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Owner'S Specification for Reactor Shroud Repair
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 01/13/1995
From: Harizi P
Shared Package
ML19311B648 List:
M1B-1, NUDOCS 9501190111
Download: ML20077Q118 (41)



  • I, the undersigned, certify that the portions of this Specification that affect the design 1 l stress report for the reactor pressure 'arer onformance with the requirements of i
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 11,1965 Edition with Addenda l through Summer 1966, Para N.tsi'.* - ; . i Signed . Date / N 141 #23220 I # /

g L YOl{, NA . .5!9 . *Yh i

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Specification M181, Rev. E0 Page 2 j 1.0 SCQEE , 1.1 This Specification is for the design, fabrication, installation, and i examination of a reactor shroud repair utilizing shroud stabilizer assemblies to structurally replace circumferential shroud welds H1 . through H10. The reactor is located at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power l Station in Plymouth, Massachusetts. l 1.2 This Specification is a supplement to the original General Electric Specification for the Reactor Pressure Vessel (Ref. 3.8 & 3.9]. This  : document provides criteria for the reactor vessel shroud and shroud l repair. All other criteria for the reactor vessel and internals in l the original Specification remains applicable unless specifically ' superseded by this Specification. Where conflicting requirements exist between this and the original Specification, the more conservative Specification shall govern. 1.3 The shroud stabilizers shall be designed, procured, fabricated, and l installed as safety related components. All requirements of 10 CFR l Part 21 and Part 50 Appendix B will be imposed. l 1.4 The installation of shroud stabilizer components within the reactor vessel is considered to be a " replacement" as defined by IWA-7110 in l [Ref. 3.1]. The shroud stabilizers are additional components that I structurally replace the circumferential welds in the reactor shroud. 1.5 This specification provides the requirements for design, procurement, l fabrication, and examination per IWA-7121 of [Ref. 3.1]. The  ! applicable editions of the original Code of Construction (Ref. 3.3] and the Code to be used for guidance for the design of new components [Ref. 3.2] are specified per IWA-7200 of [Ref. 3.1]. The existing  ; reactor shroud and the new shroud stabilizer components are not classified ASME Code components under the original Code of Construction for the reactor pressure vessel; Section III of the ASME Code (Ref. 3.3] as defined in the original Specifications (Ref. 3.8 & 3.9]. 1.6 The Evaluation Report for the acceptability of the replacement per , IWA-7220 of [Ref. 3.1] will be provided in the Plant Design Change (PDC) package to be prepared by Boston Edison Company. 1.7 The design shall meet the structural criteria as described in Section 3.3 and Appendix C.3 of the Pilgrim FSAR (Ref. 3.4]. Seismic analysis will be performed in accordance with the methods described in FSAR Section 12.2. In addition, as a design guide, the ASME Code Section e L

l Specification M1B 1, Rev. EO  ! Page3  ! III (Ref. 3.2] Subsection NG (Core Support Structures) and Appendix F shall be used.  ! l 1.8 The reactor shroud must maintain core geometry to allow control rod l drive . insertion and provide a floodable volume after any design basis l upset, emergency, or faulted event. The shroud is essential to. safety and performs a safety function that shall not be altered or degraded by this repair. 1.9 The Purchaser or Owner. referred to herein is' Boston Edison Company  ; (BEco) or BEco's authorized ' agent. .{ 1.10 The Vendor or Supplier referred to herein is General Electric' Company l (GE) or GE's subtier Suppliers, except where noted otherwise. I 1


2.0 EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES REQUIRED- I 2.1 Work Included  ! 2.2.1 The Vendor shall provide specifications, reports, instructions, outline and assembly drawings, and other documents as described in l Section 10.0.  ! 2.2.2 The Vendor shall procure all materials and fabricate all components needed for the shroud repair. I 2.2.3 The Vendor shall provide on-site supervision.and specialized workers for the examinations and installation. 2.2.4 The Vendor shall perform any examinations of reactor internal components that are required as part of the shroud repair, including final examination of the installed shroud stabilizers. 2.2.5 The Vendor .shall provide any special tools needed for assembly and installation. ' 2.3 Work Not Included 2.3.1 BECo will provide the following: a) Reactor vessel disassembly including removal of the steam . dryer, steam separator assemblies, and all fuel handling required. b

f l Specification M181, Rev. E0 Page 4 ) b) Radiological monitoring and protection for all workers in l radiological control areas. l l l l c) Decontamination of equipment and tools. l d) Filtration of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) flush water. e) All incidental craft support and supervision. f) Provide site machine shop, machines, and labor for final machining of the brackets, if required. g) Provide all standard reactor vessel tooling and underwater lighting. i h) Provide operation and maintenance of the overhead crane in { support of continuous twenty-four hour operations. l i) Provide maintenance of the refueling bridge in support of continuous twenty-four hour operations. i l j) Provide all other equipment and services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract (s) between the Vendor and BEco. l l 3.0 APPLICABLE CODES AND REFERENCES 3.1 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1980 Edition with Addenda through Winter 1980. 3.2 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, 1989 Edition. l l 3.3 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, 1965 Edition with , Addenda through Summer 1966. i 3.4 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Unit 1, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Revision 16, June 1994. 3.5 Boston Edison Requirements for Seismic Analysis for General Electric RPV Shroud Repair Project, Rev. 1, October 31, 1994. 3.6 ANSI N45.2.9-1974 " Requirements for Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants", as modified by USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.88, Rev. 2,1976. e l

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i \ , { Specification M18-1, Rev. E0

Page5 i

3.7 GE Document No. 383HA494 entitled " Pilgrim Seismic Analysis of Reactor", DAR-113, dated February 1971 (BECo SUDDS/RF 93-132). 3.8 GE Document No. 21All10, Rev. 2 " Specification for Reactor Pressure Vessel". 3.9 GE Document No. 21All10AB, Rev. 13 " Reactor Pressure Vessel Data Sheet". 3.10 Report No. CENC 1139 " Analytical Report for Pilgrim Reactor Vessel" Combustion Engineering, March 1971. 3.11 Report No. 93117-TR-03 " Pilgrim Reactor Vessel Cyclic Load Analysis" j (BECo SUDDS/RF 94-01) Altran Engineering, August 1994. j 3.12 BECo Drawing M1A12-2 (GE 730E491) " Reactor Thermd Cycles". l 4.0 DESIGN RE0VIREMENTS l 4.1 General 4.1.1 The shroud repair includes components referred to herein as " shroud stabilizers". 4.1.2 The shroud stabilizers shall be designed to horizontally and vertically support the shroud, including the shroud head, core top guide, and core support plate during normal, upset, emergency, and faulted conditions. The design shall accommodate the full range of potential cracking for circumferential welds H1 to H10. The shroud repair shall also not adversely affect the existing shroud structural integrity assuming that no weld cracking is present. The shroud stabilizers shall maintain all stresses within allowable I limits, and limit the displacement of the top guide and core support plate in the horizontal and vertical direction. 4.1.3 The shroud stabilizers shall prevent upward displacement of the shroud during normal and upset conditions, and maintain displacements within allowable limits during emergency and faulted  ; conditions.  ! I 4.1.4 The effects of the shroud stabilizers on the reactor pressure vessel shall be analyzed. The shroud stabilizers change the points of application of the forces applied to the vessel from the core shroud and shroud support plate gussets. These new forces shall be combined with the forces defined in the original vessel Design e l

