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Discusses Preoperational Test TVA-13, Onsite AC Distribution Sys. Lists Procedures to Be Followed to Ensure Safe Operation of Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/1979
From: Mills L
To: Rubenstein L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7912310352
Download: ML19256G470 (2)


s TENNCSSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY CH ATTANCCG A. TE*.N ESSEE 374o 1 400 Chestnut Street Tower II December 21, 1979 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention:

Mr. L. S. Rubenstein, Acting Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No. 4 Division of Project Management U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr. Rubenstein:

In the Matter of the Application of


Docket Nos. 50-327 Tennessee Valley Authority


50-328 Performance of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant unit 2 preoperational test TVA-13, "Onsite AC Distribution System," would violate unit 1 technical specifi-cation if the testing was done while unit I was in Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4.

A condition on the unit license is necessary to permit the testing to proceed while unit 1 is in Modes 1, 2, 3, or 4.

In order to ensure the safe operation of unit 1, preoperational test TVA-13 would be conducted by the following general procedure:


An operator would be assigned to man the diesel generator control panel whenever a diesel generator (s) and associated power train (s) could be a nonstandard configuration.

This operator would immedi-ately return the diesel generator (s) and associated power train (s) to the normal configuration in the event of a blackout and/or safety injection on unit 1 during testing. The power trains would respond as designed from the normal configuration.


During blackout and/or safety injection testing of an individual diesel generator, the remaining diesel generators will not be in the test mode. All four diesel generators will start in response to a simulated blackout or safety injection signal to the diesel generator under test.

The operator will immediately return the three diesel generatcrs not under test to standby status (normal configuration).

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. Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation December 21, 1979 Region II Inspector T. J. Donat is aware of this testing problem and has discussed our unit 2 preoperational test procedure TVA-13 with the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant staff.

If you need any further assistance, please get in touch witn D. L. Laabert at FTS 854-2581.

Very truly yours, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY 4 Al /}Ii.1 b pgg L. M. Mills, Manager Nuclear Regulation and Safety 1656 025