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Integrated Leak Rate Test of Reactor Containment Bldg
Person / Time
Site: Oconee Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/22/1976
NUDOCS 7911280638
Download: ML19316A115 (50)






1.0-1 1 I i 2.0


AND CONCLUSIONS 2.1-1 l 2.1 Synopsis 2.1-1 j 2.2 Test Organization 2.2-1 l 2.3 Initial Test Criteria 2.3-1 l 2.4 Test Results 2.4-1 ) 2.5 Error Analysis 2.5-1 t i 3.0 DESIGN INFORMATION 3.1-1 j 3.1 Reactor Building 3.1-1 3.2 Measurement System 3.2-1 3.3 Pressurization System 3.3-1 3.4 Recirculation System 3.4-1 t 3.5 Programs 3.5-1 l 4.0 CONDUCT OF TEST PROGRAM 4.1-1 i 4.1 Local Leak Rate Test 4.1-1 4.2 Integrated Leak Rate Test 4.2-1 5.0 LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST FAILURE DATA 5.1-1 .I i 5.1 Introduction 5.1-1 i 5.2 Failure Data 5.1-1 i 1 s ] i 1 i i \\ i


The periodic Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) of the Oconee Nuclear j Station Unit I Reactor Building was satisfactorily completed on 4 March 25, 1976. The testing was conducted in accordance with the requirements of FSAR Section, Technical Specifi-ification 4.4, BN-T0F-1 (Bechtel Testing Criteria for ILR Testing) and ANSI N45.4-1972. The absolute method of testing was employed i with containment te=peratures measured at 23 locations and contain-ment dewpoint temperatures at two locations. Leakage was measured I at half the design basis accident presrure of N 29.5 psig. A j measured induced leak was used to verify the results. Interpretation and final analysis of the test data show results well within the specified limits for this containment, which has a maximum allowable i leak rate of.0773% per day. The leakage rate for Oconee Unit I Containment Building was found to ba.00143% per day. The negative I character of this leakage rate is due to the statistical method required to be used by ANSI N45.4-1972. The mean of the leakage rate over the 10 hour tast period if the leak were assu=ed to be constant was.0422% per day. J 4 1 I I i 1.0-1 i

2.0 SDDfARY AND CONCLUSIONS 2.1 SYNOPSIS The successful ILRT was performed in accordance with Periodic Test Procedure PT/0/A/150/3 as approved for use on January 20, 1976. This proced3te was based on specifications provided by Power Cor-i i poration. l Pressurization for the periodic ILRT began at 0930 hours on March 22, j 1976 with both air compressors. One of the air compressors was taken out of service for approximately one hour to repair a defective HPSW control valve. Pressurization was stopped at 10 psig and the building was entered and inspected for adverse conditions due to the pressurization. The leak rate compressors were secured at 0710 hours on 3/23/76 with the containment building pressure at 30.4 psig. The 10 hour test period was begun at 1100 hours on 3/23/76. Due to a higher than expected leak rate a detailed inspection of all probable leak locations was begun. At 1400 hours air was observed coming out of a 3/4" pipe leading to the i Emergency Personnel Hatch equalization valve. The line was plugged and l 1eak checked. The 10 hour test period was started again at 1600 hours ) on 3/23/76. At 0200 hours on 3/24/76 inspection of data and calculations indicated that the test was satisfactory and data acquisition was terminated. At 0740 hours en 3/24/76 a known leak rate of approximately.0773% per day was induced for purposes of verifying the capability to measure a leakage rate. This induced leak rate test gave favorable results. Depressurizatien of the containment building was begun at 2400 hours on 3/24/76 and completed at 1310 hours on 3/25/76. Instrumentation consisted of one (1) precision pressure sensor, twenty-three (23) temperature sensors and two (2) dewpoint temperature sensors which were used to measure containment atmospheric conditions during the ILRT. RTD-24 was inoperable during the entire test and RTD-21 was replaced at the 10 psig entry. The emergency personnel hatch local leak rate test was subsequently performed on 3/25/76 with satisfactory results. 1 4 1 2.1-1

a 1 1 i = f l 2.2 TEST ORGANIZATION The Performance Section at Oconee Nuclear Station had overall y responsibility for this periodic ILRT. The testing activities were supervised by the Test Engineer. See Figure 2.2-1 for organization chart. The test personnel were as follows: [ t A. Test Coordinator (and 1 alternate) O. A. Farabee Responsible for all ILRT activities (T. E. Cribbe) 4 B. Data engineers (1 per shif t) R. R. Carpenter i J. E. Snyder Responsible for testing activities on A. M. Segrest their assigned shifts R. E. Hardin (including data entry on computer) J. R. Ferguson R. P. Todd C. Data takers (1 per shif t) D. W. DeNard Responsible for reading and recording B. A. Whitlock j all test data D. H. Childress t D. Instrument technicians E. K. Score l Responsible for calibrating and maintaining test equipment l E. Operators (Normal shif t) i s Y J 4 i i I' 2.2-1 i 4 -~.,, ,,w,

2.3 TEST CRITERIA Pressure: 29.5 Leak Rate: .0773%/ day (maxi =um) Temperature: 60 - 100 Volume: 1,910,000 cu. ft. 2.3-1

2.4 TEST RESULTS As shown in the computer printouts and graphs in Section 4.2 of this l report, the calculated leak rate, the mean of the calculated leak rates and the mean of the measured leak rates are all well below the allowable leakage rate limit. The leakage rate test results are tabulated below: Mean of Maximum Allowable Calculated Calculated Test Leak Rate (%/ day) Leak Rate Leak Rate 29.5 psig .0773 .00143 .0422 1 For reporting purposes, a leak rate of .00143 shall be used for this test. This leak rate was obtained by using a least squares linear fit of the 15 min. leak rate data taken during the ILRT. These calculations are based on the total time method as described in ANSI N45.4-1972. The verification test consisted of imposing a known leak rate on the containment at the end of the ILRT. Results from this supplemental test are acceptable provided the difference between the supplemental test data and the type A test data is within.25 L. A summary of t the verification test data is given below. 29.5 psig ILRT %/ day Leak Rate calc. during ILRT, L .00143 ImposedverificationleakrateI*L* .0773 Total .0759 Upper verification limit =.0759 +.25 L .0952 Leak rate calc. during verification test' .0836 Lower verification limit =.0759 .25 L .0566 t l l 2.4-1

