be used and the " Continuation Sheet Attached" box on the report shall be checked. The sequential and total number of Continuation Sheets used for an individual discrepancy shall be identified in the appropriate blanks on each Continuation Sheet.

At the conclusion of all EOP validation exercises, the Director shall verify that all of the following items have been properly completed for each scenario:

1. E0P Validation Scenario Outlines and respective Cover Sheets
2. E0P Validation Exercise Performance RGeords
3. E0P Validation Exercise Checklists
4. E0P Validation Exercise Questionnaires
5. Part I E0P Validation Discrepancy Reports and associated Continuation Sheets
6. E0P Validation Test Plan p :, m y . m Proc r 1.3.4-14 Rev. O v- '

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i E. Recordina the Results of EOP Validation Exercises (ConU nued)


When completed, all of the items listed abore shall be forwarded to the NuclearOperationsSectionplanagerforsubsequentevaluation,


resolution, and correction of icentifhd discrepancies as described in Section F. ,

F. Evaluatina. Resolvinc. at.d Correctira Identified Discrepancies Each performance deviation, EOP discrepancy, operator concern,5 tad 5'

, /other discrepancy identified throt;gh the validation process shall be

. analyze 0todeterminewhetheranycorrect&veactionisrequired.

Resolution of all identified discrepancies < and, if required, completion of associated corrective action (s) shall be documented on Part II of an E0P Validation Discrepancy Report (illustrated on page 8 on Attachment A.) If no corrective action is required, appropriate justification shall be,provided.

The analysis and resolution of E0P discrepancies and the idt; notification of appropriate corrective actions should be performed as a cooperative effort of several individuals having expertise in the E0Ps, the E0P

^ "ece dccuments, plant operation, and control room operator training.

p <

.. , procedure author (s) and individuals who participated in the

> validation ' exercises should also participate in the evaluation and resolution of identified discrepancies if possible. The follcwing process shall be followed in completing this task:

1. Reviest the description of the discrepancy. (If those who participated in the validation exercises are also participating in the discrepancy review and resolution process, they can supply additional information, as necessary.)
2. Determine whether any corrective action is necessary.
3. If corrective action is appropriate, develop a recommended solution which corrects the discrepancy. Solutions may include changes to the E0P, additions to the E0P training program,

' modifications to plant equipment, or revisions to E0P source

./ documents.

e i .


. p. .

.r e . - .. . Proc."1.3.4-14 Rev. 0 Page 11 of ,37

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F. Evaluatino. Resolvina. and Correctino Identified Discrepancies (Continued)

4. Document the agreed-upon corrective action on Part II of the E0P Validation Discrepancy Report, using Continuation' Sheets as necessary to completely record the action to be taken. If it is concluded that no corrective action is required, provide appropriate ' justification. The individual who prepares the description of the required corrective action (or the justification for no corrective action) shall sign and date the Report in the space provided.
5. When the corrective action has been implemented, the individual who completes the corrective action shall sign and date the associated E0P Validation Discrepancy Report Part II in the space provided.
6. Satisfactory completior. of the required corrective action shall be independently verified by an individual designated by the Nuclear Operations Section Manager. The person who performs this task shall sign and date the associated E0P Validation Discrepancy Report Part II in the space provided.

G. Documentation Documentation of the validation of E0Ps shall consist of the following items:

1. E0P Validation Scenario Outlines and respective Cover Sheets
2. E0P Validation Exercise Performance Records
3. E0P Validation Exercise Checklists
4. E0P Validation Exercise Questionnaires
5. Part I EOP Validation Discrepancy Reports and associated Continuation Sheets for each identified discrepancy
6. Part II E0P Validation Discrepancy Reports and associated Continuation Sheets for each identified discrepancy y, a y m. m.v ,

Procr 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 12 of,37

%.A h FOR INFORMATION m+ w. , . ., nygy

___ _____ -- x -

G. Documentation (Continued)

The completed documentation package shall be returned to the Nuclear Operations Manager. A review of all materials for compliance with the requirements and instructions of the EOP Verification Program shall be performed by the Nuclear Operations Manager and the QA Director; these individuals shall sign and date the E0P Validation Record (illustrated on page 10 of Attachment A) when they have determined that all requirements have been satisfactorily completed.

