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Authorizes Proposed Change 7 to License DR-15 for SEFOR Re Mod to TS Reflecting Organizational Changes
Person / Time
Site: 05000231
Issue date: 11/12/1971
From: Shovholt D
To: Cohen K
Shared Package
ML20140G249 List: ... further results
FOIA-97-34 NUDOCS 9705140320
Download: ML20141A463 (23)



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DISTRIBUTION W. Dooly, DR R. Engelken, CO (2)

H. Shapar, OGC 4

gi 1 g N. Dube, DRL (5) 4 l

J. Buchanan, ORNL T. Laughlin, DTIE PDR Dockel No. 50-231 g Docket File DRL Reading Branch Reading ACRS (3)

General Electric Company R. Boyd i


Dr. Karl Cohen, General Manager R. DeYoung


. Breeder Reactor Development Operation M R. Scheme' 310 DeGuigne Drive D. Skovholt, A. Brauner Sunnyvale, California 94086 R. Vollmer, R. Woodruf f j

Change No. 8 S. Teets l


License No. DR-15 By letter dated October 8,1971, you submitted Proposed Change No. 7 to the


Technical Specifications appended to Provisional Operating License No. DR-15 for the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor. The proposed change would 2

modify the Technical Specifications to reflect the :organisation changes in the SEFOR management structure and interrelated site supervisory responsibilities, j

During our review of the proposed change, we informed your staff that certain j

modifications to your request were necessary to meet our regulatory require.

ments. These modifications have been made. We conclude that the proposed l

change, as modified, does not present significant hasards considerations not described or implicit in the Safety Analysis Report and that there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered.

I Accordingly, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59, c'aanges to the Technical Specifications l

appended to Provisional Operating License No. DR-15 are hereby authorised as i

indicated by margin bars on replacement pages 4.9-1 through 4. 9-5, 6.1-1 through 6.1-10, 6.2-1, 6.2 2, 6.3-1, 6.3 2 and 6.4-1 in Attachment A to this 2


l Sincerely,


3 DeastdAJ.!Skotholti- -

j Assistant Director for Reactor Operations j

Division of Reactor Licensing l

Enclosures j

Attachment A - Chsege to j

Technical Specifications 1

/(j f


cc: Paul B. Van Buren, Attorney 1

General Electric Caspany j g/f)j


L b f I

j 175 Curtner Avenue l

sen Jose, CalLEor214 73123 omcr >

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Forru ABC-818 (Rev,9-58) u.t eoVENfuBENT MttpITus4 0FYbCE stsW O-Sed-ses 9705140320 970505 PDR FOIA VARADY97-34 PDR

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WASiilNGTON, D.C. 20545 d

t i

, g November 12, 1971 i

l m

I Docket No. 50-231 I

t-General-Electric Company l.


Dr. Karl Cohen, General Manager l_

Breeder Reactor Development Operation l

310 DeGuigne Drive

-Sunnyvale, California 94086 Change No. 8 Gentlemen:

License No. DR-15 i

By letter dated October 8,1971, you submitted Proposed Change No. 7 to the Technical Specifications appended to Provisional Operating License No. DR-15 for the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor. The proposed change would modify the Technical Specifications to reflect the organization changes in i

the SEFOR management structure and interrelated site supervisory responsibilities.

1 During our review of the proposed change, we informed your staff that certain modifications to your request were necessary to meet our regulatory require-ments. These modifications have been made. We conclude that the proposed change, as modified, does not present significant hazards considerations not described or implicit in the Safety Analysis Report and that there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered.

l l

Accordingly, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59, changes to the Technical Specifications i

l appended to Provision.31 Operating License No. DR-15 are hereby authorized as indicated by margin bars on replacement pages 4.9-1 through 4. 9-5, 6.1-1 through 6.1-10, 6.2-1, 6.2-2, 6.3-1, 6.3-2 and 6.4-1 in Attachment A to this letter.

l l

Sincerely, Donald J kovholt Assistant Director for Reactor Operations Division of Reactor Licensing


Attachment A - Change to Technical Specifications t

l 1

cci Paul B. Van Buren, Attorney General Electric Company 175 Curtner Avenue San Jose, California 95125 i





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DOCKET NO. 50-231 1

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,4ppliou to unanticipated changes in reactor process and nuclear vari-4 abics during operation.

