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Transcript of Afternoon Session of 850615 Proceedings in Oak Harbor,Oh Re Guidelines for Troubleshooting or Performing Investigative Actions Into Root Causes Surrounding 850609 Event.Pp 1-15
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/15/1985
NUDOCS 8507290335
Download: ML20129C059 (21)



q l


4 Re:  :

5 Davis-Besse avant  :

6 ot June 9, 1985  :

7 - - - - -

8 P R O C E E D I N G S 9 _ _ _ _ _

10 Proceedings batore tha Nuclear Regulatory 11 Ccam;asion Fact Finding Task Forca in regard to the 12 atoromantioned event, held at Conterence Room 205,



13 Davis-Basse Nuclear Plant, 03K Harbor, Ohio, 14 c o m.n c n c i n g on Saturday, June 15, 1985, at 4:30 15 o'clocx p.m.

16 - - - - -

17 18 19 20 21


22 23 B507290335 850615 PDR ADOCK 05000346


2 rm 1 PRESENT:

N) 2 J. T. Beard (NRC) 3 E. Rossi (NRC) 4 Wayne _Lanning (NRC) 5 T. L. Bell (NRC) 6 W. D. Shafer (NRC RIII) 7 Stephen aurns.(NRC OELD) 8 Steve Wideman (TED-Sonior Licensing 9 Spacialist) 10 John K. Wood (TED-Fac. Engrg. Gon. Supr.)

11 Terry Murray (Assistant V.P. Nuclear 12 Operations)


\d 13 Bornia aoyer (TED-Nuclear projects) 14 Dennis Momines (TED-Quality Assurance) 15 Larry Grime (TED-Nuclaar Safety Dapartment) 16 Ned Choules (NRC RIII) 17 ld - - - - -

19 20 21 22 23 I)



3 1 Saturday Aftcenoon Session (m) -

V 2 June 15, 1985 3 4:30 o'clocx p.m.

4 - - _ _ _

.5 P R O C C E D I N G S 6 - - - - -

t 7 t1 R . ROSSI: It everybody is ready, wa 8 will go.on the record now.

9 And what we are nere for is to discuss 10 Revision I, datad Juno 15th, 1985, of tne 11 guidelines to follow when trouble-shooting or 12 pertorming investigativo actions into tne root O

l 13 causes surrounding tna June 9tn, 1985, reactor trip.

14 We nave raviewed ycur ravisions based on 15 our-meeting yesterday and we have discussed them 16 among ourselves, and we navo sbout tnree changes 17 which I will give to you tnat we think ought to be 18 made, and then we will discuss why we think those 19 ought to be made. And wo want to just mako sure 20 that wa are on the record here in the discusaton of 21 telling wnat our understanding is of a couple of 22 other tnings tnat we raad in naro that wa a ren' t 23 going to asx to be enangod.

() 24 Okay. Tne first actual enange to tne RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATES (614)445-8477 COMPUTERIZED TRANSCRIPTION l

4 pg 1 document would be in Item B, to strike the word q ,)

2 '"rocent" and to put a slanted line between 3 survoillance, slant. It will be survaillance slant 4 testing.

5 And let me explain why we think this 6 ought to bo dona. We are a little concurned that 7 with the word "recent" in thera, it may limit how 8 tar you go osck and looK on your maintenance and 9 surveillanco slant testing, anc ws would rather 10 leave it more open, that you would go bacx as far 11 as you think you nood to go in order to insure a 12 thorough review for tinding tnis trouble-shooting.


' ~# 13 Tha reason for the slant betwaan 14 surveillance and testing is that we would 15 understand testing to include any trouble-shooting 16 testing that may have boon dons on tho equipment as 17 part of maintenance or checx-outs or trouble-shooting, 18 and not just the licansing-basad required 19 surveillanco testing. And tha t's the raason for 20 the changa in Itsm B.

21 Now, doos anybody have a problem with 22 making tnoso changos to the document witn the 23 unde rs ta nding that I just gavo you?

