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Forwards Request for Addl Info,Addressing Area of Environ Assessment & Fire Protection Only & as Described in Encl to Ltr
Person / Time
Site: 07001113
Issue date: 10/02/1996
From: Lamastra M
To: Reda R
TAC-L10079, NUDOCS 9610160257
Download: ML20128N006 (5)


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October 2, 1996 Dr. Ralph J. Reda Manager, Fuels and Facility Licensing General Electric Company P.O. Box 780, MC J26 Wilmington, NC 28402




Dear Dr. Reda:

This refers to your application dated April 5,1996, requesting renewal of Materials License SNM-1097.

Our review of the renewal application and environmental information has identified additional information that is needed before further action can be taken on your renewal.

This additional information addresses the area of anvironmental assessment and fire protection only, and is described in the enclosure to this letter.

The environmental questions are proceeded by EA-and the fire protection questions are proceeded by FR.

The additional information should be provided in the form of responses to the individual comments, as appropriate, or as revised pages to the application, within 30 days of the date of this letter.

Please reference the above TAC No.

in future correspondence related to the renewal request.

If you have any questions, please call me at 301-415-8134.

Sincerely, Original signed by:

Mike Lamastra Licensing Section 2 Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS Docket 70-1113 License SNM-1097


Additional Information Distribution w/ encl. (Control No. 2700)

I Docket 70-1113 PUBLIC NRC File Center FCSS R/F


FCLB R/F NMSS R/F Region II CBassett, RII




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NAME Madams N /4 ADakta DAHodblYy MLamastra CGaski b b MT@,

DATE h/ / /96 h'd/96 S/ I /96

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9610160257 961002 gon 400cx0700g1,2

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e WASHINGTON, D.C. 20666-0001 o

October 2, 1996 t

4 Dr. Ralph J. Reda Manager, Fuels and Facility Licensing Gene-al Electric Company P.O. Box 780, MC J26 i


l L10079) l

Dear Dr. Reda:

This refers to your application dated April 5,1996, requesting renewal of Materials License SNM-1097. Our review of the renewal application and environmental information has identified additional information that is needed before further action can be taken on your renewal.

This additional information addresses the area of environmental assessment and fire protection only, and is described in the enclosure to this letter.

The environmental questions are proceeded by EA-and the fire protection questions are proceeded by FR.

The additional information should be provided in the form of responses to the individual comments, as appropriate, or as revised pages to the application, within 30 days of the date of this letter.

Please reference the above TAC No.

in future correspondence related to the renewal request.

l If you have any questions, please call me at 301-415-8134.

Sincerely, gm w Mike Lamastra Licensing Section 2 Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS l

Docket 70-1113 l

License SNM-1097


Additional Information


l Application dated April 5,1996 l

General Electric Company l

Docket 70-1113 l

Please provide the following information regarding the Environmental Assessment and Fire Protection for the renewal of SNM-1097:

I EA1.

For all solid and liquid wastes shown on Exhibit C-7 of the 1996 l

Supplement, indicate the approximate quantities generated per year, the l

approximate quantities in storage at the site, and the storage l


Provide an estimate of the amounts of solid and liquid waste l

materials expected to be generated by the dry conversion process, and describe how they will be managed, i.e., treatment, storage, and disposal.

l EA2.

Provide a description of accident scenarios for the new dry conversion i

process and estimates of the environmental impacts of these potential accidents.


You have described an ongoing ISA program, which incorporates fire hazard analysis.

Please provide a summary of the fire hazards identified by the program and engineered control systems or other measures implemented to minimize the risk of and mitigate the consequences of accidents arising from such hazards.

l FR2.

Please state how often independent auditors perform fire protection inspections of the facility and whether records of these inspections are maintained.

FR3. The agency's Technical Position (TP) on Fire Protection for Fuel Cycle Facilities, published in the Federal Reaister (57FR35807-13), dated August 10, 1992, Section 3.1, advises that process buildings of the l

facility should be constructed of noncombustible or, where applicable, l

limited combustible materials and that the structural members should have the minimum fire resistance ratings to qualify as Type I construction, as classified by NFPA 220, Types of Building Construction.

Please state whether the buildings meet these specifications.

If they do not, please state what additional measures are taken to mitigate the l

situation and bring fire safety to an acceptable level.


Please provide drawing (s) of the process buildings showing the locations of the fire-rated barriers and identifying the principal processes performed in the compartments formed by the barriers.



2 FR5.

The TP, Section 3.4, advises that the building design should provide for safe means of egress for personnel in the event of a fire and cites l

NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, for guidance.

Please confirm that the l

building (s) comply with the specifications of NFPA 101.


Is the building ventilation system built of noncombustible materials?

l Does the duct system design provide for isolation of compartments and exhaust of fire gases in the event of a fire? Do the HEPA filters comply with the ANSI Standard B 132.l?

1 FR7.

Do the buildings have lightning protection?

l l


In the ADU line calciners, is an automatic hydrogen shut-off provided to stop flow of hydrogen in the event of over-pressuri7ation? Will the actuation of the shut-off valve also actuate visible and/or audible i



In Section B.2.2 of the Supplemental Information ',ou have stated that fire hazards are not significant in the dissobier area.

However, fires l

have been known to have originated from dissolver vessels.

Please state what controls, if any, are implemented for screening scrap or waste products that go into the dissolution process, to preclude potentially i

explosive combination of chemicals.

FRIO. Please address a similar concern as in Item 9 above regarding the counter-current leaching process described in Section B.2.3 and the head-end concentrator process described in Section B.2.4 of the Supplemental Information.

l FRll. Please state what solvent is used in the solvent extraction process i

described in Section B.2.5 of the Supplemental Information and the flash point of the solvent.

If the solvent can be classified as a flammable liquid, please state whether the solvent extraction process is confined


l to a compartment of the facility and whether all electrical equipment in l

the area are of the explosion-proof type.

FR12. Please describe what preventive maintenance steps, if any, are followed to ensure that the incinerator scrubber, described in Section B.2.8, l

adequately cools the exhaust gases issuing from the incinerator.

Please include the frequency c" the maintenance procedures.

FR13. Section 5.9, Hot Cells, and Section 5.10, Glove Boxes, of the TP provide guidance for construction and operation of the respective equipment.

If applicable, please describe how each complies with the guidance.

I, FR14. Please provide floor plans of process buildings showing areas having sprinkler protection and those without such protection.

Please explain the reason for exclusion sprinklers from cach area without them.


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3 FRIS. Please provide a site plan showing locations of the fire mains, fire pumps, hydrants, sectional valves, PIVs, hose locations, fire department-compatible connections, and fire protection water reservoirs.

Please state the sources of the fire water, whether the sources are perennial, sizes of and pressures in the fire mains, capacities of the reservoirs, and the rated head and discharge of the pumps.

l FR16. Please state the frequency of the fire drills for the Emergency Response l

Team and whether they are critiqued and the lessons learned kept in l


l FR17. Section 10, Pre-Fire Plan, of the TP provides guidance on preparation of a Pre-Fire Plan.

Please state if you have a Pre-Fire Plan drawn up in l

accordance with the guidance or in any other form.

Please state whether the Emergency Response Team, as well as the off-site fire department personnel are familiar with the plan.

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