Objectivii l

To assure that reactor characteristics are properly interpreted and suf-ficientJy' understood for(. safe operation and safe conduct of the experi-mental program.

Specification A.

Lopg-term Unexplained Trends In addition to the more frequently taken records, records shall be.

kept of observations made at least once daily of main and auxiliary sodium flow for given pump conditions and the concurtent reactor sodium inlet and outlet temperatures, reflector segment positions, gross gamma activity in the, reactor cover gas, and the reactor opera-ting power. These records shall be examined daily during per16ds of reactor operation for short-term changes and analyzed in detail at least monthly to determine if there are any unexpected trends of significance which might indicate a change in reactor or component performance. Any unexpected trends which are observed shall be re-viewed by the Site Safety Committee.

Reactor operation at a higher l

power level shall not"take place unless identified long-term trends j

are satisf actorily explained, or the Site Safety Committee concludes L

that the long-term trends observed do not indicate a deterioration

of performance which could affect plant safety during the next planned period of operation. The conclusions of the Site Safety Consmittee shall be documented and transmitted to the SEFOR Safety Review Com-mittee and'the General Harager, BRD; immediate19;aftier. th&it coacto -

sions are reached.

In the event that,there is no satisfactory explanation of long-tern, trends, independent evaluation by members of the Saf sty Review Committee shall be obtained within one month after identification of the trend. The General Manager, BRD,,upon advice of his technical staff, the SEFOR Site Safety Coinnittee, and


  • the Safety Review Committee shaAl make a determination of tha'futura mode of operation of the reactor. These determinations and the supporting documentation shall be transmitted within one week to the DRL.

I 4.9-l' cf.,

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t b.,.Short-Termf.fnexplainedTrends 1.

Verification that reactor parameters meet the requirements of paragraph 3.13. A shall be obtained at each planned stable condition of reactor operation and at least once per shift when stable opera-ting conditions are maintained.

If such verification is not obtained, reactor power shall be reduced to a level of no more than 50% of that at which the failure to meet limits was obcerved. The SEFOR site Manager shall be notified immediately.

Reactor power shall not be increased unless the cause of the change has been determined.

If the cause is not immediately apparent, the SEFOR Site Manager shall determine whether operation at reduced power may continue or whether the reactor should be shut down. As soon as practical, he shall call a meeting of the Site Safety Committee which shall investigate the unexplained occurrence and recommend further action.

If the cause of the occurrence is not identified or if it is determined that there is a potential safety problem, resumption of operation at the initial power icvel where the change was observed shall not be permitted until a report has been made to the General Manager of BRD and an investigation has been conducted by members of the B2D technical staff. The General Manager, 'BRD, may authorize higher power operation of SEEDR upon evaluation of the reports of his technical staff and the Site Safety Comittee. Upon such authoriza-


tion, a report of his decision and supporting documentation shall be j

forwarded to the DP1 within one week.

If operation is resumed, the conclusions of the Site Safety Committee 4.9-2 l

Lp, Change No.,8 November 12, 1971 e

l l







and tho By technical staff shall be documented and circulat.ed

_j to the' SEFOR Saf ety Review Committee and their independent

' evaluation'shall be obtained within one week. of the resumption of operati~on.

. 2.

If cover gas activity increases are.apparently. associated with l

l unexplained reactivity changes of measurable. magnitude, the reac-l tor shall be imn diately shut down to investigate the cause.

If it is confArmed that the reactor cover gas activity increase add reactivity change are related, reactor operations shall not be resumed until authorized by the General Manager of BRD as

.a discussed in 1. above.


If there le positive indicati$n that cladding failure has occurred, i

che reactor shall be. shut down for examination of all fuel rods which are accessible by means of through-head ports.

The reactor may be started up if defective fuel rods, as defined in Specifica-tion 3.3,K, are located and removed.

If, after examination of all fuel rods. located under through-head ports, defective fuel l

rods are noth located, the reactor may be started up if, in the i

judgment of.the <$itai-3hanager, safe to proceed.

1 4.

Inconjunctpnwithfuelrodexaminationsforthepurposeof locating failed fuel, at least two sodium samples shall be obtained.frain the reactor' vessel, ' One sodium sample shall be i

kept for an. archive sample, and another shall te examined for evidence of. defective fuel.



