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Discusses GE Request for Clarification Re NRC Re Testing of Dimensional Compatibility of Max of Six Std or Depleted Fuel Rod Elements at One Time & Performed Prior to Issuance of OL
Person / Time
Site: 05000231
Issue date: 10/21/1968
From: Morris R
To: Cohen K
Shared Package
ML20140G249 List: ... further results
FOIA-97-34 NUDOCS 9705120051
Download: ML20140G608 (1)



i Distribution:

H. L. Price I

PDR OCT 21 B68 pay,,1 1


Decket No. 50-231 REG Read.

l DRL Read.

j P. A. Morris F. Schroeder General Elsetric Company R. S. Boyd 4

Advanced prodents Operettee S. Levine 1

310 DeGuigas Drive R. E. Ireland Seasyvale, Califerata 94806 N. D. Mason L. N. Rih Attenties: Mr. Earl F. Cohen R. Engelken i

General Manager N. Dube J. R. Buchanan, ORNL Gentlemen This refers to the telepheme inquiry from Mr. Esary E. Bose of your offtee to Mr. Conner ef the Offies ef the General Conneel ef the Com-mission in which General Electric requested certain clarification relating to our letter of October 4.

In this letter we pointed out that the testing of dimensional compatibility of a maximum of eiz standard or depleted fuel red elements at one time could be performed prior to the isemaase of an operating license because we ceneidered this to be proeperatiemal testing rather then core loading.

Mr. Rose pelated out that our letter sould be eenstrued as affecting a provision of the oestreet between General Electric and Beethveet Atomic Emergy Associates (SARA) with respect to the passing of legal title to the facility from General, Electric to SAEA. This will confits our telephosis advise that our interpretation relates solely to our licensing requiremente and was in no way intended to interpret any contractual provisions.

Sincerely, Original SPf D g i,h%ms, Peter A. Norris, Director Division of Reactor Licensing cc Mr. J. Robert Welsh, president Seethwest Atomic Energy Associates Little Rock. Arkansas 72203 Mr. B. D. Wilson Administrator - Licensing General Electric Company d

i Ss Q se, Ca lifornia 951 15

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