(v I 24 MR. BEYSR: dith the deletion of " roc 9nt" RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATuS (614)445-3477 COMPUTERIZED TelANSCRIPTION

5 1 it's opon to the judgment on tha part of the v

2 individuals?

3 MR. ROSSI: Either way is going to ba

4 open to a judgment. Either if the "rocont" is 5 thera it's open to judgment, it it's out it's open 6 to judgment. But you ought to looK caratully 7 anougn back to maxe sure you have gone back far 8 anougn to be totally applicablo to what you are 9 looking for.

10 MR. BEYER: Tha t's what W3 nad in mind.

A 11 MR. MURRAY: Tne second pset or that, I 12 might add to let you teel a littla warmer about the O 13 whole thing, normally the testing you wora 14 concerned _about there would be a part of tne 15 maintensace tnat we roviaw in tna tront part or 16 tnat 33ntonco.

17 MR. ROSSI: It fits together tnan.

J IS MR. MURRAY: Right. You haven't changed 19 anything with thsse words as far as what we would 20 be doing.

21 MR. ROSSI: That's good.

22 . MR. uBLL: Wns t's the ditternnco betwaan 23 a pariodic test and a surveillanca tent?


tm 24 MR. MURRAY: In our terminology, you will RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATES (614)445-6477 COMPUTERIZED TRANSCRIPTION i ,

s 6

gg 1 sae tha formal title pariodic test on some of our V

2 proceduros and survaillanca test on otnars. The 3 surveillance tests are tnose which are writton to 4 comply with tno requirements of our tocnnical 5 specifications.

6 The pariodic tests are thosa.over and 7 abova wha t's required by the tecnnical 8 specifications wnich we nad dacided tnat we wanted 9 t) run for our own intormstion.

10 MR. ROSSI: Okay. And so that's the main 11 thing we wa n te d to be sure, tnat that was also 12 reviewed.

13 The next one is in Item C, we would like 14 to insart the words after the word data: " including

'15 'A and B above."

16 The main reason we want to do that is 17 that wo in your documentation and summarizing of la data and even in what you do in Itum G, we want to 13 maKe sure tha t we dun't just end up with a '

20 statement that the maintenanco and surveillance 21 testing history was reviuwod, out that we gat a 22 reasonablo s u m:n a r y of the significance or tno tindingri

23. -that you g 'i t from your reviaw of maintenanco and

() 24 survoillance and not just 2 .tttumont th a t you did RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATES (614)445-6477 COMPUTERIZED TRANSCRIPTION

7 1 the review.


2 So witn that, do you have any problems of 3 making that change with the understanding tnat I 4 just gave? So you know, wa really want some sort 5 of a summary conclusion of what you tound in your 6 review of maintenance and surveillance tasting and 7 its meaning.

3 MR. MOMINES: You are saying you want us 9 to get specific, note the test and test number and 10 the dat3 that that --

11 MR. ROSSI: No. Wnat wa are asking for 12 is a summary of what you tound, what your 13 ' conclusions are, and what thair significance is.

14 Not Just a s ta tomon t that you did it and not a list 15 of overything you looked a t.

16 MR. GRIME: If you recall Mr. Long's 17 action plan had dascribed soms of that type 18 information in it. I thinx he had the maintenance 19 inrormation in his ana we have askod him to add the 20 test intecmstion. But that's consistant -- it 21 sounds like what you are saying is consistant with 4 22 what wa havo baan instructing the people to do.

23 tlR . ROSSI: Okay. Fina. Than I would

() 24 assume that you don't have a problom with those RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATES (614)445-0477 COMPUTERIZED TRANSCRIPTION

6 3 1 changes?

,. )

2 MR. BSYER: I don' t hsva a proolen.

3 Tha t's raally what wa had in mind. Tne summary ot 4 the data would be identitying all of the 5 significant things tnat wa are going to base any 6 determinations on. So that's consistant.