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i natics The direct responsibili,ty for safe operation.of*SEFOR on a day-to-day basis ja vested in the t Site Manager and his staff. Although general review and

, evaluation of'SEFOR operations and the performance of the SEFOR' operating staff.

wtll be made by the Saf ety Review Committee, the BRD General Manager and his

]I staf f, and tire DRL, this observation is not continuous on a day-to-day basis, and, unless gross and serious errors and conditions exist, is largely in the l -

nature of an advisory function.

To have it otherwise leads to the danger of very inefficient operation and,, more seriously, 'might tend to reduce safety by j

diluting the responsibility of the Site Manager and his staff. The present


opecification is intended to preserve this responsibility while at the same i

time, under special circumstances which might have serious safety implications, l

to assure that independent reviews are made by competent individuals who are l

not directly involved in the day-to-day operation of the reactor.

In the case i

of anomalous behavior of the reactor, it is believed that evaluation by tech-i nically qualffled individuals who are not involved with the day-to-day opera-tion may provide additional perspecti've to the situation and may point up potential problems, which are not evident to those involved in the reactor operation.

In the case of anomalous behavior occurring over a long period of time, basic responsibility for determining whether continued operation is safe is vested in the SEFOR Site Manager and the Site Safety Committee with clie independent i

reviews to be made by the Safetj Review Committee and the BRD General Manager and 'nis staff. The potentially more serious situation is anomalous behavior that occurs over a short period of time.

In this case, basic responsibility for return to power level at which the behavior was observs.d is vested in the BRD General' Manager, who has at his disposal the services of a staff of over


200 nuclear energy specialists, including the designsre of the SEFOR reactor, lie is able to marshall this technical capability on short notice and thus can render decisions, based on detailed technical evaluation by the most qualified individuals who will perform this work in a competent and expeditious manner.

lie will have the benefit of the. judgment of the.SEFOR gite Manager and his technical staff. Additional evaluation for the. benefit.of.the General Manager j

will be forthcoming at a later date from the'SEFOR Safety Review Committee,


also composed of highly competent technical individuals who are distributed l

throughout various components of the General. Electric Company other than 3RD..




Change No. 8 November 12, 1971

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i Short-term unexplained variations in process variables eslied out in the specification' are not in themselves an indication that an unsafe reactor honditionexists;however,theymaybe-symptomaticofpotentialsafety problems of a serious nature. The Site Manager is charged with the responsibility of determining whether other conditions that occur should


be defined as short-term (or long-term) unexplained behavior.


' The actions of the SEFOR Site Safety Committee and the Safety Review Com-J mittee in the case of unexplained reactor behavior are consistent with their responsibilities as given in Section 6 of these technical specifications.

J Section 6 describes the cmposition of these committees.


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l 4.9-5 Change No. 8 November 12, 1971 l

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Section 6


AININISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 Organization, Review, and Audit This specification applies to the organization for management and for review and audit of facility operations.

Its objective is to delineate responsibility for management of the facility, to assure maintenance of a high level of staff competence, and to specify an independent program for review and audit of facility operation.


Organization 1.

The organization for management, operation, and audit of SEFOR j

facility operations shall be as given in Figure 6-1.

The over-all full-time responsibility for operation of the SEFOR facility and compliance with these Technical Specifications shall reside in the SEFOR Site Manager. The Site Manager reports to the Manager, SEFOR, who in turn is responsible directly to the BRD


General Manager. The BRD General Manager reports to the Nuclear Energy Division General Manager. As indicated in Figure 6-1,-

technical engineering assistance will be provided as necessary through the BRD Manager of Design Engineering.


The minimum functional organization required for operation of the facility shall be as follows:


An operating shift shall consist of a shift supervisor and at least three additional operators. At least one of the operators shall be licensed.


When the reactor is secured, a licensed reactor operator and t

t two additional persons trained in carrying out emergency pro-cedures shall be at the site.


A shif t supervisor shall be in charge of startup, approach to power, normal operation, recovery from unplanned or unscheduled reductions in power, shutdown, handling or transferring of materials in the reactor vessel, and during any handling operations within the refueling cell when the reactor vessel head or ports i

have been resioved.

i 6.1-1 Change No. 8 November 12,,1971 l



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Personnel requiring Part 55 licenses shall be as indicated in Figure 6-1.


Qualifications with regard to education and operating experience 1

for key supervisory personnel shall be as follows:


Manager, SEFOR Site


B.S. in Engineering or Science or equivalent in experience.

