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Forwards Response to Items 1,2,3 & 5 of IE Bulletin 79-01B. Chart of Svc Condition Profiles & Master List of Class IE Components Required to Function Under Accident Conditions Encl
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 03/03/1980
From: William Jones
To: Seyfrit K
IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1B, NUDOCS 8004140021
Download: ML19305D064 (200)


P a'. . TrC/

Omaha Public Power District '

1623 HARNEY OMAHA. NE5RASMA 68102 TELEPHONE 536-4000 AREA CODE 402 March 3, 1980 Mr. K. V. Seyfrit, Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011


Docket No. 50-285

Dear Mr. Seyfrit:

The Omaha Public Power District received IE Bulletin 19-01B, dated January 14, 1980, which requested additional information re-garding environmental qualification of Class IE equipment. The attached report is submitted in response to items 1, 2, 3, and 5 of the bulletin.

Enclosures 1 and 2 of the report provide the service condition profiles for LOCA and high energy line break events, as requested in item 3. Enclosures 3 and 4 provide the master lists of all Class IE components required to function under accident conditions. En-closures 5 and 6 provide the qualification documentation in the format requested by the bulletin. Enclosures 7 through 11 provide supplementary and clarifying information regarding qualification criteria and analyses methods used.

Sinc e y,


W. C. nes Divisi Manager Production Operations WCJ/KJ:08JH:jm Enclosures cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Division of Reactor Operations Inspection Washington, D. C. 20555

, LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 8004140


1. Basis for the evaluation:

As a result of the receipt of I & E Bulletin 79-01B, the District began an immediate assessment of the Class IE equipment at the Fort Calhoun ,


In order to es[ablish the basi.s for this assessment and this report, as well as the attached master lists and environmental worksheets, several preliminary steps were taken. The first step in the assess-ment program was to conduct an intensive review of the facility flow diagrams to establish which systems were required to mitigate the ,

consequences of a LOCA. After the basis for the LOCA conditions were established, the District began an evaluation of the high energy '

piping systems to determine where failure of a pipe could cause Engineered Safeguards systems to be challenged.

Af ter these lines were identified, a cross-check of areas within t'ae plant was made to determine if a HELB would affect any Class IE elec-trical equipment which was required to function under the postulated accident conditions.  :

The components which were identified as a result of the above studies were then further evaluated for their suitability for operation in the postulated environment.

The following is an in-depth description of the safety systems, high energy lines, and areas taken under consideration by the District.

a. Identification of Safeguards Systems:

In order to ensure that all of the components required to h operate to mitigate design basis events were identified and assessed for their impact on plant safety a' survey of each plant system was made to identify required flow paths  ;

for accident mitigation.

In addition, all systems were reviewed for isolation require-ments after receipt of Engineered Safeguards Signals. As a result of this survey, the following systems were identified as either being required to operate or as having components which required isolation on receipt of Engineered Safeguards Signals:

1. Reactor Coolant System
2. High Pressure Safety Injection System
3. -Low Pressure Safety Injection System
4. Containment Spray System
5. Containment HVAC System (Containment cooling units and isolation valves)
6. Component Cooling system
7. Raw Water System
8. Main Steam System
9. Steam Generator Feedwater and Blowdown System (Includes Auxiliary Feedwater)
10. Chemical and Volume Control System
11. Containment Hydrogen Purge System
12. Control Room Ventilation System
13. Instrument Air System (Isolation valves only)
14. Plant Air System (Isolation valves only)
15. Sampling System (Isolation valves only)
16. Demineralized Water System (Isolation valves only)
17. Waste Disposal System (Isolation valves only)
18. Electrical Auxiliary Components which were common for all of the above systems.
19. Nitrogen system (Isolation Valves Only)

After identification of the systems had been completed, the system list was cross-checked against Appendix A of the Guidelines for Evaluating Environmental Qualifications of Class IE Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors. In general there is a close correlation between Appendix A and the systems listed for the Fort Calhoun facility. However, certain specific systems are not required at Fort Calhoun to achieve a safe shutdown under ,

the postulated accident condition. In addition, certain of the  ;

systems listed remain unaffected by either LOCA or HELB environ-ments since they are located outside of affected areas.

These systems and the basis for excluding them from the District's response are as follows:

1. Engineered Safeguards Actuation - The system components which initiate safeguards actuation are contained and evaluated as components within the systems identified for Fort Calhoun.
2. Reactor Protection - The components needed to initiate reactor t protection signals are required to function only during the preliminary stages.of an event. There is generally no need for long term operation of these components, unless they are re-  !

quired for indication. In addition it is expected that certain instruments will not be of any use after an event since they would be off scale or inaccurate. Where equipment is expected to have a functional requirement it has been evaluated for environmental qualification. These components are addressed within the systems identified for Fort Calhoun.

3. Emergency Power - The emergency power system for Fort Calhoun consists of two diesel generators and associated distribution equipment such as switchgear and motor control centers. In addition, a 12SVDC system consisting of fully redundant i .

batteries, chargers and associated distribution equipment is l available at Fort Calhoun. None of the postulated accident situations affect the environment where this equipment is located. Since this is the case, no evaluation of individual components has been done.

4 Ventilation for areas containing safety equipment - Where ventilation equipment is required for operation of safety equipment, and it is affected by the postulated event, then it has been assessed for the resultant environmental conditions.

5. Emergency Shutdown - The District has performed an analysis of the systems required to brin'g the reactor to a cold shutdown condition after an accident involving rapid depressurization of the primary system with no breach of the reactor coolant pressure boundary. The safety analysis for Fort Calhoun shows one possible event which could cause this situation to occure.

The event is a steam line rupture incident. Plant emergency procedure EP-6 " Uncontrolled Heat Extraction" was referenced to determine those systems necessary to limit the consequences of this event. After review of EP-6 it was determined that there are no additional systems required to function than those which have been previously identified.

6. Post Accident Sampling and Monitoring - This system has been reviewed only to the extent that the isolation valves have been investigated. This is due to the fact that the system is being revised to comply with NUREG-0578 and has already been reviewed in the District's response to NUREG-0578.
7. Radiation Monitoring - This system has also been investigated

, and is being revised to comply with NUREG-0578.

8. Safety Related Display Instrumentation - The plant emergency procedures for both loss of coolant accident and uncontrolled heat extraction have been investigated and the components which are required to function after these events have been assessed for environmental qualifications. These items are evaluated as components within the systems identified for Fort Calhoun.

A master list was then prepared for each system, listing those com-ponents which were identified as Class IE and which could be affected by a LOCA or a high energy line break. This completed the first step of the review.

b. Identification of High Energy Lines:

The basis for evaluation for HELB affects on Class IE electrical components is Appendix M of the Final Safety Analysis Report.

A review of the high energy lines listed in Appendix M was conducted to determine which, if any would have an effect on plant safety systems and equipment. It was determined from the review that only a main steam or main feedwater line break could cause an accident condition under which plant c safety systems might be challenged. Since a HELB for any

other systems listed would not require engineered safeguards systems to operate for any reason, these lines were excluded from this analysis.

Should a high energy line break in any system other than main steam or main feedwater disable any Class IE electrical components in an Engineered Safeguards System, it would not degrade the ability to bring the plant to a cold shutdown condition.

After determination that main steam and main feedwater lines could cause actuation of safety systems, these lines were reviewed to determine where Class IE equipment could be affected as a result. Two areas were subsequently identified and investigated in greater depth.

The first area is within the reactor containment itself. Since a main steam line break is of more consequence than a main feed-water line break, the main steam break was addressed. The Fort Calhoun facility is equipped with an automatic containment spray system equipped with redundant pumps, lines and spray headers.

As such, it is not subject to disabling by single component failures.

Therefore, in accordance with Enclosure 3 of I & E Bulletin 79-01B it has been determined that the LOCA environment will govern qualification of equipment located within the containment.

For a main steam or main feedwater line break outside of containment, the only category IE electrical equipment which could be affected is located in Room 81. The affects of a main steam or feedwater line break on the environment of Room 81 are discussed in Appendix M of.the Final Safety Analysis Report and in Enclosure 2 of this document. The environmental conditions resulting from a main steam line break within Room 81, result in the " worst case environment".

The analysis conducted on the components within the areas affected was thus governed by the main steam line break, with the exception of flooding. ,

Flooding within Room 81 is governed by a main feedwater line break and the flood level predicted in the FSAR was utilized to analyze the components for possible flood damage. This completed the second step of the review.

C. Areas where fluids are recirculated to accomplish long-term core cooling - The areas which have been addressed for con-sideration of fluids from inside containment are Rooms 21 and

22. These rooms house the High Pressure Safety Injection, Low Pressure Safety Injection and Containment Spray pumps. These areas were chosen since this is the only area where fluids would be recirculated following the postulated accident.

Other systems where fluids from inside the containment are

. normally circulated are isolated under the postulated accident conditions. The isolation valves for those systems have been reviewed for.their capability to function under the environment expected.



2. Radiation Analysis - Reactor Containment: The postulated radiation environment for components located in the Fort Calhoun reactor con-tainment are based on a specified gamma level of 1R/HR for 40 years, plus the dose geceived during a LOCA (see Enclosure 1). This total dose of 3 x 10 -RADS was specified for the equipment used within the' containment which is required to function in the accident environ-7 ment. Since this dose level is less than the 2 x 10 RADS considered acceptable under Enclosure 4 of I & E Bulletin 79-01B " Guidelines for Evaluating Environment ~al Qualifications of Class IE Electrical Equip-ment In operating Reactors" the District has performed a series of calculations to determine the expected doses.

The methods described in Appendix B of the Guidelines have been used as the basis for the calculations. The results are shown on


the attached sketches (Enclosure #11). It is apparent from these results that all of the equipment above the flood level can be relied on to function properly for its expected life in the accident environment.

4 For those components located below flood level, the District is presently calculating the expected dosage. This analysis will be conducted using the results obtained and reported to the Commission

3. Submergence:

After completion of the master list, a survey was made for the com-ponents located within the containment building to determine if they were subject to flooding.

The flood level used as the basis for this evaluation is 1000.9'.

  • This level was arrived at by investigating all possible tources of water which could be pumped into LNe containment or released from-systems within t!.e containment prior to entering the recirculation mode. For conseivatism, the entire contents of the Safety Injection .

Tanks, the Safety Injection Refueling Water Tank, and the Reactor Coolant System wete assumed to be dumped into the containment prior to any recirculation actuation.

The resultant flood lavel thus represents the entire water inventory available to mitigate the consequences of a LOCA and is considered to be a conservative number.

4. Aging:

Aging was not considered an environmental parameter in the FSAR for

s Fort Calhoun. Since the staff position in Reg. Guide 1.89 relative to operatina Plants is that the incremental improvement in safety is not sufficient to justify the added' expense for plants all ready constructed and operating, this parameter has not been addressed in this evaluation.


4 INCICSURE #1 Inviron= ental Desiten Conditions

  • dhen considering the Design Basis Events of a LOCA and high energy pipe bresks, the fc11cving adverse enviren=ents are postulated:


Enviro ==ent No. 1 - Contain ent .

Te=perature: " Figure 1 - 288cy -


  • Fig.:re 2 - 60 psig ,

Hu=idity: 1005 R.H.

Chemical Spray: Che=ical spray of boric acid solution of at least 1700 pp= boron (=ini=u= concentration specified per Technical Specification 2.3)

Radiation: **3 x 106 rads

  • Frc= "Centainment ?ressure Analysis", Section 14.16 of FSAR and frc=

" Design Evaluation", Sectic: 6.2.5 of FSAR. The te=;erature transient is based on a large pr d -a ,r ecolant syste= pipe break. As can be seen frc= Figures 1 and 2 (attached), "the - M -u= contain=ent pressure is 57 psis at a te=perature of 285cF. If it is assu=ed that hydrogen does not bu:= as it is produced but accu =ulates and reacts at the containment peak pressure, the effect is to increase the peak pressure by approxi- '

=ately 2.h psi."


    • Section 6.1. 3, page 6.1-3, of the FSAR states " Engineered safer ards syste= control electrical equip =ent located within contain=ent is specified at a gan=a level of 1R/Er for 40 years." This is approxi- '

=ately ].417 x 10) rads. The k0 year integrated dose plus LOCA dose (3 x 100 rads), as specified for the Fr=*Hn Institute cable Tests, is used fe conservatis=.

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ENCLOSURE #2 Main Steam /Feedwater Penetration Room (Room 81)

Temperature: 216*F*

Pressure: Maximum differential of 1.2 p.s.i.**

Humidity: 100% R.H.

Chemical: NONE Radiation: Normal (Outside Containment) -

  • The 216* temperature was calculated by incorporating the factors set forth in Appendix M - Volume 7 of the F.S.A.R. " Postulated High Energy Line Rupture Outside the Containment". More specifically, considering the worst case of a main steam line circumferential rupture, the maximum possible pressurization of Room 81 would be 1.2 p.s.i.g.. This is well below the room design differential pressure of 1.5 p.s.i. Considering the Rm.81 environment to consist of complete-ly saturated steam after the postulated break, and using a differential pressure of 1.5 p.s.i. (Here 1.5 p.s.1, or the room's design differential pressure, is '

used for conservatism instead of the calculated peak differential pressure of 1.2 p.s.i.) a temperature of 216*F, as read from the saturated steam tables, is the resultant.

    • F.S.A.R. - Volume #7 Appendix M " Postulated High Energy Line Rupture Outside the Containment".

e I

L1 - .


' Reference 1. Any component with a reference to this note has been investigated and it has been determined that the equipment is located in areas i maintained at NORMAL room conditions. ,

Reference 2. Any component with a reference to this note was previously  ;

identified as not qualified and addressed in the District's response to I & E Bulletin 79-01, (LER 79-007 and LER 79-014)

A qualification data sheet for each type of component being i replaced is attached. (See Enclosure #5) '

r Reference 3. Any component with a reference to this note is currently undergoing revisions, or is having redundant, LOCA qualified i equipment installed as ' part of the District's response to NUREG-0578. These components have been identified on the master lists, but evaluation work sheets are not included as these items have been previously' addressed and are currently undergoing revision in accordance with NUREG-0578. i Reference 4. Any component with a reference to this note is an item which is included in the Plant Emergency Procedure EP-5 for Loss of Coolant Accident. These procedures have been updated to ,

incorporate the lessons learned from Three Mile Island. Certain >

components identified in this procedure are utilized for operator guideance if available and are not expected to function after a ,

LOCA. In addition some equipment is being added as a result of

  • NUREG-0578. Accordingly, unless components were identified as being required to function under the postulated accident condi-  :

tions, no system component evaluation worksheets have been in-cluded. l i

Reference 5. Any component with a reference to this note has been identified r as a Class IE component within the system which is required to operate to initiate a reactor trip or is associated with the  ;

reactor protection or control system, but which is not required to operate after a HELB or LOCA has occurred. These components  :

have been identified and included on the master list, and assessed for impact on plant safety. No system component ,

evaluation worksheets have been included for these components since there is no requirement for them to function under the i postulated accident conditions.  ;

Reference 6. Any component with a reference to this note has been identified as a Class 1E component within the system which is used for testing or component isolation. These components have been  ;

identified and included on the master list, and assessed for j their impact on plant safety. No system component evaluation  :

worksheets have been included since there is no requirement for '

them to function under the postulated accident conditions.

v- ,- ., ..v. r- .-e ,o v-,- - - - -,-r w- 4e

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Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Au <iliary Feedwater System Page 1 of 1 COMPONENTS Location

! Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside

! Primary Primary l

Containment Containment FW-6 1 Aux. Feedwater Pump X FT-1368 1 Condensate to Feedwater Pump FW-6 Flow transmitter X FT-6 PB 1 Push button Station for Aux. Feedwater Pump X FW-10 1 Turbine Driven Aux.

Feedwater Pump 011 Pump X

! FT-1369 1 Condensate to Feedwater Pump FW-10 Flow Transmitter X LT-ll88 Emergency Feedwater Storage Tank Level Transmitter X I

l l

l l

l 1

_ - - _ _ . . _ _._i

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Cooling System Page 1 ofl8



' Locatior.

Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment AC-3A 1 Component Cooling Water Pump 3A X e

i ii

-l AC-3B 1 Component Cooling Water Pump 38 X AC-3C 1 Component Cooling Water Pump 3C .X d

., l 4

Solenoid Operated Safety l HCV-474 1- Injection Bearing Cooler ~

Header Isolation Valve X Limit Swith on Position Indication for HCV-474 1 HCV-474 X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Coolina System Page 2 of 18l COMPONENTS l

Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Component HCV-489A 1 Cooling Water Heat Exchanger AC-1A Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-489A 1 HCV-489A X Solenoid Operated Component HCV-489B 1 Cooling Water Heat Exchanger AC-1A Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on 1 Position Indication f'or H,CV-4898 HCV-489B X Solenoid Operated Component HCV-490A 1 Cooling Water Heat Exchanger AC-1B Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-490A 1 HCV-490A X Solenoid Operated Component HCV-4908 1 Cooling Water Heat Exchanger AC-1B Outlet Valve X

. .~.

Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-490B 1 HCV-4908 X l

Facili ty: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 fMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Coolina System Page 3 of 18 COMPONENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside

. Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Component HCV-491A 1 Cooling Water Heat Exchanger AC-lC Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-491A 1 HCV-491A X


Solenoid Operated Component HCV-491B 1 Cooling Water Heat Exchanger AC-1C Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HOV-4918 1 HCV-4918 X Solenoid Operated Component HCV-492A 1 Cooling Water Heat Exchanger AC-lc Inlet Valve Y Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-492A 1 HCV-492A X Solenoid Operated Component HCV-4928 1 Cooling Water Heat Exchanger AC-1C Outlet Valve X Si Position Indication for Lbhit4925tchon H 1 HCV-4928 X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 FMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Cooling System Page 4 ofl8 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Component Coolin~g Heat TE-493 1 Exchanger AC-1 A Outlet Temperature Element X Component Cooling Heat TE-494 1 Exchanger AC-1B Outlet Temperature Element X Component Cooling Heat TE-495 1 Exchanger AC-lC Outlet Temperature Element X Component Cooling Heat TE-496 1 Exchanger AC-lD Outlet Temperature Element X l

Solenoid Operated Shutdown HCV-480 1 Cooling Heat Exchanger AC-4A Inlet Valve X


Limit Switch on Position Indication fnr HCV-480 1 HCV-480 X E/P Converter Operated shut-HCV-484 1 down Cooling Heat Exchanger AC-4A Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-484 1 HCV-484 X ,

i i


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 lMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Coolina System Page 5 of 18 COMP 0NENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside

. Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Shutdown HCV-481 1 Cooling Heat Exchanger AC-4B Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for

. HCV-481 1 HCV-481 X i

.E/P Con ve rte r Opera ted Shu t-HCV-485 1 down Cooling Heat Exchancer AC-4B Outlet Valve x Limit Switch on z Position Indication for HCV-485 HCV-485 X Shutdown Cooling Heat 1 TE-486 1 Exchanger AC-4A Outlet Temoerature Element Y i

r l

Shutdown Cooling Heat TE-487 1 Exchanger AC-4B Outlet Temperature Element Y i

0 l 1

.l Solenoid Operated Spent Fuel HCV-478 1 Pool Heat' Exchanger AC-8 Isola tion '/31 ve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-478 1 HCV-478 l X

l l

r Spent Fuel Pool Heat TE-479 1 Exchanger AC-8 Outlet L

_!TempArature Flonant X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Doc.ket No. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Cooling System Page 6 of 18 COMPONENTS Location item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Low Press HCV-2808A Safety Injection Pump SI-1A Bearing Cooler Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2808A HCV-2808A X Solenoid Operated Low Press HCV-2808B Safety Injection Pump SI-lA Bearing Cooler Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2808B HCV-2808B X Solenoid Operated Low Press HCV-2809A Safety Injection Pump SI-1B Bearing Cooler Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2809A HCV-2809A X Solenoid Operated Low Press HCV-2809B Sa fe ty Injection Pump SI-1B Bearing Cooler Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position -Indication for HCV-28098 HCV-2809B X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285

!@ STER LIST SYSTEM: Component Coolino System Pane _7, of 18 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated High Press HCV-2810A Safety Injection Pump SI-2A Bearing Cooler Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2810A HCV-2810A X Solenoid Operated High Press HCV-2810B Safety Injection Pump SI-2A Bearing Cooler Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2810B HCV-28108 X Solenoid Operated High Press HCV-2811A Safety Injection Pump SI-28 Bearing Cooler Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2811A HCV-2811A X Solenoid Operated High Press .

HCV-28118 Safety Injection Pump SI-2B Bearing Cooler Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication.for HCV-28118 HCV-2811B X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Cooling System Page 8 of 18 COMP 0NENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Priitary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated High Press HCV-2812A Safety Injection Pump SI-2C Bearing Cooler Inlet Valve X Limi t Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2812A HCV-2812A X Solenoid Operated High Press HCV-28128 Safety Injection Pump SI-2C l

Bearina Cooler Outlet Valve X i Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-28128 HCV-2812B X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-2813A Spray Pump SI-3A Bearing Cooler Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV 2813A HCV-2813A X 1

Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-2813B Spray Pump SI-3A Bearing Cooler Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for  ;

, HCV-28138 HCV-28138 X  ;

l i

O l


a Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 FMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Cooling System Page 9 ofl8 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-2814A Spray Pump SI-38 Bearing Cooler Inlet Valve X Limi t Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2814A HCV-2814A X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-28148 Spray Pump SI-3B Bearing Cooler Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2814B HCV-28148 X l

l Solenoid Operated Containment )

HCV-2815 A Spray Pump SI-3C Bearing Cooler Inlet Valve X t

Limi t Switch on Positiot. Indication for HCV-2815A HCV-2815A X l I

Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-2815B Spray Pump SI-3C Bearing l Cooler Outlet Valve X i

Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-28158 HCV-2815B X l

l l


g..... m ,

i Occket No.: 50-285 MASTER LlST SYSTEM: Component Cooling System Page 10 of 18 i COMPONENTS

- Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment.

