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Applicant Exhibit E-21,consisting of Draft 6 of Borough of Trappe,Montgomery County Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Incidents at Limerick Generating Station Dtd Sept 1984
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/28/1984
OL-A-E-021, OL-A-E-21, NUDOCS 8507050117
Download: ML20128D462 (51)


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PDR Draft 6



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O I hereby certify that I have reviewed the Borough of Trappe Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP). All necessary changes have been coordinated through the county and incorporated into the plan. Distribution of changed

pages has been made to all recorded holders of the plan.

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Date Signature f i

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Promulgation....................................................... 1 Record of Changes..........................................,....... 11 Annual Review Certification........................................ iii Ta b l e o f Co n t e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv  ;

1. Introduction A. Authority............................................:......... 1 B. References.................................................... 1


C. Purpose....................................................... 1 D. Scope......................................................... 1 E. Definitions................................................... 2 F. Objectives.................................................... 6 II. Basic Plan A. Genera 1....................................................... 7


B. Municipal Government Emergency Operations..................... 7  !

1. Municipal Government - Emergency Organization S t ru c t u re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Responsibilities.......................................... 7
3. Emergency Services........................................ 8 <

l i

4 Emergency Operations Center............................... 10 l i

C. Communications................................................ 11 l D. Alert / Notification Systems.................................... 12

1. Municipal................................................. 12
2. Public.................................................... 12
a. Public Alert System................................... 12
b. Route Alerting........................................ 13

( ) c. H e a ri n g I mp a i red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  :

iv Draft 6 l


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E. Protective Actions............................................ 13 t

s 1. Sheltering................................................ 13

2. Evacuation................................................ 13
a. Selective Evacuation.................................. 13
b. General Evacuation.................................... 14
c. Authorization and Control............................. 14
d. Evacuation Routes..................................... 14
e. Transportation........................................ 14
f. Traffic Control Points................................ 15
g. Schools............................................... Ib
h. Health Care Facilities................................ 16
1. Access Control / Area Securi ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 J. Emergency Fuel Supplies............................... 16

, k. R oa dway C l e a ri n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

) 1. Conti nued Fi re P rotecti on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

m. A g ri cu l t u re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 F. Radiological Exposure Control................................. 17 G. Continuity of Government...................................... 19 H. Training...................................................... 20

. I. ' Concept of Operations......................................... 20


1. Unusual Event............................................. 20
2. Alert..................................................... 20
3. S i t e E me r ge n cy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 21


4. General Emergency......................................... 21 5 . R e e n t ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1

~J . Plan Maintenance and Distribution............................. 23  ;

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III. ' Attachments 7 ~g A. Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ Map................................ A-1

\~-] B. Emergency Organizational Chart................................ B-1 C. Letters of Agreement.......................................... C-1 D. Traffic Control Points ....................................... D-1 E. Route Alerting................................................ E-1 F. Residents with Special Medical Requirements................... F-1 G. Persons Requiring Transportation Assistance................... G-1 H. EOC Floor Plan................................................ H-1

1. No t i f i c a t i o n L 1 s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

! J. Evacuation Plan Map........................................... J-l K. Do s i met ry/KI Re po rt Fo rm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K-1 L. Municipal Dosimetry /KI Receipt Form........................... L-1 M. Emergency Wo rker Oosi met ry/K I Li st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-1 N. Emergency Worker Dosimet ry/KI Receipt Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N-1

0. Consolidated Resource List.................................... 0-1 P. Municipal Poli ce/Fi re/Ambul ance Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P-1 Q. Evacuation Support Map........................................ Q-1 R. Supporting Plans.............................................. R-1 l i

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I.- INTRODUCTION A. Authority The Borough of Trappe Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) has been developed under the authority of, and in accordance with, the provisions of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Act of 1978, P.L. 1332.

B. References

1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, " Criteria for preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in support of Nuclear Power Plants," NUREG-0654, FEMA-REP-1, Rev.1, November 1980.
2. Montgomery County Radiological Emergency Response Plan for inci-dents at the Limerick Generating Station, dated .
3. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Disaster Operations Plan, July 1977, with changes.

4 Annex E, " Fixed Nuclear Facility Incidents," dated November 1981, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Disaster Operations Plan.

5. Municipal Resolution No. .

C. Purpose The intent of this document is to provide for the maximum protection of those persons wno live, work, or transit Borough of Trappe in the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station.

i D. Scope This plan outlines the basic procedures Borough of Trappe will  ;

follow in the event of an incident at Limerick Generating Station. l It complies with federal guidelines and details municipal actions in accordance with Annex E of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Disaster j Operations Plan and the-Montgomery County Radio'ogical Emergency i Response Plan. '

All of Trappe Borough is within the plume exposure pathway EPZ (reference Attachment A and Attachment J). The approximate population is 1,800.

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E. Dnfinitions Some of the terminology presented in this document, or which one

'might encounter during a radiological incident, is somewhat unique.


Accordingly, for a better understanding of the RERP it is essential that emergency response personnel familiarize themselves with the following definitions:

1. Access Control Point (ACP) - Control Points manned primarily by State or municipal police, augmented when necessary by the National Guard, established around the perimeter of the plume exposure pathway EPZ on roads leading into it when it is

, evacuated or occupants are taking shelter for the purpose of

controlling access into the area.

. 2. Activate / Activation - To place a specific plan, or portion thereof, into actEn.

3. Amateur Radio - llcensed volunteer radio amateur communications personnel affiliated with county emergency management organi-zation. Such organizations include Amateur Radio Ernergency Service (ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services

4 Central Resource Receivinc' Point - A predesignated facility operated by the cour.ty anc located outside the plume exposure pathway EPZ and suitable for the reception and distribution of supplies and equipment.

5 Dosimeters - Devices that measure accumulated exposure to radiation.

6. Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Announcements - Official announcements made at the county level for the specific purpose of providing instructions or information from the County Commis-sioners, or their designated representative, to the permanent and transient residents of the county. Announcements are made over the legally designated alerting and warning (EBS) Network.

7 Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) - A generic area defined about a nuclear facility to facilitate offsite emergency planning and

' develop a significant response base. It is defined for the plume and ingestion exposure pathways,

a. Plume Exposure Pathway - The area surrounding a fixed nuclear facility.which potentially is subject to radiation exposure as a result of an incident involving radioactive material emanating froi.. che facility. Such potential -

exposure could involve: (a) whole body external exposure to gamma radiation from the plume and from deposited materials, ,

and.(b) inhalation exposure from the passing radioactive  !

plume. The EPZ for this pathway consists of an area of l

, approximately ten miles in radius around the fixed nuclear <

facility. (The exact size and configuration of each plume l

2 Oraft 6 j l

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exposure pathway EDZ for the respective fixed nuclear facility in Pennsylvania were determined in relat.

