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Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1983
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/14/1983
From: Lotito E
NUDOCS 8309230406
Download: ML20078A770 (13)




1. Uni: Name: Calvert Cliffs No. 1 Notes
2. Reforting Period. August 1983
3. Licensed Thermal Pow er iSIW ): 2.700
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross SIWep: 918 l
5. Design Electries! Rating (Net 5 thel: 845
6. hlaximum Dependable Capacity (Gross 31Wel: 860 g
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 825 l
8. If Changes Occur in Cap.eesty Ratings (Irems Nurter 3 Thro .gh 7) Since Last Report.Gnc Reasons.
9. Power Lesel To hhich Re.tricted. lf Any (Nc 4tha
10. Reasons For Re>tricts ':a. If Any :

lhts Manth Yr .to.Dat.- Cumulative

!!. Ilours In Ryorting Period 744.0 5,831.0 72.900.0

12. Numter Of Hours Reactor Was Critial 723.2 5,594.9 58,690.8
13. Reactor Reserse Shutdown liot:rs 18.0 29.8 1,838.3
14. Hours Generator On Line 713.5 __

5,563.9 57,587.8,

15. Unit Resene Shutdown !!ours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Grose Thermal Energy Generated thiWH1 1,873,015 14.663,150 ]41,333,196 ,
17. Gross Electrical Energy Genersted (%IWil) 603,575 __ 4,897,229 _ 46,498,172
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated IMhHe 576,717 4,689,674 _ 44,353,882
19. Unit Sersice Factor 95.9 __

95.', 79.0

20. Umt A5::tability Factor 95.9 95.4 19.0
21. Unit Capacits Factor Using \iDC Neti 94.0 97.5 74.8
22. Unit Capacity f actor tL%ag l>ER Wel 91.7 95.2 72.0 _
23. Urit f orced Outage R:te 3.0 2.4 7.5 ,
24. Shutdas.ns Scheduled 0,er Nnt 6 Atonths iTy pe. Datc, and Duratir..n of Each t No. 1 Plant scheduled for a 14 week planned outage to begin on 9/30/83 for refueling and unit general inspection.
25. If Shur Down At End Of Rep..rt Perioj. Estimated Date of Stutup: 9/1/83
26. Umts in Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation 1 Forecast Achiesed INITIA L CRITICA LITY INITI A L EL ECTRICITY CONI \1ERCl A L OPER ATIO'i f0 sp' >

9309230406 830914 t ,g PDR ADOCK 05000 R


1. Ur:i: Name: Calver t Cliffs No. 2 Notes
2. Refortmg Period: August 19_83
3. Liecnsed Thermal Power l'MWr): 2.700
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWel: 911
5. Desiga Electrical Raitn;t(Net MWe): 845
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity ICross MWel: 860
7. Maaimum Dependable Capacity (Net Mhe): 825
8. If Changes Oecur 'n lapseity Ratings litems Nunter 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Gise Reasons:
9. Power Lese! To bhich Re.f ricted,if Any (Net Mhd:
10. Reasons For Re.strictw:a. If Any :

This Month Yr .to Dat.- Cucmtstive

11. flours in Reporting Period 744.0 5,831.0 56,255.0
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critial 637.7 5,320.9 47,421.8
13. Reacter Resene Shutdawn liours 35.1 130.7 925.9
14. Ifours Gener:, tor On L me 594.8 5,120.2 46,663.1
15. Urdt Reser e Shutdown flours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated IMWit) 1,543,514 13,408,388 115,629,145 ,

17 Gruss Electrical Ener;y Generated tMWill 485,968 4,375,217 . _ _ 38,031,421

18. Net Electrical Energy Cenerated (MhH) 460,363 4,174,547 _ 36,265,309
19. Unit Senice Factor 80.0 87.8 83.0
20. Umt As: stability Facter 80.0 87.8 83.0
21. Unit Capacity Factor IUsing MDC Net) --

75.0 86.8 78.7

22. Unit Cepacity Factor (Cuag 1)ER Net) _.

73.2 84.7 _ 76.3

23. Urit 1orced Gurge Rate 20.0 5.2 5.4
24. Shutdowas Scheduled Onct Nest 6 Monttis (I3pe. Darc.and Duration of Eachi
25. If Shut Down At End Of Rep. it Periot. Estimated Date of Startup: 9/1/83
26. Units in Test Status iPrior eo Commercial Oper tion): Forecnt Achie.e4 INITIA L CRITIC A LITY INITI A L EL EC TRICIT Y - _.



UNIT Calvert Cliffs #1 DATE 9/14/83 COMPLETED By Elaine Lotito TELEPPIONE (301) 787-5363 August 1983 MONTH DAY AVER AGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVER AGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe Net) (MWe Neti

-l 850 792 g7 2 A50 gg 845 3 849 844 39 4 843 844 20 5 802 821 21 6 847 22 842 7 846 23 806 8 845 24 838 9 A43 25 836 10 837 26 829 33 837 27 52 gy 839 '10 yg +

g3 847 796 29 835 14 30 15 840 186 33 16 844 I

INSTRUCTIONS On this format.hst the userage daily unit power levelin MWe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compete to the nearest whole nwgawatt.



