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Proposed Revised Tech Specs 1.0 Re definitions,3.4 Re Standby Liquid Control sys,3.5 Re Core & Containment Cooling systems,3.7 Re Containment Systems & 3.9 Re Auxiliary Electrical Sys
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/23/1996
Shared Package
ML20133A646 List:
NUDOCS 9701020011
Download: ML20133A651 (16)


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  • , l Attachment A i

Revised Technical Specification Pancs i t

Pages: 1-1 (no changes) l 3/4.4-2 (no changes )  !

3/4.5-7 l i

3/4.7-11 ,

i 3/4.7-12 l L

3/4.7-13  ;

'l 3/4.7-14 {

3/4.7-15 3/4.7-16 ,

l l B3/4.7-10 j B3/4.7-12 3/4.9-4 (no changes) l i

i l

9701020011 DR 961223 '

ADOCK 05000293 PDR


  • the succeedag frequently used terms are explicitly defined so that a umfonn meerpretation of the I specifications may be achieved.

A. Safety f imit

'Ibe safety lusts are limits below which the reasonable n==m= mar

  • of the claddag and j

primary systems are assured. F==d3== such a limit is cause for unit shutdown and review l by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission before resumption of unit operation Operation '

beyond such a limit may not in itself result in serious consequences but it indwatas an .

l operational % subject to regulatory review.

i B. I i==iti== R=Gev Sv=e- L**ian (LSSS) t i

"Ihe limitag safety system settmas are satags on instrum-tarian which intiate the automatic  ;

protective action at a level such that the safety limits will not be exceeded "the region l l between the safety limit and these settags represent marge with normal operaten lying below these settmas The margm has been established so that with proper operation of the  ;

l instrumentation the safety limits will never be aw C. I imi*ia Candi*ia== for Oper=*ian (LCO)

'Ihe knutmg conditions for operation specify the mimmum acceptable levels of system  !

performance aa- =y to assure safe startup and operation of the facility. When these l conditions are met, the plant can be operated safely and abnormal situations can be safely

! controlled.

l D. Core Oncrmeine Limits Report 1

The CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT is a reload cycle specific dcscst, its  ;

supplements and revisions, that provides core operating limits for the current operating reload l

cycle. 'Ihese cycle specific core operating limits shall be deternuned for each reload cycle in  ;

accordance with Specification 6.9.A.4. Plant operation withm these operatung limits is i addressed in individual specifications.

t E. Operable - Ooerability 1

i A system, subsystem, train, convcsst or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of perfornung its specified function (s). Implicit in this definition shall be the assumption that all necessary =**aad=at instrumentation, controls, i normal or emergency electrical power sources, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other l auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related support function (s).

F. Operatine l Operating means that a system or component is performmg its intended functions in its required manner.

l I

i i

11 Amendment No.433 I

I l



b. At least once during each refuehng interval, while testag as specified in 3.13, manually initiate one of the i Standby Liquid Control System l loops and pump Lw.lized water into the reactor vessel.

' Ibis test checks explosion of the i charge associated with the tested l loop, proper operstma of the valves, l and pump operability. "Ihe replacement charges to be installed will be selected from the same manufactured batch as the tested charge.

c. When testing to satisfy requirement 4.4.A.2.b, both systems, including both explosive valves, shall be tested in the course of two refueling intervals.

B. Operation with Inoperable Components: .B. Surveillance with Inocerable Components:

1. From and after the date that a redundant 1. When a component is found to be component is made or found to be inoperable, its raiandant component ,

inoperable, Specification 3.4.A.1 shall be shallbe danaaMrated to be operable l considered fulfilled and continued immediately and daily thereafter until l operation permitted provided that the the inoperable componentis repaued j diesel generator associated with the  !

operable subsystem is operable and, the component is retumed to an operable condition within seven days. l Amendment No.102, 'is 314.4-2



F. Mmunum Low Pressum Coohng and Diesel F. Mini === Low Pr= te Cantina and Dia al QGnerator Avadabihty Generator Availability

. 1. During any period when one diesel 1. When it is deterniined that one diesel l generator is inoperable, contmuod reactor generator is inoperable, within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, j operation is permissible only during the detennine that the operable diesel generator j s= = ="; 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> unless such diesel is not inoperable due to a common cause l l generator is sooner made operable, provided failure, that all of the low pressure core and enat== ment cooling systems and the 91 l remrining diesel generator shall bc l operable. If this requirement cannot be met, perform surveillance 4.9.A.I.a for the l an orderly shutdown shall be initiated and operable dieselgenerator,

! the reactor shall be placed in the Cold Shutdown Condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. and

2. Any combination ofinoperable components within I hour and once every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> in the core and contamment coohng systems thereafter, verify correct breaker alignment l shall not defeat the capability of the and indicated power availability for each l remaimng operable components to fulfill the offsite circuit.

j cooling functions.