HCV-425A 2 Safety Injectio'n: Tanks Leakage X Coolers Inlet Isolation Valve -

Limit Switch on 2 Position Indication 'For X HCV-425A HCV-425A Safety Injection Tanks HCV-425B 1 Leakage Coolers Inlet X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-425B HCV-4258 i

HCV-425C 2 Safety Injection Tanks Leakage Coolers Outlet X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-425C HCV-425C Safety Injection Tanks HCV-425D '

1 Leakage Coolers Outlet X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-425D HCV-425D i . .

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket flo. : 50-285

!MSTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Coolino System Page 11 of l8 COMP 0lEtiTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside

. Primary Primary Containment Containment Reactor Coolant Pump Seal &

HCV-438A 2 Lube Oil Coolers Inlet Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-438A 2 HCV-438A X Reactor Coolant Pump Seal &

HCV-4388 1 Lube Oil Coolers Inlet Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-438B 1 HCV-438B X Reactor Coolant Pump Seal &

HCV-438C 2 Lube Oil Coolers Outlet Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-438C 2 HCV-438C X Reactor Coolant Pump Seal &

HCV-438D 1 Lube 011 Coolers Outlet Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-438D 1 HCV-438D X 4

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST

_YSTEM: Couponen* Cooling System Page 12 of 18 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Nuclear Detector Well Coolers HCV-467A 2 Inlet Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-467A 2 HCV-467A X Nuclear Detector Well Coolers HCV-467B 1 Inlet Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-467V l HCV-467B X Nuclear Detector Well Coolers HCV-467C 2 Outlet Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-467C 2 HCV-467C X Nuclear Detector Well Coolers HCV-467D 1 Outlet Isolation Valve X i t.imit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-4670 l HCV-4670 X l


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 D:cke* fio.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Comoonent Coolino System Page 13 of 18 COMP 01EtlTS Location l Item fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside

. Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-400A 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-1A Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-400A 1 HCV-400A X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-400B 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-1A Inlet valv, X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-400B 1 HCV-400B X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-400C 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-1A Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-400C 1 HCV-400C X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-4000 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-1A Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-4000 1 HCV-400D X I

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Component ,Cnoling System Page 14 of 18 COMP 0lEtlTS Location l Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-401A 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-1B Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-401A 1 HCV-401A X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-401B 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-lB Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-40lS 1 HCV-4010 X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-401C 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-18 Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-401C 1 HCV-401C X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-401D 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-1B Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-401D 1 HCV-401D X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Comoonent Coolina System Page 15 of 18 COMP 0NEtlTS Location Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid 0ptrated Containment HCV-402A 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-8A Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-402A 1 HCV-402A X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-4028 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-8A Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for ,

HCV-4028 1 HCV-402B X j 1

Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-402C 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-8A Outlet Valve X l Limit Switch on 1 Position Indication for HCV-402C HCV-402C X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-402D 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-8A Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on 1 Position Indication for HCV-402D HCV-402D X


l  :

" Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Comoonent Coolino System Page 16 of 18i COMP 0NENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside '

Primary Prima ry Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-403A 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-8B Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-403A 1 HCV-403A X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-403B 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-88 Inlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-403B 1 HCV-403B X Solenoid Operated Containment, HCV-403C 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-8B Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-403C 1 HCV-403C X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-403D 1 Air Cooling Unit VA-88 Outlet Valve X Limit Switch on Position indication for HCV-4030 1 HCV-403D X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket flo. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Loo 11 g System Page 17 of 18 COMP 0NEflTS Location Item flumber Re . Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Con tainmer.t Containment Air Cooling Unit FT-416 1 VA-1 A Outlet Flow Transmitter X Containment Air Cooling Unit FT-417 1 VA-1B Outlet Flow Transmitter X Containment Air Cooling Unit FT-418 1 VA-8A Outlet Flow Transmitter X Containment Air Cooling Unit FT-419 1 VA-8B Outlet Flow Transmitter X Containment Air Cooling Unit TE-420 1 VA-1 A Ou tlet RTD X Containment Air Cooling Unit TE-421 1 VA-18 Outlet RTD X Containment Air Cooling Unit

TE-422 1 VA-8A Outlet RTD X w

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 FMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Component Cooling System Page 18 of 18 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ro f. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Cont:inment Containment Air' Cooling Unit TE-423 1 VA-8B Outlet RTD X Solenoid Oper?ted Component HCV-2898A h8[f07N@$$PAfrb.hndit$nkOg Unit VA-4rA X Limit Switch on Pcaition Indication for HCV-2898A HCV-2898A X Solenoid Operated Gom onent HCV-28988 hSmOSnkhhiRhomkkrbon0-itioning Unit VA-46A X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-28988 HCV-28988 X l i

Solenoid Operated Component HCV-2899A [Q@((Qyl@jgrf"8ondit5onkOg A

Unit VA-46B X l

Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2899A HCV-2899A X Solenoid Operated Com onent i HCV-28998 h00kI C$nkhoiRomkfrbonbit-ioning Unit VA-46B X l Limit Switch o'n Position Indication for  ;

HCV-28998 HCV-28998 X l l

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Control Room Ventilation Page 1 of I COMP 0NENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment VA-46A Multi-Zone Control Room Air Conditioning Unit X Control Room Ventilt. tion AI-106A Control Panel X VA-46A Disconnect Sw X VA-46B Multi-Zone Control Room Air Conditioning Unit X AI-106B Control Room Ventilation Control Panel X VA-46B Disconnect Sw X VA-63 Control Room Fresh Air inlot Valvo X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Cocket tio. : 50-285 FMSTER LIST SYSTEt4: Containment HVAC Page I of 8 C0t4P0ftEtiTS Location l Item tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary ~

Conta inmen t Con ta inmen t P-


VA-3A Containment Air Fan X VA-3A Containment Air Fan X Solenoid Operated Inlet Valve To Containment Cooling & X HCV-864 2 Filtering Unit VA-1 A From Safety Injection System (Charcoal Filter Spray)

Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-864 HCV-864 Solenoid Operated Inlet Valve To Containment Cooling &

HCV-865 2 Filtering Unit VA-1B From X Safety Injection System l (Charcoal Filter Spray)

Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X i HCV-865 HCV-865

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 fMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment HVAC Page 2 of 3 1 COMPONENTS Location i Item Number f.e f. Descript on Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated air Inlet '

HCV-724A 2 Valve To Containmen; Air Cdol-ing & Filtering Unit VA-1A X 1

l l Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-724A HCV-724A X I Solenoid Operated Air Inlet HCV-724B 2 Valve to Containment Air Cool-ino & Filterino Unit VA-1A X Limit Switch on Position Ihdication for HCV-7248 HCV-7248 X Solenoid Operated Air Inlet HCV-725A 2 Valve to Containment Air Cool-ino & Filterina Unit IB X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-725A HCV-725A X i

Solenoid Operated Air Inlet -

HCV-7258 2 Valve to Containment Air Cooling & Filterina Unit 1B X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-725B HCV-7258 X l

Facility 5 Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment HVAC Page 3 of a COMPONENTS Location item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside i Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Containment PCV-742A 2 Purge Isolation Valve X

) s Limit Switch on Position Indication for PCV-742A PCV-742A X Solenoid Operated Containment PCV-7428 1 Purge Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for PCV-742B 1 PCV-7428 X Solenoid Operated Containment PCV-742C 2 Purge Air Supply Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for PCV-742C PCV-742C X Solenoid Operated Containment PCV-7420 1 Purge Air Supply Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for PCV-742D 1 PCV-7420 X I

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment HVAC Page 4 of 8 COMP 0tlEtiTS Location l Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside I Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Containment PCV-742E 2 Ventilation Discharge Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for {

PCV-742E 2 PCV-742E X Solenoid Operated Containment PCV-742F 1 Ventilation Discharge Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for PCV-742F 1 PCV-742F X Solenoid Operated Containment PCV-742G 2 Ventilation Discharge Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for PCV-742G 2 P C '!- 742 G X Solenoid Operated Containment PCV-742H 1 Ventilation Discharge Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for PCV-742H 1 PCV-742H X i

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment HVAC Page 5 of 8 COMPONENTS 1

l Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment l Solenoid Operated Containment l A/HCV-742 1 High Pressure Control l Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on 1 Position Indication for A/HCV-742 A/HCV-742 X Solenoid Operated Containment B/HCV-742 1 High Pressure Control Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication f'or B/HCV-742 1 B/HCV-742 X Solenoid Operated Containment C/HCV-742 1 High Pressure Control Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for C/HCV-742 l C/HCV-742 X Solenoid Operated Containment D/HCV-742 1 High Pressure Control Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for D/HCV-742 1 D/HCV-742 X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER L1ST SYSTEM: Containment HVAC Page 6 of 8 COMPONENTS Location Xtem Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Containment High Pressure A/PC-742-1 1 Control Switch X Containment High Pressure A/PC-742-2 1 Control Switch X B/PC-742-1 1 Containment High Pressure Control Switch X


B/PC-742-2 1 Containment High Pressure Control Switch X 1

Containment High Pressure l C/PC-742-1 1 Control Switch X


Containment High Pressure C/PC-742-2 1 Control Switch X t

l l

l Containment High Pressure D/PC.742-1 1 Control Switch l

D/PC-742-2 1 Containment High Pressure Control Switch X l


~ ~

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment HVAC Page 7 of 8 COMPONENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment RE-05% 3,4 Ventilation Discharge Duct Rad Monitor X Containment Air Cooling And TE-866 Filtering Unit VA-1A Charcoal X Filter Temperature Element Containment Air Cooling And TE-867 Filtering Unit VA-1B Charcoal Filter Temperature Element X O *

' Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket Ho.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment HVAC Page 8 of 8 COMP 0NErlTS Location Ztem flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Containment High Pressure A/PC-765 1 Control Switch X B/PC-765 i Containment High Pressure Control Switch X C/PC-765 1 Containment High Pressure Control Switch X D/PC-765 1 Containment High Pressure Control Switch X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-746A 2 Relief Isolation Valve X Limit Switch or Position Indication for HCV--746A 2 HCV-746A X Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-7468 1 Relief Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for l HCV-7468 1 HCV-7468 X L_ -

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment Hydrogen Purge System Page I of 2 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Oper~ated Ilydrogen HCV-881 2 Purge Outlet Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on HCV-881 2 Position Indication for HCV-881 X Solenoid Operated Hydrogen HCV-882 2 Purge Inlet Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on HCV-882 2 Position Indication for HCV-882 X HCV-883A 2 Solenoid Operated Hydrogen Analyzer Containment Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-883A 2 HCV-883A X Solenoid Operated Hydrogen HCV-8838 1 Analyzer Containment l Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-883B 1 HCV-883B X i

HCV-884A 2

Solenoid Operated Hydrogen Analyzer Containment Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on HCV-884A 2 Position Indication for HCV-884A x l

{ __ o


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Con tainmen t Hydrogen Purae Svstem Page 2 of 2 COMPONENTS Location item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Hydrogen HCV-884B 1 . Analyzer Con tainmen t Isolation Valve Y Limit Switch on 1 Position Indication for HCV-884B HCV-8848 X O


lity: Fort Calhoun 1 et tio. : 50-285 MASTER LIST EM: Containment Spray Page I of 3 3 COMP 0lEtiTS Location Item ttumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Con tainiaent nt SX-3A Contain.,ent Spray Pump 3A X V-2957 SI-3A Suction Isolation Solenoid Valve X mit Switch on Position Indication for V-2957 HCV-2957 X l

V-2958 SI-3A Discharge Isolation Solenoid Valve X i mit Switch on Position Indication for l V-2958 HCV-2958 X j i

l 1

SI-38 Containment Spray Pump 3B X I

l l

l lV-2967 SI-38 Suction Isolation

! Solenoid Valve X

mit Switch on Position Indication for iV-2967 SI-3B X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment Soray Page 3 of 3 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Containment Solenoid Isolation Valve for HCV-344 1 Containment Spray Header (AC-4A) X E/P For Positioner for HCV-344 X HCV-344 1 Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-344 1 HCV-344 X Solenoid Isolation Valve for HCV-345 1 Containment Spray Header (AC-48) X E/P For Positioner For HCV-345 X HCV-345 1 Limit Switch on Position Indication For HCV-345 1 HCV-345 X i

l l


l J l

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Demineralized Water System Page I of I COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Containment Solenoid Operated HCV-15L9A 1 Demineralized Water Isolation Valve X Limit Swi tch on Position Indication for HCV-1559A 1 HCV-1559A X Solenoid Operated HCV-1559B 1 Demineralized Water Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-1559B 1 HCV-1559B X Solenoid Operated Demineralized Water HCV-1560A 1 Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-1560A 1 HCV-1560A A Solenoid Operated HCV-15608 1 Demineralized Water

! Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-15608 1 HCV-1560B X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Dockat No.: 50-285 MASTER LlST SYSTEM: C h emi c a l A Volume Control System Page 1 of 7 COMP 0NENTS Location item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Letdown From Loop 2A TCV-202 2 Isolation Solenoid Valve X TCV-202 2 TCV-202 Position Indication X Limit Switch Reactor Coolant To Heat HCV-204 1 Exchange CH-7 Isolation Solenoid Valve X HCV-204 1 HCV-204 Position Indication X Limit Switch Reactor Coolant Pump Bleed-HCV-206 1 off Line Isolation Solenoid Valve X HCV-206 1 HCV-206 Position Indication X Limit Switch HCV-238 2 Reactor Coolant To Loop 1A -

Solenoid Valve X HCV-238 2 Position Indication X Limit Switch HCV-238

r%...v' . 1 s; ea u vua 6 Docket flo.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Chemi cal & Volume Control System Page 2 of 7 COMPONENTS ,

Location Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary

. Containment Containment HCV-239 2 Reactor CoolanE To Loop 2A X Solenoid Valve -

HCV-239 2 Position Indication X Limit Switch HCV-240 2 Reactor Coolant To Pressurizer X Spray Solenoid Valve HCV-240 2 Position Indication X Limit Switch i

Reactor Coolant Pump Bleed-HCV-241 2 off To Volume Control Tank X Solenoid Valve HCV-241 2 Position Indication X Limit' Switch Solenoid Valve For Boric HCV-257 1 Acid Tank Recirculation X Line Isolation HCV-257 -

1 Position Indication , X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST i SYSTEM: Chemical & Volume Control System Page 3 of 7i COMP 0NENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary l Containment Containment )

Motor Operated Valve For HCV-258 1 Boric Acid Gravity Feed X (Tank-llB)

HCV-258 1 Position Indication X Limit Switch 3 l

HCV-264 1 Solenoid Valve For Recircu-lation Line Isolation X HCV-264 1 Position Indication X Limit Switch Motor Operated Valve For HCV-265 1 Boric Acid Gravity Feed (Tank-11A) X HCV-265 1 Position Indication X Limit Switch HCV-268 1 Boric Acid Pump Discharge To HPSI Motor Operated Valve X HCV-268 1 Position Indication X Limit Switch

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket flo. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Chemi c a l & Volume Control Systen Page 4 of 7 COMP 0tlEtlTS Location Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Boric Ac1 Iro Volume Control FCV-269 1 Tank Isolation Valve (Solenoid Operated) X s

FCV-269 1 Position Indication X Limit Switch 1

CH-lA 1 Charging Pump 1A X CH-18 1 Charging Pump 1B X CH-lC 1 Charging Pump 1C X CH-4A 1 Boric Acid Pump 4A X l

CH-48 1 Boric Acid Pump 48 X 1

l l l l

l i

l l

l l

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket flo. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Chemi cal & Volume Control System Instruments Page 5 of 7 COMP 01Ef1TS Location l Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment PCS-230 1 CH-1C Lube Oil Pressure Switch X PCS-232 1 CH-lC Suction Pressure X PCS-224 1 CH-1A Lube Oil Pressure Switch X PCS-226 1 CH-1A Suction Pressure X Switch PCS-227 1 CH-1B Lube Oil Pressure Switch X l

PCS-229 1 CH-1B Suction Pressure X Switch PCS-280 1 CH-1A Packing Cooling Pump Low Pressure Switch (Alarm) X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: C h emi cal & Volume Control System Page 6 of 7 COM#0NENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment PCS-281 1 CH-1B Packing Cooling Pump Low Pressure Switch (Alarm) X PCS-282 1 CH-lC Packing Cooling Pump Low Pressure Switch (Alarm) X l

1 1


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket tio. : 50-285 MASTER LTST SYSTEM: C hemi c a l & Volume control system Page 7 of 7 COMP 0:1ENTS

-Location Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment LCS-218 1,4 Volume Control Tank Level Controller X Motor Operated Volume LCV-218-3 1,4 Control Tank Discharce Valve X


LT-219 1,4 Volume Control Tank Level Transmitter X FT-212 1,4 Letdown Flow Transmitter X ee o

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 l Docket flo. : 50-285 MASTER LIST i

SYSTEM: Containment Spray Page I of 3 COMP 0tlEtlTS Location Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside 1 Primary Primary Containment Containment l

- I SI-3A Containment Spray Pump 3A X HCV-2957 SI-3A Suction Isolation Solenoid Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2957 HCV-2957 X HCV-2958 SI-3A Discharge Isolation Solenoid Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2958 HCV-2958 X SI-3B Containment Spray Pump 38 X l

HCV-2967 SI-3B Suction Isolation Solenoid Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2967 SI-38 X b

F Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment Spray , Page 2 of 3 COMPONENTS Location item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment HCV-2968 SI-38 Discharge Isolation Solenoid Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2968 HCV-2968 X SI-3C Containment Spray Pump 3C X HCV-2977 SI-3C Suction Isolation Solenoid Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2977 HCV-2977 X l

l HCV-2978 SI-3C Discharge Isolation Solenoid Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-2978 HCV-2978 X I I l



r-Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Containment Soray Page 3 of 3 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Isolation Valve for HCV-344 1 Containment Spray Header (AC-4A) X E/P For Positioner for HCV-344 X HCV-344 1 Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-344 1 HCV-344 X Solenoid Isolation Valve for HCV-345 1 Containment Spray Header (AC-48) X E/P For Positioner For HCV-345 X HCV-345 1


Limit Switch on Position Indication For HCV-345 1 HCV-345 X l

l l

i Faci 1i ty: Fort Calhoun 1 i Docket No.: 50-285 '

fMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Electrical Equioment Page 1 of 5 COMP 0NEf1TS

-Location Item fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary ,

Containment Containment '

Power Cable .

l W-3 1/C-2/0-5KV X (LPSI Pumps, FW-6) l 1/C-300 MCit-600V HPSI Pum W-10 Containment Spray Pumps, ps & X I

l Containment Air Fans j l

W-ll 1

1 1/C-250 MCM-600V X Component Cooling Water Pumps i

W-16 1/C-4-600V X W 14 1/C-1 X Chara/0-600V ina Pumos W-17 1/C-6 600V X X W-18 3/C-6 600V X X L

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket tio.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Electrical Equipment Page 2 of 5 COMP 0tlEllTS

-Location Item ?! umber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment 6-21 3/C-10 600V X X W-19 3/C-8 600V X X S

I' l

l l


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket flo.: 50-205 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Electrical Equipment Page 3 of 5 COMP 0:1EilTS Location Ztem fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Control Cable W-37 1/C-12-600V Insulation X X W-38 2/C-12-600V Insulation ,

X X l

W-39 3/C-12-600V Insulation X X l


l W-40 4/C-12-600V In:;ulation X X i

W- 4.1 7/C-12-600V Insulation X X 1

l W-42 12/C-12-600V Insulation X X

. l i l i 1

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Electrical Eauipment Page 4 of 5 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Con tainment Instrument Cable W-57 2/C-14-Sbield X X Twisted Pair W-59 3/C-14 Shield Twisted Triple X X O


Facility: Fort Calhoun I Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Electrical Eouioment Page 5 of 5 COMP 0NENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Terminal Hoffman NEMA 12 Gasketed X X Boxes Terminal States M-25014, 25106, Blocks M-25108 & M-25112 X X Cable See Report & Evaluation Splices Work Sheets X X Terminal Motor Terminals - Burndy Lugs HYLUG Control & Instrument - X X

. Burndy INSULUG Dow - Corning #3144 Terminal Block & Translucent "RTV" X Splice Sealant Adhesive / Sealant Electrical Con ta i.nme n t CONAX X X Penetrations u .

