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Transcript of Util Testimony by Jr Herrera on 811230 in San Francisco,Ca.Pp 507-518
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1981
From: Jeffrey Herrera
Shared Package
ML17083A976 List:
NUDOCS 8202010287
Download: ML20040D429 (11)


. . _ . -. - - - -

4 I - 1 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Thank you, Mr..Tresler.

2 .That's the extent of the questionning that I have.

3 Owen?

4 MR. SHACKLETON: Mr. Tresler, when you were 5 flying back from Washington D.C. to San Francisco on 6_ _the plane with Mr. Rocca and Mr. Rocca discusseduw ith you 7 the comments you've already presented in prior testimony, 8 did you on that aircraft observe him or overhear him 9 discussing the matter of the comments made by Mr. Norton 10 and his concern about Mr. Norton's comments not being [

11 completely of fact because of the preliminary report to l 12 anyone;else?

13 MR. TRESLER: No, as far as I know, the only c.. 1.: discussion on this issue.was with me.

15 MR. SHACKLETON: I have no further questions, 1

16 and +1r. Tresler, we thank you for coming back for these g

17 q ue s tions . We'll go off record now. The time is l 18 now 1:10'p.m.

'i g 19 (Whereupon, at 1:10 p.m., the interview of a

j. 20 Mr. Michael R. Tresler was concluded.)


! 21 i

f 22 j 23

, 24 1


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8 9 Pacific Gas & Electric Headquarters Offices 10 Law Department Conference Room 77 Beale Street 11 San Francisco, California 1 12 Wednesday, December 30, 1981 13 14 15 The above-entitled matter came on for hearing, l 16 Pursuant to notice at 10:00 a.m.




- 18 On behalf of the NRC Staff:


j 20 21 22 23 24

- 25


ERRATA SHEET Interview of Jess R. Herrera, December 30, 1981 The following. corrections should be made:

Page 513, Line 17 - Change to read to others to instead of to -- to.

Page 516, Line 8 - Change Herrara to Herrera. '

' Page 516, Lines 10 and 11 - Omit the words to the -- when, when that,.

Page 516, Line 14 - Change to read Lab work, instead of Lab - .

Page 516, Line 16 - Change request or to requestor.

Page 518, Line 3 - Change Herrara to Herrera.

Page 518, Line 4 - Change Herrara to Herrera.

The above corrections were identified by Jess R. Herrera and Bobby H. Faulkenberry.


1 Pgqq((Qlggg 2 10:47 a.m.


V 3 MR. SHACKLETON: On the record. This is December 4 30, 1981. The time is now 10:47 a.m.

5 This is an interview of Mr. Jess R. Herrera, chief 6 electrical engineer with the Pacific Gas & Electric Company.

7 Mr. Herrera is now in his 30th year with PG&E.

8 This interview is taking place in Room 3101 of the 9 law offices of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company, at 77 Beale 10 Street, San Francisco, California.

ij The purpose of this interview of Mr. Herrera is part 12 f the investigation presently being conducted by the U.S. Nu-13 clear Regulatory Commission concerning the facts and happenings v

34 surrounding the present reverification program of the seismic 15 design of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant being conductact 16 by Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Present from the U.S. Nu-t clear Regulatory Commission, Region Five, to conduct this h 17

- 18 interview is Mr. Bobby H. Faulkenberry, chief, reactor construc-tion projects branch. And my name is Owen C. Shackleton, Jr.

l 19 Ia a senior investigator assigned to Region Five.

20 d

g Mr. Herrera, you have been advised of your right to 3

i have private legal counsel present during the course of this interview. Do you so waive that right?

MR. HERRERA: I do, yes.

( ,,

MR. SHACxtETOn: Ana do you understand, Mr. Herrera,


- - . _ , -- - - - - ,- - -w

I the commission's request that you keep your testimony confiden-

{ 2 3


MR. HERRERA: Yes, I do.

4 MR. SHACKLETON: At this time would you please stand 5

for the oath?

6 Whereupon, 7

JESS R. HERRERA 8 having been first duly sworn, was called as a witness herein, 9

and was examined and testified as follows.


!!R . SHACKLETON: Thank you. Please be seated.

11 At this time, Mr. Paulkenberry will conduct the 12 questioning.

13 fir. FAULKENi3ERRY: -Er'.LHerrera,-for the record, b.. 14 would you please state your position-with<the Pacific Gas and 15 Electric Company? ,

- ~ ,

16 MR. HERRERA: I am the chief , electrical' engineer y .

j 17 for the company. ,, . j t r g

18 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Mr. Herrara ,' did you attend both j 19 the October the 9th and the Novembard.he;3rd,.1981 meetings l i l

, l. 20 between PG&E and the NRC at Bethesda, Marylan,d?

