MONTHYEARVPN-084-99, Submits Notification of Major Changes to Trojan Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Sys,Iaw PGE-1201.Detailed Description of Change Provided1999-10-13013 October 1999 Submits Notification of Major Changes to Trojan Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Sys,Iaw PGE-1201.Detailed Description of Change Provided ML20217C8171999-10-0606 October 1999 Forwards Notice of Receipt of Availability for Comment & Meeting to Discuss License Termination Plan,Per 990805 Application ML20216F7621999-09-23023 September 1999 Forwards Corrected Response to Request 2 Contained in NRC 990920 RAI Re Application of Pacificorp for Transfer of License NPF-1.Response 2 Should Have Stated That Na General Partnership Is Partnership Formed in Nv ML20216F2871999-09-20020 September 1999 Informs NRC of Developments That Have Occurred Since 990524 Application Was Filed Re Pacificorp Transfer of License of FOL NPF-1.NRC Is Urged to Act & Approve Transaction Expeditiously by 990930.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20211Q3281999-09-0909 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-344/99-06 on 990630-0701,21 & 0408-08. No Violations Noted.Insp Conducted to Review Decommissioning Activities Underway at Trojan Site & to Accompany Shipment of Reactor Vessel to Hanford,Washington for Burial ML20211J2101999-08-30030 August 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Application for Approval of Proposed Corporate Merger of Pacificorp & Scottishpower VPN-074-99, Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for Period of 990101-0630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)1999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for Period of 990101-0630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) ML20211A7131999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact to Application for Exemption & License Amend Dtd 980827.Proposed Exemption & License Amend Would Delete EP Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q),10CFR50.47(b) & 10CFR50,app E ML20211B4091999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Environ Assessment & Finding No Significant Impact to Application for an Exemption & License Amend Dated 980129.Proposed Exemption & License Amend Would Delete Security Plan Requirements of 10CFR50.54(p) & 10CFR73.55 VPN-067-99, Forwards Proposed Rev 23 to PGE-8010, Trojan Nuclear QAP, in Response to NRC 990708 RAI Re Relocation of TS ACs to Qap.Revised QAP Will Be Made Effective Concurrently with Implementation of License Change Application Lca 2451999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Proposed Rev 23 to PGE-8010, Trojan Nuclear QAP, in Response to NRC 990708 RAI Re Relocation of TS ACs to Qap.Revised QAP Will Be Made Effective Concurrently with Implementation of License Change Application Lca 245 ML20210H5971999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Notice of Consideration of Approval of Application Re Merger & Opportunity for Hearing.Notice Being Forwarded to Ofc of Fr for Publication ML20216D6611999-07-23023 July 1999 Submits Summary of Proprietary Submittals for Transtor Part 71 & Part 72 & Trojan ISFSI Applications VPN-069-99, Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Changes to Rept Contained in Rev 1 Received NRC Approval by Ltr1999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Changes to Rept Contained in Rev 1 Received NRC Approval by Ltr ML20210A6401999-07-19019 July 1999 Corrects Ref in Item 4 of Which Constitutes Rev 2 of Authorization from Wf Kane, for Trojan Reactor Vessel Package as Approved Package for Shipment Under General License,Subj to Listed Conditions VPN-061-99, Forwards Rept Describing Effects of Earthquake That Occurred on 990702 Near Satsop,Wa,Iaw Trojan Nuclear Plant Defueled Sar,Section July 1999 Forwards Rept Describing Effects of Earthquake That Occurred on 990702 Near Satsop,Wa,Iaw Trojan Nuclear Plant Defueled Sar,Section ML20209D6231999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards RAI Re Licensee 980827 Request for Amend That Would Delete Number of License Conditions & TS Requirements That Would Be Implemented After All Sf Has Been Removed from 10CFR50 Licensed Area.Response Requested within 30 Days VPN-053-99, Forwards Rev 8 to Defueled Sar,Including Changes Since Last Submittal.Attachment Includes Brief Description of Each Change Included in Rev1999-07-0606 July 1999 Forwards Rev 8 to Defueled Sar,Including Changes Since Last Submittal.Attachment Includes Brief Description of Each Change Included in Rev VPN-056-99, Responds to NRC 990609 RAI Re License Change Application 244 & Accompanying Request for Exemption.Detailed Info Supports Estimation of Remaining Radioactive Matl Previously Provided by Licensee1999-07-0101 July 1999 Responds to NRC 990609 RAI Re License Change Application 244 & Accompanying Request for Exemption.Detailed Info Supports Estimation of Remaining Radioactive Matl Previously Provided by Licensee VPN-051-99, Forwards Amend 22 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, IAW 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities & Does Not Reduce Effectiveness of Fire Protection1999-06-15015 June 1999 Forwards Amend 22 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, IAW 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities & Does Not Reduce Effectiveness of Fire Protection ML20195J0111999-06-0909 June 1999 Responds to Requesting License & Exemption Re Emergency Preparedness ML20207D3861999-06-0101 June 1999 Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1077, Trojan Nuclear Plant Reactor Vessel & Internals Removal Project Transportation Safety Plan ML20196L1251999-05-24024 May 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-1 for Indirect Transfer of License,To Extent That Such Approval Required Solely to Reflect Change in Upstream Economic Ownership of Pacificorp ML20207A2751999-05-14014 May 1999 Informs That NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Reorganized Effective 990328.As Part of