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Preliminary Rept of Seismological & Geological Investigations Conducted in Epicentral Area of 860131 Earthquake in Northeastern Ohio. Equipment Seismic Qualification Evaluation & One Oversize Map Encl
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1986
Shared Package
ML20141N203 List:
NUDOCS 8603040478
Download: ML20141N204 (49)


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Weston Geophysical CORPORATION 0603040478 060228 PDH ADOCK 0500 0





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Weston Geophysical CORPORATION E







{ FIGURE [ Plastic insert)

PHOTOGRAPHS 1 through 7 l

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I. INTRODUCTION Within twelve hours of the January 31, 1986 earthquake in northeastern

( Ohio, Weston Geophysical seismologists and geologists began the deployment of seismic recorders to monitor aftershock activity.

Thereafter, geologists began surveying accessible outcrop in the f

epicentral area for indications of earthquake-induced structures or surficial disturbances. A warming trend, along with accompanying rain produced high stream flows, which combined with ice jams, limited accessibility of stream bank outcrops. However, several quarries, local roadside outcrops, and several smaller bedrock-floored streams were examined for identifiable structures. {

l During the geologic field reconnaissance, observations of significant external damage to structures were also noted. Several of the more severe cases were followed up by personal interviews with local j residents.

The most recent United States Geological Survey (USGS) epicenter location, according to Dewey, for the January 31, 1986 earthquake is plotted on Figure 1. It is located south of Aylworth Creek in Leroy Township of Lake County. Several af tershocks have been recorded and their locations are also shown on Figure 1. The locations of events f shown on Figure 1 are based on preliminary hypocentral determinations through February 15, 1986.

It is understood that these locations r.ay be further updated. For t further information, the mainshock 1ccation as determined by the l

National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) is also indicated on Figure 1. Table 1 is a list of the most recent solutions for recorded events.

0342J R193 PRELIMINARY *1*

Weston Geophysical L

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A. Geoloeic Reconnaissance A brief reconnaissance of accessible outcrops in the epicentral area was conducted by two Weston Geophysical geologists during the two weeks following the January 31, 1986 earthquake in northeastern Ohio. l Bedrock outcropr, and overlying surficial deposits were examined for 5 evidence of structures or deformation which could be related to the main seismic event. Stream channels provide the most readily observable outcrop in the region. Elsewhere, thick surficial deposits including till and extensive lake sediments obscure the bedrock, particularly north of the escarpment to Lake Erie. High stream flows and ice jams restricted access along the larger streams such as Paine Creek and the Grand River. Several smaller streams, locally access 1 Die l stream banks, quarries, and road cuts were examined. The majority of the traverses were conducted by vehicle. On-foot surveys were made of areas such as streams and quarries otherwise inaccessible, i

observations of faults. joints, fractures, and slope failures were made. ' Descriptions of the more significant occurrences are presented below.

B. Felt Intensity Investigation A questionnaire survey has been conducted to evaluate the distribution of effects including personal observations and damage accounts that may have been incurred. The questionnaires were distributed using several parallel approaches to attain broad coverage of the affected areas.

Analysis and compilation of questionnaire results will be used to produce an "isoseismal map" or plot of various intensity levels, as eessured on the Modified Mercalli Scale. The purpose of such a map is te enable a comparison of effects of the present event with a well-known epicenter to the effects of some other historical events located in the site area that have no well-determined instrumental epicenter.


, 0342J R193 PRELIMINARY *2*

Weston Geophy!Jcal


l Distribution of questionnaires includes a CEI company-wide circulation. It has been requested that employees document the effects at their places of resihnce and to describe the felt perception by family or friends present there during the occurrence of the earthquake. In addition, other Cleveland Electric staff have been in contact with area town officials including police, fire or emergency personnel, and building inspectors to provide documentation of damage, if any, from their respective towns.

Personnel of Weston Geophysical Corporation have conducted personal interviews on perception and other effects of the earthquake in the epicentral region. Questionnaires have been distributed at establishments such as fire departments, grocery stores, schools, etc.

with instructions to distribute these to persons in the town to recover information on the range of effects in the towns nearer to the earthquake epicenter.

Weston Geophysical has received approximately 700 completed questionnaires. A preliminary evaluation of a small fraction of these questionnaires indicates that the earthquake is properly rated as an intensity VI although a few instances of damage could be rated as high as VII on the discrete Modified Mercalli Scale. Maximum cheerved or reported offects include instances of damaged chtsaneys above the roof-line, cracks in concrete and cinder block walls, cracked or fallen plaster, and few broken windows. Some disturbancer of well- water have also been reported. Formal presentation of intensity analyses including map presentations are forthcoming.

