MONTHYEARML20141B1971974-05-14014 May 1974 Order Terminating License DR-15,per 730417 Application from GE ML20141A9661972-01-19019 January 1972 Order Extending Provisional Operating License Expiration Date from 720304 to 730904 ML20140H4051970-08-28028 August 1970 Order Extending Provisional Operating License Expiration Date from 700904 to 720304 ML20140G7031969-01-29029 January 1969 Order Extending Latest Completion Date for CPPR-17,to 690430 ML20140G5971967-12-12012 December 1967 Order Extending Latest Completion Date for CPPR-17 to 681201 ML20140G5361966-03-0707 March 1966 Decision Reversing Supplemental Decision of ASLB Issued on 660107,to Extent Appealed from & Granting Exceptions of Southwest Atomic Energy Assoc & of GE ML20140G5111966-02-16016 February 1966 Memorandum & Order Denying Motion for Summary Reversal of Suppl Initial Decision Re Const Permit for Sefor.W/ Certificate of Svc ML20140G5001966-01-11011 January 1966 Memorandum & Order Suspending Suppl Initial Decision of Board on 660107,pending Review of Decision by Commission. W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4941966-01-10010 January 1966 Staff Consent to Stay of Effectiveness of Suppl Initial Decision Pending Final Determination of Matter by Commission Re Telegraphic Motion Filed by Applicant on 660108 ML20140G4831966-01-0707 January 1966 Supplemental Initial Decision That Conditional Authorization for Provisional Const Permit for SEFOR Set Aside & Therefore Request Denied.W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4771965-11-19019 November 1965 Order That Applicant Suppl Info Filing Shall Be Withheld from Public Disclosure & Not Available for Public Insp as Provided in Cited Rule.W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4721965-10-0707 October 1965 Order for Filing Addl Info Extended to 651115 & Time for Filing Suppl Proposed Findings,Conclusions & Comments Extended to 651201.W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4641965-09-28028 September 1965 Erratum to Initial Decision Issued on 650910 to Eliminate Typo by Deleting Last Three Words in Paragraph 10. W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4591965-09-23023 September 1965 Motion for Order Extending Time to Submit Addl Evidence & Order Extending Time.Ordered That Time for Filing Addl Evidence Extended to 651115 ML20140G4521965-09-10010 September 1965 Initial Decision Authorizing Applicant Proposal to Construct & Operate 20 Megawatt (Thermal) plutonia-urania- fueled,fast-spectrum,sodium-cooled Experimental Reactor in Fayetteville,Ak ML20140G4431965-08-0505 August 1965 Order Supplementing & Closing Hearing Record Re Oral Hearing on 650629 & 650702 Concerning Sefor.W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4131965-06-11011 June 1965 Order & Notice of Change of Place of Hearing Scheduled on 650629 on Campus of Univ of Ak.Prompt Fr Publication Ordered.W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G3791965-05-28028 May 1965 Order & Notice of Prehearing Conference Scheduled for 650629 in Fayetteville,Ak & to Be Published in Fr. W/Certificate of Svc 1974-05-14
[Table view] Category:ORDERS
MONTHYEARML20141B1971974-05-14014 May 1974 Order Terminating License DR-15,per 730417 Application from GE ML20141A9661972-01-19019 January 1972 Order Extending Provisional Operating License Expiration Date from 720304 to 730904 ML20140H4051970-08-28028 August 1970 Order Extending Provisional Operating License Expiration Date from 700904 to 720304 ML20140G7031969-01-29029 January 1969 Order Extending Latest Completion Date for CPPR-17,to 690430 ML20140G5971967-12-12012 December 1967 Order Extending Latest Completion Date for CPPR-17 to 681201 ML20140G5111966-02-16016 February 1966 Memorandum & Order Denying Motion for Summary Reversal of Suppl Initial Decision Re Const Permit for Sefor.W/ Certificate of Svc ML20140G5001966-01-11011 January 1966 Memorandum & Order Suspending Suppl Initial Decision of Board on 660107,pending Review of Decision by Commission. W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4771965-11-19019 November 1965 Order That Applicant Suppl Info Filing Shall Be Withheld from Public Disclosure & Not Available for Public Insp as Provided in Cited Rule.W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4721965-10-0707 October 1965 Order for Filing Addl Info Extended to 651115 & Time for Filing Suppl Proposed Findings,Conclusions & Comments Extended to 651201.W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4431965-08-0505 August 1965 Order Supplementing & Closing Hearing Record Re Oral Hearing on 650629 & 650702 Concerning Sefor.W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G4131965-06-11011 June 1965 Order & Notice of Change of Place of Hearing Scheduled on 650629 on Campus of Univ of Ak.Prompt Fr Publication Ordered.W/Certificate of Svc ML20140G3791965-05-28028 May 1965 Order & Notice of Prehearing Conference Scheduled for 650629 in Fayetteville,Ak & to Be Published in Fr. W/Certificate of Svc 1974-05-14
[Table view] |
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'"'^M Glenn T. Seaborg i.