-local emergency response needs and capabilities as tney are I i


) affected by conditions such as demcgranhy, topography, access routes, and jurisdictional boundaries).

b. Ingestion Exposure Pathwal - That area surrounding a fixed nuclear facility which, as a result of a release of radioactive material, is a potential source of exposure through the ingestion of water and foods, such as milk or fresh vegetables originating there. This EPZ consists of a circular area of 50 miles radiM around the fixed nuclear facility.

8, Fixed Nuclear Facility Incident - An event or condition at a nuclear facility which could result in impact on public health and safety. Four incident classes have been developed to

facilitate planning and responses:
a. Unusual Event - An occurrence which indicates.a potential degradation of the level of safety of the facility. No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs.
b. Alert - An occurrence which involves actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the facility. Any releases are expected 't9 be limited tio small O fractions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

D) protective action guideline exposure lavels.

c. SiteEmergency-Anoccurrencewhichinholvesactualor likely major failures of facility functions needed for the protection of the public. Radioactive' releases are not expected to exceed the EPA protective hetion guideline exposure levels except near the site bBundary.
d. General Emergency - An occurrence which involves actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with the potential foe loss of containment integrity. Releases can  ;

reasonably be expected to exceed EPA protective action guideline exposure levels offsite for more than the i

imediate site area.

NOTE: The incident classifications of Site and General -!

Emergency should not be confused with a gubernatorial i declaration of " State of Disaster Emergency." See  !

definition below. )

9. Mass Care Center - Fixed facilities suitable for providing emergency lodging for victims of a disaster left temporarily homeless and capable of providing all essential social

~ services. Feeding may be done within a Mass Care Center (in suitable ~ dining facilities) or nearby.

3 Draft 6 4

10 Mobilize - The act of bringing a staff, department, or agency to the strength required to accomplish its miss, ion on a 24-hour g basis; including the pre-positioning or movement of equipmant or

, personnel, q

, 11. Municipality - For the purposes of this olan, the terms l

" municipality" or " municipal government

  • are defined as '

referring,' singularly or collectively, to cities, boroughs, townships and incorporated towns within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

12. Notify - To inform or report the occurrence of an incident.
13. Parent County - The county in which the facility is physically located.

14 Potassium Iodide (chemical symbol KI) - A drug that offers some protection to the tnyroid gland from injury due to accumulation of radioiodine.

15 Protective Action - An action taken to avoid or reduce a projected dose of radiation. Some of the basic actions are:

a. Sheltering - Action taken by the public to take advantage of the protection against radiation exposure afforded by remaining indoors, away from doors and windows, and shutting

, off all sources of outside air during and following the passage of the radioactive plume. Motorists should close all windows and vents,

b. General Evacuation - The relocation of the entire population
from the plume exposure pathway EPZ.
c. Selective Evacuation - The relocation of specific elements of the population, such as-pregnant women, pre-school

, children or the infirm.

16 Protective Action Guide (PAG) - A pre-established projected radiation dose to individuals which warrants protective action.

17. Projected Radiation Dose - An estimate of the radiation dose.

which affected individuals could potentially receive if protective actions are not taken.

18. RACES'or ARES - Radio Am3teur Civil Emergency Service or Amateur Radio Emergency Services. Licensed amateur radio operators who are trained and volunteer to provide back-up radio communi-cations as requested by state and county emergency management agencies.
19. REACT - Radio Emergency Action Citizens Team. Licensed citizens band radio operators affiliated with county emergency management agencies.

4 Draft 6

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20. RECALL' - The RECALL system is a computer based telephone l notification. system developed specifically for emergency l services and emergency management applications. I


Within the application for the Limerick radiological emergency i response plans (RERP), the system is located at the County Office of Emergency Management and is programmed with the telephone numbers and message (s) of the key individuals, institutions and special facilities which require notification during the implementation of the RERP.

i The system is activated by the county and it sequentially and simultaneously contacts the parties by telephone, provides a


i pre-recorded message and awaits an acknowledgement code. The system then provides a management report to indicate the calls which have been made, the status (no answer, answer, busy, etc.)

and other information. If the called party does not furnish the acknowledgement code, the system will continue to call the party

, until the code is received or another parameter is reached.

Busy lines will be re-tried and alternate numbers are used for after hours or in the event a contact cannot be made at the i- primary number due to busy, no-answer, or failure to acknowledge.

! 21. Reception Center - A predesignated site outside the plume

! exposure pathway EPZ through which evacuees will pass to obtain information and directions to Mass Care Centers, l

22. Risk County - A county with area located partially or wholly within the plume exposure pathway EPZ of a nuclear facility.


23. Risk Municipality - A municipality with area located partially or wholly within the plume exposure pathway EPZ of a nuclear facility. i
24 Route Alerting - As a supplmentary alert / notification procedure ,

route alerting will be conducted as necessary each time the public alert system is activated. Route alerting is a municipal responsibility and is to be accomplished by pra-designated route l alert teams travelling along pre-assigned routes delivering the t

, following message: "There is an emergency at the Limerick 1 Generating Station; please tune to your Emergency Broadcast Station."

'25. Standby Status - The term used to describe state of readiness. ,

Standard operating procedures have been reviewed; material,

, communications and required supplies are available and adequate for initial operations; and sufficient personnel are on hand to i' commence operations. Augmentation personnel necessary for sustained operations are alerted and ready to report for duty 3 when called.

O 5 Draft 6 l

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26. Stato of Disaster Emergency - A state of disaster emergency.

exists whenever the Governor issues a declaration of disaster emergency. .A disaster emergency shall be declared by executive order or proclamation of the Governor at any time upon finding O- that a disaster has occurred or that the occurrence or the threat of a disaster is imminent. The state of disaster emergency continues until the Governor finds that the threat or 1 i

danger-has passed and . terminates it by executive order or

  • proclamation, but no state of disaster emergency may continue for longer than 90 days unless. renewed by the Governor. The

, term " state of disaster emergency" is not to be confused with the emergency classification terms called Site Emergency and General Emergency.

27. Support County - The county or counties outside the plume exposure pathway EPZ of a nuclear facility that, through prior agreement, will provide support to a risk county in the event of an incident. Depending on size and location, the same county
may be both a risk and support county.
28. Traffic Control Points (TCP) - Police traffic control establisned at critical road intersections for the purpose of controlling or limiting traffic.
29. Unmet Needs - Capabilities and/or resources required to support i

emergency operations but neither available nor provided at the respective levels of government.

, F. Objectives

1. Define responsibilities, clarify lines of authority, and establish lines of communication.
2. Ensure that planned actions are current and in consonance with ,

I those of surrounding jurisdictions, as well as with the i

Montgomery County RERP.

3. Identify personnel, resource, and facility requirements necessary for the safe and efficient execution of the Plan.

t 4 Provide a basis for functional implementing procedures, i

l 5. Ensure that the population of the Borough of Trappe is informed 1

as to the basic concepts of the Plan and their possible protective actions.