III. DESCRIPTIONS OF SELECTED STQP_),0 CATIONS During the program of geologic reconnaissance and felt intensity investigations Weston Geophysical personnel visited areas of previous PSAR/PSAN investigations as well as others. The yellow outline on Figure 1 represents both road and on-foot traverses conducted by Weston geologists. 1.ocations of several of these " selected stop locations" 0342J R793 PRELIMINARY *3*

Weston Geophysical l

I are identified on Figure li each location has been assigned a stop letter A through N. Observations at each stop are described in the following section.

& 14329 Girdled Roed - Concord Townshig Geologists observed chimney damage to a residential house at this isolated location. In addition, plaster cracking and damage to a door frame were recorded. An interview revealed that the house is approximately 125 years old with its original chimney. No other house on Girdled Road in this vicinity suffere t similar damage.  !

l This single incidence is not characteristic of the intensity felt in this vicinity.

B Abandoned Sand and Gravel Pit l Sidley's pit is located apprcximately two miles south of the Town of Thompson, conristing of large exposures of the Sharon Congloe.erate. At the base of the pit, exposures were up to 50 feet i high. Prominent joint orientations were measured to be N20E and N40E dipping 70* SE [ Photograph 1].

G Hell Hollow - Steep Stream Embankment of Paine Creek The site of three previously mapped faults (PNPP-PSAR Appendix 2L) in the eastern slop of Paine Creek Valley was checked for

} earthquake- related structures or disturbance. No significant l

features were observed. No evidence of recent fault motion or j slumping of loose slide-prone material was observed. Photographs show ice hanging from massive siltstone beds which reaained essentially undisturbed. Small faults or fractures in the ditch below the steep slope were not offset (Photographs 2 and 3).

l 0342J R793 PRRt.1MINARY *4*

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Weston Geophysical

D Phelps Creek - Bedrock-flooreel Stream o

Extensive outcrop along Phelps Creek showed no evidence of recent tectonic deformation. Three minor rock slides were observed on oversteepened stream banks. Long linear joints and fractures occuring in the stream showed no evidence of recent offset. !Jales and swells of the gently dipping and occasionally ripple-marked bedrock surface are caused by normal depositional processes in a shallow water environment.

E Best sand Corporation This active quarry is located approximately two miles south of the Town of Chardon. Quarry walls are intact. There was no report of any fracturing as a result of the event. Prominent joint planes orient at N75'E. The base of the sand pit is approximately two feet above the contact between the Borea sandstone and the Bedford shale.

E Grey Shale Outcroo on callow Road. approximately 100 yards south of its intersection with Girdled Road, exposures were observed in a small gulley on the east side of the road. Prominent joint planes were measured to be N20*E and N(8'W [ Photograph 4).

g 7806 Callow Road Approximately 300 yards north of Aylworth Creek, chimney damage was noticed, dislodged bricks were lying on the rooftop. No other house in the vicinity showed similar damage. An owner damage report was not available for the house shown on Photograph 5.

i 0342J R793 PRELIMINARY *5*

. Wesion Geophysical

11 on ca1 low Road South of Aylworth Creek. less than 200 yards on east side of road, there is evidence of recent slumping. However, slumping is very localized; upper part of slope is stable (Photograph 6).

I Avlworth Creek Shale exposure exists along Aylworth Creek. Joint orientations j were measured to be N24E and N63W. Similar orientations were recorded from outcrop to the west of Callow Road along Aylworth l Creek. Banks and slopes along Aylworth Creek were undisturbed and I stable (Photograph 7].

2 Arctic Cat / Polaris A sand and gravel pit [ active) is located south off Girdled Road between Brakeman Road and Callow Road. Minor joints were cbserved on quarry walls. No tectonic structures or disturbance was observe in Berea Sandstone or in surficial materials. It may be noted that this sand and gravel pit is a large fresh exposure within the epicentral region.

K Jenks Creek Exposure of the Bedford Shale outcrop along both sides of Jenks Creek northeast of Robinson Road in Leroy Township. Shale beds are continuous along the southwest facing bank. Along the creek, siltstone layers are interbedded among the shale and also continuous. Prominent joint orientations are N12'E and N69'W.

k Paarl Road Exposures of the Bedford Shale continue south along Jenks Creek at the intersection of Pearl Road. Similar orientations were measured on prominent joint planes an described above in Stop Location K.

