Forwards Rev to Commitment Dates Re Notice of Violations Associated W/Insp Rept 50-344/89-09,per NRC & LER Submitted on 900208.Changes Recommended to Mgt Sys Used to Assign & Track Commitments
VPN-013-99, Forwards Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Rept for July-Dec 1998
VPN-015-99, Submits Following Info That Will Be Needed for NRC Staff to Complete Review & Issue Trojan ISFSI License,As Result of 990121 Meeting with NRC Following Insp & Observation of ISFSI Preoperational Testing During Wk of 990118
VPN-012-99, Forwards Rev 0 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Approval,With Certain Conditions,For one-time Shipment of Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Granted by Commission Via Ltr
VPN-021-99, Forwards Proposed Ts,Update to ISFSI SAR & Revised Calculation,Per Application for Trojan ISFSI License
VPN-028-99, Forwards Endorsements 139 to Nelia Policy NF-0225 & 2 to Nelia Policy NW-0602
VPN-029-99, Forwards Amend 21 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, Per 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities
VPN-030-99, Forwards Rev 6 to PGE-1061, Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Plan. Summary of Changes,Attached.Revised Portions Denoted by Side Bars
VPN-008-99, Transmits Tnp co-owners Annual Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding for Tnp.Rept Is Based on Most Recent Analysis of Tnp Decommissioning Estimate & Funding Plan,Per Rev 6 to Pge, Tnp Decommissioning Plan
VPN-007-99, Forwards License Amend Application 247 Requesting Amend to License NPF-1 to Add License Condition Denoting NRC Approval of PGE-1078, Trojan Nuclear Plant License Termination Plan, Also Encl.With Certificate of Svc
VPN-037-99, Forwards Licensee Comments on NRC Preliminary SER & License Re Trojan Isfsi.Encl Includes Justification for Inclusion in ISFSI TS of Alternative Method to 10CFR20.1601(c) for Controlling Access to High Radiation Areas
VPN-036-99, Forwards Rev 4 to PGE-1063, Suppl to Applicants Environ Rept - Post Operating License Stage
VPN-038-99, Forwards Updated TS 5.6 Re High Radiation Area,Per Telcons with Nrc.Justification for TS Was Provided Previously with Util Ltr Dtd 990317,but Has Been Updated & Is Included as Encl 2
VPN-027-99, Transmits Completed Application for Renewal of NPDES Permit for Trojan Nuclear Plant,Iaw License NPF-1,App B,Epp,Section 3.2
VPN-032-99, Forwards PGE-1009-98, Operational Ecological Monitoring Program for TNP,Jan-Dec 1998, Including All Existing non-radiological Effluents
VPN-031-99, Forwards Trojan Nuclear Plant,Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for CY98. Rept Submitted in Accordance with Trojan Permanently Defueled TS & Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3 & Iv.C of App I to Title 10CFR50
VPN-049-99, Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 7 to EPIP 3, Response Organization Checklists & Rev 9 to EPIP 5, Emergency Preparedness Test Propgram. Changes to EPIPs 3 & 5 Ref New Owners of on-site Railroad Line,Portland & Western Railroad
VPN-051-99, Forwards Amend 22 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, IAW 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities & Does Not Reduce Effectiveness of Fire Protection
VPN-056-99, Responds to NRC 990609 RAI Re License Change Application 244 & Accompanying Request for Exemption.Detailed Info Supports Estimation of Remaining Radioactive Matl Previously Provided by Licensee
VPN-053-99, Forwards Rev 8 to Defueled Sar,Including Changes Since Last Submittal.Attachment Includes Brief Description of Each Change Included in Rev
VPN-061-99, Forwards Rept Describing Effects of Earthquake That Occurred on 990702 Near Satsop,Wa,Iaw Trojan Nuclear Plant Defueled Sar,Section
VPN-069-99, Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Changes to Rept Contained in Rev 1 Received NRC Approval by Ltr
VPN-067-99, Forwards Proposed Rev 23 to PGE-8010, Trojan Nuclear QAP, in Response to NRC 990708 RAI Re Relocation of TS ACs to Qap.Revised QAP Will Be Made Effective Concurrently with Implementation of License Change Application Lca 245
VPN-074-99, Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for Period of 990101-0630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)
VPN-084-99, Submits Notification of Major Changes to Trojan Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Sys,Iaw PGE-1201.Detailed Description of Change Provided
VPN-076-98, Forwards Final Rept of Matl Properties of Neutron Shielding Matl to Be Used in Trojan ISFSI & Test Repts That Verified Matl Properties
VPN-080-98, Forwards Updated ISFSI Emergency Plan,Per 981123 & Discussion in Meeting with NRC on 981119.Description of Changes Encl
VPN-001-99, Requests That Svc List for Delivery of Documents from NRC Be Updated,Per 981230 Telcon.Substitute for Listings of HR Pate & J Westvold,Submitted
VPN-004-99, Forwards Rev 5 to PGE-1061, Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Plan. Table 2.2-5 Is Revised to Depict Major Components Removed from Plant During 1998.Revs Are Denoted by Side Bars
