IR 05000293/1986003

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Emergency Preparedness Insp Rept 50-293/86-03 on 860122-24. No Violation Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Util Action on Findings Identified During Previous Emergency Preparedness Insps & Exercises.Twelve Open Items Remain
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 03/06/1986
From: Harpster T, Lazarus W, Thomas W
Shared Package
ML20137Z848 List:
50-293-86-03, 50-293-86-3, NUDOCS 8603130178
Download: ML20137Z852 (7)


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Report N /86-03 Docket N i License N DPR-35 Priority --

Category C


Licensee: Boston Edison M/C Nuclear l 800 Boylston Street


Boston,' Massachusetts 02199 Facility Name: Pilgrim Generating Station I Inspection At: Plymouth, Massachusetts Inspection Conducted: January 22-24, 1986 Inspectors: /

/ ~5 6,/64, W.Lazaru,p enior Emergency Prepareaness dMe l D 5 W 3 dr (e, j W. Thomas, m rgenc Preparedness Specialist i e j

Approved by:

f CF tef. Emergency hreparedness T. Harpster,

,e I date b

Inspection Summary: InspecOJononJanuary22-24t1986 (Report No.

50-293/86-03) V


Areas Inspected: Routine announced emergency preparedness inspection to i followup on licensee action regarding findings identified during previous emergency preparedness inspections and exercise The inspection involved 40 inspector hours by two NRC inspector Results: No violations were identified. During this inspection sixteen open items and two item: of noncompliance were closed. Twelve open items remain, which will be reviewed during subsequent inspection !

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  • L. Beckwith, Compliance Management L. Dooley, Nuclear Training Supervisor
  • E. Graham, Compliance Group Leader
  • W. Hoey, Sr. Radiation Protection Engineer
  • C. Mathis, Nuclear Operations Manager
  • D. Pachulski, Nuclear Training Specialist
  • Indicates those present at the exit intervie ' OUTSTANDING ITEMS LISTING DETAILS (Closed) 84-05-04 (Deviation): Provide EAls based on field monitoring i results and on the methods used if the effluent and containment monitors i are inoperable or offscal The inspectors reviewed PNPS-1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure, " Emergency Categories and Associated Emergency Action Levels,"

Rev. 4, dated August 14, 1985. Attachments D and E contain appropriate procedures to utilize the results of environmental measurements to calculate projected doses in excess of EPA Protective Action Guides for the Site Area Emergency and General Emergency Action Level (Closed) 84-05-08 (Deviation): Provide for annual distribution of basic emergency planning information to the publi '

The inspectors reviewed the current emergency planning brochure dated August 31, 1985. This document was distributed throughout the EPZ during September 1985. This item has also been placed on the Boston Edison computerized tracking syste (Closed) 84-05-09 (Deviation): Provide for posting or other means of providing information to transients during an emergency (e.g. beach population, motels, etc.)

Public address system capability has been added to the Prompt Alert Warning System throughout the Pilgrim EP (0 pen) 84-05-16 and 8a-19-01 (Deviation): Describe or reference by procedure the program for exposure control during emergencies. Improve program for evaluattor/ control of reentry team radiation exposur . - - _ - .-- - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -




The inspector reviewed Procedure "Re-entry," Rev. 3, which establishes emergency radiation exposure guidelines and requires that the Emergency Director determine whether re entPy should be performed (based on comparison of benefits to be gained to potential radiation exposure).

Approval of re-entry is formally documented. At the time of this inspection, the procedure had not received formal approval. Approval and issuance of the procedure was anticipated within a few days, with assoc-tated training of emergency response personnel to follow. A drill is scheduled for late February to demonstrate training ef fectivenes These items will be reviewed in a subsequent inspectio (0 pen) 84-35-01/05 (Deviation): E0F design, location and layout leads to lack of effectivenes The inspectors reviewed the licensee's plans for, and toured the new near-site EOF which is presently under constructio The new EOF will be located about 3 miles from the plant and will be provided with shielding and filtered ventilation to meet habitability requirement The facility will be evaluated after its completion which is expected by May 198 (Closed) 85-35-01 (Deviation): No facsimile capability exists between the control room, TSC, OSC and EO The inspector verified that facsimile equip?ent has been installed in these areas, and was used during the September 1985 exercis (Closed) 84-35-03 (Deviation): Ensure reliable operation of the containment high range radiation monitor The inspector reviewed documentation naintained by the licensee which verified that the high range containment moniters were installed and operationally teste The monitors were calibrated on November 17, 1984 and December 16, 1984. The monitors are operationally checked daily in accordance with procedure OPER-9 to ensure reliability of operatio (Closed) 84-35-04, (Deviation): Revise procedures on transmission of information to offsite field teams in order to provide for improved information flo The inspector reviewed procedures, " Red Environmental Monitoring Team," Rev. 4;, " Blue Environmental Monitoring Team," Rev. 4; and " Green Environmental Monitor'ng Team," Rev. 2. The licensee has purchased new hand held radio equipme, and based on observations made during the September 1985 emergency pr paredness exercise, inspectors determined that transmission of informatioe, between the EOF and the offsite monitoring teams was satisfactor (Closed) 84-35-06 (Deviation): Analysis and evaluation of radiological data should be discussed by key EOF staff members prior to making protective action recommendations to the stat <



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This item is closed administratively and resolution is being tracked j under followup item 85-19-06.

l l (Closed) 84-35-07,(Deviation): Number of controllers / observers provided

during tne EOF portion of the drill was insufficient to make an adequate l

evaluation of player performance.