1 0342J R793 pHELIM* NARY *6*

Weston Geophysical

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3 Lake Brie shoreline Bluff N,grth of PPNP i

l The shoreline was examined for evidence of faulting or slumping induced by earthquake vibration or fault motion. The area is extensively eroded with numerous slumps and slump scarps of various .

1 ages preserved in the tills and overlying lake sediments comprising.

l the bluff. No indications of faults or associated motion was observed. Warm weather during the week of February 2, 1986 I

apparently triggered numerous mud flows and mud slides which were continuing during the site visit on February 6. One or two large slump blocks were relatively fresh based on the relationship of mud over fresh snow fall (just prior to January 31). It could not be determined it these blocks fell as a result of earthquake vibration or melting conditions which followed. No structures of any direct tectonic significance were observed in the sediments of the bluff.

M Warners Isatesi creek This location is one of two locations in the epicentral region with previously documented faulting visible at the surface. Due to seasonable weather conditions, the area of outcrop described in Figure 6 of the PNPP-PSAR Appendix 2L. was obscured by snow cover.

Alluvial stream deposits overlying Bedford shale appears to be very stable. Much of the outcrop was obscured by snow cover. Observed sections of the outcrop reveal thinly-bedded. grey shales interbedded with layers of siltstone. Due to poor viewing conditions, no determination regarding direct or indirect

, earthquake effects can be made.

IV. CONCLUMIONS Based on limited observations of accessible outcrops during the two weeks following the January 31, 1986 earthquake in northeastern Ohio, the following preliminary conclusions are offered relative to the epicentral areas 0342J R793 PRELIMINARY *7*

Weston Geophytkal


1. No significant tectonic structures were observed in bedrock or j overlying surficial deposits. 1 i
2. No unusual joint orientations were observed.
3. Minor slumps and rock falls were locally observed on steep slopes particularly along undercut stream banks, which may be attributed

, to physical / chemical weathering or secondary ground motion.


4. Previously described fat.lts in Leroy Township snowed no evidence of recent diplacements, however one slope was obscured by snow cover.
5. The earthquake, based en a preliminary evaluation, is assigned an intensity of VI. Further analysis are required to determine an l

1soseismal plot of contours for the earthquake.

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l 0342J R793 PRELIMINARY *8e Weston Geophysk:al


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Main Shock 01/31/86 16:46 41.650N 81.162W USGS Aftershocks 02/01/86 18:54 41.640N 81.167W WGC 02/02/86 03:22 41.640N 81.160W WGC 02/03/86 19:47 41.650N 81.168W WGC l 02/05/86 06:34 41.663N 81.154W WGC l 02/06/86 18:36 41.645N 81.160W WGC 02/07/86 15:20 41.654N 81.153W WGC 02/10/86 19:06 41.650N 81.153W WGC USGS United States Geological Survey WGC Weston Geophysical Corporation Weston Geophyskal

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i Weston Geophyskd

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PHOTOCRAPHS Weston Geoptysk:ol

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ATTAcilMENT 3 Equipment Seismic Qualification Evaluation I. Introduction i

The 1986 ohio earthquake has short duration, high f requency, low velocity, small displacement, and no engineering significance on structures and equipment. The recorded spectra have peak accelerations at 20 Es. It is the objective of this report to quantify the design adequacy of the active equipment.

II. Method of Selecting Equipment There are four sets of recorded response spectra at the following locations:

1. Reactor Building Mac elevation 574'-10"  :
2. Reactor Building Platform Elevation 630'
3. Containment Vessel elevation 686'
4. Auxiliary Building Mat elevation 568' l

There it no equipment at location 1 because of the suppression pool.

At the Reactur Building 630' and 686' elevations, the single records available at each location may be biased by secondary effsets of l adjacent equipment on the building response. The Auxiliary Building Mat elevation 568' has two seismic instruments which provided confirmation of the measured response. Thus, the location selected for comparison is at Auxiliary Building Mat elevation 568'.

III. Method of Martins Qualification The envelope of Engdahl/PSR-1200 instrument No. D51-R180 & D51-1190 records were used as secorded spactra. The highest frequency on the record is at 25.4 Hz. The spectra are extended to ZPA values as recorded by Engdahl/ PAR-400 instrument No. D51-R120 & D51-1140 at 40 Rs and as shown in Figures 1, 2, & 3. The peaks of 25 damping spectra were reduced by 12% to obtain the peaks of 3% damping spectra. The 12% reduction came f rom the ratio of 2% and 3% spectra of Kinemetries/SMA-3 instruments.

