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Forwards Supplemental Description of Revisions to Facility Organization Per .Project Manual Revisions Will Be Completed During Wk of 810301
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 02/27/1981
From: Shields S
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19341D429 List:
PSI-NRC-0003, PSI-NRC-3, NUDOCS 8103050589
Download: ML19341D428 (6)




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O INDIANA February 27, 1981


PSI /NRC-0003 FG S. W. Shields s nor va Presdoru -

Nuclear Division Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Docket Nos.:

STN 50-546 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation STN 50-547 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Construction Permit Nos.:

Washington, DC 20555 CPPR-170 CPPR-171 Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station Units 1 and 2

Dear Mr. ')enton:

Public Service Company of Indiana, Inc. (PSI) hereby submits a more detailed description (Attachment I) of the revisions to the Marble Hill Nuclear Division organization.

This description supplements the typical contract organization description provided to you in PSI's letter of February 13, 1981. The attached description is provided in the same format as PSI's previous letters notifying your office of organizational changes. Those portions of the Marble Hill Nuclear Division organization which are not addressed in this letter remain as described in the consolidated description of the Marble Hill Quality Assurance Program and the subsequent letters revising that description.

The primary changes to the Marble Hill Nuclear Division organization were made in the area of Construction Management. These changes are an evolution of the area management concept. A Master CPM Schedule has been developed for use in planning and scheduling construction activities by area / contract. This Master CPM Schedule is updated and statused from input provided by the contractors to the Area Planning and Scheduling Supervisors and the Planning and Scheduling Supervisors dedicated to each Project Contract Management team. These Project Contract Management teams interface directly with the major on-site contractors and are headed by Project Contract Managars who report directly to the Assistant Project Director. The duties of the former Construction Manager position have been divided between the Assistant Project Director and the Project Engineering Manager.

Each Project Contract Manager is supported by a contract team composed of individuals matrixed from parent organizations such as Project 9

Engineering and Project Controls. This support is provided in much the L>

same manner as it was to the previous Construction Management 5


In particular, the contract administration function I(

b P. O. Box 190. New Washington Indiana 47162 812. 289.1000 81030506%9

s PUBUC SERVICE IPdNANA Harold R. Denton February 27, 1981 PSI /NRC-0003 remains unchanged but has been divided among the separate Project Contract Management teams. Separation of construction management and contract administration activities has been maintained within each Project Contract Manager's team allowing construction engineers to dedicate their time to coordinating work and identifying and resolving potential problems. As before, Project Engineering provides support to the Project Contract Management Organization, however, this is now accomplished via Resident Engineers which have been matrixed into the individual Project Contract Management teams. The Resident Engineers receive their technical direction from the Chief Discipline Engineers in Project Engineering. As before, Project Controls provides support to the Project Contract Management Organization. The Planning and Scheduling Managers and Supervisors receive their technical direction from the Project Control organization.

The administrative duties of the former Construction Staff Manager have been assumed by the individual Project Contract Management teams except for contractor prepared procedures which are now reviewed by a dedicated committee, the Procedure Review Board. The functions and reporting responsibilities of the Procedure Review Board are described in the attachment to this letter.

There are a number of other minor changes involving positions not within the Project Contract Management Organization discussed in the attachment to this letter. In general, the functions of these positions have remained the same and only the reporting responsibilities have been changed.

As can be determined from the above discussion and the attachment to this letter, only the means of implementation and not the fundamental philosophies of Construction Management have been changed. PSI remains dedicated to high standards of quality in the construction of the Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station. The appropriate project manual revisions should be completed during the week of March 1, 1981.


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S. W. Shields TDC/dks 1

1 Attachment l


V. Stello, Jr.

J.G. Keppler E.R. Schweibinz, P.E.

J.J. Harrison W. Haass


1 Quality Assurance The Quality Assurance Program and the Quality Assurance Organization functions remain unchanged from descriptions previously transmitted to the NRC.

However, certain Quality Engineers have been assigned to coordinate Quality Assurance activities with the Project Contract Management teams as indicated on Figures 1-6A through 1-6E.

Project Management The Marble Hill Project Management Organization, as shown on Figure 1-1, is headed by the Project Director. The Project Director has the following organizations reporting to him:


Testing The Testing organization and its functions remain the same.


Safety and Fire Prevention I

The Safety and Fire Prevention organization and its functions remain the same.

III. Project Purchasing Management The Project Purchasing Management organization has been reorganized as shown on Figure 1-2.

The Project Purchasing Manager repor*s functionally to the Project Director and interfaces with project personnel relative to procurement activities. He is assigned the responsibility for the preparation of purchase orders and is also responsible for the preparation and transmittal of said purchase orders and approved change orders to suppliers and subcontractors. His project procurement activities shall conform to the requirments as identified with the project PQAM, AQAM, PMM, and other related project manuals.

l The Project Purchasing Manager shall report in an administrative capacity to the Director of Purchasing. The Project Purchasing Manager shall have the responsibility for approving all procurement-related docuntents as authorized by the company's

" Authorization Approval Manual."