I During the September, 1985 emergency preparedness exercise it was


observed that an adequate number of controllers / observers were provided in the EO (0 pen) 84-41-01 (Unresolved): Revise the EAL on hurricane windspeed to indicate any hurricane force peak-win This item remains open pending licensee verification of the National Weather Service definition of hurricane force peak-winds and revising the EAL to be consistent with that definitio (Closed) 84-41-02 (Followup Item): Review and revise procedure 5.7. and the associated EAL chart to include all the appropriate action levels for classifying emergencie The inspector reviewed PNPS procedure, " Emergency Categories and Associated Emergency Action Levels," Rev. 4 and the associated EAL chart. All the EAL's referenced in the procedure are now included on the char *(Closed) 84-41-03 and 84-41-09 (Followup Item): Provide more detailed dose assessment training, including practical training for those performing initial dose assessment calculations.

j The inspectors reviewed the outline for the enhanced dose assessment l training that has been instituted and determined that the scope and depth of the training were adequate. The inspectors verified that SRO's and STA's (who perform initial dose assessment calculations) had received the training.

(Closed) 84-41-04 (Unresolved)
Develop or reference by procedure the j method used for continuously determining release rates and projected I doses when instruments are inoperable or offscale.

I i The inspector reviewed PNPS-1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure, "Use of the Emergency Dose Assessment System (EDAS)," Rev. 3 dated August 7, 1985 which references procedures and,


which are to be used if the necessary instruments reautred by are inoperabl (Closed) 84-41-05 (Unresolved): Revise Emergency Procedure to provide guidance for protective action recommendations during adverse weather conditions.


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i l The inspector reviewed PNPS-1 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure [

j, "Off-site Dose Projections and Protective Action Guides for the I i General Public," Rev. 4 Dated June 8, 1983 contains provisions for taking l i existing conditions into consideration prior to making protective action i j recommendations for the general publi '

(Closed) 84-41-06 (Followup Item): Review the offsite notification procedure and make appropriate changes to provide a high probability of

completing of fsite notificatio ,


l The inspector reviewed the PNPS-1 Procedures for offsite notification {

l contained in, " Control Room Emergency Communicator," Rev. 8, dated (

l July 24, 1985. This procedure requires the onshift watch engineer to

! appoint a control room communicator, whose primary function is to begin ,

J the offsite notification procedure within 5 minutes of declaration by the .

1 Watch Engineer and complete the offsite notifications within 15 minute ;

The inspector determined that use of this procedure will provide a high  !

j probability that offsite notifications will be completed in a timely  ;

l manne '

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j (Closed) 84-41-07 Noncompliance: Failure to perform annual update to the

Emergency Pla ) The inspector verified that the commitments made in a BECo letter dated 3 i

May 30, 1985, to perform a comprehensive review of the Emergency Plan and l

!' re-issue the revised plan, had been ccmpleted. The Emergency Plan l revision was issued on May 24, 1985. The licensee is tracking the  !

l commitment for an annual review on their computerized tracking syste {


! (0 pen) 84-41-08 (Inspector Followup Item): Implement a tracking system i j for general and specialt:ed EP training to provide continuous assurance [

that personnel are traine j l Discussions were held with the licensee concerning the present tracking h i system which is employed at PNp The present system is cumbersome and l j makes it difficult to demonstrate that required training has been i j completed. A revised system will be employed in the near future, j


l (Closed) 84-41-10 (Noncompliance): Failure to perform yearly dissemination of basic emergency planning information to the publi The licensee was able to demonstrate that the information had been distributed for 1985. In accordance with their commitment made in a BECo  ;

letter of May 30, 1985, the licensee is tracking this requirement for i anqual distribution of information on their computerized tracking j syste l


i (0 pen) d4-41-11 (Unresolved Item): Determine locations for stockpiling i EP information brochures.

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This items remains open pending the publication and distribution of the appropriate Boston Edison work instructio (Closed) 85-19-02 (Followup Item): No procedures are in effect describing how and under what circumstances the EOF functions would be relocated to the alternate EO The licensee indicated that a work instruction for relocation to the alternate EOF existed at the time of the exercise, but personnel involved in the discussions at that time were unaware of i This instruction has been incorporated into PNPS Procedure, " Relocation to Alternate EOF," Rev. O, which adequately describes this function. A new offsite primary EOF facility is scheduled for completion by May, which will eliminate the need for this procedur (Closed) 85-19-03 (Followup Item): Improve personnel accountability following evacuatio When the site evacuation alarm is sounded ingress and egress to the TSC/OSC will be limited to one doorway. All personnel who enter or leave the room will be logged in or out by the TSC/0SC Administrative Assistant responsible for accountability or the security guard assioned to the TSC/OS (0 pen) 85-19-04 (Followup Item): Improve communications between the control room, OSC, and EO This item remains open pending the completion of the new EO (Open) 85-19-05 (Followup Item): Emergency Of rector did not provide direction to TS This item will remain open untti all designated Emergency Directors and alternates have completed all of the training modules for that positio This item will also be observed during the next emergency preparedness exercis (0 pen) 85-19-06 (Followup Item): Screen data passed to the State was too technical / unrefine This item will remain open pending assignment of a technical liaison person from PNPS-1 to the State E0F. This item will also be followed during the next emergency preparedness exercis (0 pen) 85-19-07 (Follow up Item): Essential information not displayed or trended in the EO This item remains open pending the completion and operation of the new EOF,


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(0 pen) 85-19-08 (Followup Item): Establish access controls for the EOF to limit admission to only those necessar This item remains open pending the completion and operation of the new EO . Exit Meeting The exit interview was conducted on January 24, 1986, during the exit the NRC Team Leader summarized the findings of this inspection and discussed the remaining open items. See detail 1 for attendee At no time during the inspection was any written material provided to the licensee by the inspectors, l

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