3. When irradiated fuel is in the reactor vessel and the reactor is in the Cold Shutdown condition, both core spray systems, the LPCI and contamment cooling systems may j l

be inoperable, provided no work is being l

[ done which has the potential for draining l l the reactor vessel.

4. During a refueling outage, for a period of

( 30 days, refueling operation may continue provided that one core spray system or the LPCI system is operable or Specificatica 3.5.F.5 is met.

l I

i i

1 l

l 1

l 4

, l I

' 3/4.5-7 Amendment No.15,135 i l




l A. Pnmary Containamit (Cont.)

With no H2 analyzer operable, reactor i operation is allowed for up to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. .

If one of the inoperable analyzers is not made fully operable within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />,  !

the rendor shallbein aleast Hot  !

t l Shutdown withm the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. i B. S*=~#w Gas Tr=+ ==* Sv=*= ==d Caatrol B. Standby Gas Treatment System and Contml

! R=n 14ieh RfEm Air Filtratian System Room High Efficiency Air Filtration System i l

1. Standby Gas Treatment System 1. Standby Gas Treatment System
n. Except as specified in 3.7.B.I.c or a. 1. Atleast once por operating cycle,  !

3.7.B.l.e below, both trains of the it shallbe demonstrated that .

standby gas treatment system shall be pressure drop across the combined l operable when in the Run, Startup, high % filters and charcoal

! and Hot Shutdown MODES, durir.g adsorber banks isless than 8 '

movement ofirradiated fuel inches ofwater at 4000 cfm.

assemblies in the samarlary ce=3--a'. and during movement of 2. Atleast once per operating cycle, l l

l new fuel ever the spent fuel pool, and demonstrate thattheinlet besters during CORE ALTERATIONS, and on each train are operable and are .

during operations with a potential for capable of an output of atleast 14 draining the reactor vessel kW.


3.' The tests and analysis of p1 Speci6 cation 3.7.B.I.b. shall be performed atleast once per the reactor shallbe in cold shutdown operating cycle or following within the next 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. palatiae, fire or chemical release in any v=htstina zone

b. 1. The results of the in-place cold commumcating with the system DOP tests on HEPA filters shall while the system is operatag that show 299% DOP removal. The could contammate the HEPA l results of halogenated filters or charcoaladsorbers hydrocarbon tests on charcoal adsorber banks shall show 299% 4. At least once per w. hug j halogenated hydrocarbon cycle, automatic initiation of l removal.


l i


I I,

Amendment No. 15, 42, 5", 51, 52, "2, it',151,1"' 314.7 11 l l



B. Standby Gas Trestroemt Svstaan and Control B. Standby Gas Treatment System and Control Room High Efficumey Air Fdtraten Svstun Room High EfEcumcv Air Fdtrataan System (Cont.) - (Cont.)

2. 'Ibe results of the laboratory carbon each branch of the standby gas sample analysis shallshow 295% treatment system shallbe methyliodide removal at a velocity 4;;..;-.h.;ed, with within 10% of system design,0.5 to 1.5 Spih 3.7.B.I.d mg/m3 inlet methyliodide satis 6ed.

j cer Leion,270% R.H. and 2190'F.

~Ihe analysis results are to be venfied as 5. Each train of the standbygas l acceptable within 31 days after sample tream system shallbe j

removal, or declare that train inoperable e;~..;.4 for at least 15 minutes l

and take the actions specified in per month.


I 6. 'Ihe tests and analysis of

c. From and after the date that one train of the Sp+d'--=6 3.7.B.I.b.2 shall l Standby Gas Treatment System is made or be ; foc. .r.d after every 720 found to be inoperable for any reason, bours of system operation.

i continued reactor operation, irradiated fuel h: Li or new fuelhandimg over the b. 1. In-place cold DOP testag shall spent fuel pool is permissible only during be p fu.s..;,d on the HEPA l- the sucMag sevest days provkling that filters aftereach completed or within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> all active w r-r-:==ts of the partial replacement ofthe other standby gas treatment train are HEPA filter bank and after any veri 6edto be operable and the diesel structural maintanance on the generator associated with the operable train HEPA filter system housing is operable. which could affect the HEPA filter bank bypass leakage.

