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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217K12314 October 1999Revised Positions for DBNPS & Pnpp QA ProgramOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Nondestructive Examination
Local Leak Rate Testing
Process Control Program
Stress corrosion cracking
Commercial Grade
Fire Protection Program
ML20212J20130 September 1999Safety Evaluation Supporting Transfer of Dl Ownership Interest in Pnpp to Ceico
PY-CEI-NRR-2437, Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Pnpp,Unit 1.With30 September 1999Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Pnpp,Unit 1.With
PY-CEI-NRR-2429, Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Pnpp,Unit 1.With31 August 1999Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Pnpp,Unit 1.With
PY-CEI-NRR-2424, Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Perry Npp.With31 July 1999Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Perry Npp.With
ML20210J38528 July 1999Pnpp - Unit 1 ISI Summary Rept Results for Outage 7 (1999) First Period,Second IntervalNon-Destructive Examination
Weld Overlay
Nondestructive Examination
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Liquid penetrant
Dissimilar Metal Weld
PY-CEI-NRR-2416, Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With30 June 1999Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
ML20196A19517 June 1999Instrument Drift Analysis
ML20207G2747 June 1999Safety Evaluation Concluding That Firstenergy Flaw Evaluation Meets Rules of ASME Code & That IGSCC & Thermal Fatigue Crack Growth Need Not Be Considered in ApplicationWeld Overlay
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Thermal fatigue
PY-CEI-NRR-2409, Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With31 May 1999Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
PY-CEI-NRR-2393, Special Rept Update:On 990327 Refueling Outage 7 Began & Troubleshooting Efforts Began.Troubleshooting of Affected Calbe Confirmed Fault in Drywell Section of Cable.Determined That Installation of Newer Technology Should Be Explored12 May 1999Special Rept Update:On 990327 Refueling Outage 7 Began & Troubleshooting Efforts Began.Troubleshooting of Affected Calbe Confirmed Fault in Drywell Section of Cable.Determined That Installation of Newer Technology Should Be ExploredPost Accident Monitoring
ML20206G6453 May 1999Safety Evaluation Authorizing Requests for Relief IR-032 to IR-035 & IR-037 to IR-040 Re Implementation of Subsections IWE & Iwl of ASME Section XI for Containment InspCoatings
Nondestructive Examination
PY-CEI-NRR-2399, Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With30 April 1999Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
ML20206E22629 April 1999Safety Evaluation Concluding That Proposed Alternatives Will Result in Acceptable Level of Quality & Safety.Authorizes Use of Code Case N-504 for Weld Overlay Repair of FW Nozzle Weld at Pnpp & Use of Table IWB-3514Non-Destructive Examination
Weld Overlay
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML20206D79123 April 1999Rev 6 to PDB-F0001, COLR for Pnpp Unit 1 Cycle 8,Reload 7
ML20205P43715 April 1999Safety Evaluation Concluding That Licensee Performed Appropriate Evaluations of Operational Configurations of safety-related power-operated Gate Valves to Identify Valves Susceptible to Pressure Locking or Thermal BindingPower-Operated Valves
ML18016A90112 April 1999Part 21 Rept Re Defect in Component of DSRV-16-4,Enterprise DG Sys.Caused by Potential Problem with Connecting Rod Assemblies Built Since 1986,that Have Been Converted to Use Prestressed Fasteners.Affected Rods Should Be Inspected
ML20205S06031 March 1999Rept on Status of Public Petitions Under 10CFR2.206 with Status Change from Previous Update,990331Fuel cladding
ML20206D84631 March 1999Rev 1 to J11-03371SRLR, Supplemental Reload Licensing Rept for Pnpp,Unit 1 Reload 7 Cycle 8Shutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
PY-CEI-NRR-2389, Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With31 March 1999Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
ML20205G42231 March 1999Safety Evaluation Accepting Second 10-yr Interval IST Program Releif Requests for Plant,Unit 1
ML20205D31026 March 1999Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 103 to License NPF-58Earthquake
Control Room Habitability
ML20205C37626 March 1999Safety Evaluation Supporting Request for Proposed Exemption to 10CFR50,app a GDC 19Exemption Request