Reorganization, Division of Licensing Project Mgt Created.Organization Chart Encl VPN-049-99, Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 7 to EPIP 3, Response Organization Checklists & Rev 9 to EPIP 5, Emergency Preparedness Test Propgram. Changes to EPIPs 3 & 5 Ref New Owners of on-site Railroad Line,Portland & Western Railroad1999-05-11011 May 1999 Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 7 to EPIP 3, Response Organization Checklists & Rev 9 to EPIP 5, Emergency Preparedness Test Propgram. Changes to EPIPs 3 & 5 Ref New Owners of on-site Railroad Line,Portland & Western Railroad ML20206J8681999-05-0707 May 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-344/99-05 & 72-0017/99-04 on 990419-22.No Violations Noted.Insp Observed Work Activities Associated with Lifting of Reactor Vessel in Preparation for Removal & Shipment to Hanford Reservation for Burial ML20206J7931999-05-0707 May 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-344/99-04 & 72-0017/99-02 on 990322- 25 & 29-0408.One Violations Identified & Being Treated as non-cited Violation,Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20206H4331999-05-0505 May 1999 Forwards Amend 201 to License NPF-1 & Se.Amend Revises PDTSs by Deleting ISFSI Area,Revises Subsection 4.1.1,replaces Figure 4.1-1 with New Figure 4.1-1 & Adds New Page to Figure 4.1-1 to Reflect Access Control (ISFSI) Area ML20206N1571999-05-0404 May 1999 Forwards Util Quarterly Decommissioning Status Rept for First Quarter of 1999,IAW State of or Energy Facility Siting Council Order Approving Trojan Decommissioning Plan, ML20206E1731999-04-29029 April 1999 Informs That NRC Staff Has Performed an Acceptance Review of Trojan Nuclear Plant License Termination Plan,Submitted by ,To Determine Whether LTP Provides Adequate Info to Allow Staff to Conduct Detailed Review ML20206E0211999-04-28028 April 1999 Forwards Copy of Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 970212 Application for Amend.Proposed Amend Would Revise Trojan Permanently Defueled TS to Delete ISFSI Area ML20206C9221999-04-23023 April 1999 Forwards Amend 199 to License NPF-1 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Changes License NPF-1 by Adding New License Condition Entitled, Loading of Fuel Into Casks in Fuel Building ML20206C9591999-04-23023 April 1999 Forwards Amend 200 to License NPF-1 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Changes License NPF-1 by Revising License Condition 2.C.(10), Loading of Fuel Into Casks in Fuel Building VPN-031-99, Forwards Trojan Nuclear Plant,Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for CY98. Rept Submitted in Accordance with Trojan Permanently Defueled TS & Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3 & Iv.C of App I to Title 10CFR501999-04-21021 April 1999 Forwards Trojan Nuclear Plant,Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for CY98. Rept Submitted in Accordance with Trojan Permanently Defueled TS & Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3 & Iv.C of App I to Title 10CFR50 ML20205T5471999-04-20020 April 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-344/99-03 & 72-0017/99-03 on 990301-04,15-18 & 22-25.No Violations Noted ML20205N9061999-04-13013 April 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-344/99-02 on 990329-0401.No Violations Noted.Inspectors Examined Portions of Physical Security, Access Authorization & FFD Programs VPN-032-99, Forwards PGE-1009-98, Operational Ecological Monitoring Program for TNP,Jan-Dec 1998, Including All Existing non-radiological Effluents1999-04-0808 April 1999 Forwards PGE-1009-98, Operational Ecological Monitoring Program for TNP,Jan-Dec 1998, Including All Existing non-radiological Effluents VPN-027-99, Transmits Completed Application for Renewal of NPDES Permit for Trojan Nuclear Plant,Iaw License NPF-1,App B,Epp,Section 3.21999-03-25025 March 1999 Transmits Completed Application for Renewal of NPDES Permit for Trojan Nuclear Plant,Iaw License NPF-1,App B,Epp,Section 3.2 VPN-038-99, Forwards Updated TS 5.6 Re High Radiation Area,Per Telcons with Nrc.Justification for TS Was Provided Previously with Util Ltr Dtd 990317,but Has Been Updated & Is Included as Encl 21999-03-18018 March 1999 Forwards Updated TS 5.6 Re High Radiation Area,Per Telcons with Nrc.Justification for TS Was Provided Previously with Util Ltr Dtd 990317,but Has Been Updated & Is Included as Encl 2 VPN-036-99, Forwards Rev 4 to PGE-1063, Suppl to Applicants Environ Rept - Post Operating License Stage1999-03-18018 March 1999 Forwards Rev 4 to PGE-1063, Suppl to Applicants Environ Rept - Post Operating License Stage VPN-037-99, Forwards Licensee Comments on NRC Preliminary SER & License Re Trojan Isfsi.Encl Includes Justification for Inclusion in ISFSI TS of Alternative Method to 10CFR20.1601(c) for Controlling Access to High Radiation Areas1999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards Licensee Comments on NRC Preliminary SER & License Re Trojan Isfsi.Encl Includes Justification for Inclusion in ISFSI TS of Alternative Method to 10CFR20.1601(c) for Controlling Access to High Radiation Areas VPN-007-99, Forwards License Amend Application 247 Requesting Amend to License NPF-1 to Add License Condition Denoting NRC Approval of PGE-1078, Trojan Nuclear Plant License Termination Plan, Also Encl.With Certificate of Svc1999-03-10010 March 1999 Forwards License Amend Application 247 Requesting Amend to License NPF-1 to Add License Condition Denoting NRC Approval of PGE-1078, Trojan Nuclear Plant License Termination Plan, Also Encl.With Certificate of Svc VPN-008-99, Transmits Tnp co-owners Annual Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding for Tnp.Rept Is Based on Most Recent Analysis of Tnp Decommissioning Estimate & Funding Plan,Per Rev 6 to Pge, Tnp Decommissioning Plan1999-03-0808 March 1999 Transmits Tnp co-owners Annual Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding for Tnp.Rept Is Based on Most Recent Analysis of Tnp Decommissioning Estimate & Funding Plan,Per