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Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/92-52 & 50-446/92-52 on 921130- 1207 & 930124-25.No Violations Noted
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/1993
From: Collins S
To: William Cahill
Shared Package
ML20128N940 List:
NUDOCS 9302240040
Download: ML20128N937 (5)

See also: IR 05000445/1992052


{{#Wiki_filter:,- . < ./ MGog UNITED STATES

f. ,g- NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION - j-()JL(j)] REoioN IV . g .- i' Vf g 611 RMN HAM ORIVE.SUME Mio e AR t.tNGioN, T E XAS 7601180G4

  • g) __

.... FEB i 71993 Dockets: 30-445 50 446 i License: NPF-87 ! Construction Permit: CPPR-127 10 Electric ATTN: W. J. Cahill, Jr., Group Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Operations


Skyway Tower l 400 North Olive Street, L.B. 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 Gentlemen: SUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION 50-445/92-52; 50-446/92-52 This refers to the inspection conducted by Mr. I. Barnes, and the inspectors identified in the attached report, of this office and the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation during November 30 through December 7,.1992, and January 24-25, 1993.~ The inspection included a review of activities authorized for

your Comanche Peak Steam Electric. Station, Unit 2, facility. -At the:

conclusion of*the inspection, the findings were discussed with you~and those ' members of your staff identified in the enclosed report. Areas examined during the inspection are: identified in-the report. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examination of procedures > and representative records, interviews with personnel, and.ohservations of activities in progress.

In accordance.with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice,".a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room. Should you have any-questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased- to discuss them with you.- ' Sincerely,- % Samuel J. Col ins, Director Division of actor Safety Enclosure: (see next page) r. I 9302240040 930217 - 1 PDR -ADOCK 05000445- G PDR'


.\\ t

o . . r - . o. TV Electric -2- Enclosure: Appendix - NRC Inspection Report .50-445/92-52 w/ attachment 50-446/92-52 w/ attachment cc w/ enclosure: Tu Electric ATTN: Roger D. Walker, Manager of Regulatory Affairs for Nuclear , Engineering Organization Sk.vway Tower 400 North Olive Street, L.B. 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 Juanita Ellis Prasident - CASE 1626 South Polk Street callas, Texas- 75224 GDS Associates, Inc. Suite 720 1850 Parkway Place Marietta, Georgia 30067-8237 TU Electric ' Bethesda Licensing 3 Metro Center, Suite 610 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Jorden, Schulte, and Burchette ATTN: William A. Burchette, Esq. Counsel for Tex-La. Electric -Cooperative of Texas 1025 Thomas Jefferson St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Newman & Holtzinger, P.C. ATTH: Jack R. Newman, Esq. 1615 L. Street, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, D.C. -20036 Texas Departmant of Labor & Standards ATTN; G. R. Bynog, Program Manager / Chief Inspector Boiler Division P.O. Box 12157, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 -

  • !

, . . . u.-. - TV Electric -3- .

Honorable Dale-McPherson- County Judge . P.O. Box 851~ , ' Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Texas Radiation Control Program Director 1100 West 49th Street ' = Austin, Texas 78756 Owen L. Thero, President Quality Technology Company -Lakeview Mobile Home Park, Lot 35 4793 E. Loop 820 South fort Worth, Texas- 76119 r , u k

. __ -_ . mt , , 0;; ., , - , TV Electric; _ -4-- -


- .= = i bdc to DMB (IE01) [ . -bec distrib.--by RIV: _ . - _ , r JJ. L. Milhoan Resident inspector (2)- , -DRP Section Chief (DRP/B)-

Lisa Shea, RM/ALF, MS: MNBB 4503 MIS System . ' DRSS FIPS RSTS Operator- Project Engineer (DRP/B) RIV file DRS Chief Technical-Support Section 1. Barnes, DRS C. Hrabal, DRP/B F. Grubelich, NRR (MS: 7E23) - _ . ,,. h -h , ' , m. - e f ' ' . - a RIViTA*- ME:NRR*via .DD:DRS*- 0:DRP* =D:DRS/AH.for teleton - ~ -IBarnes/1b FGrubelich ATHowell ABBeach- SJCollins


2/12/93 2/17/93 2/17/93' i./17/93-

  • previ ous ly -._ concurred

' . ' ' - ,


. TV Electric -4- ~ ~ !bcc to DMB(IE01)i bcc distrib, by RIV: J. L. Milhoan Resident Inspector (2) DRP Section Chief (DRP/B) Lisa Shea, RM/ALF, MS: MNBB 4503 MIS System DRSS-FIPS RSTS Operator Project Engineer (DRP/B) RIV File DRS Chief, Technical Support Section 1. Barnes, DRS C. Hrabal, DRP/B F. Grubelich, NRR (MS: 7E23) l l l l RIV:TA* ME:NRR*via DD:DRS*. D:DRP* D:DRS/AH for telecon IBarnes/lb FGrubelich ATHowell ABBeach SJCollins 2/12/93 2/12/93 2/17/93 2/17/93 2/17/93'

  • previously concurred

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