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Hioh Pres sure Safety Injection Page 1 of 13 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment SI-2A HPSI Pump 2A X HCV-2927 Solenoid Operated Valve For SI-2A Inlet Isolation X Limit Switch For Position Indication For X HCV-2927 HCV-2927 HCV-2928 Solenoid Operated Valve For

. SI-2A Discharge Isolation X Limit Switch For Position Indication For X HCV-2928 HCV-2928 SI-2B HPSI Pump 2B X HCV-2907 Solenoid Operated Valve For SI-2B Inlet Isolation X l

Limit Switch on Position Indication For X HCV-2907 HCV-2907

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 FMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Hioh P res s ure Sa fety Injection Page 2 of 13 COMP 0NENTS

-Location l ltem Number Ref. Description Inside Outside l Primary Prima ry ,

Containment Containment HCV-2908 Solenoid Operated Valve For SI-2B Discharge Isolation X Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-2908 HCV-2908 ST-2C High Pressure Safety X Injection Pumo 2C Solenoid Operated Valve For X HCV-2917 SI-2C Inlet Isolation HCV-2917 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2917 1

H CV-2 918 Solenaid Operated Valve For X SI-2C Discharge Isolation HCV-2918 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2918 Solenoid Operated Valve For HCV-304 High Pressure Safety X Injection Header Isolation HCV-304 Position Indication Fcr X Limit Switch HCV-304 Solenoid Operated Valve For HCV-305 High Pressure Safety X Injection Header Isolation

, HCV-305 Position Indication For X l Limit Switch HCV-305

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Page 3 of 13 COMPONENTS

- Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Valve For HCV-306 1 Safety Injection Line Isolation X s

HCV-306 1 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-306 Solenoid Operated Valve For i

HCV-307 1 Safety Injection Line X Isolation HCV-307 1 Position Indication 'For X Limit Switch HCV-307 Motor Operated Valve -

HCV-308 1 Charging System Inlet To X HPSI Header HCV-308 1 HCV-308 Position Indication ~

X Limit Switch HCV-314 Motor Operated Valve - HPSI X To Loop 1A HCV-314' HCV-314 Position Indication X Limit Switch

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Page 4 of 13 COMP 0NENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment HCV-311 Motor Operated Valve - HPSI To Loop 1B X 1 HCV-311 i Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-311 HCV-317 Motor Operated Valve - HPSI X To Loop 2A HCV-317 Position Indication For (imit Switch HCV-317 X l

HCV-320 Motor Operated Valve - HPSI To Loop 2B '(

HCV-320 Position Indication For Limit Switch HCV-320 X HCV-315 Motor Operated Valve - HPSI Or Charging Flow To Loop 1A X HCV-315 Position Indication For l Limit Switch HCV-315 X

l Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Page 5 of 13 COMP 0ftEflTS Location Item fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary ~

Containment Containment Motor Operated-Valve - HPSI HCV-312 Or Charging Flow To Loop 1B X HCV-312 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-312 Motor Operated Valve - HPSI HCV-318 Or Charging Flow To X Loop 2A HCV-318 Position Indication 'For X Limit Switch HCV-318 Motor Operated Valve - HPSI HCV-321 Or Charging Flow To X Loop 2B HCV-321 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-321 Motor Operated Valve - Safety HCV-2914 Injection Tank SI-6A To X Loop 1A Isolation HCV-2914 -

Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2914 1


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket tio.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Page 6 of 13 COMP 0lEtlTS Location Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Motor Operated Valve - Safety HCV-2934 Injection Tank SI-6B To Loop 18 Isolation X HCV-2934 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2934 Motor Operated Valve - Safety HCV-2954 Injection Tank SI-6C To Loop X 2A Isolation HCV-2954 Po s i ti on Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2954 i

l Motor Operated Valve - Safet3 HCV-2974 Injection Tank SI-6D To Loop X 2B Isolation  ;

HCV-2974 Position Indication For X  ;

Limit Switch HCV-2974 j

l I



Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Page 7 of 13 COMPONENTS Location ftem Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Containment Solenoid Valve For Safety PCV-2929 2 Injection Leakage Cooler (LooplA) X E/P For 5 Positioner For PCV-2929 X PCV-2929 PCV-2929 2 Position Indication For X Limit Switch PCV-2929 Solenoid Valve For SI-6B HCV-2936 2 Safety Injection Tank Drain X (Loop 1A)

HCV-2936 2 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2936 Solenoid Valve For Safety PCV-29.09 2 Injection Leakage Cooler X (Loop 18)

E/P For 5 Positioner For PCV-2909 X PCV-2909 PCV-2909 2 Position Indication For X Limit Switch PCV-2909

e Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 -.

Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Page 8 of 13 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Valve For Safety HCV-2916 2 Injection Tank SI-1A Drain X (Loop 1B)

HCV-2916 2 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2916 Solenoid Valve For Safety PCV -2949 2 Injection Leakage Cooler X (Loop 2A)

E/P For 5 Positioner For PCV-2949 X PCV-2949 PCV-2949 2 Position Indication For X Limit Switch PCV-2949 Solenoid Valve For Safety

HCV-2956 2 Injection Tank SI-6C Drain X l (Loop 2A)

HCV-2956 2 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2956 l

1 I

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Page 9 of 13 COMP 0ttEtlTS Location Item fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Con tainment Solenoid Valve For Safety PCV-2969 2 Injection Leakage Cooler X (Loop 2B)

E/P For 5 Posi tioner For PCV-2969 X PCV-2969 PCV-2969 2 Position Indication For X Limit Switch PCV-2969 l

Solenoid Valve For Safety HCV-2976 2 Injection Tank SI-6D Drain X (Loop 28)

HCV-2976 2 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2976 4

SIRWT Discharge Line To r LCV-383-2.. Spray & Safety Injection Pump X

(Solenoid Operated) l LCV-383-2 LCV-383-2 Position Indicatior X Limit Switch l

. SIRWT Discharge Line To Spray LCV-383-1 L Safety Injection Pumps X LCV-383-2 LCV-383-1 Position Indicatfor X Limit Switch

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety I c t i on . Page 10 of 13 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside

. Primary Primary Containment Containment Containment Sump-Recirculation HCV-383-3 To HPSI, LPSI, & Spray Pumps X i (Motor Operated Valve)

Limit Switch Position Indication For X HCV-383-3 HCV-383-3 Containment Sump-Recirculation HCV-383-4 To HPSI, LPSI, & Spray Pumps X Motor Operated Valve)

HCV-383-4 Position Indication For X L'imi t Swi tch HCV-383-4 FT-342 4 Containment Spray X Flow Transmitter l

l FT-343. 4 Containment Spray X i

High Pressure Safety Injection PT-309 4 Pump Discharge Pressure X Transmitter High Pressure Safety Injection PT-310 4 Pump Discharge Pressure y 1suiuarmiermm

f Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Page 11 of 13 COMP 0NEtlTS Location Ztem tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment HCV-349 1,4 HPSI Pump 28 Cooled Suction Line Isolation (Solenoid) X HCV-349 1,4 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-349 .

HPSI Pump 2A Cooled Suction HCV-350 1,4 Line Isolation X (Solenoi .alve)

HCV-350 1,4 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-350 .

HCV-2983 1 CVCS Isolation Solenoid Valve (From SI Tank) X HCV-2983 1 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-2983 HCV-385 1,4 Recirculation From HPSI & X LPSI (Solenoid Valve)

HCV-385 1,4 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-385 l

HCV-386 1,4 Recirculation From HPSI &

LPSI (Solenoid Valve) X h d8l witch 1.4 P.o s i t i o n Indication For X HCV-386

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST l SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Instrumentation Page 12 0f 13 COMP 0NENTS Location l Item fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment j FT-313 Flow Transmitter - HPSI To Loop 1B X FT-316 Flow Transmitter - HPSI To Loop 1A X FT-319 Flow Transmitter - HPSI To 1.oop 2A X FT-322 Flow Transmitter - HPSI To Loop 2B X FT-328 4 Flow Transmitter -LPSI To Loop 1B X FT-330 4 Flow Transmitter - LPSI X To Loop 1A FT-332 4 Flow Transmitter - LPSI X To Loop 2 A

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: High Pressure Safety Injection Page 13 of 13 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside l Primary Primary Containment Containment ,

- i FT-334 4 Flow Transmitter - LPSI X l To Loop 2B l

A/LC-383-1 1 CH-A - SIRWT Level To RAS , X Logic (Div. A)

B/LC-383-1 1 CH-B - SIRWT Level To RAS X Logic (Div. A)

C/LC-383-1 1 CH-C - SIRWT Level To RAS X Locic (Div. A)

D/LC-383-1 1 CH-D - SIRWT Level To RAS X

, Logic (Div. A)

A/LC-383-2 1 CH-A - SIRWT Level To RAS X Lonic (Div. B)

B/LC-383-2 1 CH-B - SIRWT Level To RAS X Logic (Div. B)

C/LC-383-2 1 CH-C - SIRWT Level To RAS X Logic (Div. B)

D/LC-383-2 1 CH-D - SIRWT Level To RAS X Logic (Div. B)

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Instrument Air System Page I of I COMP 0NENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside l Primary Primary 1 Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Instrument PCV-1849 1 Air Header Isolation Valve X s

I Limit Switch on Position Indication for PCV-1849 1 PCV-1849 X l Instrument Air Header Press PC-1849 Low Pressure Switch X I

i l

l l


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Low Pressure Safety Injection Page 1 of 4 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment SI-1A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump "A" X HCV-2947 Solenoid Operated Valve For SI-1 A Inlet X HCV-2947 HCV-2947 Position Indication X Limit Switch HCV-2948 Solenoid Operated Valve For SI-1A Discharge X HCV-2948 HCV-2948 Position Indication X Limit Switch ST-1B Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump "B" X

! HCV-2937 Solenoid Operated Valve For SI-1B Inlet X HCV-2937 HCV-2937 Position Indication X Limit Switch

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Low Pres su re Safety Iniection Page 2 of 4 i COMPONENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment HCV-2938 Solenoid Operated Valve For SI-1B Discharge X s

HCV-2938 Position Indication For Limit Switch HCV-2938 X FCV-326 1,4 Flow Control Valve-Low Pressure Safety Injection X S0V-326 1,4 Solenoid Valve For FCV-326 X E/P-326 1,4 gcg-gumaticPositioner FCV-326 1,4 Position Indication For Limit Switch FCV-326 X FIC-326 1,4 Flow Controller For FCV-326 X l HCV-329 Motor Operated Valve For Loop 1A Safety In .i e c ti o n X HCV-329 Position Indication For Limit Switch HCV-329 X l


F' Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Low Pressure Safety Injection Page 3 of 4 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Containment HCV-327 Motor Operated Valve For Loop 1B Safety Injection X HCV-327 HCV-327 Position Indication X Limit Switch HCV-331 Motor Operated Valve For Loop 2A Safety Injection X HCV-331 HCV-331 Position Indication A 1,imit Switch HCV-333 Motor Operated Valve For X l Loop 28 Safety Injection HCV-333 HCV-333 Position Indication X e'Timit Switch Motor Operated Valve For HCV-347 1 Shutdown Cooling Line Isolation X HCV-347 -

1 Position Indication For X Limit Switch HCV-347

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Low Pressure Safety Injection Page 4 of 4 COMP 0NENTS Location item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Motor Operated Valve For HCV-348 Shutdown Cooling Line X Isolation HCV-348 Position Indication For Limit Switch HCV-348 X Solenoid Valve For LPSI HCV-335 1 System Realignment For X Shutdown Cooling HCV-335 1 HCV-335 Position Indication X L,imi t Swi tch l

Solenoid Valve For HCV-341 1,4 Containment Spray To LPSI Header X 1

HCV-341 1,4 Valve Positioner For I E/P HCV-341 X

, HCV-341 1,4 Position Indication X Limit Switch l

l l



nract i ny . Fort Glitoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LlST SYSTEM: Main Steam Page 1 of 3 COMPO1ENTS ,

- Location Item fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment .

Main Steam Line From Steam HCV-1041A Generator RC-2A Valve Test X Solenoid #1 Solenoid (Test Function Only) -

Main Steam Line From Steam HCV-1041A Generator RC-2A Valve Pilot X Solenoid #2- Solenoid Limit Switch On HCV-1041A Position _ Indication For X Solenoid #1 HCV-1041A (Test Function Only)

Main Steam Line From Steam HCV-1041A Generator RC-2A Valve Slow X Solenoid #3 Open Solenoid Limit Switch On HCV-1041A Position Indication For X Solenoid #2 HCV-1041A l

i I

1 l

l 1

i 9 e l

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Main Steam _

Page 2 of 3 COMPONENTS Location item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside

. Primary Primary Containment Containment Main Steam Line From Steam HCV-1042A Generator RC-2B Valve Test X Solenoid *1 Solenoid (Test Function Only) I Main Steam Line From Steam HCV-1042A Generator RC-2B Valve Pilot X Solenoid #2 Solenoid Main Steam To Turbine Driven YCV-1045 1 Auxiliary Feed Pump FW-10 X Solenoid Valve YCV-1045 1 Position Indication For X Limit Switch YCV-1045 l


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Main Steam Page 1 of 3 COMPONENTS Location l Item Number Re f. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Main Steam Line From Steam HCV-1041A Generator RC-2A Valve Test X Solenoid 41 Solenoid (Test Function On1v)

Main Steam Line From Steam HCV-1041A Generator RC-2A Valve Pilot X Solenoid #2 Solenoid

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: -Nitrocen System Page 1 of 1 COMP 0NENTS ,

4 Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary i

Contair. ment Containment Solenoid Operated NCV-2603A 1 Nitrogen X Isolation Valve 4

Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2603A HCV-2603A 4

Solenoid Operated HCV-26038 2 Nitrogen Isolation Valve X m

Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-26038 HCV-26038

HCV-2604A 1 Solenoid Operated Nitrogen X i Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2604A ,

HCV-2G04A Soleno,id Operated HCV-26048 2 Nitrogen X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-2604B HCV-2604B i

e , - - -.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Dockat No. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Plant Air System Page I of I COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Plant Air Containment X HCV-1749 1 Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-1749 HCV-1749

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket tio. : 50-285 MASTER LfST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 1 of 13 COMP 0:lENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment AC-10A 1 Raw Water Pump AC-10A X AC-108 1 Raw Water Pump AC-10B X l

AC-10C 1 Raw Water Pump AC:10C X AC-10D 1 Raw Water Pump AC-100 X

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket flo.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 2 of 13 COMP 0tlEtlTS Location Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated HCV-2850 1 Raw Water Discharge X Valve A Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2850 HCV-2850 Solenoid Operated HCV-2851 1 Raw Water Discharge X Valve B Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2851. HCV-2851 Solenoid Operated HCV-2852 1 Raw Water Discharge X Valve C Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2852 HCV-2852 dolenoia Uperatea i HCV-2853 1 Raw Water Discharge .

X 1 Valve D l

Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2853 HCV-2853 l

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket tio.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 3 or13 !

COMP 0:1ENTS Location l Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Raw Water Header X HCV-2874A 1 Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2874A HCV-2874A Solenoid Operated HCV-28748 1 Raw Water Header X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-28748 HCV-28748 Solenoid Operated HCV-2875A 1 Raw Water Header X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2875A HCV-2875A Solenoid Operated HCV-28758 1 Raw Water Header X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-28758 HCV-2875B

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 4 of I2 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated HCV-2876A 1 Raw Water Header X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2876A HCV-2876A Solenoid Operated HCV-28768 1 ' Raw Water Header X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2876B HCV-2,1768 Solenoid Operated HCV-2877A 1 Raw Water X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2877A HCV-2877A Solenoid Operated HCV-2882A 1 Raw Water X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For HCV-2882A HCV-2882A 1


_ l


' Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket tio. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 5 of 13 COMP 0:4Et4TS Location Item fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Containment Solenoid Operated HCV-2893 1 Raw Water X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2993 HCV-2893 Solenoid Operated HCV-2894 1 Raw Water X Isolation Valve Limit Switch On 1 Position Ino, cation For X HCV-2894 HCV-2894 A

_m._ - . - - -

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: ,

Raw Water System Page 6 of 13 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Con tainment Solenoid Opera-ted Raw Water l1CV-400E 1 Inlet To Containment Air X Cooling Unit VA-1A Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-400E HCV-400E Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-400F 1 ~0utlet To Containment X Air Gooling Unit VA-1A l

Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-400F HCV-400F Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-401E 1 Inlet To Containment Air X Cooling Unit VA-1B Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-401E HCV-401E Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-401F 1 Outlet To Containment Air X l Cooling Unit VA-1B l Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X

! HCV-401F HCV-401F

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket tio.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 7 of 13 1

l COMP 0flEtlTS l Location

, Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside

{ ,

Primary Primary

.l Containment Con tainment Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-402E 1 Inlet To Containment Air X Cooling Unit VA-8A Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-402E HCV-402E Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-402F 1 Outlet To Containment Air X Cooling Unit VA-8A Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-402F HCV-402F Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-403E 1 Inlet To Containment Air S Cooling Unit VA-8B Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-403E HCV-403E l

Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-403F 1 Outlet To Containment Air X Cooling Unit VA-8B 1

Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-403F HCV-403F

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket tio. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 8 of 13 COMP 0t1Ef1TS Location Item tiumber Re f. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-482A 1 Inlet Valve To Shutdown Cool- X ing Heat Exchanger AC-4A Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-482A HCV-482A Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-482B 1 ' Outlet Valve From Shutdown X Cooling Heat Exchanger AC-4A l Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-482B HCV-482B Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-483A 1 Inlet Valve To Shutdown X Cooling Heat Exchancer AC-4B Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-483A HCV-483A l

Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-4838 1 Outlet Valve From Shutdown X Cooling Heat Exchanger AC-4B Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-483B HCV-483B 4 04

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket flo.: 50-283 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 9 of 13 COMP 0:1Ef1TS Location Item fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2808C Inlat Valve To LPSI Pump X SI-iA Bearina Cooler Limit Switch On Position Indica tion For HCV-2808C HCV-%808C X Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-28080 Outlet Valve From LPSI Pump X SI-1A Bearino Cooler Limit Switch On Position Indication For X j HCV-2808D HCV-2808D i

Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2809C Inlet Valve To LPSI Pump X SI-1B Bearing Cooler Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-2809C HCV-2809C Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-28090 Outlet Valve From LPSI Pump X SI-1B Bearing Cooler Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-28090 HCV-2809D

Facili?,. Fort'Calhoun 1 Dockcc No.: 50-285 f% STER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 10 of 13 l COMPONENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside

. Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2810C Inlet Valve To HPSI Pump X SI-2A Bearing Cooler Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-2810C HCV-2810C SolenoidOperatedRaNWater HCV-2810D Outlet Valve From HPSI Pump X SI-2A Bearing Cooler Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-2810D HCV-28100 i

Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2811C Inlet Valve To HPSI Pump X SI-2B Bearing Cooler Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-2811C HCV-2811C Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2811u Outlet Valve From HPSI Pump X SI-2B Bearing Cooler Limit Swi tch On Position. Indication For X HCV-28110 HCV-28110

l Fa c t . i i.y rart. Calnoun a Docket Eto.: 50-23S IMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 11 of 13 COMP 0:1EttTS Location Item tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary

. Containment Containment.

Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2812C Inlet Valve To HPSI Pump X SI-2C Bearing Cooler Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-2812C HCV-2812C Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2812D ~0utlet Valve From HPSI Pump X SI-2C Bearing Cooler

. Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-28120

{HCV-2812D i

l i

Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2813C Inlet Valve To Containment X Spray Pump SI-3A Bearino Cooler lLimitSwitchOn Position Indication For X

HCV-2813C HCV-2813C Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-28130 Outlet Valve From Containment X Spray Pump SI-3A Bearing Cooler Limit Switch On Position . Indication For X HCV-28130 HCV-28130 3


TicTUi ty: 1 Fort CMhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 iGSTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 12 of 13 COMP 0:1EllTS Loca tion l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2814C Inlet Valve To Containment X Spray Pump SI-38 Bearing Cooler-Limit Switch On Position Indication For HCV-2814C HCV-2814C Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2814D Outlet Valve From Containment X Spray Pump SI-3B Bearing Cooler Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-2814D HCV-2814D Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2815C Inlet Valve To Containment X Spray Pump SI-3B Bearing Cooler l Limit Switch On Position Indication For X l hCV-2815C HCV-2815C 1

l Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-281sD Outlet Valve From Containment X Spray Pump SI-38 Bearing Cooler Limit Switch On Position. Indication For X HCV-2815D HCV-2815D w



DocketNo.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Raw Water System Page 13 of 13 COMP 0:4EtlTS l Location l


Item flumber Re f. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary

.; Containment Con tainment I

Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2898C Inlet Valve To Control Room X Air Conditioner VA-46A Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-2898C HCV-2898 Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-28980 Outlet Valve From Control Room X Air Conditioner VA-46A Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-28980 HCV-2898D


Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-2899C Inlet Valve To Control Room X Air Conditioner VA-46B Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-2899C HCV-2899C Solenoid Operated Raw Water HCV-289.90 Outlet Valve From Control Room X Air Conditioner VA-46B Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-28990 HCV-28990

- - : ~ r r.  :- ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ - - - - - --' - - ---

- - ~

.%..m. m e. m u......e s Docket tio. : 50-285 lMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System Page 1 of l 0 COMP 0t1EtiTS Location Item tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary

. Containment Containment bb$i$t[oop"f0([oh"'OFow)

A/dPT-il4 5 Differential Pressure X Transmitter Steam Generator #1 Inlet To B/dPT-ll4 5 Outlet Loop 1B (Loop 18 Flow) X Dif fergntial Pressure Transmitter Steam Generator #1 Inlet'To C/dPT-ll4 5 Outlet Loop 1B (Loop 18 Flow)

Differential Transmittar Pressure X

  1. 1 Inlet To D/dPT~114 5 Outlet Loop 1BSteam Generator (Loop 1B Flow)

Differential Pressure X Transmitter Steam Generator #1 Inlet To A/dPT-114X 5 Outlet Loop 1A (Loop lA Flow)

Differential Pressure X Transmitter B/dPT-il4X 5 bu$i$t[oo!1 Differenti Pressure #fk(Loop"kFf0w) X Transmitter Steam Generator #1 Inlet To C/dPT-ll4X o la Outlet LoopDifferentialssure Pre (Loop 1A Flow)


MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System Page 2 of 10 COMP 0:lEitTS

' Loca tion Item fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Con tainment.

Steam Generator #1 Inlet To D/dPT-ll4X 5 Outlet Loop 1A.(Loop 1A Flow)

X nifferential Pressure Transmitter Steam Generator #2 Inlet To A/dPT-ll4Y 5 Outlet Loop 2A Flow X Differential Pressure Tra n mi t +o r Steam Generator #2 Inlet'To B/dPT-ll4Y 5 b h en$$$1 rb!Ure X Transmitter C/dPT-il4Y 5 bu$$$t[oo!1PressurekkFfow"*

Di f feren ti Tran smi tte r X

C/dPT-ll4Y buki$t [o! hk Ffbw "

5 Differenti!1 Pressure X Transmitter A/dPT-ll4Z buki$t[oE*bfFIbw"*

5 Differenti!lPressure Transmitter X

Steam Generator e2 Inlet To B/dPT-114Z -

5 Outlet Loop 28 Flow Differential Pressure X Tran smi tte r

rou .v. .v e ce.nuun i Occket flo. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System Page 3 of 10 COMP 0tlEtlTS Location Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry

. Containment Con tainment.

Steam Generator e2 Inlet io C/dPT-114Z 5 Outlet - Loop 2B Flow

( Di f fe ren ti al Pressure X Transmitter)

Steam Generator #2 Inlet To Outlet - Loop 2B Flow D/dPT-ll4Z 5 (Differential Pressure X Transmitter)

A/TE-ll2C Loop 1A Cold Leg X Temperature RTD A/TT-ll2C 3,4 oo lA Cold Le (emgeratureTragsmitter X B/TE-112C Loop 1B Cold Leg X Temperature RTD B/TT-ll2C 3,4 Loop 18 Cold Leg X Temperature Transmitter l C/TE-ll2C Loop 1A Cold Leg X Temperature RTD C/TT-il2C Loop 1A Cold Leg X Temperature Transmitter

' ~

Docketlio.: b0-28i' fGSTER LIST SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System Pdge 4 of 10 COMP 0:lEf1TS

' Location Item ilumber Ref. Description Inside Cutside Primary Primary Containment Containment.

