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Proposed Tech Specs Table 3.2.C.1 Re Instrumentation That Initiates Rod Blocks,Table 3.2.C.2 Re Control Rod Block Instrumentation Setpoints & Table 4.2.C Re Minimum Test & Calibr Frequency for Control Rod Blocks Actuation
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/10/1996
Shared Package
ML20132E533 List:
NUDOCS 9612230325
Download: ML20132E549 (4)


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'$$ PNPS "y TABLE 3.2.C.1 (Cont)

M .

$$ INSTRUMENTATION THAT INITIATES ROD BLOCKS RH F ui Operable Instrument Channels om per Trio Function Required

$$ Trio Function Minimum i Available Operational Conditions Notes om j$o SRM Detector notin 3 4 Startup/ Refuel, except trip is bypassed (1)(4)(6) l

@ Startup Position when SRM count rate is > 100 counts /second or IRMs on Range 3 or above 5

SRM Downscale 3 4 Startup/ Refuel, except trip is bypassed (1)(4)(6) l when IRMs on Range 3 cr above SRM Upscale 3 4 Startup/ Refuel, except tip is by- (1)(4)(6) l passed when the IRPA range switches are on Range 8 or above (4)

SRM inoperative 3 4 Startup/ Refuel, except trip is by- (1)(4)(6) l passed when the IRM range switches are on Range 8 or above (4)

Scram Discharge 2 2 Run/Startup/ Refuel (3)(6) l Instrument Volume Water Level- High Scram Discharge 1 1 Refuel / Shutdown (3)(6) l Instrument Volume-Scram '

Trip Bypassed Mode Switch in Shutdown 1 1 Shutdown (7) l Amendment No. 438,147,159 3/4.2-20


  • 1 l


1. With the number of operable channels:
a. One less than required by the minimum operable channels per trip function requirement, restore an inoperable channel to operable status within 7 days or place an inoperable channel in the tripped condition q within the next hour.
b. Two or more less than required by the minimum operable channels per trip function requirement, place at least one inopesable channel in the

, tripped condition within one hour.

2. a. With one RBM Channelinoperable:

(1) restore the inoperable RBM channel to operable status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />; otherw%e, place one rod block monitor channel in the tripped condition within the next hour, and; i

(2) prior to control rod withdrawal, perform an instrument function l l test of the operable RBM channel. l

' b. With both RBM channels inoperable, place at leest one inoperable rod i block monitor channel in the tripped condition within one hour.

3. If the number of operable channels is less than required by the minimum operable channels per trio function requirement, place the inoperable channel in t the tripped condition vnt's one hour.
4. SRM operability requirements during core alterations are given in Technical Specification 3.10.


5. RBM operability is required in the Run modo in the presence of a liiiing rod pattem with reactor power greater than the RBM low power setpoint (LPSP). A i limiting rod pattem exists when  :

4 i

MCPR < 1.40 for reactor power > 90%

MCPR < 1.70 for reactor power < 90%

The allowable value for the LPSP is < 29% of rated core thermal power. j i

6. When the reactor Mode Switch is in the Refuel position, the reactor vessel head i is removed, and control rods are inst ed in all core cells containing one or m.m fuel assemblies, these Rod Block functions are not required.
7. With one c wre reactor Mode Switch - Shutdown Position channels inoperable, suspend cos._ol rod withdrawal and initiate action to fully insert all insertable control rods in core cells containing one or more fuel assemblies immediately.

Amendment No. 45, 27, 42, SS, 77,110,138 3/4.2-22

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PNPS TABLE 3.2.C-2 i


Trio Function Trio Setooint  ;

APRM Upscale (1)(2)

APRM Inoperative Not Applicable APRM Downscale 12.5 Indicated on Scale ,

Rod Block Monitor (Power Dependent) (1)(3) l

Rod Block Monitor Inoperative Not Applicable 1 l Rod Block Monitor Downscale (1) (3) f IRM Downscale 15/125 of Full Scale IRM Detector not in Startup Position Not Applicable i IRM Upscale 5108/125 of Full Scale IRM Inoperative Not Applicable i SRM Detector not in Startup Position Not Applicable SRM Downscale 2 3 counts /second SRM Upscale 510 5counts /second SRM Inoperative Not Applicable ,

Scram Discharge Instrument Volume 517 gallons Water Level- High Scram Discharge instrument Volume - Not Applicable  !

Scram Trip Bypassed Recirculation Flow Converter- Upscale 5120/125 of Full Scale  :

Recirculation Flow Converter - Inoperative Not Applicable l Recirculation Flow Converter- 5 8% Flow Deviation Comparator Mismatch Mode Switch in Shutdown Not Applicable l (1) The trip level setting shall be as specified in the CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT. '

(2) When the reactor Mode Switch is in the Refuel or Startup positions, the APRM rod bbek trip setpoint shall be less than or equal to 13% of rated thennal powe but always less than the APRM flux scram trip setting.

(3) The RBM bypass time delay (td2) shall be < 2.0 seconds.

Amendment No. 42A40H29H33A38A64 3/4.2 . 3 s __

s w PNPS -

TABLE 4.2.C .

MINIMUM TEST AND CALIBRATION FREQUENCY FOR CONTROL ROD BLOCKS ACTUATION -l Instrument Channel Instrument Functional Calibration Instrument .

Test Check t

APRM - Downscale Once/3 Months Once/3 Months Once/ Day APRM - Upscale Once/3 Months Once/3 Months Once/ Day APRM - Inoperative Once/3 Months- Not Applicable Once/ Day IRM - Upscale (2) (3) Startup or Control Shutdown (2)

IRM - Downscale (2)(3) Startup or Control Shutdown (2)

IRM - Inoperative (2) (3) Not Applicable (2)

RBM - Upscale Once/3 Months Once/6 Months Once/ Day RBM - Downscale Once/3 Months Once/6 Months Once/ Day i RBM -Inoperative Once/3 Months Not Applicable Once/ Day SRM - Upscale (2)(3) Startup or Control Shutdown (2) i SRM - Inoperative (2) (3) Not Applicable (2) '

SRM - Detector Not in Startup Position (2) (3) Not Applicable (2)

< SRM - Downscale (2) (3) Startup or Control Shutdown (2) lRM - Detector Not in Startup Position (2) (3) W Applicable (2)

Scram Discharge instrument Volume Once/3 Months Retuel Not Appl:,able -

Water Level-High i Scram Discharge Instrument Once/ Operating Cycle Not Applicable Not Applicable Volume-Scram Trip Bypassed 't Recirculation Flow Converter Not Applicable -

Once/ Operating Cycle Once/ Day Recirculation Flow Converter-Upscale Once/3 Months Once/3 Months Once/ Day i Recirculation Flow Converter-Inoperative Once/3 Months Not Applicable Once/ Day Recirculation Flow Converter-Comparator Once/3 Months Once/3 Months Once/ Day  ;

Off Limits Recirculation Flow Process instruments Not Applicable Once/ Operating Cycle Once/ Day l

Mode Switch in Shutdown Once/ Operating Cycle Not Applicable Not Applicable l Loaic System FunctionalTest (4) (6) I System Logic Check Once/ Operating Cycle ,

t Amendment No. SS, 110,130, " ?,15.1,159 3/4.2-35

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