Specification MIB-1, Rev. EO Page 6 Specification and analyzed per the original reactor pressure vessel Code of Construction [Ref. 3.3). The results from this analysis shall be contained in a revision or addendum to the Reactor Pressure Vessel Design Stress Report of record (Ref. 3.10 & 3.11) which shall indicate the basis for the acceptability' of these new loads for both the vessel pressure boundary and the shroud support plate gussets. t.1.5 The shroud stabilizer hardware shall be mechanically attached to the shroud and reactor vessel, welded connections will not be allowed. i The shroud stabilizers shall be designed for the life of the plant-  ! plus possible life extension. The hardware, although considered l permanent, shall be removable. l I 4.1.6 The shroud stabilizers shall be designed such that removal of jet' I pump inlet mixers can be performed without removal of any shroud stabilizer hardware. The upper and lower springs shall be designed to accommodate inspection of the reactor pressure vessel. It is recognized that some vessel . inspections may require rotation of the lower contact, removal of the upper and lower mid-supports and . removal of the upper springs depending on'the area of the reactor - l vessel to be inspected. 4.2 Load Combinations 4.E.1 The load combinations that the shroud and shroud stabilizer shall be analyzed for are given below. The limiting upset event is an Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE), plus normal pressure differences, plus deadweight. Emergency 1 is a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE), plus normal pressure differences, plus deadweight. Emergency 2 is a main steam line or recirculation line LOCA, plus deadweight. Faulted is a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE), plus a main steam line i or recirculation line LOCA, plus deadweight. I 4.2.2 Earthquake loadings for the OBE and SSE shall be the greater of the I loads resulting from synthetic time histories based on the Housner j ground response spectra shown in FSAR [Ref. 3.4] Figures 2.5-5 (0BE) , and 2.5-6 (SSE), and appropriately scaled Taft earthquake time l histories consistent with the design basis. 1 4.2.3 Thermal and pressure stresses shall be analyzed for normal and upset conditions that consider the effects of differential- radial and axial expansion between the shroud, the shroud stabilizers, and the - reactor pressure vessel. The analysis shall determine the bounding thermal upset case or cases that result in the maximum thermal stresses in the shroud, shroud stabilizers, and reactor pressure

Specification M181. Rev. E0 Page 7 vessel by consideration of, as a minimum, the established reactor thermal cycle diagram [Ref. 3.12]. 4.2.4 An additional "beyond design basis" SSE condition will be analyzed which is referred to as the Soil / Structure Interaction SSE (SSI/SSE). These SSI/SSE seismic loads shall be combined with deadweight and either normal pressure or LOCA loads as directed in [Ref. 3.5] and treated as a faulted event. This' analysis may be performed in whole or in part by General Electric or other Vendors at the discretion of BEco under terms and conditions separate from the shroud repair 4.3 Seismic Analysis 4.3.1 A new horizontal seismic analysis, based on [Ref. 3.5], shall be performed, which includes the shroud stabilizers. The analytical model shall be benchmarked to [Ref. 3.7]. The new seismic' responses of the vessel, the modeled-internals, and the attached piping shall be evaluated to demonstrate that they are acceptable for design i basis conditions. l l 4.3.2 The shroud repair shall function for the entire continuum from an uncracked shroud to the case with all circumferential welds cracked for 360 degrees. Therefore, multiple conditions must be analyzed I for both the OBE and SSE. The seismic analysis shall consider bounding cases for cracked horizontal welds, including, as a minimum, the all-welds-cracked case and the single worst cracked weld case. The uncracked shroud with the shroud stabilizers shall also be evaluated for each load combination. Vertical seismic loads may be based on static coefficients which are 2/3 of the zero period acceleration (ZPA) ground horizontal motion. , 4.3.3 The seismic analysis shall calculate horizontal loads for the upper l and lower shroud stabilizer springs and the moment on the rotational l spring representing the four tie rods acting upon the cylindrical shroud to resist the seisr.ically induced horizontal moment. The shroud cracks shall be modeled both as roller and pinned connections for the bounding cases analyzed. The stress analysis shall determine whether the horizontal weld cracks will remain under compression for each load combination. For those load combinations in which compression is maintained in the shroud either partially or l completely around the circumference for a cracked weld, the se.smic l loads corresponding to the pinned connection shall be used for the l stress calculations. l l

Specificction M181. Rw. E0 Page 8 i 4.4 Stress Analysis l 4.4.1 The stress analysis shall apply the calculated horizontal seismic I loads to the upper and lower shroud stabilizer springs and apply the seismic horizontal moment to the tie rods. The, lower spring , horizontal load shall be combined with the calculated tie rod axial ( loads due to horizontal seismic moment, vertical seismic load, i pressure uplift, or tie rod preload if it is not exceeded by these j applied loads, as appropriate based on the spatial and phase i relationship of horizontal seismic spring load versus the axial tie , rod loads. The peak seismic forces on the shroud stabilizer springs should be summed algebraically in accordance with the actual physical response of the system to avoid an unnecessarily l conservative result. 4.4.2 The stress analysis of the shroud with the shroud stabilizers shall I be done assuming a bounding case for horizontal weld cracking that ( is the worst case for shroud stresses. 4.4.3 The shroud and shroud repair shall be evaluated for thermal  ! expansion effects. l J 4.4.4 The shroud stabilizers shall be evaluated for potential fatigue loading due to flow-induced vibration. 4.4.5 A stress analysis shall be performed to evaluate the minimum required vertical plate and radial ring-segment weld integrity. This analysis may be performed in whole or in part by General Electric or other Vendors at the discretion of BECo under terms and conditions that may be separate from the shroud repair. The allowable flaw size may be limited by either the stress level or the critical flaw size based on the fracture toughness. The required integrity of the vertical plate and radial ring-segment welds is dependent on the assumed integrity of the shroud circumferential welds. This may be addressed by considering, as a minimum, two cases for vertical and circumferential weld cracking: The bounding case for circumferential weld cracking that produces the greatest shroud stresses per paragraph 4.4.2. The case with H1 through H10 cracked. I l l l l 1 e i L i

