MONTHYEARML17187B0631997-07-29029 July 1997 Responds to to Chairman Jackson Expressing Concerns Re Disposal of Pu & Possible Use of Moxf by Comed in Light of Its Operational Performance ML17187A8901997-04-0101 April 1997 Responds to Ltr Sent to D Rathbun on 970310,asking That NRC Address Concerns Raised by G Black on 970220 Re Enforcement of Safety Regulations in Relation to Ceco NPPs ML20034H1761992-12-0707 December 1992 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents Listed in App C,Which Are Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20235B4531987-09-22022 September 1987 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Specified Dockets.Documents in App a Already Available in Pdr.Forwards App B Documents.App B Documents Also Available in Pdr. Documents for Listed Dockets Could Not Be Located ML20238D0201987-09-0909 September 1987 Forwards Breakdown of Analysis of Costs for Plant OL Application Reviews for 860622-1216,per 10CFR170.12(b). Invoice Will Be Sent Shortly ML20235B3621987-08-25025 August 1987 FOIA Request for Listed Documents for Specified Dockets ML20237K9961987-08-17017 August 1987 Responds to Requesting re-review of OL Fee Charges Under 10CFR170 as Billed on Invoices F1385 & F1386, ,for Review Period 840624-860621.Charges Billed Applicable to Plant Cases.Supportive Fee Info Encl ML20237L0261987-08-0707 August 1987 Ack Receipt of Invoices Re Plant for 840624-0721.Since All Licensing Activities Suspended in Jan 1984 & CP Surrendered on 850301,review of Charges & Issue of Credit Requested ML20235Q0291987-07-15015 July 1987 Advises That Cost Analyses for OL Application Reviews for 840624-860621 Completed.Breakdown of Review Costs by Program Ofc Encl.Util Will Receive Invoices for Listed Amounts ML20211P1311986-12-16016 December 1986 Advises That Encl Order Terminating CPPR-170 & CPPR-171 for Facility & Notice of Withdrawal of Application for OLs Have Been Forwarded to Ofc of Fr for Publication,Per Return of CPs by Util on 850301 ML20214R5961986-09-23023 September 1986 Responds to 860918 Request & Forwards Printout of Recent Filings in Facility Case.No Ruling Made by ASLB Since 860618 Ruling.Served on 860924 ML20214R6331986-09-22022 September 1986 Advises That Listed Individuals Served W/Author ML20214R6381986-09-18018 September 1986 Requests Confirmation Whether or Not Author on Mailing List & Whether Any Rulings Filed Since 860814 ML20214R6061986-09-18018 September 1986 Requests Confirmation Whether or Not Author on Mailing List & Whether Any Rulings Filed Since 860814.Response Requested ML20203E8271986-07-18018 July 1986 Informs That Recently Received Encl Ltrs Procedurally Insufficient.Requests That Provisions of Sections 2.701, 2.708,2.709 & 2.712 Re Filing & Svc of Documents Be Reviewed.Served on 860722 ML20199L0381986-07-0202 July 1986 Forwards Pleading in Response to Board Memorandum & Order Directing Briefs Be Served on 860602.Response Addresses Indiana Sassafras Audubon Soc & Save the Valley, Inc 860626 Motion ML20206S7921986-06-27027 June 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request.Boxes 16,17 & 18 Re Qa/Qc Category Described in Apps Y,Z & AA in Pdr.Listed Records Completely or Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20141A2171986-04-0101 April 1986 Informs That QA Program Being Revised Due to Cancellation of Const Activities & in Keeping W/Intention of Investment Recovery to Reflect Organizational Structure of Investment Recovery Program ML20138H5461985-12-0909 December 1985 Forwards Overview of Regional Ofc & Detailed Organizational Charts for Ofc Divs Due to Recent Organizational & Staff Changes.W/O Encl ML20137Z7951985-12-0404 December 1985 Forwards Matl to Support Removal of Unqualified Instrumentation from Diesel Generator Engine & Engine Skid. Devices Added to Equipment Q-list to Ensure That Qualification Maintained ML20138Q8301985-12-0303 December 1985 Further Response to FOIA Request for Records Re Voluntary or Required Redress of Sites Where Const Was Terminated, Including Crbr & Legal Analysis.Forwards App E Documents.App D & E Documents Available in Pdr.Photographs Also Available ML20133D1471985-10-0202 October 1985 Notifies That Util Rescinding ASME QA Program.Certificate of Authorization N-2456 & Code