Seven years experience in the design, construction, instal-lation, operation, development, and maintenance of nuclear j


l Demonstrated detailed and comprehensive knowledge in related technical fields, including reactor physics, radiological hazards control, nuclear engineering and instrtssent engineer-l.


Five years experience, or one year experience at SEFOR plus i

two years experience elsewhere, in the supervision and management of the construction and operation of reactor facilities. Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, and direct. reactor plant operations.


Manager. Plant Engineering B.S. in Engineering or Science, or equivalent in experience.

Five years experience or equivalent in the operation and maintenance of power-generation facilities, including a i

minimum of one year in responsible supervisory positions in the operation or maintenance of such facilities, and one year of nuclear plant experience. Ability to plan, program, and direct activities of engineering and craf t personnel.

l 6.1-3


Change No. 8 November 12, 1971 w..


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l l

Demonstrated abilJty in the design and application of equip-ment and devicen, wfth a thorough understanding of process equipment such as pumps, fans, heat exchangers and genera-tors, heaters, etc., as applicabic to nucicar facilities.

f l

[ tanager, Operat ions c.

B.S. In Engineering or Science or equivalent in experience.

Five years experience in the operation and maintenance of reactor or nuclear power facilities, including minimum of j

one year in supervisory positions in the operation and l

maintenance of such fsellities.

Demonstrated ability to organize and coordinate plant opera-tions.

Comprehensive knowledge of problems associated with startup and initial oneration of reactor facilities, includ-ing knowledge of radiological hazards, technical aspects of reactor operation of control systems, radiation shielding, l

contamination control, etc.

Demonstrated good judgment l

necessary to make correct decisions under rapidly changing conditions.

I,1 censed as a Senior Reactor Operator.


Hanager, Prop,rann and Analysis B.S. in Engineering or Science or equivalent in experfence.

i i

Five years experience in the design, operation, analysis and programming of a variety of reactor types or nucicar power facilities, including at least one year in responsible super-l visory position in such organizations.

Comprehensive knowledge of reactor physics, reactor design, I

reactor operation, radiation shiciding, fluid flow, thermo-dynamics, instrumentation, and related technologies.

Demo'nstrated capability for directing the efforts of physi-i' cists and engineers.

Ability to develop techniques and test procedures to carry I

out a reactor experimental program.

Demonstrated knowledge of the practical aspects of the i

operation of reactors, including their characteristics, limitations, and safe operating requirements.

A 6.1-4 7

Change No. 8 November 12, 1971



Specialist, Rmilation and Industrin) Safety B.S. in Engineering or or equivalent in experience.

Three years experience in analytical chemistry or radio-chemistry and health physics, including one year of exper-

. fence in radiation protection.

Demonstrated ability in evaluation of radiation hazards, l

design and development of radiation monitoring equipment, and in conducting health-physics studies.

l Thorough understanding of radiation dosimetry and a working knowledge of design of radiation facilities, shielding cal-culations and design of ventilation control, radioactive l

l waste processing, calibration of radiation measuring instru-1 l

mentation, maximum permissible radiation exposure IcVels, i

and good radiological safety and health protection practices. i Must be cognizant of local and state industrial safety re-quirements. Demonstrated ability in teaching, lecturing, and implementing safe practices and procedures.


l f.

Supe g nor, Mechanical Maintenance B.S. in Engineering or Science, or equivalent in experience with a high school education and apprenticeship training.


Five years of experience with power generating equipment, l

including one year of nuclear experience and one year of experience as a supervisor in the maintenance of associated equipment for reactors or power generating equipment.

Familiarity with non-destructive testing, and understanding of pressure vessel and piping codes.

Knowledge of craft techniques and mechanical maintenance l

procedures applicabic to nuclear facilities.

Cognizance of radiation and safety procedures and regulations as applicable to nuclear facilitics.


Instrumentation Engineer l

B.S. in Engineering or Science, or equivalent in experience.

Three years experience in design, installation, calibration and maintenance of process instrumentation, including a 6.J-5 rnance No. 8 t'nember 12, 197

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minimum of one year of nuclear instrumentation experience


and an understanding of electrical codes. Cognizance of significance of control and instrumentation-systems with respect to reactor operation and safety. Demonstrated ability to analyze systems for adequacy to meet system requirements and to conceive, assemble, and install neces-sary modifications to meet systems requirements.