If the system is not made fully operable within 7 days, reactor shutdown shall be 2. Halogenated hydrocarbon initiated and the reactor shall be in cold testing shallbe performed on ,

the charcoal adsofver bank after i shutdown within the next 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> and fuel handling operations shall be termmated each partial or complete within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. replacement of the charcoal adsorber bank or after any l Fuel handling operations in progress may structural maintenance on the  !

be completed. charcoal adsorber housing I which could affect the charcoal adsorber bank bypass leakage.  !



i l

Amendment No. 42, Sa,51,11",1",151 314.7 12


B. S+=adhv Gas Tvr-- =c Sv=*= =ad C= trol B. Standby Oas Treatment System and Control Room High EfBcmcv Air Fdtration System Room High Efficiency Air Fdtrahan Systen (Cont.) (Cont.)

d. Fans shall operate within
  • 10% of 4000 cfm.
e. From and aAer the date that one train I of the Standby Gas Treatment System is made or found to be inoperable for any reason during Refuel Outages, t refueling operations are permissible only during the sucWiag 7 days providing that within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> all active components of the other train are verified to be operable and the diesel generator associated with the operable train is operable.

If the systemis not made fully operable within 7 days, i) place the operable trainin operation immediately 9I ii) suspend movement ofirradiated fuel assemblies in wnndary containment or new fuel handling over the spent fuel pool or core.

Any fuel assembly movement in progress may be completed.

i l

l 1

i l

1 Amendment No. 42,50,51,52,101,112,141,151,1S1 314.7 13



B. St=adhv Gas Tr wa Sv='a= =ad Cna'ml B.' Standby Gas Treatment System and Contml Raam Hi.h Emei=ev Air Filtr=*ian Sv=*= Room High EfBciency Air Fdtration System j

(Cont.) (Cont.)


2. Caa'rol Raam Hi.h Emeia=ev Air 2. Cnatrol Raam Hi.h Rmei aev Air Fdtration System Fdtration System
a. Except as speci6 edin Specification a. At least once per operating cycle the 3.7.B.2.c or 3.7.B.2 : below, both pressure drop across each combined trains of the Control Room High filter train shall be demaa=* rated to be Ef5ciency Air Filtration System used for less than 6 inches of water at 1000 l cfm or the calculated equivalent. I the processing ofinlet air to the control room under accident conditions shall be operable when in the Run, Stantup, and i Hot Shutdown MODES, during i movement ofirradiated fuel assemblics in the secondary con *=ia-aa*.and b. 1. De tests and analysis of dering movemmt of new fuel over the Specification 3.7.B.2.b shall be l
spent fuel pool, and during CORE performed once per operstmg

- ALTERATIONS, and during operations cycle or following pamtag, fire with a potential for draming the reactor or chemical release in any j vessel (OPDRVs), ventilation zone conununicatmg

' with the system while the

! or system is operatmg i

! the reactor shall be in cold shutdown within the next 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. 2. In-place cold DOP testing shall be i

J performed after each complete or i partial replacement of the HEPA i filter bank or after any structural

b. 1. He results of the in-place cold maintenance on the sysstem DOP tests on HEPA filters shall housing which could affect the show199% DOP removal. De HEPA filter bank bypass leakage.

results of the halogenated hydrocarbon tests on charcoal 3. Halogenated hydrocarbon testing i adsorber banks shall show 299% shall be performed after each halogenated hydrocarbon removal complete or partial replacement I when test results are extrapolated of the charcoal adsorber bank or to the initiation of the test. after any structural maintenance on the system housing which i 2. He results of the laboratory carbon could affect the charcoal adsorber i 4

sample analysis shall show 295% bank bypass leakage.

methyl iodide removal at a velocity .

within 10% of system design,0.05 4. Each train shall be operated with I to 0.15 mg/m3 inlet methyliodide the heaters in automatic for at concentration, 270% R.H., and least 15 minutes every month.

2125'F. He analysis results are to

, be verified as acceptable within 31 i days after sample removal, or declare that train inoperable and j take the actions specified in ,

  • 3.7.B.2.c.