N Symbol Stamp Returned to ASME ML20135H7471985-09-17017 September 1985 Requests That Date of 850924 Originally Set for NRC Site Stabilization Survey of Const Site Be Rescheduled to Late Oct or Early Nov 1985 Due to Scheduling Conflicts ML20134A3871985-07-0303 July 1985 Further Response to FOIA Request for All Records Re Ford Amend Study.App L Documents Encl & Available in Pdr.Search Continuing ML20127P1861985-06-26026 June 1985 Forwards Insp Repts 50-546/85-01 & 50-547/85-01 on 850122-0614.No Violation Identified ML20133C7371985-06-14014 June 1985 Further Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Site Redress Where Plant Const Begun,Including Clinch River Facility & NRC Legal Analysis Re Redress.Forwards App B Documents.App C Document Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20134A8941985-06-10010 June 1985 Further Response to FOIA Request for Records Re Ford Amend Study.Records in App K Available in Pdr.Review for Addl Records Continuing ML20117P5131985-05-31031 May 1985 Ack Receipt of 850412 Response to Ltr Disputing Billed Amounts by NRC for OL Reviews.Requests That Due Date for Any Final Payment Be Extended for Reasonable Period of Time to Allow Issues to Be Resolved.Fee Paid ML20116N3691985-05-0101 May 1985 Forwards Response to 850402 Request for Addl Info Re Acreage Disturbed by Project & Emergency Offsite Facility Site Layup Actions.No Addl Permits or Approvals from Other Federal, State & Local Agencies Anticipated ML20100G3251985-04-0404 April 1985 Forwards SW Shields to HR Denton Re Surrendering CPPR-170 & CPPR-171 & Summarizing Util Plan to Stabilize Site & Motion to Terminate Proceeding ML20126J9081985-03-0606 March 1985 Further Response to FOIA Request That All Internal Memos to Div of Licensing from May-Nov 1984 Which Provided Draft SER, SER Sections & Questions or Requests for Addl Info Be Placed in Pdr.App C Documents Placed in PDR ML20102C2331985-03-0101 March 1985 Surrenders CPs CPPR-170 & CPPR-171.All const-related Activities on Site Halted.Site Activities Conducted Per Author .Commitments Contained in Encl Site Stabilization Plan Will Govern Future Activities ML20102B7551985-02-25025 February 1985 Disputes Billing Amounts in NRC 850122 Summary Statement of Costs.Errors & Lack of Documentation Do Not Allow Acceptance of Billing Solely on Basis of NRC Internal Controls.Meeting Re Questioned Items & Extension of Due Date Requested ML20091S4501984-06-0101 June 1984 Responds to NRC Ltr Re Allegations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-546/84-01 & 50-547/84-01.Corrective Actions:Independent Engineering Consultants Evaluation of Concrete Const Showed Concrete Good to Excellent Quality ML20084P3501984-03-14014 March 1984 Requests Response to Encl W & V Smelser 840210 Inquiry Into NRC Attitude Toward Utils.Concerns Include Marble Hill & Bailly Cancellation,Withdrawal of Util Application for Zimmer & Denial of License for Byron Facility ML20086K1021984-01-20020 January 1984 Forwards Util 840116 Press Release Explaining Financial Reasons for Halting Facility Const.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080Q9121984-01-18018 January 1984 Notifies of Suspension of Const.Site Work Force Reduced to Less than 1,000.Action Taken Due to Inability to Finance Project.Nrc Should Issue Draft SER as Is,So Benchmark Exists for Licensing Review Process ML20079N4611984-01-11011 January 1984 Responds to NRC Re IE Insp Repts 50-546/83-20 & 50-547/83-21.Const Suspended.Insp Repts & Notice of Violation Will Be Placed W/Util Records of Nonconforming Conditions to Be Addressed When Const Resumed ML20083E2891983-12-22022 December 1983 Informs That Applicant Will Require Time to Consider & Determine Response to Special Task Force of Governor of in Recommendation That Const of Facilities Be Canceled.Aslb Should Defer Further Action.