All records of E0P VMidation shall be retained as specified by NOD Procedure 1.3.7.

V. ATTACHMENTS A. . Forms For Development and Performance of EOP Validation Proaram Activities B. EOP Validation Proaram Exercise Checklist C. E0P Validation Proaram Exercise Questionnaire p' , nw w


.y . - Proc < 1.3.4-14 Rev. 0 Page 13 of,37 w .,  : FOR INFORMATION m ,c ,_. "


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Attachment A PAGE 1 of 10 l



. Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. 0

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Attachment A PAGE 7 of 10 Table of Contents

~Paae A-E0P Validation Scenario Outline ................. 3 E0P Validation Scenario Cover Sheet ............... 4 E0P Validation Test Plan .................... 5 E0P Validation Exercise Performance Record ........... 6 E0P Validation Discrepancy Report, Part I ............ 7 E0P Validation Discrepancy Report. Part II ...........

8 E0P Validation Discrepancy Report Continuation Sheet ...... 9 E0P Validation Record ...................... 10 Proc.,.1.3.4-14 Rev. O f,,.._s. '

Page 15 of 37




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Attachment A PAGE 4 of 10 l




.(number and revision, and scope of coverage)

INITIAL CONDITIONS (simulator IC number and description) i SIMULATOR MALFUNCTIONS (number and description)



Prepared by:


Reviewed / Approved by:

Nuclear Training Organization Date: ,

Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. 0

.p.g m.~ymp.,, , ~*

. ... Pager17 of 37

RTYPE H7.01 Lit,-p xm gy 1. c FOR INFORMATION M ==~ w.,w, w oygy



Sequence Scenario # Run Time Remarks 1.




5. ,_
6. ._

DAY #  : (Date )

Sequence Scenario # Run Time Remarks

1. .






Approved: Exercise Director Date a,, . . . . , . . .

r -


Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O e . x, - e 'j*n'8 T6R INFORMATION

.m_ ~ . ..-



PARTICIPANTS Exercise Director Simulator Director Control Room _

Operators (Name and shift position)

PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST l[l Initial Conditions Set l[l Participants briefed l[l Scenario executed: Date Time l[l Performance deviations noted on Scenario Outline l[l'E0PValidationExerciseChecklistcompleted l[l E0P Validatjon Exercise Questionnaire completed l[{ Exercise results reviewed with participants l[l Part I E0P Validation Discrepancy Reports completed for each identified performance deviation, procedure discrepancy, operator concern, and other deficiency All checklist items completed:


Exercise Director Date Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. 0 gewn, _ .. ~ ~~

Pagee19 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 by:; - 1 FOR INFORMATION u m., .= -





~l[l Validation Exercise Checklist l[l Validation Exercise Questionnaire l[] Other (describe)

E0P APPLICABILITY E0P number (s) Flowchart Elements and revision (describe)

DESCRIPTION OF DISCREPANCY Contintiation Sheet (s) Attached l~_l Proc. 1.3.4 14 Rev. O h r w, w w..; . ,. . . ,

Pagen?O of 37

' . < RTYPI H7,01 pp.c . q. ';;;


% .cs, . 6 + ONLY

. - . " , . =



E0P APPLICABILITY (Number and revision)


ContinuationSheet(s) Attached l-l Wepared try:

Name (Print)

Signature Date 8mplemented by:

Name (Print)

Signature Date Completion verified by:

Name (Print)

Signature Date p rze m.,% _ - ..~ . Procr 1.3.4-14 Rev. 0

. Page 21 of,37 p+ 4 e .- c ' RTYPE H7.NR WFORWDM 3

ww a . 4. + ..