l .. . i Specification M181, R:x E0 Page 9 j l l 4.5 Allowable Stresses and Disolacements ) 4.5.1 The allowable stress relationships for the shroud and shroud repair hardware are defined per the ASME Code Section III [Ref. 3.2], i Subsections NB, NG, and the Pilgrim FSAR [Ref. 3.4]. The allowable  ! limits applied to the shroud repair shall be based on the [Ref. 3.2] Subsection NG-3230 stress limits for threaded structural fasteners, where applicable. The primary and secondary membrane stresses are limited to 90% of yield strength for normal and upset events for those stresses that affect the mechanical and thermal preload of the ) shroud stabilizer tie rods. The stress allowables to be applied i shall be as follows: l l The stresses (P,, P t, P +P t 3, and P t+P e +Q) in the shroud shall I not exceed S,,1.55,,1.5S,, and 3.05,, respectively, during normal l and upset events. Additional, more limiting criteria are given below for shroud stresses that directly affect the tie rod preload. The stresses (P,, P,+P b, and P,+P 3+Q) in the shroud stabilizer hardware shall not exceed S ,1.55,, and 3.0S,, respectively, during normal and upset events. Additional, more l limiting criteria are given below for shroud stabilizer stresses that directly affect the tie rod preload. Except as noted below, for an elastic analysis of emergency events, the allowable primary stresses are increased by a factor of 1.5 times the values for normal and upset events. For an elastic analysis of faulted events, the allowable primary stresses are increased by a factor of 2.0 times the values for normal and upset events. Secondary stresses are not considered during emergency and i faulted events. l For a plastic analysis of the shroud stabilizer springs for emergency events, the general primary membrane stress intensity P, shall not exceed 1.5S, and P,+Pb shall not exceed the greater of 2.255, or 0.5S,. For a plastic analysis of the shroud stabilizer springs for faulted events, the general primary membrane stress intensity P, shall not exceed the greater of 0.7S, and S +1/3(S,-S,) y and P,+P3 shall not exceed 0.8S,. The stresses (P , P,+Q,, and P,+Q,+P 3 +Qe) in the shroud stabilizer tie rods, with the primary and secondary membrane stresses including stress from preload or the applied load if it exceeds the combined mechanical and thermal preload, shall not



Specificction M1B-1. Rev. E0 Page 10 l i exceed S , the lesser of 0.95, or 2/35,, and the lesser of 1.25, or 8/95,, respectively, during normal and upset events. During i emergency events, the average tensile stress computed on the basis of the available tensile stress area shall not exceed the lesser of 0.95, or 2/3So . During faulted events, this stress shall not exceed , the lesser of 1.25, and 0.7S,. Thread shear stress shall also not { exceed 0.65,. For the shroud stabilizer upper support bracket and the parts of the lower spring which act as extensions for the tie rod, P, and P,+Q, and the average tensile stress computed on the basis of the available tensile stress area shall also meet the limits in paragraph For the shroud stresses that are within the load path i affecting the tie rod preload, the primary and secondary membrane and bending stresses (P,, P,+Q,, and P,+Q,+P b +0 8 ) and average tensile stress shall also meet the limits in paragraph For fasteners or pins loaded in shear, including shear stress from tie rod preload or the applied tie rod load if it  ; exceeds the combined mechanical and thermal preload, the average shear stress shall not exceed the lesser of 0.6S and y 0.42S, during normal, upset, emergency, or faulted events. In addition, the membrane and average shear stress shall be converted to stress intensity and shall not exceed the lesser of 0.95 or 2/3S, for normal, upset, and emergency events, and the less,er of 1.25, and 0.7S, for faulted events. All applicable requirements for stress allowables in the ASME Code Section III [Ref. 3.2], Subsection NG and the Pilgrim FSAR [Ref. 3.4] shall be applied to the stress analysis except where this Specification has more conservative limits. Alternative methods of evaluation, such as limit load analysis or plastic instability load, may be used as appropriate and in conformance with the ASME Code Section III [Ref. 3.2], Subsections NB, NG, and the Pilgrim FSAR. All values of S,, S,, So , or other limit load shall be for the appropriate operating temperature or 550F. Material design properties used for the analysis of the existing shroud and reactor pressure vessel shall be consistent with design values from the original Code of Construction [Ref. 3.3]. Where data from Certified Material Test Reports is used as a basis for a material design e (

I ' l Specmcation M18-1, Rev. E0 Page 11 property, the method used to determine the design values shall be identified. 4.5.2 Displacement limits shall be specified by General Electric based on analytical and/or empirical data on the ability to insert control rods with both transient and permanent displacements of the top l guide and core support plate. These allowable displacements shall i be provided in the General Electric Design Specification. 4.5.3 The analysis of new loads applied to the reactor pressure vessel-from the shroud stabilizer hardware shall be in accordance with the original reactor pressure vessel Code of Construction (Ref. 3.3]. The allowable stress relationships applied shall be consistent with those used in the Design Stress Report (Ref. 3.10 & 3.11]. 4.6 Sprina and Tie Rod Preload l 4.6.1 The preload on the tie rods shall be sufficient to maintain the shroud under compression for all normal and upset conditions and to prevent loosening of the tie rods during normal operation. 4.6.2 The preload on the tie rods and horizontal springs shall account for potential relaxation. Excessive relaxation and loss of mechanical j and thermal preload is not allowed. 5.0 MATERIALS 5.1 The shroud stabilizer springs shall be made of nickel-chrome-iron alloy X-750. The tie rod material shall be Type XM-19 stainless steel. Other part. of the shroud stabilizers may be made from Type 316 or 316L stainless steel. All materials used shall be demonstrated to be resistant to intergranular corrosion and intergranular stress corrosion cracking. 5.2 Materials shall be procured, controlled, tested, and documented in accordance with the Vendor's BEco approved Quality Assurance Program and, where applicable, the ASME Code (Ref. 3.2]. 5.3 A Certified Material Test Report (CMTR) is required for each component with the exception of certain hardware items for which it is allowed by the ASME Code NCA-3867 (Ref. 3.2] that a Certificate of Compliance may be provided in lieu of a CMTR. Materials requiring CMTR's shall comply with the applicable ASME Material Specifications when they exist for the specific alloy. For materials not included in the ASME e l

