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Forwards M Hudgin Statement Presented at NRC 800325 Meeting W/Util in Madison,In & Ma Cassaro Prof Vita
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 03/26/1980
From: Dattilo T
To: Stello V
Shared Package
ML19323H563 List:
NUDOCS 8006130187
Download: ML19323H565 (7)



9 THOMAS M. DATITLO ATTORNEY AT LAW 318 EAST MAIN STREET MADISON. IICIANA 47250 PwoNE 612 2654355 March 26, 1980 Mr. Victor Stello Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Inspection and Enforcement Washington, D.C.

20555 In re the matter of Marble Hill STN Nos. 50-546 & 547

Dear Mr. Stello:

Please find enclose,d a copy of 'Marion Hudgins' statement presented at your mee ting with Public Service Indiana on March 25, 1980 in Madison, Indiana.

Also find enclosed a copy of the Professional Vita of Michael A. Cassaro, Ph.D.

This writer apologizes for not having copies available for you at the meeting.

Thank you.

Very truly yours, Lg Thomas M. Dattilo TMD/mjb Enclosures cc:

Mr. James Keppler Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137


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8006130' /II

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1909 throuch Au u:: ;, 1978.

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1979, I worked as a quality ccnteci intpeccc: for Cherne Uvn trac tur Corporation, a subcontractor at Tarble 11111.

113 job a:, a i ty control inspec tor at Harble Hill included receipt it r pe c i. ior. of bafety cateLory materials and components and rurveillance vf ::.Lorade of the sa:ne safety components.

Through my tern at Marble-liill, I vac ne t impressed with the qualifications of the quality control people.whv uurked for Cherne and PSI.

I worked as a Level II inspector under another Level 11 c ape rv 1.,v r who had less experience than I.

I personally observed imprope r :.. ora e m

vf safety category materials and componen ts, namely:

larde atCorued safety valves, :.,ome of which were mo toriad.

I further obterved f t ou J anuary, 17, 1979 through February 19, 1979, the specific rahrenhei.

temperature readings in ' Area 45 Marble hila warehuuce that.v a s s a,.ii o..e d t o s tore safe ty cate,ory materials and compunen ts under a lled n

environment; the environment was not controlled accordin to the o

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s tandards of M:SI.

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In my capacity as.dNuality con trol inupector, I personally advised my supervisor at..Cherne that Area 45 warehouce did no t mee v

.. bf the requirements of.AbCp! '

and~that the safe ty catenury macerials and 2:<

corr.ponents stored therel'n' were in danger of main ture, h e.1; and evid

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I further,ipe...rsonally observed improper s tora e or m

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valves located outside.%rta;45 warehouse at Marble 11111 and adviseu my


supezNisor of sahie.




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saying that there may be grave problemt re.,ardi n g anj.. /.i a t i n g val...

and/oc related safety ' components that were under the quality ec,ri t rc l

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jurisdiepion of Cherne Con' truction.

s I feel that certain. documentation of supervicor's recorar. at

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Cherne may need to be:obeer.ved-more closely.

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(f ? chiel /. Carrero

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Tad'fdice JWJtdie.g adVaticco de.,,:-(.6.u.1 clate.:

M.S., e -

.t s.f C siifurreia, Gerheleg IQGl Ph. li., Ussis. rv i ty c,f F lorida, 1967 "Tde ad-!f jour < fobs;seelal ay wl:.hin the disci pl isie:

y Andiysis a! d Tesl n of Structur et-E l\\ldIcha} liottors and awartit.:

LE3CR IPTION D/ *1 E Tau Beta Pi (Engr. Soc.)

1954 Chi Epullon (Civil En,,r. Soc.)

J 9'> 1 Clunu Xi (Science fles.)

F residen t Elec t, Univ. of Lou. 197L-77 President, Univ. of Lou. Chapter 1 9 7 7 - 7 '.,

l'<61c tered Erigineer States of F1t,rida and Kentucky Pescarch activities andi,or grant _s rectrived in the last five years:

/.nalysis of. Lock Systems, Kentucky Dept.. of Ju: Lice, C10,000, 1971) i.p l oyrr.en t. Re cord :


Professor of Civil Eng,ineerinc, UniversiLy of 1i.,

( 968-P re5 cc

/.sc t. Professor of Civil Ent;ineerisw, J;. ver :. r.j

. t'.F 10: ;i4 1961-.166 2.


The Prencon Corp., Corpus Christi, Texu_, U-r tur.o Fi... :i. ::, PJS7-G Discipline-oriented public service ac tivi tie. :

Di'SCRIPTION Di.TE 6:o: nul ta:tt to I.ouitv111e Times fvr

t. ors tado dam %,e 1974

. :,s.; a l t a n t to Jefferson County for

/.sialysis of Security Glass at Coun;y JaA1 1976

~r.arser Education Committee - American Coric rc te Inst.

(Sponsor Education Programs in Reinforced Conc re te )


Chairman, (E-704) Preeni. Succomittittee 1 ~.7 3.-7F (b)

Member Design Subcommittee (E-702) su?5 r eausit.

liernber Kentucky Concrete Conference 1970-P..:es i a

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.. I'lC!!/ EL A. CASW,s.

page trio Discipline-oriented public service activities:


Description Date Directed short courses ~:

(a) Advanced 02 sign of Concrete Structures 1971 and roundations (b) General Analysis of Slab Structures 1974 and Design of Foundation Materials P.E. Licence Review For the last five years list bibliography of major publications, scholarly achieve-ments, and theses directed:

Publications 1.