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E0P APPLICABILITY (Number and revision)

Continuation of: Part I l[] Sheet of Part II l[l Sheei. of Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. 0

) ',,5 p m ; w' . - ,,

Pager22 of 37 RTYPI H7.0) y.._,m

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ATTACHMENTS l[l E0P Validation Scenario Outlines and respective Cover Sheets l[l E0P Validation Exercise Performance Records l[l E0P Validation Exercise Checklists l[l E0P Validation Exercise Questionnaires l[l Part I EOP Validation Discrepancy Reports and associated Continuation Sheets for each identified discrepancy REVIEWED BY: i Nuclear Operations ,

Manager Date QA Director Date Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. 0 Page,23 o.f 37 f-'i :. -:~, " ' .

RTYPE H7.01 b .-

u:w; w . m



Attachment B PAGE 1 of 6 l

l - ,


ATTACHMENT B EOP VALIDATION PROGRAM EXERCISE CHECKLIST Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 24 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 y ;n -, . , . ~-

Lc 7. r. - lq .1 NOR INFORMATION

% a a. . '" --

1 ONLY e

Attachment B PAGE 2 of 6 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING EOP VALIDATION EXERCISE CHECKLIST The questions of this checklist shall be answered by the Exercise Director.

One set of respontes should be completed at the conclusion of each scenario.

This checklist should be completed as follows:

1. Use black ink.
2. Identify the scenario number upon which the attached answers and comments are based, and the date on which this scenario was run.

Scenario # . Date

3. Enter the scenario number on the top of each attached page in the space provided.
4. Answer each of the attached questions "yes" or "no" based on observation of the actions of the control room operators during the scenario. In the " Comments" section under each question provide E0P references as appropriate for the answer given. Also provide any additional remarks necessary to fully explain identified discrepancies, deficiencies, etc. Comments should be as specific as possible. Use the attached Comment Continuation Sheet when additional space is necessary to adequately explain a response to a particular question. Do not use the same Comment Continuation Sheet for making comments that are applicable to different questions.
5. When answers to all questions are completed, sign below.

ROIE Discrepancy ID numbers shall be assigned ifter all E0P validation exercises have been completed.

Completed by:

Name (print)

Signature Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 25 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 bmee m .ge r. .

pfy y e ,. ; FOR INFORMATION wm 6 ONLY I - -- . . ,---._ _ .

Attachment B PAGE 3 of 6 SCENARIO #


1. Did the operators recognize the occurrence of Yes No entry conditions and select the appropriate E0P(s)?

Coments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

2. Did the operators correctly perform all Yes No required actions, and do so in the proper sequence?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

3. Did the operators perform any inappropriate Yes No actions?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 26 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 kinwug w,;y.y, .., e

,$i a E.b.b; -


-~u+ a.. A ONLY

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Attachment B PAGE 4 of 6 SCENARIO #


4. Did the operators appear to have difficulty Yes No understanding any of the decisions or instructional steps presented in the E0P(s)?

Coments Coment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

5. Here the operators able to comply with all Yes No prescribed instructions and actions?

Coments Coment Continuation' Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

6. Here the prescribed instructions and actions Yes No effective in stabilizing plant conditions?

Coments Coment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 27 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 r -

,, .n ., . y ,. .

5 . .

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Attachment B PAGE 5 of 6 SCENARIO #


7. Did the operators appear to need additional Yes No guidance at any time during the transient?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

8. Here all necessary system controls and Yes No instrumentation available to the operators?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

9. Additional comments:

i Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 28 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 r- -

p u a47,., ,.,,.y.,

y;;q;gg. . ;;.g .



.. x-

Attachment B PAGE 6 of 6 SCENARIO #

E0P VALIDATION EXERCISE CHECKLIST Comment Continuation Sheet Continuation of comments on Checklist Question number:

Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 29 of 37 RTYPE e

H7.01 peps.weu

w. 7..,y.,

b61 4j ~ 4,, r FOR INFORMATION k-u:A u ,, :. . .

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Attachment C PAGE 1 of 8 ATTACHMENT C EOP VALIDATION PROGRAM EXERCISE QUESTIONNAIRE Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 30 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 y, x:vr ,; .w. p.,..,,

e- -

c  : ,

p:cc.. , , .- 3:,A t FOR INFORMATION


  • 6 4 M ONLY l-------_,,.______

Attachment C PAGE 2 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING EOP VALIDATION EXERCISE QUESTIONNAIRE Each control room operator participant is requested to complete' this questionnaire based on personal impressions and observations during the scenario just performed.