Rev 6 to Pge, Tnp Decommissioning Plan VPN-030-99, Forwards Rev 6 to PGE-1061, Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Plan. Summary of Changes,Attached.Revised Portions Denoted by Side Bars1999-03-0303 March 1999 Forwards Rev 6 to PGE-1061, Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Plan. Summary of Changes,Attached.Revised Portions Denoted by Side Bars VPN-029-99, Forwards Amend 21 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, Per 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities1999-03-0202 March 1999 Forwards Amend 21 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, Per 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities ML18107A6911999-02-25025 February 1999 Responds to 990218 e-mail Re Listed Questions Concerning SFP Partial Draindown Analysis Info VPN-028-99, Forwards Endorsements 139 to Nelia Policy NF-0225 & 2 to Nelia Policy NW-06021999-02-24024 February 1999 Forwards Endorsements 139 to Nelia Policy NF-0225 & 2 to Nelia Policy NW-0602 VPN-021-99, Forwards Proposed Ts,Update to ISFSI SAR & Revised Calculation,Per Application for Trojan ISFSI License1999-02-11011 February 1999 Forwards Proposed Ts,Update to ISFSI SAR & Revised Calculation,Per Application for Trojan ISFSI License VPN-012-99, Forwards Rev 0 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Approval,With Certain Conditions,For one-time Shipment of Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Granted by Commission Via Ltr1999-02-0202 February 1999 Forwards Rev 0 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Approval,With Certain Conditions,For one-time Shipment of Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Granted by Commission Via Ltr VPN-015-99, Submits Following Info That Will Be Needed for NRC Staff to Complete Review & Issue Trojan ISFSI License,As Result of 990121 Meeting with NRC Following Insp & Observation of ISFSI Preoperational Testing During Wk of 9901181999-01-26026 January 1999 Submits Following Info That Will Be Needed for NRC Staff to Complete Review & Issue Trojan ISFSI License,As Result of 990121 Meeting with NRC Following Insp & Observation of ISFSI Preoperational Testing During Wk of 990118 VPN-013-99, Forwards Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Rept for July-Dec 19981999-01-25025 January 1999 Forwards Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Rept for July-Dec 1998 1999-09-09
MONTHYEARVPN-084-99, Submits Notification of Major Changes to Trojan Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Sys,Iaw PGE-1201.Detailed Description of Change Provided1999-10-13013 October 1999 Submits Notification of Major Changes to Trojan Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Sys,Iaw PGE-1201.Detailed Description of Change Provided ML20216F7621999-09-23023 September 1999 Forwards Corrected Response to Request 2 Contained in NRC 990920 RAI Re Application of Pacificorp for Transfer of License NPF-1.Response 2 Should Have Stated That Na General Partnership Is Partnership Formed in Nv ML20216F2871999-09-20020 September 1999 Informs NRC of Developments That Have Occurred Since 990524 Application Was Filed Re Pacificorp Transfer of License of FOL NPF-1.NRC Is Urged to Act & Approve Transaction Expeditiously by 990930.Supporting Documentation Encl VPN-074-99, Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for Period of 990101-0630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)1999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for Period of 990101-0630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) VPN-067-99, Forwards Proposed Rev 23 to PGE-8010, Trojan Nuclear QAP, in Response to NRC 990708 RAI Re Relocation of TS ACs to Qap.Revised QAP Will Be Made Effective Concurrently with Implementation of License Change Application Lca 2451999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Proposed Rev 23 to PGE-8010, Trojan Nuclear QAP, in Response to NRC 990708 RAI Re Relocation of TS ACs to Qap.Revised QAP Will Be Made Effective Concurrently with Implementation of License Change Application Lca 245 ML20216D6611999-07-23023 July 1999 Submits Summary of Proprietary Submittals for Transtor Part 71 & Part 72 & Trojan ISFSI Applications VPN-069-99, Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Changes to Rept Contained in Rev 1 Received NRC Approval by Ltr1999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Changes to Rept Contained in Rev 1 Received NRC Approval by Ltr VPN-061-99, Forwards Rept Describing Effects of Earthquake That Occurred on 990702 Near Satsop,Wa,Iaw Trojan Nuclear Plant Defueled Sar,Section July 1999 Forwards Rept Describing Effects of Earthquake That Occurred on 990702 Near Satsop,Wa,Iaw Trojan Nuclear Plant Defueled Sar,Section VPN-053-99, Forwards Rev 8 to Defueled Sar,Including Changes Since Last Submittal.Attachment Includes Brief Description of Each Change Included in Rev1999-07-0606 July 1999 Forwards Rev 8 to Defueled Sar,Including Changes Since Last Submittal.Attachment Includes Brief Description of Each Change Included in Rev VPN-056-99, Responds to NRC 990609 RAI Re License Change Application 244 & Accompanying Request for Exemption.Detailed Info Supports Estimation of Remaining Radioactive Matl Previously Provided by Licensee1999-07-0101 July 1999 Responds to NRC 990609 RAI Re License Change Application 244 & Accompanying Request for Exemption.Detailed Info Supports Estimation of Remaining Radioactive Matl Previously Provided by Licensee VPN-051-99, Forwards Amend 22 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, IAW 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities & Does Not Reduce Effectiveness of Fire Protection1999-06-15015 June 1999 Forwards Amend 22 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, IAW 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities & Does Not Reduce Effectiveness of Fire Protection ML20207D3861999-06-0101 June 1999 Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1077, Trojan Nuclear Plant Reactor Vessel & Internals Removal Project