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Forwards Amend 4 to Application for Licenses,Consisting of PSAR Update.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/25/1967
From: Willie Lee
NUDOCS 7911180019
Download: ML19312B700 (9)


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May 25, 1967

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Director g Division of Reactor Licensing Ed W #/

g U S Atomic Energy Cc:nnission _ 4 Washington, D C 20545 Re: Docket No -270 and -287

Dear Sir:

hlatory Suppl File Cy.

Duke Power Company is filing herewith Amendment No 4 to its Application for Licenses for its proposed Oconee Nuclear Station. This filing includes three signed original copies and 100 copies of material applicable to the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report.

This amendment is in a format designed to keep current the Preliminary Safety  ;

Analysis Report. For convenient reference, it is suggested that the amend- i ment material be inserted in those documents previously filed as follows: i

1. Please insert the attached pages as replacements or supplements to l

existing material in the 100 copies of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (Serial Nos79-178).

2. Please make corrections to the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report in accordance with the attached errata sheets. This applies to 100 copies (Serial Nos79-178). l
3. Answers to the questions contained in the Director's letter of l May 11, 1967 are included as Supplement 4 which should be inse.rted l at the back of Volume II of the 100 copies of the Preliminary Safety l Analysis Report (Serial Nos79-178).

Yours very truly, ,,j i

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) DOCKET NOS 50-269 DUKE POWER COMPANY )10-270 50-287 AMENDMENT NO. 4 ,7egulatory Suppl Fife Cy.


TO APPLICATION FOR LICENSES Duke Power Company, Applicant in the above-captioned proceeding, hereby files Amendment No. 4 to its Application for Licenses.

This Amendment No. 4 consists of the following documents which are appended hereto and made a part hereof:

A. Errata Sheets indicating various changes and corrections to portions of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report and the Ap-plication.

B. Substitution and supplementary pages as indicated for the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report to cover various minor changes and corrections and also the following:

1. Revised material for Section 8 and Answer 4.1 to show the addition of a back-up source of electrical power and to reflect the effect of Unit 3 upon electri-  ;

I cal systems; 1

2. Data showing effect of a reduction in reactor build- I i

ing volume and a corresponding increase in design  ;

pressure, without any reduction in the percentage mar- l gin between peak pressure under accident conditions C;

and design pressure; l

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3. A parallel set of meteorological models that sub-stantiates the prGviously submitted accident analyses:
4. Two drawings for insertion in Supplement 3 to show the layout of the Unit 3 Auxiliary Building.

C. Additional information submitted in response to questions contained in letter of Dr. Peter A. Morris, Director, Division of Reactor Licensing, to Applicant dated May 11, 1967. For convenience, this information is submitted in the form of a supplement to the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report and is labeled " Supplement 4" thereto.

WHEREFORE, Applicant renews its request for the licenses specified in its original Application.

- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Duke Power Company has caused its name t \

to be hereunto signed by W. S. Lee, its Vice President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed by James S. Sease, its Assistant Secretary, this 25th day of May,1967.


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O NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY W. S. LEE, being duly sworn, states that he is Vice President of Duke Power Company; that he is authorized on the part of said Company to sign and file with the Atomic Energy Commission this Amendment No. 4 to its Application and documents appended thereto; that he has read all of the statements contained in such Application and the documents appended thereto and made a part thereof; and that all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.

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W. S. LEE Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above named, this 25th day of May,1967.

f',i b  :., i, / "i  ? ');/- ,,+- - - ,a -i qq Notary Public My commission expires:

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M1 DOCKETS 50-269 50-270 AND 50-287 D POWER COMPANY OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 Errata Filed With Amendment 4 Please make the following notations in the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report to effect correction of errors and minor changes:

Note: These corrections should not be made until replacement pages have been h substituted.

3 Section

, 1-6 1.3 First paragraph under Item 3, delete the last sent-ence which reads "The smaller . . . fuel density."

1-10 Table 1-2 Item 3 under Oconee 1 or 2, add this footnote to b H2 0/U (unit cell-cold): "The basis of the 2.97 is the ratio of water molecules to the atoms of U metal

{ in the fuel assembly envelope. The value of the -

y 1 water to U metal volume ratio, consistent with the entries for the other stations, is 3.53."

O} 1-13 Table 1-2 Item 10 under Oconee 1 or 2, Height, ft should read I "206" instead of "217";

Free Volume, ft3should read "1,900,000" instead of "2,050,000";

Reference Incident Pressure, psig should read "59" instead of "55";

Energy Required to Produce Incident Pressure (E2 )*

i Btu should read "341,806,000" instead of "335,200,000";

Ratio: E1 /E2 should read "0.897" instead of "0.915";

Ratio: (E2-E1 )/E1 should read "0.1145" instead of "0.093";

Vertical wall should read "3 3/4" instead of "3 1/2";

Dome should read "3 1/4" instead of "3."

A 1-27 .1.4.17 Second line of answer, R"55 psig at 281 F" should read "59 psig at 286 F."

1-28 1.4.17 Last line before 1.4.18, "281 F and 55 psig" should read "286 F and 59 psig."