This Questionnaire should be completed as follows:

1. Use black ink.
2. Identify the scenario number upon which the attached answers and coments are based, and the date on which this scenario was run.

. Scenario # Date

3. Enter the scenario number on the top of each attached page in the *
  • space provided.
4. Answer each of the attached questions "yes" or "no" based on the results of the scenario just executed. In the "Coments" section ,

under each question provide E0P references as appropriate for the answer given. Also provide any additional remarks necessary to fully explain identified discrepancies, deficiencies, etc.

Comments should be as specific as possible. Use the attached Coment Continuation Sheet when additional space is necessary to adequately explain a response to a particular question.

Additional copies of Coment Continuation Sheets are available; do not use the same Coment Continuation Sheet for making comments that are applicable to different questions.

5. When answers to all questions are completed, sign below.

liOIE Discrepancy ID numbers will be assigned by the Exercise Director after all E0P validation exercises have been completed.

Completed by:

Name (print)

Signature Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rcv. O Page 31 of 37 i

p. cam -

, . c.

RT PE H7,01



  • ~ ~ ' " -

ONLY 3.- _ . _

Attachment C l

PAGE 3 of 8



1. Has it easy to determine when entry to an E0P Yes No was required?

Coments Coment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

. S

2. Has any instruction or decision in any of the Yes No E0Ps difficult to understand? Ambiguous? etc.

Coments Coment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID # ~

3. Here you able to perform all the prescribed Yes No actions in the specified sequence?

Coments Coment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 32 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 y 'v~:mm n. .. a ;,.,, , . r' -

k qx~. :- ..y: FOR INFORMATION wu4awa :"- 0NLY

t. _ _

Attachment C PAGE 4 of 8 SCENARIO #


4. Has the flowpath through the E0P(s) easy to Yes .No follow?

Coments Coment Continuation Sheet attached l[j Discrepancy ID #

5. Did you need any additional procedural Yes No guidance at any time during the transient?


. Coment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

.6. Has any unnecessary information present in Yes No the E0P(s)

Coments Coment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 33 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 p*"< mr.n; +,3. y un .

r. .

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Attachnent C FAGE 5 of 8 i



7. Has the terminology used in the E0P(s) Yes No consistent with that used on the control panels and in other procedures?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

8. Here all graphs and tables in the EOPCs) easy Yes No to read and interpret?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l((

Discrepancy ID #

9. Here all required instrumentation and controls Yes No .

. available in the control room?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 34 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 ty m y w^n w ,,.


.._s. . '

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Attachment C PAGE 6 of 8 SCENARIO #


10. Did the available instrumentation provide Yes No the required range of indication and accuracy?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #


11. Did the E0P(s) ever mislead you, specify Yes No inappropriate actions, or provide you with incorrect information?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[]

Discrepancy ID #

12. Here the prescribed actions compatible with Yes No those specified in other plant procedures that were being executed concurrently?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

Proc . 1. 3.4-14 Rev. O Page 35 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 r '

qv 7 ? 3 n +;s s .

lw$%s.d%. ,ir FOR INFORMATION 2e  %~ ONLY

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Attachment C PAGE 7 of 8 SCENARIO #


13. Where cross-references were provided in the Yes No E0P(s), was the specified procedure, section, step, etc., correct in each case?

Comments Comment Continuation Sheet attached l[l Discrepancy ID #

14. Additional comments:

Proc. 1.3.4-14 Rev. O Page 36 of 37 RTYPE H7.01 m;. g~.n;-..