The complete set of active components as shown in the attached Table 1 are used in the margin study as follows:

1. _ Instrument Racks These racks were qualified by testing. The testing respcase spectra far exceed the recorded spectra. An example of the comparison is shown in Figure 4.
2. Pressure Transmitters & Flow Transmitters The recorded spectra were amplified to represent the transmitter locations inside the racks. The test raeponse spectra also envelop the amplified recorded spectra. An example of the comparison is shown in Figure 5.
3. Pumpa & Motors These pumps and motors are G.E. equipment and were qualfied by analyses. These analyses were re-run with recorded spectra as input. It was found that when the effects of the earthquake loads were combined with piping nozzle loads and maximum operating loads the equipment was within the design allowable stresses. A dynamic finite element analysis of each piece of equipment was performed using the response spectra method. The SAP finite element program was used for these dynamic models.

The earthquake loads derived from the dynamic modeling were combined with previously determined static loads such as piping nossle loads. deadweight, maxiana operating pressure, and pump operating loads.

These static and dynamic loads were combined at critical locations to determine resulting stresses, loads, accelerations, and displacemente. It was found that at most locations total loads were increased over those in previous qualification analyses, however, at all locations critical parameters were below the allowables as shown in Table 2. Thus the original design is acre than adequate to accomodate this 1986 Ohio earthquake.

IV. Margins of Other Equipment Although the above comparisons were made at the foundation level of the Auxiliary Building, equipment and components at other locations have adequate design capability to accomodate the 1986 Ohio earthquake for the following reasons:


1. The typical comparisons of test response spectra against the recorded response spectra indicate ample margins, as shown in Figures 4 & 5.
2. The analysed pump and actor have a natural frequency at 18.7 Hs which ta in resonance with the peak region of the recorded response spectra af ter 15% broadening. This resonance results in the most critical comparison in terms of the resulting stresses.
3. The floor response spectra have higher peak values at upper elevations when the building response is dominated by the fundamental mode. The mode corresponding to the 20 Hs peak j

measured in the earthquake is not a fundamental mode. The floor response spectra at upper elevations are not significantly higher than those at lower elsystions for high frequency content earthquakes.

4. BWR 6 equipment and components are over qualified in the high frequency region because of the conservative assumptions of simultaneous occurence of seismic and hydrodynamic loads.
5. The majority of the equipment was qualified by the vendors for the generic applications, enveloping much higher SSE values for other sites.
6. Margin studies for other plants, e.g. V.C. Summer, demonstrated l sufficient margins in the high frequency region. The average margin between seismic response spectra and qualification response spectra was a factor of approximately 2.5.

The quantification of qualification margins of other active components will be a part of the confirmatory program. The applicant will provide the scope and schedule of the confirmatory program with the NRC staff by March 10, 1986.

V. Further Evaluations To further demonstrate the adequacy of equipment se&saic design capability, an evaluation was completed at the equipment located at approximately 686' elevation at the containment vessel. As previously stated, the recorded seismic data available at this location may be biased by secondary effects of adjacent equipment on the building response (in this case, the possibility of movement of the polar crane). Nonetheless, equipment located at this upper elevation wac reviewed to identify the critical active components for equipment qualification comparisons to the recorded ht .

The components selected were the purge and vacuum relief system containment isolation valves and actuator assemblies. Since the valves and noter operators are supported from the piping systems, the

' response at the valves is modified by the piping sytem. There is a short length of piping for the purge system (M14) and the fundamental frequency at the system is at 41.6 Hz. At this high frequency, the accelerations are comparable between the recorded spectra and the design spectra. Similarly, for-the vacuus relief system (M17) the

, fundamental frequency is at 32 Hz. In this case, the combined response spectrum value at this elevation envelops the recorded spectrum value.

As shown in the attached Table 3, the acceleration at the valve assembly as determined by the piping analysis for both the M14 and M17 systeme bounds the recorded data at this fundamental frequency.

The resultant acceleration at the valve associatad with the recorded j

earthquake are well within the qualifications of the valve and actuator which were determined by analysis and/or testing. Thus, the qualification of the valves and actuators envelops the estimated accelerations based on the recorded data as demonstrated in the comparison based on fundamental frequencies.

In addition, the following active components were picked to compare qualification spectra with estimated floor response spectra for other types of equipment in different buildings at different elevations than evaluated above.

a. 4.16 KV Metal Clad Switchgear at Control Complex elevation 620',

I Brown Boveri Electrical Industries Model No. 5HK-350, GAI MPL No.