D/TE-ll2C Loop 18 Cold Leg X Temperature RTD D/TT-ll2C Loop 1B Cold Leg X Temperature Transmitter A/TE-ll2H Loop 1 Hot Leg X Temperature RTD A/TT-ll2H 3,4 Loop 1 Hot Leg X Temperature Transmitter B/TE-ll2H Loop 1 Hot Leg X Temperature RTD B/TT-112H 3,4 Loop 1 Hot Leg X Temperature Transmitter C / TE - 1.12H Loop 1 Hot Leg X Temperature RTD C/TT-ll2H Loop 1 Hot Leg X Temperature Transmitter l


D/TE-ll2H -

Loop 1 Hot Leg X Temperature RTD D/TT-ll2H Loop 1 Hot Leg X i

Temperature Transmitter '


Docketflo.: ' 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System Page 5 of l0 COMP 0flE11TS

  • Location l Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary

. Containment Containment, A/TE-122C Loop 2A Cold Leg X Temperature RTD A/TT-122C 3,4 Loop 2A Cold Leg X Temperature Transmitter B/TE-122C ' Loop 28 Cold Leg X Temperature RTD B/TT-122C 3,4 Loop 2B Cold Leg X Temperature Transmitter C/TE-122C Loop 2A Cold Leg X Temperature RTD C/TT-122C Loop 2A Cold Leg X Temperature Transmitter D/TE-122C Loop 2B Cold Leg X Temperature RTD D/TT-122C Loop 2B Cold Leg X Temperature Transmitter I

l I

Docket tio. : 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System Page 6 of 10 COMP 0tiEllTS Location Item tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Con tainment A/T.E-122H Loop 2 Hot Leg ' X Temperature RTD A/TT-122H 3,4 Loop 2 Hot Leg X Temperature Transmitter B/TE-122H Loop 2 Hot Leg X Temperature RTD B/TT-122H 3,4 Loop ? Hot Leg X l Temperature Transmitter C/TE-122H Loop 2 Hot Leg X Temperature RTD l C/TT-122H Loop 2 Hot Leg X Temperature Transmitter l

l D/ TE - 1.2 2 H Loop 2 Hot Leg X Temperature RTD D/TT-122H Loop 2 Hot Leg X Temperature Transmitter e


j SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System Page 7 of 10 l COMP 0NEllTS .

Location Item tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary ,

, Containment Containment Pressurizer Pressure PT-103-X 3 Transmitter For Automatic X Spray Control -

PT-103-Y 3 E/P Converter For Pressurizer X Spray Valve PCV-103-2 PT-105 3 Wide Range Pressurizer X Pressure PT-ll5 3 Wide Range X Pressurizer Pressure Pressurizer Proportional &

Backup Heater K G


Docket fio.: 50-235

!MSTER LIST SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System Page 8 of l0 COMPO.*lEtiTS Location Item ttumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment.

A/PT-102 Pressurizer Pressure X Transmitter B/PT-102 Pressurizer X Pressure Transmitter C/PT-102 Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter X D/PT-102 Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter X LT-10lX 3 Pressurizer Hot Condition X Level Transmitter

, LT-10lY 3 Pressurizer Hot Condition X Level Transmitter I

' Docket fio. : 50-285 fMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Reactor-Coolant System Page 9 of 10

. COMP 0ftEflTS

' Loca tion Item tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside

  • Primary Primary

. Containment Con tainment.

Motor Operated Outlet HCV-150 3,4 Valve From Pressurizer X To Quench Tank -

Limit Switch On 3,4 Position Indication For X HCV-150 HCV-150 Motor Operated Outlet HCV-151 3,4 Valve From Pressurizer X To Quench Tank Limit Switch On 3,4 Position Indication For X

-HCV-151 HCV-151 l

PCV-102-1 3,4 Solenoid Operated X Pressurizer Relief Valve Limit Switch On Position Indication For X PCV-102-1 3,4 PCV-102-1 l

PCV-102-2 3,4 Solenoid Operated X Pressurizer Relief Valve Limit Switch On 3,4 Position Indication For X i PCV-102-2 PCV-102-2 l


. . , ., v . .. -- .

Docket fio. : 50-235 IMSTER L' ST SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System Page 10 of 10 COMP 0:1EtiTS Location Item flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry Containment Containment .

LT-132 3,4 Pressurizer Quench Tank X Level Transmitt'r TE-133 3,4 Pressurizer Quench Tank X Temperature Element

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 lMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Demineralized Water System Page I of I COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated HCV-1559A 1 Demineralized Water Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-1559A 1 HCV-1559A X Solenoid Operated HCV-15598 1 Demineralized Water Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for HCV-1559B 1 HCV-1559B X Solenoid Operated l Demineralized Water HCV-1560A 1 Isolation Valve X Limit Switch on Position Indication for l HCV-1560A 1 HCV-1560A A l Solenoid Operated l HCV-15608 Demineralized Water 1

Isolation Valve X l

Limit Switch on Position Indication for i HCV-15608 1 HCV-1560B X l 1

1 l

Docket tio.: 50-285 RASTER LIST l SYSTEM: Sampling System Page 1 of 2 COMP 0tiEtiTS l


' Location Item tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary

. Containment Containment, Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-2504A 2 Isolation Valve To Sample X Heat Exchanger SL-3 Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-2504A HCV-2504A Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-2504B 1 Isolation Valve To Sample X Heat Exchanger SL-3 Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2504B HCV-25048 Solenoid Operated Containment X HCV-2506A 2 Isolation Valve To Sample Heat Exchanger SL-8 Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-2506A HCV-2506A Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-2506B 1 Isolation Valve To Sample X Heat Exchanger SL-8 Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2506B HCV-25068 f t

TfcTrity; c rort'CUncun 1 Docket No. : 50-285 MASTER LIST

' SYSTEM: Samolino System Page 2 of 2 COMP 0t4EtlTS

- Location Item ttumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment.

Solenoid Operated Containment X

HCV-2507A 2 {$$bSL R

2 solation glvg.To ggey Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-2507A HCV-2507A Solenoid Op,erated Containment HCV-25078 1 a

de@eakO"EiN8ow0kn$i$zer SL-2 Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-2507B HCV-2507B G

O e


l .

ou-..y. .um e u ... _ ., .

Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Steam Generator Feed Water a Blowdown Page 1 of 8 COMP 0:1ErlTS

' Loca tion Item ttumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Prima ry

. Containment Containment Motor Operated Auxilary Feed-HCV-1384 Water Inlet Va've To Main Feed Water Pip ng -

X Steam Generators Limit Switches Position Indication For X On HCV-1384. HCV-1384 Auxilary Feed Water To Steam FT-1395 1 Generator RC-2A Flow Tran-smitter (Via Main Feed Water Piping)

X Auxilary Feed Water To Steam FT-1398 1 Generator RC-2B Flow Tran-smitter (Via Main Feed Water X Piping)

Occket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Steam Generator Feed Water & Blowdown Page 2 of 8 COMPONENTS

~ Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment.

Motor Operated Main Feed Water HCV-1385 Inlet Isolation. Valve To Steam X Generator RC-2B Limit Switch dn Position Indication For HCV-1385 HCV-1385 X Motor Operated Main Feed Water HCV-1386 Inlet Isolation Valve To Steam X Generator RC-2A Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-1386 HCV-1386 4 . . _ . . . . . . . . _

~ ~ ~ ~

Ya cTI '. y - rcr:.Ca noun 1 Docket No.: 50-2S5 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Steam Generator Feed Water & Blowdown. Page 3 of 8 COMP 01EtiTS Location Item tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment.

HCV-1107A 2 0"W e inie Ihoftion

!iveio$teambenerator X RC-2A Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-1107A HCV-1107A Auxilary Feed Water Inlet HCV-1107B Valve To Steam Generator RC-2A X Solenoid #1 Solenoid #1 Auxilary Feed Water Inlet Valve HCV-ll07B To Steam Generator RC-2A X Solenoid #2 Solenoid #2 E/P Converter For Auxilary E/P-1107B Feed Water Inlet Valve To X Steam Generator RC-2A Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-1107B HCV-ll708 l



reswis y. rurc w ncun i Docket tio.: 50-28S IMSTER LEST SYSTEM: Steam Generator Feed Water & Blowdown Page 4 of 8 COMP 0:1EtiTS Location l Item tiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Auxilary HCV-1108A 2 Feed Water Inlet' Valve To X Steam Generator RC-2B Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-1108A HCV-1108A Auxilary Feed Water Inlet HCV-11088 Valve To Steam Generator RC-2B X Solenoid #1 Solenoid #1 HCV-1108B Auxilary Feed Water Inlet Solenoid #2 Valve To Steam Generator RC-28 X Solenoid #2 E/P-1108B E/P Converter For Auxilary Feed Water Inlet Valve To X Steam Generator RC-2B Limit Switch On Position Indication For X HCV-1108B HCV-1108B t


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Steam Generator Feed Water & Blowdown Page 5 of 8 COMPONENTS Location ftem Number Ref. Description Inside Outside ,

Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid O Outlet HCV-1387A 2 beke^ato"geratedRb bb b Bi bbo$n X Transfer' Pumps Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-1387A HCV-1387A HCV-1387B f!oia$!on0$Oehr hteam X 1 Generator RC-2B To Blowdown Transfer Pumps Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-1387B HCV-1387B solenoid operated outlet HCV-1388A 2 Isolation Valve From Steam X Generator RC-2A To Blowdown Transfer Pumos Limit Switch On 2 Position Indication For X HCV-1388A HCV-1388A

, Solenoid Operated Outlet l

HCV-13888 1 Isolation Valve'From Steam Generator RC-2A To Blowdown X Transfer Pumps Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X

, HCV-1388B HCV-13888 l

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Steam Genera tor Feed Wa ter & Blowdown Page 6 of 8 COMP 0NENTS Lccation ftem Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment A/LT-901 3 Steam Generator RC-2A X Level Transmitter s

B/LT-901 3 Steam Generator RC-2A X Level Transmitter i

l C/LT-901 3 Steam Generator RC-2A X Level Transmitter i

D/LT-901 3 Steam Generator RC-2A X Level Transmitter j 1

A/PT-902 Steam Generator RC-2A X Pressure Transmitter B/PT-902 Steam Generator RC-2A X Pressure Transmitter l

C/PT-902 Steam Generator RC-2A Pressure Transmitter X

i Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 l Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST l SYSTEM: Steam Generator Feed Water & Blowdown Page 7 of 8 l COMP 0NEtlTS Location I ltem flumber Ref. Description Inside Outside l Primary Primary Containment Containment


D/PT-902 Steam Generator RC-2A X Pressure Transmitter  ;

l A/LT-904 3 Steam Generator RC-28 X  !

Level Transmitter i B/LT-904 3 Steam Generator RC-2B X Level Transmitter C/LT-904 3 Steam Generator RC-2B X Level Transmitter D/LT-904 3 Steam Generator RC-28 X Level Transmitter A/PT-905 Steam Generator RC-28 X Pressure Transmitter B/PT-905 Steam Generator RC-28 X Pressure Transmitter L

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Steam Generator Feedwater & Rlnwdown Page 8 of 8 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment C/PT-905 Steam Generator RC-2B Pressure Transmitter 0/PT-905 Steam Generator RC-2B Pressure Transmitter FT-1109 3 Auxilary Feed Water Flow To Steam Generator RC-2A X FT-ll10 3 Auxtlary Feed Water Flow To Steam Generator RC-2B X I .

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 fMSTER LIST SYSTEM: Waste Disposal System Page 1 of 4 COMPONENTS Location item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-500A 1 Isolation Valve To X Neutralization Tank Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-500A HCV-500A Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-5008 1 Isolation Valve To X Neutralization Tank Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-500B HCV-5008 ,

1 I

I 1

Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-506A 1 Isolation Valve To Spent X Regenerant Tank I 1

Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-506A HCV-506a Solenoid Operated Containment l HCV-5068 1 Isolation Valve To Spent X 1 Regenerant Tank Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X l HCV-506B HCV-506B l l

l l

i i 1

1 l

l Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Waste Disoosal System Page 2 of 4 COMPONENTS Location l Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Con tainment Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-507A 1 Isolation Valve To Waste X Gas Compressors Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-507A HCV-507A Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-507B 1 Isolation Valve To Waste X Gas Compressors Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-507B HCV-507B HCV-50BA 1 Solenoid Operated Containment Isolation Valve To X Automatic Gas Analyzer Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-508A HCV-508A Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-5088 1 Isolation Valve To X Automatic Gas Analyzer Limit Swi tch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-5088 HCV-5088 l -

l l


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket tio.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Waste Disoosal System Page 3 of 4 COMP 0NEllTS Location Etem fiumber Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Con tainment Solenoid Operated Containment HCV-509A 1 Isolation Valve To X Automatic Gas Analyzer s

Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-509A HCV-509A HCV-509B 1 Solenoid Operated Containment Isolation Valve To X Automatic Gas Analyzer Limit Switch On 1 Position Indication For X HCV-509B HCV-509B LT-504 4 Containment Sump X Level Transmitter LC-505 4 Containment Sump X Level Switch LC-568 4 Safety Injection Pump Room X Sump Level Switch i

LC-569 4 Safety Injection Pump Room X l Sump Level Switch I

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 Docket No.: 50-285 MASTER LIST SYSTEM: Waste Disposal System Page 4 of 4 COMPONENTS Location Item Number Ref. Description Inside Outside Primary Primary Containment Containment LC-570 4 Safety Injectibn Pump Room X Sump Level Switch LC-571 4 Safety Injection Pump Room X Sump Level Switch LT-384 3 Containment Post Accident X Level & Alarm




Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .

l Docket No.: 50-285 l C-26 l SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SIIEET Enclosure #5 l ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING-EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METIIOD ITEMS l . Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Note 1 Operating Time Continuous Continuous 1 2 Type Test NONE Item No.: Note II Tempera-ture *F 288*F 300*F 1 2 Type Test NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg 60 PSIg 70 PSIg 1 2 Type Test NONE Manufacturer: NAMCO Relative Model No.: EA-180-11302 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE Function: Position-Indication Chemical 1700 ppm 3000 ppm For valves '

Spray Boric Acid Boron 1 2 s Type Test NONE 6

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 3x10 R & 8 Demon: N/A Radiation Note 3 1.5x10 R 1 2 Type Test Note 3 r

Service: See Function ,

Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence Note 3 Note 3 N/A N/A Note 3 Documentation


Notes: 1) Systems: Chemical & Volume Control System, liigh Pressure Safet:

1) See Enclosure #1 Injection System, Component Cooling System, Containment Cooling System,
2) Certificate of compliance will be Containment llVAC, Steam Generator Feedwater & Blowdown, Containment submitted to the District on delivery liydrogen Purge, Sampling System, Nitrogen & llydrogen System of components. 2) Item No.: TCV-202, IICV-238,239,240, 241, IICV-545,425A,425C,2936,2916,2956,2976,438A, 438C,467A,467C,1107A,1108A,881,882,883A,884A,2504A,2506A,2507A, 2603B,2604B, 1387A,1388A, 864, 865 PCV-2929,2909,2949,2969,742E,742G
3) The underlined components listed above may be subject to submergence.

An evaluation is being conducted to determine radiation exposure and suitability for the subsequent. environment.

Facility: Fort Callioun .1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285 C-27 SYSTEM CvMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET Enclosure #5 ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETIIOD ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Component Cooling Operating System Time Continuous Continuous 1 2 Type Test NONE Item No.: IICV-438A,438C,881,882, 883A,884A, 864,865 Tempera-ture *F 288*F 300 F 1 2 Type Test NONE Component: Solenoid valve Pressure PSIg 60 PSIg 70 PSIg 1 2 Type Test NONE Manufacturer: VALCOR '

Relative Model No.: P/N V70900-21-3 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE Function: Remote operation Chemical 1700 ppm 3000 ppm of valves Spray Boric Acid Boron 1 2 Type Test NONE 6

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 3x10 R & 8 Demon: N/A Radiation Note 2 1.5x10 R' 1 2 Type Test Note 2 Service: See Function Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence Note 2 Note 2 N/A N/A Note 4 Note 2 Documentation



! 1) Enclosure #1. 1) VALCOR solenoid valves are continuously

2) Certificate of compliance will be submitted to the District energized or may be required to operate on delivery of components, during the accident.
2) IICV-438A & 'C may be subject to submergence.

An evaluation is being conducted to deter-mine radiation exposure and suitability


for the subsequent environment.

l 7__..

p 7 ..,-._._..--o-r- . - - - . _ - ,,,--e w -, .- - - -.n,.,,,7,-__,_,-,,p. ,..-w.,m,,,. . , , . - , ~..m_,- . - , , . , _ _ . . , . ,. ., . - . , y. , , , , - - , , , - . . , _ - , - . . ,

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


. Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Note I Operating Time Note 3 Note 3 1 2 Type Test NONE Item No.: Note II Tempera-ture *F 288 F 300 F 1 2 Type Test NONE Component: Solenoid Pressure PSIg 60 PSIg 70 PSIg 1 2 Type Test NONE Manufacturer: ASCO Relative Model No.: NP8320A185E liumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE Function: Remote Operation of Chemical 1700 ppm 3000 ppm valves s Spray Boric Acid Boron 1 2 s Type Test NONE 6

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 3x10 R E 8 Demon: N/A Radiation Note 4 15x10 R 1 2 Type Test Note 4 Service: See Function Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence Note 4 Note 4 N/A N/A Note 4 Note 4 Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Systems: Chemical & Volume Control System,Iligh Pressure
2) Certificate of compliance will be submitted to Safety Injection System, Component Cooling System, Con-the District on delivery of components. tainment HVAC, Steam Generator Feedwater & Blodown, ~

Sampling System, Nitrogen & liydrogen System.

2) Item No.: TVC-202 - IICV-238,239,240, 241,545,2936,2916, 2936,2956,2976, 467A,467C,746A, 1387A,1388A,2603B, 2604B,425A, 425C,204,205, - PCV-742E,742G
3) Once, on receipt of an isolation signal
4) The underlined components listed above may be subject to submergence. An evaluation is being con ~ ducted to determine radiation exposure and suitability for the subsequent environment.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285 C-29 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SIIEET Enclosure #5 ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- MET 110D ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: See Note 1 Operating Time Note 2 Note 2 1 2 Type Test NONE Item No.: PCV-2929,2909,2949,2969, 742A,742C,llCV-724A,724B,725A, Tempera-725B,Il07A,1108A,2504A,2506A, ture *F 288*F 300*F 1 2 Type Test NONE 2507A Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg 60 PSlg 70 PSIg 1 2 Type Test NONE Manufacturer: ASCO Relative Model No.: NP8320A-189E,185E, llumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE 193E,183E,195E & NP83165SE Function: Remote operation of Chemical 1700 ppm 3000 ppm Pneumatic valve Spray Boric Acid Boron 1 2 Type Test NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 8 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 1.5x10 R 1 2 Type Test NONE Service: See Function Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) liigh pressure safety injection,
2) Certificate of compliance will be submitted to the district on containment IIVAC, Steam Generator delivery of components. Feedwater and blowdown, Sampling System.
2) Once, on receipt of an isolation signal.


e e

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285 S-2 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SIIEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATION REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPHENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Component Cooling Operating See See Time Note 1 Note 1 N/A N/A Note 1 NONE Item No.: IICV-2898A,B and ilCV-2899A,B Tempera- Factory ture F 216*F Note 3 1 2 Eng Data NONE Component: Solenoid Operator Pressure 2 Eng Anal PSIg 1.2 PSIg 2.6 PSlg 1 Note 1 Note 2 NONE Manufacturer: ASCO Relative Type Test Model No.: WPitT-831429 llumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 (NEMA STD) NONE Function: CCW inlet and Chemical discharge vv's Spray. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Service: CCW inlet & discharge vv for cont rm IIVAC units VA-46A,B Location: Room 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes. gence N/A N/A - N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See' Enclosure #2. 1) VV's are required to operate only if there is a
2) " Engineering Information" failure of the component cooling system. They ASCO solenoid valves - Class 11 coils (pg 18 ASCO cat #29). function to block CCW flow & are normally open

" Submersible solenoid enclosures" (pg 17 ASCO cat #29) and de-energized.

2) VV's are equiped with sumersible housings & are rated (NEHA STD Type Test) watertight to a static head of 6 feet of water-(2.6 PSIg)
3) Rated at 212 F for non U.L. applications.

Exposure to this temp will last 3.7 min for a feedwater line rupture and then decrease to normal ambient. Qualification is felt to be adequate.

Facility: ' Fort Call'ioun 1 .


EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualiff- METil0D ITEMS l Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Component Cooling  :)pera ting Continuous Time Continuous Note 1 N/A N/A Note 1 NONE Item No.: !!CV-2898A,B and llCV-2899A,B Tempera- 2 Eng Anal ture *F 216*F 180*F 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Component: Limit Switches Pressure Min of 2 Type Test PSIg 1.2 PSIg 2.6 PSIg i Note 2 (NEMA STD) NONE Manufacturer: Fisher Controls Relative Type Test Model No.: Type 304 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Note 2 NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical s Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A .N/A N/A NONE Service: CCW inlet & discharge vv Pos Ind-for CCW to VA-46A,B Location: Room 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer- '

Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Limit SW Functions to provide indication
2) Fisher Controls Bulletin 62.3:304 only. SW is designed to operate continuously

@l80 F.*For the short time the Rm.81 temp is

@212*F no damage will occur.

2) Based on watertight enclosure rated to not leak at a static head of 6 ft of water.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,


EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METIIOD - ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Component Cooling Operating Time NONE Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Item No.: llCV-2808A,2808B,2810A Tempera-2810B,2812A,2812B,2813A;1813B ture *F 122*F Note 2 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Model No.: WPl!T 831429 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical &

inlet & outlet valves for Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE SI & spray pumps bearing coolers.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A Anal.

