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Final Deficiency Rept Re Nuclear Coatings in Reactor Bldg Not Applied Per Spec.Initially Reported on 800725.Coatings Will Be Removed & Reapplied on Three Structural Steel Members.Addl Screen Installed on Truss
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/1984
From: Koester G
To: Gagliardo J
Shared Package
ML20086M950 List:
KMLNRC-84-013, KMLNRC-84-13, NUDOCS 8402170157
Download: ML20086M947 (2)


a KANSAS GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Tt45 ELECTS *C COMPANY GLEhN L KOESTEft dit persion=v muctsan February 10, 1984 Mr. J.E. Gagliardo, Acting Chief -'

Reactors Projects Branch 2 I-- ]-


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 I3W 1 Arlington, Texas 76011 KMLNRC 84-013 Re: Docket No. STN 50-482 Ref: 1) Interim Report KMLNRC 83-083 dated 7/1/83 from GLKoester, KG&E, to WCSeidle, NRC

2) Interim Report KMLNRC 83-001 dated 1/12/83 from GLKoester, KG&E, to WCSeidle, NRC
3) Interim Report KMLNRC 82-188 dated 4/20/82 from GLKoester, KG&E, to WCSeidle, NRC Sitj: Final 10CFR50.55(e) Report - Nuclear Coatings in the Reactor Building

Dear Mr. Gagliardo:

On July 25, 1980, Mr. E.W. Creel of Kansas Gas and Electric Company made a potential 10CFR50.55(e) report to Mr. C.R. Oberg of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Region IV) concerning the application of containment coatings in the Wolf Creek Generating Station Reactor Building. The references have provided interim reports describing the Containment Coating Acceptance Test Program. Phase I and II of the test program have now been completed and a copy of the Architect / Engineer's evaluation of the results is attached.

The investigation into this matter revealed that containment coatings on five categories of material had not been applied in accordance with the applicable specification and were, therefore, subjected to acceptance testing as described in the references. These categories were:

1. Containment wall liner plate
2. Reactor cavity pit liner plate
3. Containment dome liner plate
4. Structural and miscellaneous steel members installed prior to July, 1980
5. Maintenance truss with the exception of three structural steel members and the maintenance truss, the results of the Acceptance Test Program indicate that all coatings 8402170157 840210 sPDR ADOCK 05000482 ppg

<C" c I I 201 N. Market - Wichita, Kansas - Mad Address: PO. Box 208 l Wichita, Kansas 67201 - Telephone: Area Code (316) 261-64o1

.9 l

Mr. J.E. Gagliardo KMLNRC 84-013 February 10, 1984 will perform satisfactorily under postulated DBA environmental conditions, in accordance with the commitments of the SNUPPS FSAR, Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2.

The results of the Acceptance Test Program indicate that the coatings on the maintenance truss and three structural steel members could separate under postulated DBA environmental conditions. However, the amount of coating material on the maintenance truss and three structural steel members that could potentially separate under these conditions is not sufficient to exceed the allowable unqualified coating materiale. accounted for in the plant design and documented in the FSAR. Therefore, the watings would not prevent the safe shutdown of the plant in the unlikely event of a design basis accident.

KG&E has elected to remove and reapply the defective coatings on the three structural steel members, and to install an additional protective screen on the maintenance truss to confine any debris in the event that there is a coating failure. Although these actions are not required for safety of operation, they will minimize potential maintenance problems and will be beneficial from an ALARA standpoint since the amount of loose debris, if any, from the maintenance truss coating would be confined to a single area.

As a result of the Coatings Acceptance Test Program, KG&E has determined that the containment coatings applied prior to July,1980 would not have adversely affected safety of operations had they gone uncorrected and therefore withdraws this matter as a potential 10CFR50.55(e) . Test documents I

which support the enclosed summary report are available for your review at the KG&E offices. Please contact me or Mr. Otto Maynard of my staff if you have any questions concerning this subject.

Yours very truly, il Glenn L. Koester Vice President - Nuclear GLK:bb Attach cc: RCDeYoung, w/a WSchum,'w/a