1R22 8006, 1R22 S007, IR22 5009.

b. MSIV Leakage Control Systen Blower at Auxiliary Building elevation 620', Generla Electric /LOMPOC Model No. 2Ch-6-041-1U, GAI MPL No.

LE21-C0001, IE21-C00025, IE32-C0002P

c. Recirculation Pump Trip Control Switchgear at Intermediate Building elevation 620', General Electric Model No. Power /VAC.GAI MPL No. IR22-S0012, IR22-S0013, IR22-80014,1R22-S0015.

The estimated spectra were based on the recorded spectra at the Auxiliary Building foundation, modified to reflect the predicted l

j amplification ratio of the Reactor Building. The estimated spectra versus the testing response spectra at proper elevations are as shown in Figures 6, 7 and 8. These comparisons indicate ample margin to accommodate this recorded earthquake.

VI. Conclusion The recorded spectra of the 1986 Ohio earthquake were used in comparison with original testing spectra or used in analyses. The results of the comparison and analyses indicated the original design was more than adequate to accomodate the 1986 Ohio earthquake. In addition, the original design at other locations also has adequate design capability.


l I

TABLE 1 EQUIPMENT LIST AT AUXILIARY BUILDING ELEVATION 568' 1H22P0001 LPCS Instrument Rack 1822P0017 RCIC lustrument Rack IH22P0018 RHR 1H22P0021 instrument Rack RER Instrument Rack 1R22P0055 A ;

RHR Instrument Rack B l C !

IC61N0001 IE12R0007A,B Differential Press Transmitter '

IE12N0015A,B.C Differential Press Transmitter IE12N0026A,5 Differential Press Transmitter 1E12N0028 Pressure Transmitter 1E12N0050A,B Pressure Transmitter IE12N0051A,5 Pressure Transmitter 1E12N0052A,B,C Pressure Transmitter 1E12N0055A,B,C Differential Press Transmitter 1E12N0056A,B,C Pressure Transmitter 1E12N0058 C Pressure Transmitter IE21N0003 Pressure Transmitter 1E21N0050 Pressure Transmitter 1E21N0051 Pressure Transmitter 1E21N0052 Pressure Transmitter IE21N0053 Pressure Transmitter 1E21N0054 Pressure Transmitter 1E31N0075A Pressure Transmitter 1E31N0077A Pressure Transmitter IE31N0083A,B Pressure Transmitter 1E31N0003 Pressure Transmitter 1E51N0050 Differential Press Transmitter 1E51N0051 Pressure Transmitter 1E5150053 Differential Press Transmitter 1E51N0055A,B,E,F Pressure Transmitter 1E51N0056A, E Pressure Transmitter Pressure Transmitter 1E12C002A RER Pump & Motor 1E12C002B RRR Pump & Motor 1E120002C RHR Pump & Motor IE21C001 LPCS Pump & Motor 15220001 EPCS Pump & Motor

l l


_ Perry LPCS Perry RHR Perry MPCS i Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ration

! Critical Locations (new) (new) l (new) I l

Stres_e_ svaluation

1. Suction barrell shell at max. 0.279 0.283 0.522 location 0.524 0.288 0.289 i

! 2. Discharge head shell adjacent dise. S 0.588 0.651 0.889 0.961 0.361 0.380 l and suct. nossles (suct. Disch) j 0.413 0.466 0.806 0.871 0.420 ~0.436

3. Discharge toe adjacent to dise head 0.880 0.881 0.743 0.754 0.759 0.758 I cover, disc support ribs or tee June. 1
4. Pump top case, serias case, & 0.486 0.486 0.309 0.309 -- --

first stage case at ein. section 0.486 0.486 0.293 0.293 0.765 0.765 O.266 0.267 0.309 0.309 -- --


5. Suetion barrel head / pin interface 0.033 0.069 0.050 0.089 N/A N/A (RER & LPCS only) 0.153 0.222 l

0.165 0.220 N/A N/A )

6. Discharge column (RRR & LPCS only 0.822 i

0.824 0.576 0.650 N/A N/A l

(due to rib) 0.636 0.648 0.473 0.473 N/A j

N/A i

7. I Discharge column f1tnge & bolting 0 890 0.921 0.918 (RER & LPC only) 0.974 N/A N/A


8. Dischargeheadflanda& bolting 0.446 0.533 0.731 0.988 0.493 0.529 thread engagement *
9. Pump top case, series case, and 0.856 0.866 0.822 0.854 0.698 0.789