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20083E0501983-12-21021 December 1983 Forwards Revised Affidavit Requesting That Matl Transmitted to NRC in Response to Question 470.7 of NRC Environ Rept - OL Stage Be Withheld Per 10CFR2.790.Revised Affidavit Submitted in Response to NRC 831125 Request ML20083H6691983-12-14014 December 1983 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-546/83-19 & 50-547/83-20.Corrective Actions:Sys Developed to Identify Matls Requiring Periodic Maint & Storage Procedures Revised to Identify Sys ML20082R6411983-12-0808 December 1983 Forwards Pp 11 Omitted from 831130 Response to Sassafras Audubon Soc & Valley Watch,Inc Contentions ML20082M9481983-12-0202 December 1983 Forwards Amend 30 to FSAR & Suppl 4 to Environ Rept - OL Stage (Filed in PDR Category C).Affidavit of Distribution Encl ML20082M8251983-11-30030 November 1983 Requests Extension Until 840301 for Response to Byron Integrated Design Insp Rept ML20082D2131983-11-14014 November 1983 Responds to IE Bulletin 83-06,Nonconforming Matls Supplied by Tube-Line Corp.... Requests Submittal Extension Until 840331 to Respond to Permit Adequate Review & Evaluation of Vendor Info ML20081K6081983-11-0707 November 1983 Forwards,For Review,Util Response to Generic Ltr 82-33 Re Reg Guide 1.97 Planned Improvement Rept on Instrumentation for light-water-cooled Power Plants to Assess Plant Environs Following Accident ML20086A8591983-11-0101 November 1983 Forwards Addl Copies of Sassafras Audubon/Valley Watch 831022 Joint Suppl.Svc List Requested.W/O Encl ML20078P1541983-10-28028 October 1983 Corrects Ref on Page 10,Line 2,of 831021 Joint Suppl to Sassafras Audubon Soc & Valley Watch Petitions for Intervention in OL Hearing.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20085L3131983-10-11011 October 1983 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-546/83-15 & 50-547/83-15.Corrective Actions: Directive Will Be Issued to Pullman Const Industries Emphasizing Resposibility for Reporting Nonconformances ML20080N2841983-09-30030 September 1983 Forwards Status of Outstanding Third Quarter 1983 Commitments in Amends to Fsar.Description of Containment Hydrogen Monitoriing Sys Will Be Submitted During First Quarter 1984 1997-07-29
MONTHYEARML20235B3621987-08-25025 August 1987 FOIA Request for Listed Documents for Specified Dockets ML20237L0261987-08-0707 August 1987 Ack Receipt of Invoices Re Plant for 840624-0721.Since All Licensing Activities Suspended in Jan 1984 & CP Surrendered on 850301,review of Charges & Issue of Credit Requested ML20214R6331986-09-22022 September 1986 Advises That Listed Individuals Served W/Author ML20214R6061986-09-18018 September 1986 Requests Confirmation Whether or Not Author on Mailing List & Whether Any Rulings Filed Since 860814.Response Requested ML20214R6381986-09-18018 September 1986 Requests Confirmation Whether or Not Author on Mailing List & Whether Any Rulings Filed Since 860814 ML20199L0381986-07-0202 July 1986 Forwards Pleading in Response to Board Memorandum & Order Directing Briefs Be Served on 860602.Response Addresses Indiana Sassafras Audubon Soc & Save the Valley, Inc 860626 Motion ML20141A2171986-04-0101 April 1986 Informs That QA Program Being Revised Due to Cancellation of Const Activities & in Keeping W/Intention of Investment Recovery to Reflect Organizational Structure of Investment Recovery Program ML20137Z7951985-12-0404 December 1985 Forwards Matl to Support Removal of Unqualified Instrumentation from Diesel Generator Engine & Engine Skid. Devices Added to Equipment Q-list to Ensure That Qualification Maintained ML20133D1471985-10-0202 October 1985 Notifies That Util Rescinding ASME QA Program.Certificate of Authorization N-2456 & Code N Symbol Stamp Returned to ASME ML20135H7471985-09-17017 September 1985 Requests That Date of 850924 Originally Set for NRC Site Stabilization Survey of Const Site Be Rescheduled to Late Oct or Early Nov 1985 Due to Scheduling Conflicts ML20117P5131985-05-31031 May 1985 Ack Receipt of 850412 Response to Ltr Disputing Billed Amounts by NRC for OL Reviews.Requests That Due Date for Any Final Payment Be Extended for Reasonable Period of Time to Allow Issues to Be Resolved.Fee Paid ML20116N3691985-05-0101 May 1985 Forwards Response to 850402 Request for Addl Info Re Acreage Disturbed by Project & Emergency Offsite Facility Site Layup Actions.No Addl Permits or Approvals from Other Federal, State & Local Agencies Anticipated ML20100G3251985-04-0404 April 1985 Forwards SW Shields to HR Denton Re Surrendering CPPR-170 & CPPR-171 & Summarizing Util Plan to Stabilize Site & Motion to Terminate Proceeding ML20102C2331985-03-0101 