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A. General l Because a variety of local government jurisdictions are found within the plume exposure pathway EPZ of the Limerick Generating Station (reference Attachment A), all of which might be expected to implement their respective RERP's simultaneously, the safety of the '

public can best be served through an emergency plan that is in  ;

consonance with those of surrounding jurisdictions, as well as with ,

the Montgomery County RERP. Accordingly, the Borough of Trappe RERP i has been developed in such a manner that it will function

' harmoniously with other plans without risk of conflict.

B. Municipal Government Emergency Operations

1. Municipal Government - Emergency Organization Structure
a. See Emergency Organization Chart (reference Attachment B)
2. Responsibilities
a. Provide an emergency operations center (EOC) with a

, qualified person (emergency management coordinator) to 4

coordinate the center.

b. Develop radiological emergency response plans in consonance with the county plan.


c. Supplement the public alert system to alert the population within the municipality who may not have received the initial alert.
d. Provide for municipal security to include security of the arer i; evacuation has occurred.
e. Provide for fire and rescue protection to include continued fire protection if the area has been evacuated. f l

l f. In-the event of a general emergency classification, ensure that municipal traffic control points are manned in

_ preparation for evacuation.

i f

g. Provide training for all volunteers operating in the emergency managemert agency of the municipality.

, h. Ascertain unmet needs and report these to the County Office of Emergency Preparedness.

1. Maintain a current list of the location of homebound invalids and handicapped persons requiring special medical care and provide for the special needs of these persons including transportation..

O 7 Draft 6

_j. Facilitate return of evacuees after reentry is recommended.


q 3. Emergency Services

a. Direction and Coordination (1) The Mayor / Council has the responsibility for the safety and protection of the public within the Borough of Trappe, as well as providing direction and control of the emergency organization.

(2) Under'a declaration of disaster emergency, the ultimate direction of emergency services (i.e., firefighting, police, medical and health, rescue, etc.) is the responsibility of the municipality (reference P.L.


(3) Supplemental emergency support personnel shall be under the operational control of the municipality.

(4) Support forces furnished by other political subdivi-sions shall be under the operational control of the jurisdiction furnishing the force (reference P.L.


(5) Because of the multi-jurisdictional scope of a radiological emergency, the county shall exercise responsibility for coordination and support to the area O of operations (reference P. L. 1332).

(6) Normal dispatch and operational procedures will be used whenever possible.

i (7) Coordination between the counties involved shall be accomplished by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management '

Agency (pEMA).

b. Functional Areas The following functional areas and associated tasks are essential:

(1) Emergency Management ,

(a) Develop and maintain the Borough of Trappe RERP.

(b)_ Coordinate emergency operations in accordance with l 1

i the approved RERP and as directed by the Mayor /  !


(c) Develop and maintain any necessary Letters of Agreement (reference Attachment C).

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(d) Determine unmet needs as a result of RERP implementation and inform the County E0C.

(3 I (e) Maintain expense records of personnel and resource

  • V utilization resulting from RERP implementation.

(f) Establish and maintain E0C security during RERP implementation.

(g) Participate in training, drills, and exercises. t (2) Law Enforcement (Police Services)

Note: This function assigned to the Public Works Officer 6

(a) Ensure that designated Traffic Control Points (TCP's) located within the municipality are manned when necessary (reference Attachment D and Attachment Q).

(b) Provide continued area security, conditions

permitting, during the emergency.

J (c) Assist in traffic control during renetry, as necessary.

(3) Fire Services (a) Provide for adequate fire / rescue emergency coverage during a radiological emergency.

(b) Provide for route alerting of the population (reference Attachment E).

(4) Medical / Ambulance Services Note: This function assigned to the Transportation

, Officer (a) Provide for adequate ambulance coverage during a 4

radiological emergency.


(b) Prepare and maintain a list of non-institutional-ized residents having special medical requirements (reference Attachment F).

(c) Provide guidance to outside ambulance resources upon their arrival at the municipality.

(d) Monitor movement of non-ambulatory individuals requiring transportation by ambulance and/or

, provision of special medical equipment.

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9 Oraft 6

(S) Public Works f.s (a) Maintain a current listing of equipment resources.

t \

(b) Assist law enforcement in obtaining material for traffic control purposes.

(c) When directed by the Mayor / Council, insure that municipal roadways are cleared.

(6) Radiological Note: This function assigned to the Fire Services Officer (a) Receive, prepare for distribution, and distribute to emergency workers dosimeters and radio-protective drugs when necessary.

(b) Assist in the. administration of the County's J

Radiological Exposure Control Program.

(c) At termination cf the emergency, collect dosimeters, forrrs, and unused radioprotective drugs from emercency workers, inventory, and

prepare for return to the County EOC.

(d) Ensurethetrat.$ingofmunicipalE0Cpersonneland emergency workers in the use of dosimeters /KI.

, (7) Transportation (a) Prepare and maintain a list of those residents who lack transportation (reference Attachment G).

(b) Provide for the direction and control of outside transportation resources upon their arrival at the municipality.

(8) Communications Note: This function assigned to the Emergency i Management Coordinator 2

Determine requirements for reliable communications with the county and within the municipality specific to RERP implementation.

4 Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

a. The Borough of Trappe E0C is located at Trappe Fire House, 20 W. Fifth Avenue. See EOC floor plan (reference p Attachment H).

10 Draft 6

b. It shall be activated when directed by the Emergency Manage-ment Coordinator (EMC) or by the Mayor / Council.


c. When activated, it shall be staffed by:

(1) Emergency Management Coordinator (2) Fire Services Of ficer (3) Transportation Officer (4) Public Works Officer I d. The E0C shall function as a central point for coordinating the operations of the Borough of Trappe emergency response personnel.

e. For incident classifications of " Site Emergency" and higher, operations shall be conducted 24-hours a day. Sufficient i personnel should be available to maintain 24-hour operation.
f. The alternate EOC is located at the Montgomery County Library in Norristown.

C. Communications

1. Telephone The primary means of communicating to/from the Municipal Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be the telephone.


2. Two-Way Radio l

The usual police and emergency service radio nets will be used for the dispatch of emergency services and the dissemination of information. <

3 RACES The County will provide a RACES operator and radio to the EUC at an emergency classification of Alert or immediately if the initial classification is higher. This system will provide back-up communications capability.

4 Rumor Control l Rumor control will be handled at the County level. The l telephone number is 631-9700.

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D. Alert / Notification Systems gs 1. Municipality / Emergency Response Personnel


a. In the event of an incident at the Limerick Generating Station, initial notification will be provided to the Borough of Trappe Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or his designated alternate (s) via the RECALL system as activated by the Montgomery County Communications.
b. The Borough of Trappe elected officials and EOC staff will be notified by the EMC or designated alternate (reference l

Attachment I).

c. Incident classification and protective action information will normally be provided by the County via RACES and confirmed by a County-intiated telephone call. -
2. Public
a. Public Alert System (1) When required, the public will be alerted through a public alert system installed and maintained by Philadelphia Electric Company.

l (2) The system consists of approximately 165 high output j m mechanical strens strategically located throughout the

) approximate ten-mile emergency planning zone. Those sirens located within Montgomery County will be activated by the County OEP.

