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Revised LER 80-005/03L-1:on 800112,during Decontamination, Waste Water Tank SW-TK-1 Was Filled & Operator Asked to Do Valving.Failure to Observe Tech Spec Re Valving in Hot Spots Resulted in Contamination of Auxiliary Bldg
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 03/04/1980
From: Werling J
Shared Package
ML19344D281 List:
LER-80-005-03L, LER-80-5-3L, NUDOCS 8003110634
Download: ML19344D285 (2)


{{#Wiki_filter:NRC 8 Onu 76 U. S. NUCLE AR HCGULATOHY COMMISSION (1 til LICENSEE EVENT REPORT O N.y CON ' tot OLocic l l l l l l l@ IPLE ASE 18RINT OR TYPE ALL REQUIRED INFORMATICNI j o } t l l P l A l 3 l \* l S 11 !@l 0 l 0 l- l o 19 l 0 l 0 10 l- l 0 l 0 l@l 4 l1 [1 11 11aj@lwwwl va .a n l@ s > Lw. et a i4 a um. e .ww. .. .= CcvT

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l ') i 'l 5Nih l L ]@l 0 l 51 o l 0 l 013 ! 3 l a @l 0 ] 1 l 1 12 l 8101@l0l _ E% ENT OFSCPI flON A 0 PRO?. t. NCES lo i l lDecont.imination prcceedinns were in pronrens in Solid Waste. Waste Water Tank l loi3i [ [SW-Tl"-11 was filled with water and a nuclear operator was instructed to do some l 1 o 14 ) I valving in the area. An inner area of the Solid Waste complex has some hot spots. I 10121 I so the entire area is roped of f both for convenience and better control. The  ! . l o is i l operator who was doine the valvine was not completely familiar with Technical i IOl'l ISpecification 6.12.1.a (hinh radiation area) and failed to have a Radiation l 10 6, I I Technician, a radiation ratemeter or to be signed (continued on attached) l 60 7 8 9 COVP. SYSTEtt CAUSE CALSE VALVE CCCE CODE SLsCODE COYPONENT CODE SL8 CODE SUSCOCE 10191 7 8 l ZI Zlh l Al@ l Blh ltJ ZI Zl Zl Zl Zl Zlh l Zlh I Zlh 9 10 li t; is tg ;0 OCCURRENCE REFORT REVISION

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                                                                 *  *             'E                                     PHONE NAME OF PREPAMER

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                                              . Attachment To LER 80-05/03L-1             ,                                             i Beaver Valley Power Station          .

l Duquesne Light Company , . Docket No. 50-334 t i i-f Event Description And Probable Consequences (continued) ' i on a Radiation Work Permit. The man was signed on a blanket Radiation Work Permit for operations which.he mistook for fulfilling his obligations to Radcon to sign on a Radiation Work Permit for-a specific job. The man

                        .was not exposed in any undue manner due to this oversight. The only result of the event was the contamination of a part of the Auxiliary Buildin3                                       ,

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