March 1985 Surrenders CPs CPPR-170 & CPPR-171.All const-related Activities on Site Halted.Site Activities Conducted Per Author .Commitments Contained in Encl Site Stabilization Plan Will Govern Future Activities ML20102B7551985-02-25025 February 1985 Disputes Billing Amounts in NRC 850122 Summary Statement of Costs.Errors & Lack of Documentation Do Not Allow Acceptance of Billing Solely on Basis of NRC Internal Controls.Meeting Re Questioned Items & Extension of Due Date Requested ML20091S4501984-06-0101 June 1984 Responds to NRC Ltr Re Allegations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-546/84-01 & 50-547/84-01.Corrective Actions:Independent Engineering Consultants Evaluation of Concrete Const Showed Concrete Good to Excellent Quality ML20084P3501984-03-14014 March 1984 Requests Response to Encl W & V Smelser 840210 Inquiry Into NRC Attitude Toward Utils.Concerns Include Marble Hill & Bailly Cancellation,Withdrawal of Util Application for Zimmer & Denial of License for Byron Facility ML20086K1021984-01-20020 January 1984 Forwards Util 840116 Press Release Explaining Financial Reasons for Halting Facility Const.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080Q9121984-01-18018 January 1984 Notifies of Suspension of Const.Site Work Force Reduced to Less than 1,000.Action Taken Due to Inability to Finance Project.Nrc Should Issue Draft SER as Is,So Benchmark Exists for Licensing Review Process ML20079N4611984-01-11011 January 1984 Responds to NRC Re IE Insp Repts 50-546/83-20 & 50-547/83-21.Const Suspended.Insp Repts & Notice of Violation Will Be Placed W/Util Records of Nonconforming Conditions to Be Addressed When Const Resumed ML20083E2891983-12-22022 December 1983 Informs That Applicant Will Require Time to Consider & Determine Response to Special Task Force of Governor of in Recommendation That Const of Facilities Be Canceled.Aslb Should Defer Further Action.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20083E0501983-12-21021 December 1983 Forwards Revised Affidavit Requesting That Matl Transmitted to NRC in Response to Question 470.7 of NRC Environ Rept - OL Stage Be Withheld Per 10CFR2.790.Revised Affidavit Submitted in Response to NRC 831125 Request ML20083H6691983-12-14014 December 1983 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-546/83-19 & 50-547/83-20.Corrective Actions:Sys Developed to Identify Matls Requiring Periodic Maint & Storage Procedures Revised to Identify Sys ML20082R6411983-12-0808 December 1983 Forwards Pp 11 Omitted from 831130 Response to Sassafras Audubon Soc & Valley Watch,Inc Contentions ML20082M9481983-12-0202 December 1983 Forwards Amend 30 to FSAR & Suppl 4 to Environ Rept - OL Stage (Filed in PDR Category C).Affidavit of Distribution Encl ML20082M8251983-11-30030 November 1983 Requests Extension Until 840301 for Response to Byron Integrated Design Insp Rept ML20082D2131983-11-14014 November 1983 Responds to IE Bulletin 83-06,Nonconforming Matls Supplied by Tube-Line Corp.... Requests Submittal Extension Until 840331 to Respond to Permit Adequate Review & Evaluation of Vendor Info ML20081K6081983-11-0707 November 1983 Forwards,For Review,Util Response to Generic Ltr 82-33 Re Reg Guide 1.97 Planned Improvement Rept on Instrumentation for light-water-cooled Power Plants to Assess Plant Environs Following Accident ML20086A8591983-11-0101 November 1983 Forwards Addl Copies of Sassafras Audubon/Valley Watch 831022 Joint Suppl.Svc List Requested.W/O Encl ML20078P1541983-10-28028 October 1983 Corrects Ref on Page 10,Line 2,of 831021 Joint Suppl to Sassafras Audubon Soc & Valley Watch Petitions for Intervention in OL Hearing.