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Discusses NRC 790815 Order Confirming Suspension of safety- Related Const at Facilities.Submits Plan for Resuming Receipt Insp of Safety Category Matls & Components.Requests NRC Approval of Resumption of safety-related Activities
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 03/05/1980
From: Shields S
To: Stello V
Shared Package
ML19309C096 List:
NUDOCS 8004080168
Download: ML19309C102 (3)



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6' March 5, 1980 g

S. W. Shiefds b

Vke President. Elactric System Mr. Victor Stello, Jr., Director Docket Nos.:

STN 50-546 U.S. Nuclear Resulatory Commission STN 50-547 Office of Inspection and Enforcement Construction Washington, D.C.

20555 Permit Nos:

CPPR-170 CPPR-171


Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station - Units 1 and 2' Order Confirming Suspension of Construction

Dear Mr. Stello:

On August 15, 1979, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Inspection and Enforcement, issued an order confirming suspension of safety-related construction at the Public Service Company of Indiana, Inc.

(PSI) Marble Hill Station. That order required that PSI submit a written description of specific actions.taken to assure that safety-related construction will be conducted in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B.

On February 28, 1980, PSI submitted, under oath, a report stating actions j

completed and in progress to meet conditions to be considered by the NRC prior to restarting any part of safety-related construction. The NRC confirming order made provisin for the order to be partially lif ted for specific areas of safety category work where the NRC had adequate confidence that 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B requirements would be met.

The purpose of this letter is to 1

address one such area and to submit for consideration by the NRC a plan for resuming receipt inspection of safety category materials and components, which will work to the betterment of the ultimate quality of the Marble Hill Generating Station.

Under terms of the confirming order and subsequent NRC correspondence, PSI was permitted to receive and score purchased safety-related materials and components, but was not permitted to evaluate conformance to specified requirements of either the items themselves or their supporting documents.

PSI is requesting a partial lifting of the confirming order so that verification of the acceptability of material received on-site can be accomplished and corrective action taken in a timely manner, where required.

The action proposed herein will permit resumption of this work in a controlled manner to approved procedures and will enhance the monitoring and evaluation of its ef fectiveness.

8004080 MA

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Pusuc SERVICE INDIANA Mr. V. Stello, Jr. March 5, 1980 i

e PSI proposes that receipt inspection of safety category items be retumed in parallel with the material and construction verification programs required by the confirming order and described, in PSI's February 28, 1980, submittal.

Performing this work in parallel will permit an interchange of information relative to conditions found in purchased items and installed items, will assist in the early identification of problems, and in obtaining corrective action to minimize recurrence.

PSI proposes to demonstrate to the NRC, to the extent required, the PSI Quality Assurance Program,- organization, personnel qualifications, improvements in checklists, and associated activities.

PSI checklists will provide prerequisites to performing receipt inspection, and will include requirements for protection of preservation and packaging, dimensional and visual acceptance criteria, and classification and identification of requirements for handling, preservation, and storage af ter receipt inspection.

l Upon completion of the proposed receipt inspection, accepted items will in i

many instances be turned over to site contractors for handling and warehousing; however, PSI will identify status and retain custody of the items until the appropriate site contractor has likewise demonstrat;d his capability to conduct receipt inspection to the satisfaction of PSI and the NP.C.

5 bsequent to PSI demonstration of receipt inspection, site contractors will

'ca identified by discipline to demonstrate their receipt inspection l

capabilities in an equivalent manner to PSI.

In all cases, nonconformances detected will be identified, documented, trended, and dispositioned by a technical review in accordance with approved procedures of PSI and the site contractors. As appropriate, corrective action will be required of suppliers.

In addition, nonconformance information will be utilized to identify any similar conditions in installed items.

Similarly, adverse conditions noted in the quality of installed items will be utilized in enhancing the inspection for like conditions in new hardware.

As site contractors successfully demonstrace their capability of performing receiving inspection, they will be continue receipt ins pec tion.

Items accepted by such contractors will be directed to proper handling and storage, but will be placed on hold by direction of PSI until resumption of t

related construction activities has been authorized by the NRC.

Upon completion of the material and construction verification programs, the inventory of receipt inspected and properly stored material and components will be available to support restarting construction activities.

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~.uc SERVICE INDIANA Mr. V. Stello, Jr. March 5, 1980 Subsequent to start of receipt inspection and after completion of tne material and construction verificatica programs, PSI will request further partial lifting of the confirming order to permit resumption of conscruction installation activities.

Upon this further lif ting of the order, PSI plans to restart construction installation activities on a phased plan by four major types of construction activities, namely:

civil / structural, mechanical, electrical, and ASME piping.

Prior to restart of each type of major activity, af ter PSI has determined that the contractors are capable of successfully performing the activity,, PSI will obtain approval from the NRC to perform the ac tivi ty.

I would respectfully request that you review and approve this request for resumption of safety-related activities at Marble Hill.

I should also like the opportunity to meet with you to answer any questions you might have concerning this request or the report which was delivered to you on February 28, 1980.




S.W. SIIELDS JMN/dks ec:

Mr. J. C. Keppler, Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 E. R. Schweibinz, P.E.

J. J. Harrison G