I Specification M1B 1, Rev. E0 Page 12 Code, the applicable ASTM Specification shall be met. Chemical  ! analysis results shall be included in all CMTR's. Mechanical property testing shall be performed when required by the ASTM or ASME Material Specification or other parts of the ASME Code. 6.0 FABRICATION & INSTALLATION RE0VIREMENTS 6.1 Components shall be fabricated in accordance with the Vendor's BECo approved Quality Assurance Program and, where applicable, the ASME Code (Ref. 3.2]. 6.2 Components shall be installed in accordance with the Vendor's BEco approved Quality Assurance Program and, where applicable, the ASME Code [Ref. 3.2]. 7.0 INSPECTION. EXAMINATION. & TEST RE0VIREMENTS 7.1 The Vendor shall specify and perform examinations of the reactor shroud and other internals that have minimum integrity requirements as part of the shroud repair. 7.2 The examinations of the reactor shroud and other internals shall be performed in accordance with the Vendor's BECo approved Quality Assurance Program and, where applicable, the ASME Code [Ref. 3.2]. l 7.3 The Vendor shall perform a visual examination of the installed shroud l repair hardware to ensure conformance with the Installation l Specification. Results from this examination shall be submitted to l BECo. , 7.4 The Vendor shall provide BEco with recommendations for any future ! examinations that may be required for the shroud repair including the inspection schedule and criteria. 8.0 MAINTENANCE 8.1 The Vendor shall provide BEco with recommendations for any future maintenance for the shroud stabilizer assemblies, such as retorquing of the tie rods if needed. 1 l l l l h

c Specification M1B-1. Riv. E0 Page 13 4 9.0 HANDLING. CLEANING. SHIPPING AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS 4 9.1 Cleaning during the manufacturing phase shall be performed in

accordance with procedures written under the Vendor's BEco approved  ;

. Quality Assurance Program. 9.2 Packaging, shipping, and storage shall be in accordance with l requirements in the Vendor's BEco approved Quality Assurance Program and ANSI N45.2.2. i 10.0 DOCUMENTATION RE0VIREMENTS 10.1 The Vendor shall provide the documents on the attached Engineering Documentation List (EDL) and Quality Verification Documentation List (QVDL) and as further described below. 10.2 General Electric Design, Fabrication, and Installation Specifications shall be provided to BEco for review and comment. 10.3 The Seismic Analysis Report shall be prepared per [Ref. 3.5] and provided to BEco for approval. 10.4 The Stress Analysis Report for the shroud repair shall be provided to BEco for approval. 10.6 The Revision and/or Addenda to the Reactor Pressure Vessel Design Stress Report (Ref. 3.10 & 3.11] for the new loads applied to the reactor vessel shall be provided to BEco for approval. 10.7 A Safety Evaluation for the Shroud Repair shall be provided to BEco for approval. 10.8 Design Calculations shall be maintained by the Vendor and be available for review by BECo or BEco's authorized agent. 10.9 All required drawings shall first be submitted as preliminary drawings for BEco review / approval in the form of three blackline prints. Final BECo-approved drawings shall be submitted in the form of one water erasable Mylar washoff original (or equivalent) plus three blackline prints. e J

Specification M181, Rev. E0 } Page 14 i i 11.0 GUARANTEE l i ! 11.1 The Vendor's warranty shall be included with all proposals. i 1 ) 12.0 CONTROL OF INTERFACE BETWEEN SUPPLIER AND PURCHASER i f 12.1 All correspondence should reference the applicable Purchase Order. i number or the shroud repair project.

12.2 All technical correspondence shall be sent directly to the BEco l Project Manager.

i, i i 13.0 METHOD OF ACCEPTANCE i ~

       '13.1    Receipt inspection shall be the method of acceptance to be performed                       .
by the Vendor for all procured material in accordance with BEco's i

! Quality Assurance Program or the Vendor's BECO-approved Quality l j Assurance Program. j i i 13.2 Method of acceptance for the final design and installation of the j reactor shroud repair will be BEco's documented review and approval, I { via the SUDOS process, of completed design and installation l documentation packages. l 14.0 DEFINITIONS OF 0 AND NON-0 i 14.1 "Q" is a designator which, when utilized with items or ! services / activities, identifies that the QA program elements are l applicable in order to meet 10 CFR 50 Appendix B. ! 15.0 APPLICABILITY OF 10 CFR PART 21 i j 15.1 The requirements of 10 CFR Part 21 are applicable to all services and I

equipment provided under this specification.

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Specification M1B-1, Rev. E0 Page 15 i 16.0 OVALITY ASSURANCE RE0VIREMENTS 16.1 The' following Quality Assurance Program requirements shall apply: 16.1.1 The Supplier's BECo-approved Quality Assurance Manual or Program i shall be used to control activities associated with this. I procurement. All requirements of 10 CFR Part 21 and Part 50 l Appendix B will be imposed. l 16.1.2 BEco reserves the right of access to Supplier's facility for audits and/or inspections upon request at mutually agreeable terms. This shall also cover subtier Vendors of the Supplier. The Supplier , I shall give BEco at least five working days prior notice to { identified Witness Points and five working days prior notice to i identified Hold Points specifically requested by BECo. I l 16.1.3 All designing, procuring, manufacturing, processing, assembling, j testing, examination, and inspection operations performed by the i Supplier and subtier Suppliers are subject to surveillance by BEco or 8ECo's authorized agent. This surveillance shall in no way relieve the Supplier of any contractual responsibilities, nor shall l it limit in any way any other rights of BECo under the procurement l documents. The term surveillance as used herein includes inspection, survey, and audit activities. 16.1.4 For nonconforming material, equipment, and parts dispositioned "use-as-is" or " repair" by the Supplier or subtier Suppliers, the

Supplier shall submit to BEco the documentation describing the l nonconformance, the recommended disposition, the corrective action, and the technical justification of the disposition. BECo will review and approve the disposition before use or. installation of the nonconforming item (s) by the Supplier or acceptance by BEco. l 16.1.5 The Supplier shall assure that his subtier Suppliers who furnish items or services comply with all applicable requirements of this ,

Specification and the BECo Purchase Order. 16.1.6 Completed quality assurance records not submitted to BEco shall be retained by the Supplier or subtier Suppliers according to [Ref. 3.6]. All quality assurance records, procedures, and qualifications  ! shall be available for examination by BEco or BEco's authorized . agent. l 16.1.7 All items supplied as "Q" components (including piece-parts therein that are essential to the item's safety related function) that were l e t t

l Specification M181, R:v. E0 Page 16 initially procured or manufactured as commercial grade items shall be suitably dedicated for safety related applications under the l Supplier's QA Program. Records of dedication shall be submitted I with each shipment. 16.1.8 Receipt inspection of all materials provided by the Vendor will be performed by the Vendor in accordance with a BEC0-approved Quality Assurance Program. 16.2 The Supplier shall submit documentation providing certification that the procurement document requirements have been met with each shipment of equipment. The certification shall: a) Identify the purchase item or service by BEco's Purchase Order number, description, part number, and serial number or other unique identifier; l b) Identify the specific procurement requirements met by the item or service, either by verbatim quotation of the requirements, or by specific reference to the document (s), and location (s)

with the document (s), where the requirements are specified.