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20085L3131983-10-11011 October 1983 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-546/83-15 & 50-547/83-15.Corrective Actions: Directive Will Be Issued to Pullman Const Industries Emphasizing Resposibility for Reporting Nonconformances ML20080N2841983-09-30030 September 1983 Forwards Status of Outstanding Third Quarter 1983 Commitments in Amends to Fsar.Description of Containment Hydrogen Monitoriing Sys Will Be Submitted During First Quarter 1984 ML20080J0201983-09-23023 September 1983 Forwards Changes to Safeguards Vol & Responses to NRC Requests for Addl Info,Included in Amend 28 to OL Application.Changes Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20080J0531983-09-21021 September 1983 Forwards Responses to 830824 Requests for Addl Info Re Fsar. Requests Which Pertain to Byron FSAR Not Addressed.Responses Will Be Included in Dec Amend ML20134A5911983-09-19019 September 1983 Forwards List of Items Covered Under Physical Verification Task of Marble Hill Independent Const Review.Confirms 830915 Telcon Re Transmittal of Similar Listing for Palo Verde for Comparison.Related Info Encl ML20080G2731983-09-16016 September 1983 Discusses Feasibility & Benefits to Util of Eliminating Postulated Pipe Breaks in RCS Primary Loop from Structural Design Basis,Per NRC .Approx 200,000 Manhours of Installation Time Per Unit Will Be Saved ML20127C9871983-09-15015 September 1983 Forwards Updated Const Status Repts as of 830731.Info for Inclusion in NUREG-0030 ML20024F1781983-09-0202 September 1983 Requests Extension Until 840401 for Submittal of Responses to Generic Ltr 83-28,to Incorporate Efforts Underway on Generic Requirements by Westinghouse Owners Group,Nuclear Util Task Action Committee (Nutac) ML20076D3371983-08-16016 August 1983 Forwards Response to IE Bulletin 83-05 Re Hayward Tyler Pump Co Failure to Effectively Implement QA Program.Pumps Not Commercially Accepted for Installation at Plant Site ML20077J4941983-08-15015 August 1983 Informs of Change of Address.Related Correspondence ML20080B4641983-08-0101 August 1983 Forwards Nonproprietary Version of Independent Evaluation of Proposed Mods to Westinghouse D4,D5 & E Steam Generators. Mods Will Reduce Tube Vibration in Preheater Section & Do Not Result in Unreviewed Safety Question ML20024D0881983-07-29029 July 1983 Comments on Potential Impact of Plant on Aquatic Biota of Ohio River.Full Implementation of NRC Findings in Both Draft & Final EIS W/Complete Monitoring Program Recommended ML20077G7761983-07-27027 July 1983 Discusses Status of 830415 Commitments Re Suspension of Electrical Work Outlined in 830203 Confirmatory Action Ltr. Item I,Ii,Iii,Vi & VII Commitments Met.Surveillance Program for Backlog & Hanger Insp in Progress ML20077D1301983-07-25025 July 1983 Requests Correspondence Re Util Be Sent to Author Address ML20134A6191983-07-20020 July 1983 Forwards Biweekly Status Rept 3 Re Independent Const Review,Per P Keshishian Request.Biweekly Status Repts 1 & 2 Provided to G Gower During 830706-13 Site Visit.Related Info Also Encl ML20024D0221983-07-18018 July 1983 Forwards Proprietary Independent Evaluation of Proposed Mods to Westinghouse D4,D5 & DE Steam Generators. Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20076L4911983-07-15015 July 1983 Forwards Detailed Control Room Design Review Per Requirements of Generic Ltr 82-33, Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737 Requirements for Emergency Response Capability. Reg Guide 1.97 Implementation Rept Will Be Submitted by 831101 ML20076L3451983-07-14014 July 1983 Forwards Annual Financial Repts 1982 for Public Svc Co of Indiana,Inc & Wabash Valley Power Assoc,Inc ML20076M6691983-07-12012 July 1983 Comments on 830712 Public Meeting Re Environ Concerns for Application for Ols.Util Should Present Analyses of Environ Risks Associated W/More Severe Types of Very Low Probability Accidents in Environ Rept ML20077H4231983-07-0707 July 1983 Requests Withholding Proprietary Info in, Independent Evaluation of Proposed Mods to Westinghouse Model D4,D5 & E Steam Generators, Final Draft (Ref 10CFR2.790) 1987-08-07
[Table view] Category:LEGAL/LAW FIRM TO NRC
MONTHYEARML20214R6331986-09-22022 September 1986 Advises That Listed Individuals Served W/Author ML20214R6061986-09-18018 September 1986 Requests Confirmation Whether or Not Author on Mailing List & Whether Any Rulings Filed Since 860814.Response Requested ML20214R6381986-09-18018 September 1986 Requests Confirmation Whether or Not Author on Mailing List & Whether Any Rulings Filed Since 860814 ML20199L0381986-07-0202 July 1986 Forwards Pleading in Response to Board Memorandum & Order Directing Briefs Be Served on 860602.Response Addresses Indiana Sassafras Audubon Soc & Save the Valley, Inc 860626 Motion ML20100G3251985-04-0404 April 1985 Forwards SW Shields to HR Denton Re Surrendering CPPR-170 & CPPR-171 & Summarizing Util Plan to Stabilize Site & Motion to Terminate Proceeding ML20086K1021984-01-20020 January 1984 Forwards Util 840116 Press Release Explaining Financial Reasons for Halting Facility Const.