Transportation Safety Plan ML20196L1251999-05-24024 May 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-1 for Indirect Transfer of License,To Extent That Such Approval Required Solely to Reflect Change in Upstream Economic Ownership of Pacificorp VPN-049-99, Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 7 to EPIP 3, Response Organization Checklists & Rev 9 to EPIP 5, Emergency Preparedness Test Propgram. Changes to EPIPs 3 & 5 Ref New Owners of on-site Railroad Line,Portland & Western Railroad1999-05-11011 May 1999 Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 7 to EPIP 3, Response Organization Checklists & Rev 9 to EPIP 5, Emergency Preparedness Test Propgram. Changes to EPIPs 3 & 5 Ref New Owners of on-site Railroad Line,Portland & Western Railroad VPN-031-99, Forwards Trojan Nuclear Plant,Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for CY98. Rept Submitted in Accordance with Trojan Permanently Defueled TS & Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3 & Iv.C of App I to Title 10CFR501999-04-21021 April 1999 Forwards Trojan Nuclear Plant,Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for CY98. Rept Submitted in Accordance with Trojan Permanently Defueled TS & Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3 & Iv.C of App I to Title 10CFR50 VPN-032-99, Forwards PGE-1009-98, Operational Ecological Monitoring Program for TNP,Jan-Dec 1998, Including All Existing non-radiological Effluents1999-04-0808 April 1999 Forwards PGE-1009-98, Operational Ecological Monitoring Program for TNP,Jan-Dec 1998, Including All Existing non-radiological Effluents VPN-027-99, Transmits Completed Application for Renewal of NPDES Permit for Trojan Nuclear Plant,Iaw License NPF-1,App B,Epp,Section 3.21999-03-25025 March 1999 Transmits Completed Application for Renewal of NPDES Permit for Trojan Nuclear Plant,Iaw License NPF-1,App B,Epp,Section 3.2 VPN-036-99, Forwards Rev 4 to PGE-1063, Suppl to Applicants Environ Rept - Post Operating License Stage1999-03-18018 March 1999 Forwards Rev 4 to PGE-1063, Suppl to Applicants Environ Rept - Post Operating License Stage VPN-038-99, Forwards Updated TS 5.6 Re High Radiation Area,Per Telcons with Nrc.Justification for TS Was Provided Previously with Util Ltr Dtd 990317,but Has Been Updated & Is Included as Encl 21999-03-18018 March 1999 Forwards Updated TS 5.6 Re High Radiation Area,Per Telcons with Nrc.Justification for TS Was Provided Previously with Util Ltr Dtd 990317,but Has Been Updated & Is Included as Encl 2 VPN-037-99, Forwards Licensee Comments on NRC Preliminary SER & License Re Trojan Isfsi.Encl Includes Justification for Inclusion in ISFSI TS of Alternative Method to 10CFR20.1601(c) for Controlling Access to High Radiation Areas1999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards Licensee Comments on NRC Preliminary SER & License Re Trojan Isfsi.Encl Includes Justification for Inclusion in ISFSI TS of Alternative Method to 10CFR20.1601(c) for Controlling Access to High Radiation Areas VPN-007-99, Forwards License Amend Application 247 Requesting Amend to License NPF-1 to Add License Condition Denoting NRC Approval of PGE-1078, Trojan Nuclear Plant License Termination Plan, Also Encl.With Certificate of Svc1999-03-10010 March 1999 Forwards License Amend Application 247 Requesting Amend to License NPF-1 to Add License Condition Denoting NRC Approval of PGE-1078, Trojan Nuclear Plant License Termination Plan, Also Encl.With Certificate of Svc VPN-008-99, Transmits Tnp co-owners Annual Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding for Tnp.Rept Is Based on Most Recent Analysis of Tnp Decommissioning Estimate & Funding Plan,Per Rev 6 to Pge, Tnp Decommissioning Plan1999-03-0808 March 1999 Transmits Tnp co-owners Annual Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding for Tnp.Rept Is Based on Most Recent Analysis of Tnp Decommissioning Estimate & Funding Plan,Per Rev 6 to Pge, Tnp Decommissioning Plan VPN-030-99, Forwards Rev 6 to PGE-1061, Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Plan. Summary of Changes,Attached.Revised Portions Denoted by Side Bars1999-03-0303 March 1999 Forwards Rev 6 to PGE-1061, Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Plan. Summary of Changes,Attached.Revised Portions Denoted by Side Bars VPN-029-99, Forwards Amend 21 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, Per 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities1999-03-0202 March 1999 Forwards Amend 21 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, Per 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities VPN-028-99, Forwards Endorsements 139 to Nelia Policy NF-0225 & 2 to Nelia Policy NW-06021999-02-24024 February 1999 Forwards Endorsements 139 to Nelia Policy NF-0225 & 2 to Nelia Policy NW-0602 VPN-021-99, Forwards Proposed Ts,Update to ISFSI SAR & Revised Calculation,Per Application for Trojan ISFSI License1999-02-11011 February 1999 Forwards Proposed Ts,Update to ISFSI SAR & Revised Calculation,Per Application for Trojan ISFSI License VPN-012-99, Forwards Rev 0 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Approval,With Certain Conditions,For one-time Shipment of Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Granted by Commission Via Ltr1999-02-0202 February 1999 Forwards Rev 0 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Approval,With Certain Conditions,For one-time Shipment of Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Granted by Commission Via Ltr VPN-015-99, Submits Following Info That Will Be Needed for NRC Staff to Complete Review & Issue Trojan ISFSI License,As Result of 990121 Meeting with NRC Following Insp & Observation of ISFSI Preoperational Testing During Wk of 9901181999-01-26026 January 1999 Submits Following Info That Will Be Needed for NRC Staff to Complete Review & Issue Trojan ISFSI License,As Result of 990121 Meeting with NRC Following Insp & Observation of ISFSI Preoperational Testing During Wk of 990118 VPN-013-99, Forwards Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Rept for July-Dec 19981999-01-25025 January 1999 Forwards Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Rept for July-Dec 1998 ML20199J1661999-01-14014 January 1999 Submits Summary of ISFSI Lid Welding Demonstration to Be Held 990118-25.Dates & Days Are Tentative & Can Be Adjusted as Necesssary or as Required ML20199J0801999-01-12012 January 1999 Forwards Schedule for Trojan Nuclear Plant ISFSI pre-op Test,Per Request VPN-002-99, Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1073 Tnp ISFSI Security Plan,As Result of 981208 Telcon with Nrc.