PY-CEI-NRR-2369, Special Rept:On 990127,PAMI Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Low Resistance Reading Existing in Circuit That Goes to Drywell.Troubleshooting of Affected Cable Will Commence During RFO on 9902273 March 1999Special Rept:On 990127,PAMI Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Low Resistance Reading Existing in Circuit That Goes to Drywell.Troubleshooting of Affected Cable Will Commence During RFO on 990227Post Accident Monitoring
PY-CEI-NRR-2372, Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With28 February 1999Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
ML20203A5962 February 1999Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Proposed Revs to Responsibilities of Plant Operations Review Committee as Described in Chapter 17.2 of USAR
ML20203A52127 January 1999Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Calculations Showing That Adequate NPSH Will Be Available for HPCS PumpsSafe Shutdown
Design basis earthquake
ML20198R8927 January 1999SER Accepting Licensee Proposed Amend to TSs to Delete Reference to NRC Policy Re Plant Staff Working Hours & Require Administrative Controls to Limit Working Hours to Be Acceptable
ML20204J67531 December 19981998 Annual Rept for Dbnps,Unit 1,PNPP,Unit 1 & BVPS Units 1 & 2
ML20206B01031 December 19981998 Annual Rept for Firstenergy Corp, for Perry Nuclear Power Plant & Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station.Form 10-K Annual Rept to Us Securities & Exchange Commission for Fiscal Yr Ending 981231,encl
PY-CEI-NRR-2356, Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With31 December 1998Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
ML20198J00322 December 1998SER Accepting Licensee Response to GL 92-08,ampacity Derating Issues for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1Fire Barrier
PY-CEI-NRR-2346, Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With30 November 1998Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
ML20195F6895 November 1998Safety Evaluation Accepting Proposed Reduction in Commitment in Quality Assurance Program to Remove Radiological Assessor Position
PY-CEI-NRR-2335, Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With31 October 1998Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
PY-CEI-NRR-2329, Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With30 September 1998Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
ML20153B82216 September 1998Safety Evaluation Accepting Changes to USAR Section 13.4.3,, & App 1A
PY-CEI-NRR-2323, Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With31 August 1998Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1.With
PY-CEI-NRR-2313, Monthly Operating Rept for July 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 131 July 1998Monthly Operating Rept for July 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1
PY-CEI-NRR-2306, Monthly Operating Rept for June 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 130 June 1998Monthly Operating Rept for June 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1
ML20249A18911 June 1998SER on Moderate Energy Line Pipe Break Criteria for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1 & Requests Addl Info to Demonstrate That Plant & FSAR in Compliance W/Staff Position & GDC as Discussed in SERSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML20248F35321 May 1998Part 21 Rept Re Electronic Equipment Repaired or Reworked by Integrated Resources,Inc from Approx 930101-980501.Caused by 1 Capacitor in Each Unit Being Installed W/Reverse Polarity. Policy of Second Checking All Capacitors Is Being AdoptedReverse polarity
PY-CEI-NRR-2282, Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 130 April 1998Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1
ML20217D20520 April 1998SER Authorizing Licensee to Use Code Case N-524 Until Such Time as Code Case Included in Future Rev of RG 1.147Incorporated by reference
PY-CEI-NRR-2277, Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 131 March 1998Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1
ML20217D57020 March 1998Part 21 Rept 40 Re Governor Valve Stems Made of Inconel 718 Matl Which Caused Loss of Governor Control.Control Problems Have Been Traced to Valve Stems Mfg by Bw/Ip.Id of Carbon Spacer Should Be Increased to at Least .5005/.5010
ML20216G39011 March 1998SER on Proposed Merger Between Duquesne Light Co & Allegheny Power Sys,Inc
ML20216J14028 February 1998Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1
PY-CEI-NRR-2258, Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 131 January 1998Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1998 for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1
ML20198N20112 January 1998Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1 Post-Refueling Startup Test Summary Rept Cycle 7Shutdown Margin
Power change