/ 1-34 1.5.2 Third full line from end of paragraph, delete "nutating." j

,.s Figure 1 Near top of Reactor Building, elevations shown as

) 1-14 993'-5-3/4", 975'-0", 953'-6" and 933'-6" should each be reduced by 10'-0".

s 1 (5-25-67) l 1

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Errata Filed With Amendment 4 j ae P,sge Section Figure 1 Near top of Reactor Building,' elevations shown as 1-15 993'-5-3/4", 975'-0", 953'-6" and 933'-6" should each be reduced by 10'-0".

5-22 5.4 Second full paragraph on page, last sentence, "3-1/2" should read "3-3/4."

Add note to figure: " Reactor Building height and Figure 5 5-1 elevation of crane rail reduced by 10'-0" from dimen-7 sions shown here."

" Reactor Building height reduced


Figure 5 Add note to figure:

5-7 by 10'-0" from dimensions shown here."

Figure 6 Near top of drawing, revise to show two vents with 6-15 no connection between vents. There is one vent per j l


j 11-20 Second line, change "3.5" and "3" to "3.75" and j "3.25," respectively.

, 14-vi- List of Under Title for Figure 14-54, "55" should read "59."

Figures 14-14 Fourth line on page, change "75" to "100."

i 14-41 First full paragraph on page, second line, "281 F"

should read "286 F."

14-41 Third full paragraph on page, seventh line, "281 F"

< should read "286 F."

14-42 Sixth paragraph on page, second line, "281 F" should read "286 F."

! 14-42 Seventh paragraph on page, last sentence, "170" and

' "52.7" should read "161".and "55.9," respectively.

14-45 second paragraph on page, third line, "281 F" should read "286 F."

i 14-45 Fourth paragraph on page, last line, "55" should read "59."

14-45 _14. Fifth paragraph on page, seventh line, "3" should

/~' read "2.5."

j 2 (5-25-67)

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) 4 Errata

h. led With Amendment 4 Page Section 14-45 Lart paragraph on page, first sentence, "3,400" should read "3,100";

Same sentence, delete "of 55 psig";

Last sentence, "1,250" should read "1,200."

SB-4 AppendLx SB First paragraph, thximum Desipa Pressure should 2.2.1 read "59 psig" instead of "55 psig";

Test Pressure should read "67.9 psig" instead of "63.3 psig";

Maximum L= sign Temperature should read "286 F" instead of "281 F."

53-6 Appendix 5B Second paragraph, first line, "3-foot, 6 inch" and 4.1 "3-foot" should read "3 ft-9 in." and "3 ft-3 in.,"


5F-1 Appendix SF First paragraph, last line, delete "55 psi."



9.7-2 Supplement In Table 1, change the cover provided by Duke for No. I the ducts for prestressed steel in the Dome (ex-

[\_')N Question 9.7 ternal surface) from (12") to (8").

6.9-1 Supplement Last sentence, "170" and "57" should read "161" end No. 2 "61," respectively.

Question 6.9 Supplement 8 Seventh line, " Breaker No. 33" should read " Breakers 3-3 No. 32 and 33";

Thirteenth line, "switchgear T" should read " busses."


v 3 (5-25-67)

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  • -210



(( Errata sheets indicating various changes and corrections to portions of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report and the Application, together

) with substitution and supplementary pages as indicated for the Prelim-g inary Safety Analysis Report and Supplements.

Errata sheets, pages 1-3, for PSAR Substitution and supplementary pages as listed bel s:

Back Front Back 4 Front 5-1 5-2 Fig 14-49 -

l 5-3 5-4 Fig 14-50 -

t 5-9 5-10 Fig 14-51 -

5-11 5-12 Fig 14-52 -

8-1 - Fig 14-53 -

3 8-11 - Fig 14-54 -

8-1 8-2 (d 2B-Plate II-4 -


\ 8-3 8-4 pupp #1 1.3-1 1.3-2

) .

8-5 8-6 'Supp #1 Fig 7.2-1 Fig 7.2-2 8-7 8-8 Supp #1 Ques 8.5 8-9 8-10 Plate 1 Plate 2 8-11 8-12 Plate 3 Plate 4 8-13 8-14 Supp #2 2.5-11 2.5-12 1 Fig 8-1 - Supp #2 2.5-13 -

Fig 8-2 - Supp #2 Fig 2.5 -

Fig 8-3 - Supp #2 4.1-1 4.1-2 Fig 8-4 - Supp #2 4.1-3 4.1-4 Fig 9-8 - Supp #2 4.1-5 4.1-6 Fig 9-10 - Supp #2 4.1-7 4.1-8 Fig 9-12 - Supp #2 4.1-9 4.1-10 Fig 11-1 - Supp #2 4.1-11 4.1-12 14-39 14-40 Supp #2 4.1-13 4.1-14 14-43 14-44 Supp #2 4.1-15 4.1-16 Fig 14-43 - Supp #2 4.1-17 4.1-18 Fig 14-44 - Supp #2 4.1-19 -

IFig 14-45 - Supp #2 6.9-1 Fig 6.9-1 Fig 14-46 - Supp 3-1 -

Fig 14-47 - Supp 3-1 Fig 1 -

Fig 14-48 - Supp 3-1 Fig 2 -

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