(3) The siren coverage areas for Trappe Borough are depicted in Attachment E. Tab 1.

(4) In coordination with PEMA, the public alert system may be activated (a) when there is significant information that will reassure the public of their safety; (b) when the public is to be informed of a plant status that may lead them to implement specific actions on their own; or (c) when specific actions (to include protective actions) are to be taken by the public. The purpose of l

l the public alert system is to alert the public to tune to their Alert and Warning / Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) radio or TV station for information and ,

instructions. l (b) Notification is accomplished through the EBS. Pre- l written EBS announcements are contained in Annex D of the Montgomery County RERP, t

t 12 Draft 6 l

b. Route Alerting

, (1) Route alerting involves the use of vehicles / personnel traveling predesignated routes within the municipality.

l J Public address systems are used to instruct residents to tune to their Alert and Warning /EBS station. This procedure is used as a supplement to the public alert system where there is a kn>wn system failure or area of inadequate coverage.

(2) The municipality has been divided into sectors facili-tating route alert team assignments (reference Attachment E).

l (3) Route alert teams will be dispatched via normal l dispatch procedures to those areas where there is a l known failure of the public alert system.

c. Hearing Impaired (referenced Attachment F)

Route Alert personnel will be charged with alerting the hearing impaired. They will be dispatched by the municipal EMA to the residences of previously identified hearing-impaired persons immediately upon the activation of the public alert system. The hearing-impaired will be provided a pre-printed card which indicates that an emergency situation exists, directs them to review their public information brochures and requests them to establish contact l with a relative, friend or neignbor who can provide them I with information being provided over the Alert and Warning /

i EBS network (reference Attachment E).

E. Protective Actions

1. Sheltering The nature of an incident may be such that the most effective measure to protect the public would be to have them go indoors, stay away from windows and doors, and shut off all sources of outside air (air conditioning, vents, etc.); motorists would be l instructed to close windows and vents.
2. Evacuation ,

! Evacuation is a protective action option which involves m nement l of the population from the plume exposure pathway EPZ. h may l be accomplished on a selective or general basis.


a. Selective Evacuation l Selective evacuation involves tne relocation of specific categories of persons, such as pregnant women, pre-school l children, and others who may be nighly susceptible to the l ( hazards of radiation.

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b. General Evacuation General evacuation involves the relocation of the entire population from the plume exposure pathway EPZ.

. c. Authorization and Control

( (1) The Governor, or his constitutionally designated l successor, has the sole authority and responsibility l l for directing and compelling a selective or general evacuation.

(2) The Governor, or the highest ranking elected county or municipal official in authority may recomend an evacuation for their respective jurisdictions.

(3) PEMA has the primary responsibility for directing and controlling an evacuation order made by the Governor.

d. Evacuation Routes (1) When necessary, the Borough of Trappe will be evacuated via local routes to Ruute 113 North or local routes to Route 422 East (reference Attachment J and Attachment Q). Those who require mass care support should go to the reception center at Willow Grove Industrial Park (for 422 East) or Montgomery Mall (for Route 113 N)  !

O wnere they will be directed to an appropriate mass care center.

(2) Tnere will be no changes in normal traffic patterns in and out of the EPZ during an evacuation. This is necessary to accommodate tne movement of support

  • resources, i.e., buses, ambulances, etc., into the area. *
e. Transportation (1) The. primary means of evacuation will be the private I automobile. Evacuees will be urged to use any l available means of private transportation.

l (2) Information concerning persons without a source of l private transportation is found in Attachment G. Unmet transportation resource requirements will be reported -

to the county transportation officer.

P (3) Individuals without transportation should contact the Borough of Trappe EOC at 489-2700 to arrange for pickup.

lO  :

1 l 14 Oraft b l l


. _ . _ _ _ ~ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ . _

V l l (4) Transportation resources will be assembled at the l

, Municipal ~ staging area located'at the Fire House-  !'

i. (reference Attachment Q). An emergency worker will be
assigned to each vehicle for the purpose of providing
' directions to the assigned residences of those persons '

! requiring assistance. These individuals will be taken j l to the designated reception center; from there they  ;

I will be taken to a mass care center.  ;

(5) Transportation requirements for hospitals, nursing

! homes and public and private schools have been ,

i prearranged and coordinated by the county.

Transportation resources allocated for evacuation of

! the aforementioned facilities are the  ;

J county RERP and are not considered as municipal  ;

transportation resources. ,

, (6) Individuals requiring evacuation by ambulance or other  ;

i special vehicles (reference Attachment F) will be i relocated to Suburban General Hospital in Morristown.

1 Unmet ambulance resource requirements will be reported j to the county medical officer.

} f. Traffic Control Points (TCP)  !

! t l Fire Police and State Police personnel will establisn

! Traffic Control Points within the municipality (reference j Attachment D).


g. Public/ Private Schools

! (1) Separate school' plans have been developed to provide l 1 for the safety of school children. A copy can he found  !

j in the Borough EOC.  !

J (2) If school is in session at the time evacuation is l '


reconuended, children attending schools located within i the emergency planning zone transported by bus ,

j to designated host schools outside the area. They will i remain under school supervision until picked up by l i parents or guardians. These host schools have been '

, planned to coincide with main evacuation routes. l


! (3) Students whose homes are inside but who attend school '

i outside the emergency planning znne will not be sent

{ home if a Protective Action is advised. They will  !

! remain at the school they attend under school 1

supervision untti picked up by parents or guardians.

_(4) Specific information concerning host schools will be 1 .provided to parents by school officials. l l

I -

15 Uraft 6 4

_- .. ._ -. -- . __ --~ . . _ _ _ _

h. Health Care Facilities

, Separate plans have been developed for hospitals and nursing homes located within the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ. A copy can be found in the Montgomery County E0C. There are no health care facilities located in the Borough at this time. ,

1. Access Control Points / Area Security In the event of either protective action recommendations

. (sheltering and/or evacuation), Access Control Points will be established around the perimeter of the EPZ. These lI points are described in the Montgomery County RERP. There

] are, however, no ACP's in Trappe Borough. Additionally, conditions permitting (based upon information received from the County E0C), police personnel will provide security patrols throughout the municipality during the emergency. l

. J. Emergency Fuel Supplies j'

Designated gas stations along main evacuation routes will be j open to provide emergency supplies of gasoline and diesel fuel to evacuees. These stations are identified within

Annex K of the county RERP.
k. Roadway Clearing i


  • Removal of disabled vehicles from evacuation routes 4 shall be accomplished by services dispatched through the County.