2.5 ERROR ANALYSIS The leakage rate in weight percent per day is co=puted using the absolute method by the formula: LR = ~ (1) H T Po Where: Po = Initial Reactor Building absolute pressure corrected for water vapor pressure. P = Final Reactor Building absolute pressure corrected for water vapor pressure. To = Initial Reactor Buildir.g mean absolute temperature. T = Final Reactor Building mean absolute temperature. H = Number of hours held at test pressure. The change or uncertainty interval in LR due to uncertainties in the measured variables is given by: cLR = P + Po + To + T (2) d 0 7 Whera a is the standard error for each variable. The error in LR after differentiating is: S 2 eLR = 2400 I To. e To P -P .e To P e (TPo f + T Po2.ePo + + (3) H TPo T4Po Where: e =o e =o p p p p ~#

  • To = To "T

T The analysis technique, based on equation (3) above, was verified by K. Horoschek and E. Weipport in "Tigntness Investigations on Reactor Safety Pressure Vessels," Vol, 13, No. 3, March 1961. For small values of LR: T To, P = Po and e =e p p,eT ~ "h 2.5-1

Therefore, the equation then simplifies to:

  • P
  • T eLR = 2400

-P 1 + + I -T 1 + I ) \\ N) \\ ) og 2 00 2 -2 eLR = (4) Where e = error in pressure which accounts for the error in the absolute p pressure measurement instrument (ePT) and the water vapor measurement system (epy) and where e = err r in temperature. T r (ePT) (*Pv) (5) + e = p e = Absolute Pressure Instrument Accuracy Error PT e = Dew Point Sensor Accuraev Error p (Number of Sensors) h e = RTD Accuracy Error TNumber of RTD's)b To develop a numerical value for e wi e assmed that. LR H = 10 hours RB mean absolute pressure = 29.5 psig RB mean absolute temperature = 526.42 R (66.75 F) based on 23 volume weighted dew point temperature,F based on 2 volume weighted dewpo sensors RB mean dewpoint temperature = 68 temperature sensors Substituting the instrument accuracy values given in Section 3.2.1 into the above equations yields: e = +0.001 percent full scale

  • PT
  • Value of full scale repeatability used.

This number is more significant for the error analysis than the absolute accuracy. e = + 0.5 F = + 0.353 F g v' 2 From the ASME Steam Tables at 68 F: "Pv = 0.00414 psi 2.5-2

e = / (0.0010 psi)2 + (0.00414 psi)* p = 1 0.00426 psi ep e = + 0.12 F ~ (23)b = 1 0.0250 F eT Substitution into equation (4) yields: h b 2 0.0250 l2 eLR = + 2 0.00426 + 2 2400 44.o45 526.42) 10 = =.03617% per day 2.5-3

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. = _,. 1 l l 3.0 DESIGN INFORMATION i 3.1 REACTOR BUILDING The reactor building is a reinforced and post-tsasioned concrete structure designed to contain any accidental release of radioactivity from the reactor coolanr system as defined in the Final Safety Analysis Report l (Reference 1). i The structure consists of a post-tensioned reinforced concrete cylinder l and dome connected to and supported by a massive reinforced concrete foundation slab as shown in Figure 3.1-1. The entire interior surface l of the structure is lined with a 1/4 inch thick welded ASTM A36 steel plate to assure a high degree of leak tightness. Numerous mechanical i and electrical systems penetrate the reactor building wall through welded steel penetrations, i Principal dimensions are as follows: I l Inside Diameter 116 ft. I 1 Inside Height (Including Dome) 208-1/2 ft. i Vertical Wall Thickness 3-3/4 ft. Dome Thickness 3-1/4 ft. 1 Foundation Slab Thickness 8-1/2 ft. Liner Plate Thickness 1/4 inch j Internal Free Volume 1,910,000 Cu. ft. 1 3.1-1 1 i ._.r. ____.,r

3.2 MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Instrumentation used for the Oconee Unit I ILRT is similar to that used on previous tests conducted by Bechtel. The leak rate test measurement system is shown schematically in Figure 3.2-1. Reactor Building pressure was measured by a Texas Instgument precision pressure gage. The unit was factory calibrated before the test and will be recalibrated after the test. Reactor Building temperature was measured by twenty-three (23) calibrated RTD's and read on a Leeds and Northrup Numatron digital readout device. Each RTD was assumed to be representative of a fraction of the total containment volume. In addition to the twenty-three (23) RID's used for the calculation of Reactor Building temperature, four (4) additional RTD's were used to measure the liner plate temperature. Reactor Building dewpoint temperature was measured by two (2) Cambridge Dewpoint Hygrometers, both traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Air samples for the two (2) dewpoint sensors came from two (2) of the auxiliary fans which continually circulated air in the Reactor Building during the leak rate test. The relative location of the humidity sensors is shown in Figure 3.4-1. A 0-10.45 scfm Brooks rotometer was used in establishing a known lee rate. 3.2.1 INSTRUMENT LIST Specifications for the instrumentation used for the Oconee Unit I ILRT are listed in Table 3.2-1. 3.2.2 TEMPERATURE SENSOR LOCATIONS The locations of temperature sensors within the Reactor Building are shown in Figures 3.2-1 through 3.2-6. 3.2.3 RTD AND DEWPOIN? VOLUME FRACTIONS Volume fractions were used for calculating the average temperature and the average dewpoint temperature in the containment. These fractions were determined using an equivalent volume for each sensor. The free volume of the containment was divided into " cells" with a sensor center in each. Volume fractions are given in Table 3.2-3. Previous tests were run using a volume fraction of.07 for RTD-24. Since RTD-24 was inoperative during this test, its volume fraction was equally divided between RTD-19 and RTD-23. 3.2-1 i _.y y