" Determination of Seismic Response for Precast-Prestressed Concrete Structures,"

Proceedings, Fifth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, November 1974, Roorkee, Inoia, Vol.1, pp. 381-388 (with M. Paz).


" Seismic Response for Self-Strained Structures," Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp.1809-1824, December 1974 (with M. Paz and S. H. Stewart).


" Solution of Problems in Mechanics Through the Expediency of Computerized Complex Analysis," Computers in Education Division, OFASEE Transactions, July 1974, pp.

105-116 (with M. Paz).


" Evolutionary Trends for Development of Programming Skills in Mechanics Courses,"

Annual Mecring of American Society of Engineering Education, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, June 19, 1974 (with M. Paz).


" Analysis of Continuous Beams on Discrete Elastic Supports by the Five Moment Equation," International Journal of Comouters and Structures, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 1605-1623, October 1974 (with M. Paz).


" Behavior of Segmental Plates for Buildings C nstruct'ed from Precast Concrete Elements," presented at Structural Engineering Meeting, American Society of Civil Engineers, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1974.


"Three Moment Equation Analysis Program for Continuous Beams," Transactions of the Computers in Education Division of ASEE, Vol. V No. 7, July 19'73, pp.93-100 (with M. Paz).


" Computer Analysis of Noise Levels for Highway Traffic," Proceedings, Third Annual Environmental Engineering and Science Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, March 1973 (with M. Wissa).


"Use of Municipal Incinerator Residue in Concrete Masonry Construction," presented at the Annual Meeting of American Society of Civil Engineers, April 1975, New Orleans, Louisiana.


-lU.Cil/IL A. CfiSS

  • as -

page three Publications (continued) 10.

"The five thent Equation for Vibration of Continuous Beams," Proce_edinos, Fifth Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, CAf1 CAM 75, pp. 325-326, tlay 19f4 (with


M. Paz).


" Analysis of Space Frameworks Containing Curved Beams," The Shnck and Vibration Bulletin, Bulletin 46, August 1976 (with M. Paz).

Theses Directed 1.

Diep, figuyen, " Computer Analysis of Simply Supported Rectangular Plates," Master of Engineering,1972.


Thomas, Joseph, " Load Distribution in a Model Precast Prestressed Multi-Beam Bridge," Master of Engineering,1972.


Wissa, Maher, "Corrputer Analysis of Noise Levels for Highway Traffic," Master of Science,1972.


Chandra-Chamnong,,Vuddhiprasan, " Study of Thin Concrete Shells," Master of Science, 1973.


Gagel, Richard and Strasser, Thomas, " Development of a General Analysis Procedure for Plates Using the Method of Finite Differences," Master of Engineering,1973.


untrakul, Kamphol and Rugsasook, Samart, " Experimental Analysis of Segmental Slabs," Master of Engineering,1973.


Kerdlappol, Manope, " Development of Equations for Determining Effective Prestress Loads in Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures," Master of Science,1974.


ficGuire, Patrick, " Repeated Shear Loading of Reinforced Concrete Member Con-nections," l'. aster of Engineering,1974.


Seigle, Bruce, " Utilization of Incinerator Residue in Concrete," Master of Engineering, 1974.


Faulkner, Richard, " Performance Characteristics of Precast Segmental Slabs,"

Master of Engineering,1974.


lleinrichs, Charles, " Performance Characteristics of Precast Segmental Slabs,"

Master of Engineering,197,4.


Sukarom, Vichai, "The Analysis of Cable Supported Structures by the Five Moment Equation," Master of Science,1974.

t 13.

Goaolplitinant, Supot, "Use of Transfer Matrix to Analyze the General Curved Beam

-in Space,"

Master of Science, 1974.


Garber, David and Miles, Kimrick, " Influence of Repeated Loads on Shear-Friction

. Strength," Master of Engineering,1975.

j I


I i


1'ilClilil A. CASS.*75 '

page four Theses Directed (continued)

15. Grant, Charles F., "Perfonnance Characteristics of Incinerator Residue in Concrete Masonry," luster of Engineering,1975.

16., Jinnie, " Bond Characteristics of Bars Bent at 90 Around Transverse Reinforcer.ent," Master of Engineering,1975.

17. MacPherran, Scott, " Study of Design Characteristics for Precast Segmental Plates,"

l Master of Engineering,1975.


Slesser, Carl, " Limit Design Procedure for Reinforced Concrete Plane," Master of Engineering,1975.


Niruntasukrat, " Stiff Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Beam Joint Under Critical Shear Cyclic Loading," Master of Science,1975.

20. McClellan, Byron, "An Analysis of Sheetpile and Cell Fill Stresses in a Circular Cofferdam," Master of Science,1976.
21. Ashki, Abdollah, ",A Stuoy of Concrete Masonry Made from Incinerater Residue,"

Master of Engineering,1977.


Kissel, Louis, " Analysis and Design of Cable -Supported Towers," Master of e gineering, 1977.

n 23.

McGraw, Robert, " Development of a Masonry Block liix Using Incinerator Residue,"

Master of Engineering,1978.


Anscripour, Jafar, " Shear in Concrete Under Repeated Load," Master of Engineering, 1979.


Orangi, Masood, " Utilization of Incinerator Residue in the Manufacturing of Concrete Block," Master of Engineering,1979.

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