4 5 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function Location: Room.21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE

' Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8314 series-Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper

' Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which'

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section


are BUNA "N" and nylon. Table "C-1" of 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). IEB-79-01B showg these agterials capable of

3) ASCO Catalog #30 pages 82 and 83. withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 37. 2) Rated at 176*F for U.L. applications, rated at 212 F for non U.L. applications.
3) Valves are locked open and do not operate during an event.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,



AT N EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETIIOD ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Component Cooling Operating Eng. Anal.

Time lontinuous Continuous N/A Note 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: llCV-2808A,2808B,2810A, 28108,2812A,2812B,2813A,2813B Tempera-ture *F 122*F 180*F 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Hanufacturer: Fisher Governor

  • Company Relative Model No.: 304 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for Component Cooling valves Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 6 "E'^"*
  • Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 10 R 2 3 (Note 1) NONE Service: Component cooling

. water vv Pos. Ind.

Location: Room 21 (llPSI) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A .N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of Fisher 304 series Limit Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant Switches are aluminum, stainless steel or Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. cadmium plated steel with the exception of
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section the 0-Rings which are nitrile rubber. Table 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December.1979). "C-1" of IEB-79-01B shows ghis material
3) Fisher Controls Co. Bulletin 62.3:304, December 1974. capable of withstanding 10 R.
2. Evaluation of the above parameters shows the

. switch capable of continuous operation in the expected environment.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


"^ ^

AT N EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETHOD ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Component Cooling Operating Time NONE Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Item No.: HCV-2809A,2809B,2811A Tempera-2811B,2814A,2814B,2815A,2815B ture *F 122*F Note 2 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A' N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Model No.: WPHT 831429 Humidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical inlet & outlet valves for Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE SI & spray pumps bearing coolers.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A "E*A""

  • 4 5 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8314 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and Nylon. Table "C-1" of 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). IEB-79-01B showg these agterials capable of
3) ASCO Catalog #30 pages 82 and 83. withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 37. 2) Rated at 176*F for U.L. applications, rated at 21e*F for non U.L. applications.
3) Valves are locked open and do not operate during an event.

Facility: Fort-Calhoun 1 .



DOCUMENTATION REF. .g. N Qualif-4 EQUIPHENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Specifi- Qualifi- HETHOD ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Component Cooling Operating Continuous Continuous Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 NONE Time Item No.: HCV-2809A,2809B,2811A, 2811B,2814A,2814A,2815A,2815B Tempera-ture *F 122*F 180*F 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: . Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Fisher Governor Co. Relative Model No.: 304 Humidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for Component Cooling vv's Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 6 "E ^""

  • Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 10 R 2 3 (Note 1) NONE Service: Component Cooling Wtr vv Pos Ind.

Location: Room 22'(HPSI) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level:'Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of Fisher 304 Series Limit Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant Switches are aluminum, stainless steel or Accident, "See OPPD letter to te NRC dated 9/6/79. cadmium plated steel with the exception of
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for KUREG-0578" Section the 0-Rings wich are nitrile' rubber. Table

~2.1.6b Page 16' Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). "C-1"ofIEB-79-01Bshowsghismaterial

3) Fisher Controls Co. Bulletin 62.3:304, December 1974. capable of withstanding 10 R.
2) Engineering Judgement based on the listed parameters.

x Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


, Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Condensate Operating Continuous Continuous Eng Anal Time NONE 2 Note 1 NONE Item No.: LT-1188 ~

Tempera- Eng. Anal.

ture *F 216*F 185*F 1 2 Note 1 NONE Component: Emer. Aux FW STG.TK Pressure Explosion, Level XMTR. PSIg 2 PSIg pr/housi g 1 2 Type Test NONE Manufacturer: GE/MAC Relative Model No.: 555 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE Function: Emer. Aux FW STG TK Chemical Level Ind. Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A' NONE Accuracy - Spec: 7.4% of Span Demon: 7.4% of Span Radiation N/A N/A N/A .N/A N/A NONE Service: See function Location: Room 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Transmitter may be used & stored at
2) GE Instruction manual 4532K16-300A. temperatures up to 185 F. Based on the listed parameters the transmitter will function properly during & after the short duration of a feedwater line.

break. Exposure to 212*F temp. will last 3.7 min. and then decreases to normal ambient. Qualification is felt-to be adequate. In addition, transmitter is being reevaluated as part of NRC ser on aux feedwater.

_ -~ _ . __ __ - - _ _ _ - .

. . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ = . _ _ . - . - . . . _ _ _ _.

Facility: . Fort CalIioun 1 ,


. System: Control Room Operating Not Peg'd Ventilation Time for IICLB Note 1 NONE Note 1 Note 1 NONE Item No.: AI-106A & AI-106B Tempera-ture *F 216*F Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Component: All Pressure PSIg 1.2 PSIg Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Manufacturer: Johnson Controls Relative Model No.: N/A Humidity % 100% Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Function: Control Room HVAC Chemical Control panels' Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Service: Control Room Ventilation Location: Room - 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Failure of the control Room llVAC equipment to operate during IIELB in Room 81 is addressed in Appendix H of the Fort Calhoun

_ _ . . _ _ _ . ~ _ . . .__ -- __. . . _ , . , _ _

r. . - _ ..__ ._. .

Fcrt Calhoun 1


Facility: ,

-Docket No.: 50-235 S-4 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SHEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATION REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION. ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METHOD ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Control Room Operating Not Req'd Ventilation Time for HELB Note 1 NONE Note 1 Note 1 - NONE Item No.:.VA-46A, 46B Tempera- No Data ture *F 216*F Availablo 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Component: Motor /HVAC Pressure No Data PSIg 1.2 PSIg Available 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Manufacturer: TRANE Relative No Data Model No.: SCH2-#304 Humidity % 100% Available 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Function: Maintain Control Rm Chemical Temp within equip spec limits Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Service: Control Room air conditioning unit Location: Room - 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE

' Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Failure of the control Room HVAC equipment to operate during HELB in Room 81 is addressed in Appendix H of the Fort Calhoun FSAR.


Fecility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,

! Docket No.: 50-285 S-5 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATION REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPHENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi-  !!ETil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Control Room Operating Not Reg'd Note 1 f Ventilation Time for IIELB Note 1 NONE Note 1 NONE Item No.: VA-63

[ Tempera- No Data ture F 216*F Available 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Component: Fan Motor Pressure No Data PSIg 1.2 PSIg Available 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Manufacturer: ILG Industries No Data Relative Model No.: 20P Cent. Fan llumidity % 100% Available 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Function: Maintain Pressurized Chemical Cont Rm in the event of a LOCA. Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Service: Control Room fresh air inlet fan.

Location: Room - 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-

, Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Failure of the control Room liVAC equipment to operate during IIELB in Room 81 is addressed in Appendix M of the Fort Calhouu FSAR.

% _ - , _ . . , - - - ,m.. - -... -- 4 .-.- ,, - . ~ - - - --- --m-- , n. ,v-- _. . , .-me- ,: .,.s . , m -~, , ,,--..y,. ,w,

w-Fccility: Fort Calhoun 1 .

Docket No.: 50-285 C-19 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METi!0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Containment ilVAC Operating Engineering Time Note 1 Note 2 2 3 Analysis NONE Item No.: VA-3A, 3B Tempera- Silmutaneous ture *F 288*F 300*F 1 3 Test NONE Component: Reliance Motor For Pressure Silmutaneout Joy Vane Axial Fan PSIg 60 PSIg 80 PSIg 1 3 , Test NONE Hanufacturer: Reliance Relative Silmutaneout Model No.: 60-30-1200 Humidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Test NONE Function: Containment Area Fan Chemical 1700 ppm 1000 ppm Silmutaneou:

Spray Boric Acid Boron 1 3 Test NONE Net 3 Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 8 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 1x10 1 3 Analysis NONE Service: Containment ventilation

& recirc. fans. Engineerint Location: Containment Aging 40 yrs 40 yrs 1 3 Analysis NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) O to 20 min: 288'F, 60 PSIg; 50 min:
2) Contract #763, Tec Spec #17 Para 4.05 pg. H.21-6 245*F, 30 PSIg; greater than 50 min:
3) Joy Manufacturing Test Report No. X-377A Gradual return to normal. several hours.
2) 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> at 80 PSIg and 300 F; 264 hours0.00306 days <br />0.0733 hours <br />4.365079e-4 weeks <br />1.00452e-4 months <br /> at 20 PSIG and 200*F.
3) See Enclosure #7, Footnote 4 and Enclosure #9.

Facility: Fort Callkoun 1 .


, Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Containment llVAC Operating Operation Time :ontinuous Continuous 1 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: TE-866 & TE-867 Tempera- Operation ture *F 288*F 2000*F 1 2 Note 2 NONE Component: Temperature Sensor Pressure Opera ton PSIg 60 PSIg 600 PSIg 1 2 Note 2 NONE Hanufacturer: Alison Control --

Inc. Relative Operation Hodel No.: ASL-120-P & Humidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Note 2 NONF ASL-132-P Function: Containment Air cool Chemical 1700 ppa

& filter units VA-1A & IB Spray Boric Acid N/A 1 Note I s Note 1 NONE Char. filter temp element conn.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 7 S#9" "Li"l Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 15x10 R 1 2 Test NONE j Service:-Temp. monitoring of

charcoal filters Location
Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Temp element is embedded in a stainless
2) Letter from Alison Control Inc. Dated February 15, 1980. steel tube.
2) This model temperature sensor is' currently being utilized in applications where it -

operates at the stated conditions.

4 4

.,,,n..- .e - e . - s - - - . -

, . ~ - ,.,+-e , , , , - -



Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- NET 110D ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Containment ifVAC Operating Operation Time :ontinuous Continuous 1 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: TE-866 & TE-867 Tempera- Operation ture F 288'F 2000*F 1 2 Note 2 NONE Component: Temperature Sensor Pressure Operaton PSIg 60 PSIg 600 PSIg 1 2 Note 2 NONE Manufacturer: Alison Control Inc. Relative -

Operation Model No.: ASL-72-PP & llumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Note 2 NONE ASL-192-PP Function: Containment Air cool Chemical 1700 ppe

& filter units VA-1 A & IB Spray Boric Acid N/A 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE j Char filter temp element conn.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A Sequential 6 7 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 15x10 R 1 2 Test NONE Service: Temp monitoring of charcoal filters Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE I Documentation



-1) Enclosure #1. 1) Temp element is embedded in a stainless

2) Letter from Alison Control Inc. Dated February 15, 1980. steel tube.
2) This model temperature sensor is currently
being utilized in applications where it i operates at the stated conditions.


,7- +,4 ,+-wry 4 -g-- w-,,e- ,+ --,r,--.we----- .-.m, - , , - - ,-g- q , __

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


. Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: Containe'ent IIVAC Operating Operation Time :ontinuous Continuous 1 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: TE-866 & TE-867 Tempera- Operation ture *F 288*F 2000*F_ 1 2 Note 2 NONE Component: Temperature Sensor Pressure Operaton PSIg 60 PSIg 600 PSIg 1 2 Note 2 NONE Manufacturer: Alison Control Inc. Relative Operation Model No.: AST-60-SS Humidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Note 2 NONE Function: Containment Air cool Chemical 1700 ppe

& filter units VA-1A & IB Spray Boric Acid N/A 1 Note I s Note 1 NONE Char filter temp element conn.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6

Sequential Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R' 15x10 R 1 2 Test NONE Service: Temp monitoring of charcoal' filters .

Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE

' Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE c




1) Enclosure #1. 1) Temp element is embedded in a stainless
2) Letter from Alison Control Inc. Dated February 15, 1980. steel tube.
2) This model temperature sensor is currently being utilized in applications where it

. operates at the stated conditions.

O a

l Facility: Fort Call $oun 1 .

Docket No.: 50-285 C-31 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET' ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Containment IIVAC Operating Time Continuous Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Item No.: ilCV-724A, 724B, llCV-725A, 725B Tempera-IICV-742A, 742B ture *F 288*F Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg 60 PSIg Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Manufacturer: Note 1 Relative Model No.: Note 1 Ilumidity % 100% Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Function: Position indication Chemical 1700 ppm for the above valves Spray Boric Acid Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Service: See function -- !

Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) A field investigation is being conducted to determine manufacturer & model number of these limit switches. After field data is available component evalu.:, tion will be conducted to determine qualifi-cation for the LOCA environment.

- . . . - - - - - - n a+-'- =

  • Fecility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


^ '




. Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: Containment Spray Operating Continuous Continuous NONE 4 Engineeriny Time Analysis NONE Item No.: SI-3A, SI-3B &

SI-3C Tempera- Engineerin>

ture *F 122*F 124*F 1 4 Analysis NONE Component- Motor Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Hanufacturer: GE Relative Type and Model ' 10). : SK815526A35 llumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 see note 1 NONE Function:' Containment Spray Chemical s Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4

Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 2 Note 2

. Service: Containment Spray pumps Location: Room 21& 22 (llPSI) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: NA Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering Study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun 1) Enclosure is drip proof and ' moisture will not Safety Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss condense on windings when operating.

of Coolant Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 2) Data is currently being obtained from General '

9/6/79. . Electric Company.

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979).
3) GE Instruction Bulletin Gell-6160F
4) GE application brochure GEZ-6211 and letter from GE Motor and Gen. Dept. to OPPD dated 2/6/78.

, , , , .-e .. , -- .-.y , .n.... -.,,,e n, ,,- ,, - - . , - , ,,-s - , , - .., - ,-

, Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,


EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- flETil0D ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Containment Spray Operating Time NONE Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: IICV-2957 and 2958 Tempera- 248*F ture *F 122*F (Coil 1 3 Type Test NONE Lecue:gized ,

Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A , N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Eng Anal Model No.: LB 8316C44 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical SI-3A inlet and discharge Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE isolation valves.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 5 "E'^"*

  • Demon: N/A Radiation '10 R/liR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8316 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and DELRIN or CELCON (both an 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). acetal type of thermoplastic). Table "C-1"
3) ASCO " Numerical Listing of Solenoid Valves" page 1. of IEB-79-01B showg these mgterials capable
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 41. of withstanding 10 R and 10 R resspectively.
2) Valve is locked open and de-energized. There is no requirement for operaton during an event.
3) Switches are housed in a general purpose en-closure which will prevent condensation on the inside of the switch.

Facility: Fort Callioun 1 ,


^ ^ ~


T N EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- MET 110D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Containment Spray Operating NONE Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Time Item No.: IICV-2957 and 2958 Tempera-ture *F 122*F 194*F 1 3 Type Test NONE l Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A- N/A NONE Manufacturer: NAMCO Relative Model No.: D1200G llumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for llCV-2957 and 2958 s Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4

Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 2 Note 2 Service: Cont. spray PP SI-3A, Isolation vv Pos.Ind.

Location': Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-

. Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) Valves are locked open and do not operate Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant during an event.

Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. 2) Data has been requested from the manu- '


2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section facturer.

2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979).

3) NAMCO Controls General Catalog Series EA-79 Page 3.
w. i , . ..,.-z. ., +.e..

, , -e _ -- y

Facility: Fort Callioun 1 .




N G EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Containment Spray Operating Time NONE Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: IICV-2967,2968, Tempera- 248*F 2977 and 2978 ture *F 122*F (Coil 1 3 Type Test NONE Uccuc.31ocu i Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A '

N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Eng Anal Model No.: LB 8316C44 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical

, SI-3B and SI-3C inlet and Spray. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE discharge isolation valves.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 5


  • Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8316 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which

, 2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and DELRIN or CELCON (both an 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). acetal type of thermoplastic). Table "C-1"

3) ASCO " Numerical Listing of Solenoid Valves" page 1. ofIEB-79-01Bsgowsthesgmaterialscapable
4) ASCO Catalog //30 page 41. withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.
2) Valve is locked open and de-energized. There is no requirement for operaton during an event.
3) Switches are housed in a general purpose en-closure which will prevent condensation on the l inside of the switch.

Fecility: Fort Callioun 1 .






EQUIPHENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qaalif- Specifi- Qualifi- MET 110D ITEMS

. Parameter cation cazion cation cation System: Containment Spray Operating NONE Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Time Item No.: IICV-2967,2968,2977 and 2978 Tempera-ture *F 122*F 194*F 1 3 Type Test- NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: NAMCO Relative Model No.: D1200G llumidity % ;100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical

1. Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4

Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 2 Note 2 Service: Cont. spray PP SI-3B,3C Isolation vv Pos.Ind.

i Location: Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A F/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) Valves are locked open and do not operate Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant during an event.

Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. 2) Data has been requested from the manu-

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section facturer.

2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979).

3) NANCO Controls General Catalog Series EA-79 Page 3.

, . , . _ .. . , , . - . . _ ~ , _ _ . _ . . _ - _ __ - . . , - - . _ . _y ._.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285 C-3 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OtfrSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- MET 110D ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Equipment Operating Time Continuous Continuous -

2 Test NONE Item No.: Electrical

. Containment penetrations Tempera- Simultaneoi s ture *F 288"F Note 1 1 2 Test NONE Component: All Pressure Simultaneon s PSIg 60 PSIg 60 PSlg 1 2 Test NONE Manufacturer: CONAX Relative Simultaneoi s Model No.: N/A Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Test NONE 1^00 yy.

' Function: Power, control & Chemical 1700 ppm Boric Acid Simultaneos s instrument cable penetrations Spray Boric Acid Note 2 1 2 Test NONE-Accuracy - Spec: N/A 1x10 Kap 3 Sequential

' 6 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R lx10 Tef 1 4 Test NONE Service: See Function Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation Rt. rences: Notes:

1) Enclosure #1. 1) 305 F for 20 minutes, 245 F for an
2) CONAX Corporation IPS-37 Type qualification test report for additional 30 minutes and 85*F Electrical Penetraton Sub-Assemblies - March 8, 1971 continuously,
3) CONAX Corporation - Gamma Irradiation of Kapton Insulated 2) See Enclosure #7, Footnote #5. '

conductors & polysuflone sealant in CONAX electrical feedthrough assembly (#IPS-27 Dated 3/30/71)

4) CONAX Corporation test report of Gamma Radiation withstand capability of electric penetration feedthrough with TFE Teflon Primary Sealant

(#IPS-435 Dated 5/31/79) i

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .

Docket No.: 50-285 C-4 SYSTEM C0tlPONENT EVALUATON WORK SllEET ENVIRONtlENT DOCUtlENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Equipment Operating Simultaneous Time ontinuous 'ont i nuous -

2 Test NONE Item No.: Dow-Corning RTV adhesive / sealant Tempera- Simultaneous ture F 288*F 320 F 1 2 Test NONE Component: N/A Pressure Simultaneotis PSIg 60 PSIg 75.3 PSIg 1 2 Test NONE Manufacturer: Dow-Corning Relative Simultaneous Model No.: RTV-3144 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Test NONE Function: Sealing of terminal Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Material blocks & cable splices Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 Note 2s Analysis NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 9""" "

6 8 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 2x10 1 3 Test NONE Service: See Function Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer- Inune rsion Above Flood Level: Yes No gence NONE Note 3 NONE 4 In water Note 1

. Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Data was obtained verbally from Dow-
2) Fisher Controls Company Lab Report Project 71AR19, Report 4 Corning. The District is presently Dated 6/1/72 seeking written confirmation.
3) " Elastomer Radiation Results" Lab test data from Dow-Corning 2) See Enclosure #9, Para. 3
4) Lab test data from Dow-Corning - Ref. Telecon E. Erickson - 3) Tested for 7 days at. 158 F with no Marty Robbins 2/13/80 significant effects.


r --

Fecility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285 C-5 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SIIEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Operating Equipment Time Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Item No.: Terminal Lugs Tempera-ture *F Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Component: N/A Pressure PSIg Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NOKE Manufacturer: Durndy Relative Model No.: IIYLUG & INSULUG llumidity % Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Function: Power. control & Chemical Inst. terminations on terminal Spray Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE blocks Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Service: N/A Location: Containment & Aging Aux. Bldg. Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Documentation



1) Terminal Lugs are listed for reference only. Burndy IIYLUG terminals are fabricated of pure copper and are unaffected by radia-tion. The Burndy INSULUG terminals are spaced on terminal boards in a manner such that insulation failure on the terminal lug will not cause a circuit failure.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


. Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Equipment < >pe ra ting Time '

ontinuous :ontinuous -

4 Eng. Anal. NONE Item No.: Cable Splices at Elec Penetrations Tempera- iimultaneous ture *F 288*F 286 F 1 2 Note 1 NONE Component: N/A 'ressure iimultaneous

'SIg 60 PSIg 60 PSIg 1 2 Note 1 NONE Manufacturer: N/A Relative iimultaneous Model No.: N/A Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Note 1 NONE Function: Splices at elec penetr. Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm simultaneous for sol.vv's, cont vent fans, Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 2 s Note 1 NONE limit switch & Instrumentation Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 6

( " I} "9" "*'

Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 3.5x10 R 1 4 Eng Anal NONE Service: Cont vent fans, sol vv's limit switch & instruments Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Teflon portion of wire only.
2) Franklin Institute Research Labs Report #F-C3348.
3) Test Report of Gamma radiation withstand capability of electrical penetration feedthrough with TFE teflon primary sealant CONAX #IPS-435.
4) Haterial analysis of penetration splices to determine radiation qua 1i fi ca tions .

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 . .

Docket No.: 285 C-7 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SllEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- riCT110D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Equipment 3perating Simultaneous Time Continuous 8 days 1 2 Test NONE Item No.: Terminal blocks Tempera- Simultaneous ture *F 288*F 340 F 1 2 Test NONE Component: 4,6,8 & 12 Pressure up to Simultaneous Point Blocks PSIg 60 PSIg 103 PSIg 1 2 Test NONE Manufacturer: States Relative Simultaneous Model No.: M-25014, M-25016 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Test NONE M-25018, M-25112 Function: Control & Instrument Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Engineering terminations Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid ~1 3 Analysis NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 6 Engineering Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 3x10 R 1 3 Analysis NONE Service: Misc. Systems Location: Containment & Aging Balance of Plant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: No gence NONE Yes NONE Note 1 Note 1 NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) All terminal blocks in sue within the
2) General Electric letter from Mr. J. F. Sherk to Mr. R. Kroll reactor containment in safety related of Metropolitan Edison Company Dated October 10, 1978 (for circuits have been completely sealed additonal similar reference, refer to IE Bulletin 79-01 response with Dow-Corning RTV-3144 sealer submittal for Crystal River #3, Florida Power & Light & Three Mile Island Units 1 & 2, Metro Edison) l 3) " Radiation Effects on States NT-TYPE Terminal Blocks" Material Analysis - See Enclosure #10)

(- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . , , , - . . .. . ,uu .. _. _, - - ,,a . - _ . _ ~ _ -

. _ , , _ . . - , u s..-.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .



, Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Equipment operating Time Note I hote 1 Note 1 NONE Item No.: Terminal boxes Tempera-ture *F 286*F Note 1 1 Note 1 NONE Component: Sheet Steel Boxes 'ressure in various sizes 'SIg 60 PSIg Note 1 1 Note 1 NONE Hanufacturer: lloffman Relative Model No.: N/A llumidity % 100% Note 1 1 Note 1 NONE Function: Hechanical Protection Chemical 1700 ppm of terminal blocks & wire Spray Boric Acid Note 1 1 Note 1 s NONE.


Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6

Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R Note 1 1 Note 1 NONE Service: Hisc. All systems using terminal boxes Location: Containment & Aux Bldg Aging N/A Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #1 1) Terminal boxes are listed for reference only. While terminal boxes are gasketed and dripproof and will provide protection from direct sprays, the box is not required to ensure integrity of electrical circuits.

2-m-.,e e-, - ,.,<~.w--g< - - - w - . - -e.- -

er ,< - - - - - ,, . - - - - . . - - . . - - - - - +s. - - - - < g, ,,e -

w-__ -_--- _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . . _ . _. .. _. - _ - . - _ _ _

Facility: Fort Caliioun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285

, C-9 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SllEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPHENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETil0D ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Equipment Operating Time Note 1 Note 1 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Item No.: W-57 & W-59 Cable Tempera- Same as ture *F 286*F Oper time 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Component: N/A Pressure PSIg 60 PSIg 60 PSIg 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Manufacturer: Cerro Wire & '

Cable Co. (Rockbestos) Relative Model No.: N/A Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1,2 2 Sequential NONE

Function: Instrument cable for Chemical 1900 ppm 1900 ppm temp, flow & press indication Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 6 Demon- N/A Radiation 3x10 R 3x10 R 1,2 2,3 Sequential NONE
See function Location: Containment & Aging

! Aux Bldg. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



i 1) Contract #765, Pg H2-11 Para 15.08 & Pg H2-3, Para 4.01 of 1) 20 minutes at 286 F, 50 minutes at tech. spec No. 2. 240*F and continuous at 122*F.

2) Qualification, tech spec #2, Cerro Wire & Cable Co. Dated 2) Greater than 20 minutes at 286*F, 9/20/71, pg 2 of qualification - Post Containment Environmental 240 minutes at 240*F and contin 6ous Tests. at 122*F.
3) Franklin Institute Research Lab, Report F-C3050 Dated Hay, 1971.

m -wm n w ,y w--,-w,aew-w a --w,ue+,o-.--- --y-------- - - - - - m n- - - - ---w,--em-w.r---rq-w w y y -,.,w- v -w 3 y w ,,,y ,,wyy y- - -+-cr-v,- -e,- ,--- -

w -+p,

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .

Docket No.: 50-285 C-10 ,


. Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Equipment Operating Time Note 1 Note 1 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Item No.: W-37,38,39,40,41 42 Cable Tempera- Same as ture *F 286*F Oper time 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Component: N/A Prer.sure

. PSig 60 PSIg 60 PSIg 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Manufacturer: Cerro Wire &

Cable Co. (Rockbestos) Relative Model No.: N/A Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Function: Control & Indication Chemical 1900 ppm 1900 ppm for valves & limit switches Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1,2 2 s Sequential NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 6 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 3x10 R 1,2 2,3 Sequential NONE Service: See function Location: Containment & Aux Bldg Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Contract #765, Pg H2-11 Para 15.08 & Pg H2-3, Para 4.01 of 1) 20 minutes at 286*F, 50 minutes at tech. spec No. 2. 240*F and continuous at 122*F.
2) Qualification, tech spec #2, Cerro Wire & Cable Co. Dated 2) Greater than 20 minutes at 286*F, 9/20/71, pg 2 of qualification - Post Containment Environmental 240 minutes at 240*F and continuous Tests. at 122*F.

l 3) Franklin Institute Research Lab, Report F-C3050 Dated May,1971.

l l

- - - - - , - - .- .- . - - ,, ., --- - - - , . - - , - - - - , , - - - , - - , + ~ - - , , ,. ..e er,-. -w

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .

Docket'No.: 50-285 C-11 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIF1- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETil0D ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Equipment Operating 2 Time Note 2 Note 3 1,2 (Note 1) Sequential NONE Item No.: W-14,16,17,18,19

& W-21 Cable Tempera- Same as ture *f 286*F Oper time 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Component: N/A Pressure PSIg 60 PSIg 60 PSIg 1,2 2 Sequential NONE

' Hanufacturer: Cerro Wire &

Cable'Co. (Rockbestos) Relative

, Hodel No.: N/A llumidity % 100% 100% 1,2 2 Sequential NONE i Function: Power cable to Hisc. Chemical 1900 ppa 1900 ppe vv motors & pumps Spray. Boric Acid Boric Acid 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 6 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 3x10 R 1,2 2,3 Sequential NONE

' Service: See function-L Location: Containment & Aux Bldg Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



! 1) Contract #765, Pg 112-11 Para 15.08

& Pg 112-3, Para 4.01 of 1) Cable is certified for continuous duty at tech. spec No. 2. rated current to a max. ambient temp of ,
2) Qualification, tech spec #2, Cerro Wire & Cable Co. Dated 122*F. The cable is rated to operate at
9/20/71, pg 2 of qualification - Post Containment Environmental an emergency overload temp of 240* F for  ;

Tests. 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> /yr or up to 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> over the j 3) Franklin Institute Research Lab, Report F-C3050 Dated May, 1971. cable life and exhibited no degradation

' to cable insulation when tested at 286*F.

2) 20 minutes at 286*F, 50 minutes at 240*

and continuous at 122*F.

3) Greater than 20 minutes at 286*F, 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> at 240*F and continuous at 120*F.

_ _ _ _ _ . . __. _ _ _ _ - _ _ . _- , _ _ . . _ . . _ , ~ . _ _ . _ -, _ . . . . , . _ _ _,_ _

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


, Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Electrical Equipment Operating 2 Time Note 2 Note 3 1,2 (Note 1) Sequential NONE Item No.: W10 Cable Tempera- Same as ture *F 286*F Oper time 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Component: N/A Pressure PSIg 60 PSIg 60 PSig 1,2 2 Sequential NONE

. Manufacturer: Cerro Wire &

Cable Co. (Rockbestos) Relative Model No.: N/A Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1,2 2 Sequential NONE Function: Power cable Chemical 1900 ppm 1900 ppm s Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1,2 2 s Sequential NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 6 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 3x10 R 1,2 2,3 Sequential NONE Service: IIPSI PPs, cont. vent. &

CLG fans, cont. spray PPS.

Location: Containment & Aux Bldg Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE L




1) Contract #765, Pg 112-11 Para 15.08 & Pg 112-3, Para 4.01 of 1) Cable is certified for continuous duty at tech. spec No. 2. rated current to a max. ambient temp of
2) Qualification, tech spec #2, Cerro Wire & Cable Co. Dated 122*F. The cable is rated to operate at 9/20/71, pg 2 of qualification - Post Containment Environmental an emergency overload temp of 240 F for Tests. 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> /yr or up to 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> over the
3) Franklin Institute Research Lab, Report F-C3050 Dated May, 1971. cable life and exhibited no degradation to cable insulation when tested at 286*F.
2) 20 minutes at 286*F, 50 minutes at 240*F.

I and continuous at 122*F.

3) Greater than 20 minutes at 286*F, 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> at 240*F and continuous at 120*F.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETil0D ITEMS

, Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation

, System: Electrical Equipment Operating Continuous Sequential Time at 122*F Note 1 1 2,4 . Test NONE Item No.: W-3 Cable Tempera- Sequential ture *F 286*F 288"F 1 2,4 Test NONE i

. . Component: TRI PLEXTD, 1/C-2/0 Pressure Sequential SKV power cable PSIg 60 PSIg 60 PSIg 1 2,4 Test NONE Msnufacturer: Cerro Wire &

Cable Co. (Rockbestos) Relative Sequential Hodel No.: N/A llumidity % 100% 100% 1 2,4 Test NONE Function: Power cable Chemical 1700 ppa 1700 ppm Sequential s Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 2,4 s Test NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 6 # 9"""" "

Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 3x10 R 1 .2,3,4 Test NONE Service: Lo Press Sa f. Inj .

< PPs & Aux FW pp.

Location: Aux. Bldg. Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above' Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1 1) Cable has been LOCA qualified but has
2) Anaconda certificate of compliance and been installed outside the containment.

Test report #12779 as revised, 9/17/71. Cable is required to operate in the LPSI

3) Franklin Institute Research Labs F-C3033, April, 1971 pp rooms gt an ambient of 122*F, 100%
4) Anaconda letter dated 9/16/71 .Ril and 10 RADS /IIR.

4 e

. _ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . . _ -- . , _ , _ . , _ . _ , , . . . . . . , - . , , . . ., , .mm.. ,,..._s . . , , _ . , . , _ . _ _ . , , -

. - ~ . . . .. . .,_y,,--..-_.__-,--.._-.__...-,,,,g.,__, _ . , . . ..

- Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .




EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETil0D ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure Safety Operating Continuous Continuous NONE 4I Engineering Injection system . Time Post-LOCA Analysis NONE Item No.: SI-2A, SI-2B &

SI-2C Tempera- Engineering ture *F 122*F 124*F 1 4 Analysis NONE Component: Hotor Pressure PSlg N/A N/A N/A N/A ~N/A NONE Hanufacturer: GE Relative "

Type and Hodel No.: SK815524A51 Ilumidity % 100%'- 100% 1 3 see note 1 NONE Function: liigh Pressure safety Chemical Injection pumps' Spray . N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE j Accuracy - Spec: N/A ,

4 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/llR 2 N/A Note 2 Service: liigh Pressure safety Injecton.

Location: Room 21& 22 (llPSI) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE


Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE




-1) Combustion Engineering Study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun 1) Enclosure is drip proof and moisture will not Safety Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of condense on windings when operating.

Coolant Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. 2) Data is currently being obtained from General "

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section Electric Company.

2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979).

3) CE Instruction Bulletin Gell-6160E
4) GE application brochure GEZ-6211 and letter from GE Hotor and

- Gen. Dept. to OPPD dated 2/6/78.



- . - . - , - . . . _ . . .,e--- -,-.._--s - -- -- . _ , - - -


, Fecility: Fort Calhcun 1 .

Docket-No.: 50-285 C-0 ,


ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT' DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation

-System: High Pressure Safety )perating Injection System Time :ontinuous Continuous 1 2,3 Synergistic NONE Item No.: FT 313, FT 316, l

FT 319, FT 322 Tempera-ture *F 288*F 318*F 1 2 Synergistic NONE

! Component: Flow Transmitters Pressure

., PSlg 60 PSIg 90 PSIg 1 2 Synergistic NONE Manufacturer: Foxboro I

Relative i Model No.: E13DH Humidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Synergistic NONE Function: Flow transmitters Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Material i HPSI Loops IA,1B, 2A,2B- Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 3 s Analysis NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A Separate 7

Demon: N/A Radiation Note 1 1x10 R 1 4 Test Note 1 Service: HPSI Flow Indication Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE i'

Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer- Separate Above Flood Level: No gence Yes Yes N/A 5 Test NONE Documentation



-1) Enclosure #1. 1) Radiation levels for submerged

2) Foxboro Co. Test Report No. QO-6005 April 1971 equipment are presently being
3) Foxboro Co. Test Report No. T3-1013 calculated.

. 4) Foxboro Co. Test Report No. T3-1097 November 1973

5) Foxboro Co. Test Report No. T3-6061 i i

Fccility: Fort Caliioun 1 .

Docket N3.: 50-285 C-14 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SllEET ENVIRONt!ENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METIIOD ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure Safety Operating Sequential Injection Time Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 2,4 Test NONE Item No.: ilCV-2914,2934,2954,2974, 311,312,314,315,317,318,320,321 Tempera- Sequential ture *F 288*F 325*F 1 2 Test NONE Component: Motor Operated valve Pressure Sequential

& limit switch PSIg 60 PSIg 75 PSIg 1 2 ,

Test NONE Manufacturer: Limitorque Relative Sequential Model No.: SNB-0 llumidity % 100% 100% R.ll. 1 2 Test NONE Function: Open on SIAS for Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Sequential llPSI to Loop 1A,lB,2A,2B Spray. Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 2 Test NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A S # 9"#"L i#' !

6 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 2x10 R 1 2 Test NONE Service: liigh Press Saf. Inj.

Location: Containment. Aging N/A 40 yrs N/A 3 N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure 1. 1) IICV-2914, 2934,2954,2974 are normally
2) Franklin Institute Research Lab: #F-C2232-01 open and locked open. They do not
3) Limitorque Corporation Test Lab: #B-0003 operate after an event.
4) Safety injection valves in service testing - IICV-311,312,314,315,317,318,320'& 321 surveilance test ST-ISI-SI-l are opened immediately after receipt of a safety injection signal. Stroke time is 10-12 seconds.

--- ---_ a-

- - , - - w -< , . _ _

1 Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


. Parameter cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure Safety Operating Sequential Injection Time Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 2 Test NONE Item No.: IICV-383-3, 383-4 Tempera- Sequential ture *F 288*F 325*F 1 2 Test NONE Component: Motor Operated valve Pressure Sequential

& limit switch PSIg 60 PSIg 75 PSIg 1 2 Test NONE Ma nu factu rer: Limitorque -

Relative Sequential Model No.: SMB-0 Humidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Test NONE Function: Open on (RAS) to Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Sequential provide suction to llPSIiLPSI Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 2 s Test NONE

& spray pps.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 7 b*9"""'I" Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 2x10 R 1 3 Test NONE Service: Containment sump recir to llPSI,LPSI & cont spray Location: Containment Aging N/A 40 yrs N/A 3 N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Note 2 gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure 1 1) IICV-383-3 & ilCV-383-4 are required to open to provide
2) Franklin Institute Research Lab: #F-C2232-01 suction to llPSI pumps after SIRWT tank inventory is
3) Limitorque Corporation Test Lab: #B-0003 exhausted. This occures approximately 20 minutes into the event, & stroke time is 10 seconds.
2) llCV-383-3 &4 are located outside the containment in

< TK-SI9 & TK-SI-10. They are physically separated by the containment wall from the inside of the contain-ment. TK-SI-9 & 10 are considered an exentsion of containment for isolation only. TK-SI-9 & 10 are not subject to flooding.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .




O N EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METl!0D ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure Safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Item No.: IICV-304 and 305 Tempera- 5 ture F 122*F Note 2 1 3 Type Test NONE I

Component: Solenoid Valve ' Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A

  • N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative H: del No.: IITX 831429 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical liigh Pressure Safety Injections Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Ileader isolation valves.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4

Eng. Anal.

3 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8314 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section cre BUNA "N" and nylon. Table "C-1" of 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). IEB-79-01B showg these agterials capable of
3) ASCO Catalog #30 pages 82 and 83. withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 37. 2) Rated at 176*F for U.L. applications, rated at 212*F for non U.L. applications.
3) Valves are locked oper. and do not operate during an event.

, . - , - , - , . . , - , . . , - r- , - . - , - . -- ----e. -

-.n ,- , - , --- -- - . . , - -. - - .

I Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- hETil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure Safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Item No.: llCV-304 and 305 Tempera-ture *F 122*F 194*F 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: NAMCO Relative Model No.: D2400X llumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for llCV-304 & 305 Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 6 " E#'*

Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 10 R 2 . Note 2 Data NONE Service: !! PSI pp DISCII !!0R ISOL vv Pos.Ind.

Location: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) Valves are locked open and do not operate Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant during an event.

Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. 2) Manufacturer has been contacted and has

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section given verbal confirmation of the parameters.

2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). , A confirmation letter is expected.

3) NAMCO Controls General Catalog Series EA-79 Page 3.

Facility: Fort Caliioun 1 ,




N EQUIPHENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETHOD ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: High Pressure Safety Operating Leakage Injection system Time Note 2 Note 2 NONE Note 2 Lests Note 2 NONE Item No.: LCV-383-1 LCV-383-2 Tempera- Factory dat a

'ture *F 122*F *176*F 1 3 UL listing NONE Component: Solenoid Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A '

N/A NONE Manufacturer: ASCO Relative -

Type test Model No.: HTX831429 Humidity % 100% 100% 1 3 (NEMA STD) NONE 4

Function: SIRWT Discharge line Chemical to spray & safety Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Injection pump Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 5 "E ^""

Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 10 R 2 4 Note 1 NONE Service: Closes on RAS signal to realign HPSI pp suction to sump Location: Room 21 (HPSI) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All of the componets used for ASCO 8314 sol vv's-Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant are brass, stainless steel or copper, with the Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. exception of seals and discs which are Buna "N" and
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section nylon. Table"C-1"areIEB-79-OlBsgoysthesg

, 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). materials capable of withstanding 10 R and 10 R

3) ASCO Catalog #30 pages 82 and 83. respectively.
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page-37. 2) LCV-383-1 & 2 are required to close on receipt of a RAS signal. This occures 20 minutes into the event. Vv's close in 10 seconds. In addition, check vv's are provided to ensure proper operation.


1 F:cility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


~ ~


EQllIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- ilET110D ITEMS

. Pa rame te r cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure Safety Operating lanu facture r i Injection Time Continuous Continuous N/A Note 3 Data Note 3 Item No.: LCV-383-1 LCV-383-2 Tempera- lanufacturer s ture *F 122*F 180 F 1 Note 3 Data Note 3 Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Micro Switch Relative Eng Anal Model No.: OP-AR7112 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Note 1 Note 3 Function: Pos Ind for SIRWT Chemical Discharge valves. Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A ,

6 "E A"*

Demon: N/A Radiation 10*R/IIR 10 R 2 Note 3 Note 2 Note 3 Service: LCV-383-1 & 2 Pos.


Location: Room 21 (llPSI) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) The OP switch is sealed in a rugged cast Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant aluminum housing, cover & shaft. Seals keep Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. out moisture & other contamination.
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section 2) All switch components are metallic with the 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979) exception of a general purpose phenolic body
3) Microswitch cat #100 " Type OP enclosed switches" on the snap switch. Table C-1 of IEB-79-01B listsghismaterialascapableofwithstand-ing 10 R.
3) HER has been contacted & has given verbal confirmation of parameters. Confirmation via letter is expected.

l t

Facility: Fo'rt Calhoun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285



EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METHOD ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: High' Pressure Safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Item No.: HCV-2918 and 2928 Tempera-ture *F 122 F Note 2 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A ' N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch ---

Company Relative -

Model No.: HT 8321A5 Humidity % 100% 100% 1 4 Type Test NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical SI-2A & SI-2C discharge Spray. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE isolation valves.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 5 "E'^" '

Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function '

Location: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8321 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and DELRIN or CELCON (both an 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1-(December 1979). acetal type of thermoplastic). Table "C-1"
3) ASCO Catalog #30 pages 82 and 83. of IEB-79-OlB sgows thesg materials capable i 4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 40. withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.

l 2) Rated at 176*F for U.L. applicatons, rated at 212*F for non U.L. applications.

i 3) Valve is locked open and de-energized.

There is no requirement for operation during an event.

Fecility: Fort Calhoun 1 .






, Parameter cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Item No.: llCV-2918 and 2928 Tempera-ture *F 122*F 194*F 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure '


Manufacturer: NAMCO Relative Model No.: D1200G llumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for llCV-2918 and 2928 Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE

~s Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 2 Note 2 Service: SI-2A & 2C DISCil LINE Isolation vv Pos.Ind.

Location: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Sub:ae r-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) Valves are locked open and do not operate Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant during an event.

Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. 2) Data has been requested from the manu-

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section facturer.

2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979).

3) NAMCO Controls General Catalog Series EA-79 Page 3.

q Facility: Fort'Calhoun.1 .


~ ~


EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- -Qualifi- METl!0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation

. System: liigh Pressure. Safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2. NONE

. Item No.: IICV-2907 Tempera-

. ture *F 122*F 248*F 1 3 Type Test NONE

.Ccmponent: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Eng Anal Model-No.: LB 8316C44 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical SI-2B inlet isolation Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE valve.

1 . Accuracy . Spec: N/A Eng. Anal.

4 5 o Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function 4

Location: Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE.




1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8316 series' Solenoid Injection Pump. Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and DELRIN or CELCON (both an 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). acetal type of thermoplastic). Table "C-1

.3) ASCO " Numerical Listing of Solenoid Valves" page 1. of IEB-79-01B showg these mgterials capable

, 4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 41. of withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.

2) Valve is locked open and de-energized. There

. is no' requirement for operaton during an event.

3) Switches are housed in a general purpose

! enclosure which will prevent condensation on the inside of the switch.

Facility: Fort-Calhoun 1 .




f- fN EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METHOD ITEMS

. Parameter cation cation cation cation System: High Pressure Safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Item No.: HCV-2908 Tempera-ture F 122 F ' Note 2 1 '3 Type Test NONE i * --

Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Model No.: HT 8321A5 Humidity % 100% 100% 1 4 Type Test NONE Function: Valve actuator for Chemical SI-2B discharge isolation Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE valve.

Accuracy - Spec: 'N/A Eng. Anal.

4 5 10 R Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function

. ' Location: Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A _NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE-i Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8321 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass,' stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and DELRIN or CELCON (both an 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). acetal type of thermoplastic). Table "C-1"
3) ASCO Catalog #30 pages 82 and 83. of IEB-79-01B shogs these gaterials capable
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 40. o withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.
2) Rated at 176*F for U.L. applications, rated at 212*F for non U.L. applications.
3) Valve is locked open and does not operate during an event.