, 7 MR. ROSSI: Voll, I said something I 3 ,tninx a little ditterantly. I said we would expoct 9 a summary of what you actually tound trom the 10 maintanance and survo111ance tasting roviaw, not 11 just how you were going to uso it, but, you Know, 12 what you tound.

\- 13 MR. BEARD: Would an exsmple help at this 14 point? Suppose you rev12wed tne maintensace and 15 'tosting history on some componont and you tound out 16 tnat tha his tory - indica te s that the last time tnat 17 enere wora problems with this piece of equipmont, 18 it happ2ned to be all in one sumo arca; okay? And 19 tnen you could identify that area. To mo that 20 would be a signiticant conclusion or tinding trom 21 tha review. You would not nocessarily have to 22 identity all tno da tas, sp3cific procedures, et 23 cetera, but that would ba a aummary, and you may

() 24 include somo details lixo, you nnow, tive tailuros RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATES (G14)445-d477 COMPUTERIZED TRAN3CdIPTION

9 1 over an eight-year porlod, and they were all in tha v

2 same causa and those Kinds et things. Inat would 3 tond to support a hypotnasis at the root cause of 4 what in a y nave occurrad this timc.

5 Or you may coma up, as a separate example, 6 we nave looxod back ten years and tnis device nas 7 never had a failura. That's significant also.

8 MR. ROSS1: And tna t's the kind of 9 aummary we would like to have.

10 MR. BEYER: That's what I had in mind. I 11 don' t thinx I hava 'a problem with tnat.

12 MR. MURRAY: What again were the words 13 after data? You wcra going to insart tha words --

i 14 _MR. ROSSI: " Including A and B abova."

15 MR. MURRAY: Including A and B, okay.

16 MR. BELL: Or anothat part of tnat would 17 be a otroxo timo of a valva is increased over a --

la MR. BEARD: Ye3n.

19 MR. BEYER: Yeah.

20 MR. ROSAI- Thoso are the only enangas 21 that we thought ought to be mida to the document.

22 Now, tnero was one other thing that wa 4

23 want to caution you on, and that is up in this

[) 24 ficat paragraph where y ois put in where you have in RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATES (614)445-0477 COMPUTERIZED TRANSCRIPTION

10 g3 1 nare the personnel developing tno action plan shall V

2 havo knowledge of the design criteria or tha 3 specitic arca being considerad.

4 By design criteria, it's our understanding 5 - that wha t that means is tno specific design 6 critoria' tor tne equipment or components involved 7 and not just whatever.might be listed as design 8 critoria in the PSAR. In other words, we want it ,

i 3 down at the equipment level and not just the broad 10 gonaral design critoria that's in the PSAR.

11 Now, we just want to make sura tnat 12 tha t's ovarybody's understanding, and wo don't 13 think you naad to changa tna documont becauso wo i

14 don't xnow how to enange the docum2nt to maxo it 15 any clearer, but wa did want to tell you wna t we 16 think it means and get your contirmation that's 17 what you think it maans.

ld MR. BEYER: I think tha t's very 19 consistant with wnat wa had discussed bacauso we 20 sp9eifically nad the word aquipmant althor in our 21 convorsation if not in writing and wo said 22 equipmant was too limiting bucauso when you got i

23 into SPRCS or something like that, uguipannt may

() 24 '

not bc 3 very good discriptor. So wo usod cmc word RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATES (614)44S-6477 COMPUTERIZED TRANSCRIPTION L


11 p 1 area.

A 2 MR. BEARD: We were discussing the word 3 criteria primarily is what was meant by knowledge 4 of design criteria.

5 MR. BEYER: Yeah.

6 MR. ROSSI: Okay. Thosc are tna only 7 items I had tnat we neadad to talx about. Any 8 don't I pass the marked-up copy down and let you 9 look at what I_think we just said wo would change 10 in tha document, and if you -- if we are in 11 agreament with that, we will just attach it to the 12 transcript that he's taking so wnst you are going P

'~ 13 to uso.

14 MR. SHAPER: Ernie, do you nave a list 15 of attendanco ter this macting?

16 MR. ROSSI: I believe wo do hav2 a list 17 ot attendoos. You nave that, and we will a ttaen it IS to the transcript, rignt.

