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Authorizes Proposed Change 3 to License DR-15 Per GE 700612 Application & Amend on 700730
Person / Time
Site: 05000231
Issue date: 04/12/1971
From: Morris P
To: Cohen K
Shared Package
ML20140G249 List: ... further results
FOIA-97-34 NUDOCS 9705140048
Download: ML20140J329 (9)


_ _ _ _ _ _


W. Dooly, DR R. Engelken, CO (2)


i H. Shapar, OGC 3

N. Dube, DRL (5)

APR 1 2 3 71 J. Buchanan, ORNL T. Laughlin, DTIE PDR 4

y Docket File l

3 DR Reading Docket No. 50 231 DRL Reading


Branch Reading 3

ACRS (3)

General Electric Company F. Schroeder, R. Scheme ATTN Dr. Karl Cohen, General Manager R. Boyd, R. Woodruff Breeder Reactor Development Operation R. DeYoung, S. Teets 310 DeGuigne Drive D. Skovholt Sunnyvale, California 94086 R. Vollmer j

Change No. 3 Gentlemen:

License No. DR-15 In an application dated June 12, 1970, and subsequently amended on July 30, 1970, you submitted Proposed Change No. 2 to the Technical Specificat!.ons j

attached to Provisional Operating License No. DR-15 for the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor. The proposed change would:

(a) revise qualification requirements for key personnel, (b) clarify limits for release 1

of maimactive effluents from the plant stack, and (c) increase allowable flow in the pump.around-loop. We have deferred our review of Item (c) per i

your request of March 5,1971; and we have redesignated Items (a) and (b) as l

Change No. 3.

l During our review of Change No. 3, we informed your staff that certain modi-fications to Item (a) were necessary to meet our regulatory requirements.

4 These modifications have been made. We conclude that Change No. 3, as modified, 1

does not present significant hasards considerations not described or implicit j

in the Safety Analysis Report and that there is reasonable assurance that the l

health and safety of the public will not be endangered. Accordingly, Change No. 3 is hereby authorised and, except for the requirement that the Operations Manager be licensed as a Senior reactor Operater, Change No. 3 is effective husediately. The licensing requirement for the Operations Manager shall be effective October 1,1971, neplacement pages 3.7 1, 3.7 5 and 6.1 2 through 6.1 5 are attached. The changes 2re indicated by brackets.


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...... aas Peter A. Morris, Director Division of Reactor Licensing Enclosures Replacement pages f

Jules]eaf.~ man, r { p nsel SEE ATTACHED YELLOW FOR OTHER C. CUR :NCES cc:

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DISTRIBUTION W. Dooly, DR R. Engelken, CO (2)

H. Shapar, OGC N. Dube, DRL (5)

J. Buchanan, ORNL T. Laughlin, DTIE PDR i

Docket File Docket No. 50-231.

R ng Branch Reading ACRS (3)

F. Schroeder General Electric Company R. Boyd, R. Woodruf ATTN:

Dr. Karl Cohen, General Manager R. DeYoung, S. Teet Breeder Reactor Development Operation D. Skovholt 310 Decuigne Drive R. Vollmer Sunnyvale, California 94086 Chan. Schemel R ge No. 3 Gentlemen:

License No. DR-15 In an application dated une 12,1970, and subsequently amended on July 30, j

1970, you submitted Propo ed Change No. 2 to the Technical Specifications attached to Provisional rating License No. DR 15 for the Southwest j

Experimental Fast Oxide Rea tor. W e proposed change would:' (a) revise qualification requirements f r key personnel, (b) clarify limits for release of radioactive affluents from the plant stack, and (c) increase allowable flow in the pump-around-loop. We have deferred our review of Item (c) per your request of March 5,1971; nd we have redesignated Items (a) and (b) as Change No. 3.

During our review of Change No. 3, informed your staff that certain modi.

l-ficatipna to Item (a) are necessary to meet our regulatory requirements. Your staff Indicated that these modificat ns are acceptable to General Electric.

We conclude that Change No. 3, as mod fied, dose'not present significant hasards considerations not described or implic in the safety Analysis Report and that there is reasonable assurance that the ith and safety of the public will not be endangered. Accordingly, Change No, is hereby authorised and, except for l

the requirement that the Operations Mana be licensed as a genior Reactor j

Operator, Change No. 3 is effective tsumedi tely. he lisensing requirement for the Operations Manager shall be affective teber 1, 1971. Replacement pages 3.7 1, 3.7 5 and 6.1-2 through 6.1 5 are at had. S e changes are indicated by brackets.


