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Insp Rept 50-298/86-06 on 860203-07.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Follow Requalification Training Plan
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/03/1986
From: Jaudon J, Mcneill W
Shared Package
ML20154P931 List:
50-298-86-06, 50-298-86-6, NUDOCS 8603200463
Download: ML20154P962 (5)

See also: IR 05000298/1986006


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-298/86-06 License: DPR-46

Docket: 50-298

, Licensee: Nebraska Public Power District

P. 0., Box 499

Columbus, Nebraska 68601 -

Facility Name: Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS)

Inspection At: CNS Site, Brownville', Nebraska


Inspection Conducted: February 3-7, 1986



Inspector: 424/ [M J b

i . gi. pNeill/, Project En'Jirieer, Project Date

Section A,(Reactor Projects Branch

Approved: , , M 7 kd

J/ P. paudo Chief, Prtrject Section A, Date '

LReactor ojects Branch

Inspection Summary

Inspection Conducted February 3-7, 1986 (Report 50-298/86-06)

Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of the calibration program.

Actions taken with regard to previously identified inspection findings. The

inspection involved 36 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspector.

! Results: Within the area inspected, one violation was identified (failure to

l follow the requalification training plan).




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1. Persons Contacted


C. Bean, Preventive Maintenance Specialist

P. Burrows, Fire Protection Coordinator

W. E. Crawford, Maintenance Supervisor

J. E.-Dunn, Records Control Specialist

H. T. Hitch, Senior Staff Engineer

  • G. R. Horn, Nuclear Operations Division Manager

J. H. Kuttler, Health Physicist

B. L. Land, Data Coordinator

E. M. Mace, Plant Engineering Supervisor

J. M..ficacham, Technical Manager

P. D. Peters, Records Processor

D. L. Reeves, Training Manager

C. Root, Secretary

T. Sandner, SR0/R0 Instructor

  • P. V. Thomason, Senior Nuclear Advisor
  • Denotes personnel attending exit meeting.

2. Actions on Previously Identified Inspection Findings

(Closed) Unresolved Item (298/8226-02): Apparent failure to qualify


The current approved suppliers list was reviewed and the qualification of a

sample of ten suppliers was reviewed in detail. Particular attention was

paid to suppliers with more than one facility to assure that the proper

facility was approved. When ASME certification or Coordinated Agency for

Supplier Evaluation .(CASE) register was used for qualification, attention

was paid to time frame of qualification. Licensee procedure QAI-16 was

also reviewed, and it was noted that a minor revision to this procedure is

being made to state that a current ASME register will be used. This item

is considered closed.

(Closed) Violation (298/8229-01): Failure to meet record retention

requirements in regards to vault facility, record duplication, record stor-

age methods and cabinets used.

The current procedures QAI-7 and ASP-1.9 were reviewed. The vault in use

presently was inspected and a sample of various types of records were

verified to be filmed and duplicated. A duplicate and single record stor-

age system was found to be in place. Most records are duplicated on micro-

film with the exceptions such as preventive maintenance cards, process

charts and alarm typer output. The auxiliary vault that had been used was

eliminated. It was noted that present file room still does not meet

ANSI N45.2.9 - 1974 nor NRC guidance. A replacement facility is planned



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and will be constructed in next year which is designed to meet N45.2.9. In

regard to environmental monitoring survey records and personnel radiation

exposure records, it was found that these records are duplicated on micro-

film when they are no longer active. Active records were stored in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />

rated cabinets. The NRC inspector found that the duplication of these

records was current and up-to-date. The current procedures were found to

clearly define the protection required of active and permanent records.

Duplicate records are stored offsite at the general offices in Columbus and


In regard to storage of charts and computer printouts, these records were

observed to be bound and stored in boxes in current vault. None were

observed to be in process of being stored.

In regard to storage of relay test results, these type records were found

to be duplicated on microfilm and the same was true of special test proce-

dures and special procedures. Several recent records were verified to be


This item is considered closed as a violation; however, because full

compliance can not be verified until inspection of the new records vault to

the requirements of ANSI N45.2.9 - 1974, a new unresolved item is opened


(Closed) Violation (298/8236-01): Failure to follow the requirements of

the approved requalification training plan.

The training records of a sample of ten Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) and .

Reactor Operator (RO) requalifications were reviewed in detail. Three of

these requalification efforts had " low scores" (below 80% and above 70%) in

certain sections or areas of the annual requalification examination.

Individuals with low scores on their May 1984 requalification exams had

been given additional training lectures. One SR0 who scored low in admini-

strative procedures, conditions and limitations was given a lecture in

September 1985. No quiz or examination was given covering this lecture.

On the next requalification in October 1985 this individual again scored

low in this area. It should be noted also that the additional training was

on the most recent technical specifications changes.

The second individual, a R0, was given four additional training lectures

each on different subjects in November and December 1985 on the section

that he had scored low (procedures - normal, abnormal, emergency and radio-

logical control). Quizzes or exams were given after only the first three

of these lectures. No quiz or exam was given after the last lecture on

radiation protection. On the next requalification exam this R0 scored

92.8%. This has been identified as a violation (50-298/8606-02). In

response to the previous violation, CNS committed to monitor More closely

the requalification training to assure that required personnel attend

training and take the appropriate examinations over that training. This

response was also referenced in the safety evaluation report approving the

requalification training plan.

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(Closed) Violation (298/8326-04): Failure to follow the procedure on minor

design changes.

The design change procedures have been revised for both site and the

general office. The new site proc.edures, which are identified as EP - 3.3

and EP - 3.4, were reviewed. The training records for site and general

office personnel were reviewed. New employees are given training in these

procedures as part of new employee training as defined in CNS procedure 0.17.

The implementation of the design change procedure was verified by inspection

of five current design change files. No problems similar to those resulting

in the violation were identified. Design changes were approved before

implementation; design documents affected were consistently referenced; and

appropriate reviews were performed. This item is considered closed.

(Closed) Unresolved Item (298/8402-01): Submittal of a proposal for a


records storage facilities, which would meet ANSI and Regulatory Guide

requirements and procedures to address records retention.

It was found that the new records storage facilities are planned, and the

plans specify ANSI N45.2.9 requirements are to be compiled with for designs

and construction. The QA policy document and procedures have been revised

to incorporate a commitment to ANSI N45.2.9 - 1974 and Regulatory Guide 1.88.

This item is considered closed; however, implementation will be verified

with the closure of the previously identified unresolved item on records in

this report.

(Closed) Unresolved Item (298/8422-04): Certification that materials were

stamped with low stress dies.

A memo has been received which certifies that vendors identification

stamping to be low stress. It notes that under certain light conditions

the stamping does appear questionable; however, further review and inspec-

tion has assured that indeed low stress stampings have been issued. This

item is considered closed.

(Closed) Unresolved Item (298/8423-03): Determination of the fire rating

and seal capabilities of fiber-frax.

It was verified by inspection of the same area that the material in w estion

has been replaced and both ends of the penetration sealed. Moreover, ;t

was verified that the wall in question is not a fire barrier. This was

verified in the fire hazard analysis. This item is ' considered closed.

3. Unresolved Items

Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in

order to ascertain whether or not the items are acceptable, violations, or

deviations. The following unresolved item was discussed in this report:


Paragraph Item Subject

2 8606-01 New Vault inspection

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4. Exit Meeting

The NRC inspector ccnducted an exit meeting on February 7,1986, with the

licensee personnel denoted in paragraph 1. The NRC senior resident

inspector also attended. At this meeting, the scope and findings of the

inspection were summarized.