1 1 i j 3.3 PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM j Reactor Building pressurization was accomplished by two (2) electric motor driven air compressors operating in parallel. These compressors, purchased for pressurization of the Oconee Reactor Building, also include aftercoolers as integral equipment. The discharge from the compressors passes through a single air dryer which reduces the moisture content in the air prior to its entry into the Reactor Building. The specifications for these components are as follows: A. Two (2) electric driven Joy Turbo-Air (20V2) centrifigual type air compressors with a capacity of 2300 scfm @ 80 psig. i B. Two (2) Basco size 22048 af tercoolers (Integral to Compressors), type "ES" Fixed 1.besheet, with a capacity of 2100 scfm 0 14.4 psia and with a design pressure of 150 psig. 4 C. One (1) Hankison (Model H-15) refrigerator type air dryer with inertial impingement separator, and a capacity of 3750 scfm (100 F l Sat. inlet) 0 100 psig. Three valves, 3LRT-15, 3LRT-16, and 3LRT-17 are used to control pressurization and depressurization of the Reactor Building. The controls for these valves i are located in the test panel. The pressurization system is shown schematically ll in Figure 3.3-1. I 't 3 1 i 1 il i i l 3.3-1

l 3.4 RECIRCULATION SYSTEM The Reactor Building Air Recirculation System consists of four (4) auxiliary fans and three (3) Reactor Building cooling fans. The auxiliary fans take suction through ducts in the upper region of the j Reactor Building and circulate it downward. The Reactor Building cooling fans take air from midheight in the Reactor Building and exhaust it through duct work down to the lower levels of the Reactor Building. This is showt. schematically in Figure 3.4-1. I i l l 1 3 I i 1 5 I l l l 3.4-1 i

3.5 COMPUTER PROGRAMS i All calculations, summaries, and reports were performed using the Duke Power Company ILRT computer program. 3.5.1 DUKE COMPUTER PROGRAM The Integrated Leak Rate Program calculates the leak rate for a nuclear g reactor containment vessel. The program computes the leak rate at a given time from input values of pressure, temperature and vapor pressure. The leak rate, as a function of time, is determined by elementary linear least-square methods. The Integrated Leak Rate Program is designed to allow the user to evaluate containment leak rate test results at the jobsite during containment leak rate testing. Interim leak rate test reports may be obtained at any time during the testing period. Each interim report consists of two printouts. The first printout, called the total-time computation, uses the initial and latest input data to compute leak rate. Each computed leak rate is statistically averaged using a linear least-squares fit. Early in the test this method of computation gives indication as to whether or not the leak rate is acceptable. A second printout, called the point-to-point computation, is also provided. The point-to-point method uses the data at a given hour and the data from the previous reading to compute leak rate. Each individually computed leak rate is then statistically averaged using a linear least-squares fit. The results of the two methods used indicate that either method is a satisfactory method for computing containment integrated leak rates. i Both methods of computing the containment leak rate are presented in ANSI N45.4-1972. However, the total-time method is recommended by Appendix J to 10 CFR 50. Explanation of Program 3; Purpose (a) Process raw data for use in leak rate calculation. (b) Calculate leak rate on a point-to-point or total time basis. (c) Calculate a statistical point-to-point or total time leak rate by a linear least squares fit of the data. (d) Output data. Process Raw Data (a) Temperature (a.1) Unit - F. (a.2) Number - 28 (Includes 4 on liner place). (a.3) Input to computer will be in F. The computer will apply necessary calibration corrections to the temperature. (a.4) Each temperature (28) will be weighted by a volume fraction. The calculation for the average building temperature is.: T = IT n n 3.5-1

Where: T = Average Building Temperature, F T = Temperature at each point, n + l-28, F n V = Volume f raction for each point. The volume represented divided by the total volume. Volume fractions must add to 1. The Average Temperature cust be converted to R by adding 459.7. (a.5) The temperature on the liner plate will be available for ou?put. (b) Pressure (b.1) Unit - psia. (b.2) Number - 1. (b.3) Input is in psia. The co=puter will apply necessary calibration correction to the pressure. (b.4) The pressure will be weighted by a volume fraction. The calculation for the average building pressure is: P=W Py Where: P = Average Building Pressure, psia P = Pressure by Texas instrument, psia t W = Volume fraction (cust equal 1) 1 (c) Barometer (c.1) Unit - Inches of Hg @ 32 F. (c.2) Number - 1. (c.3) Input is not used by calculations, but will be available for output. (d) Desmoint Temperature (d.1) Unit - F. (d.2) Number - 2. (d.3) Input to computer will be in F. A calibration curve will be as-sociated with each sensor and the input will be corrected. (d.4) Each Dewpoint Temperature is weighted by a volume fraction. The calculation for the average is: T =WT + WT y 3 y1 4 v2 Where: T = Dewpoint Temperature, F y ,F 4 = First Sensor Dewpoint Temperature, T = v2 Sec nd Sensor Dewpoint Temp +:pature, F T W = Volume Fraction (W3+W4 o 11 (d.5) From the Dewpoint Temperature (Saturation Temperature) the Vapor Pressure (Saturation Pressure) is determined from the steam tables. The range required is 40 to 120 F from the steam tables. P = f (T ) y y 3.5-2

3. 5.1.1. 3 Leak Rate Calculations (a) Leak Rate on Hourly Basis Leak rate will be calculated on a point-to-point basis from data obtained at the previous point readings (data subscript 1) and data obtained at the present point readings (data subscript 2).