(2) Snow and other debris on evacuation routes shall be removed by Penn00T County and the Borough Contractor.

(3) The National Guard will provide supplemental support as necessary.

1. Continued Fire Protection i

(1) Af ter the evacuation of the general population has been completed, essential Fire Department equipment and personnel will relocate to a point outside the EPZ (reference II, G, 2, b); non-essential equipment will be sheltered.

(2) In the event a fire is reported in Trappe Borough, the department having jurisdiction, if available and  ;

conditions permitting, will ne dispatched by the County E00. Normal turnout gear should provide adequate '

external contamination protection; respiratory protec-tion should prevent the inhalation of radioactive material. See Annex M of the County RERP for additional information.

l 16 Draft 6

. _ - _ - _ ._ _ _ _ _ . _ ._ _ . _ . ~ _.- _ _ _ _ __ _. _ _ _


m. Agriculture If evacuation becomes necessary, the Montgomery County UEP, l through the USDA County Agent, will certify farmers as
emergency workers. This will allow them to return to the j l EPZ in order that they may tend to their livestock. See Annex 0 of the County RERP for additional information.

i F. Radiological Exposure Control I

If it is determined that a potential radiation hazard exists from an  !

incident at the Limerick Generating Station, steps must be taken to l protect both the public and emergency workers. Procedures for l radiological exposure control are addressed in Annex M of the County ,

RERP. Municipal actions relevant to radiological exposure control follow:

1. Municipal Emergency Workers
a. When advised by Montgomery County 0EP that a Site Emergency has been declared, municipal emergency workers will be issued dosimeters and potassium iodide (KI), a radioprotec-tive drug. A unit of dosimeters-KI contains the fellowing:  !
  • one (1) CD V 730 or DCA-622 self-reading dosimeter having -

a scale of 0 to 20R.

  • one (1) CD V 742 self-reading dosimeter having a scale of D to 200R.
  • one (1) thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) which is a machine-read crystalline dosimeter mounted in a card.
  • one (1) Dosimetry-K1 Report Form (reference Attachment K).
  • one (1) bottle containing a fourteen day supply of potassium todide (KI) tablets.

. b. PEMA will supply, when available, the Montgomery County OEP with enough dosimeters and K! for designated emergency workers within its portion of the plume exposure pathway EPZ. These resources will be predistributed to the Borough.

Attachment M lists emergency worker dosimeters-K1 resource requirements.

c. Distribution of the dosimeters and K! is as follows:

(1) Upon notification of an Alert (or any higher classifi-cation of emergency should it be initial notification),

the equipment will be prepared for distribution to -

municipal emergency workers (reference Attachment L).

O 17 Draft 6 t

l c

i (2) Up:n n,tification of a Site Emergency, dosimeters and KI will be distributed to municipal emergency response organizations identified in Attachment M. A signed O receipt shall be obtained from each organization (d

(reference Attachment L). Emergency organization will maintain property control by having each worker sign for the property (reference Attachment N).

(3) Emergency workers will take KI only upon the direction of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, notification of which will be received through emergency management channels.

d. Dosimeters Reading Procedures and Related Actions (1) Dosimeters are to be worn in the pocket of an outer garment from the time of issue until the worker is dismissed from duty. In no case should the TLD be worn by more than one person since there is no way of ascertaining later how much of the dose recorded on the TLD was received by each individual if more than one person was involved.

(2) Each emercancy worker is responsible for completing the Dosimetry /K! Report Form (reference Attachment K) and for reading the self-reading dosimeters at least once every thirty minutes. The protective action guide for whole body exposure is 25 rem. Therefore an emergency worker should seek to be relieved or complete the assigned task and then evacuate to an emergency worker decontamination station before receiving 25 R.

(3) Life Saving Mission - If a life saving mission should become necessary, the Trappe Borough elected official in charge may, under conditions shown below, authorize volunteer emergency workers to exceed the established 25 rem whole body limit. In no instance, however, should the emergency worker be authorized to exceed an absolute upper limit of 75 rems. This authorization may be given in advance to avoid the possibility of delay in performing life saving missions. When authorizing volunteer emergency workers to exceed the 25 rem limit the elected officials should ensure that the following conditions are met:

(a) It is a life saving situation and alternative courses of action cannot be taken to accomplish the mission.

(b) The emergency workers are healthy adult male volunteers, preferably over 45 years of age.

(c) The emergency workers selected are persons whose normal duties might involve such missions, e.g.,

18 Draft 6

policemen and firemen with suitable protective clothing and respiratory equipment.

(d) The mission will be accomplished in the least amount of " stay time."

(e) The emergency workers are knowledgeable of and accept the increased risk in exceeding the 25 rem limit.

e. Upon completion of emergency tasks during a contaminating incident, each emergency worker is to report to a decontamination station. Emergency workers in the Borough I of Trappe are to report to Methacton Jr./Sr. High School.

Specifics relevant to monitoring and decontamination are contained in Annex M of the County RERP.

f. When the emergency is terminated, all dosimeters-KI should be returned to the Municipal E0C for forwarding to the County.
2. Public The protective actions outlines in Section II, E, are intended to provide the necessary radiological exposure control for the general public. In addition, decontamination monitoring teams will service all mass care centers, and host support health care facilities for the purpose of monitoring evacuees. A list of decontamination stations is provided in the County RERP.

G. Conti.. .cy of Government

1. Government In the event of a general evacuation, the Mayor / Council shall transact required business at an alternate seat of government located at the Montgomery County Library in Norristown.
2. Municipal Services
a. The Fire Department will relocate to Methacton Junior and Senior High School.
b. The Ambulance Service will relocate to Methacton Junior and Senior High School.
c. All services will remain available to respond to emergencies within the EPZ, radiation levels permitting. Dispatch will be accomplished through the County EOC. .
3. E0C

.The E0C shall be relocated to the Montgomery County Library in O Norristown.

19 Draft b i

.H. Training h


1. The Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness is responsible for coordinating radiological emergency response training as outlined in Annex R of the County RERP.
2. The Borough of Trappe Emergency Management Coordinator'.shall ensure that local emergency response personnel hre familiar with their responsibilities.