Shift Supervisor B.S. in Engineering or Science,'or equivalent in experience.

Three years experience in the operation of reactor or nuclear facilities.

Knowledge of reactor startup methods and procedures, includ-ing radiological hazards and their control, plant maintenance, modern physics and other technical aspects of reactor facil-ities. Ability to plan, coordinate, and direct the, efforts j

of operations personnel as indicated by previous supervisory experience or satisfactory progression in job positions.

Licensed as a Senior Reactor Operator.


Review and Audit Organizational units for the review and audit of plant operations


shall be constituted and have the responsibilities and authorities


outlined below:


SEFOR Site Safety Committee a.


_-l Chairman:

Site Manager or designated alternate.

Manager, Operations or designated alternate.

l-Manager, Plant Engineering or designated alternate.

l Manager, Program and Analysis or designated alternate.

Specialist, Radiation and Industrial Safety or designated alternate, t


Meeting Frequency At least every two weeks and more often as deemed neces-sary by the Chairman.

j c.

Onorum i

' Chairman or his designated alternate plus two other members, f

6.1-6 Change No. 8 November 12, 1971.Ml wa..

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Responsibilitics (1) Review all, propcsod normal, abnormal, emergency pro-cedurcs, and procedures for maintenance which are significant to reactor safety and preposed changes to these procedures.

(2) Review all proposed tests for the planned experimental program, and plant tests which may have significance to reactor safety.

(3) Review proposed changes to Technical Specifications.

(4) Review proposed changes and modifications to plant systems or equipment which would require a change in, 1

or would be covered by procedures in d(1) above.

l (5) Review plant operation to detect potential safety hazards (6) Review reported violations of Technical Specifications.

(7) Perform special reviews and investigations and make recommendations thereon as requested by the SEFOR Site Manager.

(8) Report sto the Manager SEFOR and to the Chairman of the SEFOR Safety Review Committee on all reviews and investigation conducted under items d(6) and d(7) above.

(9) Make tentative determinations regarding'whether propo-sais considered by the committee involve unreviewed safety questions in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 and recommend tne necessary actions or safety analyses to the Site Manager.


Authority (1) The SEFOR Site Safety Committee shall be advisory to the Site Manager.

(2) The SEFOR Site Safety Committee shall review and recom-mend to the Site Managar approval'or disapproval.

of proposals under items d(1) through d(S) above.


In the event of disagreement between the recommenda-tions of the SEFOR Site Safety Committee and actions 6.1-7 Charge No. 8' November 12. 1971 L._..- -


t i

i l


I l

contemplated by the Site Manager on L

safety rmtters, the decision and action to be taken shall be the responsibility of the Site t



Records Minutes shall be kept.for all mootings of the SEFOR Site l

Safety Committee. Copies of the minutes shall be forwarded to the Manager, SEFOR the Chairman of the SEFOR l

Safety Review Committee, and to the Manager, Safety and Licensing.


Procedures Committee rules and regulations shall be prepared and main-tained deceribing the function of the committee, its meeting schedule, methods for review and approval of evaluations and recommendations, or designation of meetings and such other matters as may he appropriate.


SEFOR Safety Review Committoc Membersht_g a.

(1) Chairman plus five members appointed by the BRD' Cencral Manager.

(2) Manager, Nuclear Safety Appraisal Operation, Nuclear Energy Division, ex-officio member in addition to the appointees in.(1) above.

(3) Technical consultants as deemed necessary by the llRD General Manager.

(4) Members of the SEFOR Site Operation (Figure 6-1) shall not serve as members of the Safety Review Committee.

(5) Qualifications of the Safety Review Committee with regard to the combined experience and technical specialties of the individual members shall be maintained at-a high level. The Committee as a,whole shall have competence in nuclear reactor technology encompassing the basic disciplines of chemistry, physics, engineering, and also safety and health physics.

The minimum qualifications 6.1-8 Change No.8 s

November 12, 1971 9





a for membership of this Committee chall be determined by the BRD General Manager. The membership of this Committee shall be selected by the BRD Cencral Manager with the advice and concurrence of the Manager, Nuclear Safety Appraisal Operation, Nuclear Energy Division.,


' The performance of this committee shall be reviewed periodically by both the BRD General Manager and the l

Manager, Nuclear Safety Appraisal Operation.