Peter A. No e, Director Divisten of ter Licensing



Replacement pages i

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)* l WASHINGTON, D.C. 20545 7

t April 12, 1971 l

6 Docket No. 50-231 General Electric Company I


Dr. Karl ?ohen, General Manager Breeder Reactor Developm t Operation 310 DeGuigne Drive Sunnyvale, California 94086 l

Change No. 3 Gentlemen:

License No. DR-15 In an application dated June 12, 197 and subsequently amended on July 30, 1970, you submitted Proposed Change N. 2 to the Technical Specifications l

attached to Provisional Operating Lice se No. DR-15 for the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor.

The p oposed change would:

(a) revise qualification requirements for key perso nel, (b) clarify limits for release of radioactive effluents from the plant s ack, and (c) increase allowable flow in the pump-around-loop. We have de rred our review of Item (c) per your request of March 5,1971; and we have redesignated Items (a) and (b) as Change No. 3.

During our review of Change No. 3, we inform your staff that certain modi-

. fications to Item (a) were necessary to meet ur regulatory requirements.

These modifications have been made. We conclu e that Change No. 3, as modified, does not present significant hazards'considera ons not described or implicit in the Safety Analysis Report and that there is reasonable assurance that the l

health and safety of the public will not be enda gered. Accordingly, Change No. 3 is hereby authorized and, except for the r uirement that the Operations Manager be licensed as a Senior Reactor Operator, Change No. 3 is effeccive immediately. The licensing requirement for the Op rations Manager shall be effective October 1, 1971.

Replacement pages 3.7-1 3.7-5 and 6.1-2 through 6.1-5 are attached. The changes are indicated by b ekets.

Sincerely, so


g ms y s&{kt D{*


Peter A. Morris, irector Division of Reacto Licensing l


Replacement pages 1



Jules Peariman, General Counsel General Electric Company 1


~~- - -

3.7 Radioactive Waste Control System Applicability t

Applies to those components which. control the collection. storage, and grelease of radioactive waste materials.

Obj ec t ive To assure the capability for safe control of radioactive waste materials and to define the limiting conditions for release of effluents from the reactor system.

4 Specification i

A.- At least one of the three waste gas compressors shall be operable.


For reactor startup, at least two waste gas compressors shall be operable.



The rate of discharge (, of radioactive effluent,x, from the plant stack shall be limited in accordance with the following i

equations:(1) 1.

Annual average release rate, except halogens and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days; 10


f_4.0 x 10 x


For periods less than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in any seven consectuve days, hourly average release rate, except halogens and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days;

( MPC 11.7 x 1011{

x 3.

Annual average release rate of radioactive halogens and par-ticulates with half-lives greater than 8 days; 1 '0

  • xMC c

x 4.

For periods less than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in any seven consecutive days, hourly average release rate of radioactive hologens and par-ticulates with half-lives greater than 8 days;

xMC, c

3.7,1 Change 3, April

, 1971

1 J

References t

-(1). li0 CFR 20,. Appendix B, Table II.

(2)p SEFOR FDSAR, Volume I, Para., pp. 9-2 and 9-3.


SEFOR FDSAR, Supplement 19, Appendix A.

Summary of SEFOR Meteorological Data Final Report, May 15, 1967 to May 15, 1968.


(4) A Brief Survey of the Meteorological Aspects of Atmospheric Pollution.

H.E. Cramer, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 40 (4):


1 l

(5) Watson, E.C. and Gamertsfalder, C.C., " Environmental Radioactive Con-l tamination as a Esctor in Nuclear Plant Siting Criteria," HW-SA-2809, Feb ruary, 1963.


SEFOR FDSARr Supplement 21, p. 32.

I i

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l i

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l j

3.7-5 Change 3, April 197 7





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6.1-2 Change 3,d. April.-

, 1971

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Personnel requiring Part 55 licenses shall be as indicated in Figure 6-1.


Qualifications with regard to education and operating experience for key supervisory personnel shall be as follows:

a. _, SEFOR_ Fa'cility Manager B.S. in Engineering or Scier.ce or equivalent-in experience.

Seven years experience in the design, construction, installa-tion, operation, development, and maintenance of nuclear i

. facilities.