VPN-002-99, Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1073 Tnp ISFSI Security Plan,As Result of 981208 Telcon with Nrc.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21
VPN-013-99, Forwards Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Rept for July-Dec 1998
VPN-015-99, Submits Following Info That Will Be Needed for NRC Staff to Complete Review & Issue Trojan ISFSI License,As Result of 990121 Meeting with NRC Following Insp & Observation of ISFSI Preoperational Testing During Wk of 990118
VPN-012-99, Forwards Rev 0 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Approval,With Certain Conditions,For one-time Shipment of Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Granted by Commission Via Ltr
VPN-021-99, Forwards Proposed Ts,Update to ISFSI SAR & Revised Calculation,Per Application for Trojan ISFSI License
VPN-028-99, Forwards Endorsements 139 to Nelia Policy NF-0225 & 2 to Nelia Policy NW-0602
VPN-029-99, Forwards Amend 21 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, Per 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities
VPN-030-99, Forwards Rev 6 to PGE-1061, Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Plan. Summary of Changes,Attached.Revised Portions Denoted by Side Bars
VPN-008-99, Transmits Tnp co-owners Annual Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding for Tnp.Rept Is Based on Most Recent Analysis of Tnp Decommissioning Estimate & Funding Plan,Per Rev 6 to Pge, Tnp Decommissioning Plan
VPN-007-99, Forwards License Amend Application 247 Requesting Amend to License NPF-1 to Add License Condition Denoting NRC Approval of PGE-1078, Trojan Nuclear Plant License Termination Plan, Also Encl.With Certificate of Svc
VPN-037-99, Forwards Licensee Comments on NRC Preliminary SER & License Re Trojan Isfsi.Encl Includes Justification for Inclusion in ISFSI TS of Alternative Method to 10CFR20.1601(c) for Controlling Access to High Radiation Areas
VPN-038-99, Forwards Updated TS 5.6 Re High Radiation Area,Per Telcons with Nrc.Justification for TS Was Provided Previously with Util Ltr Dtd 990317,but Has Been Updated & Is Included as Encl 2
VPN-036-99, Forwards Rev 4 to PGE-1063, Suppl to Applicants Environ Rept - Post Operating License Stage
VPN-027-99, Transmits Completed Application for Renewal of NPDES Permit for Trojan Nuclear Plant,Iaw License NPF-1,App B,Epp,Section 3.2
VPN-032-99, Forwards PGE-1009-98, Operational Ecological Monitoring Program for TNP,Jan-Dec 1998, Including All Existing non-radiological Effluents
VPN-031-99, Forwards Trojan Nuclear Plant,Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for CY98. Rept Submitted in Accordance with Trojan Permanently Defueled TS & Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3 & Iv.C of App I to Title 10CFR50
VPN-049-99, Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 7 to EPIP 3, Response Organization Checklists & Rev 9 to EPIP 5, Emergency Preparedness Test Propgram. Changes to EPIPs 3 & 5 Ref New Owners of on-site Railroad Line,Portland & Western Railroad
VPN-051-99, Forwards Amend 22 to PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Plan, IAW 10CFR50.48(f).Amend Reflects Revs Made During Decommissioning Activities & Does Not Reduce Effectiveness of Fire Protection
VPN-056-99, Responds to NRC 990609 RAI Re License Change Application 244 & Accompanying Request for Exemption.Detailed Info Supports Estimation of Remaining Radioactive Matl Previously Provided by Licensee
VPN-053-99, Forwards Rev 8 to Defueled Sar,Including Changes Since Last Submittal.Attachment Includes Brief Description of Each Change Included in Rev
VPN-061-99, Forwards Rept Describing Effects of Earthquake That Occurred on 990702 Near Satsop,Wa,Iaw Trojan Nuclear Plant Defueled Sar,Section
VPN-069-99, Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1076, Trojan Reactor Vessel Package Sar. Changes to Rept Contained in Rev 1 Received NRC Approval by Ltr
VPN-067-99, Forwards Proposed Rev 23 to PGE-8010, Trojan Nuclear QAP, in Response to NRC 990708 RAI Re Relocation of TS ACs to Qap.Revised QAP Will Be Made Effective Concurrently with Implementation of License Change Application Lca 245
VPN-074-99, Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for Period of 990101-0630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)
VPN-084-99, Submits Notification of Major Changes to Trojan Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Sys,Iaw PGE-1201.Detailed Description of Change Provided
05000344/LER-1990-016, Forwards LER 90-016-00 Advising That Calibr of Main Steam Flow Instruments Did Not Include All Required Elements.W/O Encl
05000344/LER-1990-015, Forwards LER 90-015-00 Re Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Coolers Found Inadequately Sized to Maintain Design Basis Temp.Rept Submitted 2 Wks Beyond 30-day Requirement Due to Difficulties Encountered in Preparation
On March 29,'1990 a. critique was held'to discuss'these commitments.