Deteriora-tion in its performance shall be avoided by replacement of individuals or a reconstitution of the committee, if necessary, at the discretion of the BRD General Mana-ger.

Replacement shall be made from the manpower resources of the General Electric Company as a whole.


Meeting Frequency Semi-annually and as required on call of the Chairman or the j

BRD General Manancr. During the first year of operation, I -

the committee shall meet'at least three times.


Quorum Chairman or his delegated alternate plus three members.

j d.

Responsibil_ities (1) Review proposed changes to the Operating License, l

including Technical Specifications.

l (2) Revicw matters including proposed changes or modifica-tions to plant systems or equipment as referred to it by the SEFOR Site Safety Committee or by the Site Manager and review decisions with regard to unre-viewed safety questions.

(3) Audit proposed changes to procedures, tests, experiments, and review those changes which may have safety signifi-cance.

(4) Review reports, minutes, and resdits of audit inspect-ions and select for review specific items which may have safety implications.

(5) Conduct, or have conducted by a qualified group, audits of plant operation at least semi-annually to assure that emergency procedures are up-to-date and to assure compli-ance with Operating Procedures and Technical Specifications.

6.1-9 Change No. 8 November 12, 1971

- ~ ~ - ~ ~ -

(6) Review reported instances of violations of Technical


Specifications and ccommend to the BRD General Manager appropriate action to prevent recurrence of the violations.


(?) Review instances of significant equipment malfunctions which are unusual or unexpected type, and perform other special. reviews and investigations as requested by the URD General Manager.


Authority The function of the SEFOR Safety Review Committee shall be advisory, and it shall report directly to the BRD General Manager.


Records A report on each meeting of the SEFOR Safety Review Commit-toe shall be prepared and forwarded to the PRD General Manager and to such others as the Chairman or the BRD General Manager may deninnate.

This report shall contain the findings and recommendations resulting from cach meet-ing.

The BRD General Manager shall have documented, within a reasonable period following the receipt of the report, the actions taken on the' recommendations.

Copies of this response shall be forwarded to the Chairman and members of the SEFOR Safety Review Committee.


Procedures Procedures for committee operation shall be established by the Chairumn of the committee and the BRD General Manager.

The BRD General ManaRer sha)) review periodically the per-formance of the committee to assure an independent and compre-hensive review of facility operation.

6.1-10 Change No. 8 November 12, 1971


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' 6. 2 '.,P l an t OperatinR and' Emergency Procedures A.'

Detailed written procedures and instructions with check-off ifsts, i

e apprdved by the SEFOR Site Manager, shall be provided and i


used for the following conditions:

  • l E'



Refueling and refueling cell operations, normal startup, opera-


tion, and shutdown of the complete facility 'and of all systems l

and components involving nuclear and radiological safety of the facility.


All program tests and experiments.


3.. Emergency conditions involving possible or actual releases of radioactive materials.



Preventive nr corrective operations that could have an effect on j

reactor safety or affect nuclear or radiological safety.


Temporary operating procedures which do not decrease plant safety l

margins, may he used after review by the Manager, Program and Analy-sis, and approval by the Manager, Operations.

Use of these procedures i

shall he documented in the operating records.


Modifications to experimental test procedures, which do not change the original intent or the scope of the test, and which do not reduce, safety margins may be made with the approval of the Mana-ger, Program and Analysis.

Such changes shall be documented in the P

operating records.

l D.

Provlsional test procedures which are complementary to experimental test procedures or that are of a diagnostic nature, and do not reduce l

pinnt aarcty margins, may be used after review by the Manager, Opera-I 1

i tions and approval by the Manager, Program and Analysis.

Such pro-l l

cedures shall be documented in the operating records.


Radiation control procedures shall be established and all station personnel shall be instructed in these procedures. These procedures shall show the permissible radiation exposure levels and methods for control of radiation exposure.

The radiation protection program shall be organized to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20 with the following exception:( }

6.2-1 l

Change No. 8 November 12, 1971 s

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Paragraph 20.203 - caution signs, labels and signals.

In lieu of the " control device" or the " conspicuous visible. or audible alarm signal" specified in paragraph 20.203 (c) (2), each High Radiation Area in which the intensity of radiation is 100mRDf/hr 4

or more shall be barricaded and physically posted as a High Radia-tion Area.

Entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring a special work permit and any individual or group of individuals i

permitted to enter such an area shall be provided with a radia-tion monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation j

dose in the area.