19 MR. BBARD: It will be a part ot tho 20 transcript.

21 MR. BEYER: The Xs in tho margin have no 22 meaning to us?

i 23 MR. ROSSI: The Xs in tho margin only

() 24 identify the lines in which the changos were made.



(~) 1 MR. Sil A F E R : For the bonetit or the team, V

2 I am working -- not working with the licenseo, but i

3 I have talked with the licensee about establisning, 4 describing how they are going to maintain tnelt 5 controls on this equipment that is oither going to 6 be shipped otf and/or replaced. You havo no need 7 of that on the record?

d MR. ROSSI: I don't thinx we do at this 9 time. If we need it, we can talk about it at the 10 time.

11 MR. SHAFER: All right.

12 MR. ROSSI: I mean, it's going to havo Ot k

13 traceability and keeping tracx of any failed 14 components so that they will be tnera for 15 independent examination, it somebody decidos tnat 16 tha t's appropriato.

17 Then lot ma ask you to put that into tha 4

ld record as wnat they will use. And you navo I 19 assumed marxod up something --

20 MR. MURRAY: I havo tne same thing marked 21 hers.

22 MR. WOOD: For logistics wa navu to reissuo 23 a Rev II with oitner today's date or tomorrow's


w 24 dsto, whenever that nappens, and provida you copies RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATUS (614)445-8477 COMPUTURIZED TRANSCRIPTION 4

13 1 as we incorporate these mark-ups. And I take it



2 there is no need to reconvene to confirm that Rev 3 II?

4 MR. ROSSI: Yeah. We have Rev II hara.

5 This will be Rev II witn thesa marxs in it. It you 6 make any other changes, you ougnt to let us know 7 and I guess it would be nico to navo the typed copy.

8 But wa hava got wnat everybody agrood is'Rev II 9 nero. It will be attacnad to the transcript.

10 MR. BSARD: I would like to ask a 11 question, if we are basically through witn tns t; 12 that is, is it the proper undoratsnding in terms of 13 the spacific action plans that would be developed 14 according to these guidelines that your senadula is 15 suen that you would not need for us to discusa or 16 reviaw any of those action plans bafore Monday?

17 MR. WOOD: Tnat is true.

i ld MR. BEARD: Okay.

19 MR. MU3 RAY: Is it still trua?

20 MR. BEYER: Tha t's correct, still true.

21 MR. ROSSI: Okay. Then as tar as I am t

22 concerned, unless anybody alse wants to bring 23 anything else up, I am willing to adjourn now.

', A;



24 Does anybody nava anything they want to tilx about?


l l


- 1 MR. GRIME: We want to discuss the status 2 of Jim's plan, a review of his --

3 MR. BEYER: The understanding yesterday 4 was that revising Jim's plan as necessary to ba in 5 compliance with these guidalines is sutticient for 6 us to proceed with-that action plan.

7 MR. ROSSI: That is correct, yes.

3 tiR . BEARD: Tha t's tne one on AP-599 and 9 608? .

10 MR. GRIME: Correct.

11 MR. BEARD: Wa have lookad at that.

12 MR. GRIME: Okay.


s# 13 MR. ROSSI: Okay. Then let's go off the 14 record, and we are adjourned.

15 - - - - -

r 16 Tharaupon, proceedings were 17 concluded at 4:50 o' clock p.m.

la - - - - -

19 20 21 22 23



(~n 1


2 CCRTIFICATE 3 I, Nicholas Marrone, a Register 3d 4 Professional Reportar and Notary Public in and for 5 the State of Onio, do hereby cortity tnat I took 6 the storomantioned proceedings and that tne 7 foregoing transcript of such proceedings is a tull, 3 true and correct transcript or my stunotypy notes 9 as so taKen.

10 I do further cortify that I was called i

11 tnare in the capacity of a Regiatared Protessional <

12 Reporter, and am not otherwiso interestod in this (A

L-) 13 proceeding.