Amendment No. 42, 5", 52,112,1 M,151, I S1 314.7 14

- - - - - . .. . _ .- . - _ - _ - . ~ . . , . . .-- .-- - . . - - .. - . ~ . . .


B. St==#w th Trearra-* Sv=*== =~I Ca*rol B. Standby Gas Treatment Svstem and Control  !

Room High Efficiency Air Fdtraten System Rone thgh Efficumev Air Fahratami System '

(Cont.) (Cont.)

5. 'Ibe test and analysis of Sl wincarian 3.7.B.2.b.2 shall i

. be performed after every 720 hous of system operation.  !

c. From and after the date that one train of c. Atleast once per operating cycle l the Control Room High Efficiency Air demonstrate that the inlet heaters Filtration System is made or found to be on each train are operable and i moperable for any reason, reactor capable of an output of atleast 14 l
operation, irradiated fuel handhngr. or kw.

l new fuelhandhng over the spent fuel ,

poolis permissible only during the l

==M== 7 days providmg that withm (

2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> all active components of the d. Perform aninstrument fundianal  ;

other CRHEAF train are venfied to be test on the humidistats sollies I operable and the diesel generator the heaters once per operating l associated with the operable train is cycle. i operable. If the system is not made l fully operable within 7 days, reactor j shutdown shallbe initiated and the .

reactor shall be in cold shutdown within the next 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> and fuelhandling j

operations shallbe temun=W within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. Fuel handling operations in progress may be completed.

d. Fans shall operate within
  • 10% of 1000 cfm.
e. From and after the date that one train of the Control Room High Efficiency Air Filtration System is made or found to beinoperable for any reason during Refuel Outages, refueling operations are permissible only during the succeeding 7 days providing that within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> all active components of the other train are verified to be operable and the diesel generator associated j

with the operable train is operable.

! l i If the system is not made fully I operable within 7 days,


Amendment No. 'a " "' '" ' *' ' *'

l 314.715 1

i r


i) perform surveillance 4.7.B.2.b.4 for the operable CRHEAF every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> W

ii) suspend movement ofirradiated fuel assemblies in ==dary contamment or new fuel handhng over the spent fuel pool or core.

Any fuel assembly movement in progress may be completed.

C. Secondary Contamment C. Secondary Contamment

1. Secondary contamment shall be OPERABLE 1. Each refueling outage prior to when in the Run, Startup and Hot Shutdown refueling, ==dary containment MODES, during movement ofirrmanted fuel capability shallbe demaadrated to assemblics in the ==dary contamment, and maintain 1/4 inch ofwater veuum i during movement of new fuel over the spent fuel under calm wind (5 mph) cond tions

! pool, and during CORE ALTERATIONS, and with a filter train flow rate of nct during operations with a potential for draining more than 4000 cfm.

the reactor vessel (OPDRVs).

2. a. With Secondary Containment inoperable when in the Run, Startup and Hot Shutdown MODES, restore Secondary Contamment to l OPERABLE status within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.


b. Required Action and Completion Time of 2.a l

not met,be in Hot Shutdownin 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> ,

l M Cold Shutdown within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.

l l c. With Secondary Contamment inoperable during movement ofirradiated fuel l assemblies in the secondary containment, and during movement of new fuel over the spent fuelpool, and during CORE 1

ALTERATIONS, and during OPDRVs, l immediately

l. Suspend movement ofirradiated fuel assemblies in the secondary containment.


2. Suspend movement of new fuel over the l spent fuel pool.




4. Initiate action to suspend OPDRVs.

Amendment No.0,151,1SS i 314.7 16 l


Tests ofimpregnated charcoal identical to that used in the filters indicate that a shelflife of five years leads to only minor decreases in methyl iodide removal efficiency. Hence, the frequency oflaboratory carbon sample analysis is adequate to <tennaamate acceptability. Since adsorbers must be removed to perform this analysis this frequency also mmmuzes the system out of service time as a result of surveillance testag In  ;

l addition, although the halogenated hydrocarbon testmg is basically a leak test, the adsorbers have charcoal j of known efficiency and holding capacity for elemental iodine and/or methyl iodide, the testmg also gives an  ;

indicaten of the relative efficiency of the installed system. 'Ibe 31 day requirement for the ascertaimag of test results ensures that the ability of the charcoal to perform its designed function is da.mnstrated and  ;

i known in a timely manner.

