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Limited Appearance Statement by Ee Eddy & Bb Eddy Re Expanded Storage of Nuclear Fuel at Plant.Opposes Plan
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/28/1987
From: Eddy B, Eddy E
OLA, NUDOCS 8709110121
Download: ML20238D338 (1)



l 1

June 28, 1987

'87 Jtt 10 P4 :00 1 j


? ". .

Ernest / Barbara Eddy 1930 Pecho Road l uk" g . .

Los Osos CA 93402 ,

Diablo Canyon Board O C/0 NRC Washington, D.C. DMKU MM3" 205555 pnoo. n utit. 7AC..%. . '

Dear Sir WeDiablo.

at are upset about the expanded storage of nuclear fuel l We are amateur students of earthquakes which we believe everyone  !

involved with Diablo should be.

be on or near a fault is unbelievable and now to even considerTo have al nuclear storage there is inconceivable. There is little disagreement that there will be a strong earthquake in our l

state within the next 25 years. We have a PG&E plant that has been involved with careless excessive expenditures, drugs with * '

the employees, thinking of extraaccidents,and storage there. built on a fault and now you are that a Chernobyl is unavoidable. There is very little disagreement Please do not allow expanded fuel stomge at Diablo.

Sincerely, Ernest E. Eddy A n 7

(Barbara D.; cAuw B. Eddy Q,.A (c.% C]

l 8709/10121 870620 I

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