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Forwards Order Terminating License DR-15 for Sefor,Per 730417 Application & 740417 Notification That Decommissioning Actions Had Been Accomplished as Proposed
Person / Time
Site: 05000231
Issue date: 05/14/1974
From: Goller K
To: Wolfe B
Shared Package
ML20140G249 List: ... further results
FOIA-97-34 NUDOCS 9705150160
Download: ML20141B160 (2)



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Docket File IAEC PDR Branch 4teading MAY 141974 JRBuchanan, ORNL TBAbernathy, DTIE Dockat :io. 50-231 SSmiley, L:FM KRGoller, L:0R RLTedesco, L:CS Ceneral Electric Company RAPurple, L:0R-1 ATT.i:

Dr. &.rtram Wolfe SVarga, L:RP General hfanager TJCarter, L:0R Breeder Reacter Department PBErickson, L:0R-1 l

310 DeGuigne Drive JSaltzman, L:0AI 4

Sunnyvale, California 940db FLIngram, OIS i

HImueller, GMR/H Gentlemen:

RRLeith, OC (FRN only)

SSheppard, L:0R-1 I

In accordance with your application of April 17, 1973, and notification dated April 17, 1974, that decouanissioning actions had been accomplished as proposed, an order terminating Facility License No. UR-15 for the Southwest Lxperimental Fast Oxide Reactor (SEFCR) is enclosed.

The Radioactive Material License ;io. ARK-396-BF-9-74 executed between Southwest Atomic Energy Associates and the State of Arkansas will cover the radioactiva contaminants at the Southwest F.xperimental Fast Oxide Reactor facility.

Three copies of Azaandment No.10 to Indemnity Agreement No. B-35 that deletes the indemnity coverage from the agreement for this facility are also enclosed.

Please sign and return one copy to this office.

Sincerely, Original Signed by Karl Goller Karl R. Coller Assistant Director for Operating Essetors l

Directorate of Licensing l

l Enclosures SATeets, LFOR-1 i


Termination Order for NDube, L:0PS License No. DR-15 MJinks, DRA (4) l

_l 2.

A===*===t No. 10 to Indennity BScharf, DRA (15) 1 Agreement No. B-35 (3 cys)

SKari, L:RP l

ACRS (16) q l

cc w/ enclosure 1:

R0 (3) j q

Hr. David Sherman, Counsel OGC j


j Breeder Beactor Department See attached concurrence; ltr retyp to General Elmetriu Corgany enclose 3 cys of Amendment to Indemnity Agreeme 310 DeGuigne Drive

, A,

^- U m 1.

NGoe L:0RB #1.



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9705150160 970505 PDR FOIA VARADY97-34 PDR




6 DISTRIBUTION Docket File AEC PDR Branch Reading JRBuchanan, ORNL TBAbernathy, DTIE No. 50-231 SSmiley, L:FM KRGoller, L:0R l

RLTedesco, L:CS RAPurple, L:0R-1 l

General Electric Company SVarga, L:RP I


Dr. Bertram Wolfe TJCarter, L:0R l

General Manager PBErickson, L:0R-1 l

Breeder Reactor Department JSaltzman, L:0AI 310 DeCuigne Drive FLIngram, OIS Sunnyvale, California 94086 HIMueller, GMR/H RRLeith, OC (FRN only)


SSheppard, L:0R-1 j

SATeets, L:0R-1 i

l In accordance with your application of April 17, 1973, and notification dated April 17, 1974, that decommissioning actions had been accomplished as proposed, an order terminating Facility License No. DR-15 for the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor (SEFOR) is enclosed. The Radioactive Material License No. ARK-396-BP-9-74 executed between Southwest Atomic EnerEy Associates and the State of Arkansas will cover the remaining radioactive contaminants at the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor facility.

Two copies of Amendment No. 10 to Indemnity Agreement No. B-35 that deletes the indemnity coverage from the agra== ant for this facility are also enclosed.

Please sign and return one copy to this office.

Sincerely, l

Karl R. Coller l

Assistant Director for l

Operating Reactors, Directorate of Licensing l

Enclosures NDube, L:0PS 1.

Termination order for MJinks, DRA (tidt (4)

Licanoe No. DR-15 M Scharf, DRA (15) 2.

A + t No. 10 to Indammity y SKari, L:RP Agreamsat No. B-35 (2 cys)

ACRS (16)

R0 (3) y L

i cc w/maslaeure la

/(,,,[ >j OGC f


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Mr. David Sherman, M b

l Breeder Reactor Departuont General Elaetric Company

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