(a.1) Absolute Method La = 2400 {,T1(P2-Pv2) OE T2 (Py yy, -P Where in (a.1) above L = Percent leak rate per hour (La or Lx) T1 = Average absolute temperature of Reactor Building air at start of each test period, F T2 = Average absolute temperature,of Reactor Building air at end of each test pericd, F P1 = Absolute pressure of Reactor Building at start of each test period, psia P2 = Absolute pressure of Reactor Building at end of each test period, psia Pvl = Vapor pressure of Reactor Building at start of each test period, psia Pv2 = Vapor Pressure of Reactor Building at end of each test period, psia at - Time interval between start and end of test period, hours (b) Statistical Point-to-Point Leak Rate Linear least square fitting is used to calculate a statistical point-to-point leak rate for the Absolute Method. Li = a + bei Where: a = Iti E(ti ) - Ici Etiti N E(ti2) - (Eti)4 b = NEtici - Iti Ett NE (ti*) - (: ti)' Li = Statistical leak rate ti = Calculated leak rate t1 = Time between data sets N = Nu=ber of points to be fit (nu=ber of data sets) (c) Leak Rate From Initial Data Set Leak rate from the initial data set to each successive data set is calculated by the following equation: 3.5-3

(c.1) Absolute Method Laa = 2400 1 - Ti (Pt - Pvt) TI Tt (P1 - Fvi) Where: i = Indicates data from initial set t = Indicates data from each successive set TI = Time from initial data set I (d) Statistical Leak Rate From Initial Data Set The leak rate is calculated by a linear least squares fit over a period from the initial data set to each successive data set. (d.1) The equations are the same as in (d.2) The data used is obtained from (e) 95 Percent Confidence Limits CLi = Li + T oi Where: CLi = Confidence limits at time ti Li = Statistical leak rate at time ti ai = Standard deviation T = Tabulated constant ] T = 1.95996 + 2.37226 + 2.8225 (N-2) (N-2)2 s i Where: N =, Number of data points 1 + 1 + (to - t)2~ oi = Variance N I(ti-c)Z_ Where: t,o = 0 t = 1 I ti N ((I(11-a-bti)]t [N--] Variance = i 3.5-4

I INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATIONS Fressure Digital Readout 1 Serial No. 10132 2646 i I Model 145 Mfg. Texas Instrument i Type Precision pressure gage Range 0-100 psia or 100,000 counts full scale Stability i.001 psi j Repeatability 1 00025 psi Resolution 3 001 psi Accuracy 1 015% of reading Pressure Gauge Mfg. Heise Range 0-100 psig Accuracy 0.1 psi Repeatability 0.1 psi Temperature Elements Serial No. 1773462 Mfg. Leeds & Northrup Model 8197 Type RTD, Copper, 100 ohms 0 Range 0-150 F Repeatability and hysterisis i.02 F Accuracy 1 0.12 F t Temperature Indications for Temperature Elements j j Mfg. Leeds & Northrup Model 245 Numatron l Range 0-1500F Reproductivity i.07 F from 60 F to 120 F Accuracy i.12 from 600F to 120 F and 1 48 1 Below 60 F Serial No. 49201 Dewpoint Temperature Mfg. Cambridge Model 992-Cl Range -1000F to +200 F Accuracy 1 0.5 F Serial No. 332 and 333 Table 3.2-1

l Flow Indicator Mfg. Brooks Type Rotometer Model 1110-24 Range O to 10.45 scfm Accuracy i 1% of instantaneous reading Repeatability Better than 1/4% of instrument reading Serial No. 7004-39848 Table 3.2-1 (Cont'd)

) i l l 1 I VOL W E FRACTIONS 1 1, i Volume Fractions for RTD's i RTD # Volume Fraction I 1 .03 2 .02 i 3 .02 4 .05 5 .02 1 6 .03 j 7 .01 j 8 .08 9 .05 i 10 .05 i 11 .02 12 .02 13 .01 14 .02 15 .02 1 16 .01 l 17 .05 18 .09 ] 19 .145 20 .01 ) 21 .01 22 .09 23 .145 24 .00 Total 1.00 Dew Point Sensors Volume Fraction Dew Point Sensor # Volume Fraction 1 (Azimuth 100 Elevation 850') 05 2 (Azimuth 250 Elevation 850') 0.5 Total 1.0 Table 3.2-2

o0 9 00 0 \\3 5 1 1/ 1 C \\ U e / O R l G iT N I N D O L I I T U q l I l O C B ES RO L T / A C / T A N E O R Z \\ I R 0 0 0x 3 l 3 I 1 N S 2 SE CY CR A E. I NL OA DC "0 N G E N T '5 I D o0 7 I l 7 7 'L i 2 lB E_ ir o = [1 ~~ - pL l J CA E R m 1l 9 "3 '3 '3 IT / )E D C M A P F I . R U D. U Q A S E I A "s E I T N l A O 1 L s s I P TC '5 R E 1 E S 1 N IL O T( 3l \\ r nU_ ON )y% E[ I

LEAK RATE MEASUREiDIT SYSTDi A s 11 A-91 11A-90 11 A-83 .5. Y ~ 11A-111 !!A-110 asacna witatus n = us.e M .~ X ~ tt 13T-24 137-25 c e cm ....t. Pres te t.e e... c.... Figure 3.2-1

  • 1

REACTOR BUILDING BASD'ENT FLOOR ELEVATION 787' ~ 27,0 f., 4. p...4j . - i % ', -L'I- d%&.p',.,.. .., 7,. R.., p?,. ....l:V' O 3 , S..i ' .;.1 ' g i L .J b N.:. S.- id 11 S.G. ):,?*.f7 1A Y[,'.