I. Concept of Operations The following offers a list of general actions to be perfomed in the event of an incident.

l. Unusual Event

,I t


Notification to Municipal EMC's will nnt; take place. ,

2. Alert '


7 i t , 1

a. The Borough of Trappe Emergency Management Coorotnitor (EMC) will receive notification from Montgomery Cotnty CEO. The EMC in turn, notifies municipal officials and key staff s personnel. '


. b. The EMC and key staff will report to the Wnicipal i:.UC.

j Security measures will be iglemente,d to destrict admittance. is

  • y c 3
c. Communications systems will be tested. The' County will bei notified when RACES communications are established.


d. Dosimeters /KI will be prepared for later distribution 2
e. Non-ambulatory residents shall be contacted to verifh special requirements. '

i '

f. The EMC shall notify certain' public and private' insti-tutions/ facilities located within the municipality.of the emergency. In some instances, this will be a verification of a notification previously receive 1 through a county-initiated procedure. A listing of these facilities is '

maintained in the municipal ECC.

g. Route alert teams will be placed on standby. *


h. If the public alert system is activated, the hearin'g impaired will be notified and Roate Alert Teams dispatched as necessary. -


. 1. l.ocal TCP personnel will be notifted.k d ,

20 Draft 6 q s .

4 ,

e r~


j. The local Alert and Warning /EBS station KYW 1060'AM will be monitored.



k. Review municipal and County Radiological Emergency Response Plans.
1. Ensure all messages which provide information or require a response are verified and logged. Pertinent data will be posted on the status board.
m. Additional unmet needs will be passed to the County.
n. In the event of a reduction of classification or termination of incident, all parties previously notified will be informed.
3. Site Emergency
a. Same actions as Alert.
b. Additional emergency response personnel will be mobilized, including full EOC staff.
c. Dosimeters and KI will be distributed to emergency workers and organizations.
d. Rm ource inventories (reference Attachment 0 and Attachment P} will be reviewed to verify that those resources indicated as being available are, in fact, available,
e. Road conditions will be reviewed, reporting any detours or construction areas to the County Public Works Officer.

l f. Local TCP personnel will be placed on standby. Trappe Borough TCP's will have to be manned if local conditions dictate.

g. Drivers and transportation assets needed for persons without transportation will be placed on standby by the County.
h. In the event of reduction of classification or termination of incident, all parties previously notified will be informed, dosimeters and KI will be prepared for return to the County. 1
4. General Emergency
a. Same actions as Alert and Site Emergency.

'b. Alerting of special population groups, i.e., hearing impaired, will begin at the time the public alert system is activated.

O 21 Draft 6

c. Route alerting will' commence in those areas of known public alert system failure or inadequate coverage. Information n identifying the specific areas involved will be provided by d the County.
d. If sheltering is recommended:

Increased security measures will be provided, conditions permitting.

e. If evacuation is ordered:

(1) Drivers and transportation assets needed for persons without transportation will be mobilized by the County.

(2) Guidance to outside transportation resources will be provided by the Borough to assist those without transportation.

~ (3) Homebound invalids will receive evacuation assistance.

(4) If necessary, fire, ambulance services and seat of government will be relocated after general population '

has evacuated or upon completion of assignments.

(5) Traffic control points located within the municipality will be manned. l

f. When directed by Pennsylvania Department of Health, instruct emergency workers to take KI.
g. In'the event of reduction of classification or termination of incident, all parties previously notified will be informed, dosimeters and KI will be prepared for return to i the County.
5. Reentry
a. Authorization for reentry.will come from the Governor upon determination that safe to do 50.
b. The Borough of Trappe officials and Emergency Management Coordinator shall:

(1) Return to the local EOC.

(2) Reestablish safety and security services.

(3) Report damage can%d by evacuation and reentry, as well as costs of support operations to County E0C.

a 22 Draft 6

1 J. Plan Maintenance and Distribution

1. Maintenance

- a. The Borough'or Trappe Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the currency of the Borough RERP, including the development and distribution of all changes, as well as accomplishing an annual. review.

. b. All changes to the Borough of Trappe RERP shall be i coordinated through the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness.

c. All changes to the Borough of Trappe RERP which involve ,

i policy or procedure shall be approved by Mayor / Council. '


~d. The current date shall be placed on any page that is changed.


2. Distribution
a. Montgomery County EOC (copies to
accommodate distribution to PEMA and Philadelphia Electric Company).

Copy Numbers 1-4 4 copies

b. Borough of Trappe, Mayor / Council Copy Numbers 5-12 8 copies
c. Emergency Management Coordinator and key staff i
Copy Numbers 13-20 8 ccpies
d. Fire Department Copy Number 21 1 copy
e. Emergency Medical / Ambulance Service Copy Number 22 1 copy
f. Municipal library Copy Number 23 ' l~ copy Note: Additional copies of the plan can be made available upon specific i requeset and justification to the Trappe Borough emergency management l coordinator. As revisions are made to the plan, properly identified change pages will be sent to all organizations, agencies and individuals holding a copy of the plan.

23 Draft 6 O

. , - - - ., .- -. , -, - , , , , ,,--e.-- ,, -n p. v-, , - . - .c.w,-..--c,~.~.- ,

i Attachment A i


4 i

Map will be inserted in final draft.



l 1

l 5

l 1

A-1 -Draft 6

- - - ._ . - __ _ _ - . - , . , . . - - , . ~ . _ - . . - . - - - . - - _ . . . , . , . . - . . , . . . . . _ _ .

co E

E 5

  1. MAYOR /BOROUGil COUf1CIL 2; Artura Lopez Richard L. Franks Joseph King Dr. liarvey P. itininelstein Daniel E. Pottelger e Thomas J. Itale.y g Frederick r.. Crist Mayor: Raymond B. Ziegler A

5 C



$ , Communications 5

> Craig Moser M ilark Werner -

U cl1 e


TBD 8 Lloyd W. Sassaman Ken Whitman 8 George Henderson ce e e

Attachment C

() LETTERS OF AGREEMENT I. Purpose To document the arrangements made between the Borough of Trappe and those agencies providing the personnel and resources needed to successfully . implement this plan.

II. Agreement providing and Maintenance The Borough of Trappe Emergency Management Coordinator shall be responsible for:

A. Determining the need for specific letters of agreement.

B. Developing their general content.

C. Updating them as necessary.

III. Specific Agreements A. Alternate E0C Site

  • B. Alternate Seat of Government
  • t O 4

i 4

4 i

  • Agreement on file in the County EOC.


C-1 Draft 6

l Attachment II I


l Responsible I i

  • Post Police # Officers Number Location Organization Assigned i

Trappe 1 Route 422 & Fifth Ave. Borough 1

.Trappe 2- -Route 422 & W. Seventh Ave. Borough 1 85 Route 422 & Route 113 State 2 1


1 4

i i


l 1 .

i i

I s

b i >

i f

f j

l t ,



J .


l l

1 h '

I l 1

O 0 Draft 6 i  ;


At least two (2) persons will be named to each alert team.

Each route alert team will be supplied with a map of the assigned sector (reference Tab 1). Alert teams will issue the following message:

"There is an emergency at the Limerick Generating Station; please tune to your Emergency Broadcast System Station KYW 1060 AM."

Additional Route alert personnel will directly contact: (1) any individuals along their designated route who have been identified as hearing impaired in this plan to ensure they have received notification, (reference Tab 2); and (2) transient locations to ensure notification has been received.

