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Forwards Wind & Tornado Design Criteria for Proposed Quality Records Storage Facility.Criteria Contained in PSAR Section 3.3.1.Storage Facility Will Be Designed for 50-yr Recurrence Level Wind
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 05/08/1980
From: Shields S
To: Rubenstein L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
0508804001, 508804001, NUDOCS 8005150370
Download: ML19323C343 (3)


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O508804001 PUBLIC SERVICE INDIANA P. O. Box 190 New Washington, Indiana 47162 May 8, 1980 L. S. Rubenstein Docket Nos.: STN - 546 Chief, Light Water Reactor Branch 4 STN - 547 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Construction Permit Nos.:

Washington, D.C.

20555 CPPR - 170 CPPR - 171 Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station Units 1 and 2

Dear Mr. Rubenstein:

On May 6, 1980, Messrs. J. Wilson and W. Haass of the NRC telephoned Mr. S. Brewer of PSI to discuss my April 21, 1980, letter to you. The April 21 letter discussed our intentions to use ANSI N45.2.9 - 1979 for quality records storage facilities.

In the May 6 telephone conversation, the NRC indicated that if PSI were specific as to wind loadings for the storage structure and if PSI would commit to a fire rating alternative in Section 17.4 of the standard review plan the NRC would review our proposal. to this letter contains wind loads for a recurrence interval of fifty (50) years. These loads are from the Marble Hill PSAR section 3.3.1.

It is PSI's intention that the quality records storage facility be designed for this fif ty (50) year recurrence level wind.

With regard to fire loadings PSI will design its storage facility to have a two (2) hour fire rating meeting NFPA No. 232 with tha edditional provisions given in 17.4 of the SRP. This is alternetive three (3) in standard review plan section 17.4 (Revision 1).

If you have further questions on this matter please contact me.

Sincerely, S. W. Shields Senior Vice President Nuclear Division SJB/cg



J. G. Keppler POOR QUAUTY PAGES E. R. Schweibinz J. J. Harrison

ATTACHMENT 1 MH-PSAR 3.3 R'.m "O 'M".NLDO LCM':N CRITERIA 3.3.1 Wind criteria cc The design velocitics for the Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station - Units 1 &2 (Marble Hill Station) are as follows:


50-year recurrence, 78 mph; and b.

100-year recurrence,'90 mph.

The design wind velocity to be used for Category I structures is 90 mi/h considering a 100-year recurrence interval.

The corresponding wind pressures are given below:

HEIGHT PCSITIVE NEGATIVE TOTAL ABOVE PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE GRADE 1f11 J1bffg3L 11b/f;3L flbtf;3L 0 to 50 20.7 12.9 33.6 50 to 100 26.6 16.6 43.2 100 to 200 31.1 19.4 50.5 For Category II structures, the governing design wind velocity to be used is 78 mph with a recurrence interval of 50 years.

The corresponding wind pressures are given below:

HEIGHT POSITIVE NEGATIVE TOTAL ABOVE PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE GRADE _JftL J1b/ft2L 11b/ft3L jlb/ft3L 0 to 50 15.1 9.4 24.5 50 to 100 19.9 12.5 32.4 100 to 200 23.6 14.7 38.3 The design wind velocities for the 50 year and 100-year recurrence intervals are obtained from Figuren 1 and 2 of the

  • "American National Standard Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures" (ANSI 10 BE A 5 8.1-197 2) Reference 1.

The vertical velocity distribution and gust f actors employed for the wind velocities are based on ANSI A58.1-1972 for exposure Type C.

The wind velocities are translated into applied pressures in accordance e

3. 3-1 O


with the provisions of ANSI A03.1-1972 using external pressure coefficients, Cp, of 0.3 and -0.5 for windward and 1eeward walls respectively. The wind Icads 16 are treated as static loads when appli2d to the structure.

l 1

Amendment 10 i

February 1975

3. 3-la