I l

_ . - - . . _ .. _ ., . ~ . . . _ . . _ . . . . -

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


"^ ^ ~

A N EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HET110D ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure Safety Operating Injection system Time NONE Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 NONE Item No.: IICV-2907 & 2908 Tempera- Mfg's ture F 122*F 180 F 1 Note 3 Data NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIA N/A N/A N/A N/A ,N/A NONE Manufacturer: Micro Switch Relative Eng Anal Model No.: 51ML1 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Note 1 NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for IICV-2907 & 2908 Spray. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 6 "E A""

Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 10 R 2 Note 3 Note 2 NONE Service: Pos Ind. for SI PP 2B Isolation vv's Location: Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) Micro Switch type 51ML1 are fully sealed Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant switches rated Nema 4.

' Accident, "See OPPD letter,to the NRC dated 9/6/79. 2) All switches components are metallic with

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section the exception of a general purpose Phenolic i 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). body on the snap switch. Table "C-1" of i
3) Micro Switch Catalog 100 issue 2 Page C25. IEB-79-01Bliststgismaterialascapable of withstanding 10 R.
3) Manufacturer has been contacted and has given verbal confirmation of the parameters.

A confirmation letter is expected.

l j 4) Valves are locked open and do not operate during an event. ,


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .

, Docket No'.: .50-285


^ ~

N I EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D - -ITEMS

, Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure Safety Operating

' Injection Time NONE Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 NONE' Item No.: IICV-2917 and 2927 Tempera- 248*F ture *F 122*F (Coil 3 ' Type Tes t NONE

Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch -

Company Relative Eng Anal Model No.: LB 8316C44 Humidity 1 100% 100% 1 Note 3 Note.3 .NONE Function:' Solenoid valves for Chemical SI-2A & SI-2C inlet isolation Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE valves.

Accuracy . Spec: N/A "E'^"*

  • 4 5 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/ifR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) 'NONE-Service: See Function Location: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: .N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8316 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant- valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and DELRIN or CELCON (both 'an 2.1.6h Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). acetal type of thermoplastic). Table "C-1" of:

l 3) ASCO " Numerical Listing of Solenoid Valves" page 1. IEB-79-01B showg these mgterials capable of

' 4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 41. withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.

2) Valves are locked open and do not operate-during an event.
3) Switches are housed in a general purpose enclosure which will. prevent condensation on the inside of the switch.

Fccility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,


" ^

IN -

EQUlPHENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HET110D ' ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: liigh Pressure Safety Operating Injection system Time NONE Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 NONE Item No.: liCV-2917 & 2927 Tempera- Manufacture rs ture F 122*F 180 F 1 Note 3 Data Note 3 Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Micro Switch '

Relative Eng Anal Hodel No.: 51HL1 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 (Note 1) NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for llCV-2917 & 2927 Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 "E A" I Demon: N/A Radiation 10'R/IIR 10 R 2 Note 3 (Note 2) Note 3 Service: Pos IND for SI PP 2A

& 2C Isolation vv's Location: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A .NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) Micro Switch type 51HL1 are fully sealed Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant switches rated Nema 4.

Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. 2) All switches components are metallic with

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section the exception of a general purpose Phenolic 2.1.6h Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). body on the snap switch. Table C-1 of
3) Micro Switch Catalog 100 issue 2 Page C25. IEB-79-01B listg this material as capable of withstanding 10 R.
3) Manufacturer has been contacted and has given verbal confirmation of the parameters. A confirmation letter is expected.
4) Valves are locked open and do not operate during an event.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


. Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Instrument Air Operating Time Continuous NONE Note 1 Item No.: PC-1849 Tempera-ture *F 288*F 1 Note 1 Component: Pressure Switch Pressure '

PSIg 60 PSIg 1 Note 1 Manufacturer: Barksdale Relative Model No.: D2T-M15055 Ilumidity % 100% 1 Note 1 Function: Inst. Air. Ileader Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Pressure-Close Isol. vv.5 Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 2 s Note 3 Note 1 on Lo Pressure Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 7 Demon: .N/A Radiation 3x10 R 1x10 R 1 Note 2 Mat Anal. NONE Service: Instrument Air Location: Containmeat Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Test report has been requested from
2) Letter and materials list dated February 19, 1980 from the manufacturer.

Transamerica - Delaval to OPPD. 2) Analysis of materials utilized in this switch shoys it will withstand radiation up to 1x10 R.

3) The switch is equipped with an aluminum housing. While corrosion of aluminum will occure, tests conducted on other components (See Enclosure #7, Note 2) show that they withstood direct spray for 24 :nouts.

- n i

Facility: Fort Callioun 1 .


CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Low Pressure Safety Operating Continuous Continuous NONE 4 Engineering Injection Time Post-LOCA Analysis NONE Item No.: SI-1A, & SI-1B Tempera- Engineering ture *F 122 F 124*F 1 4 Analysis NONE Component: Motor Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A ,N/A NONE Manufacturer: GE l

Relative Type and Model No.: SK818837A38 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 See' note 1 NONE Function: Low Press Safety Chemical Injection pump 1A Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4

Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 2 Note 2 Service: Low pressure Safety Inj.

Location: Room 21 & 22 (llPSI) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation


Notes: l

1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) Enclosure is drip proof and moisture Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant will not condense on windings when j Accident," See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. motor is operating. l
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section 2) Data is currently being obtained l 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). from GE company.
3) GE Instruction Bulletin Gell-3160E
4) GE Application Brouchure GEZ-6211 and letter from GE Hotor and Gen. Dept. Dated 2/6/78 l

Fa cilit.y : Fort Calhoun 1 .


. Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Low Pressure Safety ]perating Sequential Injection System Time Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 2,4 Test NONE Item No.: IICV-327,329,331, llCV-333 Tempera- Sequential ture *F 288*F 325*F 1 2 Test NONE Component: Motor operated valves Pressure Sequential and limit switches PSIg 60 PSIg 90 PSIg 1 2 Test NONE Manufacturer: Limitorque Relative Sequential Model No.: SMB-0 llumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Test NONE Function: Open on SIAS for LPSI Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Sequential to Loop 1A,1B,2A,2B '

Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 2 s Test NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6 7 "9""" "

Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R 2x10 R 1 3 Test NONE Service: LO Press SAF.Inj.

Sequential Location: Containment Aging N/A 40 yrs N/A 3 Test NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Valves are opened immediately after
2) Franklin Institute Research Lab #F-C2232.01 receipt of a safety injection signal -
3) Limitorque Corporation Test Lab #B-0003 stroke time is 10-12 seconds.
  • j 4) Safety Injection valves inservice testing ST-ISI-SI-1 l

l l

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .

Docket No.: 50-285 C-2 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SIIEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Low Pressure Safety operating Injection System Time Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 2,4 Type Test NONE Item No.: llCV-348 Tempera-ture *F 288*F 325 F 1 2 Type Test NONE Cooponent: Motor operated valves 2ressure and limit switches 'SIg 60 PSIg 90 PSIg 1 2 Type Test NONE Manufacturer: Limitorque -

Relative Model No.: SMB-3  !!umidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE Function: Shutdown cooling Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Line isloaton Spray. Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 2 Type Test NONE Accuracy - Spec:

6 7 Demon: Radiation 3x10 R 2x10 R 1 3 Type Test NONE Service: Shutdown Cooling Location: Containment Aging N/A 40 yrs N/A 3 Type Test NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes genc.e N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Valve is closed and locked closed and
2) Franklin Institute Research Lab #F-C2232.01 does not have to operate during the
3) Limitorque Corporation Test Lab #B-0003 postulated accident.

_- _ _ _ . _ _ - _ --- - - . . =- - .-_. - - - -

Fccility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


^ ^



. Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Low Pressure Safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: HCV-2947 and 2948 Tempera- 248 F ture F 122*F (Coil 1 3 Type Test. NONE Ducucasited)

' Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Eng Anal Model No.: LB 8316C44 Humidity % 100% 100% 1 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical SI-1A inlet and discharge Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE isolation valves.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A ng. Anal.

4 5 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/HR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8316 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and DELRIN or CELCON (both an 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). acetal type of thermoplastic). Table "C-1" 3).ASCO " Numerical Listing of Solenoid Valves" page 1. 'of IEB-79-01B showg these mgterials capable
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 41. of withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.
2) Valve is locked open and de-energized. There is no requirement for operaton during an event.
3) Switches are housed in a general purpose en-closure which will prevent condensation on the inside of the switch.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


~ ~


EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Low Pressure Safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Item No.: IICV-2947 and 2948 Tempera-ture *F 122*F 194*F 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: NAMCO Relative Model No.: D1200G llumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for llCV-2947 & 2948 s Spray. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A M gr's 4 6 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 10 R 2 . Note 2 Data NONE Service: SI-1A ISOL vv's Pos.Ind.

Locati n: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) Valves are locked open and do not operate Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant during an event.

Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. 2) Manufacturer has been contacted and has

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section given verbal confirmaton of the' parameters.

2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). A confirmation letter is expected.

3) NAHCG Controls General Catalog Series EA-79 Page 3.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


~ ~


EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS

. Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Low Pressure Safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: IICV-2937 and 2938 Tempera- 248*F ture *F 122*F (Coil 1 3 Type Test NONE Dee:uc t gized >

Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Eng Anal Model No.: LB 8316C44 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical SI-1B inlet and discharge Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE isolation valves.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 5 "E'^"" *

, Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A .N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8316 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and DELRIN or CELCON (both an 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). acetal type of thermoplastic). Table "C-1"
3) ASCO " Numerical Listing of Solenoid Valves" page 1. ofIEB-79-01Bsgowsthesgmaterialscapable
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 41. withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.
2) Valve is locked open and de-energized. There is no requirement for operaton during an event.
3) Switches are housed in a general purpose enclosure which will prevent condensation on the inside of the switch.

Facility: Fort Callioun 1 .


" ^

N I EQtlIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HET110D ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Low Pressure Safety Operating Injection Time NONE Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Item No.: IICV-2937 and 2938 Tempera-ture *F 122*F 194*F 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A '

N/A NONE Manufacturer: NAMCO Relative Model No.: D1200G llumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for llCV-2937 & 2938 Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4

Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 2 Note 2 Servicd: LPSI PP IB -

ISOL vv Pos.Ind.

Location: Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) Valves are locked open and do not operate Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant during an event.

Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. 2) Data has been requested from the manu-

2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section facturer.

2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979).

3) NAMCO Controls General Catalog Series EA-79 Page 3.


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .

Docket No.: 50-285 .

S-12 ,



. Pa rameter cation cation cation catton System: Main Steam 3perating Time Intermitten t cycles 1 2 Type Test NONE ltem No.: MS-291, 292 Tempera-ture *F 216*F 300*F 1 2 Type Test NONE component: Solenoid Pressure PSIg 1.2 PSIg 60 PSIg 1 2 Type Test NONE-Manufacturer: Valcor Relative Model No.: P/N-V70900-21-3 Humidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE S/N-528 Function: Main Steam Safety Chemical 3000 PPM Relief valve operator s Spray N/A Boric Acid N/A N/A s N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A 8 Demon: N/A Radiation N/A 1x10 R N/A N/A N/A NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037'-4" Submer-j Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation




1) See Enclosure //2.
2) See Report dated November 22, 1977,.Rev A Dated June 16, 1978 Title IEEE 323 qualification test report on V70900-21-1 ,

and V70900-21-3. A copy of this report is on file with Valcor Engineering Corporaton. See letter Dated May 17, 1979 from Valcor to Mr. Merl Core of OPPD.

,. . - . - - - , , , . - - . , , . - , , - . . . , , . . . . , , .a., . , -,-. , , ~ ~ , , - . - , , ,, - - , . - ,, .. . .

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285

. S-13 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METIIOD ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Hain Steam Operating Time Continuous Continuous N/A N/A Note 1 NONE Item No.: MS-291, 292 Tempera- 2 Eng Anal ture *F 216*F 180*F 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure Min of 2 Type Test PSIg 1.2 PSIg 2.6 PSIg 1 Note 2 (NEMA STD) NONE Manufacturer: Fisher Controls

  • Relative Type Test Model No.: Type 304 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Note 2 NONE i

Function: Position indication Chemical for Main Steam safety Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE relief valve Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A .N/A N/A NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037'-4" Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Limit Switch functions to provide indication
2) Fisher Controls Bulletin 62.3:304 only. Switch is designed to operate continuously at 180*F. For the short time the Room-81 temp

, is 216*F no damage will occur.

2) Based on a watertight enclosure rated to not leak at a static head of 6 foot of water.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


, Parameter cation cation cation cation System:: Main Steam Operating Time Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Item No.: HCV-1041A IICV-1042A Tempera- 248*F ture *F 216 F (Coil 1 2 Type Test NONE Drenerg:: d) -

Component: Solenoid vv's 1 & 2 Pressure PSIg 1.2 PSlg 1 Note 1 NONE Manufacturer: ASCO Relative Model No.: LB 8316C36 Humidity % 100% 1 Note 1 NONE LB 8316C46 Function. Pilot & Test solenoids Chemical for main steam isolation valves Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Service: Main steam isolation -

valves Location: Room 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-i Above Flood Level: Yes. gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE i Documentation



l 1) See Enclosure-#2. 1) Valve solenoid de-energizes to close the valve.

2) ASCO : Numerical Listing of Solenoid valves" Page 1. There is no requirement to operate af ter initial closure. In the District's engineering judgement, the isolation valve will maintain the closed position. In order for the isolation valve to l -

re-open, steam pressure must be balanced on both sides of the valve seat. Under the postulated accident conditions this situation is highly unlikely. In addition, the pilot valve material is capable of withstanding the pcstulated temp.

without failure of internal components.


Facility: Fort'Calhoun 1 .



EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation

' System: Raw Water .)pe ra ti ng See See Time Note 1 Note 1 N/A N/A Note 1 NONE Item No.: IICV-2898C, 2898D llCV-2899C, 2899D Tempera- Factory ture *F 216*F Note 3 1 2 Eng Data NONE Component: Solenoid Pressure Eng Anal PSIg 1.2 PSIg 2.6 PSIg 1 2 Note 2 NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative -

Type Test Model No.: WPilT 831429 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 (NEMA STD) NONE Function: Valve Actuators for Chemical Inlet & Outlet valves for Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE Control room Air cond units Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A .N/A N/A NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Valves are required to operate only
2) Engineering information ASCO Solenoid Valves - Class 11 coils if there is a failure of the component (Pg 18 ASCO Cat.#29 " Submersible Solenoid Enclosures" (Pg 17 cooling system.

ASCO Cat.#29) 2) Valves are equiped with submersible housings and are rated (NEMA STD Type Test) watertight to a static head of 6 feet of water (2.6 PSIg)

3) Rated at 212*F for non-U.L. applications.

Exposure to this temp. will last 3.7 mins.

for a feedwater line rupture and then decreases to normal ambient. Qualification is felt to be adequate.

Facility: Fort Cal'oun h 1 .

Docket No.: 50-285 S-15 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONt1ENT DOCllMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METi!0D ITEMS Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Raw Water Operating Time Continuous Continuous N/A N/A Note 1 NONE Item No.: IICV-2898C, 2898D

!!CV-2899C, 2899D Tempera- 1 Eng Anal ture F 216 F 180 F 1 Note 2 Note 1 NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure Type Test PSIg 1.2 PSIg 2.6 PSIg i Note 2 (NEMA STD) NONE Manufacturer: Fisher Governor '

Company Relative Type Test

.Model No.: 304 liumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 (Note 2) NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical '

for Raw water valves Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Limit switch funtions to provide
2) Fisher Controls Bulletin 62.3:304 indication only. Switch is designed to operate continuously at 180*F. For the short time the Room 81 temperature

.is at 216*F no damage will occur.

2) Based on a watertight enclosure rated to not leak at a static head of 6 feet e

of water.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .




N EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS

, Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Raw Water Opera ting Time NONE Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 NONE-Item No.: llCV-2809C,2809D,2811C, Tempera-2811D,2814C,2814D,2815C,2815D ture *F 122*F Note 2 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Model No.: WPIIT 831429 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical inlet & outlet valves for Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE

SI & spray pumps bearing coolers.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A "E*A"*

  • 4 5 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/llR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 22 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE' 4




1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety T)'All components of ASCO 8314 series Solenoid -

Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which i 2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and nylon. Table "C-1" of

. 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). IEB-79-01B showg these mgterials capable of

3) ASCO Catalog #30 pages 82 and 83. withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page-37. 2) Rated at 176 F for U.L. applications, rated at 212 F for non U.L. applications.
3) Evaluation of the above parameters shows the valve capable of continuous operation in the expected environment.

Facility: Fert Cal'houn 1 ,




.'3 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 3pecifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETil0D ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation l

System: Raw Water System Operating Time Continuous Continuous N/A Note 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: IICV-2809C,2809D,2811C, 2811D,2814C,2814D,2815C,2815D Tempera-ture F 122*F 180*F 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A ,N/A NONE Manufacturer: Fisher Governor Company Relative Model No.: 304 llumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical s Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A "E'^""

4 6 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 10 R 2 3 (Note 1) NONE Service: Raw Water sys valve Position Indication Location: Room 22 (llPSI) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of Fisher 304 series Limit Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant Switches are aluminum, stainless steel or Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. cadmium plated steel with the exception of
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section the 0-Rings which are nitrile rubber. Table 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). "C-1"ofIEB-79-01Bshowsghismaterial
3) Fisher Controls Co. Bulletin 62.3:304, December 1974. capable of withstanding 10 R.
2. Evaluation of the above parameters shows the switch capable of continuous operation in the. expected environment.


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .


EQUIPt!ENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Quali f- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS

, Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Raw Water Operating Time NONE Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Item No.: IICV-2808C ,2808D ,2310C , . Tempera-2810D,2812C,2812D,2813C,2813D ture *F 122*F Note 2 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Solenoid Valve Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Manufacturer: Automatic-Switch Company Relative Model No.: WPl!T 831429 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical inlet & outlet valves for Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE SI & spray pumps bearing coolers.

Accuracy - Spec: N/A Eng. Anal.

4 5 Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 10 R 2 4 (Note 1) NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 21 (SI Pumps) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE

, Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of ASCO 8314 series Solenoid Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant valves are brass, stainless steel or copper Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. with the exception of seals and discs which
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NUREG-0578" Section are BUNA "N" and nylon. Table "C-1" of 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). IEB-79-01B showg these mgterials capable of
3) ASCO Catalog #30 pages 82 and 83. withstanding 10 R and 10 R respectively.
4) ASCO Catalog #30 page 37. 2) Rated at 176*F for U.L. applications, rated at 212*F for non U.L. applications.
3) Evaluation of the above parameters shows the valve capable of continuous operation in the expected environment.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .



ENVIRONMENT DOCIIMENTATION REF. y EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- MET 110D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Haw Water System Operating Time 2ontinuous Continuous N/A Note 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: HCV-2808C,2808D,2810C, 2810D,2812C,2812D,2813C,2813D Tempera-ture 'F 122*F 180 F 1 3 Type Test NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg N/A N/A N/A N/A ' N/A NONE Manufacturer: Fisher Governor Company Relative Model No.: 304 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Position Indication Chemical for Raw Water valves Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE 4

Accuracy - Spec: N/A 4 6 "E'A""

  • Demon: N/A Radiation 10 R/IIR 10 R 2 3 (Note 1) NONE Service: Raw Water sys valve Positive Indication Location: Room 21 (llPSI) Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: N/A Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes No gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Combustion Engineering study " Evaluation of Fort Calhoun Safety 1) All components of Fisher 304 series Limit Injection Pump Room Temperature following a Loss of Coolant Switches are aluminum, stainless steel or Accident, "See OPPD letter to the NRC dated 9/6/79. cadmium plated steel with the exception of
2) " Implementation Methods and Schedules for NLREG-0578" Section the 0-Rings which are nitrile rubber. Table 2.1.6b Page 16 Figure 4.2-1 (December 1979). , "C-1" of IEB-79-01B shows ghis material
3) Fisher Controls Co. Bulletin 62.3:304, December 1974. capable of withstanding 10 R.
2. Evaluation of the above parameters shows the switch capable of continuous operation in the expected environment.


, - - - .- - - - - _ - _ . . , _ . . . . - . , , , - - - = - . - - . - - . - , , - - - - - - - . - , - - - _ - - - - . -,

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 .

Docket No.:

50-285 C-21 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Reactor Coolant )pe ra ting Test &

System Time Note 1 Note 1 N/A 2 Analysis NONE Iten No.: A/B/C/D PT-102 Tempera- Simul Laneou:;

ture F 288*F 318 F 1 2 Test NONE Component: Pressure Transmitter Pressure Simultaneous PSIg 60 PSIg 90 PSIg 1 2 Test NONE Manufacturer: Foxboro Relative Simultaneou:

Model No.: ELLGH llumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Test NONE Function: Presurizer Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Mat Anal Pressure Transmitterss Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 3 s Note 2 NONE Accuracy - Spec: 5% #P"

  • 6 7 Demon: 4% Radiation 3x10 R 1x10 R 1 .4 Test NONE Service: See Function Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Intiially operates to trip the reactor.
2) Foxboro Company Test Report No. Q9-6005 April, 1971 Provides indication only af ter initial
3) Foxboro Company Test Report No. T3-1013 trip.
2) See Enclosure 7, Footnote #2.
4) Foxboro Company Test Report No. T3-1097 November, 1973

_ _ . . _ _ . ...._.= _ -. .

Facility: Fort Calhoun.1 ,


System: Reactor Coolant Operating Time Continuous Continuous NONE NONE Operation NONE Item No.: A/B/C/D-TE-112C A/B/C/D-TE-112H Tempera-A/B/C/D-TE-122C ture *F 288*F 515-665*F 1 2 Operation NONE A/B/C/D-TE-122H Component: Temperature element Pressure (RTD) PSIg 60PSIg Note 2 1 2 Operation NONE Mrnufacturer: Rosemount Relative Model No.: 104VC Humidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Operation NONE Function: Hot & Cold leg Chemical 1700 ppa 1700 ppe Temperature indication Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 2 Operation NONE-6 Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6

3.5x10 R Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R (Note 1)' 1 .2 Operation NONE Service: 'See function Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Based on 10R/HR specified for 40 yr life.
2) Rosemount Ert. c spany specification drawing, 104VC 2) RTD is encased in a Thermowell rated at 5000 PSIg located in the reactor hot and cold leg piping. The only portion of the RTD affected by LOCA conditions is the

- RTD head assembly. ,

p,- .- - , - - ,ry m --, ----e . . - - - . .w- . . . , e,.. . - .m- - - wu,------,-----------mw-4 yc,--,--.--.,.-,,,-,,-%y,--,,

, ,,.--,.-.y-,,-,7-, ,yi,- ,,

Facility: Fort Caliu:un 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285 C-23 SYSTEH COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SHEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPHENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETiiOD ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Reactor Coolant )perating Eng Anal System Time Continuous Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Item No.: Pressurizer Heaters Tempera- Eng Anal ture *F 288'F Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Component: Pressurizer Heaters Pressure Eng Anal PSIg 60 PSIg Note 1 1 Note 1 '

Note 1 NONE Hanufacturer: E. L. Wiegand Co.