RB f } w Elevator 4';.- .-:.t.,. .M... 12 s ?e I*'- , [, f ', N '..+; ; a D .,4 !l.;.g& s p['

    • l*,,

. ~.. - '.s-4 '7 ,'; i.*. a .s n (..,* /m % s6 a,*- SU 1 ., '8-180 C E=er. >r-O O- "? R.V., 0 Su=p s .rt


.r; ..e . :4,


..a.r. <f.. 9 w \\' h..~ 5 \\' '. l R ;$ m e. ..M......,v.; !. \\- . s.- / .. a.. ;.g,. : c,.., . u........;.s.... g $g, '..No rea L

't l*,l,s'9 ea i I..,

... Sump 4 g:. a '::... ~. : C S.G. ,q,;f.'@, r 4 Tank

2. -

13 ' ' ~.N o J. o o a ,!%.'.~.~.,........-,...'&..-- g.. r 90* Figure 3.2-2 I

REACTOR SUII. DING INTER.'EDIATE TLOOR ELEVATICN 830' 270 f l .,1. *}..,',., *h , =.n IlllN!!!III'l 1 L .F*

  • LS (.,

,.1}; l}. ,[. IA2 g gg1 g ,y ',,n, 3 '. y; ?.- w oWo e' 14 y s "H s i.. l.** m s,o ?.'. l ...T. fn.g.s.:t.s.;.; O n': <*;i.',.' y. ~;. . '.'. s .f.; H y i _; I if f* .? ' _t f.p.:f f.< N .j

.h 4


  • t?-

l l -180* 7'

.S 0-5

,e .l,1; i l <:.) ?;.; I .,.'.In (,?. 0. :

  • ll :,*

vs> n . %.;.:s:: u ; q.. .... -i C. F. h*..' .kI. s'*)' ' I.* - Tank !s /' - 3 , y, B 7* S.C. (O . /. 5' '

i. '.

152 0 C.F. u y' PNs. i,. D' ./ ' ' ~'i'!:. k.. h Y

.:. C k t.

r; . -l ..w. 1 ....a. i. o.. I!llilllkil ..nd' s.,:.. ..:c} ;.: ?, 90' Figure 3.2-3

t -REACTOR BUILDING CPERATING TLOOR ELEVATION 850' 270 I < jWWI ...::9-I 1; ..:. / Wit- _( _. }:' x-i o ..c; x. < > v ~ c.. .:hl / ((CQ)j@ - - ~ ' h,I ' [.*t (h.) I j l I', L; g 4 ?,74 I'.* A \\..: .c : \\'.:.n t I O

33. -

a f '. ?. Reseto 0-[. ) . - 180* -s; Vessel / 1 M, iW$$ g'z nl p., 6 ) b) f,. g."t. '/..' T' klB/ N$- "O n 6,. l*

  • 4:,.

0 I V,, li

  • ir.m.p!utio' ( f
,:. g.;;pi,

I 90 Figure 3.2-4 i


  • gi 9. 4. : >% g.g'. * = ; #'.,=q s


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x,,g ,ns' M )d... .,d, .J,y,- -g,% 6 s e

  • S 1

i>. .,...[' d ut tece. '.a s es l 4' A' CAVIU f.' se, r, U.'I pa f-he., ',.g**, t 'f'\\. ' /**>

  • 4 9'

s' [ "f *e ,t'.",. ' ') i M}3 .i *. e/ dI t v'.


. ~. I "s.* ' ' 9_'s $?tfkN MI ), i p,e ,a.- s f.- j!' YN'[. *M ~ y .a [4 t.<*. ..a. <t,1 c i .,}, r-- 18 0 0--3 1 ' SHI!:LDIE B:.0CKS v <e s "O i-O 4 '. 's W- , g!";.~ *h.:s.,. 4 l;- k3 lt..'T "B" LOOP , ~, .h. ',( CAVIH .i.,


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..G. '.' e "d * '. ,j, .,4"> 's. 3..*,,". p.,..*. ' gt, ,*t. ~~~ L c.;',., ,1T-g.9 .:.:5n..M.R.' ;'D.?.'< , p. . h... ., ~ - .. e. -4.;.. s , r.% s. . e.=. f ' ^ n..... _;. lillf-7's x..


i 90 Ficu c 3.2-5 I a A..

y '3 e4 9 r9 g tsn E ro v \\ \\ '0 Q t h s t e r 7 W o 9 e N n g a n g v r i n e C k i l o k E r o o n I a L o L lo r h l .l P e e d n (2 i W a a

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  • l y

r l a a (I r l p o S P f f o o w w e e i i s O V v h \\ htu 5, t se 'k I. I e mr o w * 'i * .I

.e REACTOR BUILDING PRESSURIZATION SYSTDi High Pressure Service Water ? .w . Press. Press. p g . Cont. Cont. r_______ r- --] l l i l j i l 1 l l d' i I r, es r, r, r, o l l E 9w Nl l Air i Air Filter Filter ,I l l l No. 1 No. 2 0 4h I______________j !.f_/fih II Motor i IRV-150 IRV-151 -DIK) 2 h T-3 ~ j[LRT-6 After cooler is integral part of co= pressor \\ LRT-11 Ch 8" CS *' PI LRT-10 T ( r N ryer i N ~ ~ LRT-12 v Air Operated Butterfly Valve Regulates Dryer Discharge Pressure t LRT-46 x To Unit 3 1 ;RT-4 A LRT-13 +> A1LRT-13 Outside g IIJ T 16 g Vent N /.. [Cl X-ILRT-15 \\ 3 ILRT-7 PI \\ Reactor Contain=ent ~ 'ir,urc 3.3-1