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20083E2891983-12-22022 December 1983 Informs That Applicant Will Require Time to Consider & Determine Response to Special Task Force of Governor of in Recommendation That Const of Facilities Be Canceled.Aslb Should Defer Further Action.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20082R6411983-12-0808 December 1983 Forwards Pp 11 Omitted from 831130 Response to Sassafras Audubon Soc & Valley Watch,Inc Contentions ML20077K4491983-01-10010 January 1983 Responds to .Author Name on Svc List Should Be Replaced W/Client Name ML20028B2591982-11-24024 November 1982 Forwards Application to Amend CPPR-170 & CPPR-171,extending Earliest & Latest Dates for Const Completion ML20031B3211981-09-21021 September 1981 Requests Notification of Clients Dealings W/Nrc & Other Federal Agencies Re Facilities ML19347F2721981-05-13013 May 1981 Confirms Desire to Continue Receiving NRC Correspondence Re Facility Proceedings in Response to NRC ML19350D6451981-05-13013 May 1981 Requests Direct Receipt of Correspondence Re Facilities,On Behalf of Intervenor Save the Valley ML19343D2531981-03-26026 March 1981 Forwards Ma Cassaro Response to NRC Re Engineering Confidence Criteria.Explanations Insufficient to Conclude That Criteria Have Been Met by S&L/Portland Cement Association Test ML19323G8721980-05-0202 May 1980 Advises of Certain Changes in PSC of in Senior Mgt.Ha Barker Elected Chairman But Will Also Serve as Chief Executive Officer.Dv Menscer Elected President But Will Serve as Chief Operating Officer.Related Correspondence ML19323D1741980-03-26026 March 1980 Forwards M Hudgins Statement Presented at 800325 Meeting in Madison,In W/Prof Qualifications ML19323H5651980-03-26026 March 1980 Forwards M Hudgin Statement Presented at NRC 800325 Meeting W/Util in Madison,In & Ma Cassaro Prof Vita ML19290C2331979-12-21021 December 1979 Requests Status of Intervenor Sassafras Audubon Society 791220 Appeal for Commission Review of Directors Decision Under 10CFR2.206.Code Requires Commission to Reject Request ML19210B9971979-10-16016 October 1979 FOIA Request for Util OL Applications.Forwards LS Rubenstein Providing Description of Requested Document ML20125B2331979-09-12012 September 1979 Responds in Opposition to Sassafras Audubon Society Hearing Request.Specific Interest Has Not Been Identified & Necessity for Public Hearing Has Not Been Demonstrated. EPA 790820 Final Decision Re Environ Defense Fund Encl ML19254E3651979-09-0404 September 1979 Requests NRC Response to Senate Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation Re Evidence of Breakdown in Const Supervision Discovered During Apr Insp.Also Requests Response Under Oath Re NRC Aid in Criminal Investigation of Alleged Coverup ML19249C3591979-09-0404 September 1979 Requests That Suspension of Const,Mandated by Recent NRC Order,Continue Indefinitely.Order Is Too Confining & Does Not Allow Reasonable Direct & cross-examination of NRC Investigators Who Have Been on Site ML19249A2581979-08-13013 August 1979 Expresses Concern Re Questionable Quality of Facility Const. Lists Problems & Suggests Issues to Be Examined Prior to Permitting Const to Resume.Doubts Facility Is Needed. Believes Licensee Shareholders Should Pay for Errors ML19241B9651979-06-22022 June 1979 FOIA Request for All Submitted Info Re Const or Operation of Plant ML19259C3941979-06-12012 June 1979 Forwards CE Cutshall Statement,To Be Considered as Part of Save the Valley Motion to Reopen Safety Hearing ML19261E3341979-05-25025 May 1979 Notifies Re Change of Address ML19273B9441979-04-23023 April 1979 Ack Receipt of 790405 Board Notification.Items Discussed Are Outside Jurisdiction of Boards & Nrc.Requests NRC Stop Distributions in This Docket 1986-09-22
[Table view] |
9 THOMAS M. DATITLO ATTORNEY AT LAW 318 EAST MAIN STREET MADISON. IICIANA 47250 PwoNE 612 2654355 March 26, 1980 Mr. Victor Stello Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Inspection and Enforcement Washington, D.C.
