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Provides Followup to 821108 Conference Call Discussing FOIA Request Status & Document Production Requests Re Emergency Plans
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 11/12/1982
From: Hirsch D
To: Frye J, Luebke E, Paris O
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8211180387
Download: ML20069L982 (2)



COMMITTEE TO BRIDGE TliE GAP 1637 BUTLER AVENUE #203 ~ 1 LOS ANGELES, CAUFORNIA 90025 (213) a780829 00(KEIEO c:r November 12, 1982

'82 NOV 17 P1 :49 Judge John H.

Frye, III Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Board

_y ggg f U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

't.OCW'Jinf5 SERVICE Washington, D.C.

20555 3 RANCH Dr. Oscar H.

Paris Dr. Emmeth A.

Luebke Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Doard U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Washington, D.C.

20555 In the Matter of The Regents of the University of California (UCLA Research Reactor)

Docket No. 50-142 (Proposed Renewal of Facility License)



Dear Administrative Judges:

10 CFR 73.60/73.67 FOIA REQUEST STATUS REPORT As per your request during the November 8 conference call, CBG has inquired with the NRC office responsible for handling CBG's Freedom of Information Act request on the 10 CFR 73.60/73.67 matter.

I spoke with Ms. Nina Toms of the Office of Rules and Rercords.

Ms. Toms apologized for the delay and indicated that the problem was that there were several offices that must review the requested documents prior to their release.

She indicated further that a portion of the documents were to be released at the end of this week, but that the bulk of them were now being forwarded to the licensee for its review prior to release to CBG.

Ms. Toms explained that the material, primarily safeguards inspection reports of the UCLA facility, had been reviewed as to whether certain material included therein should be deleted prior to release because it might contain sensitive safeguards information that could not be released under 70IA, and that it was this review that had taken so much time.

She indicated that only recently, however, had the FOIA office been made aware of the reduction in SNM holdings at the UCLA facility, which she said made the reports no longer in need of safeguards review, and that therefore the reports were being forwarded to the licensee (UCLA) to review as to possible proprietary (i.e., commercial, not safeguards) content.

As soon as UCLA, thus, completes its review, the FOIA request can be completed and CBG's supplementary filing served.

I 82'11180387'8211'12

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PDR ADOCK 05000142 O



. DOCUMENT PRODUCTION REQUESTS REGARDING EMERGENCY PLAN In a related matter, please find enclosed CBG's request-to UCLA for document production, as directed during the November 8 conference call.

CBG is attempting to obtain the documents it needs from agencies not a party to this proceeding through voluntary means.

Should these means not prove fruitful, CBG may at that point request the issuance of a subpoena.

Resp c full submitted,



Daniel Hirsch President COMMITTEE TO BRIDGE THE GAP cc:

service list I

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