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR73.211999-01-0808 January 1999 Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1073 Tnp ISFSI Security Plan,As Result of 981208 Telcon with Nrc.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21 VPN-004-99, Forwards Rev 5 to PGE-1061, Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Plan. Table 2.2-5 Is Revised to Depict Major Components Removed from Plant During 1998.Revs Are Denoted by Side Bars1999-01-0404 January 1999 Forwards Rev 5 to PGE-1061, Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Plan. Table 2.2-5 Is Revised to Depict Major Components Removed from Plant During 1998.Revs Are Denoted by Side Bars VPN-001-99, Requests That Svc List for Delivery of Documents from NRC Be Updated,Per 981230 Telcon.Substitute for Listings of HR Pate & J Westvold,Submitted1999-01-0404 January 1999 Requests That Svc List for Delivery of Documents from NRC Be Updated,Per 981230 Telcon.Substitute for Listings of HR Pate & J Westvold,Submitted VPN-080-98, Forwards Updated ISFSI Emergency Plan,Per 981123 & Discussion in Meeting with NRC on 981119.Description of Changes Encl1998-12-17017 December 1998 Forwards Updated ISFSI Emergency Plan,Per 981123 & Discussion in Meeting with NRC on 981119.Description of Changes Encl VPN-076-98, Forwards Final Rept of Matl Properties of Neutron Shielding Matl to Be Used in Trojan ISFSI & Test Repts That Verified Matl Properties1998-11-25025 November 1998 Forwards Final Rept of Matl Properties of Neutron Shielding Matl to Be Used in Trojan ISFSI & Test Repts That Verified Matl Properties VPN-077-98, Forwards Listed ISFSI Calculation Refs,Per 981110 Telcon1998-11-24024 November 1998 Forwards Listed ISFSI Calculation Refs,Per 981110 Telcon VPN-075-98, Informs That,Per Commitments Made in 981119 Meeting with Nrc,Rev to PGE-1075 Will Be Submitted No Later than 9812181998-11-23023 November 1998 Informs That,Per Commitments Made in 981119 Meeting with Nrc,Rev to PGE-1075 Will Be Submitted No Later than 981218 VPN-053-98, Forwards Rev 7 to Trojan Nuclear Plant Defueled Sar. Attachment to Ltr Includes Brief Description of Each Change Included in Rev1998-11-17017 November 1998 Forwards Rev 7 to Trojan Nuclear Plant Defueled Sar. Attachment to Ltr Includes Brief Description of Each Change Included in Rev VPN-059-98, Forwards Rev 51 to Trojan Nuclear Plant Security Plan.Rev Withheld,Per 10CFR73.211998-11-10010 November 1998 Forwards Rev 51 to Trojan Nuclear Plant Security Plan.Rev Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21 VPN-063-98, Forwards Amend 7 to PGE-1052, Quality-Related List Classification for Tnp. Amend Removes Ref to Several Clean Up Sys,Deletes Exemptions Allowed by Reg Guide 1.143 & Deletes Figures No Longer Required to Support Discussion1998-10-27027 October 1998 Forwards Amend 7 to PGE-1052, Quality-Related List Classification for Tnp. Amend Removes Ref to Several Clean Up Sys,Deletes Exemptions Allowed by Reg Guide 1.143 & Deletes Figures No Longer Required to Support Discussion VPN-061-98, Requests That Further Review of License Change Application LCA-238 Be Suspended as Result of Progress Made in Decommissioning,Installation of Natural Gas Pipe Line1998-10-14014 October 1998 Requests That Further Review of License Change Application LCA-238 Be Suspended as Result of Progress Made in Decommissioning,Installation of Natural Gas Pipe Line VPN-058-98, Forwards Amend 20 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, Reflecting Revisions to Fire Protection Program Made During Decommissioning Activities1998-09-28028 September 1998 Forwards Amend 20 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, Reflecting Revisions to Fire Protection Program Made During Decommissioning Activities VPN-057-98, Forwards Rev 0 to PGE-1077, Tnp Reactor Vessel & Internals Removal Project Transportation Safety Plan, Per Request That Util Submit Description of Measures to Be Taken to Ensure Safe Transport of Tnp Rv & Internals Package1998-09-21021 September 1998 Forwards Rev 0 to PGE-1077, Tnp Reactor Vessel & Internals Removal Project Transportation Safety Plan, Per Request That Util Submit Description of Measures to Be Taken to Ensure Safe Transport of Tnp Rv & Internals Package VPN-051-98, Forwards Rev 3 to PGE-1063, Trojan Nuclear Power Station, Suppl to Applicant Environ Rept. Section 4.5 Revised to Delete Ref to Selected Room Coolers1998-09-10010 September 1998 Forwards Rev 3 to PGE-1063, Trojan Nuclear Power Station, Suppl to Applicant Environ Rept. Section 4.5 Revised to Delete Ref to Selected Room Coolers VPN-050-98, Provides Rev 2 to Poge, Trojan NPP Permanently Defueled TS Bases. Changes Identified in Revised Text by Side Bars1998-09-10010 September 1998 Provides Rev 2 to Poge, Trojan NPP Permanently Defueled TS Bases. Changes Identified in Revised Text by Side Bars VPN-052-98, Forwards Figures & Tables Identifying Nodes Assigned for Trojan ISFSI Transfer Station Analysis,TI-056,Rev 11998-09-0909 September 1998 Forwards Figures & Tables Identifying Nodes Assigned for Trojan ISFSI Transfer Station Analysis,TI-056,Rev 1 VPN-014-98, Requests Exemption of Emergency Plan Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q),10CFR50.47(b) & 10CFR50,App E Following Transfer of Spent Nuclear Fuel to ISFSI1998-08-27027 August 1998 Requests Exemption of Emergency Plan Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q),10CFR50.47(b) & 10CFR50,App E Following Transfer of Spent Nuclear Fuel to ISFSI VPN-041-98, Forwards Rev 22 to PGE-8010, Poge Nuclear QA Program for Trojan Nuclear Plant. Rev Reflects Administrative Changes That Continue to Meet Requirements of 10CFR50,App B1998-08-25025 August 1998 Forwards Rev 22 to PGE-8010, Poge Nuclear QA Program for Trojan Nuclear Plant. Rev Reflects Administrative Changes That Continue to Meet Requirements of 10CFR50,App B VPN-048-98, Forwards Description of Review Methodology & Summary of Results,Including List of Identified Variations from Guidance Contained in Std Review Plan,Per NUREG-15361998-08-25025 August 1998 Forwards Description of Review Methodology & Summary of Results,Including List of Identified Variations from Guidance Contained in Std Review Plan,Per NUREG-1536 1999-09-23