ED.**:1 tutt.;tNC Att RfCIt"JLATICJ IT3TD 1 1d t g gi / / / / .3. c iliary 1 r cr. tot:rr sexs:ss -- g b1LL ADS INT 3 A CAM 1113GE PCath \\ air towpeLas 192 OS?otMr N g j Ames EL. 833' 3 'T ITDI ,p ]f 4r j or <r 't u An its, o s 3 r T r yg g, c ') 1A

s Sc l

INI NI NI r. ti M, ~ N f In .t DN n p. C......., t \\ i... l [.. ] v....a \\ Yiy,ure 3.4-1

4.0 CONDUCT OF TEST PROGRAM 4.1 LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST The purpose of the Local Leak testing program was to syste=atically check the integrity of valves (seats and packing), flanges, pipe and electrical penetration welds, seals and compression fittings that are part of the boundaries of the containment system. These tests, specified 1 by section of the Technical Specifications, have a combined Acceptance Criteria of less than or equal to 0.125% of the reactor building atmosphere per 24 hours. Final analysis of all penetration leakage rates shows that the total penetration leakage rate was approximately 26 percent of the allowable. 4.1.1 TEST METHOD All electrical and mechanical penetration, including locks and hatches, were tested by pressurizing to N 59 psig. The pressure, temperature and barometric pressure were recorded before and after the leak test (duration of test determined by penetration volume) and the leak rate deter =ined by the cass difference =ethod. ) 4.1.2 PENETRATION TEST RESULTS l Per Technical Specification, the total leakage from all penetrations and isolation valves shall not exceed.125% of the Reactor Building atmosphere in 24 hours. The total measured leak rate from all penetrations prior to this test was.033% per 24 hours. Results of all local penetration tests done since the last type A test are given in tables 4.1-1 through 4.1-3. l 4.1-1

4.2 COMPUTER CALCULATIOC AND RESULTS 1 4.2.1 29.5 psig ILRT "he curves for the 29.5 psig ILRT are shown in Figure 4.2-1 through 4.2-4. Supporting summary data is given in Table 4.2-1. 4.2.2 29.5 psig Verification Test The curves for the 29.5 psig verification test are shown in Figure 4.2-5 through 4.2-8. Supporting summary data is given in Table 4.2-2, t ) l ) 4.2-1

6 7 / 1 2 3 7 7 6 1 0 2 1 1 / 0 8 2 6 2 5 1 3 3 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 9 1 3 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 / 2 4 7 / 5 2 / 7 4 5 4 6 0 6 ) 2 0 0 0 8 0 9 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 6 R 1 1 1 U 2 0 0 0 6 0 2 1 2 1 / / 0 ( 1 E TAR 4 K 7 A / 8 8 1 9 5 3 7 0 5 8 8 R R 4 E 1 5 0 1 0 3 0 8 2 4 1 9 L 3 0 0 0 1 N N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 2 / S 5 TL U SER T 3 S 3 E 7 0 T / 1 1 1 9 ^ R x 0 1 N 1 O / N y 0 0 I 2 9 4 T 2 A e R 1 l T b E a N T t r r E P e t e e e n e l v v i l t g o o L L n u n C C L A A B I O i g A C l n e n ed en e e T I a w m p p e n o e e l l l i b b O N m o e o o n i i g g pi pd u u T A N r d p t po po i L t r r mu ml T T l i O o t m s mL eL L c u u aB ai C I N e u y u e n e P P S S u r r E T L P S P - P - n r j r B e e M P g e o i u n g g go g t f f I n t t n t t t e t e a t I n n nt nr n s s R i n ni n nn nn r e i i i c i o e n n C d a aL pa ai ai D R e d d d a dt V a a S l l l ul l L l L r l l l e l c r r E i o ot eo o o k k u i i iR i a k T T D un o oe k o ot ot n n s u u u ue n Bi C Cl aC C e C e a a s B B B m BR a l l a t H l l T T e o T e e rr r ru r rn rn r r r rr ro u u oD o oO l o oI oI h h P o o of ot h F F t t t at t t c c t t t t c cp ce cl mc cl cl n n h c c ce ce n t t am an aa ra aa aa e e g a a an an e s s eu ei ee oe ee ee u u i e e ei ei u a e RS RL RS NR RS RS Q Q R R RL RL Q E W i l R E BM UN NO 5 6 7 9 0 3 9 8 2 9 0 0 1 8 1 2 I 1 2 2 3 5 1 2 6 6 1 1 1 TA R TE N E P ~

MECHANICAL PENETRATION TEST RESULTS Date Leak Rate (#/hr) l Personnel Hatch 2/22/73 .354 4/2/73 0 8/8/73 .079 12/20/73 .439 5/30/74 .251 8/13/74 0 2/4/75 .080 6/2/75 0 10/6/75 .232 1/21/76 .942 Emergency Personnel Hatch 10/12/71 .009 2/22/73 0 8/20/73 .009 12/19/73 .033 5/17/74 .087 9/19/74 .358 1/21/75 .165 7/30/75 0 12/10/75 .844 3/25/76 .177 Equipment Hatch 6/27/71 0 2/23/73 0 4/5/73 .008 5/29/74 .032 12/26/74 .036 3/4/75 .036 3/20/76 .001 1 i Table 4.1-2

L-a -JAa- _--4>,-, -4.-+ h e.--, _,-Ao-u -h_- +-,- s + h 1--+.-=+ ELECTRICAL PENETRATION TEST REStfLTS LEAK RATE (#/ hour) PENETRATION NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER TYPE RESULTS 5/6/74 10/21/74 3/16/76 EA-7 27 F2 P 4.69 x 10-5 0 0 EA-8 23 F2 P 9.4 x 10-6 1.5 x 10-5 o EA-9 11 F2 P 3.13 x 10-5 0 4.08 x 10-5 EA-10 7 G P 5.32 x 10-5 0 1.530 x 10-5 EA-11 9 G P 4.69 x 10-5 3.05 x 10-5 0 EA-12 9* J* P 3.13 x 10-5 0 1.530 x 10-5 EA-13 10

