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Informs That GE Requested Authority to Insert No More than Six Std or Depleted Fuel Rod Elements Into SEFOR Reactor for Testing Purposes on 680517
Person / Time
Site: 05000231
Issue date: 10/01/1968
From: Morris P
To: Cohen K
Shared Package
ML20140G249 List: ... further results
FOIA-97-34 NUDOCS 9705120044
Download: ML20140G604 (3)





^ Suppl,



9 l::g fo - t - d Docket,No. 50-231' k

General Electric Company Advanced Products Operation 310 DeGuigne Drive Suanyvale, California 94806 r

Attention: Mr. Karl P. Cohea General Maanger i

Gentlemen In a letter dated May 17, 1968, the General Electric Company requested authority to insert no more than six standard or depleted fuel rod elements into the SEFOR reactor for testing purposes. The possession of this fuel is now licensed by the Commission under Special Nuclear Material Licensa No. SMN-1018 We have reviewed the procedures and safety considerations relative to the requested use of the six standard or depleted fuel red elements, including: (1) transfer of fuel from the new fuel storage area to the refueling cell; (2) insertion of fuel rods into the reactor; (3) transfer of fuel from the refueling call to the fuel storage area; (4) ariticality and radiation controls maintained; and (5) the fuel accountability method that will be used during the test program. Based on the material reviewed, we conclude thats (1) adequate pre-cautions will be taken to assure a suberitical fuel mass and maintenance of radiation and contamination control; and (2) even in the event of an accident the potential for the i

release of any significant amount of radioactive material appears to be negligible.

l Your proposal to place up to a maximum of six standard or l

depleted fuel rod elements in the core of the facility for the purpose of testing dimensional conpatibility under the pro-cedures described is considered to be pre-operational testing J

l l-bil3 9705120044 970505 PDR FOIA VARADY97-34 PDR

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General Electric Company, -

.rather than fuel loading (which may not be done prior to the issuance of an operating license). The proposed tests may be performed so long as they are. limited solely to dimensional testing, and not performed for the purpose of increasing the neutron population to aseestplish suberitical physics, instrumentation, or other tests.

1 l

Three copies of h t No. 1 to Indemnity Agreement No. B-35 are enclosed for your review and acceptance. Please sign and return one copy of the assedmont to this office at your earliest convenianos.

1 Sincerely, i

i f

Peter A. Morris, Director Division of Reactor Licensing j

cc: Mr. J. Robert Welsh Distribution:

j Frasident PDR i

Southwest Atomic Energy Associates Formal 306 Pyramid Building Suppl.

Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 REG Reading RPB-4 Reading j

l Mr. B. D. Wilson DEL Reading Administrator - Licensing PA Morris i

F Schroeder Nuclear Energy Division General Electric Company RS Boyd S Levine j

175 Curtner Avenue San Jose, California 95125 RE Ireland ND Mason LN Rib i

R Engelken i

N Dube JR Buchanan, ORNL j

l Ftan Robinson li i

For other concurrences see attached yellow.

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General Electric Company -

rather than fuel leeM== (which may not be done prior to the issuance.of an operating license). The proposed tests may be performed so long as they are limited solely to dimensional testias, and not performed for the purpose of increasing the mestros populaties to assemplish soberittaal physics, instru-mentaties, or other tests.

Sincerely, 3

Peter A. Morris, Director Division of Eeactor Licensing l

l cc Mr. J. Robert Welsh l

President i

Southwest Atomic Energy Associates


306 Pyramid Building Little Beck, Arkansas 72203 Mr. 3. D. Wilson 7

Maimistrator - Licensing maalear Emergy Divisten General Electric Campany 175 Curtaer' Avenue San Jose, California 95125 l

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