, , p 3 21 11R . HERRERA:, Nc,'the only,m$eting I attended was i

j 22 the November 3rd meeting. '

l l

23 11R. FAULKENBERRY: It-has been determined that four l -

/. _

l 24 separate draft reports-of Dr._ Cloud's; Work were provided to 25 PG&E. These draft reports were submitted to PG&E on the l -51 0-i .

j approximato datta of October the 21st, October tho 26th, 2 November the 6th, and November the 12th, 1981. Now, my ques-h..

3 tion is: prior to the November the 3rd, 1981 meeting at Bethes-4 da, were you aware that PG&E had received either the October 5 the 21st or the October the 26th draft report from Dr. Cloud?


!!R. HERRERA: No, I was not -- not aware of that.

7 11R. FAULKENBERRY: Mr. IIerrera, while at the November 8

the 3rd meeting, and I am going to refer you to the transcript 9 of this meeting, and specifically pages 215 through 218, I ig would ask you to read these now, take your time, and under-33 stand what is said; and I would like to, in turn, ask you 12 some questions as related to the conversations as contained 13 in the transcript.

34 MR. SHACKLETON: We'll go off record now during the period of time that Mr. Herrera is reviewing the documents.

15 16 recod . )

3 MR. SHACKLETON: On the record.

} 37 l e

, jg MR. FAULKENBERRY: Mr. Herrera, based upon your re-j 39 view of pages 215 through 218 of the November the 3rd tran-a i 20 script, do you recall whether or not you heard the statements 3

d made by Mr. Maneatis, Mr. Norton, and Dr. Cloud at the November

. 21 i the 3rd meeting?

MR. !!ERRERA: Yes, I - 'I believe I heard those. I g was in the back of the room.

( 11R. FAULKENBERRY: Okay. When you heard the state-

- 25


1 ments mado by Mr. Maneatic, Mr. Norton, and Dr. Cloud,as

,c q 2 related to whether or not PG&E had Dr. Cloud's draft reports, (k

3 while at the meeting, in your own mind, did you believe that 4 these statements could have been erroneous or misleading?

5 ',' MR. HERRERA: No, I don't believe so. I -- because 6 to my knowledge,JI had not -- I was not aware that any of the 7' reports were in -- in house.

s 8 ,

!!R. FAULKENBERRY: Mr. Herrera, have you since been 9 made aware that draft reports were submitted to the N -- to 10 PG&E prior to their receipt by.the NRC?

11 MR. HERRERA: Yes, since just -- just recently, I 12 f.havebeenmadeawareofthat,yes.

13 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Okay. Could you give us an idea

( -

14 of what you mean by "just recently," could you bracket the il 15 time frame?'

1 16 NR. HERRERA: Well, I think last couple of weeks h

17 wh'en,youknow,whenIlfthefurorstartedI--Iwasmade 118 awate that, that the company had had some, some draft co --


19 reports in in-house.

l e

! 20 [ M,R. FAULKENBERRY: Have you ever seen any of these a

3 73 draft reports?


! L MR ,. HERRERA: I have seen them, yes, just lately.

22 23

- es.

l 24 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Okay. Do you -- have you made J any' comments on the draft reports? Did you comment, review, l 25 l

l -512-

1 comment, and then submit any comments on the draft reports 2

{g back to any member of the -- of PG&E or to Dr. Cloud?

3 MR. HERRERA: Let me put it this way. Following 4 the -- we did, we did comment on the report but it was after 5 the Bethesda meeting. So I am not sure of your question.

6 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Okay, I'll raphrase the question, 7 then. Do you recall which report you commented on?

8 MR. HERRERA: Well, we had a -- we had a letter from 9 -- my memory is not too clear. We had a memor -- a letter 10 frem, from the chief mechanical engineer to Mr. --' addressed 11 to Mr. Bettinger and myself, requesting that we review the 12 report. And this letter was dated subsequent to the meeting, 13 it was around November 10th, as I recall the date. It was k"

14 after the me -- the Bethesda meeting that I attended, and 15 that one came in on a formal transmittal and it came into our 16 department, and then I routed it down through our organizations g 17 to -- to make some comments on it. We did maka comments on g 18 that draft. Now, I don't know which draft that was. Subse-a j 19 quently, I found out that was probably the third or the fourth j 20 draft.

l 21 11R. FAULKENBERRY: Okay. Could that possibly been 22 the November tha 6th draft?

23 MR. HERRERA: It probably was, yes.

24 f1R. FAULKENBERRY: Did you yourself make any comments

, .. 25 on the draft report?

-51 3-

't 1

MR. HERRERA: No, I personally did not make any 2 comments.


3 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Did you review the draft report, 4 read it?