Demonstrated detailed and comprehensive knowledge in related I

technical fields, including reactor physics, radiological-l hazards control, nuclear engineering and instrument engineer-ing.

Five years experience or one year experience at SEFOR plus two years experience elsewhere in the supervision and manage-ment of the construction and operation of reactor facilities.

Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, and direct reactor plant operations.



Manaaer. Plant Enaineering B.S. in Engineering or Science or equivalent in experience.

Five years experience or equivalent in the operation and maintenance of power-generation facilities, including a mini-i l

mum of one year in responsible supervisory positions in the operation or maintenance of such f acilities,.and' one year of

. nuclear plant experience. Ability to plan, program,.and direct activities of engineering and craft personnel.

Demonstrated ability in the design and application of equip-ment and devices, with a thorough understanding of procesa equipment such as ptanps, f ans, heat exchangers and generators, heaters, etc., as applicable to nuclear facilities.


Manager, Operations B.S. in Engineering or Science or equivalent in experience.

l' Five years experience in the operation and maintenance of reactor or' nuclear power f acilities, inclu$1ng minimum of f

one year in supervisory positions in the operation and maintenance of such facilities.

i 6.1-3 p

Change 3, April,

,. 1971



r w


.l j.

i l

Qemonstrated ability to organize and coordinate plant opera-tions.

Comprehensive knowledge of problems associated with i

startup and initial operation of reactor facilities, includ-1

.ing knowledge of radiological hazards, technical aspects of reactor operation of control systems, radiation shielding, contamination control, etc.

Demonstrated good judgment necessary to make correct decisions under rapidly changing conditions.

Licensed as a Senior Reactor Operator.

d.. Manager, Programs and Analysis


B.S. in Engineering or Science or equivalent in experience.

Five years experience in the design, operation, analysis and programming of a variety of reactor. types or nuclear power l

facilities, including 'at least one year in responsible super-visory position in such organizations.

l Comprehensive knowledge of reactor physics, reactor design, reactor operation, radiation shielding, fluid flow, thermo-dynamic.s, instrumentation, and related technologies.

Demonstrated capability for directing the efforts of.

physicists and engineers.

Ability to develop techniques and test proceduras to carry out a reactor experimental program.

Demonstrated knowledge of the practical aspects of the opera-tion of reactors, including their characteristics, limitations, and safe operating requirements, e.

Specialist, Radiation and___ Industrial Safety B.S. in Engineering or Science or equivalent in experience.

i Three years experience in analytie g chemistry or radio-chemistry and health physics, including one year of experience t


in radiation protection.

j Demonstrated ability in evaluation of radiatten hasards3 design 1

and development of radiation monitoring equipment, and in con-duct,ing health-physics studies.

l 6.1-4 Change 3, April

, 1971 j

  • Effective October 1, 1971 j

l J



j j Thorough understanding of radiation dosimetry and a working knowledge of design 'of radiation facilities, shielding cal.

cuiations and design of ventilation control, radioactive waste processing, calibration of radiation measuring instru-l l

mentation, maximum permissible radiation exposure levels, and g[>od radiological safety and health protection practices.

Must be cognizant of local and state industrial safety require-ments. Demonstrated ability in teaching, lecturing,' and


implementing safe practices and procedures.

l l


Supervisor, Mechanical Maintenance

'B.S. in Engineering or Science, or equivalent in experience with a high school education and apprenticeship training.

Five years of experience with power generating equipment, includ-f ing one year of nuclear experience and one year of experience as l

a supervisor in the maintenance of associated equipment for reactors l

l or power generating equipment.

Familiarity.with non-destructive testing, and understanding of pressure vessel and piping codes.

Knowledge of craft techniques and mechanical maintenance procedures applicable to nuclear facilities.

Cognizance of radiation and safety procedures and regulations, as applicable to nuclear facilities.


Instrumentation Engineer B.S. in Engineering or Science, or equivaleat in experience. Three years experience in design, installation, t.alibration and mainte-nance of process instrumentation, including a minimum of one year of nuclear instrumentation experience and an understanding of electrical codes.

Cognizance of significance of control and instrumentation systems with respect to reactor operation and safety.

Demonstrated ability to analyze systems for adequacy to meet system requirements and to conceive, assemble, and install necessary modifications to meet systems requirements,.

i j


shift Supervisor j

B.S. in Engineering or Science, or equivalent in experience. Three l

years experience in the operation of reactor or nuclear facilities. -

6.1-5 i

Change 3, April 19n j



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