UNIT calvert cliffs #2 DATE 9/14/83 Elaine Lotito COMPLETED BY (301) 787-5363 TELEPHONE MONTil August 1983 DAY AVER AGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVER AGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (Mh,e Net)

(MWe Net)

  • l 817 g7 811 2 816 gg 808 3 817 800 gg 4 819 20 811 817 812 5 21 6 815 528 22 7 314 20 23 8 813 352 24 9 nnn yg _

10 432 26 II 822 27 12 33 822 13 501 821 29 14 800 822 30 800 553 15 3, 16 804 INSTRUCTIONS On this forrnat,hst the aserage daily unit power levelin MWe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compete to the nearest whole nwpwatt.


UNIT SHUlDOWNS AND POWER REDUCT10NS v et cliffs #1 N E DATE 9/14/83 COMPLETED BY Elaine totito REPORT MONTil August 1983 ELEPHONE (301) 787-5363 i


  • - 50 'E E3 Licensee E -* Ee Cause & Currective No. Date { jE k 3jE Esent 5i iE R hi Action to

" 3 I, 5 ~ (3 :

Report n L

E' Piesent Recurrence 5.

) 83-08 830827 S 8.3 8 1 CB MotorX To investigate low lube oil level in #12A Reactor Coolant Pump Motor.

83-09 830827 F 4.2 A 3 RC fuelXX High Axial Shape Index.

83-10 830831 F 18.0 A 1 XX ZZZZZZ Clogged Traveling Screens.

1 4

  • i

, I .' 3 4 F Forced Reason. Methat: E sinbit G - Inst ructier.s S: Scheduled A Equipment Fatture(Esplain) l Manual for Preparation of Data B. Maintenance of Test 2-Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C.Ref nehn;; 3 Autunat.c Scram. Esent Report (LER) File (NUREG.

D.Regut tor) Restiiction 4 Oontinuation 0161l I -Operatos Tsaining A Licens Eununation 5-Load Feduction F Adtmnistratne 5 G4)perationa! En ror (E splain)

Otha Eshibit I Same Source 01/77) Il4'ther (1 spl.nn)

DOCKET NO. 50-310 ,

UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS calvert cliffs #2 L' NIT N AME DATE 9/I'/83 COMPLETED BY Elaine Lotito REPORT MONTil August 1983 TELLPHONE (301) 787-5363 3


  • 5, p 3 h E) Licensee j s, -h, Cause & Coerective No. Date -[e 3g 5

C 2s5 Esent Repost a gy mO e.?

8L Action to Present Recurrence f= 3

- g =! L 83-06 830809 F 75.4 A 1 XX ZZZZZZ Turbine Governor Valve problems.

83-07 830822 F 26.3 A 1 XX ZZZZZZ Turbine Governor Valve problems.

83-08 830874 F 41.3 A 3 XX ZZZZZZ Turbine Governor Valve preblems.

83-09 830831 F 6.2 H 1 XX ZZZZZZ In accordance with Tech. Spec. Requirements pertaining to the Feedwater Control System.

4 4

, t .' 3 4 F Fosced Reason. Method: E thitset G . Instructions S: Scheduled A Equipment Fatture(Esphin) I Manual for Prepar.ition of Data B-Maintenance of Te:t 2-Manual Scra m. Entry Sheets for Licensee C.Refuelrg 1- Automat.c Scram. Esent Report (LER) File (NUREG.

D-Regulatory Rest:ielion 4' Continuation P ! (il i 1..Operatos Tsaining & Licens: Eununation M oad R.> duction F- Ad em nist rat n e 5 G-Oper.stmn.1 Einor (Espion) 9-Ot M Eshibn 1 - Same Source 19/77) llother ( E spl.nn) 4


1. Name of Facility: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No.1
2. Scheduled date for next Refueling Shutdown: September 30,1983
3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling: December 1,1983
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?

Resumption of operation after refueling will require changes to Technical Specifications. The changes will be such as to allow operation of the plant with a fresh reload batch and reshuffled core.


5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.

September 1,1983

6. Important licensing considerations associated with the refueling.

Reload fuel will be similar to that reload fuel inserted into the previous cycle.

7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool.

(a) 217 (b) 732 Spent Fuel Pools are common to Units 1 and 2

8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies.

1830 Licensed 1830 Currently Installed

9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the Spent Fuel '

Pool assuming the present licensed capacity and maintaining space for one full core off load.

April,1991 I

l l

- - - . - - - - - - - = . - - -- -- . - - - - -


1. Name of Facility: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 2.
2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown: April 20,1984.
3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling: June 10,1984.
4. Will refueling or resum'ption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other licensed amendment?