20555 In re the matter of Marble Hill STN Nos. 50-546 & 547
Dear Mr. Stello:
Please find enclose,d a copy of 'Marion Hudgins' statement presented at your mee ting with Public Service Indiana on March 25, 1980 in Madison, Indiana.
Also find enclosed a copy of the Professional Vita of Michael A. Cassaro, Ph.D.
This writer apologizes for not having copies available for you at the meeting.
Thank you.
Very truly yours, Lg Thomas M. Dattilo TMD/mjb Enclosures cc:
Mr. James Keppler Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
i l
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1979, I worked as a quality ccnteci intpeccc: for Cherne Uvn trac tur Corporation, a subcontractor at Tarble 11111.
113 job a:, a qa.al i ty control inspec tor at Harble Hill included receipt it r pe c i. ior. of bafety cateLory materials and components and rurveillance vf ::.Lorade of the sa:ne safety components.
Through my tern at Marble-liill, I vac ne t impressed with the qualifications of the quality control people.whv uurked for Cherne and PSI.
I worked as a Level II inspector under another Level 11 c ape rv 1.,v r who had less experience than I.
I personally observed imprope r :.. ora e m
vf safety category materials and componen ts, namely:
larde atCorued safety valves, :.,ome of which were mo toriad.
I further obterved f t ou J anuary, 17, 1979 through February 19, 1979, the specific rahrenhei.
temperature readings in ' Area 45 Marble hila warehuuce that.v a s s a,.ii o..e d t o s tore safe ty cate,ory materials and compunen ts under a cu.t.ro lled n
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.t s.f C siifurreia, Gerheleg IQGl Ph. li., Ussis. rv i ty c,f F lorida, 1967 "Tde ad-!f jour < fobs;seelal ay wl:.hin the disci pl isie:
y Andiysis a! d Tesl n of Structur et-E l\\ldIcha} liottors and awartit.:
LE3CR IPTION D/ *1 E Tau Beta Pi (Engr. Soc.)
1954 Chi Epullon (Civil En,,r. Soc.)
J 9'> 1 Clunu Xi (Science fles.)
F residen t Elec t, Univ. of Lou. Chapt.er 197L-77 President, Univ. of Lou. Chapter 1 9 7 7 - 7 '.,
l'<61c tered Erigineer States of F1t,rida and Kentucky Pescarch activities andi,or grant _s rectrived in the last five years:
/.nalysis of. Lock Systems, Kentucky Dept.. of Ju: Lice, C10,000, 1971) i.p l oyrr.en t. Re cord :
Professor of Civil Eng,ineerinc, UniversiLy of 1.ci.luv2 1i.,
( 968-P re5 cc
/.sc t. Professor of Civil Ent;ineerisw, J;. ver :. r.j
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The Prencon Corp., Corpus Christi, Texu_, U-r tur.o Fi... :i. ::, PJS7-G Discipline-oriented public service ac tivi tie. :
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- t. ors tado dam %,e 1974
. :,s.; a l t a n t to Jefferson County for
/.sialysis of Security Glass at Coun;y JaA1 1976
- ~r.arser Education Committee - American Coric rc te Inst.
(Sponsor Education Programs in Reinforced Conc re te )
Chairman, (E-704) Preeni. Succomittittee 1 ~.7 3.-7F (b)
Member Design Subcommittee (E-702) su?5 r eausit.
liernber Kentucky Concrete Conference 1970-P..:es i a
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page trio Discipline-oriented public service activities:
Description Date Directed short courses ~:
(a) Advanced 02 sign of Concrete Structures 1971 and roundations (b) General Analysis of Slab Structures 1974 and Design of Foundation Materials P.E. Licence Review For the last five years list bibliography of major publications, scholarly achieve-ments, and theses directed:
Publications 1.
" Determination of Seismic Response for Precast-Prestressed Concrete Structures,"
Proceedings, Fifth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, November 1974, Roorkee, Inoia, Vol.1, pp. 381-388 (with M. Paz).
" Seismic Response for Self-Strained Structures," Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp.1809-1824, December 1974 (with M. Paz and S. H. Stewart).
" Solution of Problems in Mechanics Through the Expediency of Computerized Complex Analysis," Computers in Education Division, OFASEE Transactions, July 1974, pp.
105-116 (with M. Paz).
" Evolutionary Trends for Development of Programming Skills in Mechanics Courses,"
Annual Mecring of American Society of Engineering Education, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, June 19, 1974 (with M. Paz).
