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Forwards 810507 Fr Notice of Hearing
Person / Time
Site: Vallecitos File:GEH Hitachi icon.png
Issue date: 05/12/1981
From: Bachmann R
To: Wolch H
NUDOCS 8105180311
Download: ML20126K549 (3)



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f liay 12, 1931 Y,


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iir. iiirau Holch 18313 Pepper Street Castro Valley, CA 9454G.

In the ;;atter of Ceneral Electric Co.

(Vallecitos ;iuclear Center - General Electric Test Reactor)

Operating License ;io. TR-1 Occket tio. 50-70

Dear Sir:

By letter dated April 13,19J1,' you requested a copy of the notice of hearing-in this proceeding. Enclosed is a copy of the Federal Reqis*er ;iotice of ilearing'Jated ;iay 7, 1961 (45 Fed. Reg. 25576), whicii contains information on limited appearances which you also requested in your letter.

Sincerely, i

1 Richard G. Bachmann Counsel for iiRC Staff


As stated Distribution D.Swanson-D50j R.Bachmann S.Treby 3


ELD FF (2) 1 C.Helson, 228-Phil

/f R. Clark, 338-Phil P. Kreutzer, 338-Phil T.Novak, 340-Phil Chron.

NRC Central File 81on]8_obu THIS DOCUMEf1T C0f1TAlfiS 9


by" POOR QUAUTY PAGES 05/12/81 05/12/81

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Federal Re ;ister / Vol. 46. No. 88 / Thursday. 5Ly 7. tom / Ncq:ces s



' are Msc free of E reps's r-us' be h,b:iration of the bearings is not highway maintenance and other m in n ; &W3 h reem69% or ner ru.ty, nor is establishment of a personnel.

reort nu-.ber. Adieu recesu to fWc Nationo/ #!phwcy Tec#ic SO4ry se parate retarerAent life for the rod ends.

A dministration: H-81-1 (Aprij win

");,'l'g*y'Q*y*.1{T~ gQns

.uon A 4M cnJ -2(April 17).-Responds to Board inquiry of Feb 27.1981.and NilTSA continues to esamine automatic brake adjustment as a rneans of


, n7a'l P

letter oflast June 4 commenting on maintaining vehicle braking Inferneuen Senice U S Der runent of inda.1 response dated Apr.10.1930(45 Performance and will generate and Con mtre S;nnstetd. Ya c;1c1 FR b48. Apr. ~4.1980). Prosides copies analyze in use fleet data before 140 ll~S C 19E a r**' t W) of Air Carrier Operations Duhetins 2 initiating rulemaking (Re!. 46 FR 14:31.

Ms aret 1. Fisher.

4 addressmg Nord 262. Emergency Feb. 26,1981)

W!Rer'!er inson ohcer.

Enene Shutdown Procedure. and 2 Unitied Sto:es Coast Cuced. h!-78-18 5 bddressm; Nord 26 Ranup and-27/ April?JJ.-Responds to Board Ma) 1. mt tw *^M*M n' M Auto!c ather Check.

reply of Ncv. 6 to response oflast Aug 6 A 4.%13 and-14 (Aprill?).-

(45 FR 60055. Sept.11,1930) USCG ses con om Supplemr:nts responae of htay 13,1980 continues study ofloadmg s ariability on _

I (43 FR 3W8. May 22.1930) and Creat Lakes bulk vessels; continues ri sponds to Board letters oflast June 3 stand on prohibiting navigation of Great NUCLEAR REGULATORY and Feb. 27.1981. which noted that A-Lakes vessels under certain wind and COWISSION I

89-14 has been classified "c!csed.-

wave conditions.

f FAA s Apn117 letter also responds to Af-79-10J 1Arough -105; Reitereted Af-Advisory Committee on Reactors Fuard letter of Sept.15.19B3. which N-15 cad Af-7743 / Apn/11)-USCC Saf eguards, Subcomm.ttee on Board s Nov. 06 reply to Advance Reactors; Meeting cormented on FAA's Aug 27.1930.

rvsponse (45 FR 60053. Sept.11.1930) to responds to,last Sept. 4 (45, FR 70358.