Resumption of operation after refueling will require changes to Technical Specifications. The changes will be such as to allow operation of the plant with a fresh reload batch and reshuffled core.

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.

March 3,1984

6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling.

Reload fuel will be similar to that reload fuelinserted in the previous cycle.

7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the Spent Fuel Storage Pool.

(a) 217 (b) 732 Spent Fuel Poolis common to Units 1 and 2.

8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been required or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies.

1830 Licensed 1830 Currently Installed 1

l 9. The paojected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the Spent Fuel Pool assuming the present licensed capacity and maintaining space for one full core l off load.

April,1991 i

-_-.q-y _--- ,__.-,, y ,, , , - - ,y- .# . , my.. ._,-. -- ,,m ,- - - ---- . - - - -y -.-..


OF UNIT 1 OPERATING EXPERIENCE AUGUST 1983 8/l At the beginning of this reporting period, Unit I was operating at 820 MWe with the Reactor at 100% power.

8/4 At 2155 load was reduced to 711 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser.

8/5 Load was increased to 845 MWe at 0930 when indications of saltwater leakage disappeared.

8/14 At 1330 power was reduced to 809 MWe per Technical Specifications when the plant computer failed, rendering the output from the in-core instruments inoperable.

8/15 Resumed full load operation (844 MWe) at 0625.

8/17 At 0840 load was reduced to 750 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser.

8/18 Load was increased to 850 MWe at 0205 when indications of saltwater leakage disappeared.

8/21 Operating at reduced load (732 MWe) at 0010 while testing Main Turbine Control Valves. Load was increased to capacity (844 MWe) at 0732.

8/21 At 0908 load was decreased to 794 MWe to replace a shearpin in a Traveling Screen. Resumed fullload operation (843 MWe) at 1450.

8/23 At 0525 load was reduced to 707 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser. Load was increased to 841 MWe at 2045 when indications of saltwater leakage disappeared.

8/27 The unit was taken off the line at 0430 to investigate low indicated oil level in 12A Reactor Coolant Pump Motor. At 1236 the unit was paralleled after adding oil to the Reactor Coolant Pump Motor. At 1426 the Reactor tripped due to High Axial Shape Index. The unit was paralleled at 1840 and held at 12% power due to High Axial Shape Index.




AUGUST 1983 8/28 Load was increased to 829 MWe at 1720.

8/29 At 0430 load was reduced to 708 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser. Load was increased to 834 MWe at 1820.

8/31 At 0600 the Reactor was manually tripped due to the reduction of Main Circulating Water flow caused by impingement of a large number of fish on the Traveling Screens.

8/31 At the end of this reporting perod, Unit I was shut down.

. w s




8/1 At the beginning of this reporting period, Unit 2 was operating at 850 MWe with ~

the Re' actor at 100% po'wer. '


8/9 At 1810 the Reactor was manually tripped in response to increasing primary


temperature when the' Main Turbine Governor Valves spuridusly shut. 2 8/13 Resumed full load operation (795 MWe) at 1924.

8/18 At 2320 load was decreased to 780 MWe to replace the oilin 23 Ci-culating Water Pump lower bearing. s 8/19- - Load was increased to capacity (810 MWe) at 1100.

8/22 At 1541 the Reactor was manually tripped in response to increasing primary temperature when the Main Turbine Governor Valves spuriously shut.

8/24 Resumed full load operation (815 MWe) at 1000.

8/24 At 1336 the Reactor tripped on Reactor Coolant System high pressure when the Main Turbine Governor Valves and Intercept Valves spuriously shut.x 8/26 Resumed fullload operation (819 MWe) at 1445.

S/31 At 1238 commenced shutdown in accordance with Technical Specifications because of the suspected inability of the Feedwater Control System to' reduce feed flow adequately following a Reactor trip. At 1749 the Reactor tripped on' Low Steam Generator Level from approximately 25% power following the loss of the only operating Feed Pump. ,

8/31 At the end of this reporting period, Unit 2 was shut down.


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BALTIMORE l GAS AND ELECTRIC CHARLES CENTER . P.O. BOX 1475 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21203 PoSSIL power DEPARTMENT September 15, 1983 Director Office of Inspection and Enforcemer.t U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20055 ATTENTION: Document Control Desk Centlemen:

Enclosed herewith is the August 1983 - Operation Status Report for Calvert Cliffs No. 1 Unit, (Docket 50-317) and Calvert Cliffs No. 2 Unit, (Docket 50-318).

Sincerely, b$l E. M. Lotito



Performance Data Analyser Production Economy and Results Unit Fossil Power Department Enclosure cc: Messrs W. Lavallee J. Tiernan C. McCabe, Jr. R. Architzel P. Krause L. Russell

! P. Ross P. Sierer, Jr.

( M. Beebe C. Shoemaker D. Reilly R. Ash T. Hagette V. Stricklin L A. Lundvall EML/bmv wp/2/(NCR)