5 MR. HERRERA: I read -- I reviewed the draft report 6 and I read it, yes. Um hmm.

7 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Okay. Based upon your review of 8 the November the 6th draft report and upon the knowledge at 9 that time that the draft report was within PG&E, did, in your 10 own that time, did you relate your knowledge that the 11 November the 6th draft report was in-house with the statements 12 made by fir. Norton, Mr. !!aneatis , and Dr. Cloud at the November 13 the 3rd meeting as possibly being erroneous?

( 14 MR. HERRERA: No, not at the time. No. That was 15 the first time I had seen it. So I -- I assumed that the 16 statements that they had made at the Bethesda meeting were ---

17 were accurate.

g 18 IIR. FAULKENBERRY: Mr. Herrera, apparently, prior j 19 to the November the 3rd,1981, meeting at Bethesda, there were i

20 several meetings held by PG&E representatives as (quote) " pre-l.

21 conference meetings." To the best of my knowledge, these i

22 meetings were held probably on Saturday, October the 31st; 23 Sunday, November the 1st; and Monday, November the 2nd; and 24 the purpose of these meetings was to prepare for tha November 25 the 3rd meeting --


1 MR. IIERRERA: Yc3.  !


.a Did you attend any of those 3 meetings?

4 MR. !!ERRERA: I' attended the -- the Saturday meeting 5 I attended about a half a. day and then I had to leave. And 6 uhe Sunday meeting I attended -- I was there most of the day, 7 and ' .'and the Monday meeting, which was the 1st, I guess --

8 was it the 2nd?

9 IHl. FAULKENBERRY: The 2nd --

10 MR. HERRERA: The 2nd, I --

11 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Woulo be Monday.

12 MR. IIERRERA: I attended that one also. Thau was 13 back in Bethesda, yes.


14 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Now,!!r. Herrera, while you 15 attended those various meetings, did you hear any conversations 16 by anyone regarding draft reports that Dr. Cloud had submitted g 17 to PG&E?


18 MR. HERRERA: No, sir. No, sir.


, j 19 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Mr. Herrera, at any time during i

l 20 the November the 3rd neeting, including the lunch break on f 21 that day or including the period of the airplane flight back i

22 to San Francisco, did you hear any conversations by anyone 23 with regard to draft reports of Dr. Cloud's that had been 24 receivrd by PG&E?

( 25 MR. HERRERA: No, I can say that I didn't.

l l

i - 51 5-

1 tiR. FAULKENBERRY: Mr. Herrera, that concludes the 2 questions that I have.


v 3 Owen, do you have anything to add?

4 MR. SIIACKLETON: No, I have no additional questions.

5 Mr. Herrera, would you like to take this opportunity 6 to readdress any of the responses you have made or questions 7 that have been asked of you,'for a matter of record?

8 MR. HERRARA: Well, the only one that I would like 9 to amplify a little bit and you -- I don't know if, you proba-io bly are aware of it, is we -- our department did respond to ij the -- when, when that, when we were asked to comment on the 12 November 6th draft, I guess it was the November 6th draft, 13 and we did make comments, one of our engineers made comments


14 regarding some, some of the Uiley Lab -- they were sort of 15 innocuous comments, but these were returned back to the, to 16 the request or of the letter that we had gotten in to the

  • k 17 department and they went out from the engineer to the mechani-2 l - H3 cal engineering department and I subsequently saw a copy of
ig I it. But that was my, our department, our only department a

l l 20 comments that I can recall.

s MR. RAULKENBERRY: Excuse me, Mr. Herrera. Just to 21 I

  • f llow UP on that, to the best of your knowledge, were all 22 23 of the comments made by the people within the electrical engi-24 neering department, were they made as handwritten comments on

(- 25 the draft report or were they submittad under separate cover?

i I


1 MR. HERRERA: ThOy were, c3 I und ratand it, they cy, 2 were -- the comments that we had we phoned in to the Cloud (9

3 organization, and then subsequently we wrote, the following 4 day or that same day, we wrote, this engineer wrote the 5 comments down and transmitted them. They were handwritten 6 notes and he transmitted them formally back to our mechanical 7 engineering department. It was the same, same comments, _

a though. They were not -- not different comments.

9 MR. FAULKENBERRY: I have seen the communication 10 that you made to Mr. Rocca stating that you, your people had ij made the telephone --

12 MR. HERRERA: Um hmm.

33 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Or had the telephone conversation

(" 14 15 MR. HERRERA: Yes.


!!R. FAULKENBERRY: With Dr. Cloud's people and you a

j 37 documented the comments and submitted them to Mr. Rocca.

- 18 That was about a, as I recall, about nine comments in some j ig three to four pages --

a j 20 MR. HERRERA: Yes , it was about a three-page -- yes.


21 MR. FAULKENBERRY: Handwritten document.

i 22

!!R. HERRARA: Yes, yes.

MR. FAULKENDERRY: Now, with the emeption of that, 23 24 do you recall any additional telephone or written comments

(- 25 being made from people within the electrical engineering depart-l.

-51 7-