The requirements identified must include any changes, waivers, or deviations, approved by BECo, which apply to the item or service; j c) Identify any procurement requirements that have not been met, l and refer to the document (s) which record BECo's approval of l the disposition of such nonconformances, , l

d) Be attested to by the person responsible for assuring the quality of the item or service, as described in the Supplier's BEco-approved Quality Assurance Manual.

16.3 Verification activities, such as audits, inspections, or hold and witness points performed by BEco are not intended to relieve the l Supplier of his responsibilities for verification of quality requirements in accordance with BECo-approved Supplier Quality l Assurance Programs and Procedures.  ! l l 16.4 All items supplied shall be of new construction and not refurbished, i repaired, or previously used. o* L

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      .......       ............                    ...       ...   ...     ...        .................                i 10.2          Design.                                 .X      WS      1         Submit as draft

Fabrication, for BECo review. i installation, WS- 3 Submit as final Specifications for BECo review. 4.3 Seismic Analysis X WS- 1 Submk as draft for BECo review. l Report . WS 3 Submk as final i for BECo approval.' 4.4 Stress Analysis Report _X WS 1 Submk as draft i for Shroud Repair Hardware - for BECo review. ' WS 3 Submit as final for BECo approval. 4.1.4 Stress Analysis Report X WS 1- Submk as draft Revision or Addenda to for BECo review Original Design Stress Report WS 3 Submk as final for Reactor Pressure Vessel for BECo approval. per ASME Code Section 111 10.7 Safety Evaluation X WS 1 Submk as drah for Shroud Repair for BECo review WS 3 Submk as final for BECo approval. 10.9 Assembly Drawings X WS 3 3 Preliminary Prints WS 1/3 1 Final Myiar/3 Final Prints  : 10.9 Parts Ust X WS 3 3 Preliminary Prints WS 1/3 1 Final Mylar /3 Final Prints BF = Before Fabrication BS - Before Shipment WS = With Shipment e l


       .    . .                                                                                                                                      l Specification M-88, R:v. E0 Page 18                      ,


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5.3 Certified Material Required for components per l Test Reports Specification Paragraph S.3. Submit with shipment. 5.3 Material Certificates Required as a minimum for all of Compliance other components. Submit with shipment. i l l l


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U, % , ' GENuclearEnergy 25A5685 SH NO. 2 REV.B

1. SCOPE 1.1 This document is the ASME Code Section III, Paragraph N-142, Stress Report for the shroud stabilizers for horizontal welds H1 through H10 in the core shroud.
2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 General Electric Documents. The following documents form a part of this speci6 cation to the -

extent specined herein. 2.1.1 Suenorting Documents j

a. Certined Design Specification 25A5599 Rev A 2.1.2 Supplemental Documents. Documents under the following identities are to be used with this report:

None. 2.2 Codes and Standards. The following documents of the speciGed issue form a part of this speci6 cation to the extent specined herein. 2.2.1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

a. Section 111.1965 Edition and June 30.1966 Addenda.
b. Code Case 1336.

2.2.2 Other Documents

a. Combustion Engineenng Drawing E232-355-7. Shroud Support Ass'y & Detail.
b. Combustion Engineering Drawing E232-338-5. Lower Vessel Shell Assembly Machining and Welding
c. Combustion Engineering Drawing E232-339-5. Upper Vessel Shell Assembly Machining and Welding.
d. Combustion Engineenng Report No. CENC 1139. February 1971. " Analytical Report for Pilgrim Reactor Vessel."
e. Combustion Engineering Drawing E232-334-4. General Arrangement Elevation.
f. Welding Research Council (WRC) Bulletin 107 March 1979 Revision.

E N CNNY S Mrg/ 25A5685 SH NO. 3 REV.B

3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 The purpose of the shroud stabilizers is to structurally replace all of the horizontal girth welds in i

the shroud. These welds were required to both horizontally and vertically support the core top guide, core support plate, and shroud head, and to prevent core bypass flow to the downcomer region. The core top guide and core support plate horizontally support the fuel assemblies and maintain the ' correct fuel channel spacing to permit control rod insertion. 3.2 The design requirements for the shroud stabilizers that were under thejurisdiction of the ASME Code are addressed in the Certified Design Specification (Paragraph 2.1.1.a). 3.3 This Stress Report documents the acceptability of the structural integrity requirements of the Certified Design Specification defined in Paragraph 2.1.1.a. i

4. ANALYSIS 4.1 The Certified Design Specification (Paragraph 2.1.1.a) defines three new design mechanical loads on the reactor pressure vessel. These loads, F1, F2 and F3. and their points of application are  :

[ shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. These loads are separated by a distance of greater than 5 feet and, therefore, can be treated as separate forces. Each of F1, F2 and F3 is separately addressed below. i 4.2 The force F2 is applied to the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) shell at 238.31 inches above the shroud support plate. It is a local force applied in the radial direction by the shroud repair during a Safe Shutdown earthquake (SSE). At this elevation, the RPV shell is 5.531 inches thick minimum - (Paragraphs 2.2.2.c and 2.2.2.e). 4.2.1 A 180-degree finite element model of a cylindrical shell of thickness 5.531 inches was developed, and a radial force F2 equal to 42.3 kips due to SSE + LOCA was applied in the plane of I symmetry of the model( the XY plane). The model is shown in Figure 2. The distribution of primary local membrane (Pl) stress intensity is shown in Figure 3, and the distribution of primary local plus bending (P1 + Pb) stress intensity is shown in Figure 4. 4.2.2 The maximum value of Pl stress intensity due to this load is 0.3 ksi, and the maximum value of P1 - Pb stress intensity due to this load is 1.1 ksi. These stress intensities occur directly at the point ofload application. Table 2 shows the stress components. Sr, Sx, So, Trx, Tro and Txo, at the point ofload application. i 4.2.3 The existing primary membrane stress intensity in the shell per the original Stress Report i (Paragraph 2.2.2.d) page 10 is 26.3 ksi. This is also the existing P1 and Pl + Pb stress intensities because there are no existing primary local membrane or bending loads on the RPV shell.