" Analysis of Continuous Beams on Discrete Elastic Supports by the Five Moment Equation," International Journal of Comouters and Structures, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 1605-1623, October 1974 (with M. Paz).
" Behavior of Segmental Plates for Buildings C nstruct'ed from Precast Concrete Elements," presented at Structural Engineering Meeting, American Society of Civil Engineers, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1974.
"Three Moment Equation Analysis Program for Continuous Beams," Transactions of the Computers in Education Division of ASEE, Vol. V No. 7, July 19'73, pp.93-100 (with M. Paz).
" Computer Analysis of Noise Levels for Highway Traffic," Proceedings, Third Annual Environmental Engineering and Science Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, March 1973 (with M. Wissa).
"Use of Municipal Incinerator Residue in Concrete Masonry Construction," presented at the Annual Meeting of American Society of Civil Engineers, April 1975, New Orleans, Louisiana.
-lU.Cil/IL A. CfiSS
page three Publications (continued) 10.
"The five thent Equation for Vibration of Continuous Beams," Proce_edinos, Fifth Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, CAf1 CAM 75, pp. 325-326, tlay 19f4 (with
M. Paz).
" Analysis of Space Frameworks Containing Curved Beams," The Shnck and Vibration Bulletin, Bulletin 46, August 1976 (with M. Paz).
Theses Directed 1.
Diep, figuyen, " Computer Analysis of Simply Supported Rectangular Plates," Master of Engineering,1972.
Thomas, Joseph, " Load Distribution in a Model Precast Prestressed Multi-Beam Bridge," Master of Engineering,1972.
Wissa, Maher, "Corrputer Analysis of Noise Levels for Highway Traffic," Master of Science,1972.
Chandra-Chamnong,,Vuddhiprasan, " Study of Thin Concrete Shells," Master of Science, 1973.
Gagel, Richard and Strasser, Thomas, " Development of a General Analysis Procedure for Plates Using the Method of Finite Differences," Master of Engineering,1973.
untrakul, Kamphol and Rugsasook, Samart, " Experimental Analysis of Segmental Slabs," Master of Engineering,1973.
Kerdlappol, Manope, " Development of Equations for Determining Effective Prestress Loads in Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures," Master of Science,1974.
ficGuire, Patrick, " Repeated Shear Loading of Reinforced Concrete Member Con-nections," l'. aster of Engineering,1974.
Seigle, Bruce, " Utilization of Incinerator Residue in Concrete," Master of Engineering, 1974.
Faulkner, Richard, " Performance Characteristics of Precast Segmental Slabs,"
Master of Engineering,1974.
lleinrichs, Charles, " Performance Characteristics of Precast Segmental Slabs,"
Master of Engineering,197,4.
Sukarom, Vichai, "The Analysis of Cable Supported Structures by the Five Moment Equation," Master of Science,1974.
t 13.
Goaolplitinant, Supot, "Use of Transfer Matrix to Analyze the General Curved Beam
-in Space,"
Master of Science, 1974.
Garber, David and Miles, Kimrick, " Influence of Repeated Loads on Shear-Friction
. Strength," Master of Engineering,1975.
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1'ilClilil A. CASS.*75 '
page four Theses Directed (continued)
- 15. Grant, Charles F., "Perfonnance Characteristics of Incinerator Residue in Concrete Masonry," luster of Engineering,1975.
Hannam.an, Jinnie, " Bond Characteristics of Bars Bent at 90 Around Transverse Reinforcer.ent," Master of Engineering,1975.
- 17. MacPherran, Scott, " Study of Design Characteristics for Precast Segmental Plates,"
l Master of Engineering,1975.
Slesser, Carl, " Limit Design Procedure for Reinforced Concrete Plane," Master of Engineering,1975.
Niruntasukrat, " Stiff Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Beam Joint Under Critical Shear Cyclic Loading," Master of Science,1975.
- 20. McClellan, Byron, "An Analysis of Sheetpile and Cell Fill Stresses in a Circular Cofferdam," Master of Science,1976.
- 21. Ashki, Abdollah, ",A Stuoy of Concrete Masonry Made from Incinerater Residue,"
Master of Engineering,1977.
Kissel, Louis, " Analysis and Design of Cable -Supported Towers," Master of e gineering, 1977.
n 23.
McGraw, Robert, " Development of a Masonry Block liix Using Incinerator Residue,"
Master of Engineering,1978.
Anscripour, Jafar, " Shear in Concrete Under Repeated Load," Master of Engineering, 1979.
Orangi, Masood, " Utilization of Incinerator Residue in the Manufacturing of Concrete Block," Master of Engineering,1979.
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