Pestponement response :

r,.Med recommendation A-764 FAA P

The ACKS Subcor.mittee on 3 19 under stud) possibic regulatory Ocj,

d b


Ads anced Reactors scheduled I r hf ay action on a secondary locking device on 981: USCC will continue operating 14-15.1981 has been postponed to June note bap; age doors of light twin engine Algiers Point traffic lights during hi h DU N*SYh"d O

  • N "5 t

aircraft and periodic mspect on of water stage pending evaluation ofI e pub!:shed on Wednesday. Apnl 79.1981


furw ard baggage door locks.

study. A new foreign s esse! board:ng (46 FR 24346).

i A-8M/ cod-05(Apn/17).-

program checklist is forthcoming. Re Af.

77-33 and hi-74-15. USCG continues Deed Me 4.19et.

n nc munence mastu and pilot need John C. Ho3 e.

t 4


5. uly

)a d c.

[45 FR 83355. Dec.18.1980). to which the share pertinent informat,on about the agr,g., con.mj::c,3f,peggmenf ofpcer, i

  • I Board rephed on Aug. IT and Jan.19, wssel and, waterway, but further

% m,. a,m., y respecth elv. While FAA agrees that adequate checkout of pilots in tal! wheel 8[*[."{


,,,, cox n,:u CF unes is essential, amendment of14 Responds to the Board's h!6rch 1B reply ai; R Part 61 is not justified. Currency to response oflast Oct. 2 (45 FR 75030.

[ Dock et No' 50-70]

requirements for differently configured Nov.13.1980). Amtrak has modified "

aircraf: willbe considered in FAA a locomotives to date and plans to modify General Electric Co. (Vaffecitos Regulatory Review Pregt,am.

13 others with audible and visual Nuefear Center-Genera! Electne Test A 4>4 and -43 (Apnt 24).-

alarms. AT&SF Railway Co.has Reacto. Operating License No. TR-1k 6 :

Supplements response oflast Aug 20(45 obsers ed modifications made.

Notice of Hearing FR 56r36. Sept. 4.1980) and responds to Secretary. Departmen: of M *> '#1' Board's comments of }an. s. Regulatory Trcnsportation: R41-l and-2 (April On October 24.1977, the Nuclear a

change for crew coordmation. including 23).-Finds no necessity to seek Regulatory Comm:ss:en issued an order adequate training procedures is not legislation to explicitiv authcrize d.recimg the Genera: E:ectnc Cornpany l

required. but revisions to AC 135-38. Air regulation of safety e. ail t ansit (Licensee). to pla:e and main'ain its g

Tasi Operators and Commercial systems which receive Fedca! firancist General Electnc Test Reactor (CETR).

Operators. are proposed-assistar til transit safety is a local located at p;easanton.Cahfornia m a

  • Other Recent Responses to Sofety respon

.UMTA's safet3 progmm cold shutdown cond. tion and to show Sacrd Re:::tmendations:

and achvities will soon be es alcated for cause why the surens;on of actisities Interegency Air Cartoprophic impros ements. (Ref. 46 FR 17684. hierch under Operatir.g License No TR-1 Commi::ee of the A*ationalOceonic and 1g.1981) should not be can'a.ued The order to Atmospheric Administration: A41-34 Southeostern Pennsyh cria show cause provided that withm 20 (Apri/ IP).-New 1ACC Requirements Tmnsportation Authonty:R4745 da) s of date of the order Licensec might Documentation No. 230 will be (Apri/ 7/-Tested and appros ed s rear fde a wroten answer to the order. and circulated and after approvalby lACC marking device to replace or:p;na! rear Licensee or an) nterested penon might t

member agencies. new chart rnarking devices on aU its commuter rail request a heanng.

i specificanons may be prepared and equipment. Conrail. SEPTA's carrier, Licensee fi'.ed a time!) Mponse circulatd (Ref. 46 FR :1:B4. Apr. 9.1981) wd! be advised to discontinue use of l

fedtra!Highn cy Administration: H-rear headlight on dim when f;eet requesung appros al to rmme opercions immed.dely,Jer cor.pletmn B04 ord ~! / April 17).-Responds to modification is complete. (R-el-36 of prepcsed in the f*

Board reply of Sept. 29 to response of reported abose) response.but d d not request a hear:r; lot Aug 25 (45 FR fo35L Sept.11.1980).