    -1.2.4     The new value of P1 may be conservatively calculated as 26.3 + 0.3 = 26.6 ksi. The new value of Pl- Pb may be conservatively calculated as 26.3 + 1.1 = 27.4 ksi.

i GENuclearEnetgy 25A5685 S11 NO. 4 i REV.B 4.2.5 The allowable values of P1 and Pl + Pb are 1.5 Sm which equals 40.0 ksi and exceeds the

new values of P1 and Pl + Pb.

4.2.6 A parametric study was made in which the radial force F2 was applied to the finite element model at a point on the shell located 90 degrees from the plane of symmetry of the model. The model i is shown in Figure 5. Because of symmetry about the XY plane, this model represents a different l case in which two opposite radial forces, F2, are simultaneously applied 180 degrees from each other to the vessel shell. Table 2 shows the stress components at the point ofload application. Figures 6 l and 7 show the distribution of primary local membrane (PI) and primay local plus bending (Pl + Pb) I stress intensities, respectively. The stress results at the point ofload application are similar, as anticipated, to those from the model shown in Figure 2 although the two models are different from each other with respect to load application. 4.3 The force F1 is applied to the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) shell at 71.81 inches above the i shroud support plate. It is a local force applied in the radial direction by the shroud repair during an l SSE. At this elevation. the RPV shell is 6.500 inches thick minimum (Paragraphs 2.2.2.b and 1 2.2.2.e). 1 i 4.3.1 A 180-degree finite element model of a cylindrical shell of thickness 6.500 inches was developed, and a radial force of 168 kips was applied. The model is shown in Figure 8. The primary l local membrane (PI) stress distribution is shown in Figure 9, and the primary local plus bending (Pl + l Pb) stress distribution is shown in Figure 10. 4.3.2 The maximum value of Pl stress intensity due to this load is 0.7 ksi, and the maximum value of Pl - Pb stress intensity due to this load is 1.8 ksi. These stress intensities occur directly at the point ofload application. Table 3 shows the stress components at the point ofload application. 4.3.3 The existing primary membrane stress intensity m the shell per the original Stress Report t Paragraph 2.2.2.d) page 10 is 26.3 ksi. This is also the existing P1 and P1 + Pb stress intensities because there are no existing primary local or bending loads on the RPV shell. 4.3.4 The new value of P1 may be conservatively calculated as 26.3 + 0.7 = 27.0 ksi. The new value of P1

  • Pb may be conservatively calculated as 26.3 + 1.8 = 28.1 ksi.

4.3.5 The allowable values of P1 and Pl + Pb are 1.5 Sm. which equals 40.0 ksi and exceeds the new values of P1 and Pl - Pb. 4.3.6 A parametric study. similar to the study for F2 was performed in which the radial force F1 was applied at a point 90 degrees from the plane of symmetry. Table 3 shows the stress components and stress intensities for both the local primary membrane (PI) and local primary plus bending (P1 + Pb) at the point ofload application. The stress results are comparable to those from the model shown in Figure 8. 4.4 The force F3 is applied to a hole in a gusset, which is 4.29 inches from the inner face of the RPV shell. The value of F3 is 345 kips for SSE + LOCA and 117 kips for the Operating Basis earthquake (OBE).

I i

                                                     @ D I5FUf                                 25A5685 REV.B SH NO. 5 i

s I ! 4.4.1 From the original Stress Report (Paragraph 2.2.2.d), the gusset and shroud support plate 4 were treated as a beam with varying section properties. At the weld between the gusset and the RPV, i the sectional properties of the beam are: i

I = 1550.00 inches **4 (moment ofinertia about neutral axis)(page A-745)

Y1 = 2.185 + 2.000 = 4.185 inches (distance from neutral axis to outer fibre on l bottom of beam)(page A-727) i. Y2 = 14.000 + 2.000 - Yi = 11.815 inches (distance from neutral axis to outer fibre 1

                                   .on top of beam)(page A-727) j                         A       = 70.33 inches **2 (sectional area)(page A-745) i i  4.4.2                  F3 applies a moment to the weld between the gusset and RPV equal to                                        )

i l Ni = 4.29"

  • 117 kips = 502 inch-kips (OBE) i j N1 = 4.29"
  • 345 kips = 1480 inch-kips (SSE + LOCA) i

! 4.4.3 The stress intensities due to the OBE moment are as follows: i j The primary bending stress due to the OBE moment is, 1 l at the top of gusset beam: Pb = N1*Y2/I 1 l '

                                 - 502
  • 11.815/1550.00 l

l = 3.83 ksi ) { and, at the bottom of gusset beam: 1 i i Pb = hi*Yl/I j i

                                  = 502* 4.185/1550.00 i

l = 1.36 ksi i 4 There is an average shear stress at the weld between the gusset and RPV equal to l T = F3/A (average shear stress) 4

                                  = 117/70.33 = 1.66 ksi i


g GENuclearEnergy 25A5685 sn no. 6

                                 -                                              REV.B From page A-720 of the original Stress Report. the existing primary membrane stress intensity at both locations 5 and 6 is negligible. The primary membrane stress intensity due to F3 at both locations is equal to 2 times the maximum shear stress, which is:

Pm = 2* 1.66 = 3.32 ksi which is less than Sm = 23.3 ksi. From pages A-741 and A-758 of the original Stress Report, the existing prinicipal stresses at the bottom of the gusset beam are: Sx = So = P1 = -1.35 ksi Sr = 7.8 ksi The new values are: Sx = So = -1.35 ksi Sr = 7.8 -1.36 = 9.16 ksi T = 1.66 ksi The new stress intensity may be conservatively calculated as: Pl - Pb = [ (9.16 -1.35)2 - 4(l.66)2 ]'2 = 11.0 ksi The allowable stress intensity is 1.5Sm. which equals 35.0 ksi. From pages A-741 and A-758. the existing principal stresses at the top of the gusset beam are: Sx = So = P2 = -1.25 ksi Sr = 22.0 ksi The new are: Sx = So = -1.25 ksi i Sr = 22.0 - 3.83 = 25.83 ksi l l T = 1.66 ksi The new stress intensity may be conservatively calculated as: Pi - Pb = [ (25.83 + 1.25p + 4(l.66)2 ]"2 = 27.3 ksi The allowable is 35.0 ksi.


