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ML20210P3433 August 1999Notice of Violation from Insp on 990129-0527.Violation Noted:On 980116,G Pageau Engaged in Deliberate Misconduct That Caused Naesco to Be in Violation of 10CFR50.7
ML20210P3253 August 1999Notice of Violation from Insp on 980129-0527.Violation Noted:On 990116,Willimas Power Corp (Wpc),Contractor for Naesco,Discriminated Against Wpc Electrician Due to Employee Involvement in Protected Activity
ML20210N5783 August 1999Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000.Violation Noted:On 980116,licensee Contractor Discriminated Against Contractor Electrician Due to Employee Involvement in Protected Activity
ML20198C14411 December 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 981004-1114.Violation Noted:On 981113, a Service Water & a Cooling Tower SWS Removed from Service to Conduct Planned Maint on SWS Valve & Applicable TS Action Statement Not Identified & Tracked
ML20236W24130 July 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980517-0704.Violation Noted:On 980504,licensee Did Not Take Action to Promptly Identify Whether Steam Pressure Protection Channels for a & D Steam Generators Operable,After Three Found Inoperable
ML20217L82327 April 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980201-0328.Violation Noted:On 980313,inspector Identified That Four Individuals Performing Work Inside Posted Contaminated Area Failed to Comply W/Radiation Work Permits & Posted Instructions
ML20217L0631 April 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 971207-980131.Violation Noted:Measures Not Established to Assure That Significant Conditions Adverse to Quality Promptly Identified & CorrectedBoric Acid
Condition Adverse to Quality
ML20203E40920 February 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 971215-18 & 980120-21. Violations Noted:On 970313,licensee Changed Procedures as Described in UFSAR & Failed to Perform Written SE to Determine That Change Did Not Involve USQ
ML20199L31920 November 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970816-1004.Violation Noted:Mfp Reassembled & Tested W/O Terminating Lead (D4) Defeating Electrical Trip Capability of MFP
ML20211G00623 September 1997NOV from Insp on 970616-0815.Violation Noted:Staff Changed Lineup of Safety Injection Sys Test Header from Primary Drain Tank to Refueling Water Storage Tank W/O Properly Changing Procedure Os 1005.05,Safety Injection Operation
ML20210N58113 August 1997Corrected NOV Consisting of Revised Pages
ML20196J65030 July 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970522.Violation Noted: Vehicle Number Ldv 16-02 Found Unattended W/Keys in Ignition & Running & Not in Control of Authorized Person
ML20140D12430 May 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970304-0414.Violation Noted:On 950305,35 Licensee Designated Vehicles in Use Outside Protected Area for Purposes Other than Servicing, Repairs,Emergencies or Moving Supplies from Warehouse
ML20133A53524 December 1996Notice of Violation from Insp on 961001-1129.Violation Noted:On 940127,licensee Implemented Change 1 to Rev 7 to Station Procedure, Startup Feed Pump Operation, That Authorized Sys Configuration During Normal Plant Operation
ML20135A13822 November 1996Notice of Violation from Insp on 960813-0930.Violation Noted:On 960821,inspector Identified Three 4 Inch Floor Drains in EFW Pump House Covered with Tape During Painting Activities,Which Constituted Change to Facility
ML20058P95315 October 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 920310-13.Violation Noted: Licensee Determined That Records Required to Be Maintained by Commission Regulations or License Conditions Not Complete & Accurate in All Matls Respects
ML20056H22631 August 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 930615-0726.Violation Noted:Maint Workers Identified Need for & Installed Electrical Jumper W/O Performing Work Request Scope Change
ML20128E2941 December 1992Notice of Violation from Insp on 921013-1116.Violation Noted:On 921110,containment Air Lock Seal Leakage Had Not Been Verified for Over 72 H After Plant Had Entered Mode 4 & Air Lock Had Been Used for Multiple Entries
ML20058P79016 August 1990Notice of Violation from Insp on 900625-0729.Violation Noted:Circuit Breakers Feeding Power Distribution Panels Found to Have Been in Shut Position for 78 H During Mode 1 Operation
ML20247R58525 May 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890228-0424.Violation Noted:Valves CS-V625 & CS-V176 Found Mispositioned & Measures Established to Implement Procedure to Verify Closed,Locked & Chained Position of Valves Found Inadequate
ML20206F8749 November 1988Partially Withheld Notice of Violation from Insp on 880926-29 (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML20155E6146 October 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880706-0906.Violation Noted:On 880224,start Failure Occurred on Train B Emergency Diesel Generator Which Was Not Reported to NRC Until 880722
ML20236B99221 October 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870707-0908.Violation Noted:One Train of Control Room Air Intake Radiation Instrumentation Incapable of Isolating Control Room.Licensee Corrective Actions Did Not Preclude Repetitive FailingCondition Adverse to Quality
ML20237H84119 August 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870720-24.Violation Noted: Safety Tagging Operations Improperly Controlled.Svc Hearing List Encl
ML20236E65528 July 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870505-0706.Violation Noted:Safety Evaluation Not Performed to Ensure Mod Did Not Involve Unreviewed Safety Question & Responsible Station Staff Members Unaware of Mod Initiated by Operation DeptTemporary Modification
ML20206L62910 April 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870103-0309.Hearing Svc List Encl
ML20205G39523 March 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870219-20
ML20211P97612 December 1986Notice of Violation from Insp on 860916-1110
ML20211F75922 October 1986Notice of Violation from Insp on 860708-0915
ML20198J41628 May 1986Notice of Violation from Insp on 860310-21
ML20204A02429 April 1986Notice of Violation from Insp on 860203-0331
ML20137Z8723 October 1985Notice of Violation from Insp on 850603-14
IR 05000708/200802718 September 1985Notice of Violation from Insp on 850708-0827
ML20055B6088 July 1982Notice of Violation from Insp on 820601-18
ML20054F79226 May 1982Notice of Violation from Insp on 820323-0503