Sector No. 77-A Alert Team: Trappe Fire Department Leader: **

Assistant: **

Transient Location: (TBO)

Hearing Imoaired Individuals *:

4 OV Sector No. 77-8 Alert Team: Trappe Fire Department leader: **

Assistant: **

Transient Location: (TBD)

Hearing Impaired Individuals *:

There are 11 hearing impaired individuals in the municipality. Their names and addresses are on file in the Municipal EOC.

    • Route alerting will be conducted by fire department personnel. Sufficient trained members will be mobilized at the time of the incident to man the sector teams. Specific assignments will be made at the time of mobili-zation from availability lists maintained in the Borough E0C.

E-1 Oraft 6

_ _ ___--_-___-______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - ___ - ___ - -__- - - ___ - _-__-_ _ - - _ -_-_ - ---_ L _

Tab 1 i

i 1


, SECTOR MAPS l Map will be inserted in final plan.


.I h I

t e t l

l  !

i l.


l 1

i t

1 E-2 Oraft 6 i

Tab 2 2

MESSAGE - HEARING-IMPAIRED Tht e is an emergency at the Limerick Generating Station.

i Please contact a relative, friend or neighbor so that you can receive ,

important information being broadcast over the emergency broadcast system.

j Please review your public information brochure for incidents at the Limerick 1

Generating Station for additional important information.

l If you do not have a relative, friend or neighbor nearby to assist you, please ,

tell the individual who gave you this information immediately.


i 4


!O a

l i I


, t I I I

i i


1 O

E-3 Draft 6

Attachment F RESIDENTS WITH SPECIAL MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS A. There are no* residents requiring ambulance support in the event of an evacuation at this time.

B. There are 14* residents who may require special assistance in the event of protective actions. Their names, addresses, and telephone numbers are on file in the municipal E0C.

C. There are 11* hearing impaired individuals in the municipality. Thei r names and addresses are on file in the Municipal E0C.

O i

i l

  • Based upon public survey data.

Note: These individuals will be contacted by the Medical / Ambulance Service Officer at Alert to confirm the status of their medical needs. This list should be updated every six (6) months.

F-1 Draft 6 i


i l

Attachment G  !

PERSONS REQUIRING TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE There are 30* residents who require transportation assistance in the event of i j evacuation. Their names and addresses are on file at the municipal EOC.  !

i It is understood that there may be additional individuals who will require  !

l transportation assistance on the time of evacuation. These individuals are to  !

contact the municipal E0C to arrange for pickup.

i A

I i.

i i +


i i

4 i

i l


l i

d i


  • Based upon public survey data.

a i.

G-1 Draft 6

Attachment H FLOOR PLAN - 80 ROUGH OF TRAPPE EOC To Be Developed O



Draft 6


  • 4 1. Elected Officials
a. Raymond B. Ziegler, Mayor Home Phone:

l Bus. Phone:


! b. Arturo N. Lopez, Council President Home Phone:

Bus. Phone:


c. Dr. Harvey P. Hinenelstein, Council Home Phone:
Vice President Bus. Phone

. d. Frederick C. Crist, Council Home Phonw:

Bus. Phone:

e. Richard L. Franks Home Phone:

Bus. Phone:

f. Thomas J. Haley Home Phone:

Bus. Phone:


g. Joseph King Home Phone:

l Bus. Phone:

h. Daniel E. Pottelger Home Phone:

Bus. Phone:

2. Coordinator Craig Moser Home Phone:

Bus. Phone:

Deputy Mark Werner Home Phone:

Bus. Phone:

3. Fire / Rescue Officer Ken Whitman Home Phone:

Bus. Phone:

i Deputy George Henderson Home Phone:

i Bus. Phone:

4 Transportation (Name) TBD Home Phone:

Officer dus. Phone:

Deputy (Name) TBD Home Phone:

Bus. Phone:

The telephone numbers are mair.tained in the Borough EOC and updated 3

C quarterly.

I-1 Uraft 6

.5. Public Works Lloyd Sassaman Home Phone:  !

i i

Officer Bus. Phone:  ;

l Deputy (Name) TBD Home Phone:

3 Bus. Phone: i

i. l iI 4

i t ,

4 1 1 i l

4 s

, i i 2 E

!4 i  :

i-  !

i i 1  ;

4 i i I ,


1 I

s I O I i

l a i.

4 d I I i l  :

i ,

1 I c

g 4



. 1, a

i 1

1, 1-2 Oraft 6 2


j l

'n erwew-w~-+--,--r-~~~ Jn-,,--,,-.r. ,,,.r n ,n -

_wan m,.mw . ,

1 Attachment J i


, i 11  :

l i

i i

3 l

i 2


} Map will be inserted in final draft.

! i I

i 1

i 1


i i

1 l

i i

i 1

I i N

1 i

I l i i


i 1

J J-1 Draft 6 i

(Please DQ t legibly) '



V' Emergency Worker's Name: Social Security Number: - -

Home Address: Emergency Worker's Organization:

County: _ _ _

. Emergency Worker's Signature: X 1

l ~

l MISSION CD V-730 or DC_A-622 (0-20R) CD V 742 (0-200R) TLD (thermoluminescent dosimeter)




1. R R R R Issued By:

R R Turned In To:

3. R R R R Date of Reading R R
4. R R R R R R



x 00SIMETRY INSTRUCT 10NSi Read the CD V-/30 (DCA-622) and CD V-742 each half hour. Date Time Amount Taken

,,'. not exceed 25 R cumulative total. The TLD gives an accurate reading of total Day 1 1 tablet /130mg dose and therefore should be used only by one person. Forward the TLD with Day 2 1 tablet /130mq this form (see form distribution below). Day 3 1 tablet /130mq THYROID GLAND SCREENING CllECK Day 4 1 tablet /130mq Upon completion of the mission, or as directed, each emergency worker is to under- Day 5 _ I tablet /130mq Day 6 go " decontamination monitoring" at a decontamination monitoring station or a mass 1 taMetd30mq 2

care / decontamination center. Monitoring personnel at these stations will complete I ta t/1 Om_

a " Decontamination Monitoring Report Form" for you. Additionally, emergency lt , g workers are to be screened for radiciodine uptake in the thyroid gland and the Day 9 1 tablet /130mq results recorded here. Medical referral action level for the thyroid check is Day 10 1 tablet /130mg 0.1 mR/hr or higher when using the CD V 700 survey meter. b 1 mg CD V 700 Serial #: Reading: mR/hr Day 13 1 tablet /130mg Signature of Monitor: X Day 14 1 tablet /130mgl t D0SIMETRY-KI REPORI FORM DISTRIBUTION: Forward this completed form with the TLD KI INSTRUCTIONS: Take KI only on through emergency management channels to BRP. When the self-reading dosimetry the direction of the Secretary of I indicates total exposure of 25R or more, expedite delivery to BRP. BRP will the Department of Health. Take l

forward to the individual and to the County EMA the TLD reading as well as an one tablet (130mg) once a day.

l explanation of the reading. When expedited delivery is made to BRP and where If you have any adverse reaction otherwise warranted, BRP will report the TLD reading within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Routine to the drug, discontinue taking reporting may take a week or more. XI and report to your supervisor.