A. The responsibilities of the Senior Buyer Office Supervisor have not changed..

B. The Procurement Supervisors, previously a part of Project Engineering, retain their responsibilities and now report to the Project Purchasing Manager.


Project Engineering The Project Engineering organization, as shown on Figure 1-3, has added the positions of Project Engineering Office Supervisor and Procedure Review Board Chairman.

A. The Project Engineering Office Supervisor is responsible for providing clerical services to Project Engineering.

B. The Procedure Review Board Chairman is responsible for coordinating the review and approval of Contractor procedures and Project Management Procedures.


Project Controls The Project Controls organization, as shown on Figure 1-4, has been restructured to be responsible for overall project schedule development and statusing along with overall construction cost control. The Project Controls organization receives input from all of the Area Planning and Scheduling Supervisors and the Planning and Scheduling Supervisors of each Project Contract Management team.

With this information, Project Controls is able to maintain a master schedule, using the Critical Path Method, for all construction activities.


Project Administration The Project Administration organization, as shown on Figure 1-5, is now headed by the Project Administration Manager. Reporting to him are the Project Administrator, the Document Control Manager, the Management Information Systems (MIS) Program Manager, and the Construction Security Supervisor.

A. The position and function of the Project Administrator, previously reporting to the Project Director, have not changed.

B. The Document Control Manager is responsible for the document control function previously a part of Project Engineering. The functions and responsibilities of the document control group remain unchanged.

C. The Management Information Systems Program Manager is responsible for the Materials Management Information System, previously a part of Project Controls, and Records Management, previously a part of Project Engineering.

D. The Construction Security Supervisor is responsible for plant security during the construction phase up to the arrival of fuel on-site..

VII. Project Contract Management The Assistant Project Director, a newly created position, is responsible for directing the Project Contract h.3agement organization as shown on Figure 1-6.

The Project Contract Manager, Materials, reports to the Assistant Project Director and is responsible for:

1. Assuring that storage instructions are implemented for PSI and Contractor stored materials, parts and components purchased by PSI.
2. Maintaining records o*f materials, parts and components stored by PSI.
3. Protecting, maintaining, and preserving materials, parts and components stored by PSI.
4. Maintaining records of materials, parts and components released by PSI to Contracters.

The Project Contract Managers report to the Assistant Project Director and are responsible for:

1. Ensuring that Contractor work is performed in conformance with drawing, specification, contract, and Quality Assurance requirements.
2. Coordinating Marble Hill site construction and fabrication.
3. Providing construction status and performance reports and ensuring that construction-related communications and information flow properly.
4. Scheduling of construction activities.
5. Negotiating Change Orders, Extra Work Authorizations, and backcharges for contractors.

A. The Resident Engineer, formerly the fupervising Field Engineer, reports to the Project Contract Manager and is responsible for:

1. Initiating Field Change Requests.
2. Dispositioning Contractor-related NCR's.


3. Reviewing Contractor procedures for compliance to technical requirements.
4. Providing technical support for construction activities.

f B. The Construction Engineering Supervisor reports to the Project l

Contract Manager, or the Assistant Contract Manager if applicable, and l

is responsible for:

1. Maintaining the schedule of construction activities.
2. Monitoring Contractor work to ensure conformance with drawing, specification, and contract requirements.

C. The Contract Administration Supervisor reports to the Project Contract Manager and is responsible for:

1. Preparing or reviewing Extra Work Authorizations, Change Orders, and backcharges for Contractors.

D. The Planning and Scheduling Supervisor reports to the Project Contract Manager is responsible for.

1. Reporting work progress and status for Contractor's activities.
2. Feeding scheduling information back to Project Controls where a master schedule is maintained.

E. The Assistant Contract Managers report to the Project Contract Manager, Composite, who manages all site contracts other than the three major discipline contracts (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical). The Assistant Contract Managers manage the field construction and represent the Project Contract Manager, Composite, for their assigned contracts.

F. The Site Welding Engineer reports to the Project Contract Manager, Mechanical, and is responsible for resolution of welding problems identified by site organizations.

G. The Material Construction Engineer reports to the Project Contract Manager, Mechanical, and is responsible for material control.

H. The Area Planning and Scheduling Managers, reporting to the Project Contract Manager who has the predominant work taking place within that respective area, are responsible for the fol, lowing:

1. Planning and scheduling multiple Contractor interfaces within a designated area.
2. Developing " work around" plans and schedules when deviation from existing plans and schedules are experienced.
3. Feeding scheduling information back to Project Controls where a master schedule is maintained.

I. The Project Information Center (PIC) Supervisor reports to the Project Contract Manager, Electrical, and is responsible for the updating of the PIC display panels which reflect schedules, open construction items, and information on engineering items.