Note.--Sirde cories ef Bmd re;es are Tee!) requests fur a he were Ided I

Provides information and current as ai!4ble without charge as lun; as !.:.aed b) Friends of the Eeh and bulleuns regardirig courses, films, and suplies last Copes of re:ommend. tion Cong esmn Rcra:d V. Dellums asailable for trainir g of State tecen. rnponses and re!ced co respondence

. ~ _ - -

_ ~.




Tederal Rc;ister / Vol. 46. No. 8B / Thursdny. Afay 7,1981 / Nctices 255r



On Ftbruey 13.1m. the Commission Far the Atteic Safet) and Licensing Board.

nddrused to the l'S. Nuclear ~ d a htcmorendum and Order Ifrit,ert Crossman.

Rrguietor) Commision. %5hingrun..

d.. ; lir g its s'.thority io rule on th:-


D C. m35. Atiention: Director. Daision ri quest for a hearing and te e.onduct any. ps 04 si-ms r.w 5 4-ei s a wl CIlif'05IUS h: atings that might ensue lo an Atomic s w o coes n w.ei-es D.ted at Bethesda. hier3 nd this 28th day 1

5 ht> and Licensir g Soard.The order of April.1981.

i sp rifically delineated the 4 sues that m pH be considered b the Board in the (DochtNA 5 W For the Nucie r Regulatory Commission.

3 Robert A. Clark.

runt that a hearing were to be held.

Omaha Public Power District; issuance chier. Operstmp Reactors Branch No.1 The first prehearing conference in this of Amendment to Facility Operating Dirision o/Licensms.

proceed:ng w as held on hf arch 16.1978.

License tr* o. ai-t w r.w.os-ei su3.l I

l. os Ordct Fe!! ewing Conference.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

"'8 C #' ""

i dad hfarch 28.1978. the Licensirl Comrnission (the Commission) has Bard admitted Friends of the Ear.h and issued Amendment No. 58 to Facility Cc rgressman Ronald De!!ums as parties Operatmg License No. DPR-40 issued to IDocket No. 53-312]'

in the proceeding. restated the issues to Omsha Public Power District (the i

be determined. opened formal 1;censee), w hich revised the license for Sacramento Municipat Utility District *-

dacos ery, and directed that an operation of the Fort Calhoun Station.

issuance of Amendment to Facility esidentiary hearing be held at a future Unit No.1. located in Wa shington OpuatMg L;mse date, to begin in the vicinity of the CETR County. Nebraska.The amendment is The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory site. Su acquent to the filing of petit;ons effectise as ofits date ofissuance.

Cornmission (the Commission) has 5

by.Coopessman Dellums and Friends of The amendment modifies License No.

issued Amendment No.33 to facility i

tre Earth. Congressman Phillip Dorton DPR-10 to include a requirement to Operating License No. DPR-54 issued to r.nd John L. Durton. and his. Barbara maintain a Safeguards Contingency Plan Sacramento htunicipal Utility District.

Mockle3 also filed petitions to to be fully implernented,in accordance which revised Technical Specifications i

m'en ene. They w ere admitted as with 10 CR 73 40 b). within 30 days of (TSs) for operation of the Rancho Seco mb.n enors, with the Congressman this appros al by the Commist: ion.

Nuclear Geneuting Station (the facilit>)

i cesolidated for a!! purposes with The applicatinn for the amendment located in S cramento County.