  • J*

P 6.26 x 10-5 0 0 EB-8 7 E P O O 1.1558 x 10-5 EB-9 6 E P 4.69 x 10-5 0 0 EB-10 1 F1 P 1.57 x 10-5 0 0 EB--11 2 E P 1.57 x 10-5 3.04 x 10-5 0 EC-2 4 E P 1.56 x 10-5 0 0 EC-4 12

  • J*

P 3.11 x 10-5 0 1.57 x 10-5 EC-8 16

  • C2
  • P 6.21 x 10-5 0

0 EC-9 11 C2 P 4.66 x 10-5 3.04 x 10-5 0 EC-10 33

  • C1
  • F 9.33 x 10-3 1.58 x 10-5 7.796 x 10-5 EC-12 7

D P 0 0 1.5450 x 10-5 ED-1 2 11 1 P 0 0 1.157 x 10-5 i ED-2 4 til P 6.21 x 10-5 6.06 x 10-5 1.545 x 10-5 l ED-3 5 H1 P 3.12 x 10-5 1.51 x 10-5 6.42 x 10-5 ED-4 3 til P 3.11 x 10-5 1.51 x 10-5 0 ED-7 7 B P O O O ED-8 12 C2 P O O 1.15254 x 10-5 ED-9 10 D P 0 0 0 ED-10 12 D P 4.66 x 10-5 0 0 ED-11 13 D P 0 0 0 ED-12 11 D P 0 6.09 x 10-5 0 ED-13 8 D P 6.21 x 10-5 0 0 Table 4.1-3

) 1 l 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 5 0 5 7 7 0 - 5 1 5 7 6 0 0 - 0 0 - 1 0 0 - 0 0 7 7 7 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 x 0 0 1 / 1 1 x 1 1 1 0 0 6 0 x x 0 0 O 0 x x 0 x x 0 x 8 0 x 0 1 1 0 0 1 x x 7 x 7 x x / 5 5 5 5 1 8 8 8 1 8 x x ) 3 4 4 8 4 4 3 9 3 4 5 4 9 4 3 4 ru 5 5 7 5 5 8 5 8 5 1 5 5 5 8 5 8 8 Im 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 /p ( E 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 T 5 A 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 R 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 / 1 K 1 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 x x x x x 0 0 x 0 0 0 x x x 0 0 x A 2 x E / 8 4 4 8 4 8 4 4 8 7 L 0 0 5 5 0 5 0 5 5 5 0 0 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 T L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 4_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 7 E / 0 x x 0 0 O 0 x x 0 x O 0 O 0 0 x 0 0 x O O x 0 0 0 0 R 6 ) / 2 8 1 7 9 6 4 2 d T 5 1 6 2 5 1 5 2 1 e S u E 3 4 6 1 6 1 6 3 n T i t N n O o IT C ( A S R T. 3 T I E U P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1 N S E E P R 4 L e A l C b I a T R E T P C Y l 1 li l 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 l l l l l l l l l l E T i 1 i F F B B B B J F F F F F C J E E E E E E E E E E t 1 t t LE R EBM U N 8 1 7 9 7 1 2 4 5 9 3 9 0 6 9 8 3 6 9 1 8 3 0 5 4 8 6 6 L 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 A I R E S R E BM U N NO 0 1 2 3 0 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 1 1 1 4 5 6 8 9 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 T A E E E E F F F F F F A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B R E E E E E E E E E E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W TE NE P


  • El
  • P 9.37 x 10-6 4.70 x 10-5 1.576 x 10-5 WC-1 20 D

P 3.13 x 10-5 0 2.85 x 10-7 WC-2 16 B P O 1.5 x 10-5 3.1489 x 10-5 WC-3 1 C1 P 1.56 x 10-5 1.5 x 10-5 1.588 x 10-5 WC-4 2 C1 P 1.56 x 10-5 0 3.177 x 10-5 WC-5 7 C1 P 1.56 x 10-5 0 1.588 x 10-5 WC-6 23 C1 . P 1.56 x 10-5 0 0 WC-7 4 C1 P O O 1.617 x 10-5 WC-8 8 C1 P 1.25 x 10-5 0 3.177 x 10-5 WC-9 30 C1 P O 1.5 x 10-5 3.177 x 10-5 ? WC-10 33 C1 P O O O WC-11 31 C1 P 4.69 x 10-5 1.57 x 10-5 0 WC-12 3 C1 P 1.56 x 10-5 3.0 x 10-5 0 WC-13 6 C1 P 1.56 x 10-5 0 1.156 x 10-5 WD-3 9 C2 P 1.56 x 10-5 0 3.079 x 10-5 WD-4 6* D* P 0 0 1.581 x 10-5 i WD-5 29 D P 3.12 x 10-5 0 3.079 x 10-5 WD-6 2* D* P 0 0 4.652 x 10-5 WD-7 14 D P 0 0 1.55 x 10-5 WD-8 24 D P 0 0 0 WD-10 1 C2 P O 1.5 x 10-5 o WD-11 5 C2 P 1.56 x 10-5 0 1.525 x 10-5 WD-12 21 D P 1.56 x 10-5 0 2.796 x 10-7 WD-13 8 B P 4.68 x 10-5 0 1.5256 x 10-5 WMV-1 A P 0 6.58 x 10-5 8.5729 x 10-5 i EMV-1 A P 0 0 2.091 x 10-5 ENV-2 A P O 2.18 x 10-5 4.214 x 10-5 WMV-2 A P O 4.39 x 10-5 2.143 x 10-5 Table 4.1-3 (Continued)