) first stage case flanges & bolting 0.863 0.863 0.752 thread engagement 0.770 0.998 0.798 0.908 0.958 0.766 0.806 - --

, 10. Suction barrni mounting flange 0.538 0.643 0.975 0.908 0.598 0.641 l cnd bolting i 11.* Motor bolting, thread engagement 0.053 0.136 0.075 0.200 0.149 0.220

! t s

12. Motor stand at cover plate and 0.039 0.073 0.035 0.065 0.037 0.049 l ct windows 0.299 0.747 0.437 0.267 0.294 0.578
13. Pcundation bolting 0.132 0.170 0.297 0.473 0.219 0.246 0.056 0.063 0.160 0.191 0.088 0.093 l


._- _ ._ . _ _ =

TABLE 2 Perry LPCS Perry RHR Perry MPCS Stress Stress Ratio Stress Stress Stress Stress Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ration Stress Evaluation (new) (new) (new)

14. Discharge support rib 0.722 0.759 0.712 0.844 0.119 0.120 0.116 0.131 0.165 0.202 0.879 0.912
15. Setemic support ribs 0.089 0.212 0.115 0.206 0.133 0.128
16. Pump shaft bearings at max 0.029 0.061 load location 0.391 0.218 0.37 0.370
17. Pump shaft 0.307 0.308 0.273 0.273 0.267 0.299
18. Small piping (as applicable) 0.459 0.461 0.459 0.505 0.227 0.227
19. Heat exchanger bolte (RWR pump only) N/A N/A 0.001 0.001 N/A N/A Load Rvaluation l 20. Interface load at pin &/or support 0.254 0.493 0.470 (as supplied) 0.615 0.559 0.592 21.

Vertical thrust load on motor Nom down 0.922 0.816 0.960 0.960 0.939 0.939 Moa up 0.250 0.000 0.305 0.305 0.770 0.770

22. Acceleration at top actor bearing H 0.194 0.467 0.234 0.523 0.22 0.283

]T 0.154 0.024 0.139 0.070 0.128 0.019 Displacement Evaluation

! 23. Relative horisontal displacement impeller and bowl 0.661 0.172 0.636 0.298 0.075 I


) 24 Relative vertical displacement 0.048 0.044

! between first stage impeller & bowl 0.063 0.063 0.031 0.025 t

25. Relative horisontal. displacement 0.175 0.432 0.185 0.447 0.404 0.584 chaft & mechanical seal
26. Relative vertical displacement 0.020 0.019 0.026 betmeen shaft & mechanical seal 0.026 0.04 0.035
27. Separation between operating speed 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343

& system resonant frequencies (diep.

coeuning coincident freq)

28. Relative displacement between 0.524 0.198 0.663 0.307 0.753 0.242 l

l ehaft 4 throttle bushing l

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Purge Valves (42* Henry Pratt) of M 14 System with Bettis NS 0.55 0.48 0.63 0.72 PnlumatC Actuator 41.6 Hz EW 0.18 0.48 1.4 3.0 MPL Nos. M144040 0.48 0.18 1.5 V 0.30 0.28 0.54 3.0 M14.F090 0.58 0.57 3.0 Modil No. T-420-5R2 5855 0.94 SRSS 2.13 5RSS 5.2 Vtcuum Rilief Valve (24*

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Attechnent 4 i PY-CEI/NRR-0438 L Suppression Pool Level Instrumentation i

As noted in Section 3 of the Seismic Event Evaluation Report an indicated 1-1/2 inch increase in suppreeston pool level was being investigated. It was found that this increase was due to the discharge of air that had been previously trapped in the sensing line for the transmitters. Appropriate corrective measures are being taken to prevent this situation in the future.

CE1 has performed an analyste of the earthquaka and how it should have affected

' the Rosemount differential trenesitters. We have found that the event was within the environmental qualification of the instrument, and that they responded as expected. This evaluation to substantiated in that there were no 1

other instrumente other than the suppression pool level that showed an abnormal indication during or after the event. No other recorders or differential

] pressure instruments were observed to exhibit similar or any other anomalies.

he actual level of the suppreselon pool was surveyed, and the results show j that all of the instrumente are currently indicating approximately thirteen i

sixteenths inch (13/16") lower than actual level. The instruments did have a 3/8-3/4 inch positive sero offeet which make the instruments sensing actually .

l about an inch to inch and one half (1-1/2") lower than actual level. This difference is most likely due to some amount of air still being entrapped in the sensing lines. The air entrapment was due to incomplete filling and venting of the existing lines from the sensing tap to the instrument. '

' Proper techniques will be described in the procedure for refilling the sensing line to ensure proper filling of these lines any time they are drained. This system will be modified by the addition of high point vent in the lines to facilitate proper filling and thus pre' vent air from being trapped in the future. *his modification will be completed by the first refueling outage.

l l

I l

3 i

l l

1 l

l l

4 l

l l


i __ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. -_._ . . ._-.


