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Requests Extension of Time to File Responses to NRC Motion for Summary Disposition.Intervenor Does Not Have Adequate Time Due to Slow Mail Svc.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 04/24/1981
From: Pollock M
To: Bowers E
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8105070394
Download: ML20003H751 (1)



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Letter'of T rannaittal DOCKETNUM50 Dock:;t 50-142 A g y .a u m . u C....,,.,,,.,,,,, _

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&y!= fM) 176-4700 a s April 24, 1981

@ h 4 El th S. Bowers, Esq. 9 g


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/ f 3 Atomic Safety and L censing 30ari 2 g 2 O1901

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i Nuclear Regulatory Connission g- - --

%I4Pg0(9g7A [2 Washington, D.C. 20555 P  %

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Dear Judge 3cwers:

\ , i@ 4.* p As per the procedure approved at the special prehearing conference on Februar/ 5,1981, I am enclosing herein envelopes for Judge Paris and Judge Luebke, which I would appreciate your passing on to them.

I would also appreciate it very much if you could have your secretarf, if it is not too much trouble, call us to inform us when either the conditional request for an extension of time or our Fotion to Striks is acted upon. I ask this in this particular instance because of a uniquely tight time situation for us, explained below, and because mail from Washington has been taking seven days to arrive here.


- Intervenor is faced with some time pressure because we are required, absent prior notification of action by the Board to the contrary, to respond to Staff's Fotion for Summary Disposition by Fay 8. We would have to begin work on the response no later than Fay 5 Thus, it is possible that we ci6 ht l

serve on Fay 8 a response deemed unnecessary by the Board a few days earlier i

tut about which we did not know. As stated in the attached F4 tion, if the

! Board cannot rule on the Fotion to Strike prior to when our Stimm7 Disposition i response is due, we would appreciate if possible a conditional ruling on a

! time extensicn dependent upon the eventual ruling. If we knew about the l Soard's decision on the conditional extension in time, then the Summary I

Disposition response, which might not be necessary, might be deferred until its necessity is ruled upon.

If such phone notification is possible, messages can be left at the l< Intervener's office, (213) 478-0829, as I will be out of town until Pay 4.

Since-ely, ..

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[ . ollock Attorney for Intervenor CCF}r;.o; TO 3RIDGS Th2 CAP

! cc: service list a

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