[Table view] Category:UTILITY TO NRC
MONTHYEARML20059L6651990-09-21021 September 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-1,consisting of License Change Application 203,Rev 1.Rev Reduces Scope of Previous Changes Re Tech Spec Table 3.6-1, Containment Isolation Valves ML20059J9691990-09-14014 September 1990 Forwards Estimates of Facility Operator Licensing, Requalification & Generic Fundamentals Exam Requirements for FY91-94,per Generic Ltr 90-07 ML20059J9841990-09-14014 September 1990 Responds to Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-344/90-21.Corrective Action:Individual Employee Terminated on Day of Event ML20059J0321990-09-0707 September 1990 Requests That Six Listed Candidates Take PWR & Generic Fundamentals Exam to Be Administered on 901010 ML20059D8031990-08-31031 August 1990 Forwards Update on Actions for NRC Bulletin 88-008, Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to Rcs ML20059D2401990-08-30030 August 1990 Extends Commitment Date from 900831 to 901031 to Amend FSAR Per Util 900404 Response to Notice of Violation ML20059D0831990-08-30030 August 1990 Revises Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-344/90-02.License Document Change Request Correcting FSAR Discrepancy Noted in App A,Violation C Re Request for Design Change Initiated & Will Be Incorporated Into Amend 14 ML20059D5601990-08-28028 August 1990 Forwards Fitness for Duty Performance Rept for 900103-0630. Overall Positive Rate for All Testing Conducted at Plant from 900103-0630 Is 0.71% ML20059D3201990-08-28028 August 1990 Responds to Deficiencies Identified by FEMA During 891115 Emergency Preparedness Exercise at Plant.Corrective Actions: Procedures Revised to Prioritize Roadblocks & Clearly Define Roadblocks for 5-mile & 10-mile Locations ML20059C1741990-08-28028 August 1990 Forwards Rev 31 to Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20058M7861990-08-0303 August 1990 Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1990.W/o Encl ML20056A1551990-07-31031 July 1990 Forwards Updated Response to Address Maint/Surveillance Area of SALP for Period from Jan 1989 - Mar 1990.Overall Plant Performance During Period Acceptable & Found to Be Directed Toward Safe Operation ML20055J3421990-07-26026 July 1990 Forwards Decommissioning Financial Assurance Certification Rept for Plant,Per 10CFR50.75.Certifies That Finanical Assurance Utilizing Methodology as Listed Will Be Available to Decommission Plant ML20055G7131990-07-20020 July 1990 Comments on Operator Licensing Exams Administered on 900717 ML20055G7141990-07-19019 July 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill-Oil in Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount. Plant Has Four Rosemount Model 1153DD6 Differential Pressure Transmitters Installed to Associated Logics for Safety Injection ML20055F8791990-07-16016 July 1990 Forwards 1989 Annual Repts for Portland General Corp,Eugene Water & Electric Board & Pacific Power & Light Co ML20044B3191990-07-13013 July 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-1,consisting of License Change Application 202,revising RCS Flow Requirements & Portions of Bases ML20055F8161990-07-13013 July 1990 Advises of New Addressee for Nrc/Util Correspondence ML20055F6911990-07-13013 July 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04, Request for Info on Status of Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved W/ Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions ML20055F2441990-07-12012 July 1990 Forwards Response to SALP Evaluation for Jan 1989 - Mar 1990 Re Maint/Surveillance.Util Plans to Improve Performance in Areas of Operation Through Commitment of Support from Nuclear Div Mgt & Personal Involvement of Corporate Mgt ML20055E3401990-07-0606 July 1990 Forwards Application for Renewal of Plant NPDES Permit ML20055E1751990-07-0606 July 1990 Provides Update to 891130 Response to Generic Ltr 88-14, Instrument Air Supply Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Rev to Maint Procedure 12-4, Valve Air Actuators, to Include Maint Insp Completed in Apr 1990 ML20055E0241990-07-0606 July 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-344/90-11.Corrective Actions:Generic Issues That Contributed to Violation Will Be Discussed During Mgt Meetings & Quality Insp Supervisor Counseled ML20055E0281990-07-0606 July 1990 Informs That Actions Committed to in Util Re Replacement of Breaker During 1990 Refueling Outage & Provision of Rept Documenting Replacement of Breaker, Complete,Per NRC Bulletin 88-010 ML20055F2961990-07-0606 July 1990 Forwards Addl Info Re ATWS Mitigating Sys Actuation Circuitry 05000344/LER-1990-015, Forwards LER 90-015-00 Re Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Coolers Found Inadequately Sized to Maintain Design Basis Temp.Rept Submitted 2 Wks Beyond 30-day Requirement Due to Difficulties Encountered in Preparation1990-07-0202 July 1990 Forwards LER 90-015-00 Re Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Coolers Found Inadequately Sized to Maintain Design Basis Temp.Rept Submitted 2 Wks Beyond 30-day Requirement Due to Difficulties Encountered in Preparation ML20058K4891990-06-30030 June 1990 Discusses Reduced Min Measured RCS Flow for Plant.Encl Figure 3.2-3 & Evaluation Support Operation W/No Tech