, . = . . .



I I RECEIPT FORti FOR 00SIMETRY-SURVEY'NETERS-XI ISSUED SY ISSUE 0 TO B00RESS , ADDRESS SESPCNSISLE INDIVIC"AL IELEPHCNE BNSTRUCTIONS: During a nuclear piawer plant incident, use th'is for:n to maintain properfy con-rol when distributing the items listed below to municipalities and decontamination me.nitoring e:ms.

This for:n should be used for transfer of these items in bulk form frcm: (1) 'the taunty emergency management agency to risk municipalities and decontamination mcnitoring eams; and (2). the municipalities'to their local emergency respense organizations (such as

. ire, police, 7.nd ambulance associations).


1. CD V-722 Sel f-Readino Dosimeter (0-200R)

CD V-730 Self-Reading Dosimeter (0-20R) t' J

OCA-622 Self Deadi..; Cosimsta- (C-2CR) 4 CD V-750 Cosimeter Charcer S.

TLD (Then.cluminescent Desimeter)

Serial Numbers THROUGH 6.

Potassium Icdide (XII Tablets (Bottles of 14 Tablets Each)

7. CO V-700 Survey Meter
8. " Dosimetry-KI Recort Form '
9. Oecontamina tten Mcnitoring Recort Form *
  • Receiot Form for Oos# metry-Survey Meters-XI
11. Acknowledgement of Receipt by Emergency Workers 'for Oosimetry-KI and Survey Meters ICCIVE0E7: _


): X OATE -

L-B - - - - -

i Attachment M  ;


Collegeville, PA 19426 B. Fire Company Trappe Fire Company #1 30 20 West 5th Avenue Trappe, PA 19426 C. Ambulance Service Trappe Fire Company Ambulance 25 20 West 5th Avenue Trappe, PA 19426 D. Public Works Borough of Trappe 10 P. O. Box 40 Collegeville, PA '19426 Total Units of Dosimetry-K! Required 81 i

l O

M-1 Draft 6

.m - *


/^ . . . . , .

(v I e l .


Pagitt of pages ACKHout EDCittl47 0F MFCRf rF RT tirst:t elCV impuras roa Ims ttss'TRY-El AHO SUnvEY ltETFR$ Ii l ls0TEss Emergency werkere asettned to Jesentaminetten amalterlag tepee et Jecea. DATE -

l taataation meatsering stettene er centers Je por receive e (D V-130 er DCA 611 1

(sc3 col a 1). 0=lt mesters of Jacenteetnetten maattering teams recetwa e

  • HAlfE OF EHERCEhCY ORCAHktATION C3 v-100 survey mener (see calvan 6).

I INSTaucitoss$ eon al$inisurtosta Eater (1) er (0) in celemai-2,and 6. Record als REsrott$1ste luDIVIDUAs. .

I cortal . ber et the sCA-&ll in celwan 3 and the set te t ev.ber.ef al.e TLu.a. .

I ectuan 3. Or s tantar celwen 8. the Individ. eel accepts reng astbflit Q r escle, OACAHIIAftett ADDRES$

j[g, indicered on ti.e respective line and agrees to return g l.e se items (le a s _ t ise, Wut her t eJ t t o be useJ1_ ween request _anJ owte atically e. hen el.e aweleer gwweg pla*4 laclJemt $$ t e r a la 3M. ,

148518UC'10st$ (OR RETuAte CF ITfMS-DESCRitEDs ( s/ ) by the ergentsettan's .

l taspees tble teJ tvlJeal indicates _ of each item.

  • E ,*

I -

i i 1 3 4 5 6 e.

8 .

C3 V-141 CD W-130 TLD (TutatIO- KI (rOfAS$ lute 00$ 3 sETu v. Ct) v-700 i*

00$ lid'TER IHulv lDuAs.'s ,H Asst InsilvlDUAL'$ stCHATuaE Ca DCA- LtAtlNESCENT $ 00 lDt.) El NErunt suavtY *

(ptsat legibly) i (0-2004) 622 ($ertal D0$1HCTER) (Tablets) Ioast IthTE R tlwa4.e s ) * * *  !*

~ " 8*

(0-204) ($ertal

i  ! ( i d E

. =s I erch 1 bottle I each - -

1 rack I hattle l each

  • l each . I bottle I e n c e.

e 1 ercs I beetle . 1 each _ - -

I e =k I beetle i each l rech I battle ' l eack *

'l *"ch _ 1 battle I e scla '

I *Mk l battle 1 e scl.

  • l 'e nc h I battle 1 eacle I rach I l.sttle 1 e a c ts _ __ ,

I *ach , , 'l battle -

i sech -

I o ** t. I kettle I w a c li

  • I sash .

I battle i nach

  • Attachment 0



1. 1 o
2. Ambulances 0 1 0
3. Vehicles with Loudspeakers 2 4 2 4 Other 0 0 0
1. Route Alerting 4 4 0
2. Transportation 1 1 0 3
3. TCP 2 2 0 4 Special Assistance 5 b 0 O

O 5. Ambulance 0 15 0

6. Communications 2 0 2
7. Other 0 0 0 C. E00!PMENT
1. Comunications Telephones: 3 Telephones: 3 Telephones: 0 (by type) RACES: 1 RACES: 0 RACES: 1
2. Traffic Control 0 0 0
3. Life Support 0 0 0 4 Other 0 0 0 1

Resource planning for buses excludes those required for evacuation of schools.

2 Based upon an estimate of 40 persons / bus.

(7,') 3 Fire Police.

<j Note: Unmet needs will be supplied through the County /PEMA.-

0-1 Draft 6

I Attachment P i  !


1  :

i i Police Department i i~

(None located in Township) 1 l i Covered by PSP l J >

1 Fire Department Equipment Manpower l i

Trappe Fire Company #1 3 pumpers 25 l l bth Avenue 1 aerial / squirt  ;

! Trappe, PA 19468 1 field truck l

{ l 1 l s

h i 1  !

1 .

2 Ambulance Equipment Manpower t .

i  !

! Trappe Fire Company Ambulance 1 ambulance Ib  !

j 20 West 5th Avenue j

Trappe, PA 19426 '

I <

! e I

I  !

I i


, i 1 i i

i t i

1 I 4 i

l l p

! i I

i 1 v

i -

i I

P-1 Draft 6 1 r









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Attachment R SUPPORTING PLANS The following supporting plans are on file in the Borough EOC:

Perklomon Valley School District RERP Twin Acres County Day School RERP Bright Spot Nursery RERP R-1 Draft 6