In addition to the above requirement, any high radiation area in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 1000 MREM /hr, shall be provided with locked doors to prevent entry into such areas by unauthorized personnel. The keys to these doors shall be kept under the administrative control of the shift supervisor and the Manager, Operations.


Practice drills on Emergency Procedures shall be conducted prior to initial criticality nnd at least annually thereafter.

Such drills shall include as a minimum, partial or complete evacuation of the site and a test of the adequacy of communications with off-site support groups.

Reference (1 ) Letter to Dr. Peter A. Morris, U.S.A.E.C., Division of Reactor Licensing from Karl Cohen, BRDO, Ceneral Electric Company dated February 28, 1969.

l 6.2-2 ll Change No. 8 November 12, 1971


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'6. 3 Action to Be Tnken in the Event of an Abnormal Occurrence A.

Limitir.g_S,af ety System Setting 1." If a 11miting safety system setting is violated without causing a recetor scram or other safety system action, the reactor shall he shut down immediately, and the occurrence shall be reported-promptly to the Manager, SEFOR Site.


A thorough investigation of the conditions related to the occur-rence shall be made by the Site Safety Committee.,The Committee shall prepare a report for each such occurrence, including an evaluation of the cause of the occurrence and recommendations for appropriate actions to prevent or reduce the' probability of recurrence.

Copics of this report shall be forwarded to the Manager. SEFOR.


The DRL shall be promptly notified of the occurrence.


Reactor operations may be resumed after corrective action has been taken to prevent recurrence of the situation, provided such operation is recommended by the Site Safety Committee.


LimitinpuConditions for Operation 1.

If during operation, the limiting conditions for operation specified in Section 3 of these Technical Specifications are not met, the reactor shall be shut down.


The Site Safety Committee shall review the occurrence and ascer-tain that corrective measures are taken to prevent or minimize the probability of recurrence of_the event.

The committee shall prepare a report documenting its evaluation of the event and its recommendations and forward the report to the Manager.



If a violation of the limiting conditions for operation causes a reactor shutdown, the DRL shall be notified by means of the quarterly operations report.

This report shall include the circumstances of the abnormal occurrence and the remedial actions taken.


Reactor operations may be resumed when remedial actions have been taken and the limiting conditions for operation are met.

6.3-1 i

Change No,/8 l

November 12,197 l



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Component Failuren and ')cterioration of Fission Product Barriers

1. 'If component failures should occur which threaten the operabil-i

~ f an engineered safety system or if abnormal deteriora-i ity o

tion should be discovered which could threaten the integrity of I

one of the barriers to the release of fission products, the reactor shall be shut down.

l, 2.

The Site Safety Committee shall review the occurrence and ascer-tain that corrective measures are taken before reactor operations are resumed.

The Committee shall prepare a report documenting the occurrence and the basis for any action it recommends and forward the report to the Manager SEFOR.



The DRL shall be notified of the occurrence as required by the license and by means of the Ouarterly Operations Report. This report shall identify the cireumstances and the remedial action taken.


Admfnistrativo and Procedurni Controls 1.

Should inadequacies in administrative or procedural controls he disclosed during the course of facility operations which create or could lead to an unsafe condition, immediate action nhall be taken to put tie affected portion of the plant in the 3

safest possible condition.


The Site Safety Committee shall review the deficiencies and assure that corrective measures are taken before normal opera-


tions are resumed. The Committee shall prepare a report of the circumstances and action taken and forward the report to the Manager. SEFOR.


The DRL s'.all be notified by means of the Quarterly Operations Report.

i 6.3-2 Change No. 8 November 12, 1971 i


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6.4 Action t'o le Taken if a Safety 1,imit is Exceeded If a sadety limit is exceeded, the reactor shall be shut down immedi-


stely. Reactor operations shall not be resumed until authorized by f

the DRL. An inunediate report shall be made to the Manaaer. SEFOR


1 and to the DRL. A complete analysis of the circumstances leading up to and resulting from the situation, together with a recommendation j

i to prevent a recurrence shall be prepared by the SEFOR Site Safety I

Committee. This report shall be submitted to the Mansaer. SEFOR, and the Chairman, SEFOR Safety Review Committee for review and action.

Appropriate analyses and re' ports, verbal sad written, shall be submitted i

to the DRL.

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i 6.4-1 Change No. 8 November 12, 1971

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