Spec Setpoint Changes ML20055D0411990-06-29029 June 1990 Discusses Design Verification Program Re Main Steam Support Structure.Extension of Completion Date for Project Justified Since Documentation,Not Mod of Main Steam Support Structure Is Reason for Delay ML20055D0441990-06-29029 June 1990 Advises That Response to Generic Ltr 90-04 Re Status of Generic Safety Issues at Facility Delayed from 900629 to 900713 ML20055D7091990-06-26026 June 1990 Forwards Steam Generator Tube Plugging Rept,Per Inservice Insp ML20044A0881990-06-22022 June 1990 Forwards Proprietary Results of Reevaluation of Addl Steam Generator Tubes for Vibration-Induced Fatigue, Per NRC 900530 Telcon Request to Document Scope of Review of NRC Bulletin 88-002.Results Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20043H9871990-06-21021 June 1990 Forwards Rept of Unsatisfactory Performance Testing by Contract Drug Testing Lab.Positive Blind Performance Test Specimen Certified as Being Negative Due to Incomplete Hydrolysis ML20043H9171990-06-19019 June 1990 Forwards List of Refs & Tables Re Reactor Vessel Matls & Preservice Properties,Per 900327 Request ML20043G5841990-06-15015 June 1990 Informs That WR Robinson Has Succeeded CP Yundt as General Manager of Plant,Effective 900615 05000344/LER-1990-016, Forwards LER 90-016-00 Advising That Calibr of Main Steam Flow Instruments Did Not Include All Required Elements.W/O Encl1990-06-13013 June 1990 Forwards LER 90-016-00 Advising That Calibr of Main Steam Flow Instruments Did Not Include All Required Elements.W/O Encl ML20043F6951990-06-0404 June 1990 Forwards Completed Regulatory Impact Survey,In Response to Generic Ltr 90-01 Covering NRC Team Insps,Special Insps, Resident Special Insps,Routine Unannounced Insps & NRC Resident Insps ML20043C6711990-05-31031 May 1990 Informs NRC of Need to Revise Reg Guide 1.97 Commitment Re Installation of post-accident Neutron Flux Recording Device. Items 1 & 2 Completed During 1990 Refueling Outage ML20043D3661990-05-30030 May 1990 Forwards Corrected Tech Spec Page 6-5 for 891020 License Change Application 184 Which Includes Changes Made by Amend 155 Re Administrative Controls ML20043B7001990-05-25025 May 1990 Forwards Rept Describing Incident Re Unsatisfactory Performance Testing That Occurred as Part of Facility Fitness for Duty Program.Incident Involved Drug Testing Lab Reporting Positive Test Specimen as Being Negative ML20043B0281990-05-17017 May 1990 Informs of Actions Being Taken by Licensee to Assure Operability of ESF Electrical Equipment Under All Svc Water Sys Temp Conditions & Train outages.Long-term Corrective Actions & Schedules for Implementation Encl ML20043A7731990-05-17017 May 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-344/90-06.Corrective Actions:Plant Setpoint Change Procedure Revised to Address Process from Initiation of Calculation to Incorporation Into Device Calibr ML20043A9221990-05-15015 May 1990 Advises That Current Schedule for Const of Upgraded Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys CB-1 Redundant Air Intake Dampers Delayed from 1990 Refueling Outage Until 1992 Refueling Outage ML20042G5441990-05-0909 May 1990 Forwards Rev to Commitment Dates Re Notice of Violations Associated W/Insp Rept 50-344/89-09,per NRC & LER Submitted on 900208.Changes Recommended to Mgt Sys Used to Assign & Track Commitments ML20042F9861990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-1,consisting of License Change Application 197,revising Tech Spec Re Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit to Fully Define Withdrawn Rods as More than 223 Steps ML20042G0501990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-1,consisting of License Change Application 198,revising Tech Spec 6.7.1 Re Safety Limit Violations ML20042G0231990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-1,consisting of License Change Application 200,clarifying Definition of Tech Spec 1.12, Core Alteration & Updating Use in Tech Spec 3.4.9, Containment Bldg Penetrations ML20042G0001990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-1,consisting of License Change Application 199,revising Tech Spec 3.5.1, ECCS - Accumulators, to Delete Surveillance Requirement 4.5.1.d ML20034C7431990-05-0202 May 1990 Forwards Rev 30 to Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20042E7891990-04-25025 April 1990 Forwards Proprietary Topical Rept BAW-10178P, Mark-BW Thermal Hydraulic Applications for Trojan Nuclear Plant, for Review & Approval.Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20034B7401990-04-22022 April 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-1,adding Exemption to Tech Spec 3.0.4, Applicability Into Tech Spec, Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys 1990-09-07
[Table view] |
t 1
M W 6 8f1E T) M C Off1 M N1y g
June 4, 1990 Trojan Nuclear' Plant Docket 50-344 1
License NPF-1 Mr. Stephan Sands U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail stop 13-0-1
, ashington DC 20555 W
Dear Mr.' Sands:
Response to Request for Voluntary
-i Participation in Nuclear Regulation Commission Rexulatory Impact Survey (Generic Letter 90-01)
Enclosed please find ~ Portland General Electric Company's (PGE's) response to~your request for information regarding the Regulatory-Impact Survey (Generic Letter 90-01).
Please direct any questions or comments concerning
'this response to W. J. Williams'Jr., Nuclear Regulation, Nuclear Safety and Regulation Department, Trojan Nuclear Plant (503 556-5580).
Sincerely, T. D. Walt pj Acting Vice President, Nuclear i
. Enclosure c:
Mr. John B. Martin Regional' Administrator, Region V f
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1
le j
L Mr. David Stewart-Smith State of Oregon Department of Energy Mr. R. C. Darr NRC Resident Inspector Trojan Nuclear Plant q
9006180017 900604 PDR ADOCK 05000344 p/
l I
l 121 S? V. Salmon Street Portand. Oregon 97204
i l
NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Ouestionnaire Sheet 1
Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: NRC team inspections.
Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Approx. four or five times per year average.
- 3.
Operations / Construction areas covered:
SSFI. Maintenance (1 gam).
Safeguards. Chemistry. NDE (ISI/IST). Emergency Preoaredness.
Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) Three to anven people, two_weeka_to one month (totsi).
Approximate man / hours of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item No. 1.
Plant Department Heads 105 (number involved) S b.
Plant Manager _2Q_
Corporate Department Heads (number involved) d.
Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) e.
Chief Nuclear Officer 16 f.
Managers / Supervisors 1200 i
4484W I.
NRC Regulatory Impact Survcy Ouestionnaire Sheet l
Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:
Special inspections (regional).
Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Two times.
- 3. -Operations / Construction areas covered Pipe whip restraints - as-i builtst Reguinterv Guide 1.97.
Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) One to two people one week.
i l
i 5.
Approximate man / hours of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, I
and in response to the activity described in Item No. 1.
Plant Department Heads 20 (number involved) _.3_
Plant Manager 50 c.
Corporate Department Heads (number involved) d.
Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) e.
Chief Nuclear Officer 16 f.
Managers / Supervisors 514 l
4484W l
NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Outslionnaire Sheet 1.
Type of inspection, audit or evaluation Etaident_stacial ingpections.
Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Two times.
Operations / Construction areas coveredt _Special_isanta_suctLas Insidual heat removal (RHR) stRDp and RER involuntary _tatry into Trojan ItchnicA1_Spectiication_3A,3.
Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) Two people IResident_ Inspectors 1._part of ongoing monthly _invas11sation/
insptationi_hoEtitr_a_Itquires addl.tional.inytaligation for the special IfPart.
Approximate man / hours of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in item No. 1.
Plant Department Ileads _3L (number involved) 4 b.
Plant Manager _10_
Corporate Department lleads (number involved) d.
Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) e.
Chief Nuclear Officer _24_
Managers / Supervisors _h19 4484W a_
NRC Regulatory impact Survey o ts11onnaire Sheet u
Type of inspection, audit or evaluationt _Routins_unannouncid inste.clions_.IRegion V u olhe.t) 2.
Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how of ten is this activity conducted? Approdif teen times _ptr_ytat.
Operations / Construction areas covered _ Emergency Prepartdness..
Radiation /Hegith Physics. Safeguards. Fire PrqLection. Training. QA m Frocutement.
F.xtent of the activity (how many people, for how long) One to two prop 11 _one_xcek.
Approximate man / hours of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item No. 1.
Plant Department lleada._112 (number involved) 6 b.
Plant Manager _45_
Corporate Department lleads (number involved) d.
Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) e.
Chief Nuclear Officer 8 f.
Managers / Supervisors _Z22 4484W u-
NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Outstionnaire Shatt 1.
Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: _ Routine announced inspections.
Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how of ten is this activity conductedt _Ivo to_inut_1.imesJer_ year.
Operations / construction areas covered:._NRC_cicanoitLnL_open_iinasm.
verification of utility responses to NOVs.
Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) _Dat_to three StDple, usually one tp two weeks long.
Approximate man / hours of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item No. 1.
Plant Department Heads _1E_
(number involved) 4 b.
Plant Manager _B _
Corporate Department Heads (number involved) _ __
Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) e.
Chief Nuclear Officer _4__
Managers / Supervisors._3Z5 4484W L.
NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire _ Sheet 1.
Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: _ Routine _ERC_ Resident inaraction.
Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how of ten is this activity conducted? _ Approx. nine times _per venr.
Operations / Construction areas coveredt _Yarinua_nparational.mainten-Ance/ routine inspection activities.
Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) _.Irn_tn_1hrte__.
People _linasesintah_approL_nne-month _ time _ period (based on 40-hnur__
Approximate man / hours of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item No. 1.
Plant Department Heads _210 (number involved) 6 b.
Plant Manager _200 c.
Corporate Department Heads (number involved) d.
Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) ____
Chief Nuclear Officer _1ft_
Managers / Supervisors _.912 r
NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Qutilionnaire Sheet 1.
Type of inspection (s), audit or evaluationt.ANI Fire Inaurante lugpections1 ANI Liability Insurance _inspe.cliQngi Factory Mttual Boiler and Machinery _Insurante_inapect.iontt NEIL I and NEIL III Replacement.paxer_.tosla_tes.ultins from accidental _nutage_and_exceaa_
s property _ damage _and_ decontamination _ liability _coxerages, 2.
Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? ANI Fire InaurancE_insp.egilons are
.cnnducitd_3_timeslysar1 ANI Liabilily_ Insurance _inspittiont_are conducted nace every yeart Factory Mutual Boiler and Machinery j
Inautante_insgentions_are_tonducted.30. times (1989)i NEIL1_and_II inaurance inspections are condgeled_1_ times per year (11&E).
Operations / Construction areas covered _ANI Fire Insurance _.inERectiona 1 total _plantit_Altl_ Liability _lnsurante_inspecilons_Inverationai I
managementa 1Iaining. recordsll_facinry.34tualBoiler and Machinerv..
LLatalplantlt_NEIL1_and_11_.(lutal_ plant.).
Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) ; E I Fire In-surance_insp.ections_ _3_penpit._10 dayAL.ANI Liability _ Insurance _In....
aurance inspection - 4 people. 4 days; Farinry Mutual B and M -
(varies) 2 people, 30 dayst NEIL I and II - 4 people. 2 days 5.
Approximate man / hours of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item No. 1.
Plant Department lleads _1L (number involved) _1 _
Plant Manager 6 c.
Corporate Department Ileads 7-(number involved) 2__
Corporate Vice Presidents 0 (number involved) _
Chief Nuclear Officer 0 f.
Managers / Supervisors _116 4484W