The required Standby Gas Treatment System flow rate is that flow, less than or equal to 4000 CFM which is ne~ld to maintain the Reactor Building at a 0.25 inch of water negative pressure under calm wind conditions. 'Ihis capability is adequately demai.h ted during Secondary Containment Leak Pate Testag ,

performed pursuant to Technical Specification 4.7.C.I.c.

l The test frequencies are adequate to detect equipment deterioration prior to significant defects, but the tests i are not frequent enough to load the filters or adsorbers, thus reducing their reserve capacity too quickly.

l 'Ihe filter testmg is pedor..-d. pursuant to appropriate procedures reviewed and approved by the l Operations Review Committee pursuant to Secten 6 of these Technical Speci6 cations. The in-place i

testmg of charcoal filters is performed by injecung a halamma*M hydrocarbon into the system upstream of  !

l the charcoal adsorbers. Measurements of the concentration upstream and downstream are made. The ratio of the inlet and outlet concentrations gives an overall indication of the leak tightness of the system. A l ,

similar procedure substituting dioctyl phthalate for halogenated hydrocarbon is used to test the HEPA ,


Pressure drop tests across filter and adsorber banks are performed to detect pluggmg or leak paths though ,

l the filter or adsorber media. Considering the relatively short times the fans will be run for test purposes, I plugging is unlikely and the test interval of once per operating cycle is reasonable.

l l System drams and housing gasket doors are designed such that any leakage would be inleakage from the Standby Gas Treatment System Room 'Ihis ensures that there will be no bypass of process air around the filters or adsorbers.

I Only one of the two Standby Gas Treatment Systems (SBGTS) is needed to maintah the secondary l

contamment at a 0.25 inch of water negative pressure upon containment isolation. If one system is made or

! found to be inoperable, there is no immediate threat to the contamment system performance and reactor l operation or refueling activities may continue while repairs are being made. In the event one SBGTS is inoperable, the redundant system's active components will be verified to be operable within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. This l substantiates the availability of the operable system andjustifies continued reactor or refueling operations.

During refueling outages, if the inoperable train is not restored to operable status within the required completion time, the operable train should immediately be placed in operation. This action ensures that the remaining train is operable, that no failures that could prevent automatic actuation have occurred, and that any other failure would be readily detected An alternative is to suspend fuel moven,ent, thus, placing the

! plant in a condition that minimizes risk.

Amendment No. 42, 112, 151 B 314.710



B.2 Cnatrol R== Hieh RNW Air Filtr=tian Svet- (Cont.)

'Ihe test frequencies are adequate to detect equipment deterioration prior to signi6 cant defects, but the tests are not frequent enough to load the filters or adsorbers, thus reducmg their reserve capacity too quickly.

"Ihe filter testag is ph.d pursuant to appropriate procedures reviewed and approved by the Operations Review Cs >^^= pursuant to Section 6 of these Technical Specifimtman. The in-place testing of charcoal 61ters is performed by injectag a halogenated hydrocarbon into the system upstream of the charcoal adsorbers Measurements of the concentration upstream and downstream are made. The ratio of the inlet and outlet concentrations gives an overall indication of the leak ^W of the system A .

similar procedure substituting dioctyi phthalate for halogenated hydrocarbon is used to test the HEPA l

filters. -

Air flow through the filters and charcoal adsorbers for 15 minutes each month assures operability of the system Since the system heaters are automatically controlled, the air flowmg through the 61ters and adsorbers will be 570% relative humidity and will have the desired drymg effect.

l If one train of the system is made or found to be inoperable, there is no immediate threat to the control room, and reactor operation or fuel handhng may continue for a limited penod of time while repairs are being made. In the event one CRHEAF train is inoperable, the redundant system's active esp. s will  ;

i be verified to be operable within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. During refueling outages, if the inoperable train is not restored to '

operable status within the required wmpletion time, refuehng operations may contmue provided the operable CRHEAF train is placed in the pressurization mode daily. This action ensures that the remauung i

train is operable, that no failures that would prevent actuation will occur, and that any active failure will be j

readily M~ eai An attemative is to suspend activities that present a potential for releasing radioactivity ,

that might require isolation of the control room. If both trams of the CRHEAF system are inoperable, the j reactor will be brought to a condition where the Control Room High Efficiency Air Filtration System is not l required.  ;

I l

l l

Amendment No. '2, "2 B3I4.712 l l


! (Cont) (Cont)

B. Ooeration with Inooerable Eauioment A. Auxilimrv Electrical Eauioment Surveillance <


Whenever the reactor is in Run Mode or Startup Mode with the reactor not in a Cold 3. Emergency 4160V Buses AS-A6 i

! Condition, the availability of electric power Degraded Voltage Annunciation

! shall be as specified in 3.9.B.1, 3.9.B.2, System.