EDbs6rg/ 25A5685 SH NO. 7 REV.B 1

  • 4.4.4 The stress intensities due to the SSE + LOCA moment are as follows:

J The primary bending stress due to this moment is, at the top of gusset beam: ) Pb = M*Y2/1

                      = 1480
  • 11.815/1550.00
                      = 11.28 ksi l

and, at the bottom of gusset beam: Pb = M

  • Y 1/1
                      = 1480
  • 4.185/1550.00
                      = 4.00 ksi        'Ihere is also an average shear stress at the weld between the gusset and the RPV equal to T      = F3/A
                       = 345/70.33 = 4.91 ksi From page A-720 of the original Stress Report, the existing primary membrane stress intensity at both locations 5 and 6 is negligible. The primary membrane stress intensity due to F3 at both locations is equal to 2 times the average shear stress, which is:

Pm = 2

  • 4.91 = 9.82 ksi which is less than Sm = 23.3 ksi(normal event allowable) A cording to Paragraph, the existing principal stresses at the bottom of the gusset beam are:

Sx = So = -1.35 ksi Sr = 7.8 ksi The new values are: Sx = So = -1.35 ksi Sr = 7.8 + 4.00 = 11.80 ksi T = 4.91 ksi The new stress intensity may be conservatively calculated as:

ND 25A5685 SH NO. 8 REV.B A 3 Pl + Pb = [(11.80 + 1.35)2 + 4(4,93)2 ) u2 = 16.4 ksi The allowable stress intensity is 1.5 Sm. which equals 35.0 ksi (normal event allowable). According to Paragraph, the existing principal stresses at the top of the gusset beam  ; are: Sx = So = -1.25 ksi l Sr = 22.0 ksi i The new vtlues are: Sx = So . = -1.25 ksi Sr = 22.0 e 11.28 = 33.28 ksi  ; T = 4.91 ksi The new stress intensity may be conservatively calculated as: , P1 + Pb = [ (33.28 t 1.25)2 + 4(4.91)2 ] "2 = 35.9 ksi i j The allowable for is 3Sm for Faulted condition, which equals 69.9 ksi. l 4.4.5 . Evaluation of the vessel at the gusset beam due to F3 load is as follows. , Local primary stresses in the vessel due to the F3 load for SSE + LOCA were calculated in - accordance with the Bijlaard procedure specified in WRC Bulletin 107 (Paragraph 2.2.2.f). To apply j the Bijlaard procedure. the gusset beam was idealized as a rectangular attachment to the vessel. The resulting maximum primary stresses are: i Sx = 8.3 ksi  ; e So = 6.9 ksi Sr =0 Txo = 1.7 ksi From page A-768 of the original Stress Report. the existing maximum primary stresses in the vessel are- 1 Sx = 9.7 ksi So = 19.6 ksi l i  : l l r

                 --          .           -   - - - - - _ _ .     . .       .       _ .      .- - - - - . - . ~

EDIniFyf 25A5685 SH NO. 9 '

                                     -                                        REV.B Sr      = -1.0 ksi The new values of maximum local primary stresses are:

l Sx = 9.7 + 8.3 = 18.0 ksi So = 19.6 + 6.9 = 26.5 ksi i Sr = -1.0 ksi  : Txo = 1.7 ksi  ! The new value oflocal primary stress intensity is: P1 + Pb = 27.8 ksi i The allowable primary stress intensity is 1.5Sm, which equals 40.0 ksi. ! By inspection. the new local primary stress intensity for Upset Condition satisGes the code f allowable because the F3 load of 117 kips due to OBE is less than the F3 load of 345 kips due to SSE  !

  + LOCA and the allowable is 1.5Sm. Fatigue evaluation for Upset Condition may be conservatively based on the local primary stresses for F3 load due to SSE + LOCA. The local primary stress intensity due F3 is: , e Pl + Pb (due to F3) = 9.0 ksi I From page A-779 of the original Stress Report, the existing maximum primary plus secondary stress intensity range is 25.0 ksi. The new value of maximum primary plus secondary stress intensity range j is: { Max. P+S Stress Intensity Range = 25.0 + 9.0 ksi = 34.0 ksi The allowable primary i us secondary stress intensity range is 3Sm. which is equal to 80.1 ksi and < exceeds the new P+S stress intensity range. The peak stress range due to F3 may be calculated based on a stress concentration factor of 4.0-


Max.Sp (due to F3) = 4 x 9.0 = 36.0 ksi From page A-780 of the original Stress Report, the existing maximum peak stress range equals 98.0 ksi. The new value of maximum peak stress range is: l l Max. Sp = 98.0 - 36.0 = 134.0 ksi The new value of.b is: b = 134.0 / 2 = 67.0 ksi

l.  ;

s i ND 25A5685 SH NO. I1 REV.B l 1 TABLEI l APPLIED DESIGN MECHANICAL LOADS i Force Operational Basis Safe Shutdown Earthquake  ! Earthquake (OBE) (SSE) Plus LOCA l 56.7 kips 105 kips - F1 F2 21.8 kips 42.3 kips  ; F3 117 kips 345 kips  ; in the original vessel design specifications and stress report the terminologyseismic, and marimmn seismicplusjet, correspond to OBE and SSEplus LOCA (see original vessel loading drawing, 919D932 sheet 8). F 1, F 2. and F 3are discrete loads applied over a small area. At any one point in  : time,1 F 1and 1 F are 2 applied to one location. At any one point in time, F3 is applied to four  ! locations 90 apart. 1 l l I i l l l I 1 I I I

 .D's .     -

U' GENuclearEnergy 25A5685 REV.B SH NO.12 TABLE 2 ! STRESS RESULTS AT POINT OF LOAD APPLICATION FOR F2 = 42.3 KIPS DUE TO SSE + LOCA t Stress Components (ksi) Lgad_Anplication Sr . S,g__ Irx Irg _ Ixo Stress Intensity S3 P1 In XY plane 0.018 0.160 0.225 0.003 0.122 0.004 0.32 ksi i 90 Degree from 0.018 0.146 0.225 ---- ---- 0.003 0.21 ksi l XY plane Pl+Pb In XY plane 0.023 0.684 1.020 0.003 0.186 0.001 1.06 ksi 90 degrees from 0.023 0.670 1.030 0.003 ---- ---- 1.01 ksi XY plane l i 1 1

f GENudearCiniryy t). 25A5685 SH NO.13 REV.B TABLE 3 STRESS RESULTS AT POINT OF LOAD APPLICATION FOR F1 = 105 KIPS DUE TO SSE + LOCA Stress Components (ksi) I Sr Ss _ Sn Ilx Irr Txe stress Intensirv Lead Annlication I  ! P1 In XY plane 0.040 0.219 0.456 0.016 0.266 0.022 0.68 ksi j 90 Degree from 0.040 0.210 0.456 0.016 ---- -- 0.42 ksi XY plane i l Pl+Pb In XY plane 0.048 1.240 1.670 0.015 0.364 0.009 1.78 ksi < 90 degrees from 0.048 1.230 1.670 0.015 --- -- 1.62 ksi XY plane i

l I GENudaarCrairyy 25A5685 SH NO.14 l i REV.B a _l , 1 I i I l r~2  ;


l A i  :  ; i '