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Attachment C PAGE 8 of 8 '

SCENARIO #  ;;._

E0P VALIDATION EXERCISE QUESTIONNAIRE Coment Continuation Sheet i Continuation of connents on question number:

3 ,1



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3 m


h, General.3

+ '


[ yTheE0PITrainingProgramhasbeendevelopedwiththeguidanceof l existing regulations and guidelines. Among the maj'or guidelines l considered include NUREG-0899, Guidelines for the Preparation of l~ Emergency Operating Procedur ts; INPO 85-002, the Acc?editation of Training in the Nuclear Po.or Industry; and INPO 86-026, Guidelines for ,

Simulator Training. The program has also benefited immensely from the BWROG - EPG development program and its seminars and training sessions. I The goals'of.the E0P Training Program are to enable,the operator to: f 3

o Understand the structure /and technical bases of the E0P. l o Develop a working knowledge of the E0Ps.3 L

p o Use the E0Ps under. adverse operatityg cond'itions.

i. Classroom training is provided on the E0Ps subsequent to their I verification. Simulator, training is provided subsequent to their validation. If subsequent major E0P re dsions are made, training on the l-changes will be conducted prior to implementation. 3

' i Deficiencies in E0Ps 16ehtified through'this training and validation f process-are corrected through revisions and refinements. If required i because of the magoitude of these revisions, special requalification training is prov,ided to inchude these changes.

u . ..

1 \

The following Description outlines the approach BECo uses to: train 1 licensed operators and STAS on E0Ps, and to ensure that the operators are kept informed and knowledgeable about future changes to E0Ps.

4 Proaram Descrip110n ,


. j l, Training for licensed operators and STAS consists of approximately 40 j f+ hours of classroom instruction followed by approximately 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> of simulator and walk-through instructions.

l s


Inthe"classroo$,lecturesaresupplementedwithquestionsandanswers'  !

i. ard table-top exercises. The conte'nt is based on both Appendix- B to the ]

l- BHRCTEmergency Procedure Guidelines (Rev. #4), " Detailed Discussion of l l Cautions and Operator Actions" and on human factors considerations used .!

[j; in the formatting of the E0Ps as presented in the PNPS Hriters Guide.

d6 The training approachiand content have been specifically tailored to PNPS and includes the following:

\ ej The bases for new T.0Ps.

If  :. ; 6 How to read E0Ps.

o The bases for all cautions.

o -How to use E0Ps.


The simulator session is composed of a classroom briefing, simulator  ;

} exercises and walk-through instruction. The simulator session includes l a review of E0P bases, reinforcement of team-work skills and actual '

experience with the E0Ps. Appropriate repetition is provided to enhance ,

learning and avoid negative transfer. This is supplemented with I demonstration, coaching, feedback, and critiques.

The simulations are designed to:

o foster realism.

o Train the operator to operate under stress.

o Exercise multiple and sequential malfunctions. )

l Halk-throughs are performed in simulator training. They are conducted l prior to daily scenarios covering any E0P to be addressed for the first i time. The walk-throughs highlight major E0P steps and their purpose, f and point out relevant indicators on control panels. The walk-throughs will reinforce the knowledge already learned in the classroom training.

Halk-throughs are also used in situations where steps have been sufficiently exercised, or when constrained by simulator or plant controls.

Halk-throughs and simulations focus on:

o Operator responsibility.

o Information flow.

o Interaction between operators in the control room.

Simulator and walk-through instructions are conducted with operators performing as crews in their normal control room positions, to the maximum extent possible.

Post-simulator critiques are used to increase knowledge in the format and organization of E0Ps, reinforce team skills and reinforce procedure use techniques.

Evaluation A written test is administered to operators at the end of classroom training, and a performance test is administered at the end of simulator training. These tests measure operator attainment of program objectives. On the basis of these tests remediation is provided to operators who fail to meet performance requirements.

E0P training will be evaluated on an annual basis as part of the normal Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program.

M__. _ _ _ _ - _ - . _ _ . _ _ _ _ __

E0P Revision Initiated Recualification Training Subsequent to initial training, licensed operators and STAS participate in the annual operator requalification program. This program reinforces

} the skills necessary to use all operating procedures, including E0Ps.

Should major revisions to the E0Ps be identified as a result of new E0P training and validation activities, all licensed operators and STAS will receive training prior to implementation of the major revision.

Minor revisions to the E0P are managed through the annual requalification program.

l 1

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