3.9.B.3, 3.9.B.4, and 3.9.B.S.

a. Once each operating cycle,
l. From and after the date that incoming power calibrate the alarm sensor.

is not available from the startup or shutdown transformer, continued reactor operation is b. Once cach 31 days perform a permissible under this condition for seven channel feimal test on the days. During this period, both diesel alarm system.

generators and associated emergency buses must remam operable. c. In the event the alarm system is I deternuned inoperable under 3.b

2. From and after the date that incoming power above, commence logging is not available from both startup and safety related bus voltage every shutdown transformers, continued operation 30 minutes until such time as is permissible, provided both diesel the alarm is restored to operable generators and associated emergency buses status.

remain operable, all core and containment l 4. RPS Electrical Protection Assemblies cooling systems are Operable, reactor power level is reduced to 25% of design and the NRC is notified within one(1) hour as a. Each pair of redundant RPS required by 10CFR50.72. EPAs shall be determined to be operable at least once per 6 i

3. From and after the date that one of the diesel months by performance of an generators or associated emergency bus is mstrument functional test.

made or found to be inoperable for any reason, continued reactor operation is b. Once per 18 months each pair permissible in accordance with Specifications of redundant RPS EPAs shall 3.4.B.1, 3.5.F.1, 3.7.B.I .c, 3.7.B.I .e, be determined to be operable by 3.7.B.2.c, and 3.7.B.2.e if Speci6 cation performance of an instrument  :

3.9.A.1 and 3.9.A.2.a are satisfied. calibration and by verifying l tripping of the circuit breakers  !

4. From and after the date that one of the diesel upon the simulated conditions generators or associated emergency buses for automatic actuation of the and either the shutdown or startup protective relays within the transformer power source are followinglimits:

Overvoltage 5132 volts Undervoltage 2108 volts Underfrequency 257Hz 1

Amendment No. SS, 127 " 5, 151 314.94

Attachm:nt B  !

(Page 1 of 3)  :

i Descripdon ofRevisions to the Anril 25.1996. Technical Soecification Panes -  !

P Paoa 1-1 '  !

No change.


Paoa 3/4.4-2 f

- 1 l No change  ;

i Pan _e 3/4.5-7  !

The changes ==Ma'ad with the emergency diesel generator Allowable Outage Time (AOT) proposed for j LCO 3.5.F.1 are removed from the page. i Surveillance 4.5.F.1 is reformatted to make the or and the and statements of the surveillance easier to j differentiate. Also, the surveillance to verify correct breaker alignment and indicated power' availability i for each offsite circuit once every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> is supplemented to require the surveillance be conducted within j i 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> as well.

These revisions are administrative in nature and do not affect the conclusions previously submitted regarding our determination of no significant hazards consideration.

l l Panes 3/4.7-11 and 3/4.7-14 l- .

Sections 3.7.B.I.a and 3.7.B.2.a are revised to reflect the recently issued Amendment 166 changes that l define when Secondary Containment is required to be operable. The words "at all times when secondary I containment integrity is required" are substituted with "when in the Run, Startup, and Hot Shutdown j MODES, during movement ofirradiated fuel assemblies in the secondary containment, and during j movement of new fuel over the spent fuel pool, and during CORE ALTERATIONS, and during j operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel (OPDRVs)". Also, for clarity, the action specified in Sections 3.7.B.I.c and 3.7.B.2.c to be in' cold shutdown within the next 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> if both ]

trains of the SGT or CRHEAF systems are not operable, is added to Sections 3.7.B.I.a and 3.7.B.2.a.

8 l These revisions are administrative in nature and do not affect the conclusions previously submitted regarding our determination of no significant hazards consideration.


. i Attachment B j (Page 2 of 3) l Panes 3/4.7-12. 3/4.7-13. 3/4.7-15. and Bases Pages B3/4.7-10 and B3/4.7-12 L

Sections 3.7.B.I.c, 3.7.B.I.e, 3.7.B.2.c, and 3.7.B.2.e (and associated bases pages) are revised. The  ;

word " demonstrated" is changed to " verified" for confirming operability of the redundant system in the LCOs for the SGT and CRHEAF systems. The rationale for the change is based on the same principles and philosophy established by the NRC guidance provided in Generic Letter 93-05, "Line-Item Technical i Specification Improvements to Reduce Surveillance Requirements for Testing During. Power Operation."