References U.S. NRC Regulatory cuide 1.12. " Instrumentation for Earthquakes",

i Revisons 1 - April, 1974 Discussion:

Seismic instrumentation requirements for Nuclear Power Plants are specified by the referenced Regulatory Guide. The subject seismic instruasnt (D51-R170) as located on the 630' platform inside drywell of the Reactor Building is intended i

to satisfy Ites C.1.c.1 of Regulatory cuide 1.12. In specific, this ites j states..."one triaxial response-spectrum recorder capable of measuring both horisontal motions and the vertical action should be provided at ... a selected location on the reactor equipment or piping supports."

l Instrument D51-1170 satisfied this requirement in that it is attached to

) platform structural steel directly adjacent to a pipe support of the RRE piping l system. Due to multiple other attachments to the same platform steel in the

{ insediate area of instrument D51-R170, significant seismic interaction is l possible thus rendering interpretation of seismic traces on the instrument extreaaly difficult.


It is thus desirable to relocate D510R170 to a location which sides recorded data analysis. This is consistent with Section 5 of Regulatory Guide 1.12 which states in part..."It is desirable that these strong action accelerographs be located so as to facilitate the engineering analysis of the recorded traces following an earthquake.


! Proposed Raiocation j

Instrument D51-R170 will be relocated to a rigid bracket attached directly to '

l the outside surface of the Biological Shield Wall of the Reactor Building. The instrument will be located adjacent to a pipe support on a system such as the Peedwater or Reactor Recirculation piping. The relocated position will still satiefy Item C.1.c.1 of the Regulatory Guide 1.12 but will enhance engineering analysis of any recorded data ainee the possibility of seismic interaction between structure and attached components is greatly reduced.


i i

As part of our poet earthquake evaluation, the setpoints of the triaxial I

response spectrum recorder, (Instruasnt No. D57-R160), were reviewed. As a result of this review, the FSAR Table 3.7-14 list of setpoints is being revised l to show the corresponding frequency and the appropriate two-thirds of OBE and Ott design spectrum values that illuminate the saber and red light control room indicators. Attached is a revised table.

i i


i i

- _ _ -- . _ -. _. - =. - .

F TAELE 3.7-14 SETPOINTS OF THE TRIAXIAL RESPONSE SPECTRUM RECORDER Horizontal Axis _ Vertical Axis Setpoint Value (g) Setpoint Value (g) l 2

Frwo.(CPS) Amber Ai_= 1 - Red Signal Freq.(CPS) Amber Signal Red Signa 1 3 1

2.0 .23 .35 2.0 .14 .21 2.5 .28 .42 2.5 .17 .26 3.2 .29 .44 3.2 .21 .31 4.0 .27 .40 4.0 .23 .35 5.0 .23 .35 5.0 .26 .39 6.4 .23 .35 6.4 .27 .41 6.0 .23 .35 8.0 .38 57 6 10.1 .23 .34 10.1 .43 .65 12.7 .21 .31 12.7 .37 '

55 16.0 .19 .28 16.0 1

.19 .29 ,

1 20.2 .18 .27 20.2

.09 .13 25.4 .00 .12 25.4 .07 .11 NOTE:


1. Instrument No. DSI ,R160
2. Two-thirds of OBE
3. OBE i

i l


l l


_ _ _ _ _ . , , , . _ _ - , , - . - -- - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - -~'

At tachemmt 5 FY-CEI/M H-0418 L JATJARY 31, 1986 EARTEQUAE1 ,


Appendix B . Fages attache! -

Appendix C Change "in connection with short Fage 7. Second < duration, high energy ground motions

. paragraph, third line ..... to " in connection with short duration, high frequency ground from the botton

. motions..."  ;

Appendix D 71gures 4, 5. 6 attached i

i E

e 44 i

i t


i sysvaus Pebruary 19, 1986 K1N E M E TR ICS Mr. Frank Stead Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. kd Perry Nuclear Power Plant +

10 Center Road '* k O North Perry, OH 44081 kg eq Rat Earthquake Data Report, Your Requisition No. NED-E-860006 Dear Mr. Steadr We have made minor revisions to our report entitled

" Strong-Motion Data Report for the M3 5.0 Earthquake of 1147 EST, January 31, 1986, Perry, OBio". New pages with the revisions are enclosed and marked as Revision 1.

