NUREG/CR-5849, Submits Results of 930706 Request to Mow Contaminated Area on Cushing Site & Release Portion of Cushing Site for Unrestricted Use.Requests That Final Survey Plan Containing Info Recommended in NUREG/CR-5849 Be Submitted

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Submits Results of 930706 Request to Mow Contaminated Area on Cushing Site & Release Portion of Cushing Site for Unrestricted Use.Requests That Final Survey Plan Containing Info Recommended in NUREG/CR-5849 Be Submitted
Person / Time
Site: 07003073
Issue date: 07/29/1993
From: Joseph Austin
To: Stauter J
RTR-NUREG-CR-5849 NUDOCS 9308040202
Download: ML20046B434 (3)


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UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION qs WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 JUL 2 9 Tm Docket No. 70-3073 License No. SNM-1999 Mr. John C. Stauter Kerr-McGee Corporation Technology and Engineering Division P.O. Box 25861 Oklahoma City, OK 73125

Dear Mr. Stauter:


KERR-MCGEE JULY 6, 1993, REQUEST TO M0W A CONTAMINATED AREA ON THE CUSHING SITE AND RELEASE A PORTION OF THE CUSHING SITE FOR UNRESTRICTED USE The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff (staff) has reviewed Kerr-McGee's letter of July 6,1993, in which Kerr-McGee made two requests: (1) to mow contaminated areas of the north tank farm, for the purpose of fire safety, prior to Kerr-McGee assigning a permanent Radiation Safety Officer (RS0) to the Cushing site, and (2) to survey four portions of the Cushing site and release these portions for unrestricted use.

The special work permit for mowing is acceptable, assuming that all applicable requirements of Kerr-McGee's license for the Cushing site (SNM-1999) are met. Mowing in the north tank farm may be added to the three Cushing site activities involving radioactive material that Kerr-McGee committed to limit itself to, in a May 12, 1993, letter to the staff, until a permanent RSO is hired. No activities involving radioactive material other than the three listed in the letter of May 12, 1993, and mowing the north tank area should be performed without prior staff approval.

Regarding your request to survey and release four portions of the Cushing site for unrestricted use, the staff requires a final survey plan containing significantly greater detail than was provided in the "Special Work Nrmit for Unaffected Area Survey" enclosed in Kerr-McGee's letter of July 6,1993.

Appendix C to NUREG/CR-5849 provides guidance on the content of an acceptable final survey plan.

Please submit a final survey plan containing the information recommended in NUREG/CR-5849.

In particular, provide a detailed justification for designating the areas as unaffected. Any surveys performed prior to NRC approval of a final survey plan are done so at Kerr-McGee's risk.

If survey data collected prior to NRC approval of the plan are not in compliance with the plan that is ultimately approved, NRC may find the data unacceptable.

020097 PR C FR.E C H N M y( f Nh 930B040202 930729 1

PDR ADDCK 07003073 C



' John C. Stauter If you have any questions, please contact David N. Fauver of my staff on (301) 504-2554.

Sincerely, (Original Signed by m )-

John H. Austin, Chief Decommissioning and Regulatory Issues Branch Division of Low-level Waste Management and Decommissioning Office of Nuclear Material. Safety and Safeguards cc: Loyd Kirk Oklahoma State Dept. of Health DISTRIBUTION:#C! File LLWM r RBangart WBrach PLohaus MWeber JSurmeier TCJohnson NMSSr/f g_irkliii.DEBbx6Mn/f M

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NAME DFauver LBell RFonner JAust[n DATE 7/28/93 7/28/93 7 /28/93 7/24/93



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' ~ MrI John C. Stauter.

- l(e'rr-McGee Corporation Technology and Engineering Division P.0, Box 25861 Oklahoma City, OK 73125

Dear Mr. Stauter:


KERR-MCGEE JULY 5, 1993, REQUEST TO M0W A CONTAMINATED AREA ON THE CUSHING SITE AND RELEASE A PORTION OF THE CUSHING SITE FOR The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff (staff) has reviewed Kerr-Mc UNRESTRICTED USE the north tank farm, for the purpose of fire safety, prior to Kepr'3tiiIminated are July 6,1993, in which Kerr-McGee made two requests: (1) to mow cor McGee assigning a permanent Radiation Safety Officer (RS0) to the Cushing site,,and (2) to survey four portions of the Cushing site and release these portions for' unrestricted use.

The special work permit for mowing is acceptable, assuming that all applicable requirements of Kerr-McGee's license for.the Cushing site'(SNM-1999) are met. Mowing inthenorthtankfarmmaybeaddedtothethreeCushipfsiteactivitiesinvolving radioactive material that Kerr-McGee committed to li dt itself to, in a May 12,-1993, letter to the staff, until a permanent RSO is hiredj No activities involving radioactive material other than the three listed,i' the letter of May 12, 1993, and n

cowing the north tank area should be performed w'ithout prior staff approval.

Regarding your request to survey and release'/

four portions of the Cushing site for unrestricted use, the staff requires a final survey plan containing significantly greater detail than was provided in the/Special Work Permit for Unaffected Area Survey" enclosed in Kerr-McGee's letter of July 6,1993. Appendix C to NURE6/CR-5849 provides guidance on the content of arf acceptable final survey plan.

Please submit a final survey plan containing the information recommended in NUREG/CR-5849.

In particular, provide a detailed justification for designating the areas as unaffected.

Any surveys performed prior to NRC approval of a final survey plan are done so at Kerr-McGee's risk.

If survey d' ta collected prior to NRC approval of the plan are not a

in compliance with the plan that is ultimately approved, NRC may find the data unacceptable.

If you have any questions,' please contact David N. Fauver of :ny staff on (301) 504-2554.

Sin e ely, John H. Austin, Chief f

Decommissioning and Regulatory Issues Branch Division of Low-Level Waste Management i

and Decommissioning Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards cc: Loyd Kirk, Oklahoma State Department of Health DISTRIBUTION: C. File LLWM r/f RBangart WBrach PLohaus MWeber JSurmeier TCJohnson NMSSr/f-w /L tu 16 Ms. rkTSiis11 ? B6kiiMii36nEuheusIB16dE%3 Dif;iis7DTitF166 fl6iEC6R"PfifiFiddu E 6F "0FC" lihi'i6ti E C = C6 i

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JAustin DATE

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