3 5 5 5 5 0 ~ 5 5 5 7 5 1 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 - 6 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 x 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / x x x x x 6 6 x 0 0 x x x 0 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 6 1 8 6 6 6 6 6 / 8 6 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 6 6 7 5 5 3 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0. '

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SUBSTITUTION TABLE FOR ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS 10/21/74 3/16/76 Penetration No. Serial No. Type Serial No. g EA-12 6 J EC-4 4 J EC-8 6 C EC-10 15 B 11 B L3-12 21 D WD-4 5 D kT-6 1 D EA-13 13 J WA-1 9 J WA-5 7 Fa WB-1 35 E

  • This table indicates the type and serial number of the penetration insert in a penetration location if different from that on the previous table.

Table 4.1-4 a

Ol84 F 2GVER f.!J P MY UCOP'E r ri u t i r ;.P S T A T I u !.a !El d t. IEIL LE1.K211 L_I tS I ~ gg T- [' OJ/23/7o h Q Qh[j[j\\h 40.5 " 5 I G ILRT _. _. ~ IR h d _E E P D E I_1.. f R Gti_ItJ I I.C ALC 3_1_ A B S_1 JatA SE T llpr PFE55t'RI T E ttpd R A TJ'E ABS L' APS LR 95 t CONFIDENCF L I M I T L.. _ - _..-- _ _.___ _ (P51/) {fI

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0. J942b _.

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- h f12.21 '.t m 's 25 9:CCP 44.6759 66.0864 0.02706__ _ _.__ 0.07726. -0.07135 0.12554 Ta bic _ 4. 2-- l. _ __

~ DL '.4 F ?.1 M

  • G.P P PWY

..C i" g F t"Jf L r a p s t a_g ge TN TE M AIF O LI AKK AIF ftSI ~ l [& Q[ pqy 9 3y 'hN ' 3C.0 P5IG ILRT '~~ ~ '~~ ~ '~ 2o 5:I'P t.4.6 73 9 66.05R4 G.02209 0.06801_ -0.07600 n.12019 -. _ - _ _ _ _ - - - 27 9730E %.6K

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0. 0 4 3 03 _ ___ _.- 0. 09 0 7 4 _.. _ _ _ n n 9 2 5 2

?C ___10 l'P ___44.6649 65.952s 3.31495 0.03329 -3.07646 0.Insis 'l IL:3"P 44.6624.. _. 6 5. 9 3 9 4 __ _ _ _ _ _ 0. u 0 4 5 h. _ __. Q. 0112 9__ _ _.___ -3.OR662 - - _.__n.ngs77 ?2 10:4?P 44.6619. . 6 5. 9 3 7 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.3112 7. _ 0.u2726 0.07395___ ____.-n.no64n '3 11*L0f 44.6599 f45.9125 n.DC989 n.023C3 -0.07sa7 a.aocas ?4 11 :1 ? P 44.6599_____ 65.9031..______ -0.00012.__ _._ 0.01a01 -C.08493_ __o.nn46a 15 11:3CP 44.6559 __ _ 65.8962 __ _D.J'3R7. _ _ __ C.01625 _._-D.05752 __0.09925 s ?o 11:4'P 49.6559 61.*073 0.02679 n.31545 -0.0514a n.insns ?? 12 :00 A 44.6540_ __ 65.8919 _. _._ D.02393_ __D.31442 -3.05423 3.1923a SP 12 :15 A 44.6530_ ___ 65.8876 0.s171u. _ _.. _ _ _.. 0.012 74.___ -0.06394 .3.19115 39 12:3CA 44.6539 65,8914 S.3221n 0.01181 -0 34a9a n n9333 AL 12:45A 44.6529 6 5. 8 766,_. _ __ _3 31 b P6 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.01044 _ -3.0 % 21 ___3.18794 41 1:CrA 44.6!19 65.?529 _ O. 0G 7 ES. __0_.00820 -0.063H._.______D.n7835 42 1 :15 A 44.6459 65.8075 0.01400 Onon q9 -0.05692 3.3 % 97 o '3 1:3rA 44.6459 65.7857 0.00509 0.00491 -0.064R6 0,n76R.4 '4 1:45A 44.6449 65.7525 -0.00975 0.00156 -0.0RO'4 1.1611) 45 2 :00 A 44.6449 65.7527 -0.00940 -0.00143 -0.6.7?66 1,15197 Table 4.2-1 (Continued)

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5.0 LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST FAILURE DATA 5.1 Introduction It is required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, " Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactors" to report failure data on Type A, B and C leakage tests. This report contains all failure data available on Oconee Unit I since August 2, 1971. 5.2 railure Data Work Required Item Date to Repair HP-283 10/10/72 Repacked Valve HP-284 10/10/72 Repacked Valve PR-2 11/9/72 Adjusted & lubricated valte seat PR-8 2/19/73 Replaced limit switch HP-120 2/21/76 Adjusted valve packing PR-2 10/16/74 Adjusted & lubricated valve seat LWD-1 10/29/74 Adjusted torque switch HP-26 11/15/74 Lapped valve seat PR-2 5/9/74 Lubricated valve seat

  • WB-12 11/7/74 Replaced "0" rings
  • WM-ll 10/24/74 Replaced "0" rings
  • WC-11 11/7/74 Replaced "0" rings
  • EC-10 5/29/74 Replaced "0" rings
  • EC-11 5/29/74 Replaced "0" rings
  • WA-4 5/29/74 Replaced "0" rings NOTE: HP - High Pressure Injection System PR - RB Purge System LWD - Liquid Waste Disposal System
  • Denotes electrical penetration 5.1-1 7}}