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Discusses Erroneous Radiation Measurements Employed in DD-80-30.At Issue Is Whether Exposure at Ucla Math Sciences Bldg Is 1.4 Millirems/Yr or 90 Millirems/Yr on Roof
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 11/04/1980
From: Hirsch D
To: Ahearne J
Shared Package
ML20002B602 List:
DD-80-30, NUDOCS 8012120655
Download: ML20002B603 (1)


s h COMMITTEE TO BRIDGE THE GAP 1637 BUTL.R AVENUE s203 LOS ANG:' 54. CAUFORNIA 90025 (213) 478 4S29 (408) 336-53E1

!cventer 4, 1980  :

o cn ahearne

-T. -

T G<

Acting Chairpersen T

0 D l^- L uelear Regulaterv Cennission b) 7{ I g 1717 H Street IT Washingten. D.C. 20555 Dear Dr. Ahearnes Ve have recently received a ecpy of a Directer's Lecision (30-30) which relies upon a statistic we believe to be inec: rect; we wish to alert you to facts which centradict it.

0- Octeter 3, 1979, we filed a request for a tenpera / shutdown of the UCM researchofreacter its enissions Argen-kl.pending resolution of certain safety questiens related to On Septenber 24, 1930, nearly a year later, the Cirector of the Cffice of !!uclear Reacter Regulation issueti a decision ruling arainst the repsst for a ; ecautienary shutdcun. Still pending is deterninatica tv the Con-issien whether it wishes to review that Director's Lecision.

> cerire to its cerclusier, the Eiree'er's "Acisie* relied user an estirate cf radiatier cited 1. er:csure that is 6< tires lower thar the actual adiation readines the Licensee for the sa e lecation a-d conditions. The estirates enplcyed in the Cecisien actual radiatienwere reached through calculations without reference to a single reading. ~

ne actual readings centradict the calculational esti ates upon which the Directer's Decision is lased.

Specifically, page cf Appendix A cf that Oecision estinates radiatie.

expcsu the air intakee te be '-1.h'hr?en nar at the roof cf the Fath Sciences 3uilding, near e building, given 100C occupancy cf the roef and naxinun pernitted cperating level fer the reacter.

Hewever, the actual TLJ readings at' that location indicate that fer the same conditiens assuned in the Directer's Cecision, the actual neasurenents 1-dicate to 70'.A's"expcsures February 28, en1990 the crier of c0 r?e-/v ." above tackground, according erphasis added). Applicatien for License Renewal (pg. V/3-11; des ite the assertien in the Directer's Decision that its estinate of 1.h nRen/ year'is probably 10-1000 tines too high, and the a:inissien in the

  • ?CM docunent nentiene:i above that their readings of 90 nRer/ year were achieved only after throwing cut a nunber of I reatiings that were twice as high.

Other actual reasurenents further centradict the calculate:i estirate upon which the Directe 's Oecision is insed; we would be pleased to provide any further inferration desired. Ct:r intention here is nerely to alert you to in'cr ation which suggests that the central nunter upon which the Decision relies-1.4 mRen/yr.--appears to be in errer.

Sir erely,


80 12]20 65T .

Laniel nirsch cct Cc issioners 1radford, Oiliasky, a .d Hen:frie