That is, the inoperability of a subsystem is not automatically indicative of a similar condition in the i redundant subsystem unless a generic failure is suspected and that the periodic frequencies speci6ed to demonstrate operability have been shown to be adequate to ensure equipment operability. .

t Also, a sentence in bases page B3/4.7-10 and a sentence in B3/4.7-12 are revised to be more consistent I with the associated LCOs. The words "made or" are added to the sentences: "If one system is found to l be inoperable...". The sentences will now read: "If one system is made or found...".

l These revisions are administrative in nature and do not affect the conclusions previously submitted regarding our determination of no significant hazards consideration. l 1

Pane 3/4.7-16 Sections 3.7.C and 4.7.C are revised in content and format to incorporate the secondary containment specifications as revised by Amendment 166.  !

! These revisions are administrative in nature and do not affect the conc'.usions previously submitted regarding our determination of no significant hazards consideration.

Page 3/4.9-4 The proposed LCOs for Section 3.9.B.1 associated with the startup and shutdown transformers are returned to their current wording. These changes apply to the emergency diesel generator allowable out-of-service time portion of the April 25,1996, submittal. Also, the word " remain" is added to 3.9.B.1 and 3.9.B.2 to supplement the deleted wording " demonstrated to be" for determining operability <. f the EDG and associated emergency buses.

l These revisions are administrative in nature and do not affect the conclusions previously submitted l

! regarding our determination of no significant hazards consideration. l l l I


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Attachment B (Page 3 of 3) i Information on the CRHEAF System Design and Operation As pan of the April 25,1996, submittal, we proposed to restructure the LCO to provide conditions '

goveming plant operation and conditions governing plant shutdown. The proposed changes governing -

plant shutdown were revised to allow fuel movement for up to 7 days provided that one train of CRHEAF (and SGT) is operable with its emergency power source also operable. After 7 days, the operable CRHEAF would then be demonstrated operable on a daily basis by running the train for 15 minutes each day.

For the purpose of describing the 15 minute / day proposed LCO action statement in more detail, an 1 overview description of the Main Control Room Environmental Control System (MCRECS) is provided. ]

i i

The MCRECS system is comprised of 1) a normal-operation, non-safety portion that can nun in either i once through or recirculation modes, and 2) a safety portion (CRHEAF) that supplies filtered outside air I makeup. i During normal (non-safety) operation, the air is recirculated at approximately 13,000 cfm and conditioned -

through heating and cooling units. Two 1,000 cfm, safety-related, high efHciency filter trains (CRHEAF) are provided in parallel with the normal outside air inlet duct. Each CRHEAF train is powered from separate diesel generators in the event ofloss of preferred ac power supply. In the event of an accident, the control room operator can manually initiate high efficiency filtration of the outside air supplied to the control room. Initiation of the CRHEAF fans closes a damper in the normal outside air intake duct and opens the CRHEAF inlet system isolation dampers. Because the normal, non-safety portion is not single .

failure proof, it is manually removed from operation when CRHEAF is actuated. CRHEAF flow is  ;

sufficient to maintain the control room at a positive pressure.

l Running the operable CRHEAF train continuously as an LCO action would potentially create an uncomfortable control room environment due to the lower air flow rates and loss of the air conditioning associated with the normal portion. Running the operable train for 15 minutes each day is, therefore, preferable and will ensure the remaining train's operability. The CRHEAF is a highly reliable system, as evidenced by its historical surveillance and maintenance performance and its classification as a Category (a)(2)* system in our Maintenance Rule performance monitoring program. Also, since the system is manual initiation, running the operable train for 15 minutes each day will detect any active failures. An alternative to the daily testing is to immediately suspend activities that present a potential for releasing radioactivity that might require isolation of the control room. This places the plant in a condition that minimizes risk.

(* Per 10 CFR 50.65 (a)(2) i Monitoring as speciGed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is not required where i'. has been

! demonstrated that the performance or condition of a structure, system, or component is being effectively controlled through

! the performance of appropriate preventive maintenance, such that the structure, system, or component remains capable of l performing its intended function.)

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