  • Title added.aheets " February 19, 1986, Revision d " has been
  • Page lf " triaxial" trigger has replaced " vertical" trigger.
  • Page is a nominal by "0.005g", triggervalue, the correct level of "0.01g" has been replaced



  • Page 2r the words " Compensator" and " Application" were misspelled and have been corrected. I j
  • Page 23 the phrase "at 256 samplac per second" has been added for clarity.

We Silberg,haveEsq.

mailed a copy of these pages directly to Mr. Jay E.

Vern uly yours, i

i J

K.L. Benueka Vice President / General Manager ELBajav Enclosures cc Mr. Jay E. Silberg Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20036 mutmcs SYSTEMS, Two TWENTY TWO V:STA AVENUC. PA8A0iiNA, CA 91107 . data)m.



of 1147 EST, JANUARY 31,1986 PERRY, OHIO i


l l

i for i

Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company l

Requisition No. NED-E-060006 4

l by I

Kinemetrica/ Systema l 222 Vista Ave.

Pasadena, CA 91107 1

Sales Order C-K6028 February 4, 1986 February 19, 1986, Revision d



i on January 31, 1986, a (M. 5.0) I the strong-motion Perry, Ohio. instrual6ntation at Perry 'Huclear Power Plant, local ea The PM analog magnetic tape cassette records from two Kinemetrics Model SMA-3 accelerogra phs were retrieved from the instruments and provided to Xinemetrtes for analysis.

This report describes the processing of these strong-motion records and presents the results. i Included are the uncorrected accelerograms, corrected acceleration, velocity and displacement time series, and response spectra. i i



) 2.1 Model SMA-3 Accelerograph i

i l The SMA-3 is a multi-channel, centralised recording, PM analog l

magnetic tape accelerograph system designed to detect and record  ;

i strong local earthquakes and record the three orthogonal ,

! acceleration signals on cassette tape. The SMA-3 remains in a  ;

standby mode until its triazini trigger detects an earthquake. ,

The tr:.gger then actuatee recording in less than .10 seconds. i The force balance natural frequency accelerometers in the SMA-3 have a nominal of 50 Bs and damping of 654 critical, i

i providing flat (-3dB) response from DC to 50 Bs. The nominal i

sensitivity full scale of each of the response of three 1.0g.channels is 2.5 volts /g with a

! The dynamic range of the accelerograph approximately .01g. is nominally 40 dB, giving it a resolution of l

The trigger in the SMA-3 has a flat (-3dB) response from 1 to 10 Hz and a nominal trigger level of 0.005g.

d Power is supplied to the SMA-3 by internal rechargeable batteries. ,

VAC line power.These batteries are kept in a charged state by 120 1

l i

1 1

i l

{ m..

2.2 Calibration Data The three Model SMA-3 accelerographs which recorded the event were factory calibrated in January, 1985, and the sensors were recalibrated for sensitivity by the Perry NPP personnel in Dece:nber of 1985. These most current calibration data are given in Table 1 below, i

Sens., Nat. Freq., Damping Ber. No. Channel v/o Mr a critical 165-1 long 2.48 52.3 65

, tran 2.49 53.7 65 vert 2.47 50.6 64 165-2 long 2.48 52.6 67 tran 2.40 52.2 72 l vert 2.65 50.5 66 i

TABLE la Calibration Data  !


Data from the Model SMA-3 accelerographs were played back using a Kinemetrica Model SMP-1 Playback System through a Data compensator, digitized using a Rinemetrice Model DDS-1105 Digital d Data system and processed as described in Kinemetries' i

Application Note No. 7 " Conditioning and Correction of Strong Motion Data on Analog Magnetic Tapes *, appended to this report.

b 3.1 Digitization The magnetic tapes were digitized using the DDS-1105. The 1024  !

Bertz FM time reference recorded on channel 4 of the cassette is 1

output from the SMP-1 and divided down by four (256 Hz i deviation) and used as the timing signal for the digital conversion time interval. The multiplexed uncorrected time l j

series are written on 9-track computer-compatible tape at 256 samples per second. d '

2 l 1


2148001 PERRY NUCLEAR 70WER FLANT . COMP 500TN ENA35/N 165-1L i

DAMPING VALUEE ARE 2 PERCENT OF CRITICAL ^y y g g j g 7. g g .. g g g

FREQUENCY - HZ -g 9PP . . .P 13...

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