14 IN WITNESS W il E R E O F , I have hareunto act 15 my nand and atrixed my s921 of ottice at Columbus, 16 Ohio, on this 1([\ _

day of J %,____ , 19 0 t .

17 18 _ _

NICHOLAS A. MARRONE, Registarod 19 Protassional Reporter, Notary Public in and tor tno Stata of Ohio.

20 21 My Commission expires November 1, 1937, 22 23 Il LJ 24 RUNFOLA & ASSOCIATES (614)445-8477 COMPUTERIZED TRANSCRIPTION

~ ~ .g.

~.- <


- INTRA. COMPANY MEMORANDU AA E D S2142 June 13, 1985 ro June 15, 1985, Rev. 1 Action Item Lead Individuals 4 enou J. K. Wood sukJECr Guidelines te Follow When Troubleshooting or Performing Investigative Actions into the Root Causes Surrounding the June 9, 1985 Reactor Trio For each item on the Equipment Freeze list (Attachment 1), an action plan shall be developed for investigative or troubleshooting work which 1 provides the basis for the Maintenance Work Order. Personnel (lead and/

or support) developing the action plan shall have knowledge of the design criteria of the specific area being considered. Vendor engineering support will be utilized as necessary to accomplish this requirement.

When used, vendor assistance shall be documented.

Troubleshooting and investigative activity shall be preceded by event evaluation and analysis to determine hypothesis (ses) and probable causes of failure or abnormal operation. Analysis and evaluation shall proceed as follows: ,

s. Collect and analyze known information/ operational data for condi-tions prior to, during and after the transient.
b. Review ====emaintenanceandsurveillance[estinghistory. )<

~M A_ Y

c. Develop a summary of datadthat slp,p,o,r,,.4,,,/e t any proposed probable cause y of failure or abnormal operation. '


d. Conduct a change analysis (i.e., what has changed since the last known successful operation of the system or equipment).
e. Based on above Items a-d develop primary and alternate hypoth-

, esis(ses) for the root cause of the problem.

f. Develop plans for testing the probable causes/ hypothesis (i.e.,

checks, verifications, inspections, troubleshooting, etc.). In developing inspection and troubleshooting plans, care must be taken to insure when possible that the less likely causes/ hypotheses (ses) remain testable. When planning troubleshooting activity try to

, simulate as closely as practical the actual conditions under which the system or component failed to operate properly on June 9, 1985.

g. Document the above in a report.

It is very important that the performance of our investigations do not .

in any way result in the loss of any information due to disturbances of components or systems. Investigations need to be conducted in a logical, well thought-out and documented manner. To avoid the loss of information

, 1 c


~' l

. I June 13, 1985 l June 15, 1985' Rev. 1 )

Page 2 1 and to assure the capture of reliable information, the following guide-lines in addition to the requirements of AD 1844.00 need to be addressed and followed when initiating and implementing an WO.

I 1. All action plans for troubleshooting and investigative work shall be reviewed with NRC personnel prior to implementation.

2. All Wos relating to the 6/9/85 trip investigation shall be handled as NSR.
3. Troubleshooting and repair shall be accomplished on separate W0s.
4. MWO's are to be approved by the Action Item Lead individual and reviewed by QC prior to their implementation. Copies of MU0s, when approved by the Action Item Lead Individual, shall be_ forwarded to D. J. Mominee (Stop 3070). It is the Lead Individual's responsi-bility to assure that the investigative actions are appropriate, 1l sufficient, properly defined, documented, and data is preserved.
5. Only those MWO's approved by the Action Item Lead Individual and QC may be worked on any of the " frozen systems" identified on the attached list.
6. Assure that only current drawings and controlled vendor manuals are used.
7. Consider the need for vendor representatives. Vendor representatives should be used to assist in troubleshooting if appropriate expertise is noe available in-house. The representatives will need to be given specific guidance for what they are and are not to do. Vendor representatives must follow the guidelines of this memorandum and I requirements of the Maintenance Work Order.
8. The MWO must clearly document the scope, affected equipment, and the desired objective of the investigative activity.
9. The sequence of activity needs to be documented on the MWO or proce-dures specified in the MWO. If the sequence can be determined prior to the activity being performed, define that sequence and provide a checkoff for each step. If the desired sequence cannot be determined prior to the activity, as a minimum define the fundamental sequence to be taken and document each specific step as it is performed.
  • 10. Document on the MWO all as found conditions. Visual inspect and document any missing, loose or damaged components, note positions 1 (open, closed, up, down, knob settings, switch positions, setpoints, etc.) abnormal environmental conditions, operation of cooling de-vices, water leaks, oil leaks, loose fittings, cracks, evidence of ,