Cenressman Dellums, and his.

complies with the standards and Ca?ifornia. The arsendment is effective i

Shockle) consolidated for all purposes requirements of the Atomic Energy Act

. at ofits date of issu.mce.

with Friends cf the Earth. By joint of 1934, as amended (the Act), and the The amendment changes the mntion dated April 16.1981.Frienus of Comm.lssion's rules and regulations. The operation limits for Cycle 5 operation. In t.'e E4rth and Congressman Dellums ask Cornmission has made appropriate addition. the Commission has approved t

te consolidate their inten entions. The findings as required by the Act and the the insertion of four axial blanket lead F%rd g ants the request.

Commission s rules and regulations in 10 lest assemblics into the Cycle 5 core.

On january 5,1981, a second CFR Chapter I. which are set forth in the

s hr ring cnnference a as held. In its lice nse amendment. Prior public notice The application for the amendment h! notandum and Order following that mendment was not reqdred co#ies with the standards and t

requirements of the Atomic Energv Act fg"n$gfe,'n rr -ference, the Board established an 11 azar sco ide atior f 1954, as amended (the Act). and the l

st. p schedule culminatmg in the The Commission has determined that Commi,ssi,on's rules and regulations.The cc.nencement of evidentiary hearini;s the issuance of this amendment will not Commission has made appropriate on h!4y 27.1981. At! should new take result in any significant environmental findings as required by the Act and the notice that the evidentiary hearings are impact and that pursuant to 10. Cm Commission s rules and regulations in 10 scheduled to begin at 9 30 a m. on hiay i 51.5(d)(4) an environmental impact CFR Chapter L which are set forth in the 27.1951 at Veterans Hall. 52: So. L statement or negative declaration and license amendrnent. Prior puulic notice 5:reet. Lis ermore. California. Limited en ircnmentalimpact appraisalneed of this amend nent was not required appearance statements will be heard not be prepared in connection with the since the amendment does not iraoh e a j that first day to the extent that issuance of this amendment.

significant hazards consideration.

they can be accommodated, under The licensee's filirg dated hfarch 12.

The Commission has determined that 1.m;tations to be determined by the 1979, as redsed by pages dated June 18.

.he finance of this amendment will not l


1979. July 7.1979, and October 9.1980 is result in an> significant ernironrnental if necessary, the evidentiary hearings being withheld from public disclosure impact and that pursuant to 10 CFR j

ui'i contmue at that location through Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(d). The 51.5'dli4) an environmentalimpact 51" l0.1981.Thereafter,if necessary, withheld information is subject to staternent, or negain e declarat;on and ti t 1.. arings will be mos ed to the disclosure only in accordance with the emironmentalic pact appratsal need F

}ilda) Inn at Van Ness and pme pros isions of 10 CFR 9.12, not be prer red in connection with

!. ts. San Francisco.C4lifornia. and F,or further details with respect to this issuance of th:s amendment. commence at that location at 9.30 action, see (1) Amendment No. 58 to For further d-tails with respect to this on june 1,1981. Limited appearance License No. DPR-40, and (2) the action. see (1) the licensee s application a-st tements will also be heard on that Commission's related letter. All of these dated hf arch 13.1991, as supplemented d.a to the estent that they can be itemt are available for public inspection April 10 and 17.1981. (:) Amendment at the Comm!ssion's Public Document Nc. 33 to License No. DPR-54, and (3) a.rcommodated, undi r limitations to be cerrmmed b the Deard.

Rem.1717 H Street. N.W., Washington, the Commission s related Safety 3

D C. 20555, and at the W. Dale Clark Es aluation. All of these items are D order ohhc ! bard.

Library 215 South 15th Street. Omaha, available for pubMc inspection at the 3

Date4 at SethoL. Atar)1.mJ this 1st day Nebraska 6810? A copy ofitems (1) and Commission's Public Document Roem, er st.n lost.

(:) may be obtained upon request 1717 H Street. N.W., Washington. D.C.


,1 r.,-,y.--.-