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(,,)s . GENuclearEnergy 2sassss sn uo.15 REV.B i 1 f I d i _. _ n .i . . . . ... s

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i i li h GENuclearEnergy 25A5685 REV.B SH NO.16 i i I 4 ) i f i 1 3$0.G l - 288.G

}                                                                     25G.0 f                                                                     224.G j                                                                      133.0 j                                                                      161.G j                                                                   -- 129.G j                         .-


                                                                 -    65.4G 33.SG
                            ,                                         1.740 i                        i-
                        .h 1                                   .

l'?:.wgne :. 1 ! y , :n rc %, N C-i t  % i i 1 k I l i j FIGURE 3 Pl DISTRIBUTION FOR F2 l I a (

W GENuckerEnergy 25 ass 85 su NO.17 REV,B l i i l l l l l


Intens 1.06E+0G3 l

                                                                         -   959.G00GG  !

[' f ess.Geess 747.Gs0GG j

r;; y 6+L.GODGQ 535.G00GG
                              'i                                         N   430.G00GG 324.00000 j                                                                                        f
                                                                         -   218.G00GG  ;

112.G00GG l l G.16G0000 f , E l

                                  ?5 d    .

N* I i i l 1 l  ! j FIGURE 4 Pl+ Pb DISTRIBUTION FOR F2 l 2 I

 ~ . - .      . . - -     .. . .     . . . . _ . . - . . . . . . .- - _                           . ~ - .                          -                  . _ . - - _ _ _ .- . .-                            .              .       -

i ! i 1

                 - -                                                     NN                                                                                                   25A5685                           SH NO.18
REV.B -i i



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                                                                                .L. -                                                              . . . ,
c. l g .1 i

i l I 1 I l FIGURE 5 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL WITII F2 AT 90 l I i j I i l i I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . . -   i

i O GENudearEnergy 2sas68s REV.B su no.19 i i i l l l 1 ! Intens ! 247.0 I m 222.0 i 199.6 $ = 174.0 i J g 150.0 126.G 1e2.0

                                                                               '17.10 j                                                                           y 52.90 l                                                                               29.70 M 4.490 l

t i d j p N ,-{ f'. s f I vy X l I  ! I I i . 1 l i i i FIGURE 6 P1 DISTRIBUTION WITII F2 APPLIED AT 90 i j i I i j

i GENucfEkvEnergy 25A5685 SH NO. 20 i REV.B f i i I i l I i 3 i i } l 4 l 1 l l l Intone 2E+ces f i GG7.60 j 612.60 j t s, ALT.GQ 319.GQ f 222.00 j ) 324.GQ 1 M 26.4GG

                                      '                                                      l i

l # l

                                                                 ,.e j


, . ~ - .. . - . . . - . . . - . - -.. - . - . - - . . . - . . . - . - . - . . - . - . - . - - . . -. ..---.- . _ N 25A5685 SH NO. 21 REV.B l I 1 i ,, . .

                                                                                                                ,_T*       ..                                                                                                    '

L .. ... .. . - -+ . t e 4

                                                                                        .. . . . - r-...-                                    . ' i. ;
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                                                                                                                                                     .,4 1
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o.**_..- _ . . ~~ y.s,* i i

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eM s h,' i i l l t I t i FIGURE 8 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL FOR ANALYSIS FOR F1 . I L i o S I i


t C

              - - - -        .-.,n-.e.-n                   --, - . = , , .     .,e-       , .         ,.       , -                     - - - , - - - - - . - - - , - - .._,a - - - , - . - ..n..,        ,<w.-     . , . , - , ,

t h GENudearEnergy 2sassss REV.B su no.22 [ f I 1 f 4 1 rne.n. 678.G

                                                                                                                            -         610.0 542.0
- 475.S 407.0
                                                                                                                                      '339.G i                                                                                                                              ;- 272.0 284.0
                                                                                                                             --        136.0

{ G.776 i L L1 I I I i e i 1 i l FIGURE 9 Pl DISTRIBUTION FOR F1 i i

i. _ ._ _ _ , _ _ . . _ _ . - . . _ _ . _ , -
                                                                                                                                           . _ . . ~ _

T h' GENuclearEnergy 25 ass 8s su nO.23 REV.B Intone 1.77E+0G3

                                                            -              1.6GE+0G3 1.42E+0G3 1.24E+0G3 i.07E+0G3 889.GSCGG
                                                             ,.7,-         711.G00GG
                                                             - 534.G80SG h

O 357.000GG 180.G8000 2.39300G0

l l

r I X i l l l i i FIGURE 10 Pt + Ph DISTRIBUTION FOR F1 i l j i

g, , . l O GENudearEnergy 2sAs6as Sn No.10 REV.B According to Fig. N-415(A) of ASME Code, Section 111 (Paragraph 2.2.1.a), the new allowable number of cycles, N, is equal to 1700. According to page A-780 of the original Stress Report, the i number of cycles required, n, is equal to 561 and the existing usage factor is 0.140. The new usage l factor is:  ; l U.F. = n/N = 561/1700 = 0.330 i The new usage factor is less than the allowable of 1.0. 4.5 All of the new stress intensities including effects of the new mechanical loads F1, F2 and F3 satisfy the allowable stress intensities of the original Code of Construction (Paragraph 2.2.1.a). Code Case 1336 was used to obtain the values of the material properties of the shroud support material as was done in the original Stress Report.

5. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFICATION Based on the best of my knowledge and belief, it is hereby certified that the analysis documented in this Stress Report satisfies the requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, 1965 Edition with June 30.1966 Addenda, and Design Specification listed in Paragraph 2.1.1.a This certification is provided as required by Article 4 of said Section III.

i Signature: .M  % Date: /V du /9ff 8 License Number: /797/ . State,: _ bupOEvM 9%0 MSS /0 i L ho ps o% g No.19973sz g

e O a
                                             *# Y             yN *
                                               'f p ONAt4b 0f Ch\.$