overheating or water damage, cleanliness, bent tubing, fluid levels, 1 jumpers, lifted wires, etc. Deecribe the overall condition or e

June 13, 1985 June 15, 1985, Rev. 1 Page 3 appearance. Whenever possible, use photographs to document as found conditions. When considered necessary, retain a sample of fluids or their residue for further analysis.

11. When discrepancies are noted during the investigation, stop work and notify the Action Iten Lead Individual. Document the deficiency.

The Lead individual must sign off on the discrepancy prior to contin-uing the investigation.

12. Document the results of the investigation on the NWO.
13. Prior to starting any repair activities the Action Item Lead Individual must document that all investigations have been properly completed.
14. No equipment is to be shipped off site without prior approval of 1 Nuclear Facility Engineering and Quality Engineering for including appropriate hold and witness points. Use the "Q" purchase order  ;

process to obtain these approvals. '

NOTE: In all cases, applica' ale procedure must be followed. The requirements of this :aemorandum must be communicated to craf t personnel to avoid any confusion or. misunderstandings during this investigative period. ,, .

15. All failed or removed components / equipment shall be retained for ongoing review and examination. . Complete traceability shall be maintained.

The NRC shall be notified when the determination of the root cause of the 1 malfunction / failure has been made. As soon as practical, the results of the troubleshooting process, root cause determinations and justification will be presented to the NRC (e.g., next day in a meeting).

4 The NRC shall be advised as soon as practical of plans and schedules for corrective action work, prior to the work being performed.

NOTE: Any communication with the NRC personnel will be coordinated through John Wood.

i L 4 )

'JKW/SGW/bj s I

Attachment ,

1 1

1 l

4 4


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C 6/15/85 R;v. 1

.. 8:00 AM Attachment 1 Page 1 EQUIPMENT FREEZE The following list of items is the licensee's proposal for continued quarantine:

1. MFP's Turbine and Controls
2. SFRCS and Associated Instrument Channels
3. Aux Feed Pump Turbines and Controls
4. MSIV's Including Controls - Actuating Circuits, Pneumatic Supplies
5. S/U Feed Valve SP-7A - and Controls
6. Source Range Instrument Channels
7. Turbine Bypass Valve SP-13A2 - Any other components for which there is found an indication of water harmer damage
8. PORV and Controls and Actuation System
9. Main Steam Safety Valves
10. AF 599 and AF 608 Valves, Actuators and Controls i

{ 11. MS 106 and Controls This item was released by the Fact-Finding Team:

1. SPDS i

This item was added by the Fact-Finding Team:

1. SW Valve and Controls en AFW Alternate Supply It is agreed that no work will be done in the proximity of, or on, this l


j The licensee agreed to complete a walkdown outside Containment of the Main ,

j Steam System by appropriate personnel to identify any additional damage that may have been caused by water hammer.

. , ..- . .n . .. -. , , - -.,. - - - .- - . . , . . . , . , , - . , _ , . _ . ,

s . .


6/15/85 R v.1

. 8:00 AM Attachment 1 Page 2 The Fact-Finding Team stated that:


If required for safety, work shall proceed.

b. Surveillance Requirements of the Technical Specifications should be satisfied.
c. The team should be advised of any actions taken in the two areas .


1 E *

, SGW/bjs P





4 4

i S

e F

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