John G.
Palfrey Gerald F. Tape
James T. Ramey In the Matter of GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY DOC NO. 50-231 l
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER In this proceeding for a construction permit for an ex-perimental reactor, the applicants General Electric Company and Southwest Atomic Energy Associates are associated with Gesellschart fur Kernforschung, a non-profit corporation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the shareholders of which are
'the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Baden-e j
Gesellschaft fur Kernforschung is acting on behalf of itself and the European Atomic Energy Community, which is a financial contributor to the project.
An initial decision of an atomic safety and licensing board,-issued on September 10, 1965, granted a provisional con-struction permit on condition that the applicants furnish certain additional infonnation dealing with radiation safety,
!l q'
9705090196 970505 PDR FOIA VARAD,Y_97-34, PDR
- 7-2 I
and concerning the relations among the participants as bearing upon.the legality of issuance of the construction permit under Atomic Energy Act of 1954,. Section lo4(d), 42 Usc Section 2134(d),
i dealing with fore 16n ownership, control or domination.
A supplemental initial decision of the board, issued on January 7, l
1966, found the safety questions adequately resolved, but re-scinded the construction permit on grounds based on Section 104(d).
The applicants have now moved for a stay of the s' upplemental initial decision, pending review by the l
e Commission.
l In granting this stay in the exercise of our discretion, we have not ruled upon any of the substantive issues to be de*
termined on review.
The appeal raises questions of the intera pretation of the Atomic Energy Act and has international implications, but involves no questions of public health and i
The project is unclassified; thus, the appeal does not involve classifled matters.
The applicants proceed at their own financial risk pending the ultimate determination of the appeal.
It is therefore ORDERED that the supplemental initial decision of the atomic safety and licensing board dated January 7, 1966 be suspended pending the review of the supplemental initial decision by the Commission.
Dated: January 11, 1966 the ommission.
i W. H. Eccoolf ll Secretary I
l1 l
i i
i /,
W z__.
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a 4-U m KD STA2E8 0F AERICA j
4 In the Matter of l!l j'
i 800MEST A500t!C ENDGY AB00CIATES Docket No. 50-231 5
j g yIr m es or spu m s
I hazehy certify that copies of the Commission's 0 dar dated i
j January 11, 1966 in the anyttened matter hace been served en the So12cving nr toposit la the 9mitad States ant 1, first elses or air amil, this lith day of Jamsary 1966:
i Dr. A. D13mg fM1than Sen%2 West Atests Energy Assess.
i Oak Rhle National labozatory 306 Fyramid Building j
P.O. Box Y Little Beek, Artensas 72203 l
Cak madae, sonnessee 3741 Arnh Mr. J. metert welsh Dr. *hamma E. Fjgesed General B3astria Coeyser 1
Psof. of Bes3ser Engissering Atente Poser Egaigasse Dept.
Unimity er Calissenta 15 Oartner Avesse Bashalay, ca118ersta 94551 P.O. Das a54 Sea Jees, Ontssesnsa 951a5 j
Tsoy Commer, Est.
m Jelas Peso 3mes,Eng.
2 U.s.Atenio Emeser w a= w j
Washington,D.C. GDP5 cist Ben. Gems 5tsasher
,' Q 1
d cr.ry!03A Deusty Omerthsans l
Fayetteville, Arkanoes 72101 i
i l
- Dr., James 3. Earzem State' Hea.ith officer i
Arkeases state Bosat of Realth j
Little hoek, Arkeness 72900 i
I a
1 1
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i ottaen or sne seerstery 1