Relative Eng Anal Hodel No.: Cartridge 'ieater Humidity % 100% Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Function: Controls pressurizer Chemical 1700 ppe Eng Anal Pressure -

Spray B(ric Acid Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A ng Anal 6

Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R Note 1 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Service: See Function

. Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Heater operates in an environment of 600*F maximum which is far greater than containment maximum ambient temperature.

Connection materials are either' solid brass, steel or copper and are beneath the pressurizer and covered by a silicon rubber boot to protect them f rom contain-ment spray.

r 4,, -,_-er,7-----eri--- .---m ..-m-  %.e r- ,,-- , - , ,- - ---,,.-c


, Pa rameter cation cation cation cation System: Reactor Coolant Operating Time Continuous Continuous NONE NONE Operation NONE Item No.: A/B/C/D-TE-112C A/B/C/D-TE-11211 Tempera-A/B/C/D-TE-122C ture *F 288*F 515-665*F 1 2 Operation NONE A/B/C/D-TE-122D Component: Temperature element Pressure (RTD) PSIg 60PSIg Note 2 1 2 Operation NONE Manufacturer: Rosemount Relative Model No.: 104VC llumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Operation NONE Function: llot & Cold leg Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Temperature indication ' Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 2 s Operation NONE 6

Accuracy - Spec: N/A **

6 Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R (Note 1) 1 2 Operation NONE Service: See function Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Based on 10R/IIR specified for 40 yr life.
2) Rosemount Eng. Company specification drawing, 104VC 2) RTD is encased in a Thermowell rated at 5000 PSIg located in the reactor hot and cold leg piping. The only portion of the RTD affected by LOCA conditions is the RTD head assembly.

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285 C-25 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EOUIPMENT DESCR1PTION Specifi- Qua1if- Specifi- Qualifi- METil0D ITEMS Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: Reactor Coolant Operating NONE See Time Continuous for LOCA NONE NONE Note 1 Item No.: C/TT-112C,D/TT-112C C/TT-112il,D/TT-ll211 Tempera- See C/TT-122C,D/TT-122C ture *F 288*F 185"F 1 NONE NONE Note 1 C/TT-12211,D/TT-122il Component: Temperature Pressure See Transmitter PSlg 60 PSIg No Data 1 NONE NONE Note 1 M nufacturer: Alphaline Relative See Model No.: 441RP llumidity % 100% No Data 1 NONE NONE Note 1 Function: llot & Cold leg- Chemical 1700 ppm See Temperature '

Spray Boric Acid No Data 1 NONE NONE Note 1 Accuracy - Spec: N/A 6

Demon: N/A Radiation 3x10 R No Data 1 NONE NONE Note 1 Service: llot & Cold leg Leg Temp. Transmitter. See Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Note 1 Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer- See Above Flood Level: No gence Yes No Data Note 1 (




1) Enclosure #1. 1) A & B Group hot & cold led temperature transmitters have been relocated out-side the containment in response to NUREG-0578. The remaining transmitters are scheduled to be relocated during the 1981-1982 refueling outage.

'l Fecility: Fort Calhoun~l' .

/ Docket Ns.: 50-285 C-22 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HETil0D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Reactor Coolant Operating Test &

. System Time Note 1 Note 1 N/A 2 Analysis N0hn Item No.: PT-103-X, PT-103-Y Tempera- Simultaneout ture *F 288*F 318'F 1 2 Test NOME Component: Pressure Transmitter Pressure Simultaneou>

PSIg 60 PSIg 90 PSIg 1 2 Test NONE Manufacturer: Foxboro Relative Simultaneous Model No.: ELLGM Humidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Test NONE Function: Presurizer Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Mat Anal Pressure Transmitters Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 3 s Note 2 NONE Accuracy - Spec: 5% Separate 6 I Demon: 4% Radiation 3x10 R 1x10 R 1 .4 Test NONE Service: Pressurizer Heater

Control Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure #1. 1) Operates to control pressurizer pressure
2) Foxboro Company Test Report No. Q9-6005 April, 1971 pressure automatically. Has no requirement
3) Foxboro Company Test Report No. T3-1013 to function af ter an event.
4) Foxboro. Company Test Report No. T3-1097 November, 1973 2) See Enclosure 7, Footnote #2.


- - - - - - ,e..--r-.. - - , - , ,-, - - , ~ - . , , , , , , . ---,,----ry- - , - . , - - - - - - - - - - . , ,,---,-r, 3 ----- ,------,---r- ,,

Fccility: Fort Call'ioun 1 .


, Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Steam Generator <

>perating Test &

Feedwater & Blowdown Time Note 1 Note 1 N/A 2 Analysis NONE.

Item No.: A/B/C/D PT-902 A/B/C/D PT-905 Tempera- simultaneous ture *F 288*F 318*F 1 2 Test NONE Component: Pressure Transmitter 'ressure simultaneous

>Si g 60 PSIg 90 PSIg 1 2 Test NONE Manufacturer: Foxboro Relative simultaneous Model No.: ELLCH Humidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Test NONE Function: Steam Generator Chemical 1700 ppm 1700 ppm Hat Anal Pressure Transmitters Spray Boric Acid Boric Acid 1 3 s Note 2 NONE Accuracy - Spec: 5%

6 7 S*P"L" Demon: 4% Radiation 3x10 R 1x10 R 1 4 Test NONE l Service: Steam' Generator Pressure Location: Containment Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE r




1) Enclosure #1. 1) Intiially operates to trip the reactor.
2) Foxboro Company Test. Report No. Q9-6005 April, 1971 Provides indication only after initial- '
3) Foxboro Company Test Report No. T3-1013 trip.
4) Foxboro Company Test Report No. T3-1097 November, 1973 2) See Enclosure 7, Footuote #2.
  • l


Facility: Fort Callioun 1 ,

Docket Ns.: 50-285 S-9 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATON REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- METi10D ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Steam Generator Operating 150 Sequential Feedwater & Blowdown Time Note 1 Cycles 2 Test NONE Item No.: llCV-1384,1385,1386 Tempera- Sequential ture *F 216*F 325*F 1 2 Test NONE Component: Motor Operated Pressure Sequential Valve, limit & torque switches PSIg 1.2 PSIg 75.3 PSIg 1  %

  • Test NONE Manufacturer: Limitorque Relative Sequential Model No.: SMB llumidity % 100%Ril 100%Rif 1 2 Test NONE Function: Motor operated FW Chemical I.5% Boric Sequential inlet valve to steam gen. Spray. N/A icid Pli 7.67 1- 2 Test NONE Accuracy - Spec: N/A Sequential 7

Demon: N/A Radiation N/A 2x10 R N/A 3 Test NONE Service: Main Feedwater line isolation valves Location: Room 81 Aging N/A 40 yrs N/A 3 N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Operates once for initial containment
2) Franklin Institute Research Lab: #F-C2232-01 isolation at initial event.
3) Limitorque Corporation Test Lab: #B0003

Facility: Fort Calinoun 1 .


. Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Steam Generator Feed- Operating water and blowdown Time NONE Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Item No.: IICV-1107B & 1108B Tempera-ture *F 216*F Note 2 1 2 Type Test NONE Component: Solenoid Valve #1 Pressure Eng Anal PSIg 1.2 PSIg 2.7PSIg 1 Note 1 Note 1 NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Model No.: liTX 831429 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical St/ Gen RC-2A & RC-2B Aux: FW Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE inlet valves Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A .N/A N/A NONE Service: Isolation of Aux FW lines Location: Room - 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Waterproof valves are required to with-
2) ASCO Catlog #30 pages 82 and 83. stand a differential pressure equivalent to being submerged under 6 feet of water.

- This differential pressure calchlates to 2.67 PSIg.

2. Rated at 176*F for U.L. applications Rated at 212*F for Non U.L. applications
3. Valves are locked open & do not operate during an event.

l l

Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285 S-7 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATON WORK SilEET ENVIRONMENT DOCUMENTATION REF. QUALIFI- OUTSTAND-CATION ING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- HET1100 ITEMS Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Steam Generator Feed- Operating water and blowdown Time NONE Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 NONE Item No.: IICV-1107B & 1108B Tempera-ture *F 216*F Note 2 1 2 Type Test NONE Con.ponent: Solenoid Valve #2 Pressure PSIg 1.2 PSIg 2.7 PSIg 1 Note 1 'Eng. Anal. NONE Manufacturer: Automatic Switch Company Relative Model No.: IIT 8320A8 llumidity % 100% 100% 1 3 Type Test NONE Function: Valve actuators for Chemical St/ Gen RC-2A & RC-2B Aux. Feed- Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE water Inlet vv's Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Service: Isolation of Aux FW Lines Location: Room - 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Waterproof valves are required to with-
2) ASCO Catlog #30 pages 82 and 83. stand a differential pressure equivalent
3) ASCO Catlog #30 pages 33 and 34. to being submerged under 6 feet of water.

This differential pressure calculates to 2.67 PSIg.

2. Rated at 176*F for U.L. applications Rated at 212*F for Non U.L. applications
3. Valves are locked open & do not operate during an event.

Facility: FortCall$oun1 .


. Pa ramete r cation cation cation cation System: Steam Generator Operating Feedwater & Blowdown Time Continuous Continuous Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 NONE Item No.: IICV-1107B & 1108B Tempera-ture F 216*F 180*F 1 2 & Note 2 Type Test NONE Component: Limit Switch Pressure PSIg 1.2 PSlg 2.7 PSIg 1 Note 1 Eng Anal NONE M:nufacturer: Fisher Governor Company Relative -

Model No.: 304 Ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE Function: Position indicaton Chemical for Stgen RC-2A & RC-2Bs Spray N/A N/A N/A N/A s N/A NONE aux FW inlet valves Accuracy - Spec: N/A Demon: N/A Radiation N/A N/A N/A .N/A N/A NONE Service: See Function Location: Room 81 Aging N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Flood Level Elev: 1037.4' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) See Enclosure #2. 1) Waterproof enclosures are required to
2) Fisher Controls Company bulletin 62.3:304 December 1974 withstand a differential pressure equal to being submerged under 6 feet of water.this pressure calculates 2.67 PSIg.
2) The Fisher type 304 switch is rated for continuous operation at 180*F. It is the Districts best engineering judgement that a short rise in ambient temperature to 216*F will not affect the switch.


1. The radiation qualification data cited in these sections is the result of vendor contact or purchase specification requirements. In no case is it evident that the dquipment was actually tested to failure. Thus, it is felt that in all cases the radiation levels cited are the minimum levels with unspecified margin to failure.
2. The pressure transmitters listed were described as having cast aluminum top covers. Corrosion of aluminum in a slightly caustic and boric acid spray environment will occur and has been addressed in the FSAR under hydrogen generation in containment (Section 14.17). The location of these transmitters provides them with shielding from the sprays by the 1045' elevation and the 1013' elevation floor slabs. For similarly located aluminum, A.e., ductwork, mounting brackets, etc., the FSAR assumed negligible corrosion for hydrogen generation. Even though this type of transmitter was not subje.ted to a boric acid spray during the environmental type tests done prior to installation, later tests done on similar transmitters (see test report Foxboro T3-1013) proved the transmitters capability to withstand a boric acid spray with a 100% air / steam MCA atmosphere for at least a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> duration.
3. As previously stated in the FSAR, the only cables which are required to be operable during and after the design basis accident w 2e manu-factured by Cerro Wire & Cable Company. These cables which must be

. operable during and after the design basis accident are:

a. the containment cooler motor leads
b. the safety injection motor leads
c. the safety injection flow transmitters' cables
d. the pressurizer pressure transmitters' cables
e. the steam generator pressure transmitters' cables The qualification testing performed by Cerro covers all cables men-tioned above by testing the largest and the smallest gauge of wire for each type used at the Fort Calhoun Station. Refer to the Franklin Institute Research Laboratories Final Test Report F-C3050.

For the cables listed in ENCLOSURE #6. the known exterior (Jacket) materials are Cross-Linked Polyethylene. A search was made in Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook for an indication of the relative corrosion or chemical resistance of polyethylene in slightly alkalice solutions and dilute boric acid. This reference described polyethylene as being resistant to dilute alkali and mineral acid solutions. Therefore, it is inferred that this material would not undergo chemical attack by the boric acid spray water.



3. (Continued)

Some additional cables, purchased from Anaconda and Boston Insulated Wire & Cable Company, which are not required to operate under and subsequent to a design basis accident, were also type tested in a fashion similar to that of the Cerro^ cable. This was the case for all reactor protective system and engineered safeguard system cables inside and outside the containment not mentioned previously in ENCLOSURE #6. For copies of these test reports, refer to the Franklin Institute Research Laboratory Final Test Report F-C2525 (Anaconda) and Boston Insulated Wire & Cable Test Report B901.

4. The protective casings for the containment cooler and recirculation fan motors are made of painted steel. Considering these steel pro-tective casings in conjunction with the locaton of these fan motors (i.e., under ductwork), it is believed that these motors will not be subjected to adverse chemical spray conditions of a LOCA. These fan motors were tested prior to installation (per Joy Manufacturing Test, see Report X-377A) to withstand a chemical environment of approximately 1000 ppm boron, i .e. , 2.5 lbs of boric acid dissolved in 50 gallons of water. 1000 ppm boron is below the 1700 ppm boron minimum specified by the Fort Calhoun Technical Specifications. However, it appears that this difference is negligible due to the aforementioned facts.

. Refer also to Consumers Power Company submittal concerning environ-mental qualifications of electrical equipment, dated February 24, 1978, Docket No. 50-255.

5. The Conax electrical penetration modules were tested under a chemical /

steam environment consisting of a boric acid solution of 1900 ppm.

This is underneath the minimum boron concentration of the SIRWT tank, which is 1700 ppm boron or approximately 10,000 ppm boric acid solu-tion. However, the portions of the penetrations which could be ex-posed to the adverse chemical spray are made of painted carbon steel or FEP teflon. A search through Perry & Chilton's Chemical Engineers' Handbook has revealed these materials to have strong resistance to boron concentration difference between the solution used in the electri-cal penetration environmental tests and the Fort Calhoun SIRWT tank is insignificant as far as the Conax electrical penetrations are concerned.

i e

ENCLOSURE #8 Material Analysis of Containment Penatration Cable Splices for Radiation Effects The materials utilized in the containment penetration splices are, in OPPD's '

engineering judgement qualified for adverse radiation environment resulting from a LOCA. The reasons for this judgement are as follows:

1. First, the splices joining the copper conductors are AMP Solidstrand butt splices which ensure a tight conductor to conductor splice.
2. Clear heat shrinkable tubing (AMP special industries Type L-79F) was applied over the butt splice. The material used in the tubing, a cross linked polyolefin, as manufactured by Electromized Chemical Corp. (#FP-301 CLEAR) has been shown toexhibitexcel}entradiationresistancewhenirradiatedto' levels of 5 X 10 Rads gamma.
3. After application of the clear heat shrinkable tubing, the conductors are bundled together and for further protection a length of heat shrinkable Neoprene tubing (PENNTUBE VII B) as manufactured by Penntube Plactics Co. is installed over the conductor bundles. The Neoprene tubing, Penntgbe VIIB has been irradiated to levels of 5, 10 and 25 X 10 Rads by the Penatube Plactics Co. with no evidence of degradation as a result of these exposures.  !



- Centainment Fan Cceler Meter Solices The contain=ent cooler fan noter lead splices (VA-3A, 33, TC, and TD

=ctor lead splices) are, in OPPD's engineering Judsnent, environ =entally qualified for the adverse conditions of a LOCA. Reasons for this judsnent sten frc= the folleving: .

1) First, eight half-laps of Sectch 3 rand #70 tape are applied to the bare joint / splice. Second, eight half-laps of 31shcp 3 rand #3 high voltage tape are applied over the spiice sur-face. Third, the joint / splice. area is then covered with eight half-laps of Scotch 3 rand #88 tape. Four:h, an additional two half-laps of Scotch 3 rand #TO tape .is then applied over the general splice / joint area. Lastly, the entire splice /jcist area is covered with Dov Corning RTI #31hh cc= pound at least 1/8" thich and at least 1" beyond all' applied tape. The RT7 is s:cothed to ec=pletely seal the splice / joint and then the
  • RTV is alleved :o cure in accordance with instructions.
2) Recent conversaticas with the =anufacturer of Scotch 3rsnd #70 and #88 tapes have revealed satisfactory test results were ob-tained for sa=ples of' the two afore=entioned tapes when sub ,

jected to radiatics fields in the neighborhood of $0-100 x 100 rads.

Due to the RT7 sealant, this tape vill not be subjected to the pressure, =oisture (1005 R.H. ), boric acid conditions present

. in a LCCA. In addition, both tapes =entioned above are capable of operating in te=peratures in excess of 350c? vith no subse-q,uent da=2ge.

3) The entire splice / joint is covered with a layer of RT7 #314h

. adhesive /seelant. Conversations with ths =anufacturer of the RT7, Dev Cornir , revealed that several laboratory tests were run en the afore=entioned' RTV. Results of these tests revealed -

that the Dow Corning RTV #31hh ves capable of operating in en-viren=ents greater than 102 x 100 rads (total integrated dosc) with no appreciable deficiencies. In addition, the #31kh RTY reacts with vater vapor in the air to cure. Upon curing, the ,

adhesive / sealant becc=es resistant to hu=idity and temperatures up to h820F over long perieds of tine. The RTY #31hh sealant vill effectively seal off $U enviren=ents from the underlying Scotch 3 rand tapes and the' splice except for radiation. The

  1. 31kh RTV is also not adversely affected by boric acid solutions in execss of 5%.

Further evidence of Dow Corning #31hh RTV sealant / adhesive's ability to stand up to the adverse conditions of a LOCA is documented by the Fisher Centrols Cc=pany valve actuator tests .

In these tests, Dev Corning #31hh adhesive / sealant was used to cover all bare terminations. Results of the tests provided evidence that throughout the simulated LCCA environ =ent no termination covered with #31hh RTV vas found to be cherted or da=2 sed. Test parameters included tenperatures in excess of 2880F, pressure in excess of 60 psig, and a 100% saturated steam enviren=ent.

No credit is taken fer the Sichop #3 high voltage tape.



Information obtained from the terminal block manufacturer, States Company, has revealed that the NT-type terminal block is made up of .

the following materials: ,

1) Al1 current carrying parts are made'of copper alloy and are nickel plated to commercial thickness.
2) All current carrying parts are mounted on a base of wood /

paper filled phenolic (bakelite) to make up a terminal ele-ment or pole.

3) The poles are attached by nickel plated steel screws to a ,

galvanized steel strip to make a terminal block assembly.

4) Barriers between terminal elements are made of flame retardant grade polypropelene.
5) Miscellaneous terminal block materials consis2 of: nylon (rivets) laminated melamine (marker strips), and Franklin Fibre Corp. , Lamitex-Black-Grade XPC-FR (cove r material).

A NA LYSE The prime component of th'e terminal block is the base material.

This material is made up of phenol formaldehyde with a wood / paper filler as is the Lamitex cover material. The following is a list of prop-erties characteristic of this material when subjected to the radiation doses given below:

  • Radiation Dose Base Material Exhibits a 25% Decrease In:
2. 2 X 107 RADS - Tensile Strength -

l 2. 2 X 107 RADS - Elongation i 2. 5 X 108RADS - Elastic Modules

2. 2 X 107RADS - Shear Strength
2. 2 X 107RADS - Impact Strength e

e 9


7 Radiation Effects on States NT-Type Terminal' Blocks (Material Analysis)

Page 2 I It is OPPDs' engineering judgment that a 25% decrease in thos e prop-erties mentioned above will not prohibit base materials or the terminal block from performing their designed functions. In addition, boric acid solutions of greater than 1,700 ppm boron are postulated to have no sig-  :

nificant or detrimental effect on the phenolic base material of the terminal block (refer to Perry and Chilton-Chemical Engineers' Handbook).

S Other terminal block components such as melamine, polypropelene, and nylon, do not exhibit a 25% decrease in those physical properties mentioned above until irradiated to significantly higher amounts of radia-m tion than that listed for the phenolic base material (above). More spec-ifically, in the case of nylon, tensile strength and shear strength are positively affected as radiation dose is increased. In addition, the met-allic components of the terminal block (1. e. , nickel plated copper and nickel plated' steel and galvanized steel) are not expected to receive any detrimental effects from being irradiated to doses in the neighborhood of 1 X 108 RADS. Similar materials such as coppeg cable, steel motor casings, etc. Irradiated to equivalent doses (1 X 10 RADS) were found to be insignificant 1y altered.

As additional protection, all terminal blocks located within the Fort Calhoun reactor containment have been covered with Dow Corning No.

3144 RTV adhesive / sealant and installed inside protective junction boxes of at least NEMA 12 rating.

Lastly, the Fort Calhoun SIates NT-type terminal block is qualified by similar comparison to Crystal River #3 (Florida Power and Light) and Joseph M. Farley (Alabama Power and Light) terminal block qual-ification submitted in response to IE Bulletin 79-01. .

Information pertaining to radiation characteristics of terminal block materials was obtained from the following references:

1) " Nuclear Engineering Handbook" by Etherington, pages10-141 through 10-148.
2) " Reactor Handbook - Volume I - Materials", by Tipton, pages 76-77 and 50-51.
3) " Nuclear Reactor Materials" by C. O. Smith.

l .  :



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