It was determined that.the cause of the missed commitments was a lack of accountability on the part of the action parties, their managers, and the.
engincors assigned'to track completion of the commitments. 'Some changes were recommended to the management systems used to assign and track the
The responsible managers acknowledged their accountability for tha commitments and confirmed to devote sufficient management attention
'l to ensure no further. commitments were missed. While commitment completion-will remain the responsibility of the assigned action' parties and the managers, commitment tracking will now be performed by a single individual in the Nuclear Safety and Regulation Department to ensure no further corsnitments are missed.
-Page 2 This management breakdown is not consistent with our goals for excellence in the operation of the Trojan Nucicar Plant.
In previous correspondence 1
we have informed you of actions in progress as part of our Nuclear Division l
-I Improvement Plan.which will further address the issue of meeting commitments. These actions include evaluations of the roles of. supervisors and managers and of the overall system for commitment management. We are resolute in our pursuit of excellent performance at Trojan. -
t Sincerely, I
T. D. Walt Acting Vice President, Nuclear i
Attachment c:
Mr. John B. Martin Regional Administrator, Region V l
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. David Stewart-Smith i
State of Oregon Department of Energy Mr.'R. C. Barr NRC Resident Inspector
. Trojan Nuclear Plant
l 1
n' e.
i L.
Trojan Nuclear Plant-Document Control Desk 1'
Docket 50-344 May 9, 1990-License'NPF-1 Attachment Page 1 of 2 Revision to Commitment Dates 5
t E
1PGE Letter of December 31, 1989,
-Response to Notice of Vio_lation Violation B.1 Portland General Electric Company (PGE) received a violation'for not including sufficient detail for assumptions _ used in support of a calculation,~which was contrary to the requirements of Nuclear Division.
Procedure (NDP) 200-4, " Quality-Related Calculations". _As a corrective step to be taken to avoid further violations, PGE committed to provide training sessions to: Engineering to reinforce the requirements of the NDP. 'These training sessions were to be completed by December 31, 1989.
This commitment was not met by the. scheduled date. _ Nuclear Plant Engineering (NPE)~has. revised the commitment date for performing the training to July 1, 1990.
Violation B.3 PGE received a violation for.using'an analyses on the impact of the dc
' electrical system that was based upon the use of an unverified, incorrect assumption of the inverter performance characteristics that was made in<a a
previously used calculation.
The use of the calculation without checking for applicability, assumptions, and mathematical accuracy was contrary to the requirement of NDP 200-4.
In addition to the training review for NDP 200-4, PGE also committsd to review the requirements of Nuclear Plant Engineering Procedure (NPEP) 200-11. " Verification of Design", and.NDP 200-1,." Design Change.
control", by December 31, 1990. These reviews,were not completed by the i
scheduled date. These will be completed by July 1, 1990.
Y violation D As part of our corrective steps that would be taken to avoid further violations, PGE committed to review and revise NDP 200-1, " Design Change control", te ensure the responsibility and authority of individuals in the configuration management process are understood.
This was to be accomplished by December 31, 1989.
L PGE is still revising the design change procedures to accomplish this commitment. The implementation of the Design Basic Document (DBD)
Program in conjunction with the extended outage in 1989 contributed to the delay in having the new procedures ready as scheduled.
The now design change procedures are currently scheduled for implementation by July 1, 1990.
The subject reviews will be completed by September 30 j,
.TrojanL Nuclear plant Document Control Desk Docket 50-344 May 9, 1990 License NPF-1 Attachment page 2 of 2
Licensee Event Report 90-02 In LER 90-02, " Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System (LTOPS)
Evaluation Limits Violated During plant Operation Due to Procedural-Inadoquacies", dated February 8,1990, PGE committed to develop approprinto precautionsand guidance and to reviso applicable operatins procedures to ensure compliance with the LTOPS analysos by March 20, 1990. With the l
exception of General Operating Instruction (GOI) 1-1, " Plant Heatup - Cold
- r Shutdown to Hot Shutdown", all, applicable procedures.have been revised.
A-revision to the Low Temperaturo O'Jerprossuro Analysis is in progress to determino if a change to COI 1-1 is required.
COI 1-1 will.1mm revised, if necessary, by the end-of the 1990 refueling outage since this 1s the next time the procedure will be used.